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Fields marked with * are mandatory

*Surname Machukov
*First name Dejan

Middle name(s)

Preferred Name

* House / Flat number or name 47

Street Name Wolverhampton Street

*Town/City Dudley

County West Midlands

*Postcode DY1 3AE

*Email address

*Phone number 1 (mobile if available) 07367 136914

Phone number 2 (home if available) 07367136914

*Date of birth 1994-Jul-23

*Gender male

National Insurance number SX494839D

Have you worked for us before?


Job Details
Job Title Ungraduated Team Member

Location ASK Italian Merry Hill

Agreed Pay Rate £ 10.42

Employment start date 18 Oct 2023

Bank / Building Society account details
Bank / Building Society name: Santander

Name of account holder: Dejan Machukov

Account number (8 digits): 45150469

Sort code: 090129

Roll number (Building society only):


Next of Kin/Emergency contact details

This information will be extremely important in the event of an accident or medical emergency.
Emergency Contact 1
Title Mr

*First name Daniel

*Surname Machukov

*Contact’s relationship to you: Brother

*Address 47 Wolverhampton Street

Town Dudley

*Postcode DY1 3AE

*Phone number (mobile if available)


Phone number 2 (home)

Emergency Contact 2 (optional)
Title of contact

First name

Surname of contact

Contact’s relationship to you:




Phone number (mobile if available)

Phone number 2 (home)

Signature: Candidate (Oct 5, 2023, 12:30pm)

Name: Dejan Machukov

HMRC starter checklist
*Employee statement

As a new employee we need the information on this form before your first payday to tell HMRC about
you and help them use the correct tax code. It's important that you choose the correct statement. If
you do not choose the correct statement you may pay too much or too little tax. For help filling in this
form watch a short youtube video, go to

Do not choose this statement

If you're in receipt of a State, Works or Private Pension.

Choose this statement if the following applies.

a This is my first job since 6 April and since the 6 April I've not received payments
from any of the following:
• Jobseeker's Allowance
• Employment and Support Allowance
• Incapacity Benefit

Do not choose this statement

If you're in receipt of a state, works or private pension.

Choose this statement if the following applies. 4

b Since 6 april I have had another job but I do not have a P45 and/or since the 6 April
I have received payments from any of the following:
• Jobseeker's Allowance
• Employment and Support Allowance
• Incapacity Benefit

Choose this statement if:

• I have another job and/or receive a State, Works or Private Pension

Were you a Veteran in the Armed Forces?

The start date of your first job after leaving the Armed Forces:
HMRC starter checklist

Tell us if any of the following statements apply to you:

• You DO NOT have any Student or Postgraduate Loans

• You’re still studying full-time on a course that your Student Loan relates to
• You completed or left your full-time course after the start of the current tax year, which started on
6 April
• You’re already making regular direct debit repayments from your bank, as agreed with the
Student Loans Company

No I DO have a Student or Postgraduate Loan. Please state the type of loan(s) you
have below

Yes 4 I DO NOT have a Student or Postgraduate Loan.

Types of Student Loan

You have Plan 1

If any of the following apply:

• You lived in Northern Ireland when you started your course

• You lived in England or Wales and started your course before 1 September 2012

You have Plan 2

If you lived in England or Wales and started your course on or after 1 September 2012

You have Plan 4:

If you lived in Scotland and applied through the Students Award Agency Scotland (SAAS) when you
started your course
You have a Postgraduate Loan
If any of the following apply:

• You lived in England and started your Postgraduate Masters course on or after 1 August 2016
• You lived in Wales and started your Postgraduate Master’s course on or after 1 August 2017
• You lived in England or Wales and started your Postgraduate Doctoral course on or after 1 August
HMRC starter checklist

To avoid repaying more than you need to, tick the correct Student Loans that you have – use
the guidance above to help you.

Please select from the table below all that apply:

Plan 1

Plan 2

Plan 4

None of the above 4

Postgraduate Loan (England & Wales Yes No 4


For more guidance about:

• The type of loan you have, go to

• Student Loans, go to


I confirm that the information which I have given on this form is correct.


Date signed: Candidate (Oct 5, 2023, 12:30pm)

Dejan Machukov
Employee’s name:
Health & Safety Questionnaire

This form must be completed:
• If it is your first day of work; or the day of your return to work due to injury/illness

Your Details
Dejan Machukov
First Name(s): Surname:
Job Title: Ungraduated Team Member Male/Female: male
GP’s Name: Limestone surgery Dudley
GP’s Address: Cross Street Dudley DY1 1RN

Next of Kin: Daniel Machukov Contact Number: 07367138408

Medical History
Have you ever had or do you have any of the following:
Impairment which may affect your ability to work safely? No
Eyesight problems not corrected with glasses/contact lenses, glaucoma, restricted vision? No
Hand-arm vibration syndrome or vibration white finger associated with using hand held
equipment e.g. drills? No
Hearing problems not corrected with hearing aids, tinnitus, noise-induced hearing loss,
ear infections? No
Difficulty in standing, bending, lifting or other movements?
Sciatica or any kind of back problems? No
Neck or shoulder problems, tennis elbow, upper limb disorder? No
Discomfort when using computers? No
Any mental illness or psychological problems e.g. depression, nervous breakdowns, eating
disorders, substance misuse, other? No
A drug or alcohol problem? No
Fits, blackouts or epilepsy?
Any allergies (including allergies to foods, drugs, pollens)? No
Asthma, bronchitis, chest problems, treatment for Tuberculosis?
Had a persistent cough for 3 weeks or more, coughed up blood or had an unexplained loss
of weight or fever? No
Diabetes, thyroid or gland problems? No
Had episodes of chest pain, breathlessness, heart disease, high blood pressure, angina?
Skin conditions, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, skin infections, skin cancer?
Have you ever in the course of your employment history?
Had any illness which may have been caused or made worse by your work?
Had any operations, consultations with specialists?
Been retired on the grounds of ill health?
Taking or receiving any form of medication, treatment?
Suffered stress associated with work?
If you have ticked Yes for any of the above, please give details here:
1 OF 2

© Shieldyourself. For further details please call 020 3740 3744 or visit
Unauthorised reproduction of this form is strictly forbidden.
Health & Safety Questionnaire

If there is any other relevant information regarding your health which is not covered by
the above? No If Yes, please detail here:

Have you been informed by a medical professional not to carry out certain tasks or work activities?
No If Yes, please detail here:

Return To Work Questionnaire

Please complete this section if you are returning to work after a preiod of absence:

Period of absence: Last date of work:

Reason for absence:

Whilst absent: If Yes, give details and dates:

Did your period of illness or injury
commence during a holiday, weekend, rest
day or any other non working day?
If yes, on what date did your illness or
injury commence?
If yes, on what date did your illness or
injury end?
Were you confined to your home during this
Have you consulted a Doctor?
If yes, please give Doctor’s Name and
Telephone Number.
If no, please detail why.
Did you obtain a fit note? (please obtain a
copy )
Have you been informed by a medical
professional not to carry out certain tasks
or work activities?
Are you currently taking any form of
medication or undergoing treatment
resulting from this injury or illness?
If yes, have you been informed if this is
likely to affect your performance at work or
is it likely to be a safety hazard?

I declare that the answers and information given on this form are true to the best of my knowledge. I
understand and accept that provision of false information would be a breach of trust, sufficient to allow my
employer to take disciplinary action which may, in certain circumstances, lead to my dismissal. I hereby give
my employer permission to contact my doctor to verify the above were appropriate (subject of my employer
complying with the access of Medical Reports Act 1988).
2 OF 2

Colleague Name: Dejan Machukov Signature: Candidate (Oct 5, 2023, 12:30pm)

© Shieldyourself. For further details please call 020 3740 3744 or visit
Unauthorised reproduction of this form is strictly forbidden.
TEAM MEMBER – Written Particulars of Terms of Employment

Employer ASK Italian Restaurants Limited, 3rd Floor, Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DH (the
Dejan Machukov
Employee Name
47, Wolverhampton Street, Dudley, DY1 3AE
Home Address
18 Oct 2023
Your new contract began on
18 Oct 2023
Your period of continuous employment began on
Ungraduated Team Member
Job Title
ASK Italian Merry Hill
Your initial place of work is (full address)
Your Hourly Rate of Pay £

Before starting employment, you must provide the Company with documentary proof that you have the right to work in the UK. You warrant that
you are entitled to work in the UK without any additional approvals and agree to notify the Company immediately of any changes to your
immigration status which may affect your right to work in the UK. The Company may ask you for evidence that you have the right to work in the
UK at any time during your employment. You must provide the Company with any information it requires immediately. You are also required to
disclose any unspent criminal convictions prior to accepting an offer of employment. The Company requires a National Insurance Number within
3 months of employment and may request references from a previous employer (which must be satisfactory) and fai lure to provide either may
result in your employment being terminated.

3 The Company may increase or decrease your weekly hours by up to 25% in accordance with
HOURS – Your normal weekly hours will be ….
business needs. You will be required to work 0 any time between the hours of 7am and 12 midnight from Monday to Sunday. Your days and
hours of work will be determined by a shift rota arranged on a weekly basis normally a week before your first shift. You are entitled to an unpaid
break of 30 minutes when you are working a continuous shift of 6 hours or more. For the avoidance of doubt any increase to your weekly hours
from time to time will not amount to a change to your contractual weekly hours. If there is a temporary shortage of work for any reason, we will
try to maintain your continuity of employment even if this means having to place you on short-time working or laying you off work. For the
avoidance of doubt, in these circumstances you will only be paid for the hours you work. You may be entitled to a statutory guarantee payment.

WORKING TIME REGULATIONS 1998 – By signing this contract, I agree that the statutory maximum average working time of 48 hours a week
(prescribed by the Working Time Regulations 1998) shall not apply to my employment with the Company and that my average working time
may therefore exceed 48 hours a week. If I choose to opt-in to the 48-hour week limit, I can put this request in writing at the time of signing my
contract. If I choose to opt-in at a later date, I am aware that I must do this by giving three months’ notice in writing to the HR Department at
ASK Italian, 3rd Floor, Capital House, 25 Chapel Street, London, NW1 5DH.

DUTIES – You are expected to perform to the Company’s expectations for the role you are trained, graduated and paid for. If you do not meet
these expectations we reserve the right to move you to an alternative position, on the appropriate pay scale which is appropriate to your
performance or skill level. We also reserve the right to vary your duties from time to time as we may reasonably require in line with the needs of
the business. You will be given written notification of any change in your job title & pay change.

PAYMENTS – You will be paid every 4 weeks in arrears, on a Tuesday. You will only be paid for the hours that you work. This payment will be
made directly into your bank / building society account and will be paid net of tax, National Insurance and other deductions required by law.

DEDUCTIONS - You hereby authorise the Company to deduct from your pay any sums which you may at any time owe to the Company. This
may include, without limitation, any excess holiday, insufficient notice given by you to the Company, any overpayments, outstanding loans
made to you by the Company. You also authorise the Company to make deductions from your wages to make good any shortages or
deficiencies in cash or stock arising from your dishonesty, negligence or misconduct. If you have any shortages or deficiencies of cash or stock
at the end of your shift, you will be asked to sign the Waiter Shortage Log. The shortages / deficiencies will then be investigated by your
General Manager or the Holding Manager and you will be invited to a meeting to discuss the shortages / deficiencies or issues found.

We will notify you in writing of your liability in relation to the cash shortage or stock deficiency before making any such deduction. Such
deduction can amount to up to 10% of your gross wages payable on the day the deduction is made. This 10% limit on deductions does not apply
to deductions made from your final instalment of wages.

Any negligence, dishonesty or misconduct will be dealt with through the Company’s disciplinary procedure.

If you have received an overpayment of salary or any other sum from the Company, you must immediately inform your General Manager and the payroll

BENEFITS - You may be provided with the following benefits during your employment, subject to any rules applicable to the relevant benefit:
(a)50% Staff Discount at ASK Italian & Zizzi
(b)Subsidised Team Food
(c)Employee Assistance Programme

Further details of these benefits are available on the ASK ItaliAPP.

The Company may replace or withdraw such benefits, or amend the terms of such benefits, at any time on reasonable notice to you.
TRAINING - It is a condition of your employment that you participate fully in all training that is provided for you and paid for by the Company,
specifically the modules relevant to your position in the ASK Italian Journey training. You must work through the ASK Italian Journey and your
pay and benefits will fall in line with the role you have graduated
into. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action or changes to your terms and conditions at any time. You are also entitled to take part in
various training courses which the Company may provide from time to time in-house. Specific details of what courses might be available can be
found on the Company E Learning platform, Flow.

EMPLOYMENT LOCATION - The Company reserves the right to require you to work at any other branch of the Company or with any other group
company of the Company or associated employer (as defined under the Employment Rights Act 1996), within reasonable travelling distance
from your home, on a permanent or a temporary basis. You will not be required to work outside the UK [for more than one month].

HOLIDAYS – The Company’s holiday year runs from 1 April to 31 March. If you start your employment part way through a holiday year, your
entitlement to holiday will be calculated on a pro rata basis. Any entitlement to a part day’s holiday will be rounded up to the nearest half day.
Your entitlement to holiday will accrue on a daily basis and, subject to obtaining approval; you may take holiday entitlement before it has
accrued (although you cannot take holiday entitlement from any following holiday year).

You will be entitled to 28 days paid holiday each holiday year. This will be pro-rated for part time employees and for those who work on
average less than 5 days per week. All holiday requests must be approved on the ASK ItaliAPP in advance by your line manager. Holiday must
be requested in line with the Company’s Holiday Policy, available on the ASK ItaliAPP. The Company may require you to take holiday on
specific days as notified to you. Bank Holidays are classified as normal working days and if you are required to work on a Bank Holiday then you
will be paid at your normal rate of pay only. Please see the Holiday Policy for more details.

The Company shall not pay you in lieu of untaken holiday except on termination of employment. The amount of such payment in lieu shall be
your average daily rate for each day’s holiday which has accrued but not taken. Please see the Holiday Policy for details of how the average
daily rate is calculated. If you have taken more holiday than your accrued entitlement at the date your employment terminates, the Company
shall be entitled to deduct from any payment due to you the excess holiday pay calculated on the same basis.

You cannot carry forward untaken holiday from one holiday year to the following holiday year unless you have been prevented from taking it in the
relevant holiday year by one of the following: a period of sickness absence or statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental, parental
or parental bereavement leave. In cases of sickness absence, carry-over is limited to four weeks' holiday per year less any leave taken during
the leave year that has just ended. Any such carried over holiday which is not taken within eighteen months of the end of the relevant holiday
year will be lost.

OTHER PAID LEAVE - You may be eligible to take the following types of paid leave, subject to any statutory eligibility requirements or conditions
and the Company's rules applicable to each type of leave in force from time to time:
(a) statutory maternity leave;
(b) statutory paternity leave;
(c) statutory adoption leave;
(d) shared parental leave; and
(e) parental bereavement leave;
(f) Compassionate leave

Further details of such leave and your pay during such leave are available on the ASK ItaliAPP.

We may replace, amend or withdraw the Company's policy on any of the above types of leave at any time.

SICK PAY - If you are unable to report for work, you must notify the Duty Manager as soon as possible but no later than 30 minutes on the first
day of absence with details of your illness and the likely length of absence. Payments for absence due to illness will only be ‘Statutory Sick Pay’
(SSP) from the fourth day of absence and provided you satisfy the relevant requirements. Your qualifying days for SSP purposes are Monday to
Sunday. Excessive periods of sickness may result in disciplinary action being taken. You must comply with the sickness reporting provisions
set out in the Sickness Absence Management Policy found on the ASK ItaliAPP. You agree to consent to a medical examination (at the
Company's expense) by a doctor nominated by the Company should the Company so require.

PENSION – You will be enrolled into the NEST pension scheme as long as you meet statutory enrolment criteria. The Company’s obligations are
statutory only; the Company does not accept any contractual commitment in relation to the pension scheme. Further details of the pension
scheme are available in the ASK Italian Handbook.

PROBATIONARY PERIOD – The first three months of your employment with the Company will be a probationary period during which your performance
and su itability for continued employment will be monitored. During the first four weeks of your probationary period either you or we may
terminate your employment by giving to the other not less than one day’s prior notice in writing. For the remainder of your probationary period this
will be increased to one week’s notice (which may expire after the end of the probationary period).

The Company may extend your probationary period for such period as we consider appropriate by giving you notice in writing before the expiry of
the probationary period. If we consider it appropriate, we may exercise the power to extend on more than one occasion.

NOTICE – After successful completion of the probationary period, the prior written notice required from you or the Company to terminate your employment
shall be as follows:
(a)in the first two years of continuous employment: one weeks’ notice; and
(b) after two complete years: one week for each complete year of continuous employment up to a maximum of 12 weeks' notice (e.g. 5 years, 6 months
service = 5 weeks’

The Company may at its discretion terminate your employment with immediate effect (including after the Company or you give notice of
termination to the other) and make a payment of basic pay (less PAYE deductions) in lieu of notice

The Company shall be entitled to terminate your employment immediately at any time without notice or payment in lieu of notice if of the
Company reasonably considers you have committed gross misconduct or a serious breach of this agreement, or if you cease to be entitled to
work in the United Kingdom.

DISCIPLINARY & GRIEVANCE POLICY - The Company rules and procedures to which your employment is subject are set out in the ASK Italian
Handbook which is available from your Restaurant Manager. An appeal against a disciplinary/dismissal decision can be made to the next level
of management or HR, by writing within seven days of receipt of the outcome of the disciplinary meeting. To raise a grievance, set out your
concerns in writing, and give the letter to your Restaurant Manager. If the problem is with your Manager, go to the next level of management or
to HR.

For further information on the disciplinary and grievance process see the ASK Italian Handbook which includes the Grievance and Disciplinary
Procedures. These processes and policies do not form part of your contract of employment. The Company reserves the right to suspend you
for no longer than is necessary to investigate any allegation of misconduct against you or so long as is otherwise reasonable while any
disciplinary procedure against you is outstanding. This will be paid as per the Disciplinary Policy.
CRIMINAL RECORD – You are required to report to your General Manager any convictions, cautions, reprimands, warnings or incidents in which
criminal proceedings are or have been brought or are being contemplated or pending against you which relate to a dishonesty offence (such as
theft) or relate to vulnerable individuals or minors. This does not include any spent convictions. Failure to inform the company of this information
or providing incorrect or misleading information may result in disciplinary action.

RIGHT OF SEARCH - The Company reserves the right to conduct searches on our premises for alcohol or drugs or items belonging to the
Company or other members of staff suspected of being stolen, including, but not limited to, searches of lockers, filing cabinets and desks, bags,
uniform and packages. You agree, by signing this contract, your consent to such a search. Any alcohol, drugs or items suspected of being
stolen that are found as a result of a search will be confiscated and action may be taken under our Disciplinary Procedure.
CONFIDENTIALITY – As an employee of the Company you may become aware of information that is considered confidential or Company
sensitive. You shall not use or disclose to any person either during or at any time after your employment any such confidential information
about the business or affairs of the Company. Please refer to the ASK Italian Handbook for further information on how to deal with publicity and
what information is considered confidential. The restriction in this clause does not apply to prevent you from making a protected disclosure within
the meaning of section 43A of the Employment Rights Act 1996 or use or disclosu re authorised by the Company or required by law.

COMPANY PROPERTY - All documents, manuals, hardware and software provided for your use by the Company, and any data or documents
(including copies) produced, maintained or stored on the Company's computer systems or other electronic equipment (including mobile phones),
remain the property of the Company. Any Company property in your possession and any original or copy documents obtained by you in the
course of your employment shall be returned to your line manager at any time on request and in any event prior to the termination of your
employment with the Company.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST - During your employment you shall not without prior consent in writing of your Operations Manager, either alone or
jointly with or on behalf of any other person directly or indirectly carry on, engage or be interested in any other business. If at any time during
your employment you or any member of your family or a close acquaintance has any propriety or managerial interest in any restaurant or other
food business in the United Kingdom you must immedi ately report this to yo ur Operations Manager.

Unless the Operations Manager has knowledge and gives his/her prior consent, you may not employ any of your relatives or friends to work for
the Company in any capacity. If you do employ a relative or friend without the necessary consent of the Operations Manager, the Company will
regard this as an act of gross misconduct. If you already have or start a significant relationship with another member of the ASK Italian team,
you must tell your Manager and your Operations Manager. We reserve the right to make changes to your Terms and Conditions (including your
place of work) if we feel this relationship creates a conflict of interest at any time.

COMMITMENTS AND CONTRACTS ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY - You do not have the authority to commit the Company to any expenditure unless
you have been given prior written authority to do so. If you do commit the Company to unauthorised spend, it will be regarded as an act of
gross misconduct.

GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS (GDPR) - The Company will collect and process information relating to you in accordance with the
privacy notice which is on the ASK ItaliAPP and Flow Noticeboard. You are required to sign and date the privacy policy via the Flow

You shall comply with the Data Protection Policy when handling personal data in the course of employment including personal data relating to
any employee, worker, contractor, customer, client, supplier or agent of the Company. You will also comply with the Company's IT policy, Data
Breach Policy, Monitoring Policy and Social media policy which can be found on the ASK ItaliAPP.

Failure to comply with the Data Protection Policy or any of the policies listed above may be dealt with under the Company’s disciplinary
procedure and, in serious cases, may be treated as gross misconduct leading to summary dismissal.

You must inform your Restaurant Manager where there is a change in your personal circumstances such as name, email address, marital
status, address, telephone number, banking details, next of kin (including address and contact details), academic qualifications and
membership of professional institutions.

CHANGES IN TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT - The Company reserves the right to make reasonable changes to any of your terms and conditions of
employment at any time. You will be notified of minor changes via the most appropriate form of communication as deemed appropriate by the

You will be given not less than one month’s notice of any changes in writing. Such changes will be deemed to be accepted by you unless you
notify the Company of any objection in writing before the expiry of the stated notice period.

OTHER PARTICULARS - The Company currently does not recognise any Trade Union and there are no Collective Agreement(s) which affect your
Terms and Conditions of Employment.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the Courts of
England and Wales wil l have non- exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any disputes arising under it. No one other than you and the Company
shall have any right to enforce any terms of this agreement.

I acknowledge receipt of this Statement and the ASK Italian Handbook. I confirm that I have read and understood them and accept that unless
otherwise stated, the ASK Italian Handbook does not form part of my contract of employment with the Company.

Signature Candidate (Oct 5, 2023, 12:30pm)
Name Lisa Davis Name
Dejan Machukov
Issuer ASK Azzurri

Document generated Thu, 5th Oct 2023 11:58:13 UTC

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