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Living in a large city or a small community have different meanings for people's well-

being. In the past, living in a small community had some benefits and drawbacks that are
worth considering.

One of the benefits of living in a small community was the strong social ties among the
residents. They had a sense of belonging and mutual support. They could rely on each other
in times of need. Another benefit was the low traffic density. There were fewer vehicles on
the road, which reduced the chances of accidents and injuries. Children could enjoy outdoor
activities without fear of being harmed by cars. A third benefit was the low crime rate. The
small population size deterred criminals from committing offenses. People felt safe and
secure in their environment.

One of the drawbacks of living in a small community was the limited access to facilities.
A large city could provide better health care, education and employment opportunities to
its inhabitants. In a small town, it was hard to find a high-paying job or a quality education.
Some schools in small towns lacked adequate resources or qualified staff. Therefore,
children could not acquire the same knowledge and skills as children who lived in large
cities. Furthermore, because people lived in close proximity, they had less privacy. Their
neighbors would be aware of their personal affairs and they could not keep anything
confidential. This could be very intrusive for some people.

In conclusion, I favor the benefits over the drawbacks of living in a small community.

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