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What is ANOVA?

• An ANOVA test is a way to find out if survey or experiment results

are significant. In other words, they help you to figure out if you need
ANOVA Method to reject the null hypothesis or accept the alternate hypothesis.
• Basically, you’re testing groups to see if there’s a difference between
Analyses of Variance them. Examples of when you might want to test different groups:
• A group of psychiatric patients are trying three different therapies: counseling,
Prepared and Compiled by medication and biofeedback. You may want to see if one therapy is better than the
Cengiz Beşoğul, Instructor others.
• A manufacturer has two different processes to make light bulbs. They may want to
know if one process is better than the other.
• Students from different colleges take the same exam. You may want to see if one
college outperforms the other.

Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 2

What are “Groups” or “Levels”? Types of ANOVA

There are two main types:
Groups or levels are different groups within the same independent variable.
• One-way and
• Example for groups (levels) are ;
• The levels for “brand of cereal” might be: BrandX, BrandY, BrandZ,— a total of three levels.
• Two-way.
• The levels for “Calories” might be: sweetened, unsweetened — a total of two levels. • Two-way tests can be with or
• Example for dependent variable of the study undertaken is ; without replication.
• Let’s say you are studying if an alcoholic support group is the most effective treatment for • One-way ANOVA between groups is used
lowering alcohol consumption. You might split the study participants into three with
independent groups(or levels): when you want to test two groups to see if
• Medication only, Replication
there’s a difference between them.
• Medication and counseling,
• Counseling only. • Two way ANOVA without replication is used when you have one group without
• Your dependent variable would be the number of alcoholic beverages consumed per day. and you’re double-testing that same group. For example, you’re testing Replication
• If the groups or levels have a hierarchical structure (each level has unique one set of individuals before and after they take a medication to see if it
subgroups), then use a nested ANOVA* for the analysis If your groups or levels works or not.
have a hierarchical structure (each level has unique subgroups), then use • Two way ANOVA with replication: Two groups, and the members of those
a nested ANOVA* for the analysis.
groups are doing more than one thing. For example, two groups of
*A nested ANOVA (also called a hierarchical ANOVA) patients from different hospitals trying two different therapies.
Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 3 Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 4

What Does “Replication” Mean? One-way ANOVATest Method

What is One-way ANOVA Test ?
• It’s whether you are replicating (i.e. duplicating) your test(s) with • The ANOVA test is a method used to compare the means' of three or more
multiple groups. independent groups. It questiones whether there is any difference between
groups mean.
• With a two way ANOVA with replication , you have two groups and • It is Hypothesis Test based method. The zero hypothesis claims the the means of
individuals within that group are doing more than one thing (i.e. two groups are equal to each other. The alternate claim is the mean of groups differ
in a way.
groups of students from two colleges taking two tests).
Ho : = = = ... = ( ))
• If you only have one group taking two tests, you would use without Ha : ≠ ≠ ≠... ≠
What is this test for?
• The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to determine whether there
are any statistically significant differences between the means of three or more
independent (unrelated) groups.
• An ANOVA test is a way to find out if survey or experiment results
are significant*.
Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 5
*Statistical significance is a measure of whether your research findings are meaningful.
Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 6
The Assumptions for OneWay ANOVA test? One Way ANOVA Test in MsExcel
• The dependent variable is assumed normally distributed in each group that
is being compared in the one-way ANOVA.

• There is homogeneity of variances. This means that the population

variances in each group are equal.

• The observations taken are independent from each other.

Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 7 Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 8

One Way ANOVA Test Example

in MsExcel

OneWay ANOVA by MsExcel

Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 9 Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 10


What does the Two Way ANOVA Method do?
• The One Way ANOVA method answers how a single factor affects a dependent
variable on multiple samples.
• However, when questioning how both factors affect a dependent variable on
more than one sample, the one-way ANOVA method is inadequate.
• To explain with an example,
• What is the effect of students' gender and number of absences on semestre
• In this problem, gender and number of absenteeism are two independent factors
and the student's success in the semester is a dependent factor.
• In this question, it is questioned whether two independent factors affect one
dependent factor together. Also, do two independent factors affect each other?
The question must find an answer.
Conclusion : The significancy for the Sig.value 0,016 is less • The method to analyze and interpret the answers to these questions is the two-
Ho : Means of hours of drug groups do not than alpha=0,05 . Ho is rejected.
differ each other factor ANOVA method.
Ha : : Means of hours of drug groups do So, There is a significant difference in the mean of scores of
differ each other. At least one mean does three drugs perceptions.
Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 11 Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 12
differ from others
The durations of pain relief of Drug1 and Drug 2 (in hours) was tested on 5 patients.
Two Way ANOVA in SPSS (without Replication)
Test whether the mean durations of pain relief of two drugs are different from each Problem:
other. The durations of pain relief of Drug1 and Drug 2 (in hours) was tested on 5 patients.
Ho : The mean durations of pain relief of two drugs are equalto each other. Test whether the mean durations of pain relief of two drugs are different from each other.
Ha : The mean durations of pain relief of two drugs are different from each other at Ho : The mean durations of pain relief of two drugs are equal to each other.
least in a case. Ho : The mean durations of pain relief of two drugs are different from each other at least in a case.

Two Way ANOVA in Excel

(with Replication)
With replication: The patient Without replication: 5 patients
has tried 2 drugs 5 times. tried 2 drugs individually
THERE ARE TWO INDEPENDENT VARIABLES (Experiment has been repeated (Experiment was done with 5
(DRUG1 AND DRUG2 GROUPS). THERE IS ONE 5 times by one patient)
DEPENDENT VARIABLE ( NUMBERS OF HOURS patients individually on 2 drugs)
We fail to reject ho since p-values(0,30 and 0,13) for
We fail to reject Ho since p-value:0,14 is > 0,05 .
both rows and columns are > 0,05 .
Conclusion :
Conclusion :
The mean durations of pain relief of two drugs
The mean durations of pain relief of two drugs are
are equal to each other.
Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 13 Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine equal to each other. 14

Ho : The couple effect of Gender * Work_Hours is not efective on Sleeping_Hours

Two Way Interactive for the experiment
Interactive ANOVA Method ANOVA Method
• Interactive ANOVA method tests the effect of two independent Example with SPSS
variables on a dependent variable. Again, this method tests the
effect of each of the independent variables on the dependent
variable separately.
• Thus, it is interpreted that the factors in an experiment are
effective on the result of the experiment.
• For example, the effects of drug use and sports activities on a
treatment can be interpreted. Within the experiment ;
1. Sig.value > 0,05 then Gender is not an effective faktör on to Sleeping_Hour
• Such ANOVA method is used with a Linear Model through 2. Sig.value < 0,05 then Work_Hours is an effective faktör on to Sleeping_Hour
Finally , The effect of the couple Gender * Work_Hours assumed on to
Univariate analysis. Seleeping_Hour is not significant since sig.value < 0,05.
As a conclusion ; The couple effect of Gender * Work_Hours is efective on
Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine 16 Sleeping_Hours for the experiment. 17
Biostatistics , Cengiz Beşoğul , Altınbaş University, School of Medicine

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