Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

10 June 2022 11:30

Getting the messages abroad Intercultural communication

Example- When an English speaking country sends an email to Shanghai firm, it should consider
There are three types of communication process that takes place:
intercultural issues
Situated: Communication in a particular environment or social cultural context
Mass communication
Relational: It involves communicating and interacting effectively in an ethical manner
Transactional: It is a communication process where people adapt to one another
It's done one to many - radio, television
Sent to large audience
Does not have to be face to face
Elements of the communication process
Non- verbal communication
Encoding the message : Converting message to symbols
They are:
Channel : The communication pathway or the medium through which a message travels
Decoding the message: Understanding and interpreting the sender's message
Feedback : The receiver's response to the sender's message

Why is nonverbal communication important?

Barriers to effective communication
It plays an important role in building and maintaining relationships and making good impressions
-Information overload/Channel overload : When the number of messages transmitted through a channel exceeds its
It involves three stages
-Physical and technological interference: the technical difficulties - mobile connection lost, computer crashes
-Encoding - The ability to send non-verbal cues accurately to others
-Channel barriers: E mailing a contentious message can lead to breakdown in communication
-Decoding - The ability to read other people's non-verbal cues
-Sematic interference: One word may mean different things to different people, word meaning change with context.
-Regulations - The ability to control one's non-verbal cues to suit social situations.
This creates misunderstanding and miscommunication. This is also called bypassing.
-Mixed messages: Remember Love all play k drama, when the coach's girl meets his crush in the hospital and signals him
Components of non-verbal communication
to meet him outside and he interprets as she is going to slit his throat
-Use of space - The distance maintained between individuals during conversation
What to do for overcoming the barriers to effective communication
-Use of time - Punctuality, one's willingness to listen or wait for reply - influences the interpretation of
the interaction
-Be timely and time sensitive - Respond as soon as you receive the message. In emotional situations, choose the right
time to respond
-Paralanguage - Talking speed - take yourself as an example
-Be purposeful- Always state your purpose for meeting, writing or talking
Additional components of non-verbal communication
-Be a good listener and reader - Give full attention and context to the message
-Be context sensitive - Time, location, relationship between participants and moods
-Be proactive - If you are unsure of what you heard, confirm before you process
-Image - clothing and accessories
Small group communication
-Facial expressions
-Eye contact
3-20 people
Everyone should pursue common goal
Internal communication
Participants interact freely
Links between participants is vital
-Happens within an organization between superiors, co workers
Organizational communication
-E mail
Pursue common goal
Usually done between large businesses and government
Involves employees, clients, suppliers

External communication
Communicating in global economy
-E mail
-International markets , imports and exports
-News letters
-Employees must overcome differences in language and culture
-Social media
-Lingua Franca - a language that is adapted among speakers whose native languages are different
-Financial reports
Defining intercultural communication
Purpose of external communication
-Power distance- A new employee in Canada who came from top down chain of command may be uncomfortable in
taking initiatives
-Influencing consumer decisions through advertising and promotions
-Uncertainty avoidance - society's tolerance to situations that are new or unknown - may lead to disputes and
-Process orders and collecting payments
-Answer customer service and answering complaints
-Individualism vs collectivism - the degree to which people are expected to take care of others
-Carry out purchase transactions - Remember father's transactions of oil
-Masculinity vs femininity - emotional roles and values between genders - a female employee wants to go to her
daughter's ballet dance but her superior wants some work done from her regarding the upcoming project
Flow of information

-Upward - Subordinates to superiors - employees express their ideas and opinions to superiors
High and low context communication styles
-Downward - Superiors to subordinates - explain policies, providing performance review
-Horizontal - To share information, solve problems
-Low context cultures - Direct, literal messages - can say no directly
-High context cultures - Emphasis on how you say it, It is important to pay attention on hidden meaning ( implicit), Direct
communication may seem rude

Communicating Interculturally


-Use simple English, speak clearly

-Excuse misunderstanding
-Encourage feedback


-Don't interrupt the speaker

-Practice active listening
-Be sensitive and patient


-Adapting to formats used in

reader's country
-Use dictionary English
-Keep sentences direct and simple
-Use appropriate grammar
-Use polite strategies
-Avoid sarcasm to avoid

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