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Anexa Annex


incheiat si inregistrat sub signed and registered under
nr. no.

In Registrul general de evidenta a salariatilor*) in The general employees registry *)

Protectia Datelor Data Protection

Angajatorul este obligat să obțină date cu The Employer is obliged to obtain personal data
caracter personal de la fiecare dintre Angajații from each of its Employees and keep records
săi și să țină evidența acestora în conformitate thereof pursuant to the Romanian legislation.
cu legislația românească.

Datele cu caracter personal includ numele, The personal data includes the name, surname,
prenumele, data nasterii, CNP-ul, numarul, date of birth, birth number, ID number and
seria, perioada de valabilitate ale cartii de series, the period of validity (including the
identitate (inclusiv sectia de politie emitenta),
issuing police section) nationality, address,
nationalitate, adresa, numar de telefon, detalii
necesare ale contului bancar personal in care phone number,necessary details of a personal
se va face plata salariului si/sau ale altor bank account number for payment of the salary
drepturi salariale date referitoare la educatie, and/or any other related entitlements, data on
experienta si rezultate profesionale, declaratii his education, work-related duties and results,
privind venitul anual, starea civila, si, dupa caz, amount of annual income, personal status and
date cu privire la sot/sotie si copiii
data on his spouse and children, data relating to
dumneavoastra, date referitoare la sanatatea
dumneavoastra actuala si un istoric al sanatatii his health insofar as this is required according to
solicitate in conformitate cu legislatia Romanian law (hereinafter the “Personal Data”).
romaneasca (“Date cu Caracter Personal”).
The Personal Data, as defined above, can be
Datele cu Caracter Personal, astfel cum au fost processed by the Employer during the entire
descrise mai sus, vor putea fi prelucrate de period of validity of the employment contract
Angajator pe intreaga durata de valabilitate a
concluded with the Employee, to whom the
contractului de munca incheiat cu Angajatul,
caruia respectivele date apartin. respective data belongs.

The Employee hereby acknowledges and

Angajatul cunoaste si este de acord cu faptul ca agrees that the Employer will be entitled to
Angajatorul va fi legal indreptatit sa prelucreze process the Personal Data for the exclusive
Datele sale cu Caracter Personal si sa le purposes of use:
utilizeze exclusiv in scopuri:

(i) necesare executarii contractului sau de (i) which is necessary for the performance of
munca incheiat cu Angajatorul sau the Agreement;
(ii) referitoare la afacerea Angajatorului. (ii) which is necessary in connection with the
business of the Employer,

în conformitate cu Regulamentul UE 679/2016 in each case, in accordance with EU Regulation

privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce 679/ 2016 on the protection of natural persons
privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter with regard to the processing of personal data
personal și libera circulație a acestor date sau and on the free movement of such data or any
conform oricarei legislatii in vigoare referitoare
other legislation in force relating to data
la protectia datelor cu caracter personal (“Legea
Protectiei Datelor cu Caracter Personal”) protection (“Data Protection Law”).

Angajatorul se obliga sa prelucreze Datele cu The Employer, as the data collector, undertakes
Caracter Personal in conformitate cu Legea to duly process the Personal Data in line with

Protectiei Datelor cu Caracter Personal. Datele the Data Protection Law. Personal Data will be
cu Caracter Personal vor fi prelucrate pentru collected and processed for expressly
scopuri legitime determinate si in masura determined legitimate purposes to the
rezonabila necesara pentru astfel de scopuri. reasonable extent of such purposes.

Angajatorul poate transfera Datele cu Caracter The Employer is permitted to transfer Personal
Personal catre alte Societati din Grup, iar Data to other Group Companies, and the
Angajatul este de acord cu un astfel de transfer. Employee hereby consents to such transfer.

Datele cu Caracter Personal vor fi prelucrate Personal Data will be collected, processed and
conform drepturilor Angajatului stipulate prin used in accordance with the Employee’s rights
Legea Protectiei Datelor cu Caracter Personal. under the Data Protection Law. The Employee
Angajatul se obliga sa informeze Angajatorul undertakes to inform the Employer without
fara intarziere cu privire la orice modificare a undue delay of any change in the Personal
Datelor cu Caracter Personal. Angajatorul se Data. The Employer undertakes to ensure that
obliga sa se asigure ca Datele cu Caracter Personal Data are accurate and up-to-date.
Personal sunt corecte si actualizate.

In masura in care acordul Angajatului este cerut To the extent that the consent of the Employee
pentru prelucrarea Datelor cu Caracter is required for the processing of Personal Data,
Personal, Angajatul acorda un astfel de acord the Employee grants such consent to the
catre Angajator pentru perioada de pana la Employer for the period until fulfilment of the
indeplinirea scopurilor prelucrarii Datelor cu purpose of processing Personal Data, however,
Caracter Personal; in orice caz, o astfel de such period is not shorter than the period,
perioada nu poate fi mai scurta decat perioada during which the Employer may be obliged to
in care Angajatorul poate fi obligat sa prelucreze process the Personal Data of the Employee
Datele cu Caracter Personal ale Angajatului under any special legal regulations.
conform oricaror reglementari legale speciale.

Angajatul este informat că poate solicita gratuit The Employee is advised that he/ she may
accesul la Datele sale cu Caracter Personal, în make a request, free of charge, to access his/
orice moment și poate solicita modificarea her Personal Data at any time and may request
acestora. Angajatorul va răspunde cererii în the modification thereof. The Employer will
termen de 30 de zile calendaristice. respond to the request within 30 calendar days.

Angajatul are dreptul de a-și retrage The Employee shall be entitled to withdraw his
consimțământul ca Datele sale cu Caracter consent to processing with effect from the
Personal sa fie prelucrate de catre Angajator, la Termination Date.
data încetării contractului de munca.

................................................... ...................................................
Salariat, Employee,
Nume Error: Reference source not found

Data: Error: Reference source not found Date: Error: Reference source not found

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