BBA 1 ST Semester, Class Examination 26 Sept 2023

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Bengal School of Technology & Management

Paper Code: MIC101 Computer Fundamental

BBA 1 st Semester,Class Examination 26 Sept 2023

Time: 50 Mins Full Marks:25

[Group A]
1) Answer Any Five from The Following Questions (1x5=5)
a) Vacuum tubes were used in _______ generation of computers.

i) first ii) second iii) third iv) fourth.

b) What is cache memory?

c) State different types of shift instructions.
d) What is information?
e) Differentiate between soft copy and hard copy output.
f) Draw the block diagram of ‘Basic computer Organization’.
g) Explain DRAM.

[Group B]
Answer Any Four from The Following Questions (5x4=20)
2) Write an algorithmic notation to calculate area of a circle when all three
sides are given.


Draw a flowchart to find largest among three numbers.

3) What is software? Broadly classify different types of software with

4) Explain virtual memory and cache memory.
5) Differentiate between RAM and ROM.What is SRAM? Give a suitable
6) What are various generations of computer with characteristics?
7) What are CPU registers? Explain different types of registers.


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