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Different Arrangement
Mingyu is a straight guy. He is.

Chapter 1
Chapter Text

Mingyu felt different when heard his phone ring inside his pocket. He dig it out. Lines suddenly
forming in his forehead when he saw the caller i.d. in the screen.

Dad calling...
What does he want? He said in his mind. He just sigh and answer the call. "What is it dad?" his voice
sound so bored and uninterested.

"Hello to you too son." Mingyu feel really irritated with his dad's sarcasm.

"Stop it Dad. Say what you want. I still have my paper works." he's walking through the hallway to
reach the parking lot where he parked his car.

"Manners Mingyu." he knows that his dad doesn't like this type of attitude Mingyu's showing to him.
"Okay dad. Please say it." Mingyu said with his insincere politeness.

"You need to be here on Friday. We need to say something important. And don't try to make any
excuses Gyuie." the irritation was replaced by anger. He knows that he will never win to his dad
when he use this tone of his voice. He slammed his car door that caused a loud noise in the empty
and quiet paking lot.

He doesn't want to come but he can't do anything about it. He need to follow his father or he will be
dead. "Okay dad. Whatever you want. Bye." Mingyu didn't wait any reply from his dad and suddenly
press the end button to cut their conversation before everything became worst.

All his plans to hang out with his two crazy friends Jihoon and Seungkwan and get wasted will be
ruined because of this stupid dinner that he was forced to attend. He is sure that he will very much
enjoy the company of his friends in a noisy and crowded club than his parents.
"Baby, what's with the face? You're not happy to see your mom that loves you so much huh?" his
tried to cooed him but it will never work for Mingyu especially when his thinking about how
Seungkwan and Jihoon are getting wasted or making out to a stranger in a club right now while he's
stuck with his annoying mom that thinks that he's a 8 years old boy and his dad that always getting
on his nerve whenever they're talking.

"I'll just go to my room." he ran up to the stairs avoiding his mom.

He's just there. Appreciating the comfortable silence while staring in the ceiling. A buzz coming
from his phone disturb the silence he was indulging. Mingyu looked in his phone and saw Jihoon's
caller i.d. He press the green button on the screen. "Don't tell me you're already wasted and can't go
home?" he knows that's not the situation. The tolerance of his friends with liquor are as high as the
sky and will never gets wasted by this time. He know they just called, trying to tease him.

"Get your ass over here dude. You'll never regret it. Hot girls, drinks, music. You'll love it Mingyu."
Seungkwan's trying to convince him. "I can't dude. Family dinner." he said with regret in his voice.
"Family dinner sucks bro. As if you're really close to your parents." Jihoon as always. Blunt and
doesn't give a fuck about anything yet sensitive when it comes to his friends.

His friends knows the status of his relationship with his parents. "Whatever dude. Just be wasted. Be
careful and don't take drugs." As he press the end button, Mingyu heard a knock on his room's door.
"Sir, dinner is ready."

"Son, how's school?" his mom is trying her best to lift the atmosphere. The dining room is filled by
silence. Just the silverwares hitting against the plate are the only sound that can be heard across the
dining room.

"Fine mom. Just load of works." Mingyu answered just looking down to his plate. Basically he's not
interested about anything concerning his family. All he could think now is how wasted his friends
are, while he's in a boring dinner.

"I though you're going to say something dad, mom?" Mingyu blurted. He doesn't want to have small
talk with his mom. His concern now this that thing that they're going to say. He know it is important.
His father will never spend time with him over a dinner without something important.

Suddenly he felt his chest is going to explode. He's trying to prepare his mind and thinking about
worst things that his father can possibly say.

He looked to his dad trying to get answer. He looked straight to his eyes. "You'll be married."

He stays like that, trying to widen his chinky eyes while blinking stupidly. It feels like he was
slapped really hard in the face. Moments later before he can find words from his mind to answer his
father. "Excuse me?" he asked looking on his father's face.
"Stop son, you look stupid. I know you heard me." his father said like he doesn't care at all. He's
talking about marriage.. of his son. Yet he looked so chill about it.

"Seriously dad? Mom?" his gaze shift from his dad to his mom. Uneasiness and guilt are washing all
over her. Mingyu knows she know something about this, yet she didn't stop his husband.

"You can't say no Gyuie." Namjon's gaze are back to his dad, that still slicing the steak in his plate
like theres nothing wrong. "Why dad?You know I don't like this kind of bullshit! You didn't even ask
me if I want to be married?!" Mingyu is screaming in top of his lungs like he's talking to someone in
the other side of the world.

"It's already planned son, you can't do anything about it." Mingyu can't believe to how his dad is very
cool about it.

"Already planned? So you really think I will agree on this shit?!" he throws the knife and fork in his
plate causing a loud noise across the room. Yet his dad still continued to slice the meat in his plate as
if Mingyu is not there.

"No dad, I will never do it. You can't force me." the young man is decided to make his stand to

His father put down the sliver wares, stand and look into his eyes. "Okay. Starting today, try to find a
job that can pay for your expensive life son. We will never help you in everything. In exchange we'll
never meddle on any of your business any more. In short. We will disown you as our son, as the heir
of this company and let Jiho have everything." He felt that his feet is starting to be like jelly.

Jiho is his cousin and forever competition. He doesn't like the idea that Jiho will beat him and have
everything that is from his parents. He also knows that any job will never be enough to pay bills and

Mingyu is used to have everything in his hands. With his parent's money and influence, he can have
whatever he wants. He doesn't know hard to work to pay bills and buy a decent meal everyday. He
knows nothing outside his family and university.

"Can you please stop this bullshit dad!" Mingyu feel he's already defeated by his Dad. It's too much.
Too cruel for him to handle. "Language Mingyu. You can choose. It's all up to you." He's like a cruel
ringmaster in a carnival trying to train his animal performer. The young man really want to punch his
father right now and ring his finger to his neck.

"Choice your ass dad." he snorts.

Now he's trying to absorb all this bullshit that his dad said to him. He know he will not last long in
the street. He can't imagine himself living in a small room with only ramen for dinner. He know that
Jihoon and Seungkwan will help him, but his pride can't take it. He can't imagine that he will be
pitied by his friends and other people that knows who he is before.
"You will meet him soon." his dad added. He doesn't know if he just heard it wrong. "Again dad?"
his heartbeat is racing like what he feel when he's running or watching a suspense movie. "You will
me him soon."

As Mingyu heard that, the last string of his patience to his dad finally snapped. "Are you fucking
kidding me dad?! You want me to be married to a man? Fuck." Mingyu can't control his emotions
especially his mouth. "Stop disrespecting your dad!" his mom shouted.

"His Jeon Wonwoo. His older than yo-"

"Can you fucking stop it old man?! Just shut the fuck up!" he shouted. "You're serious about this shit
dad! I'm straight! Yet you want me to be married to a guy. Fuck this!" Mingyu wants to turn the table
upside down. He want to hurt his dad and throw everything.

"Language young man. You're being disrespectful!" his dad shouted back. His glare can kill
someone. "Respect? Wow that. The last person in this house that can talk about that is you! You want
to teach how to respect you yet you can't do it to me?! I am your son, you don't even ask me if I want
it! Fuck you dad."

They're both looking in each other's eyes like they're going to attack anytime. "That's your
responsibility as the heir of this company. You should do your part!"

"I never ask any of this!" Mingyu know he can't stop. He doesn't want the feeling of a loser
especially to a family member.

"I will never agree to this. I'll just find a job to support myself. Forget me as your son. I don't care. I
will also forget that I have parents that want me to be a gay and marry a guy. You're good for nothing
parents!" And by that Mingyu stormed out of the room. He collect his phone and keys and start
dialling Jihoon's number.

"Where are you?" he asked as soon as Jihoon answer his phone. "Same place bro. How's your happy
family dinner bro?" it's the irony of what he meant.

"Fuck you hyung."

As soon as he came to the club, he quickly grabbed a bottle of beer and drink it in half in one go.
"Woah dude, easy." Jihoon snatched the bottle to Mingyus hands. The younger didn't know what to
think, what to feel.

"Care to tell?" Jihoon carefully asked. He want to know what really happened but he don't want to
force Mingyu to speak. He know something terrible happen for Mingyu drink half of the bottle in one
"They're forcing me to marry someone hyung." Mingyu said as he snatch his beer back from Jihoon.
"Wow. Stereotypical rich shit dude." the elder snorts. He knows that Mingyu is having a really hard
time dealing with his good-for-nothing parents everytime, and now this. Like a cherry on top of all
shit that they already gave to their son.

"You'll follow them?" he asked even him, starting to feel frustrated for his dongsaeng. "No hyung!
never!" Mingyu hiss. He felt his hands shaking with the idea of marrying a man. And by that time, he
finally made his decision to finally disobey his parents. He knows that his friends will help him. All
he need to do is find a job and survive.

"Finally dude! You're a human now." Jihoon smiled, trying to lift the younger's spirit.

"I don't give a shit anymore hyung. I just want to live for myself." Mingyu said as he gulp the last
drop of his drink. Jihoon, shows his gummy smile and give Mingyu a reassuring pat. He's sure that
he'll never let his donsaeng be left alone.

"I'm happy for you bro. And for that! Drinks is on me!" he shout.

The three of them dance and drink all the liquor that they can handle, totally wasted. Ending up
throwing up in the sidewalk. Thankfully, Mingyu manage to take a cab after Jihoon and Seungkwan
and got home in one piece.

All he can do now is lay in his bed and let his problem wait for tomorrow.

Mingyu's father really did what he said. All Mingyu's card were all unavailable. The only money that
all he have is the money that is in his personal account. That can pay for his needs for only few
months and he doesn't know where the hell to get enough money to pay his bills and expenses in

"Hyung, do you know where I can find a job?" he ask Jihoon while they're having dinner in Jihoon's

"I can lend you some money." The older said.

"Aish! hyung. No I will not take your money. I just need to find a decent job to pay for my bills and
other expenses. Don't worry I'll tell you if I really need money." He said. He's determined to be
responsible for himself without the help of anyone.

"You destroy things kid. You're dangerous. No one will hire especially in restaurants. You'll tripped
with your own feet and pour the dish you were holding to your guest." The elder tease. Mingyu tend
to break everything that he touch or near with. He's careless ending up destroying things or hurting
"You can be a tutor Mingyu. You're smart you can do that." Seungkwan suggest. Mingyu know he
can do that. He excel in every subjects that he takes, just too lazy to take it seriously. "Yeah. But that
not enough to pay my bills and buy a decent meal Seungkwan-ie." How can he pay all his expenses
with the money that is from his schoolmates that is also broke but desperately need help.

"You can do music right?" Jihoon suddenly asks. "I.. think so? I don't know." Mingyu surely can
make good songs as his hobby, but not confident enough to show it to other people. "Are you done
producing it?" the younger didn't know why his hyung is asking him about the thing he does for his
own entertainment.

"Why hyung?" Mingyu asked with suspicion in his eyes. Jihoon smiled. "I have this friend that work
on an entertainment label. I can give him your work and see it. They pay well for good songs dude.
You can pay your bills if they'll like your songs."

Hope and anxiety are shown in Mingyu's face. Hope that he can survive this challenge using his own
skill and anxiety to realize that all his hard work are worthless and just a piece of crap for some big
entertainment label.

"Don't worry. Nothing to lose bro. Just give me your demo, I'll take care of everything." Jihoon
assures him.

Mingyu is so thankful to have a friend like Jihoon and Seungkwan in times like this, even though he
doesn't show his gratefulness to his friends.

"Thanks hyung."

Mingyu isn't sure what's going to happen in the future. But he know, he'll never let his father lead his
life like a puppet doll.
Chapter 2
Chapter Text

“Ins-pi-res not infires.” Mingyu said as he teach the right pronunciation of the word. He put a lot of
effort to emphasize every syllable for his student to understand.

He accepts the idea to teach English, for additional income. But it’s way too small to support him and
his expenses. All he was hoping is the agency Jihoon was saying to like his demo.

“I’m sorry hyung, this is so hard for me. Sorry for giving you a hard time teaching me.” His student
said. His a freshmen and needed to learn English language as a requirement.

“It’s okay Chanwoo. You’ll get it eventually. You don’t need to hurry.” The last thing the kid needs
is to feel ashamed. His a nice kid, slightly shy but a lot better than the other students Mingyu is
tutoring. He even treat his tutor a meal when they have their tutoring session.

“Let’s just continue this on Friday okay.” As he packed his things, he felt his phone vibrate.
To: unknown
Can we meet?

Mingyu feel weird with the text. Only his closest friends like Jihoon and Seungkwan have his private
number. He doesn’t know why this person have his number or how he/she gets it and why he’s being
asked for a meeting.

From: unknown
Who are you? How do you get my number?

“See you hyung.” Chanwoo said his goodbye to his tutor and walked outside the café. Mingyu was
left alone still thinking about the unknown person that text him. His thoughts were disturb as he felt
his phone vibrated.

From: unknown
Meet me and I’ll answer your question.

As he read the message, he felt irritated with the person sending this text.

To: unknown
Fuck you. Stop messing with me. Find someone you’ll fuck with.

Mingyu tried so hard to sound intimidating through the message. He have a lot of things to do and he
doesn’t have time for mess with someone. He received another text message from the unknown

From: unknown
Let’s just meet okay. Café outside the university. 5 p.m. I already checked your schedule for
tomorrow and I know you’re last class will end at 3:30 so don’t try to make an excuse. See you.
Is this his stalker? He even know my schedule tomorrow. Creepy. He said in his minds. Mingyu
doesn’t know but somewhat, he’s really curious who his mysterious sender is and considering the
idea of whoever he/she is.

4: 53 p.m.

Mingyu, walking back and forth in back side of the café. He can’t decide for himself if he’s going to
meet the mysterious person who text him. Seven minutes before the said time for their meeting.
Peeling the skin in his fingers while thinking the worst case scenario that can happen to their

What if he a crazy man that ask Mingyu money? He doesn’t even have money for himself! What if
he’ll threaten him or say that is someone is after him? Or she is pregnant and Mingyu is the father?

Mingyu recall all the girls she slept with. He ask himself if he use protection in every sex that he had.
He’s starting to loose himself, he’s nearing being mad because of everything going on in his mind.

Finally, the blonde young man walk in front of the café’s door and enter. He scanned the place. Just
like other coffee shops. Bunch of college studying and chatting. He’s not familiar with anyone inside.
He ordered iced Americano and sat at the corner part of the café.

5:00 p.m. Mingyu was too immersed to the he was reading, didn’t notice someone walked in front of
him. “Mingyu?” as he heard his name, Mingyu automatically looked up.

Unexpectedly, he was stunned as he saw a beautiful man standing in front of him. His glassy eyes,
wide frame and plum lips makes Mingyu literally drop his jaw. Looking like a fool while staring in
the beautiful man. ‘Hi, I’m Wonwoo.” He offered his hand for a handshake. “Mingyu.” He accepts
the handshake and offered Wonwoo to have a seat.

“Do you want anything?” Mingyu offered. Actually he’s not in the right place to offer anything with
the overpriced food on the menu but he do. “No, it’s okay.” Wonwoo refused. Mingyu feel relieved
as Wonwoo refuse his offer. He remembered that he have to act intimidating to this man.

“How do get my number.” The younger said straightforwardly trying to intimidate Wonwoo. Instead
of being scared, Wonwoo flashes a very bright smile to him. “Connections?”

Mingyu feel like he’s been played around by the man in front of him, but he doesn’t want to lose.
“Can you just get to your point? What do want?” he said with gritted teeth. The smile on Wonwoo’s
face quickly fade. He fix his posture. Flash a serious expression to Mingyu.

“You don’t know me do you?” he seriously asked. Mingyu tries to recall where he heard his name
but nothing came out. “Nevermind. I’ll just introduce myself.” The breath and look straight to
Mingyu’s eyes. “Again, I’m Jeon Wonwoo, 24, and I’m your senior.” Senior? The younger asked in
his mind. “Yeah. We’re in the same department. I’m in my last year but irregular.”

He’s not really surprised that he didn’t know people in his department. He doesn’t want to take that
course but his father force him to. So he’s not interested to meet people like his father.

“There’s nothing concerning you being my senior is the reason why I’m here right?” he asked.

As Wonwoo’s expectation, Mingyu is really smart. “Yeah. As expected you’re really smart.” He
smiled. “Aside from being your senior, I’m also the one your.. “ he looked down, hesitating to

Mingyu notice the hesitation, and as his brain worked up the situation, he easily figured out what the
elder wants to say.

“My fiancé?” to finishes the sentence. He breath deep, readying himself to walk out, his mind is
already close with the idea and will never consider accepting it.
“You know, I know that you don’t want to follow the idea but can you.. can you do it for me?”
Mingyu wanted to laugh with Wonwoo is saying. “Look, I don’t know who you are. Second, I don’t
need to do that for you and last, I don’t care about you and my parents.” He stood up and fixed his
things ready to head out.

Wonwoo feel the desperation, he grabbed Mingyu’s wrist to stop the younger man from walking out.
“Please just hear me out. After that it’s for you to decide.” His glassy eyes, full of emotions that
draws Mingyu in. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, just his body moving on its own. He sit back to
his chair and hear what Wonwoo will say.

“I know that you don’t want to be married to me or to anyone now, especially because your parents
are forcing you to do so. So first you should know the reason of this deal.” He straighten his back
and looked again to Mingyu’s eyes. Determination were seen in his eyes. “We know that you family
own a large corporation and you’re powerful enough to do what you want to do. And us, we do have
our company, my father was betrayed by his partners and ran away with the company’s money. We
can make it, we can succeed but we need support and investments. If you’re asking why we’re not
seeking help from bank, we already have tons of loans and we can’t afford it anymore. My father
tried to seek help to your father, he agreed but he made this deal.” He breathe. “It’s assurance for
you and chance for us. With the marriage and not having a pre-nuptial agreement, we are entitled for
the 50% of each other’s properties. That’s the purpose of our marriage.”

Mingyu is taking his time to process everything Wonwoo said. Listening carefully to every revelation
the elder will say. He felt sorry for them. In business trust and perseverance are everything. Trust can
build and destroy all the hard work and time that are invested.

“Second is, honestly you’re supposed to marry my younger sister and not me. She’s Jisoo, she’s 16.”
Wonwoo pass his phone to Mingyu, showing the picture of his sister. She really looked like
Wonwoo. I suppose to marry a girl huh. Mingyu said inside of his head.

“Now, you’re asking, why I’m here and not her. As I said, she’s just sixteen. She doesn’t know
anything about marriage. And she’s.. she need special attention.” He exhaled. “She’s mentally
incapacitated to be your wife. She sixteen yet her mental age is just eight. She doesn’t know how to
do things by herself, needs to be monitored every time. Things that I’m sure you can’t do ‘cause
you’re so busy. So I decided to head to your company and talked to your father.”

Mingyu should feel offended by Wonwoo trying to say that he’s not capable of taking care of anyone
but it’s true. He doesn’t know what Jisoo’s condition and can’t imagine himself taking care of this

“Same sex marriage are allowed in U.S. and I know a lot about business which can benefit you. I can
help you to run your business. Your father get what I want to say so he agree to it.”

Wonwoo gained Mingyu’s respect easily. Sacrificing yourself for other people is difficult to do.
He’s not sure if he can do it, if he’s in the situation. “Why are doing this? You should just agree to
the original plan. You can be free.”
The older just gave him a mysterious smile. “You know, I’m a son, a brother and an heir and I need
to fulfill my responsibility. I really love my sister. I know her very well, and I know that you’re not
the one she needs. I’m a son to my parents, I need to keep our families honor and an heir of a
company. I need to be strong for our men. They rely their lives to us so I can’t be weak.”

The younger man suddenly feel small in front of Wonwoo. Before they talked, Mingyu is proud to
himself. He only thinks about his happiness and never see the people relying to their company. Guilt
and embarrassment. It’s like Wonwoo just crashed his enormous pride without any intention to do

“And now, we really need this deal to happen. But your father said that you refuse to this extent. I
know your situation. That your parents cut all their financial support for you, that you tutor English
for income. So I’m asking you. If you don’t want to do it for your parents, can you do it for me?”

For him? “I don’t know Wonwoo-ssi. We’re both young. I want to do things that can make me
happy. I don’t know if I can do that when I’m married to you or to anyone.” The last part almost
sound like a whisper. He doesn’t want to give false hope to him. But he’s sure that he’s not ready for
the responsibility coming along with the marriage.
“I know. Even me. That’s why I want make a deal with you.” A deal? “If you’ll agree with this deal,
we can have this non-committal type of marriage. You don’t have any responsibilities as my spouse
and vice versa. We can live like roommate cause I know, our parents are gonna force us together.
You can do whatever you please to do and I don’t have any say about that. We can be friends. After
2-3 years, if everything is in the right place, our business is stable and yours are fine as always, we
can have a divorce. The way he said it is like he’s explaining the easiest way to solve a math
problem. Straightforward. Simple. Easy.

Mingyu’s mind still, oppose the idea. But he felt sympathy for Wonwoo situation. All his
responsibilities driving his life away from him. Suddenly he wants to help Wonwoo in every burden
he have. Lift up the weight on the elder’s shoulder.

Yet he knows that he shouldn’t making decision using his emotions. He want to help Wonwoo but
he’s not sure of the consequences of this choice.

The younger man’s mind is so clouded by everything, even the mere presence of Wonwoo does
something in his head. He can’t think clearly right now. he wants to escape and get wasted. Anything
but this.

His thinking was interrupted as he heard the other’s voice. “I know it’s hard to process everything.
It’s overwhelming for you. As I said before. It’s you who’ll make the decision. Don’t be pressured.
Just think about it. I’ll respect whatever you decide. Thank you for hearing me out Mingyu-ssi. I
really appreciate it.” The elder stood up and offered his hand again to Mingyu. “It’s nice meeting
with you.”

He walked out of the door without looking back. The younger was left in the spot he was standing.
What am I going to do?

Chapter 3
Chapter Text

Everything seemed so fine. Peaceful. But it’s not. Mingyu feel the pressure getting extreme as the
day pass on. He’s slowly feeling of being alone. Unable to talk to anyone with his situation. Afraid of
being judged by this peculiar set up that he’s been forced to, even to Jihoon and Seungkwan.

Another day at school, Mingyu walking in the hallway with his not-so-neat jeans and sweatshirt.
He’s walking like a zombie, result of the sleeplessness he’s been suffering every night. He’s
absolutely looking like shit right now and he doesn’t give a damn until now.

“Are you part of the movie Train to Busan?” the younger almost jumped, Train to Busan…
Zombie. “Yeah maybe I’m one of the-“ he was stunned as he saw who he was talking to.

Compared to him, Wonwoo is way more decent looking with his plain white dress shirt and well-
ironed black slacks. Mingyu literally dropped his jaw as he saw how stunning the man beside him.

How can he looked so good this early?

“Good morning Mingyu-ssi.” Wonwoo said as he passed the frozen man. “What are you doing
here? Hyung?” the zombie looking man wants to slap himself for using that word. Hyung. It is like
he’s already assuming that they are already close to drop the formalities between them. And that is
the exact opposite of what’s happening.
“Why? Am I not allowed to be here Mingyu-ssi?” fuck, right he’s my senior. Mingyu still have this
kind of look when he doesn’t understand something that his father hates. Stop it Gyu, you look
stupid. He remembered.
“Get inside Mingyu.” The younger is still staring at him. Why is he going to my class? Is he my
classmate? But he’s my senior? What the hell?

Mingyu doesn’t like the idea that they are classmate in his worst class. Their professor is such a
monster. Giving such difficult paper works and deadly deadline. Lastly, he feels that his professor
doesn’t like him personally. Looking at him like he’s gonna be her lunch. Making fun of him when
caught sleeping on her class. Calling him out of nowhere. Mingyu knew it. Professor Lee hate him as
much as he hate the monster.

The younger trails behind Wonwoo who’s holding a stack of paper and some books. His looks can
passed as a professor. He found a vacant chair in the farthest part of the room, away from Wonwoo.
“Good morning everyone, unfortunately Professor Lee has to attend a convention in Singapore so she
will not have the chance to meet with you. For the meantime, I’ll be aiding his class. My name is
Jeon Wonwoo.”

As Wonwoo finished his introduction, everyone celebrates. Having a chance not to meet their terror
Professor and being replaced by her prince like assistant, they are in heaven. Especially for the girls
that is drooling for him.

As everyone in his class celebrate, Mingyu felt the exact opposite. He felt like the world betrayed
him. He just knew last week that that man in front is his fiancé, and all he want to do is to avoid him
in any possible way until he made his decision. And now as the destiny toyed him, he needs to be
with this man almost every day for a couple of weeks. It’s weird but he wished that his most hated
professor is here and not this beautiful man.

“I’m really glad Wonwoo sunbae will be here for weeks. A lot of girls in different departments tried
to ask him out. But he refused all of them. I heard he also received confession from guys too. And
he’s also smart. Other sunbae said that Wonwoo sunbae is Professor Lee’s favorite. She even ask
sunbae to be her assistant. He’s perfect.”

“Really? Its okay. He looks like a prince so he’ll definitely have tons of admirer. I hope he’s not

Two girls in Mingyu’s side were talking about how perfect Wonwoo is. Now he realized his senior’s
question the last time they meet. You don’t know me do you? Again. He remembered what happen
weeks ago. The thing that he really want to forget the most.

“I know you’re having a hard time with Professor Lee’s subject so I decided that I will not discuss
anything for today. Let’s just know each other for now.” Wonwoo said as he sit in professor’s table
in front. Everyone cheered. Some of the guys are not interested and some are checking Wonwoo out.
And the girls are 100% hypnotised by his charm. No one can resist his charm even Mingyu.

“Any question about me, or the subject or if you’re really interested about Professor Lee?” there’s a
playfulness in his smile that can make everyone smile.

“Sunbae.” A girl in the lefts side raise her hand while smiling for Wonwoo. “Yes miss?” ‘How’s
being Monster Lee’s assistant? Is your life like Cinderella? Did she hurt you?” everyone in their class
laugh with the silly question. But not Mingyu. He’s stiff. Like there’s something boiling inside his
stomach and just want to leave.

“I don’t know if you’ll believe be, but Prof. Lee is really nice. She’s not like the monster you
imagined. She even pays me for being her assistant. Don’t be so afraid of her. She’s intimidating but
nice. But. She really hates students sleeping on her class.” Just like that. Everyone’s eye are on
Mingyu. Finally he discover the real reason why Prof. Lee hates him. But what can he do. Their class
starts at freaking 7 a.m.

He noticed that even Wonwoo is looking at him. Wash of embarrassment from the statement so
Mingyu just look outside the window, ignoring every eyes looking at him.
Another girl raised her hand to ask Wonwoo. “Sunbae!” everyone was taken aback with the girl’s
eagerness to ask question. “Do you have a girlfriend? Or relationship right now?” that question made
Wonwoo blushed.

Everyone in his class are going crazy for seeing their sunbae blushed. Even Mingyu. Mingyu’s heart
were pounding against his chest, he feels like he needs to pee, as he see how dust of red were
painting in Wonwoo’s face and ears. It’s really strange for the young man to have this kind of
reaction seeing someone blush.
“No. I’m not in a relationship right now.” everyone cheered. Especially girls. “Because I’m waiting
for someone.” Mingyu froze as he heard his sunbae’s statement. Their eyes met and he clearly saw
in Wonwoo’s eyes that he’s talking about him.

As of him the descendant of Hakaishin (god of destruction in Dragon Ball the movie) he knocked
two of his fingers in his right hand to the corner of his table. Everyone looked at him as he’s trying
his best not to show that his finger hurt so much.

He tried his best but Wonwoo saw his struggle. Concern in his eyes where shown as he looked at
Mingyu’s fingers. Until he can’t take it anymore.

“Mister with the blond hair. Please go to the clinic. Let the nurse check you up.” it is really smart of
Wonwoo not to mention Mingyu’s name and pretend that they don’t know each other. “Thank you
sunbae.” As by that Mingyu collect his belongings, using his other hand and head to the clinic.

He’s right. There’s a fracture in two of his fingers and needed to be cast. The nurse’s advice Mingyu
not to put a lot of pressure on his finger. Now he have to figure out how he will write.

At lunch. Mingyu receive a text from the familiar unknown number.

From: unknown

Let’s meet. I’ll wait on the parking lot.

He knew, that was from Wonwoo. The younger man’s stomach just flipped. Doesn’t know what to
do. Honestly he wants to run away. But a part of him is agreeing with the invitation. After a long
discussion against himself. He decided to agree with Wonwoo’s invitation.

Mingyu were walking towards the parking area, suddenly a question came across his mind.

Is this a date?
He literally hit himself for thinking that. It is not a date it’s just lunch with him. Maybe a chance to
know him, a factor for making his decision. Trying hard to brainwash his mind, he doesn’t notice
that he’s already standing in the parking lot.

Now his heart starts beating. No it’s not beating. It’s pounding, dancing or doing a high jump inside
his chest. He continued to walk across the parking lot and found the beautiful man, leaning against
his car.

“Finally! You’re here. Come on. Lunch is on me.” Wonwoo enters in his car as Mingyu is still
standing in his place. Again, he has this stupid expression that his dad hates. A loud sound from the
beautiful man’s car wake Mingyu on his dream.

He walked inside the car. Finally they were heading out Mingyu has no idea where. Everything about
them screams awkward. Mingyu’s sit is stiff, he can’t even look to Wonwoo. Wonwoo is carefree
and doesn’t give a damn. He’s simply humming a pop song the he heard earlier.

“Are you alright? How’s your hand?” the older man ask. He startled Mingyu now opening and
closing his mouth like a fish out the water.

“T-the nurse said it needs to be casted for two weeks.” The last word is almost a whisper. As Mingyu
looked at his injured hand like it’s the most interesting thing in the world.

“Your mom was right. You’re clumsy and awkward.” Wonwoo said while laughing at him.

“Why do you want to have lunch with me?” Mingyu ask. Not liking the topic concerning his parents.
Wonwoo just hums. “First, I want to eat, second I want you to eat a real food, third I want to talk to
you.” He answered. Mingyu noticed that they’re not heading into the mall or any establishment. They
turn to a simple apartment complex.

“Where are we going?” Mingyu ask, finally looking at Wonwoo.

“My apartment. I’ll gonna cook for us.” After Mingyu met Wonwoo, he developed a habit of looking
stupid after hearing Wonwoo will say. And for the nth time, he’s sitting inside Wonwoo’s
car again looking stupid.
Why is he cooking? I’m going to his apartment? Questions after questions were made inside the
young man’s brain. His mind is running miles per second. Thinking about all the scenario that can
happen while he’s in the older man’s apartment.

Finally. His mind got tired of thinking and follow Wonwoo. The apartment complex is old and quite
creepy. Mingyu didn’t expect that this is where Wonwoo live. His the heir of a financially challenged
company but he didn’t imagine this.

Another batch of question were sitting in Mingyu’s mind. Eagerly waiting to be spilled and have
Wonwoo stopped on the last door in the second floor. He assumed that this is their destination. As
Wonwoo open the door Mingyu realized that his apartment is the exact opposite of Wonwoo’s.
Mingyu apartment is huge, with expensive furniture and appliances, but its messy. No it’s not messy,
no word can be put to describe how his apartment looks like. But Wonwoo’s, the older man’s
apartment is just small. Little bigger than Mingyu’s bedroom, but it is absolutely dust free. No clutter
can be seen in any part of the house. Everything is neatly organized. It also give a warm feeling of
home. The younger can’t believe to see how Wonwoo live.

“Feel at home. I’ll just cook our lunch.” Wonwoo head out to his room to change his clothes.

Mingyu looked around and saw some pictures of Wonwoo and his family. They look so happy.
Wearing casual clothes, having a picnic. Bright smile shining like the sun. He tried to remember if
he have his own family portrait. He do! But they’re sited in a studio with fancy decorations. Wearing
formal suites. Looking elegant and powerful. A real opposite of the portrait that he’s holding.

He felt sad. But he’s used to it. His parents were so obsessed of being powerful and forget that they
have a son that needed love and compassion.

“They’re my family.” That startles Mingyu almost dropped the picture frame he’s holding. It was
lucky that Wonwoo have quick reflexes and catch the frame before it shatters.

“Don’t do that again Wonwoo-shi. You scared me.” Wonwoo just laugh at him as he walked inside
his kitchen. ‘What’s with Wonwoo-shi. You already called me hyung Mingyu. Just Wonu hyung.”

“H-hyung I have class after lunch. I need to go back now.” He followed Wonwoo inside the kitchen.
The kitchen is as neat as the rest of the house. Utensils can be seen. Confirmation that the kitchen is
used often.

“I saw your schedule. Sir. Kwon is not around. You don’t have class today.” Mingyu doesn’t know if
Wonwoo is a stalker or just know everything about their department. “I’m not your stalker. I just
have my connections.” Now he’s a mind reader!

The younger just watch him cook. He’s fascinated with people know how to cook. It’s the thing in
his life that he will never succeed. Even his mom, she never stepped inside their enormous kitchen.
They hired chefs to make their food. Monitored by nutritionist to make sure that they’re healthy.

“How do you learn how to cook?” Mingyu ask as he watch Wonwoo sauté onion and garlic. “I love
homemade meals. And my mom loves to cook. So I learn watching her.” Mingyu felt envy in his
veins. He love homemade meals. He really likes to eat in Seungkwan’s house, cause his mom love to
cook for them and he envied that. When he watch how Seungkwan’s mother cook, he imagined his
mom, wearing apron and slicing the ingredients. And him, helping her mom. But that’s beyond
impossible. He’s sure that his mom will never hold knife and cut raw ingredients. Scared to stain her
Gucci dress from Paris.

“Honestly your family looks perfect and happy. I wish I have one.” He doesn’t know why he said
that but it’s true. He always wished for his parents give him a good night kiss or play with him. But
they don’t.
“We are happy but we’re not perfect. We hurt each other too. We face challenges like this. We argue,
but we’re family. So we can’t be apart with each other.” The older said that like it is the most
common statement ever. It came from his heart and really meant it.

“You can be part of our family if you want to.” Wonwoo said as he look to the younger’s eyes. Full
of sincerity and willingness to share his family with Mingyu.

“That would be great. Thanks hyung.”

By that. Mingyu has decided. He’ll marry his new hyung,

Jeon Wonwoo.

>thank you my third reader, hope you like this chapter. <3

Chapter 4
Jihoon is being a good friend to Mingyu.

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Hyung can I come over? Mingyu shyly ask his Jihoon hyung.
“You better be kid I’ve never seen you last week. Are you okay?” Jihoon is always like that. Like a
grumpy nagging grandmother but Mingyu know he’s just worried.

As Mingyu arrived in Jihoon’s apartment they immediately grab a can of beer for themselves and
slump into the living room, watching some variety show.

“Hyung, remember that shit that my parents want me to do?” The younger ask looking down. “Yeah.
That marriage shit? What about it?” Mingyu looked to his hyung. Jihoon saw worry in the youngers
eyes, but he didn’t speak, he’s just watching while drinking his beer.

“I’ll do it.” Now Jihoon is gasping for air as he chokes to death with his beer. “Kid you’re losing
your mind. The hell! I can help you with your expenses Gyuie. Seungkwan and I will help you with
it. Don’t do it! Idiot!” Mingyu doesn’t know if he’ll be touched or he’ll laugh. Jihoon’s face is epic!

“Hyung, that’s not it. Can you please calm down and drink your beer properly?” Mingyu knows he
won’t calm down. “I met him.” The younger stated. Jihoon looks stupid waiting for Mingyu to
continue. “Who? Your dad?” Jihoon ask as he shift his eyes to Mingyu and to the t.v.

“No hyung. M-my fiancé.” The last words is almost a whisper. But Jihoon heard it. “Woow kid!
Fiancé huh.” After a while, the realization hits Jihoon. “W-wait. Him. Like He. Male. Like us?” the
older’s eyes goes round. The roundest he made in his whole life.

“Weird right?” Mingyu stares at his beer like there something so interesting on it. His blood is
starting to rush in his face and starting getting hot. He’s afraid of what his hyung will say.

“Are you fucking kidding me Kim Mingyu! Are you crazy?! You’ll gonna marry a man. Like you?!”
Jihoon’s ranting and screaming scares Mingyu. If his friends wouldn’t accept it, how other people

“Hyung. Can you please calm down?” Mingyu lose his hope that his decision will be right. “how can
I calm down Gyu? Your life will be ruined if you let that marriage happen!” This made Mingyu’s
heart broke. What can he do?

Wonwoo needed him.

“Hyung you don’t understand. He needed me.” Mingyu said exasperated. He doesn’t know anymore.
“Who cares kid? You don’t even know who he was.” “Hyung that’s not the problem. He needed me
to save their company. Hyung please calm down!”

Jihoon just can’t believe in what his hearing from his friend. He’s just freakin’ worried about
Mingyu. The younger has a cruel lonely life. Overthinking mind and shit parents, yet he wants to
help some random man, with the use of marriage. It’s so hard for him to watch Mingyu dealing with
all of this and he can’t do anything.

“And now you want to be a hero? Dude, don’t do it.” He tried his best and he will do his best to
convince Mingyu.

“Hyung. He needed me. He needed this deal for his family. He sacrificed his life to save his sister.
How will I have the heart turn my back on him huh? Hyung what if someone ask you for that. How
can you say no when you saw his eyes full with hope and desperation? Will you turn your back just
to make your life comfortable?” That is the most cringe worthy statement that Mingyu ever made to
his whole life. He want to beat himself up for saying that to Jihoon. But he meant it. He doesn’t have
the courage to make Wonwoo sad.

He’s afraid that Jihoon will be angry but he’s scared that the older will laugh at him. That is the
cheesiest yet the most honest and sincere words came out in his mouth. And he doesn’t deserve to be

Now Jihoon is speechless. It is the first time that he saw Mingyu so determined to help other people
aside him and Seungkwan. And for the younger to risk his future to help that man. It is unbelievable.
He know that Mingyu is a kind but there’s something this time.

There is something different with Mingyu because of his fiancé. And Jihoon wants to know that.

“You met him? How?” Jihoon ask as he finally calm down and let Mingyu finish. “H-he’s my senior.
He’s popular in our department and even in other. And his the assistant of Professor Lee.” Jihoon
can’t help himself from laughing. “Why hyung?”
“It’s weird that you are in the same university, same professor. Like match made in heaven I guess.”
Jihoon continued to tease Mingyu. He knew he succeed when he saw friend’s blushing face.
“Sometimes I hate that were friends.” “I know.”

“How will your marriage work? What will you do if you want to be with a girl or at least sleep with
her. That will technically counted as infidelity you know and you can be jailed for that.” Mingyu
didn’t think to that extent. He remembered Wonwoo’s proposal. “He made a deal with me.”
Now Jihoon’s interested. “What deal?” “He said that we can have a non-committal marriage or
something like that.” The older tried to analyse Wonwoo’s meaning of that non- committal
marriage. “Like you’re married but you can be have a relationship with other?”

Mingyu nod his head. “Exactly.” He turns his eyes to his hyung when he heard him whistling.
“Dude. He’s cool. I like him already.” Then he laugh.

“So how is he?” Jihoon asked. The younger tried to find the best adjectives that will fit for Wonwoo.

“Beautiful.” The first word he said without even realizing that he just called Wonwoo beautiful in
front of Jihoon.

“Dude, I’m fucking seeing hearts in your eyes.” Jihoon spat, Mingyu suddenly realized what he
said. “Ay hyung, that’s not-“ “Don’t deny it Gyu, you just said that’s he’s beautiful. You’re
attracted to him. Trust me. “

“Hyung I’m straight. I’m not attracted to him. But, it’s true that he is beautiful.” Jihoon is confused
understanding what Mingyu is trying to say. “I mean, he looks too feminine to be a man.”

The younger is trying his best to remember how Wonwoo looks like. His cherry like lips, his eyes,
how tall Wonwoo is, his shoulder.

“Did you ask him about that?” Jihoon questioned. “About what hyung?” Jihoon doesn’t know if his
question will affect how Mingyu will make his decision but he needs to know. “You know, his.. his
sexual orientation?”

Mingyu feels weird after his hyung ask him. Wonwoo’s sexuality is still mystery for him. Maybe
he’s gay, because his so feminine for any straight men’s liking, but what if he’s not. He feel like he’s
judging his fiancée and he feel bad for him.

“No, hyung why would I ask him that? I think it will be rude if I’ll ask him about his sexuality.”
Mingyu really sounds defensive. “You stupid kid. You need to ask him that.” The younger receive a
smack in his head as his hyung is still talking. “To know how you’ll act around him. And prevent
both of you being hurt by each other.”

Mingyu is a smart guy. He got A’s in his subjects but he definitely cannot understand what Jihoon is
saying. Act? Being hurt? What it does have to do with Wonwoo’s sexuality? “Hyung can you make it
more understandable? I’m lost.” He admits.

“You’re really clueless about this kind of things, aren’t you?” Now his hyung is mocking him. “To
make it simple, if you know his sexuality, it will be easy for you to think of your actions. If he’s
straight guy, there’s no problem. But if he’s not, you need to be careful.” The older man sounds like
his philosophy professor explaining the true essence of life.

“What do you mean hyung, I can’t understand. So what if he’s gay. Like don’t fucking care.”
Mingyu again receive a harder smack from Jihoon. “Hyung!”

“I know I said that live for yourself, but I don’t mean for you to be selfish! Look, if he’s gay and you
wouldn’t be careful, there’s a chance that he will fall for you without you even knowing. I know you
Mingyu, you’re touchy, especially when you’re drunk. And if you will not pull yourself together,
your fiancée can perceive your actions in a wrong way and fall in love with you. You’re a straight
guy and I know you’ll never be in love with him and he will end up broken hearted and everything is
awkward. Got it?”

Mingyu feels like he did the ice bucket challenge. He wants to smack his head for thinking about
things like that. Maybe he’s really not that smart. Or maybe he’s just emotionally constipated or
romantic relationship virgin.

“That’s a lot to take in hyung. I need time to digest it.” He’s really thankful having Jihoon as his

“That’s why I’ telling you, consider a lot of things before you decide. I don’t know who you’ll marry
but I don’t want both of you to be hurt.”

Mingyu realized that he really need to know more things about his fiancée.

Hi my lovely readers. sorry for the slow pace of this story. I'm trying my best to make it realistic as
possible so Mingyu is taking his time to prepare.

Hope you'll not be bored and wait for more chapters.

Thank you guys, you really making me happy and making my life more bearable.
Chapter 5
Chapter Text

Few days after admitting to Jihoon, Mingyu receives a text message from Wonwoo.

From: Wonwoo hyung

Are you free?

That question of Wonwoo generates hundreds of question to Mingyu. What’s his plan? Is it a date?
What if it’ll a disaster? What if I choke while drinking water? What If I tripped? What if? What if..
what if..

He’s getting anxious and even forget to reply on Wonwoo. His train of thought was disturbed by his
ringtone. Another text from his hyung.

From: Wonwoo

I want to try the new restaurant. Let’s eat! J

Mingyu smiled without knowing it. Wonwoo is really cute yet confident and intimidating at the same
time. He doesn’t have the heart to decline his hyungs offer.

To: Wonwoo

Sure. When?

Then he remembered his talk with Jihoon. Wonwoo’s sexuality and everything that comes with it.
He do need to talk to Wonwoo.

From: Wonwoo

Tomorrow. See you. Thanks Gyuie J

Mingyu felt something running inside his stomach as he repeat in his mind the nickname that
Wonwoo gave to him. Mingyuie.
Mingyu is standing for almost an hour just to pick his outfit. He doesn’t know why he’s putting much
effort for his wardrobe. Usually he doesn’t care what he wears but today is different. He finally
made his decision and settles with denim pants, black sweatshirt and white cap. Just enough for their
plans for today.

Mingyu arrive in their meeting place bit earlier. He scans his phone as he wait, trying to calm his
mind. He doesn’t know if he’s nervous or excited for the “date.”

“I’m sorry. I’m late. Traffic.” An angelic voice catch the attention of Mingyu from his phone. He
look up without any idea what he’ll see. It’s Wonwoo, their eyes met, Mingyu is drowning from
Wonwoo eyes. He shift his eyes to Wonwoo’s outfit. A cream knitted sweater and simple denim
jeans is Wonwoo’s wearing yet he still looks stunning to Mingyu’s eyes or even in everyone’s’.

The younger’s mind were literally blank at the moment. He doesn’t know what to say or how to
praise Wonwoo’s looks. He’s just starring with his signature stupid- Wonwoo-stunned-face.

“I-it’s okay. I came bit earlier.” He smiled trying to mask his nervousness. Wonwoo smiled and it
knocked all the oxygen in Mingyu’s lungs. “Let’s go. I want to try that new thai restaurant in the next

They walk to the restaurant, they’re not talking but it’s not awkward or at least for Wonwoo. “Do
you want to know something? Anything you want to know?” Wonwoo asked. He’s still smiling like
the bright sun.

“Why you ask me out?” he blurted out. He think that it’s the safest question to start their
conversation. “To eat. But honestly, I’m hoping to convince you.” Mingyu knew it. But the older
didn’t know that he doesn’t have to do it anymore. Because he already agreed.

“Did I offended you? I didn’t mean to deceive you, but you know I’m desperate.” Shame and lacing
to his voice. “It’s okay hyung, I don’t mind.”

“You know, we should just enjoy this day. Like what normal friends do. Don’t worry too much.
Okay?” Mingyu like to thank his mouth for not stuttering. Wonwoo gave him a blinding smile.
“Thank you Mingyuie.”

Another minute of walking and they reached the thai restaurant that Wonwoo is talking about. They
order a lot of things. But Wonwoo were eating the majority of it. He devour every dish that is served
in their table like he’s a part of a cooking show.

On the other side, Mingyu is just simply watching the older eat. There is something the way
Wonwoo eats that drags Mingyu’s attention. He’s adorable even when he’s eating that makes the
younger smile like a lunatic. The way he closed his eyes to feel and taste every flavor of every dish
brings warm feeling in Mingyu’s chest. He can’t believe that there are people that literally felt
happiness by just eating. And he want to feel that kind of happiness too.

After eating they decided to walk in the nearest park in the area. They sit on a bench and watch
children’s playing. What a cliché scene for a date, Mingyu thinks.

“I’m sorry Mingyu.” He looked to his hyung. His eyes were sad, his voice is tired. “Why hyung?” he
knows the answer. The older feel guilty for the situation. It is written on his face. “I don’t want you
to do this but I don’t have a choice.” And he was right.

“I told my friend about us.” Wonwoo look shocked as he looked to Mingyu. He didn’t expect that the
younger will have some guts to say it to other people. Honestly he’s been quite ashamed of this fact
and tried his best to keep it to himself.
“Really?” “Yeah, he’s really against it and rant a lot of things in my face, but he’s just like that all
the time. And when he finally understands the situation, he said that we need to talk.” Mingyu’s
statement makes Wonwoo’s heart stop. Mingyu will say his decision and the older feel like he wants
to run away. He expect to hear something like ‘no hyung, I really can’t do this. I’m sorry. Or I’m out
of this shit dude. Bye.’
Wonwoo hold his breath as he listen to Mingyu. “He said that we need to figure things out if we’ll
gonna do this marriage.” Marriage? Is the first word that the older recognise, He needed few
minutes to process the younger’s statement.
‘Do this marriage? We’ll be married? He agreed?’ he looked at the younger with wide eyes. “You-“
Wonwoo still can’t process Mingyu’s statement. The younger can’t hold his laughter on Wonwoo’s
expression. For the first time he saw his infamous stupid-Wonwoo-stunned-face in the olders face.
“hyung you look stupid.” That brought Wonwoo back to the reality.

“You’re not joking right? Cause if you, I’ll hate you forever.” The older said with his accusatory
tone. “No hyung. We’ll do this. Your company will recover. Okay.” Wonwoo needs to supress his
emotion before he cried in front of his future husband. “But first we need to talk and clear everything
before we start this.”

“You start.” He said. Mingyu have hundreds of question to ask, but he need to start to an easy one.
“What’s you plan?” he ask. He doesn’t know why he ask that, but maybe he’ll know something that
might be helpful.

“Me. Graduate and then help dad.” Short and simple. “That’s all? Don’t you have something you
want to do for yourself?” Mingyu knows that there are people that is selfless but he didn’t expect it
to be like this. Wonwoo just smiled and looked at his fidgeting hand. “I’ll be a hypocrite if I say that
I don’t have my personal desire.” He sighed. “I think my dad would want you to his son.”Mingyu
said. It’s a joke. But jokes are half meant.

“Why did you agreed?” they look each other in the eyes. “It’s funny, but when you said that you’ll
share your family to me, I feel happy. I guess i want a happy family.” There’s a sad smile in
Mingyu’s lips. “But you have a family.” He looked confused. The younger break the contact and
look at his hand. “But we’re not happy.” Mingyus’ statement brings uncomfortable silence between
them. Wonwoo sensed Mingyu’s distress wile talking about his family. He doesn’t want to make the
younger even more uncomfortable so he tried to divert their topic.
"You’ll love them especially Jisoo. She's adorable." Wonwoo said having smile on her face.

Mingyu can't hide his excitement with the idea if having a little sister. He really want to have a
sibling when he was a kid. But his parents are too busy with their own lives to make another baby.
But somewhat he's thankful for not having a siblings. If that happens they'll both suffer from their
harsh parents that all can do is think about themselves and their status.

By thinking of his parents, he remembered his father. What will he say if he knew that I agreed? The
younger hate seeing his father's annoying smile while saying that he won. That Mingyu can't live
without his parent’s money and give up. That all he can do is obliged with the marriage. He really
hates seeing his father looking at him like he's a small insect.

"That dirty old man will be happy. Thinking that I gave up." He smirked.

Wonwoo remembered his meeting with Mingyu's father. He's a tough guy. The first time Wonwoo
saw the man he already knew why the younger doesn’t want his father around. He likes to control
things and people.

After his proposal to Mingyu's father. The old man were very doubtful that Wonwoo can pull it off
and convince Mingyu to agree but he agreed. He underestimated Wonwoo's charm and expect that
the young man will comeback disappointed. But he is wrong.

"Don't worry, I'm the one who will tell him. I know you can't stand him. I'll explain everything to
him. You don’t have to talk to him." After hearing Wonwoo's statement Mingyu feel that something
heavy has been lift from his chest. Like he so light that he can fly.

"Really hyung? Thank you. Thank you so much." the younger really like to hug his hyung like he
always do to Jihoon but he know that it will end up in a very awkward way. So he restrain himself.

Wonwoo can't hide his smile to Mingyu’s excitement. He find the younger adorable like his sister.

After Mingyu calm down, they get back to their main topic. "Hyung you said that they'll force us to
live together. Where are we going to live? You have your apartment and I have my own." Wonwoo
smiled and look from afar and smiled. "Honestly your dad wants us to live in your mansion. "

In an instant, horror can be seen in Mingyu's face. He doesn't want to live there anymore. He doesn't
want to see his parents every day. He doesn't want Wonwoo there and see how awful their family
was. He hate it. A soft pat in his shoulder breaks the train of thought of Mingyu and saw Wonwoo
gently smiling at him. "Don't worry. I won't let that happen."

Mingyu is really thankful to have his Wonwoo hyung.

The sun is setting. The two were still sitting in the park, children were now running back to their
home for dinner.

"Can we go to your apartment?" Wonwoo suddenly asked. Mingyu were shocked to his hyung’s
sudden request. What for? The he remembered how his apartment looks like. Unwashed dishes,
messy living room, overflowing trash, spoiled food inside the refrigerator.

“Hyung that’s a bad idea. My apartment is the complete opposite of yours. You’ll regret it. I
promised.” He said. The older really wants to laugh at Mingyu’s face. The younger is truly defensive
and hate the idea. But what Wonwoo wants, Wonwoo gets. No matter what.

“Don’t be silly, I think I know someone who’s worse than you. Also, I really don’t mind.” He smiled
determined as he saw that he convinced the younger.

They went to the supermarket near in Mingyu’s place, Wonwoo wants to make their dinner on
Mingyu’s place.

As they enter the apartment complex, Mingyu were quietly praying that his apartment will make its
miracle and become neat in an instant. He knew it was impossible but still praying that his apartment
doesn’t stink. That’s the least that he could pray.

They walked in front of Mingyu’s door. Sweat were trickling down to his forehead. His heart were
beating fast, like he run for miles. He’s holding the knob tightly like his life were depending on it.

“Is there a skeleton or dead body inside?” the older asked. Mingyu looked confused to the other
man? “None.” That’s the only answer that he was able to compose. “Then why are you so nervous?
It’s not like I’ll die because of clutter. Hurry Gyuie, this is quite heavy.”

Mingyu hurriedly open the door and thank the heaven for not smelling anything nasty coming out
from his apartment. It’s quite decent for him. Hoping that it’s decent enough for his hyung. He step
aside, giving Wonwoo his way in.

He’s heart is thumping, as he is looking how Wonwoo scans his place. “I think it’s quite decent
compared to someone I know.” He said walking straight to the table to put down the groceries he’s
holding. “That someone is the definition of the word messy. I don’t even know where to step inside
his room without slipping and breaking my neck. All his things were laid on the floor even his plates
were on the floor. Really amazing!” he said with a bright smile on his face while taking everything
out from the bag.

Mingyu’s attention were caught by this someone. His friend or his lover? He suddenly became
curious about this someone. “You two seem very close.” It’s a statement, and a question. He wants to
know who this someone in Wonwoo’s life is. “Yeah. He’s my baby.” The older man said. That
statement of Wonwoo ends all Mingyu’s question. He’s definitely his lover.
Comfortable silence filled the room. Wonwoo is preparing all the ingredient of his dish as Mingyu is
just watching the older do his magic. “Mingyu where’s your pan?” he ask. Pan? He ask to himself.
He doesn’t remember using any pan in his apartment. Finally he remembered, one of his mother’s
maid arranging some utensils and kitchen wares for his apartment before he moved in. As if he’ll use
it. The last time he open a stove, he nearly burned his apartment. So he settles on Seungkwans’
mom’s generosity and take outs.

His train of thought were disturb by a crooked fingers snapping in front of his eyes. “You’re spacing
out Mingyu. What’s wrong?” There’s genuine concern in Wonwoo’s eyes. “Nothing hyung. I just
remember something. Nothing serious though.” Wonwoo feel relieved. He though he’s making the
younger uncomfortable with his presence. “So where’s your pan or anything I can use to cook this?”

Mingyu stood up and start searching for any pan in his kitchen drawers. Luckily he found one pan
inside. He handed it out to Wonwoo and the older started laughing. “Why hyung?” Mingyu asked.
His hyung is trying his best to control his laughter to speak. “How long have you been living here?”
he asked. Mingyu looked puzzled. ‘What does it have to do with him laughing?’ he asked himself.
And he just answered it. “Three to four years hyung. Why?’

“Three to four years. Still your pan have its price tag! Amazing Mingyuie. You really don’t use your
kitchen? Like ever! How do you eat?” he doesn’t know if Wonwoo is mocking him or not. “Hyung
stop laughing.” His face is red as the tomato Wonwoo was cutting before. “Sorry for teasing you
Mingyuie. But seriously? How do you eat? If you don’t cook like ever?”

“My friends’mom, he gives me food and take out you know.” Wonwoo can’t believe on what he
heard. “That’s so unhealthy Mingyuie! and sad.” His last word were almost a whisper. “Why is it
sad hyung?” Mingyu ask. It’s his first time hearing that. Because that’s what exactly he felt while
eating alone with a reheated viand or takeout for dinner.
“I really like my mom’s food, it’s always hot and freshly cooked. It made me happy when I’m
down. Takeout food are made for customers not for family.”

Mingyu felt like something snap inside his chest. It hurts so much that he want to curl into a ball and
sulk. Wonwoo is right. That is one reason why he love home cooked meals. He always feel
Seungkwans’ mom’s love for his son, when she shared the food she make.

“That hurts hyung.” he looked down. Wonwoo looked terrified. He really want to slap his stupid
mouth. “I’m sorry Mingyu. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m really sorry.” They’re both looking down,
silent, awkward and heart beating fast. “It’s alright hyung. Truth hurts right?” he tried to ease
Wonwoo’s feellings. He’s not offended on what his hyung said. It’s just that it’s really saddening to
realize that he’s always been a customer not a part of a family.

There’s an awkward silence between them. Wonwoo started to cook their dinner silently and Mingyu
is just checking his phone out. They don’t look at each other.
Finally, Wonwoo finished their dinner. “Dinner’s ready.” He quietly said. They moved from the
kitchen to the dining area. “I don’t know if you’ll like it.” He’s confident in his cooking but people
have different taste right?

Mingyu gave it a bite, while his hyung were looking and waiting for his reaction. The older man
were glad when Mingyu look stunned after taking a bite. “Hyung, this is amazing! Really!” He can’t
keep his smile. Mingyu look cute with his expression. Reminding him of that someone.

The awkward atmosphere between them were starting to vanished. They started talking about
random things and debating if Professor Lee is terror or not.

“Seriously hyung, she hates me so much. Every time she see me at the hallway, the way she look at
me, it’s like I ruined her day. What did I do?” Wonwoo laughed while covering his mouth. Mingyu
looks hilarious whining about their professor. “You know, she hates lazy people, and she always
caught you sleeping in her class and still you always pass her exams. I heard her one time,
complaining about one in the lower year getting high score without paying attention in her class, I
think she’s talking about you. Maybe she though you’re cheating yet can’t find valid evidence to
prove it. I think that’s the reason why she hates you.”

“Ay hyung that’s unfair! She’s judging me!” the younger complained. That way they happily ended
their first dinner together.

“Hyung do you want to drink? I have beer in the fridge. Want some?” It’s Friday night, Mingyu
thought it’s okay for them to have some drink. “I prefer wine but beer is fine with me.”

They sat on the couch. It’s a bit awkward because they don’t know what they’ll do next. Wonwoo is
looking to Mingyu’s figure collection when the younger ask him. “Hyung do want to play some

“Sure. Sounds good.” Mingyu play some classical music. “Ooh classical. I like it.” “Here hyung.”
Mingyu handed a beer to Wonwoo while looking at him with serious expression.

“Now hyung. Let’s do this.”

I have my intention to give an update as a gift for my birthday. But it took more time than I expected.
For the lovely readers of this story. i would like to thank you all for appreciating my work. thank you
so much.

Chapter 6
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

“What are we going to do?” Wonwoo’s eye are wide, and his lips were pouty. Such wonderful sight
see for everyone.

Mingyu can’t hide his smile, he’s looking in the elder’s face and silently wished that he look
stunning like his hyung when he’s wearing his Wonwoo-stunned-face.

“What are you thinking will do hyung? Huh?” He asked teasingly. The elder avoid the tempting-
slash-teasing gaze of Mingyu. He knows the younger were playing with him. “Stop teasing me
Mingyu.” He rolled his eyes. It’s Mingyu’s first time seeing Wonwoo being sassy. The adorable
sassy not the bitchy one.

“You’re funny when you’re being like that hyung.” he use the word funny instead of cute ‘cause he
know there will be an awkward atmosphere if he says that Wonwoo is cute. “Now you’re starting to
make fun of me. My soon-to-be-partner will bully me in the future.” Wonwoo said dramatically. The
‘soon-to-be-partner’ came out naturally to him. He’s now comfortable with Mingyu and finally
ended the guilt phase.

“You’re exaggerating hyung. Now seriously we really need to talk, about this and that.” He
explained. He straighten his posture while holding his neglected beer. “so hyung now that you’ve
seen my apartment, where do you prefer to live?” he asked. Wonwoo starts to observe again his
apartment. He’s taking his time to think the pros and cons of both apartment. After few minutes he
finally made his decision.

“I prefer your apartment. You have two bedroom right? I’ll just bring things that we’ll need here
from my apartment. Jungkook will graduate from high school next week, and I want him to live in
my apartment instead of living in dormitory. He’ll study in our university too.” He said excitedly.
“I’m afraid, he’ll ruin my precious apartment. That boy is so messy. Messier than you Mingyu,
believe me.”

Mingyu feels quite out of place, for Wonwoo keep talking to himself about this Jungkook. Who is
he? “Hyung, who is..Who is Jungkook?” he ask. The younger finally got his hyung’s attention back.
“Oh? Jungkook? He’s my baby.” He said with big smile in his lips.
‘Baby huh? Maybe he’s his boyfriend.’ He said to himself. He quite feel uncomfortable with the
idea. It is his first time being with he assumed a homosexual guy. It is uncomfortable for him. But he
needs to be sure. He needs to ask the question that can change everything between them. He felt
nervous. But he needs to know or everything will be a mess, he thinks.

“Hyung, may I ask you something?” he ask, his hand kept fidgeting and his eyes can’t look to
Wonwoo. Half of what he’s feeling right now is it’s embarrassing, like he wanted the floor of his
apartment to swallow him whole. And the other half were fear.

“Are you gay? sorry I mean h-homosexu-“ “Yes, are you homophobic?” he’s really shocked on how
blunt Wonwoo’s way of answering his question. It takes him a minute to process Wonwoo’s
question. “YE- NO! hyung! I mean, I- I don’t know. I’ve never been with homosexual before. It’s
new.” He answered honestly.

The older keep himself from laughing, Mingyu is so cute looking like a child who broke an
expensive vase. He’s looking down and scratching his couch.

“It’s okay Mingyu, at least you didn’t run away.” He smiled. ‘Run away? Why would I run away?’
Mingyu thinks. “Honestly I’m afraid that you’ll be disgusted when you know that I’m different.”

“Hyung, that’s so mean. Why would I be disgusted with your sexuality? I mean, you didn’t do
anything wrong, so why should I hate you?” there’s a lot of question in his mind about people like
Wonwoo. It’s new to him so it’s natural to be confused or at least ask questions. It is much better
than Wonwoo imagined.

“Believe it or not, this society is not yet ready for people like us. Being different in this world is like
having a sin. Our existence is still hidden in a mask molded by norms and tradition. But fortunately,
there are people who are willing to understand us.”

Unfortunately everything he said is true. Mingyu can’t imagined how hard Wonwoo’s life is. He
can’t express himself freely, he needs to hide, and he can’t hold his boyfriend’s hand without other
people judging them. It is HARD.

“Don’t worry hyung, you’ll gonna be fine.”

A week after their date. Wonwoo set up an appointment with Mingyu’s father. He didn’t want to be
impolite so he did what a true business man should do.

Wearing a very stylish yet formal suit, a well-polished shoes and a very formal yet intimidating
appearance, Wonwoo entered in Mr. Kim’s company twenty minutes before their appointment.
A receptionist greeted her in the lobby of the company. “Good morning sir. How can I help you?”
Wonwoo get his i.d from his pocket and gave it to the receptionist. “I have an appointment with Mr.
Kim at three o’clock.” He said and flashed his shining bright smile with the woman in front of him.
The receptionist can’t help but smile because of this handsome man smiling at her.

“Okay sir, they’re waiting for you.” He retrieve his i.d from the receptionist and walk to the elevator.
He’s quite familiar with the building as he’s already been there when he proposed a deal with
Mingyu’s father.

Wonwoo is waiting in the receiving area as Mr. Kim’s assistant called him. “Jeon Wonwoo-ssi, Mr.
Kim is waiting for you.”

He stands, doing some breathing exercise to calm his nerves. He doesn’t want Mr. Kim to see him
nervous because it will turn out as his weakness. He walked in front of a large oak door and knocked.
He carefully opened the door and enter Mr. Kim’s office.

“Wonwoo-ssi, it’s been a while since we met.” Mr. Kim said while sitting in his reclining chair in the
middle of the large room.

“Good morning Sir. It is nice meeting you.” The young men said while bowing. “I really like your
attitude Wonwoo-ssi, you’re really formal for such young age. Your dad really train you well I guess.
I hope my son is just like you.” That statement of Mr. Kim irritates Wonwoo, but he keep his
expression controlled.

“So I guess, this meeting is about your proposal. Did you convinced him?” He calm himself down
before speaking. “Honestly sir, your son is very capable in supporting himself. He can survive
without your support. I guess you already knew that.” He paused. He knew that Mr. Kim will always
look for his son. “You’re right. But he’s stupid if he thinks he’ll can live by teaching his

‘What an arrogant man.’ Wonwoo thinks. “So what now?” Everything about Mr. Kim screams
arrogance and Wonwoo didn’t like it so much. “He agreed sir. He will do it.”

Mr. Kim smiled, but it’s different with Mingyu’s dimpled shy smile. It’s a smile he didn’t wish to
see. “I guess I underestimated your ability Wonwoo-ssi.”

“No Sir, I think he just want to help me.” “Why will he do that? My son is so stubborn for his own
good. What did you say to him? Huh? Wonwoo-ssi?” Wonwoo can feel the intense gaze Mr. Kim is
giving to him. He want the young man to feel the pressure he’s putting into him until he cracked
down and give up.

Wonwoo breathed and think of the best answer that he can get. “I think that too personal for you to
ask sir. And about your request for us to live in your mansion after the wedding, I’m sorry but we
can’t do that. We both want to have our own place and we chose to live in Mingyu’s apartment.
We’ll just need to arrange his apartment and we’re set.” He explained with full of confidence. He
really wants for Mr. Kim to feel his determination.

“I didn’t expect that you’ll be so determined for this deal Wonwoo-ssi. I’m impressed.” Wonwoo
exhaled, relieved on what Mr. Kim said. This man is so smart and really hard to please. Wonwoo is
happy that he gave a good impression to his future father in law.

“Mr. Kim can I have a favor from you?” Wonwoo asked. Mr. Kim is quite shocked on the younger’s
statement. But he managed to control his expression. “But you’re not in the position to ask favor

Wonwoo knew his place, and it’s true that he has no rights to ask any favor but he needs to do this. “I
know that Sir. But all the benefit of this favor will be on your side sir. So Do you want to hear my

Now Mr. Kim is curious. In that point he knew that Wonwoo have a big potential to be successful.

“Then let’s hear it.”

Thank you for supporting this Fiction i made. I'll do my best to make it more interesting.

thank you guys. Kamsahmida.

- rouhui

Chapter 7
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Wonwoo continued teaching in Mingyu’s class. It’s fun for him. The younger can’t still figure out
how the elder manage to look stunning every time he teach them. Their class with Wonwoo is
freakin’ 7 a.m. in Monday morning! Yet he manage to look like a cut out from a fashion magazine.

They still pretend to be strangers for no one will speculate that they are related to each other.
After Mingyu’s class with Wonwoo, he receive a call from the elder.

“Oh hyung what is it?” he ask while fixing his ever messy hair. “Umm.. My parents wants to invite
you for a dinner. Is it okay with you? My mom will cook for you.” Mingyu suddenly wonder what
kind of family Wonwoo has. He only saw them on pictures in Wonwoo’s apartment. But base on
how the elder describe them, he’s sure they are much better than his parents.

“Sure hyung. When?” Mingyu heard the elder’s sweet laugh. “Umm, in our house, Friday night.
Thank you Mingyu. Thank you so much. My mom and Jisoo will be so so happy to see you.” The
elder said. Mingyu notice Wonwoo from afar. He’s sitting while holding his phone. He looks
genuinely excited and happy. The younger can’t help but smile seeing his hyung so happy because of

“You sound so excited hyung.” he stated. “Of course Gyuie. Do you have your favorite dish? I’ll ask
mom to make that for you.” He’s smiling so bright. “It’s okay hyung. I’m sure your mom can make
anything delicious just like you.” He glace over Wonwoo that suddenly looks so shocked and
blushing. ‘why is he blushing?’ Mingyu ask to himself. “Hyung are you still there?” he ask even
though he’s seeing Wonwoo still holding his phone with his right hand.

“Umm.. yeah, I’m still here. So see you on Friday. I’ll just text to you the address okay. Bye.” He
said rushing. Mingyu didn’t know why Wonwoo is rushing to end their conversation. But he didn’t
put attention to it. He just think that Wonwoo needs to do something.

Mingyu is really stupid.

Mingyu is driving to Wonwoo’s house when he remembered to bring something for Wonwoo’s
parents. He pull over in front of an herbal medicine store and brought an expensive wild ginseng. It is
expensive. But he doesn’t mind. He use his credit card to pay for it. Perks of having a rich parents.

Exactly 7:05 p.m. when he reached Jeon’s residence. He suddenly feel the nervousness in his chest.
The grab his phone and compose a text message to Wonwoo.

To: Wonwoo hyung;

Hyung, I’m outside. Can you pick me up?

After three minutes he saw Wonwoo walking, wearing a simple white sweater and pants, opening
their gate.
“Hi Gyuie. Thank you for coming. Let’s get you inside. Mom and Jisoo is waiting for you.” Mingyu
didn’t expecting it when Wonwoo suddenly grabs his wrist while walking inside. He felt something
tingle in the elder’s touch.

“Mom Mingyu is here!” Wonwoo announced. He expected for Wonwoo’s mom to greet him. But a
girl who run in front of him is much younger, even younger than him. He saw her resemblance to
Wonwoo. ‘She must be Jisoo.’ He thought.

“Princess I said no running. You’ll gonna hurt yourself if you trip.” Wonwoo sweetly scold. Jisoo
were smiling brightly, her hands were placed into her navel and then she bowed. A 90 degree bow.
“Good evening. I’m Jisoo.”

Mingyu quickly noticed that there is something different in the way Jisoo introduced herself. The he
remembered, that day, their first meeting. He remembered Wonwoo’s explanation of Jisoo’s
condition. But he doesn’t mind. Jisoo is really beautiful, pure and innocent.

“Hi Jisoo I’m Mingyu.” He offered a genuine smile. “I know, my prince oppa says you’re our hero.
And he said-“ Jisoo was interrupted by Wonwoos’ hand covering her mouth, still she continued to
talk. Her words were turned into mumbles.

Mingyu look at Wonwoo who looks really flustered. “D-don’t mind her. Princess go to you room.
Play with your dolls. I’ll just call you when dinner is ready okay.” Jisoo is obedient enough so she
followed Wonwoo’s order without a word. Walking turned into skipping while she’s playing with her

“Hero huh?” Mingyu teased. He can’t help but laugh slightly to Wonwoo’s embarrassment. “Shut up.
Let’s go. Mom is waiting.”

They walked inside the living room. It ‘spacious, cozy and warm. Exact opposite of their living
room. Huge, cold, and empty. Mingyu saw a lot of picture frame of their family. Different events,
places but same smile and feeling. He envy that, everything in Wonwoos’ house.

“I’m so glad you made it.” A middle aged woman enters the living room. Mingyu stood to greet the
beautiful woman in front of him. Maybe 40’s to 50’s Mingyu think, but she looks so fine for her age.
She have a motherly aura with her slightly curly hair, small lines were showing in her face, but it’s
okay because she looks beautiful. He never saw his own mother in that way. She always put a heavy
make up to hide his wrinkles, everyday dressing so elegant and sophisticated. But not motherly.

“Wonwoo hyung said you’ll cook for me, I can’t say no to that ma’am. And I bought this for you. I
hope you like it.” Mingyu reply politely, he handed the wild ginseng he bought for Wonwoo’s
parents. Mrs. Jeon smiled, like a genuine motherly smile. Like Wonwoo and Jisoos’ smile. “You’re
too polite and thoughtful young man. I really appreciate this. But you can just call me ‘eomma’ Mrs.
Jeon were too formal.” Mingyu literally froze. It takes a minute for his mind to process what Mrs.
Jeon said.
Luckily, as always. Wonwoo felt the younger’s distress. “Eomma.” Wonwoo said with a warning
tone. Mrs. Jeon quickly picked up what his son wants to say. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll check my noodles.”
Mrs. Jeon hurried to enter the kitchen.

Mingyu look to Wonwoo when he heard the elder’s exasperated sigh. “What’s wrong with them.” he
said. He thinks Wonwoo is getting really stressed because he wants Mingyu to be comfortable with
his family. But his mom and sister were not cooperating.

“What’s wrong hyung?” he asked even he already know what’s the elder’s answer. “They’re so
excited to see you. They can’t control their excitement. I hope they’re not making you uncomfortable
Gyuie.” Wonwoo said.

“No, they’re so lively and cute hyung. Don’t be so stressed out like that.” Wonwoo looked relieved.
“Thanks Gyuie.”

Mingyu quietly wait for the dinner to get ready. Wonwoo left him in the living room to help his mom
to prepare their dinner. He’s observing their humble home when he heard footsteps from the stairs.
He looked at it and saw Jisoo looking at him. The girl walked into the living room and sat beside
him. They’re looking at each other, waiting for each other to speak.

Finally, Jisoo started talking. “Are you prince oppa’s boyfriend?” she said smiling. Mingyu coughed.
Choking in his own saliva. “N-no I’m not his boyfriend.” Mingyu can’t help but smile to Jisoo’s
cuteness. He suddenly remembered his cousin Taehyung. He’s just like Jisoo, like to ask some really
random question.

“You know, my prince oppa is really handsome. He looks like a prince charming, like in fairy tales.
And I like it when he calls me princess. I want to marry him when I grow up!” Jisoo said excitedly.
He found her really cute, wanting to marry her brother without thinking the true meaning of what
she’s saying.

“You want to marry your brother?” he asked. Jisoo nod with excitement. Suddenly her smile
disappeared. Mingyu quickly notice it. He shift his body facing Jisoo. The last thing he want to see
is a crying Jisoo.

“Why are you sad?” Mingyu ask while petting Jisoo’s head. “Because my p-prince oppa will be
married.” He stopped petting her hair. “Married? Why?” he asked like he doesn’t know the truth.

Jisoo sigh, she’s so problematic like her brother. “Because popsie said so. One day popsie said that I
need to marry other prince. Because he’ll save our castle, but I don’t want to marry him because I
want to marry my prince oppa. Then prince oppa said he’ll save me. Now he needs to marry the other
prince. Are you going to help prince oppa from that prince?” her talking were synced with her
action. Mingyu is amazed. He doesn’t have any idea that he is part of Jisoo’s fairy tale. He smiled
and look into Jisoo’s eyes. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect your prince oppa. okay?” he said nodding. He
felt something weird on what he said. But he just shrug it off. He doesn’t want to disappoint Jisoo
and ruin her fantasy.

They’re both having fun with Jisoo’s stories when Wonwoo noticed them. “Having fun huh?” He
said while caressing his sisters’ face. Mingyu and Jisoo both smile like they’re having their own joke,
casting Wonwoo out. “What’s happening? Why are you two laughing?” he ask frowning. The duo
just keep staring at him. Then Jisoo spoke.

“Prince oppa, Namie oppa is really funny. And he said he’ll buy be a doll castle, and he’ll going to
protect us like superman.” She said.
Wonwoo didn’t expect for Jisoo to be close with Mingyu that quickly. She’s really shy to strangers.
Even Wonwoos’ friends, had a hard time winning Jisoo’s heart. He can’t believe Mingyu did it in
span of less than an hour. And now she already have her nickname for Mingyu. Namie? It’s cute.
“Mingyu you don’t need to buy her toys. She already have a lot of toys in her room. You don’t need
to spoil her.” It’s funny Mingyu thinks, that Wonwoo looks like a mom, scolding his husband for
spoiling their child. Wait what? he quickly shrug the idea.

“Hyung, I’m not spoiling her. She’s really cute and nice, so I want to buy her gifts. It’s okay.” He
reasoned. The elder is already defeated by the newly formed duo. “Alright. You won. And you little
princess.” He looked to her sister. “You again cast your spell with one of my friends. Stop doing that.
Or they’ll gonna spoil you.”

They are happy.

After couple of minutes, Mrs. Jeon announced. “Dinner is ready.” They all gathered in the dining
table. Mingyu is sitting in Wonwoo’s right side while Mrs. Jeon and Jisoo were in front of them.
“Eomma, where is abeoji?” Wonwoo ask. He’s serving food for Mingyu, like how Mrs. Jeon for
Jisoo. It’s kinda awkward for Mingyu, but Wonwoo looks so natural on what he’s doing. So he let it

“He said, he’ll be late. He have meeting with some investors.” His mother answered. Wonwoo sigh.
He’s looking into the food, but he’s disoriented. Like there’s something in his mind. “He know that
Mingyu is here and yet-“ all their eyes shift into the door. An old man were entering their house.
Mingyu thinks it’s Mr. Jeon.

Mr. Jeon were tall just like Wonwoo. But he looks so serious. Opposite of his family. “Honey.” Mrs.
Jeon rushed beside her husband and collect everything on his hands.

They walked in the dining room. Mr. Jeon, affectionately greets Jisoo with smile and kisses. “Hi
popsie.” Jisoo said. ‘he is popsie.’ Mingyu thinks. He shift his eyes on the other side of the table and
saw Wonwoo and Mingyu, both standing to greet him. He looked to the two young men, then
suddenly he smiled, like how he smiled with Jisoo. Mingyu thinks they are really close and
affectionate with each other. Wonwoo stayed still bowing his head. Mingyu can’t understand the
elders’ action.
“Good evening abeo-“ Wonwoo didn’t finish what he is saying when Mr. Jeon speak. “You must be
Kim Mingyu.” Mr. Jeon said. Mingyu is quite shock. ‘Didn’t he hear Wonwoo greeting him?’
Mingyu thinks. He looks to his hyung. Wonwoo is still looking down, before answering Mr. Jeon’s
question. “Ah yes sir I’m Kim Mingyu. Nice to meet you.” He offered his hands as sign of

Mr. Jeon accepts his hand. “I’m glad you make it young man.” He said happily. Mr. Jeon keeps
looking at him like Wonwoo is not there between them. Wonwoo just stayed like that like a statue.
He can feel Wonwoo’s distress with the situation.

“Wonwoo hyung ask me and I can’t say no to that.” He smiled. Hoping that Mr. Jeon will notice his
own son. “Is that so.” He finally looked at Wonwoo with such disinterest in his eyes.

‘He’s so rude with his own son.’ Mingyu thinks. He doesn’t know that Wonwoo can be treated this
way. With his kindness, he doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment especially from his own dad. He
doesn’t know if he is pissed because of Wonwoo or Mr. Jeon is just an asshole, reminding him of his

He gently place his hands on Wonwoo’s shoulder to comfort his hyung. “Hyung let’s eat.” He said
with a gentle smile on his lips. Wonwoo is grateful for Mingyu’s kindness. They all seated in the
dining table and started eating.

The atmosphere is quite heavy. They are all quietly eating until Jisoo break the silence. “Popsie,
Namie oppa is really good to me. He said he’ll buy me a castle.” He said joyfully. Mr. Jeon give a
huge bright smile, but they all notice that it is not a sincere one. “Did you thank your Mingyu oppa?”
he asked.

“Yup, popsie, I want Namie oppa to be my brother. Can he?” It was such an awkward question to ask
but Jisoo has no idea of what is the true situation is and Wonwoo is quite thankful for that.

“He will be princess, he’ll be part of our family really soon. Right Mingyu?” Mr. Jeon looked at
Mingyu. Unguarded with the question, Mingyu hangs his mouth open. “Ye-yes, that’s true princess.”

Jisoo is so pleased on what she heard. “So he can call you popsie right?” Only Mingyu recognised
when suddenly Wonwoo became stiff. He stop eating and looked so troubled. “Of course princess,
he can call me popsie also.” Mrs. Jeon stopped eating and looked at Wonwoo. Mingyu is clueless
about what’s happening. Wonwoo’s mom looked at him with pity in her eyes. ‘What is really
happening?’ Mingyu thought. He knows that no one will enlightened him with the true situation. So
he just continue eating. Hoping this awkward dinner will be done soon.

While eating dinner they talked a lot of things. But the whole time Wonwoo is uncharacteristically
quiet. Mingyu never seen Wonwoo so quiet. He is starting to get worried.

Finally, dinner has ended. They stayed in the living room, watching Jisoo play with her dolls. “So
what’s your plan after the wedding?” Mrs. Jeon asked, trying to lightened the mood . “We’re living
in Mingyu’s apartment. It’s quite near than mine to our university. He still needs to finish another
year and I’ll be an intern into their company.” Wonwoo said. He looked so sad and just looking to

“Son what will happen to your apartment? You own that right?” Mrs. Jeon asked. “Jungkook will
graduate high school and he’ll also study in our university. He will live in my apartment.”

“Why do you need to do everything for that kid? He’s just a burden. You don’t need to support
him.” ‘They know about Jungkook? They know their relationship?’ Mingyu thinks. Wonwoo looked
at his dad with anger in his eyes. “I want to help him. Leave him alone.” He said with irritation in his
voice. “You’re getting married and you’re still thinking about that boy? Mingyu is here and still
you’re talking about other man? You should prioritize serving him and not Jungkook! You know we
owe them big. You’re so ungrateful. Stupid!” Mr. Jeon shouted. It looks like he really wants to slap
Wonwoo if Mingyu is not watching.

“Sir, it’s okay Sir, hyung is really nice to me. He help-“ Mingyu stopped with Wonwoo’s
interruption. “Yes abeoji, I will.” Wonwoo stands. “Eomma, will get going. We still have class
tomorrow.” Mingyu quickly stands following Wonwoo. “Princess, we need to go now. I’ll see you
next time okay.” Jisoo’s smile faltered. “Oppa, don’t go. Please.” Jisoo hugged his brother. She really
doesn’t want to let Wonwoo go. Wonwoo slightly pushed Jisoo. “Baby, we need to go to school
tomorrow. You also need to go to school right? We’ll play next time okay.” He looked at his sister
full of gentleness. He really love his sister that much. “Okay oppa. Promise we’ll play when you get
back?” Jisoo held his pinky finger. Offering his brother a pinky promise. “Promise baby. Oppa don’t
lie right? Pinky promise.” Wonwoo link their pinky finger and their thumbs as lock. “I love you
princess.” Wonwoo said kissing Jisoo’s forehead. It’s such an intimate situation Mingyu just

We’ll get going eomma, abeoji. I’ll just call you.” They walked out of Wonwoo’s house. Finally,
Mingyu can breathe properly.

“Hyung, I’ll drive you home.” Mingyu offered. “No, I’ll just take a cab Gyuie.” He looked so tired
and sad. “No hyung. I agreed with this dinner. Now you need to agree with me. Okay. So get in the
car.” This is the first time Mingyu looked so confident in front of Wonwoo.

“Okay, okay. As if I have a choice.” They both get inside Mingyu’s car. The younger start the engine
and leave the Jeon’s property.

They are both quiet. Mingyu busy driving and Wonwoo is just looking outside. The younger feel
every emotion that Wonwoo felt few hours ago. He feel so bad, seeing Wonwoo being treated that
way. He never thought in a million years that someone will be so rude with Wonwoo. This man
beside him who is the definition of the word kind.

“Wanna talk about it hyung?” he asked. Wonwoo is unresponsive. The younger continued to drive.
They are now in Myeongdong when Wonwoo speak. “Can we stop here?” he ask. Mingyu quickly
stopped the car and pull over. The elder stepped out of the car and the younger just followed him.
“Hyung what are we doing here?” he ask. Wonwoo is just walking, looking into different street food.
“Just follow me okay.” And Mingyu did. He followed the elder without a word. Wonwoo stopped in
almost each food cart and buy. Kimchi mandu, friend chicken, bindaetteok, tteokbokki, red bean
cake, fish cake and many more. He can’t even manage to hold everything he bought so Mingyu
offered help. They get back into Mingyu’s car. “Hyung, we just ate dinner in your house! Can you
finish this?” he asked.

“I don’t know Gyuie. Just drive.” He’s in daze again. “Where do you want to go huh?” Mingyu
thinks he need to obey all Wonwoo’s request, it’s his way to comfort the elder. “In your apartment.
Can we?” he looked at the younger with pleading eyes. So how will Mingyu can say no to that? “Of
course hyung.”

They arrived at Mingyu’s apartment. The younger thanks his mom for sending a helper to clean his
jungle like apartment. They entered the apartment Wonwoo is shocked. “Are we in the right room
Gyuie?” Wonwoo teased. They both set everything they bought in the coffee table. Wonwoo
suddenly walked into the kitchen and open Mingyu’s fridge. As he expected, the younger’s fridge
were full of liquor but nothing decent to eat.

He grabbed a whole pack of beer and walked back into the living room. Mingyu saw what’s on the
elders’ hand. “You’re going to drink hyung?” he asked with curiosity. “Why? Am I not allowed to be
wasted? Huh?” he has a point.

They started eating. Oh no Wonwoo started eating. And the younger is watching him. “I know you’re
shocked. I can see that in your face.” It is true. “Hyung why is he like that. Like he hates you. He’s
not like that with your sister. A-are you adopted hyung?” he sound stupid but he doesn’t care.

“Adopted? Are you stupid Gyuie. Jisoo is clearly the girl version of me. That’s impossible.” They
both smile. “So why does he hate you like that like you’re not his son?” Wonwoo looked at him
while attacking the fried chicken. “He can’t accept that I am gay.” That makes sense. It’s hard for a
father to accept that kind of thing. But he’s too much. His son is such a gift. He offered his life to
save their company. And yet he’s still hated by his father just because of his sexual preference.
Mingyu find it so ridiculous.

“That’s ridiculous hyung. So what if you’re like that. You’re his son. He shouldn’t treat you like
that.” Wonwoo is pleased seeing Mingyu’ support. “Remember when I say that some people will
never understand us. Unfortunately he’s one of them.”

“And you still chose to help him? What are you a saint?” Wonwoo just laugh while chewing his
fried chicken. “Saint my ass Gyuie. It’s not because of him. I grew up with people working in our
family. Some are friends of mine even their son and daughter. It’s because of them why I’m doing
this and not my asshole dad.”

“And what about the popsie thing?” he added. “You saw that huh.” Theirs a smile in Wonwoo’s face
but it is a sad smile. “Yeah I saw it hyung. What’s about it?” he’s determined to find answers to his
questions. “We grew up calling him popsie. Eomma said they want us to feel comfortable with them
and it’s much cuter that abeoji or dad. But when he discovered the truth about me, he forbid me on
calling him popsie. He said, it is just for his children. Figuratively, he disowned me that day. He do
really hate me until now Gyuie.” Mingyu felt really bad for his hyung. he doesn’t know what can he
do to make Wonwoo feel better.

“I made this deal hoping that he’ll forgive me in a way. That he’ll realize that there’s a use of me
being homosexual. But it change nothing. It’s a good thing that you’re there. He really likes you
Gyuie. At least he can still pretend that he still have a son.”

Mingyu really wants to help Wonwoo to feel better. He’ll do everything to make him happy. “Hyung
let’s party!”


They did everything all night to have fun. Eat, drink and embarrass their selves by singing some
random song with their cracking voice. Even Mingyu’s neighbors got mad by the disturbance the two
are causing in the middle of the night, but they don’t really care. This is the right time to enjoy each
other’s company and their youthful lives without thinking about the future. This time is all for them
to enjoy and be happy.

The two young man ended up sleeping in the living room. They were so drunk to manage sleep in the
bedroom. Wonwoo groans with his cute but annoying ringtone that caused his sleep to be disturbed.
He tried to find his phone on the coffee table still eyes closed. He’s half asleep when he answered his
phone without looking to the caller i.d.

“Hello.” His voice were cracking. “Hello Wonwoo.” His sleeps were instantly gone when he heard
the voice on the other line. It’s Mr. Kim, Mingyu’s dad. “What can I do for you Sir.” He asked.

He froze when he heard what Mr. Kim said.

“We’re setting up your wedding.”

I finally finished this. thank you for everyone who appreciate my story. this story helps me with my
episodes. thank you for liking this. i hope you'll still find Different Arrangement interesting in the

Comments are really appreciated. i love hearing my readers opinion about this story. i'll everything to
talk to you and give an interesting update!


- rouhui

Chapter 8
Hi everyone. I'm sorry to inform you that i failed to write a proper description of their outfit in the
wedding. i'm not fashionable and i don't know what those clothes are called.

if you want a whole experience. please check this link. this is what i want them to wear in the

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

“Oh my God Mingyu. You’re getting married!” as expected, Seungkwan is the only one creating
such noise in a wonderful morning. Everything is going according to plan. There are five to six stylist
in Mingyu’s room. Helping him prepare for the big day. Makeup artist, stylist, Jihoon and
Seungkwan to keep him sane at least.

They didn’t expect three months to fly just like that. One morning Mingyu and Wonwoo were shit
wasted when Wonwoo received a call, and now they are in New York. Few hours before the wedding

There’s no turning back.

“Yah! You jerk, you didn’t even introduce your fiancée to us. What kind of friend are you!”
Seungkwan is doing his exaggerated acting, causing Mingyu a headache. “Stop it Seok. You’ll meet
him soon.” Honestly, Mingyu doesn’t know what’s really going on. Last week he’s dying with loads
of project and exams and now he’s getting married.

They both didn’t bother to help with the preparations. Mingyu’s mom volunteered herself to be in
charged with everything involving the wedding. They just made a clear request to make the wedding
as simple and quiet as possible. They don’t want their wedding to be called as the ‘most epic gay
wedding ever,’

So here they are. Mingyu and Wonwoo were in the same flight to New York (Mingyu’s mom
insisted). But they have separate room. They spend three days in New York walking around, eating
hamburger and anything with carbs and fats. They didn’t talk anything about their upcoming
wedding. They chose to be spend their remaining days as single like a typical two young adult man.

Day before the wedding, their friends finally arrived. Jihoon and Seungkwan were only Mingyu’s
friends so just the two were invited, Mingyu’s mom informed him that his cousins were attending his
wedding. He’s just praying that Jiho will not be there. He know Jiho will bring no good with his
special day.

Seungkwan insisted for Mingyu to have a mini bachelor’s party. And when it’s Seungkwan, no one
can say no, not even the menopausal grandpa Min Jihoon. The three ended up in a popular club in the
middle if the city, with wild music, blinding lights, strong liquor and hot American girls.

Mingyu regrets agreeing to Seungkwan’s idea. He didn’t flirt with anyone, even though Seungkwan
were literally pushing him with one of the hot girl, but he do drink at least four to five shots of vodka,
two glass of brandy and three bottles of beer.

And now he’s having a damn hangover from last night. The made a mental note not to listen to
Seungkwan anymore.

“It’s my first time attending to a gay wedding. It so exciting!” Seungkwan said. He really doesn’t
have control to his mouth. “Stop calling us gay. I’m not.” Mingyu usually doesn’t take Seungkwan’s
words seriously, but it’s different being called gay. He’s uncomfortable with that. Because he know,
he’s not.

“Yah!Jung Seungkwan. Zip you mouth will you!” Jihoon scolded. “Let’s go. Stop bothering Mingyu.
He’s stressed already. And we need to prepare for the wedding.” Seungkwan follow Jihoon without a
fight. Mingyu is really grateful that he has Jihoon to stop Hosoek.

“You look like a prince oppa!” Jisoo said while playing with Wonwoo’s hands. “Of course princess.
Oppa is most handsome in this world!” he’s doing a circular motion with his arms. Jisoo can’t help
but laugh, his oppa is really cute doing movement with his stiff body. The young man adores his
sister’s beautiful feature while wearing a simple white dress and a flower crown.

They shift their heads as they heard a knock. Jungkook and Jimin quietly enters their room. “Jimin
oppa. Jungkookie!” Jisoo screamed. She gets really excited seeing her two playmates for a long time.
“Hi princess. How are you doing?” Jimin asked. “I’m great Jimin oppa. Prince oppa is so handsome
right?” she asked. It’s really embarrassing for Wonwoo hearing Jisoo asking other people about him.
But Jimin and Jungkook were close to them like their own siblings so it doesn’t matter. “Yeah.
Hyung is really handsome.” Jimin replied with a teasing tone. “Shut up Jimin. And you, I thought
you’re not going?” he asked Jungkook who’s quietly looking at him. “This is my beloved hyungs
wedding. I shouldn’t miss it.” He simply said. Wonwoo noticed that there is something bothering
with Jungkook.

“What is it Kook? You looked so troubled? Anything wrong?” Jungkook looked more troubled as
Wonwoo mentioned his concern. “Hyung, you’re getting married. I’m scared. What if.. what if he
hurt you?”

Jungkook will be ever protective when it comes to his Wonwoo hyung. He’s with Wonwoo since
he’s still a child. He saw every problem that Wonwoo encountered and stay beside Wonwoo when
everything is falling apart. He doesn’t want to see Wonwoo crying ever again. And he swear with his
deceased parents that when he saw his Wonwoo hyung crying or hurting because of that man. He
will strangle him to death.

“Kookie I’ll be alright okay. Mingyu is nice he’ll never hurt me. Don’t worry.” That doesn’t help
Jungkook’s worries. “Hyung what if he’ll hurt you like-“ Jungkook didn’t finish his words as Jimin
suddenly speak. “Jungkook don’t. We don’t want to upset Wonu hyung on his wedding day right?”
Jungkook didn’t respond. He’s still worried. And a bit guilty, he doesn’t want to upset his SeikWonu

Wonwoo really want Jungkook to stop worrying. So he hold the younger’s hand and lead him outside
his room.

“Yah, Kookie. Stop worrying okay. He’ll never hurt me. And I’ll never let him. I won’t repeat my
mistakes so stop worrying about me okay.” Jungkkok just nod. Not looking with his Wonu hyung.
“Okay.” Wonwoo insist to get an answer from the younger. “Yes hyung.” he said with a low voice.

“Now give me a hug.” Jungkook hug his hyung. Skinship is not new with them. They’re comfortable
with each other. “Aigoo, my kookie is now a gentlemen. Worrying about his hyung. I’m touched.”
Wonwoo said while hugging his ever cute dongsaeng.

From afar, they didn’t notice that there’s someone watching them hugging each other.
“He’s Jungkook.” The young man said.


Everything is set. Only touch ups were being made. Guests were arriving one by one. The venue of
the wedding is in a beautiful garden in the middle of the busy city of New York. White roses were
scattered on the middle like their little pathway. The decoration were magnificent. It’s the
combination of being elegant and being simple. It looks so amazing. It’s really amazing to think that
Mingyu’s mother manage to do this very beautiful wedding within three months.

Finally the guests were all there. Business associates of both Jeon’s and Kim’s, friends, relatives.
Waiting for the couple to arrive.


Mingyu knocked at Wonwoo’s room to fetch the elder. He tried to push the picture in his mind. He
tried to focus on what happening. While busy arranging his thoughts, Mingyu didn’t notice Wonwoo
opening the door.

The first thing his eyes noticed is Wonwoo is wearing a black suit. But he didn’t expect that he’ll be
that beautiful.
And for the nth time. Mingyu is making again his oh-so original stupid- Wonwoo-stunned-face.

“You know Mingyu, I’m starting to believe that your expression right now is just for me. You always
look like that when were together.” Wonwoo joked

He has no idea.

Wonwoo looks really amazing. He’s wearing a well-made designer black suit with matching black
tie. It’s just simple. But something is different. Wonwoo is really look like a prince charming from a
Korean drama. He’s charming, handsome and beautiful, and manly yet look so soft. Mingyu feel like
his organs is doing some sort of crumping competition inside his stomach.

“You look… great.” It’s almost a whisper but Wonwoo heard it. He smile. Smile that can melt
frozen hearts. “Thank you. And you look great too.”
Their outfit were almost similar. But they give different aura from it. They both look young,
handsome, and confident. Every women will fall in love with them even in a single glance.

“Are you okay hyung?” Mingyu asked while they’re walking in the hallway. “Nervous. But I’m

Wonwoo tried to control his facial feature but he can’t do it. He’s being overwhelmed by everything.
The reality is finally sinking in in his system, and it’s like he’s going to pass out.

They are now walking in the garden for the ceremony. Wonwoo’s senses are clouded by nervousness
like he’s losing it. He never felt this emotion before. It’s a mixture of anxiety, happiness, scary,
emotional feeling.

He dreamed this. Having an official wedding with his life partner and it’s now happening. Everyone
have expectant look in their eyes. All the attention were in them and he can’t help to feel vulnerable.
He wants to run away but he can’t. He can’t disappoint everyone in this little garden, his parents and
most of all, the man beside him.

On the other side, Mingyu can feel that the elder is overwhelmed with his emotion. He looked at
Wonwoo’s eyes, it’s unfocused. His skin is pale and he can see the elders trembling body.

“Hyung are you okay? We can go back to your room if you want to.” Mingyu’s first priority now is
the elders comfort. He’ll be willing to postpone all of this than seeing Wonwoo passing out in the
middle of the aisle.

“I’m scared Mingyu. I can’t help it.” He said with trembling voice. He feels that his legs turns into
jelly and will give out any minute.

“It’s okay hyung. Do you want us to go back. We can do that.” The younger’s voice is very soothing,
he’s very patient and gentle. It made Wonwoos nerves calm down a little. “Thank you Gyuie. But I
can do this.” That’s a lie. He’s just trying to convince himself than to convince Mingyu.

“Do you want to hold my hand?” Mingyu offers his hand. It’s so sweet for him. Wonwoo is shocked
and feel like he’s going to cry. “Can I?” He shyly asked. He’s finally pulling himself together with
the help of Mingyu.

“Of course you can. I’ll help you relax okay.” They hold hands right before walking down the aisle.
It’s not the first time that their skin touched but Wonwoo felt something tingly while holding
Mingyu’s hands.
Mingyu and Wonwoo’s action is really believable. They really look like two young people in
love and happy with each other. Their guests was so pleased with the couple’s action. They were
oblivious about the truth.

They are walking down the aisle. Wonwoo is really shy so he keep his eyes on the ground. Mingyu is
quite observant than the elder. He scans the venue. He saw his parents, some of his relatives and his
friends Seungkwan and Jihoon. Seungkwan looks like anybody else. But Jihoon’s expression is quite
different. He can’t read it. He made a mental note to ask Jihoon what was wrong.

On the other side. He saw Jisoo, smiling so bright and Wonwoo’s parents. Mr. Jeon have an
unpleasant expression in his face. He can see disgust in the old man’s eyes, but he’s trying to control
it. Then he saw two young men. One is smaller than Mingyu or Wonwoo, wearing a black coat with
black dress shirt and suspender. He has a thick eyeliner. He’s smiling while looking at them. The
other one is wearing all black attire with a raven black hair. He looks like a rebellious. Mingyu saw
how this young boy looked at him. His eyes were throwing daggers to Mingyu. Like he’s going to
attack anytime.

He’s Jungkook. Mingyu thought.

They reached the altar. Facing each other. Wonwoo feels like he’s floating and he’s inside of some
fairy tale. He’s just looking to Mingyu, appreciating the younger’s attractive appearance. “Are you
nervous hyung?” Mingyu asked while looking at Wonwoo’s beautiful eyes.

Honestly they didn’t care about what the judge is saying. Like they have their own bubble of
happiness. They didn’t even notice that they are still holding each other’s hands. And they are not
willing to let go.

Their own bubble just pop up when the judge ask Mingyu. “I do.” The younger said. Wonwoo felt
the emotion just burst inside of him. He can’t help it. When the judge ask him. “I do.” He answered
with the sweetest voice he can make. They can’t keep on smiling. And they looked really in
love with each other.

The ceremony ended with the judge saying, “You may now kiss.” Wonwoo suddenly look at the
judge. “Kiss?” he asked. The man just nod while smiling.

Now he can’t look at Mingyus direction. He’s so embarrass to look at him. His skin is now painted
with blush. He can also feel the expectation of their guests.
“Hyung” He shifted his eyes to Mingyu. Suddenly Wonwoo felt a soft and warm lips against his
The elder froze. He didn’t know what happened. ‘Gyuie.. kissed me’ he thought. He’s in his own
thought when he hear their guests clapping for them. He also felt Mingyu snaked into his waist.
Holding him protectively.

“You are now together.”

Happy 1000+ hits. thank you everyone!! i'm so happy.

This the chapter that made very quickly. often time it takes weeks for me to complete a chapter. but I
made it with hours. i'm so happy.

and i'm so satisfied with the outcome of this chapter. it's a bit cheesy but i can't help smiling.

and who's going to #BTSWingstour? i'll go!!! finally! i'll see them in person. hope to make you
happy guys :)




Chapter 9
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

The party starts after the ceremony. Wonwoo's eyes were twinkling after he laid his eyes with the
different dishes served in the table. He really planned to taste each of every dish in the buffet table.

He's choosing what dish he will eat first when someone approached him.
Of course eating peacefully will be just a dream. With a heavy heart he put down his plate to
entertain his guests.

"Congratulations Wonwoo-sshi." He recognized the man in front of him. He's one of his dads
associate, but he didn't know him personally.

"Thank you Mr. Bang. I'm glad you came. " He half heatedly greeted. He's really itching to grab his
plate again but he doesn't want to be rude with his guest.

They made a small talk. Wonwoo is paying small attention with Mr. Bang because he really really
want to eat.

He excused himself to Mr.Bang, hoping that he'll finally able to eat but he's dreaming.

Walking to the buffet table, Wonwoo met his dad.

"Abeoji." He said and bow. His frustration were piling up at the moment. First he can't eat now he
need to talk with this awful man.

"What is he doing here?" Mr. angrily asked, pointing his finger to Jungkook quietly sitting in one of
the table. “Just please leave him alone abeoji, He’s one of my best friend and I want him to be here.
Just ignore him.” Wonwoo pleaded. He doesn’t really know why his father hates Jungkook that
much. Jungkook is rebellious at times, but he’s sweet and caring especially with Wonwoo.

“He shouldn’t be here. That useless child should know his place!” Mr. Jeon scolded. He tried his best
to modulate his voice, not wanting to make a scene in front of important people in the business

“Stop it abeoji, I will not allow you to insult my friend like that. If you don’t have anything nice to
say, I’ll get going.” He said. He’s tired. No, not just tired. He’s exhausted with his father’s attitude
very time they talk.

“Is that how you talk to your father? Huh? Such a disrespectful child.” Mr. Jeon said shaking his

Wonwoo is losing his patience with his father. ‘Me? Disrespectful? Then what are you?’ he thought.
They glared each other. Wonwoo want to punch his father’s face. But he remembered that he is a
civilized man, with manners and strong stand against violence. So he exhaled and meditate. He won’t
let his father ruin such a good mood. This is his wedding party. His. And no one can ruin that. Even
his overly mean dad.
Mingyu finally found his husband, he’s looking for Wonwoo because Seungkwan were so
demanding on meeting the elder. He found his hyung near the buffet table, talking with his dad,
hanging his head low. He know Wonwoo isn't so pleased to talk with his dad right now.

He walked across the room to go to Wonwoo’s side. "Hi hyung. Hi abeoji." The greeted. Wonwoo
jolted as he felt Mingyu's hand in his waist.

"Are you enjoying the party abeoji?" He want to divert Mr. Jeon attention to him so he’ll leave
Wonwoo alone.

"Oh Mingyu, oh yeah your mom did a great job organizing this wedding.” Wonwoo’s eye brow
twitch in annoyance. One second he’s so angry and now he’s playing like an innocent kitten. “I’m
glad you like our wedding abeoji, but I need to borrow my husband for a while. Please excuse us.”
He bowed to Mr. Jeon and walked away still holding Wonwoo protectively.
“Thanks Gyuie.” Wonwoo is mentally exhausted and forget about the food. “You okay hyung? Do
you want to go back to your room?” He ask. The elder is so pleased for care and attentiveness
Mingyu is giving to him today. He always ask if Wonwoo is comfortable or alright. He’s sure,
Mingyu’s future girlfriend will be so lucky to have the younger as his boyfriend or husband.

“I’m alright Gyuie. Just tired and hungry.” He quietly said, not looking to Mingyu. “You can rest
now hyung. I’ll cover you.” The younger offered. “No, I’m okay. Let’s just finish this party so we
can both rest.” Mingyu can feel that his hyung is lying. He do want to rest but he’s too responsible
for his own good, so he wouldn’t leave Mingyu alone to entertain their guests.

“Hyung, if it’s alright with you, I want you to meet my friends. Because Seungkwan were begging
me to meet you. But please be prepared meeting him, because he owns all the energy in this world.
You’ll be tired.” He warns to the elder. Mingyu is hoping that Wonwoo wouldn’t find his friends

“It’s alright. I’m sure I will like them.” after that, they are both standing in Jihoon and Seungkwan’s
table. The duo looked up and saw the other two. Seungkwan is showing his forever bright smile that
can light up the whole world. “Guys, this is Kim Wonwoo. Wonwoo hyung this is my two crazy best
friends. Jihoon hyung and Seungkwan.” Mingyu’s introduction sound so formal for Wonwoo’s
liking. But that’s not he’s thinking right now.
‘Why is he here? This is so embarrassing! He’s Mingyu’s best friend! What hell! I need to get out of
here. I hate this life.’

“Mingyu he’s so handsome. Oh my.” Seungkwan slap his mouth, he really do need to learn how to
control his mouth. “I’m sorry. Please don’t be offended.” He said. Mingyu can’t do anything. That is
Seungkwan, he’ll never change. He just hope Wonwoo wasn’t offended.

“No it’s okay. I really like it. Thank you.” The elder is quite stiff while talking to Seungkwan. The
forever bright man is relieved. “Mingyu, he’s cool. I already like him.” He laugh. Seungkwan has no
idea what was really going on, he just rumbling stuff, like his usual self. On the other hand. Wonwoo
is stiff, quite shocked and scared at the same time. Mingyu can feel it. While Jihoon is showing
wearing his usual cold expression, but there’s something different. He’s also stiff. And there’s a
heavy, in tense aura surrounding the three of them. Mingyu wants to know what it is.
“Long time no see hyung.” Jihoon suddenly said. Seungkwan looks so confused. “Yeah, long time no
see Suga.”

Mingyu knew it. They know each other. He stays quiet and let Seungkwan do the interrogation. “You
know each other? How?” he ask wearing a confused expression.

“We are old friends.” Jihoon answered. Living no room for discussion.

“You never sa-“ Seungkwan failed to finish his sentence when two individuals were shouting at the
top of their lungs that catch everyone’s attention.

“Hyung!” “Oppa!” the two shouts, all of them turn their heads seeing Jisoo and a boy with a weird
boxy smile running towards Mingyu and Wonwoo’s direction.

The two clash their body with the other two. They are both really cute, Mingyu nor Wonwoo can’t
get angry with them.

“Hyung! I miss you.” The bubbly boy said gripping Mingyu’s arms. The man just smile. ‘My cousin
is always cute as ever.’

“Yeah Taetae. You never changed. You’re still weird as ever.” He said. Ruffling Tae’s hair. “Ah!
Hyung, it took me hours to do my hair. You’re ruining it.” Tae said cheekily.

On the other side, Jisoo is so excited. “Prince oppa! You’re so handsome. And Namie oppa too!” she
squealed. Seungkwan and Jihoon both listening to Jisoo. “Prince oppa?” Seungkwan mimic while
whiling himself not to laugh. “Namie? That’s your nickname Mingyu?” Jihoon ask with such
annoying expression. Both Wonwoo and Mingyu were embarrassed but they can’t blame Jisoo. She’s
too cute.

“Stop it.” Mingyu hissed.

Other two young man were walking towards Wonwoo’s direction. “Sorry hyung, I can’t stop her
from running. She’s looking for you.” Jimin apologize.

“Thanks for looking for her. And don’t worry she’s like this when she’s excited.” He looked at Jimin.
“Princess, what did I say when it comes to shouting?” he ask sweetly to his sister. “I should not
shout because other people’s ears will hurt.” She said pouting her cute pink lips.

“Good. Oppa is not mad okay. I just want you to know how to be sensitive with other people around
you okay.” His voice is full of gentleness and patience with Jisoo. He doesn’t want his sister to feel
sad. “Don’t do it again okay?” he asked. Jisoo sadly nod. Even Mingyu, Jihoon and Seungkwan
wants to comfort the young lady. “Now, show oppa your beautiful smile and hug me.” Jisoo lift her
head smiling. Everyone is so pleased seeing her smile.
Now that everything is okay with the siblings, Wonwoo looked to his two friends. He remembered he
wasn’t able to introduce Mingyu to the two.

“Oh, Mingyu. This is Jimin and Jungkook. My friends. Guys this is Mingyu.” He said. Jimin offered
his hand to Mingyu while smiling bright with his cresent eyes. “Hi I’m Jimin.” He said. Mingyu
accept his hand and greeted him back. “Mingyu. Nice meeting you.” He’s quite relieved that Jimin is
more approachable type. Because someone is threatening him with his eyes. It’s dark and dangerous.
After Jimin, Wonwoo expect that Jungkook will be nice enough to greet him.

But no. Jungkook is threatening Mingyu’s life with his stare. His aura is much more intimidating
compared to Jimin.

“Kookie. Be nice.” Wonwoo warns. The younger offered his hand to Mingyu. “Jungkook.” He
shortly said. Mingyu take it, he’s scary enough to be ignored. “Mingyu.”

Their short introduction is interrupted by the one and only Taehyung. “Hyung. I want to know them.
Introduce me to your hubby.” Taehyung demanded. He’s so blunt and shameless.

“Guys, Wonwoo hyung. This is Kim Taehyung. My cousin from other planet.” When they’re child.
Mingyu accidentally called Taehyun an alien. Strangely the younger like it. So he called Taehyung
alien out of habit.

“Hi I’m Taehyung.” He said. No one see that coming, but Taehyung suddenly grabbed Wonwoo and
pull him for a hug. Wonwoo stiffen his body. Still shocked with Taehyung sudden intrusion with his
personal space. “You look so nice hyung, I like you.” The alien mumbled while hugging Wonwoo.

The older wrap his hands in Taehyung’s back and pat him soothingly. “You’re cute. I like you too.”
Mingyu is shocked. ‘What happened? My cousin like my husband than me.’ He said with his mind.

He pulled Taehyung out of Wonwoo’s embrace. “Tae, don’t do that again. You’re lucky Wonwoo
hyung find you cute.” He scolds, but Taehyung is paying no mind with his cousin. He’s too excited
to listen to him.

“Wonwoo hyung, who are they?” Tae asked. Mingyu can’t believe Taehyung’s straightforwardness.

“Ah! Teahyung, Seungkwan, Su- Jihoon. This is my sister. Jisoo, this my two friends, Jimin he’s 22
and Jungkook 20.” He simply said. Taehyung waved at them. “Hi I’m Taehyung. I’m also 22.” He
said. Jimin smiled at them brightly. While Jungkook pays no mind.

Unexpectedly they got along pretty well. Jisoo, Jimin and Taehyung are now new formed trio. They
talked about a lot of things. Some childish stuff like cartoon, anime and toys. Mingyu, Jihoon, and
Seungkwan were talking like about what they usually do. Something about music or clubs. But
Jungkook is different, he’s so grumpy tonight. He doesn’t talk. He’s just glaring at everyone aside
from Jisoo. He know she’ll be scared.

Wonwoo noticed Jungkook’s attitude, so he tried to have a talk with the younger boy. “Jungkook
come here.” he pulled Jungkook out of his chair and look for an uncrowded corner where they can
talk without being disturbed by anyone.

Mingyu notice them and silently followed the two. He doesn’t know why he’s being sneaky. He hide
in a wall near Jungkook and Wonwoo’s place.

“Kookie, what with the attitude huh?” Wonwoo asked. Little bit irritated. “I don’t want to be here.”
he answered. He’s still looking so annoyed. “Then why’d you come. You should’ve stayed in
Korea.” The older scolds. Its Mingyu’s first time seeing Wonwoo quite annoyed. He’s always

“No. and I don’t like your husband and his friends. They look mean.” He said. He look really like a
child. Whining with something. “Kookie. I’m disappointed. You’re better than that.”

Mingyu feels like he’s intruding some intimate moment. But he can’t help listening.

Kookie look to the elder. His eyes is watery like he’s going to cry. He grabbed Wonwoo’s hand and
hold it tight. “I’m sorry hyung. Please don’t be mad.” He said. A genuine tear escaped from
Jungkook’s eyes. The elder melts with the younger’s tears. He always see playful or stubborn
Jungkook, but every time he sees crying Kookie with his glistening wide eyes and pouty lips, he
melts. “Oh Kookie don’t cry. Hyung is not mad at you.” He brushed Jungkook’s tears away. “I think
you’re already tired. Let’s go to your room.” Then the two walked inside the hotel.

Everything Mingyu saw and hear confirmed every theory in his mind.

They are together.


He came back in their table. Jihoon is only person sitting there. “Where are the others?” he asked.
“They’re at the dance floor. Doing some embarrassing stuff.” Mingyu just smile, he can’t still erase
the intimate image of his husband and Jungkook in his mind.

“Even Seungkwan?” he asked. “Yeah. He finally found people that will do stupid things with him.
He’s so excited.” Jihoon deadpanned. He’s enjoying his wine.
“Hyung, can I ask you something?” he hesitantly asked. Jihoon looked at him waiting for his
question. “What’s between you and Wonwoo hyung?” Jihoon suddenly stopped playing with his

“Like I said, were old friends.” Mingyu didn’t believe him. He’s too smart to fall with Jihoon’s
words. “Hyung please. I know it not just being friends. I saw how you two became stiff. And
Wonwoo hyung want to run. It’s not just being old friends.” He doesn’t know why he’s so curious
about Wonwoo and Jihoon’s hstory. Maybe he just need answers.

“I’m his first love.”

Mingyu is lost. What Jihoon said replays in his mind.

First love.

“What? You’re his what?” he can’t believe how small their world was. His best friend is his
husband’s first love. He feels like it’s a joke.

“We’re good friends, then one day he confessed about being gay and being in love with me.” His
hyung is too cool while talking. While he doesn’t know how to handle the information he’s getting.
“Then what happened?” it’s too much but he wants to know more. He’s such a nerd even in personal

“I rejected him. I just chose to be honest than hurt him. But everything changed. Our friendship
doesn’t feel like before and we lost contact.”

Mingyu tried to absorb everything but it’s too hard. Wonwoo’s life is too complicated than he

He saw Wonwoo going back to the garden. He looked tired.

“Hi Gyuie.” He greetd. Mingyu tried to compose himself. “Hi hyung. You looked tired.” He’s
playing innocent, like he doesn’t know where Wonwoo came from.
“Yeah, I’m tired and hungry.” He said.

Mingyu decided that the night is too long for them. “Let’s go hyung. Let’s rest. I know you’re tired
already. Let’s just have some room service.” The elder didn’t protest anymore. He followed Mingyu
back to the hotel.

They both forget their keys so they asked the receptionist for a spare. “Hi, we forget our keys in our
room. Can you please give us keys?” Mingyu kindly ask. The receptionist new them. So she didn’t
ask for an i.d. anymore. “Your room number please.” She asked while typing something in the
computer. “Room 313 and 316.” The receptionist typed something.

“Sir, the room 316 is already vacant.” She announced. That gave them confusion. Wonwoo didn’t
remember checking out, his things are still in that room. “I’m sorry miss, but I didn’t checked out.
Maybe there’s a mistake. Can you check it again please.” The girl politely followed his request.

“Sir, it’s still the same. Please just wait here. I’ll call the management.” And she really did. After
few minutes, she get back with Wonwoo and Mingyu.

“Sir, out manager said that Mrs. Kim requested to put your luggage in the room 313.”

‘What the hell my mom is doing?!’ Mingyu thought. Sometimes, her mom is as crazy as Taehyung.

“Can I just get another room please?” Wonwoo is too tired to be angry. So he just asked nicely. “I’m
afraid but we doesn’t entertain guests without reservation sir. I’m sorry.”

Now they are stuck. Wonwoo just want to sleep. He’s thinking of crashing into Jisoo or Jimin’s

“Hyung let’s just sleep in my room. We don’t have a choice anyway.” Mingyu offered. The elder
want to declined, so he called Jimin’s phone. Unfortunately there’s no answer.

“Okay.” They silently walked into the elevator. It’s too quiet for Mingyu’s liking. “Hyung, are you
okay?” he asked, looking with Wonwoo’s reflection. “Yeah. I’m just hungry. I don’t like being
hungry.” Yeah that’s right he’s hungry. He didn’t eat anything today.

They entered Mingyu’s room and as expected Wonwoo’s things are in there. “Gyuie, I’ll just shower
quickly. Can you call for a room service please.” The younger just nod. Wonwoo slip inside the
bathroom. Finally he can rest and eat.

He finished showering and saw Mingyu already in his sweat pants. He’s reading something in his

They heard the doorbell. It the room service. Mingyu quickly stand up and opened the door. The staff
pushed the food carts inside. It’s like Mingyu ordered a lot of food. When everything is set, the staff

Wonwoo is curious what Mingyu ordered so he looked at the dish.

His eyes sparkles, as he saw what the dishes are. Everything is from the buffet table! Everything that
he wants to eat so badly.

“I saw you earlier. You’re really drooling over that dishes so I ask the event organizers to give us
some.” Wonwoo is literally squealing. His smile can almost rip his lips.

“Oh thank you Gyuie. I really want to taste this dishes so bad.” Mingyu is satisfied seeing his hyung
being happy. They enjoyed eating. Especially Wonwoo. He’s the happiest right now.

When they finished, they just talked about anything they want. About their friends. It’s relaxing for
both of them. Then Mingyu remembered Jihoon.

“Hyung, what’s between you and hyungi hyung?” he do know, but he still want to know Wonwoo’s
part and see if he’s going to lie with him.

“You noticed huh? Me and Jihoon are friends before. And he’s my first love.” He sadly replied.
Remembering his innocent unrequited love with his best friend. “Then what happened?” he’s glad
the elder didn’t lie.

“He rejected me. It was my first heartbreak. But at least he chose to be honest with me. We tried to
be friends again, but everything became awkward. It’s a stupid decision I’ve made. I lost my best
friend because I’m greedy.”

Now Wonwoo is sad. And that’s because of Mingyu’s question. He wants to slap his face right now.

“I’m sorry hyung. I don’t mean to make you sad.” It’s a genuine apology for the elder. “No, it’s
okay. I think you deserve to know. We’re married now and he’s your best friend. Secrets will just
complicate things, so it’s much better that you ask.”

They both decided that they need to sleep already. Both of them lay down in the queen size bed.
They’re just so thankful that the bed is big enough for the both of them fit in.
After few minutes, Mingyu heard soft snore coming from the elder. He’s already asleep.

And him, still thinking things involving the elder. Jungkook, Jihoon. Everything.

‘It’s hard not to care for you hyung. ‘

i don't know if this chapter will satisfy you guys. i made it because i'm having an episode.

i still hope you find it interesting. thank you for your support.

unfortunately i failed buying ticket with BTS wings tour Manila. it sold out. it hurts so much. i'm
hoping i can still go.

thank you guys.



Chapter 10
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

After the wedding, they decided to go back to Korea the next day. Mrs. Kim offered them a trip for
two to Greece but they both decline. There will be no honeymoon that will happen. As it is part of
their deal.

“Hyung what will you do after we land to Korea? Mingyu ask while moving around finding
something in his bag.

They are now in the airport 30 minutes before their flight but Mingyu is restless. There is something
important missing to him. And he’s sure he’ll be in trouble he’ll fail to find it.
“I think I’ll start moving my things in your apartment.” Wonwoo said while looking in to the
squirming man beside him. Even though Mingyu is looking for something, he manage to split his
attention looking and listening to Wonwoo.

“My internship in your company will start soon. It will be much better if I already moved in to your
place before I start. And Kookie will process his requirement for the enrollment. So he needs to move

Mingyu stop looking after hearing the name of the intimating boy, that manage to threaten his life
only with his eyes that he met yesterday.


“Do you want me to help hyung. You know its vacation so I’m pretty free.” He offered. Wonwoo is
so glad receiver an offer from Mingyu. He’s sure Jimin and Jungkook will not let him do all the work
but he’s still glad that the awkward man beside me were concerned enough to offer help.

“Who am I to say no to that?” he teased. Honestly Wonwoo is getting dizzy looking at Mingyu. He’s
turning and turning and turning. He keeps on moving that cause Wonwoo’s dizziness.

“For goodness sake Mingyu. Can you please stop moving?” Honestly Wonwoo is quite irritated. He
feels like a parent looking into his son running around. “What exactly are you doing?” he asked.

“M-my passport is missing hyung. I can’t find it. I don’t know where I put it hyung.” he said while
scratching his head. He’s frustrated right now. He know how hard to process that kind of important
document and he doesn’t want to deal with that.

“You mean this?” the elder said while holding the passport in his hand. “Seriously Gyuie, I found
this under the side table.” He scolds. Mingyu is just looking at him.

“I’m sorry hyung. I don’t know how my passport ended up there.” He shyly said. He’s so cute,the
elder thinks. He only feels being hyung to Jungkook who is very stubborn and always disobey him.
Now he have Mingyu too.
“It’s okay Gyuie. I’ll just keep it. So you wouldn’t lost is again.” He said. He keep the passport with
Minutes later their flight has been announced and they need to get in to the airplane.


“Good Morning hyung.” Mingyu greeted. This is the day that Wonwoo will move in to his apartment
and he’s here to fulfill his promise to his hyung that he’ll help him.

“Oh, Gyuie good morning. You’re bit early.” He commented. He steps aside to let Mingyu into his
apartment. “Yeah. I wake up pretty early today so I decided to go here.” he shyly said.

As he steps inside, he can already smell the homey smell of freshly cooked breakfast. Its simple fried
eggs and bacon. “Do you want breakfast Gyuie?” he ask. Mingyu is so glad that he’ll have Wonwoo
now that can cook. He’ll finally have a decent home cook breakfast every morning.

“Is it okay hyung? I mean, I can just buy my breakfast.” He’s such a hypocrite. To be honest to
himself. He really like Wonwoo’s food. And he’s drooling over that food served on that table, but he
wouldn’t admit it to the elder.

“Oh shut it Gyuie. You’ll eat here. I don’t mind. I’ll just cook for another.” They both walked into
the dining area. The younger noticed that the serving of the breakfast is for two. Two eggs, four
slices of bacon and right amount of rice. ‘Does hyung know that I’ll eat breakfast here?’ the asked

The elder goes to the kitchen and start cooking again. “Hyung. This is for two right? Why are you
cooking for another one?” Mingyu ask, looking at his hyung, whose busy frying another egg.

“Oh, this is for Kookie. He’s still sleeping inside my room. That kid will throw a fit for a whole day
if he’ll skip breakfast. He’s such a brat.” The elder said while cooking. He’s too busy cooking that
he’s unable to notice how the younger’s expression changed.

Kookie. Kookie. Kookie.

Mingyu is so sick hearing that name over and over again.

Everytime that Mingyu is with Wonwoo he always hear that name. Kookie is such a brat, Kookie is
so picky. Kookie is this, Kookie is that.

He really want to ask the elder to please stop talking about that scary young boy for once. But of
course he wouldn’t say it.

“Oh Gyuie what’s wrong? Does it taste bad?” Wonwoo worriedly ask. Of course not. No food will
ever taste bad if it’s Wonwoo cooking. That will never happen.

“No hyung. It taste good. I’m just thinking about something. ‘it’s your precious Kookie actually.’

“Whoo. I thought it taste bad. Go Gyuie. You need to eat.” He starts eating. He tried his best not to
think about that brat while eating.
Wonwoo is making a coffee for them while Mingyu is enjoying his food peacefully when someone
emerge from the bedroom and walk directly to where Wonwoo is standing and hugged the elder.

“Morning hyung.” Jungkook said with his soft yet husky bed room voice. He’s still half asleep and
didn’t notice the presence of the tall male eating in the dining table.

“Yah. Kookie. You scared me.” The older scolds. The boy didn’t care about the elder’s scolding. He
hug his hyung tightly and smile looking so innocent with his bunny like front teeth. It is the total
opposite of the rebellious intimidating kid in the wedding.

“Yah. I always told you to put your shirt when sleeping. You always catch cold because you sleep
half naked all the time.” Wonwoo scolds to Jungkook without minding about Mingyu hearing him

Jungkook is used to sleep only wearing his sweatpants or boxers. He’s expose with the cold air that
caused him having colds or cough that made the elder angry. But he didn’t mind. He’s used to
Wonwoo’s scolding all the time and he know that the elder can’t resist his pouty face.

“Hyung I’m hungry, what’s for breakfast?” he ask smiling brightly. As usual Wonwoo can’t resist
him so the elder suddenly became soft. “Egg and bacon. Go sit I’ll prepare it for you.” Wonwoo
ordered. The younger for once obliged his hyung without a word. His bright smile faltered when he
saw the awkward looking man sitting.
“Hyung what is he doing here?” he whined. While the youngest is whining about his presence,
Mingyu had a chance to see the body of that scary boy. Now he’s sure that the younger has the ability
to hurt him. He has this pack of abdominal muscle. His stomach is so muscular just like the rest of
his body. His pecks is not that big. Just enough with his young body but still it looks hard. And his
biceps were to die for. Mingyu is sure dozen of women are drooling over the younger’s biceps.

Suddenly he felt insecurity in his system. He doesn’t have that kind of body that Jungkook have but
he’s lean, his muscle are quite toned and his biceps were sexy enough. But still, he is quite jealous
without knowing the real reason.

“Jungkook stop being brat. Gyuie will help us, so be nice to him and eat.” The elder scolds.
Jungkook already had his fair share of scolding from his hyung so he just followed. But still, he’s
looking in to Mingyu straight to the eyes and threaten the older without saying a word.

Mingyu can’t swallow his food while being threatened by the boy’s eyes. While the elder is so
oblivious about the situation, happily making breakfast in the kitchen.

Finally Wonwoo finished making Jungkook’s breakfast and sit in the dining, he’s in the center and
start eating his food. And finally Jungkook stop looking to Mingyu and the threat is finally gone. It’s
so ridiculous that Mingyu is very intimidated by the younger, even though he’s three years older to

“Hyung do you have a lot to pack?” Mingyu ask looking to the elder. But Jungkook look at him
again with his piercing gaze. “Oh that. It’s quite a lot. You know my, clothes, books, and a lot of
stuffs. But don’t worry no furniture needs to be moved. Kookie will be living here so it’s okay.” He
explains. Jungkook look at Wonwoo with his soft eyes, he’s smiling. It’s so different whenever he
look at Mingyu.

“Hyung are you going bring your toy collection. You can trust me to take care of it if you want.” the
boy teasingly said. “No, Kookie. I will never ever entrust you my treasure. They are too precious.”
Mingyu is clearly out of place at the moment. He doesn’t know that Wonwoo have toy collection.
He realized that he don’t know even the basic things about the elder.

“Hyung you have toy collection?” he ask without knowing why he ask that. “Oh you don’t know?
Hyung has a Mario collection in his room. He like super Mario since he was three years old.”
Jungkook’s said mockingly. It's like he want to rub in to Mingyu's face that he knew Wonwoo than

“Oh, hyung remember when Jisoo ripped your Luigi plushy, you didn’t get angry but you cried for
three hours because of it. And your mom bribed you for a bigger Luigi plushy just to make you
stop.” Jungkook said smiling. Reminiscing their memory.
“Oh yeah yeah! I remember that. I still have that plushy in my room. And do you remember that one
time I bit you so hard until you cried when you deleted my Mario game. Your arm is swollen because
of my bite. My mom scold me so hard for biting you.” The two were enjoying with their
conversation and forget the other silently listening to them.

Mingyu doesn’t feel that he belonged in that place with them. He do want to leave, but he doesn’t
know what will be his reason.

He’s sure Jungkook really know anything about Wonwoo. He practically grew up with the elder and
Mingyu can’t beat history. He felt so frustrated looking at the two, not knowing the reason why is
just adding intensity with his frustration. He quietly sit there and just do his best to control himself.
He wished he didn’t go in Wonwoo’s place in the beginning.

They finished eating, but still Mingyu is upset for some reason he can’t figure out. They are now
helping Wonwoo pack the things he’ll bring in their apartment. The younger decided to pack the
things that is not breakable. He’s scared that he’ll break Wonwoo’s things and made him upset.

Wonwoo and Jungkook are both in the bedroom. Packing there. Mingyu doesn’t have any idea what
the two is doing and he’s not interested to know.

Finally, they’ve finished packing. They are now going to Mingyu’s apartment to arrange things there.
Jungkook insisted to come with them. He said that he want to spend time with Wonwoo before he
start reviewing for his entrance exam.

“Oh, Gyuie can Kookie stay with us for a few days? I promise he’ll behave.” Wonwoo pleaded
while seating next to Mingyu. He’s using his pleading-shining huge eyes that no can resist. And
Mingyu is no exception. “Yeah sure hyung.” he coldly said.

Mingyu don’t like the idea, he’s uncomfortable in the boy’s presence but as the elder made that
irresistible expression in his face. The younger can’t find a way to say no.


They arrived in Mingyu’s apartment. Jungkook and Mingyu help Wonwoo to arrange his things in
his new room. His room is next to the younger’s and exact replica of Mingyu’s room.
“Hyung I’ll leave it here okay.” Mingyu announced as he left the box he’s carrying inside Wonwoo’s
room. Jungkook and Wonwoo are too busy and the elder didn’t hear what he said.

Mingyu went in to his room feeling tired than ever. He’s head is aching like it’s splitting in half. And
exhausted and want to rest for the whole day. He check his phone. He remembered it vibrating in his
pocket but he’s too busy driving so he didn’t answer it.

He saw a message from Jihoon.

From: Jihoon hyung

Mingyu-ah, we’ll go out tonight. Wanna come?

He do want to come. He want to have time away from Jungkook or Wonwoo but his body won’t let
him. His head is still throbbing with headache. And it’s like he no longer have energy inside his
Mingyu manage to sleep, but his precious sleep were interrupted by noise coming on the other room.
He remembered that Wonwoo owned that room now. He needs to get used to it.

He walked in front of Wonwoo’s door to ask them to be quiet but he didn’t expect what he’s hearing.
Mingyu attached his ears into Wonwoo’s room to hear it more clearly.

“Hyung , hurry. I’m close hyung. Faster.” It’s Jungkook’s voice. “I’m in there. Just wait a little bit
baby.” Mingyu’s face is priceless. He felt so scandalize hearing this. “Hyung I’m gonna come.
Hurry. We need to finish at the same time hyung. Faster.” Jungkook is practically whining for his
hyung. “Kookie, I can’t. My back and hands really hurts.”

Mingyu continued listening when he heard Wonwoo’s scream. “Yah! Stop biting me!” He whined.
Mingyu is having a mental breakdown hearing those sound. His imagination gives a clear picture of
what the other two doing inside the room.

“Finally it’s done. You did a great job. I told you, I can do this.” Jungkook said. And Mingyu can’t
take this anymore. He’s suddenly knocking on the elder’s door. He don’t know why he did that. He’s
now thinking what he will say to Wonwoo.

He saw Wonwoo opened the door. Then he notice that Wonwoo is half naked. His body is pinkish,
and little bit sweaty.
Mingyu is surely blushing right now. He feel so wronged accidentally hearing such intimate moment
for the two and now he feel that he interrupted something important.

“Oh Gyuie what is it?” he innocently asked. Mingyu can’t form words in his mind. He’s praying for
the floor to swallow him right at that moment.

“H-hyung, I’m going.. I’m going out. With.. with Jihoon hyung and H-Seungkwan.” He want to slap
himself right now. He’s a stuttering mess.

“Oh, are you going home late?” he ask smiling. The younger feels so awkward right now and despite
of his headache he still want to leave. “Hmm.. I think I’ll sleep in Seungkwan’s please don’t wait for
me.” He said. And without looking back he left the apartment.

Wonwoo felt really weird with Mingyu since morning. He’s uncommonly quiet, the elder just think
that the younger is quite intimidated with Jungkook. But he just shrug it off, because everyone is
intimated with the boy.

He entered his room after Mingyu left. Jungkook is still focused on their game.

Afternoon when they’ve finished all their task, Jungkook begs his hyung for them to play their
favorite video game. The elder refuse the younger’s request but the scary bunny boy insist until the
elder gave in.

They played their favorite video game while eating an extra hot jjampong. It’s also their favorite.
They love the hotness of it that made them blush and sweaty, so they both took their shirt off. It’s not
uncommon to them to see each other’s body. They used to bath together with Jimin so it’s no big

The game needs two player as a team, so which means that they have to both finished each stages to
win the game. Unfortunately. Jungkook is too hustler and Wonwoo just sucks in playing the game. A
very bad combination. Every time, Jungkook needs to wait for Wonwoo to pass the obstacle. It was
so hard for Wonwoo, and the pressure the younger is putting on him is just adding up with his stress.

“Hyung let’s play another round!” Jungkook excitedly cried. It was so cute for Wonwoo. He just
hope that Jungkook let other people see his soft side. Not just his scary intimidating image.

“No Kookie. My back really hurts sitting on the floor. And you always say I sucks. So no.” Now,
he’s confident not to fall for the younger’s charm.

“Oh I thought you don’t want to come?” Seungkwan ask Mingyu while being busy with the girl he’s
flirting with. “It’s much better being here than being with those two.” He answered.

“Who’s two?” Jihoon ask handing him a bottle of beer. He’s not in the mood to drink right now.
“Wonwoo hyung and that brat.” He answered.

“Who Jungkook?” Seungkwan is now gone to dance with the girl. It’s different girl every time.
Seungkwan is such a flirt.

“Yeah. Hyung, that kid hates me. He always threaten me with his eyes. Thankfully we’re with
Wonwoo hyung or I’ll be dead.” He said. Jihoon is just listening to him. It’s not his hobby to say bad
things to people he barely knew.

“Hyung, you’re Wonwoo hyung’s best friend before right?” the younger ask. “Yeah why?” Mingyu
doesn’t know why he’s so curious with Wonwoo and Jungkook’s relationship. He already know that
they have romantic relationship, but still, he want details.

“Do you know anything about Jungkook?” he shyly ask. Jihoon starts thinking, he tried his best to
remember anything about the younger. “Oh, I remembered Wonu hyung sometimes mention
Jungkook’s name. He really like that boy.” Mingyu is floating in his own world again. “D-do you
know how they met?” Jihoon is being suspicious about Mingyu. But still, he tried to answer the

“Hmm.. I remember Wonwoo hyung telling me about his nanny having a son. I think that’s
Jungkook. That’s all I can remember. Wait why don’t you just ask Wonu hyung Mingyu huh?”

‘As if it’s easy asking him.’ Mingyu thought. It will be so weird for Mingyu to ask his hyung about
his relationship with anyone. Considering the deal that they’ve both agree with.

“Hyung, believe me, that Jungkook kid is acting like a guard dog with Wonwoo hyung.” they both
laugh. Jihoon also notice how overprotective Jungkook with Wonwoo. He saw it in the wedding. “I
know that he’s Wonwoo hyung’s boyfriend but he so possessive. It’s kinda scary you know.”
“Wait.. he is Wonu hyung's boyfriend?” Yooongi asks with surprised expression. “But he’s too
young for hyung. Are you sure?” The elder can’t believe it. He know Wonu, he has a strong sense of
right and wrong. He never thought that he will consider having a relationship to an innocent boy.

“I’m sure hyung. Before the wedding I saw them in the hallway, they look so intimate hugging each
other. And in the party. I saw Wonu hyung kissing Jungkook. And and..”

“And?” Jihoon wait for Mingyu’s answer. They younger doesn’t know if he’ll gonna say it to his
hyung. But he need to let it out, or he’s going to explode. “hyung I- I heard them. they’re..they’re
having s- sex. I – I don’t mean to listen but, t-they’re so loud.” He stuttered. It’s so embarrassing for
Mingyu. He can feel his ears heating. He’s sure it’s red with so much embarrassment.

“Oh shit Gyu! You heard your husband, having sex with his young boyfriend in
your own apartment. Oh men.” Jihoon teased. It made Mingyu more embarrassed than ever.

“Hyung stop it. Why you’re so happy when you have a chance to tease me huh? You really love
seeing me suffer don’t you hyung?” Mingyu whined. The elder just laugh at him. Mingyu is really
cute when he’s flustered. That’s why Jihoon and Seungkwan like to tease him.

“It’s so weird Gyuah. I mean, your arrangement is so weird you know. Because of your agreement
you can’t meddle in Wonu hyung’s business but still.. he’s your husband.” Jihoon continued his

“I know hyung. Believe me.”

I nearly cried with this update. It's so hard editing this long update using my phone. But patience is a
virtue so..

Please let me think if it's funny. I tried making it gunny and seiously I'm laughing while writing that
part. Haha. I'm crazy.

And guys if you're a Yoonmin fan too. I made another fan fiction. It so different with D.A. so if you
like just check it out.
Thank you for all the support. Ot really means a lot to me.

Let's fly.



Chapter 11
for this chapter, the expression of the two were inspired with AHL when Wonu and Seungkwan were
practicing beat boxing and in weekly idol when Mingyu did his seaweed dance then his expression
after. i literally watched those clips and laugh so so much. they're both hilarious and i love them.

And who does have a thing with Mingyu's biceps? I find his biceps so sexy.

please enjoy these chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

A week later, Jungkook finally left their apartment and Mingyu thank all the gods that the younger
brat finally left. He’ll finally feel comfortable with his own house. He can finally eat without feeling
the piercing gaze of the younger and hearing his sarcastic remarks towards him.

Their days living together became strangely normal. They develop a routine they followed. Everyday
Wonwoo will make meals for the two of them, Wash the dishes and clean their apartment if needed.
All Mingyu did is clean the bathroom. Because bathroom is the only room that doesn’t have things
that can be broken by his destroying powers.

Their life is normal but strange. Wonwoo can feel the tension between them, or should he say tension
from Mingyu. The younger became quiet, he do keep his distance with Wonwoo and the elder
doesn’t know any reason why he did that. But he do respect Mingyu’s action and doesn’t want to
push the younger into an uncomfortable situation so he keep quiet. But then, Mingyu is being like
this for two freaking weeks and Wonwoo is close of being mad.
So he decided to break the thin glass separating them. He just need the right timing to do it. And this
is the right timing. A quiet breakfast with Mingyu.

“Mingyu, are we okay?” he carefully ask while praying that Mingyu is in the right mood to talk
today. The younger stop eating his breakfast and looked at his hyung.

“Y-yeah hyung w-we’re okay.” He said like he’s also convincing himself with his answer. The elder
is too smart to believe in Mingyu’s answer.

No they are not okay.

They are far from okay.

“I know that we agreed that we’ll never treat each other as what we should be, but I think we should
talk about what’s bothering you.” Wonwoo tried his best to be calm and tackle the topic with full of
maturity and sensitivity towards Mingyu.

“You know hyung, I’m fucking okay! Alright. Don’t think about me!”

And Mingyu snapped.

He didn’t mean to have that kind of tone to his hyung, but all he could feel is frustration and he
doesn’t fucking know why. Why he’s so frustrate seeing Jungkook in their apartment, days after
their wedding. Why he’s bothered with what he heard. Why they’re too close with each other. Why
this. Why that.

He’s going crazy with the question he made for himself. And not knowing the answer is worst.

“If you’re alright then why are you yelling at me? Huh?! Just say it! Dammit!” Wonwoo shouted
back. He promised himself that he’ll be mature and sensitive but this young man in front of him is
such a jerk.

“I know that we were not committed with each other. B-but hearing you two d-doing that. It made
me uncomfortable. I know I shouldn’t judge you but seeing you two acting like a love birds in your
nest. I- it’s weird hyung I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-“
“What the fuck are you talking about? Can you just fucking explain it properly?” Wonwoo want to
slap his mouth with all the curse that came out in his mouth. The already reach his limit for cursing
for just one morning.

“I- I mean, I know you and Jungkook are in a relationship and I do accept that. I- it’s just I a-
accidentally heard y- you two having s-sex that night. And it bothers me a lot. It’s weird for me.
And… and I don’t know something change I can’t understand. I’m so sorry.” Mingyu feel like
something is lifted from his chest. He do know that Wonwoo will hate him. But it is much better than
thinking about that stuff all the time.

Wonwoo is stunned. All the younger just said doesn’t make any sense to him. ‘What? Relationship
with Jungkook? We’re fucking?’ he thought.

“Wait. What? Jungkook and me?” he questioned. Eyes totally round with the younger’s statement.
Mingyu looked at him like he do understand everything. “Hyung you don’t have to deny it. I –it’s
normal thing to fall in love with Jungkook even though he’s younger than you. I – I mean I don’t
mean to judge you but it’s weird.”

Wonwoo noticed that the younger is just repeating his words from earlier. He’s so confused and
frustrated. The elder tried to analyse the things the younger said.

After a few moments he finally figure it out.

He do want to laugh so much. But Mingyu looked so dead serious so he can’t.

He let Mingyu say whatever he want without listening even an inch. He’s too occupied supressing his
laughter like his head is going to explode. His ears are red like apple and he’s now having a hard time
to breathe properly.
A pretty loud squeak comes out in Wonwoo’s mouth and Mingyu suddenly looking at him. “Hyung
w-why are you laughing?” he said with a serious tone.

Wonwoo suddenly laughed so hard that he’s unable to catch his breath. His face is all red, tears
trickling down his face because of laughing so hard. He can’t breathe but it’s okay ‘cuz he looks so
happy laughing at the younger.

“Hyung can you stop that! you look stupid!” Mingyu scolds. He doesn’t know why Wonwoo is
laughing his ass off but he can feel that it’s all because of him. He really looks like a whining child
with a pout. ‘Oh my god Mingyu is pouting! I can’t’ Wonwoo’s laugh became louder and louder until
his legs can’t support him anymore. He’s a laughing mess on the floor. Hitting everything he can
reach which is Mingyu’s legs.

Mingyu can’t understand anything, and his hyung can’t speak clearly because his laughing like there
is no tomorrow so he just wait for his hyung so stop. It do really take time before he stop laughing by
himself. His face is red and eyes so puffy like he cried for hours. But actually he do really cried. The
true meaning of tears of joy.

“I’m so sorry. I – I it’s so funny Mingyu.” He can’t stop laughing. So he hitting himself is his
solution, a slap that can hurt actually just to keep himself and finally talk with the younger.

“Hyung stop laughing!” Mingyu shouted. Wonwoo did the breathing exercise so he can ground
himself and explain all the things that Mingyu misunderstood.

“Okay. First things first.” He breathe again. “We don’t have relationship. Uhh. I mean, Kookie and
I.. all of that is platonic. Mingyu, I’m not stupid to have a relationship with a minor you know. And
he’s literally my brother. I practically raised him when his mother died. So why would I have a
romantic relationship with him huh?”

Mingyu’s face looks weird. That expression of him right now is his expression whenever he ruined or
destroy something. Really, Wonwoo really do want to laugh right now. But the younger look upset
and he doesn’t want Mingyu to be more upset.

“It’s impossible hyung. I saw you. In the hotel and in the reception. You’re so intimate that day. You
even kissed Jungkook. I saw all of it.” Mingyu defended. He can’t be wrong. He knew he saw it all.

“So you’ve been watching us huh?” the younger blushed. Like how he saw his hyung and that brat
that night.
“I- I accidentally saw you hyung. I didn’t mean to invade your privacy. B- but I’m sure of it. And
that night. I heard you. You were moaning and you said your back already hurt. And y- you need t-
to come.” The last word is almost a whisper but Wonwoo managed to hear it.

He’s lost. ‘Me moaning? With Jungkook?’ he thought thinking of last week that they are together. He
can’t remember anything about them having any sexual activities or anything close to that. “Yah!
Gyu-ah, we didn’t have sex like ever. And I will never have sex with him especially when there’s
someone that can possibly hear us. Especially you.”

“Hyung. Stop lying. I mean I already knew. And I respect it. It’s just new to me hyu-“ Wonwoo is
still thinking. He’s trying to remember all they did with the one week stay of Jungkook in their

“Wait, when did you hear us having sex huh?” Mingyu suddenly remember that night he accidentally
hear them. It’s like an awful song in his ears. “That night I went out with Jihoon hyung and
Seungkwan. I wasn’t supposed to go. But then I hear you two doing something, so I decided to go.”
The elder is trying to remember what they did in his first night in Mingyu’s apartment.

“That night.. we’re, we’re playing video game.” He answered. Wonwoo heard a loud groan from
Mingyu. “Hyung seriously. You don’t need to make a story I-“ Mingyu was interrupted by Wonwoo.
“I swear to all my precious Mario collection. We didn’t have sex. We’re just playing our favorite
video game.” He said, lifting his right hand like he’s saying an oath.

“If you don’t have sex, then what did I heard? Huh hyung? And.. And when you opened the door.
You’re sweaty, and blushing and you’re half n – naked.” All Mingyu’s evidence were all out. This is
the last time he can prove his point in this argument.

“Yah! You stupid brat. My hand and back hurts because we’re playing our favorite video game while
sitting on the floor, we’re half naked because we’re sweating while eating an extra hot jjmapong.
You dirty minded Mingyu. Pabo.” He scolds.

Mingyu feel that he’s world is going upside down. They’re not having sex, like what he thought for a
week! The cause of his sleeplessness and weird feeling.

He’s so stupid.

After Mingyu absorb everything. The reality. He think he is really stupid. Wonwoo’s laughter can be
heard in the hallway while Mingyu bump his head in the table.
He prayed that this is not true. That all of this is just a dream, that he’ll wake up and greeted his
hyung like always.

Mingyu unconsciously walked inside his room still Wonwoo Is laughing at the back ground. “Yah!
Mingyu-ah where are you going?” he ask. He can feel Mingyu’s embarrassment and never wished to
be in the same situation with the younger.

Mingyu close the door. The elder come closer and attached his ear to the younger’s door. He can hear
the muffled screams that cause him to laugh even more. “Go away hyung! I’ll never go out! And stop
fucking laughing at me!” he cried. Wonwoo can feel that he’ll pissed himself off if he didn’t stop
laughing. “Okay, okay. I’ll go. Be careful. Maybe you’ll heard someone moaning.” Wonwoo teased.


Mingyu is just exaggerating when he said that he’ll never leave his room again. But still, he can’t
look to Wonwoo’s face. The barrier separating them is no longer there but still he feel awkward
because of that stupid idea that he made.

The elder made his life easier by not mentioning of the talk they had a week ago. He doesn’t want
anything related to that to be talked about.

Now he’s bored because there’s nothing to do. No movie to watch, no book to read, no school to
attend. It’s quite boring for him until his phone rang. He picked up his phone form the bedside table
and saw Jihoon’s caller i.d. in the screen. He swipe the answer button.

“Hello hyung. ‘sup.” He greeted. “Hello Mingyu-ah. I have a good news for you.” The pale man said,
with excitement in his voice. “What is it hyung?” the younger suddenly felt nervous with his hyung’s
announcement. But still it’s a good new right. And good news is always positive.

“Remember that demo you gave me?” He do. He thought that Jihoon already forgotten about his
demo, or maybe already thrown out by the company that received it. He doesn’t need the money now
so he almost forgot it.

“Yeah hyung. I thought nothing happened with that.” he said, fiddling with his fingers. Anxiety is
creeping in his system. “Oh kid, they like your demo. And they want you to be their producer for an
idol group.” Jihoon excitedly announced. Mingyu stood up because of the excitement. He can now
produce. He can follow his dream to be a producer. He can’t believe it.

“And also they’ll be granting you a scholarship for music production Mingyu. Isn’t that great huh?”
he never heard Jihoon so excited before.
“Hyung that’s so cool. Hyung finally. I will be able to pursue my dreams. Thank you hyung thank
you.” There’s an unending gratefulness in his heart right now. This is their dream. Jihoon and him
and even Seungkwan. They all want to be able to make music that everyone can hear and appreciates.

“I’ll just text you the details Gyu-ah okay.” Jihoon said after their unending thank you and byes.
Their call finally end.

Mingyu excitedly run outside his bedroom and find Wonwoo in the kitchen. Making their dinner.
“Hyung! Hyung! Guess what!” he excitedly said. Wonwoo looked confused with the younger’s
action. “Uhh.. what?” he ask. Mingyu is literally beaming with joy that he can’t explain. He smiling,
like a bright smile. He look so happy right now and Wonwoo is so glad to see that. “Hyung m- my
demo. They accepted it hyung! and they’ll grant me a scholarship. Hyung! I’m going to be a
producer hyung! I’m so happy right now!”

Mingyu’s happiness is contagious. Now they both smiling bright as the sun. “Really! You’ll be a
producer?” he ask again. The younger eagerly nod and smile again.

The younger sometimes said that his dream is to be in the music industry. And now it will happen. “I
bet your parents will be happy to hear that.” Wonwoo said without realizing what he said. All the
happiness in Mingyu’s body are all gone. He remembered. He has his parents. Of course they will
not allow him to pursue music. He tried before but they don’t listen to him when he say that music is
a part of his life.

“Look son. Stop bugging me with that stupid major you want to take. You need to focus in running
this company. All of this will be yours one day. So you need to prepare for that.” he remembered his
father said. The high school Mingyu didn’t know what is more painful, hearing that music production
is a stupid coarse, or hearing that he needs to be stuck with his father’s awful office until he died.

Wonwoo quickly notice the drastic change in Mingyu’s mood. “Mingyu why?” he asked.

“Hyung, they will not allow me. If I accepted this scholarship, it means that I need to shift the course
I am taking. My father will never allow that hyung. Never.” Mingyu really look sad and disappointed
with his own thoughts. It is true. But for some reason it’s not.

“Gyuie, do it. Take the scholarship. You deserve that.” the younger loved the encouragement but it’s
like agreeing something that is impossible to happen. He do love to dream but he know what his
father can do. He’s just going destroy everything that he build and that will surely shatter his heart
into tiny pieces.

The elder can see how the younger already gave up his dream. He doesn’t like seeing him like that.
Wonwoo lean forward in front of Mingyu with full of determination in his eyes.
“Mingyu. Take the scholarship and trust me.”
I have a pretty intense episode and decided to make this update. Hope you like this.

i'm really excited with BTSWingsTourManila hope i'll get my ticket and everything will be alright.
We think BTS will stay in Philippines for a week!! excited to see their pictures having fun in our hot
country. but i wouldn't stalk them. i'll just wait for updates. hope they'll enjoy their stay here.

thank you for all the hits, comments, kudos and everything!! i always appreciated them.

so my lovely adorable reader let's be happy loving that seven crazy men of our dreams.

Let's Fly



Chapter 12
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

“I want you to train me sir, as your protégé, Sir. We both know that I am fit and capable to be
trained under you. I want to learn everything about this company. Transactions, every client even
every employee. I need to know all of them” he proposed with enormous confidence.
“The main point of my proposal is, I want to manage your company. You can trust me to take care
of everything.”
Mr. Kim is quietly listening to Wonwoo proposal. “Wonwoo-ssi, I didn’t know that you’re so
ambitious. You want what? Manage our company? I think you’re losing your mind. Your marriage
with my son is only for our investment in your father’s company. You don’t have an inch of rights in
this company and you know that. I’m not stupid to fall from your scheme Wonwoo-ssi.” Mr. Kim
mocked. The young man already expected this. Mr. Kim is too intelligent just to agree with this kind
of deal.
“But Sir, I didn’t say that I am already done. If you’ll allow me to continue?” Wonwoo can see Mr.
Kim thinking. They’re like playing their own version of mind game. One wrong move and he’ll lose.
“I didn’t say that I want any share from this company. I’m proposing to manage it. Not own it. I’ll
manage it for Mingyu. The responsibility will be mine. Don’t worry if you think that I have an evil
plan. This.” He pulled out an envelope consisting of documents and passed it to Mr. Kim. “A
prenuptial agreement. Already signed by both of us. That contract will prove that I have no rights on
any of Kim Mingyu’s assets. Money, assets and even the property that he will inherit from you.
Mr. Kim is analyzing the contract that Wonwoo showed. He’s quite impressed with the young mans’
preparedness. He know what he’s doing. And he’s determined to get what he wants.
“I’m speechless Wonwoo-ssi. May I ask why you are doing this?” Mr. Kims’ speechlessness is a
good sign for Wonwoo. That means he succeed with his mission.
“I saw different music equipments in your son’s apartment. He said that he want to pursue music.
And I think he has a great talent with what he’s doing. I want him to make music without thinking of
the pressure of inheriting your company. If it’s really needed, I’ll train him personally. I’ll teach him
everything that you taught me.”
Silence. They were in a pretty tensed silence as Mr. Kim keeps on thinking.
“And why do you want to help my son? Are you in love with him?” he curiously asked. Wonwoo is
quite flustered with Mr. Kim’s question. He expects that their conversation will be strictly business.
He didn’t expect that the old man is curious about his love life.
“Oh, no sir. I’m not in love with him. It’s just this is my way of paying him back. Your son is too kind
to help me and my family. He really is a good man. And he deserve to be happy.”
Again, Mr. Kim is quiet. Wonwoo really wants to know how this man think. He admire Mingyu’s dad
as a business man. He had all the quality to be successful.
“Are you sure about that Wonwoo-ssi? How about your fathers’ company?” Mr. Kim asked. This
man will never be easy to please. Wonwoo thought. “Don’t worry about that Sir. I have my own
protégé. He’s starting university next school year. That boy has the talent just like me. And I will
guide him.”
Finally Mr. Kim is satisfied. And Wonwoo is just waiting for his decision.

“If you’re really into it. Why not. I am honored to teach a very intelligent and talented young man
like you.” Mr. Kim offered his hand for a hand shake.
“So.. did I successfully close our deal Mr. Kim?” Wonwoo cheekily asked. They both smile while
shaking their hands. “Congratulation Wonwoo. And please don’t call me Mr. Kim. Just call me
Wonwoo thought that Mingyu’s dad is an awful man but he think he’s wrong.

“Thank you dad.”


“Just accept it Gyuie. Don’t miss a great opportunity for you.” Wonwoo tried convinced him. The
younger is still hesitant. He think that his dad will be mad, and he knows what his dad’s capability.
He’s also afraid that his hyung will get involved.

“Hyung, my dad. He’ll be crazy with that. He won’t allow me.” His voice is full of defensiveness.
Mingyu didn’t know why he’s being pessimistic about this. This is his dream with his friends Jihoon
and even Seungkwan. But he’s rejecting it.
“He won’t be mad. Believe me.” Wonwoo confirmed and sudenly grab his phone. “Hyung what are
you doing?” the younger panickly asked. “Going to ask your dad’s opinion.”

The phone is already ringing when Mingyu realise what Wonwoo just said. He hurriedly stand up
and tried to grab Wonwoo’s phone but he is too late. Wonwoo is already talking. And his dad is on
the other line.

“Good morning dad. May I ask you something?” Mingyu is standing in front of the elder while
mouthing ‘What are you doing? Hyung!’ and ‘No hyung please.’ He’s quietly begging for his dad not
to hear his voice.

“Hmm. Actually Mingyu has something to say to you.” The younger had no time to react when
Wonwoo shoved the phone in him. “What am I going to say to him hyung?” he whispered. Wonwoo
just shrugged and looked at him. The younger didn’t know that his hyung can be this cruel to him.

“Hello? Son?” Mr. Kim called. Mingyu got startled and put the phone in his ear. “Y- yes dad.” He
answered. His heart is beating miles per second. “Going to say something son? Can you hurry? I
have a meeting in ten minutes.”

The young man couldn’t form any word in his mind to say to his dad. He even forgot about the
scholarship. “Dad. I- I me and Y-Jihoon hyung received a scholarship in a music academy.” Mr.
Kim is not talking that made Mingyu scared. He knew his father will never allow him. He’s just
dreaming to be a music producer.

“Oh, congratulations son. I’m so proud of you.” His dad said with such bright tone. Mingyu
suddenly wants to cry. ‘Is this true? He’s congratulating me.’ He thought. The younger never expects
to hear that phrase from his dad. Especially if it’s about music.

“Y-you’re not mad? You’re a-allowing me?” He shockingly asked. Earlier his heart is beating miles
per seconds but now it’s skipping its beat and Mingyu can’t breathe.

“No son. Go take the scholarship. Asked my assistant on everything you need hmm? I’m sorry I
really need to meet our clients.” his father cheerfully said. The younger he can’t believe that he’s
father is talking to him that way. He’s so gentle and cheerful. But he’s thankful. Finally he’s dreams
will finally come true.

“T-thanks dad. Really really thank you.” There’s an overwhelming feeling in his chest that make his
eyes burn. “Thank you Dad. Bye.” He finally hang up the phone. And still Wonwoo is looking him.

His eyes is blurry with tears. He didn’t expect to cry in front of the elder.

“See, I told you.” Wonwoo said. Proving his point. He didn’t expect everything just happened.
“Hyung.” Mingyu looked at him with teary eyes. He grab his hyungs’ wrist and suddenly envelop
him into an embrace. He rest his head into Wonwoos’ broad shoulder. They can both feel each
other’s heartbeat. “Hyung. Thank you. Thank very much.”

Wonwoo returned the embrace to Mingyu.

“Everything for you Gyuie. Everything.”

Yaah an update !!!

Thank you for still being with me and with this story. i love you guys. mwuah!!

Thank you thank you thank you!

Comments and kudos are highly appreciated.. please voice out you thoughts. :)

Let's be happy. Together.

Let's Fly!



Chapter 13
Hi my lovely readers. i decided to drop some super fluffy chapter!! :) Hope you like it.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Mingyu and Wonwoo are both busy with their own lives. Wonwoo started his internship with his
father-in-law’s company. Suddenly his life becomes HELL. He does know that it will never be easy
but he didn’t expect this. All of this. Every day a mountain stack of different documents like
proposal, contract and anything else were dump into his table. He need to read and analyze each
document. And make a weekly report. Every day he suffers from headache due to work.

After work, he tried to do his house routine. Make a dinner for them and clean their apartment.

Mingyu is also quite busy this days. Jihoon and him were preparing for their classes. Their trying to
make some demo music to improve their knowledge and skills. They’re both so busy that they barely
seen each other. When Wonwoo got home, Mingyu is still on their studio. When the younger came
home, his hyung is already asleep.

They’re not really bothered by their routine. Unfortunately they can’t look for each other. Mingyu
didn’t know that his hyung is severely exhausted physically and mentally.


Mingyu went home. As he enter their apartment, he was greeted by the cold air inside. Mingyu is
confused. He thought that Wonwoo should be home. He saw the reason of the cold air. The windows
are all open. He’s thinking if they left the windows open. But he’s sure not.

Mingyu is walking in to the dark. He’s too lazy to turn on the lights. He’s lazily walking into the
kitchen to grab something to drink when he heard a groan from the living room. The young man is
shocked and with his uncoordinated limbs, he bump into the corner of the coffee table making him
hissed in pain. “Shit.”

He adjusted his eyes in the dark and saw a lying figure to the couch. He’s sure it is his hyung
Wonwoo. The younger turn on the light and he is right it is his hyung. Lying in the couch looking
sick and weak.

“Hyung what are do doing there. Why are you sleeping on the couch?” he waited for an answer but
Wonwoo is in deep slumber. But he looked so tired even in his sleep. Wonwoo’s cute ringtone
shatters the silence surrounding in their home. Mingyu looked for his hyung’s phone and saw Jimin’s
photo on the screen.

He’s hesitating if he’s going to answer or not but maybe it’s important. He swipe the answer button
and placed the phone in to his left ear. “Hello.” He said waiting for Jimin to talk. “Wonu hyung?
Why your voice is so deep? Is there a problem?” Jimin concern asked.

Mingyu feel stupid to not introduce himself, forgeting that he’s using Wonwoo’s phone. “Ahh
actually it’s Mingyu Jimin-ssi.” He quietly answered while looking into his pale looking hyung.
“Oh. Mingyu hyung! Hello. Wait why you answered Wonu hyung’s phone? Where is he?” unlike
Jungkook. Jimin practically accepted Mingyu as his hyung and he’s glad for that.

“He’s here. He’s sleeping on the couch. He look so weak.” He answered. The line become silent as
Jimin didn’t say a word.

“Hyung. Is Wonu hyung sick?” Jimin worriedly asked. Mingyu put his hand in to Wonwoo head and
felt Wonwoo has a mild fever. “Jimin-ah. I think Wonwoo hyung has a fever.” He informed the

The truth is, Mingyu is slightly panicking. He don’t have any idea how to take care of a sick person.
He’s clumsy and a walking disaster.

“Hyung. Do you want Jungkookie to help you taking care of Wonu hyung? I can call him if you
want.” Jimin offered. The image of an angry Jungkook accusing him of not taking care of his
beloved hyung terrify Mingyu. He is stressed enough and can’t handle a scary boy anymore.

“Ahh.. Jimin-ah. Don’t call Jungkook. Were alright here. I’ll take care of Wonu hyung. Just tell me
what to do.” He answered. He heared a deep sigh from Jimin like he’s thinking seriously. “Hyung.
Wonu hyung is quite sensitive when he is sick. And always remember. Be in his side. He doesn’t
want to be alone. That made him more emotional. He needed open spaces. That’s the reason why
he’s sleeping in the living room. Just make him comfortable. Open the window or the curtain. And
his food. He doesn’t want salty food. You can make something sweet like banana and honey
porridge. He like that. And he sweat a lot when his sick hyung. Please always change his clothes.
And..” Jimin suddenly stops like he’s hesitating to say something.

“What is it Jimin-ah?” Jimin is still not talking, that made Mingyu nervous. “Hyung. Sometimes
when Wonu hyung is sick. He, he has n- nightmares. It’s hard for him. Mmm. Jungkook always
comfort him. He needed to feel safe when he has nightmares hyung. I- I know you two are not real
couple. But. Can.. can you comfort him for me please. He want to be held.”

Mingyu can hear the humiliation in Jimin’s voice. He didn’t know that his hyung can be like this
when he’s sick. Maybe that’s a secret for them and now Jimin is unveiling everything to him.

“I don’t know what to do Jimin-ah.” He admitted. He can hear again Jimin’s deep sigh. He’s thinking
again. Mingyu feel stupid. He don’t even know how to comfort a sick person. “Hyung, just. Hold
him close. You can caress his back. That soothe him well. It made him calm.” Jimin explained.

“Okay. I get it Jimin-ah. Thank you so much.” He said. Mingyu heared someone calling Jimin.
“Hyung I’m sorry but I need to go. Just text me if you need something okay. I’m sorry I’m in Busan
right now. I can’t help you with Wonu hyung. Are you sure you don’t want Jungkook’s help hyung?”
Jimin asked again. Mingyu know that everything will be fine if Jungkook will help him. Or maybe he
will be fully in charged in taking care of Wonwoo, but Mingyu still decline Jimin’s offer. He do want
to take care of his Wonwoo hyung. It’s my responsibility as his husband. He thought.
“No Jimin-ah. I’m fine. I mean were going to be fine. I’ll just text you if I need something. By the
way. Thank you so much for your advice. I’ll do my best to take care of hyung. And please don’t
worry too much about him.”

Mingyu and Jimin said their goodbyes and Mingyu finally start to work. As he has a brilliant
memory, it’s easy for him to remember everything that Jimin said.

First is making him comfortable. Mingyu is lucky that Wonwoo is still sleeping so he will not notice
that he’s alone in the living room while Mingyu prepares all the things that Jimin said. The younger
placed the coffee table in the far corner living the center of the living room empty. He got the spare
futon in his room and placed in the empty living room. He finish the work by putting a soft comforter
in the top of the futon.

Second is the window, he closed it but adjusted the curtain for it to look open. He also adjusted the
temperature making it a little bit warmer. He didn’t know how to cook so he left the porridge for
later. He need to figure it out.

He grab some cotton shirt from Wonwoo’s closet. He chose the most comfortable ones. Towel for his
sweat. And tissue. If he spilled something. He also grabbed some water and some snacks so he
doesn’t need to leave Wonwoo when he feel hungry. He found some medicine in Wonwoo’s cabinet
and take it. His hyung needs to take meds to recover. Everything is settled minus the porridge. He
tried looking for a restaurant offering banana and honey porridge but every restaurant just offered
plain or porridge full of seasoning and ingredient. And it’s not helping that it’s almost midnight.

Mingyu tried to search some of banana and honey porridge and it’s quite easy to make if you know
how to cook and you have the ingredient. But none of all of that do Mingyu have.

While Mingyu is busy looking on his phone. He heard some faint sob from Wonwoo. The elder is
dreaming something isn’t nice. Base on his facial expression, it is far from being a wonderful dream.
He keep shifting his head left and right while mumbling something that Mingyu can’t decipher.
Wonwoo’s mumbles became louder. A series of no’s and please. Mingyu don’t know how to react
and just did what his instinct is saying. He hold Wonwoo’s hand and caress his arms.

“Shhh.. hyung it’s okay. I’m here. Don’t cry please.” He wiped the tears in Wonwoo’s closed eyes.
The elder’s nightmare had no sign of stopping so he decided to wake Wonwoo up.

“Hyung. Wake up hyung. You’re dreaming.” He gently tap the elder’s cheek until he finally woke
up. Still disoriented of what’s happening, he bolted to sit up. Making his head pound. A severe
headache and a worried Mingyu greeted him when he woke up.

“Hyung. You’re having a nightmare.” Mingyu said while seating in the futon he prepared. Wonwoo
is still lost. He doesn’t know why Mingyu is there with a futon. “What’s happening Gyuie?” he
faintly asked. “Hyung you are sick and you need to rest okay.”

While Wonwoo is processing the information. That overwhelming feeling in his chest that made him
want to cry suddenly came back. His eyes stings and tears started pooling in his eyes. He tried to not
to cry but his emotion is so messed up right now. He covered his face with his hands and started
crying like a child. “Gyuie. I’m.. I’m so scared. I don’t know.” He said while crying.

Mingyu finally understand what Jimin is saying. Wonwoo is really emotional right now. He pulled
Wonwoo to sit in the futon. And slowly enveloped him into a warm embrace. The elder continued
crying while Mingyu holds him, he rested his head into Mingyu’s pretty wide shoulder. The younger
is slowly caressing Wonwoo’s back, soothing him with his warm hands.

“Shh.. hyung. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe hmm.” His deep voice made Wonwoo calm. And even
his heartbeat and the vibration while he’s talking lull the elder to slumber.

While holding Wonwoo, Mingyu feel the sweat coming from Wonwoo’s body. His clothes is
drenched with his sweat and even his forehead. When finally, Wonwoo is already calm. The younger
grabbed one of Wonwoo’s clothes. The elder needed to change.

“Hyung don’t sleep please. You need to change your clothes.” He gently ordered. The elder did his
best to stay awake. His eyes is drooping down but he tried to stay conscious. Mingyu do understand.
His hyung needed a lot of rest so he did all the work.

He pulled the drenched clothing out of his hyung’s body. He also grabbed some towel to wipe his
sweat. He did his best not to stare at his Wonwoo’s body. But still, he looks so beautiful for him. His
broad shoulder and his unblemished skin is stunning.

After a few moments staring at his hyung, he put the fresh clothing to Wonwoo. It’s quite hard for
him. But he can’t complain.

After changing his clothes, he laid his hyung down to the futon. He’s arranging something when
suddenly he feel a hand holding his waist. He look to the sleeping man. His eyes is partially open and
staring at Mingyu. “Gyuie. Please don’t go.” He pleaded.

Mingyu felt pity on his hyung’s state. He looks so tired and scared. He carefully laid down beside
Wonwoo and look into his eyes.

“Hyung, I won’t go. Please rest. Okay. I’ll be here when you wake up. Hmm.” He reassured
Wonwoo. But still. Wonwoo’s clutch into Mingyu’s shirt never loosen.

“Can.. can you hold me Gyuie.” He shyly asked. Mingyu’s heart suddenly jump. He doesn’t want to
entertain what he suddenly felt because Wonwoo is his priority. Not his crazy heart that suddenly
jumping without any reason.
“Of course hyung. I will hold you. I won’t let you go.”


Let's Fly.



Chapter 14
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Mingyu is being engulfed by sleepiness. After Wonwoo’s outburst earlier, he spent his time soothing
the elder. He keeps caressing Wonwoo’s back while holding him close. They stayed in that position
for hours. And Mingyu is really really tired. It’s already 2 a.m. in the morning but he’s still not
sleeping. Wonwoo is sleeping for almost two hours now but still the younger is still holding him.
He’s afraid that if he let his hyung go, he will woke up and have another outburst.

Sleepiness is finally winning in Mingyus’ system. He’s finally starting to drift into sleep when he felt
the erratic movement of Wonwoo. He quickly opened his eyes and look for his hyung. He’s
dreaming again. He thought. Like earlier, Wonwoo keep on mumbling things that the younger can’t
understand. Compared earlier, Mingyu isn’t panicking now. He do know what to do with his hyung.
But compared earlier, Wonwoo look worst. He’s paler. He’s sweating so much that Mingyu needs to
change his shirt again and his way hotter than before. The younger is sure it’s not a mild fever
anymore. But he’s not sure because he doesn’t have thermometer in their apartment.

Wonwoo is crying louder. His nightmare is way worse than before. “NO! PLEASE! PLEASE! IT
HURTS! PLEASE! STOP! STOP!!” Wonwoo shouted. Now Mingyu is panicking. He doesn’t expect
that his hyung’s condition will gonna get worse.

“Hyung! Hyung! Please. Wake up! Wake up!” he loudly said. But Wonwoo didn’t wake up.
Exhaustion and pity is mixing in Mingyu’s mind. He’s really sleepy but he can’t let Wonwoo be like
this. Mingyu ran into the bathroom and grab some damp towel. He hurriedly ran back in to
Wonwoo side and placed the damp towel into the elders face. That pull Wonwoo into consciousness.
His eyes were glistening with his tears. He’s sweaty, and literally look pitiful compared to his
confident beautiful self.

“Hyung. Come here.” He pulled the older for a tight hug. Wonwoo is shocked. He can’t understand
what is happening. All he can understand is he is here. And Mingyu is hugging him so tight. The
older can feel the concern and worry of the younger for him. “Hyung, please don’t cry. It’s really
hard to see you cry.” Mingyu whispered to his ear.
That bring a lump in to the elder’s throat, he do want to cry. He do want to feel more of Mingyu’s
embrace. Feel his heartbeat and breathing. He’s really thankful that he has such
amazing husband that really care for him. His tears are out of happiness and thankfulness for this
young man that keeps on holding him.

But all his happiness were gone when nausea hit him hard. In a snap, Wonwoo feel that the world are
spinning and spinning and spinning. There’s something in his stomach that he want to release. He
even taste some awful acidic taste in his mouth.

Wonwoo pushed Mingyu. He can see the shock in the younger’s eyes. He covered his mouth and
tried so hard to stand on his own. Again, he felt really nauseous and almost fall but Mingyu do catch
him before he get hurt. The younger didn’t say a word and just help him to go to the bathroom.

The puked everything that he ate yesterday. It was so awful for him. But Mingyu is there soothing his
back. He is really thankful that the younger is there.

When he finally emptied his stomach, he rinse his mouth and stand. Mingyu looks worried for
Wonwoo. The elder can see it in his eyes.

Wonwoo’s face is paler than ever. There’s a dark circle under his eyes and he can’t even stand with
his own. “Hyung. What happened to you?” the younger asked worriedly.

The elder can’t form a right answer for Mingyu. He’ feels tired, weak and awful.

After emptying his stomach, Wonwoo is starving. He do want to eat but he’s not sure if his stomach
can handle it.
“Hyung. Really what happened to you? I’m really worried. If Jimin didn’t call you I will never have
an idea how to take care of you.” Mingyu scolds. He’s not angry. He’s just so worried to Wonwoo.

“I’m sorry Gyuie. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just tired. The internship has been so hard for the past
week. Maybe my body is still adjusting.” He reason out. Mingyu helped him go back to the living
room, still his stomach is grumbling.

“Gyuie. I’m hungry. Can I have some cereal?” He shyly requested. The younger is thinking, he do
really like eating sweets. “Sure hyung. Just don’t do anything. Okay.” He said hurrying to get
Wonwoo something to eat.

Mingyu hurriedly prepared the food. A chocolate cereal with milk. He came back in the living room
holding the bowl of cereal praying that he will not bump into anything and spill the food. Luckily he
didn’t, he successfully delivered the bowl of cereal to Wonwoo and the older thank him.

Wonwoo lazily ate the cereal. He love sweets when he’s sick a chocolate cereal is perfect for his
sweet tooth. Mingyu is awkwardly watching him. He do want to know what really is the cause of his
hyung’s fatigue but he’s more curious about his dream, oh no. Nightmare.

Wonwoo’s nightmare looks so scary for him cry that way. He looked so scared and pained. “Hyung
do you remember your dream?” Mingyu carefully asked. Wonwoo choked with the cereal. He’s
coughing so hard that made Mingyu worried. “Hyung are you okay?” he said while giving Wonwoo
something to drink.

“It’s nothing Gyuie. Just a bad dream.” A really bad dream. Mingyu thought. He do want to ask, but
maybe the elder’s dream is quite overwhelming to be voiced out. So Mingyu let it pass.

Wonwoo finished his cereal, and finally set to sleep. “Hyung don’t sleep yet. Let’s wait for you to
relax a bit okay. Maybe that will avoid you having nightmare.” He explained. His hyung looks so
cute pouting ‘coz he’s sleepy. “But I’m sleepy Gyuie.” He protested trying to look cute.

Mingyu smiled with his hyung’s cute appearance. That made his exhaustion are completely gone.
But he still won’t let Wonwoo sleep. “Hyung please. Just wait a little bit, Okay. Let’s talk. I haven’t
seen you for a week. We’re both busy. Especially you.” He said.

Wonwoo helped himself to lay down in to the comfy makeshift bed while looking at the younger.
Yet still he’s not satisfied. He’s craving for something that Mingyu can definitely give but he’s too
shy to ask.

He wanted to be held. He want to stay in Mingyu’s warm embrace and feel his heartbeat. But he
thinks he’s being too demanding if he ask Mingyu for that. The younger helped him a lot when he’s
asleep earlier and he needs to sleep too. So Wonwoo settled himself fidgeting with the blanket near

Mingyu lay down also. Feeling the exhaustion in his whole body. He shift facing Wonwoo. He look
in to his hyung’s eye and it looked unsure. His hands can’t stay still and he look so unsatisfied.
Mingyu tried to analyze the elder’s behavior only one thing came across his mind.
“Hyung, do you want me to hold you?” he bluntly asked like it’s the most common thing to do. The
elder looked shocked. He didn’t expect that the younger will offer him of what he exactly want and
needs. But still. His mind can’t stop overthinking with things. He thought that maybe Mingyu is just
being kind with him because he is sick. Or maybe Mingyu is observing him to know if he feel better
compared earlier. Different angle. Different ideas are playing in Wonwoo’s mind. He didn’t notice
that the younger is intently looking at him, especially in his worried eyes.

“Hyung, come here.” he extends his right arm to be the elder’s pillow. Wonwoo is still looking at
him. He can’t understand Mingyu’s action. “Let me hold you.” He simply said. The elder felt warm in
his chest and can’t help but smile. He move closer to Mingyu. Their bodies are touching. Wonwoo
feel so comfortable with resting his head into Mingyu’s chest that he can’t help but smile.

Yet still he’s quite uncomfortable, because he didn’t know where to put his other hand. He tried to
make himself comfortable but his left arm is bothering him. Again, with so much sensitivity, Mingyu
felt Wonwoo’s dilemma and grab the elder’s wrist and put it in his waist. He didn’t say anything,
they’re just there. Practically hugging each other.

“Gyuie, is this okay with you?” Wonwoo quietly ask. With all honesty, Mingyu is quite comfortable
holding his hyung. He’s never been too close to someone like this before, and the truth is he also
enjoyed Wonwoo’s warm and smooth skin. And his fluffy hair tickling his chin. And caressing his
broad back.

“I’m alright hyung. Don’t think too much.” He said while looking Wonwoo into his eyes. They
stayed like that and then Wonwoo snuggled closer to Mingyu. There’s no even a little space between
them and they’re both fine with that.

“Hyung, how’s your internship?” the younger ask. Wonwoo sighed. Remembering his real life hell in
that company. “It was hell Gyuie. The papers I need to read and analyze are no joke. The female
employees keeps hitting on me. They’re so aggressive! And then the guys, hates me. It’s not my fault
that I’m handsome you know.” He complained. Namjooon laughed at his hyung. He’s really
confident like that and it amaze Mingyu.

Praising himself is always easy for Wonwoo. He know that he has the god given face, and every girl
will fall for him easily.

“Hyung, you’re so shameless! I can’t believe you.” Mingyu cried. Wonwoo glared at him. “Why? I
know that I’m handsome and everyone is saying that so why you say that I’m shameless huh! Huh!”
he said almost losing his breath. That made the younger laugh even more. Even the whining
Wonwoo looks cute.

“Yeah yeah hyung. You’re really handsome.” He said just to make his hyung quiet.

They fall into a comfortable silence. Holding each other. Wonwoo can’t hear anything but Mingyu’s
heartbeat and breathing. After a few minutes more, he heard a snore coming from the younger.
Mingyu is fast asleep. He looks very cute while sleeping with slightly opened mouth.

Wonwoo, feel so warm. His heart is pounding again his chest while looking at the younger. He’s
thankful that of all younger rich man in their society, he married this clumsy and awkward yet warm
hearted man.

He’s looking at Mingyu for minutes. He want to do something but he’s quite shy. He’s still looking
until the younger’s snore gets louder. When he is really sure that Mingyu is in deep slumber, he
finally did it.

He slightly pushed himself against the younger body and gave him a peck on his cheeks. After that
the elder feel so embarrassed like a high school girl stealing kisses in his crush. He buried his face in
Mingyu’s chest and inhale the comforting smell of the younger.

“Thank you very much nampyeon

This my gift for my lovely ARMY readers. we did it!!! Congratulations to our fandom and BTS for
winning in BBMAs!!!!!
please praise your self for their award. i know everyone did their best to vote for BTS. and as a gift, i
made this very very fluffy with full of skinship update!! waah!!

thank you for every comments, kudos and all of it. i really appreciate everyone loving D.A.
Still feel free to voice anything about D.A. i will read it all. lets all be crazy fans of BTS.

i dreamed of Wonu hugging me in front of everyone. omo it feels so real!! i can't hahahhahah!!!

Let's Fly.


Chapter 15
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

After two days, Wonwoo’s condition got way better. But still he have a slight fever and cough. But
Mingyu is still really thankful for that. They’re still sleeping in the living room but the older doesn’t
have his horrific nightmare. He’s not crying in his sleep anymore and finally Mingyu feel at peace.

The younger called his dad to say that his husband will be absent for couple of days because he is
sick. Mr. Kim allowed it and offer to send their family doctor to check Wonwoo up, but Mingyu
refused his father’s offer but still he’s glad that his relationship with his father is not that worse
compared before and he’s also concerned with Wonwoo’s health. He also informed Jihoon that he’ll
not be able to go to their studio because of an emergency. He didn’t tell his friend that Wonwoo is
sick for some reason he also didn’t know. So he just shrug it off.

Their still lying on the living room, talking about non sense. Mingyu is still holding Wonwoo like
how he hold the elder from day one. They get used with the feeling of their bodies really close with
each other. They’re not that awkward and shy compared on the first time Mingyu hold Wonwoo.
Mingyu can say that they get closer.

“Hyung, are you comfortable with this?” Mingyu asked, while they’re both staring at the ceiling.
“What this?” the elder ask. He’s not sure what Mingyu is saying and the anxiety suddenly crawl in
his veins.

“This. Me holding you.” Mingyu simply stated. Unconsciously, Wonwoo tightened his grip with
Mingyu’s shirt. Indicating his nervousness and anxiety. He doesn’t know what to answer with the
younger’s question. So he decided to tell the truth.

“Honestly, I really like cuddling with other people. I like having someone beside me while sleeping. I
really need to get used with the place before I could sleep comfortably. In my apartment, it took me
eight months just to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night. I’m used to cuddle with
Jisoo, but when she gets older, you know, she’s slowly becoming a woman despite her mental age, it
became uncomfortable. Jungkook hates cuddling. He doesn’t like skinship a lot and Jiminie is always
busy. So I always sleep alone.” He explained. It’s a new discovery for Mingyu. It’s like every day he
discovered a piece of Wonwoo and he felt proud knowing his hyung more.

“So you’re not sleeping well here?” he asked again. The elder sighed. He’s right, Wonwoo can’t
sleep properly in their apartment. Maybe that’s also the reason why he got sick. He lacks on sleep,
exhaustion and stress.
“Yeah, sometimes if I’m lucky I can sleep without problem but most of the time it took me hours
after lying down before I feel sleepy. And sometimes, when I’m really stressed. I t-take my sleeping
pills” he said almost a whisper.

That explains that scene when Mingyu saw Wonwoo taking some meds when he get water one night.
He didn’t want to get nosy so he didn’t ask. “Hyung. Pills have bad effect on your body. Don’t take
them anymore.” he scolds. The elder smiles, Mingyu is being protective with him again. He do like
the attention the younger is giving to him.

“I know, but sometimes it’s really hard to sleep.” He countered. He doesn’t want to argue but he do
want to tease Mingyu a little.

“No hyung. Throw your pills away.” he said while looking seriously at Wonwoo.

“I’ll hold you to your sleep.” He suddenly said wwith his soft gentle eyes staring at the elder’s. His
words made Wonwoo’s heart jump like what happened when he secretly kissed Mingyu.
“Yah. I don’t want to disturb you every night. A- and that’s too embarrassing.” Wonwoo said. A
faint blush can be seen in his cheeks but Mingyu can’t see that because the elder is hiding his face in
the younger’s chest. “What’s embarrassing about this? We’re not doing anything wrong. You’re
comfortable in cuddling and me too. So what’s the problem? Unless you have a boyfriend right
now.” Mingyu’s words made Wonwoo look at him. Forgetting that the younger is resting is chin in
his head. Wonwoo’s head bumped into Mingyu’s chin that made the younger hissed in pain.

“Oww. Hyung that hurt.” He complained while caressing his injured chin. Wonwoo is extremely
worried. He didn’t mean to hurt Mingyu and he felt stupid for that. “Oh, I’m so sorry Gyuie. Sorry.
Sorry.” He said. Looking like he’s the one who’s hurting.

Mingyu know Wonwoo didn’t mean that and he look so cute while looking like a kicked puppy.
“Hyung, I’m the one who got hurt. Why you look like you’re going to cry?” he teased. “I’m just
worried and sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” The elder said while pouting. And it looks so adorable
for the younger. Especially his lower lip that looks extra thick with his pouting. Mingyu can’t help
but smile. “Oh, my hyungie is sorry. He’s pouting like a baby.” He said with a teasing tone. Wonwoo
glared at him. They feel stupid with their immature acts and ended up laughing with each other. They
are like that when he heard the doorbell rang.

They look at each other wondering who their visitor is. “Did you expect someone to visit you?”
Mingyu ask, he’s not expecting someone to come in to his apartment so maybe it’s for Wonwoo.
“No, I didn’t tell anyone that I’m sick. Open the door. Maybe that’s important.” Mingyu hurriedly
opened the door. He expected things like parcel or bills or someone like Jimin or Jungkook. He
expected everyone but this.

He opened the door and saw his cousin.

A crying Taehyung with bleeding lip and bruise in his face. Mingyu is shocked with what he’s
seeing. “Hyung.” Taehyung looked at him and it breaks his heart. His eyes is full of pain and
sadness. Mingyu didn’t say anything and pull his cousin to his chest and hold him tight. “Hyung.” he
brokenly said and cried in his cousin’s chest. He’s crying like a child that is not very Taehyung.

Mingyu felt rage. He’s angry to the one that made his cousin cry. He’s sure he’ll do something bad
with that person. Whoever he is.

Wonwoo noticed that Mingyu is taking so long opening the door so he followed him. He saw
Mingyu holding someone. He walked beside them and see a familiar petite figure being held by the
younger. He look in to the younger and all he can see is full rage. He’s mad. It’s his first time seeing
Mingyu like that. Like he’s going to hurt someone.

Wonwoo petted Taehyung’s head. The angry Mingyu is not what he needs right now. He needs to
feel safe and be comforted by them.

“Taehyungie. What happened?” he softly asked. The boy look at him. He saw his whole expression,
his teary eyes his bleeding lip and bruises in his pretty face and it breaks his heart. It’s not the
Taehyung that he met in their wedding. Not the cute boy that suddenly hug him and said that he likes
him. He’s not that. He’s the Taehyung in pain. Lost and vulnerable. And he hates it. With that one
night he became attached with Taehyung and he cared for him like how he cared for Jimin and

He loose his hold with his cousin and hug Wonwoo. His hold is tight. Quite painful for Wonwoo but
he didn’t mind. By the way he hold him, he’s sure the boy is scared. “Taetae can tell hyungie what
happened right?” he tried talking to Taehyung like how he talked to Jisoo. Maybe it works. He
looked at his and husband and told him to get some water for Taehyung. It is a good way to calm
himself down.

Fortunately Mingyu didn’t refuse his order and walk in to the kitchen to get water for his cousin.

By the time Mingyu is not with them, Wonwoo cupped the boy’s face to look at him. “Tell hyung
what happened okay. Now let’s sit.” Taehyung noticed the futon and some stuff in the living room.

“Sorry, hyung has been sick lately and I’ve been sleeping here with Gyuie.” He explained. Taehyung
is still looking at him. They settle on the futon. “So do you want to tell us what happened?” he asked
again. Taehyung looks worried. The elder can feel his distress, he hold Taehyung’s hand to give him
comfort. “Don’t worry. You don’t have to tell me if you’re not comfortable. Do you want Gyuie?” he
gently ask. Wonwoo tried to be gentle as possible. He know that Taehyung is really sensitive right
now and he don’t want to make a wrong move to make the boy more upset.

Mingyu walk back holding a glass of water. He’s still mad, based on his expression but Wonwoo can
tell that he already calm himself down. He’s not aggressive looking like earlier and that is a good
sign. “Gyuie, do you want to hold Taetae? He’s more comfortable with you.” Wonwoo offered.
Mingyu looks so lost and just staring at them. He doesn’t want to hold Taehyung ‘coz he doesn’t
know how to do it. But Wonwoo encouraged him.
Mingyu sighed and tried to calm himself down. “Come here Tae.” He said while opening his arm for
the boy. Taehyung quietly complied. He feels safe in his cousin’s embrace. That’s all he needs right

They stay like that while Wonwoo is carefully watching the two. “Now Tae, can you tell us what
happened? Why are you crying and your bruises? Who did that? What did yo-“ Mingyu’s continuous
question were cut off when Wonwoo touched him. He look to his hyung and the elder shake his head.
Indicating for him to stop asking too many question for his cousin.

Mingyu shut his mouth and let Taehyung take his time to calm down and think. After few minutes he
finally speak.

“Hyung, I thought he love me. He said that I’m the only one that can make him happy. Then I saw
them, him and that bitch making out in my own apartment. Hyung. H- he lied to me. I hate him.” he
said then he cried hard again.

Now surely Mingyu want to kill that bastard. He so busy planning things how to kill that fucker that
hurt his beloved cousin when he saw his husbands’ eye. Wonwoo’s eye is full of worry and pain.
Like he knew exactly what Taehyung has been going through. He can see the eyes that the elders has
every time he had his nightmare. That scary dream that keeps hunting him. That make Mingyu

‘Why them? This two amazing people were hurt by bastards. Why they chose love that fuckers. I
want to kill them all.’ He thought. He hold Taehyung closer. He want to protect his cousin and his
husband for those asshole that can’t see their true value. They’re fucking stupid for hurting Wonwoo
and Taehyung and he’ll make sure that it will never happen again. Never in his watch.

“Did you tell your parents Taetae?” Wonwoo asked. That interrupted the younger’s thoughts. Yeah.
His parents needs to know all about this. Maybe they’ll take a legal action about the issue. That
fucker will see how powerful Kim’s are.

“No. They disown me already. My dad want me to take business course. But I enrolled in performing
arts. And he got so furious to me. And he caught us when he came to my apartment. He had enough
of me hyung. He already disown me. He doesn’t want to see me anymore. I’m not his son anymore.”
that made him cry again.

Mingyu can’t expect that Taehyung in having a really hard time right now. In their wedding he looks
so cheerful and happy. He didn’t noticed that he’s in pain.

The younger is so caught up with his thought when he heard a soft sob. It’s not from Taehyung.

It’s from Wonwoo.

The elder tried so hard to stop crying, but his tears are freely flowing from his eyes. It’s a painful
scenery for Mingyu to see, Taehyung and Wonwoo are crying in front of him. “I’m so sorry. I don’t
want to cry. But it’s so painful to hear. Taetae, I’m so sorry.” He said. He can’t even understand why
he’s saying sorry to Taehyung. He knows that he didn’t do anything wrong but he feel that’s it’s the
right words to say right now.

For Taehyung and for himself.

Mingyu didn’t know how to comfort the two crying men. He sucks at comforting people. And he
basically don’t know how to do it especially for two people. He look in to Wonwoo with so much
gentleness. He wiped the elder’s tears and smile at him. Wonwoo tried to calm himself down and
luckily it works. Now he just need to make Taehyung calm again.

“Shh. Taetae, stop crying okay. Hyung is here. I’ll be with and Wonwoo hyung too. Then you can
also meet Jisoo and Jimin and Seungkwan. Okay. You’ll be happy with us.” He said. Taehyung feels
reassured that ever. He knew that his cousin will never leave him alone. And now that Wonwoo is
also here. He’ll be more happy that being with his asshole ex.

Hours later, the boy gets really tired and fell asleep in Mingyu’s arm. He’s not complaining but his
arms are hurting so bad thathe feels like it’ll fall off in any second. Wonwoo is preparing a simple
dinner for the three of them. Mingyu doesn’t want him to cook but the elder insist. He said he missed
cooking when he’s sick and he want to make a home cooked dinner for Taehyung. He said that home
cooked food can warm people’s heart. And that is what Taehyung exactly needs right now. Mingyu
is stucked being with his sleeping cousin so he can’t stop Wonwoo from what he want to do.

After he finished, they waked Taehyung up to eat. The three of them didn’t eat lunch because of the
situation and Wonwoo will never let Taehyung miss dinner.

They ate in silence. Mingyu didn’t know if it’s an awkward or comfortable silence but he didn’t
mind. He’s thankful that Wonwoo is getting pretty well now and Taehyung is eating. Although he’s
not his usual cheerful self but still, seeing him eating is fine with Mingyu right now.

After dinner, Wonwoo insist for him to wash the dishes. But the younger didn’t let him. He said that
he’ll do it tomorrow. Right now they all need to rest especially the other two.

They realize that Taehyung doesn’t have anything when he came to their apartment. He don’t have
his clothes or anything. “Here, wear this. Let’s just get your things in other day okay. There’s a spear
toothbrush in the cabinet, use that.” Mingyu instructed him. The younger obliged without a word. He
looks so tired and maybe shower will clear his mind up.

He watched Taehyung placing his phone wallet and keys in the side table of Mingyu’s room. When
the younger went to the bathroom, Mingyu grabbed Taehyung’s keys and hurriedly place it in his
pocket then he texted Seungkwan and Jihoon.

To: Seungkwan; Jihoon hyung;

I need both of you. We’ll teach someone a lesson. He shouldn’t have mess with a Kim.

He send that message and prepare Taehyung’s bed. He decided to let his cousin sleep in his bed. He’s
still sleeping in the living room with Wonwoo so his bed will be okay for Taehyung. The boy was
done showering.

“Taehyungah, you can sleep here. Wonu hyung and I will sleep in the living room but I’ll go out with
Jihoon hyung and Hosoek. Are you okay being with Wonwoo hyung here?” he ask. Taehyung’s
expression is still blank. Mingyu is slowly getting worried with Taehyung. He never see the boy’s
boxy smile for a whole day and that’s disturbing for him. He’ll make sure to beat that fuckers’ ass
really good for Taehyung.

“Hyung, I don’t want to be alone here. And where are you going? It’s already late.” Mingyu stiffen.
He’s not that great at telling lies especially with Taehyung. He honestly believe that Taehyung is
somewhat genius in his own way. And he can tell easily tell when his cousin is lying by simply
looking at his eyes.

“I have something to talk about with Jihoon and Seungkwan.” He simply said. Trying his hard to
control his expression.

Maybe because of the situation, Taehyung didn’t notice that Mingyu is lying. The elder is quite
thankful for that. “Can I sleep with Hyungie?” he said. It’s an odd request. He don’t know actually
the answer. But he thinks, its okay that Taehyung will be with Wonwoo when he left. It will make
him less worried with the elder.
“I don’t know Tae, let’s ask Wonu hyung.” he said. They walk in the living room spotting Wonwoo
busy watching some random drama. He looks livelier now. “Hyung Tae wants to cuddle with you. Is
that okay?” he softly asked.

Wonwoo look at them and gave Taehyung a wide smile. “Of course! I love cuddling with Taetae.”
He happily said. Taehyung ran to him and the two cuddle like they always do this. By the fact that
it’s their first time sleeping together, Mingyu is quite amaze with their closeness.

Taehyung hug Wonwoo and finally, Mingyu saw his cousin smile for the first time for the whole day.
Taehyungs’ smile is so lovely for Mingyu. It’s so precious for him.

“Hyung, I’ll meet Jihoon hyung and Seungkwan. You two should sleep. Okay. Don’t wait for me.”
He said. Mingyu didn’t wait for the response of Taehyung and Wonwoo and just left. He make sure
that he locked the door properly for their safety.

“I’ll make sure to beat his ass up.”

Hi everyone. i hope you enjoy this chapter. i'm quite emotional right now so i did this very emotional
update. hope you like it.

and i have a bad news.

i'm starting my internship and thesis in June so I don't know if i can make an update for June and July
but don't worry. i'll try to do it if i have a spear time.

thank you for all the view,kudos, comments and subscription!!! happy 2000 hits!i love you guys!

thank you thank you so much!! i will miss you.

Let's Fly!


i made a fanart about the last episode!it's just an amatuer chibi NamWonu. if you like to check them
just vicit my tumblr!


Chapter 16
First of all, I'm sorry for calling Chou Minho of Shinee an asshole or everything that i said. i made
that as his character for this story. please don't take it seriously.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

The three of them met at the lobby of Taehyung’s apartment complex. Its late night and Jihoon didn’t
appreciate the disruption of hiS precious sleep. “Do you really need to beat him this late huh? Gyu-
ah? Can’t we just beat him tomorrow or next week? I’m really tired you know.” He reasoned out
with so much boredom on his face.

Mingyu’s emotion are overflowing right now and it will never make him sleep until he beat someone.
And that someone is his cousin’s ex-boyfriend.

“Hyung you’re always tired. I will make sure to hurt him so bad. He’ll regret laying his dirty hands
on my cousin.” Honestly, Mingyu is sure Jihoon and Seungkwan will never help him beating that

First, it’s so immature and unfair to fight with three against one. They’ll never be that low to do that.
Second, Mingyu didn’t need their help. He’s a descendant of god of destruction. If he can break
anything, they’re sure he can break that bastard’s face. And third. They’re just there to watch Mingyu
and tell him if he needs to stop. He’s known to be calm and logical about things but his emotion can
consume his logical thinking and just act without thinking. And lastly, Taehyung is like their
annoying youngest brother, he’s too energetic for Jihoon’s liking but he crawl his place to to grumpy
man’s heart and the three of them will make sure that that asshole who dared to hurt the annoying
and energetic boy will pay.

“Let’s go. Let’s just do this and go home. I have practice tomorrow.” Seungkwan decided. The three,
went to Taehyung’s apartment. They can hear a voice of a man and a woman outside, they sound so
happy inside. Mingyu really want to hurt that bastard. They’re here. Happy while his cousin
Taehyung is in his apartment crying himself to sleep.
World is such cruel place.

They knock the door. Mingyu tried to stay calm as possible. A girl opened the door. She’s just
wearing a bathrobe and it’s really obvious that she’s just done showering. She’s showing her
cleavage like it’s something that she should be proud of.

Jihoon, didn’t look interested with the girls display and Mingyu didn’t care at all. But Seungkwan is
different. He fined her beautiful and attractive but it’s not the time for his sexual desires. But if she’s
not in this situation or maybe they met at some other place. He’s sure they’ll share a night.

The girl looked so stunned while looking the three. There’s a flirtatious look in his eyes like she want
to seduce the three men standing in front of her.

With Seungkwan’s natural charisma, he smiled at the girl and talked to her. “Hi beautiful lady, may I
ask if Choi Minho is here? We need to talk to him.” he asked nicely.

Before the girl call Minho, the door suddenly slightly opened and there he is. The asshole that made
Taehyung’s life miserable. Mingyu saw nothing but that guy. “Who are y-“ Minho didn’t finished his
sentence when Mingyu kicked him inside the apartment. The girl is shocked but Jihoon and
Seungkwan see that coming. The girl just froze while looking at his boyfriend getting beaten by some
unknown guy. She tried to run and call for help but Seungkwan catch her before she can even move.
“Not so fast miss.” Seungkwan smiled at her with an scary glint in his eyes. He forced the girl to seat
in the couch and just watch Mingyu and Minho. While Jihoon is just there watching like he’s
watching a movie.

The younger continuously punched Minho’s face. It’s such a waste, he had a handsome face but
rotten personality. Mingyu throw different combination. He’s blood is raging and at some point he
feel powerful. It’s his first time beating someone up. And it feels great.

Minho on the other hand, didn’t get the chance to protect himself. After Mingyu kicked him the
younger jumpon top of him and manage to hold his both hands while punching him. That's what
anger can do to people. They manage to do a lot of things because of it. He doesn’t care about the
pain on his hands or maybe he can’t feel it. With all the adrenaline rushing to his system right now,
he’s unstoppable. All he want is to see Minho in pain, like what he did with his precious TaeTae.

After few minutes, Jihoon feels it’s enough. “Yah Gyu-ah, that’s enough. He’s almost unconscious
now. Stop it already.”

Strangely Mingyu listened to Jihoon. Seungkwan and Jihoon thought it will be hard to stop Mingyu
with his anger, but it turns out the younger is still using his brain.
They all stood up and that’s the time the girl rushed into his almost unconscious- bloody face
boyfriend. She’s crying seeing his boyfriend being beaten and bleeding but Seungkwan’s scary
presence made her stay still.

“How can you do this to him! You’re evil!” she screamed.

The three turned to look at her, her eyes is full of tears while helping Minho out. “You’re the evil
here. He cheated and hurt Taehyung. And you’re really thick skinned to chase him out in his own
apartment! You fucker! After Tae did everything for you! You’ll just fuck some bitch. And
remember this. I don’t want to see you ever here again or I’ll make sure to kill you next time.”
Mingyu’s threat made the couple more scared. His threat sound so true.

“We’ll sue you! I’ll make sure you’ll rot in jail!” the girl shouted back. The three of them wanted to
laugh. She didn’t even know anything about Taehyung’s status in this country. She’s beautiful but
she’s obviously stupid. Maybe her brain is in her boobs.

“Go ahead. Sue me or any of us. Good luck if you can find a lawyer that will help you. You don’t
even know who’s you’re messing with.” He said. Giving them a final glance before they left.

He feels great. And somewhat happy with the result of their little secret mission.

“Finally we can go home now.” Jihoon stated looking so sleepy. “You.” He pointed Mingyu. “This is
the last time that you’ll call me at late night or I’ll kill you. Understand?” he threatened. Seungkwan
and Mingyu just laughed at him. He’s really a grandpa needing a his precious beauty sleep.

They went home the two took a cab, they declined his offer to drive them home. They said that it’s
too late. So all of them should head home.

While he’s driving, the adrenaline rushing in his blood slowly disappear. He felt a painful sensation
in his both hands. He looked at them and they are swollen. And even bleeding. He can’t believe it
how painful it is.

“Wonu hyung will kill me.” He stated then continued his way home.

He arrived at their apartment expecting that Wonu and Taehyung are both in deep slumber. He
opened the door and welcomed by an irritated looking Wonu with his hands folded across his chest.
“Where did you go? You’re not answering my calls Mingyu.” He said while glaring at the younger.
Mingyu noticed that his hyung use his full name, that means he’s serious.
“We just went out to get some drinks hyung. Nothing bad happened.” He tried to make an excuse but
Wonu is too sharp for him and he’s so bad at lying. “We’re did you drink, that ending you up with a
swollen hands huh Gyu-ah?” he sarcastically said.

He can beat Choi Minho but he never get away with Wonu’s anger.

They’re in the kitchen, Wonwoo is tending Mingyu’s hand injury with frozen peas his hand are
swollen and the elder is sure the younger sprained both his hands.

“I knew it. Mingyu. I should’ve stopped you. You’re so stupid Gyuie. You really beat him up? Aren’t
you worried being sued by him huh? That’s physical injury if you didn’t know. You’re not even
thinking. I hate you.” Mingyu is not listening to his hyung. He know that everything that Wonu said
is not meant by the older and just caused by worry.

“Hyung, I just want to teach that fucker a lesson. He made Taehyung sad. The least that I can is ruin
his face." He defended.

Wonwoo actually understand the younger’s feeling. He’s protective with Taehyung as much as
Wonwoo is overprotective with Jisoo, finally stopped nagging the younger. "How is he?" He asked.

Mingyu's mind need a few moment to process his hyung’s question. He's in daze when he felt a sting
in his left hand. He came back to consciousness when a stinging sensation didn't stop and just getting
worse and worse. He looked into his left hand and saw Wonu poring a massive amount of alcohol to
his wounded knuckles.

"Aw! aw! Hyung! Why did you do that! He shouted. Wonwoo glared at him to make him stop
screaming or Taehyung will be awake.

"You're in daze. I just want to wake you up." He said happily. He didn't know that his hyung can be a
sadist like that.

"He's almost unconscious when Jihoon hyung stopped me.” Mingyu simply stated. He's so sure
Wonwoo will nag him again for beating Minho almost into unconsciousness so he's preparing
himself and his ears.

"Good. I'm glad you beat his ass up that good." The younger suddenly looked at him. Wonwoo looks
so happy after hearing Minho's state like it’s the best thing happened today.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked. Mingyu realized that there are a lot of things that
he needs to learn about his hyung.
"You're very unpredictable hyung really." He said. They ended up laughing while Mingyu is telling
his hyung how he beat that fucker Minho.


Taehyung is staying with them for almost a week now. He looks normal, but Mingyu and Wonwoo
can see the truth. He's still hurting with what happened to his relationship with Minho. They can see
everything in his eyes.

They still can't see the old Taehyung. The cheerful, peculiar and innocent boy that love to play with
dogs and kids.

He didn't know how his hyungs shared a worried look whenever he's looking into nothing. When he's
not with himself.

Mingyu wished that he can bring his cousin's bright smile by beating Minho. He will be glad doing it
every day until Taehyung is finally alright. But it would do nothing good for his cousin. And he feel
so stupid not knowing what to do to make Taehyung happy again.

They're eating breakfast quietly when Taehyung suddenly speak. "Hyung can you help me find a
buyer for my apartment?" He's looking at Wonwoo.

Wonwoo and Mingyu are looking at each other. They're both asking question with their eyes.

"O- of course Taehyung. I have a friend that can help you. But why so sudden?" the eldest asked.

Mingyu's heart is racing. He do want to know why he suddenly want to get rid of that apartment but
he don't want to push his cousin to another breakdown.

"I don't want to live there anymore. And it’s too big for someone living alone. I want to find a
smaller apartment just right for me." He answered with a decent tone in his voice. He sound normal
for a young man. But Taehyung is never been normal. He's always extraordinary with his actions and
even with his voice. So they know that he's still not okay.

"I'll just need to get my things there today and it’s ready to be sold." He said. Mingyu want to come
with him to collect his things but he already promised Jihoon that they'll work on some new track.

He's been missing their sessions since Wonwoo got sick and Taehyung being with them. So he
doesn't have the rights to decline.
"Can I help you Tae. Mr. Kim, I mean dad still doesn't want me to go to the company. He said I need
to rest. And I'm so bored here you know. I want to go somewhere." He complained. His hyung is so
cute and that made Taehyung smile but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Of course hyung. You'll be a great help than Gyuie hyung." He teased. That all pretend that they're
alright for the sake of the youngest. So Mingyu whined with Taehyung's joke.

"Yah! I'm eating quietly here. And why do you want Wonwoo hyung than me. Huh? I'm your
cousin. We grew up together Tae. I can't believe this.” He said dramatically.

They're laughing when Taehyung speak again. "But that doesn't change the facts that you'll just ruin
my things. Everything that you touches break hyung." He countered back.

They laugh while having breakfast like there nothing wrong. But there is something wrong. And it’s
painful for all of them.


Wonwoo and Taehyung headed out to his apartment. The younger is just quiet looking outside with
the whole ride. Wonwoo doesn’t know what to do. ‘Should I talk to him?’ he asked himself. But he
just continued driving. He thought the younger needed this time to think.

They arrived at Taehyung’s apartment complex, still the boy is not talking. It made Wonwoo quite
nervous without any reason why.

They stopped in front of Taehyung’s door. The younger look nervous and Wonwoo looked so
worried about him. “Do you want to go home Tae? We can do that you know.” Wonwoo offered. But
obviously the boy is not listening to him. He’s too drowned with his thought and caused him a panic

Wonwoo noticed the labored breathing of Taehyung, his eyes are unfocused and with he’s body is
shaking. An obvious symptoms of an incoming attack. “Taehyung looked at me. Breathe okay.
Hyung is with you. You are okay. Try it. Breathe in… breathe out.” He said while holding
Taehyung’s face. Thankfully Tae did the breathing exercises, his nerves are finally starting to calm
down. Wonwoo grabbed the keys in Taehyung’s hands.

The younger is too scared to even open the door. So he need to do it for Tae. He carefully unlocked
the door without letting go of Taehyung’s hand.

He opened the door, everything in the apartment looks normal. It’s a bit messy but they can fix that.
He guided Taehyung inside, the younger is looking down while walking. He’s scared of what he’ll
see inside his apartment.
Taehyung scanned his apartment. He can see Minho’s shirt on the couch. Even that girl’s brush on
the floor. Their memories inside his apartment were replaying in his mind at the same time the scene
when he saw Minho and the girl making out at the same couch where they share intimate touches.
The pain he felt become unbearable. Without his knowledge a tear escaped from his eyes. It doubled
until he can’t hold it anymore.

He’s crying again. He thought he’s already done crying and pouring his pain out but still the pain and
sadness he feel right now is as much as the pain he felt that day.

He realize that he’s just lying to himself. He’s still hurting, but he convinced himself that he’s alright.
He’s been lying all this time. The smiles, the laughter and the joy he showed to his hyung are just a
show, to make them believe.

To make himself believe.

He walked into his bedroom, they have a task to accomplish and that is to pack his belongings and
get rid of this apartment. So he need to do that.

Wonwoo is quietly watching his dongsaeng cry and it pained him too. He know the feeling. Every
inch of pain. He know that. But he knows that Taehyung is a strong person, he’ll manage to move
forward. He just need a little more time to be alright again.

He followed Taehyung inside his bedroom, his luggage are splayed on the floor. His clothes are on
the bed. But Taehyung is sitting on the floor, leaning in his own bed, staring at nothing. Wonwoo
followed him and sat on the bed. He think Taehyung wouldn’t appreciate any type of comfort for
now so he just let him be.

They stayed like that for minutes, no one is talking. Everything is engulfed with silence. Wonwoo is
also getting drowned with his own thoughts when Taehyung finally talk.

“We always say that it’s Minho’s fault. He’ the one who cheated on me. He deserve every pain in
this world. Even Mingyu hyung hurt him because of that. But you know hyung, I can’t help but to
ask and blame myself. These question were in my mind from the time I saw them. Did I do anything
wrong? Is it my fault? Am I not god enough for him? What if I’m a girl? Will he cheat on me? Am I
not good looking? Is there something wrong about my personality? Maybe I’m not worth it. Maybe I
deserve to be treated like this because I always disappoint my parents. Maybe it’s a punishment for
my sins. Am I a good person?” he cried
“All of that were crashing on my mind. And then I’ll come up with the conclusion that, it’s all my
fault. If I’m only normal who can love a girl maybe I’m not hurting right now. It is my fault choosing
Minho over my parents. It is my fault. Everything is my fault and I’m so stupid to think that I deserve
to be happy and to be with someone that can love me just as much as I love him. It is all my fault and
I can’t complain about how painful I feel because it is all my fault.”

He’s crying while talking. All his thought that drown him. All of the thing that is hidden deep inside
Taehyung’s heart. Wonwoo heard all of it and he felt awful. Wonwoo just want to cry with him while
holding him close so the younger would never feel that he’s alone ever again. But a space for himself
is the thing that Taehyung really needs right now.

“I’m so desperate. I’m desperate to feel loved by someone. I just want a person that can love me as
much as I love him. Just one person. So when Minho said that he loves me and I’m the only one that
can make him happy, I feel relieved. I thought at least someone love me although I already knew that
he’s lying. For the fucking start I know he’s into my money but I didn’t care because he said that he
loves me. And I want to believe that. And that’s all I am asking for. It’s all my fault. I did this to
myself. If I didn’t hope that someone will come and love me, maybe I’m not hurting right now. If
only I accepted the fact that I don’t deserve to be loved by anyone then there’s no mess today. I don’t
need to seek help from you hyung and I’ m so sorry for disturbing you and Mingyu hyung. I’m so
sorry please forgive me please.” He’s literally begging for forgiveness, he didn’t even do anything
wrong. Wonwoo realize how broken Taehyung is.

The elder is crying so hard hearing Taehyung’s words. ‘How someone as young as him can bear all
this pain alone?’

He felt awful for not noticing Taehyung’s pain and sadness. If only he can speak and just hold the
crying boy on his arms, an shield him with everything that might hurt him. he’ll be willing to do that.

“I’m sorry hyung. I didn’t mean it. I just want to be happy. I’m sorry for being a burden to you. I’m
sorry. I’m sorry.” He said repeatedly.

Every word that come out in his mouth shatters Wonwoo’s heart. They both feel the unbearable pain
and they can’t do anything to stop it. The elder just shush him, it so ironic that he’s trying to make
Taehyung stop from crying when he can’t even do that for himself.

“It’s okay Tae, it’s okay. People always make mistakes and we learn from that. But please, learn to
love yourself. Alright? You don’t need someone to feel loved. Do it. Love yourself. And no one can
hurt you this much ever again. There’s nothing wrong with who you are. You are good enough for
all the good things in this world and you’re always worth it. You’re worth it to be loved by everyone.
Don’t think about what other people will say okay. They don’t matter to you and your happiness. We
love you so much. Me, Gyuie, Seungkwan and even Jihoon and Jimin and also Jisoo. We love to see
you smile. And your weird ideas we love you and we’ll never let you be alone okay.”

Taehyung never felt so reassured compared today, no one ever said that words to him. Only his
hyung. And he’s really thankful that they met.
“Pain is always a part of something great. A lot of beautiful things starts from pain. And maybe after
this you’ll be a better version of yourself. You’ll be free and happy. Just endure it. Your pain will
always worth it. Do don’t worry.”

Wonwoo said while wiping Taehyung’s tear away. He promised to himself that he’ll never let
Taehyung and everyone that he love cry alone again. Never.

“I’ll be always here for you. Remember that.”

I didn't plan doing this chapter as emotional as this But I feel so hurt right now. i express all my
feeling with Tae's. That's all basically me and my thoughts.

So I want to really let this out of my chest or I'll be crazy.

I feel awful this month. Maybe it's not my month. first is the bombing in Manchester. hope my every
readers are safe. i feel sad seeing that news. people went there to enjoy the music and see their idol
Ariana and then the bombing happened. i can't understand why would they do that. the people in that
concert are mostly teenager. they don;t know anything about terrorism. they're young and just want
to be happy.

Second is if you don't heard it, in my country Philippines, there are terrorist group that invaded a city
on the southern part of the philippines. people are dying and an attack in a casino chain that caused
23 fatality. it's really awful.

And thord is the news about BigBang's T.O.P. I'm a YG stan. i love all of YG's group ad Bigbang
drag me into this crazy world of KPOP. if you're a hater or you dindn't like them, it's okay. you're
entitled with your own opinion. BUT PLEASE. DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE A COMMENT
BASHING THEM IN THIS STORY OR I'LL HATE YOU. we understand them. i'm not saying that
what he did is good or nothing of a big deal but please just stop bashing him already. i cried thinking
about TOP last last night. it's painful to see a person that inspire and make you appy beating lying on
the bed with an oxygen mask. and all these korean websites stating wrong reports really make me
angry. i'm so sorry i'm so emotional right now.
hope you like this update although it's not as happy as the other. i'll make it up to you guys. but right
now i need to support every YG as much as i can.

thank you for the comments, kudos, and subscrption. i really appreciate all of you guys.

Let's Fly.


i'll post a chibi fanart about their wedding and even about this chapter. you can see that with my



Chapter 17
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

It’s been a month since Taehyung moved out in Mingyu and Wonwoo’s apartment. They manage to
sold his old apartment and buy a new one. But the boy didn’t say where he lives now. He said he
want it as his own secret place. He is really weird. Wonwoo proved. Still, he love to see the weird
Tae than the broken one. So he didn’t insist on knowing his new apartment. If that can make
Taehyung happy again.

But Wonwoo, develop a habit on calling Taehyung and checking if he’s alright. The new school year
has started so he said that he’s slightly busy with the school work. Mingyu and Wonwoo were
surprised when he said that he transfered in their unviversity.

Last week, Mingyu heard Wonwoo scolding Taehyung on the phone. The younger told him that he’s
being addicted with an online game named Overwatch. He said that he’s playing the game for almost
11 hours a day and that made the elder scold him. Even being scolded, Taehyung seems so happy
now, he’s laughing and he said he found a playing buddy. The young alien is really happy finding a
friend while playing his new favorite game. Mingyu can’t be more thankful for that. Again, they can
see his cousin is genuinely happy with his life.
He’s glad they’re all okay and happy.

Mingyu and Jihoon transferred in the music school that the entertainment company granted them
scholarship. Their school is quite cool, being with music major are way more fun and different than
being with business major studenst. For the first time in Mingyu’s college life, he’s interested
knowing his classmtes, knowing that they have the same interest and passion with music.

Mingyu, for the first time, is finally feeling free.

It’s Saturday night and they’re both home, Wonwoo managed to finish his work earlier and Mingyu
only has morning classes in Saturdays. They’re both bored staying home. They are young, free men
and young men were not supposed to stay home in Saturday night.

Then Mingyu remembered Seungkwan. He checked his notes in his phone and saw a note for the
day. It’s Seungkwan’s birthday.

He remembered Seungkwan invited him and Jihoon and even Wonwoo and Jimin to a club. He’s
hosting a huge party for his birthday. Of course he’s going to have a lavish party. He’s Seungkwan
anyways. The young man has a lot, oh wrong, tons of friends. They can say that he’s really popular
in their former school.

He rushed to his hyung’s bedroom. He looked at his watch, its 7:23 p.m. they’re not going to be late
if they’ll hurry. “Hyung, are you free tonight?” he quickly asked. Wonwoo is quite shocked, he
doesn’t mind Mingyu barging into his room.

“Yeah why?” he asked.

“Hyung, it’s Seungkwan’s birthday. I forgot to tell you. He’s hosting a party to a club in Gangnam.
And were invited. You wanna come with me? Oh and he’s also inviting Jimin. Can you call him?”
he rushly said like someone is chasing him. “Oh yeah of course.”

After that they both rush looking for something to wear. Wonwoo feel quite excited. It’s been so
long that he’s been in a club and getting wild on a Saturday night. He decided to relax and loosen up
for tonight. It will be fun. He thought.
He chose a white tank top and layered it with a red checkered sleeves polo with shorts and black
timberlands. He look so hot and wild with his attire. He knew he will enjoy this night. Mingyu
choose to be in all black attire. Still, it shows his slim figure that made women drool for him.

“Hyung, you look different.” Mingyu comented when his hyung came out to his room. Wonwoo just
smirk. Smirk that can kill women and even men. “I know I’m handsome Gyuie, you don’t need to
mention that.” his overflowing confidence made the younger laugh. “Hyung, I just said you look
different not handsome.” Mingyu teased.

Wonwoo is embarrassed with what Mingyu said. Sometimes Mingyu can be savage just like Jihoon.
“Whatever. I’m handsome.” He reasoned.

They head to the said club. While Wonwoo is driving, he remembered to call Jimin. “Gyuie, I forgot
to call Jiminie, can you call him for me. Here’s my phone.” He carefully pass his phone with the
younger and dialed Jimin’s number.

After a few rings Jimin anwered the phone. “Hello Wonu hyung..” he greeted.

Thankfully Mingyu wasn’t awkward with Jimin. He remembered how Jimin helped him when
Wonwoo is sick. “Hello Jiminie, its Mingyu.” He said. He can hear someone talking with Jimin but
he can’t understand what they’re talking about.

“Oh, Mingyu hyung. Hi. Is there something wrong? Is Wonu hyung sick again?” Jimin worriedly
asked. Mingyu can sense Jimin’s worry through the phone. “Oh, no. Ahh, remember Seungkwan?
My friend? It’s his birthday today and he’s inviting you to his party. Are you free tonight?” Mingyu
asked. Strangely, it’s so coomfortable for him to talk to Jimin like he’s a friend. Maybe its Jimin’s
natural charm to people.

Wonwoo turns right and they can see the club where Seungkwan’s party is happening.

“Yeah. But I’m with Jungkook. Is it okay if I come with him?” he asked. Mingyu’s heart starts to
race. He suddenly remembered how Jungkook glared him.

Wonwoo noticed Mingyu is taking his time answering Jimin. He park his car and looked at the
younger. ‘Why?’ he mouthed. Mingyu covered the mouth piece of Wonwoo’s phone. “Jimin want to
come with Jungkook.” He whispered. Wonwoo looked worried for the younger, he know that
Mingyu and Jungkook are still not okay with each other. “Say no Gyuie.” He whispered.

Mingyu really wants to say no, but imagining the younger alone in Saturday night while they are all
partying, made him feel guilty. “Ah. Jiminie, of course Jungkook can come. If he wanted to.”
Mingyu said. Wonwoo looked shocked with what the younger said. “Alright Jimin. Wonwoo hyung
will text you the address.” Then he end the call.
“I thought, you’re not comfortable with Jungkook, Gyuie. Why did you agreed?” Wonwoo asked
with a genuine worry in his eyes. “It’s okay hyung. We can just ignore each other.” He answered.

They entered the club and as expected, it’s full packed. There’s the smell of smoke from cigarette,
sweat and even the liquor the guests were drinking. Wonwoo doesn’t like it but it’s natural in a club.
The music is making its magic. People are getting wild from just listening to the wild beat. There’s
so many people and Mingyu didn’t know how Seungkwan manage to gather all these people.

Wonwoo and Mingyu kept bumping to them. It’s quite uncomfortable for the two. Naturally, Mingyu
held Wonwoo’s wrist keeping him from getting separated from the younger. They made their way to
the bar and saw Jihoon there. Quietly drinking his brandy. “Jihoon hyung.” Mingyu called.

It quite awkward for Wonwoo to see Jihoon again. They’re still not okay, they didn’t have a chance
to talk in the reception because of Jungkook. “Hi, Suga.” Wonwoo awkwardly greeted. “Hello Wonu
hyung.” Jihoon answered.

Mingyu can feel the awkward feeling buiding between the two so he decided to not make it more

“Where’s Seungkwan?” Mingyu asked. Wonwoo tried his best not to look to Jihoon’s eyes. It’s the
first and last glance that he made to the pale man, yet he was caught by him. He felt so embarrass that
he suddenly felt like he need a drink. A strong one.

“One vodka please. Thank you.” He said in the bartender. Mingyu heard and looking at him

“Hyung, just take beer. Vodka is too strong.” He complained. Wonwoo want to laugh with Mingyu’s
face. He genuinely looked worried like he’s going to drink a poison.

“Gyuie, I’m here to loosen up and enjoy. And beer will never let me do that. Don’t worry I have a
high tolerance with liquor.” He explained. Mingyu looked skeptical but Wonu is older and he trust
his hyung.

He always do.

They’re starting to finally enjoy the party. When Jimin and Jungkook arrived. They saw Wonu, and
Mingyu in a table near the dancefloor. “Hyung!” Jimin shouted. With the loud music inside the club,
Wonu didn’t hear Jimin calling. He excitedly run to Wonu when he bumped into someone.

The impact of their collision made Jimin stumble into the floor. He felt pain in his shoulder and
lower back. He’s quite embarrassed because a lot of people are looking at him.
He saw a pale hand, the guy that he bumped into offered a hand to help him up. Jimin gladly
accepted it. He’s too ashamed to stay on the floor.

‘This guys hand is so pale.’ Jimin thought. He noticed the cold look into the guy’s face and he’s quite
familiar to him. ‘I met him somewhere.’ He thought.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you coming.” The man said while holding his drink. “You’re Mingyu
hyung’s friend!” Jimin squealed cutely. Not minding Jihoon’s apology. The pale man was stunned
with Jimin’s smile. He never saw someone that look so innocent while wearing a leather sleeveless
hoodie and really tight jeans with a thick eyeliner in his eyes.


He feels his heart beat.

Jihoon is still drowned with his thoughts, and didn’t realize that Jimin is looking to him. “Hellow?
hyung? Can I call you hyung?” the younger said while snapping his fingers in front of Jihoon’s face.
He didn’t manage to give his answer because someone suddenly called Jimin’s name.

“Jimin hyung! I said wait for me.” Jungkook complained. Jungkook noticed Jihoon dumbly standing
beside Jimin. He quickly glared the pale man. He remembered him. Min Yoong, a.k.a. Wonu’s first
love that turn him down and made him cry.

“Oh, Kookie remember him. He’s Mingyu hyung’s friend.” Jimin innocenty said. “I remember him
hyung. You don’t need to remind me.” Jungkook said meaningfully while glaring at Jihoon. The pale
man didn’t mind. He’s not that disturbed with Jungkook like Mingyu. He knows Jungkook is all bark
but no bite.

“Wonu hyung is there. He’s waiting for you.” He said while eyeing Jimin. His eyes were really
attracted with Jimin right now and it’s the first time it happened to him.

He want to know Jimin more.

They walked into Mingyu and Wonu’s table. Wonu is quite tipsy, he’s swaying with the music while
sitting beside Mingyu. The younger is just there, quietly monitoring his hyung. It’s almost 10 p.m.
but they still didn’t see the host of this party. Seungkwan.

“Wonu hyung!” Jimin excitedly run into his hyung, now without bumping anyone. Wonu excitedly
greeted him back. They’re hugging while jumping like a teenage girls, that looks so weird for two
young men but both of them are stunning, so nobody can’t complain. Jungkook is behind Jimin, now
glaring at Mingyu and Jihoon.

Quite honestly, his eyes were starting to hurt. He’s now glaring at two people at the same time and it
consumes his energy. He doesn’t know why but he feels like he need t protect his two hyungs with
this two young man in front of him.

“Kookie, stop piercing hole to Gyuie. Be nice to him. He really takes care of me really well.” Wonu
happily said. And Jimin quietly agreeing to Wonu.

Jungkook decided to just grab a cola. He doesn’t want to get drunk. He need to look for his two crazy
and drunk hyungs.

"Jiminie lets dance!" Wonu cried smiling Jungkook know that he's not just tipsy. He's drunk. And
nearing to be wasted.

The two stunning man ran in the middle of the dance floor. No one was able to stop them and besides
they are here to enjoy. So everyone should be free and just dance with the music.

Jungkook, Mingyu and Jihoon is carefully watching the two. They are enjoying watching the two
men unmatchigly dancing.

Jimin is showing his great moves. He's a dancer since high school so it’s natural for him to show
smooth body waves that catch the attention of the other guest. People starts to gather just to watch
Jimin's move. He's doing is signiture sexy body wave seducing everyone watching him. He didn’t
mind, he sometimes like the attention of the crowd.

While Wonu is just happy. He's gifted with a very handsome face but Gods didn't gave him that
sense of body coordination and gracefulness when it comes to dancing. But still, he's enjoying his
time not minding the people around him.

People is getting wilder through out the night. Mingyu left for a while to find his friend Seungkwan.

He's passing number of people. He can’t recognize anyone. He's determined to find Seungkwan. He
want to greet his friend and do some catching up. He wasn't able to hang out with Seungkwan often
because of his studies and Wonwoo.
The young man feel like he needs to use the bathroom so he help himself. He's peacefully peeing.
Relieving himself when he heard a noice. .

Oh it’s not just a noise. Its moans and groans and the sound of skin slapping with each other.

"Ahh! Seungkwan. Fuck. You really know how to fuck me properly! Yes.!, do that again! Ahh! Oh
fuck. " Mingyu is stunned and terrified. He want to punch Seungkwan right now. He feel disgusted
hearing their dirty talking and he can’t understand why he's still staying there.

He get the hell out of the men's room but stayed outside. He want to talk to Seungkwan and partly
scold him for literally fucking someone inside the men's washroom.

While he's waiting outside, he remembered the time he assumed that Wonwoo and Jungkook are
having sex. Suddenly he felt so humiliated that he want to hide again in his room. His train of
thoughts were disturbed when Seungkwan opened the door. He's fixing his messy hair by putting his
maroon snapback. He's also fixing his tank top and bomber jacket.

He’s weirdly looking at Mingyu. There’s an akward silence between them. Mingyu decided to break
the awkwardness by shouting at Seungkwan’s face. "Yah! You're so disgusting! Do you really need
to fuck someone while hosting a party? Ew! You can’t even keep your dick for yourself!” He

Seungkwan is just smirking at him. Looking more seductive. Not minding what the younger is
saying. "What! She's asking for it. I’m just being generous, you know. " he confidently said. “By
fucking her? Wow Jung Seungkwan you’re a great man.” Mingyu sarcastically said. Seungkwan is
just laughing at him. He doesn’t understand why Mingyu is making his sex life a big deal.

Their conversation were cutted out when a girl came out from the men's room.

They're both looking at her. Mingyu can see even in a dim light the marks that Seungkwan made in
her neck. Her fair is messy and she’s quite sweaty. She smiled to Mingyu like an innocent little girl
that didn't know anything about lust or anything related to that.

Then he realized who it was. "Yesha?" he shockingly said with his eyes almost dropping on the floor.

"Hi Mingyu." She shyly said.

Yesha is their high school classmate that came from a very conservative family. She’s known by her
timid and shy personality.

Every boys in their school really want to court her, but they can’t even make a single move. And
now there she is. Screaming how Seungkwan fuck her so good inside the mens room.
You can never judge a book by its cover. Mingyu thought.

“Where are the others?” Seungkwan asks, they’re walking to their table when someone bumped into
them. “Hi Hobi. Happy birthday.” She greeted. She look so elegant, yet sexy compared to the other
girls. She’s smiling brightly with both Mingyu and Seungkwan. “Hi Ailee noona. Thank you for
coming tonight.” Seungkwan genuinely smile at her. “Oh that’s nothing. Ah this is for you. Hope
you like it.” Ailee said and gave him her gift.

“Oh noona. This is the limited edition of bear brick! Oh I really like it! Thank you noona.”
Seungkwan excitedly said while staring at the bear brick. He still doesn’t have that kind model
because it’s limited edition and he’s too lazy to go to Japan just to purchase one. Ailee look satisfied
with Seungkwan’s reaction, she’s smiling brightly and Mingyu think she’s a nice person.

“Oh, noona. This is Kim Mingyu. My best friend. Mingyu, Ailee noona.” Seungkwan introduced
them and Mingyu didn’t mind. He think Ailee will be a great friend if they’ll have a chance to know
each other. “Hi, I’m Ailee. Nice to meet you.” She greeted offering her hand with Mingyu. It’s
slightly weird to see a lady introducing herself without showing any motive for him.

He’s not so fool for himself but everytime Seungkwan will introduce him to someone, they’ll always
shows that they want Mingyu in their bed, or want him as the heir of his father’s company. It’s
releaving that he can be friends with a girl without any other intension included.

“Oh, you can speak English?” she shockely asked. “Yeah, my mom forced me to learn.” He shyly
said. Ailee find him cute.

“Noona, why don’t you join us? I’ll introduce you to my other friends. Okay.”

The three were happily talking when they found their table empty. “Oh where are they?” Mingyu
dumbly asked. He looked for them and saw Jungkook playing darts with unknown guy. The boy
looks so competitive and the people around them were holding some money. Maybe there’s a bet.
Mingyu thought.

He let Jungkook play. And he doesn’t want to ask Jungkook anyway. He walk further and found
Jimin and Jihoon, intimately talking in the bar. They’re drinking martini and vodka and sharing some
slight touches with each other.

Mingyu doesn’t want to interfere in their intimate moment but he needs to find Wonwoo. He walk
to them. “Hyung have you seen Wonwoo hyung?” he asked. Jihoon is glaring at him for disturbing
his moment with Jimin. But Jimin didn’t see it. He’s busy tiptoeing hoping to see Wonwoo.
“I thought he’s in our table.”Jimin answered. He found Jungkook but Wonwoo is not with the
younger. “Can you help me find him? I think he’s already drunk. I’ll take him home.” The two
agreed. They went to different directions to find Wonwoo.

Jimin went to the playing area, Mingyu went to the second floor and Jihoon went to the dance floor.
And he regret it. Every step he take, there’s a body that will press against him. The people on the
dancefloor are all reeking with sweat and liquor and Jihoon didn’t appreciate the contact between

He went further and noticed a guy dancing in the middle. A group of five men were surrounding him.
They’re looking at him, obviously having their inner motives. Jihoon noticed the guy’s outfit is
identical with Wonus’. He finally he found the lost man. He saw Wonu, drunkenly swaying his body.
It’s not that great compared with Jimin but his attractiveness is doing his magic. The five man
surrounding him is mesmarize with Wonu’s dangerous beauty.

Jihoon hurriedly grab Wonu’s wrist and pulled him out of that very crowded dancefloor. The five
men tried to stop the pale man, but his lazer eyes did intimidate them all. They’re finally out of that
dancefloor when Wonu tried to release his hand into Jihoon’s grip. “Why? I’m having fun here.” he
irritatedly said. Jihoon is pretty surprised hearing Wonu like that. He never use that kind of voice to
anyone in the past while they’re still friends.

“Mingyu is looking for you. He said you’re going home.” Jihoon deadpanned. Wonu looks so pissed
with the authority that Jihoon is showing. He feel stupid to be scolded by Jihoon even he’s not
talking. He can feel it.

“I don’t want to go home yet. Everyone is still here! Why shoud I go home?” He sounded like a brat
right now, but he doesn’t care. He’s here to have fun and forget all the pain in his heart.

“And I’m still dancing with those guys. You are so rude Jihoon.” The eldest said. Jihoon can’t
believe of what he’s hearing. He’s slightly loosing his patience with Wonwoo and his stupidity.

“You really think, they’re nice. Look at them hyung. They want to fuck you tonight. Don’t you get it!
I can’t remember you’re this stupid before.” He said. His irritation consumes his mind and bluntly
said tose hurtful words with Wonwoo.

“Why do you even care? I want to get fucked tonight. Why do you even care?” he sarcastically said.

He didn’t want to get fucked. And he knows that those guys have their intention to him. Jihoon’s
words are too much for him. It’s to hurtful like you’re adding a salt into a open wound. But he
doesn’t want to show it to the pale man. He want to look strong and mature. He doesn’t want to cry
by hearing those words.

He can’t cry.
“There’s nothing to be proud of hyung. You are my best friends’ husband by law. And even you have
that agreement between you two, I would never let you cheat on him. Not in my watch.” He
threatened. It’s the time Wonu realize things. Things about the truth that Mingyu is more important
than him to Jihoon. That Mingyu is his best friend and Wonu is just his best friends’ husband. That
Jihoon will never care about him.

Jihoon started walking back to their table, when Wonu suddenly stopped him. He hold Jihoon’s pale
hands and pull him. For them to be facing each other.

They’re looking at each others eyes and Wonu feels like the music stop. That there’s no one around
them. Only the two of them.

“Hyung what are y-“ Jihoon didin’t finish his words when Wonu speak. “Why? Of all the people
here. Why him?” he whispered but Jihoon manage to hear them. Wonu is taking his step forward.
Every step of him is a step backward for Jihoon.

He’s looking into Jihoon’s eyes with such pain in it. Pain, lost, unanswered questions.

“I don’t know what you’re talk-“

“Jihoon why can’t you love back?”

Another step backward when he felt something keeping him on stepping further. Another step closer
for Wonu. He’s too drowned with his emotion right now that he can’t do judgement with his action.

Another step. Another unanswered question. ‘Why?’

Then Wonu pressed his lips against Jihoon. Both of them feel that eveyrhing stops.

But it doesn’t.

Time doesn’t stop as their lips touched. And it didn’t stop as Mingyu turned and saw his husband and
his bestfriend.


Wonwoo is floating. The effect of the strong liquor that he gulped down like a juice is making him
feel like floating. His heart is also floating. It’s floating and starting to float away from him.

Now he can’t feel anything.

He’s floating. As he saw how Jihoon look at Jimin. He looked at the younger the way he hoped
Jihoon will look at him. It was his dream. The dream that can make him happy. But Jimin is the one
who achieved it.

Not him.

He doesn’t know if he’s still in love with his former best friend. It’s been years. But seeing Jimin and
Jihoon, comfortably touching each other, he suddenly felt pain. He doesn’t know if it’s the pain of
having and unrequited love or the pain of being rejected. Or maybe both.

But the one thing is for sure.

It’s painful.

He tried to find his husband. Again he’s floating.

He’s floating seeing Mingyu talking to a gorgeous woman and they look good and happy together.
She’s a girl.
He’s not.

His insecurity is now rushing in his body. It’s always tragic for him when thinking that, he will
never be a beautiful girl. He will never be normal for loving a man. He will never be normal for

He’s floating. But still he can feel the pain.

Wonwoo suddenly wants to fly. Fly with his own wings. He thought he’s too much of a burden for
everyone that cared for him. So he wants to fly.

But flying right now is impossible. Impossible when he feel a great pain in his chest.

So he deicided to drown. He wants to drown with liquor. And this club is a perfect place to do that.
He grabbed every liquor that he can see. He really want to drown.

Maybe drowning will be painful enough that it can remove the pain he’s feeling right now.



He’s standing from a distance. But he can see it clearly. Wonu kissed his best friend Jihoon.

Mingyu unexpectedly felt an overwhelming feeling. Suddeny he feel smething breaking inside his
chest. Everytime unexpected things happen, he always want to run away. To hide. To escape.
Right now, he want to run. He want to get away in this place.

But with Wonu.

He want to hold Wonu’s hands, and run away from all this people.

He want Wonu.

He want to hold the elder like there’s no tommrrow. He want it hold him like what he use to do. He
want it so bad that it hurts. He want to do everything to have him but at the same time, he know that
it will never happen.

Wonu will never be his. But he’s in love with his best friend.

Again, he can feel his heart breaking.

He’s going to turn away, he want to give the two space for each other. It’s not his place to be angry
with them even though he felt betrayed.

He’s ready to leve when he heard peoples’ gasps and shouts, a sound of broken glass can also be
heard. He quickly turned and saw Wonu lying on the floor.

Jihoon is holding his fist up.

Jihoon punched Wonu.

His heart is breaking but that didn’t stop him from running to Wonu. He help the drunked men to
stand up while glaring at Jihoon.

“Why did you do that hyung? Are you crazy!” he shouted.

He saw Wonu hands bleeding making him angrier with his best friend. “He fucking kissed me
Mingyu!” Jihoon countered.

He knew. He saw everything. But they didn’t need to know that. “Jihoon he’s fucking drunk! You
don’t need to do that.” People are staring at them, while Wonu is weakly standing, leaning his
weight to the younger.

“I don’t care. He fucking kissed me. It’s disgusting!” Seungkwan and the others came in them.
Mingyu’s ears twitch and his heart is racing and he just want to kill Jihoon.

He let Seungkwan and Jimin hold Wonu for awhile, then grabbed Jihoon’s collar. “Disgusting!
Huh?! Are fucking kidding me! You’re disgusted with him, when you’re obviously attracted to
Jimin! You fucking hypocrite!” he shouted in Jihoon’s face.

He’s so angry, like he’s going to explode any minute. He can’t take to hear Wonu being insulted
especially by his best friend.

He remembered how Wonu cried with Taehyung a month ago. He can remember how Wonu look,
with so much pain in his eyes. He remembered how his nightmare haunts him everynight.

And now Jihoon is insulting Wonu in front of him. He can’t take that. At least without hurting the
Jihoon. He’s sodrowned with his anger that he want to ruin Jihoon’s face. But his anger is suddenly
gone when he heard Wonu’s voice.

“Gyuie.” He quickly released his hold with Jihoon and walk into Wonwoo’s side. His eyes were
pooled with tears, there’s a cut in his lip and his hand is bleeding. “I want to go home.” he
pathetically said while looking into Mingyu’s eyes.

“We’ll go home hyung. Don’t worry.” He gently said while wiping Wonu’s tears away. He hold his
husband, and walked out of that club. He remembered Seungkwan and made a mental note to
apologize to him. He doesn’t expect that things will turn out this way.

They called a cab because he doesn’t want to let Wonu go while he’s driving. Wonwoo is leaning
into Mingyu’s shoulder. He’s half unconscious right now but Mingyu know he’s okay.
Or that’s what he wants to believe.

After a few minutes, they arrived in their apartment. Wonwoo is totally unconscious right now, and
Mingyu didn’t know he’ll carry his hyung. Luckily, he’s sober enough to help Wonwoo.

As they enter their apartment, he settle Wonwoo on the couch, while he grab things to aid Wonu’s

When he came back, Wonwoo is awake. He’s in daze but Mingyu can see his shinny tears. “Hyung.”
he said. Wonwoo is still not moving. It is the exact look of Taehyung a month ago.

“Gyuie. Why can’t they love me?” he brokenly asked the younger. Mingyu can’t think of any good
answer to Wonwoo’s question. Bacause he’s easy to love. He’s kind. And he has everything that
everyone can wish for.

“I don’t know hyung.” he sadly said. It’s hard for Mingyu to see someone important to him looking
broken like this. It is harder that it is Wonwoo. The one that he rely on.

Mingyu cleaned the elders’ wound. After that he let Wonwoo shower for him to be sober even a
little. Mingyu went to the kitchen and prepare a lukewarm water for Wonu. He went to Wonwoo
room and knock. He doesn’t want to invade the elder’s privacy for that matter. He respect Wonwoo
so much.

“Hyung. Are you awake?” he asked. After few minutes, the door opened and Wonwoo is standing
wearing his PJ’s and looking so sleepy. “Hyung drink this.” He passed the glass of water to Wonwoo
who's curious about Mingyu’s action. “Ah, drink that. It will help you with the hangover tomorrow.”
After saying that he walking to his bedroom when the elder stop him.

“Gyuie, can..” he look skeptical with what he want to say. Mingyu is just patiently waiting for him to
finish. “I j-just want to ask if.. we can sleep together?” Wonu’s heart is racing. He can’t afford to
have another rejection for tonight but it’s Mingyu. And he trust him.

“Of course hyung. Where do you want to sleep?” he cooly said. Wonwoo was washed with relief. He
know Mingyu will always be there for him. He didn’t say anything and just walked into Mingyu’s
room. He comfortably lay in the younger’s bed like it’s his own.

Mingyu entered and amazed how Wonwoo looks so comfortable in his bed. “Are you alright
hyung?” he asked. He know what’s the true answer is, but he just want to hear Wonwoo’s voice.

“It’s funny that I did that. I’m so stupid Gyuie.” He said while laughing fakely. “But still he
shouldn’t hurt you like that.” he seriously said. He layed down in the bed, they’re laying closely,
almost touching.
“I’m so tired Gyuie. I’m so tired begging for someone to love me.” It’s painful for him to hear that
from Wonwoo. He know, Wonu deserve the most perfect person to his life. Yet he’s waaiting for
someone that would never love him back.

Mingyu, naturally hold his hyung like before. He wrap his arms in Wonwoo and it’s so natural to
them. “You don’t need to beg for love hyung. They’re just blind.” He said with his husky bedroom
voice. “Yeah. I wish they’re just blind. And I really wish that someone will love me.”

Mingyu is looking into Wonwoo’s eyes and hold him closer. Wonwoo eyes were closed and yet he
still look stunning.

Suddenly. Mingyu realized something while staring at his beautiful husband.

“I wish you would love me hyung. Because I do. I love you.”

I made this as a gift for BTS's forth anniversary. but i can't finish it by June 13. But this is my gift for
all the ARMIES around the world!! happy anniversary guys!! let's be happy with the boy's success
and wish them more success.

i think this is the hardest chapter to understand. i didn't mean this to be emotional like the last one but
it turn out to be like that. hope you enjoy guys!!

Please, feel free to comment on here. i do love reading comments by my readers especially
Espreciado20. girl you i really love your comments. thank you so much. and all my readers!! thank
you for reading guys.

thank you thank you thank you everyone!! Enjoy!!!

Before i dreamed that Wonu hugged me in front of everyone. now it's JHope! he hug me and
backhug and scolds me for wearing a tank top. he said it's too revealing for the other member to see.
it's weird that i smell him also. hahahha. my brain is weird. but i love love it. it feels so real!!

okay that's enough!!

Let's fly


Chapter 18


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

If our heart can flutter and be broken at the same time then that’s what Mingyu’s facing right now.
His heart keeps fluttering seeing Wonwoo’s delicate beauty, his smile and everything about him
made Mingyu’s heart flutter like it will explode anytime, yet every glance he made, there’s always a
reminder that he will never be able to own that smile. He will never had a chance to be the cause of
Wonwoo’s happiness and he will never be in his husbands’ heart.

The younger is doing his best to mask his feeling toward his beautiful husband. He doesn't want
things to be awkward between them so he’s trying his hardest. Mingyu keep acting like nothing
happen, that he didn't saw the scene he witnessed between his husband and his best friend and he
feels like he’s going crazy.

He can’t talk to Wonwoo about his feeling, Jihoon and him are still not talking and Seungkwan is too
busy with his social life. He tried to talk to his cousin Taehyung, but he’s worried that the younger
will worry about him and can’t help but feel guilty.

It’s getting harder and harder everyday. He need to control himself and his emotion for Wonwoo not
notice. It’s harder everyday. And everyday,
It’s getting too painful to bare.

Every night he’s imagining that Wonwoo and him will be sleeping in one bed, happily cuddling
while he’s whispering how much he love his husband each day of them being together. He imagined
seeing his husband peacefully sleeping, resting his head in his arms. How they’ll share the warmth
from there bodies. Giving the eldest a good morning and good night kisses. He want to hear
Wonwoo’s concerns and thoughts. He want it all. But all of that will always be just in his

He’s walking alone inside the mall that, he want to look for something that can distract him from his
thoughts. Maybe a movie will do, then he realize watching a movie alone are not a good way to be

So here he is. Walking alone in the mall, looking to everything showed in each shop. He suddenly
smelled the calming aroma of coffee, then he decided to stop in a coffee shop and consume a caffeine
beverage. He’s in line, not caring about the other customers when he heard the women’s voice in
front of him.

“Miss, do you accept credit card?” the cashier apologetically looking to the lady while shaking her
head, indicating that they’re not accepting the said card. The voice seems familiar with Mingyu but
he’s not sure.

“I’m really sorry miss, I’m just going to get some cash. Then I’ll be back okay. I’m really really
sorry.” She really meant it. She’s hurriedly fixing her bag when she’s ready to leave, Mingyu saw her
face. He realize why her voice sounds familiar.

“Oh Ailee-ssi.” Ailee’s eyes were wide, her mouth is partialy hanging. “Oh, Mingyu-ssi.
Seungkwan’s friend?”

The cashier is asking Mingyu’s order when he realize what’s going on. “Oh, wait. Umm miss, one
iced Americano and I’ll pay for her coffee please. Thank you.”

Ailee needs a few moment to process what just Mingyu did. “Oh Mingyu-ssi, you don’t have to do

“Anything else sir?” the blonde looked at Ailee. “Do you want anything else? Dessert or
something?” Ailee hurriedly refuse, she’s too shy to Mingyu to add another order. “Oh no, nothing
else.” She said.
The cashier said that they’ll just serve their coffee so the two is comfortably sitting in the couch near
the window. Mingyu thought it will be awkward because it’s only their second time meeting. But
Ailee had a nice bubbly personality so it’s hard to be awkward around him.

“Thank you really for saving me there.” She said. She has a beautiful smile Mingyu noticed, then his
mind went to Wonwoo’s smile. His smile when he eat something delicious.

He shake his head to erase the image of his husband in his mind. Ailee easily notices his action and
get curious about it. “Are you okay?” she sincerely asked. The young man thought that it’s too early
to open things up like his feelings to his new acquaintance so he did try to change the topic.

“Oh, I’m fine. Just thinking about something. By the way how did you and Seungkwan know each
other?” Mingyu asked. It’s a good save because Ailee looked like she will not ask question abut his

“Oh, me and Hobi. I’m his ex girlfriends’ sister. When they’re still together we’ve became close then
we’re now friends.” she explained. Mingyu think Ailee is cool. Being friends with her sisters’ ex is
quite awesome. In other circumstances, the sister will just take her sisters’ side then hate the ex but
her and Seungkwan are different.

“That’s cool. How long they stayed together?” Mingyu excitedly asked. Seungkwan for any reason
didn't introduce him and Jihoon to any of his girlfriends. They don’t also want to pry on that so they
didn't ask. It’s interesting for him to have a sneak peak of Seungkwans’ colorful love life.

“About 2 months? I think. They’re too young by that time, so I really don’t expect them to lasts.”

For Namjooon it’s nice to talk to someone about feelings. It’s an awkward topic for him and his
friends so they just skip that out. And now he’s comfortably talking with Ailee about relationships.
It’s relieving for him.

“Wow, I envy you Ailee-ssi. We didn't know anything about Hobi’s girlfriends. Were friends for
such long time, he’s too secretive about that kind of things.” He amusedly said.

“Oh, can I talk to you comfortably? It’s really weird talking so formal to someone younger than me.
It’s tiring.” That time their coffees finally arrive. They both take a sip with their ice Americano and
latte. They look so natural like they know each other for a long time.

“Of course, I’m younger than you? Really?” Mingyu ask. “You’re same age with Hobi right?” the
young lady asked. Carefully sipping her latte.

“Yeah.” He answered.”
“”I’m three years older than Hobi. That makes you my dongsaeng and me your noona.” She
cheerfully said. The word stuck on Mingyu’s head.


He liked it. He’s showing his shy smile, with his cute dimples. They’re happily talking about
everything when a beautiful man were distantly looking at them.

“They look good together.” He said to himself.


After that night, Wonwoo felt that something change. Something change between him and Mingyu.
He does have the feeling that they’re back to square one again; being awkward with each other. He
tried to ignore it, making some reason in his mind, to make himself believe. That they are okay. That
everything is fine.

He decided to cook for the younger today. Wonwoo noticed that Mingyu is looking tired this days.
He suspects that the younger were not eating anything healthy this past weeks due to his studies and
works that he need to finish. So he want to cook some of Mingyu’s favorite dish.

Wonwoo is quietly walking to the mall, he’s going to buy some of the ingredient he needs to the
supermarket. Thankfully he finished all the work that was assigned to him earlier. That give him
enough time to prepare for dinner. He’s thinking carefully of each ingredients when he saw a two
figures inside a coffee shop.

Mingyu look so happy with that girl. Wonwoo is looking carefully. He remembered that lady. She’s
the one in Seungkwan’s party. They’re so happy, while Ailee is giving some friendly touches to
Mingyu. The blonde look like he didn’t mins at all. The younger is so comfortable being with Ailee.
Suddenly, Wonwoo felt heavy in his chest. He suddenly felt envious to the two looking so natural.

Looking so normal.
Again his insecurity about his sexuality is in his mind. He envied Ailee, he envied the beautiful lady
talking with his husband and people didn’t care because it’s just natural. They’re just like two normal
people, in a date.

He hurriedly went to the supermarket and get everything that he needs then went home. He feel so
tired even though he didn’t do a lot of things today. Emotionally tired maybe.

Wonwoo distract himself by cooking. He love to cook and it’s a great stress reviler for him. Even a
little he felt better. He finished cooking and just waiting for Mingyu to come home.

The elder were busy scrolling to Instagram when he saw a photo, posted by Mingyu. It’s an OOTD
of the younger while sitting on the couch inside the coffee shop. There’s a caption in the post.

Ryanmonie coffee with a beautiful lady @aileen

Wonwoo’s smile faltered. Again he felt his heart heavy in his chest. He do want to sulk and be mad.
He felt cheated, like Mingyu did something wrong. But he didn’t. He didn’t do anything wrong by
having a date with Ailee. He didn’t because it is part of their deal. He can be with anyone he wants
and Wonwoo were not in place to complain.

He turn off his phone and just watch t.v. it’s getting late and Wonwoo is worried about the food
getting cold.

Finally, the door opened and Mingyu walked inside their apartment. Wonwoo’s smile is there again.
He excitedly greeted Mingyu. “Good evening Gyuie. I cooked dinner. Come on let’s eat.” He happily

Mingyu reciprocate his smile with a small shy smile. Wonwoo look stunning tonight. He thought.
His heart also flutter as he heard that the elder cook dinner for the two of them. They’re like a true

He wish they are.

“Oh hyung. You cook all of this? And these are my favorites! What’s happening?” he said, looking at
the mouth watering dish in the table. Wonwoo is happy seeing Mingyu happy with what he did. “I
noticed that you look tired this days. So I want to cheer you up by cooking your favorite.” He
proudly announced. The younger suddenly froze. He stared with Wonwoo with a blank eyes.

The elder noticed what happened to Mingyu and got worried. “Gyuie are you okay?” he ask. Mingyu
smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah hyung. I just remembered something.” He quietly said.

They started eating in complete silence. Wonwoo didn’t know why it turn out like this. He’s hoping
on having a cozy dinner with Mingyu but the younger is so quiet and he’s starting to be worried.

“Gyuie are you okay? You’re so quiet.” He cautiously ask. “I’m fine hyung. Your food is delicious.
As always.” He blandly commented. Wonwoo should be happy for the compliment but he can’t.
Especially when Mingyu said it without any emotion in his voice.

They just continued being quiet, it is the most nerve wracking dinner that they've shared together.
Then Mingyu ask his hyung. “Hyung have you been in a relationship before?” he seriously asked.
The elder were taken aback. He never thought in his life that Mingyu will ever ask about his past

He didin’t know if he’ll lie but with their situation right now, lie will just make it worst. And
Wonwoo is trying his best to be honest with Mingyu every time. “Y.. yeah. I've been. Why?”

Mingyu sighed, like it the only thing he can do right now. “How’s it? I mean, I want to know how
people like you in a relationship.”

He do know that using phrase like ‘people like you’ is quite insulting because it’s like they’re
different from normal person but the younger can’t think of the right term to use. He can’t say the
word gay because he feel like someone is choking him.

Wonwoo is quite offended about the remarks but he just shrug it off. He think that he’s being
sensitive about the way he was addressed by Mingyu, so he just let it go. He think about what will he

“I thought he’s the one I’ve been looking for. By that time I’m still hurt about Jihoon’s rejection
them he came. He promise things to me and I’m so stupid to believe. By that time, my parents
discovered my sexuality then abeoji kicked me out. We .... lived together.. t.. then everything turns
into nightmare.”

The last part is almost a whisper but Mingyu was able to hear them. Wonwoo’s appetite are all gone.
Remembering the darkest phase of his life made him want to throw up. He’s looking down and
pushing himself not to cry. Mingyu had seen him crying every time. So he thinks that’s enough.

Mingyu want to punch himself for making his hyung sad. He can see it. And it’s worst that he’s the
cause of it. He’s the cause of Wonwoo’s sadness right now. He hate himself.
“I’m sorry Wonu hyung. I didn’t mean to make you sad.” He apologetically said.

Something was triggered inside the elders’ mind. He’s breathing, trying to calm himself down. He
don’t want to have a panic attack in front of his husband while having a peaceful dinner.

“I.. it’s okay Gyuie. I.. I’m fine.” He force himself to look okay for Mingyu. But that’s the opposite
of what Mingyu is seeing.

Wonwoo’s breathing became erratic. His eye was unfocused and the younger can see from the
distance that Wonwoo is shaking. Wonwoo is clutching to his chest. The younger can see how
labored his breathing are getting. He’s starting to get worried so he walked beside his hyung.

“Hyung are you alright?” he worriedly said. Wonwoo is just breathing. But inside, he feels like his
lungs is shrinking. It’s really hard to breath for him.

Another wave of the attack, he felt really heavy in his chest, it’s not the normal heavy feeling
because he feels like his heart is shattering in literal way. Of course it’s impossible but that’s what he
felt. Series of images are playing in his mind. He can see that like a movie in fast forward.
Everything that happened to him with that said man, are now playing on replay. His breathing
became more eratic, and his mind is now clouded with fear. Then Mingyu starts on panicking.
“Hyung, look at me. Please look at me.” He said. Wonwoo can’t hold it anymore and he started
crying. He’s crying like it’s the only way to relieve what he’s feeling.

“J..Gyuie.” he said. Wonwoo’s sight are clouded. He can’t recognize Mingyu’s face anymore and
he’s so scared of being alone right now. He’s having a really hard time breathing so he place his
hands loosely in his mouth and started breathing deeply. His chest aches, like someone is tearing his
heart out. And it’s just getting worst.

Mingyu help his hyung to stand up but as the elder tried, his legs gave in. Both of his legs were
shaking so much that it can’t support his weight. Luckily, Mingyu can lift him, so they walk slowly
and went to Wonwoo’s room.

Mingyu carefully lay Wonwoo down in his bed. His breathing never changed. Mingyu look at him
and he feels like Wonwoo will have a heart attack soon ‘coz he kept of clutching his chest.

“Hyung, do you have meds that you take? Or anything.” He asked. Wonwoo is curled into a ball and
just keep crying. He can’t answer Mingyu’s question and he hate it.

He hate that he’s always like this. He always make Mingyu’s life hard. He always have something
going on in his life that he can’t handle by himself. And that Mingyu need to help him always. That
is what’s going on in his mind. He hate himself so much that he’s thinking of harming himself.
There’s a thought in his mind saying that if he’s gone, Mingyu will be free. He can live his life
without Wonwoo getting in the way. He can date anyone freely. Jihoon can be with Jimin without
any feeling guilt. If he’s gone, his father will never be disgusted with him anymore. He doesn’t need
to look in his father’s eyes anymore. If he’s gone. Everyone around him will be alright. Will be okay.
Mingyu can’t get an answer from his hyung so he think.. he grabbed Wonwoo’s phone. Thankfully it
doesn’t have a password. And dialed Jimin’s number. Unfortunately, Jimin wasn't answering his
phone. It’s his third time calling Jimin’s phone but it’s always unattended.

He doesn’t have a choice but to call the only person he thought could help him with Wonwoo.


He searched Jungkook’s number and luckily found it. With the help of the image beside his name.
After a few rings, Jungkook finally answered the phone.

“Hello Wonu hyung?” he said. Mingyu didn’t know what to say but he really needs to hurry up.

“Jungkook it’s me Mingyu. Can you help me with Wonu hyung? I really need your help here.” He
explained. “What happened?! What did you do with my hyung?!” Jungkook screamed.

Mingyu didn’t like the tone Jungkook is using to him but he doesn’t have time for that. “Calm down
okay. I didn’t do anything to him. But I think he had a panic attack. He’s here but he can’t answer
me.” He’s starring at his hyung. He’s still crying. Mingyu hate what he’s seeing.

“He what?! I’ll come now. Don’t leave him alone okay. Never leave him alone.” Jungkook ended
the phone and Mingyu went to comfort his husband. “Hyung.” he worriedly said.

He didn’t think anymore and just layed down beside Wonwoo and hold him like he usually do. The
younger hopes that the touch can calm Wonwoo down. Wonwoo grasps the younger’s shirt, like his
life depended on it. He burst on crying after Mingyu hold him. He buried his face into his husband’s
chest and cried harder. Mingyu felt his shirt getting soaked by his hyungs’ tears but he doesn’t care

It’s scary. He’s so scared with all the thought he have right now. But feeling his husbands’ warm
touch. He felt relieve. He’s so sad and scared but a small amount of happiness is sparking inside him.

Mingyu held him tighter. He’s making a white noise, to lull his husband to sleep. Maybe that’s what
he need. Rest.

Wonwoo doesn’t show any sign of stopping so Mingyu started to sing. Him, singing creates a
vibrating motion in his chest that Wonwoo can feel. It’s relieving for him. Mingyu continued singing,
he doesn’t know how he sounds, but he noticed that Wonwoo is starting to calm down. After almost
thirty minutes of singing, finally, Wonwoo stopped crying and peacefully sleeping.
The younger can hear his hyungs’ snore and even breathing. Mingyu want to thank all the Gods that
even temporarily, Wonwoo feel better.

He’s starting t drift off to sleep when the doorbell rang. He want to stop that person hurriedly
pressing the door bell. He does want his hyung to rest and that person is threatening his peaceful

He hurriedly yet still carefully tear Wonwoo away from him. He did it slowly with full of care so the
elder wouldn’t be disturbed.

He opened the door and saw the worried young boy outside. He’s breathing is erratic like he run and
his bangs are sticking to his forehead. He wasn’t able to say a word when Jungkook pushed him to

“Where’s Wonu hyung? What did you to do him huh?!” he shouted. Mingyu want to scold Jungkook
for shouting but he understand his feeling. It is his first time seeing Jungkook worried after their

“Please be quiet. He’s resting right now. He just fell asleep few minutes ago” he calmly said.
Jungkook’s action suddenly change. He’s more careful now and calm. He walked directly to
Wonwoo’s room and quietly entered the room.

Jungkook slowly sit on the bed while staring at his hyung. He can see tear tracks in Wonwoo’s
cheeks. His eyes and lips are puffy. “What happened really?” he quietly ask, still staring at his
beloved hyung.

“I just ask him about his past relationship then he started to be like that.” Mingyu regret asking his
hyung. Wonwoo is not be like that if he didn’t ask.

Jungkook glared at him. It’s not like before; it’s sharper and more dangerous. The younger stood and
faced Mingyu. There’s a quite difference between their height but Jungkook doesn’t mind.

“Let’s talk outside.” Jungkook seriously said. Mingyu just followed without a fuss. It’s the first time
that he’s not intimidated by Jungkook’s aura.

They’re in the living room. Jungkook sat on the couch and tried to breath. He want to punch Mingyu
bringing that topic to his hyung. But he know that Mingyu has no idea that that’s a forbidden topic
for Wonwoo so he can’t blame him.

“First of all. Never ever ask Wonu hyung again about his past relationship. Understand.” There’s
authority on his voice but Mingyu didn’t care. “Why?” he quietly asks. Jungkook leaned on the
couch. He doesn’t want to tell Mingyu such important and sensitive thing. It’s too personal for him
and Wonwoo.
“You don’t need to know.” He lowly said. Mingyu smirked. That’s the first time he want to punch
the younger. “I need to know. I’m his husband and I have all rights in this world to know. And how
am I supposed to help him without knowing about anything huh?” he countered. His voice is full
emphasis and seriousness.

Jungkook hate it. He hate that he needs to tell Mingyu about such personal information. He hate it
that he needs to remember such horrible event. He hate all of it. Jimin and him tried to forget that.
Bringing that up again will never help Wonwoo but he doesn’t have a choice.

Mingyu is with his hyung all the time compared to him. He’s the one who will be able to help
Wonwoo in this kind of situation so he need to at least have an idea, to efficiently help Wonwoo.

“The one you’ve been asking. He brought nightmare in Wonu hyung’s life. That time, Wonu hyung
is still down with Jihoon. That’s also the time his parents discovered that he’s gay. His father want to
kill him. He kicked Wonu hyung out of their house and his mother can’t do anything. He’s so down
that time then that guy came. He made Wonu hyung believe that he love him. He offered Wonu
hyung to stay with him. After Wonu hyung moved in his place, we didn’t have a chance to talk to
him. His phone is always off. He didn’t gave us the address so we didn’t know where to visit him.
Then one night… that night..” Jungkook breathes. There’s tears threatening to fall down from his

“That night he came to Jimin hyung’s place. His face is full of bruises. He has a lot of wounds in his
body. He looks horrible hyung. If you will see him. Before he entered, he collapse in the door. We
rushed him into the hospital. I’m so scared. I thought he was dead.”

Jungkook can’t take it. It’s still painful for him every time he remembered how Wonwoo looked that
night. He’s tightly clutching his hair like he want to tear it of out of frustration.

“The doctor said that he was abused. Every wound in his body is out of abuse. They.. they saw
cigarette burns in his skin. There are wounds, bruise and cuts in his whole body. That doctor said that
he maybe a rape victim because… because his anus is so damaged. They believe that he was taken by
force. That was a nightmare hyung. A nightmare.”

Jungkook can’t keep it anymore. He cried like an innocent child. Mingyu can’t take all the
information that he’s hearing. He can’t believe of what happened to such angel like his husband. ‘He
was abused?’ how can someone harm him like that. Suddenly he’s in rage. He want to kill that
bastard that made Wonwoo like that. What he’s feeling right now is way much greater than what he
felt for Choi Minho. It’s the first time that he seriously want to kill. But he heard Jungkook’s sob
then his realize that he need to control his emotion right now.

He ruffle Jungkook’s hair like what Jihoon always do to him even though he’s smaller than Mingyu.
“Stop crying Jungkook. It’s not your fault.”

“He was so beaten up that he needs to stay at the hospital for weeks. His parents heard what
happened and luckily they have conscience in their body to show up. After few weeks, Wonwoo is
still not normal. He hated himself. He felt disgusting and ugly with all the wounds that littered in his
skin. You know how much he admired his looks right? That made him feel worst. Every time he see
his scar, he started crying. So Jimin hyung and I look for things that can erase scars. From ointment,
lotion anything. Then we discovered about the lazer scar removal. Jimin hyung payed for that
because his dad don’t want to do it. He’s insisting for Wonu hyung to just deal with it. But he can’t
feel what hyung is feeling. Jimin hyung payed for every session of that until no scar can be seen in
his skin. That is the darkest part of his life hyung. His mom signed him for a psychiatrist and
therapist. The doctor said he’s suffering from PSTD. We tried to help him. And every time
something triggered him he became like that. What you saw is just a mild anxiety attack hyung. You
haven’t seen the worst.” He explained. There’s a thing that Mingyu didn’t understand.

“What happened to that guy?” he ask. He want to hear that that man is now rotting in hell or jail or
he’s dead already. Anything that can bring relief in Mingyus' mind. “He’s from a very prominent
family. That time, the company of Jeons are starting to go down so they doesn’t have the enough
power and influence to win with that fucker.” They’re both angry of what happened. That fucker is
living his life while Wonwoo suffers. They can’t accept that but that is the reality of life. Powerful
people can be spared with horrible things they do while the powerless can be abused without having
justice. Mingyu hate the reality. Why reality is always associated with pain, unfairness and
inequality? He will never understand.

“Does he take meds huh? Jungkook?” he ask. That made the younger think. “He stop drinking his
prescription already. His doctor allowed him. But I think he’s still keeping one for this kind of

Now everything is clear now for Mingyu. He want to thank Jungkook for enlightening him about the
real situation. At least now he know how to react but he still need to do his research about Wonwoo’s

“Now I understand why you’re so protective with him.” He commented. Jungkook wiped his tears
away. He doesn’t want Mingyu to see him crying. He still doesn’t trust Mingyu for his hyung. “You
don’t have to worry Jungkook. I will never hurt Wonu hyung like that fucker did.” He assured.

Jungkook doesn’t want to give his full trust to Mingyu, but he needs someone to look after his hyung
and Mingyu is the only one that can do that. He saw how Mingyu takes care Wonu in the party when
Wonwoo is so drunk. But still. He’s cautious.

“Go home kid. You still have classes tomorrow.” Jungkook doesn’t want to go but he remembered
he has an important quiz tomorrow that he can’t afford to miss.

He stood up and went to Wonu’s room look check his hyung before he go.

“Thank you for taking care of Wonu hyung. But don’t do anything to him or I’ll have to deal with
you understand.” He threatened. Mingyu want to laugh. Earlier this boy is crying like an innocent
boy caring for his hyung and now, he’s throwing threats to him.

At least now, Jungkook didn’t hate him as much as before. He’s a bit glad about that.

After Jungkook was gone, he directly went to Wonu’s room and just stayed there. He doesn’t want
Wonu to wake up alone so he stayed by his side.
Mingyu is mixing some beats in his laptop when Wonwoo stirred in his sleep and slowly opens his
eyes. Mingyu look at him. He tried to mask the worry he felt for him. He doesn’t want Wonu to feel
bad because he made him worried.

“Hi hyung. What do you feel? Are you alright?” he asked. Wonwoo pushed himself to sit. His face
looks so puffy but in a very cute way.

“I’m sorry, you see me like that Gyuie.” He said. His voice is a bit raspy because of his crying. He
seeks for his husbands warm but he doesn’t want to look so clingy so he stop himself. But Mingyu is
so used with this kind of situation, that Wonwoo needs him and he know that being close to someone
can help his hyung a lot, so he sat on the bed and pulled his hyung into a hug. “It’s okay hyung. You
don’t have to apologize. Okay. It’s not your fault.” He said as he embrace his hyung. He caress
Wonwoo’s back and made it as soothing as possible.

Wonwoo pulled away and stared at Mingyu’s eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I so scared that you’ll
hate me. And.. and..” Mingyu is afraid that Wonwoo will have another panic attack so he tried to stop
his hyung. He cupped his husbands’ face with his warm hands and stared at his tear filled eyes. It’s
too close for two people but Mingyu didn’t care. “Shh… hyung don’t worry. I won’t hate you
forever. Okay. Don’t worry about that.”

They settled like that. Wonwoo resting in Mingyu’s chest. They’re both quiet. But it was not heavy
than before.

Mingyu’s feelings is so messed up right now. There’s something that want to come out from his
chest and he feels like he’s going to explode if he didn’t do anything.

So he just did what his instinct is saying.

“Hyung” that made Wonwoo look up to him. With the right timing and enough courage. He captured
Wonwoo’s lips with his own.

His lips feels so soft and warm. And it’s the sweetest thing that Mingyu tasted ever in his life. They
stayed like that until Wonwoo broke the kiss. He look so shocked while holding his lips that Mingyu
is kissing a while ago.

The younger didn’t regret what he did. He looked into Wonwoo eyes with full of love and all his
emotion for his husband.
“Hyung, I love you. I am in love with you. And if you’ll let me. I would do my best to fix you.”

Suddenly, Mingyu saw sadness in his husbands’ eyes.





Chapter 19
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Everything changed after that night.

After Mingyu’s confession their lives changes. The younger didn’t know if it’s a good or bad change.
He felt happy like something heavy were lifted from his chest. Wonwoo finally know his feelings.
He’s so proud for himself for having the courage to say that.

But Wonwoo also changed. He changed after that, Mingyu can’t understand the sadness he saw in
Wonwoo’s eyes after his confession. He expected happiness and tears of joy. But Wonwoo didn’t say
anything. He just turn his back to the younger that night. Mingyu didn’t want to overthink so he just
let it off his mind.

But he can’t help but to notice Wonwoo’s actions. He act so awkward towards Mingyu. He always
tried to avoid the younger’s eyes. And do everything to escape whenever Mingyu is in the same
room. He just tried to think that Wonwoo is just shy with him now compared before.
But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt him.

It is hard like he felt the huge distance between Wonwoo. It hurts that all he want to do is hug him.
Kiss him and do everything to show Wonwoo that he is deserving of the greatest and most beautiful
love in this world. He want to do all of that. But his husband is rejecting him.

He doesn’t want to force the elder to answer or even to talk to him. Mingyu want to give him space
to think but he’s still worried.

Their daily life continued like the normal. Minus the cuddling and everything that they did together.
It’s sad for Mingyu but he doesn’t have a choice.

The blonde young man still wasn’t talking with his pale best friend Jihoon. That’s also a burden. He
do realize that they are both have mistakes. And he really miss his grumpy pale best friend.

While doing his project, he’s scrolling down in his facebook account. Suddenly he saw his picture
with Wonwoo in their wedding day. He tried to remember everything then his mind stooped in the
memory of him and his two bestfriend in his room before the wedding.

He’s so nervous and Seungkwan is so loud that causing him headache. Then he remembered what
Seungkwan said.

“It’s my first time attending to a gay wedding. It so exciting!” A word pops in his mind with a bold


He’s so focused about his feeling with Wonwoo that he forgot to evaluate himself. Questions
suddenly floods in his mind. ‘Am I gay?’ Do I love men like other gay? I thought I am straight?
What would my friends think? They’ll hate me. They will be digusted.’ his energy for doing his
project is all gone. He felt conflicted with his own self.

Mingyu feels weird in his own skin, he never felt this feeling before. He started to feel self doubt and
Before Wonwoo enetered his life. He was hundred percent sure about himself. He expect to have a
wife and children like a normal straight man will do. He assumed that he’ll share intimate moments
with a beautiful lady. A girl that is full of charm and sexiness. And now he’s here.

He is married to a wonderful and beautiful man and he’s so in love with him. All his expectation in
the future are all gone.

He’s so sure that what he feel to Wonwoo is genuine but he’s doubting with his own self. There’s an
unexplainable feeling in his heart like there’s a hole in it. Like a missing puzzle piece. Then he hates

He decided to take a break on what he’s doing. He’s so stressed out so he want to be relaxed for the
mean time. And it’s Friday! It’s not a sin to be wasted on weekend. Mingyu called Seungkwan
because he’s the best person to call if you want to relax.

To: Seungkwan;
Need to drink. Know a great place to loosen up?

After a few minutes, his phone rings. This is the best way to make Seungkwan show himself.

From: Seungkwan;
Finally! I’ve been waiting for you so fucking long! Let’s meet tonight! I know a great place. I’ll
just text it to you.

He pack his things and went to that place. Hoping that everything will be different now.
He’s asking for a good time but not like this.

Mingyu want to have a good time in a loud bar. With people who are nearly wasted. With a loud
music and lazer lights. A place with stinky smell of smoke, liquor and sweat. But he didn’t expect

He didn’t expect this place to be so classy with velvet couch. He expected wild girls, drunk and wild.
Not girls wearing almost nothing while swaying their bodies into a pole.

Fuking hell he’s in a real strip club.

Mingyu promised himself that he’ll kill Seungkwan for bringing him in that place. He never
imagined that he’ll enter a real strip club and actually see some real life strippers.

He was guided by a staff where Seungkwan is sitting expecting his friend to be alone. But nothing he
epects happened today. Seungkwan is not alone. He’s with someone.

He’s with Jihoon.

His two best friend is quietly sitting on the couch. Yooongi is gulping his drink. Mingyu noticed
that’s a strong one he’s drinking. And Seungkwan. He’s having the time of his life. His best friend is
quietly smiling, appreciating the dancers on the stage.

“You fucker. Really?! After fucking someone in the mens room while hosting a party, now you’ll
bring us here?! You’re so fucking insane Jung Seungkwan!” he ranted.

Seungkwan is so great not minding his best friends. Jihoon is also shooting him daggers through his
eyes. And Mingyu really want to stangle him to death but he doesn’t give a damn. So unbelievable.

After realizing that his ranting will never affect Seungkwan, Mingyu just gave up. He doesn’t want to
spend his night for just screaming and scolding his deaf best friend. So he sat beside him and just
grab any drink that he touches.
They’ve been like that for an hour. Seungkwan is just enjoying the show while the other two is just
gulping each of every drink. They both doesn’t have a choice but watched Seungkwan while clipping
some cash in the stripper’s clothes. ‘Can we even call that clothes?’ he thought.

After the main show, finally Seungkwan is ready to talk to them. “Did you guys enjoy the show?” he
cheerfully asked. “Please remind me why are we friends.” Jihoon deadplaned.

“Because you love me and Mingyu. And I forgot. Can you please fucking talk to each other already?
I know you’re not talking since the party. Stop acting like a child and fucking make up. You’re so
immature.” He scolds.

The two wants to laugh. It’s weird that Seungkwan is talking about being mature and stuff like that
when he can’t even apply it to himself. But seriously they really need to talk. And somewhat
Seungkwan is right. They’ve been immature for avoiding each other. And they need to fix that.

“I’m sorry hyung. But I don’t regret doing that to you.” He said. Being honest with his best friend
about his feeling is a good decision. Jihoon is just listening to him. If he didn’t know Jihoon. He’ll
thought that Jihoon is ignoring him. But he know he’s not.

“Sorry for hurting Wonu hyung that night. It’s just I was overwhelmed of what he did. I didn’t even
now why I did that.” Jihoon confessed. He know his hyung meant everything he said. He’s not the
type of person that will hurt someone intentionally.

They did their handshake while Seungkwan is watching like a fool between them. For once he felt
happy today. He made a mental note to thanks Seungkwan later.

They’re talking, doing some catching up while drinking the strong liquor. Then Jihoon droped the
question. “So how’s Wonu hyung?” he asked.

All Mingyu can do is sigh. He feel happy and sad while thinking his hyung. “He’s avoiding me.” He
answered. His two best friend suddenly looked at him. “Why? Something happened?” Hosoek asks.

He doesn’t want to tell them but his chest is getting heavier in every seconds he tried to contain his
thoughts. “Yeah, something happened. I’m so messed hyung. So fucking messed up. I’m so
He’s clutching his blonde hair like he want to tear it apart. His mind is so messed up right now. He
doesn’t know what to do.

“Why? Don’t tell me you hurt him?” Seungkwan accused. Mingyu can’t help but gulp his brandy.
It’s quite strong and he can finally feel its effect on him.

“I … I – Kissed him.” he’s so embarrassed talking about this. He didn’t if it’s right telling those
information with his best friends but he doesn’t care anymore.

“You what? Kissed? You kissed Wonu hyung?!” It’s almost a scream. No one can ever expect for
Seungkwan to be quiet. Especially with the situation like this.

“I knew it.” Jihoon suddenly speak. Mingyu and Seungkwan look at him. “I knew it. You will never
grab me like that if you don’t feel anything for Wonu hyung.” he said proudly. Mingyu feel way way
worst. With Jihoon’s statement indicate that he’s really obvious about his feeling towards his
husband. It is s fucking embarrassing for him.

“A- are you in love with him?” Jihoon straightforwardly asked. Mingyu know the answer with all his
heart. It’s a fucking big yes. YES! HE’S IN LOVE WITH HIS HUSBAND. But it’s hard to voice
out. Especially when he doesn’t know how his friends will lok at him after he confessed everything.

But they are his friends’ right? Friends are supposed to understand his feelings and accept him from
what he is. The younger trust his best friends more than he trust himself. And he know that Jihoon
and Seungkwan are broadminded people and open with the concept of loving someone with the same
sex so Mingyu is quite relieved.

“I’m so fucking in love with him hyung! I’m going crazy. I’m crazy about him. I think I’m going to

Mingyu want the floor to swallow him.Tthat was so fucking cheesy for a man to say. He’s waiting
for his two best friend’s laugh. He’s expecting the two to tease him until his death.

“What did he say?” Seungkwan seriously asked. It’s so weird seeing Seungkwan looked so worried
and serious about something. He do everything with his humor, but not this time. He’s serious about
their topic and it feels so weird for Mingyu.

“Nothing. and now, he’s avoiding me. It’s so stressful Hobi.” He admitted. They all drink their drinks
falling into silence.

“Oh dude that’s so messed up. What will happened?” Seungkwan curiously asked while looking
worriedly with his friends.

“I don’t know dude. I don’t fucking know.”

While in the cab, Mingyu realized that it’s his first time being in love. And he’s so stupid thinking
that it will go as he hoped and Wonwoo will say that he’s also in love with him just because he’s in
love with the elder.

“He is my first love.” He mutter deeply.

Wonwoo is his first love and he’s pretty determined that he’ll never love anyone like how he loved
his husband. He’s willing to give his all, just to see him smile. Do everything to make him safe. So
being determined to pursuing him is not a hard thing to do.

Mingyu is willing to do it.


Thankfully Mingyu managed to go home safely. The two also went home needing their rest and
preaparing for a great hangover.

He’s outside of their apartment. Doing his best to open the door eventhough he can’t even see if he’s
using the right key to open the door.

He’s so far from opening the door when suddenly a miracle happen, the door opened showing his
beautiful husband looking at him with a worried expression. He looks ethereal even with his home
clothes. His face is always perfect just like how he imagined it.

Mingyu is happy and sad by just looking at his beautiful husband. All he want to do is hug him and
kiss him and do everything that can make his husband happy. He feels like he’s going crazy with all
the emotion he’s feeling.

“Mingyu what happened?” Wonwoo looked shocked. He step inside. Allowing his crazy mind to
control him. “Hyung.” he said. Opening his arms. He hug his stiff husband because he want it. He’s
craving for it. To feel his warmth. And now with the effect of liquor, he’s entitled to act that way.
Because he is drunk. And that is a drunk man supposed to do. Be affectionate to everyone he saw.
And now that’s Wonwoo.

Wonwoo is frozen. Didn’t expect to receive some physical affection from his drunk husband as he
opens the door. And quite frankly, Mingyu stinks with the alcohol and sweat. But Wonwoo didn’t
push him away. That’s too rude for Wonwoo’s opinion si he didn’t do it. But still thinking how he’ll
manage to convince Mingyu to let go of him without offending the younger even though he’s drunk.

He carefully lay the younger in to the couch. His mother instinct spiked up seeing Mingyu in so
much mess. He stinks, his clothes are far from being clean and he’s drunk. It’s natural for him to take
care of his husband.

“Gyuie, you need to change your clothes and wash.” He ordered. Mingyu is just a mumbling mess.
He’s mumbling words that Wonwoo can’t understand.

Mingyu is covering his eyes with his arms. There’s no sign that Mingyu will follow him. He crouch
in front of Mingyu, trying to pull his arms away but Mingyu is still resisting.

“I don’t want to change hyung. help me pleeeaase” he said with his drunk voice.

“Gyuie you should rest now come on.” Wonwoo pleaded. But still Mingyu is not moving. So he
decided to do it himself. He just need to change the younger’s clothes right? No big deal.

He grab a shirt from Mingyu closet and went back to the living room. The younger didn’t even
moved a little so he guessed Mingyu is already asleep.

It’s not the first time Wonwoo will see another man’s body. He always see Jungkook’s body whole
his life and even Jimin’s well built body. But he doesn’t know why his heart is pounding while trying
to open Mingyu’s shirt. His hands is trembling as he starts to unbutton the younger’s clothes. He felt
his face so heated in the process like a teenage girl.

He successfully unbuttoned the first three button, he’s undoing the forth when a hand suddenly
stoped him from doing it. It is Mingyu’s warm big hands, stoping him.

Wonwoo felt terrified with Mingyu’s actions. He’s so worried that the younger will accuse him of
sexual harassment. “J.. Gyuie I’m ju-“
“Stop avoiding me Wonu. Its hurting me.” Mingyu deeply said. Wonwoo’s heart suddenly jump.
With his deep voice and with what he’s saying.

Mingyu slowly removed his arms from his eye. He’s directly looking into Wonu’s eyes that make
Wonwoo’s heart pound like its going to explode.

The younger gently tug Wonwoo’s hands pulling the elder closer to him.

“I love you hyung. Please stop avoiding me anymore. it’s painful.” He said.

The elder can see the pain in his eyes, can hear it in his voice and he felt guilty about it. This is what
he wished for. Someone that will love him and now here’s Mingyu willing to love him and give him
the whole world. But there’s something in his mind that is stopping him.

Wonwoo is speechless. He can’t think of the right words to answer this drunk man in front of him.
he’s also scared. He’s scared with something that he can’t even understand. All he feel now is guilt
and fear.

“I know you don’t love me. I know that. But plase.,just gave me a chance to love you. That’s all I can
ask. A chance.” All Mingyu’s words are full of sincerness that it made him tear up. He know that the
younger meant it with all his heart. He can’t help but cry.

“I’m sorry Gyuie. I don’t mean to hurt you.” He guiltily said. The younger is still looking at him with
love in his eyes. Mingyu knows that the pain he’s feeling wll never affect his love for his husband.

“Shh.. Don’t cry Wonu. It’s okay.” He said, carefully wiping his husband’s tears. “You’re still
beautiful even when you’re crying.” Mingyu said. Wonwoo doesn’t know if he’ll be flattered or
pissed with his husband.

“Stop it.” He said bowing he’s head to avoid Mingyu’s eyes. The younger just smile with Wonwoo’s
cuteness. “But you are beautiful. Hyung and I love you.” He whispered. Again Wonwoo is
“Just let me love you okay. Don’t avoid me anymore. I will be okay with that.” Mingyu said looking
directly in Wonwoo’s eyes.

They’re starring at each other when Mingyu suddenly move.

“I love you hyung. Nothing can change that.” Then he left a kiss on his husband’s forehead.


Mingyu woke up with a terrifying hangover. His head is pounding but hangover can never stop him
from being happy with shat happened last night.

He’s smiling while washing himself and doing his morning routine. He’s happier as he smelled the
delicious smell of what Wonwoo is cooking. He’s anticipating a tasty breakfast today.

As he follow the smell, he saw the broad shoulder man, wearing a pastel blue apron tied in his hip,
busily cooking their breakfast.

Mingyu’s day are already perfect just seeing his husband. He’s so happy so he just let his body move
on what his instinct is saying. He walk closer and closer and hug Wonwoo from the back. The
younger can feel the stiffness of Wonwoo’s body, but it doesn’t bother him. Now he’s happy hugging
his husband from behind and nothing can ruin that.

“W.. what are y- you doing Gyuie?” Wonwoo stuttered. Mingyu just lean his head on Wonwoo’s
broad shoulder. He’s so comfortable there like he doesn’t want to move anymore.

“Hugging you. You’re my husband. I can do this.” He playfully said. Technically he’s right. Married
couples are allowed to do physical affection for their partner.

They stayed like that for almost five minutes. There’s silence between them but it’s not tense or
anything. They just both chose to say nothing and just focus on feeling each other.
Mingyu hold Wonwoo tighter, making feel the younger’s lips on the back of his ears. His heart is
pounding like theres no tomorrow, he didn’t expect that his heart can beat any faster until he heard
what his husband said.

“I want to court you Wonu. I’ll make you love me.”

Hi my lovely readers! Yehey! an update!! i just want to give a gift because I'm so so blessed
yesterday.I'm finally doing my internship with my dream company!! I'm not confident to make it
because I am so so nervous because I'm just alone there. and then they texted me saying I am chosen
for the internship program!!!

Second is I'm having a nephew/niece!! my older sister is now having her baby and I'm so so excited
for him/her! finally i'll have a baby to take care of.

and lastly. I hit the jackpot on an arcade game also yesterday. diving me almost 500 tickets!1 i'm so
so happy right now!i hope this update will make you happy. :)


`but it's quite sad because my first ever fave. author here is no longer writing any BTS related stories.
if you know wowoashley. she's finally signing off with writing BTS fiction and even from the
fandom. she started to write just to have fun and just tell stories. but a lot of her readers especially
ARMIES started harassing her. demanding of an update and say harsh things to her. she write great
stories and she's the reason why i'm here. Her mental state became at risk because of the entitled
ARMIES demanding for an update. it's really sad. I'm here because of her and now she's leaving. I
know guys that we get excited about the stories that we read but please remember. Authors are doing
this for free. We didn't get anything from writing this fanfiction. we just want our stories to be told
and make other people happy. so no one deserves to be harassed or be bullied by anyone. i believe
that we'll continuously live harmoniously if we do know this word; RESPECT.



Let's Fly


Chapter 20
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Mingyu is happy.

He decided to court his husband and make their feelings mutual for each other. And he’s doing great
with the courting.

There’s nothing drastically changed in their relationship. Still they’re busy with their careers and
responsibilities with their own lives. The only thing that change is the extra care and attention that
Mingyu is giving his husband. Now that Wonwoo knew his feelings for him, he feel the freedom. It’s
the freedom to express his feelings for his husband using small gestures.

He always text Wonwoo when he has spare time or taking a break. Asking the elder if he ate lunch or
done with his shift. Calling him when it’s getting late and Wonwoo is still not home. He always ask
the elder if he need or want something that he can get on his way home. Mingyu also develop the
habit of buying anything related to Mario and Nintendo merchandise whenever he see one. He
always remember his hyung whenever he saw a Mario figurine that made him smile.

They still cuddle when Wonwoo is quite restless or stressed out with the company. They are used to
feel each other in their sleep. Mingyu is very willing to comfort his husband by caressing his back to
sleep. Massaging his head when Wonwoo doesn’t feel good and some simple stuff that help his
husband to relax.

But still, Mingyu always respect Wonwoo’s personal space. He doesn’t want Wonwoo to feel
uncomfortable because of him so he always reminds himself to put some distance between him and
Wonwoo even though he doesn’t want to.

And there are not-so-rare times that Mingyu can’t conseal his longing for Wonwoo, he sometimes
steal quick peck from his husband. It’s just small, quick kiss on Wonwoo’s lips or forehead but
Mingyu’s heart always ends up dancing inside his chest whenever he succeeded.

And Wonwoo, he’s always blushing about everything Mingyu do for him. Especially the stolen
sweet kisses in his lips.

Wonwoo really do appreciate everything that his husband s doing for him. Mingyu is the reality of
everyones dream for their partner. But on the other side, he can’t help but feel bad for his husband.
Everytime that Mingyu will do something special for him, he always feel guilty. He know that
Mingyu didn’t need to do that, to wait for him and his answer. But he always feels something is
wrong. Something is not in the right place.
He’s now making their breakfast. He still have two hours to prepare before going to the company.
Mingyu is still dead asleep. He know that the younger stay late last night doing his project which is a
love song that will catch the younger audience’s attention. Wonwoo knows that the younger is
stressed out with his project.

It’s easy for Mingyu to write lyrics about his hardship, or his experiences or even philosophy of life
but for him, it’s not asy to create a love song. He’s been awkward as hell all his life and it’s his first
time feeling in love, so he doesn’t know how to arrange his thoughts.

“Good morning hyung.” Wonwoo felt the warm chest of Mingyu on his back. “I’m almost done here
Gyuie. You can sit there while I’m cooking.” He said. He’s silently begging that Mingyu will listen
to him. Wonwoo’s breath hitched when he felt that Mingyu tighten his hold. “Gyuie, w- what are y-
you doing?” he want to slap his mouth.

“Waiting for my breakfast.” The younger deeply said. The elder’s heart is pounding becuase of the
extreme closeness of them.

“J-Gyuie, c-can you just sit there. I’m almost done.” His heart is pounding so hard and he’s starting
to get dizzy because of it. Mingyu noticed that his husband is blushing so bad. His ears is already red
and his whole face is extremely blushing, so he decided to stop what he’s doing. He doesn’t want his
beloved husband to collapse because of extreme embarrassment in early morning.

He tried making his own coffee but because he has an enormous amount of clumsiness in his body,
he ended up hurting himself by being burned by the boiling water. He panicked because of the pain
and the cup he’s holding slip in his hands and break near him. The water splattered on the floor and
some touched his feet. Now both his hands and feet are hurting.

“Fuck ouch!” Mingyu screamed. Wonwoo heard his scream and ran fast beside Mingyu. “Oh my
gosh Gyuie. What happened?!” he noticed the broken cup on the floor. “Hyung fuck it hurts!” he
sceamed. Wonwoo turn off the stove and quickly helped Mingyu to get out of the kitchen. He help
Mingyu to sit on the couch and hurriedly ran to get bowls and ice. The elder set up the bowl with ice
and dip the younger’s hands there. He also grab an ice pack for Mingyu’s feet. The younger is still
hissing in pain.

“What did you do Gyuie? Does it hurt that bad? Do you want to go to the hospital? Huh?” he’s
obviously panicking right now. “It’s much okay now hyung. Thank you for the ice.” Mingyu said.
Thay stayed like that. Mingyu’s hands are still painful but at least it’s bearable compared earlier.

Wonwoo prepared their breakfast while the younger’s hands are still soaked in ice. He insist for the
younger not move even an inch while he’s preaparing breakfast.
Wonwoo brought their breakfast in the living room so Mingyu won’t need to move. A simple rice
with egg rolls and other side dished were served. Mingyu is really thankful that Wonwoo is such an
amazing cook.

“Hyung, all of this looks delicious.” He excitedly said. “Stop exaggerating Gyuie, this are all left
overs from our fridge. I just reheat them so they won’t be wasted. Go eat.”

Mingyu pull out his hand in the icy bowl and tried to grab his chopsticks. He failed, because after
putting a very minimum amout of pressure, the younger felt a great pain in his fingers. He dropped
the chopsticks that made Wonwoo look at him.

“What’s wrong?” the elder worriedly asked. Mingyu is staring at his finger. The elder look at it also.
They saw the swollen fingers of the younger. All his fingers are still red and swollen. Now he has a
big problem. “Oh. It’s all swollen Gyuie! Does it hurt?” he’s more worried.

“It’s alright hyung. It doesn’t hurt, unless there’s a pressure in it. I just don’t know how will I eat nor
write. I have a deadline on Friday.” He hopelessly said.

Mingyu didn’t have time to react when he suddenly saw a spoonful of rice in front of him. Wonwoo
is just staring at him. “I’ll just feed you. Open your mouth.” Mingyu involuntarily open his mouth as
his hyung feed him with rice.

They finished their quiet breakfast using one spoon and one pair of chopsticks. They didn’t mind
about sharing their utensils and with all honesty, Mingyu really like that. He felt they became much
closer now that they can even share things.

“Hyung, you’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry.” Mingyu noticed that Wonwoo isn’t bothered by
the time. And he’s wondering why. “I called your dad. I’m not going to the company today.”

‘He called my dad when?’ Mingyu dumbly asked his mind. “Why hyung? You’re going
somewhere?” he asked. He remembered that he have a class today, but he think it’s impossible for
him to go to school today when he can’t even hold a pen.

“Actually. Yes. I’m decided to visit Kookie today. I need to check if he’s still alive. He doesn’t have
class today and I’m also going to inspect my old apartment and I need to take care of you. Because
you hurt yourself with the ridiculous amount of clumsiness in you. I can’t believe it Gyuie. You’re so
careless. Don’t do that again. I’ll prepare your coffee just don’t come near the kitchen. I’m scared to
see you dead because you stab yourself or something.” Wonwoo scolds.

Mingyu find the scolding cute and funny. Wonwoo look angry while scolding him, at the same time,
he’s still looks stunning in Mingyu’s eyes.The younger is just smiling like crazy.

“You will do that for me hyung?” he shyly asked. The younger is used that he’s the one who takes
care for his hyung and not the other way around.
“Oh course Gyuie. I can’t pay you for all the trouble that I’ve cost in your life, this is the least that I
can do.” Mingyu wouldn’t admit it but his heart is flipping like a pancake right now. He thought
Wonwoo is a perfect man and it is a very perfect decision to love him.

“Thanks hyung.” now he is the one who’s shy.

“You know, how about this.” Wonwoo said while biting his nails. “How about come with me visiting
Kookie. Then let’s eat anywhere you want?” he said looking at the younger with so much

Who can ever said no to those sparkling eyes? Of course Mingyu wouldn’t say no.

It’s much better now after that night that Jungkook confessed about Wonwoo’s past. He thinks
Jungkook didn’t hate him as much as before. And he doesn’t have anything to do in their apartment
anyway. He thought he could find some inspiration by going outside and meeting true people. And
he’ll be with his love so it’s a win win situation.

“Okay hyung.” he agreed. Wonwoo is showing his bright genuine smile. Mingyu thought the smile
of his love is bringhter than anything in this world.

They shower and dress up. It’s almost summer so they just dressed lightly. Mingyu ended up wearing
an all black outfit. From his black sleeveless shirt to his comfy black shorts and even his socks and
shoes. His husband tease him because he looks like he’s going into a funeral with swag. Then
Wonwoo wears more normal looking clothes with white printed shirt and a ripped jeans. And a high
cut converse. Even the little skin showed by his ripped jeans looks breathtaking.

In Mingyu’s mind, he wished that his husband didn’t wear those ripped jeans. He’s quite protective
when in come with his husband now than before. He know that a lot of people will be attracted to his
beautifully handsome husband and he’s not happy with that.

His thoughts were interrupted by Wonwoo. “Gyuie let’s go.”

They stop by the supermarket. Wonwoo said, he need to buy food for Jungkook. He do all the work
because Mingyu can’t really use his right hand. After their shopping, they headed to Jungkook’s

Wonwoo carefully parked his car. He’s happy that the guard still remember him and smile with him
and Mingyu.
They are now in front of Wonwoo’sold apartment.

He felt weird because of the strange silence inside. Jungkook always plays music through his
Bluetooth speaker and it was always on. But right now it was just dead silence. Wonwoo tried to call
and knock into the door but no one aswers inside. He expects Jungkook is awake by this time
because it’s almost noon. But maybe he stay late last night like what he always do just to finish his
favorite video game.

He made a note to himself to scold the younger with his addiction with video games. Wonwoo knows
that Jungkook’s eyes are starting to deteriorate because of his stupid video games.

“Hyung let’s just comeback later. I think he’s still asleep.” Mingyu tried to convinced his hyung
because he noticed how pissed Wonwoo look.

Strangely Jungkook has a very little small spot in Mingyu’s heart after that night they talked. So he
want to save the younger from this man’s anger but there’s nothing he can do if Wonwoo looks like
he’s going to slap somebody.

He remembered that he only gave Jungkook the spare key of his apartment so he still have the
original. He looked for it and he suceedeed. He found the key with his car keys.

He’s getting ready to kick Jungkook’s ass as he opened the door.

They both froze as they heard voices.

Wonwoo and Mingyu froze when they heard moans and groans, skin slapping with each other and
even the creaking bed inside the bedroom.

“Baby, I’m near. Please make me come. Please… baby.. fuck!” The creaking sound became faster.
They both know that whoever is on top is chasing his own climax.
“I’m coming Kookie. I’m c-com.. AHHH!” a high pitch scream rang inside the whole house.

Both Wonwoo and Mingyu’s ears are almost red. They’ve just witnessed Jungkook and his lover
having sex. Mingyu can’t believe it. He doesn’t know why he always witnessed something like this.

First is Wonwoo and Jungkook although it was a false alarm. But still it sound the same. Then
Seungkwan and that girl in the party. And now this. He prove to himself that he’s a very unlucky
He looked into his husband. Wonwoo’s eyes are wide. His face are hardly blushing and his mouth is
hanging open.

“Welcome to the club hyung.” he teasingly said.

They waited into the living room for the two finished cleaning themselves. Jungkook and his lover
didn’t have an inch of an idea that there are other people inside the apartment.

Wonwoo is quiet and dangerously sitting into the couch waiting for the younger boy to come out. If
earlier he looks pissed now he looks angry. Really really angry. And Mingyu can’t do anything to
save Jungkook’s ass anymore.

Finally Jungkook walked in to the living room, only wearing his boxer shorts and still drying his hair.
He’s smiling innocently, but his smile are gone when he saw his really angry looking hyung.

“Hyung what are you-“

“REALLY?! JEON JUNGKOOK! IN MY APARTMENT?!” It’s almost a scream. The two younger
men started panicking. It’s rare t see Wonwoo angry and today is one of that rare day.

“Hyung don’t be mad. I didn’t kn-“ Jungkook didn’t finish what he is saying when another voice

“Baby who are you-“ his lover saw the two older man inside the apartment and they are both really
familiar to him. “Gyuie hyung what are you-“

“Hyung?” says the bunny looking boy.


They are all dumbfoundedly standing in the living room while Jungkook and Taehyung are almost

“Wait, wait. Mingyu is your brother?” said Jungkook while pointing his finger t Mingyu’s direction.
“Yah! That’s hyung for you Jungkook. You are so rude.” Wonwoo scolds.

Mingyu can’t take it anymore so he laugh so hard. He’s laughing while the three were stupidly
looking at him.

“Wait oh my. My stomach hurts so much.” He laughs and laughs like there is no tomorrow.

Finally after four minutes, he’s finally done with his laughing and already calmed himself down.

“Okay you two. Can you please dress yourself up? Then the four of us will talk. Okay. We’ll wait
you in the café in the corner.” He cheerfully ordered.

The two were still dumbfounded but they followed what just Mingyu said.

Mingyu hold his hyung’s hands forcing him to leave the apartment and just wait for the two to get

They arrived in the café, thankfully the café does not have a lot of customers that time of the day.
They sat in the one corner. Wonwoo is till looks angry.

“Hyung don’t be angry with those two. They know what they are doing.” Mingyu explained.
Wonwoo is still crossing his arms. “I felt betrayed by them Gyuie. Jungkook didn’t even tell me that
he has somebody right now. I thought we’re always open with each other.” He looks like a child
while talking about his concerns.

“It’s natural hyung. Jungkook is a young man now. He already know the concept of privacy.” He
explained. Mingyu thought his hyung is very cute being like this and he will never be tried
explaining things to him. “And I’m old? Is that what you’re saying huh?”

The younger can’t help but smile with his husband’s action. “You should stop pouting like that
hyung. Or I’ll kiss you right here, right now.” Mingyu whispered.

Wonwoo is shocked. He realized that Mingyu is slowly getting closer to him. He’s thinking of the
best way to stop the younger.

“I- I think we should o- order now. I’ll order f- for us. Look Gyuie I’m already smiling.” he said
pointing his very forced and ungenuine smile. Still Mingyu find him cute.
“Iced Americano and strawberry shortcake.” He shortly said while holding his laughter. The elder
looks stiff while keeping his fake smile.

Mingyu is watching his husband. He noticed that Wonwoo looks especially beautiful today. He’s just
wearing a very simple street clothes with the white shirt, jeans and a high cut converse, but he still
looks stunning in the younger’s eyes.

He realized that, that is what the word love can do to people. It can make people happy even in
simplest things, as long as they are with someone that they really love. Something click on Mingyu’s

Finally he will be able to finish his project.

Wonwoo came back holding a tray of their order. He ordered an iced Americano and a caramel
macchiato. A strawberry short cake and a chocolate muffin.

“Here’s your order Gyuie.” He carefully placed the food in front of Mingyu. The younger tried to
grab the spoon for his cake but still his right hand is aching, so he tried to hold it with his left hand.
It’s hard to control but he’s trying his best. He succesfully sliced a small piece of the cake. He’s in
the process of putting it into his mouth when it suddenly fell on his clothes. His black shirt is now
stained with the white icing.

The younger doesn’t want to disturb his hyung while eating so he’s trying to grab the tissue.
Wonwoo noticed that the younger is struggling to reach the tissue to he passed it to him. Then he
noticed the mess that Mingyu accidentally made.

“Oh Gyuie.” He automatically helped Mingyu to wipe the stain away. They’re just lucky that the
stain is not in the awkward place in Mingyu’s body.

“I forgot about your hand Gyuie. I’m sorry.” He said while trying to scrub off the icing in Mingyu’s

“It’s alright hyung you don’t need to help me always.” He said. Wonwoo just gave him that don’t-
try-to-stop-me-Gyuie look.

He finished cleaning the stain. It’s still quite visible but it’s fine. Mingyu want to taste that
strawberry shortcake and he’s trying again to slice a small piece when Wonwoo steal the spoon away
from his hands.
Wonwoo scoop a little piece and offer it to Mingyu. It’s quite embarrassing but he’s the love of his
life. He will never be embarrassed about anything when it comes to Wonwoo. He thankfully accept
the cake and it taste sweet. But nothing’s going to be sweeter than Wonwoo’s lips he thought.

They continued eating, Wonwoo helping Mingyu with his cake. While he’s in the middle of feeding
Mingyu when he noticed the two young lady watching them.

Wonwoo suddenly feel conscious about himself. He put down the spoon and bowed his head.
Mingyu noticed his distressed, and tried to find the cause of it.

He hold Wonwoo’s hands. “Hyung what’s wrong?” he sincerely ask while staring in his husband’s
eyes. Wonwoo sigh. The younger feel bad seeing his husband being so conscious about himself and
about what other people will say.

“They’re starring at us Gyuie. They will misunderstand the situation.” He consciously said.

“Then let them misunderstood what they’re seeing hyung. Just let them be.” Mingyu said firmly. He
will never allow some stranger to ruin his good time with his husband.

“But they’ll think that you’re gay Gyuie.” Wonwoo reasoned out. Mingyu hate that Wonwoo is
acting this way but he needs to be patient.

“Hyung.” he lowley said. Wonwoo was shocked when in one swift move, he felt Mingyu’s lips in his
cheecks. It’s kust a simple peck but it surely made him blush so hard. He heard the gasps fro the
distance. He’s sure that’s from the two girls watching them.

“Gyuie.” He whispered. “Hyung stop talking about them or I will really kiss you here.” he breathes.
“Remember what I said to you? I am in love with you hyung. I don’t really care if I’m gay or what. I
just want to be with you. Stop thinking about them. Just look at me.” He said.
Now Wonwoo is breathless. He didn’t expect for Mingyu to act like that in public. He’s always used
to act ‘normal’ in public before. He didn’t expect that Mingyu will not mind everyone’s opinion
about them.

“Oh my gosh hyung. That was so cheesy. You always made me say cheesy things. Jihoon hyung will
disown me as his best friend.” He jokingly said. Both of them laugh. All the anxious feeling in
Wonwoo’s mind are all gone thanks to his husband. They’re laughing dearly when Jungkook and
Taehyung finally arrived.

“So what’s were missing?” Tae cheerfully asked.

The two younger sat across their hyungs. Wonwoo looks serious even though he’s not that mad
compared earlier.

“So can you tell us what really happened?” Wonwoo asked while crossing his arms. Jungkook looks
quite scared but Taehyung is smiling.

“Hyung he’s the one I’ve been telling you. My friend from the online game Overwatch!” he
cheerfully said. No one can resist Tae’s charm. “So you two are together?” Mingyu asked.

“Yeah he’s my boyfriend since last night!” he almost screamed. They can’t believe how Taehyung
said it so easily.

“Just last night then we caught you doing that huh Kookie?! I thought you were straight? I thought
you were not interested having someone right now?” Wonwoo is firing questions that Jungkook
didn’t know how to answer.

“Hyung don’t be mad at us please. Kookie and I will behave promise. Don’t be mad at us okay.” He
said then he sat beside Wonwoo and snuggle with him. Wonwoo find him so cute. And Jungkook is
thankful that his boyfriend is such a cute creature.

“Okay Tae. You really know how to manipulate people with your charm. You’re like Jisoo.” He said
while pinching the alien’s cheeks.

“Thank you hyung.” Jungkook said.

“You know what. Why don’t we have a double date? A good idea right?” Taehyung insisist.
Wonwoo want to disagree. “Me and Kookie, you and Gyuie hyung.” he said. He looks so excited that
made Wonwoo more restless.

“Actually you two just go. We’ll ju-“ he didin’t finish when Mingyu suddenly speak.

“That’s a very good idea Tae. Intellegencce is really in our blood.” Mingyu smilingly said. The eldest
want to smack his husband.

“Gyuie what are you doing?” He don’t know what’s really happening here.

“Hyung it will be our first official date.”

Everyone please enjoy the enormous amount of fluff. :) I'm starting my small business. it's just
handmade charms and something. all related to kpop. I'm still in the planning phase. And I'm looking
for an artist. I'll show you guys the finish product when it's finally done :)

Thank you everyone. i posted D.A in AsiaFF and they welcome D.A. there with warm welcome. I
really really thank you guys for reading D.A. i hope this can make you happy even a little. Love you
my lovely readers.

P.s. I wrote something about my experience about adulting. if you're interested about it you can read
it in my tumblr:

Let's Fly



Chapter 21: This is not an update (But please read)

Chapter Text

Hi my lovely readers.

I’m sorry but this is not an update.

I just want to seek your opinion about something. You know, a publishing company here in my
country Philippines will be launching an application. A mobile reading app like wattpad, and other
reading apps for android and iphone.
Compared to wattpad, Asian fanfics and archive on your own, this app can make the writers earn
with writing stories.
The process is like V app, viewers or for this, readers, can pay to read and download the story. The
price of the story is based on the writer’s decision.

I just want to ask if you’re willing to support me in this. Don’t worry, for me it won’t be that
expensive. But I’m still not sure with the price.

By this of course I will do my best to make a money worthy stories and updates. I will be more
responsible for writing compared before. Because my readers are paying me to do that. I’ll make sure
that it was edited well. The grammar and everything.
So I just want to hear your thoughts about this. And if you’re not into it then it’s okay.

I really want to hear your thoughts please chebal chebal.

I haven’t started writing the next chapter but I’ll assure you. It will be great

Let’s Fly



Chapter 22
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Tae’s perfct date list.

1. Movie (Kimi no nawa)
2. Archade
3. Shopping (couple items!)
4. Beach

“Seriously Tae when did you make that list? And why do you have a date list anyway?” Mingyu asks
while they’re on their way to the cinema. Taehyung insist that he will be in charged for their double
date today. And he’s well prepared.

“You don’t need to know hyung. I’m sure we’ll enjoy this day.” He cheerfully asked. Everyone is
just smiling at him, even the super fierce Jungkook is just blindly agreeing to his beloved boyfriend.
No one can stop that alien when he’s that happy.

“Let me see that list.” Mingyu snatched the paper in Taehyung’s hand. He look at the list. They are
all common date plan except the last.

“Beach? Tae this is ridiculous. We can’t go to the beach. We have classes tomorrow.” Mingyu
“No hyung. I really want to go to the beach and this is the perfect timing. Beach now are not yet
crowded and it’s not really hot for summer. Please hyung please.” He begs. He’s holding his two
hands like he’s praying for Mingyu to agree.

“Tae, no. Wonu hyung has to go to Dad’s Company. He’s an intern there. He can’t be absent all the
time. I have my deadline on Friday and you two have classes tomorrow. We can’t do that.”

This is the first time Wonwoo seeing Mingyu in authorative mode. He’s always calm and awkward
but now, he’s full of authority. ‘He’ll be a good leader.’ He thought.

They arrived on the cinema but Taehyung is pouting. He’s not going to cry but he’s pouting so badly
and everyone feel bad for him even Mingyu. “But hyung.”

Wonwoo turn around, shifting his gaze with Mingyu and Taehyung and even Jungkook. He can see
the pity in Jungkook’s face. It’s his first time seeing Jungkook being affectionate towards other
people aside from him, Jimin and Jisoo. And he’s happy seeing the boy opening his world to other

“Its national alien’s day tomorrow. And that’s my day. I don’t want to be lonely sitting in my boring
class when it’s a national day for me. That’s unfair.” The alien said with a huff while folding his
arms across his chest.

Wonwoo doesn’t know if he’ll laugh or what. National Alien’s day is the weirdest excuse to
convince someone. But he’s Tae. There’s nothing ordinary about him.

The eldest can’t take it anymore. “You know Gyuie, I can just ask your dad. My internship is almost
over anyway. I think they’ll let me skip another day. And it’s almost vacation for them. I’m sure they
don’t have really much things to do in school. You can also make your project there.” He explained.

It’s Wonwoo that made the request so Mingyu can’t say no to that. “I’ll talk to samchon for you
hyung.” Taehyung volunteered.

Mingyu knows that Taehyung has a soft spot in his dad’s heart. Mr. Kim always adore his nephew
whenever he visit his cousin. Mingyu sometimes feel envy whenever Taehyung is talking to his dad
with so much energy. He wished that his dad will listen to him too. But he eventually realized that
it’s just Taehyung’s charm. No one can resist with it even his very cold hearted dad.

They all agreed and finally went to the cinema. The animated movie Kimi no Na Wa: Your Name is
now showing and Taehyung really want to watch that. But there’s also other foreign and local movies
that are out. Mingyu didn’t know what to watch so he look at his hyung.
Wonwoo is looking into the poster of the animated movie that Taehyung wanted to watch. “Hyung
do like to watch that?” Mingyu asked. Wonwoo look at him, trying to control his facial expression.
“Ah no Gyuie. I’m just looking.” ‘That’s obviously a lie.’ Mingyu thought.

Wonwoo obviously want to watch that movie yet he’s denying it. Mingyu will never understand
Wonwoo’s mind.
“Tae, buy four tickets for the anime movie. We’ll buy popcorn and drinks.” He said. Wonwoo
doesn’t know what’s happening and still thinking when the younger suddenly hold his hands. “Come
on hyung. Let’s buy popcorn and soda.” He said smiling at his husband.

The elder is just looking at his husband. He’s still thinking. Then he realized that their hands are
intertwined with each other. He tried to tear it off, but Mingyu hold it tighter. “Gyuie, my hands.
People will see it.” He hissed, but Mingyu is not listening. He’s just holding Wonwoo’s hands tighter
as the elder continued speaking.

They arrived on the snack bar and still the younger is holding his hands.

“What’s your order sir.” The cashier cheerfuly asked the two. Mingyu is looking at the menu while
Wonwoo is starting to blush because of the small PDA that him and his husband is doing.

“Ah, miss can we have one large cheese and one large salted popcorn and..” Mingyu suddenly look
at Wonwoo. “Hyung what do you want to drink? Coke or Pepsi?”

Their eyes met. Wonwoo can’t look into Mingyu’s eyes so he looked into the menu. “Ah.. ah.. C-
coke.” He stutterly said. The younger can’t hide his smile as he look into his blushing beautiful

“Miss, its one large cheese and salted popcorn and four cokes. Thanks.” He politely said. He grab his
wallet in his pocket and pull out money without letting go of Wonwoo’s hands. He obviously want
other people to see their hands together. The cashier is looking. She’s smiling at them. Thankfully
she’s not a homophobe like other people around. Or Wonwoo will bury himself on the ground.

They pay for their order and come back to Taehyung and Jungkook. The two is patiently waiting for
them. They are also holding hands. Mingyu is happy that he saw his cousin’s bright square smile

The two younger saw them, Jungkook is starring in the intertwined hands of Mingyu and Wonwoo.
The eldest is blushing so hard. He already gave up trying to snatch his hands back from Mingyu. He
knew the younger will just do what he wants.

“Let’s go” Taehyung cheered.

They all enter the cinema where Kimi no Na Wa is being played, it’s not yet starting so they still
have enough time to find a good seat for all of them.

They settled on the second level of the theatre and luckily the middle seats are not yet occupied. They
sit and just wait for the movie to start.

“Hyung, what do you want? Cheese or salted? Mingyu asks. He’s still not letting go of Wonu’s
hands. “I’m okay with anything Gyuie.” He said.
Mingyu chose the salted one. It’s his favorite. He’s starting to eat the popcorn although the movie is
not yet starting. His husband is looking at him intently, he noticed it and look at him also.

“What?” Mingyu said half way through eating a piece of popcorn. Wonwoo takes a deep breath.
“Gyuie can you let go of my hand already?” He carefully said. Mingyu shift his eyes into their
hands. He’s so pleased in what he is seeing. “Why hyung? Am I hurting your hand? Is it
uncomfortable?” he asked.

All of the answer is no. Wonwoo knew the younger is being careful holding his hands. He’s not
holding it so tight, just a gente hold. And it is also not uncomfortable because Mingyu’s hands are
soft and warm.

Wonwoo shake his head. He doesn’t want to lie with Mingyu as much as possible.

“No? Then it’s also a no hyung. I love holding your hand. Let’s just stay like this okay?” There is
nothing Wonwoo can do about that. He just dumbfoundedly agreed with the younger.

The movie starts. The four is seriously watching. Mingyu looks into his cousin. Jungkook is holding
Taehyung’s hands like what he’s doing with Wonwoo’s. His cousin is comfortably leaning his head
into his boyfriend’s shoulder while feeding him with popcorn and it looks like Jungkook is so fine
with that.

He return his eyes into the movie while trying to get some popcorn when he felt the soft hands of
Wonwoo also trying to get some. They look at each other. Wonwoo is still beautiful in his eyes. He
smiled remembering some romance movie were the lovers accidentaly touch each other’s hands then
they’ll have that slow motion moment. Now he proved that there’s no such thing. No slow motion
moment but still he can feel a little tingle with his husband’s touch.

The movie ended and they are all satisfied with it especially Taehyung and Wonwoo. They got out of
the theatre with a smile on their faces.

Second in Taehyung’s list is arcade. They are all okay with that. They went to the arcade place. The
place do have flashing lights and inviting sound for kids and even adults. Wonwoo suddenly feels
that he’s a kid again.

Taehyung went to the counter to exchange his money into coins for them to play. “Hyung, remember
I always beat you in everything whenever we’re in arcade?” Jungkook teasingly asked.

Wonwoo just scoffed. He knew he’s not that good playing arcade games. “Whatever Kookie.” He
said. Mingyu is just smiling at them. If before he’s uncomfortable with Jungkook, now he’s okay
with him especially now that he’s his cousin’s boyfriend.
Taehyung returned with a plastic bag containing of coins that they will use for the games. It’s
obvious that he spend a lot of money just for this place. But the three doesn’t mind. If that can make
their alien happy, so be it.

They split into two groups, of course Mingyu and Wonu then Taehyung and Jungkook.

Taehyung and Jungkook first went to the video games section. Of course that is he first thing they’ll
play because they’re both good playing it. Taehyung chose street fighter. He chose a girl as his avatar
while Jungkook chose the most popular character. “Babe, let’s make a bet.” Tae suggested. Jungkook
is quite skeptical about the bet. Sometimes Taehyung think some of the weirdest consequences
whenever they’re playing video game so he’s not sure.

“What bet?” he asked. His boyfriends kept thinking. He’s taking his time but he failed to think of
any good idea so he just settle on the simplest bet in the whole history of the world. “The loser will
make everything that the winner wants for a day. Deal?” he said with the serious tone. Jungkook can
aready feel the determination in his boyfriend’s eyes.

He loves Taehyung so much but he will never let him win when it comes to video game.

The game is on.

Mingyu and Wonwoo is just walking around, looking for something to play when Wonwoo saw the
UFO game. The price are different Mario and Nintendo dolls. In a second, Mingyu saw the elder’s
eyes glitters. Wonwoo slowly walks into the machine and insert a coin.

His hope are all up when the claw successfully grabbed a Mario doll. But of course, crane machine
will always have its trick. While the claw is lifting the Mario doll, it suddenly drops. With no reason
it fell. Wonwoo’s heart is shattered. The Mario doll is so cute and he really want it for his collection.
But the cheater crane machine made his heartbroken.

He tried and tried and tried, until he doesn’t have coins anymore. He’s so upset with the result. All
his coins became waste because of that stupid cheater crane machine.

Mingyu is silently watching him. Also having his hopes up whenever Wonwoo manage to almost got
his desired toy. But he’s not as disappointed as his husband. The elder turn his back facing Mingyu
with so much disappointment on his face. “Gyuie, I want that doll.” He said while pouting.
Mingyu came closer to the machine. “What will I get if I get you that doll?” the younger asks.
Wonwoo is lost. He doesn’t know what the younger is talking about. “What do you mean?” he asks.

Mingyu is thinking of a good price when he gets that doll for his husband. Then an idea clicked in his
mind. “A kiss for this doll. Deal?” He said. Wonwoo is seriously blushing with what Mingyu said. A
kiss for a Mario doll. That machine has a trick on it so he’s sure that Mingyu will not succeed. So he
agrees. “Deal.”

They are both intensely starring at the machine. Mingyu is focusing so much that his eyes is starting
to hurt. It is his seventh try, and he’s running out of coins so he really needs to get that doll. He
maneuver the crane well and manage to grab the doll. This is the moment of truth.

The claw is slowy grabbing that Mario’s head. Both of them were swallowing because of the tension
and excitement. It’s slowly lifting it. Mingyu is praying that the doll will not fall.

And he succeed!

The Mario doll didn’t fall and finally they got that Mario doll that Wonwoo wants.

Both of them didn’t manage to control themselves especially Wonwoo. They are screaming and
jumping like a child when the doll is falling into the recieving hole. The elder is so happy with it.

“Yeah! Gyuie Yehey!! Thank you! Thank you!” Wonwoo said while slightly jumping out of joy.
Mingyu is just smiling seeing his husband literally jumping with joy. He looks so young and innocent
being happy having a small doll. He hope he stays like that forever. “Anything for you hyung.”

After they calm down, they met Jungkook and Taehyung holding a bunch of tickets. “Hyung look we
won the jackpot there.” Taehyung is excited showing the tickets they’ve won. “Kookie look Gyuie
got me this Mario doll from the crane machine.”

If Wonwoo and Taehyung are happy with what they’ve won, Jungkook and Mingyu are also happy.
Not with the price, but with the smiles that their love once faces. Jungkook is quite relieved seeing
his hyung happy with his husband and Taehyung with him. Mingyu is happy to see his cousin back to
his own self because of Jungkook and Wonwoo smiling because of him.
They made a promise to themselves that their going to do everything for Wonwoo and Taehyung
smile like that always.

After getting tired playing in the arcade, they went to eat lunch. They decided to eat burger because
Taehyung loves burger. They are quietly eating when Taehyung borrowed Jungkook’s phone. “Babe
can I borrow your phone?” he said while eating his burger. “Why?” Jungkook suspiciously asked.

“Just lend me your phone please.” Jungkook is so weak when it comes to Taehyung. He digs his
phone out of his pocket and hand it to his boyfriend. “What are you going to do with my phone?” he

Taehyung scrolled into the contacts like he’s looking for someone’s number. Then he called that
someone. “Hello, Jiminie! It’s me Taetae. Do you want to come with us, were going to the beach!”
he excitedly asked. Jungkook and Wonwoo doesn’t know why Taehyung want Jimin to come with
them but they don’t mind. Jimin is fun to be with. And Wonwoo is missing Jimin lately so it’s a good
opportunity to have some bonding time with him.

“Okay, we’ll wait you here in Lotte world.”

After hanging up the phone he return it to his boyfriend and look to his cousin. “Hyung, may I
borrow yours?” Mingyu didn’t care when Taehyung grab his phone. He do know the password of it.
Again he’s scrolling into something then called a number.

“Oh Seungkwan hyung! Are you free?” he said while eating. “We will go to the beach. Call Jihoon
hyung and invite him.” He said. Taehyung happily hang up the phone when he get the promise that
Seungkwan will convince Jihoon to come with them.

After doing his calls, Taehyung noticed that he’s the only one that not yet finish with his food.
“Babe, hurry. Finish your food.” Jungkook said with a slight authority in his voice. Taehyung finish
his food when Wonwoo asked him.

“What do we do next Tae? What’s on your list?” Taehyung looked to his list. “Shopping.” He said.

They went to the shopping area where they can buy evething they want. “Hyung let’s buy couple
things! Okay. That’s our mission.” He instructs.

“Ay Taehyung that’s too much. Stop it. We followed all your request for today and that’s enough.”
Mingyu scolds. There’s the pouting Taehyung again. “But hyung. I want to buy couple things with
Kookie.” He reasoned.
“Then buy that with Jungkook. Why do you need to include us? Huh? That selfish Tae.” Wonwoo
and Jungkook are awkwardly standing beside the two. They want to stop them from fighting but they
both feel that they’re not in the right place to do it.

“Gyuie, I think that’s enough. Tae just want to enjoy being with us. You don’t have to scold him.”
Wonwoo calmy said.

“Come on Kookie, let’s just buy what we need.” He sadly asked his boyfriend. Trying to get away
from his cousin as soon as possible. But Jungkook isn’t moving. He doesn’t want his boyfriend to be
sad because of his cousin.

“You two, wait here okay.” Wonwoo ordered. He pull Mingyu to a not so crowded corner just like
what he did to Jisoo or Jungkook when they’re acting up or behaving badly. “Mingyu what’s the
probem? Why do you snap at your cousin like that huh? What’s wrong?” he seriously ask. Mingyu
can’t look into his eyes.

“Nothing hyung. I just think he’s asking too much. He’s incharged with this date and we did
everything he wants yet he keeps asking us to do another thing. Sometimes he’s like that he always
want to get everything he wants and that’s not good hyung.” he explained.

If Wonwoo will analyze it. Mingyu has a point. He and Jungkook are too weak to say no to
Taehyung. “I get what you’re saying Gyu. But it’s just simple thing that you’re talking about. You
don’t need to scold him if there’s nothing wrong about it okay. You’re cousin just want to enjoy this
day with us. He deserves to be happy for even today Gyuie. Remember what he’s been through this
past months. He needs a break.”

Mingyu didn’t know what to say. His hyung has a point. Now he felt guilty making Taehyung sad.
“Sorry hyung.” He lowly said.

Wonwoo gently pat his shoulder and giving him a gentle smile. “I’m not the one needed your
apology Gyuie. Him.” he said, pointing Taehyung that is hanging his head low.

“I just don’t want to spoil him hyung.” He reasoned.

“I know Gyuie. We’re not spoiling him, we’re just making him happy. Okay.” He said. Ruffling the
younger’s hair. “And don’t worry Gyuie, when I think he’s being too much, I’ll talk to him
personally. And besides, Jungkook is there for him. He’ll guide Taehyung.”

Mingyu is finally feeling alright. They went back with the two younger. Taehyung is still sulking
while holding Jungkook’s hands.

Wonwoo is signaling Mingyu to make a move and apologise to his cousin. “Tae. Sorry.” He lowly
said. But Taehyung is ignoring him. He’s still looking into the ground.

“Taetae, come here.” he said. Taehyung looks unsure coming near to his cousin. But Jungkook gently
caress his back and give him an assuring look. Taehyung sigh and just walk in front of Mingyu.
“Hyung is sorry Tae, I didn’t mean to be mad at you. I’m just worried that we’ll spoil you too much.
And you know that will result to something not good. Do you understand me?” Mingyu ask looking
straight to Taehyung’s eye.

Taehyung just nod but he’s still sad Mingyu didn’t know what to do to make Taehyung happy again.

“Oh Tae, don’t be sad please. What hyung can do to make you smile again? Huh? Alien.” Taehyung
look at him, then slowly doing his suspicious boxy smile. Mingyu know he’s up to something.

“The mission hyung. Do the mission with Wonu hyung then I’ll forgive you.” He happily said. He
looks innocent and cute but Taehyung do know how to trick people too.

“What mission?” Mingyu asked. “The couple items. You have to buy something matching with
Wonu hyung. It should be unique hyung. We’ll have a contest then I’ll post it on my Instagram.” Tae

The three of them can’t do anything but to agree. They are all tied with Taehyung’s charm.

“Okay, we’ll meet here after 2 hours. Then let’s judge.” He excitedly said. Before they part ways,
Wonwoo remembered that they’re going to the beach. “Oh guys, let’s also buy things for the beach
okay. Gyuie and I will buy the food. Any request?” he asked. Taehyung eagerly raised his hands.
“Marshmallow hyung. I like toasting marshmallow.” He said. Wonwoo looked to Wonwoo. “Meat.”
He simply said.

The younger two were assigned to buy the things that they’ll need.

Mingyu and Wonwoo are walking into alley of shops that sells clothes, shoes, accessories and
everything concerning fashion. Yet they don’t have an idea what to buy for their mission.

“Gyuie I don’t know what we’ll buy for that mission. Do you have anything?” Wonwoo asked. He’s
quite relieved that Mingyu is not holding his hands anymore because there’s a lot of people aroud

Mingyu suddenly stopped walking and Wonwoo also stop. He face his hyung and held his hand like
he’s asking for something. The elder look at him clueless. “What?” he asked.

“Hand.” He deadpanned

Wonwoo didn’t understand what Mingyu is saying so he just starred at him. Mingyu noticed that his
husband didn’t understand and just grab Wonwoo’s hand and hold it like earlier and continued
walking. Wonwoo is starting to panick. He doesn’t want other people to see them holding hands.
“Gyuie, let go. People are gonna see us.” He quietly protested. Mingyu isn’t listening. He’s doing his
best to ignore Wonwoo and the things that he is saying and just looking to the shop, looking for
something that he want to buy.

Wonwoo noticed that the younger is purposely ignoring him so he stop from walking. That made
Mingyu stop walking too.

“What hyung? Do you want to buy something?” he innocently asked. The elder is frowning. He
can’t understand why Mingyu is acting innocent when he do really know why he stopped walking.

“Let go of my hand Mingyu.” He seriously said. Mingyu takes a deep breath. “Why hyung? We’re
like this for for the whole time. What’s the problem now?” He said.

Wonwoo tried to pull his hands away but Mingyu didn’t let go. “Gyuie people will see us.
Its embarassing.” The last world is almost a whisper but Mingyu heard it.

The younger was stunned with what he just heard. He suddenly feel ashamed about himself. Mingyu
feel pathetic by pushing himself to his own husband. He felt that he’s lower than those beggars
begging to have something to eat.

He’s rich. Heir of a huge company in their country. Talented, smart and attractive yet he’s begging
for love.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.” Wonwoo apologize. The younger school his expression and act
like he doesn’t mind. “It’s fine hyung. It’s my fault anyway. I think I push you too hard. Sorry for
making you uncomfortable.” His expression is cold as ice. It’s not the awkward Mingyu that
Wonwoo always see.

“I’m sorry Gyuie. I just don’t want other people to misunderstand.” He reasoned. Mingyu is not
listening, or maybe he’s listening but he just want to ignore what the elder is saying. “You don’t need
to apoligize hyung let’s just buy something for that mission then by food for later.” He didn’t wait
Wonwoo to answer when he started walking again. Trying to look for anything interesting to buy.
Wonwoo is quietly trailing behind the younger. He regret what he said but he know that he can’t do
anything when the damage is already done.

Mingyu entered into a shoe shop. He remembered that he wants to buy a new shoes and it’s the
perfect timing to do that.

He’s into light weight type of shoes. For him it’s always comfort before style so he went to the
Converse, Vans and Sperry brands. Looking if he’ll want something.

“Good morning Sir. We have new arrival. What you’re looking for Sir? I can help you.” The lady
said. She’s showing a bright smile. But she’s wearing too much make up for Mingyu’s liking.

“I’ll just call you if I need help. Thank you.” He didn’t wait for the lady’s reply when he continued
looking into the designs.
Wonwoo followed him inside, and also greeted by the same lady but the elder didn’t greet her back.
He’s too busy looking for the younger.

He found Mingyu busy looking when he walked beside him. “I thought I lost you.” He said panting.

“Hyung do you think shoes can be a unique couple item?” he asked without looking at his hyung.
Wonwoo can still feel the coldness in his husband’s voice. It made him feel bad but he doesn’t know
how to talk to Mingyu without offending him even more.

“I- I think so. I mean it’s practical compared to other items.” He suggested. Mingyu is starring at one
particular design.

“Hyung do you like red?” he asked again. Mingyu knows that Wonwoo’s favorite color is pink. But
he didn’t know if he like wearing something red. “Yeah. I’m fine with red.” He plainly said.

Mingyu turn around ang called the lady that greeted him earlier. “What can I do for you sir?” She
cheerfully asked. Mingyu pointed the red high cut converse.

“We’ll get two of these. Size 9.5 and..” He looked at Wonwoo. The elder didn’t manage to answer
when the sales lady spoke.

“For your girlfriend sir? What is her shoe size?” The two men froze, especially Wonwoo.

This is what he’s talking about. It will be so weird for Mingyu to buy a couple shoes with almost
same size. It’s weird for two men to wear couple things. It’s weird for two men to be a couple.

His train of thoughts were interrupted by a hand holding his own. “No miss. That’s for my husband.”
Mingyu cooly said.

The lady’s smile faltered. She quickly turn around and leave. The two were left alone, Wonwoo is
hanging his head low like what Tae is doing earlier.

“Are you alright hyung? Do you want to go out? We can look for another store you know.” The
younger suggests. The elder shake his head. “No Gyuie. There’s nothing wrong about the lady said.
Of course she’ll first think that you have a girlfriend and that’s for her. ‘Cause its normal right.” He
sadly said.

He hate it. He hate that everytime he’ll feel this way. “You know hyung. I don’t understand why you
always mind other people’s opinion about us. About you. They can’t make you happy yet you’re
thinking about them too much. I can’t udestand why you always lose your confidence just because of
that small things. But I’ll still hold your hand even you’re like that.”

The last sentence made Wonwoo’s hand jump. Sometimes Mingyu can manage to make him feel
different emotions at the same time.
They saw the flustered lady walking back to their direction. She’s avoiding making eye contact with
both of them. “Um.. Sir I’m sorry but I forgot to asked your shoe size.” She carefully asked.

“I-it’s 8.5” Wonwoo quietly answered. They went to the counter to pay for the item. They were
greeted by a cheerful lady. Compared to the sales representative that assist them her smile is more
genuine. “Thank you for shopping sir.” She greeted. The two just gave her a small smile.

While punching the items, she noticed it’s the same shoes and color. “Oh couple shoes sir? Do you
want to customize you shoes?” she asked waiting for the two to answer.

“What do you mean miss?” Mingyu asked. The cashier smile then explained their promo. “It’s our
promo where you can cuztomize your shoes. We’ll prepare different materials for you to decorate
your shoe so it will be one of a kind.” She explained.

Mingyu looked at his husband. “Hyung do you want to try it?” the cashier and Mingyu are both
expectantly looking at him and suddenly felt conscious.

“But I don’t know how to draw Gyuie.” He protested. The cashier smiled wider, seeing a handsome
man that cannot draw. “It’s okay sir. We have different stickers and patches for your design. You can
also use a printer if you want the details to be perfect.”

And how Wonwoo can say no to that? It’s like he doesn’t have any choice. “Okay.” He answered bit

They were lead into a room were different decorating materials can be seen. From pens to glitters,
paints, stickers patches, buttons, studs and many more. Wonwoo is quite relieved seeing the
materials. He thought it wouldn’t be hard decorating those shoes.

The sat down and Mingyu grab one of the shoe box and look at the size of it. He grab the other box
and take the shoes out. The elder noticed that it’s the smaller shoes. He’s questioning why Mingyu
got his shoes.

“Gyuie, that’s mine. This one is yours.” He said.

Mingyu is starting to gather his materials. “Hyung, I’ll decorate yours and you’ll decorate mine okay.
So you better do that beautifully ‘coz I’ll wear that every day.” He plainly said and giving Wonwoo a
killer dimpled smile in the end.

The elder began searching design to the internet. He doesn’t have any idea how he will décor his
husband’s shoes. Then he remembered what he said earlier. “I’ll wear that everyday.”

He’s searching and searching while Mingyu is busy scribbling something into his shoes. The younger
made sure that he wouldn’t have a look until its finish.

After 10 minutes he saw an image, it’s a two letter initial. Simple and neat. It’s not too fancy for a
decoration and that’s what’s he’s going for. He just need to think of good initial.
NJ is too obvious for an initial. It clearly stated that its Mingyu’s name and he want it to be unique.
Another couple of minutes passed and finally he thought of something.

He asked for assistance because he want the initials to be printed and the lady is happily assisting
him. “I want this letters to have the specific font I have in mind, do you have different font styles?”
he politely asked. The lady just agreed and showed him the different font styles. He found the one he
want and use it for his designs.

While waiting for the design to be printed, he worked on the other pair of Mingyu’s shoes. He want
to keep it simple yet cool so he decided to put studs in it. He doesn’t want to over do it so he just put
few square studs in the plain side of the high cut converse shoes.

While he’s busy putting the studs, Mingyu were assisted by another lady he’s putting a patch into
Wonwoo’s shoes. It’s a pink star that looks like the star in Super Mario game. He luckiy found it in
the stacks of patches. Mingyu is already done with the other pair. He just wrote some words in it.

They were done after 20 minutes. Wonwoo and Mingyu are both satisfied with the finish product that
they’ve work hard for. Mingyu quickly pack Wonwoo’s shoes. He said they’ll just look at it later in
the beach.

The couple successfully did their task. Buying a couple item for them, buying things that they need
and food for their early summer trip. They were earlier to arrive in their meeting place than
Jungkook and Taehyung. It’s quite awkward because they’re both quiet. Mingyu is busy writing
something on his phone while Wonwoo is just looking into the place.

Taehyung and Jungkook came back laughing with each other. They’re still holding hands and they
look so happy without minding the people around them.

Wonwoo saw how happy the two younger are. And he envied that. He want to happily laughing with
someone he love while holding his hand without thinking of other people around him. But of course
it’s easy to say than done. Just thinking about other people looking at him weirdly, it’s like he want
to run away.

“You two look so happy.” He said. Forcing himself to smile. Mingyu is still busy with his phone so
he didn’t notice them.

“We’re just happy hyung. It’s a great day!” Taehyung cried happily.

The two were holding paper and plastic bags in their hands. It’s obvious that they also completed
their tasks.

They decided that they’ll not go to the amusement park. If they do that, they’ll arrive to the beach at
night. The four of then just waited for Jimin, Seungkwan and Jihoon to arrive.
“Hyung what did you buy for our mission?” Taehyung happily asked. Mingyu is keeping his silence
so Wonwoo willed himself to speak. “It’s a shoes Tae. We bought a red converse high.” He said

Jungkook felt that there’s something different with his Wonu hyung. “Hyung. Is there..”

“Anyeong!” a high pitch voice shouted. The voice got everyone’s attention even the other people
around. They all look at the direction where the voice is coming from.

A mascular mochi with smiling eyes were running into their direction. Jimin’s hair is now bright
orange and strangely it suits really good on him. He’s wearing a simple black shorts and a thin
longsleeve shirt and sandals but still, he looks attractive.

“Jiminie!” Taehyung screamed. They were so happy to see each other together like they’ve been
friends for a long time. But honestly it’s their second time meeting after the wedding.

“Oh Taehyung you look different! Special someone I guess.” He said. Taehyung suddenly blushed
while Jungkook is quietly holding his shoulder. He forgot that he didn’t say to his hyungs that
Taehyung is his boyfriend so the two has no idea.

“Oh hi Gyuie hyung. What happened to your hands?” the mochi worriedly asked. Mingyu gave him
a reassuring smile. “It’s nothing Jiminie. Don’t worry about it.” He said smiling. Then he noticed his
two original friends. “Yah Jungkook why aren’t you calling me huh? I don’t even know if you’re still
alive or what.” he scolds.

He’s a cute little mochi but he can also looks scary when it comes to scolding his dongsaeng. He is
really like Wonwoo.

“I think he’s quite busy this days Jiminie. You know special someone.” Wonwoo teased. The
younger couple blushed in sync. “Ay hyung!” Jungkook tried to protest but Jimin cut him.

“Do you have a partner right now? I thought you were not interested? Who is she? Is she here?”
Jiminie asked. Wonwoo noticed how Taehyung’s expression change but he manage to control it.

“Hyung.” Jimin look at Jungkook and the youngest suddenly raised his hand holding Taehyung.

Jimin’s face is hilarious, it’s funny seeing his eyes become wide and round and his jaw dropped.
“Really!!” he screamed. Now Taehyung is really embarrassed with Jimin’s exaggerated reaction and
now hiding his face to his boyfriend’s shoulder. They look so domestic and sweet.

“Oh you look so great together. How did this happened huh? Huh?” Jimin can’t contain his happiness
and excitement it is easily shown in his face. “We’ll explain to you later okay.”
They’re just waiting for Seungkwan and Jihoon. The three youngest is happily chatting while
Mingyu and Wonwoo are still quiet. Wonwoo is getting bored so he decided to get something to eat.
“I’ll just buy something.” He announced. The three youngest look at him. “Oh hyung I’ll come with
you.” Jungkook said. Taehyung and Jimin are too engrosed talking that they don’t notice the two
already left.

This is the best chance that Jungkook got to talk to his hyung.

“Hyung do you have issue with Mingyu hyung?” the younger asked. Wonwoo was taken aback but
he know that Jungkook do have a strong sense when it comes to him or Jimin and now Taehyung.

“Nothing big Kookie. I guess I just offended him earlier.” He do regret everything he said towards
his husband. “He’s too nice to me yet I hurt him. I think he has the rights to act that way.” He sadly
said. It’s hard for him being ignored by his own husband but he can’t do anything. Mingyu is already
hurt and Wonwoo can’t take that back.

“What did you say hyung?” Jungkook knows that his hyung didn’t mean to offend his husband. “I
said its emabarassing when he held my hand earlier.” Jungkook can feel the regret in his hyung’s
voice. But he understand now the situation.

“Hyung why did you say that?” Honestly, Jungkook is slightly disappointed with his hyung. It is his
chance to be finally happy yet he’s sabotaging his own happiness.

“I don’t know Kook. I’m so scared to other people seeing us together. I don’t want them to
misunderstand.” Jungkook can’t believe on what he’s hearing.

“Hyung why would you care? Why do you always care about other people? Huh? Don’t you realize
that you’re keeping yourself away from happiness by being scared of other people’s opinion huh?
Why you’re doing this to yourself? To Mingyu hyung? I can’t understand.” The younger frustatedly

All he want for his hung is to be happy and yet he’s being like this. It’s the first time that his in
Mingyu’s side. “Does he love you? Hyung?” Jungkook straightforwardly asked.

Wonwoo do know the answer but he can’t say it easily. The youngest is starring at him impatiently.
He do feel the pressure Jungkook is putting to him. He doesn’t know what to do.

“He said he loves me. But I’m not sure if he’s serious Kook. I don’t know.” He frustatedly answered.
The younger sigh. “Can you feel his sincerity hyung? Can you feel he’s being serious?” Jungkook’s
question are harder than his finals exam. He do know the answer but anxiety is eating him whole.

“You don’t need to answer me hyung. But you need to figure things out quickly or both of you will
be hurt.” This is first time Wonwoo is hearing this mature statements coming from his dongsaeng.
Taehyung really made him so mature. He’s happy for them.
They came back and saw the additional people with the other. Seungkwan is talking with Taehyung
and Jimin, they’re happy with each other. Jihoon is talking with Mingyu. Wonwoo will admit, he’s
nervous seeing Jihoon after that stupid thing he did that night.

As they arrived, they automatically made their way to the parking lot and go to the beach.

There’s two car Wonwoo’s and Seungkwan’s. They’re seven so they need to split up into the two
cars. “Who’s going with Seungkwan and Jihoon?” Wonwoo asked. Feeling weird calling his old
friend by his true name.

Of course Taehyung and Jungkook will never be apart. Wonwoo and Seungkwan will drive and
Jihoon will always stick with Seungkwan so it’s Mingyu and Jimin. Both of them are fine with
anything. Jimin is on his way volunteering to be with Seungkwan and Jihoon but Mingyu interrupt

“I’ll go with them.” he volunteered. Wonwoo and Jungkook are looking at him. It’s easy to think that
Mingyu will be with Seungkwan and Jihoon because they’re best friends, but Wonwoo and Jungkook
know the real reason behind it.

He’s trying to avoid his husband as much as possible. Wonwoo is sad but he knows it’s his fault so
he can’t complain.

They made their way to the beach. Wonwoo is focused with driving but he can’t help but to think
about his husband who’s on the other car with his friends. Jungkook noticed it and became worried
for his hyung but he know it’s not his business to meddle with.

They arrive on the beach at 4 p.m. it’s the perfect time to play with the sea. The sun is not too hot but
it’s not too cold.

Jimin, Taehyung and Seungkwan played as they lay their feet on the sand. They’re chasing the waves
then ran off when it’s coming. They’re too happy with their own world.

The rest did the things that needed to be done before it gets dark. Jungkook and Jihoon are helping
each other to build their tents. Wonwoo is preparing their dinner and Mingyu is collecting firewood
for the bon fire.

After everything is done, all of them are now resting. The three gets tired with playing in the sea and
now they’re exhausted and hungry. All of them are enjoying the peaceful view of the sea while the
sun is setting.
It’s magnificent to watch the sun slowly setting with the sound of waves with it. It’s peaceful and
Wonwoo feel fine even for a moment. He looked into his husband that are also busy looking at the

It’s already dark when Jimin and Seungkwan started in cooking their dinner. They volunteer cooking
so the others will rests while waiting.

Mingyu is inside their tent writing something when Wonwoo entered. “Gyuie.” He said, catching the
attention of his husband. The younger stopped writing and looked to his hyung.

“Hi hyung.” he simply greeted. Wonwoo is holding the two box containing the personalize shoes
they made for each other. “I think we should look at this shoes now.” He suggested. If Mingyu will
reject him, he’ll definitely cry without the other noticing. There’s a pitiful feeling when being
ignored and Wonwoo can’t take that.

Mingyu just nod. The elder is quite relieved although there’s still tense aura surrounding them. He
passed the shoe box to Mingyu. The younger opened it. Wonwoo is excited and nervous at the same
time while waiting for his husband’s reaction about his masterpiece.

The younger is looking at his shoes intently, it noticed that his hyung made it simple but unique. He’s
inspecting the design when he saw the initials. RM.

“Hyung what’s RM stands for?” it’s too far from his name. Wonwoo smiled remembering the
meaning of that initial. “RM stands for Rap Monster.” He happily said. Mingyu smiled. “Rap
Monster huh? What a unique name. Why Rap Monster hyung?” he asked.

“Rap Monster because you dream to be a rapper. And I’m surre you’ll be a legend one day then
monster because you’re a destroying monster you know.” He said using the as-of-fact tone in his

Mingyu smiled. He’s happy with the explanation. He felt that Wonwoo is really thinking about him
while decorating his shoes.

After Mingyu, Wonwoo opened his. The first thing he noticed is the pink Mario star attached in his
shoes. He can’t help but coo it. “Ohh Gyuie, this is so cute. And they’re pink!” he said excitedly. The
patch is the only décor on the left shoe then he look for the other one.

It’s also simple. Just a words written beautifully in it. Wonwoo is sure Mingyu didn’t wrote that
because he know Mingyu’s handwriting and it’s messy. He read the words.

Then his heart skips beat.

‘You enter in and become love’

Wonwoo is speechless reading those words.

There’s silence surrounding them. It’s awkward but not tense compared before. The silence is
disturbed by Seungkwan’s calling.

“Hey guys it’s time for dinner.”

hey went out without talking to each other. But Wonwoo is clingier to his husband compared before.
They’re happy eating dinner when Taehyung speak.

“You know guys the four of us had a double date earlier. It was fun.” He announced happily. Jimin is
not shocked hearing it but Jihoon and Seungkwan was.

“Eh?” Seungkwan said, while eating his barbecue.

“Yeah. Oh and may I announced that me and Jungkook are together!” that made everyone smile. No
one felt weird about their relationship. All of them do respects each other and their preferences. They
are all lucky that their circle of friends are so amazing and cool.

They finished eating and did their individual businesses. Of course Taehyung and Jungkook are
spending their time together. Seungkwan is with his phone. Jihoon and Jimin are casually talking, but
everyone can see the slight touches that they’re giving with each other.

Mingyu is again busy writing when Wonwoo approached him. “Gyuie, up for a walk?” he asked.

They are walking in the sea shore. It’s only the moon that is giving them light. No one is around and
they are reasonably far from their friends.

Wonwoo feel that Mingyu will not talk anytime soon so he talk first.

“Gyuie. I- I want to apologize on what I said earlier. I seriously didn’t mean it.” Again, he can feel
the guilt deep in his stomach. “It’s alright hyung. I’m sorry for ignoring you earlier.” The younger
countered back.
“I just want to make you happy hyung. But I think I overboard. Sorry.” Everything that Mingyu is
saying is the exact opposite in Wonwoo’s opinion.

“Stop Gyuie. You don’t need to apologize. I also have my fault too. I don’t know but I think it’s just
me. I have this in me since I was young. I’m an heir so people expect for me to act accordingly all
the time. I’m thought that there are people that will always look at me. And I think I’m still
struggling about my own identity.” He explained.

Mingyu already know about the half of it. He’s also raised being an heir and not a normal kid. His
father’s collegue’s, their employees and everyone is looking at him all the time. So he understands
what Wonwoo is saying.

“Hyung stop it already, okay. I don’t care about what they’ll say about me, about you. I just want to
make you happy as much as I can. So please don’t stop me.” Mingyu said while caressing Wonwoo’s
face with his warm hands.

Wonwoo smiled and appreciate the warmth that his husband is giving.

“Gyuie about your price.” He shyly said. Blushing although the younger can’t see it. “What price?”
he asked. The elder laugh. His husband is smart and everything but he’s forgetful.

“The Mario doll. You said you want something in exchange of it.” He doesn’t know why he’s
pushing this topic to go further. “Oh that hyung. Don’t mind it. You don’t need to do it hyung.” he

“But I want to do it.” He slipped. Wonwoo is slapping his mouth for slipping that emabarassing
words. Mingyu is smiling cheekily. He’s trying to tease his husband.

“Oh so you want to do it hyung? If that’s the case then how can I turn my beautiful husband down?’
he teased. Wonwoo is seriously blushing right now. He’s thankful that it’s too dark for the younger to

“If you really want it, then why don’t you do it hyung?” he’s trying to tease his hyung but he didn’t
know that Wonwoo is taking it seriously.

Mingyu is standing in front of his hyung, looking him into his eyes. He expects to feel his husband’s
soft lips quick on his cheeks but he didn’t expect what is on his husband’s mind.

Wonwoo takes a deep breath and grab Mingyu’s arms and kiss him,
on his lips.

Mingyu is shocked tasting Wonwoo’s sweet lips again. But this is a precious moment for them so
he’s savouring it. They stayed like that when Wonwoo move.

He carefully moved his lips against the younger. Mingyu can’t believe this. He’s kissing his husband
like a real kiss. He didn’t wait for anything else and sync his lips with his husband’s.

They’re like that for a while, Mingyu hold Wonwoo’s waist tighter so he can feel his husband more.
Their kiss is sweet and giving them an out of this world’s sensation.

Mingyu is busy savouring this moment when he felt a lick in his bottom lip, it’s Wonwoo’s tongue
asking for entrance. It’s a mind blowing experience for him but he didn’t made his husband wait and
slowly open his mouth.

Before Wonwoo have a chance to explore Mingyu’s hot cavern, a hot soft muscle touched his
tounge. He felt fireworks with their kiss. Sparks are all over their bodies.

Wonwoo can say that his husband is expert with what he’s doing with him. It’s sweet yet there’s a
sensual feeling with every move of his lips. He’s gentle with his movement but Wonwoo can feel the
dominance that his husband is showing.

It’s everything that he wanted and but there’s still small surprises that Mingyu is giving to him.

It’s all perfect. They are perfect.

They break the kiss. Both of them are out of breath especially Wonwoo. Their eyes were blown wide
and their lips looks perfect.

“I love you hyung. I really love you.” Mingyu whispered while giving his husband a small peck in
his perfect, sweet lips.

Wonwoo leaned, touching his husband’s forehead with his own.

“I know Gyuie. And I also want to be with you.”

An update hahahahah!
I love you guys please read my author;s note.

Let's Fly



Chapter 23
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

The couple is happily cuddling.

SoeokWonu being the small spoon while Mingyu is behind him snuggling neck and giving his
husband sweet kisses in an early morning.

“What’s your plan for today Gyuie?” the elder asked while playing with the younger’s hands.

“Nothing much hyung. Just class. We’re kind of free this day because it’s almost summer break.” He

With all honesty in Mingyu’s heart, holding his husband like this on an early morning is the best part
of his day.
He wished for this, holding his beloved husband like this. Cuddling with him, sharing warmth, asking
each other’s plan for today. Being able to make him feel loved and cared for. So Mingyu really
cherished this part of his day.

“You hyung? What’s your plan?” he asked, holding Wonwoo closer to him. “Dad wants me to come
with him in a client’s meeting. After that, nothing much.”

The younger sighed behind his neck, making him ticklish. “Gyuie, stop that.” He protested,
squirming his way out of the younger’s hold. But Mingyu didn’t even move an inch.

“What hyung? I’m not trying to tickle you. I’m just breathing.” He said acting innocently.

Wonwoo forcedly moves his body to move and face his husband. He cutely pouting and glaring at
him. Mingyu find it really cute, seeing his husband pouting and glaring like that. He will always love
this sight of his hyung.

“Hyung let’s do something fun tonight.” He suggested. Wonwoo looked at him, wondering what’s he
want to say. “What do you mean?” the elder asked.

Mingyu gave him his signature dimpled shy smile and the elders can’t deny that his heart melts for it.

“Anything you wants to do or try. You need to do something fun hyung.” Wonwoo is now thinking
about the things he wants to do. “I want to go to the amusement park but it’s too late. You? What do
you want to do?” he asked.

Mingyu is thinking. “I think, I just want the two of us to hang out, you know. Driving out there
without any destination? I road trip I guess.” He suggested.

Wonwoo also liked the idea that Mingyu suggested. It sounds fun and free. They didn’t have the
chance to have a road trip before because of their busy schedules and now Wonwoo wants to do it.

“That sounds fun Gyuie. I think we’ll enjoy that. Where are you planning to go? He excitedly asked.
“Somewhere without traffic will be great. South? What do you think?”

Wonwoo just smiled, and they spend their morning talking about their plan.

“Gyuie, you need to get up. We’re going to be late.” The elder whined, but the younger isn’t
listening. “Gyuie stand up.” He’s trying to push Mingyu out of his bed but Mingyu isn’t moving even
a little.

“Hyung come here. I’ll just tell you something that I’ll get up and prepare.” The elder looks
skeptical but he need Mingyu to move or they’re both going to be late.
He moves closer to his husband’s side. But he didn’t expect what will happen.

Mingyu grabs his head and gave him a sweet yet sensual kiss.

Wonwoo is so flustered with the younger’s bold action towards him and still, he didn’t even wash his
mouth. He still has morning breath!

“Yah Gyuie, Don’t kiss me just like that, I didn’t wash my mouth yet.” He said while blushing so

“Don’t worry hyung, I’ll kiss you even you have morning breath every day.” He mischievously said
while showing his dimpled smile.

They did their morning routine and both head to their own schedule. But before they part ways,
Mingyu gave his husband a sweet goodbye kiss.

“Bye love, see you later.”


Wonwoo is collecting his things. It’s already 7:43 p.m. and he already received a text from Mingyu
that he’s already in the lobby waiting for him.

He feels so excited with the road trip with his husband. He knows, it will be happy and perfect.

He can’t help but smile as he saw the awkward and clumsy monster waiting for him at the lobby.

It so funny for Wonwoo as he saw the receptionist starring at his husband doubting. The employees
Kim Empire are all familiar with Mr. Kim’s son, the heir of their company, Mingyu. But she can’t
understand why the young man is just wearing baggy pants and a sweat shirt. He looks so casual and
out of place inside the company. The total opposite of the typical rich young man’s appearance.

Wonwoo walked into Mingyu’s direction when the younger finally noticed him, he gave his husband
a flashing bright smile.

“Let’s go.” He said. They’re both smiling and excited for their upcoming plan when Wonwoo’s
phone vibrated in his pocket. He dug his phone into his pocket and saw the beautiful photo of his
sister on the screen.

“Oh princess, did you miss me?” his bright smiled faltered as he a sob from the other line. “Oppa!”
Jisoo said while crying.

Worry is quickly shown in Wonwoo’s face. Mingyu can easily know that there’s something wrong.
He held his husband’s hands to give him little comfort.

“Oppa, popsie said that I need to live in another house and marry a prince. Oppa I don’t want!” she
said whaling. There’s a throb in Wonwoo’s chest after hearing his beloved sister.

“Don’t worry princess, I’ll be there okay. Stop crying.” He gently said.

Wonwoo’s mind becomes blurred with worry. He does want to be with his sister as soon as possible,
but he can’t think of a way to do it.

“Let’s go hyung, I’ll go with you,” Mingyu said. He’s also worried about what happened, but he’s
more collected and focused than Wonwoo.


Before can Mingyu properly parked his husband’s car outside their home. The elder made his way

Mingyu can't blame him though. He knows how important Jisoo to Wonwoo. Nothing will ever
change that.

After he roughly parked his hyung's car. He followed him inside. Preparing himself for everything
that may happen tonight.
Before Wonwoo can even step inside the entrance, there's Jisoo launching herself to his brother.
She's soaking his brother's working clothes by the tears and snot on her face. It looks disgusting to
other people thinking that Jisoo is old enough to take care some simple thing like herself but it will
always be fine for his brother.

"Oppa! Oppa!" As she repeatedly says his brother's name like a prayer.

It's painful for him to see his princess like that when she used to smile while laugh all the time.

"It's okay princess. I'm here. Namie oppa is here too. Don't cry." He gently pushes Jisoo out of him
and wipes the little lady's tears.

"Namie oppa?" She repeated. Wonwoo gave him a gentle sweet smile. "Remember him. The one
who ate dinner with us?" He asked, trying to draw his sister's attention to Mingyu.

"Yeah. He's your prince, oppa. Why do you have a prince if you're prince also oppa? How that

Wonwoo is flustered yet amazed how Jisoo suddenly forgets about something that caused her to cry
her hearts out.

"I'll explain some other time okay." He said. Seeing Jisoo smile made Wonwoo calm a little. But he
didn't know if he'll be able to calm down if he saw his father.

The siblings are quietly consoling each other as the front door opened and there is the awkward
monster standing outside staring at the beautiful siblings.

Mingyu smiled brightly as he saw Jisoo analyzing his face.

"Hi princess. It's quite long the last time we meet." He greeted.

Jisoo finally remembers his Namie oppa. The one that promised him doll house castle and stuff.

Namie oppa!" She screamed launching herself also in Mingyus arms.

"You're really cute princess. You look more beautiful when you're smiling like that." He greeted.
Wonwoo can see the pink dust coloring his sisters face. It's so amazing coz it's his first time seeing
his sister blush.

Their light aura was replaced by tension as they entered the dining area. Mr. Jeon is busy eating his
dinner while his wife is frozen.
Mr. Jeon looks at his son with his dull eyes. Like there nothing interesting with him.

"You're here." He duly addressed. Wonwoo's blood is boiling and he just to explode. He does want to
turn the dining table and punch his father.

But he will not do it. At least in front of his innocent sister. He looked at his sister who is hiding
between him and Mingyu.

"Princess. Can you go upstairs? Go play with your doll and don't come out to your room okay. I'll be
there." He gently explained. Jisoo wants to protest. She doesn't want to be away with the comforting
feeling that her brother and brother-in-law is giving. But she also knows that there is something
terrible will happen and she doesn't want to witness that.

The young lady is walking quietly up stairs. The four adult is also in silence. Waiting for Jisoo to be
safe before they start.

As they heard the door of Jisoo’s door shut. Mrs. Jeon started talking. Trying to shift the co
conversation to something else.

"Son why don't you and Mingyu sit down. I didn't know that you're coming so I didn't prepare much
food. But please sit down."

The two didn't move an inch. No one can swallow anything with this kind of situation.

"No mom. I want to know why my sister called me crying saying things about marriage and leaving
this house." His tone is full of emphasis and anger in it.

Mingyu tried to calm him down by slightly touching his broad shoulders but no one can stop him
when he's feeling like this.

"I'm going to introduce him to the youngest son of Mr. Song of DS Group. He's handsome and smart.
I think Jisoo and Yunhyeong are compatible."

Wonwoo didn't know What he hates the most. The idea of Jisoo marrying some rich stranger or his
dad's way of announcing the news.

"No! No one will be married again! I will not let you do that again." The dangerously announced.
Mr. Jeon stood up and glared at his son. "And who are you to order me like that? You're just my
son." He’s glaring to his son like he's an enemy. Wonwoo doesn’t want to lose to his father with their
glaring contest, so he made his eyes look sharper than earlier.

“No, I’m not. You stop being my father as I’m begging with my knees yet you still kick me out of
this house. That horrible day my father died, so am I.” There is something in his voice that made
Mrs. Jeon’s and Mingyu’s heart broken. There’s a pure pain lacing with his words. Yet he said it like
it’s a normal thing to happen for him.

When Mr. Jeon discovered the truth about his son, Wonwoo is hoping. He’s hoping that everything
will be alright just like before even though his heart is thrumming against his chest. His hope with his
dad’s acceptance is unreachable like the sky.

But every hope in Wonwoo’s soul was lost as his father started to turn his back to him. Mr. Jeon
chose to stop being a father just because he feels betrayed. He chose to hurt his son with those
poisonous words just because his pride is torn apart. He chose to close his mind and heart to his own
son because he just felt that there is something wrong. And he chose to be angry and refuse to accept
Wonwoo just because of those tiny little whispers that he’s so afraid about. It’s so tiny and almost
can’t be heard. But those whispers of people with judgemental eyes and hurtful mouth are more
terrifying than bullets.

“It is your decision, not mine, it’s not my fault you don’t know how to make a good decision for

“Being yourself is not a bad decision to make. And I’m so happy that I did that. You should try it too,
maybe it’ll help you to be a good father.” There’s an insulting in Wonwoo’s words but he feels that
he need to say that to his father.

“Whatever you say, the marriage is still on.” His father countered. Again Wonwoo’s blood is
boiling. He realizes how awful his father is.

“Do it. And after that fucking marriage, I will assure you that your company will go down, I’ll make
sure that you were left with nothing even me and Jisoo.” He threatened. His voice sounds so
dangerous and serious, but Mr. Jeon don’t believe him. He always believes that Wonwoo is just his
son without any potentials and connection. Even though the young man is known as a business
protégé by everyone in the business community.
A lot of people congratulate Mr. Kim for having Wonwoo as his son-in-law. They know that Mingyu
though not interested with business is still brilliant and smart just like his father and now he’s with
Wonwoo who’s brilliant and talented as Mr. Kim and Mingyu. The three are unstoppable.

“I didn’t expect that being with the Kims will turn you into something like that. What? You’re so
proud now that you belong to a very rich family huh? You’re not. You’ll never be part of their family
because you are just someone that they bought. And that’s the truth.”

Mrs. Jeon didn’t know how to react to that. She didn’t know how his husband and Wonwoo’s father
dare to say that awful thing to his own son. But she stood frozen. Denying of the truth that being
unfold in front of her.

“So you’re finally admitting that you sold me just for that fucking investment. It’s me before and
now it’s Jisoo, right! I will make you regret all of that awful thing that you did to me and to my
sister. I will make sure that if this marriage happens, I’ll be the one to tear you down and you’ll wish
to just die than living like hell on earth.

“And how will you do that? Huh? You’re no one in this world. You may try everything that you
might but you’ll remain worthless like crap!” Mr. Jeon shouted.

Wonwoo is really trying hard to hold it in. But it’s getting too painful to hear his own father called
him worthless.

“Maybe I can’t. But Mr. Kim – oh wrong Dad can do that. And I’ll watch him crush your beloved
company by pulling every cent of investment he put in it and convincing your new investors to do the
same. Simple as that. I manage to close a deal with him, he knows that I’ll do everything that he asks
if he’ll help him with my revenge to my own father.”

That really sounds so cruel. But Wonwoo just learned every inch of cruelty in his body to his father.
And if that will be the consequence to protect his sister from incoming harm, then he’ll do it

“You traitor. You can’t do that! We didn’t raise you to be like that!” Mr. Jeon screamed. He finally
can feel Wonwoo’s threats are all real. He’s starting to get scared thinking that the company he
worked all his life will be gone in a blink of an eye.

“Oh, I can abeoji. Watch me.” There’s the insulting tone in Wonwoo’s voice.

Mr. Jeon can't control himself with too much anger anymore. He launched himself to his son and
tried to punch him. But Mingyu managed to catch his father-in-law’s arms before he hurt his own
son. The three looked at Mingyu with wide eyes, especially Wonwoo.
“I think that’s enough abeoji. Both of you are not in good condition to talk right now. We’ll just
come back when you two are both calm to talk.” Mingyu is wearing a dead expression. He looks so
calm and it looks so calm that it gives a creepy feeling.

Mr. Jeon snatch his arm out of the younger’s hold. He’s still furious and Mingyu appears as a new
target of his fury.

“What? Are you protecting my worthless son? Do you love him? You're already wrapped around his
finger, didn’t you? Did he satisfy you huh? Kim? Is he doing his purpose to your family huh?”

Continuous insult for Wonwoo is coming out in his father’s mouth. And those words are cutting the
younger’s patience.

When Mingyu felt that he had enough of his father-in-law’s nonsense talking, there’s a quick change
in his expression. His dead calm eyes suddenly changed into a dangerous and scary expression that
can be rarely seen to him.

“Mingyu!” Wonwoo gasps, pulling his husband away from his father.

Mrs. Jeon stood froze as she watches her husband fall into the ground with an aching cheek. Mingyu
punches him too hard and Mr. Jeon’s lips started to bleed.

“This is the last time that I will hear you insult my husband like that Mr. Jeon, or I will make sure
that everything that Wonwoo said will happen immediately.”

If Wonwoo’s threat sounds so true, Mingyu’s words are disturbing for Mr. Jeon. He knows that the
younger can really do it, considering that he is the heir of such huge company. It will be easy for him
to convince his own dad to make a move.

“Let’s go hyung.” He said as he tugged his husband’s hands to the door. But Wonwoo didn’t move.
Instead, he walked upstairs and went directly to his sister’s room.

But before they go. He looks for the last time to the old man with the bleeding lips. “You’re wrong.
I’m part of Kim’s family. They welcomed and accepted me to be part of it. Even Mr. Kim is treating
me like his true son. And I’m really grateful for Mingyu because he always stays by my side. Maybe
I need to thank you for this. If it wasn’t for you, I would not found the family that cares for me. But
Jisoo will still not have the same fate as mine.”

Jisoo is quietly sitting in her bed. Wonwoo new even with an innocent mind, his sister understands
what’s happening. And it breaks his heart seeing his princess so affected by te situation.

The young lady looks at him and run to seek for the comforting feeling of her brother.

“Oppa, why popsie is shouting? Is he mad at me?” she worriedly asks. Wonwoo is too angry but
seeing him distress will just put more stress on his sister, so he tried his best to smile and look so
gentle for her.

“No princess, popsie is not mad at you. We just want to talk loudly because he can’t hear what I’m
saying.” That a lie. The exact opposite of the truth.

“Do you want to have a sleep over princess? Oppa wants to be with you but I have my own house.
Do you want to stay with me?” he offered.

After his dad’s plans. He planned on getting Jisoo and take care for her, to make sure that she’s
alright and happy.

“Really! We’ll eat popcorn and watch movie oppa? With Minmin and Kookie?” she excitedly asked.
Jisoo’s bright smile wipe all the anger in Wonwoo’s system away. He does realize that all he needs is
his sister.

“Of course, oppa will bake cookies for all of us, even Namie oppa. Oh now, pack your clothes okay.
Put it in your travel bag and bring important things only. You can do that right princess?” Jisoo
eagerly nods. Excited with their said sleep over.

Wonwoo closed the door of Jisoo’s room to go on his own. He saw his husband leaning against the
wall and patiently waiting for them. The elder holds his hand and leads him to his room.
As he opened the door, he felt the nostalgia. All the memories he made with that room is playing in
his mind. The laughter with Jungkook and Jisoo, and even times that Jihoon stayed there. The
memories made him happy and sad at the same time.

His little replay was interrupted by a war hands in his waist. The warm is comforting for him. Made
him relaxed and feel safe.

“Are you okay?” Mingyu asked with his husky deep voice. His husband looked at him and smile.
“Yeah. Come on, let me show you my room.”

Mingyu finally saw the collection Jungkook is talking about. It is larger than what Wonwoo has in
his own apartment. Small and large plushies, action figures, pillow, dolls, everything that is related to
Super Mario and Nintendo characters are there in Wonwoo’s room. He even has a huge Mario
doorman to welcome people in his room.

They stay there, Wonwoo is packing some of his things while Mingyu is looking around. He finally
planned to move out of his parent’s house completely. The plan that he should made years ago.

When Wonwoo is almost done packing the door opened. His mother is peeking out and hesitating to
enter the room.

“Eomma.” He whispered. Mingyu stood up as a sign of politeness to his mother-in-law. Mrs. Jeon
looks apologetic to his son.

“Son, I’m sorry about what happened. Your dad didn’t mean to say those things. He’s just angry with
you. Please.” That’s what Wonwoo is really dying to hear. An apology. But not from his mom.

He does need to hear his dad taking all those words back. He needs his dad to say that everything he
says is caused by his anger. He needs to hear from his dad that everything is a lie and he’s not

Because from the start. All those words Mr. Jeon say to him.

He’s believing it.

Every single word of it.

“You know mom, I can’t understand why you’re saying sorry for him. And he means everything he
says. I know that he meant it with all his heart.” Wonwoo said sadly while checking his things.

They were interrupted by the excited little lady with her favorite dog plushie. “Oppa I’m ready!” he
excitedly announced.

There is a question and panic in Mrs. Jeon’s face. “Wait, what’s are you doing. Where are you going,
honey?” She asked her daughter.

“Sleep over with my oppa! Eomma. We’ll eat popcorns and cookies.” The old lady shifts her look to
his son. “Where are you taking him Wonwoo. Huh?” her voice is almost begging.

“In our apartment. I’ll take care of her until your husband realize what he did.” He said with the dead

Wonwoo looks at his husband, who’s dumbly standing in front of them. Mingyu understood what he
wanted to say and just act like there is nothing wrong. “Come on princess, let’s put your things in the
car. Oppa will come later.”

The unsuspicious lady just smiles and walk with Mingyu without a fuss. Wonwoo didn’t want his
sister to see her mom crying.

“No son, Jisoo can’t leave. How will you take care of her huh? You can’t do that. She’ll stay here.”
Mrs. Jeon tried to order even though her voice is shaking.

“You can’t stop me eomma. I want to protect my sister to that man. It's either you come with us or
I’ll take Jisoo alone.” Mrs. Jeon’s heart is pounding. She doesn’t want her children to left them but
her husband needs her also right now.

“Son, please don’t make me choose between you and your dad. You know that it is hard for me too.
Please, son.” She begs while clutching at his son’s arms like a lifeline.

Wonwoo looked at his mom with pity and tears in his eyes. He doesn’t want to do it but he needs to
protect his sister.

“No eomma, you don’t need to choose. Because you already have your choice since that day.”

Mrs. Jeon felt like she’s been drenched in ice water. “No son. I didn’t please.”

A tear escape in Wonwoo’s eyes. It’s really hard for him seeing his mother like this. Begging.
“Yes Eomma, you made your choice when you didn’t stop abeoji from chasing me out of this house.
I really wished that day that you at least tried to stop him. But you hide in your room while crying. I
really wished to see you before I decided to go but I didn’t because you’re scared with abeoji. So it
clearly says that you will always choose your husband over me. Over us.”

It is heart-shattering for the mother and son, but it is also the truth that Mrs. Jeon need to hear.

Wonwoo finished packing his belongings and starting to walk out of the room when his mom stop
him. “You’ll take her back right?” Mrs. Jeon ask. Honestly, Wonwoo didn't know. But his mother
needs an assurance right now.

“If abeoji will stop treating us like things that he can sell, maybe I’ll take Jisoo back here.” Wonwoo
didn’t really want to do this. He doesn’t want to hurt his parents especially his mom. He doesn’t want
to see her cry because of him. But this is the thing that he needed to do, for his father to realize that
family is the most precious thing in the world and learn to respect his children’s feelings and

Mrs. Jeon, finally let her son go without any word of goodbye. Wonwoo is thanking all gods that he
peacefully left their home by not seeing his father. He had enough of the drama.

The elder smiled genuinely for the first time when he saw Mingyu and Jisoo playing kai bai bo (rock
paper scissors) and his husband intentionally losing for his sister. It’s so sweet to see the two of them
playing innocently. He wishes things can stay as simple and innocent, at least for his lovely sister.

Mingyu is quietly driving while Wonwoo is looking outside. His mind is somewhere else and his
husband knows that he needs to relax.

“Hyung, do you want to eat? We’re still not having our diner yet. Maybe you want anything?” he
asked, holding Wonwoo’s hands.

Wonwoo smiled and look at him. “No Gyuie, I’ll just cook when we come home.” He said with a
gentle but gloomy voice.

“No hyung, you are tired. And you deserve to eat something delicious tonight okay. And maybe our
princess also want to eat out right princess.” He asked.
“Yes!” she shouted. Wonwoo’s heart swelled as he hearing ‘our’ from Mingyu like he really treated
Jisoo as his real little sister.

“Princess, what do you want? Chicken? Bingsu? Pizza?” Wonwoo ask.

Jisoo is thinking while twisting her hair. “Hmm, I don’t know oppa. You decide, I eat.” She cheekily
grins. Wonwoo just smiled at his cute sister.

“You hyung? What do you want?” the younger asked.

With his husband insisting for them to eat, how can Wonwoo can say no to that?

“I want meat and bingsu.” He announced. Jisoo clapped as she heard her favorite dessert. “Bingsu!”

They ended up at a barbecue restaurant and ordered 5 servings of sangyupsal and 4 sevings of
seasoned meat. Wonwoo and Mingyu are literally inhaling their dinner while Jisoo is eating just
lightly. She already ate in their house before Wonwoo arrived.

“Oppa you ate really well with Namie oppa!” she said giggling.

They finished their dinner and went to a bingsu shop. Jisoo ordered a regular mango bingsu while
Seookjiin ordered the large size strawberry bingsu. Mingyu thought his husband is doing what they
called stress eating.

Wonwoo looks so happy while eating his bingsu, if bingsu can make Wonwoo happy then Mingyu is
willing to buy him bingsu forever.

After binsu, Jisoo looks tired and sleepy, so they decided to head back home. Mingyu insists that
he’ll drive home so Wonwoo let him.

“Gyuie, you can stop at the next bus stop,” Wonwoo said. Mingyu looked at him, questioning why
they need to stop when their apartment is six blocks away.

“Why hyung?” he asked. The next bus stop is nearing and Wonwoo is looking at his sister peacefully
sleeping at the back.

“I’ll take Jisoo in my apartment. She’ll stay there for the mean time.” He said, starting to wake his
sister up. “Wait. What? Why? He can stay with us hyung.” Mingyu said.
“No Gyuie, Jisoo is too loud for your liking. And she’s acting up whenever she doesn’t feel good. I
don’t want him to disturb you because you’re always tired and just go home to relax.” But Mingyu
doesn't want to listen.

“No hyung. And what you both will stay there and I will be left alone? No hyung. Jisoo will stay
with us and that’s final.” It’s an authority yet playful tone Mingyu is using to his hyung.

“But Gyuie.” Wonwoo didn’t get the chance to talk anymore when the younger cut him while

“No buts hung. I do like Jisoo, she’s like the little sister that I’ve never had. So don’t say anything.
She’ll stay with us. Okay. I love you.”

The last sentence made Wonwoo speechless. It’s amazing how Mingyu manages to express his
feeling just like that. It’s easy for him to say he love someone. He’s really amazing.

They arrive in their apartment complex, Mingyu carefully parked the car. Wonwoo on the other side
is trying to wake his sister up. He's doing it carefully because he knows how his sister hates to be
disturbed in her slumber.

“Princess wake up.” Wonwoo said gently tapping his sister’s shoulders. But Jisoo didn’t want to
listen, she looks really cute while frowning. “Baby, we’re here. You need to wake up.” Her brother
gently said.

“I don’t want.” She protested. The young lady is starting to be cranky by being disturbed in her sleep.
Wonwoo takes a deep breath. This what he’s talking about, Jisoo can be the cutest little sister in the
world but there are times that she’s stubborn and cranky just like Jungkook.

Wonwoo is starting to realize the consequences of his decision.

“You know hyung, why can’t we just carry her so she doesn't need to wake up anymore. That’ll be
easy than making her stop from the incoming meltdown.” Mingyu suggested.

Wonwoo thinks it’s a good idea. “Okay. I’ll carry her.” He said. They try to wake up Jisoo a little bit
so Wonwoo can get into the right position to carry her. Mingyu insisted to carry their things.
Wonwoo wants to decline but carrying Jisoo is hard enough so he can’t afford to decline his
husband’s offer.
They finally made it to their apartment. Wonwoo laid his sister down to his bed. Now that Jisoo is
finally peaceful sleeping, Wonwoo realizes something.

‘Where am I going to sleep?’

He thought to himself while staring at his sister. He also remembered to make sure that Jisoo will
take a bath and brush her teeth tomorrow.

Wonwoo finally made his decision to just sleep on the floor, he’s busy spreading the sheets when
Mingyu carefully entered his room.

“Hyung, I get your things in the car, wait what are you doing?” he dumbly asked. Wonwoo
sometimes wants to ask his husband why he keeps asking some really obvious question.

“I’m eating Gyuie.” He sarcastically answered. Mingyu laughs at his husband’s sarcasm. He can be
sweet and lovely but sometimes he likes being savage like Jihoon.

“I mean why are you sleeping on the floor?” he whined. Wonwoo is done with fixing the sheet and
decided that he want something to eat..

“Let’s go Gyuie, I want to eat.” He said. “Hyung. You’re eating in the middle of the night? We just
had our dinner.” The younger reasoned.

Wonwoo didn’t know but he felt offended by the way Mingyu said it. “Why? What’s wrong eating
this hour huh?” Mingyu saw the emotions of his husband and felt apologetic.

“I mean, I just-“ he didn’t finish what he’s saying when Wonwoo walked out of his room. The
younger followed the elder in the kitchen. Wonwoo is looking for something to eat in the fridge
when Mingyu arrived.

“Hyung, I’m sorry okay. I didn’t mean to offend you. Please.” He said walking to his husband’s
direction. Wonwoo is not answering and just continued to search for his midnight snack.

Mingyu is stood frozen as he saw Wonwoo’s face. “Hyung.” He whispered. Wonwoo stopping
himself from crying. But his expression is clearly showing his true feeling.
The younger immediately hold him. “What happened? Why are you crying?” he said as he wiped his
husband’s tears away.

“Gyuie..” Wonwoo said with so much sadness in his voice. His legs feel weak so he just sits and
leaned his body into the fridge.

“Hyung , you can tell me come on.” He convinced caressing Wonwoo’s hair.

“I’m the worst. I really am.” The outburst is quite expected by the younger but it still made him sad
seeing his husband like that. “No hyung. You’re not. Why would you say that?” it is his version of
the truth.

For him, Wonwoo is a really great person. Not just because he loves him. He saw how Jungkook and
Jimin really care for him, maybe there is reason behind their kindness. He’s doing his best to protect
his sister. He made a huge sacrifice, replacing Jisoo for the marriage. The elder always takes care of
him in every aspect. He helps him achieve his dream and a lot more. The younger really do believe
that his husband is a really great person.

“I am Gyuie. I made my mom cry. Did you see her face when she heard that I’ll take Jisoo away?
She’s begging not to do it but I still did. I say bad things to her and to my father. I even threatened
him, you saw it. No son will do that to their parents but me. I’m really the worst.” He cried.

It’s hard for Mingyu hearing things like this. He can’t understand why his hyung always see himself
that low. He’s a great person yet he sees himself as worthless just like his father said.

“Come on hyung, let’s go to my room. We don’t want Jisoo to wake up and seeing you crying.” He
said, offering his hand to his husband. Wonwoo takes his hand. His eyes and lips are starting to get
puffy, his face is blushing. There’s a tear track in his face. And that beautiful diamond like tears in
his eyes shining. That tears are beautiful, but Mingyu wants to wipe it away from Wonwoo’s eyes.

They settled on Mingyu’s huge bed. He’s holding his husband just like what he always did when the
elder is not feeling well. Wonwoo'a face is buried in the younger’s chest, his shirt is starting to get
soaked with tears. But he didn't care.

It feels comfortable and safe for the elders to feel the warmth of Mingyu’s body.
“Hyung, you’re not worst. You’re just angry and protective to Jisoo.” Mingyu explained looking at
his crying husband.

“No Gyuie. I am. My mom begged me to not go and take Jisoo away but I still did. And my d-dad, he
doesn’t love me. He hates me with all his heart because I’m like this.” He said, shaking his head, still
buried in his husband's chest.

“What like that hyung? What are you talking about?” Mingyu doesn’t want to believe to everything
that Wonwoo is saying because he can see the exact opposite of it.

“He’s disgusted with me Gyuie. A lot of people are. They don’t like me.” He cried. The younger lift
Wonwoo’s body up so he can see his face.

The crying man is startled seeing the expression that Mingyu is wearing when he punched his father-

“This is the last time that I’ll be hearing that words coming from you Wonu. I don’t want to hear you
say that kind of things to yourself again. Understand?” he ordered with so much authority in his

Wonwoo didn’t know what happened but he just nods his head. After hearing his answer, Mingyu’s
expression, in a snap, became soft and gentle. He wiped Wonwoo’s tears away.

“Hyung first of all, you are not a bad person. You are great. A lot of people love you. I love you.
Remember that, please. You’re not the worst son in the world, you just did that for Jisoo and that’s so
amazing for you to make your stand against your parents. That means that you know what is right
from wrong and you’re not tolerating your father from what he’s doing. If taking away Jisoo will
make your parents realize what they did was wrong, then I’m also doing it if I was in your place.
Don’t ever listen to what your father said. He’s an asshole hyung. I can’t believe that he can take
saying that awful thing to you. I even punch him because he’s being too much. He is the kind of
person that you don’t need into your life. Forget him okay. Starting today just listen to me. Don’t
listen to anyone that will try to hurt you. You are not disgusting, you’re one of the most beautiful and
greatest person I’ve ever seen. I love you.”

After his long speech, he gave Wonwoo a sweet and gentle kiss. Again, the elder is speechless. He’s
feeling a lot of emotion right now but mostly, he’s feeling warm and safe hearing those words from
his husband.

Mingyu is looking to his eyes and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He really loves his husband.

“I will protect you from all of them. I will never let them hurt you again. Always.”
I think this is the hardest chapter that I've ever written. it's kind of frustrating because my copy will
always be lost. i really hate it.

and i didn't know that looking for an artist and staying on my budget and wanting a specific style is
harder than i expected. i want to give you guys the book cover with quality and just how i imagined it
to be but the i only have maximum of 30 USD as my budget yet that the only starting rate of the
artists that i've talked with. it's quite stressful and everything.

and some changes. i think you all deserve seeing the book cover that i've been planning. it's my gift
for all of you for supporting my story. in exchange, there are short stories that will be added in the
PSICOM app in exchange of the book cover. i still need to think about that stories but i'll do my best
to write it beautifully

Again, I really appreciate all your support in me. Happy 3000+ reads in ao3 and AsianFF, 2000+
reads in Wattpad. and all your sweet messages to me. it really made me happy. thank you so so
much. hope you like this chapter.

Let's Fly



Chapter 24: rouhui's note

Chapter Text


Hello my lovely readers!

It’s me again. First of all, how’s the chapter? I’m not sure if the last part are okay but I’m pretty
satisfied with it. So you can give me you comments and everything. Always remember I appreciate
all your comments and love 

Last time, I asked you guys about me putting D.A. to an app where readers need to pay for them t
read. I posted thatquestion in my different accounts and I read your responces. Some are willing and
of corse some are willing but prefer on reading it for free.
MY ACCOUNT. The other writers will definitely do that but I think it’s too cruel for me to just pull
it off without considering my reader’s feelings. You are my family and famiy should stick together 

Second, I’ll discuss the app to you guys who are willing to support me.
The PSICOM app will be lauched in September 2017. But tomorrow I’ll receive the invitation so the
pioneer writers can start posting their works.
How can the readers pay: Filipino readers can have a lot of options. And for the international readers,
I suggest purchasing it through Paymaya and Paypal. But I prefer Paymaya.
P 1.00 = 1 points for international readers for example your purchase is worth $1.00, it will be
converted into peso and you’ll have 51 points.
The writers will be the one who will determine how their story will costs. And I now I’ve promised
that I’ll give Different Arrangment a reasonable price.
For me I will charge D.A per chapter. Meaning the readers need to purchase each chapter. The reason
of it is because it’s still not yet done. Maybe I’ll change that if D.A. is alredy completed.
The costs. I don’t know if it’s too much or not. But please give a your opinion.
I’m planning on charging D.A’s P20.00 per chapter. If you’ll convert that into dollars it’s $0.39. is it
too much? Please talk to me if it’s too much.

Some readers are paying some are not what’s the difference?

The main difference of paying and non-paying readers are the PRIVILEDGES.
1. Paying readers will have the edited version of the story. Right spelling grammar and everything.
I’ll invest on a grammar checker so i’m sure that there’s no mistake. We’re the non-paying will read
raw version of it. I’m proof reading my works but still I can’t see some mistakes and spelling. So that
will be posted on my accounts.

2. The book cover. As you can see, D.A’s book cover is just an amateur monochrome photo of
Wonwoo and Mingyu in a photoshoot. I made that myself so it’s so simple and plain. Paying readers
will saw the official cover of Different Arrangement. I’m now looking for an artist to make it the way
I like it. I’ll make sure that it will be amazing. And they can have a copy of the cover if they wanted.

3. Time table. Because D.A will still be posted on my accounts I don’t want the paying readers to
feel unfair. Paying readers will be able to read the upadates right after I made them and edit them. as
soon as I finish editing it will immediately posted on my PSICOM account. Then for my accounts
like AO3, wattpad and AsianFF the update is going to be posted ONE WEEK after I posed it on my
psicom account. Patience is a virtue.

4. The ending. I’m planning on commissioning an artist to have an art work for the ending of D.A.
and it will be only posted ONLY in my Psicom account. I’ll make sure that it will be breath taking art

If you’ll wonder if what will I do with the money it is here:

If you’re reading my author’s note (I bet you don’t. hahaah) i announced their that I’m planning on
establishing my own charm business. It’s all set. All I need is the capital. I don’t want to ask my
mom so the half og my earnings here will be put on that.

And second, I also said that I do have mental health issue. As of today, I’m not taking any
medication. I don’t think medication suits me because it made me feel worst actually. So I’m
planning on going to a therapist. But therapy in my country costs thousands of pesos. I really want to
try the therapy but I don’t want to ask my parents in this again. so the half will be put on that.

So guys that’s all. If you have any questions comments and everything feel free to ask me. I’m going
to respond to you as early as I can.

Thank you guys for loving Different Arrangement. I really appreciate every reader of my story.
Paying or not, everyone is still my lovely readers. Love you guys.

Let’s Fly



Chapter 25
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Having Jisoo in their household is quite challenging than Wonwoo expected. His sister have a lot of
needs and one of that is attention. And with his busy schedule, he’s having a hard time giving that to
his beloved sister.

He’s just thankful that it’s finally summer vacation. Jungkook and Taehyung always visit them to
play with Jisoo. Taehyung isn’t jealous with Jungkook and Jisoo’s closeness, because the younger
already explained to his boyfriend that Jisoo is just a little sister ad a childhood friend to him, and
Taehyung is cool with that.

Wonwoo is busy as hell, his graduation in nearly coming and he’s so busy completing all his
requirments so that he’ll graduate without a fuss. Its part of his deal with his father-in-law is that he’ll
become the COO of Kim Empire after his graduation, so he had a lot to do to prepare for the new
responsibility coming up.
“Oppa, come let’s play!” Jisoo chirped, offering her doll to his brother. Wonwoo look at him
pitifully, he do want to play with his sister but this ass paperwork that he’s finishing is keeping him
busy enough.

The elder didn’t know how to turn down Jisoo’s offer without making her upset. “Ahhmm. Baby,
oppa can’t play with you right now. I’m sorry.” He apologetically asked.

All of a sudden, Jisoo’s eyes were glistening with tears. She looks so upset being rejected by his
brother again. “Why? You don’t want to play with me oppa? Kookie and TaeTae always play with
me. Why not you?” she asked.

Wonwoo didn’t know what to say to his hurt sister. Jisoo is starting her meltdown and started
throwing her toys and cry. “Oppa doesn’t like me anymore. Oppa doesn’t want to play with Jisoo. He
hates me!” Jisoo cried. Wonwoo is starting to panic. It’s not his first time seeing Jisoo in her
meltdown mode, but it’s his first time being the reason of it.

“No baby! Oppa doesn’t hate you. It’s just that I have homeworks to do and I need to finish it. Baby
please don’t cry.” He pleaded.

But Jisoo isn’t listening. She’s getting more upset and started hitting his brother. She particularly hit
Wonwoo in the face that made the elder shock frozen. The liitle lady is not doing violence whenever
she had her tantrums and it is the first time that Wonwoo is getting hit by his sister.

Jisoo is screaming on the top of her lungs, crying so hard and throwing things in her reach.

Wonwoo is still frozen with so much shock with his sister’s action. Something clicked in the elder’s
mind and felt realy sorry with his sister.

“I’m sorry baby. Please don’t cry.” But Jisoo is not having any of it. She keeps on screaming and
throwing things towards his brother. And Wonwoo is just letting her. He do know that stopping
Jisoo with what she’s doing will just make her more upset.

Jisoo reach some quite hard and sharp thing and throw it in Wonwoo’s direction. That thing landed
on the elder’s face and cut Wonwoo skin and bleed. The cut is quite huge so there’s a lot of blood
coming out.

That made Jisoo stop with her outburst. She’s staring at her brother with an apologetic look in her
eyes. “Oppa, blood.” She pointed out. Wonwoo touched his face, and saw the red in his hands.
Confirmation that he is hurt.

Wonwoo quickly grabbed some tissue to wipe the blood away from his face and while doing it,
Mingyu entered with Jihoon and Seungkwan behind him. The three stood frozen as they saw the
situation, the living room is a mess, Wonwoo is wiping some blood from his face and Jisoo is crying.
Mingyu quickly ran to his husband’s side to assist him.

“Hyung what happened?” he ask, snatching the tissue away from the elder’s hand to wipe the blood
away himself. “Nothing Gyuie. Just an accident.” He said.

Wonwoo felt embarrassed being seen by his husband’s friend the situation they’re having right now.
He wished they come some other time. Not this when he’s hurt and Jisoo is acting up.

“Gyuie can you look for her. I’ll just finish this then prepare dinner okay.” He said and then stood up
to go to their kitchen.

Mingyu shift his eyes with the little lady who looks like she’s going to have an outburst again.
Mingyu’s expression is somewhat scary for the young lady. His eyes is cold as ice and full of
disappointment towards Jisoo. No one looked at her like that even his parents and even Wonwoo.

“Jisoo what did you do?” he sternly asked the little lady. Jisoo is scared, they can all see that.

“Oppa didn’t want to play with Jisoo. He hates me.” Jisoo cried. Jihoon and Seungkwan are
awkwardly looking at them.

Mingyu decided that he needs to tell Jisoo that what she did was wrong. They entered into
Wonwoo’s room, as the door was shut close, Mingyu looked into Jisoo straight into the eyes.

“Jisoo, did you know that what you did to your brother was wrong?” he asked. The young lady look
guilty but she’s trying to come up with a reason. “But he didn’t want to play with me.” She
reasoned. Mingyu took a deep breath, he needs to be patient with Jisoo or his anger will cause more
harm than good to the sibings.

“No Princess, Hyung doesn’t hate you. He’s just busy today. You see those stacks of paper in the
coffee table? Those are works that your oppa needs to finish, or people will get angry with him. Do
you want them to be angry with your Wonwoo oppa?” he patiently asked, still observing at Jisoo’s

The lady’s expression looked conflicted. She do know that she did something bad, she felt guilty and
sorry for her brother but doesn’t know how to say it.

“Do I – I need to say sorry to oppa?” she innocently asked, wearing a very innocent expression on
her face.

“Of cource Princess. When someone did something wrong, they need to apologize. In this case, it’s
you to your Wonwoo oppa.” He calmly said while caressing Jisoo’s hair.

The young lady still look skeptical. She’s afraid to come near his oppa. She doesn’t want when
Wonwoo is upset to her. She’s also afraid that Wonwoo will get angry and kick her out.
“But what i-if he’ll get angry when I say sorry? What am I gonna do Namie oppa?” Mingyu can feel
Jisoo’s distress. But he do know the answer for that. He want to be proud of himself by doing a good
job pointing out Jisoo’s wrongdoings and explaining it to her without making the young lady more
upset than she already is.

“Princess. You know that your oppa loves you so so much, and he’ll not get angry with you
especially when you come to him and say sorry. He’ll be so proud of you believe me.” He smiled.
Jisoo looks so relieved after she heard Mingyu’s explanation.

They both came out and saw Jihoon and Seungkwan awkwardly sitting on the couch. Mingyu know
that Jihoon is observing the situation despite of doing something in his phone. Seungkwan beside
him is whistling awkwardly. There are times that this ball of energy is quiet when he’s feeling tensed
and awkward. Unfortunately this is one of that event.

Mingyu and Jisoo walk straight to the kitchen, where Wonwoo is preparing their dinner. Jisoo saw
his brother with a band aid on his face, carefully cutting the vegetable for the dish he’s preparing.

She do want to run to him and embrace his brother and say sorry. But fear is flooding in her mind.
She tend to overthink just like her brother.

But all her fear are all gone when she felt the encouraging touch of her brother – in – law. Mingyu is
looking at her and giving her a reassuring look. The young lady finally found enough courage to talk
to her brother.

“Oppa.” She whispered.

Wonwoo look at him. Both of them saw the sadness in the elder’s eyes. He tried his best to school his
expression and smile at her. “Why Princess.” He said with a gentle, soothing voice.

Jisoo felt more guilty, seeing her brother still treating her with much care and gentleness despite of
what she’ve done to him. It makes her feel bad for his brother. It makes her sad.

“Jisoo wants to say sorry for hurting you oppa. She didn’t mean it. I just want oppa to love me again
and play with me.” She sadly stated. By her statement, Wonwoo’s heart broke.

He also didn’t mean to neglect Jisoo with love and attention, but his work is eating all his time away
for his sister.
“Oh Princess, come here.” Wonwoo sadly smiled and open his arms to welcome his sister. Jisoo run
to him and embrace her brother like she’d never done it for years. She really miss Wonwoo.

“I’m not angry with you Princess. And oppa is sorry too for not playing with you. I know that you
love to play with me but oppa’s work is really hard. I’m sorry princess.” He apologized. Jisoo will
never be angry with his beloved brother so she easily forgives him.

“I know oppa. Namie oppa explained it to me that you have a lot of homework to do.” She said
looking to the man who is happily watching the lovely scene of the siblings. “You talk to her?”
Wonwoo shockely asked.

Mingyu just gave him his signature dimpled smile. It makes him happy seeing his husband happy.

“And he also said that you’ll be proud of me when I say sorry. Is that true oppa? Are you proud of
me?” Jisoo cheerfully asked. Wonwoo felt incredibly happy seeing Jisoo’s cheerfulness.

“Of course princess. I’m so proud of you. What should you say to your Namie oppa?” he asked. Jisoo
again look to Mingyu and put her hand in her stomach and make the traditional Korean bow. “Thank
you very much for teaching me oppa.” She said.

Both Wonwoo and Mingyu burst on laughing with the young lady’s cuteness.


As usual, Wonwoo’s dish is phenomenal. Everyone loved the dish he prepared, even Jihoon who is
silently slurping the soup in his bowl. Seungkwan as always is the most talkative one. He’s making
jokes that makes Jisoo laugh, he compliments Wonwoo’s cooking and tell some stories about their

Wonwoo is now putting away the dishes, he insist that he’ll take care of everything because Mingyu
will probably break all th eplates and the two are guests. He’s close to be done when a warm arms are
suddenly wrapped in his waist.
He’s startled with his husband sudden clinginess, thankfully he’s not holding anything that can easily
break or else, he’ll need to fix the mess he made.

“Yah! Gyuie. Stop doing that! You startled me.” He scolds, but Mingyu is not listening and just
holding his husband even tighter. It’s not painful for Wonwoo. His hold is always gentle and warm.
The younger is nipping Wonwoo shoulder that creates a tingling feeling to the elder.

“Why are you here? Go back there.” He said Mingyu is not listening. He’s just savoring the moment
that he’s holding his husband like this. “Hyung.” he lowly said with his husky low voice.

Wonwoo tried to turn and face his husband but the younger hold him tighter. Wonwoo can feel that
Mingyu is thinking about something serious. He’s a little bit scared of what the younger is thinking.

“You should talk to Jihoon hyung.”

Wonwoo froze with Mingyu’s statement. He never expects that Mingyu of all people will encourage
him to talk to his ex best friend slash first love. The elder doesn’t want to do it. He’s not planning on
talking to Jihoon anymore in his life. He really regrets what he did that night. He felt so embarrassed
and terrified by thinking that stupidity again.

“I don’t want to talk to him anymore Mingyu. I’ll be fine being civil with him. We don’t need to be
friends anymore.” he reasoned. Mingyu expects that answer. He know that Wonwoo regrets what he
did. He just doesn’t want their friendship to end just because of liquor and wrong decision.

“Hyung, he’s your best friend. And friendship should not be broken because of a mistake.”

Sometimes, Wonwoo hates that his husband is so smart and persuasive at the same time. He knew
Mingyu is right with everything that he is saying. But it’s still not easy. It will never be easy for him.

“Do you still have feeling for him hyung?” the younger suddenly asked. That made Wonwoo gasped.
The question is really unexpected.
He do know the answer with all his heart. It’s a clear no. Maybe he still have feeelings for Jihoon
after all those years that they’re not talking. But after Mingyu arrived in to his life, and saw how
amazing his husband is, those feeling for Jihoon are all gone. Maybe that night is just a bitter feeling.

It’s his pride that has been hurt by seeing Jihoon talking to his really close friend Jimin. It’s just a
bitter taste of envy that Jimin manage to achieve what he’s dreaming for years in just one night. But
there is no love in it. He do know, even though his mind is under the influence of liquor that he’s not
in love Min Jihoon anymore. It is all thanks to his gentle monster husband.

“No Gyuie, I don’t have feelings for him anymore.” he clearly stated. Mingyu gave him a quick peck
on his cheeks. “If that’s the case, then you should talk to him hyung. I know that you both want to be
friends with each other again. And that will never happen if you’ll just avoid him everytime and vice

Wonwoo can’t believe that he has this kind of husband.


Seungkwan, Jisoo and Mingyu are loudly playing uno in the living room, Seungkwan’s scream are
disturbing the whole house. Wonwoo just prayed that their neighbor’s wil not complain with the

Mingyu managed to convince him and Jihoon to talk and settle things out between them. Wonwoo is
really nervous but he can feel the support of his husband from the living room. He know that Mingyu
is eyeing him, observing his condition. Wonwoo is really thankful that Mingyu is always there for

Jihoon arrived after answering his call. Wonwoo’s heart almost stop when he saw Jihoon walking
straight to his direction. He do want to laugh.

It’s the same feeling before whenever Jihoon manage to stole his heart and take his breath away with
his cold yet caring gestures. But the difference is the man that is quietly watching them from the
living room.
Jihoon sat beside him in the dining room. Wonwoo felt that he want to run away but he couldn’t. Not
when he knows that Mingyu is expecting him to be strong and mature to tackle the issue between
him and his ex beast friend. So he diecided to just hold his breath until he make it.

“I just want to say that I- I–‘m really really sorry for what I’ve done to you. It’s just a mistake I
promised. I’m really sorry.” He pleaded. Jihoon’s expression remained blank. He’s always like this
to people.

“It’s okay hyung. I also need to say sorry to you. You know. I shouldn’t have punch you and say
those awful things to you. I also didn’t mean that. I guess I‘m just shocked that moment and just went
blank.” The pale man explained.

There’s something heavy that is lifted in Wonwoo’s chest. He glance in Mingyu’s direction and saw
the younger proudly looking at him.

Their eye talking were interrupated by Jihoon making the slurping sound that he always do everytime
he starts talking. “So you.. and Mingyu are together?” he carefully asked.

Blushed are quickly spreading in Wonwoo’s face and ears. He didn’t expect that Jihoon will ask that
question. “I- I guess you can say that. He’s really an amazing person. And I have a lot of things to
thank him.” He happily stated.

Remembering those difficult times that Mingyu help him made Wonwoo smile like a lovestruck
teenager, his smile are genuinely happy just like how Jihoon remember it before their friendship

“I’m happy for you hyung. You both lucky to have each other. He needed you as much as you
needed him, it’s funny that to see him that happy these days. Maybe it’s because of you. I can see
that you have a good effect on him.” Jihoon smiled.

“And I’m sorry for rejecting you before and then leave you just like that. That time we’re too young
and I’m confused and scared. I didn’t mean to leave you that way. It’s just that I don’t want to lie to
you. Maybe we can try to build something more romantic but I can feel that it will not work for both
of us. That time I’m just don’t want to hurt you even further. So I left.”
There’s something crossed into Wonwoo’s mind.

What if he heard that after hearing Jihoon’s rejection? What if he heard that sincere apology the same
year before Jihoon left. Maybe there’s a difference with the events that will happen. Maybe he’ll not
get caught by his ex’s sweet words and empty promises. Maybe his dad wil not be disgusted by him
just like now. Maybe he’ll not be forced to settle on that marriage with Mingyu. Then he realize one

It’s all fine.

Everthing that happen to his life are all fine for him. If it that means meeting Mingyu in the end. And
having a chance to be loved by that amazing man. If with all those pain is having Mingyu beside him
everytime that he feels that he’s falling apart. Feeling his gentle and warm touch. Being protected by
Mingyu to everything that can hurt him. If that’s what it takes to be with him, then he’s glad to face

They finished talking, ending it up with a lighter chest and a smile on their face. Wonwoo is happy
that his misery for years is finally ended. It is all thanks to his husbands’ encouragement and support
for him.


Wonwoo discovered the reason of Jihoon and Seungkwan sudden visit is about that project that
Mingyu keeps working on. He managed to finish the lyrics day before the deadline even with
Taehyung’s sudden beach request. He manage to pass it, and his professor in that subject is quite
impressed with the lyrics he wrote. He said the lyrics is catchy and not cringe worthy. The words are
well arranged and the meaning f the song is giving that genuine happy feeling when someone is in
love. Mingyu’s professor even aasked him if he’s in love right now, which is 100% true, but he
choose to just smile at him.
Now that the lyrics are made, they need to work on the melody and the beat. This is were Mingyu
and Jihoon are both struggling. They are used to do dark heavy beats that is about hardships and their
self story, yet they need to make a melody that is light and sweet that will catch the attention of their
target audience.


While the two are busy discussing, Wonwoo is finishing his work that needed to be submitted
tomorrow. He’s so glad that Seungkwan for the first time in his life has nothing to do tonight and just
decided to tag along with his friends. The young man is a good companion for Jisoo. He’s loud and
funny and can make the young lady laugh with his jokes.

Seungkwan’s effect to Jisoo is proven when it’s time to go home. It’s pretty late so Jihoon and
Seungkwan decided that they need to go home. Jisoo is still awake, she’s begging with her brother
everytime he said that it’s time to wash up and sleep. Wonwoo for once allowed it, it’s his way of
making up with his lack of time for his sister. He’s glad that Seungkwan choose to play with her till
the end.

And now its time for Seungkwan to leave. And Jisoo doesn’t look good. She doesn’t want his new
playmate to leave. She still wants to play with him. The young lady is clutching Seungkwan’s clothes
tightly and doesn’t want to let go.

“Baby, Hobi needs to go home. He needs to go home and sleep. You too needs to sleep.” Wonwoo
conviced. But Jisoo isn’t listening. She’s pretty much attached with Seungkwan and doesn’t want to
let the young man go. “I want to play with him oppa. Hobi don’t go, let’s play one more game
please.” she begged not letting go of Seungkwan’s shirt.

Seungkwan gave him an apologetic smile. “Princess let’s play some other time okay. I’m getting
tired and you should rest too. When I visit again, we’ll play any game you want when I come visit
you again. Okay” he said making an okay sign on his hand and pat Jisoo’s head.

Thankfully Jisoo finally listen. She finally let Seungkwan’s clothes go. The young man is proud of
her. “You’re so good listening to me princess. I’m so proud of you.” He said.

Wonwoo doesn’t know if he’ll be gratefull or jealous as Seungkwan succeeded to convince Jisoo.
Before, aside from their parents, he’s the only one that can convince Jisoo. Even Jimin and Jungkook
are having a hard time making Jisoo do what they ask. But now she’s listen more to Mingyu and
Seungkwan. Their life are really changing.
Everyone is shocked as Jisoo step forward and kiss Seungkwan on his lips.

Seungkwan stood frozen with wide eyes. Mingyu and Wonwoo’s eyes almost pop open as they saw
the young lady kissing Seungkwan in front of their eyes. After few minutes, Wonwoo finally gain his
consciousness and pull Jisoo away from Seungkwan.

“Jisoo!” he shockedly scold. Jihoon on the other side can’t help but smile. He found the scenario very
funny or at least adorable.

“I’m sorry Seungkwan. She didn’t know what she’s doing.” Wonwoo said bowing into Seungkwan.
The young man’s eyes shift to the young ladies’ face who’s looking at him like he’s a godly being.

“I – it’s fine Wonu hyung. W – we’ll get going. Bye Gyu.” He awkwardly said his goodbye.

After the door was shut clos, Wonwoo quickly turned Jisoo to face him. The young lady is smiling
brightly while plalying with her hair.

“Hey young lady. Why you did that huh? You can’t kiss every man that will agree to play with you
in their lips. Do you still remember what eomma said about kissing someone in their lips?”

Wonwoo is frowning and trying his best not to scold Jisoo so hard. In addition, Jisoo is still smiling
just how she smile at Seungkwan like she‘s not heaing everything that her brother is saying.

“Of course oppa. Eomma said that you should kiss a oppa in their lips when you love him.” she

If Jisoo didn’t forget what their mother told her, then why she kissed Seungkwan on his lips? Then
realization hit Wonwoo like a train. Before he said anything Jisoo speak.

“Oppa, I love Hobi oppa. I want him to be my prince.” She announced.

If other people will hear it, they can think that Jisoo’s term prince is just like what it really means. A
prince, like in fairy tale. But Wonwoo know what’s the true meaning of prince for his sister.
Prince for Jisoo means, boyfriend or a lover for adults. And saying that she want Seungkwan to be
her prince is saying that she do want to be Seungkwan’s girlfriend.

And that’s a huge problem.

After cleaning up, Jisoo is now peacefully sleeping in Wonwoo’s room, while her brother is in his
husband’s room reading.

Mingyu just came out to the bathroom after cleaning up and currently drying his hair. He walk
directly to the bed and saw his beautiful husband reading. Wonwoo is so engrossed in reading that he
didn’t notice Mingyu. The younger sat on the bed and lay into Wonwoo’s lap. That when he notice
his husband.

“Gyuie, you can’t sleep with a wet hair.” He lightly scolds. But Mingyu is smiling cutely at his
hyung. “Then dry my hair. Please Love.” He seductively said while staring straight in to Wonwoo’s

Thanks to the dim night light, the younger didn’t notice how pink Wonwoo’s face is. He’s still
getting used to his husband’s sincere and seductively sweet gestures towards him. He love the
feeling, he can’t deny that. But he can still feel a great shyness whenever Mingyu is being so bold
with his words and actions.

He didn’t say another word and just comply with the younger’s request. He started drying Mingyu’s
blonde hair with the towel he’s holding. “You’re so well taking care of me hyung. You’re the best.”
He said showing his dimpled smile.

After doing their night ritual, Wonwoo and Mingyu are comfortably laying in the huge bed of the
younger. Wonwoo is using Mingyu’s right arm as his pillow and the younger is holding Wonwoo’s
waist gently. They look so domestic like they’ve been with each other for years.
They were in a comfortable silence. No one is talking, just appreciating the silence and the presence
of each other. Mingyu is caressing Wonwoo back. His warm hands makes the elder relaxed and
sleepy. He noticed that his husband is in deep thought and he want to know what he’s thinking.

“Hyung what are you thinking?” he simply asked, continuing what he’s doing.

“Don’t worry about me Gyuie. I’m fine.” He assured. Mingyu knows that. By instinct, he can sense if
Wonwoo is not fine in every aspects. And he know that the elder is just thinking about things.

“I know hyung, I just want to know what’s on your mind.” He said tightening his hold to his
husband’s waist.

“It’s nothing. I’m just thinking about Jisoo and Seungkwan.” He sighed. Wonwoo can feel the
upcoming dilemma of Jisoo having feeling for Seungkwan and the young man not reciproacating
those feelings.

“What about the two hyung? Are you jealous that Jisoo like Seungkwan so much?” he asked.
Clearly, Mingyu doesn’t know any idea of Wonwoo’s concern.

“Actually yes. And you too. Jisoo is listening on both of you. He doesn’t do that to others even Jimin
and Jungkook. But you two, manage to do that by short period of time. And.. And..” he hesitated. He
doesn’t know what his husband will react with his suspicions.

“And what hyung?” Mingyu asked, looking worried about his husband. Wonwoo sighed. “I think
Jisoo is in love with Seungkwan Gyuie. I’m scared.” He admitted. Mingyu’s chinky eyes goes

“Oh shit hyung. Seriously?” he shockedly asked. He looks funny in Wonwoo’s opinion, but he’s
thankful that the younger didn’t think that his concern is invalid.

“Yeah. You heard her. She said he wants Seungkwan to be his prince. Prince means boyfriend to
Jisoo, Gyuie. I’m worried.” He exasperatedly explained.

Wonwoo is scared. He’s scared that what Jisoo is having not just a small crush towards Seungkwan.
He’s scared that Jisoo will end up broken hearted and hurt. He want to prevent that from happening
but he doesn’t know how to do that.
Keeping Seungkwan away is a choice, it’s easy for them to just talk to Seungkwan and explain the
situation and the chosen solution but he’s sure that Jisoo will definitely look for the young man.
She’ll definitely ask Wonwoo when will her Hobi oppa will come back to play with her. Wonwoo
doesn’t want to lie to his sister. Yes, she may have some trouble with her mind but she’s not stupid.
She can easily sense of someone is lying to her and the elder doesn’t want his sister to lose her trust
on him.

He’s being caught up with his thoughts when Mingyu kiss him in his forehead. “That’s something
that you can’t control hyung. Maybe you can make some decision regarding Jisoo’s life but you
chose who’s she’s going to love. She deserves to choose that for herself. I know that you’re worried
and scared, but I think, Jisoo do know what she’s doing. I’m also worried about her, but we can’t do
anything but trust and support her. And trusting her to make her own life decisions is the perfect
thing you can do as her brother. Don’t worry too much hyung. As long we love her, then she’ll gonna
be fine. I know that.”

Wonwoo can feel tears in his eyes. Mingyu do really know how to make him feel assured, and he’s
really thankful for that. He’s quietly sobbing in his husband’s chest, feeling overwhelemed with the
love and thankfulness for his husband.

“Hyung don’t cry please” the younger said, lifting his head to give him a soft kiss on his lips. “I’m
just happy to have you Gyuie.” He sobbingly said.

“You don’t have to always thank me hyung. I am your husband. And it’s my duty to love and protect
you okay.” Mingyu said. Embracing his husband, making him fall in love with Wonwoo even more.


“Gyuie, I think I need to talk to Seungkwan.” Wonwoo declared. The younger need few minutes to
process his hyung’s statement.

“Why hyung?” he dumbly asked. It’s been two weeks after their talk about Jisoo and Seungkwan.
Thankfully, Jisoo is quite busy enjoying her summer vacation and the summer class that she’s
enrolled in. It is a dance class for people with special needs like her. Wonwoo was adviced by her
homeroom teacher, that it is beneficial for Jisoo to have some activity in summer. It will help her
improve her social skills while learning something new and avoid being addicted to t.v or anything
that is not productive.
Wonwoo let her choose what class she wants to attend in. Unexpectedly, she chose the dance class.
When the couple ask her why she chose that class, she truthfully answered that it’s because of
Seungkwan. The young man told her about his love for dancing and that he’s a professional dancer,
that made Jisoo decided to learn how to dance.

If people will think about it, Jisoo is quite amazing on how she’s dealing with her feelings. People
having that kind ofcondition like hers are used to be taken care of, and having everything that they
want for the sake of not stressing them out. Right now, all she want is to be with Seungkwan and be
his girlfriend or princess in her term, but she’s not asking anyone to make it happen. All she’s doing
is to wait until Seungkwan came back to see her.

But she can’t hide the loneliness that she’s feeling while patiently waiting for Seungkwan. At some
point she can understand that there’s a possibility that Seungkwan will never come back for her and
she’s just waiting for nothing. But she doesn’t want to make a fuss about her feelings.

Wonwoo can see her sister’s loneliness. He can feel it, with everytime he saw Jisoo looking outside
the window or looking to their door. He knew that Jisoo is still waiting for Seungkwan. And it’s so
painful to see his sister in that situation.

He promised to protect her and give her everything that she wants. But putting responsibility in
Seungkwan’s shoulders, leaves a bitter taste on Wonwoo’s mouth. He can’t accept the idea that
Seungkwan will force himself to love Jisoo just because Jisoo has feelings for him. It’s too selfish
and cruel in Wonwoo’s opinion.

So he decided to talk to Seungkwan to ask him a favor. “I want to ask a favor from him.” he said.

Of course, Mingyu will support his husband in everything. So, he called Seungkwan and said that
Wonwoo wants to talk to him. Seungkwan doesn’t have any idea why the elder wants to talk to him,
but it will cost no harm, so he agreed.

Wonwoo is waiting for Seungkwan in a café near Seungkwan’s dance studio. He’s nervous and keep
fidgeting. Unfortunately, Mingyu is still busy with his project so he can’t come to support him.
It feels so different not having Mingyu by his side in situation like this. He’s so nervous compared
when Mingyu is with him, making him calm. He wished his husband will be there for him all the

He heard the bell in the front door, Wonwoo quickly look who entred the café, and he saw
Seungkwan, widely smiling at him.

“Hyung. It’s nice to see you again.” Seungkwan greeted. Wonwoo can say that the younger is just
done dancing. He’s a little bit sweaty, even with his sleeveless top and sweatpants. But still, he looks
stunning like everytime Wonwoo will see him.

“Do you want anything Seungkwan?” he politely asked. The younger refused and insist to talk about
the reason why Wonwoo is there.

“So Seungkwan, I just want you to know something.” Wonwoo nervously stated. His lips are dry and
his hands are shaking. “Hyung why do you look so scared. I’m not gonna eat you. Mingyu will
probably kill me if I do that.” he joked. Wonwoo wished that he can laugh at Seungkwan’s jokes
right now but he can’t.

“It’s about Jisoo.” He breathly said. He doesn’t know why talking with Seungkwan is much harder
that talking with Mingyu for the first time.

“Oh, What about her hyung. I feel bad, I didn’t come back visit and play with her again like what I
promised.” He said. Wonwoo remembered the breathing excercises that Jungkook taught him
whenever he’s getting anxious, he’s also thinking about Mingyu’s warm hands holding his. He really
wished Mingyu is there in his side.

“I – I think you aready know about her condition. And I – I think, after you played with her, you
manage to make her fall for you. I think that’s the reason why she kissed you that night, after you and
Jihoon left, she said to us that she wants to be your princess. She means by being your p – princess is
like being your girlfriend.” He stutterly said. Wonwoo can see the shock in Seungkwan’s eyes. He’s
expecting that. Of course it’s really weird to be confronted by your best friend’s husband and hearing
that her sister with special needs is in love with you after playing with her for only one day. That is
extremely weird.
“O – oh.” That the only thing that comes out in Seungkwan’s mouth. He’s thinking, digesting
everything that Wonwoo said to him. “S –so you want me to..” he didn’t finish his sentence when
Wonwoo panicly stopped him. “N – no. I’m not here to ask you to act or treat her like a girlfriend. I
know that’s not the right thing to do. I’m here to ask if can you visit and play with her again. She’s
still holding on to your promise that you’ll be back and play with her again. I always see her looking
in our door, waiting for it to open and see you again. I – I know that it’s hard, because you have a lot
of things to do, but can you help me please. Even just twice, play with her then I’ll explain her the
situation.” He pleaded.

Seungkwan can see the sadness and the despearation in Wonwoo. He can feel the worry that he has
for his sister. And of course, no one even the toughest heart can reject Wonwoo’s sincere words.

“Hyung, stop making that face, you’re aking me feel more guilty not coming back for Jisoo. And for
your favor, I think I can do that. I like playing with her. She’s funny and adorable.” Seungkwan
cheerfully said making the air lighter.

Wonwoo’s smile is bright as the sun. He felt so relieve and thankful with Seungkwan’s generous
heart. He wished that everything will be alright by now.


After a couple of days, Seungkwan visit Jisoo, bringing a lot of gifts and treats. “Oppa, this is a lot.
They’re all beautiful.” Jisoo happily announced.

“Of course princess. You only deserve everything that is pretty just like you.” Jisoo felt her heart beat
became faster, just like when she kissed her prince.

“T –thank you.” She shyly said.

The two played in the living room, while Mingyu and Wonwoo is in the kitchen making some snacks
for all of them.

Wonwoo is happily looking at her energetic and happy little sister. Her smile right now is the most
sincere and happy smile that she made for weeks, and Wonwoo wished to see that everytime.
“I told you hyung, you just need to trust them, and everything will be alright.”

Yaah!! An update. Sorry guys that it took me almost a month to update D.A. it’s just that September
is the busiest month for me. School, OJT and the planning in my upcoming charm business. Please
bear with me.

But with all honesty, I have this feeling that D.A is getting boring. I’m a critique for my own work
and I’m having that feeling. Maybe I’m just lacking of motivation right now due to the busy
Please stay with me, I know I’ll gain that motivation in the right time. Hope you enjoy my update!!
Congrats for our boy’s comeback. I think it was a success.


Let’s Fly


Chapter 26
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Wonwoo is starting to get dizzy by walking back and fort for almost ten minutes. He’s biting his
nails, trying to think clearly.

The beautiful man freed all his schedule today just to spend time and play with his sister Jisoo. Of
course Jisoo is so excited and happily preparing for her time together with his brother. Wonwoo is
patiently waiting for her when he received a call from his father-in-law saying that they have an
emergency meeting with a very important client and he’ll never take a no for an answer.

He doesn’t want to disappoint his sister but he doesn’t want to disappoint his father-in-law either, so
now, he’s thinking of what he should do. He know that Mingyu can’t help him with Jisoo right now
because he and Jihoon are too busy with their project.

The elder is trying to call Jungkook but he wasn’t answering his phone, maybe he’s with Taehyung
right now, spending time together. Wonwoo also called Jimin, but the younger is also not available,
but with the good heart he have, he offered to help, but he’s now on somewhere far, so Wonwoo still
need to wait for him to arrive. Unfortunately, the elder can’t afford to wait for an hour or so.
He exactly has forty minutes to prepare and be on the restaurant where they’re going to meet with
their clients. Time is ticking and Wonwoo still don’t know what to do.

Jisoo looks really beautiful yet cute in her sky blue plain sweater and a high waist white shorts. She’s
smiling widely at her brother and that make Wonwoo feel worst.

“Baby Namie oppa’s dad called me and..” he can’t continue what he’s going say. He’s really sorry
for his sister. “And what oppa?” Jisoo curiously asked. “Princess do you want to go with me, but we
can’t play there. It’s just that, oppa needs to talk to some important people, but he doesn’t want to
leave you here alone. Would you like to come with me? Then after we’ll play, but I’m not sure how
long it will takes. I’m really sorry Princess.” Wonwoo sadly said.

Jisoo did want to sulk, she really miss his Prince oppa and she do really want to have ice cream, but
she remembered Mingyu’s disappointed eyes, the last time she had her outburst and accidentally hurt
her brother. That feeling is awful for Jisoo, feeling the disapointment of his oppa’s are worst than not
having ice cream.

“It’s okay oppa, but I don’t want to come with you, maybe I can play with Kookie and TaeTae?” she
cheerfully asked. Wonwoo felt relieved and proud towards Jisoo. She’s really growing so well and
mature in their care. But he knows that Mingyu and Seungkwan has a big contribution with his
sister’s growth.

“Oppa, you’re dazing. You look silly.” She giggled. Wonwoo glanced in to his watch he only has 30
minutes to make everything happen.

“Umm baby, I can’t reach Kookie and TaeTae, I think they’re somewhere.” Jisoo looked down and
scroll o his contacts, “Jimin oppa? I’m sure he’ll play with me oppa. Jiminie oppa is kind, he always
play with me.” Wonwoo knew that, but Jimin is four- hours away from their home.

“Princess, your Jiminie oppa is in somewhere far he can’t.” he sadly said. Wonwoo’s panic was
worst when he saw Mr. Kim calling him. He swipe the green button to answer the call.

“Hello, dad. I’m really sorry, I’ll be there in a minute, I’ll just look for someone that will accompany
my sister. Okay bye that. I’m really sorry.” He said.

Jisoo is just looking at him confused on what’s happening. Wonwoo quickly scans his contact and
look for someone that he trust enough to take care for Jisoo while he’s on the meeting.

His contact is alphabeticaaly arranged and he’s on the letter ‘H’ and saw Seungkwan’s contact

“Baby, do you want to go with Hobi?” He smilingly asked. Jisoo’s expression went to confused to
over excited.
“Really oppa, I’ll play with him?” she almost screamed. Wonwoo know that he can trust Jisoo in
Seungkwan’s care, Jisoo really enjoyed playing with him, so there will be no problem when it’s time
to leave.

The elder tap the call button beside Seungkwan’s number, after a few rings, the younger finally
answer the call. “Hello hyung, what’s up.” he coolly said. Wonwoo swallow before answering, he
really hope Seungkwan doesn’t have anything to do this day.

“Hellow Seungkwan-ah, umm can I have a favor from you? Again?” he said. He doesn’t have time to
wait but he also needs to prepare him so that it will not sound rude.

“What’s it hyung, anything as long as I can do it.” The elder is quite relieved with what Seungkwan
said. At least he’s slightly willing. “Umm, the thing is, I have an emergency with Mingyu’s dad, and
I need someone to look for my sister. C- can you play with her until I came back. I promise I’ll pay
for your time.” He sound desperate and panicked, but he is desperate.

“Ow.. but I have a dance class right now hyung. I can’t pick her up. But you can drop her off here in
my studio if you like.” He suggested.

It’s quite hassle but he doesn’t have any choice right now. “Okay Seungkwan-ah, I’ll drop her off
your studio. I’ll just text you when we’re there already. Thank you really Hobi. Really really thank
you.” He said, finally ending the call.

Wonwoo and Jisoo rushed into the elder’s car and head off.

While on the road, Wonwoo remembered to at least give Jisoo an idea of what will happen. It will
prevent his sister on being scared without his oppa beside her.

“Baby, I’ll leave you to your Hobi oppa’s studio okay. He’s still dancing when I called him, so
maybe they’re still having their practice when we arrive there okay. There will be a lot of people
there but don’t be scared. They are nice and Hobi will be there for you. You also need to behave and
wait for their class to finish okay. I trust you princess.” He explained.

Despite of being cheerful around his friends and playmate, Jisoo is quite scared when it comes to
new people. She’s really shy when someone she doesn’t know suddenly talks to her, so it’s a good
thing that Wonwoo will at least give her an idea of what she’ll see when they arrive.

After a few minutes, Wonwoo can finally see the building of Seungkwan’s dance studio, the elder
glance into his clock. He exactly have fifteen minutes to be on that restaurant. Or he’ll be dead on
Mr. Kim.
He quickly text Seungkwan ‘we’re here.’ and quickly send it. While waiting, Wonwoo look for the
restaurant’s address, thankful of all the deities out there that the said restaurant where they will held
their meeting is a ten minutes walk from his exact location. And five minutes when you have a car
which Wonwoo has.

Few minutes later, he saw Seungkwan, wearing a typical clothes for dancing which consist of tank
top and sweatpants. He’s quite flushed and panting with the dancing that he’s doing but he still has
his signature as-bright-as-sun smile.

The siblings get off the car, Jisoo is happily skipping while Wonwoo looks so relieved, seeing that
Jisoo is very fine being with Seungkwan.

“Hyung, hi there princess.” He politely greeted, Jisoo returned his greeting with a bright cheerful
smile. Almost the same as Seungkwan’s.

“I’m really sorry about the bother Seungkwan. I hope we’re not disturbing you too much. And I
really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.” Wonwoo genuinely said. He’s glancing towards
his watch, ten minutes before their meeting starts. Seungkwan’s noticed that Wonwoo is on the rush
so he let the elder to finally leave.

Before Wonwoo get into his car, he looks at Seungkwan and remind him of something. “I just want
to inform you that Jisoo is quite scared with strangers. She’s shy and uncomfortable around them. It’s
much better if she’s not going to be overwhelmed. And if anything happened, just call me of Mingyu
okay. I’m sorry but I really need to go. Bye princess. I love you. Behave okay.”

Seungkwan and Jisoo waited until they can’t see Wonwoo’s car anymore. After that, Seungkwan
shift his eyes to the young lady and smile. “Let’s go Princess. I have a lot of people to introduce to
you.” He said as he hold Jisoo’s hand and lead the way.

The young lady’s heart is beating so fast because of two reason:

First, she’ll meet a lot of strangers today, which is Seungkwan’s students and second;

Her Hobi oppa is holding her hands.

His hands were big like TaeTae and Namie oppa, it’s a bit rough and warm. She felt safe in
Seungkwan’s hold. Jisoo wished she can hold Seungkwan’s hand every time.

Because she was so busy thinking how wonderful Seungkwan’s hold in her hand is, Jisoo didn’t
notice that they are already inside the studio. All those people suddenly stopped doing their routine
as Seungkwan and Jisoo entered, they are all looking not to Seungkwan but to the young lady hiding
behind him.

Jisoo’s heart suddenly start skipping a beat. They are all looking at her and she’s not used to have all
the attention of all the people in a room. “Hobi oppa, I’m scared.” She whispered.

Seungkwan turn around to face Jisoo, her head is hanging low and she’s gripping Seungkwan’s shirt
and doesn’t want to let it go. “Oh princess, don’t be scared. They’re all nice here.” he assured.

Seungkwan introduced everyone to Jisoo, but the young lady only remembers Jennie, the quite
snobbish looking type, Rose and Lisa, who’s looking at her with wide eyes and bright smile, she’s
looking at Jisoo like she’s a wonderful cute little plushie.

“Hi, Jisoo-ah, I’m Lisa, we’re the same age. You’re really cute.” She said offering her hand for a
shake. Jisoo looks like she’s hesitating to return Lisa’s greeting but Seungkwan gave her an
encouraging nod. “Hi, I – I’m Jisoo.” It’s short and almost a whisper but Seungkwan is proud of her.

“Princess, you sit here okay, just wait ‘til our practice end and we’ll have ice cream later, okay.”
Seungkwan instructed her. Jisoo followed him. Staying still, sitting on the floor and watching them
do their routine. It’s fascinating for the young lady to see Seungkwan do different moves and twist.
Watching him smile while doing that dreadful routine, boost Jisoo’s determination to learn dance.

While watching Seungkwan, she’s also dreaming about dancing with him. Both of them moving on
the same beat, pouring their hearts content into dancing. She do want to be great in dancing that
she’ll be deserving to have a great collaboration with Seungkwan.

Everyone had their ten minutes water break to relax a little bit. Their choreography is quite intense
and fast so they need to muster all the energy in their body. But the very joyful Lisa, instead of taking
a break, she’s now trying to catch Jisoo’s attention and play with her.

Seungkwan is looking from the distance, he’s unknowingly smiling watching Lisa do some crazy
expression in her face just to make Jisoo laugh. The joyful young lady eventually succeed, Jisoo is
currently showing her bright-as-sun smile.

Seungkwan was interrupted when someone speak behind him. “Yah Seungkwan-ah, I think she’s
really young for you. She’s not your style thou. I thought you’re into the more easy type. I didn’t
know that you’re into innocent type also.” The man announced. Seungkwan just smile at him, his
hyung is really nosy about Seungkwan’s affair.
“No Seungri hyung, she’s out of my league. She’s just a little sister. Actually she’s my best friends’
sister-in-law.” He said, still smiling in Jisoo and Lisa’s direction.

“Oh really, but why there’s something different in her. She looks normal but still different.” Seungri
wonder. Seungkwan doesn’t know if it’s alright to tell somebody about Jisoo’s condition. But it’s not
a secret anyway. Everyone that known Jeon’s know that their youngest child has special needs.

“She has special needs hyung. I mean, she’s sixteen but her mental age is much younger than her
actual age. That’s the reason why she acts like a child.”

Actually, after Wonwoo talked to him about Jisoo’s feelings towards him, that same night, he spend
his time looking in the internet about Jisoo’s condition. Its cause, how to treat people like Jisoo and
how to help them when there’s something wrong. It is all new to Seungkwan. But still, he want to
learn more.

“It’s that so, but you can’t deny that she’s really beautiful. If she’s older and normal, maybe I can
date her or become my girlfriend you know.” The younger saw how his hyung’s eyes linger into
Jisoo’s bare legs. Seungkwan’s expression suddenly become dark. He felt really offended in the way
Seungri looked at Jisoo.

“Stop dreaming about it hyung. Her brother will never allow you to touch even the tip of her finger.
You know Mingyu’s family right?” he seriously looked to Seungri.

“Of course. Who in this country doesn’t know them huh Seungkwan?” he sarcastically said.
Seungkwan look at him with serious expression. “She is the sister of Kim Wonwoo. Mingyu’s
husband. And if you like to mess with her, better be prepared with the consequences hyung. Good
luck.” He smirked and grabbed his jacket on the corner of the studio and walked in Jisoo’s direction.

“Princess, don’t sit like that. Your shorts is too short.” He said, draping the jacket over Jisoo’s legs.
“Oppa, what’s wrong with my legs?” Jisoo curiously asked. Seungkwan and Lisa looked at each
other. The the young man smiled at the clueless young lady. “Nothing’s wrong with your legs
princess. It’s just that you need to cover that up so no bugs will bite your legs.” He said and shift his
eyes in Seungri’s direction.

Seungkwan can see Seungri choked in his own saliva. Mr. Kim and any of his family members are
hard to mess with. With the huge influence and power they had in their country all of them can just
get away in any trouble that they will cause and Seungri doesn’t have the interest to meet any of the
Kims’ in that kind of circumstances.

“Let’s just polish everything on our next practice okay guys. Thank you for your hard work
everyone!” Seungkwan announced. Jisoo is still, sitting down just like what Seungkwan ask her to.

“Princess, can you bit a little bit more. I’ll just need to wash up and we’ll leave for ice cream okay.”
Jisoo just slightly nod and Seungkwan ruffle her hair.

After behaving and waiting patiently, Seungkwan is finally done with everything that he needs to do
and both of them went out to get their ice cream.

It’s a fine day to have a walk to the park or do anything outdoor. It’s not that hot but it’s not chilly.
Just enough for the one layer of clothing. Seungkwan and Jisoo were happily walking, they are
appreciating such wonderful weather. It’s kind of awkward between them, but the good weather is
doing its magic.

“Princess, what do you want to do? I don’t have anything to do today so we can play like what I
promise you.”

Jisoo is thinking of the things she wanted to do, then she remembered her plans with Wonwoo if the
elder doesn’t have an emergency. “Hmm.. oppa and I were planning to go to the Lotte World then
play there. I really want to try the roller coaster. They said it was scary so oppa doesn’t allow me to
ride it but today he agreed! But he had an emergency.” Seungkwan can hear how Jisoo’s voice
become low and sad. He felt sorry for they young lady, but people in the business world will always
be like that. Urgent meetings, late night work, stressful office life. That’s the reason why he doesn’t
accept to be their family's successor.

His father almost disown him that day. But he explain carefully that that’s not the place he belongs
to. Its not the four corner of an office will bring him happiness and sense of satisfaction in his life.
After months of not talking with his dad, they finally swallowed their enormous pride and talked to
settle things between them. His beloved sister offered to take Seungkwan’s place and now, he’s
savoring the freedom that he fought hard for.

Doing what he loves which is dancing and still enjoying the privileges that his family can offer,
Seungkwan can say that his life is pretty much perfect for him.

His thoughts were interrupted by a hand waving in front of his face. “Oppa?” Jisoo said, waving her
hands to catch Seungkwan attention from his thoughts. “Oh.. I’m sorry princess, I’m just thinking of
something. Where are we again?” he said.
Thankfully Jisoo didn’t mind very much and still continue to tell what he want to do with his oppa.

“You know, how about this, let’s go get ice cream and then go to the Lotte World to ice skate? Have
you tried ice skating before?” He cheerfully asked. Jisoo eyes comes from round to cresent shape as
she smile. Just like Jimin and it looks really adorable. “Okay! Let’s go!” she screamed that made
everyone around them look, but they both don’t give a fuck.

They arrived at the ice cream parlor. Jisoo ordered rocky road and double dutch with chocolate
sprinkles while Seungkwan ordered a simple chocolate ice cream. After finishing their ice cream,
they decided to take a bus to get to Lotte world. Seungkwan doesn’t have his car because his dance
studio is just a ten minutes walk from his apartment.

They arrived in Lotte world. Seungkwan can feel Jisoo vibrating with so much excitement. It will be
her first time going to the amusement park with other people aside from his brother, Jimin and
Jungkook. So she’s expecting it to be perfect.

As they entered, they walked directly to the souvenir shop. Jisoo’s eyes sparkled with happiness as
she saw all the cute stuff that the shop has to offer. The young man beside her can’t help but smile,
the young lady’s happiness is contagious.

“Oppa let’s buy headbands!” she suggested.They’re looking in different designs and color, Jisoo
choose the baby blue crown headband, color matching her outfit while Seungkwan choose the fury
white and pink bunny ears that can stand on its own.

“You really look like a princess in that headband.” Seungkwan said making the young lady blush.
Jisoo felt weird feeling suddenly hot because of Seungkwan’s compliment.

She can’t still answer while Seungkwan is scanning the place. There’s quite plenty of people in the
Lotte World because its weekend, so Seungkwan made a mental note to be more careful because of

They arrived in the ice skating rink, Jisoo jumped in so much excitement, “Oppa, it’s cold!” she
happily said. Seungkwan just smile at her and held her hand. “Of coarse princess, it’s ice.” he
explained. They both smile. This is the best day for Jisoo.

They bought the tickets and wear the ice skates, Jisoo suddenly felt nervous, she haven’t tried skating
before, she’s scared to stumble and get hurt. The young man beside her was done tying his shoe lace
and noticed the young lady’s expression. Seungkwan can easily see the nervousness in Jisoo’s face,
with the lady’s intense gaze on the ice. He’s sure she is scared.

“Princess, are you ready?” he smiles as bright as he can, trying to ease Jisoo’s fear. The young lady is
brave enough to smile as bright as Seungkwan and pretend that she is excited as before. “Yes Oppa!”

Seungkwan know how to skate so he’s not having a hard time to stand up. With all confidence in
him, he stood up and offer his hand to Jisoo. The young lady doesn’t know, but she suddenly saw a
pink fumes and glitters surrounding Seungkwan. He looks so handsome with that angle as she saw
him. Then her hearts starts beating fast.

“Come on Princess, I’ll teach you, trust me.” With that, Jisoo’s fear all vanished. She held
Seungkwan’s hand and try to stand up. She wobble as she tried to gain her balance. It was hard for
her because she doesn’t have that much power and control on her legs compared to Seungkwan. But
with the secure hold of Seungkwan in her hand she finally did it!

After an hour and half, Jisoo learn how to skate, at least for a beginer, she’s doing really great.
“Oppa! This is so fun!” she screamed, as she tries to catch Seungkwan. They’re running around
inside the rink, catching each other with their laughter ringing in the whole place. They look so
happy, Jisoo is sure, this is the best day of her life.

Jisoo is gliding to get in to Seungkwan’s direction when a man bumped into Jisoo making the young
lady fall on her knees. The man quickly apologize as he saw Jisoo, laying on the ground. Seungkwan
quickly skate in to Jisoo’s side to check her up. The man that bumped into Jisoo kept on saying sorry
as Seungkwan arrived. But Jisoo wasn’t answering. Her head were hanging low, making her long
black hair cover her face.

“Jisoo are you alright?” Seungkwan asks with full worry on his voice. Jisoo still isn’t answering.
Seungkwan saw the young lady clutching her knees then he saw a tear fell from the lady’s eyes.

“Princess? What’s that?” he asked, trying to remove Jisoo’s hand on her knees.

With a little amount of force, Seungkwan manage to remove her hand and saw red. Jisoo’s hands
were drenched with her blood from a wound on her knees.
“Fuck” Seungkwan cursed. He want to punch himself forgetting to make Jisoo wear a knee pad for
protection. She’s wearing shorts! For Pete's sake! Then Seungkwan forgot to make her wear a proper

The staffs notice what happened and rush to give help to Jisoo and Seungkwan. “Sir what
happened?” one of the staff asked. Another staff tried to help Jisoo with her wound by applying some
pressure for it to stop bleeding but Jisoo avoid him. She moved close to Seungkwan’s side. Although
Seungkwan is talking with the other staff, he noticed that Jisoo is much closer to him than earlier.
Still, her head is hanging low but her shoulder is shaking, indicating that she’s starting to cry.

Seungkwan looked into the staff that tried to approach the young lady and then he quickly
understood what happened. He read it in the internet the day Wonwoo talked to him. People having
the disability like what Jisoo has were having a really hard time interacting to other people.

Their communication skills and confidence are quite weak so they’re just trying to avoid people
around them unless they’re comfortable enough to talk. With the situation in front of Seungkwan, he
can see that Jisoo is scared to the strangers crowding them. She’s scared to be touched by someone
she doesn’t know and the only person that she trust is just Seungkwan.

Seungkwan needs to do something before Jisoo will have her complete outburst. The young man
remove his skating shoes to walk properly, thankfully he’s wearing a pretty thick sock to protect his
feet in to the burning cold of the ice. He carefully help Jisoo to stand up and guide her out of that

Seungkwan felt bad. He didn’t expect that their happy laughters will turn into something like this. He
remove the skating shoes that Jisoo is wearing and the staff thankfully helped him to carry their

The blood were gushing down to Jisoo’s legs and Seungkwan felt too bad to see that ugly wound in
the young lady’s legs. He hopes it will not leave an ugly scar.

He quickly wear his shoes, -starting to be nervous because Jisoo is so quiet. It’s not the behavior he
saw when they visit Mingyu’s apartment. He’s expecting for Jisoo to whine, cry or even scream
because of the pain. But right now, she’s dead quiet, trying so hard t suppress her cry and that made
Seungkwan really worried.

After settling everything down, he decided to just carry Jisoo in his arms, to make everything faster.
The young lady is still quiet, hiding her face in Seungkwan’s chest. “Princess, are you alright?” he
asked. Holding Jisoo tighter.

“They’re looking at me oppa. I’m scared.” It almost a whisper but Seungkwan heard it. Jisoo’s voice
made Seungkwan a little bit relieved. At least the young lady is answering. “No baby, they’re not
looking at you. I’m here okay. You’ll be fine.” He said.
They arrived to the clinic, thanks to the staffs helping them. He place Jisoo down in to the bed, Jisoo
is still not talking that much. Holding Seungkwan’s shirt tightly, making sure that her oppa will not
go anywhere.

A handsome doctor greets them. As Seungkwan see in his name plate, he’s Dr. Kim. The doctor greet
them with bright smile, but that made Jisoo more nervous.

“I see what made you come here I’ll just get my things and we’ll clean that wound up okay.” He
joyfully said, showing his gummy smile. Accidentally, Jisoo and Dr.Kim’s eyes met, and the young
lady quickly buried her face in Seungkwan’s chest. The situation were easily understood by Dr. Kim,
he smiled at Seungkwan like saying that he understands the situation. Seungkwan just gave him an
apologetic smile caressing Jisoo’s hair.

The sting of the alcohol makes Jisoo finally cry. She’s crying on the top of her lungs but the loud
sound was muffled because her face were still buried in Seungkwan’s chest. Dr. Kim were having a
hard time patching Jisoo’s wound up because the young lady kept on moving her legs away from Dr.
Kim’s hold.

Seungkwan is quite panicking, it’s a new experience for him, he’s the youngest child of their family
so he doesn’t know how to take care for a younger sibling. He’s just there holding Jisoo. Caressing
her head and saying encouraging words to her.

After a few minutes, the torture is finally done, but still Jisoo is crying hard. “Princess, it’s done
already. Don’t cry anymore.” Seungkwan said. But Jisoo is nowhere near from stopping. “Oppa, it
hurts. My knees hurts.” She cried.

“Just let her stay here for a little bit so she can rest her legs. That will make the would stop hurting
okay.” Dr.Kim said. Seungkwan thank him and the doctor left, he said that he had some errands to
do, so he needs to leave them.

When Dr. Kim is gone, the young man suddenly realize something. They are alone inside a pretty
hidden room inside the mall, then some inappropriate ideas come inside his mind. He thought, what
if he’s not with a mentally challenge young girl, but with a hot, and easy going women, maybe
they’re not just sitting there, maybe they’re pleasuring each other with so much desire and lust.

He want to slap himself by thinking that kind of things in their situation right now. Jisoo is still not
stopping from crying her heart out, but Seungkwan notice that she’s starting to get tired. Maybe she
really need to rest for a little while. He doesn’t know hoe he’ll explain Jisoo’s wound to Mingyu and
especially to Wonwoo, he’s sure the elder will scold him.

“You know Princess, why don’t you rest a little bit, maybe after you wake up, your knees is not
hurting anymore.” Seungkwan suggested, waiting for Jisoo to lift her head. But the young lady
wasn’t listening. Seungkwan understands and just give the young lady her time to cry a little bit

After a couple of minutes, Jisoo’s cry is starting to die down until it stop, Seungkwan looked at Jisoo
and noticed that the young lady is dozing off. He found it adorable seeing Jisoo’s head banging to his
chest. He carefully laid Jisoo into the bed, as he scans the younger, he saw the nasty wound in her
knees that is covered with bandage. He’s praying that Wonwoo will not kill him after seeing that his
beloved sister were hurt. As he continues to look at her, he saw the porcelain white, petite legs of the
young lady, he now realize that Jisoo has a really nice sexy legs.

Suddenly he felt hot, it’s a bit uncomfortable for him.

He’s so stupid to think that way to Jisoo, he reminded himself that the lady laying in front of her is
way much younger and off limits. He really needs to control himself.

To avoid thinking more inappropriate things, Seungkwan decided to buy food for Jisoo, so she can
eat after she woke up. He’s hoping that Jisoo is still asleep as he came back.

The Lotte World is huge than Seungkwan expected, he’s looking for the food court to buy food but
he’s having a hard time finding it. So he asked one of the staff he saw in the area, gladly the staff
clearly instruct him the direction where the food court is, then he finally arrived.

Seungkwan didn’t know what Jisoo likes, so he just settled on the most common food that everyone
in Korea can eat. Hamburger. There’s quite a lot of people lining up to buy burger, so he needs to
wait for almost 20 minutes. The preparation of his order takes longer than usual because of lack of
the manpower in the establishment. He patiently wait, completing his order with cola and fries.

He walk faster, getting worried that Jisoo may woke up anytime and finding him not there will cause
panic to the young lady.

As he open the door, his thoughts came true. Jisoo is not there where he left her. Seungkwan put
down the food and tried looking in the bathroom, but Jisoo wasn’t there also. He rushed out of the
clinic, hoping that the lady is still not that far from the said room, but nothing. He can’t see the
familiar light blue sweater that Jisoo is wearing.

Seungkwan stopped walking and tried to think of the best way to find Jisoo, customer service will
sure an option, but Jisoo isn’t familiar with Lotte World or customer service, the young man is sure
she will never ask someone to bring her to the customer service. The whole situation is just so fucked

As he continues to walk, his phone vibrated from his pocket, he looked at the screen to see who’s
calling and his heart suddenly beat a miles per hour.
Mingyu calling…

He wasn’t sure if he want to answer the phone or not. He’s Mingyu’s best friend but that will not
save him from the inevitable fury that his friend will felt towards him. He just fucking lost her best
friends’ sister-in-law for fucking sake. He felt so stupid at this point, also frustrated from lacking of
option to find the young lady.

The ringing stop and it went to the missed call, he know Mingyu will be angry to him not answering
his phone but he needs to find Jisoo first.

Paging Jisoo from the customer service is out of the option so he settled on looking at her by asking

“Excuse me, did you see her, she’s wearing a light blue sweater, long hair, fair skin?” he tried her
best to describe Jisoo despite of him showing her picture to the people he’s been asking.

Everyone that he asked is all the same “I don’t see her, I’m sorry.” But he still continued. He never
felt so scared like this in his life. He fucking need to find Jisoo or he’s a dead meat for sure.

He’s asking for almost an hour, he even asked the staff to help him look for the young lady, but no
one saw her. She just vanished like a bubble without anyone’s knowing, and that is not a good sign.

But Seungkwan still continue to look and ask for her, it was so tiring hearing the same response to
different people but he can’t stop. A group of girls were giggling, near the roller coaster and
Seungkwan came to them and start asking about Jisoo.

“Excuse me guys, can I ask if you have seen her, she’s wearing a light blue sweater and white shorts,
and white bag, she also have bandage on her knees.” He said. Four of the girls were looking at each
other like asking them if they’ve seen Jisoo, but one of them were looking intently to the picture.
Like she she saw Jisoo before. “Hmm.. I think I saw her earlier, near the ice skating rink.” The girl
said, looking unsure.

“Really, what time did you see her?” Seungkwan seriously asked. The girl took a minute to
remember what exact time she saw the lost girl. “Maybe, half and hour ago, I’m not sure, I noticed
her because she looks like she’s going to cry anytime. She kept on looking inside the rink like she’s
looking for someone.” That broke Seungkwan’s heart. Jisoo went out looking for him of course.

“Did you see where she went after?” he asked again. “I saw some staff approached her, but she look
so scared then ran off, that’s the last time I saw her.” She said.

She ran off.

“W-where did she go? Please miss. I really need to find her.” He pleaded. The girls is looking at him
with so much symphaty. Maybe he looked really pathetic right now but that’s the least of his

“I’m not sure but she ran in the entrance’s direction.” The girl pointed the nearest entrance that can
be easily seen in their place.

Now he’s really panicking. Being lost in the sea of people inside an enormous amusement park is
really dangerous, but being out there in the streets where there are cars that can hit Jisoo anytime,
people with bad motives that is just waiting for the perfect target to be their victim and more
dangerous things that flooding in Seungkwan’s mind make his stomach flip. He does fucking need
some help.

He hold his phone and fearfully press the call button.

Mingyu dialing…

He never been scared with Mingyu, he know that his best friend has a soft heart for everyone, but he
surely know that Mingyu will set him on fire if something bad happen to his sister-in-law. After a
few minutes, Mingyu answered his call.

“Hello. I’m calling you earlier, you weren’t answering. Wonu hyung told me you were with Jisoo.
Where is she? I’ll gonna pick her up after I finished working.” Seungkwan can’t find the right timing
to talk because Mingyu keeps asking him with the question that is really hard to answer with the
situation he’s facing right now.

“Dude, hello?” he asked. Hosoek is biting his lips so hard that it started to bleed. He’s so fucked up
right now. “Mingyu. J-Jisoo, she’s… she’s” he stuttered. Of course the blonde is so fucking smart
that he easily figured what is the situation based on Seungkwan’s stuttered words. “Seungkwan.
Where’s Jisoo? Is there something happen? Is she alright?” Mingyu seriously asked. Seungkwan can
imagine that the blond is now frowning and his eyes is starting to sharpen.

“The thing is.. hmm..” he said. It makes Mingyu more worried and frustrated with his friend.
“Seungkwan where the fuck is my sister?!” He’s half screaming over the phone.
“I don’t know Mingyu. I just left to get her food and then when I came back s-she’s gone. I’m
looking for her all over Lotte World and then a girl said she ran off outside because someone tried to
talk to her. I’m sorry Mingyu.” He fastly said without breathing.

“Fuck you Jung Seungkwan! If you will not find him before Wonu finished his meeting, I’m going to
skin you alive understand!” he screamed. That’s the scariest thing that Seungkwan heard from his
friend and that threat is for him.

“I’ll find her I promise.” He said then he end the call. He can’t hear anymore scary thing that Mingyu
will say to him.

He need to find an efficient way to find Jisoo and asking people will never be effective. He’s
thinking, looking everywhere. He’s looking upwards when he notice a small blinking red lights. Then
he realize something.

Of course there’s CCTV inside and even outside the establishment. They’re too rich to have a lot
inside the whole Lotte World. He quickly went in the customer service to ask for him to look in their
footage an hour ago but they’re not allowing him, saying that it’s confidential. Seungkwan’s patience
are starting to run off. He already explained that he’s looking for a mentally challenged girl that
could be in danger, but they keep telling him that they’re just following their protocol.

He finally had enough and call someone for help.

“Hello Ailee noona, it’s me Seungkwan. I need a little favor to ask.”

Less than 30 minutes, Ailee were rushing, being followed and bowed down by the employee that
meets her. “Seungkwan-ah. I’m sorry traffic.” She said. All the employee in the same room almost
drop their eyeballs with so much shock. The man they kept rejecting is a friend of the daughter of the
major stockholder of the company they’ve been working on.

They are all sharing their regretful stare with each other, scared that they’ll be unemployed anytime

“It’s okay noona. Thank you for helping me.” Seungkwan said. Ailee just gave him a smile then face
the scared employee with a bright smile on her face. They don’t know if that’s a genuine bright smile
or a scary threatening look that they will regret later.

“Excuse me, but my friend needs to look I or footage for something important. Can you lead the way
in the monitoring room please.” She sweetly said. The employee almost stumble as turn his back and
led the way. There’s a dead silence and the only thing can be hear is the footstep they’ve been
They finally made it to the monitoring room, the staff there was flustered being caught playing game
on his phone in working hours. Ailee paid no attention to the employee’s laziness and just focused on
their agenda. “Seungkwan, what time did you last seen her?” Ailee asked. Seungkwan is now doing
some math with the time that Jisoo is still inside the Lotte World. “Maybe two hours ago. A girl saw
her in the skating rink. Can you view the camera near the main entrance? And then outside.” He said.
The employee quickly review the footage in the said place. They’re carefully watching until they saw
a girl exiting the establishment. They also view the outdoor camera and ther confirmed that Jisoo
went out.

“Do you want me to call the police Seok?” Ailee offered. Seungkwan smiled. Looking for Jisoo will
be much harder but at least he already have a clue where to look for her. “No, I think I disturb you
enough noona. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.” He said embracing Ailee. The
lady just ruffle his hair like a kid.

“Go find your Princess, Seungkwan-ah.”

The sun is starting to set and but Seungkwan is still looking for the lady. He’s been all around the
place asking people if they saw Jisoo, but just like earlier, it’s near impossible. He’s drenched with
his sweat, he feel gross being expose with so much dirt that the outdoor can offer. He can smell his
sweat clinging on him. But he don’t really care. He just want to see Jisoo safe.

He felt his phone vibrate, and saw Mingyu’s name on the screen. He wish his best friend wasn’t
pressuring so much right now. He read the text. It’s all the same.

From: Namjooon
Have you seen her?

From: Mingyu
Fuck Seungkwan I’m going to kill you if something happens to her.

From: Mingyu
I’ll help you after this.

From: Mingyu
Find her quickly!

All Seungkwan can do is sigh. He want to get annoyed with Mingyu but he know it’s his fault. He
wished he didn’t go out to buy food. He’s starting to feel the tiredness and frustration to his system,
then he heard a siren from the ambulance.
The loud sound made his heart thump harder. He tried to follow the ambulance direction. Thankfully
it’s not that far from his previous location.

As he saw the situation, there’s bystanders gathering in the sidewalk all looking into something.
There’s also a police car and four police men and a wreck car on the side. As he walk closer, he
heard the bystander talking.

“Oh poor girl. She was hit hard.” The ahjumma said. “Really?” her friend said. “Yeah! I heard the
paramedics said she’s almost dead! She lost too much blood. I think she’s just a teenager.” The
ahjumma’s information made Seungkwan terrified. There’s an idea that it can be Jisoo. He know
Jisoo can’t cross the street. That made Seungkwan’s body move involuntarily. The young man tried
to make his way to see the situation better. There’s a pool of blood on the ground. He felt sick seeing
so much blood.

Then there’s a white shoe.

It’s identical with what Jisoo Is wearing. That made Seungkwan hysterical. He tried to see who the
victim is but the ambulance is s already running. So he goes to the police to ask the identity of the

“Sir, can I ask what the vicitim’s name is? Please I really need to know her name.” He pleaded
almost begging. The police man is looking at each other and look at him. “I’m sorry but there’s no
I.D. on her bag. We’re still finding out her identification.” The policed announced. Seungkwan
became more scared. What if she’s really Jisoo? What will happen if she dies?

“C-can you describe her. Please.” he begged. The police sighed. They don’t really want to entertain
Seungkwan’s question but it will be easier for them if she knew the victim.

“She’s petite, long hair then fifteen to sixteen years old maybe.” The police man said. Seungkwan
felt his strong legs trained for dancing for hours suddenly become weak and soft. He can’t help but
fall on the ground.

“Sir are you okay?” the policeman asked him. But Seungkwan isn’t answering. He’s trying to reject
the idea that Jisoo is that victim, fighting for her life, but all the signs were all pointing at her.
He’ staring at the shoe left on the street, stained with blood. He almost want to vomit. He felt his
phone vibrate on his phone and saw again

Namjon calling…

“Hello, Seungkwan, have you seen her?” he urgently asked. Seungkwan breath. He’s now ready to
face the fury of his best friend and his husband and everyone that love the young lady. He will never
forgive himself.

“Gyu.. can you … can you go to the hospital near Lotte World. I think. I think Jisoo is there. I’m
sorry Mingyu.” He didn’t wait for Mingyu to speak before he hang up.

He stand up, stumbling. He can’t even stand on his own. He’s not in his right mind right now,
blaming himself for the tragic fortune the young lady ended up with. A tear escape in his eyes.
Asking himself why did they need to end up like this. He hate himself.

Seungkwan is walking like drunk, bumping to people without even saying sorry. He can’t clearly see
where he’s walking into. God he want to die right now.

He felt too tried to walk anymore. He didn’t eat lunch and it’s already dinner time. Seungkwan feel
worst in all ways possible. He sat on the side walk, not caring about the stare of people looking at
him. Then he started crying. He’s crying so hard and all he can hear is his own sobs. People are
looking at him like he’s a crazy man but he don’t care.

‘I killed her.’ He thought. That made him cry harder. He’s soaking his sweatshirt with tears and snot.

He’s been there for hours. He want to stand up but his legs were not following his brain. He’s just
there. Maybe he’ll call their driver to pick him up later. But right he just want to stay there and blame

A familiar voice ring in his ears. He want to laugh. Hunger makes him hear Jisoo’s voice calling him.
He’s starting to get crazy he thought.

“Oppa, where did you go? I’m looking for you.” Again, he can hear Jisoo’s voice like she’s gone
crying. “I’ve been looking for you too princess, but I came too late.” He whispered, burying his face
in his arms.

“I’m hungry oppa!” the voice demandingly said. Seungkwan can’t believe how her voice sound so
realistic like she’s behind her asking for food. “I went out to buy you food princess, but when I came
back you’re gone. Fuck. I should’ve waited for you to wake up. It’s all my fault.”

“Oppa!” the voice screamed now shaking his shoulder. That make Seungkwan look behind. There’s
the young lady wearing a familiar light blue sweater and white shorts with a bandage on her knees.

“Princess?” Seungkwan asked dumbly. “Where did you go oppa! I’ve been looking for you. I’m
scared and hungry!” she said starting to cry. Seungkwan realize that she’s really there in front of him

His body jolted upward and hold Jisoo in his arms tightly like someone will snatched her away from
him. “Princess. God. I thought something bad happened to you.” He said, holding her close even

“I hate you oppa! You left me there alone! You’re bad. I’ll make Kookie punch you.” She said
wailing. Seungkwan didn’t care with her untrue threats. And just hold her. God he never felt so
relived in his life like this moment.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. Oppa really is sorry for leaving you. I will not do that again princess. Please
forgive me.”

They’re both crying in the side walk embracing each other. People are looking at them. They see
them like they’re doing an ending scene in a romance movie, sweetly hugging each other. But they
don’t mind about the world right now, what is important is each other.

“Seriously Gyuie? What are we doing here? Why are we in the hospital?” Wonwoo irritatedly asked
his husband who’s dragging him after Mingyu picked him up after his meeting. “I don’t know hyung.
Seungkwan ask me come here.” he said also scared.

“Seungkwan? Why? Something happened to them? Can you just fucking answer me?!” he shouted.
Mingyu can’t do anything but sigh and told Wonwoo what happened. The elder look so scary hearing
that Seungkwan lost his sister in a huge place. And now they’re thinking that Jisoo had an accident
and now being treated in this hospital. He will surely skin Seungkwan alive.

“Miss, I’m looking for a girl. The one who is hit by a car in Sincheon-dong. Can we ask her
identification?” Mingyu calmly asked even though he’s with his really worried, almost hysterical
husband behind him.

“Oh, her name is Song Hyuna. Is she your relative?” The nursed asked. Both of them exhaled. At
least it’s not Jisoo. Mingyu made Wonwoo sit first to calm down.

“Hyung I think she’s with Seungkwan already. Don’t worry too much.” He reassured Wonwoo,
caressing him on his back. “How can I not worry Gyuie? She’s alone. What if something happened to
her? What will I do?” he said, starting to get really anxious. Mingyu rest his husband’s head in his
shoulder holding him reassuringly.

“No hyung. I think Jisoo can take care of herself. She will be fine okay.” While Mingyu is busy
comforting his husband, he received a text from Seungkwan.

“Hyung it’s Seungkwan.” He said. Wonwoo bolted up and look in Mingyu phone. They’re both
relieved as they see his text.

From: Seungkwan
I found her Gyu, we’ll be in your apartment soon.

Both of them were washed with so much relief. They thank God being keeping Jisoo safe.

Because Mingyu used Wonwoo’s car, they arrived earlier to their apartment compared to the other
two. They wash up and change into their indoor clothes and patiently waited for them to arrive.
Wonwoo is still mad from Seungkwan’s recklessness but still thankful for the younger will bring her
sister back safe.

He also prepared a simple dinner for them. The doorbell disturbed the silence enveloping their home,
Mingyu offered to open the door, as Wonwoo is still busy inside the kitchen.

Mingyu didn’t expect what he saw as he open the door. A sweaty, tired Seungkwan carrying Jisoo on
his back, surprised Mingyu. Seungkwan’s hair were sticking in his forehead, he looks really really
tired. Mingyu can clearly see it in his eye that he’s been crying earlier. And his clothes are stained
with some blood. Seungkwan were always clean, he’s really cautious being dirtied of things
compared to Mingyu or Jihoon, and this is the first time the blond saw his friend really dirty. On the
other hand, he saw a sleeping Jisoo in Seungkwan’s back. The side of Jisoo’s eye were quite red
from crying but she looks peaceful like she’s sleeping on her own bed. He saw a bandage in Jisoo’s
knees. Wonwoo will definitely won’t like that but they don’t care as long as Jisoo is safe.

“Mind to let us in?” Seungkwan sarcastically said. Mingyu step aside for them to enter the apartment.
They hear a gasp from Wonwoo.

Wonwoo felt pity and anger submerging in his mind. He pitied Seungkwan because he looks like
shit, meaning he’s been looking hard for his sister so hard that ended up looking like that and anger
for making her sister walk in such dangerous place alone.

“Princess, are you okay?” Wonwoo asked as he checked up on her. Then he saw the bandage on
Jisoo’s knees. He’s looking at it intently but he just let it go for now.

Jisoo opened his eyes sleepily, all of them look at him with so much worry in their face. “Oppa” she
weakly said. The three of them assumed that they’re the one being called by the young lady so they
all step forward, Seungkwan and Mingyu stop as they realize that it must be Wonwoo Jisoo is

“Princess, are you okay? Oppa is here.” he said, holding Jisoo carefully.

“Oppa, is Namie oppa’s dad let you to go home? Are you finish oppa?” Jisoo asked, rubbing her
sleep away from her eyes. Wonwoo felt sad. It is the first thing that Jisoo remembered, him being at
work with Mr. Kim.

“Yeah princess were done. I’m here. Did you have fun with Hobi?” he tried to be cheerful enough so
that Jisoo will not see him worried. “Yeah, Hobi oppa took me for ice cream then to the Lotte World
and then eat pizza.”

Seungkwan is quietly listening to them, he can’t understand why Jisoo didn’t include being hurt in
the skating rink and being lost for almost whole day. “Oppa, I’m tired. Can I sleep now?” she asked.
Maybe the day tire her out too much. Its two hours earlier with her usual sleeping time but now she
really want to sleep.

“Okay baby, we’ll just clean you up a bit then you’re going to sleep okay.” He said. Wonwoo stood
up, helping the limping girl walk inside his bedroom. When the door shut close, Mingyu quickly look
at his tired looking friend.

“So what happened?” he casually asked like he’s not throwing that scary threats like killing
Seungkwan through text earlier.

“It was terrifying Gyu, when I heard that someone had an accident and then seeing the shoe of the
victim identical with what Jisoo is wearing, I almost fainted. I was so scared and angry towards
myself. I even cry for God sake! I don’t want that to happen again.” he explained looking so tired and
sad as ever.
Mingyu gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder. ”You know Wonwoo hyung will definitely punch
but he will still forgive you though. Thank you for bringing her back. And I’m sorry to everything I
said to you earlier. I was worried as you, you know.” He said. They shared smile and forgiving each

Mingyu, let Seungkwan have something to eat, the dancer looks like he haven’t eaten anything for
the whole, which is quite true. As he finished his dinner, Wonwoo came out to his bedroom, looking
coldly towards Seungkwan.

Seungkwan felt ashamed like ever before. He felt like Wonwoo is stripping him with his eyes. He felt
so cold and scared towards the elder. “H-hi Wonwoo hyung. I.. I’m sorry.” He apologized almost a
whisper. “As much as I want to punch you right now, I won’t. But don’t do that again or I’ll
definitely beat you up to pulp.” He threatened.

Seungkwan is ready to head out to go home when Wonwoo called for him. “Jisoo want to see you
before she sleep.” He coldly said, sitting beside his husband. Without a word, Seungkwan entered the
room where the young lady is sleeping.

As he entered the room, he saw Jisoo in her pajamas cuddling with her bunny plushie. “Oppa!” she
sleepily said. Seungkwan gave him a bright smile, although he’s as tired as fuck and sat down beside

“Princess it’s late. You should go to sleep.” He said, tucking Jisoo’s hair behind her ears. “Oppa, can
you stay here until I’m asleep. I want you here.” the young lady request. Wonwoo will definitely
disagree but he caused so much trouble for the young lady so he is very willing give in on any of her

“Okay, just until you sleep okay.” He said, settling his tired body on the comfy bed of his hyung.
Jisoo pulled Seungkwan’s right arm to make it her pillow then snuggle in her oppa’s side.

Suddenly Seungkwan felt the too much tiredness flooding in his body. He felt like the bed were
glued on his back and he doesn’t want to move anymore. The young man’s eyes were heavy like
there’s weights attached in each of his eyelids. Seungkwan is quickly drifting off to sleep and the last
thing she saw is the beautiful face resting on his shoulder.

“You’re gonna be the death of me princess.”

Wonwoo is starting to get dizzy by walking back and fort for almost ten minutes. He’s biting his
nails, trying to think clearly.

The beautiful man freed all his schedule today just to spend time and play with his sister Jisoo. Of
course Jisoo is so excited and happily preparing for her time together with his brother. Wonwoo is
patiently waiting for her when he received a call from his father-in-law saying that they have an
emergency meeting with a very important client and he’ll never take a no for an answer.

He doesn’t want to disappoint his sister but he doesn’t want to disappoint his father-in-law either, so
now, he’s thinking of what he should do. He know that Mingyu can’t help him with Jisoo right now
because he and Jihoon are too busy with their project.

The elder is trying to call Jungkook but he wasn’t answering his phone, maybe he’s with Taehyung
right now, spending time together. Wonwoo also called Jimin, but the younger is also not available,
but with the good heart he have, he offered to help, but he’s now on somewhere far, so Wonwoo still
need to wait for him to arrive. Unfortunatelly, the elder can’t afford to wait for an hour or so.

He exactly has forty minutes to prepare and be on the restaurant where they’re going to meet with
their clients. Time is ticking and Wonwoo still don’t know what to do.

Jisoo looks really beautiful yet cute in her sky blue plain swater and a high waist white shorts. She’s
smiling widely at her brother and that make Wonwoo feel worst.

“Baby Namie oppa’s dad called me and..” he can’t continue what he’s going say. He’s really sorry
for his sister. “And what oppa?” Jiso curiously asked. “Princess do you wat to go with me, but we
can’t play there. It’s just that, oppa needs to talk to some important people, but he doesn’t want to
leave you here alone. Would you like to come with me? Then after we’ll play, but I’m not sure how
long it will takes. I’m really sorry Princess.” Wonwoo sadly said.
Jisoo did want to sulk, she really miss his Prince oppa and she do really want to have ice cream, but
she remembered Mingyu’s disappointed eyes, the last time she had her outburst and accidentally hurt
her brother. That feeling is awful for Jisoo, feeling the disaapointment of his oppa’s are worst than
not having ice cream.

“It’s okay oppa, but I don’t want to come with you, maybe I can play with Kookie and TaeTae?” she
cheerfully asked. Wonwoo felt relieved and proud towards Jisoo. She’s really growing so well and
mature in their care. But he knows that Mingyu and Seungkwan has a big contribution with his
sister’s growth.

“Oppa, you’re dazing. You look silly.” She giggled. Wonwoo glanced in to his watch he only has 30
minutes to make everything happen.

“Umm baby, I can’t reach Kookie and TaeTae, I think they’re somewhere.” Jisoo looked down and
scroll o his contacts, “Jimin oppa? I’m sure he’ll play with me oppa. Jiminie oppa is kind, he always
play with me.” Wonwoo knew that, but Jimin is four- hours away from their home.

“Princess, your Jiminie oppa is in somewhere far he can’t.” he sadly said. Wonwoo’s panic was
worst when he saw Mr. Kim calling him. He swipe the green button to answer the call.

“Hello, dad. I’m really sorry, I’ll be there in a minute, I’ll just look for someone that will accompany
my sister. Okay bye that. I’m really sorry.” He said.

Jisoo is just looking at him confused on what’s happening. Wonwoo quickly scans his contact and
look for someone that he trust enough to take care for Jisoo while he’s on the meeting.

His contact is aphabeticaaly arranged and he’s on the letter ‘H’ and saw Seungkwan’s contact details.

“Baby, do you want to go with Hobi?” He smilingly asked. Jisoo’s expression went to confused to
over excited.

“Really oppa, I’ll play with him?” she almost screamed. Wonwoo know that he can trust Jisoo in
Seungkwan’s care, Jisoo really enjoyed playing with him, so there will be no problem when it’s time
to leave.

The elder tap the call button beside Seungkwan’s number, after a few rings, the younger finally
answer the call. “Hello hyung, what’s up.” he cooly said. Wonwoo swallow before answering, he
really hope Seungkwan doesn’t have anything to do this day.

“Hellow Seungkwan-ah, umm can I have a favor from you? Again?” he said. He doesn’t have time to
wait but he also needs to prepare him so that it will not sound rude.

“What’s it hyung, anything as long as I can do it.” The elder is quite relieved with what Seungkwan
said. At least he’s slightly willing. “Umm, the thing is, I have an emergency with Mingyu’s dad, and
I need someone to look for my sister. C- can you play with her until I came back. I pomise I’ll pay
for your time.” He sound desperate and panicked, but he is desperate.
“Ow.. but I have a dance class right now hyung. I can’t pick her up. But you can drop her off here in
my studio if you like.” He suggested.

It’s quite hassle but he doesn’t have any choice right now. “Okay Seungkwan-ah, I’ll drop her off
your studio. I’ll just text you when we’re there already. Thank you really Hobi. Really really thank
you.” He said, finally ending the call.

Wonwoo and Jisoo rushed into the elder’s car and head off.

While on the road, Wonwoo remembered to at least give Jisoo an idea of what will happen. It will
prevent his sister on being scared without his oppa beside her.

“Baby, I’ll leave you to your Hobi oppa’s studio okay. He’s still dancing when I called him, so
maybe they’re still having their practice when we arrive there okay. There will be a lot of people
there but don’t be scared. They are nice and Hobi will be there for you. You also need to behave and
wait for their class to finish okay. I trust you princess.” He explained.

Despite of being cheerful around his friends and playmate, Jisoo is quite scared when it comes to
new people. She’s really shy when someone she doesn’t know suddenly talks to her, so it’s a good
thing that Wonwoo will at least give her an idea of what she’ll see when they arrive.

After a few minutes, Wonwoo can finally see the building of Seungkwan’s dance studio, the elder
glance into his clock. He exactly have fifteen minutes to be on that restaurant. Or he’ll be dead on
Mr. Kim.

He quickly text Seungkwan ‘we’re here.’ and quickly send it. While waiting, Wonwoo look for the
restaurant’s address, thankful of all the deities out there that the said estaurant where they will held
their meeting is a ten minutes walk from his exact location. And five minutes when you have a car
which Wonwoo has.

Few minutes later, he saw Seungkwan, wearing a typical clothes for dancing which consist of tank
top and sweatpants. He’s quite flushed and panting with the dancing that he’s doing but he still has
his signature as-bright-as-sun smile.

The siblings get off the car, Jisoo is happily skipping while Wonwoo looks so relieved, seeing that
Jisoo is very fine being with Seungkwan.

“Hyung, hi there princess.” He politely greeted, Jisoo returned his greeting with a bright cheerful
smile. Almost the same as Seungkwan’s.

“I’m really sorry about the bother Seungkwan. I hope we’re not disturbing you too much. And I
really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.” Wonwoo genuinely said. He’s glancing towards
his watch, ten minutes before their meeting starts. Seungkwan’s noticed that Wonwoo is on the rush
so he let the elder to finally leave.

Before Wonwoo get into his car, he looks at Seungkwan and remind him of something. “I just want
to inform you that Jisoo is quite scared with strangers. She’s shy and uncomfortable around them. It’s
much better if she’s not going to be overwhelemed. And if anything happened, just call me of
Mingyu okay. I’m sorry but I really need to go. Bye princess. I love you. Behave okay.”

Seungkwan and Jisoo waited until they can’t see Wonwoo’s car anymore. After that, Seungkwan
shift his eyes to the young lady and smile. “Let’s go Princess. I have a lot of people to introduce to
you.” He said as he hold Jisoo’s hand and lead the way.

The young lady’s heart is beating so fast because of two reason:

First, she’ll meet a lot of strangers today, which is Seungkwan’s students and second;

Her Hobi oppa is holding her hands.

His hands were big like TaeTae and Namie oppa, it’s a bit rough and warm. She felt safe in
Seungkwan’s hold. Jisoo wished she can hold Seungkwan’s hand everytime.

Because she was so busy thinking how wonderful Seungkwan’s hold in her hand is, Jisoo didn’t
notice that they are already inside the studio. All those people suddenly stopped doing their routine
as Seungkwan and Jisoo entered, they are all looking not to Seungkwan but to the young lady hiding
behind him.

Jisoo’s heart suddenly start skipping a beat. They are all looking at her and she’s not used to have all
the attention of all the people in a room. “Hobi oppa, I’m scared.” She whispered.

Seungkwan turn around to face Jisoo, her head is hanging low and she’s gripping Seungkwan’s shirt
and doesn’t want to let it go. “Oh princess, don’t be scared. They’re all nice here.” he assured.
Seungkwan introduced everyone to Jisoo, but the young lady only remembers Jennie, the quite
snobbish looking type, Rose and Lisa, who’s looking at her with wide eyes and bright smile, she’s
looking at Jisoo like she’s a wonderful cute little plushie.

“Hi, Jisoo-ah, I’m Lisa, we’re the same age. You’re really cute.” She said offering her hand for a
shake. Jisoo looks like she’s hesitating to return Lisa’s greeting but Seungkwan gave her an
encouraging nod. “Hi, I – I’m Jisoo.” It’s short and almost a whisper but Seungkwan is proud of her.

“Princess, you sit here okay, just wait ‘til our practice end and we’ll have ice cream later, okay.”
Seungkwan instructed her. Jisoo followed him. Staying still, sitting on the floor and watching them
do their routine. It’s fascinating for the young lady to see Seungkwan do different moves and twist.
Watching him smile while doing that dreadful routine, boost Jisoo’s determination to learn dance.

While watching Seungkwan, she’s also dreaming about dancing with him. Both of them moving on
the same beat, pouring their hearts content into dancing. She do want to be great in dancing that
she’ll be deserving to have a great collaboration with Seungkwan.

Everyone had their ten minutes water break to relax a little bit. Their cheoreography is quite intense
and fast so they need to muster all the energy in their body. But the very joyful Lisa, instead of taking
a break, she’s now trying to catch Jisoo’s attention and play with her.

Seungkwan is looking from the distance, he’s unknowingly smiling watching Lisa do some crazy
expression in her face just to make Jisoo laugh. The joyful young lady eventually succeed, Jisoo is
currently showing her bright-as-sun smile.

Seungkwan was interrupted when someone speak behind him. “Yah Seungkwan-ah, I think she’s
really young for you. She’s not your style thou. I thought you’re into the more easy type. I didn’t
know that you’re into innocent type also.” The man announced. Seungkwan just smile at him, his
hyung is really nosy about Seungkwan’s affair.

“No Seungri hyung, she’s out of my league. She’s just a little sister. Actually she’s my best friends’
sister-in-law.” He said, still smiling in Jisoo and Lisa’s direction.

“Oh really, but why there’s something different in her. She looks normal but still different.” Seungri
wonder. Seungkwan doesn’t know if it’s alright to tell somebody about Jisoo’s condition. But it’s not
a secret anyway. Everyone that known Jeon’s know that their youngest child has special needs.

“She has special needs hyung. I mean, she’s sixteen but her mental age is much younger than her
actual age. That’s the reason why she acts like a child.”

Actually, after Wonwoo talked to him about Jisoo’s feelings towards him, that same night, he spend
his time looking in the internet about Jisoo’s condition. Its cause, how to treat people like Jisoo and
how to help them when there’s something wrong. It is all new to Seungkwan. But still, he want to
learn more.
“It’s that so, but you can’t deny that she’s really beautiful. If she’s older and normal, maybe I can
date her or become my girlfriend you know.” The younger saw how his hyung’s eyes linger into
Jisoo’s bare legs. Seungkwan’s expression suddenly become dark. He felt really offended in the way
Seungri looked at Jisoo.

“Stop dreaming about it hyung. Her brother will never allow you to touch even the tip of her finger.
You know Mingyu’s family right?” he seriously looked to Seungri.

“Of course. Who in this country doesn’t know them huh Seungkwan?” he sarcastically said.
Seungkwan look at him with serious expression. “She is the sister of Kim Wonwoo. Mingyu’s
husband. And if you like to mess with her, better be prepared with the consequences hyung. Good
luck.” He smirked and grabbed his jacket on the corner of the studio and walked in Jisoo’s direction.

“Princess, don’t sit like that. Your shorts is too short.” He said, draping the jacket over Jisoo’s legs.
“Oppa, what’s wrong with my legs?” Jisoo curiously asked. Seungkwan and Lisa looked at each
other. The the young man smiled at the clueless young lady. “Nothing’s wrong with your legs
princess. It’s just that you need to cover that up so no bugs will bite your legs.” He said and shift his
eyes in Seungri’s direction.

Seungkwan can see Seungri choked in his own saliva. Mr. Kim and any of his family members are
hard to mess with. With the huge influence and power they had in their country all of them can just
get away in any trouble that they will cause and Seungri doesn’t have the interest to meet any of the
Kims’ in that kind of circumstances.


“Let’s just polish everything on our next practice okay guys. Thank you for your hard work
everyone!” Seungkwan announced. Jisoo is still, behavingly sitting down just like what Seungkwan
ask her to.

“Princess, can you bit a little bit more. I’ll just need to wash up and we’ll leave for ice cream okay.”
Jisoo just slightly nod and Seungkwan ruffle her hair.

After behaving and waiting patiently, Seungkwan is finally done with everything that he needs to do
and both of them went out to get their ice cream.
It’s a fine day to have a walk to the park or do anything outdoor. It’s not that hot but it’s not chilly.
Just enough for the one layer of clothing. Seungkwan and Jisoo were happily walking, they are
aprreciating such wonderful weather. It’s kind of awkward between them, but the good weather is
doing its magic.

“Princess, what do you want to do? I don’t have anything to do today so we can play like what I
promise you.”

Jisoo is thinking of the things she wanted to do, then she remembered her plans with Wonwoo if the
elder doesn’t have an emergergency. “Hmm.. oppa and I were planning to go to the Lotte World then
play there. I really want to try the roller coaster. They said it was scary so oppa doesn’t allow me to
ride it but today he agreed! But he had an emergency.” Seungkwan can hear how Jisoo’s voice
become low and sad. He felt sorry for they young lady, but people in the business world will always
be like that. Urgent meetings, late night work, stressful office life. That’s the reason why he doesn’t
accept to be their familys’ successor.

His father almost disown him that day. But he explain carefully that that’s not the place he belongs
to. Its not the four corner of an office will bring him happiness and sense of satisfaction in his life.
After months of not talking with his dad, they finally swallowed their enormous pride and talked to
settle things between them. His beloved sister offered to take Seungkwan’s place and now, he’s
savoring the freedom that he fought hard for.

Doing what he loves which is dancing and still enjoying the priviledges that his family can offer,
Seungkwan can say that his life is pretty much perfect for him.

His thoughts were interrupted by a hand waving in front of his face. “Oppa?” Jisoo said, waving her
hands to catch Seungkwan attention from his thoughts. “Oh.. I’m sorry princess, I’m just thinking of
something. Where are we again?” he said.

Thankfully Jisoo didn’t mind very much and still continue to tell what he want to do with his oppa.

“You know, how about this, let’s go get ice cream and then go to the Lotte World to ice skate? Have
you tried ice skating before?” He cheerfully asked. Jisoo eyes comes from round to crescent shape as
she smile. Just like Jimin and it looks really adorable. “Okay! Let’s go!” she screamed that made
everyone around them look, but they both don’t give a fuck.

They arrived at the ice cream parlor. Jisoo ordered rocky road and double dutch with chocolate
sprinkles while Seungkwan ordred a simple chocolate ice cream. After finishing their ice cream,
they decided to take a bus to get to Lotte world. Seungkwan doesn’t have his car because his dance
studio is just a ten minutes walk from his apartment.
They arrived in Lotte world. Seungkwan can feel Jisoo vibrating with so much excitement. It will be
her first time going to the amusement park with other people aside from his brother, Jimin and
Jungkook. So she’s expecting it to be perfect.

As they entered, they walked directly to the souvenir shop. Jisoo’s eyes sparkeled with happiness as
she saw all the cute stuff that the shop has to offer. The young man beside her can’t help but smile,
the young lady’s happiness is contangious.

“Oppa let’s buy headbands!” she suggested.They’re looking in different designs and color, Jisoo
choose the baby blue crown headband, color matching her outfit while Seungkwan choose the fury
white and pink bunny ears that can stand on its own.

“You really look like a princess in that headband.” Seungkwan said making the young lady blush.
Jisoo felt weird feeling suddenly hot because of Seungkwan’s compliment.

She can’t still answer while Seungkwan is scanning the place. There’s quite plenty of people in the
Lotte World because its weekend, so Seungkwan made a mental note to be more careful because of

They arrived in the ice skating rink, Jisoo jumped in so much excitement, “Oppa, it’s cold!” she
happily said. Seungkwan just smile at her and held her hand. “Of coarse princess, it’s ice.” he
explained. They both smile. This is the best day for Jisoo.

They bought the tickets and wear the ice skates, Jisoo suddenly felt nervous, she haven’t tried skating
before, she’s scared to stumble and get hurt. The young man beside her was done tying his shoe lace
and noticed the young lady’s expression. Seungkwan can easily see the nervousness in Jisoo’s face,
with the lady’s intense gaze on the ice. He’s sure she is scared.

“Princess, are you ready?” he smiles as bright as he can, trying to ease Jisoo’s fear. The young lady is
brave enough to smile as bright as Seungkwan and pretend that she is excited as before. “Yes Oppa!”

Seungkwan know how to skate so he’s not having a hard time to stand up. With all confidence in
him, he stood up and offer his hand to Jisoo. The young lady doesn’t know, but she suddenly saw a
pink fumes and glitters surrounding Seungkwan. He looks so handsome with that angle as she saw
him. Then her hearts starts beating fast.

“Come on Princess, I’ll teach you, trust me.” With that, Jisoo’s fear all vanished. She held
Seungkwan’s hand and try to stand up. She wobble as she tried to gain her balance. It was hard for
her becuase she doesn’t have that much power and control on her legs compared to Seungkwan. But
with the secure hold of Seungkwan in her hand she finally did it!

After an hour and half, Jisoo learn how to skate, at least for a beginer, she’s doing really great.
“Oppa! This is so fun!” she screamed, as she tries to catch Seungkwan. They’re running around
inside the rink, catching each other with their laughter ringing in the whole place. They look so
happy, Jisoo is sure, this is the best day of her life.

Jisoo is gliding to get in to Seungkwan’s direction when a man bumped into Jisoo making the young
lady fall on her knees. The man quickly apologise as he saw Jisoo, laying on the ground. Seungkwan
quickly skate in to Jisoo’s side to check her up. The man that bumped into Jisoo kept on saying sorry
as Seungkwan arrived. But Jisoo wasn’t answering. Her head were hanging low, making her long
black hair cover her face.

“Jisoo are you alright?” Seungkwan asks with full worry on his voice. Jisoo still isn’t answering.
Seungkwan saw the young lady clutching her knees then he saw a tear fell from the lady’s eyes.

“Princess? What’s that?” he asked, trying to remove Jisoo’s hand on her knees.

With a little amount of force, Seungkwan manage to remove her hand and saw red. Jisoo’s hands
were drenched with her blood from a wound on her knees.

“Fuck” Seungkwan cursed. He want to puch himself forgetting to make Jisoo wear a knee pad for
protection. She’s wearing shorts! For Petes sake! Then Seungkwan forgot to make her wear a proper

The staffs notice what happened and rush to give help to Jisoo and Seungkwan. “Sir what
happened?” one of the staff asked. Another staff tried to help Jisoo with her wound by applying some
pressure for it to stop bleeding but Jisoo avoid him. She moved close to Seungkwan’s side. Although
Seungkwan is talking with the other staff, he noticed that Jisoo is much closer to him than earlier.
Still, her head is hanging low but her shouder is shaking, indicating that she’s starting to cry.

Seungkwan looked into the staff that tried to approach the young lady and then he quickly
understood what happened. He read it in the internet the day Wonwoo talked to him. People having
the disbility like what Jisoo has were having a really hard time interacting to other people.

Their communication skills and confidence are quite weak so they’re just trying to avoid people
around them unless they’re comfortable enough to talk. With the situation in front of Seungkwan, he
can see that Jisoo is scared to the strangers crowding them. She’s scared to be touched by someone
she doesn’t know and the only person that she trust is just Seungkwan.

Seungkwan needs to do something before Jisoo will have her complete outburst. The young man
remove his skating shoes to walk properly, thankfully he’s wearing a pretty thick sock to protect his
feet in to the burning cold of the ice. He carefully help Jisoo to stand up and guide her out of that

Seungkwan felt bad. He didn’t expect that their happy laughters will turn into something like this. He
remove the skating shoes that Jisoo is wearing and the staff thankfully helped him to carry their

The blood were gushing down to Jisoo’s legs and Seungkwan felt too bad to see that ugly wound in
the young lady’s legs. He hopes it will not leave an ugly scar.

He quickly wear his shoes, -starting to be nervous because Jisoo is so quiet. It’s not the behavior he
saw when they visit Mingyu’s apartment. He’s expecting for Jisoo to whine, cry or even scream
because of the pain. But right now, she’s dead quiet, trying so hard t supress her cry and that made
Seungkwan really worried.

After settling everything down, he decided to just carry Jisoo in his arms, to make everything faster.
The young lady is still quiet, hiding her face in Seungkwan’s chest. “Princess, are you alright?” he
asked. Holding Jisoo tighter.

“They’re looking at me oppa. I’m scared.” It almost a whisper but Seungkwan heard it. Jisoo’s voice
made Seungkwan a little bit relieved. At least the young lady is answering. “No baby, they’re not
looking at you. I’m here okay. You’ll be fine.” He said.

They arrived to the clinic, thanks to the staffs helping them. He place Jisoo down in to the bed, Jisoo
is still not talking that much. Holding Seungkwan’s shirt tightly, making sure that her oppa will not
go anywhere.

A handsome doctor greets them. As Seungkwan see in his name plate, he’s Dr. Kim. The doctor greet
them with bright smile, but that made Jisoo more nervous.

“I see what made you come here I’ll just get my things and we’ll clean that wound up okay.” He
joyfully said, showing his gummy smile. Accidentally, Jisoo and Dr.Kim’s eyes met, and the young
lady quickly buried her face in Seungkwan’s chest. The situation were easily understood by Dr. Kim,
he smiled at Seungkwan like saying that he understands the situation. Seungkwan just gave him an
apologetic smile caressing Jisoo’s hair.

The sting of the alcohol makes Jisoo finally cry. She’s crying on the topo f her lungs but the loud
sound was muffled because her face were still buried in Seungkwan’s chest. Dr. Kim were having a
hard time patching Jisoo’s wound up because the young lady kept on moving her legs away from Dr.
Kim’s hold.
Seungkwan is quite panicking, it’s a new experience for him, he’s the youngest child of their family
so he doesn’t know how to take care for a younger sibling. He’s just there holding Jisoo. Caressing
her head and saying encouraging words to her.

After a few minutes, the torture is finally done, but still Jisoo is crying hard. “Princess, it’s done
already. Don’t cry anymore.” Seungkwan said. But Jisoo is nowhere near from stopping. “Oppa, it
hurts. My knees hurts.” She cried.

“Just let her stay here for a little bit so she can rest her legs. That will make the woud stop hurting
okay.” Dr.Kim said. Seungkwan thank him and the doctor left, he said that he had some errands to
do, so he needs to leave them.

When Dr. Kim is gone, the young man suddenly realize something. They are alone inside a pretty
hidden room inside the mall, then some inappropriate ideas come inside his mind. He thought, what
if he’s not with a mentally challenge young girl, but with a hot, and easy going women, maybe
they’re not just sitting there, maybe they’re plasuring each other with so much desire and lust.

He want to slap himself by thinking that kind of things in their situation right now. Jisoo is still not
stopping from crying her heart out, but Seungkwan notice that she’s starting to get tired. Maybe she
really need to rest for a little while. He doesn’t know hoe he’ll explain Jisoo’s wound to Mingyu and
especially to Wonwoo, he’s sure the elder will scold him.

“You know Princess, why don’t you rest a little bit, maybe after you wake up, your knees is not
hurting anymore.” Seungkwan suggested, waiting for Jisoo to lift her head. But the young lady
wasn’t listening. Seungkwan understands and just give the young lady her time to cry a little bit

After a couple of minutes, Jisoo’s cry is starting to die down until it stop, Seungkwan looked at Jisoo
and noticed that the young lady is dozing off. He found it adorable seeing Jisoo’s head banging to his
chest. He carefully laid Jisoo into the bed, as he scans the younger, he saw the nasty wound in her
knees that is covered with bandage. He’s praying that Wonwoo will not kill him after seeing that his
beloved sister were hurt. As he continues to look at her, he saw the porceline white, petite legs of the
young lady, he now realize that Jisoo has a really nice sexy legs.

Suddenly he felt hot, it’s a bit uncomfortable for him.

He’s so stupid to think that way to Jisoo, he reminded himself that the lady laying in front of her is
way much younger and off limits. He really needs to control himself.

To avoid thinking more inappropriate things, Seungkwan decided to buy food for Jisoo, so she can
eat after she woke up. He’s hoping that Jisoo is still asleep as he came back.

The Lotte World is huge than Seungkwan expected, he’s looking for the food court to buy food but
he’s having a hard time finding it. So he asked one of the staff he saw in the area, gladly the staff
clearly instruct him the direction where the food court is, then he finally arrived.
Seungkwan didn’t know what Jisoo likes, so he just settled on the most common food that everyone
in Korea can eat. Hamburger. There’s quite a lot of people lining up to buy burger, so he needs to
wait for almost 20 minutes. The preparation of his order takes longer than usual because of lack of
the manpower in the establishment. He patiently wait, completing his order with cola and fries.

He walk faster, getting worried that Jisoo may woke up anytime and finding him not there will cause
panic to the young lady.

As he open the door, his thoughts came true. Jisoo is not there where he left her. Seungkwan put
down the food and tried looking in the bathroom, but Jisoo wasn’t there also. He rushed out of the
clinic, hoping that the lady is still not that far from the said room, but nothing. He can’t see the
familiar light blue sweater that Jisoo is wearing.

Seungkwan stopped walking and tried to think of the best way to find Jisoo, customer service will
sure an option, but Jisoo isn’t familiar with Lotte World or customer service, the young man is sure
she will never ask someone to bring her to the customer service. The whole situation is just so fucked

As he continues to walk, his phone vibrated from his pocket, he looked at the screen to see who’s
calling and his heart suddenly beat a miles per hour.

Mingyu calling…

He wasn’t sure if he want to answer the phone or not. He’s Mingyu’s best friend but that will not
save him from the inevitable fury that his friend will felt towards him. He just fucking lost her best
friends’ sister-in-law for fucking sake. He felt so stupid at this point, also frustrated from lacking of
option to find the young lady.

The ringing stop and it went to the missed call, he know Mingyu will be angry to him not answering
his phone but he needs to find Jisoo first.

Paging Jisoo from the customer service is out of the option so he settled on looking at her by asking

“Excuse me, did you see her, she’s wearing a light blue sweater, long hair, fair skin?” he tried her
best to describe Jisoo despite of him showing her picture to the people he’s been asking.
Everyone that he asked is all the same “I don’t see her, I’m sorry.” But he still continued. He never
felt so scared like this in his life. He fucking need to find Jisoo or he’s a dead meat for sure.

He’s asking for almost an hour, he even asked the staff to help him look for the young lady, but no
one saw her. She just vanished like a bubble without anyone’s knowing, and that is not a good sign.

But Seungkwan still continue to look and ask for her, it was so tiring hearing the same response to
different people but he can’t stop. A group of girls were giggling, near the roller coaster and
Seungkwan came to them and start asking about Jisoo.

“Excuse me guys, can I ask if you have seen her, she’s wearing a light blue sweater and white shorts,
and white bag, she also have bandage on her knees.” He said. Four of the girls were looking at each
other like asking them if they’ve seen Jisoo, but one of them were looking intently to the picture.
Like she she saw Jisoo before. “Hmm.. I think I saw her earlier, near the ice skating rink.” The girl
said, looking unsure.

“Really, what time did you see her?” Seungkwan seriously asked. The girl took a minute to
remember what exact time she saw the lost girl. “Maybe, half and hour ago, I’m not sure, I noticed
her because she looks like she’s going to cry anytime. She kept on looking inside the rink like she’s
looking for someone.” That broke Seungkwan’s heart. Jisoo went out looking for him of course.

“Did you see where she went after?” he asked again. “I saw some staff approached her, but she look
so scared then ran off, that’s the last time I saw her.” She said.

She ran off.

“W-where did she go? Please miss. I really need to find her.” He pleaded. The girls is looking at him
with so much symphaty. Maybe he looked really pathetic right now but that’s the least of his

“I’m not sure but she ran in the entrance’s direction.” The girl pointed the nearest entrance that can
be easily seen in their place.

Now he’s really panicking. Being lost in the sea of people inside an enormouse amusement park is
really dangerous, but being out there in the streets where there are cars that can hit Jisoo anytime,
people with bad motives that is just waiting for the perfect target to be their victim and more
dangerous things that flooding in Seungkwan’s mind make his stomach flip. He does fucking need
some help.
He hold his phone and fearfully press the call button.

Mingyu dialing…

He never been scared with Mingyu, he know that his best friend has a soft heart for everyone, but he
surely know that Mingyu will set him on fire if something bad happen to his sister-in-law. After a
few minutes, Mingyu answered his call.

“Hello. I’m calling you earlier, you weren’t answering. Wonu hyung told me you were with Jisoo.
Where is she? I’ll gonna pick her up after I finished working.” Seungkwan can’t find the right timing
to talk because Mingyu keeps asking him with the question that is really hard to answer with the
situation he’s facing right now.

“Dude, hello?” he asked. Hosoek is biting his lips so hard that it started to bleed. He’s so fucked up
right now. “Mingyu. J-Jisoo, she’s… she’s” he stuttered. Of course the blonde is so fucking smart
that he easily figured what is the situation based on Seungkwan’s stuttered words. “Seungkwan.
Where’s Jisoo? Is there something happen? Is she alright?” Mingyu seriously asked. Seungkwan can
imagine that the blonde is now froning and his eyes is starting to sharpen.

“The thing is.. hmm..” he said. It makes Mingyu more worried and frustrated with his friend.
“Seungkwan where the fuck is my sister?!” He’s half screaming over the phone.

“I don’t know Mingyu. I just left to get her food and then when I came back s-she’s gone. I’m
looking for her all over Lotte World and then a gIrl said she ran off outside because someone tried to
talk to her. I’m sorry Mingyu.” He fastly said without breathing.

“Fuck you Jung Seungkwan! If you will not find him before Wonu finished his meeting, I’m going to
skin you alive understand!” he screamed. That’s the scariest thing that Seungkwan heard from his
friend and that threat is for him.

“I’ll find her I promise.” He said then he end the call. He can’t hear anymore scary thing that Mingyu
will say to him.

He need to find an efficient way to find Jisoo and asking people will never be effective. He’s
thingking, looking everywhere. He’s looking upwards when he notice a small blingking red lights.
Then he realize something.

Of course there’s CCTV inside and even outside the establishment. They’re too rich to have a lot
inside the whole Lotte World. He quickly went in the customer service to ask for him to look in their
footage an hour ago but they’re not allowing him, saying that it’s confidential. Seungkwan’s patience
are starting to run off. He already explained that he’s looking for a mentally challenged girl that
could be in danger, but they keep telling him that they’re just following their protocol.

He finally had enough and call someone for help.

“Hello Ailee noona, it’s me Seungkwan. I need a little favor to ask.”

Less than 30 minutes, Ailee were rushing, being followed and bowed down by the employee that
meets her. “Seungkwan-ah. I’m sorry traffic.” She said. All the employee in the same room almost
drop their eyeballs with so much shock. The man they kept rejecting is a friend of the daughter of the
major stockholder of the company they’ve been working on.

They are all sharing their regretful stare with each other, scared that they’ll be unemployed anytime

“It’s okay noona. Thank you for helping me.” Seungkwan said. Ailee just gave him a smile then face
the scared employee with a bright smile on her face. They don’t know if that’s a genuine bright smile
or a scary threatening look that thay will regret later.

“Excuse me, but my friend needs to look I or footage for something important. Can you lead the way
in the monitoring room please.” She sweetly said. The employee almost stumble as turn his back and
led the way. There’s a dead silence and the only thing can be hear is the footstep they’ve been

They finally made it to the monitoring room, the staff there was flustered being caught playing game
on his phone in working hours. Ailee paid no attention to the employee’s laziness and just focused on
their agenda. “Seungkwan, what time did you last seen her?” Ailee asked. Seungkwan is now doing
some math with the time that Jisoo is still inside the Lotte World. “Maybe two hours ago. A girl saw
her in the skating rink. Can you view the camera near the main entrance? And then outside.” He said.
The employee quickly review the footage in the said place. They’re carefully watching until they saw
a girl exiting the establishment. They also view the outdoor camera and ther confirmed that Jisoo
went out.

“Do you want me to call the police Seok?” Ailee offered. Seungkwan smiled. Looking for Jisoo will
be much harder but at least he already have a clue where to look for her. “No, I think I disturb you
enough noona. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.” He said embracing Ailee. The
lady just ruffle his hair like a kid.

“Go find your Princess, Seungkwan-ah.”

The sun is starting to set and but Seungkwan is still looking for the lady. He’s been all around the
place asking people if they saw Jisoo, but just like earlier, it’s near impossible. He’s drenched with
his sweat, he feel gross being expose with so much dirt that the outdoor can offer. He can smell his
sweat clinging on him. But he don’t really care. He just want to see Jisoo safe.

He felt his phone vibrate, and saw Mingyu’s name on the screen. He wish his best friend wasn’t
pressuring so much right now. He read the text. It’s all the same.

From: Namjooon
Have you seen her?

From: Mingyu
Fuck Seungkwan I’m going to kill you if something happens to her.

From: Mingyu
I’ll help you after this.

From: Mingyu
Find her quickly!

All Seungkwan can do is sigh. He want to get annoyed with Mingyu but he know it’s his fault. He
wished he didn’t go out to buy food. He’s starting to feel the tiredness and frustration to his system,
then he heard a siren from the ambulance.

The loud sound made his heart thump harder. He tried to follow the ambulance direction. Thankfully
it’s not that far from his previous loacation.

As he saw the situation, there’s bystanders gathering in the sidewalk all looking into something.
There’s also a police car and four police men and a wreck car on the side. As he walk closer, he
heard the bystander talking.

“Oh poor girl. She was hit hard.” The ahjumma said. “Really?” her friend said. “Yeah! I heard the
paramedics said she’s almost dead! She lost too much blood. I think she’s just a teenager.” The
ahjumma’s information made Seungkwan terrified. There’s an idea that it can be Jisoo. He know
Jisoo can’t cross the street. That made Seungkwan’s body move involuntarily. The young man tried
to make his way to see the situation better. There’s a pool of blood on the ground. He felt sick seeing
so much blood.
Then there’s a white shoe.

It’s identical with what Jisoo Is wearing. That made Seungkwan hysterical. He tried to see who the
victim is but the ambulance is s already running. So he goes to the police to ask the identity of the

“Sir, can I ask what the vicitim’s name is? Please I really need to know her name.” He pleaded
almost begging. The police man is looking at each other and look at him. “I’m sorry but there’s no
I.D. on her bag. We’re still finding out her identification.” The policed announced. Seungkwan
became more scared. What if she’s really Jisoo? What will happen if she dies?

“C-can you describe her. Please.” he begged. The police sighed. They don’t really want to entertain
Seungkwan’s question but it will be easier for them if she knew the victim.

“She’s petite, long hair then fifteen to sixteen years old maybe.” The police man said. Seungkwan
felt his strong legs trained for dancing for hours suddenly become weak and soft. He can’t help but
fall on the ground.

“Sir are you okay?” the policeman asked him. But Seungkwan isn’t answering. He’s trying to reject
the idea that Jisoo is that victim, fighting for her life, but all the signs were all pointing at her.

He’ staring at the shoe left on the street, stained with blood. He almost want to vomit. He felt his
phone vibrate on his phone and saw again

Namjon calling…

“Hello, Seungkwan, have you seen her?” he urgently asked. Seungkwan breath. He’s now ready to
face the fury of his best friend and his husband and everyone that love the young lady. He will never
forgive himself.

“Gyu.. can you … can you go to the hospital near Lotte World. I think. I think Jisoo is there. I’m
sorry Mingyu.” He didn’t wait for Mingyu to speak before he hang up.
He stand up, stumbling. He can’t even stand on his own. He’s not in his right mind right now,
blaming himself for the tragic fortune the young lady ended up with. A tear escape in his eyes.
Asking himself why did they need to end up like this. He hate himself.

Seungkwan is walking like drunk, bumping to people without even saying sorry. He can’t clearly see
where he’s walking into. God he want to die right now.

He felt too tried to walk anymore. He didn’t eat lunch and it’s alredy dinner time. Seungkwan feel
worst in all ways possible. He sat on the side walk, not caring about the stare of people looking at
him. Then he started crying. He’s crying so hard and all he can hear is his own sobs. People are
lookingat him like he’s a crazy man but he don’t care.

‘I killed her.’ He thought. That made him cry harder. He’s soaking his sweatshirt with tears and snot.

He’s been there for hours. He want to stand up but his legs were not following his brain. He’s just
there. Maybe he’ll call their driver to pick him up later. But right he just want to stay there and blame


A familiar voice ring in his ears. He want to laugh. Hunger makes him hear Jisoo’s voice calling him.
He’s starting to get crazy he thought.

“Oppa, where did you go? I’m looking for you.” Again, he can hear Jisoo’s voice like she’s gone
crying. “I’ve been looking for you too princess, but I came too late.” He whispered, burying his face
in his arms.

“I’m hungry oppa!” the voice demandingly said. Seungkwan can’t believe how her voice sound so
realistic like she’s behind her asking for food. “I went out to buy you food princess, but when I came
back you’re gone. Fuck. I should’ve waited for you to wake up. It’s all my fault.”

“Oppa!” the voice scremed now shaking his shoulder. That make Seungkwan look behind. There’s
the young lady wearing a familiar light blue sweater and white shorts with a bandage on her knees.

“Princess?” Seungkwan asked dumbly. “Where did you go oppa! I’ve been looking for you. I’m
scared and hungry!” she said starting to cry. Seungkwan realize that she’s really there in front of him
His body jolted upward and hold Jisoo in his arms tightly like someone will snatched her away from
him. “Princess. God. I thought something bad happened to you.” He said, holding her close even

“I hate you oppa! You left me there alone! You’re bad. I’ll make Kookie punch you.” She said
wailing. Seungkwan didn’t care with her untrue threats. And just hold her. God he never felt so
relived in his life like this moment.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. Oppa really is sorry for leaving you. I will not do that again princess. Please
forgive me.”

They’re both crying in the side walk embarcing each other. People are looking at them. They see
them like they’re doing an ending scene in a romace movie, sweetly hugging each other. But they
don’t mind about the world right now, what is important is each other.

“Seriously Gyuie? What are we doing here? Why are we in the hospital?” Wonwoo irritatedly asked
his husband who’s dragging him after Mingyu picked him up after his meeting. “I don’t know hyung.
Seungkwan ask me come here.” he said also scared.

“Seungkwan? Why? Something happened to them? Can you just fucking answer me?!” he shouted.
Mingyu can’t do anything but sigh and told Wonwoo what happened. The elder look so scary hearing
that Seungkwan lost his sister in a huge place. And now they’re thinking that Jisoo had an accident
and now being treated in this hospital. He will surely skin Seungkwan alive.

“Miss, I’m lookingfor a girl. The one who is hit by a car in Sincheon-dong. Can we ask her
identification?” Mingyu calmly asked even though he’s with his really worried, almost hysterical
husband behind him.

“Oh, her name is Song Hyuna. Is she your relative?” The nursed asked. Both of them exhaled. At
least it’s not Jisoo. Mingyu made Wonwoo sit first to calm down.

“Hyung I think she’s with Seungkwan already. Don’t worry too much.” He reassured Wonwoo,
caressing him on his back. “How can I not worry Gyuie? She’s alone. What if something happened to
her? What will I do?” he said, starting to get really anxious. Mingyu rest his husband’s head in his
shoulder holding him reassuringly.

“No hyung. I think Jisoo can take care of herself. She will be fine okay.” While Mingyu is busy
comaforting his husband, he received a text from Seungkwan.
“Hyung it’s Seungkwan.” He said. Wonwoo volted up and look in Mingyu phone. They’re both
relieved as they see his text.

From: Seungkwan

I found her Gyu, we’ll be in your apartment soon.

Both of them were washedwith so much relief. They thank God being keeping Jisoo safe.

Because Mingyu used Wonwoo’s car, they arrived earlier to their apartment compared to the other
two. They wash up and change into their indoor clothes and patiently waited for them to arrive.
Wonwoo is still mad from Seungkwan’s recklessness but still thankful for the younger will bring her
sister back safe.

He also prepared a simple dinner for them. The doorbell disturbed the silence enveloping their home,
Mingyu offered to open the door, as Wonwoo is still busy inside the kitchen.

Mingyu didn’t expect what he saw as he open the door. A sweaty, tired Seungkwan carrying Jisoo on
his back, surprised Mingyu. Seungkwan’s hair were sticking in his forehead, he looks really really
tired. Mingyu can clearly see it in his eye that he’s been crying ealier. And his clothes are stained
with some blood. Seungkwan were always clean, he’s really cautious being dirtied of things
compared to Mingyu or Jihoon, and this is the first time the blonde saw his friend really dirty. On the
other hand, he saw a sleeping Jisoo in Hosoek’s back. The side of Jisoo’s eye were quite red from
crying but she looks peaceful like she’s sleeping on her own bed. He saw a bandage in Jisoo’s knees.
Wonwoo will definitely won’t like that but they don’t care as long as Jisoo is safe.

“Mind to let us in?” Seungkwan sarcastically said. Mingyu step aside for them to enter the apartment.
They hear a gasp from Wonwoo.

Wonwoo felt pity and anger submerging in his mind. He pitied Seungkwan because he looks like
shit, meaning he’s been looking hard for his sister so hard that ended up looking like that and anger
for making her sister walk in such dangerous place alone.

“Princess, are you okay?” Wonwoo asked as he cheked up on her. Then he saw the bandage on
Jisoo’s knees. He’s looking at it intently but he just let it go for now.

Jisoo opened his eyes sleepily, all of them look at him with so much worry in their face. “Oppa” she
weakly said. The three of them assumed that theyr’re the one being called by the young lady so they
all step forward, Seungkwan and Mingyu stop as they realize that it must be Wonwoo Jisoo is

“Princess, are you okay? Oppa is here.” he said, holding Jisoo carefully.
“Oppa, is Namie oppa’s dad let you to go home? Are you finish oppa?” Jisoo asked, rubbing her
sleep away from her eyes. Wonwoo felt sad. It is the first thing that Jisoo remembered, him being at
work with Mr. Kim.

“Yeah princess were done. I’m here. Did you have fun with Hobi?” he tried to be cheerful enough so
that Jisoo will not see him worried. “Yeah, Hobi oppa took me for ice cream then to the Lotte World
and then eat pizza.”

Seungkwan is quietly listening to them, he can’t understand why Jisoo didn’t include being hurt in
the skating rink and being lost for almost whole day. “Oppa, I’m tired. Can I sleep now?” she asked.
Maybe the day tire her out too much. Its two hurs ealier with her usual sleeping time but now she
really want to sleep.

“Okay baby, we’ll just clean you up a bit then you’re going to sleep okay.” He said. Wonwoo stood
up, helping the limping girl walk inside his bedroom. When the door shut close, Mingyu quickly look
at his tired looking friend.

“So what happened?” he causually asked like he’s not throwing that scary threats like killing
Seungkwan through text earlier.

“It was terrifyuing Gyu, when I heard that someone had an accident and then seeing the shoe of the
victim identical with what Jisoo is wearing, I almost fainted. I was so scared and angry towards
myself. I even cry for God sake! I don’t want that to happen again.” he explained looking so tired and
sad as ever.

Mingyu gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder. ”You know Wonwoo hyung will definitely punch
but he will still forgive you though. Thank you for bringing her back. And I’m sorry to everything I
said to you earlier. I was worried as you, you know.” He said. They shared smile and forgiving each

Mingyu, let Seungkwan have something to eat, the dancer looks like he haven’t eaten anything fot
the whole, which is quite true. As he finished his dinner, Wonwoo came out to his bedroom, looking
coldly towards Seungkwan.

Seungkwan felt ashamed like ever before. He felt like Wonwoo is stripping him with his eyes. He felt
so cold and scared towards the elder. “H-hi Wonwoo hyung. I.. I’m sorry.” He apologized almost a
whisper. “As much as I want to punch you right now, I won’t. But don’t do that again or I’ll
definitely beat you up to pulp.” He threatened.

Seungkwan is ready to head out to go home when Wonwoo called for him. “Jisoo want to see you
before she sleep.” He coldly said, sitting beside his husband. Withouta word, Seungkwan enetered
the room where the young lady is sleeping.

As he entered the room, he saw Jisoo in her pajamas cuddling with her bunny plushie. “Oppa!” she
sleepily said. Seungkwan gave him a bright smile, although he’s as tired as fuck and sat down beside
“Princess it’s late. You should go to sleep.” He said, tucking Jisoo’s hair behind her ears. “Oppa, can
you stay here until I’m asleep. I want you here.” the young lady request. Wonwoo will definitely
disagree but he caused so much trouble for the young lady so he is bery willing give in on any of her

“Okay, just until you sleep okay.” He said, settling his tired body on the comfy bed of his hyung.
Jisoo pulled Seungkwan’s right arm to make it her pillow then snuggle in her oppa’s side.

Suddenly Seungkwan felt the too much tiredness flooding in his body. He felt like the bed were
glued on his back and he doesn’t want to move anymore. The young man’s eyes were heavy like
there’s weights attached in each of his eyelids. Seungkwan is quickly drifting off to sleep and the last
thing she saw is the beautiful face resting on his shoulder.

“You’re gonna be the death of me princess.”

And that's how I'll end the JiSeok story here on Different Arrangement. Thank you guys for support.
i really appreciate your love with D.A.
this month is quite busy just like September. i finally passed my proposal defense. i'm so happy with

the next chapter will be the continuation of the real story. Everything will beso mmumch exciting.

i love you guys :)

Let's Fly



Chapter 27
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

“Seriously Mingyu, where are we going?’ Wonwoo asked, they’re heading somewhere he doesn’t
have any idea where and his mischievous husband doesn’t want to tell him anything.

“Hyung just wait okay. We’re almost there. Just wait.” The younger said, mysteriously smiling to his
Wonwoo didn’t know what to expect. It is his long awaited graduation tomorrow and here they are
driving in the middle of the night. His dumb husband didn’t know that he needs a good amount of
sleep so that he will look handsome to his graduation. The elder will not forgive Mingyu if he’ll end
up ugly with an enormous bag under his eyes because of lack of sleep.

After a few more turns, the finally arrived to their destination, before Wonwoo can have a chance to
observe the place, his eyes were suddenly engulfed with too much darkness. He felt Mingyu is tying
the blindfold behind his head. “What the hell Mingyu! Take this thing off!” he shouted, but he just
heard a chuckle and a car door closing. He felt his side of the door opened and feel the warmth of his
husband’s hand, guiding him out of the car.

Wonwoo is not stupid to not to think that there’s a surprise for him. The unknown destination.
Mingyu not answering his questions and a blindfold. It’s too obvious if you ask him. He just doesn’t
know what it is.

He’s thinking of a possible surprise that the younger might prepared for him. He’ll definitely scold
Mingyu if it’s a candle light dinner with a musician on the side, because he’s just wearing a plain
pink sweatshirt and skinny jeans and it’s too informal for that kind of setup.

“Careful hyung.” Mingyu said as they carefully step on each step of the stairs. Wonwoo wants to
laugh. “Gyuie, there’s a big chance that you’ll trip on your own feet while climbing before me, even
though I’m blindfolded like this.” He teasingly said. Mingyu just rolled his eyes even though his
hyung can’t see it. Wonwoo always makes fun of the younger’s clumsiness everytime he had a

After the last step they finally in to the true surprise. “Are you ready hyung?” Mingyuj excitedly
asked. Wonwoo just smiled, quite nervous about the surprise. He knows whatever it is, he’ll still love
it because it’s from his husband but he can’t help but overthink and be scared.

He felt the tie loosen behind his head and the blindfold fell off. A few seconds that he needs to adjust
and he saw his husband’s surprise.

“A house?” Wonwoo muttered, he started to look to the house. The exterior is just plain white walls
with pretty huge windows. It looks simple but really charming in Wonwoo’s eyes.
“Our house.” Mingyu corrected as he stared in his husband’s confused eyes. There’s a sweet smile
lingering in his lips, the attractive yet cute dimples on his cheeks are showing. He looks stunning
with the dim light that surrounding them. Wonwoo’s heart again, pound the way he heard the word
‘our’ like it’s the most romantic word in the world. Then again he believe of the younger’s pure
sincerity and love for him.

“I – it’s too much Gyuie. We already have your apartment. That should be enough for both of us,” he
reason out. Skeptic if he’s really living in the reality. He doesn’t understand how Mingyu always
manage to make him feel this way.

“Love, I really want you to live in a beautiful home. That’s what you really deserve, compared to my
apartment, that place is too plain and boring to you. And besides, this is much nearer to the company
and my school. And, I want to give you a gift that we can share with. I love you hyung.
Congratulations.” He said, giving the elder a sweet peck on his lips.

The elder is blushing so hard. His heart is pounding like it will explode any second. This is all too
much for him to receive. It’s too much love that he’s getting scared that it’s just a dream that may
end when he woke up.

He’s trying his best not to cry again in front of Mingyu, but despite of all his effort, a tear escaped
from his right eyes and the younger quickly kissed it away.

“Why do you always cry when you’re with me?” the younger said, teasing his hyung. “Because, you
always do and say cringe stuff and I can’t help but cry.” He countered back. The younger just smile.
His husband looks so adorable pouting.

“Shall we look in the inside?” the younger asked, leading the way while holding his hyung’s hand.

If the exterior is cute and charming enough for Wonwoo to like it, it was doubled on the inside.

It’s an open floor plan with huge and open living room and dining. Brick wall as part of the design
with a colorful printed wallpaper. The furniture hasn’t arrived yet but it’s still beautiful and homey
by just being empty.

Mingyu again, held Wonwoo’s hand and walked in to the kitchen. The said place, a haven for
Wonwoo is beautiful. It is the dream of every home cooks to have this kind of kitchen in their home.
The room is completed with different utensils, pans, cups, knives, plate, everything that is used in
making food are in there. Even seasoning and fresh goods.

The elder never have seen any kitchen like this before. Even his parent’s kitchen although Mrs. Jeon
love to cook, doesn’t have this kind of kitchen. “Do you like it?” Mingyu nervously asked. The
younger know that the kitchen is the main highlight of his present, so he asked the interior designer
that he hired to pay special attention to the kitchen.

The room is based in Wonwoo’s personality. The walls were painted with pale yellow color with
white stripes. Just like his personality, simple and bright.
The elder can’t utter a word. He can’t believe that someone will put so much effort for him and the
things that can make him happy.

He’s still speechless when his feet involuntarily walked in Mingyu’s direction and hugged the
younger. The blonde is quite shocked with the bold action but eventually hugged his husband back
with a smile on his face.

“Thank you.” He whispered. Mingyu felt great that his husband loved his present to him. “Hyung
you haven’t seen the bedrooms.” Mingyu said, making Wonwoo pull away from him.

“Oh yeah. Can we see it?” he excitedly asked like he’s going to open a gift. “Of course hyung. This
is all for you.” The younger proudly said.

They walk in the second floor, Wonwoo noticed that it is also hugged just like the first floor. With
the space, they can have another receiving area and play area in the second floor. The house is really
big, Wonwoo thought. He doesn’t know where Mingyu get enough money to purchase this type of

He saw four doors. Maybe a four bed rooms he thought. Mingyu ushered him to the first room. It is
quite small, maybe enough for one person. “I think this can be a guest room, you know, we can invite
people here. This house is huge enough for right our friends to visit. Compared to my apartment.
This can be a guest room if ever they want to sleep here.” Mingyu explained like he’s the one who’s
selling the house.

The second one is the room is Mingyu’s studio. Some of his music equipment are already in here, but
still couple of boxes are not yet opened. The third is larger compared to the first two. But it is
covered with white and pink wallpaper. Wonwoo love pink, but he didn’t imagine that he’ll be using
a room full of pink. “Is this my room Gyuie?” he asks. The younger does want to laugh, but he stop

“Do you want it to be you room hyung?” the younger asked. Wonwoo is still dumbfounded of the
younger’s response. Does he want that to be his room? The answer is no. Jisoo will definitely love
that room but him? No.

The elder shake his head, still confused. That is the que of Mingyu’s loud laughter ringing the quiet
home. Wonwoo is just looking at him with dead eyes, the younger looks stupid laughing by himself
when there’s nothing to laugh about. He just let the younger to laugh until he finally stop. Gasping
for air, with aching tummy and teary eyes.

“Of course it’s not yours hyung. This room is for Jisoo. If she wants to stay here for couple of nights
then she have her own room to sleep with. I ask eomma to bring some of her toys in here. The bed
will come along with the other furniture.” He explained. Wonwoo finally understand.

He feel touched with the younger’s concern with his sister. Mingyu always treat Jisoo like she’s his
own sister and almost skin his own best friend Seungkwan that time he lost her. He can feel that
Mingyu is doing his best to love the people that he love. From his homophobe abeoji, his cry baby
mom, his adorable sister, to reliable friend Jimin and even to the grumpy muscle pig Jungkook. He
saw how Mingyu tried his best to talk to them whenever he had a chance. And how Wonwoo can
have the heart to ignore all that efforts that his husband made.

“And the last hyung.” the younger said, distracting Wonwoo from his deep thoughts. Mingyu opened
the door and the broad shouldered male saw a very huge room. It is obviously the master’s bedroom.
The room is painted by the light mixture of white and pink. It has a queen size bed in the middle with
two side table and lamp shade on each side, the window is big enough to see the beautiful view of the
garden. There’s also a walk in closet divided into two sides and a door for the bathroom.

Wonwoo is wowed with the room. But he wonder, this room is too big for one of them and then
where’s the other room? “Gyuie, you’ll gonna sleep here? it’s too big.” He said.

Now Mingyu is on his you-look-stupid face like he didn’t know what’s happening. “Again hyung?”
he asked. Wonwoo looked at him. “I think it’s too big to be your room.” he said. Mingyu smirk. Why
is his hyung so innocent today?

“Hyung.. We’ll sleep here.” Mingyu announced. It takes two seconds for Wonwoo’s eyes go big and

“Eh!!” he shouted. Mingyu burst of laughing with his hyung face. “Why? Don’t you want to sleep
beside me?” he said with accusing tone.

“N.. no.. I – I mean I don’t know.” He admitted with ears as an red as apple. Mingyu stopped
laughing and hold Wonwoo’s waist and pull his husband closer.

“Hyung, don’t worry okay. I won’t do anything that you don’t like. Promise.” He said, sticking his
pinky finger as sign of his promise. Wonwoo hold Mingyu’s finger and locked it with his own.

Mingyu returned his hand on Wonwoo’s waist and pushing him on the bed. Forcing him to lay in the
huge bed facing each other. They adjust until they felt comfortable enough. Minutes are spent staring
each other. Memorizing the features of each other’s face. They’ll never get tired looking each other.

“I never thought I’d be so happy by marrying you hyung. I love you. Thank you for convincing me to
marry you.” Mingyu said. Wonwoo shyly smiled. It’s weird to hear Mingyu thanking him for the
marriage he ‘forced’ the younger into. He thought he’s the one that should be thankful. He never
even imagined that he’ll be happy like he’s living in a dream. All thanks to the man in front of him.

“I love you Mingyu.”

Wonwoo looks stunning even with a simple white button down polo shirt and black slacks. His
brown hair were combed neatly.

After four years of sleepless night, stressful test and deadly deadlines with scary professors. He
finally finish his degree with flying colors. He graduated as cum laude in his batch that made
everyone he love proud especially the man holding a bouquet of flowers for him. Mingyu is smiling
while looking at his husband receiving his award. On his side is Jisoo who’s eagerly clapping,
cheering for his brother. Mr. Jeon didn’t come to the ceremony, well Mingyu clearly understood
why. Jimin and Jungkook are also there, Jungkook is really busy taking good pictures of his hyung.

The unending applause were finally done after the chairman of the university said his congratulatory
message to the graduates. The graduates toss their cap on the air as sign of their freedom to the
stressful student life. After the ceremony, Wonwoo hurriedly walked to his family and friends.

“Hyung!” Jimin screamed enveloping his hyung into a hug. The two were jumping while hugging
each other. Next is Jungkook. Jungkook just gave him a manly hug compare to what Jimin did. The
younger do really want to look tough but he’s a real softie especially when he’s with Tae. Jisoo
hugged his brother on his waist tightly. The elder ruffled her hair but still looked adorable. Then his
mom. Mrs. Jeon is teary eyed, she’s trying to stop herself from crying but he can’t. She’s too proud
of his son’s achievement to be concealed in a small smile.

“Eomma, why are you crying?” Wonwoo teasingly asked. Mrs. Jeon can’t say anything and just lean
to his son and hugged him tightly. “I’m so proud of you son. We’re so proud of you.” She whispered
in his ears.

Wonwoo pulled away and look at his mom. “I know eomma. Thank you.” He said. And then lastly,
the blonde young man who’s holding the bouquet since the ceremony starts. He gave the flowers to
Wonwoo and the elder shyly received it. “Congratulations, Love.” He said. Wonwoo can’t wait
anymore and crush his husband into a tight warm hug.

“Thank you Gyuie.” He sincerely said. The younger pulled away. He really want to kiss his husband
right now but he can’t when there are four people staring at them. So he just settled to kiss Wonwoo
on his forehead as sincere as possible,

“Come on, they’re waiting for us.” Mingyu said, holding Wonwoo close to him. The elder is clueless
of what’s happening. The party that Mr. Kim organized is not going to start until seven in the

“Wait Gyuie, it’s too early.” Wonwoo protested.

“Just come with us hyung.” he said.

Their car stopped in the house that Mingyu bought for Wonwoo, Jimin and Jungkook behind. “What
are we doing here Gyuie?” he asked while looking to their new house. The younger isn’t answering
and just dragging Wonwoo inside. Come on hyung hurry!”

As they walk in the garden. Families and friends were gathered there waiting for Wonwoo to arrive.
“CONGRATULATIONS!” everyone shouted.

Wonwoo is stunned. They are his friends, cousins. Seungkwan, Taehyung and even Jihoon are all
there congratulating him. He noticed the banner and little decorations that were posted on the garden.
There’s also food. All of Wonwoo’s favorite food are there. He wonder if his mom did this. But he
wish she didn’t.

They all eat and party with an energetic party sound. Seungkwan, Taehyung and Jisoo were crazily
dancing with the music. Seungkwan looks funny with the odd movement that he’s doing. Jimin and
Mrs. Jeon are happily talking with each other while Jungkook is just being quiet, observing his

Everyone is happy especially Wonwoo, who felt really special that day. “You don’t need to do this
Gyuie, besides there will be a party later.” He said.

“Hyung that party is not about you. It is about the new COO of our company. And you’ll never enjoy
that kind of parties. Most of them are fakes and you know that.” he said with a-matter-of-fact tone in
his voice.

Wonwoo was reminded by the younger’s statement about what will happen later. After tonight. He
will be the new COO of Kim group of companies. The place where Mingyu should be.

“Gyu, can we talk privately?” he seriously asked. The younger suddenly looked worried but he didn’t
argue or ask anymore. They went to their bedroom. Wonwoo sat on the bed while the younger is
waiting for him to speak.

“What is it hyung?”

Mingyu asked, automatically holding Wonwoo’s hand as a sign of comfort and support. The elder
looked more worried than Mingyu, which is not a good sign.

“Mingyu are you really okay, if.. if I take your place as the new COO? I mean I can decline that
position if you want to.” Wonwoo suggested. The younger looked confused with his hyung’s words.

“Wait hyung what?” Mingyu confusedly asked. Wonwoo stood up starting to walk back and port.
His hand were fidgeting and his breathing are too loud that Mingyu can clearly hear it.

Mingyu caught Wonwoo’s waist and the elder stopped from walking. “Hyung can you please sit
down first.” The elder listened but he sat closely, resting his head in the shoulder of his husband.
“Hyung look at me.” Mingyu ordered. The elder comply and looked at his husband’s eyes. “I don’t
really know what spirit possessed you for you accept that offer with my dad. But I’m actually really
fine with it. I don’t really want to be a business man like him.” he explained. Wonwoo can feel that
there’s something in the younger’s words. It’s not just ‘not wanting’ it but there’s a deeper reason
behind it.

Mingyu though it is the perfect time to open his feelings about his dad. Aside from Jihoon and
Seungkwan, no one knows what Mingyu felt towards his father.

“I always blame his work and our wealth,for being alone growing up. My parents always need to
socialize with people in the society we belong to maintain the respect and influence that they have.
That’s the reason why we never celebrated Christmas and New Year with just the three of us. We’re
always in a party being thrown by someone who’s rich enough to waste that big amount of money.
I’ve never been in a park in my birthday or experience picnic or rode a bicycle with my dad. I always
hate that we’re this kind of rich. All I want is to have enough food for the rest of the family, a decent
shelter and clothes to wear. But not this much. My dad raised me to become a CEO but not a good
man. So I don’t know if I’m good of not. He raised me having this responsibility to other people and
not with unconditional love. He raised me to be hard but never been gentle with me. I don’t want to
be like him hyung. All I want is to do what I love, which is music. And having the people that I love
around me. Especially you.” He said as he kissed Wonwoo’s forehead.

“I don’t know what pushed you to receive that position and I’m not doubting your capabilities. Just
don’t work too much okay. And when everything is not going how you planned it to be, just tell me. I
will help you.”

The moment was so intimate that Wonwoo wished they don’t have a lavish party to attend later. We
just want to here, cuddle with his husband. Feel the peace and warm.


The couple looks stunning with the designer suits they are wearing. Wonwoo looks like a prince with
a black suit with a delicate embroidery as design. With a black button down polo shirt without collar.
The suit really looks good on him. The black color gives a good contrast to his fair, pink-ish skin.

While Mingyu, looks really manly and soft with the suit and bow tie he’s wearing. His hair were in a
clean pomade style. They look good together that made the guests turn their heads to the couple’s
“Oh you two look stunning tonight!” Mr. Kim coos. She’s smiling so bright, slightly similar to
Mingyu’s smile. “Thanks Mrs. Kim.” Wonwoo politely bowed to his mother-in-law. “Oh. I already
told you, you can call me mom Wonwoo-ie. Oh hi son. How you’ve been? I heard you move in to
music school? Is that real?” she curiously asked. It’s weird that it’s the first time Mingyu seen his
mother after the wedding.

It’s been ten months after the wedding and his mother didn’t even bother to visit him in their
apartment. “Yeah. Wonwoo hyung convinced me to make music so..” the air is getting awkward.
Mingyu didn’t want to be on the spotlight tonight. It is his husband’s night.

“Hmm.. mom, please excuse us, we’ll just greet my parents. We’ll be back.” Wonwoo hurriedly said.
Avoiding the atmosphere to be more tense as it already is.

“That’s was a nice save hyung. Thank you.” Mingyu said. The couple were holding each other’s
hand. Not minding about the curious eyes. They are married anyway, so it’s not a crime to hold your
husband’s hand in front of everyone.

They were closely chatting while sipping their champagne when they saw Jungkook, Taehyung and
Jimin. The trio were also dressed formally for the event. But the youngest is frowning deeply. Just
like what he did on Mingyu and Wonwoo’s wedding. Glaring everyone while holding possessively to
his boyfriend’s waist. Wonwoo walked close to Jimin ears.

“What happened to that muscle pig?” he whispered, avoiding being noticed by the furious bunny.
Jimin smirked the come closer to Wonu to whisper in his ear.

“A girl earlier tried to flirt with Tae. She keeps touching Taehyung when Jungkook is gone to get
some drinks.” He playfully whispered. Jungkook will always be possessive as always.

After a while Jihoon and Seungkwan arrived and with Jisoo.

Wonwoo want to ask why his sister is inseparable with Seungkwan. She’s supposed to be with their
parents or at least Jimin or Jungkook. “Hey princess, what are you doing with Hobi? You’re
supposed to be with Eomma or Jimin.” he asked. The young lady just answer him with a huge smile,
making her eyes crinkle.

“Hyung if you only knew. Jisoo already forget her Jimin oppa and Kookie after she met her prince. I
feel bad. She already neglected me.” Jimin dramatically said while pouting. Everyone snorted with
his failed aegyo aside from Jihoon. The pale man for the first time in forever is smiling, showing his
gums. They all never saw Jihoon smile like that before. Mingyu, Wonwoo, Taehyung, Junngkook
and Seungkwan shared a meaningful look like they’re talking with their eyes. They all know what’s
happening. The other two were just dumb to realize it.

Their laughter were interrupted by a staff asking for Wonwoo in the stage. Maybe the party will start
in few minutes. Wonwoo were walking towards the stage when he noticed that Mingyu is not with
him. He looks back and saw the younger just standing on his place and looking at him.
“What are you doing there Gyuie? Come on.” He said, offering his hand for the younger to reach.
The younger hurriedly walk. “Hyung, why do I need to be on the stage too?” Mingyu asked
whispering Wonwoo. “Yah of course you have to, you’re the real Kim not me. It’s your company not
mine.” Wonwoo explained. Mingyu still can’t get it. “And besides, I need you there or I’ll end up
fainting or vomiting in front of all this people.” The younger was stunned. Realizing the meaning of
his hyung’s words.

They both went up to the stage. Both of them felt their stomach churned as they saw all this
important people in the society staring at them. Wonwoo, look for Mingyu’s hand and hold it tight.

Mr. Kim delivered his speech. The speech were consisting of his thankfulness to all that guess that
come to celebrate with them. Some part of his speech are about the success of their company, that it
is still the biggest company in Korea and how it is expanding in different industries. He also included
the story of Wonwoo and Mingyu, he said it like he is there while they’re building the relationship
that they’re sharing with. He also boasts that his son-in-law is the known protégé in the business
world, how Wonwoo manage to fix the bankruptcy that their family is facing with his own hands.
And how amazing Wonwoo is being an intern under Mr. Kim’s supervision. And lastly the
announcement that all of them were waiting for. Wonwoo being to new Chief Operating Officer of
Kim group of companies.

After the announcement, Mr. Kim called Wonwoo to deliver his speech. To be honest, he doesn’t
have a speech. He’s too busy last night and even earlier celebrating with his family and friends and
Mingyu to recall that he need to write a speech for this event.

“Good evening everyone.” He said, breathing deep to control his emotions and breathing. “First I
would like to thank you all for joining me to celebrate my graduation in the university. As dad
already announced, I will be the next COO of Kim group of companies, I still have to learn a lot of
things about the company and even the whole industries, but I will do my best to make our company
better and stay to be the best in the future. And lastly, I would like to use this chance to thank
someone that I owes everything. I’m not here without him. Kim Mingyu, my husband,” he said as he
looked back. Mingyu is caught off guard when suddenly the spotlight is in him.

“Thank you very much for being there. I owe you everything that I have. Let’s live happily. Cheers
guys.” He said as he raised his glass. Everyone raised their glass and happily drink the sparkling

After the speech, the party officially starts. There’s classical music ringing the hall with the chatter of
people. Delicious food were all in a long buffet table and the drinks were served by the waiters. Mr.
Kim started to introduce Wonwoo in all of his associate that the younger haven’t seen before.
Sharing small talks, empty compliments and fake laughter.

Both Mingyu and Wonwoo is starting to get bored and tired. All they want to do is get out of that
tight suit and lay in their bed. But that’s far from happening right now. Mingyu is too tired, he need a
break and another drink for him to survive this night. “Hyung, I’ll get something to drink. I’ll be
back.” He said. Wonwoo glance at him, giving him a reassuring smile.
The younger is busy munching some cheese while holding his champagne. He’s enjoying the
peacefulness that he’s having right now. But it was disturbed when someone clears his throat behind

He turn around and his mood suddenly fell in the bottom. As he saw him. Arrogantly smirking in

“So, how are you doing Mingyu? Long time no see. I missed you.” His cousin said, giving him an
insincere hug. Mingyu hated having a contact with him. “Oh, this is Lee Hyori, my date tonight.
She’s a model. Babe, Mingyu my cousin.” Jiho said as he introduced a lady with a super sexy long

The blonde did his best to school his expression. He better not give Jiho a reason to feel happy. “I’m
good Jiho. It’s been a long time Nice to meet you too Hyori-ssi.” He said.

Woo Jiho, his cousin that will be always a pain in his ass. This man is his second cousin, but his dad
always compared Mingyu to him. He’s older with couple of year commpared to Mingyu and he
really hated whenever he lose to his cousin.
“Oh Mingyu, you’re really incredible. I never imagine in my life that you’re gay dude. I thought
you’re into the bad girl type but not into dicks.” He bluntly stated. In an instant, Mingyu want to
punch him so hard that his teeth will fall out of his mouth. But no. he’s a civilize human being and
not a fan of violence. So he’ll not let Jiho win.

“Oh that. He’s really amazing you know, best in everyone I met.” He proudly said. That’s true. Not
just the personality but even the physical features too, Mingyu can safely say that Wonwoo is more
gorgeous that any women he met and spend the night before.

“But I really wonder why, your dad is treating him like his own son, better than you.” There’s a
dangerous glint in Jiho’s eyes, just waiting for the right timing to push Mingyu to his limit. “Oh! I
know. Because he’s the new COO. Can’t you believe that? Instead of you, you’re gay husband is the
one that will inherit everything. And you? You’ll left with nothing but you’re pathetic music.”

Mingyu is quickly reaching his limit. He’s so fucking tired smiling to people that doesn’t know and
now his fucking, annoying scumbag cousin is getting on his nerves. “And another. I heard you
change your major into music? Do really believe that you can make it Gyu? Oh come on, stop
dreaming. You choose to exchange being the heir of Korea’s biggest company to become what? A
pathetic loser trying to make it in the music industry? I’m not trying to offend you but that so stupid
for you to think Mingyu.” He said, laughing with his date.

Mingyu want to kill his cousin right now. But this is not the right place to do that. It is his husband’s
graduation party and he will not do anything to ruin that. So he just decided to leave. “If you-“ he
didn’t finish talking when he felt a warm hands hold his.

“May I introduced myself. I’m Kim Wonwoo, Mingyu’s husband. Nice to meet you. You’re Lee
Hyori right. You look stunning tonight.” it can be seen in Hyori’s face the dust of pink in it. Feeling
shy being complimented by such handsome man.
“And you’re Jiho. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Wonwoo offered his hand for a shake. Jiho
gladly accept it. Mingyu doesn’t know what’s happening. Wonwoo is befriending those two, the
people that is just insulting him a while ago.

“So I want to clear things of.” Wonwoo said, still in his friendly expression but there’s different in
his eyes, Mingyu saw it. “Mingyu still have everything. All of this will be his when the time
comes. Everything. Everything that you want to have.” now his expression is cold as ice, ad his gaze
can kill someone. “I’m just here to manage their company, for him to follow his dream, but still he
has everything.” The elder emphasize the last word to make his point.

“You know I heard about your father’s company. I heard that you’re helping your dad to run your
family business. I wonder what will be his reaction when he discovered that his son Woo Jiho is
wasting their money by losing in casinos. Oh! You know I heard the rumors that three casinos have
already banned you to their establishment.” He said like it’s nothing. Like he’s not directly insulting

Now the tables are turned, Jiho is the one who looks like his eyes were going to fall off the ground.
But Wonwoo is still not done yet.

“Second. Can you please stop dreaming? You need to accept that you will never be at the same level
with my husband. Base on my observations, where not even on the same level. I know my
capabilities, and I’m sure I can beat you in any aspects easily. That’s the reason why Mr. Kim didn’t
hire you in his company. If you’re not better than me, then what made you think that you can beat
Mingyu? Please Jiho. Just spend your time thinking of you will you gain the money that you’ve
wasted before you’re dad discovered it.” Mingyu want to stop his husband but he know that
Wonwoo, right now is unstoppable.
“Another is, He’ll make it big, I assure you. A huge company offered him a scholarship in the school
he’s now attending with. I’m sure he will succeed. I hope you can still buy his album that time.”
Wonwoo’s expression changed to a scary wolf to a smiling hamster in a second. “Now if you’ll
excuse us. We don’t want to waste our time here. Nice meeting you.”

The elder grabbed Mingyu’s hand and started to turn around when he stopped again. “Oh and lastly.
You’re date. She’s a certified gold digger. She’s into old men, nearing their death bed. Be careful
with her.” A final smirk then they finally walked away.

Jiho and Hyori are both stunned. How Wonwoo managed to have a demon and angel in one body?

Mingyu is also stunned with the elder’s mean words. “Hyung that was mean. And how do you know
all of that?” he asked. Wonwoo just smile. “I will never allow anyone to insult you like that.
Everything that he said were just crap Gyuie. That’s not true.” He said.
Mingyu is so thankful that Wonwoo came and save him from his crazy cousin, but he can’t help but
recall everything that Jiho said.. he’s sitting alone with the wine in his hands. Looking at his husband
sharing fake smile with random people.

He sigh and gulped the wine until the last drop.

“Why am I feeling this way?”





Let's Fly


Chapter 28

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

“Seriously Mingyu, where are we going?’ Wonwoo asked, they’re heading somewhere he doesn’t
have any idea where and his mischievous husband doesn’t want to tell him anything.

“Hyung just wait okay. We’re almost there. Just wait.” The younger said, mysteriously smiling to his
Wonwoo didn’t know what to expect. It is his long awaited graduation tomorrow and here they are
driving in the middle of the night. His dumb husband didn’t know that he needs a good amount of
sleep so that he will look handsome to his graduation. The elder will not forgive Mingyu if he’ll end
up ugly with an enormous bag under his eyes because of lack of sleep.

After a few more turns, the finally arrived to their destination, before Wonwoo can have a chance to
observe the place, his eyes were suddenly engulfed with too much darkness. He felt Mingyu is tying
the blindfold behind his head. “What the hell Mingyu! Take this thing off!” he shouted, but he just
heard a chuckle and a car door closing. He felt his side of the door opened and feel the warmth of his
husband’s hand, guiding him out of the car.

Wonwoo is not stupid to not to think that there’s a surprise for him. The unknown destination.
Mingyu not answering his questions and a blindfold. It’s too obvious if you ask him. He just doesn’t
know what it is.

He’s thinking of a possible surprise that the younger might prepared for him. He’ll definitely scold
Mingyu if it’s a candle light dinner with a musician on the side, because he’s just wearing a plain
pink sweatshirt and skinny jeans and it’s too informal for that kind of setup.

“Careful hyung.” Mingyu said as they carefully step on each step of the stairs. Wonwoo wants to
laugh. “Gyuie, there’s a big chance that you’ll trip on your own feet while climbing before me, even
though I’m blindfolded like this.” He teasingly said. Mingyu just rolled his eyes even though his
hyung can’t see it. Wonwoo always makes fun of the younger’s clumsiness everytime he had a

After the last step they finally in to the true surprise. “Are you ready hyung?” Mingyuj excitedly
asked. Wonwoo just smiled, quite nervous about the surprise. He knows whatever it is, he’ll still love
it because it’s from his husband but he can’t help but overthink and be scared.
He felt the tie loosen behind his head and the blindfold fell off. A few seconds that he needs to adjust
and he saw his husband’s surprise.

“A house?” Wonwoo muttered, he started to look to the house. The exterior is just plain white walls
with pretty huge windows. It looks simple but really charming in Wonwoo’s eyes.

“Our house.” Mingyu corrected as he stared in his husband’s confused eyes. There’s a sweet smile
lingering in his lips, the attractive yet cute dimples on his cheeks are showing. He looks stunning
with the dim light that surrounding them. Wonwoo’s heart again, pound the way he heard the word
‘our’ like it’s the most romantic word in the world. Then again he believe of the younger’s pure
sincerity and love for him.

“I – it’s too much Gyuie. We already have your apartment. That should be enough for both of us,” he
reason out. Skeptic if he’s really living in the reality. He doesn’t understand how Mingyu always
manage to make him feel this way.

“Love, I really want you to live in a beautiful home. That’s what you really deserve, compared to my
apartment, that place is too plain and boring to you. And besides, this is much nearer to the company
and my school. And, I want to give you a gift that we can share with. I love you hyung.
Congratulations.” He said, giving the elder a sweet peck on his lips.

The elder is blushing so hard. His heart is pounding like it will explode any second. This is all too
much for him to receive. It’s too much love that he’s getting scared that it’s just a dream that may
end when he woke up.

He’s trying his best not to cry again in front of Mingyu, but despite of all his effort, a tear escaped
from his right eyes and the younger quickly kissed it away.

“Why do you always cry when you’re with me?” the younger said, teasing his hyung. “Because, you
always do and say cringe stuff and I can’t help but cry.” He countered back. The younger just smile.
His husband looks so adorable pouting.

“Shall we look in the inside?” the younger asked, leading the way while holding his hyung’s hand.

If the exterior is cute and charming enough for Wonwoo to like it, it was doubled on the inside.

It’s an open floor plan with huge and open living room and dining. Brick wall as part of the design
with a colorful printed wallpaper. The furniture hasn’t arrived yet but it’s still beautiful and homey
by just being empty.

Mingyu again, held Wonwoo’s hand and walked in to the kitchen. The said place, a haven for
Wonwoo is beautiful. It is the dream of every home cooks to have this kind of kitchen in their home.
The room is completed with different utensils, pans, cups, knives, plate, everything that is used in
making food are in there. Even seasoning and fresh goods.
The elder never have seen any kitchen like this before. Even his parent’s kitchen although Mrs. Jeon
love to cook, doesn’t have this kind of kitchen. “Do you like it?” Mingyu nervously asked. The
younger know that the kitchen is the main highlight of his present, so he asked the interior designer
that he hired to pay special attention to the kitchen.

The room is based in Wonwoo’s personality. The walls were painted with pale yellow color with
white stripes. Just like his personality, simple and bright.

The elder can’t utter a word. He can’t believe that someone will put so much effort for him and the
things that can make him happy.

He’s still speechless when his feet involuntarily walked in Mingyu’s direction and hugged the
younger. The blonde is quite shocked with the bold action but eventually hugged his husband back
with a smile on his face.

“Thank you.” He whispered. Mingyu felt great that his husband loved his present to him. “Hyung
you haven’t seen the bedrooms.” Mingyu said, making Wonwoo pull away from him.

“Oh yeah. Can we see it?” he excitedly asked like he’s going to open a gift. “Of course hyung. This
is all for you.” The younger proudly said.

They walk in the second floor, Wonwoo noticed that it is also hugged just like the first floor. With
the space, they can have another receiving area and play area in the second floor. The house is really
big, Wonwoo thought. He doesn’t know where Mingyu get enough money to purchase this type of

He saw four doors. Maybe a four bed rooms he thought. Mingyu ushered him to the first room. It is
quite small, maybe enough for one person. “I think this can be a guest room, you know, we can invite
people here. This house is huge enough for right our friends to visit. Compared to my apartment.
This can be a guest room if ever they want to sleep here.” Mingyu explained like he’s the one who’s
selling the house.

The second one is the room is Mingyu’s studio. Some of his music equipment are already in here, but
still couple of boxes are not yet opened. The third is larger compared to the first two. But it is
covered with white and pink wallpaper. Wonwoo love pink, but he didn’t imagine that he’ll be using
a room full of pink. “Is this my room Gyuie?” he asks. The younger does want to laugh, but he stop

“Do you want it to be you room hyung?” the younger asked. Wonwoo is still dumbfounded of the
younger’s response. Does he want that to be his room? The answer is no. Jisoo will definitely love
that room but him? No.

The elder shake his head, still confused. That is the que of Mingyu’s loud laughter ringing the quiet
home. Wonwoo is just looking at him with dead eyes, the younger looks stupid laughing by himself
when there’s nothing to laugh about. He just let the younger to laugh until he finally stop. Gasping
for air, with aching tummy and teary eyes.
“Of course it’s not yours hyung. This room is for Jisoo. If she wants to stay here for couple of nights
then she have her own room to sleep with. I ask eomma to bring some of her toys in here. The bed
will come along with the other furniture.” He explained. Wonwoo finally understand.

He feel touched with the younger’s concern with his sister. Mingyu always treat Jisoo like she’s his
own sister and almost skin his own best friend Seungkwan that time he lost her. He can feel that
Mingyu is doing his best to love the people that he love. From his homophobe abeoji, his cry baby
mom, his adorable sister, to reliable friend Jimin and even to the grumpy muscle pig Jungkook. He
saw how Mingyu tried his best to talk to them whenever he had a chance. And how Wonwoo can
have the heart to ignore all that efforts that his husband made.

“And the last hyung.” the younger said, distracting Wonwoo from his deep thoughts. Mingyu opened
the door and the broad shouldered male saw a very huge room. It is obviously the master’s bedroom.
The room is painted by the light mixture of white and pink. It has a queen size bed in the middle with
two side table and lamp shade on each side, the window is big enough to see the beautiful view of the
garden. There’s also a walk in closet divided into two sides and a door for the bathroom.

Wonwoo is wowed with the room. But he wonder, this room is too big for one of them and then
where’s the other room? “Gyuie, you’ll gonna sleep here? it’s too big.” He said.

Now Mingyu is on his you-look-stupid face like he didn’t know what’s happening. “Again hyung?”
he asked. Wonwoo looked at him. “I think it’s too big to be your room.” he said. Mingyu smirk. Why
is his hyung so innocent today?

“Hyung.. We’ll sleep here.” Mingyu announced. It takes two seconds for Wonwoo’s eyes go big and

“Eh!!” he shouted. Mingyu burst of laughing with his hyung face. “Why? Don’t you want to sleep
beside me?” he said with accusing tone.

“N.. no.. I – I mean I don’t know.” He admitted with ears as an red as apple. Mingyu stopped
laughing and hold Wonwoo’s waist and pull his husband closer.

“Hyung, don’t worry okay. I won’t do anything that you don’t like. Promise.” He said, sticking his
pinky finger as sign of his promise. Wonwoo hold Mingyu’s finger and locked it with his own.

Mingyu returned his hand on Wonwoo’s waist and pushing him on the bed. Forcing him to lay in the
huge bed facing each other. They adjust until they felt comfortable enough. Minutes are spent staring
each other. Memorizing the features of each other’s face. They’ll never get tired looking each other.

“I never thought I’d be so happy by marrying you hyung. I love you. Thank you for convincing me to
marry you.” Mingyu said. Wonwoo shyly smiled. It’s weird to hear Mingyu thanking him for the
marriage he ‘forced’ the younger into. He thought he’s the one that should be thankful. He never
even imagined that he’ll be happy like he’s living in a dream. All thanks to the man in front of him.
“I love you Mingyu.”


Wonwoo looks stunning even with a simple white button down polo shirt and black slacks. His
brown hair were combed neatly.

After four years of sleepless night, stressful test and deadly deadlines with scary professors. He
finally finish his degree with flying colors. He graduated as cum laude in his batch that made
everyone he love proud especially the man holding a bouquet of flowers for him. Mingyu is smiling
while looking at his husband receiving his award. On his side is Jisoo who’s eagerly clapping,
cheering for his brother. Mr. Jeon didn’t come to the ceremony, well Mingyu clearly understood
why. Jimin and Jungkook are also there, Jungkook is really busy taking good pictures of his hyung.

The unending applause were finally done after the chairman of the university said his congratulatory
message to the graduates. The graduates toss their cap on the air as sign of their freedom to the
stressful student life. After the ceremony, Wonwoo hurriedly walked to his family and friends.

“Hyung!” Jimin screamed enveloping his hyung into a hug. The two were jumping while hugging
each other. Next is Jungkook. Jungkook just gave him a manly hug compare to what Jimin did. The
younger do really want to look tough but he’s a real softie especially when he’s with Tae. Jisoo
hugged his brother on his waist tightly. The elder ruffled her hair but still looked adorable. Then his
mom. Mrs. Jeon is teary eyed, she’s trying to stop herself from crying but he can’t. She’s too proud
of his son’s achievement to be concealed in a small smile.

“Eomma, why are you crying?” Wonwoo teasingly asked. Mrs. Jeon can’t say anything and just lean
to his son and hugged him tightly. “I’m so proud of you son. We’re so proud of you.” She whispered
in his ears.

Wonwoo pulled away and look at his mom. “I know eomma. Thank you.” He said. And then lastly,
the blonde young man who’s holding the bouquet since the ceremony starts. He gave the flowers to
Wonwoo and the elder shyly received it. “Congratulations, Love.” He said. Wonwoo can’t wait
anymore and crush his husband into a tight warm hug.

“Thank you Gyuie.” He sincerely said. The younger pulled away. He really want to kiss his husband
right now but he can’t when there are four people staring at them. So he just settled to kiss Wonwoo
on his forehead as sincere as possible,
“Come on, they’re waiting for us.” Mingyu said, holding Wonwoo close to him. The elder is clueless
of what’s happening. The party that Mr. Kim organized is not going to start until seven in the

“Wait Gyuie, it’s too early.” Wonwoo protested.

“Just come with us hyung.” he said.

Their car stopped in the house that Mingyu bought for Wonwoo, Jimin and Jungkook behind. “What
are we doing here Gyuie?” he asked while looking to their new house. The younger isn’t answering
and just dragging Wonwoo inside. Come on hyung hurry!”

As they walk in the garden. Families and friends were gathered there waiting for Wonwoo to arrive.
“CONGRATULATIONS!” everyone shouted.

Wonwoo is stunned. They are his friends, cousins. Seungkwan, Taehyung and even Jihoon are all
there congratulating him. He noticed the banner and little decorations that were posted on the garden.
There’s also food. All of Wonwoo’s favorite food are there. He wonder if his mom did this. But he
wish she didn’t.

They all eat and party with an energetic party sound. Seungkwan, Taehyung and Jisoo were crazily
dancing with the music. Seungkwan looks funny with the odd movement that he’s doing. Jimin and
Mrs. Jeon are happily talking with each other while Jungkook is just being quiet, observing his

Everyone is happy especially Wonwoo, who felt really special that day. “You don’t need to do this
Gyuie, besides there will be a party later.” He said.

“Hyung that party is not about you. It is about the new COO of our company. And you’ll never enjoy
that kind of parties. Most of them are fakes and you know that.” he said with a-matter-of-fact tone in
his voice.

Wonwoo was reminded by the younger’s statement about what will happen later. After tonight. He
will be the new COO of Kim group of companies. The place where Mingyu should be.

“Gyu, can we talk privately?” he seriously asked. The younger suddenly looked worried but he didn’t
argue or ask anymore. They went to their bedroom. Wonwoo sat on the bed while the younger is
waiting for him to speak.

“What is it hyung?”
Mingyu asked, automatically holding Wonwoo’s hand as a sign of comfort and support. The elder
looked more worried than Mingyu, which is not a good sign.

“Mingyu are you really okay, if.. if I take your place as the new COO? I mean I can decline that
position if you want to.” Wonwoo suggested. The younger looked confused with his hyung’s words.

“Wait hyung what?” Mingyu confusedly asked. Wonwoo stood up starting to walk back and port.
His hand were fidgeting and his breathing are too loud that Mingyu can clearly hear it.

Mingyu caught Wonwoo’s waist and the elder stopped from walking. “Hyung can you please sit
down first.” The elder listened but he sat closely, resting his head in the shoulder of his husband.

“Hyung look at me.” Mingyu ordered. The elder comply and looked at his husband’s eyes. “I don’t
really know what spirit possessed you for you accept that offer with my dad. But I’m actually really
fine with it. I don’t really want to be a business man like him.” he explained. Wonwoo can feel that
there’s something in the younger’s words. It’s not just ‘not wanting’ it but there’s a deeper reason
behind it.

Mingyu though it is the perfect time to open his feelings about his dad. Aside from Jihoon and
Seungkwan, no one knows what Mingyu felt towards his father.

“I always blame his work and our wealth,for being alone growing up. My parents always need to
socialize with people in the society we belong to maintain the respect and influence that they have.
That’s the reason why we never celebrated Christmas and New Year with just the three of us. We’re
always in a party being thrown by someone who’s rich enough to waste that big amount of money.
I’ve never been in a park in my birthday or experience picnic or rode a bicycle with my dad. I always
hate that we’re this kind of rich. All I want is to have enough food for the rest of the family, a decent
shelter and clothes to wear. But not this much. My dad raised me to become a CEO but not a good
man. So I don’t know if I’m good of not. He raised me having this responsibility to other people and
not with unconditional love. He raised me to be hard but never been gentle with me. I don’t want to
be like him hyung. All I want is to do what I love, which is music. And having the people that I love
around me. Especially you.” He said as he kissed Wonwoo’s forehead.

“I don’t know what pushed you to receive that position and I’m not doubting your capabilities. Just
don’t work too much okay. And when everything is not going how you planned it to be, just tell me. I
will help you.”

The moment was so intimate that Wonwoo wished they don’t have a lavish party to attend later. We
just want to here, cuddle with his husband. Feel the peace and warm.

The couple looks stunning with the designer suits they are wearing. Wonwoo looks like a prince with
a black suit with a delicate embroidery as design. With a black button down polo shirt without collar.
The suit really looks good on him. The black color gives a good contrast to his fair, pink-ish skin.

While Mingyu, looks really manly and soft with the suit and bow tie he’s wearing. His hair were in a
clean pomade style. They look good together that made the guests turn their heads to the couple’s

“Oh you two look stunning tonight!” Mr. Kim coos. She’s smiling so bright, slightly similar to
Mingyu’s smile. “Thanks Mrs. Kim.” Wonwoo politely bowed to his mother-in-law. “Oh. I already
told you, you can call me mom Wonwoo-ie. Oh hi son. How you’ve been? I heard you move in to
music school? Is that real?” she curiously asked. It’s weird that it’s the first time Mingyu seen his
mother after the wedding.

It’s been ten months after the wedding and his mother didn’t even bother to visit him in their
apartment. “Yeah. Wonwoo hyung convinced me to make music so..” the air is getting awkward.
Mingyu didn’t want to be on the spotlight tonight. It is his husband’s night.

“Hmm.. mom, please excuse us, we’ll just greet my parents. We’ll be back.” Wonwoo hurriedly said.
Avoiding the atmosphere to be more tense as it already is.

“That’s was a nice save hyung. Thank you.” Mingyu said. The couple were holding each other’s
hand. Not minding about the curious eyes. They are married anyway, so it’s not a crime to hold your
husband’s hand in front of everyone.

They were closely chatting while sipping their champagne when they saw Jungkook, Taehyung and
Jimin. The trio were also dressed formally for the event. But the youngest is frowning deeply. Just
like what he did on Mingyu and Wonwoo’s wedding. Glaring everyone while holding possessively to
his boyfriend’s waist. Wonwoo walked close to Jimin ears.

“What happened to that muscle pig?” he whispered, avoiding being noticed by the furious bunny.
Jimin smirked the come closer to Wonu to whisper in his ear.

“A girl earlier tried to flirt with Tae. She keeps touching Taehyung when Jungkook is gone to get
some drinks.” He playfully whispered. Jungkook will always be possessive as always.

After a while Jihoon and Seungkwan arrived and with Jisoo.

Wonwoo want to ask why his sister is inseparable with Seungkwan. She’s supposed to be with their
parents or at least Jimin or Jungkook. “Hey princess, what are you doing with Hobi? You’re
supposed to be with Eomma or Jimin.” he asked. The young lady just answer him with a huge smile,
making her eyes crinkle.

“Hyung if you only knew. Jisoo already forget her Jimin oppa and Kookie after she met her prince. I
feel bad. She already neglected me.” Jimin dramatically said while pouting. Everyone snorted with
his failed aegyo aside from Jihoon. The pale man for the first time in forever is smiling, showing his
gums. They all never saw Jihoon smile like that before. Mingyu, Wonwoo, Taehyung, Junngkook
and Seungkwan shared a meaningful look like they’re talking with their eyes. They all know what’s
happening. The other two were just dumb to realize it.

Their laughter were interrupted by a staff asking for Wonwoo in the stage. Maybe the party will start
in few minutes. Wonwoo were walking towards the stage when he noticed that Mingyu is not with
him. He looks back and saw the younger just standing on his place and looking at him.

“What are you doing there Gyuie? Come on.” He said, offering his hand for the younger to reach.
The younger hurriedly walk. “Hyung, why do I need to be on the stage too?” Mingyu asked
whispering Wonwoo. “Yah of course you have to, you’re the real Kim not me. It’s your company not
mine.” Wonwoo explained. Mingyu still can’t get it. “And besides, I need you there or I’ll end up
fainting or vomiting in front of all this people.” The younger was stunned. Realizing the meaning of
his hyung’s words.

They both went up to the stage. Both of them felt their stomach churned as they saw all this
important people in the society staring at them. Wonwoo, look for Mingyu’s hand and hold it tight.

Mr. Kim delivered his speech. The speech were consisting of his thankfulness to all that guess that
come to celebrate with them. Some part of his speech are about the success of their company, that it
is still the biggest company in Korea and how it is expanding in different industries. He also included
the story of Wonwoo and Mingyu, he said it like he is there while they’re building the relationship
that they’re sharing with. He also boasts that his son-in-law is the known protégé in the business
world, how Wonwoo manage to fix the bankruptcy that their family is facing with his own hands.
And how amazing Wonwoo is being an intern under Mr. Kim’s supervision. And lastly the
announcement that all of them were waiting for. Wonwoo being to new Chief Operating Officer of
Kim group of companies.

After the announcement, Mr. Kim called Wonwoo to deliver his speech. To be honest, he doesn’t
have a speech. He’s too busy last night and even earlier celebrating with his family and friends and
Mingyu to recall that he need to write a speech for this event.

“Good evening everyone.” He said, breathing deep to control his emotions and breathing. “First I
would like to thank you all for joining me to celebrate my graduation in the university. As dad
already announced, I will be the next COO of Kim group of companies, I still have to learn a lot of
things about the company and even the whole industries, but I will do my best to make our company
better and stay to be the best in the future. And lastly, I would like to use this chance to thank
someone that I owes everything. I’m not here without him. Kim Mingyu, my husband,” he said as he
looked back. Mingyu is caught off guard when suddenly the spotlight is in him.
“Thank you very much for being there. I owe you everything that I have. Let’s live happily. Cheers
guys.” He said as he raised his glass. Everyone raised their glass and happily drink the sparkling

After the speech, the party officially starts. There’s classical music ringing the hall with the chatter of
people. Delicious food were all in a long buffet table and the drinks were served by the waiters. Mr.
Kim started to introduce Wonwoo in all of his associate that the younger haven’t seen before.
Sharing small talks, empty compliments and fake laughter.

Both Mingyu and Wonwoo is starting to get bored and tired. All they want to do is get out of that
tight suit and lay in their bed. But that’s far from happening right now. Mingyu is too tired, he need a
break and another drink for him to survive this night. “Hyung, I’ll get something to drink. I’ll be
back.” He said. Wonwoo glance at him, giving him a reassuring smile.

The younger is busy munching some cheese while holding his champagne. He’s enjoying the
peacefulness that he’s having right now. But it was disturbed when someone clears his throat behind

He turn around and his mood suddenly fell in the bottom. As he saw him. Arrogantly smirking in

“So, how are you doing Mingyu? Long time no see. I missed you.” His cousin said, giving him an
insincere hug. Mingyu hated having a contact with him. “Oh, this is Lee Hyori, my date tonight.
She’s a model. Babe, Mingyu my cousin.” Jiho said as he introduced a lady with a super sexy long

The blonde did his best to school his expression. He better not give Jiho a reason to feel happy. “I’m
good Jiho. It’s been a long time Nice to meet you too Hyori-ssi.” He said.

Woo Jiho, his cousin that will be always a pain in his ass. This man is his second cousin, but his dad
always compared Mingyu to him. He’s older with couple of year commpared to Mingyu and he
really hated whenever he lose to his cousin.
“Oh Mingyu, you’re really incredible. I never imagine in my life that you’re gay dude. I thought
you’re into the bad girl type but not into dicks.” He bluntly stated. In an instant, Mingyu want to
punch him so hard that his teeth will fall out of his mouth. But no. he’s a civilize human being and
not a fan of violence. So he’ll not let Jiho win.

“Oh that. He’s really amazing you know, best in everyone I met.” He proudly said. That’s true. Not
just the personality but even the physical features too, Mingyu can safely say that Wonwoo is more
gorgeous that any women he met and spend the night before.

“But I really wonder why, your dad is treating him like his own son, better than you.” There’s a
dangerous glint in Jiho’s eyes, just waiting for the right timing to push Mingyu to his limit. “Oh! I
know. Because he’s the new COO. Can’t you believe that? Instead of you, you’re gay husband is the
one that will inherit everything. And you? You’ll left with nothing but you’re pathetic music.”
Mingyu is quickly reaching his limit. He’s so fucking tired smiling to people that doesn’t know and
now his fucking, annoying scumbag cousin is getting on his nerves. “And another. I heard you
change your major into music? Do really believe that you can make it Gyu? Oh come on, stop
dreaming. You choose to exchange being the heir of Korea’s biggest company to become what? A
pathetic loser trying to make it in the music industry? I’m not trying to offend you but that so stupid
for you to think Mingyu.” He said, laughing with his date.

Mingyu want to kill his cousin right now. But this is not the right place to do that. It is his husband’s
graduation party and he will not do anything to ruin that. So he just decided to leave. “If you-“ he
didn’t finish talking when he felt a warm hands hold his.

“May I introduced myself. I’m Kim Wonwoo, Mingyu’s husband. Nice to meet you. You’re Lee
Hyori right. You look stunning tonight.” it can be seen in Hyori’s face the dust of pink in it. Feeling
shy being complimented by such handsome man.

“And you’re Jiho. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Wonwoo offered his hand for a shake. Jiho
gladly accept it. Mingyu doesn’t know what’s happening. Wonwoo is befriending those two, the
people that is just insulting him a while ago.

“So I want to clear things of.” Wonwoo said, still in his friendly expression but there’s different in
his eyes, Mingyu saw it. “Mingyu still have everything. All of this will be his when the time
comes. Everything. Everything that you want to have.” now his expression is cold as ice, ad his gaze
can kill someone. “I’m just here to manage their company, for him to follow his dream, but still he
has everything.” The elder emphasize the last word to make his point.

“You know I heard about your father’s company. I heard that you’re helping your dad to run your
family business. I wonder what will be his reaction when he discovered that his son Woo Jiho is
wasting their money by losing in casinos. Oh! You know I heard the rumors that three casinos have
already banned you to their establishment.” He said like it’s nothing. Like he’s not directly insulting

Now the tables are turned, Jiho is the one who looks like his eyes were going to fall off the ground.
But Wonwoo is still not done yet.

“Second. Can you please stop dreaming? You need to accept that you will never be at the same level
with my husband. Base on my observations, where not even on the same level. I know my
capabilities, and I’m sure I can beat you in any aspects easily. That’s the reason why Mr. Kim didn’t
hire you in his company. If you’re not better than me, then what made you think that you can beat
Mingyu? Please Jiho. Just spend your time thinking of you will you gain the money that you’ve
wasted before you’re dad discovered it.” Mingyu want to stop his husband but he know that
Wonwoo, right now is unstoppable.
“Another is, He’ll make it big, I assure you. A huge company offered him a scholarship in the school
he’s now attending with. I’m sure he will succeed. I hope you can still buy his album that time.”
Wonwoo’s expression changed to a scary wolf to a smiling hamster in a second. “Now if you’ll
excuse us. We don’t want to waste our time here. Nice meeting you.”
The elder grabbed Mingyu’s hand and started to turn around when he stopped again. “Oh and lastly.
You’re date. She’s a certified gold digger. She’s into old men, nearing their death bed. Be careful
with her.” A final smirk then they finally walked away.

Jiho and Hyori are both stunned. How Wonwoo managed to have a demon and angel in one body?

Mingyu is also stunned with the elder’s mean words. “Hyung that was mean. And how do you know
all of that?” he asked. Wonwoo just smile. “I will never allow anyone to insult you like that.
Everything that he said were just crap Gyuie. That’s not true.” He said.

Mingyu is so thankful that Wonwoo came and save him from his crazy cousin, but he can’t help but
recall everything that Jiho said.. he’s sitting alone with the wine in his hands. Looking at his husband
sharing fake smile with random people.

He sigh and gulped the wine until the last drop.

“Why am I feeling this way?”




Let's Fly



Chapter 29
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Suppressing a negative feeling is not a good choice to make. It make people sad, confused and
frustrated until it all blow up, messy and painful.

That’s what Mingyu is feeling right now. Messy and painful.

After that night, encountering his good-for-nothing cousin Jiho, and seeing his beloved angel
husband turn to devil and slay his asshole cousin and his date and seeing his dad being happy with
his son in law, Mingyu felt a lot different now.

He felt like he want to just be alone, feeling so lost and frustrated. He feels stupid by feeling that
way. It’s so ridiculous believing your asshole cousin’s gibberish words. But he still does.

So now, the poor papers are the sacrifice for all his frustrations. It’s his twentieth page, a small
mistake ending it up crumbled on the floor.

His pale best friend is just silently watching him for almost an hour. He do know that there is
something wrong going on with Mingyu but he choose to give him a little bit of space, so he can
maybe think clearer but he’s definitely wrong.

Mingyu is growing more agitated, frustrated and angry, tearing his twenty third paper without much
of a reason.

“What the fuck dude. Can you please stop wasting paper? Trees are dying for that. If you’re angry
with something, then talk about it! Tearing that paper apart will never solve your problem. Idiot.”
Mingyu knows that Yoong is more into tough love but his frustration were clouding his logic
thinking and can’t help but to feel offended about the elder is saying.

“Shut the fuck up Jihoon. I have no time for your shit.” Jihoon can honestly say that he’s quite
shocked. It is his first time aside from what happened to Seungkwan's birthday, seeing Mingyu snap
at him and became disrespectful. He know that Mingyu always talk politely to everyone.

The elder realize that whatever is going on in Mingyu’s mind is quite serious.

“Yah! You disrespectful rascal. I’m your hyung. Come here and face me. We need to talk about
what’s going on on your mind.” He said with his daegu accent.

Mingyu stood up and grab his bag. “I’ll just finish this tomorrow hyung. I’ll go home.” He quietly
said. Jihoon is disappointed. He do want to help his friend but Mingyu should want his help first.


Mingyu went home and saw his husband, humming into some pop song he heard somewhere. He
look so radiant even with that pale pink apron he is wearing right now. The younger hugged
Wonwoo in the back. Making him jump a little.

“Gyuie. You scared me!” he exclaimed. The younger just snort and buried his face on his husband’s
neck. Wonwoo’s scent is helping him to relax even a little.

“Rough day at the studio?” the elder wisely asked, turning around to face Mingyu.

He noticed that Mingyu look tired and sad, he doesn’t know why, but he’ll figure it out soon. “I’ve
made some waffles, want to try them?” he sweetly said. Mingyu can’t help but smile.

They were in the dining room, Wonwoo is trying to lift Mingyu’s spirit up, but the younger stayed
quiet. Isolated by his own thoughts.

“J-Gyuie, is there something wrong?” Wonwoo gently asked, while observing the younger’s
expression. The younger didn’t answered. He’s staring blankly in nowhere. That made Wonwoo

“I think you need some rest. I’ll just prepare a bath for you.” That sound so domesticated in
Mingyu’s ears. But there is something wrong in the scenario they’re into.

There is something wrong.

“Actually you don’t need to do that hyung. I’ll do it myself.” His voice, is low and just sound
exhausted, sounds weird in Wonwoo’s ears. ‘Is he angry with me?’ he thought. Wonwoo turn around,
trying to analyse what the fuck is going on to his husband. “No Gyuie, I’ll do it. Just rest here.” he

He saw how Mingyu’s brow twitch. How his eyes suddenly became sharp. “No hyung. At least let
me do it. I can do it on my own. So fucked out!” he shouted.

That was unexpected and scary, Wonwoo thought. It’s unexpected and hurtful for him.

Mingyu didn’t mean to do that. He didn’t mean it, yet it has been done by him. He felt so stupid for
shutting Wonwoo out. He didn’t do anything wrong, but he’s confused and frustrated. People are not
suppose to do good decision in that kind of state.

He saw the sadness in Wonwoo’s eyes. He definitely saw mirroring his own. But Wonwoo is an
actor, he smiled like there is nothing wrong, like he hasn't been yelled by the love of his life. That
smile, that broke his heart.

“Oh, okay. I – I’ll just go to my room. Just call me when you need anything.” he casually said.
Mingyu just dumbly nod. He doesn’t want to have drama anymore. So he let him.

He let him close the door.

Of coarse when you’re being a dick, you’ll just realize that you’re being one after a few minutes or
hours. And here Mingyu is, bumping his head in the bathroom wall, while realizing what he had
done, not only to Wonwoo but also to Jihoon.

That night, dinner wasn’t made. Wonwoo didn’t come out since he shut the door. Their apartment
were engulfed with silence and Mingyu feel like he’s starting on going crazy if he’ll not hear his
husband’s angelic voice within seconds.
A soft knock on Wonwoo’s door made him look into it. Not having the energy to actually open it, but
it’s not locked anyway, so Mingyu can just walk inside.

“Done acting like a dick?” he’s playing his Nintendo, Mingyu noticed. The younger is all awkward
with the situation. He doesn’t know if he’ll sit on the bed or just stand there. “Are you mad at me?”
he asked. What a stupid question, Wonwoo thought. Sometimes Mingyu’s natural stupidity are cute
but now it’s annoying.

“Should I smile after someone screamed at me because I want to prepare him a bath?” That was
super sarcastic in Mingyu’s opinion, but he can take it. Because he know that that’s what he deserve.

“Look hyung, I didn’t mean to be like that okay. I just don’t feel alright this past few days.” He
reasoned. Wonwoo’s eyes became more sharper.

“But that didn’t give you a right to act like a dick Mingyu.” He rolled his eyes. So much negative
energy were surrounding around them. It is not healthy.

“What the fuck! I’m trying to apologize here, idiot.” Mingyu countered back.

They are measuring each other with their gaze. No one wants to back out, or say sorry to one another.
“If you’re not being an asshole, then we’re not fighting right now!” Wonwoo screamed.

“Oh! I’m really sorry for being a dick and an asshole at the sametime. I’m sorry that I’m not like you
who is perfect! Yeah I get it! I’m sorry!” the younger sarcastically countered back. They were sure
that their neighbors can hear them through the walls. This is too much.

"I’m not saying that I’m perfect you idiot! I’m just trying to be considerate to some idiot that started
screaming at my face with no fucking reason!”

“No hyung, you are perfect. Everyone thinks you’re perfect. You’re the new COO! For fucks sake
hyung! Everyone adores you. Especially my dad! He thinks you are fucking perfect just like what
you’ve been showing to him! fuck!” he screamed on the top of his lungs.

Now every thing became out of hand. Mingyu never want this kind of fight with his husband. But
there is something that urging him to yell at Wonwoo.

“You fucking jealous asshole! You know Mingyu, fuck you. Fuck you and your fucking insecurity! I
asked you that day if you’re okay with it, Me taking your place and you fucking say YES! Goddamit!
I thought you’re telling the truth.” The screaming made Wonwoo really tired. Like all his energy is
draining away out of his body.
“You don’t understand! Hyung! You will never understand!” The frustration is consuming Mingyu
in every way. He can’t take it anymore. “Then make me understand! Talk to me! Or talk to
someone!” the elder reasoned, frustrated as his husband.

Mingyu stayed silent. Not opening what really is the matter. He can’t. He felt so stupid feeling this
way. He doesn’t want Wonwoo to see him as an insecure boy who craves for the attention of his
good-for-nothing parents. He can’t admit that. He can’t.

“You won’t talk? Giving a silent treatment huh?” Wonwoo stood up, grabbing his wallet and keys.
He needs to get out of that place or the situation will be worst. “You know, I’m done. I’m fucking
done with your bullshit Mingyu. Just call me if you have balls enough to talk.” And with that he
heard a sound of a slamming front door.

Mingyu want to punch himself. It’s his stupid insecurity that brought them into this fight. He regret
everything that he said. But he know that he can’t take that back.

Tears has been shed, damage are already done and hearts are now broken.

He immediately followed his husband out of the road but he’s gone already. He walk back up and
started calling people that may know where Wonwoo can be.

Jungkook, Jimin, Jihoon, Seungkwan and even Mrs. Jeon. He all asked them, but the result is just the
same. They didn’t know where the hell Wonwoo is. Someone really unexpected like Jisoo somewhat
just locate where exactly Wonwoo is. “Oppa, he’s in your new house. He love your bed there!” Jisoo
casually said.

Mingyu didn’t waste more time and drive to the new house, his present for Wonwoo’s graduation.
He arrived and there’s no sign of people inside, no open lights but the gate were unlocked. So maybe
he’s really in there.
“Hyung?” he tried to call as he open the front door, but he’s just answered by silence. He searched in
every room, one by one until there is just one room left. It’s the room they share with.

He saw the lamp are both on, and when he look further and saw his husband laying in his side of the
bed. “Hyung.” he called, but Wonwoo didn’t look at him. He’s just there.

“Hyung.” he said as he walked on the side of the bed. He saw, under that dim light is a shining tear
in Wonwoo’s eyes. He noticed how it glistened in the dark.

The elder’s eyes were starting to get puffy and his nose were almost red. Mingyu hate to see him this
way. “Hyung, why are you crying?” Wonwoo turn around, avoiding his husband’s eyes.

Mingyu froze as the elder turn his back. He realize that he’s really upset to what happened between
them. He saw how the figure in front of him sit up, he looked at his husband. He’s so scared at he
see how broken Wonwoo’s eyes is. He never thought he’ll react this way.

“I.. I – I’m really sorry hyung. I didn’t mean to say those things. Please believe me.” He begged,
kneeling on the carpeted floor of their room.

He want to hold Wonwoo so bad, bound him to his arms, make him feel safe again. He certainly
want to do that.

Each of Wonwoo’s tears were like a knife that is piercing in Mingyu chest. Each of those beautiful,
glistening tears were a poison that were stuck in his throat. He want to make it stop. They are
stunning but that was the perfect representation of Wonwoo’s pain. He doesn’t want to see that

“Why do you need to say that Mingyu.” His tone were not accusing or sarcastic or anything. It’s
dead. Flat dead. That kind of tone, ringing in Mingyu’s ears were making him go insane.

That flat dead tone were painful to hear.

“I.. I don’t even know why I feel that way. I fucking hate it to feel envy with you, but I do. I really
do.” He admitted. Wonwoo can’t believe it. ‘Why does he feel envy to me?’ he thought.

“Why? Why do you feel that? I don’t understand Mingyu, I can’t.” he said confused with his own
self. “Because you are you hyung. You’re perfect. You’re kind, smart, everyone loves you. My dad
loves you.” That was almost a whisper. Almost.

“You know of all the people in this goddamn world that that is not true. You saw me every time. The
naked me. The true me. I’m a broken toy Gyu. Broken.” More of that beautiful diamonds were
pooling in his husband’s eyes. God he hates that diamonds.
Mingyu, wipe those diamonds away from Wonwoo’s eyes. He can’t see his husband hurting like this.
“No.. shh.. no hyung. You are not a toy and you’re not broken.” He said as he placed a sweet kiss in
his lips.

That gesture made Wonwoo cry even more. Mingyu is now witnessing a river of diamonds in front
of him. “Shh. Hyung. Hush now. I’m here. I’ll be here with you.” He said as he locked the elder in
his arms.

That moment, Mingyu just want to run away, hide in people that might hurt his beloved. “Is there
something wrong hyung? You know you can tell me right?” he said as he tried to make Wonwoo

“I’m fucking scared Gyu. I’m scared.” Wonwoo said, hiding away from Mingyu. The younger does
get it. His hyung has a lot of fears in his life. But how can you judged him after all he’s been through.

“Why Love? Why are you scared? I’m here.” he said as he tried to turn down that wall that Wonwoo
built to protect himself. Mingyu just want to feel him, his pain, his happiness, his worries.

All of him.

“You drive those nightmares away Gyuie. What if you’re gone? What if you just realize that you’re
done with me and all of my shit? What if.. what if..” Wonwoo is in verge of panic.

“No hyung.. no, just breathe okay. Breathe” he instructed. Wonwoo did breathe. After a few minutes,
he’s finally okay. “Scoot over hyung.” the elder move aside and let his husband lay on the bed with

They cuddle, Wonwoo’s most favorite thing in the world. Mingyu develop a habit to cuddle with his
husband whenever the elder is not feeling well. Mingyu is warm like a blanket in winter, his scent is
calming and his hand is huge and gentle.

He is Wonwoo’s safe place, where he can be as vulnerable as he is. He can put down the act that he
is always okay. Mingyu took care of him all the time. Treat him like the most precious thing in the
world and Wonwoo doesn’t know how to thank the younger.
So seeing him like earlier, made Wonwoo feel devastated, scared and hurt. He always have this great
fear that Mingyu will be gone all of a sudden. That he’ll left Wonwoo alone and vulnerable in this
painful word. That’s his scariest nightmare all the time. He can’t take it. He’s sure will be shattered
when that happens.

“I’m sorry Gyuie. I’m crying again. You always see me crying ugly.” He sob. The younger chuckled,
caress his husband’s hair. “I hate to see you cry hyung. But you’re not an ugly crier. You’re the most
handsome in the world right?” He laughed.

Wonwoo buried is face on the younger’s neck, his natural scent is making Wonwoo calm and safe.

“You know that I will never leave you right?” he asked. He need to know that Wonwoo know that
he’ll always be there. “I know Gyuie, I’m just scared. Everything that is happening now is too good
to be true you know. My graduation, our company is so much better, and you. Everything is going on
how I hope it to happen. I always thought, maybe I was just dreaming, and then wake up seeing my
old miserable life.” he said.

That was all true, even to Mingyu. Maybe they were living in a dream, where all they need to be
happy is each other.

“I know what you’re talking about hyung. I do too, feel like this is all just a dream.” He laughed. He
looked into his husbands face, scanning its perfect feature.

“You chase my nightmares away Gyu. After being with you, I barely have those nightmares at night.
And when I have them, you’re there, making me feel safe. I don’t want that to stop.” There a hint of
fear in his voice. Mingyu understands and he’s willing to be there in Wonwoo’s side always.

“No hyung, that will never stop. I’ll be here. Always be here for you.” he’s staring at him with full of
love in his eyes that went to those luscious lips. And he can’t help himself but to kiss it.

Their kiss was amazing in Wonwoo’s opinion. The movement were slow like they were dancing into
some slow music. It is sweet with a little sensual feeling into it. The kiss made Wonwoo dizzy like a
drunk. And that was perfect.

The activity is getting more heated, more rush and hot until Mingyu stopped. The elder looks
confused with the younger. They were having a perfect moment so he can’t imagine a reason for
Mingyu to just stop it all of a sudden.

“What’s wrong Gyuie?” he asked with crease in his forehead. The younger didn’t answer so
Wonwoo remained confused, until he saw a bulge in his husband’s pants.
“Oh.” That’s the only thing he said and the younger is blushing so hard, especially his ears. “I- I’m
sorry hyung. I – I think w – we need to stop.” He was so embarrassed to what Wonwoo witnessed.

“D –do you need help on that?” Wonwoo stutterly said. Their atmosphere is so fucking awkward that
all they want to do is hide. Mingyu’s mouth were hanging open with pure shock. “Oh God no. No
hyung. I will never force you do that for me. D –don’t think about it.” He said, waving his hands as a
sign of no.

“Do you want some time alone?” the elder asked again. The younger can’t look at him anymore, not
with that bulge straining his pants. He just nodded and his husband understand. Wonwoo walked out
of the room, walking straight to the kitchen to make some late night dinner.

Inside the room, Mingyu buried himself in the pool of the soft comforter. That was fucking
embarrassing! He thought. He doesn’t know if he can face his husband anymore.

After a few minutes, when Mingyu is finally calm and his pants doesn’t feel uncomfortable anymore,
he finally followed Wonwoo to the kitchen. The elder looks like a chef with his skillful cutting. And
as always he looks so handsome.

“I’m sorry about that hyung.” the younger awkwardly said. He doesn’t know if he’s allowed to touch
his the elder right now so he keep his distance. Wonwoo stop cutting and look at him seriously.

“Why didn’t you let me help you huh? Gyuie?” there’s a curiosity in his eyes. But Mingyu is more
embarrass that curious. He’s also asking himself why he strongly decline his husband’s offer to help
him to his little problem.

“Hmm.. I .. I don’t actually know hyung. But maybe I felt that you’re not ready to do that with me.. I
think.” He shyly said. Just like earlier, the atmosphere is much awkwrd and dense. They don’t know
how to move. They both feel the energy that is pulling them in each other’s arms, but they didn’t
want to give in with the temptation.

They both know that being weak and giving up to a temptation will never result to something good.

“How do you know that I’m not ready for that? Huh?” he just want to tease Mingyu with that
question, hoping to see the younger’s flustered face.
“Why? Do you want to do it with me tonight?” the way the younger said it was extremely sexy, deep
husky voice with that breath taking look in his eyes. Wonwoo felt how his legs became weak after
hearing Mingyu’s words. “I.. I mean.. I – I” he doesn’t know why it was very easy for Mingyu to turn
the table. Which is kind of unfair, but that’s what his charisma can do. He can’t do anything to stop
Mingyu, slowly and dangerously walked in his husband’s direction. There’s an energy that Wonwoo
felt surrounding Mingyu that made him step back, until he felt the cold granite of their counter.
Another step by Mingyu and they were too close for Wonwoo’s personal space. Mingyu’s eyes, even
his aura made Wonwoo nervous and excited.
The tall blonde staired straight in his eyes like he want to cast some spell in Wonwoo. “Don’t start
something that you can’t finish hyung, because next time I’m definitely sure, I’ll finish it for you.”
And then a quick intense kiss for Wonwoo.


The two silently ate their delicious dinner, slightly avoiding each other after that heated moments
they had. They decided that they’ll just going to spend the night into their new home. Both of them
are still not talking and it’s starting to make both of them deaf in so much silence.

The two were laying down and it was more awkward than ever. They realize that they’re just an inch
with each other and yet both scared to make a wrong move that may cause something they might
regret in the future.

Wonwoo remembered their huge fight back in Mingyu’s apartment, where the younger is accusing
him of being perfect and being liked by anyone, especially his father.

“Mingyu.” Wonwoo said, checking if the younger is still awake. “Hmm hyung.” the blond answered.

He do want to be straightforward and ask, but seeing Mingyu earlier, he don’t want to push the
younger to the limit.

“W – we can talk about it, If you want you know.” He hesitatingly asked. He felt a warm hands,
holding his own. Mingyu turn and lay facing him. “I can hear you thought from here hyung.” he
gently said as he kissed Wonwoo’s hand.

“Can we cuddle hyung. I love cuddling with you.” The statement is pure and innocent. It’s just
cuddle but that word made Wonwoo blush so much.

“Cuddle?” he dumbfoundedly said like he doesn’t understand the word cuddle. The younger nodded.
“Yeah cuddle. Just cuddle.” He announced.

He just make Wonwoo blushed even more.

They maneuver their bodies to make a big and small spoon. Wonwoo is the small spoon and Mingyu
is the bigger spoon. “I think you will never get what I’ll say but its okay. Maybe I just want to let it
out.” He said. He sighed deeply, preparing the words that he want to use. Filtering it so that he’ll be
sure that Wonwoo will not ended up offended or something.

“Remember at the party. My demon cousin Jiho. I really want to punch him in the face that time. For
insulting me, insulting you, but I can’t. All the words he said about me, if you’ll analyze everything
he said, you’ll realize that all of that was true.” He breathe.

The young man remember that moment, when Jiho is openly insulting him and everything he believe
in. the feeling was awful for Mingyu, if they’re in different circumstances, maybe he beat Jiho to
pulp. But that time, where they were prisoned in those expensive clothes and wearing a mask of
perfection, one wrong move and everything will change.

“You know that what he says is far from the truth Gyuie.” Wonwoo tried. But the younger felt
different. He ask his husband to move so that they are facing each other. Mingyu saw worry in
Wonwoo’s eyes. He hate to see such sad eyes but it can’t be help, especially now that he had those
eyes too.

“He’s not lying hyung. I saw it with my own eyes. Dad. He never look at me like the way he looks at
you. I can easily tell that he’s really proud of you. I’m not mad that he’s proud of you hyung, because
I’m also proud of you. I j – just wished that he will look at me like that too. Even once.” Wonwoo’s
heart is breaking. He heard a few stories of Mingyu and his dad. He know that they don’t get along
well Because of their differences but mostly because of their similarities. He felt so guilty, feeling
that he’s stealing someone else’s father because he can’t be happy with his.

“I’m sorry Gyuie. I didn’t know.” he said as he saw a tear, running down to Mingyu’s face. That was
so sad for both of them. He doesn’t know if it’s just coincidence, but marrying someone who has the
same issue with your father makes Wonwoo wonder if it’s really destined for him to meet Mingyu at
some point of his life. Or maybe he was a gift from above, the answer to all his prayers. He doesn’t
know. All Wonwoo can feel is the extreme thankfulness he was feeling by having his husband to his
side in everything. From laughter to tears and from failure to success.

Mingyu is stopping himself from crying. He doesn’t want other people to see him that way, but it is
Wonwoo. The most precious person in his life. So maybe it’s fine. Even just once.

It’s fine hyung. Maybe I’m just in my low day right now. It will pass eventually.” He assures.
Wonwoo thoughts are far different with Mingyu’s words. It will pass eventually but it wouldn’t be
gone unless they make things right.

“You and your father is so much the same Mingyu. No doubt you’re having issues with him.” the
elder concluded. Mingyu frowned, can’t accept the conclusion that Wonwoo is trying to imply. The
last thing that he want to be is being someone like his dad. He despise the idea. Mingyu will never
agree to that.

“That’s not true hyung. I’m not like him.” he irritatedly said turning around facing the wall. That
comment is so absurb and he felt betrayed by the elder. “That is a hundred percent true Gyuie, admit
it or not. You are really similar with your dad.

A tough love Wonwoo can say. He doesn’t want to hurt Mingyu’s feeling but he can’t just sugar coat
everything for the younger’s liking. Mingyu stood up readying to walk out of their room. The elder
quickly grab his arm.

“Where are you going?” the elder asked. The younger doesn’t want to have another fight to his
hyung so he decided to just prevent it by going somewhere else. “To Jihoon hyung’s apartment. I
need to finish something. He’ll help me.” He deadpanned.

Wonwoo wants to be angry. “Do you really believe that I’ll buy that bullshit you are saying? You
just want to avoid me Mingyu, admit it.” The tension is back just like earlier.

Mingyu is definitely not in the mood to be on his rational mind right now so he just snap. “You know
you’re right. I want to avoid you. Happy? Now can you just leave me alone.” He snapped.

Quite honestly, Wonwoo is expecting this. He know that the younger have the tendency to just snap
at him, but he doesn’t care. If that will make the issue to be settled, then he’ll handle Mingyu’s
temper for now.

“No, I can’t. Mingyu why can’t you admit it huh? You and Mr. Kim are much the same. And that’s
natural because he’s your father.” He tried to reason out.

“So I’m an emotionless, cruel bastard that all can think about is my influence and money? Is that it
hyung?” he said. Wonwoo felt like he’s talking to a child. Not a grown up man who has an I.Q of

“You know for a smart person, you are really stupid Mingyu.” That comment made Mingyu look at
him like he’d grown another head. “Are you fucking serious? Now you’re calling me stupid. Wow!
Just wow!” he can believe Wonwoo really said that he’s stupid and he mean it.

“Why can’t you jus listen to me, maybe you’re going to realize that you are really stupid and your
dad also.” He said. Mingyu doesn’t want to listen. But he know that Wonwoo will never let it go just
like that.

“Okay fine you win. If I’ll listen to you, will you stop talking about him?” he asked. The elder nodes.
They both sat down in that huge bed when Wonwoo started talking.

“I know that you’re not close with your dad, and you find him overbearing and controlling and all
that awful thinks that you’ve been thinking. But honestly, he do really care about you and he’s so
proud when you get that scholarship.”
Mingyu’s is frowning. That is far from the truth he believe in for the long time. “That’s not true
hyung. You’re lying.” He said. Wonwoo held his hand. Making them look at each other’s eyes.
“That’s true Gyuie. He always asked me about you, and how’s your school going. And you know I
heard that he’s checking up with all your activities, he’s really happy that you are in that prestigious
music school in Korea.” He explained.

Mingyu can’t believe it. Since childhood, all his father did is to train him how to be responsible to
other people. He’s strict and so quiet. He never talked to Mingyu casually and never played with him.

“Whenever he asked me about you, I always see that gentle eyes you both have. I remember him
saying that he regretted not playing with you because he’s so caught up with his work. You know
you inherit your awkward self to him.” Wonwoo explained.

“I heard him Mingyu, he really wished that you’ll want to have everything that he build. That
company, all of that is yours. He made that so you would have something that you will own in the
future. But when he learned that you want to be a musician, he’s disappointed. Not to you but the fact
that no one will handle it for you. But he’s so proud that you discover your own talent and passion
Mingyu. He always asked me if you already have songs that you produced, he really want to hear
your song Gyu. You two are just blind to see that you love each other. He want to be with you and
you missed him your whole life, so why don’t you just meet anywhere, talk, eat and enjoy your time

Mingyu’s eyes were flooded with tears. He do realize that he really miss his dad so much. He really
want to happen everything that his husband said.

“Life is too short Gyuie. People can come and just go anytime. You should go see your dad.” He
patted the younger’s head. Giving him the comfort that he might needed. At some point, Wonwoo
felt hypocrite and envy.

He’s encouraging his husband to be with his dad, when he can’t do it on his own. He envy that Mr.
Kim is a caring father. He wished that he can do that with his abeoji too. But if he’s not willing to
open his heart for his own son, Wonwoo will just ended up hurting.

When Mingyu is finally done, they decided to just end that day holding each other close.

“You have all the chances in this world Gyuie. Just love him and live your life having him by your
Hi everyone. I know it took quite long time for an update. Things are quite tough right now. Stress,
fatigue and episodes. I am honestly is lacking of motivation to go on with my life. There are days that
I just want to lay down and do nothing. But I know I can't do that. Everyone I know is now having a
progress in their life and I felt that I've been missing out a lot of things. I just hope every one of my
lovely readers are fine and happy with your life. i wished that this story can make you even a little

Thank you so much for everything. You are the reason why I am doing my best to continue this
journey with Mingyu and Wonwoo. I really appreciate all your comments and it always make me
smile. I hope everyone is happy.

Let's Fly



Chapter 30
I listened to BTS' hidden track Sea. I recommend to listen to it. To make the experience even greater.

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

Jihoon can’t concentrate to what he’s doing because of that sound that his best friend is making for
almost an hour now. That thumping sound of Mingyu’s head hitting the wall keeps disturbing the
pale man.

“What the hell Mingyu. Stop doing that. It drives me crazy!” Jihoon hissed. Mingyu did stop his
ministrations but there a crease in his forehead. Jihoon looked at him . “What now? Last week you
were wasting that shit ton of paper and now you want to break that wall using your head.”
Mingyu sighed. He himself can’t even understand what is happening. “Hyung I don’t really now. I’m
getting frustrated with this melody. There’s something wrong in it but I can’t figure out what it is.”
The blond complained.

Jihoon is also lost, Mingyu doesn’t have a temper like this before. He’s patient and calm like
Seungkwan but now, everything is the opposite of that Mingyu.

“You know what. Let’s call Seungkwan to hang out. You need to loosen up Mingyu. I barely see you
drinking. You just study then work then think about Wonwoo hyung.”

The pale man is right. Mingyu can’t even remember when the last time he get drunk and be
wasted with his friends. If he’s right, the last time he gets shit wasted is after that horrible family
dinner. That is even before Mingyu met Wonwoo. And that was almost a year now!

“Hyung I need to finish this.” He reasoned. Jihoon want to punch him. That melody that he’s been
working, is for their finals. And that’s almost 4 months from now, so he know that Mingyu
is just making excuses to be exempted .

“Stop that nonsense Mingyu. I know that that song is for our finals. You have shit ton of time to do
that. And it’s almost our vacation. You at least need to be wasted even for one night.” The elder
convinced. Of course how can Mingyu reject his hyung that know everything about him even his

“But hyung Wonu hyung is preparing dinner tonight. He’ll get upset if I'll make him wait for me.”
He reasoned.

“I never thought that I will see you head over heels to someone Mingyu. It’s fun to see that side of
you.” Jihoon teased.

The younger’s ears quickly showed reaction. It’s almost pink and even his cheeks. Jihoon never
imagined that he’ll see Mingyu blushing. “Stop teasing me hyung.”

The pale shorter man did that slurping sound that he always do whenever he’s thinking. “How about
this. Let’s drink in your apartment. That way you can drink and be with Wonwoo hyung for dinner.”
That was a good idea, Mingyu thought. They both agree and send a text message to Seungkwan to
come in Mingyu’s apartment.

He also informed his husband that his friends will come over and hang out in their apartment. He
need to inform Wonwoo so that something unexpected will not happen again.

Wonwoo cheerfully agreed. He’s excited seeing his husband’s best friend and said that he’ll prepare
dinner for them.

The sun is down when Mingyu and Jihoon left the studio. They stop by in a grocery store near the
place to buy liquor and some snacks. Maybe this will be a relaxing night for Mingyu.
The smell of delicious food welcomed the two as Mingyu opened the door. It's the smell of grilled
meat with some spiced in it. Their stomach grumbles immediately feeling their hunger as they
smelled the mouthwatering aroma of Wonwoo’s food .

“Hyung I’m home.” Mingyu announced. Wonwoo emerged from the kitchen, wearing a pink apron
as always.

“Oh you’re early. I thought you’d be late.” He said. Mingyu walked in his direction and kissed him
quick in the lips. Which made Wonwoo embarrassed with the fact that Jihoon is there watching them.

“Yah! You two stop being so cheesy. You're making me sick!” he whined.

Mingyu smiled, he know Jihoon is happy for him. He’s just being Jihoon a grumpy old man. “You’re
jealous. You should court Jimin soon you know. Believe me you’ll be more sappy than me.” He

That made Jihoon stunned. Eyes wide as it can be. “Yah! What are you talking about! I’m not
attracted to him.” He lied. Wonwoo and Mingyu snorts. They both know the truth. Even from the
start, they already know that Jihoon is so attracted to their little friend Jimin.

“Say that to your heart eyes, whenever Jimin is doing aegyo.” The couple laugh at Jihoon’s reaction.
He want to deny that it’s not true but he know the truth.

He likes Park Jimin.

The teasing stopped as they heard the bell rang. They know that it was Seungkwan.

They were greeted by a bright as sun smile of Seungkwan, holding a plastic of soju. “Hello guys!” he
screamed. Jihoon wants to complain for the unnecessary noise that Seungkwan is emitting. But he’s
Seungkwan and loudness is part of his personality.

The four had an enjoyable dinner, with Wonwoo’s delicious food, Seungkwan as the center of the
laughter and stories and Wonwoo’s unique laugh that is ringing through the walls, Mingyu can say
that his night is perfect .


“Hyung you need to rest. You still have work tomorrow.” Mingyu sid to his sleepy looking husband.
Wonwoo is tired and needed to rest. The dinner he made for them made him exhausted. But of course
it’s very impolite for him if he’ll go to bed first while Mingyu is having his guests.

“No Gyuie. They’re still here. I’ll sleep after they leave okay.” He said murmuring. But Mingyu is
still persistent. He pulled Wonwoo into their bedroom and closed the door. “Hyung, I’ll take care of
it. You look really sleepy right now. Jihoon and Seungkwan will understand that. Want me to tuck
you in?”
he asked. The offer is quite tempting. Tucking in means cuddle and warmth from the younger until
he fell into the dream land. But of course, Wonwoo has an image to uphold. “No Gyuie I’m fine. You
can go out now. I’ll be here.” He said.

Mingyu came out, seeing his two friends grinning at him like an idiot, especially Hobi. “What? he
asked. Seungkwan want to tease him so much, with him being so soft and caring with his husband.
“Nothing, I just can’t believe that my friend is now married and so much in love.” He said brightly .
Mingyu just smile, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Wonwoo clearly changed his life, his mind and even his heart. And he’s proud of it. “Why don’t you
find your own love and we’ll see. Even Jihoon hyung.” He said


They drink and drink and drink. Catching up with each other. Mingyu and Jihoon learned that
Seungkwan is now a choreographer of a rookie idol group and planning to expand his studio into an
official dance academy . He two congratulates him. Seungkwan is always been an achiever. He
knows what he wants and he’ll do everything to be successful with his craft.

Jihoon talked about his dilemma about Jimin. He finally admited that he do like Jimin a lot. And his
friends are teasing him about it. But he doesn’t care. He’s stating all Jimin’s good quality like he
knows him well, Seungkwan and Mingyu keep grinning as they literally seeing shine in the pale
man’s eyes as he talked about that little mochi . The way he smile while talking about Jimin is the
same way he smile whenever he see a kumamon mascot.

The last is Mingyu, Seungkwan and Jihoon want to beat Jiho to pulp as they heard what happened in
Wonwoo’s nparty. Sharing the awful stories about things that Jiho made to his cousin. From a simple
teasing up to the worst, like blaming Mingyu into something that he didn’t do.

They all hate Jiho. The three were laughing as they heard how Wonwoo savagely protect Mingyu to
that awful man. The two were impressed , they didn’t know that Wonwoo can be mean if he needed
to. He is always sweet, a little bit of a nagger and whiner but still one of the best people they know.

Their talk are fun with the drinks and snacks until Jihoon open the pandora’s box. “Yah Mingyu,
what’s happening to you lately? I noticed you’re always grumpy. You know Seungkwan, last time
he’s wasting those precious paper then snap on me and then earlier, he’s trying to demolish our
studio’s wall with his head .” Mingyu is embarrassed , he realize how he acts immaturely like a child.

“You know dude, you should get laid.” Seungkwan suggested. Mingyu is coughing hard as he
choked with his beer. “What the hell?!” he protested.
“ Maybe that's the reason of it Gyu. How long since you have sex with anyone? Huh?” that was
embarrassing. Then he remembered how open they are with each other. “Three m- months before I
met Wonwoo hyung.” It low and almost a whisper.

“WHAT?!” Seungkwan and Jihoon said in unison. “What?!” Mingyu asked. “What the hell Mingyu.
So you’re saying that the last time you had sex with anybody is almost a year now?!” Jihoon hissed.

“You’re not doing it?” Seungkwan curiously asked. “Do what?” the younger asked, trying to act
innocent like he doesn’t know what Seungkwan is talking about.

“Yah! You know what I’m talking about!” the Seungkwan cried. “What? I don’t know what you’re
talking about.” Mingyu grinned, he really is trying so hard to play innocent.

“YOU’RE NOT HAVING SEX WITH WONU HYUNG!” Seungkwan intentionally screamed, so
that Mingyu stop fooling around. The blond was startled . Wonwoo is just in the other room sleeping.

It will be so embarrassing if his husband will know that he’s sharing his sex life with his two best

“Stop! Hyung will hear you idiot!” Mingyu said, holding an empty bottle, ready to throw it in
Seungkwan’s face.

“Then stop fucking around jerk! Just answer our question!” Jihoon impatiently whined.

Mingyu sit up straight. “Okay, Wonu hyung and I were not having sex like ever. Happy? Happy now
hyung? Seungkwan?” he said as he gulp a can of beer.

There’s silence that suddenly engulfed the whole apartment. Only the tick of the clock is the one
making noise. The duo look lost. They can’t understand how Mingyu endure that for a long time.

“That’s it dude. That’s why you’re frustrated these days. Because you’re sexually frustrated and your
body is telling you to have sex and release the energy that is building up inside you .”
Seungkwan seriously explained.

“ Maybe .” The only answer that he made. The two were still looking at him like he had another
head. “ Maybe ? That’s all?” Seungkwan frustratedly asked.

“Why you’re not doing it huh Gyu? Is there a particular reason?” Mingyu’s breathe hitched. He
remembered Jungkook’s story about Wonwoo’s abusive ex boyfriend and the night that they rush
him to the hospital .

He’s thinking if he can share such sensitive story. The two were looking at him expectedly , hoping
to hear some answer from their friend.

But he thought that’s his husband’s story and not his. Wonwoo has the right to choose who will be
able to hear his story.
“ I think we’re still not ready for it. That’s all.” He simply said. Which half of the truth.

Sex is something that Wonwoo and Mingyu never talked about. The topic is still there waiting to be
discussed but they’re not pursuing it, scared that it will just do harm than good.

“That’s impossible Mingyu. I know you.” Jihoon countered like he doesn’t want to believe him.
“Yeah and you’re sharing one bed. How could you not do that?” Seungkwan asked.

Mingyu doesn’t know if he’ll get offended or not. “Yah! What do you think of me? A maniac that all
can think is shoving my dick to someone to relieve myself! Are you really best friends?! You think
too low of me!” he protested.

Jihoon and Seungkwan ended up laughing till their stomach aches. Mingyu is really cute when he’s
trying to explain himself with so much desperation.

Seungkwan were wiping the tears caused by too much laughing. “But seriously dude. You need to
get laid you know.” He plainly said.

Mingyu know that, maybe they’re right. Maybe it’s his frustration that caused by lack of sexual
activities made him grumpy all the time.

“Yeah I know. But that will never happen in near time.” He said. It’s quite frustrating if
he’s honestly speaking.

Mingyu want to feel Wonwoo, every part of him. He wants to hold him like ever before. He want
them to be one and share such intimate moment with each other. He can admit, that he’s having a
hard time whenever they’re in that point that there’s only two of them in the world. When they
doesn’t care about anything but one another.

He loves him so much and he want for Wonwoo to feel it. He want to kiss every inch of his body.
Admire the perfection that the elder have inside of him. He want to smother his husband with his
lips, mark him as an sign that Wonwoo is his and always be his.

Mingyu is scared that because of too much love that he felt for the elder, he might lose control
and just be blinded with the intimacy that he want to feel and forget about the well-being of his
husband. Wonwoo had suffered enough in the past and he doesn’t want to be monster to his beloved

“Then sleep with someone like you always do. Just be careful about knocking a girl out. You know.”
Seungkwan bluntly suggested. Mingyu quickly throw the snack he’s holding toward Seungkwan.
“What the hell! You’re really suggesting for me to cheat with Wonwoo hyung just because
I’m sexually frustrated? And my husband is in our room. He may hear you if he’s still awake
Seungkwan. You’re so stupid.” He cursed.

The idea of sleeping with someone who’s not Wonwoo made Mingyu’s stomach turn. After he
realize the he’s so much in love with his husband, he forgot about anything that he always did in the
past. Have sex with someone he met in some place, mostly in a club.
Sex does have a new meaning for Mingyu after loving Wonwoo. It’s not just a natural activity that
people always crave for. Not just pleasure and lust but something especial that he must only share
with his husband.

He doesn’t want to rush things about it. Maybe his body is frustrated about not doing it for long
period of time but not his heart, even his soul. Mingyu want to wait, until they both feel that it’s the
perfect time be one . He want it to be slow and sweet not heated and fast. He’ll wait his whole life for
Wonwoo to be ready to entrust the whole him to Mingyu. The younger will certainly hard work to
gain that huge amount of trust from the elder.

“Then what will you do? You need to take care of yourself too Gyu-ah.”
Jihoon seriously commented. He know that sex is something that he needs, but his needs is never
enough reason for Mingyu to jeopardized his relationship with Wonwoo .

“Don’t worry hyung. I’m fine. It’s just sex you know. I’m not gonna die if I’m not going to have sex
for quite long time.” He commented.

The two were not convinced, but they agreed. It’s their first time seeing how serious Mingyu is in his
relationship with Wonwoo. Always thinking about the elder first before himself. They are proud of
their best friend.


Mingyu felt that there’s a sudden change in Wonwoo behavior after a few weeks. He became clingy
towards Mingyu. Always initiating some sort of skinship or anything with the younger. There’s some
random day that Wonwoo will do things that he never did before, like sitting on the younger’s lap all
of a sudden . Kissing him while they’re having their dinner or hug him from the back in public. It’s
weird for Mingyu of course. Wonwoo is always shy when it comes to that kind of things. It’s rare
that he will initiate something especially in public. But now, it’s like he’s used to it, like he’s doing it
for a long time.

The younger felt weird but he does like it. Really like it. That kind of gestures can make him blush
like a teenager.

The couple were already done with their dinner. They decided to have dinner in some not so fancy
restaurant. It’s one of Wonwoo’s favorite restaurant actually.

They’re walking in the park near the said restaurant to have some fresh air and just appreciate the
presence of each other .

The moon is shining, giving light in the pathway they’re walking. The younger hold Wonwoo’s
hand. it will always be his favorite hand to hold in his life time.
“ Hyung.” Mingyu called the elder while appreciating the beauty in front of his eyes. “What?”
Wonwoo asked. Mingyu smiled. Showing that really charming dimples that he has.

“I love you.” He whispered. Wonwoo’s heart flutter. How someone could just can easily say it with
so much sincerity, just like Mingyu did. “I love you too.” Wonwoo replied. They shared they’re shy
smile with each other.

Wonwoo wished that the world stop just like how he felt it. He want to be with Mingyu forever.

“Gyuie, can we sleep in the other house?” Wonwoo asked, anticipating the answer of the younger. Of
course, how could Mingyu decline such beautiful pleading eyes of Wonwoo. “Sure hyung. But
why?” he asked.

The elder stopped walking, looking up to see the shining moonlight and twinkling stars in the sky.
“Nothing. I just feel safe there.” He said.

The couple drove back to their new home. Wonwoo love it there. He’s hoping that they can move as
soon as possible.

As they entered inside, Wonwoo pulled Mingyu towards him, to meet his lips. It was sudden but
sweet. The younger enjoyed how the elder is now confident with his actions. “I love you Gyuie. I
don’t know how I would thank you for everything that you did to me.” Wonwoo whispered.

Mingyu cupped Wonwoo’s face, caressing his cheeks. “Hyung you don’t have to thank me. You
make me so happy everyday and that’s enough okay.” He said as he place a sweet kiss in Wonwoo’s

They are already lying in bed, holding each other’s hand while waiting for sleep to take them to the

“What are you thinking hyung.” Mingyu asked. Wonwoo didn’t reply. He’s staring at
Mingyu intently like he want to do something. “Hyung. Are you okay?” he asked concerned for the
elder. But still no answer. Mingyu is in his way on moving closer when Wonwoo suddenly caught
the younger’s lips with his own.

Compared to their other kiss, his movements were rushed , too fast. Trying to enter in Mingyu’s
cavern with his tongue. He’s holding Mingyu’s shirt so tight that it’s crumpling.

The younger was shocked with such bold action. Being caught up with his own thoughts, he noticed
that Wonwoo is starting to pin him in that enormous bed. The ministration stop when Wonwoo is
already straddling Mingyu, sitting in the younger’s crotch .

The blond want to curse, he can feel Wonwoo’s ass in that certain area, making his dick half hard
in just span of seconds. “Hyung.” He said wide eye.

The sight of Wonwoo sitting above him was breath taking. His eyes were hooded , clouded with lust
and something that Mingyu can’t read.
“Gyuie, can.. can we do it?” he huskily asked. Mingyu is so fucked.

He do want to do it. Heaven knows how much he want it, but there is something stopping him.
“Hyung are.. are you sure?” he stutteringly asked. Wonwoo moved, Mingyu want groaned. Fuck. He
know that his dick is now fucking hard.

“I.. I want to be a good husband for you Gyuie.” He said as he started to move on the top of the
younger. Mingyu cursed under his breath, feel so hot. Each movement send waves in his spine,
making him shiver. But the elder’s statement make him snap with the pleasure he was feeling.

Mingyu sit up, making Wonwoo moved on his lap. “No hyung. I.. I mean you don’t need to do that to
be a good partner to me.. Hyung. what we have now is enough for me. I like what we’re sharing right
now. I. I don’t need anything. I just want to love you.” He said as he place a chase kiss in Wonwoo’s

The elder were chewing his bottom lips that it almost bleed. He can’t meet Mingyu’s scrutinizing
gaze as he felt embarrass on how he act earlier. “But i.. I heard you. Your body is screaming your
need Mingyu. And you can’t even do it because of me. I don’t like it.” He said and buried his face in
Mingyu’s neck.

The blond mentally face palmed himself. Of course there’s a chance that Wonwoo heard his
conversation with Jihoon and Seungkwan. And maybe the elder made a wrong conclusion base on
what he heard. Fuck it.

“Love, look at me.” He said and pushed Wonwoo a little so their eyes can meet. The elder looks
anxious and disappointed.

“You need to remember this. I love you and sex will never be my basis of loving you. I love you and
I am very willing to wait until you trust me enough for this kind of things. You’re such an amazing
person. And I am very thankful that you’re here in my life okay. You don’t need to force yourself
into something that you’re not ready yet okay.” Mingyu stated.

By the time Mingyu is done talking, Wonwoo’s eyes were already flooding with tears. Again that
diamonds that is shining so beautifully but representation of Wonwoo’s pain . He doesn’t want to see
those diamonds again.

When Wonwoo is done crying, Mingyu is just patiently waiting for him, wiping his tears away.
caressing his hips.
“Then make love with me Gyuie.”

He whispered as he stare at Mingyu’s eyes with full determination in it. The younger can’t
understand if his husband didn’t get whatever he said or he’s just being stubborn again.

Before he can speak again, Wonwoo cut him off. “I.. I need this Gyuie. I need to reassure myself that
I’m enough for you. I need to believe that you’re not gonna leave me because I’m lacking being your
husband. I.. I know that you always say it but I.. I need this for myself. “

“Please. Make love with me.”

He’s pleaded gripping Mingyu’s shirt so tight. That it showed crease that are made by Wonwoo’s
hands. The younger understand what Wonwoo is saying. But he’s still scared. He felt like he’s going
to taint a very precious stone. But this is what Wonwoo needs.

It’s what he needs.

Mingyu didn’t think anymore and just smash his lip with Wonwoo’s. It was intense and heated. Not
what he preferred but the adrenaline that is rushing in his body is controlling his mind. He want this
so bad. He's so consumed by their intense kiss that he didn’t even realize that their position is already

The blond turned, making Wonwoo lay on the bed and he’s in top of him. God he looks so ethereal
with those hooded eyes. Mingyu can help but lean and kiss Wonwoo again. The muffled moan of the
elder sound so sexy that it goes straight on Mingyu’s member, making it twitch. His pants feel so
uncomfortable in the moment. And he can already feel the wetness inside it.

He want to touch and kiss every part of Wonwoo’s body, especially his broad shoulders, his hands is
starting to roam around the elder’s body making him gasps for air .

Mingyu is attacking Wonwoo’s neck. Marking it as a sign that Wonwoo will be always his. Bite,
lick, suck. He feel too hot by just kissing Wonwoo’s neck until he hear a sob .

The younger wasn’t sure if he just misheard it or just part of his imagination, but the sound repeated
a few time, sync with a labored breathing of the man underneath him . Mingyu lift himself up
and witnessed a crying Wonwoo.

There’s bullets of sweats that is forming in the elder’s forehead. The younger noticed
how tightly Wonwoo is gripping the sheet behind him. His chest were rising and falling in such
unusual way. It’s different compared to the labored breathing brought by sexual excitement. Mingyu
is sure Wonwoo is not enjoying this.

“Hyung.” he said. Wonwoo open his eyes and more tears are falling on the side.

“Stop. Please.”
He pleaded with such pitiful way. He’s almost begging with his voice.

Mingyu immediately stood up, giving Wonwoo a space the he needs. The elder quickly grab the
blanket and cover it in his body like a cocoon.

“I’m sorry hyung. did.. did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you.” Mingyu slowly asked. But
Wonwoo wasn’t answering. He’s staring at Mingyu with scared eyes. The younger suddenly felt like
a monster in front of his husband.

“Stop please.” Wonwoo whispered then he started crying. Oh it feel so awful to see him cry because
of Mingyu. The elder is still clutching the blanket like it’s a life line for him.

The elder’s breathing became erratic and Mingyu felt like it’s a déjà vu. This is the exact scenario
that he encountered when he tried to talk about Wonwoo’s ex . He know Wonwoo is having a panic
attack, base on the way he breathe.

His eyes were unfocused . And Mingyu can tell that he’s trembling. It’s the second time that he
caused the elder an awful nightmare. Mingyu felt like trash but this is not about him right now. This
is about Wonwoo who’s suffering in front of him.

Mingyu thankfully is smart enough to search how to help someone who’s having an attack, after he
heard the elder's siuation from Jungkook . He knew this. And he need to help Wonwoo right away.

The blond move forward but Wonwoo flinched and place himself between the headboard and side
table . Mingyu observes the elder and understands that he should give him space.

“Hyung c – can I .. touch you?” he carefully said, moving his hand forward in Wonwoo direction.
But the elder quickly shake his head as indication that he doesn’t want his husband to come close.

“Please don’t touch me.”

Wonwoo begged, falling more tears from his eyes. Those words were like a knife for Mingyu. He
never imagined that Wonwoo who’s always felt safe in his arms are now hating it. It’s so fucking
painful for him, but he needs to understand the situation that they’re into.

Wonwoo is scared , he feels that his life was in danger and he's not in the right consciousness. So
Mingyu should help him and support him at times like this. He’s in pain but Wonwoo is in despair so
he can’t afford to sulk right now.

“Okay I.. I won’t touch you. But you need to breathe hyung. It’s okay. Just breathe slowly .” He
instructs. Wonwoo needs a few moment to understand what Mingyu is saying.

“I’m here hyung. I'm Mingyu your husband. I’m not going to hurt you okay. I love you so much.” He
said. The elder followed Mingyu. Breathing deep and releasing it.

After a few moments of breathing, Wonwoo felt that his windpipe are not closing anymore. The
oxygen is finally entering his body properly and starting to have a more conscious mind.

“You’re safe hyung. I’m here. I will protect you. You’re here with me. In our house. We’re safe
here.” Mingyu said.

Reassuring Wonwoo that he’s safe and there’s someone that will protect him help a lot. He’s starting
to have a clear mind and recognized his husband whose looking at him with so much worry in his

“Gyuie.” He whispered. the younger gave him a smile, showing those cute little dimple rested on his
cheeks. “Yes hyung. I’m Mingyu. I’m here with you. You’re safe with me. Remember? I’ll protect
you no matter what.” Mingyu said as he move a little bit closer.

The younger is so careful with his movements, he doesn’t want to his husband and trigger something

The elder finally understood, recalling what they’re doing before some horrific memories occupied
his mind . He remembered how he insist on doing this yet he ruined it. The feeling is awful. And his
expression can’t hide it.

The younger’s whose intently watching understood what Wonwoo is thinking. “It’s okay hyung. You
can cry more. It’s okay. I’m here.” He encourage. The sob became a full grown cry as Wonwoo shed
more tears. He’s shit scared with those memory in his mind to happen again.

He’s starting to be scared thinking that Mingyu’s gentle touch will turn into a painful hold in his skin.
That his soft sweet kiss became something that Wonwoo doesn’t want to feel. That the younger’s
gentle eyes will be scary and horrific.

All of that fear brought the memories that he buried in the deepest part of his mind. They are all
caged in a box but his fear is the master key that easily opened it to be out again.
Those hand that grasp him in the verge on pain. Those lips that was too harsh that made Wonwoo’s
lips bleed and those eyes that threatened him with punishment in every wrong move . Those are
nightmare that is coming again. He hate it. And he hate himself so much by thinking that Mingyu and
hat person are the same. After all the care that the younger gave to him. After all those promises, he
still doubt.

“Can I hold your hand? Just your hand hyung.” Mingyu said, still moving slowly , reaching
Wonwoo’s hand. The elder agreed, when their hands touched, he hold it too tight. He’s scared that
Mingyu will walk away. Leave him in that enormous room alone and crying.

He’s scared that that man will comeback, holding leather belt to scar him again. He’s scared. He’s

He’s scared.

“It’s okay hyung. You can cry. I’ll be here okay.” The younger assured.

Wonwoo cried, pour all the pain that turned into tears, still holding Mingyu’s tightly . Every sobs,
every tears, every whimper made the younger want to hold his husband more. Shower him with
affection and care. Shield him in everything especially with his nightmares. He do want to do that,
but holding Wonwoo’s hands is the only thing that he can do at the moment.

His heart is shattering seeing Wonwoo like he’s begging for salvation. For someone to save him in
great despair. Mingyu want to be his savior. Want to be enough for Wonwoo. He want to be
everything that Wonwoo needs.

Moment turned into minutes that slowly turn into hours. Time is passing so slow for Mingyu while
watching his husband. Curled in the middle of that huge bed, wanting to protect himself from the
pain that is still bleeding in his heart.

“I want to clean up Gyu.” Wonwoo said as he sit up to meet Mingyu’s gaze. His eyes were red and
swollen. Tears are still sitting in the side of his eyes, tear tracks were staining his beautiful face.
Wonwoo looks pathetic. Mingyu can’t imagine how painful those memories are to turn his gorgeous
husband into something like this .

“Okay love. I’ll just prepare it for you.” The younger said. But Wonwoo didn’t let go of Mingyu’s

“Don’t leave me.”

He pleaded. Tears threatening to come out. The younger will never have a heart to leave after that
pathetic plea.

Mingyu carried his husband and let him sit in the toilet bowl while Mingyu is preparing the tub, still
not letting go the elder’s hands. Wonwoo is in daze, looking into nothing. God. Mingyu just want to
cry with him. He want to hold Wonwoo so bad. That’s all he want right now.

“It’s ready love.” Mingyu announced. Wonwoo were disrupted from staring into nothingness. He
strip, not minding that his husband is still with him. Luckily, The younger is gentlemen enough to
turn his back as Wonwoo strip his clothes.

A few minutes after the elder went inside, Mingyu heard another painful sob accompanied by harsh
scratching noise of nails painfully buried in Wonwoo’s skin. The younger is sure that those scratch
are painful and definitely leave an ugly mark in the elder’s skin. He have to search how those mark
will not be permanent in his husband’s skin.

He stayed there. Sitting in the same place were Wonwoo sat. Pathetically hearing Wonwoo’s cry that
is breaking his heart little by little. The elder asked for a towel and Mingyu hurriedly gave it to him.
Wonwoo walked out from the bathroom , Mingyu behind him. He’s naked. And those lines in his
skin were clearly showing even into the dim light of the lamp.
“Hyung, what do you want to wear? I’ll get it for you.” Mingyu offered. Wonwoo looks at him like
it’s not clothes that he wants. It’s something that Mingyu want to discover. “Can I borrow your
clothes please.” he said.

Mingyu said nothing and hurriedly searched for something that Wonwoo can wear. He settled in an
over size plain black shirt and boxer shorts. He hand it to the elder.

Mingyu can’t understand how Wonwoo is silently changing while he’s there. The elder were usually
shy and easily embarrassed with the younger. But Mingyu guessed he’s not in the right state of mind
at the moment.

When Wonwoo is done. The two shared a questioning look. Both saying ‘What should we do
now?’ But Mingyu doesn’t know any right answer. The elder saw it, and started to talk first.
“Mingyu.” He called. Making the younger focus his hundred percent attention to Wonwoo.

“Please hold me.”

Mingyu didn’t wait for any second and envelop Wonwoo in his arms. This is what he want to do in
the beginning. This is what he only wants to do.

“I’m sorry Love. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry.” He said with an apologetic voice.

Wonwoo burst on crying again. holding Mingyu like a lifeline. He realize that he’s with him, the
most wonderful human in the world. The elder is relieved but disappointed at the same time.
Disappointed to himself.

“I’m sorry Gyuie. I’m really sorry. I’m not a good partner to you. I can’t even do it, I’m sorry.” If
Mingyu will ask to him to kneel down and beg, Wonwoo will definitely do it. He will do everything
to be sure that Mingyu will stay by his side.

“Shh. No hyung. It’s okay. I’m not mad. I’m not going anywhere. I will stay here with you okay.” He
said, burying his head on Wonwoo’s neck. His scent is calming. Mingyu want to stay like this

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry Gyuie. Please forgive me.” Wonwoo cried. Mingyu is so afraid for the
elder to have another attack that night.

"Please don't leave me."

He carefully lift Wonwoo’s face stained by tears. “Love look at me.” He said. Wonwoo shift his eyes
staring to Mingyu’s lips.

“I. Love. You. I. Love. You. So. Much. Kim. Wonwoo. I. Love. You.” He said it slowly, wanting
Wonwoo to read his lips for him to calm down. “Do you understand? I will never leave you ever.”

Mingyu is succeeding making Wonwoo calm. He waited for a few minutes and the crying finally
stop. Wonwoo is in his way gaining his right state of mind. Mingyu is really proud of him.

“I love you too.” He whispered.

That brought a smile on Mingyu’s lips. He is proud that Wonwoo is finally starting to recover. He
kissed the elder’s forehead, making it sweet and comforting for Wonwoo. The younger peppered his
husband with kisses and warmth and love and protection.

He know that this situation may happen again, but the least he can do is to be with Wonwoo as he go
through hell with those memories.

It will be very hard, Mingyu thought. But he’s willing to do everything to make his husband forever

“I’ll fight with you in each of every battle. For us to have our own happy ending.”
The pain that I needs to recall from painful experiences in my life that I used to write this chapter
were unimaginable. i need to remember them, how painful and scary those nightmare so that
Wonwoo will have a genuine painful emotions. I hope my lovely readers will feel it.

I suffered from number of anxiety attacks while typing this. Sleepless nights, aching chest and
labored breathing. And you know what's amazing? I realize that those memories weren't enough at
all, so I searched painful scenarios that will make my heart break. It is the most painful chapter I've
written so far so I hope that you guys will enjoy it.

I would really appreciate if you guys will give a feed back to me. but don't be pressured. I hope you
like it.

I really appreciate all of you guys. I always read your comments and they make me happy really
happy. Thank you for supporting Different Arrangement. See till ext time:)

Let's Fly



Chapter 31
I listened to BTS' hidden track Sea. I recommend to listen to it. To make the experience even greater.

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“What the hell Mingyu. Stop doing that. It drives me crazy!” Jihoon hissed. Mingyu did stop his
ministrations but there a crease in his forehead. Jihoon looked at him . “What now? Last week you
were wasting that shit ton of paper and now you want to break that wall using your head.”

Mingyu sighed. He himself can’t even understand what is happening. “Hyung I don’t really now. I’m
getting frustrated with this melody. There’s something wrong in it but I can’t figure out what it is.”
The blond complained.

Jihoon is also lost, Mingyu doesn’t have a temper like this before. He’s patient and calm like
Seungkwan but now, everything is the opposite of that Mingyu.

“You know what. Let’s call Seungkwan to hang out. You need to loosen up Mingyu. I barely see you
drinking. You just study then work then think about Wonwoo hyung.”

The pale man is right. Mingyu can’t even remember when the last time he get drunk and be
wasted with his friends. If he’s right, the last time he gets shit wasted is after that horrible family
dinner. That is even before Mingyu met Wonwoo. And that was almost a year now!

“Hyung I need to finish this.” He reasoned. Jihoon want to punch him. That melody that he’s been
working, is for their finals. And that’s almost 4 months from now, so he know that Mingyu
is just making excuses to be exempted .

“Stop that nonsense Mingyu. I know that that song is for our finals. You have shit ton of time to do
that. And it’s almost our vacation. You at least need to be wasted even for one night.” The elder
convinced. Of course how can Mingyu reject his hyung that know everything about him even his

“But hyung Wonu hyung is preparing dinner tonight. He’ll get upset if I'll make him wait for me.”
He reasoned.

“I never thought that I will see you head over heels to someone Mingyu. It’s fun to see that side of
you.” Jihoon teased.

The younger’s ears quickly showed reaction. It’s almost pink and even his cheeks. Jihoon never
imagined that he’ll see Mingyu blushing. “Stop teasing me hyung.”

The pale shorter man did that slurping sound that he always do whenever he’s thinking. “How about
this. Let’s drink in your apartment. That way you can drink and be with Wonwoo hyung for dinner.”
That was a good idea, Mingyu thought. They both agree and send a text message to Seungkwan to
come in Mingyu’s apartment.

He also informed his husband that his friends will come over and hang out in their apartment. He
need to inform Wonwoo so that something unexpected will not happen again.

Wonwoo cheerfully agreed. He’s excited seeing his husband’s best friend and said that he’ll prepare
dinner for them.
The sun is down when Mingyu and Jihoon left the studio. They stop by in a grocery store near the
place to buy liquor and some snacks. Maybe this will be a relaxing night for Mingyu.

The smell of delicious food welcomed the two as Mingyu opened the door. It's the smell of grilled
meat with some spiced in it. Their stomach grumbles immediately feeling their hunger as they
smelled the mouthwatering aroma of Wonwoo’s food .

“Hyung I’m home.” Mingyu announced. Wonwoo emerged from the kitchen, wearing a pink apron
as always.

“Oh you’re early. I thought you’d be late.” He said. Mingyu walked in his direction and kissed him
quick in the lips. Which made Wonwoo embarrassed with the fact that Jihoon is there watching them.

“Yah! You two stop being so cheesy. You're making me sick!” he whined.

Mingyu smiled, he know Jihoon is happy for him. He’s just being Jihoon a grumpy old man. “You’re
jealous. You should court Jimin soon you know. Believe me you’ll be more sappy than me.” He

That made Jihoon stunned. Eyes wide as it can be. “Yah! What are you talking about! I’m not
attracted to him.” He lied. Wonwoo and Mingyu snorts. They both know the truth. Even from the
start, they already know that Jihoon is so attracted to their little friend Jimin.

“Say that to your heart eyes, whenever Jimin is doing aegyo.” The couple laugh at Jihoon’s reaction.
He want to deny that it’s not true but he know the truth.

He likes Park Jimin.

The teasing stopped as they heard the bell rang. They know that it was Seungkwan.

They were greeted by a bright as sun smile of Seungkwan, holding a plastic of soju. “Hello guys!” he
screamed. Jihoon wants to complain for the unnecessary noise that Seungkwan is emitting. But he’s
Seungkwan and loudness is part of his personality.

The four had an enjoyable dinner, with Wonwoo’s delicious food, Seungkwan as the center of the
laughter and stories and Wonwoo’s unique laugh that is ringing through the walls, Mingyu can say
that his night is perfect .


“Hyung you need to rest. You still have work tomorrow.” Mingyu sid to his sleepy looking husband.
Wonwoo is tired and needed to rest. The dinner he made for them made him exhausted. But of course
it’s very impolite for him if he’ll go to bed first while Mingyu is having his guests.

“No Gyuie. They’re still here. I’ll sleep after they leave okay.” He said murmuring. But Mingyu is
still persistent. He pulled Wonwoo into their bedroom and closed the door. “Hyung, I’ll take care of
it. You look really sleepy right now. Jihoon and Seungkwan will understand that. Want me to tuck
you in?”

he asked. The offer is quite tempting. Tucking in means cuddle and warmth from the younger until
he fell into the dream land. But of course, Wonwoo has an image to uphold. “No Gyuie I’m fine. You
can go out now. I’ll be here.” He said.

Mingyu came out, seeing his two friends grinning at him like an idiot, especially Hobi. “What? he
asked. Seungkwan want to tease him so much, with him being so soft and caring with his husband.
“Nothing, I just can’t believe that my friend is now married and so much in love.” He said brightly .
Mingyu just smile, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Wonwoo clearly changed his life, his mind and even his heart. And he’s proud of it. “Why don’t you
find your own love and we’ll see. Even Jihoon hyung.” He said


They drink and drink and drink. Catching up with each other. Mingyu and Jihoon learned that
Seungkwan is now a choreographer of a rookie idol group and planning to expand his studio into an
official dance academy . He two congratulates him. Seungkwan is always been an achiever. He
knows what he wants and he’ll do everything to be successful with his craft.

Jihoon talked about his dilemma about Jimin. He finally admited that he do like Jimin a lot. And his
friends are teasing him about it. But he doesn’t care. He’s stating all Jimin’s good quality like he
knows him well, Seungkwan and Mingyu keep grinning as they literally seeing shine in the pale
man’s eyes as he talked about that little mochi . The way he smile while talking about Jimin is the
same way he smile whenever he see a kumamon mascot.

The last is Mingyu, Seungkwan and Jihoon want to beat Jiho to pulp as they heard what happened in
Wonwoo’s nparty. Sharing the awful stories about things that Jiho made to his cousin. From a simple
teasing up to the worst, like blaming Mingyu into something that he didn’t do.

They all hate Jiho. The three were laughing as they heard how Wonwoo savagely protect Mingyu to
that awful man. The two were impressed , they didn’t know that Wonwoo can be mean if he needed
to. He is always sweet, a little bit of a nagger and whiner but still one of the best people they know.

Their talk are fun with the drinks and snacks until Jihoon open the pandora’s box. “Yah Mingyu,
what’s happening to you lately? I noticed you’re always grumpy. You know Seungkwan, last time
he’s wasting those precious paper then snap on me and then earlier, he’s trying to demolish our
studio’s wall with his head .” Mingyu is embarrassed , he realize how he acts immaturely like a child.

“You know dude, you should get laid.” Seungkwan suggested. Mingyu is coughing hard as he
choked with his beer. “What the hell?!” he protested.

“ Maybe that's the reason of it Gyu. How long since you have sex with anyone? Huh?” that was
embarrassing. Then he remembered how open they are with each other. “Three m- months before I
met Wonwoo hyung.” It low and almost a whisper.

“WHAT?!” Seungkwan and Jihoon said in unison. “What?!” Mingyu asked. “What the hell Mingyu.
So you’re saying that the last time you had sex with anybody is almost a year now?!” Jihoon hissed.

“You’re not doing it?” Seungkwan curiously asked. “Do what?” the younger asked, trying to act
innocent like he doesn’t know what Seungkwan is talking about.

“Yah! You know what I’m talking about!” the Seungkwan cried. “What? I don’t know what you’re
talking about.” Mingyu grinned, he really is trying so hard to play innocent.

“YOU’RE NOT HAVING SEX WITH WONU HYUNG!” Seungkwan intentionally screamed, so
that Mingyu stop fooling around. The blond was startled . Wonwoo is just in the other room sleeping.

It will be so embarrassing if his husband will know that he’s sharing his sex life with his two best

“Stop! Hyung will hear you idiot!” Mingyu said, holding an empty bottle, ready to throw it in
Seungkwan’s face.

“Then stop fucking around jerk! Just answer our question!” Jihoon impatiently whined.

Mingyu sit up straight. “Okay, Wonu hyung and I were not having sex like ever. Happy? Happy now
hyung? Seungkwan?” he said as he gulp a can of beer.

There’s silence that suddenly engulfed the whole apartment. Only the tick of the clock is the one
making noise. The duo look lost. They can’t understand how Mingyu endure that for a long time.

“That’s it dude. That’s why you’re frustrated these days. Because you’re sexually frustrated and your
body is telling you to have sex and release the energy that is building up inside you .”
Seungkwan seriously explained.

“ Maybe .” The only answer that he made. The two were still looking at him like he had another
head. “ Maybe ? That’s all?” Seungkwan frustratedly asked.

“Why you’re not doing it huh Gyu? Is there a particular reason?” Mingyu’s breathe hitched. He
remembered Jungkook’s story about Wonwoo’s abusive ex boyfriend and the night that they rush
him to the hospital .
He’s thinking if he can share such sensitive story. The two were looking at him expectedly , hoping
to hear some answer from their friend.

But he thought that’s his husband’s story and not his. Wonwoo has the right to choose who will be
able to hear his story.

“ I think we’re still not ready for it. That’s all.” He simply said. Which half of the truth.

Sex is something that Wonwoo and Mingyu never talked about. The topic is still there waiting to be
discussed but they’re not pursuing it, scared that it will just do harm than good.

“That’s impossible Mingyu. I know you.” Jihoon countered like he doesn’t want to believe him.
“Yeah and you’re sharing one bed. How could you not do that?” Seungkwan asked.

Mingyu doesn’t know if he’ll get offended or not. “Yah! What do you think of me? A maniac that all
can think is shoving my dick to someone to relieve myself! Are you really best friends?! You think
too low of me!” he protested.

Jihoon and Seungkwan ended up laughing till their stomach aches. Mingyu is really cute when he’s
trying to explain himself with so much desperation.

Seungkwan were wiping the tears caused by too much laughing. “But seriously dude. You need to
get laid you know.” He plainly said.

Mingyu know that, maybe they’re right. Maybe it’s his frustration that caused by lack of sexual
activities made him grumpy all the time.

“Yeah I know. But that will never happen in near time.” He said. It’s quite frustrating if
he’s honestly speaking.

Mingyu want to feel Wonwoo, every part of him. He wants to hold him like ever before. He want
them to be one and share such intimate moment with each other. He can admit, that he’s having a
hard time whenever they’re in that point that there’s only two of them in the world. When they
doesn’t care about anything but one another.

He loves him so much and he want for Wonwoo to feel it. He want to kiss every inch of his body.
Admire the perfection that the elder have inside of him. He want to smother his husband with his
lips, mark him as an sign that Wonwoo is his and always be his.

Mingyu is scared that because of too much love that he felt for the elder, he might lose control
and just be blinded with the intimacy that he want to feel and forget about the well-being of his
husband. Wonwoo had suffered enough in the past and he doesn’t want to be monster to his beloved

“Then sleep with someone like you always do. Just be careful about knocking a girl out. You know.”
Seungkwan bluntly suggested. Mingyu quickly throw the snack he’s holding toward Seungkwan.
“What the hell! You’re really suggesting for me to cheat with Wonwoo hyung just because
I’m sexually frustrated? And my husband is in our room. He may hear you if he’s still awake
Seungkwan. You’re so stupid.” He cursed.

The idea of sleeping with someone who’s not Wonwoo made Mingyu’s stomach turn. After he
realize the he’s so much in love with his husband, he forgot about anything that he always did in the
past. Have sex with someone he met in some place, mostly in a club.

Sex does have a new meaning for Mingyu after loving Wonwoo. It’s not just a natural activity that
people always crave for. Not just pleasure and lust but something especial that he must only share
with his husband.

He doesn’t want to rush things about it. Maybe his body is frustrated about not doing it for long
period of time but not his heart, even his soul. Mingyu want to wait, until they both feel that it’s the
perfect time be one . He want it to be slow and sweet not heated and fast. He’ll wait his whole life for
Wonwoo to be ready to entrust the whole him to Mingyu. The younger will certainly hard work to
gain that huge amount of trust from the elder.

“Then what will you do? You need to take care of yourself too Gyu-ah.”
Jihoon seriously commented. He know that sex is something that he needs, but his needs is never
enough reason for Mingyu to jeopardized his relationship with Wonwoo .

“Don’t worry hyung. I’m fine. It’s just sex you know. I’m not gonna die if I’m not going to have sex
for quite long time.” He commented.

The two were not convinced, but they agreed. It’s their first time seeing how serious Mingyu is in his
relationship with Wonwoo. Always thinking about the elder first before himself. They are proud of
their best friend.


Mingyu felt that there’s a sudden change in Wonwoo behavior after a few weeks. He became clingy
towards Mingyu. Always initiating some sort of skinship or anything with the younger. There’s some
random day that Wonwoo will do things that he never did before, like sitting on the younger’s lap all
of a sudden . Kissing him while they’re having their dinner or hug him from the back in public. It’s
weird for Mingyu of course. Wonwoo is always shy when it comes to that kind of things. It’s rare
that he will initiate something especially in public. But now, it’s like he’s used to it, like he’s doing it
for a long time.

The younger felt weird but he does like it. Really like it. That kind of gestures can make him blush
like a teenager.

The couple were already done with their dinner. They decided to have dinner in some not so fancy
restaurant. It’s one of Wonwoo’s favorite restaurant actually.
They’re walking in the park near the said restaurant to have some fresh air and just appreciate the
presence of each other .

The moon is shining, giving light in the pathway they’re walking. The younger hold Wonwoo’s
hand. it will always be his favorite hand to hold in his life time.

“ Hyung.” Mingyu called the elder while appreciating the beauty in front of his eyes. “What?”
Wonwoo asked. Mingyu smiled. Showing that really charming dimples that he has.

“I love you.” He whispered. Wonwoo’s heart flutter. How someone could just can easily say it with
so much sincerity, just like Mingyu did. “I love you too.” Wonwoo replied. They shared they’re shy
smile with each other.

Wonwoo wished that the world stop just like how he felt it. He want to be with Mingyu forever.

“Gyuie, can we sleep in the other house?” Wonwoo asked, anticipating the answer of the younger. Of
course, how could Mingyu decline such beautiful pleading eyes of Wonwoo. “Sure hyung. But
why?” he asked.

The elder stopped walking, looking up to see the shining moonlight and twinkling stars in the sky.
“Nothing. I just feel safe there.” He said.

The couple drove back to their new home. Wonwoo love it there. He’s hoping that they can move as
soon as possible.

As they entered inside, Wonwoo pulled Mingyu towards him, to meet his lips. It was sudden but
sweet. The younger enjoyed how the elder is now confident with his actions. “I love you Gyuie. I
don’t know how I would thank you for everything that you did to me.” Wonwoo whispered.

Mingyu cupped Wonwoo’s face, caressing his cheeks. “Hyung you don’t have to thank me. You
make me so happy everyday and that’s enough okay.” He said as he place a sweet kiss in Wonwoo’s

They are already lying in bed, holding each other’s hand while waiting for sleep to take them to the

“What are you thinking hyung.” Mingyu asked. Wonwoo didn’t reply. He’s staring at
Mingyu intently like he want to do something. “Hyung. Are you okay?” he asked concerned for the
elder. But still no answer. Mingyu is in his way on moving closer when Wonwoo suddenly caught
the younger’s lips with his own.

Compared to their other kiss, his movements were rushed , too fast. Trying to enter in Mingyu’s
cavern with his tongue. He’s holding Mingyu’s shirt so tight that it’s crumpling.

The younger was shocked with such bold action. Being caught up with his own thoughts, he noticed
that Wonwoo is starting to pin him in that enormous bed. The ministration stop when Wonwoo is
already straddling Mingyu, sitting in the younger’s crotch .
The blond want to curse, he can feel Wonwoo’s ass in that certain area, making his dick half hard
in just span of seconds. “Hyung.” He said wide eye.

The sight of Wonwoo sitting above him was breath taking. His eyes were hooded , clouded with lust
and something that Mingyu can’t read.

“Gyuie, can.. can we do it?” he huskily asked. Mingyu is so fucked.

He do want to do it. Heaven knows how much he want it, but there is something stopping him.
“Hyung are.. are you sure?” he stutteringly asked. Wonwoo moved, Mingyu want groaned. Fuck. He
know that his dick is now fucking hard.

“I.. I want to be a good husband for you Gyuie.” He said as he started to move on the top of the
younger. Mingyu cursed under his breath, feel so hot. Each movement send waves in his spine,
making him shiver. But the elder’s statement make him snap with the pleasure he was feeling.

Mingyu sit up, making Wonwoo moved on his lap. “No hyung. I.. I mean you don’t need to do that to
be a good partner to me.. Hyung. what we have now is enough for me. I like what we’re sharing right
now. I. I don’t need anything. I just want to love you.” He said as he place a chase kiss in Wonwoo’s

The elder were chewing his bottom lips that it almost bleed. He can’t meet Mingyu’s scrutinizing
gaze as he felt embarrass on how he act earlier. “But i.. I heard you. Your body is screaming your
need Mingyu. And you can’t even do it because of me. I don’t like it.” He said and buried his face in
Mingyu’s neck.

The blond mentally face palmed himself. Of course there’s a chance that Wonwoo heard his
conversation with Jihoon and Seungkwan. And maybe the elder made a wrong conclusion base on
what he heard. Fuck it.

“Love, look at me.” He said and pushed Wonwoo a little so their eyes can meet. The elder looks
anxious and disappointed.

“You need to remember this. I love you and sex will never be my basis of loving you. I love you and
I am very willing to wait until you trust me enough for this kind of things. You’re such an amazing
person. And I am very thankful that you’re here in my life okay. You don’t need to force yourself
into something that you’re not ready yet okay.” Mingyu stated.

By the time Mingyu is done talking, Wonwoo’s eyes were already flooding with tears. Again that
diamonds that is shining so beautifully but representation of Wonwoo’s pain . He doesn’t want to see
those diamonds again.

When Wonwoo is done crying, Mingyu is just patiently waiting for him, wiping his tears away.
caressing his hips.
“Then make love with me Gyuie.”

He whispered as he stare at Mingyu’s eyes with full determination in it. The younger can’t
understand if his husband didn’t get whatever he said or he’s just being stubborn again.

Before he can speak again, Wonwoo cut him off. “I.. I need this Gyuie. I need to reassure myself that
I’m enough for you. I need to believe that you’re not gonna leave me because I’m lacking being your
husband. I.. I know that you always say it but I.. I need this for myself. “

“Please. Make love with me.”

He’s pleaded gripping Mingyu’s shirt so tight. That it showed crease that are made by Wonwoo’s
hands. The younger understand what Wonwoo is saying. But he’s still scared. He felt like he’s going
to taint a very precious stone. But this is what Wonwoo needs.

It’s what he needs.

Mingyu didn’t think anymore and just smash his lip with Wonwoo’s. It was intense and heated. Not
what he preferred but the adrenaline that is rushing in his body is controlling his mind. He want this
so bad. He's so consumed by their intense kiss that he didn’t even realize that their position is already

The blond turned, making Wonwoo lay on the bed and he’s in top of him. God he looks so ethereal
with those hooded eyes. Mingyu can help but lean and kiss Wonwoo again. The muffled moan of the
elder sound so sexy that it goes straight on Mingyu’s member, making it twitch. His pants feel so
uncomfortable in the moment. And he can already feel the wetness inside it.

He want to touch and kiss every part of Wonwoo’s body, especially his broad shoulders, his hands is
starting to roam around the elder’s body making him gasps for air .

Mingyu is attacking Wonwoo’s neck. Marking it as a sign that Wonwoo will be always his. Bite,
lick, suck. He feel too hot by just kissing Wonwoo’s neck until he hear a sob .

The younger wasn’t sure if he just misheard it or just part of his imagination, but the sound repeated
a few time, sync with a labored breathing of the man underneath him . Mingyu lift himself up
and witnessed a crying Wonwoo.

There’s bullets of sweats that is forming in the elder’s forehead. The younger noticed
how tightly Wonwoo is gripping the sheet behind him. His chest were rising and falling in such
unusual way. It’s different compared to the labored breathing brought by sexual excitement. Mingyu
is sure Wonwoo is not enjoying this.

“Hyung.” he said. Wonwoo open his eyes and more tears are falling on the side.

“Stop. Please.”
He pleaded with such pitiful way. He’s almost begging with his voice.

Mingyu immediately stood up, giving Wonwoo a space the he needs. The elder quickly grab the
blanket and cover it in his body like a cocoon.

“I’m sorry hyung. did.. did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you.” Mingyu slowly asked. But
Wonwoo wasn’t answering. He’s staring at Mingyu with scared eyes. The younger suddenly felt like
a monster in front of his husband.

“Stop please.” Wonwoo whispered then he started crying. Oh it feel so awful to see him cry because
of Mingyu. The elder is still clutching the blanket like it’s a life line for him.

The elder’s breathing became erratic and Mingyu felt like it’s a déjà vu. This is the exact scenario
that he encountered when he tried to talk about Wonwoo’s ex . He know Wonwoo is having a panic
attack, base on the way he breathe.

His eyes were unfocused . And Mingyu can tell that he’s trembling. It’s the second time that he
caused the elder an awful nightmare. Mingyu felt like trash but this is not about him right now. This
is about Wonwoo who’s suffering in front of him.

Mingyu thankfully is smart enough to search how to help someone who’s having an attack, after he
heard the elder's siuation from Jungkook . He knew this. And he need to help Wonwoo right away.

The blond move forward but Wonwoo flinched and place himself between the headboard and side
table . Mingyu observes the elder and understands that he should give him space.

“Hyung c – can I .. touch you?” he carefully said, moving his hand forward in Wonwoo direction.
But the elder quickly shake his head as indication that he doesn’t want his husband to come close.

“Please don’t touch me.”

Wonwoo begged, falling more tears from his eyes. Those words were like a knife for Mingyu. He
never imagined that Wonwoo who’s always felt safe in his arms are now hating it. It’s so fucking
painful for him, but he needs to understand the situation that they’re into.

Wonwoo is scared , he feels that his life was in danger and he's not in the right consciousness. So
Mingyu should help him and support him at times like this. He’s in pain but Wonwoo is in despair so
he can’t afford to sulk right now.

“Okay I.. I won’t touch you. But you need to breathe hyung. It’s okay. Just breathe slowly .” He
instructs. Wonwoo needs a few moment to understand what Mingyu is saying.

“I’m here hyung. I'm Mingyu your husband. I’m not going to hurt you okay. I love you so much.” He
said. The elder followed Mingyu. Breathing deep and releasing it.

After a few moments of breathing, Wonwoo felt that his windpipe are not closing anymore. The
oxygen is finally entering his body properly and starting to have a more conscious mind.

“You’re safe hyung. I’m here. I will protect you. You’re here with me. In our house. We’re safe
here.” Mingyu said.

Reassuring Wonwoo that he’s safe and there’s someone that will protect him help a lot. He’s starting
to have a clear mind and recognized his husband whose looking at him with so much worry in his

“Gyuie.” He whispered. the younger gave him a smile, showing those cute little dimple rested on his
cheeks. “Yes hyung. I’m Mingyu. I’m here with you. You’re safe with me. Remember? I’ll protect
you no matter what.” Mingyu said as he move a little bit closer.

The younger is so careful with his movements, he doesn’t want to his husband and trigger something

The elder finally understood, recalling what they’re doing before some horrific memories occupied
his mind . He remembered how he insist on doing this yet he ruined it. The feeling is awful. And his
expression can’t hide it.

The younger’s whose intently watching understood what Wonwoo is thinking. “It’s okay hyung. You
can cry more. It’s okay. I’m here.” He encourage. The sob became a full grown cry as Wonwoo shed
more tears. He’s shit scared with those memory in his mind to happen again.

He’s starting to be scared thinking that Mingyu’s gentle touch will turn into a painful hold in his skin.
That his soft sweet kiss became something that Wonwoo doesn’t want to feel. That the younger’s
gentle eyes will be scary and horrific.
All of that fear brought the memories that he buried in the deepest part of his mind. They are all
caged in a box but his fear is the master key that easily opened it to be out again.

Those hand that grasp him in the verge on pain. Those lips that was too harsh that made Wonwoo’s
lips bleed and those eyes that threatened him with punishment in every wrong move . Those are
nightmare that is coming again. He hate it. And he hate himself so much by thinking that Mingyu and
hat person are the same. After all the care that the younger gave to him. After all those promises, he
still doubt.

“Can I hold your hand? Just your hand hyung.” Mingyu said, still moving slowly , reaching
Wonwoo’s hand. The elder agreed, when their hands touched, he hold it too tight. He’s scared that
Mingyu will walk away. Leave him in that enormous room alone and crying.

He’s scared that that man will comeback, holding leather belt to scar him again. He’s scared. He’s

He’s scared.

“It’s okay hyung. You can cry. I’ll be here okay.” The younger assured.

Wonwoo cried, pour all the pain that turned into tears, still holding Mingyu’s tightly . Every sobs,
every tears, every whimper made the younger want to hold his husband more. Shower him with
affection and care. Shield him in everything especially with his nightmares. He do want to do that,
but holding Wonwoo’s hands is the only thing that he can do at the moment.

His heart is shattering seeing Wonwoo like he’s begging for salvation. For someone to save him in
great despair. Mingyu want to be his savior. Want to be enough for Wonwoo. He want to be
everything that Wonwoo needs.
Moment turned into minutes that slowly turn into hours. Time is passing so slow for Mingyu while
watching his husband. Curled in the middle of that huge bed, wanting to protect himself from the
pain that is still bleeding in his heart.

“I want to clean up Gyu.” Wonwoo said as he sit up to meet Mingyu’s gaze. His eyes were red and
swollen. Tears are still sitting in the side of his eyes, tear tracks were staining his beautiful face.
Wonwoo looks pathetic. Mingyu can’t imagine how painful those memories are to turn his gorgeous
husband into something like this .

“Okay love. I’ll just prepare it for you.” The younger said. But Wonwoo didn’t let go of Mingyu’s

“Don’t leave me.”

He pleaded. Tears threatening to come out. The younger will never have a heart to leave after that
pathetic plea.

Mingyu carried his husband and let him sit in the toilet bowl while Mingyu is preparing the tub, still
not letting go the elder’s hands. Wonwoo is in daze, looking into nothing. God. Mingyu just want to
cry with him. He want to hold Wonwoo so bad. That’s all he want right now.

“It’s ready love.” Mingyu announced. Wonwoo were disrupted from staring into nothingness. He
strip, not minding that his husband is still with him. Luckily, The younger is gentlemen enough to
turn his back as Wonwoo strip his clothes.

A few minutes after the elder went inside, Mingyu heard another painful sob accompanied by harsh
scratching noise of nails painfully buried in Wonwoo’s skin. The younger is sure that those scratch
are painful and definitely leave an ugly mark in the elder’s skin. He have to search how those mark
will not be permanent in his husband’s skin.
He stayed there. Sitting in the same place were Wonwoo sat. Pathetically hearing Wonwoo’s cry that
is breaking his heart little by little. The elder asked for a towel and Mingyu hurriedly gave it to him.
Wonwoo walked out from the bathroom , Mingyu behind him. He’s naked. And those lines in his
skin were clearly showing even into the dim light of the lamp.

“Hyung, what do you want to wear? I’ll get it for you.” Mingyu offered. Wonwoo looks at him like
it’s not clothes that he wants. It’s something that Mingyu want to discover. “Can I borrow your
clothes please.” he said.

Mingyu said nothing and hurriedly searched for something that Wonwoo can wear. He settled in an
over size plain black shirt and boxer shorts. He hand it to the elder.

Mingyu can’t understand how Wonwoo is silently changing while he’s there. The elder were usually
shy and easily embarrassed with the younger. But Mingyu guessed he’s not in the right state of mind
at the moment.

When Wonwoo is done. The two shared a questioning look. Both saying ‘What should we do
now?’ But Mingyu doesn’t know any right answer. The elder saw it, and started to talk first.
“Mingyu.” He called. Making the younger focus his hundred percent attention to Wonwoo.

“Please hold me.”

Mingyu didn’t wait for any second and envelop Wonwoo in his arms. This is what he want to do in
the beginning. This is what he only wants to do.

“I’m sorry Love. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry.” He said with an apologetic voice.

Wonwoo burst on crying again. holding Mingyu like a lifeline. He realize that he’s with him, the
most wonderful human in the world. The elder is relieved but disappointed at the same time.
Disappointed to himself.

“I’m sorry Gyuie. I’m really sorry. I’m not a good partner to you. I can’t even do it, I’m sorry.” If
Mingyu will ask to him to kneel down and beg, Wonwoo will definitely do it. He will do everything
to be sure that Mingyu will stay by his side.

“Shh. No hyung. It’s okay. I’m not mad. I’m not going anywhere. I will stay here with you okay.” He
said, burying his head on Wonwoo’s neck. His scent is calming. Mingyu want to stay like this

“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry Gyuie. Please forgive me.” Wonwoo cried. Mingyu is so afraid for the
elder to have another attack that night.
"Please don't leave me."

He carefully lift Wonwoo’s face stained by tears. “Love look at me.” He said. Wonwoo shift his eyes
staring to Mingyu’s lips.

“I. Love. You. I. Love. You. So. Much. Kim. Wonwoo. I. Love. You.” He said it slowly, wanting
Wonwoo to read his lips for him to calm down. “Do you understand? I will never leave you ever.”

Mingyu is succeeding making Wonwoo calm. He waited for a few minutes and the crying finally
stop. Wonwoo is in his way gaining his right state of mind. Mingyu is really proud of him.

“I love you too.” He whispered.

That brought a smile on Mingyu’s lips. He is proud that Wonwoo is finally starting to recover. He
kissed the elder’s forehead, making it sweet and comforting for Wonwoo. The younger peppered his
husband with kisses and warmth and love and protection.

He know that this situation may happen again, but the least he can do is to be with Wonwoo as he go
through hell with those memories.

It will be very hard, Mingyu thought. But he’s willing to do everything to make his husband forever
“I’ll fight with you in each of every battle. For us to have our own happy ending.”

The pain that I needs to recall from painful experiences in my life that I used to write this chapter
were unimaginable. i need to remember them, how painful and scary those nightmare so that
Wonwoo will have a genuine painful emotions. I hope my lovely readers will feel it.

I suffered from number of anxiety attacks while typing this. Sleepless nights, aching chest and
labored breathing. And you know what's amazing? I realize that those memories weren't enough at
all, so I searched painful scenarios that will make my heart break. It is the most painful chapter I've
written so far so I hope that you guys will enjoy it.

I would really appreciate if you guys will give a feed back to me. but don't be pressured. I hope you
like it.

I really appreciate all of you guys. I always read your comments and they make me happy really
happy. Thank you for supporting Different Arrangement. See till ext time:)

Let's Fly



Chapter 32: An open letter for you

Chapter Text
Dear Jonghyun

I’m not a fan of your group, but I really like your song Sherlock. I didn’t know much about you ar
any of the members of Shinee nut you made me laugh and smile when I saw your savage comments
in weekly idols. Among the five members, you caught my eye. Maybe because of you unusual visual.
I don’t know but you gave me a familiar feeling.

I just know how high your voice are. And that you’re a great artist with your songs. My favorite is
breath sang by Lee Hi. When I heard that you wrote it and gave it to her, suddenly I wished I can
hear your voice singing it. I really want to hear you sing such a beautiful song.

Breath is something that can make me cry. The lyrics is comforting. It’s an escape to the pressure
that was in our lives. The pressure to achieve, to have something valuable to prove your worth.
Breath always makes me feel that it’s okay to rest. Take a deep breath and just let everything go.

I hope you’re able to breath. Just release your pain and be deft to the harsh words of people who
don’t know anything about you. They just saw the idol Jonghyun but I know that there’s so much
than that.

Now, you finally are free. Spread your wings and fly as you can. No one will stop you now. No one
can hurt you anymore. Fly high and reach that heaven and be an angel for all the people that look up
at you and became inspired with you.

I will always remember that smile. Your cuteness and everything that I know about you.

I will now let you go, you work very well and touched a lot of people’s heart. Good bye. I hope
you’re happier in the next life.

just someone,


Chapter 33
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

After that night, Mingyu made a promise to himself that he will do something extraordinary special
for Wonwoo. And now he is so stressed thinking about what can make Wonwoo feel special like ever

Every night, when Wonwoo is sleeping safe and sound beside him, Mingyu is searching on the web
of what he can make to surprise his husband.

He wished to see that innocent smile of Wonwoo whenever he’s happy. That windshield laughter in
his corny joke, and that warm glow in him when he feels safe. He want to see that again and again for
an eternity. For Wonwoo he is willing to do everything.

Another result have showed, nothing he never seen before. Candle light dinner with a musician on
the side sounds romantic. Wonwoo will just mind about the food, so the musician is useless. Besides,
they always eat together and Mingyu thought it’s not extraordinary enough.

He went out of their room to get some water and something to eat ,when he saw Wonwoo in the
couch, munching his popcorn while watching some movie. The younger decided to take a break and
be with his hyung who’s busily watching.

“Hyung what’s that?” he asked. Wonwoo is too focused on what he’s watching to even look to his
husband. “I don’t know I just saw it.” He said sharing his popcorn to Mingyu.

Mingyu realized that it’s a romantic comedy movie that has was released last year. They continue
watching and then the scene is in an amusement park and how the couple enjoy every ride. Their
silence was interrupted when Wonwoo starts to rant about something.

“That’s a lie. How can they just enjoy those rides when there's a lot of people. I want to ride those
attractions but my time was always consumed by falling in line! And it’ll just end like for two
minutes or something! That’s unfair!” he huffed. Mingyu laughs with his husband’s sentiments. That
sound so childish and immature for a man who is the COO of the biggest company in Korea.

“Hyung, that’s a movie. Of course it should be happy and romantic. Will anyone be excited to see a
couple waiting for hours just to ride the roller coaster?” Mingyu argued.

Wonwoo can’t help but pout. “But that’s unfair Mingyu. I wish I will be in movie too so I will enjoy
the amusement park like that.” he said.

The younger can’t help but laugh. His husband is always cute. But he’s extremely cute when he’s
like this.
Then an idea come to his mind.

It took him a week to set everything up. From start up to the end. The last thing he needs is to asked
Wonwoo to come with him.

“Hyung, let’s have a date. I’ll wait for you outside.” Wonwoo didn’t have a time to refuse. He
manage to digest what Mingyu is saying after a few moments. “Wait! Gyuie!” but the younger is
already gone.

Without any idea of what they will do on their ‘date’, Wonwoo put some casual clothes to match up
the weather. He know that Mingyu doesn’t like fancy places so he’s sure that they’re not going
anywhere fancy. A Plain blue knitted sweater and pants is he think the best choice for the occasion.
He just hope that he made a right choice.

They went to different places to buy some stuff that they don’t really need, just want to buy and eat a
huge amount of traditional street food. Mingyu can’t believe that Wonwoo can still look stunning
while eating the very ordinary fish cake. If being ethereal is a crime, Wonwoo will definitely guilty.

Their ‘date’ is as simple yet fun like in romantic movies. They took pictures of one another (but
mostly Wonwoo) and laugh at those ugly ones. They also went to Han river to ride a bicycle. Mingyu
didn’t know that he will ever enjoy activities like this in his whole life. Allis simple, fun and

Then he thought the idea of them being simple average Korean young men in their 20’s. Without
their company, pain in the ass fathers and those pressure that is choking them. the younger is thinking
about the question ‘will they meet if they’re not in this kind of arrangement?’

Maybe not. And that is why Mingyu is thankful for his dad for the first time in his life.

He brought Wonwoo in his colorless boring life. it is something that he can’t be replaced by
anything. No one can replace Wonwoo n Mingyu’s life.

“Gyuie are you okay?” the elder asked. This beautiful man beside him disturbs Mingyu with his
thoughts. He is really beautiful, inside and out. Mingyu thought.

“Nothing hyung. I’m just thankful that you’re here with me.” He said. That words made Wonwoo
blush like a drank man. His face was pink. Mingyu find it cute.

“Come on hyung. We still have a place to go.” He said, pulling Wonwoo to stand up. The elder
didn’t say a word and just let his husband hold him.
‘I wished we’ll be always like this.’

It’s eight in the evening, and base on what Wonwoo is seeing, which is a huge castle. They are in
Lotte world.

“Why are we here Gyuie?” he asked. But the younger wasn’t answering. Too busy to find a parking
spot near the entrance.

As he finished parking their car, Mingyu is readying himself to get out and have fun in this magical
place but Wonwoo wasn’t moving. He’s in his seat and made the younger look at him with
confusion. “Why hyung?”

“Why are we here Mingyu?” the elder asked looking around. Mingyu breathe. “I have some coupon
that Seungkwan gave me. And I want to use it with you.” He said. But Wonwoo is can’t still digest
the answer of his husband.

“Coupon? Gyuie it’s already eight. Lotte world is closing at nine. How are we supposed to enjoy
ourselves in what? one hour?” he argued. Mingyu is amazed. Wonwoo is cute as always but he is
really wise and logical at all times.

“Then let’s just hurry so we can enjoy ourselves hyung. Come on.” He said. Wonwoo thought the
younger has a point. So he just shut his mouth and follow Mingyu.

Every time Wonwoo is going into the Lotte world, he always feel the magic that the place brought to
the children and young at heart.

He always imagine that he is a royalty and the staff wearing their costume is his soldiers and people.
Memories are made in this place and it will never vanished in his memory.

Mingyu saw how Wonwoo’s eyes glistered as they step inside. The elder looks young with his
innocent smile, like a child’s smile.

“Hyung lets go there.” Mingyu pointed at the one of the most beautiful attraction in Lotte world.
Wonwoo followed his husband’s hands and saw the wonderful grand carousel in the middle of the
enormous place. It’s spinning with it’s beautiful horses.

He nodes and they ran like an eight year old boys who is really excited. Wonwoo expected to wait
for their turn but they saw that there’s only few people waiting.

He now understand why Mingyu chose to go to Lotte world late. It’s because people are already tired
and wanting to go home so there’s only few that wants to ride those attraction.
After a few minutes, its their turn to ride the carousel. Wonwoo is so excited. They choose the horses
that they want and happily sit there. Mingyu took beautiful pictures of his husband. The mirrors and
lights adds an effect and made Wonwoo more beautiful in pictures.

God he really love his husband so much.

Their turn was over before Mingyu realize it. He’s too busy staring his hyung that the forgot that they
are riding the carousel.

“Let’s go Gyuie.” Wonwoo said. The elder is smiling ear to ear and like the happiest human at the
moment. Mingyu is happy. Making his beloved husband happy is one of the biggest goal in his life.
And now it’s happening.

They play and ride different attraction and playing a basketball game when they heard the

“For our beloved guests. Lotte world will be closing in 10 minutes. Please find the designated exits.
We hope you enjoy your stay in Lotte wold. Thank you very much.”

The announcer said. All the happiness vanished in Wonwoo’s face. He still want to stay and play but
the establishment is already closing. But well, at least he enjoyed that one hour of non stop playing
and laughing with Mingyu.

“Hyung come on.” Mingyu said. He is holding Wonwoo’s hand but the elder is still sad. He saw the
Vikings outside. That’s the ride that he want to experience. But they need to go home.

He didn’t notice where they were going. Too busy sulking. He realized that they are not walking in
exit’s direction. “Wait Mingyu, where are we going?” he asked, trying to snatch his hand from
Mingyu’s hold.

“We will eat hyung. We haven’t had our dinner right?” he said and continued walking. “Yeah but
where are we going Gyuie?” the elder asked again.

Mingyu didn’t bother answering as they both stop walking in front of a huge golden gate with two
soldiers in the side. Wonwoo doesn’t have any clue on what’s going on, he saw Mingyu nods and the
two soldier open the gate.

The inside is as magical as the outside. It looks like the interior of a castle. With the huge glass
chandeliers up to the fancy door knobs.

Wonwoo wasn’t new in this. Of course, he already saw the most beautiful hotels in Korea but it’s his
first time knowing that there is a hotel in Lotte world.
“Hyung come on, they’re waiting for us.” Mingyu said. Wonwoo can safely say that this is one of the
most clueless moment in his entire life. He is always observant to people so it’s easy for him to know
if someone is up to something. He just hope this is something pleasant for him.

His thoughts was interrupted when he heard a familiar voice. “Oppa!” Jisoo screamed as she ran to
Wonwoo and attack him with a hug.

“Princess what are you doing here?” he asked and saw the whole gang there. Jungkook, Taehyung,
Jisoo, Jimin, Jihoon, Seungkwan and even Ailee. They are smiling while staring at him. “Can you
guys tell me what’s happening?” he demanded. They all laugh like they’re enjoying his suffering.

“It’s a surprise for you Love. I want to make you happy so here they are.” Mingyu explained.

“I still don’t understand Gyuie.” He honestly said. That made Jungkook scratch his head and just
hang his head low. Wonwoo is sometimes like Mingyu. They’re smart but also stupid at the same

“Stop asking okay. Let’s just enjoy the night.” Mingyu said grinning.

All of them walks in a hallway and met no one. Wonwoo is wondering. ‘I thought this is a hotel?’ he
asked himself. He noticed the entrance of the Lotte world. And his hopes faltered.

He is quietly walking, holding Mingyu’s hand. Disappointed like a child that was tricked by his
parents. He thought they can stay longer but h guess, it’s just the child in him hoping for all of that to

They stopped in the main entrance of the Lotte world, giving the scenery of the wonderful castle
without it’s magic. There’s no music and playful light. It’s just a huge dark castle.

Wonwoo can’t understand why they’re there. He knows that he is the oldest in their group aside from
Ailee but he wants to throw a tantrum at the moment. He wants to play for pete's sake! And they’re
not helping. He want to go home and sulk by himself.

“Hyung, what’s with that face?” Mingyu ask with a mysterious grin playing on his lips. Wonwoo is
not in the mood to be a sweet sap for his husband.

“Beauty. Beauty is what’s on my face.” The younger can’t help but snort. That made the elder feel
offended. “Shut up.” he said, rolling his eyes.

Mingyu can tell what exactly his hyung is thinking. He know that Wonwoo still wants to play inside
base on how he look at one of the attraction, and because of that desire, he can’t see the bigger

“Turn around hyung.” he said. But Wonwoo doesn’t want too. Mingyu want to coo him with the
extra cuteness that he’s showing.
“Look.” the younger pointed. Wonwoo is too upset to argue anymore and just follow Mingyu.

His jaw dropped as he saw the dark lifeless castle gain it’s magic back. That effect was made by the
colorful lights illuminating the castle. Wonwoo didn’t expect something like this, he feels like it's a
magic trick and it’s more beautiful than it usually looks. Wonwoo felt saw happy by just looking at

“Come on!” Mingyu excitedly said as he pull Wonwoo to the main entrance’s direction. “Were going
in?” he asked. They all nod at unison while smiling at him.

“We are going to do everything that you like in entire night just like in movies.” Mingyu explained.
All his friends looks excitedl as he is.

This is insane. The whole Lotte world just for them for whole night!

With too much excitement they all run inside, as expected it looks magical like in movies. There’s no
people, just them inside this whole place.

“How did this happen?” Wonwoo asked. The younger didn’t answer and just smile at him. That
smile that can make him melt every time.

“I’ll do everything for you Love.”

With the privileged that they got. They enjoy everything that Lotte World has to offer. Fun games.
From slow, chill rides to the death defying one. They all experience it without a hassle. Everyone is
so happy especially Wonwoo.

They’re done with Vikings, roller coaster, gayo drop, carousel and even mad swing. When they
finally starts to felt the exhaustion and hunger that their body tried to ignore due to too much

So they decided to take a break and eat, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Jungkook and Jihoon offered to bring
them food.
While the others are gone, Jimin,Taehyung,and Jisoo are playing somewhere. Those three still has
their energy at the top, while Wonwoo and Ailee are relaxing their feet. “Mingyu this is so sweet.”
Ailee squeals. Wonwoo can’t help but smile. Truly, this is so romantic.

“You are lucky with Mingyu, Wonwoo-ssi. I bet he really loves you very much.” That statement
made Wonwoo blush and the lady laughed at his embarrassment.

“Oh please don’t be too formal to me noona, you’re a friend of my friends, so that make you my
friend also. And yes, I’m very thankful that I have Gyuie in my life right now. He makes me feel
special and happy.” He commented.

“Yeah he will do everything to make you happy. No other man than Mingyu will want or event try to
rent this whole place for the one they love. You are really special to him.” the younger’s jaw drop.

“H – he rented the Lotte world? For me? Oh my gosh. That is insane.” He said with disbelieving
voice. “Oh you didn’t know? He asked me to help him, but all I can do is book it to the schedule he
wants and give him a small discount.”

“Now it’s proven, my husband is insane.” He said while shaking his head. Ailee just laugh. “Of
course he is. That man is truly in love with you Wonu. I hope you’ll be happy forever.”

Wonwoo is always thankful that he is surrounded by kind people that always wish his happiness.
Those people made him believe that he can be happy, despite of the painful days and the up coming
in his life.

“Thank you noona. You’re like a fairy godmother.” He commented.

“Oh darling, I’m still not ready to be a godmother. Maybe.. hmm a fairy noona sounds good?” she
said, flashing her beautiful smile. they both shared laughter with each other.

After eating, they all decided that it’s the last activity that they’ll do. It’s the ice skating.

Everyone is excited even Jisoo, though she’s still afraid, recalling the last time she tried skating, she
ended up wounded and lost.

Wonwoo is trying to assist his sister, when Seungkwan offered some help to help Jisoo. He said that
it’s his time to be with his husband and no one should distract them.

Even Jisoo shoo-ed him away. Telling that he should have fun with her Namie oppa.
He made sure that his skate is fitted securely on his feet. It’s not his first time to skate, but it’s still
hard especially that he lacks on practice.

“Want some help?” his husband ask. Wonwoo’s legs were wobbling, having a hard time finding its
stability and balance, “Logically, yes I need some help. But I’m a prideful jerk that want to prove
something to his husband who can easily stands on the top of the ice. So no I don’t want your – ow
help.” He said as he land his butt into the cold ice.

Mingyu can’t help but laugh with the sassy yet very cute attitude of his hyung. “If you say so.” The
younger said as he skate away with so much fluidity and grace like he is the male version of Kim

“How did he do that? I thought I have much balance than him.” Wonwoo murmured as he struggle to
stand up.

Twenty minutes later, he finally give up. “Mingyu!” he screamed, as his voice rang inside the
enormous place. There’s no minutes and Mingyu is instantly on his side, offering his hand with a
wide grin in his face.

“Yes Love?” his looks are totally teasing Wonwoo, his facial expression are very much saying ‘I told
you you need my help.’
“Stop teasing me and help me up. Jerk” Wonwoo lightheartedly glared his husband. The younger
quickly helped him out and brushed the ice of his clothes. He even tied the shoelace of his skate
shoes. ‘Such a gentlemen’ Wonwoo thought,

Mingyu thought him the basics of ice skating. He hold his hand as he tried to glide for the first time.
His movements were shaky and unstable but Mingyu is there to prevent him from falling and hurting

“How could you skate like that when you can’t even walk without hurting yourself. That’s very
ironic for you Gyuie.” He whined.

“This is our favorite past time. Tae and I always go here to skate when we were a child.” he calmly

After an hour, Wonwoo can finally say that he can stand on his own. And when he’s finally enjoying
his new learned skill, a classical music starts playing on the speaker of the whole place. And there’s
also a colorful lights dancing illuminating the rink. The whole ice skating rink was now filled with
beautiful lights.

Wonwoo stopped skating after realizing what happened. The music is the music they use on dancing
walts in western countries and he noticed that he’s all alone in the middle of the rink.

He looked for his friends and they are all on the side, happily watching him. Seungkwan and Jimin
were holding their phones to capture the magical moment of Wonwoo.
Wonwoo is still clueless as he feel that there is someone behind him.

“Can I have this dance?” Mingyu said as he laid his hand waiting for his husband. That was so
romantic in Wonwoo opinion but he will not admit it loudly. He hold Mingyu’s hand and the
younger quickly hold it securely while his other hand is in Wonwoo’s waist.

It’s the perfect posture for waltz. “Don’t think too much Love. Just focus on me.” He whispered in
the elder’s ears as he tighten his hold in Wonwoo’s waist.

The elder is wishing that Mingyu wouldn’t feel his thrumming heart against his chest. There’s no one
in his mind in this moment but his husband.

The younger starts moving, magically, Wonwoo is moving in sync with Mingyu. It really looks like
they were waltz, and their glides were much smoother thanks to the ice.

“Are you happy love?” the younger ask.

Happy? Happy is an understatemen word with what Wonwoo is feeling right now. This is what he
dreamed of. Mingyu is the fulfillment of his wish. His wish that maybe someone will love him more
than anything else.

“It’s not just happiness Gyuie. This is a dream.” He stated. The younger was glad that he made his
husband’s dream come true.

“I am happy Love. I want to see you happy every time. And this made me even happier that I am the
reason of your happiness.” He stated. The elder can help but pull Mingyu into a sweet hug.

“Thank you Gyuie. Thank you for making me the happiest man. I love you.” The elder mumbled.

“I love you too.”

The two shared a simple sweet kiss, in the middle of the ice and in front of everyone. They broke
their kiss as they hear the cheer of their friends, that they almost forgot that is there while the two of
them are being annoyingly sweet with each other.

“But that’s not the end Love.” Mingyu stated. Wonwoo looked at him, wide eyes.

“Look up.” as Wonwoo look upward, is the exact moment that beautiful lights explodes in the sky.
The fireworks can be seen in their place, as the roof of that area is a glass flannel. Another explosion
and all of them are in awe. The fireworks are so beautiful in their place. The bright colors have a
great contrast with the dark sky. It looks like starts were showering in the sky.
Wonwoo is speechless with all this. This is the most precious gift the he ever received in his life.

Not the price that Mingyu will pay but his love for him, making him do all of this. Wonwoo can say
that this, whatever is in between the two of them is as genuine as any precious stone in the world.

This just made him more realized that he truly love this man holding him every time he fall and get

He is in love with the man that always give his all just to ensure his husband’s happiness. He is truly
and genuinely in love with Kim Mingyu.

“I don’t know what did I do to have you. But thank you for loving me.”
Hi everyone. I know. i know I'm too late. This cha[ter is quite hard to write because I need to
research the Lotte world. so watching some Vlogs slightly consumes my time. and of course the
holiday. I was so tired during the holiday but it was fun and I am sure I gain weight again.

Oh I just want to share to you guys. Remember when I said that my sister were having a baby. IT'S A
BOY! Finally we're going to have a boy. And know what? He's the youngest ARMY ever!! My sis
noticed that he's kicking while we're listening to BTS' songs. OOhh I'm so excited to briing him in
concerts. Hahaha. Anyway just sharing.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. This is what they call the IDEAL chapter. and it's just sweet and no
tears involve.

Oh and You can follow me in the AMINO APP. I made a short story there about NAMMIN and also
a fanart. it's for the exchange gift of the members of BTS Fictional. Just look for

You can also follow me on:

twitter tumblr That's all. Let's Fly Kamsahmida -rouhui

Chapter 34
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

‘Be an ally or be an enemy.’

That’s the only thing that Mr. Kim said as he announced to Wonwoo that they will have a lunch
meeting with the chairman of RGM Corporation. The only company in the entire Korea that stood
against Kim Group of Companies.

They are trying so hard to tear KGC down and Mr. Kim is getting enough of it. So both chairman
decided to meet and ‘try’ to compromise so that there will be peace in the business world.

Wonwoo doesn’t feel an inch of nervousness. This is something that he’s used to, what he's trained
for. Meeting powerful people, making a deal and knowing if they will be an ally or he needs to tear
them down.

But still his focus is a hundred percent. He can’t make any mistake or it can affect both companies,
so he’s checking the background of RGM, their status, board members and everything about about
them. He can’t walk in a battle without knowing anything about his enemy, especially their

So here they are, in the fanciest restaurant in the middle of Seoul. Waiting for Mr. Lee’s arrival.

Mr. Kim made sure that they should arrive earlier than the said time, so that they’ll have enough time
to relax themselves before their meeting starts. The two gentlemen were seated in a private room,
reserved for them, and they were starting to get bored as the time passed.

It’s a dead silence before Mr. Kim tried to start a conversation with his son-in-law. “How’s
Mingyu?” he asked, but Wonwoo noticed the care inside his question. He know that Mr. Kim
do really care for his son, he just doesn’t know how to express it.

“He is great Sir. I – I mean dad. You son is a great man like you. But he’s quite busy these days. He’s
always in his studio working with Jihoon.” he said with a smile on his face.
The elder feel quite relieved. It is good to hear something about his son from time to time. Deep
inside of this cold, strict and intimidating Mr. Kim, the chairman of the largest company in the whole
country, is a father quietly wishing that he’ll have this kind of talk with his son. Calm, peaceful and
light. But of course he will never say it out loud.

“I’m glad that he’s treating you well.” The chairman said with a faint

happiness his words. Wonwoo smiled at his father-in-law.

As he worked under him, he noticed the similarities of this man and his husband. They’re
both incredibly smart. They are the smartest person that Wonwoo met. The father and son are both
workaholic as hell. If they don’t need to eat or sleep or go to the bathroom they definitely won’t do
it. Wonwoo is sure, if that is possible, he will never see those two in other place than their office or
studio and lastly, Mr. Kim and Mingyu are really caring towards him.

Both men always look after him. Mr. Kim know Wonwoo’s weakness and the things that he needs to
improve to himself to be an effective leader in the future. Mr. Kim is strict with everything but he
made sure that Wonwoo is alright. Always ask him to go home early or have lunch, even though he
can’t do that to himself.

And Mingyu, he can’t think of any way to explain how Mingyu took care of him. From the simplest
things like what he needs or wants up to the most complicated things. Mingyu did it without

He can still feel that extreme happiness that he felt in the Lotte world after two weeks it actually
happened. His husband is such a great man. He can’t ask for more.

His thoughts were interrupted by a cough from his father-in-law.

Wonwoo is flustered, realizing that he was in dazed while he’s in such important meeting.

In the exact time of the scheduled dinner, Mr. Lee arrived. Wonwoo is facing away from the door so
he doesn’t notice their arrival, if Mr. Kim didn’t stood up to bow to Mr. Lee as a sign of respect. He
did the same with the said man.

He noticed that he is with someone. A man, he noticed. So he quickly bow his head again without
looking to Mr. Lee’s company.

Wonwoo stood up straight after to introduce himself to Mr. Lee. The man is as intimidating as Mr.
Kim, but he knows he can handle him.
“Good afternoon sir. I’m Kim Wonwoo.” He politely said as he offer his hand for a shake. The man’s
eyes crinkles as he smiles. Showing that faint lines forming around it. Mr. Lee took it and made a
polite handshake with Wonwoo.

He is quite relaxed. The elder is well mannered like Mr. Kim. “Oh, is this is your son’s husband? Mr.
Kim?” Mr. Lee stated without any bite on it.

Wonwoo knows that there’s a lot of people that still doesn’t approve him as the new COO instead of
Mingyu. They dounted his ability and agenda to the company.

“Yes he is.” Mr Kim simply answered. They were all smiling, still not taking theor seats as Mr. Lee
introduce the man behind him. “Oh. This is my grand son, Lee Jae Hwan,"

Wonwoo’s body froze. That name sounds so familiar to him. His eyes shift slowly. Praying that he is
not the Lee Jae Hwan that he knew.

His eyes landed it’s gaze in the young man’s handsome face. And there it is. He IS the Lee Jae Hwan
that he knew well. Looking at him with such scary gaze.

“Long time no see Wonu.”

That sounds like a demon whispered in his ears. Seokjn’s heart is starting to spike up. he needs to get
out the there as soon as possible.

He is in his own thought when he heard Mr. Kim’s voice. “You know each other?”
he curiously asked. Wonwoo can’t answer. His throat is starting to get dry like desert and his words
are running out. So Jae Hwan too the liberty to answer it.
“Yes Mr, Kim. He is an old friend.”

Mr. Kim immediately noticed that there is something wrong with his son-in-law. He can see
it clearly, even though Wonwoo is trying to school his facial expression. From his seat, he can see the
bullets of sweats in the younger’s neck even when the AC in on and it’s cold enough not to sweat.

Their food arrived. The two older men were talking about things about each other. Trying to be
friendly with each other, when all they want to do is tear each other apart so they can win the throne.

Beside of them is the two younger, seating across each other. It can be easily noticed who is the
dominant against the two. Jae Hwan looks intimidating, proud and scary even with his gaze. While
Wonwoo is looking down, trying to hide from that hungry gaze and controlling himself.

He can’t eat the delicious food in front of him. In a normal day, Wonwoo will definitely devour that
medium rare steak with all his heart. But now, he’s feeling nauseous by just smelling it.

He tried to act that he’s eating, but he even failed to hold the silverwares properly. Continuing to hit
on his plate because his hands are clammy and trembling. He can’t feel his hands or even his whole

“Wonwoo are you alright?” Mr. Kim asked as he noticed that Wonwoo wasn’t touching his food. “Y
– yeah. I’m fine dad. It’s just m – my stomach doesn’t feel very well.” He lied.

Mr. Kim wasn’t convinced with that poorly stated alibi but he let it go. For the sake of not pushing
Wonwoo more on edge.

“By the way. You two know each other?” Mr. Lee asked. That is the last thing that Wonwoo want to
discuss. The relation between him and Jae Hwan. “Yeah! We’re same age and we’re schoolmates
back in high school and he was-“ Jae Hwan was cutted of when Wonwoo suddenly stood up.

“I – I need to go to the rest room. Please excuse me.” He quickly said.

His vision is already cloudy, and he can’t hear anything but that annoying thin sound inside his head.
It’s making Wonwoo’s head hurts like hell. And he’s also having a whirlwind inside his stomach.

With his estimation, the peak of that attack will hit after ten to fifteen minutes. And he needs to get
the hell out of here.

Thankfully, he arrived in the bathroom without any fuss. He felt hot and cold under that tight suit that
he’s wearing. He want to take that off.

Wonwoo ran in one of the empty cubicle, scarred that his legs will give in at any moment. He can’t
walk properly, so he needs someone to help him out.

All his hands can do is hold into things. The door knob, his phone and his clothes. His hand is staring
to froze, so he hurriedly tap the voice command button. The virtual assistant instantly asked what he

“Call Mingyu.” And the machine quickly do as she told. It’s the fifth ring and Mingyu isn’t
answering. That made Wonwoo more anxious. Mingyu is the only one that can handle him in the
situation like this.

At the ninth ring, Mingyu finally answered. “Hello hyung?” his voice sounds like a whisper, but it
give quite relief for Wonwoo.

“Help me. Please help me.”

That made Mingyu extremely worried. He stood up without realizing that he is in the middle of a
class. All his classmates even Jihoon is looking at him.

The pale man doesn’t know what happened, but base in Mingyu’s face, the situation is serious.

Out of reflex, Mingyu ran out of the room, leaving his belonging. He doesn’t even ask a proper
permission and good bye to his professor. Luckily he has his wallet in his pocket and quickly grab a
taxi to bring him where Wonwoo is.

“Love can you hear me? Where are you?” he asked. He’s trying his hardest not to sound so panicked
as he is but he’s failing it. He can hear the labored breathing of his husband like he is running out of

“I can’t remember Gyu. H – help me. Please help me.” Wonwoo is begging to him on the phone
made Mingyu extremely worried. But he can’t do anything if he didn’t know where Wonwoo is.

“Okay Love. Listen to me. Breathe for me love okay. Please breathe. I’m going there to get you
okay. Just stay grounded while I’m not there. Please. wait for me. I’ll just call Dad to ask where you
are.” Mingyu heard a faint no’s. The last thing he want is to leave Wonwoo alone. But he needs to
know where he should be going.

As quickly as his hand can manage, he dialed his father’s number. And thank goodness! He answered
“Hello dad? Where are you? Are you with Wonwoo right now.” he demanded a quick answer but his
dad took a few moments to absorb it.

“Oh son. Why are looking for him. We’re at Wang Fai. Why? Wonwoo is in the rest room, I don’t
know why he’s taking too long though.” The elder answered. Mingyu immediately stated his
destination to the taxi driver. “Is there something wrong?” Mr. Kim asked. But his son is too
occupied to entertain his father’s question.

“I’ll explain to you later dad. Bye. Can you please call an ambulance to be there. Thanks dad.” He
said and pressed the end button without any hesitation.

He again call Wonwoo, who immediately answered the phone. “Love are you there?”
Mingyu worriedly asked. Wonwoo didn’t answer that made Mingyu more freaked out. “Ahjussi, I
will pay you triple if you can get me there in five minutes. Please.” he asked.

“Wonwoo? Hyung? Are you still there?” he asked and asked and asked, hoping that Wonwoo will
answer. “J - Gyuie. I can’t… I can’t breathe. Whe – re are you.” He said. Mingyu is sure the
Wonwoo is crying.

“I’m almost there love. Please. Just take a deep breath and tried to hold it in. Please for me love.
Breathe.” He almost begged through the phone.

No words in any dictionary can describe what Mingyu is feeling right now. He’s so shit scared that
he will arrive there too late. He remembered Jungkook’s words when he frst witnessed this kind of
thing with Wonwoo. ‘Never leave him alone.’

“Hyung can you hear me? Where’s your meds? Huh? you always have that in you right?” he asked,
demanding a quick answer or he will go insane.
“I – I left it in the office Jo – Gyuie. Please help me.” Mingyu wants to tear his hair down with so
much frustration.

“I will Love. I’ll be there. Just stay with me okay. Don’t hang the phone. Breathe love please. You
can do this.” He encourage.

It’s painful to admit but that’s all he can do. Convince his husband to breathe and make sure that
he is grounded.

As soon as the taxi stopped, Mingyu readied himself to run as fast as he can so he will be with his
husband in no time soon. And with so much panic in his mind, he carelessly grabbed all the cash that
from his wallet and gave it to the ahjussi that is waiting for his payment. He doesn’t even realize that
those cash are worth almost three hundred dollars.

He dropped the call, so that he can focus on running the fastest that he can do. He’s almost inside,
when one of the staff stopped him from entering the establishment.

“I’m sorry sir, but you can’t get inside. You don’t have reservation and the dress code.” The staff
stated. Mingyu with all his might, stopped himself from punching the man that is keeping him away
from Wonwoo.

“If something happens to my husband. I will ruin you.” He threatened. He saw the shit scared
expression on the man’s face but he doesn’t care. Wonwoo is his main priority right now.

He stepped out and immediately called his father again. Lucky him, he is the second in his call
history next to Wonwoo.

“Hello dad. Can you get me. I’m outside. Please.” that was the first time that Mingyu sincerely say
please to his dad. But it is not the thing that is in his mind right now.

Mr. Kim quickly walked out, without excusing himself. His son’s voice sounds so worried. As he
stepped near the main entrance, he saw his son, impatiently waiting for him.

“Let him in.” he demended the staff that stopped Mingyu from coming in. The staff looks more
mortified as he realize who is that man.
Without a second, Mingyu ran into the mens restroom as fast as he can. There’s no one he can see
inside, but he can hear that heavy breathing coming into the one of the cubicle.

Mr. Kim followed slowly. When they were both in the entrance of restroom, Mingyu stopped him.

“Don’t go inside. Did you call the ambulance?” the younger asked. Mr. Kim nods. “They will be here
in ten minutes.” Mingyu doesn’t like that. But there’s nothing he can do. “Just wait here.”

Mingyu entered the restroom and walked in front of the only locked cubicle. “Love. I’m here.” he
announced. Immiediatly, the door were rocking from the inside. He’s sure, Wonwoo is panicking to
open the door as soon as possible.

As the door open, Wonwoo’s body almost fall. With no balance and strength to stand. He almost hit
the ground if Mingyu didn’t catch him.

“Shit!” he screamed. Wonwoo is almost unconscious. He can’t process what’s going on around him.
“Love please. Come on breathe with me okay. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Do you know who
I am?” Mingyu asked. Trying to ground Wonwoo.

Wonwoo can’t recognize his face, his eyes was too cloudy to recognize his own husband’s face. But
he can hear that gentle soothing voice. “Gyuie.” He whispered.

Mingyu helped Wonwoo to stand up. he can feel the elder’s trembling body and the sweat in him. He
leaned Wonwoo in to the wall near the sink.

“Gyuie, I – I can’t b – breathe.” Wonwoo said. Mingyu tried to shush him down.
“You can do it love. Just take a deep breath okay. Inahale.. exhale.” He said. While they were doing
that, Mingyu remembered Jimin saying that Wonwoo hate tight spaces when he’s feeling like this.

“I will take this off okay. I need to loosen your clothes so you can breathe properly.” He announced.
It is a very wrong move for Mingyu to just touched Wonwoo without his permission. It can trigger
something that might led into much more intense attack.

While his left hand were steadying Wonwoo, he take that expensive tight coat of and loosen
Wonwoo’s tie with his right hand. He even undo the first two buttons of Wonwoo’s dress shirt and
untuck it.

Mingyu thought it was starting to die down, when Wonwoo starts of gagging. He suddenly feel that
extreme nausea like his internal organs is mixing together. He failed to hold it in. Thankfully,they are
in the sink, and all Wonwoo needs to to is turn to his right.

He was vomiting all the food that he ate this morning. Mingyu can’t do anything but caress his
husbands back. Trying to soothe him even a little. “It’s okay.” He said.

Without letting go of Wonwoo, Mingyu grabbed the nearest tissue dispenser and grabbed a bunch of
tissue paper to wipe Wonwoo up.

He looked in Wonwoo’s face. There’s a lot in there. Tears, snot, sweat, saliva and even his puke. But
Mingyu didn’t feel even an ounce of disgust. He gently wipe Wonwoo’s face. Grabbing another
tissue, when the previous one is dirty enough.

After that, Wonwoo felt another wave of that extreme fear eating up his whole system. He started to
cry louder. Fat tears were running down to his face. He rest his head in his husband’s shoulder and
cried louder than before, but compared to earlier, he felt much more safe.

He doesn’t know how he manage to cry loud and breathe fast. His throat feels like closing it’s air
way and his lungs were giving in.

That hyperventilating made Wonwoo more dizzy and lightheaded. The lack of oxygen in his brain
finally reached it’s limit.
Mingyu was caught off guard when Wonwoo become completely unconscious. He can’t carry the
whole weight of the elder so he just made sure that Wonwoo will land unharmed on the floor.

“Dad! Help me!” he screamed. Mr. Kim quickly entered, as he saw the scene, he walk beside
Wonwoo and carry the half of the weight of the unconscious man.

The staff of the restaurant starts to panic as they saw Wonwoo unconscious. They tried to offer all the
things that they think can help. “Don’t crowd him. Give him space!” Mingyu ordered. They lay
Wonwoo into a couch in one of the unoccupied private rooms.

Mr. Kim quickly checked his pulse and relieved when he can still fee lit under Wonwoo’s skin. The
father and son was furious for the ambulance taking so much time to get in the restaurant.

Mr. Kim grab his phone and immediately dialed the hospital’s number. A few rings and a sweet
voice answered him. The nurse didn’t even finish her greeting when Mr. Kim started shouting at the
top of his lungs.

“Where the fuck is the ambulance!” he screamed. Mingyu is just watching him, also observing if
Wonwoo will make any reaction.

“I will talk to the higher ups of that stupid hospital.” He threatened. As if on cue, the siren of them
ambulance is heard nearing their location.

The paramedics were there in a second, the staff lead them to where Wonwoo is. They brought a
stretcher where Wonwoo will lay.

A girl in a paramedic uniform quickly check the young man’s pulse and breathing. Even his eyes and
everything. She also asked if Wonwoo is bleeding anywhere. All Mingyu answered her questions.
After all of that. They finally brought Wonwoo in the ambulance to get him in the hospital. Mingyu
decided to come with the ambulance, fearing that Wonwoo will be terrified when he woke up with
unfamiliar people around him.

Mr. Kim looks so worried. He even forget that they are with the Lee’s. After Mingyu and Wonwoo
are gone, he went back to the private room where Mr. Lee and Jae Hwan are waiting.

“I apologize for this inconvenience. My son-in-law is not feeling well today. Maybe we can continue
this some other time.” He stated.

Mr. Lee understand, he saw how sick Wonwoo is and felt little worried to the young man. “Is that
your son Sir? I mean is he Kim Mingyu?” Jae Hwan asked with so much curiosity. He saw the
younger, holding Wonwoo with so much care and gentleness in his arms.

“Yeah he is. I thought before he’s still not ready to be introduced to the world so I keep him in. A lot
of people didn’t recognize him as my son.” He announce. Mr. Kim suddenly felt proud how his son
handled the situation with his husband. If only Mingyu would want all of the things his father built
for him. That will be the fulfillment of Mr. Kim’s wish.

On the other side of the table, the young man were having that dark glint in his eyes.
‘Kim Mingyu. What an interesting person.’


Mingyu called their friends, especially Jimin and Jungkook to inform them about what happened to
Wonwoo. They quickly announced that they’re going there to visit their hyung.

After thirty minutes on checking Wonwoo up, the doctor finally went out in the emergency room to
look for Wonwoo’s relative.

The young man quickly walk to the doctor’s side to know his husband’s condition. “Doc, how is
he?” he asked. The doctor remove his eye glass, looking so worn out already.

“He suffered from oxygen lost in his brain. That made him faint. He has a symptoms of severe
anxiety attack. Maybe something triggered his mind to do that. He will be alright. You can take him
home when he woke up and the IV is done. He needs some rest, and a lot of care. Anxiety or panic
attack worn the patients out. It will be the best if he will be able to rest. You can see him now.”
Mingyu thank and bowed the doctor. Before the doctor go, he called Mingyu again.

“I suggest for you to take him to a psychiatrist for evaluation. It will be hard for him if this kind of
things continues.” The doctor suggested. Mingyu bowed again and went where Wonwoo is resting.

The elder looked so pale, even his lips are pale and dry. His hair was matted in his forehead with the
All Mingyu can do is sigh with so much relief in him. He made it. Wonwoo is safe with him. The
adrenaline in his body is finally fading out and he felt exhausted. All his emotions made him forget
that hasn't eaten anything for lunch and he doesn’t have his school bag

with him. he Hope Jihoon will bring it to him. He doesn’t want to come back to the school today.

He sat beside Wonwoo and held his hands that doesn’t have needle to it. He wonder what happened
to trigger this intense attack to his husband.

He asked his dad, saying before the Lee’s arrived, Wonwoo is perfectly fine. He’s smiling and
having a casual talk with him, then everything change.

Is it because of the Lee’s? Mingyu asked himself. He forgot to ask their names to his father but it
doesn’t matter. But still he needs answer. So that he can think of a way to avoid something like this
happened again.

Mingyu didn’t know that he fell asleep, if weren’t with the hands shaking him awake. He open his
eyes, it’s blurred at first and noticed a orange hair male in the opposite side of the bed.

His back feel sore with the position that he was in. He look behind him and saw Jihoon looking at
him. The younger noticed the two bag pack hanging in Jihoon’s shoulder. He is sure that one of that
is his.

“Is he okay?” Jimin asked. Wearing a very worried expression in his face. Mingyu look up and saw
the IV is almost done. They’ll just need to wait for Wonwoo to wake up and they are good to go.

“Yeah. The doctor said he had a severe anxiety attack that result to hyperventilating that made him
unconscious. He just need to rest.” He said.

Jimin caress his hyung’s shoulder. He felt pity for the older. “What happened hyung. it’s been a
while since he had this.” Mingyu sighed. He also didn’t know what happened. His dad said he is fine
before meeting the Lee’s.

“Hyung and dad had a meeting with the Lee’s. He said that hyung is fine before the they arrived.”
Mingyu noticed how panicked Jimin suddenly became.

“Lee’s? Who?” the younger asked. Mingyu didn’t know. But he saw the reminder in his husband’s
phone about that lunch meeting with the chairman of RGM Corp.
“I saw his phone. I think the Lee’s that own the RGM Corp,” now Jimin look horrified. He step back
almost losing his balance. “Jimin, what happened?” Jihoon worriedly said as he walk into the
younger’s side.

“Oh God. I didn’t know that they will meet again. Fuck!” the orange man mumbled in his own.
Mingyu and Jihoon are looking at him. Waiting for him to continue.

Before Jimin could continue, the door opened harshly, making a loud sound that startle the three
inside. In the door is a panting Jungkook behind him is Taehyung. They are both sweating like they
ran or something.

Jungkook walked in, and saw the pitiful state of his hyung. He felt a sudden rage in his system. The
anger that want to burst out. Without making much effort, the youngest manage to grab Mingyu’s
collar and pulled him up.

His action make the atmosphere more intense as it can be. Taehyung grabbed his boyfriend’s hand.
Trying to stop him from being violent. “Kook! Stop! Let go of my cousin.” the words were
commanding. Pushing Jungkook to gain his control.

He let go of Mingyu. “What did you do to hyung?” he threateningly said. Mingyu sighed. Of course
he will be the one to blame. It is not the right time to look for a fight.

“I didn’t do anything. He called me asking for my help.” He simply explained.

That made Jungkook a little bit more calm and embarrassed at the same time. Taehyung was glaring
at him. Quite disappointed with his action. His boyfriend will definitely scold him later.

“I.. I think, Wonu hyung met him again.” Jimin suddenly said, making all off them look at him. he is
looking down, worried as ever. Jungkook is as clueless as the rest.

“Remember, why Mr. Jeon didn’t sue that fucker? He is the grandson and the next in line as the
owner of the RGM Corp. Jungkook, Mr. Kim said they had a lunch meeting with the Lee’s.”

Jungkook’s face was a mixture of shock and extreme rage. He want to kill that bastard. “Why is he
here? I thought he live in the U.S permanently after what happened!” he’s starting to speak louder as
“Jungkook lower your voice. Wonu hyung might wake up.” Jihoon scolded. The younger was
breathing. He can’t do this. Just thinking about that man made him want to seek for a brutal revenge
for his hyung.

“Your anger will do nothing to change Wonu hyung’s destiny. All we can do is protect him from that
demon.” Mingyu seriously asked.

Taehyung convinced Jungkook for to go out and buy something that Mingyu can eat.

When the couple is gone, Mingyu is quite comfortable. Jungkook can bring such intense aura with
his attitude and the blond man is too tired to deal with that.

The three of them were just looking at the sleeping man in the hospital bed. Waiting for anything to
happen. “I’m sorry about Jungkook’s attitude. He is always like that. Especially with Wonu hyung.
He always blame himself, not being able to protect Wonu hyung to that man. He feel like it is his
fault by letting Wonu hyung live with him. But that time, Jungkook is just a kid. He’s working for
the Jeon’s even though they adopted him as their legal son.”

Mingyu still want to ask. He was curious of Jimin’s side of the story. Jungkook’s is full of hate and
anger for the man. He want to see the difference of the other.

“Can you tell me about what really happened to him?” Mingyu asked. Jimin sighed. He doesn't want
to think about it ever again.

It is a bad story for anyone to know. They want to forget it but that’s impossible. “I know that
Jungkook already told you the whole but I guess, you want to hear my view on it.”

The blond nod. Jihoon is quietly listening to the two.

“He’s crying for a week, when Jihoon rejected him. He want to feel loved and he has a faith that he
can have it with Jihoon. But unfortunately, he doesn’t want him the way he hopes for. Wonwoo
hyung accepted it. But he still felt empty. Being in that situation where you need to hide your true
self to the whole world, Wonu hyung is scared as hell. He is scared that he might not have someone
that will be willing to love him and accepted him and just die alone and miserable. Then his father
discovered his biggest secret. Wonwoo hyung is scared, even us we’re scared for him. Mr. Jeon was
furious after finding out that Wonwoo hyung is gay. He wants to beat him to death. But his mom
didn’t allow it to happen. Also she can’t do anything to stop his husband from kicking Wonwoo
hyung out of their home. That time hyung is very fragile and vulnerable. Thinking that everyone turn
their back on him. The last thing he need that time is to be alone. "

"To be hated by the most precious person in his life was heart wrecking. I tried offering our home to
him, but Wonwoo hyung doesn’t want to accept it. He want to prove something to those people to
crush his heart. He work many part time jobs while studying. Living in a rotten house. That is when
he met that demon. He said that he was his customer in the convenient store that always checks upon
him. He gave him food. Ask if he’s alright or he needs help.”

“They were in the same school that time, just different majors. That time I think Wonu hyung didn’t
love him. He just love the attention that he gave to him. He is desperate to have someone by his side.
His desperation lead him with the wrong hands. Hyung talked to me before deciding to move in with
him. He said that he has an apartment near their school and he’s living alone. I want to stop him. Our
home can accommodate him and my parents doesn’t mind. But Wonwoo hyung already made his
decision. Jungkook and I were always worried."

"After he moved in, we didn’t heard anything about Wonwoo hyung. His phone is always off, no
activity in social media and even his parents doesn’t have any ideas where he is. He didn’t gave us
his new address so we doesn’t know where to look at him. We tried asking his classmates, but they
all say that he’s not going to school for weeks. We asked them if they knew anything about that man
but they were all clueless. We feel like a failure. Our precious friend is missing and all we can do is
wait for him. then one night, Jungkook come over. We’re trying to check his Facebook account when
we heard a knock. Then we saw him. There’s a big bruise around his eyes. His lips were bleeding,
even his nose. A few seconds after he collapse. I can still remember that night. He’s just wearing a
rugged coat and a worn out shirt and sweat pants. As we rushed him, I saw that his back side were
bleeding. His blood is staining his sweat pants. That made us more scared. Especially Jungkook. He
thought he already lost his precious Wonu hyung. The one that took care of him after his mom died.”

“We called his parents. Mr. Jeon doesn’t give a shit about him but his mom does. After the
examination to him, the doctor concluded that he was abused in different form. And it looks like it’s
been a while, he’s being abused for a long time, they saw scars in his body, some wounds that is
healing and some faded bruises. A police report was filed to that man. We want to sue him. But he is
the grand son of the chairman of the RGM Corp. No lawyer wants to go against them so they just go
with an agreement. They payed the Jeons as compensation and promised to send him in the US and
stay there permanently. They didn’t saw Wonwoo. They didn’t know him. And they are powerful
enough to control everyone around them. “
There was a heavy thing in Mingyu’s chest. Jimin’s story was more detailed compared to Jungkook.
He want to cry for his husband. He want to hold him and ask God why did Wonwoo needs to suffer
like that.

“We discovered that he is an alcoholic and a gambler. A typical spoiled rich kid who always get what
he wants. We have a suspicion that he is taking illegal drugs. But he didn’t go to jail even for a night.
Hyung is recovering but he’s not talking to any of us. Even Jisoo. He doesn’t want to eat or drink.
He’s awake but acts like dead. When the wounds are starting to heal, it leaves ugly scar. Wonwoo
hyung always cries whenever he see those scars in his body. He admitted that he had thought of
taking his own life. There are times that he went missing and we saw him in the roof top or anything
high. Just looking below. He is there for hours. Mrs. Jeon decided to ask a professional help. The
doctor said that he is suffering with PTSD and victims like Wonu hyung normally feel that way. He
went to therapy and medication but those scars are the huge trigger of his episodes. They were
starting ti suffer financially and Mr. Jeon doesn’t want to do anything about his sons’ scar. We both
hate him that time. I begged my mom to pay for all of it. They know Wonwoo hyung is my closest
friend so they agreed. After all the scars was removed, he tried to live his life normally. But there are
times like this. We demand him to do therapy session again but he disagreed. Then he met you. After
your marriage he looks more happier. Honestly, Jungkook and I were skeptical with you and your
marriage but Wonwoo hyung is stubborn as always. He chose to be a good son without thinking of
what his life will be after your marriage. And thank god hyung, you’re not the same with him. “

Mingyu is overwhelmed. The details that Jimin added to Jungkook’s story has such great impact.
‘Wonwoo hyung almost kill himself.’ He thought. He want to thank him for not doing it. If he
continue that, they will never met in that lifetime. Mingyu wouldn’t be happy like when he was with
his husband.

After Jimin’s story, Jungkook and Taehyung are finally back. Holding a plastic bag containing food
that Mingyu should eat. It’s not the best food like Wonwoo's, but now is not the right time to be

“Do he still have contact with his psychiatrist Jimin?” Mingyu ask, still not liking the idea of eating.
Jimin think hard. But Jungkook interrupt him.

“He always try to convince himself that he’s already okay. So I don’t think he still has her contact
number. He also hate taking his pills. Wonu hyung said he feels like floating whenever he take those
pills. He can’t work properly with that.” Jungkook stated.
Mingyu made a decision to look for the best psychiatrist and therapist in the whole country or even
the whole world for his husband. He want him to recover and live a peaceful life.

Their friends decided that they should go. They’re still hoping to see Wonwoo awake, but they know,
especially Jimin and Jungkook that it will not help the elder. He doesn’t want to look weak in front of
the others and answering questions will just make him more stressed out.

They are all gone when Wonwoo finally shows a sign of consciousness. As he open his eyes, he saw
the white light in the ceiling. It is blurry at first and the bright light was hurting his eyes.

He turn his head and saw his husband. The reason why he is safe in that hospital bed. Mingyu’s face
were calm. A little bit tired but still calm and peaceful like there’s nothing wrong happen. Wonwoo
felt relieved. He will definitely blame himself if he see his husband worried for him.

“Hi Love.” Mingyu greets, just like every morning when he opens his eyes, seeing his beautiful
husband lying beside him.

“Hi.” Wonwoo dryly said. He tried to sit up, but failed after his arms give. His body is sore.

“Take it slowly Love. Your body is still weak.” Mingyu stated. He stood up, staring Wonwoo with so
much love and something that Wonwoo can read. “Do you want to go home?” Mingyu asked. His
voice is soothingly gentle just what Wonwoo needs right now.

“Yeah. Will you hold me when we’re home?” he hopes as he asked. He want Mingyu’s warmth to
engulfed his whole body like a warm blanket. His tough and his protective hold to him. He need
His safe place.

“Of course, anything for my love.” he sweetly said. Those words made Wonwoo blushed. But he feel
loved. He feel important and safe with his husband.

The younger signed the discharge form. The bill are already payed. They’re just waiting for the cab
he called to arrive.

Wonwoo wonder why Mingyu isn’t asking. Why he’s not bombarding him with question why that
situation happened inside a rest room of a fancy restaurant. But Wonwoo is thankful. He doesn’t
want to talk about it for now.

He is tired. His whole body and his mind. He want to cuddle his husband and just forget about
everything for now.

The ride is quiet. Mingyu is just holding his hands, drawing some comforting lines in it. Wonwoo is
the same. Quiet and peaceful.

Wonwoo didn’t expect that they’ll go to their new home. “I thought, you’ll be more comfortable
here. And these place is peaceful. You can relax as much as you want.” Mingyu supplied his answer
to the unspoken question of the elder.

They entered and still looking the same. Just more furniture. The elder sat down in the new couch
while the younger went directly to the kitchen to grab some glass of water for Wonwoo.

“Anything you want to eat love?” Mingyu ask as he pass the glass to his tired husband. Wonwoo still
look weak and tired, so Mingyu thought that he wants to sleep for now than to eat.

“Can we go upstairs Gyuie? I want to lay down a bit.” Wonwoo weakly said. The younger didn’t
argue and immediately help his husband to walk to their bedroom. As they are there, Mingyu let
Wonwoo sit in the edge of the bed while he’s grabbing some comfortable clothes for Wonwoo. He
chose a cotton plain shirt and a short.
“Change first hyung. You will feel more comfortable than your suit. I’ll just get my phone
downstairs.” Mingyu said. Wonwoo know it was a lie. His phone is in his pocket from the beginning.
He just want to give his hyung the privacy as he changed his clothes.

When everything was done, the two were finally laying in the enormous bed. Both of them are not
talking or doing anything. Just feeling the presence of each other. Mingyu hopes that this way,
Wonwoo will be able to relax. He chose this place because it’s a safe place for his husband.

“Hyung, do want anything?” Mingyu ask, not really hoping for an answer. He just want to check if
his husband is doing fine.

“Can I cry?” Wonwoo stated. The younger suddenly become stiff. That was very unexpected from
his husband. He know Wonwoo hates to cry. He feel ugly when he is crying which is exactly the

“Of course love. But you need to promise me one thing.” Mingyu said, making the elder look at him.
“What is it?”

The younger pulled him closer, if it’s even possible. He engulf his husband with his strong arm and
his warm hands.

“You need to think that you are safe here with me while you’re crying. I will let you cry as much as
you want as long as you will breathe properly okay. I don’t want to see you passing out again
because you’re not breathing.”

The elder nods. Up until this point, Mingyu is still putting him first. His safety and happiness is the
younger’s priority as always. “Wait here. I’ll just get tissue and water.”
Mingyu came back with a pitcher and a box of tissue paper. He sat down in the huge bed while
Wonwoo is quietly watching him. the younger lean on the head board waiting for his husband’s next

“Come here hyung.” he said. The elder sit beside him and lay his head in the younger’s chest. The
angle is quite awkward so he squirm and turns until he feel comfortable enough while being held
by the younger.

Mingyu is just there. Nosing his husband’s hair. It smells like sweat and Wonwoo’s natural scent, but
it smells so good for Mingyu. He’s caressing the elder’s back, allowing him to be vulnerable
and just cry his heart out.

“Gyuie..” the elder called. Mingyu look at him. “Don’t call me hyung anymore.” the
elder slowly said. He’s choosing his words delicately. “Why?” Mingyu countered.

Wonwoo was fidgeting with shirt as he look everywhere except his husband. “I like when you call
me love. It calms me when you call me by that name.” he explained. The younger just grinned. His
husband is so precious.

“Of course love. Anything you want.” He said as he kissed the top of his head. Wonwoo is
satisfied with the younger’s response to his request.

He sat down, facing into Mingyu then lay down in the younger’s chest. Their body were perfect fit
for each other. He buried his face on the younger’s neck and stay there.

Wonwoo can hear Mingyu’s heartbeat and breathing. It’s comforting as always. It’s proven that the
younger is so much better than those pills that he needs to take in times like this.
Mingyu is enough.

The younger caress his back soothingly. He didn’t know what will happen but he decided to just wait
for his husband to be ready with anything. The sigh, feeling Wonwoo’s hands tighten it’s hold to his

“Are you scared earlier love?” Mingyu asked. He’s not expecting any answer. He just want to
encourage Wonwoo to cry. To just let all the pain out through his eyes, than to bottle it up. ?Crying is
a good thing. It’s better to cry than just to hide the pain.

The elder nods, a sob escaped to his lips, and then as what Mingyu expected, Wonwoo burst into
tears, like a little boy. He sound so vulnerable and innocent with his whimpers and sobs. Namjooon
hates to see his husband cry, but that is what Wonwoo needs right now.

“I.. I – I thought I was going to die there Gyuie. You’re not there.” He said as he whimper against the
younger’s chest. “I’m sorry love. It took me a while to find you.” The younger apologize.

He felt so scared after seeing him again. Those scary eyes that haunts him every time he close his
eyes is still the same. Sharp and scary. He didn’t change even a little, maybe the appearance. But he
is still the Lee Jae Hwan that Wonwoo knew.

“Are you breathing properly?” he asked Wonwoo. The elder took a few deep breathes. Yeah he is
breathing properly.
Later, Mingyu was wiping his tears and snot away. Wonwoo feel so good, having someone wipe his
tears away than his own. Now it’s finally sinking in.

He is not alone. He has Mingyu, who’s willing to help him in the toughest and darkest days of his

He cried for five hours and Mingyu didn’t complain for a second. He make sure that Wonwoo drinks
water and breathe properly. The elder cried his heart out until he felt tired and fell asleep in his
husband’s chest.

The younger carefully lay Wonwoo in to the mattress, as he successfully did that, he saw Wonwoo’s
face. His eyes were puffy as hell, even his lips were red and swollen and his face were flushed. He
look tired. The tear tracks are still there in the side of Wonwoo’s face. Mingyu can’t imagine what
that man did to his husband to turn the most confident man in th world into something like this.

But there is one thing for sure Mingyu will do.

“I will protect you from that monster Love. I will never let him hurt you again.”
Hi everyone. As you can see, this chapter is heart breaking. i can say that this is the start of the
climax of the story. I know that a lot of you is having a hard time with your life right now. and me
also. The last part of this chapter is base on my own experience. I cried for a whole day and half of it
is when my boyfriend hold me. It is comforting to have someone that wants to comfort you in times
like this. It doesn't need to be a significant other, it can be your family or your friends. Literally
anyone that loves you and support you in your own battle. i decided to finally continue my life. I'm
not going to be scared anymore. I wish you are too.

Thank you for your support in Different Arrangement. I am glad that I made other people happy even
in the littlest way possible. And don't hesitate to approach me. I will be always here.

And thank you Espreciado20 for leaving such great comments in every chapter and wishing me that
best. You really made me happy with your overly exaggerated comments. it cheers me up always.

I love you guys

Let's Fly



Chapter 35
The OST of this chaprter is Don't Forget by iKON. Try to listen to it and you'll feel the emotion that
the characters felt. :)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

Everything changed after that day. Their peaceful and happy life are now full of sorrow, they’re both
hurting especially Wonwoo. Mingyu is starting to get really worried for his husband. The elder
doesn't want to get up from their bed, refuse to eat regularly . The thing the he really loves the most.

He always complain that the food are all tasteless and its making him more sad. Mingyu
is seriously clueless of what to do anymore. He’s worries that Wonwoo will get sick if all this

“Love please, just finish this, then I won’t force you to eat dinner today. Huh? please, you haven’t
eaten anything since last night.” But Wonwoo wasn't listening of anything that Mingyu is saying.

“I don’t want to want to eat Gyuie. Just let me sleep.” Wonwoo whispered.
He know deep inside him that Mingyu didn't deserve any of this. He doesn’t deserve to suffer and be
worried for him. but he can’t eat and that’s the truth. He fucking want to eat but he can’t find even a
small amount of energy to do it.

He's tired. There’s a dull ache in his body and his head is hurting .All this were disturbing him and
his last concern is to eat.

“Okay hyung, I’ll stop now. But don’t expect me to stop persuading you to eat, even a little.” He said
as he place the tray of food in the side table.

“Do you want me to hold you?” the younger asked as he sat behind hid husband.

It is a definite yes for Wonwoo. Mingyu’s warmth is like his life source right now. It kept him
grounded and safe and it made him feel alive .

Alive to still feel the love of his husband, alive to still feel the pain .

The memories that relives in his mind over and over again. It sucks. It fucking sucks to remember
that for Wonwoo. He wants to be angry, to destroy things, to scream and just hurt someone. But all
of that wouldn't change the past and the reality.

The reality that he is hurt by someone who doesn't even care. That someone that treated him like a
toy, a thing like he’s nothing. That someone that made him feel like he’s the lowest of all, that he is
worthless and just a hole to be filled .
That someone that made him hate himself.

“You have a class right?” Wonwoo deadpans, he didn’t even turn around to look to his husband. “I’m
not going to leave you feeling like that.”

That finally made Wonwoo look at him. “I’m fine Mingyu. You don’t really need to take care of
me.” Lie .

If Mingyu will say that it’s not hard for him, then he’s definitely lying. He felt irritated and
frustrated. Not with Wonwoo, but with the situation. The feeling that he can’t do anything to help his
husband and make things better for him kills the younger from the inside .

And with Wonwoo’s constant rejection to him, wore him out. “Hyung I’m really doing my best to be
honest with you all the time. And I expect you to do the same.” He said with a stern voice, while
staring directly to Wonwoo. That made Wonwoo feel guilty.

“Can you hold me ? I really need it right now.” Wonwoo guiltily said. The youger smiled a bit.
“Come here Love.” he said as he let Wonwoo lay beside him and use his arm as his pillow.

“You know that I love you right?” the younger asked. He felt happy this way. When he can protect
his husband with his hold and make him safe. He cherished their moments like this.

“I know.” Wonwoo answered. Mingyu wished that he can make his husband smile again.

“How are you feeling Love?” the question were carefully delivered by Mingyu. Wonwoo sighed.
Didn't really know what to answer. “Tired. My body aches but I don’t know why.” He stated.
Mingyu is worried yet relieved at the same time. At least he know what Wonwoo feels. “You can rest
now Love. I won’t bother you.” He said, as he made himself more comfortable with their position.

Their room is filled with silence. Mingyu’s thought were running inside his mind non stop.
He just wished that all of this are just bad dreams. That Wonwoo wasn't hurting and he know what to

The younger thought that his husband is finally having his much needed sleep, when Wonwoo speak
again .

“Don’t you want to know why I passed out that day Gyuie? You never asked me.” He straightly said
without hesitation. Mingyu’s heart thumps. This is what scares him the most. The younger exhaled,
trying to cool himself.

“I do. I’m dying to ask you love . But I’m scared .” He admitted. Wonwoo looked at him curiously .
“I’m scared to see the pain in your eyes again. I do want to know everything so bad. But I love you
too much to see you suffer like that again. And this. This is all I can do for you. Hold you like this. I
felt this wasn’t enough to ease the pain that you’re feeling.”

Wonwoo suddenly sits up and cupped the younger’s face with his two hands, made Mingyu looks so
shocked. “Put this in your mind. You are helping, in many ways Gyuie. Never ever think that you’re
not doing enough because you do. You always do . And I don’t know how on earth will I be able to
pay you back with everything that you did to me. I love you Gyuie. Thank you so much.”

Mingyu can’t help but to tear up. He never felt appreciated like this before, and it’s Wonwoo. The
person that matters to him the most. He felt a wave of relief flooded his heart.

“I love you so much Love, so much.” He said as he give a sweet kiss to his husband.

Luckily, Mingyu succeeds on making Wonwoo eat, bribing him with anything that he wants .
Mingyu will definitely get him anything he wants.

“What do you want to eat? Hmm? I’ll get it for you.” Mingyu encouragingly asked, hoping to lift his
husband’s spirit. “I want kimchi stew and Jajangmyeon.” The elder stated.

That’s not hard. That are common food in Korea and restaurants are offering those dish in their
menu. “I’ll get those for you okay. Rest. Just take a nap, for you to feel a little better.” He said.

Wonwoo was using his puppy face and Mingyu is clueless. “What is it?” he said as he fixed the
pillows for the elder feel comfortable. “You’re not going to leave right?” Wonwoo asked.

“Of course love. Never .” Mingyu said. The elder felt relieved and peaceful with his husband’s
words. He decided to take a nap. Maybe he’ll feel better when he wake up.
Mingyu immediately text Jungkook to ask if there’s a place that Wonwoo loves when he’s craving
for Jajangmyeon or Kimchi stew . He only want the best for his love.

To: Jungkook;

Did Wonwoo hyung have a favorite place to eat jajanmyeon or kimchi stew? He’s craving for it.
Don’t worry. He’s getting better. Thanks.

After a few minutes, his phone buzz receiving a new text from Jungkook.

From: Jungkook;

He likes the jajangyeon in Seokchon-dong. The restaurant O’mori chiggae. He likes their
jajangmyeon the best. The kimchi stew, he loves his eomma’s kimchi stew the best. Her kimchi is the

Thank you for taking care of Wonu hyung, hyung. I’ll take care of your cousin too :)

Mingyu can’t help but smile. That muscle bunny is so whipped with his alien cousin.

He immediately searched the number of the restaurant that Jungkook suggested. That restaurant is
quite far from their home. A good 30 minutes drive without traffic, he hopes that the jajangmyeon is
not soggy when it arrive to them.

After placing his order, the next thing that Mingyu do is call Jisoo. He’s patiently waiting for the
young lady to pick up the phone. After awhile, Jisoo finally answered.

“Oppa. Hello.” The young lady cheerfully greeted. Mingyu noticed that Jisoo is panting. He hopes
he’s not interrupting something important.
“Jisoo-ah, are you with eomma right now? I need to talk to her please.”

“Oh oppa, I’m not home right now. What do you want to ask eomma. I’ll ask her for you instead.”
Jisoo suggested. Mingyu is quite shocked the maturity that the young lady is
showing. Maybe something good made her improve.

“Oh okay. Can you ask her if she can make a kimchi stew for Wonwoo hyung. Jungkook said that
eomma’s kimchi stew is the best. Hyung wants to eat that.” he explained. “Ooh yeah. Eomma’s
kimchi is the best!” she squealed.

“Okay oppa. I’ll tell eomma about it.” She said. Without any goodbye, Jisoo hang up the phone. It is
disrespectful for others but Mingyu is already used with Jisoo. He doesn’t mind at all. He just hope
that Jisoo will remember it.

After thirty five minutes, the jajangmyeon finally arrives. Mingyu gladly paid for it and gave some
extra tip for the hard working delivery man. One down, one to go.

After Jisoo ended the call, she never called back, that made Mingyu worried. He’s worried that Jisoo
got distracted and forgot his request.

He’s sitting in th living room, waiting for Jisoo to call her back, when his phones rings. It's an
unknown number. It will bring no harm to him to answer the phone so he did it.

“Hello.” Mingyu carefully answered. “Oh Mingyu-ie it’s me eomma.” She gently said,
a motherly voice rang into the other line. “Eomma, did Jisoo gave my number to you?” he asked.

“Yeah. She said that Wonwoo-nie want some kimchi stew? is that true?” she asked. The young man
can hear a faint sound of worry in her voice.

“Yes eomma, Wonwoo hyung is not feeling good today. And he’s craving for kimchi stew.” Mingyu

He knew that he just made Mrs. Jeon worried, but he deserves to know what is happening to his son
at least.

“Oh is he fine? Do you want me to come over?” she worriedly asked with her gentle, soothing voice.
“Oh eomma no need, he’s already fine. Hyung is resting right now.” Mingyu explained. He doesn’t
have a heart to tell what really happened. It will definitely broke their eomma’s heart.

“Okay, just tell me if you need my help okay. I’ll just send the driver to bring the kimchi stew to your
apartment okay.” She said. Mingyu is really thankful that his mother-in-law is always caring to her
children and even him .
“Oh eomma, were not in the apartment right now.” the younger announced. “Oh okay. Just send me
your address okay. I’ll inform Mr. Nam to bring it to you.” She gently said.

The two bid their goodbyes and Mingyu did what Mrs. Jeon ask him. He kimchi will arrive before
Wonwoo wakes up.

While waiting, he decided to buy some bread into the convenient store near their home. Wonwoo
likes bread, maybe he can eat it in dinner instead.

The convenient store is a five minute walk from their new home. So he is sure, he will be quick.

As he step outside, he noticed that today is a good day. The sun is not that hot, considering that they
are in the middle of summer and its not cold either. A one layer of clothing is enough for the weather.
This type of weather is perfect in doing activities outdoor. Ride a bicycle, go shopping or even
amusement park. It is beautiful but Wonwoo is not feeling well. Maybe next time they can enjoy a
weather like this together.

Mingyu successfully finished his errand. As he walked his way nearing their home, he saw a silver
car in front of their gate. There is a suited middle age man waiting. The young man decided to
approach the stranger with politeness.

Excuse me, what are you doing in front of our house? Do you need something?” he asked. This man
should be awarded due to his politeness at all time.

“Oh, I’m Mrs. Jeon’s driver. She asked me to bring this to this address.” He said. Mingyu saw a quite
big food container wrapped in silk. Just like the traditional bag of the Koreans.

“Oh. Yeah. Thank you very much. I’ll tell eomma that I already received this thank you again
ahjussi.” He said and bow to the driver. By that, the two men bid their goodbyes.

As Mingyu step inside, it still quiet. He assumes that Wonwoo is still sleeping in their room. he
waled directly to the kitchen to transfer some of the kimchi stew to a smaller bowl so that he can
serve it for Wonwoo upstairs . He’s peacefully doing the tasked when he hear a scream .

In a second, he’s already running upstairs, reaching the bedroom as soon as possible.

As the door opened, Mingyu was shocked as he witnessed the scene that awaits for him. the whole
room is a mess, the total opposite of how he left it earlier. The pillows are thrown into different
directions, the blanket is lying on the floor. The side lamps are both broken. Even the
bookshelves are ruined .

What scares Mingyu the most is the fact that Wonwoo was no where to be seen inside the room.
“Love? where are you?” he called. He’s looking everywhere, but there’s no sign of Wonwoo in the
room. He’s carefully walking when he felt a solid material beneath his feet. Mingyu looks down to
look at it and discover that it is Wonwoo’s phone.

The poor thing is already broken, as the huge cracks on the screen are clearly showing. It looks like
it was thrown intentionally in the wall.

This made Mingyu extremely worried now. Wonwoo is always careful when it comes to his personal
belongings. It’s not his nature to just throw things when he’s not feeling well.

“Hyung? Love? Please answer me.” He cried. No one answered and the room is all silent. The
younger is starting to lose it. There’s a lot of thing running inside his mind. And majority of them
were not good.

Mingyu stayed where he’s standing. Like he’s waiting for a sign that can convince him that Wonwoo
is safe. After a few minutes, he heard a faint sob coming from somewhere. His heart rate picked up
as he heard it again. He carefully listened where it is coming from.

The sound lead him to the walk-in closet they shared. He hurriedly open the door. It is dark inside
without any lights on.

The sound is starting to get clearer, confirming that Wonwoo is in that room. He turn the lights on
and notice a figure in the farthest corner of the closet. The younger is sure that that is his husband,
crouching. Trying to make himself as small as possible.

Mingyu hurriedly ran in Wonwoo’s directions. Thanking god that his husband is safe.

“Oh god Wonwoo, you scared the hell out of me.” He announced. Wonwoo was startled when a deep
voice suddenly ring in his ear. His mind were still fuzzy about things and didn't notice who is that
man touching him.

“No! Don’t touch me! Go away! No! Stop! Stop!” he screamed. He’s trying to protect himself with
this man. ‘I’m not safe in here.’ that’s the thing that kept ringing inside his head.

Because of so much fear, Wonwoo’s panic made him react in more violent way. He kept pushing the
man away without thinking if he’s going to hurt him or not. Apparently , he does hurt him.

Wonwoo’s left hand landed straight on the man’s left eyes, making him step back.

Mingyu is shocked when Wonwoo started to push him off. He’s struggling to stop his husband
because Wonwoo moves faster that he did. As he failed to shield himself with the elder’s attack, the
elder accidentally punch his left eye. The force of the punch is enough to hurt Mingyu. The younger
stepped back clutching his left eye. He is sure that a bruise will form around it.
Wonwoo felt that the danger is no longer present. He opened his eyes. His heart starting to beat faster
again as he see a figure in front of him. His head were hanging low and he's holding his left eye. As
Wonwoo blinked, he felt quite familiar to the stranger. Then suddenly , everything makes sense.
There’s no stranger. No monster or anyone. Just his husband and him is in this huge house since last
week . His husband.


“Nam..Gyu.” Wonwoo whispered. The younger is still holding his eyes. Not giving attention to his
husband. He breath out. This is hard. Not just being punched but everything is hard.

He decided to hold it in. this is not about him. Wonwoo needed him right now, he can’t be weak. He
looked up, trying his best to smile. For Wonwoo . “You punch really great Love. I’m shocked.” He

But there’s nothing funny for Wonwoo. This is not funny. “Why! Why you’re so nice to me huh?
He’s also like that. And yet he did this to me! Are you planning something huh? Mingyu! Do it! I
don’t fucking care anymore. You’re all the same!” Wonwoo screamed with so much aggression.

His accusation is what made Mingyu broke. ‘We’re the same?’ he thought. That’s so fucking low.
It’s unfair. Him, who is doing everything that he can to help Wonwoo. Him, that is willing to give
everything that he had to protect his husband. Him, who is sacrificing everything that he has
is just like him .

Mingyu never thought giving up on Wonwoo.

But this time, he is .

He do want to leave and just find his happiness somewhere else. The situation is asking him for too
much. It’s tiring. When people are in pain, all they want to do is just let go. Letting go is easier that
holding on. Holding on needs a lot of strength and perseverance. And it’s painful .

But Mingyu know that he can’t find his happiness elsewhere. Because his happiness is in front of
him. His happiness is the man that is accusing him with everything that he isn't. His happiness
is Wonwoo .

He know inside him that he will not let go. He will not leave his husband there alone, miserable. But
it doesn’t mean that he can’t be weak at the moment. He is in too much pain to put up the mask.
Mingyu is as fragile as Wonwoo right now. He can’t be strong.

The younger stood up, walked in the other side of the room and just sit. His husband is there, hurting
but he can’t do anything. All those emotion building up inside him. All the frustration and sorrow
that he’s holding. The twin of happiness when he’s with Wonwoo wants to come out. He felt like his
heart is going to explode.

All those emotions and pain come out in a form of glistening tears in his eyes and Faint sob, escaping
from his lips.

Mingyu never thought that it will be so painful loving Wonwoo with all his heart.
Wonwoo is tired . He's tired to feel the pain that is inside him for a long time. He’s tired with the
nightmares that haunts him every night. He’s tired and scared.

Mingyu is a dream. This is what his dream looks like. A loving partner that loves him with all his
heart and willing to protect him with everything. But dreams and nightmares are much the same.

He had a personal experience of a dream that becomes a nightmare in a snap. So he can’t help but
doubt about Mingyu.

Wonwoo is too tired to repeat his own history all over again. He’s also tired of asking the same

‘Why me? Of all people in the world, why it had to be me? Did I do something wrong? Is it me? Is it
my fault? Why did he need to do that to me? Why did he act so nice? Why did I believe in him?’

All those question are still stored in his mind. Unanswered question that will stay unanswered.

The elder stayed there crying his heart out while sitting on the cold floor. Mingyu is on the other side.
Still easing his own pain. They both felt miserable that time.

Time passed. Tears are already shed. Mingyu can’t cry anymore. he’s numb. Maybe with too much
tiredness. He just want to lay down in their comfy bed. Seeking for a comfortable warmth that can be
given by someone. He felt a lot lighter. Maybe this is what he really needs. To just cry his heart out.
Express the pain that he’s feeling without someone trying to suppress it. He is okay.

The younger stood up and return to the same spot in front of his husband. Wonwoo is staring in to
nothing. Blank expression painted on his beautiful face. The impression that he’s giving is about
giving up.

But of course Mingyu wouldn’t let that happen. Wonwoo is precious for him and for a lot of people
so he will hold him tight while he's still weak until he became strong again to find his happiness .

“Hi Love. It’s me. Are you okay?” Mingyu simply asked. He’s not scared anymore. He will hold
Wonwoo. He will make sure that he’s okay.

“No.” Wonwoo answered as he shake his head. Mingyu know that. Wonwoo is far from being okay.

“I know. Wanna lay in our bed?” he asked. Wonwoo looked at him, still his eyes were dead. “No.
That bed makes me feel safe, especially when you’re in it. I’m scared it will turn out as an illusion
too.” He answered. That answered sound stupid honestly . But Mingyu can understand.

Someone like Wonwoo will always choose to be hurt by the truth than hopes for something that
wasn’t existing at all . Realizing that it’s all a lie or a product of desperation will hurt enough to kill.

“Okay. We’ll stay here. I’ll just get the blanket.” Mingyu announce. It’s lucky that they are in the
middle of summer or they’ll definitely freeze to death in that closet. He needs to remember to make
that walk-in closet more comfortable because that’s Wonwoo’s new safe place.
He spread the blanket and sit in it. He also grab some pillows to make sure that they will be
comfortable. Wonwoo is still on the same spot, still staring into nothing. Mingyu just let
him. Maybe he’s sorting things out in his mind.

As he finished the tasked he’s doing, he called Wonwoo. “Love, come on. Lay beside me.” He asked.
The elder followed without putting a fight. Mingyu felt peace and tense at his husband’s strange
quietness. He felt like he’s walking into an ice pond where the ice can crack with his wrong step.

The elder lay beside him, making his long legs as his pillow. Mingyu started threading his finger to
Wonwoo’s silky brown hair. And he just let the silence win over the two of them.

He noticed that it’s almost dark outside. And he remembered the forgotten kimchi stew and
jajangmyeon in the kitchen. But it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters than Wonwoo for him.

While he’s busy threading his hair, Wonwoo suddenly asked a question. “Aren’t you tired Gyuie?”
he quietly asked. That question sounds familiar to him. But he chose to ignore himself. “Tired of
what?” he innocently asked.

Wonwoo still has that expression in his face but his eyes were not dead anymore. “Dealing with me.
All this bullshit I have. You can just toss me out and follow the original deal. That non-committal
marriage. Why do you chose to stay?” he asked. His eyes were now directly looking at his husband’s

Nothing in Wonwoo’s question are foreign in Mingyu’s ear. He already asked himself all those
question. And there’s only one answer to it.

“Because I chose to stay. People known love as an emotion, but for me it’s a decision. It’s a decision
people make when they are willing to suffer for the person that makes them happy. All of this is
tiring and to be honest I’m tempted to give up and leave you, but I always chose to stay. There’s no
kind of pain that will make me want to leave you. It is hard, we make mistakes, we have our own
battles but it’s not a valid reason to give up. At the end of the day, I always proves to myself that all
this pain for you is worth it .” Mingyu explained.

“Sometimes, I hate that you always read philosophy books. You always made me cry with your
words.” The elder said, as tears were starting to gather around his eyes.

Mingyu smiled. It is a genuine smile. “It’s okay. You can cry as much as you want with me okay.”

“Can you hold me?” Wonwoo asked. Mingyu sighed with happiness. “You know the answer to that
love. Come here.” he said. The elder quickly stood up and sat between Mingyu’s legs, letting his
body fall on the younger’s chest.

They stayed like that for almost two hours. The younger gently patting his husband’s sides, trying to
give some comfort to him. Mingyu is starting to feel numbness to his lower back and legs but he
payed no mind.
“Love are you awake?” he asked. Wonwoo simply hummed. The younger is quite skeptic about what
he want to say but he know it will be for Wonwoo. “Can you ask one thing?” he asked. Wonwoo
shifted his body to see his husband clearly .

Mingyu looks hesitant so Wonwoo is also starting to get a little bit worried. “What is it?” the elder is
hoping he can agreed to Mingyu’s request. That’s the only thing that he can do to repay his husband
for everything.

“Let’s get some professional help for you hmm?” Mingyu asked as calm as possible. He saw how
shocked Wonwoo is. But the elder is trying to school his expression.

“But I don’t want to take meds Gyuie. I hate the effect of it.” Wonwoo stated. Mingyu tighten his
hold to his husband, wanting him to feel safe. “I know love. But there’s other way. You can have
therapy and counseling. I will go with you every time. I promise. I just want you to live peacefully .
Please? For me.” He pleaded.

Wonwoo definitely needs some help. This thing going on with him isn’t healthy anymore. And
Mingyu is so scared to lose him.

When Mingyu is like this, Wonwoo can’t really say no to him. “Okay. But I don’t want to go to the
hospital Gyuie. It scares me.” He said.

“We can make some arrangement about that. Do you want your doctor before or you want me to find
you a new one?” Mingyu can’t be more happier than this. Wonwoo is willing to help himself by
seeking help of the professional. “I like Dr. Song. I’m comfortable with her. Don’t look for a new
doctor Gyuie.” He said.

“Thank you for your effort love. I really appreciate it.” Mingyu said while kissing Wonwoo’s
forehead. The warmth that he brings to Wonwoo made the elder fall asleep again. now, more
peaceful and safe.

The younger managed to bring him to their bed, so that Wonwoo will be comfortable. As the elder
sleeps, the younger tried to clean their room a little bit. He throw the side lamps that is already
broken. Pick all the things that was scattered on the floor.

As he finish cleaning up, he saw Wonwoo’s phone again. he inspects it and miraculously , it still
works. He open the phone because he know the password of it. As the lock shift, Mingyu felt like
he was poured with hot and cold water at the same time. The unlock screen showing is a message
from an unknown number.
Mingyu’s blood suddenly boils. This man is the reason of his husband’s misery. And he’s really thick
skinned to try talking to Wonwoo. After what he have done.
Mingyu quickly walked out of their bedroom to go to the kitchen. He grab a can of beer and gulp it
down in half.

That fucking monster. Pure hatred is flowing through his veins. That is him.

He finished his beer before he even sit down into the couch, crumpling the can like it is made of
paper, due to his overflowing hatred towards that man .

He grab his phone and called his dad. After a few rings, the elder finally anwered.

“Oh son what is it?” Mr Kim asked. Namjon sighed. This is the second time that he will asked a
favor from his dad.

“Dad I need your help.” He said.

Their conversation quickly ended. Agreed on to something that they need to plan well. He hasn’t
calm down even a little.

“You better enjoy your life now. Because I will make you pay.”

Who is crying? Raise your hand.

Actually it's my birtday today and this is my treat for you guys. I know, I know it is painful. but pain
is part of our lives we just need to look on the other side of pain. So i hope you like it. it's my first
time to use an image I hope it succeeds. So I hope you enjoy! :)

I appreciate all the love that Different Arrangement received. i realize that it's almost two years after i
started it and I"m happy that i gain you guys. Hope you're doing well in your life.


It's my birthday so can i ask a favor from you. I'm a huge fan of iKON and they're having their
comeback right now. Can you please just check their music even once. IKONics were doing their
best to support iKON because we appreciate the hard work that they put it. And we want to gain
some support from the other fandoms. Please. just try to listen to their music. You'll not regret it.
Thank you very much!

Let's Fly



Chapter 36
Good luck reading these! Enjoy!

The OST of this chapter is Say Something performed by KZ Tandingan. You can search her in
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

Wonwoo noticed a small light coming from a distance. Everything is dark, quiet and cold. The man
walked and followed the light. As he found the source of light, he noticed that it’s a small hole. A
part of him was screaming to turn his back and walk away. But another part of him was begging to
take a look to that hole.

The latter won and Wonwoo slowly peek into the hole. He saw a bedroom. But the bedroom
looks familiar to him.

The bedroom was far from being neat. Clothes were scattered on the floor. Beer cans, cigarette pack,
unfinished food are some of the things that he saw as he observe the room. A typical single man’s
room, he thought.

As he continue to look around, he saw a young man, he’s laying in bed. Wonwoo tried to look closer.
The young man doesn't have a shirt and quietly laying there. All he can see is the man’s back. But he
can feel his despair. He’s trembling. Wonwoo can hear his whimper and cries, it's terrifying. What
frighten him the most is..

It feels familiar.

Before he can gather his thoughts about his familiar feeling, another man entered to the room. He
looks manly even from behind. Tall, wide shoulder, muscular arms even with his pale skin, he looks
very manly . Wonwoo notice a white stick hanging between the man’s finger, lighted. As he can
smell the weird scent of the cigarette, Wonwoo suddenly feels petrified.

The cries of the former man gets louder and louder. Every step of the muscular man made Wonwoo’s
heart pound, like it’s going to explode.

When the said man reached the side of the bed, Wonwoo’s heart stopped. He tried to look into the
man’s face but he saw nothing. Like a blank canvas. He cannot recognize anything but
that familiar sinister smile plastered on his lips.
The laying man looks terrified, saying his please and no’s. Without even looking at
him clearly ,Wonwoo can still feel how scraed the man is. He's beyond scared and no single word
can even explain to it.

The standing stranger smiled. Not the usual happy smile but more like a smile of a demon. It’s scary.
He enjoyed how the other beg, he’s doing nothing but the latter is scared already. He love to hear
how he beg him to stop, he love how tears glittered from the other man's eyes. He was excited as he
saw how his poor victim is shaking in fear. He felt powerful, someone that can ruin some other
people’s lives.

The vicious man starts playing with the cigarette between his fingers. The crying man starts to move
backward, trying to escape, trying to run away. His smile grew wider.

Before he managed to run, the scary man grabbed his ankle and pull him back to the bed. The poor
man tried to wrestle to free himself to the other’s hold. However , he is too strong for him. The scary
man’s sinister smile changed into more serious and scarier look. He’s losing his patience to his

A scream startle Wonwoo. His heart is continually sinking as he watched the poor man being
abused . As he heard the scream, he saw the scary man making the other’s back as his ashtray. he put
out the fire of his cigarette in his victim's back it doesn't hurt. Wonwoo can feel how painful it is, in
the exact place were he burns it. He clutched that part of his back.

He’s crying. ‘Why does it feel true?’ he thought. He’s starting to punch the wall separating him to
them. He want to save that poor man. He do. He’ll make sure to save him if he can.

As he became busy tearing those dark walls down, his eyes landed to the man’s face. His hair was
yanked backwards by the other. Wonwoo saw how his eyes were staring at him begging
yet hopeless . He is begging for someone to save him from this hell. Those blooded lips were praying
that someone will take him away from this nightmare, but he’s starting to be hopeless . Days of
torture and abused made him feel like there’s no way he’ll be saved . That he will die there without
anyone noticing. Wonwoo can see his wish to just die. Dying is easier than be in hell everyday. He
have his own demon having fun hurting him in any way he can. Maybe dying can be the best option.

But Wonwoo doesn’t want that. No. That man will not die there. He will do everything on his power
to save him.

They’re starring at each other as the third man laugh. His laugh were part of Wonwoo’s other dream.
Those demonic laugh that he want to forget.
“You can never escape from me.”

The vicious man said as he tighten his grip to the other’s neck. Wonwoo felt like he was in the worst
nightmare. He did everything to break that wall but nothing happened.

Nothing happened.
“Enough! Enough!” Stop! Stop hurting him. No! No! Please!” Wonwoo screamed with so much
desperation. Those painful cries wake Mingyu in the middle of the night again . “Love wake up!
wake up!” he said as he shake Wonwoo.

It’s like this again. They already fall into a routine were Wonwoo will have his petrifying nightmare
and will scream in the middle of the night and Mingyu will wake up to help him to calm down . Both
of them are not getting enough sleep for weeks because of this but they can’t do anything.

Wonwoo is starting to get worse as the days passed by. He’s staring to be afraid to sleep because of
those nightmare of his. Mingyu starts contacting Dr. Song but the doctor is not in town due to some
research that he’s doing with some other foreign doctor in Japan .

Mingyu's life is now about helping Wonwoo with his battle. He already gave his notice of absence in
his school. Making his scholarship gone. But it’s. He can pay for his tuition and everything. What is
not fine is this.

The situation that were facing. Everything is so exhausting. Physically , emotionally and mentally.

It is tiring to see his husband trying to run away from the dream he’s in every night. It is tiring to cry
together, as if they share the pain. It is tiring to hope that the next day will be different, then realizing
that it’s all the same cycle again.

Wonwoo has tears in his eyes again, and Mingyu’s heart breaks again. He feel bad that he can’t save
Wonwoo to his own mind.

“He need help Mingyu! It hurts! Stop it!” he hysterically stated while trembling so badly . Mingyu
held him. Letting him realize that he is awake and wasn't imprisoned in his nightmare again.
“Breathe love. It's fine. You’re awake now okay. I’ll be here. Catch your breath first okay. I love
you.” He calmly said.

Mingyu can say that he is already used to this routine of them. He's used on helping Wonwoo every
time he lose control of himself. He’s learning something with every episode and every attacks but
what worries him is that what if all this wasn't still enough .

He's terrified that he will lose Wonwoo one day and he will left alone with his heart buried with the
man that he loves the most . If Wonwoo’s nightmare haunts him, Mingyu has his own too.

The younger shake those idea off his mind. That will never happen, he thought. He noticed that his
husband is starting to calm down. He’s now breathing.

Mingyu looked at him. Still the same Wonwoo he always see every night. Tear tracks on the side of
his face. Plum pink lips and quite bloated face.

This is not the best Mingyu had seen his husband but he is still beautiful in his eyes.

“Drink some water love.” he suggested as he offered a glass of water to Wonwoo. The
elder quietly accepted it. Mingyu looked at the side table, seeing that it is still l 4:45 in the morning.
It is really early for two people that doesn't have anything to do for the whole day.
Mingyu thought of things that they may do today if Wonwoo is feeling quite fine. They can cook
their meal or rather Wonwoo can cook. Watch movie, listen to music, walk to the park or have a date.
Mingyu will be willing to do everything as long as he is with his husband. But sadly , Wonwoo
wasn't in the good

condition to do anything that he imagined. He doesn't like to go out or meet their friends or even his
sister. Mingyu thought that maybe , he doesn't want to worry anyone so he decided to stay at home.

Their day will be spend on cuddling in their bed. Eating some delivery again and starring at their
phone for the day.

“Mingyu my back hurts.” Wonwoo said as he clutched his back. That’s the exact place where the
man burn his victim with the cigarette.

Mingyu look at it and saw nothing extraordinary. “Love there’s no wound in there.” he said.
Wonwoo just shrug it off. Maybe its part of his mind’s way of tricking him.

“Let’s get some sleep okay.” The younger announced. His husband wants to disagree. That
nightmare. He doesn't want to see those two again. He’s scared to see them again.

But he know that Mingyu is exhausted . It’s obvious with the dark circles under his eyes. The
younger lay down, extending his arms for Wonwoo to use as his pillow. As Wonwoo lay down, he’s
still thinking about the two men in his dream. He knew in his heart that he knew them. Both of them.

“What is your dream love? You can tell me.” Mingyu encouraged. He held Wonwoo’s
sides carefully , not wanting to startle his husband like what happened before . He carefully place his
hand on his waist, gently caressing it.

“I saw two men. They are familiar to me, but I can’t remember.” He said. Mingyu
is attentively listening, although sleep is slowly knocking on his eyelids. “It’s a scenario of abused
Gyuie.” The younger almost choke his own saliva after what he heard.

“We’ll ask Dr. Song about that okay. Now. Let’s sleep again so that you can rest.” He announced.

Wonwoo turn his back to his husband, making their position a spoon. His eyes was still open. And a
lot of things running in his mind.

He can hear the younger’s loud snoring. He envy Mingyu. The younger can sleep without worrying
about nightmares. He wished he can do the same too.

Thankfully , after three hours. Wonwoo succeeded to have some peaceful sleep. A sleep were he
doesn’t have dreams or nightmare. A simple sleep.

Wonwoo woke up feeling much better than earlier. He’s his usual self. Smiling and even cooking
their breakfast. It is the first time in weeks that Mingyu seen him like this. He hopes it will be like
this from now on.

Mingyu received a message from someone early in the morning. That someone is the one he asked
for some important things. And now he’s done with it.

But the younger isn't sure if he can leave his husband alone while he’s having a meeting. He is still
scared of what happened when he bought some bread from the convenient store. It’s not uncommon
that an episode or an attack can hit his husband anytime of the day.

He want to ask their friends but he’s sure Wonwoo doesn't want to see them for now.

His worry was sensed by his husband while they’re eating their breakfast. Wonwoo was sure the
younger were worrying about something. Therefore , he decided to confront the younger to know the

“Is there anything wrong Gyuie? Spill it.” He calmly asked. Mingyu was startled , almost choking his
bacon. “Nothing hyung.” he lied. Did Mingyu said that he suck at lying? He can’t even make his
voice convincing. Wonwoo want tp laugh at him.

“You said that we should always be honest with each other right? You scolded me once. And now
you’re doing it.” The elder is low key scolding him. He remember how his husband’s voice became
firm as he said that he has been honest with Wonwoo all the time and he should do the same .

The younger felt defeated. Wonwoo does have an upper hand in this argument. He concluded that he
will never win in every argument that they will have ever.

“I need to meet someone. We need to talk for some important things.” He admitted. Wonwoo is
confused . Why Mingyu need to worry for meeting someone?

“Then?” Wonwoo asked. Expecting the other half of the story. “Then?” Mingyu dumbly copied.

“Then? Why you look so worried?” the elder asked. Mingyu thought about it also. Why is he

“ Honestly ?” the youger asked. Wonwoo smiled. “Of course Mingyu. The most honest answer you
have.” He assured. Mingyu sighed deeply . It was hard to tell the truth when you know that it will
have an impact to the person that you love.

“I’m worried to leave you here alone. I don’t want what happened last time to happen again love.” he
stated. Wonwoo walk in his direction and hug his husband. Feeling sorry that he need to always think
about him and his condition.

“Don’t worry about me Gyuie. I’m feeling well today. I don’t think I’ll have an episode or an attack.
And if that happens. I’ll definitely call you right away. Is that alright to you?” Wonwoo assured.
Mingyu isn’t sure. There’s a lot of what ifs’ in his mind. “I’m not sure love. I just want you to be
safe.” He weakly said. Wonwoo understands everything. All of Mingyu’s worries are valid due to the
past events that happened. He felt sorry that Mingyu is worrying so much.

“Trust me with this please.” be sweetly asked. “And besides, you haven’t been outside for a long
time. You deserve a break Gyuie.” Mingyu wasn’t convince. But he’s also thinking about the impact
to Wonwoo if he wasn’t going to go to that meeting.

Wonwoo may blame himself for keeping Mingyu away from the world. And that’s not a good thing.

“Okay love. if that’s what you wished for.” He said and hugged his husband tightly . “But promise
me to call me if anything happen okay. Even the smallest. Call me immediately. Promise?” he said,
sticking out his pinky just like how children seal their promises.

Wonwoo can’t help but smile seeing his husband being a cute boy asking for his promise. “Promise.”

A few hours after Mingyu left, he’s starting to feel worried about his husband. He can’t focus on
what the man in front of him is saying.

“Excuse me sir. Are you listening?” the man politely asked. The man interrupted Mingyu’s thoughts.
He realize that his mind was in their home. “Oh s-sorry. I’m just thinking about something.”
He nervously explained.

“Oh no that’s okay. You know what, here is everything that your dad ask me to get. It’s complete in
there, you just need to check it out and if there were something missing, just call me and I’ll look for
it.” The other man said. He gave Mingyu a big envelope full of different documents that he needed to
see and analyze.

“Thank you so much. I am really sorry for not listening to you. I’m just thinking about something.”
He apologetically sighed. As he bow politely to the other.
“Oh no that is fine. I know that something is really important to you.” The other happily said.
Mingyu can’t stop the blush that was quickly coloring his beautiful skin and ears. “Oh no- actually,
yes.” He grinned.

Mingyu went home as fast as he can. He tried calling Wonwoo but the elder weren’t answering. His
near on panicking and driving fast without breaking any traffic law or hitting someone . He’s trying
to trick himself that by thinking of different reason why Wonwoo wasn’t answering his
phone. Maybe he’s showering or sleeping or his battery was dead or there’s no signal in the place
where he’s in.. But the younger weren’t going to be fine until he saw his husband safe and sound.

When he arrived in front of their gate, Mingyu quickly ran inside without properly parking his car .
As he open the door, the whole house were eerily quiet. He can’t help but remember what happened
when he was welcomed by kind of silence.

He look for Wonwoo in the every part of the first floor but there is no sign that his husband was
there. “Love? where are you?” he asked, but silence remained.

His heart is quickly beating with fear. What if he’s not here? or he had an attack again. Or… or.. He
doesn’t want to think about the worse but it’s still lingering in his mind.

He went to their bed room but Wonwoo wasn't there either. He walk straight to the closet where he
found Wonwoo last time but he’s not there also. Mingyu’s breathing is starting to be rugged . He
doesn't know where his husband is. Oh god no. Please

Mingyu noticed the sound of opening door. He followed where it came from and saw Wonwoo .
Wonwoo .

He’s safe.

He ran to his husband engulfing him in a passionate hug. Mingyu was really thankful seeing his
husband safe. And nothing happened to him.

“Gyuie?” Wonwoo awkwardly asked. The younger release him and sigh.
“Oh god thank you so much. I thought.. thought.” The younger is out of words. He can’t explain this
overwhelming feeling in his chest right now. All he know is, he is happy to see Wonwoo. And with
that overwhelming feeling Mingyu can’t help but tear up.

Mingyu is crying.


“Oh god Gyuie! Why are you crying?” Wonwoo was shocked . Not understanding what is
happening. His husband ran into him and hug him so tight and now he’s crying. The younger can’t
from words in his mouth. All he can say is thank you and oh god.

They were on their bedroom, Wonwoo let his husband to calm down a little bit. The younger is still
overwhelmed with everything.
“You weren't answering your phone. I thought something happened to you. I’m so scared love. Don’t
do this to me again please.,” he said. Wonwoo felt bad. That stupid phone of his was missing for the
whole day. The reason why he’s not replying to Mingyu.

He hug his husband in a very reassuring way. He realize how precious Mingyu is. “I am sorry for
scaring you like that.” he said. The younger hold him tighter. Burying his face in Wonwoo’s neck.
Inhaling is calming scent.


Wonwoo seems more happier as Mingyu noticed. He smiles often. He’s back with those dad jokes
that he always had. The younger can hear his beautiful windshield laughter ri nging in the whole
house again . Mingyu is really thankful seeing his husband with his old self.

Mingyu woke up smelling a mouth-watering smell of breakfast. Bacon and fresh brewed coffee were
lingering in the whole house. Making him want to wake up to eat some delicious food made by his

He walked in the kitchen and saw Wonwoo slicing some apples as their dessert. The elder were
wearing a pink laced apron. Mingyu smiled, seeing his husband looking so cute with that pink apron.
He quietly walk behind Wonwoo and hug him from behind. The elder jumped with shock.

“Good morning love.” Mingyu huskily said. Making Wonwoo shivers. That damn husky bedroom
voice of his husband. “Yah! Don’t do that. you always sneak behind my back and scare me with your
voice.” Wonwoo scolded. As if he didn't enjoy Mingyu’s sweet gestures for him.

“I love you.” Mingyu answered and kissed his husbands’ wide shoulder. Not minding Wonwoo’s
scolding. He new the elder were not serious about everything he said. He’s just denial that his heart
flutters with Mingyu’s affection.

“You never listen to me Gyuie. It’s unfair. I always listen to you even I’m the older. I’m your hyung
remember.” Wonwoo bantered. The younger want to coo him with his cuteness.

“Love you’re the one who ask me to stop calling you hyung and besides. I just love you so much.
And I love hugging you every time.” Mingyu shamelessly said.

“H…. how can you say that so easily . It’s embarrassing.” Wonwoo whispered. the younger didn't
mind and felt more playful. He pull Wonwoo to face him and hug him just like the overly romantic
drama in the t.v. The elder were shock. His husband look so happy smiling while looking at him.

“You’re weird Gyuie. You’re so happy with no reason.” He stated. Mingyu’s smile grew wider. “But
I do have a reason.” He happily said. Wonwoo tried to free himself from Mingyu’s hold but the
younger didn’t let go.
“My husband is the reason why I‘m happy.”

My husband.
That was so freaking cringey but believe it or not, Wonwoo loved it. He’s blushing starting to his
chest up to the tip off his ears. He’s so embarrassed with the shamelessness that Mingyu is showing
but that made him more in love with the younger .

“Sto-“ he didn't finish his word when he felt Mingyu’s huge hand on his face and a soft warm lips on
his forehead. “I’m happy because you’re here.” a kiss in his left eye. “I’m happy because I love you
so much.” I kiss to the right eye. “I’m happy because you’re here with me and safe.” And lastly . A
sweet kiss on his lips. “I am really happy because you love me.” Mingyu ended it with a blinding

They embrace for minutes. Mingyu will gave up everything for this, he wished this moment would
never end.

“I love you Gyuie.” Wonwoo whispered.


The couple were lounging in their living room, watching movies when Mingyu's phone lit up. He
receive a message from the man that he met a few days ago, asking that they should meet again to
discuss something.

“Love can I go out. Just a few hours. Dad just ask me to do something.” He said. Wonwoo looked at
him. “Yeah. I’ll cook our dinner after this.” He said, not minding much. Mingyu quickly showered
and dressed up. When he’s about to go, he saw his husband, busily watching something in his laptop.

“Love, remember you’re promise right?” he asked. Wonwoo look at him. “Yeah Gyuie. I’ll be safe.
If something happened, I’ll call you. I know. I love you. Don’t worry too much okay.” He recited.

Mingyu kissed him, long and passionate. “Remember that I love you. Always.” He said. Wonwoo
smiled. “I know Gyuie. And I love you too. Now, go before we got too sappy here.” he joked.
Mingyu left.

Their meeting ended quite late. Mingyu were too immerse with the information and he forget the
time and his phone. After their meeting, Mingyu noticed that it’s already dark and remembered
Wonwoo saying that he’ll make dinner .

The younger were looking forward having a delicious dinner when he remember to check his phone .
Only one voice message from Wonwoo. It was sent two hours ago. He listen to the voice message.

“I love you Mingyu.”

It sounds flat and emotionless. The younger was confused . Why would he say it like that? he
thought. He didn’t want to panic again, so he tried to think that maybe Wonwoo just want him to

He directly went home, wanting to see his beloved husband again and eat his prepared dinner.

As he open the door, Mingyu saw the t.v, a variety show from SBS was being shown and Wonwoo’s
laptop on the coffee table.

Mingyu didn’t mind the two and went straight to the kitchen, hoping to find his husband there.
Wonwoo wasn't there. The younger can honestly feel how his heartbeat is starting to beat faster than
He went t their bedroom and he feel relieved to see Wonwoo peacefully laying on their bed. He’s
laying in the left side, his side. The younger smiled. Feeling foolish about everything that comes in
his mind when he didn't saw Wonwoo.

He walk in Wonwoo’s side of the bed and sit there. He look so peaceful sleeping. Quite pale than he
look before Mingyu go. The younger brushed the hair covering his husband’s eyes. He’s happy
by just looking to his husband.

Mingyu decided to take a quick shower. He doesn't want to smell sweat when Wonwoo woke up. he
reminded himself to cuddle with Wonwoo all night. Maybe another movie or drama.

He stood up and notice something shining under the bedside table. He picked it up. It’s a bottle for
medicine. Mingyu’s eyes shift to the bottle and his husband. Another thing he noticed is,

The bottle is empty.

It takes him half a minute before he realize everything. He quickly grab his husband’s arm to lift him
up. “Love? wake up. Wonwoo!’ he shouted, but the elder wasn't responding.

Mingyu’s breathing is becoming labored. 'Oh god no please.' he thought. He quickly grabbed his
phone and call the emergency hot line.

“Please help me. My… my husband. Please help him!” he hysterically stated. The man on the other
line ask Mingyu to calm down. And gave him the details that he needed to help them. After the call,
Mingyu didn’t know what to do.

His husband is unconscious there. Nearing his death. All he can do is cry and wake Wonwoo up.
“Please love don’t do this to me. Please wake up. I’ll do everything. Just wake up. Oh god please not
this. I can’t. please.” he begged. But there’s no one aswering his prayer. His husband is still laying in
his arms.


“Love wake up!” he screamed. “Stop joking Hyung. It's not funny! You t-told me. You’re cooking
for me! Please stop this now. God I can’t. No. Please no. Not this. Please .” he said crying.
Mingyu’s nightmare just came to life.


He’s staring at the tiled floor of the hospital when Wonwoo’s parents arrived. Behind them is Jihoon,
Seungkwan, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung.

“Hyung.” Taehyung ran to embrace his cousin. Mingyu is still staring at the floor. “I’m sorry to what
happened hyung.” Mingyu wasn’t moving. “Do you know what the last thing he said before I go?” he

Everyone were looking at him, even Mr. Jeon. “He said he loves me Tae.” He said. All of them felt
sorry for Mingyu. All their hearts were breaking as they see how lost he is at the moment.
“Hyung.” Taehyung tighten his hold to his hyung. “I’m so excited when he said that he’ll prepare
dinner for us. I’m looking forward for the food he made.” Every word that comes out in Mingyu
mouth is like a knife in the others’ hearts.

Both of them didn't deserve it.

Mingyu didn't deserve it.

After that, he didn't talk anymore. He’s numb with so much pain. He kept thinking of what is the
reason why Wonwoo tried take his life.

‘I thought he loves me. He said it. I felt it. Then why did he tried to leave me. Why?’ his eyes already
ran out of tears. He is ready with everything. He’s willing to do everything for Wonwoo. Sacrifice
anything. Gave all he have.

But not this.

He wasn’t prepared to lose Wonwoo. he can’t bear it.

After five hours. The doctor finally look for the relatives of Wonwoo. Everyone them gather around
the doctor except Mingyu.

“We already pumped the substance from his stomach. He indeed take a dangerous amount of expired
sleeping pills. Thankfully he was rushed in the hospital immediately.” All of them aside from
Mingyu sighed in relief. “Is he alright? Can we see him?” Mrs. Jeon asks. “He needs to take rest.
And I suggest that he needs to consult a specialist. He just got lucky that someone rushed him before
its too late. The staff will transfer him in a private room. Maybe you can see him tomorrow. In
visiting hours.”

“Thank so much doctor. Thank you very much.” Mrs. Jeon said. “Excuse me, I’ll do my rounds.”
The doctor said.

Everyone were overwhelmed with so much emotion. Mrs. Jeon is still sick worried about his son.

Taehyung sit beside Mingyu, wanting to cheer him up. “Hyung did you hear what the doctor said?
He said Wonu hyung is safe. And it was because of you. You save him.” He happily said. But all
Taehyung’s effort was useless. Mingyu is still not talking. Not doing anything but staring that tiled

They decided to go and just visit Wonwoo tomorrow. But Mingyu wasn’t moving an inch. Taehyung
tried to pull him up and force him to leave to rest and even crash in his place but Mingyu wasn't
responding to anything that Taehyung said .

“Hyung! let’s go!” the younger was starting to get upset with his cousin’s attitude. “Stop ignoring
me!” he screamed. There’s a tension in the air. Taehyung is the only one speaking and everyone is
waiting if Mingyu will respond or not.

Taehyung tried shaking Mingyu, but nothing changed. Then the young man started tearing up.
“Hyung. talk to me!” His voice sounds so sad, Jungkook is now trying to calm his boyfriend down.
“Tae, maybe hyung is just shock. Let’s just let him be. We’ll be back tomorrow okay. Don’t cry.” He
said as he whipped Taehyung’s tears away.

“Gyu-ah. Text us if you need anything okay. We’ll be back tomorrow. Try to get some rest. It’s been
a long day for you.” Jihoon said, patting Mingyu’s shoulder. But his friend is still unresponsive. They
do understand him. He was shocked with what happened to his husband. Jihoon and everyone know
how much Mingyu love Wonwoo. And they don’t have any idea how much it hurts for Mingyu.

No one will understand.

How painful it is.

Mingyu was informed that he can finally see his husband. The younger is scared . He clutched the
doorknob tightly , hoping that he can gain enough courage to get inside.

As he open the door, he can feel the cold air from the AC. The beeping sound and an IV connected to
Wonwoo’s left hand.

He look pale. That plum pink lips where pale and dry. He can’t believe how it quickly change from a
healthy and happy Wonwoo to a sick one.

Mingyu can’t understand how everything turn out like this. He remembered Wonwoo’s smile that
morning. How he look so loved and happy while having Mingyu by his side. He remembered how
happy they are, just loving each other and enjoying the moments they share with.

Mingyu is still lost. He want to know the reason why Wonwoo did this. Why he wanted to end his
life all of a sudden. He is happy that morning. The younger is sure with that. But there is no answer
with all his question.

What happened?
He tried his best to be beside his husband. He want to hold his hand, caress his face and hold him like
what he use to do.

But he can’t.

Every step closer is like he’s slowly dying. It’s excruciating. The pain is unimaginable. God, he want
it to go away. Every step he made, made him realize how his nightmare come in to life. How
Wonwoo can be gone that fast without him knowing. He is sure, he’ll live if Wonwoo will be gone
but he’ll no longer can be happy.

Wonwoo is his complete happiness. He made him realize that life is wonderful and not just pain and
suffering. His smile gave Mingyu motivation to face any challenges that he’s going face. And having
him at the end of the day will always remind Mingyu that everything in his life is worth it. His
husband is the meaning of his life. His muse and his lifetime partner. And now he realize that within
a snap all of it can be gone. His life can be gone.
He decided to just sit in the couch, still staring his unconscious husband. One by one, their loved
ones came to visit the unconscious Wonwoo. Mingyu still wasn't moving in the couch. He wasn't
eating or drinking anything, even go to the bathroom. Nothing.

Taehyung is starting to worry, even Mrs. Jeon tried to talk to him but he’s the same as last night.
Unresponsive. They were hoping that Wonwoo can make him better.

At the afternoon, Wonwoo finally wake up. Everyone were really happy seeing him awake. Mrs.
Jeon rushed beside his son, already tearing up.

“Thank god you’re awake son. I love you.” Mrs. Jeon cried. Wonwoo can see everyone except his
husband. “Mingyu.” he unconsciously called. Everyone look at the direction of the couch. Mingyu is
hanging his head low. He felt all the eyes looking at him. He look up and saw everyone looking at

Even Wonwoo.

His breath hitched. He can see how soulless Wonwoo’s eyes is. It’s full of pain, sadness, and
despair. It’s painful to see. He want to be with him. Hold him and kiss him until he felt that he was
loved by someone.
But he can’t.

It’s too much, he can’t do it. Mingyu quickly stood up and walk out of the room. All of them were
stunned with the man’s action. They know that he’s the one who’s really worried for his husband, but
his actions were the opposite of what he’s feeling.

Wonwoo’s heart was full of hope and anticipation. He want his husband’s warmth, his hold, his
kisses. He want to feel love. He hope with all his heart that it will be like always. Mingyu will be
there to hold him and reassure him that everything will be fine. That he will wipe his tears away and
still love him the same. But he didn’t.

He left.
The doctor advised for Wonwoo to stay for a week for observation, if the substance that he did intake
do have effect on his health .

Everyday, his friends and family visits him to cheer him up. But no Mingyu comes even ones.

“Where’s Mingyu eomma?” he pitifully asked. Mrs. Jeon’s heart broke on how his son’s voice
sounds. “We don’t know son. I didn't see him since that day.” She apologetically stated.

A tear ran from his eyes. He miss his husband so much. “I miss him so much eomma.” He said as he
cover his teary eyes with his arms. Mrs. Jeon can see tears running from her son’s face. It kept
breaking her heart.

“What if he doesn't love me anymore?” he sobbed. His mother patted his head, keeping herself from
crying. “That’s impossible Wonwoo-ah. We saw him that night. He’s really worried and sad while
waiting for you. He refuse to eat or to go home to rest. He’s been like that since that night. He will
not suffer like that if he doesn't love you my son. Mingyu loves you so much more than himself and I
can''t imagine how painful for him to see you almost gone. I am your mother and it was painful for
me too, but the pain I felt can’t be matched with his. You’re both hurt with the
situation. Maybe he just need some space to think and breathe. " she explained.

"And also I want to thank him. I realize as I saw him, I forgot to thank him Wonu-ah. He made you
much happier than before. I never seen you so happy whenever you’re with him. You’re eyes
sparkled with happiness and I know he did his best to gave you everything he had. And god. I
am really thankful that you met him.” Mrs. Jeon ended up crying while remembering all Mingyu’s
good did to them and especially his son.

“I’m really stupid eomma.” Wonwoo said. “Yeah you are son. You’re so smart but still stupid.” His
mother half joked. “But you know what the good thing is?” Wonwoo look at her waiting for an

“The good thing is you’re given another chance to correct your mistakes and see life in much better
way. I know that you suffered from the past Wonwoo-ah but god gave you your husband to have a
better life with him. He loves you with all his heart and he will be enough for you to be happy.
(i)Trust me son.” Then she embrace his son.

“Thank you eomma."

After that talk with his mom, Wonwoo’s heart ease up a little. But he still want his husband. He want
Mingyu more than anything in the world.

“Are you sure you’ll not see him Gyu?” Jihoon asked, handing the younger a take out from his
favorite fast food. “No hyung. Just don’t tell him I’m here.” he said. His voice is still lifeless as his

He’s still hurting. The pain is still unbearable even he already see Wonwoo safe.

“I don’t understand Gyu. All of this. You’re staying at the room beside his and you didn't want him
to know that you’re here?” Jihoon scolded.

“He’ll worry too much and blame himself hyung. It’s been too much for him for me to add on. It's
my own decision not to eat or do anything until I passed out. He doesn't need another burden.” He

While Wonwoo is in the hospital, all did he know is Mingyu is nowhere to be seen . But he is there
all this time. He’s always on the waiting area all night. Not sleeping or even eat. Until his body gave
up. He’s going to use the bathroom when nausea hit him and his legs gave out. He passed out on the
third night in front of Wonwoo’s door.

The hospital staff called his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kim rushed to the hospital and there they learned
that their son suffered from malnutrition and dehydration . Mr. Kim felt bad for the couple. They
were having a really hard time right now but they were suffering separately .

Mingyu requested to his dad to admit him in the room beside Wonwoo’s. He want to be with his
husband as much as possible. Thankfully , they finally convinced him to eat even a little. And with
the help of the IV, he gain his energy back.

On the last day of Wonwoo’s stay in the hospital, he persuaded his dad to discharged him already,
even though he’s still weak . He doesn't want for Wonwoo to discover his condition.

He dressed normal and put some make up he borrowed from Taehyung, trying to hide his pale lips
and the bags under his eyes . He waited for the visiting hours so he’ll not will be suspiciously early.

He waited for Jungkook and Mrs. Jeon to arrive first before he entered his husband’s room. As he
saw Wonwoo, he almost wanted to cry. The elder ran to him and hug him really tight. “I missed you
Gyuie.” He said. Mingyu wanted to melt. He can smell Wonwoo. He’s holding him.
But it’s getting more painful.

He ended the affectionate gesture and tried to smile. But Wonwoo know it. His smile is fake. It didn't
reach the eye like before. “You should finish packing you things hyung . So we can go home.”
Mingyu stated.

Wonwoo was embarrassed and sad at the same time. But how can he blame his husband. He’s
suffering too much just to be with him. He wanted to cry.

It was all his fault .

At the car, Mrs. Jeon is with Wonwoo in the back seat while Jungkook is in the passenger and
Mingyu is the one driving. The air is tensed and all of them can feel it. Jungkook wanted to escape so
he focus on his phone, texting Taehyung and reporting how awkward their atmosphere is .

When they arrive, Jungkook immediately bid his good bye saying that he still has a project that he
need to finish . He want to be with his hyung and help him but he know that it's not the right place for
him. It’s for Mingyu. Mingyu is the one Wonwoo needed and is the only one that can help his hyung
completely. He did try to be that one in the past, but Mingyu is that right man.

Mrs. Jeon stayed for a little while. She made food to be the couple's lunch and dinner. She want them
to be healthy so she made a healthy dish. Hoping that the two will eat the dish he made. But Mr. Jeon
is calling her. Asking if she can go home earlier.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay with us for a while Wonwoo-ah?” she gently asked while
holding her sons’ hand. “Yeah eomma. I want to be here. I’ll be alright eomma. And don’t worry, I
won’t do that again.” he assured. Mrs. Jeon kissed his forehead and gave him a good bye hug. She
wasn't able to say goodbye to Mingyu because the younger is now locked up in his studio finishing
some work.

After Mrs. Jeon left, Wonwoo was alone in their bed. Mingyu is still in his studio and he might have
no plan of coming out.

Wonwoo lay in the bed, remembering it as the same place he tried to take his own life. He felt stupid
and sad.'Why do we need to suffer like this? ' h e thought.

A tear escape from his eyes. He is scared . What if Mingyu had enough and choose to just leave him?
He can’t take it. What if things will not be same as before? What if he doesn’t want him anymore?
those thoughts were making his head hurt. He suddenly felt drowsiness in is whole body.

Wonwoo was still sleeping when he heard a sob. It’s not his and he’s not dreaming. He opened his
eyes and see his husband crying while looking at him.

“Gyuie?” he ask as he sit up. Mingyu can’t hold it anymore and cry harder. Wonwoo tried to wipe his
tears but its pouring from his eyes, like the pain from his heart.
“Am I not enough reason for you to live hyung?”

“Am I not enough?”

Wonwoo was stunned by his question. ‘Of course not.' He want to answer, but there’s no words came
out from his lips.

“I am sorry Mingyu.’ he apologized, hanging his head low.

“Do you know how painful it is? To see you lifeless in our bed huh? Wonu? Do have any idea how I
wish I’m just dead than imagining you not in my side? Do you even know how much you mean to
me? You are the meaning of everything to me Wonu. And thinking that there’s a chance that you’ll
be gone.. do even understand the pain I felt that night? Huh! Why do you need to be selfish
and just go like that huh! Did you think of me before you did that huh? Why do you need to hurt me
this way? Why Wonu? Why?!” he screamed.

Both of them were heavily crying by the time Mingyu ended talking. They were both hurting. Why
do they need to be like this.

“I’m sorry Mingyu. There’s voice in my head and I believed him. I don’t mean to leave you. I’m
sorry.” Wonwoo cried.

“Why do you need to believe him? I did everything I can just to make you believe how much I love
you and you are worth it. Why do you need to listen to him and not me. Why do you chose him over
me Wonu? Why you always choose everyone but me? Why?” every words were like a dagger in
Wonwoo’s heart.

“Do you even realize my hardships by just loving you? I gave everything hyung! Everything! But
you chose to leave me. You chose to just escape without thinking how much it will hurt me. Do you
even love me? Or you’re just scared that no one will love you but me? Maybe you’re just loving the
idea of me loving you."

“I love you so much Gyuie. I love you very much.” Wonwoo answered. “Then why do you want to
leave me alone? Answer me!” Mingyu cried like there’s no tomorrow. All the pain he keep in his
heart were pouring like a waterfalls and his tears were running faster than time.

“Did I do something wrong? Huh? Wonu? What did I do to deserve this pain huh?” Namjon’s control
is starting to slip. His emotion is eating him whole. He want to break anything. Punch a hard thing
that may hurt his hand. He feel like he’s going to burst with so much emotion he’s having in him.

“Nothing. All you did is love me with all you’re heart but I’m stupid enough not to see it. Or see how
painful you’re bearing. And how much you love me. I’m really sorry Gyuie. I didn't mean to hurt
you.” Wonwoo cried.

Mingyu doesn’t want too be with Wonwoo right now.. He ‘s afraid he might do something stupid and
make the situation much worst.

“You know what? Maybe I’m really not good enough. Maybe all I can see is the things I tried to
gave you and not your pain. Maybe I’m just fooling myself that we can be together. But you know
what? I’m not regretting everything I did for you. You are the most important person in my life and
you deserve everything I gave.
Maybe my everything wasn’t just good enough after all.” Both of them were crying and feeling
sorry for each other. Mingyu thought maybe if they were in different
circumstances, maybe , maybe a happy ending is possible .
Maybe .

Mingyu stood up and walking out. The elder panicked and ran to follow him. “W-where are you
going?” Wonwoo asked trembling.

“Don’t worry hyung, I won’t do anything.” he stated, gathering his personal belongings. Wonwoo
want to stop him. He want Mingyu to stay. He want him by his side. But he can’t move.

Mingyu is almost out on the door when he heard a thud. He look behind him and see Wonwoo.

“Gyuie please don’t leave me. I will do everything you will ask me. Everything. Just please don’t go.
Don’t leave me. Please.” Wonwoo literally begged. His head were hanging low, his hand were
clutching his pants.

Mingyu’s heart shattered as he saw two droplets of Wonwoo’s tears stained his pants. That was a
heartbreaking scenery to see.

The younger immediately hold Wonwoo, helping him to get up. his heart will always be soft for his

“I won’t leave you. Love. I’m sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. I’m sorry. Sorry.” He hold

Mingyu felt how right to hold his husband like this. Then he realize that he will never stop loving his
husband. That he will never give up even if it hurt him too much like he’s going to die in pain. He
will love him still. He is his everything. Wonwoo is everything to him. No one can change that even
the most painful pain in the world.

He will hold his husband in everything. In pain, in happiness even until his death.
“No one can change my love for you. I will hold you forever love."

Hi my Lovely Readers!!!

Who's crying? Put your hands up! i really want to make you guys cry so here it is. Hope I made you
happy even though you cried. :)

I know, I know, it's been a month and half after my last update! my February is such a roller coaster
making me too occupied. My nephew was already born!! can you believe it! He was born on the 15
of Feb.

Guys thank you for the support for iKON, I know a lot of you check their music video. They were
doing really good these days and i know you're a part of their success.

And lastly, thank you everyone for loving D.A. the story and characters were receiving a lot of love
from you guys. I really appreciate that!

I love you guys :) Please be happy!


Let's fly.


Chapter 37
the OST of this chapter is Serendipity :) Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

“We’ve finally met Mr. Kim. I’ve been hearing so much about you from my assistant.” Dr. Song
said, offering her hand. Mingyu politely accepted it. “I really appreciate that you agreed with the
arrangement that we made. I hope we’re not bothering your schedule very much Dr. Song.” He said.

Wonwoo is starting to have a progress after the incident. Everyone has been so understanding and
supportive to him each day. Jimin always calls him at the afternoon and tell him funny
stories. Jungkook and Taehyung visits him often, Jisoo insisted for her to have a weekly sleep over to
his oppa’s huge house and even Mr. Kim and his parents are always checking up his well being .
He really appreciate it but the person that he will ever be thankful for is that man that is now talking
to his therapist.

Everyday, Mingyu will call the office of Dr. Song to ask if she’s back. He never left Wonwoo alone
even for an hour. He also noticed that Mingyu become more protective to him after that.

He will change the channel if a show is having a scene about abuse or sexual activities. Or he will
hold Wonwoo when they went out and not let his hand go everywhere they go. The younger always
asked him if he’s tired or if he’s not feeling well or if he wants to go home. Mingyu is so caring that
Wonwoo couldn't ask for more.

“Hi Dr. Song.” Wonwoo greeted as they started walking into the study room in their home..
Mingyu managed to fulfill Wonwoo’s request, that the therapy will be in a place where he feel
safe. Mingyu pull some strings of his father’s connections just to settle the arrangement that his
husband wanted . And now Dr. Song is there. In their small study room in the first floor of their

The blond man ushered the other two on the couch inside the room. It was comfy just like how
Wonwoo wanted it.

Dr. Song is already settled, preparing her things like a pen and a notepad for the details that Wonwoo
will say, then Mingyu asked to talk to Wonwoo for a moment . The doctor agreed and the
younger quickly yet gently grab his husband’s wrist until they’re out of the room.

Wonwoo looked so confused why he’s being dragged out from his supposed to be therapy session.

“What is it Gyuie? Dr. Song is waiting.” He said. Mingyu look a bit nervous. “I’m here okay. You
can call me if something happen. I love you.” Mingyu said while embracing his husband. He doesn’t
know why he’s so nervous.

“I’m going to be fine Gyuie.” Wonwoo reassured. The younger is hopeful that everything will be

“I’ll go okay.” Wonwoo said as he twist the knob. And slowly slip inside. The younger was
left there, anxious for his husband. But he has faith on Dr. Song. He know that the doctor can help
his husband.

He have faith on Wonwoo.

Dr. Song were sitting silently as Wonwoo entered the room, she can hear their little conversation
outside and she finds it cute . 'Young love.'(i) Also, she personally feel happy to see her patient
happier than the last time she saw him.
“I’m sorry about that Dr. Song. He’s new to this ‘process.’” Wonwoo stated. Dr. Song gave him a
comforting smile. “You look happier Wonu. I guess he is the reason?” she slightly teased.

Wonwoo’s face burns. “Yeah. He is a really good man. He takes care of me.” He shyly said. Dr.
Song is glad to hear such good news from her patient.

Dr. Song straighten her seat, Wonwoo noticed the change of the woman’s aura, it’s more
professional than earlier . “I hear that you had an… attempt last month. And that’s the reason why
you’re here with me again. Do you want to talk about it?” her tone wasn't compressing. It’s calm and

Wonwoo’s heart pound inside his chest. He doesn't want to talk about that, but he need to do it. He
took a deep breath and started. “W- we met ag-gain.” He stuttered.

Dr. Song didn't interfere. She’s just waiting to him to go on with his story. The doctor is already used
to this. With all kinds of patient she met. Survivors needs time to gain enough courage to tell their
story, and that’s what Wonwoo needs right now.

“He.. he’s the g-grandson of Mr. Kim’s associates. W-we had a business meeting. I got scared when I
saw his eyes again. It never change. It still looks cruel just like the last time I saw it.” He breathe.
Only hum is the doctor’s response, quietly encouraging Wonwoo to talk more.

“I.. I.. called Gyuie. Then I passed out. I don’t know what happened.” He slowly exhale. “After that..
the nightmares came b-back. Every night I saw a young boy, he’s being molested and abused by
someone and I – I can’t help him. Every night it’s the same. Only different scenario.” Wonwoo feel
that there’s something heavy in his chest.

“Every time I had an episode, Gyuie is there to help me. He never left. But sometimes.. sometimes..
I accidentally hurt him. Physically and verbally .” Its getting harder to breathe and there’s tears
gathering on his eyes.

“I’m so scared that he will leave me one day, because I’m abusing him. His love for me. I’m scared
that he’ll get tired and then toss me or hurt me. I.. I know that he will never do that. He already
proved his love for me and I’m not doubting that. But… but..”

“But?” Dr. Song supplied.

“ But I’m doubting myself. ”

“ I feel unfair, not for me but for him. H – he doesn't deserve this. Any of this. But he is suffering.
And that is because of me. Because of that, I started to hate myself more.” Dr. Song understands his
point of view. It’s much better now that he is willing to open himself up than before.

“And then I’m scared that they’ll be the same. He’s very caring and kind to me before everything
turns to a nightmare. I’m scared that Gyuie will hurt me too when he had enough of me.”

“How’s your relationship with your husband Wonu?” Dr. Song asked. He’s fidgeting, tearing his skin
of his fingers. “He’s kind. Very kind. I don’t even know why he’s like that. He's patient and
understanding. We had an agreement before we got married , that we will just be married for
convenience. He doesn’t have any responsibilities with me and vice versa. And yet he’s here.” he

“And how about your sexual relationship with him. Did you get intimate with each other like the
other married couples do?” Dr. Song asked. Meticulously remembering everything that Wonwoo is

“I… I heard him talking to his friends. He’s not sleeping with anyone even before we met and its
hard for him. His friends suggested him to hire someone but he refuse because of me. I feel so guilty
and insist for us to have sex and while we’re getting into it, I started seeing those flashback in my
mind. It resulted to an attack and we stop. He immediately agreed to stop and took care of me. I don’t
know why he’s being like that. He should be frustrated and angry. But he remained gentle with me.
His gentleness scares me the most. I don’t know if I will believe it or not.” The young man
can slowly feel that the heavy feeling in his chest is slowly being lifted. Little by little.

“And about your… attempt. Can you discuss that to me?” Dr. Song gently asked. Wonwoo look
unsure with the question. ‘Can I do it?’ thats the only thing running on his mind.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it. We can discuss some other time.” Dr. Song reassured.
But Seokjn want to do something different this time.

He wants to be brave this time.

“N – no. I can tell you now.” He bravely said.

There’s a faint shock in Dr. Song’s expression. This is the first time that Wonwoo insisted to talk
about something he’s not comfortable with. The doctor can tell that there’s some improvement with
her patient. But she remained quiet and let him start his story.

“After I passed out, Gyuie didn’t allow me to go to work. He ask his father to give me a break and he
agreed. We stayed here, he even left school so that he can stay with me all the time. I’m not feeling
well those days. I don’t want to eat anything and he’s getting really worried. Then I woke up without
him inside the room. I receive a bunch of text messages and it was him .

Wonwoo is breathing deeply . “He text me. Sending our pictures together. I got scared and Mingyu is
not there. I felt like someone were trying to kill me. And then few weeks after. I received an email.
It’s from an unknown address and then when I opened it, I – it was…” he faintly sobbing at the
moment. Peeling his finger’s skin harder, enough for it to bleed.

Dr. Song can clearly see the distress in Wonwoo’s action. Yet he doesn’t know why he keeps on

“It’s okay Wonu. we c-“ “It was a video h – he took years before.” Now he’s crying full blast.
Flowing tears were running on his face. He can’t breathe properly .
“T – then there’s a message after that video. Telling me if I want my husband to see it. That.. that
made me scared more. What if Gyuie.. Gyuie saw that and be disgusted to me? What if he left me? I
can’t. I can’t.” Seokjn is now having an attack. Seeing Mingyu’s face with full of disgust towards
him after he saw that video.

He needed Mingyu right now.

He needs him.

“N – Mingyu! Gyuie!” he screamed. Not even a second later, there’s a harsh knock from the outside.
“Come in.” Dr. Song permitted.
Mingyu quickly open the door. He froze when he saw Wonwoo, crying his heart out. “Gyuie” it’s a
mixture of whine and sob from him. Mingyu is conflicted if he is allowed to go and comfort his
husband while he’s having his therapy session.

He looked at Dr. Song, silently asking permission. The doctor understands and give a nod.
Immediately, Mingyu ran into his husband's side and hold him.

“It’s okay love. I’m here. it’s okay.” Namjon whispered as he gently caress his husbands’ hair. Dr.
Song is quietly observing the relationship of the couple. She’s observing every reaction of each other.

Mingyu managed to calm Wonwoo but the elder feel exhausted and sleepy. They both went to their
room so the younger can help him sleep.

After few minutes of soft whispers of his love for his husband, Mingyu succeeded to take Wonwoo
to his much-needed sleep . He doesn't want to leave him but Dr. song is waiting for him downstairs.

He gave the elder a quick peck on his forehead before heading were the doctor is waiting.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting Dr. Song. I waited for hyung to be asleep before I came here.” The
doctor understands and gave Mingyu a warm smile.

“Don’t worry Mr. Kim it’s alright. Can we talk about Wonu?” she asked. Mingyu nods and sat down
in front of Dr. Song.

“I noticed that Wonwoo is happier and open now than before.” She admitted. The young man felt
quite relieved. But still he needs answers.

“But why he attempted to do that. I just can’t understand. I can’t ask him directly , I’m worried that it
will cause him another attack again.” he admitted.

Dr. Song is impressed on Mingyu’s patience and understanding. It is hard for him yet he’s still with

“As I ask him about what happened, I can tell you that he is way more better right now than the first
time I met him. That time he’s quiet, unresponsive and scared. It’s so hard to crack him open and
spill his mind out. But now, he even insisted to talk about his attempt and that was a great sign of
improvement Mr. Kim. You’re good for him. And about his attempt, I think someone is harassing
him. He said that someone keeps sending text to him and even emailing him using an unknown
address. You should check his email to find what is it. But just to warn you. The content of it wasn't
good. It scares Wonu the most. But you know what is his real fear is?” Mingyu is waiting for an
answer from the doctor, each seconds feels like eternity.
“He’s scared to lose you.”

“You and Wonu already have that strong bond with each other. I can say that you are his rock, the
person that he completely trust yet he’s still unsure. Because of the trauma, he built these defense
mechanism keeping him from getting hurt again . That is the reason why sometimes he shut you out
or compare you to that man. But because of your unconditional love for him, he learned to trust you
and open himself to you. And thats what scares him the most. You reached his most vulnerable state
and if you decided to crush or leave him, I guess he can have a mental breakdown .”

Mingyu sigh. He doesn’t realize everything that Dr. Song is telling until she explained it to him. He
felt the pressure. But he will do this. He love Wonwoo so he will bare it.

“I understand. If the therapy works, can he be normal again?” he asked.

“Of course. He will learn how to trust people again. Wonu will undergo with exposure therapy. It’s a
therapy were he needs to relive the cause of his trauma again and again until his mind learned how to
cope up with it. The method is more successful than the normal counseling for people with PTSD.”
“You mean he needs to tell the story of his abuse then hear it every session. Isn't that too cruel
doctor?” Mingyu questioned. On his opinion, the method is absurd. It is hard to tell about someone’s
abuse then they need to hear over and over.

“It will be hard at first, but the study shows that it is more successful than the other therapy method.
And trust me Mr. Kim, it will be for Wonu’s wellbeing.

“I will be with him while doing that so it will be alright. I know you’re worried but I will assure you
that he will be better. And you’re there for him. Everything will be fine. But I want to ask you about

Mingyu nods, waiting for the question for him.

“How’s your intimate relationship with your husband Mr. Kim?” the doctor directly asks. Mingyu
can’t help but blush with the question.

“We didn’t do anything more that kissing and holding. One time he asked me to do that thing but he
had and anxiety attack. And we didn’t tried to do that again.” he answered looking down.

“You see Mr. Kim, with exposure therapy, we put our patient on the same situation except for the
harm that it may bring. Soldiers, undergo to the virtual reality warfare game, and the recovery were
faster than the traditional counseling . I’m not saying that you need to rape him, but what you need to
do is to make him feel safe while you’re being intimate with each other . We both know that you both
need to have sex. It plays a huge role in a marriage. The more that he avoids it the more that will not
get better.”

“You mean we need to have sex?” the younger frankly asked with a confirming voice. “Yes, but you
can’t rush everything. It will just scare him more. At first you may start with light touches and kiss in
more intimate way. Wait until you gained his trust and he absorb the idea that you and him were not
the same. You need to make him feel your affection in each touch and kiss. That way, he will
distinguish that there is no one that will harm him.” Mingyu understands. It’s for Seokjn recovery so
he will definitely do his best.

“I understand Dr. Song. Thank you very much.” He smiled. He’s quite happy now that they have
someone to talk t about their issue easily .

“I guess I need to go.” Dr. Song stood up making the younger stand up too. “You’re a great help for
us Dr. Song. Thank you very much.” Mingyu stated, offering his hand for a shake. The doctor smiled
at him, it’s warm and also motherly smile just like Mrs. Jeon’s.

“And lastly , I hope you can make that man pay. I heard that his dad agreed to receive compensation
but money will never be enough for the damage that he had done. Maybe that also contribute to the
stress. I know he’s a wealthy powerful man, but he needs to pay for everything. I hope Wonu will
have the justice that he deserves. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. I will be willing to
help you two okay.” She said. Mingyu is thankful that there are good people that is willing to help his

“Thank very much doctor. I will keep that in mind.”

After Dr. Song left, Mingyu directly went to their bedroom to check on his husband.

Wonwoo is still sleeping when Mingyu arrived. He sat beside him and stare his beautiful face. Then
he remembered Dr. Song, telling him about someone harassing Wonwoo through unknown email and
text . He remembered the series of text in Wonwoo’s old phone.

The younger quickly look for his husband’s laptop. He found it on the table in his studio. He opened
in, thankful that it doesn’t have a password. Mingyu searched for the elder’s email.

After few minutes, he saw the email’s inbox. It’s just series of emails from their company. He's
scrolling down a little bit more, then he noticed an opened email. It’s from unknown sender.

He opened the email and saw a video file there. It was a thirty minutes video. Mingyu quickly click
the video when something shows up.

It’s a low quality video, obviously taken using a phone. Base on the angle of the camera, it
was obviously placed on the side table. The first two minutes of the video shows Wonwoo laying on
the bed, his wrists were tied with a leather belt that was attached in the bed post . He’s trying to
escape but it was tied well enough. After few more minutes of the video, there’s a sound of a door
opening and closing, Wonwoo reaction suddenly change . He looks desperate to escape at the same
time he look so scared.

“You look so beautiful there, waiting for me.” Said the man who entered the room. Wonwoo kept
shaking his head, trying to make more distance with the man. Mingyu can see smoke, he can say that
it was smoke coming from a cigarette.

The unknown man come closer to Wonwoo’s direction, Mingyu can see the lower part of his body.
Wonwoo is still moving backward, looking more terrified as the minutes passed by.

“I’m so happy to have you here Wonu. Ready to be fucked and be used . I know you like it.
You’re just denying it. I know you love how I fuck you like a whore. Look, look,” the man pointed
out the camera. “Make sure you look pretty for the camera okay. I will love to watch that later.” He
said, laughing like a crazy person.

Wonwoo can’t do anything but shake his head. He doesn’t want everything that Jaehwan stated. He
doesn’t want to get fuck like a sex doll or be tied in the bed post. He doesn’t want to lay in that bed
and just wait for Jaehwan to use him.

He doesn’t want all of it.

Jaehwan started kissing him. It was rough, emotionless and painful in Mingyu’s opinion. Wonwoo
wasn’t reciprocating the action that made Jaehwan stop his movements.

“Still playing hard to get huh?” Wonwoo again shaking his head. “Please, stop this already. I want to
go home. Please Jaehwan.” He pleaded.

“Home? Where is you home huh Wonu? Remember? Your father kicked you out. And your mom
allowed it. There’s no home for you out there Wonu. This. This is your home. With me. Okay. So
stop acting like you don’t want any of this. I know you have that aggressive, sex driven persona
inside you. Let him come out Wonu. Let’s enjoy ourselves.” He really looks like lunatic with what
he’s saying.

“This is not my home! You’re crazy Jaehwan! Stop this already!” he screamed. From a crazy lunatic
he became an angry monster.

“You still want to play this game huh? let’s see.” A punch to his gut made Wonwoo curl almost in
half. The pain can easily seen in his face. Jaehwan did everything that can hurt his victim. Slap,
punch, pinch. Everything over and over again. Until Wonwoo became pliant like a withered plant.
Lifeless and can easily be manhandled by his cruel lover.

Having Wonwoo pliant to his hands, the man had the chance to do anything to his victim. Jaehwan
did everything to Wonu’s body and the boy couldn’t do anything but to receive. He started inserting
his member to Wonus’ without any lube or prep, Wonwoo literally screamed in pain .

Mingyu didn’t know how he had a courage to watch up to that part.

The cruel man continued to pound into Wonu without mercy. Until Wonu shift his glance to the
direction of the camera. He look lifeless. His eyes were blank. There is no emotion in his eyes and he
looks like he already forgotten the words hope, happiness and life.

Jaehwan continued to pleasure himself using Wonwoo’s body and the other doesn't have any reaction
anymore . He felt numb and cold. Not just the physical cold but his soul is cold. He silently wish
to just die in the moment to end everything.

The cruel man chase his climax, making his movement faster, his breathing were labored . He groans
as he finally reached the orgasm that he badly wanted. After riding his post orgasmic haze, Jaehwan
stood up and went to the bathroom. But still Wonwoo wasn’t moving. He’s still in that position for
almost eight minutes of the video.

A sound of an opening door can be heard and Jaehwan entered the room. “I really like you like this,
easy, pliant and such a good boy for me.” He said while caressing Wonwoo’s hair. But Wonwoo
wasn't answering. Jaehwan followed where Wonwoo’s eyes are in and saw the camera. He smile and
grab it from the nightstand. That’s how the video ended.

Mingyud didn’t notice that he is crying while watching the video. He wants to throw up with
everything that he just watched. Not that he’s disgusted with Wonwoo but he is surely disgusted to
that cruel fucker that did this to him.
He quickly went to their bedroom and saw the peaceful sleeping man. He still looks ethereal while
sleeping. Mingyu hop on the bed and envelop his husband into a tight warm hug. He can’t imagine
how Wonwoo managed to survive that kind of cruelty. He felt a sudden regret for him.

“I’m sorry love. I’m not there to save you. I’m sorry I couldn't protect you from him. I’m sorry I
came too late.” He whispered. Mingyu let himself to cry until he was pulled into a much needed nap.


The second therapy session was two weeks after the first one. The routine was just the same, Dr.
Song is with Wonwoo inside and Mingyu is waiting outside the room.

“I will explain to you the therapy that were going to try to you okay. It is called exposure therapy,
where as the patient which is you needs to get exposed to your fears or the cause of it. The best
examples of this is the soldiers that experience life threatening scenarios during the battle .
They were put into a virtual war game where they need to fight without the real harm. That way,
they’re getting used to the scenario until their mind managed to cope up with the stress that the
scenario is bring to them . Here, for you. It’s not the same way. What you need to do is to tell
everything that happened to you. What you felt while being in that situation. We will record it and
then you will listen to it as part of out therapy session.” The doctor explained.

Wonwoo look terrified as he listen to the doctor. He doesn’t want to think of it. He want those
memories to be buried in the deepest part of his mind.

“I know it will be hard for you Wonu. But you need to trust me okay. We were going to do this to
help you overcome you fear and not to harm you. Always put that in your mind. Do you want your
husband to be here? he can be with you if you wanted to.” Dr. Song suggested.
Wonwoo violently shakes his head as a sign of his disagreement. He doesn’t want Mingyu to hear his
story. He's scared that the younger will be disgusted when he heard how Jaehwan use him for his
own pleasure. He’s terrified to see the disappointed face in his husband’s face. He’s scared that he
might lose him after learning his dark past.

“Okay. We will not call him. Do you want to start now or do you want some time to think? Dr. Song

“Can I think about it for a while. I still don’t feel good hearing that story over and over again.”
Wonwoo admitted.

Dr. Song clearly understands. It is the best if the patient has his own willingness to accept the
treatment. Forcing him into something that he’s doesn’t feel safe with may just damage him more.

“It is all fine Wonu. You don’t need to feel bad about it.” The doctor said with a warm tone in his

“Another thing. I already talked to your husband and I asked him the same thing that I asked you
about you relationship with each other . I told him that you can overcome your trauma and he can
help you.” She stated. Wonwoo looks more curious about Mingyu and Dr. Song's conversation last

“It is part of the therapy. You are scared to be intimate with anyone because your mind was telling
you that yo’re gonna be hurt . Or your partner is going to hurt you. What you and Mr. Kim needs to
do is to make you realize that there will be no harm and change your perception about being intimate
to your partner . I know you both know how much you love each other, but your mind is still having
still suffering from the trauma and you can’t stop it when you suddenly feel scared .”

“I told him to make things slow. There’s what we called relearning touch exercises that can help you
overcome your situation . It’s a simple exercises yet great way to for Mr. Kim to earn your hundred
percent trust. He needs to be familiar to you. His touch, his kiss, his warmth and his body. Your body
and mind needs to get used to Mr. Kim until you are willing to accept him and his affection. That
way you will overcome your trauma. However , that will only happen are both of you are willing to
try. Especially you.” Dr. Song explained.

Wonwoo’s mind were trying to absorb all the information that the doctor just stated. He’s asking tons
of question in his mind. ‘Can I do that?’ he silently asked.

He trust Mingyu with all his heart but he’s still doubtful about things that may happen to them and to
their relationship .

All his doubt were clouding his mind until he saw his husband’s smiling face. Encouraging him to be
strong and that he will alright. He hears his whispers saying how much he loves him and he will
never go away. Even if anything happens.

His fear suddenly became courage. Determination to get his life back. Have enough bravery to be
happy with the man he loves.
For his husband.

For Mingyu.
“I - I think I want to do it.” he said it with a weak tone but Dr. Song can see his determination behind
that weak tone. Her lips curve up a little bit.

“I’m happy that you’re willing to try Wonu. I think we need your partner to be here for me to discuss
what you will do.” She said.

Dr. Song asked Wonwoo to call his husband. The couple returned a few minutes later.

The younger man came in to the room with so much question reflecting in his eyes. He stare at the
doctor who is quietly observing them.

“Good to have you here Mr. Kim. We called you here to discuss about your relationship as a married
couple. We already discuss about that the last time I’m here. and earlier, I discussed it to Wonwoo.”
Mingyu looked at his husband while holding his hand securely .

“He agreed to do some exercises and now I need to give you some guidelines for his safety.” Mingyu
is now gasping with so much shock in his face.

“You agreed?” he asked Wonwoo. The elder almost curl his body into a ball with embarrassment. “I
want us to be happy.” He whispered without looking at his husband.

Dr. Song wants to coo the couple with the cuteness that they’re showing to him. ‘Young love.’ she
thought. But she still remains professional. Dr. Song clears her throat to caught the couple’s attention
towards each others.

“The guidelines?” she asked. The two young man were now blushing so hard. Especially the tip of
their ears.

“Yeah. Please doctor, continue.”

“First. You need to make sure that you are both in the right condition to do this. No extreme
emotions, substance intake or anything. We want oth of you too have a clear mind to make sure that
this is going to be safe for both of you especially Wonwoo. Talk before excuting it. It will be
awkward if you decided to continue without any plan .

“Third. Always ask permission to Wonwoo. Mr. Kim, this is important. Asking him permission
before you start or continue with every movement will give him the idea that he has control in the
situation . It can make him feel safe by realizing that he can make everything stop in one word.
Another, always ask him if he’s still alright with what you’re doing. Ask him his limits and if he
wants to stop or for you to continue. Again, it will give him that safety.

“Don’t even try to use even a small amount of force. Every movement should be careful and gentle.
We don’t want to trigger some bad memories to him with such action. Give him a genuine praise and
not that praise that is used to humiliate someone especially while doing some sexual activities .
And lastly , if he says he wants to stop then stop immediately . No buts, nothing, just stop and try to
sooth him if he feels overwhelmed. He may have some flashback if he felt something familiar but
that’s fine, as long as you’re there to help him.”

The doctor continues, "I’ll start discussing the exercises that can help you. Again, Wonu should feel
safe while doing this exercises. The first one is the hand clapping. It’s the easiest. Like
you’re just playing. All you need to do is sit in front of each other then press both your hands
together. Wonu you’re the one who will make the routine and Mr. Kim will follow. Then repeat.
Easy routine are better.

The second is the drawing to your body. This is where Mr. Kim will write letters to your back and
then you’ll guests what he said and then vice versa. I suggest to use encouraging words.” The couple
nods, absorbing the information that the doctor is giving.

“Third is hand to heart. All you need to do is face each other and put you hand to your partner’s chest
and just think of positive thoughts and memories . It can be appreciation, your happy memories
together and your love for each other. With this, you will create a circular flow of positive energy
towards each other and will strengthen the bond that you already have . Forth is for Wonwoo.” She
look at Wonwoo directly .

“You need to look for your safe nest, a place where you feel safe. Then just touch your body. Start
with the part where it’s the safest to touch and then explore. You need to feel safe on your own skin
and later, you can include you genitals. Just be sure that you feel comfortable. If you’re alright you
can allow your husband to join you there and both feel safe in your nest. Associated with this is the
safe embrace, it’s when you allow your partner to enter your nest and just cuddle. You can rest your
head to his chest while he holds you gently . You can also put your hand to his chest where you can
feel his heartbeat.”

The two feels familiar with the safe embrace. That’s what they always do when Wonwoo feel
overwhelmed, or he has an attack or episode. And their safe nests is their closet. Mingyu take note to
himself to make that closet more comfortable by putting comforter and pillows in there .

“You can do your own version of these exercise base on your preference. All you need to do is that
you both need to feel safe with each other. The touch shouldn't be sexual. This exercises should build
you familiarity and trust to your partner. As you level of comfort rise, you can do the sensual
massage. One of you will lay down and the other would do the massage. I suggest for you to start at
the most safest and familiar part of your partners body. And vice versa. You need to make sure that
your partner is comfortable with the place that you’re touching. And if flashback happens then stop.
Breathe and calm down then try to voice out the reason of the flashback or what you felt while
having it. With these you can release the negative energy that the flashback gave to you.”

Mingyu tried to remember everything that Dr. Song is stating. He’s hoping that he will be doing the
right thing to help Wonwoo.

Dr. Song bid her goodbye and the couple were left alone in their lovely house.
“Are you alright love?” the younger ask to his tired looking husband. “I’m fine Gyuie. Just tired a
little bit and bored.” He sigh.

He do understands. Of course it’s boring. They've been there all day long without anything to do.
He’s thinking of ways to cheer his husband a little bit.

“What do you think of shopping? Do you want to go to Myeongdong?” he enthusiastically asks. But
Wonwoo were not feeling to do that.

Mingyu get what he wants to say by just his expression and now thinking of a new idea.

“You know what love, I realized that we've never been into a real date before.” He plainly stated.
That caught Wonwoo attention. “We've been dating Gyuie. Remember the beach with our friends,
and earlier before that.” he countered.

“No what I mean is a real date. Like just the two of us. I didn't ask you even once to have a romantic
date with me. I’m so stupid with this kind of things.” He said.

Wonwoo can’t help but smile, it’s cute too see his husband pouting like a little child. “It’s okay
Gyuie. You made me feel special in different ways. We don’t need to do that kind of things.
I just want you by my side and I’m happy.” The elder said as he cup the younger’s face and pull both
ends of Mingyu’s lips to forcedly make him smile.

He didn't need to put much effort because immediately, Mingyu is showing his blinding smile and
his cute dimple showing . Wonwoo wants to melt by just looking to his husband.

“You know what, why don’t we go on vacation. Just the two of us. Maybe you need to be somewhere
else. Peaceful quiet and fresh. That’ll help you to loosen up a little bit.” Mingyu suggested. Wonwoo
is still thinking when Mingyu talked again.

“Okay! We’ll be having our date! Pack your things. Just for a couple of days and then we will go.”
Mingyu didn't leave any chance for Wonwoo to argue and ran outside.

He made a little research of resorts in the country. Summer is almost at the end, the perfect timing for
them to play in the beach. Without being roasted by the sun.
Mingyu saw the European style resort in Jeollanam – do. The beach is beautiful and even the other
amenities and services offered by the resort. He made their reservation and started packing his things.
The perks of being rich.

They traveled for almost four hours to get into Jeollanam – do. The sun is already down when they
arrive at the hotel and they are tired as hell.

Even though it’s already late, the staff still gave their best to serve the couple. They walk into the
receptionist to get their room keys.

“Good evening sir. Welcome to El Dorado resort. Do you have reservation?” the young lady ask,
showing her hospitable smile. Mingyu leaned into the counter, making the receptionist blush.

“Reservation for Kim Mingyu.” He simply said. The receptionist immediately look the reservation in
her computer while stealing glance to Mingyu .

Wonwoo is silently standing behind Mingyu and seeing how the receptionist is trying to flirt with his
husband . So he made the best thing to do.

“Gyuie. This place is so gorgeous, thank you for bringing me here.” He happily said as he started to
cling on the younger’s left arm. He said loud enough for the receptionist to hear to know that the man
that she’s trying to flirt with is already taken.

Mingyu who has no idea about the tension between his husband and the receptionist happily smiled .
Making the two melt. “Of course love. It’s all for you.” He said and kissed Wonwoo’s forehead in
front of the receptionist.

The poor young lady was shock and widely staring at the couple. “Miss?” Mingyu asks as he
returned his attention to the young lady. The receptionist were hurrying looking for her guest’s
reservation details. She can’t look at the couple, feeling so embarrassed on how she acted.

Wonwoo felt the victory as he saw how panicked the receptionist is. And he’s also happy that
Mingyu is always trying to make him happy.

“Mr. Kim Mingyu, the reservation is for presidential suite. Room 303. I –it’s on the sixth floor.
Here’s your key card sir. Enjoy your stay.” She hurriedly said. Then bow to the two.

Mingyu who is still not getting what the situation is, awkwardly get the key card and leave. Wonwoo
gave the receptionist one last look before he turn around.

“Why do you look so happy?”Mingyu curiously asked. “Nothing. I just want to be with you.” The
elder answered.

He is so focus on putting the lady on her place that he didn't realize the room that Mingyu chose for
them. The couple walked on the sixth floor and in front of the room number 303.

As the younger opened the door, Wonwoo’s jaw literally dropped.

“A –are we on the presidential suite Gyuie?” he asks. The younger put down their bag and sit on the
couch. “You didn't hear her? The receptionist announced it earlier.” Mingyu innocently stated.

“Are you crazy! Why do we need to be in this freaking expensive room. We can have the regular
room. But why this! I don’t understand at all.” He wants to argue, then he realize that they’re already
there, so there’s no use of being hysterical.

Mingyu is quietly staring his beautiful husband ranting about how expensive their room is . He’s
happy that he can already see the changes in Wonwoo’s life after seeking help. He’s more alive now.
Too much alive to rant about things actually.

“You’re not listening to me.” Wonwoo accused while pouting. Mingyu smiled and pull his husband
to sit by his side and embrace him.

“I know it’s expensive and it’s stupid but I just want all the best for you. For us. This is our first date
or rather the first time I ask you out. Let me give my best to impress you okay.” He lightly stated.
Then he look in Wonwoo’s eyes. “I just want to make you happy love. Please allow me.” Wonwoo’s
breath hitch.

‘What did I do to deserve this man?’ he asked himself. And how could he say no to that gentle
monster staring at him wholeheartedly .

“I love you.” The elder stated, giving Mingyu a one sweet kiss.

“I love you so much Gyuie but I love food too.” That statement ruined their romantic mood. Mingyu
can’t do anything but smile. He is his happiness.

They had a nice dinner, eating everything in the table. Even the staff serving in the buffet table look
at them so weirdly when they return for hundred times just to get food . The couple shared stories
and Wonwoo’s dad jokes that made Mingyu flustered all the time. The night went great for the

The two were already on their room, Mingyu is already done cleaning up while Wonwoo is inside the
bathroom . There’s a lot of things in his mind right now but it can’t stop him from being happy after
seeing the old Wonwoo that he knew.
He called the front desk to ask a room service. They manage to deliver his order before Wonwoo
finished cleaning himself up.

The elder come out from the bathroom fully dressed and still drying his hair when he saw his

He was stunned by seeing his husband, standing like a model, sipping his whine while wearing a
black tank top and black sweat pants .

Bringing the glass wine to his lips make his muscle appear, with the body hugging tank top, the elder
can easily see the lean body behind the fabric and Wonwoo can’t help but swallow .

He’s so freaking hot.

“Wine?” Mingyu offered when he notice his husband standing dumbfounded. He was oblivious to his
husband inner dilemma and
used his husky bedroom voice.

Wonwoo feel hot even though he just had shower. The tip of his ears were literally red and he felt
like his face is going to explode.

He doesn’t know what to do so he just did what came first to his mind. “Yah! Why are dressed like
that! You want me to make a sin, aren't you?” Wonwoo accused.

Mingyu is again doing his signature stupid – Wonwoo – stunned face. “What are you talking about?”
he defensively asked, looking at his clothes, thinking of what’s wrong about it.

“T – that! your clothes! You’re trying to seduced right?! RIGHT?!” he shouted. Mingyu is still
oblivious when reality slap him. He look into Wonwoo with a playful glint in his eyes, biting his lips
and Wonwoo feels like there’s slow motion.

“So, you’re attracted to me.” He arrogantly stated. Wonwoo’s heart thump. “No.” he straightly said
but it was an obvious lie.

“No lies love.” The younger warned. It’s cute to see his husband act like that.

Wonwoo felt defeated with that. That’s their oath. But how could he easily admitted that he’s having
this tingling feeling because his husband is wearing a tank top and a sweater ?

“H –how can’t I? you looks so sexy with that. It’s unfair.” He admitted feeling defeated. “And why
are you drinking? I hate it if someone will see you like that. Especially girls.” He said, pouting while
crossing his arms to his chest.

Mingyu wants to coo his husband’s fake anger. That was so childish yet so lovely. “No one will ever
see me like this love. Only you.” He said and walk in front of the elder to give him a passionate kiss.
“Promise?” Wonwoo held his pinky finger for their promised to be sealed . “Promise.” Mingyu
answered, locking their fingers together.

They were now laying on the bed, staring at each other.

”Thank you Gyuie. I never thought I’ll be happy like this.” Wonwoo whispered. Mingyu tuck some
strands behind his ears.

“You’re the most welcome love. I’ll do anything to make you safe and happy.” He said. Wonwoo
gave him a gentle smile and move closer to his husband.

“Love, I’m planning to do something. But I want to know your opinion about this.” Mingyu sigh
preparing himself for the reveal. “What is it?” Wonwoo asked.

“I want to put Lee Jae Hwan in jail.”

His eyes were wide with shock and his breath hitch. The name rings in his ears. “Why?” Wonwoo

Mingyu sigh and caress his husband’s face. “I will never accept the idea that you didn't get the justice
that you deserve love. Money will never be enough as the payment for the damage that he caused
you. It is your life that he ruined, not just some material thing. And it’s making me want to hate your
father for doing that decision. He is a dangerous man. If he can do this to you then he can do it to
other people. He needs to pay for his sins.” Hatred was seen in his eyes.

Wonwoo is conflicted about the situation. He also want to have the justice that he deserves but he
doesn't want to recall those memories. A lawsuit, meaning his name will be dragged into the
newspaper. They need to meet at the courtroom and retell those nightmares. He doesn't want to do
that anymore.

“I don’t know Gyuie.” He honestly answered. The younger

understands. Of course it will be hard for Wonwoo. But this is what he needs. Justice.

“I know love it is hard. But I will do my best to protect you. And a lot of people is willing to help us.
We’re looking for more evidences so that he can’t get away anymore. He will be in jail for hurting
you. I will make sure that it will happen soon.” He said.

Wonwoo didn’t respond. The younger know his husband’s distress so he move closer and embrace
him. “I know you’re scared love. But I’m here okay. I’ll always be here.”

‘How did I deserve this man.’


The sunshine wake Wonwoo from his slumber. He remembered that they’re on their vacation, the
reason why the room is unfamiliar to him.
He hears his husband, loudly snoring beside him. The elder face him, smiling as he saw Mingyu, still
asleep, mouth hanging slightly open. Yet he’s still handsome in every way.

‘Thank you God for giving this man to me.’ He thought. He stared his husband for couple of minutes,
trying to memorize every curves and lines in his handsome face . Wonwoo wished they remained like

Their morning was uneventful; they ate their breakfast just like other normal morning and get dressed
up to look around .

Their outfit are the exact opposite of each other. Mingyu is wearing an unbuttoned checkered red and
black polo and a tank top on the inside, he also wears a black beanie and shades to complete the
look . While Wonwoo is wearing a very light printed polo and a weird red grandma hat. It’s big
enough to protect him to the sun and with his uniqueness, he finish the look wearing one dangling
earing. He indeed still look magnificent.

“What do you want to do love?” Mingyu asked. The elder were planning their itinerary for the day
when Wonwoo notice some white spots in his husband’s face . “You have some cream on your face.”
Wonwoo said, pointing out the uneven cream.

Before Mingyu could fix it himself, he felt the elder’s soft hands, fixing it for him. “You can’t even
put a cream properly to yourself. Pabo.” Wonwoo teased. The younger felt shy with his husband’s
statement but it’s the truth. “But I love the idiot version as much as the smart one.” Seokjn

Mingyu’s heart fluttered with the unexpected confession from his husband. “I also love you and your
lame jokes. It makes me happy. You made me happy.”

The romantic aura ended when Wonwoo defended himself and his jokes. “My jokes are great,
you just don’t have a sense of humor.” He sassed. Mingyu smiled. Letting his husband win for the
nth time. Happy husband, happy life right?

However , he is genuinely happy with the changes that he’s seeing. Their relationship is so domestic
like they’re born to live together.

Wonwoo saw the sea and breathe the clean air. “I want to play in the shore.” Wonwoo requested. The
younger agreed.

The beach is not crowded for a summer season, maybe because this is a hidden paradise in their

“Love I want to catch a crab.” Mingyu said. He crouch down, looking for a crab. He attempted, but
the crabs knew how to escape to their clumsy captor. With a lot of patience and determination,
Mingyu managed to catch two almost microscopic crabs . They almost look like a pebble. The
smaller crab does have a pink color, making him a super cute creature.
“Look hyung I catch some!” he excitedly scream. Wonwoo quickly come closer and look at his
husband’s little prisoners. “Oh! They’re so tiny!” the elder squeal.

“Let me see.” Wonwoo said. The younger agreed and carefully transfers the crabs to the elder’s hand.
“They’re so cute.” Mingyu happily said. They continued playing on the sand, catching crabs and then
releasing it, then looking for a new one.

Wonwoo can see happiness in Mingyu’s eyes. “You look so innocent love. Are you happy?” he
asked. The younger set the little hermit crab free then brushed the sand off on his pants and sit beside
his husband. “Yeah I’m happy, with the crabs and with you.” It sound so awfully cheesy but
Wonwoo can’t deny how his heart flutters with those words from his husband.

“I like that.” Wonwoo admitted.

The sun is already setting when they arrive at the part of the shore with more rocks. The sunset is
beautiful as he said his good bye to the sky. The couple were fascinated how beautiful the scenery is.
“Gyuie let’s stack rocks then pray.” Wonwoo said. They hurriedly stack small rocks before it gets
dark. When they are both satisfied with the height of the stacks, they both whisper their prayers.
Hoping for it to come true.

The moon is already shining as the couple went back to their room. Wonwoo decided to shower
while Mingyu is talking to the staff about a request he made even before they arrive at the resort .

Wonwoo was done and notice that his husband were nowhere to be found . He dressed up with his
white flowy sweater and black pants. The elder decided to wait for Mingyu for dinner.

The younger is gone for almost half an hour and Wonwoo is starting to get worried, he tried calling
Mingyu's number but he’s not answering . The elder went out of their room hoping to see his
husband in the hall way, but he’s already in the lobby and there is not sign of Mingyu . He sat on the
lounge, hoping to see his husband immediately when he arrives.

The elder were reading a travel magazine when his phone rings.

From: Gyuie <3

Go to the gazebo near the shore.

Wonwoo went without expecting anything. Maybe Mingyu want to eat there. He continued to walk
until he saw a light.

The gazebo that Mingyu is saying were surrounded with lights laying on the sand. There’s a white
flower petals scattered on the floor and a romantic table set up for two.

The elder was stunned with the beauty of the place. He never imagine that it can be possible. He walk
closer and saw his handsome husband, wearing a cotton blue stripe long sleeves and white shorts,
waiting for him . He’s holding a white lily flower.

Wonwoo almost cried while walking. Everything is beautiful.

He finally stepped inside the gazebo, still speechless with the surprise. “Hi love. Did you like it?”
Mingyu asked, showing his adorable dimple.

“It’s beautiful Gyuie. Very beautiful. But what is it for?” He dumbly asked. Mingyu hold his hand
and stare directly to his eyes.

“I want us to have a perfect date. So I asked the staff to help me. It’s for you love. For you.” he said.

Wonwoo’s heart wants to burst into so much happiness. He never imagined that someone will give
his effort to gave him this. Just to make him happy.

“And before you say its too much, let me tell you. It is too much. But I don’t care, because all I want
is to make you happy and give everything that you deserves. And this. this is just a fraction of
everything that you deserve love. You deserve the love of the whole world. Happiness and freedom.
And I’ll do my best to give that everything to you.”

Wonwoo can’t hold his tears anymore and jumped to his husband. “You don’t know how happy I am
tonight Gyuie. I never thought I’d be happy like this. Thank you so much.” He said while sobbing.

Mingyu hold him. Making him feel the warmth that the younger wants to offer. “I love you so much
love.” he said.

The food are already on the table. The couple enjoyed their dinner, talking about everything. When
they already finish their food, Mingyu stood up and offer his hand to his husband.

“Can I have this dance?” he said. The elder looks weird, like he’s hesitating and unsure. “But there’s
no music Gyuie, they’ll think were crazy. And I’m a terrible dancer.” Wonwoo admitted.
Mingyu just smile before he gently grab his hand and pull Wonwoo to stand.

“Don’t worry. No one cares about us here love. Just you and me. And let the waves become our
music. Just enjoy everything. And for the record, I'm a terrible dancer too.”
Wonwoo followed and close his eyes, only hearing the beautiful waves on the background and his
heartbeat . He can feel Mingyu’s warmth, the cold wind and the crashing waves.

He felt like he’s dancing on the clouds. Peaceful and happy.

The couple finished their romantic dinner and returned to their room.

Mingyu wants to change his clothes to finally rest after such wonderful day with Wonwoo . The elder
on the other side were fidgeting and quite nervous.

The younger were already done changing his clothes when he noticed that his husband is still
standing at the same place for minutes . “Love? what are you doing there?” Mingyu asked.

The elder look unsure of what he will do that make Mingyu nervous. The younger waited for his
husband to talk. Not wanting to pressure the elder.

“Can we try it?”

Mingyu stared dumbfounded, not able to process what Wonwoo said.

“Try what?” he dumbly asked. The elder wants to be eaten by the floor with so much embarrassment.

“Th – the e – exercise.”

The younger looks like a fish out of the water, with his mouth that constantly opening and closing.
The word rings to his ears over and over again. “A – are y – you sure?” he stuttered.

Wonwoo’s knees wants to give in or run away. The way Mingyu looks at him when he said what he
wants gives him weird feeling. He’s scared yet happy at the same time. He’s scared to rejected by the
younger yet happy to finally take a step for him to move forward.

The elder is still speechless and just nod.

“Come here love.” He said as he spread his arms wide to welcome his husband. The elder obliged
and happily let his husband envelope him with his warm embrace.

“Do you really want to do that?” he gently asked as he starts to caress Wonwoo’s back. It is
comforting to feel the younger’s hand soothing him. Wonwoo nods, he want to do this.
“How about you lead and then I’ll follow you. That should be okay.” Mingyu suggested. The elder
look confused. “Does it need to be that way?” he asked

The younger maneuvered the elder so that they’re facing each other. “Of course love. You can feel
safer if you’re the one in control. It can build your confidence and be vocal with your thoughts. Don’t
worry, I’ll tell you if I’m not comfortable okay. Do you trust me?” Mingyu confidently asked.
Wonwoo nods. The younger smiled then kiss Wonwoo. “Do you trust yourself?” he asked. That was
the time Wonwoo was stunned . ‘Do I trust myself.’ He mentally asked.

“What do you want to try?” the younger encouragingly asked. The elder think for a moment, ”I want
to try that drawing thing.” he answered. Mingyu gave him a smile and lead him to the bed where they
can be more comfortable.

“Give instruction then I’ll follow.” The younger said. There is something that Wonwoo want to do.
But he is hesitating to do it. “You’re the one that is going to write on my back.” He said. The
younger agreed and let his husband turn his back.

The elder were comfortably sitting facing to the headboard while Mingyu is thinking of the word that
he want to write . He remembered Dr. Song saying that positive words were good for the exercise.

“Are you ready love? Are you comfortable?" The younger asked. Wonwoo simply nod and wait for
Mingyu’s touch.

The blond man started scribbling on his husband’s back. Wonwoo jolts as he felt the tip of Mingyu’s
finger on his back.

He can say that it is familiar. He is used on feeling his husband’s hand on his back whenever he
soothed him, so it wasn’t something that he will be uncomfortable with .

Wonwoo concentrates to read the word Mingyu is writing. It’s a phrase that is familiar to them. He
turn around to say the word
“I love you.”

Mingyu smiled as Wonwoo get the word right. He gave his husband a quick sweet kiss as his reward.
“Are you okay? Do you want to continue?” he asked.

Wonwoo nodded, he didn’t expect that it will be exciting. “Gyuie. Can we do that again? But I’ll take
my sweater off.” He casually said.

Mingyu is shocked . He didn’t expect the progress this big. He thought it will take time for them to
be comfortable doing the exercises. But now, Wonwoo wants to take his shirt off. Something that he
never did in their almost one year relationship.

It was rare that Mingyu will see his husbands without shirt. He never walk in their home almost
naked. He’s always in sweatpants or in robe if he’s bathing. It will be a new thing for Mingyu for
touch his husband’s bare body.

“O – okay. Are you sure? You don’t have to do this.” he reassured. But there’s no hint of fear in
Wonwoo’s eyes. it was awkward but not fear.

“Yeah. You wouldn't hurt me right? And I want to trust myself too.” He said, determined. Mingyu
saw that so he let him do whatever he wants.

Wonwoo took his sweater off, for Mingyu it was breathtaking. Again, he saw that slim body with
right amount of muscle and fat. That smooth skin that can be compared to an infant’s skin. And that
broad shoulder. His body's shape is like an inverted pyramid. His waist is slim like a women’s waist.
Women will surely envy his husband’s slim figure.

He turn around, trusting Mingyu. The younger is still frozen while staring at his husband’s wide
back. It look so damn sexy. He quickly felt hot.
Mingyu resume to their exercise. With his trembling finger, he started to scribble letters again.
Meanwhile, Wonwoo feels like Mingyu’s finger’s were ice melting on his skin. It is unfamiliar yet
he’s loving it. There’s nothing sexual in the touch but he love it. He can feel that ice and the warmth
at the same time. It was a beautiful feeling.

The younger stopped when he’s done. Wonwoo turn around like a slow motion in movies. The view
was ethereal in Mingyu’s opinion.

“I’ll protect you.” he whispered.

Mingyu smiled again and gave him another kiss, instead of a short quick kiss, Wonwoo managed to
hold the younger's shoulder so that he will not move away .

Their kiss starts from an innocent peck, and as the minutes passed by, it became intimate and
passionate . Wonwoo makes this little whimpers against Mingyu’s lips and the younger love it. He
love every sound like it was the most beautiful melody he ever heard.

He wants to touch his husband, feel his skin and share this warmth but he decided not to. After what
happened before, and Dr. Song’s guidelines. It will be safe to keep his hand of to himself for the
mean time.

They broke their kiss for the oxygen to enter their lungs. The couple were panting as they catch their
breath. The younger smiled, feeling such adrenaline in his system. “I love you Wonwoo. I love you
so much. God, I don’t know how to explain this feeling.” He said.

The elder lean, their foreheads touching. It was such an amazing feeling. They created that world
where no one will harm them. No pain, fear or anything but them and this overflowing emotion that
they shared.

“Can I write on your back too?” Wonwoo timidly asked. “Of course love. Anything for you.” His
heart flutters with the younger’s words.

He never imagined that there will be someone, a great man, that is willing to do anything and give
everything for him . Mingyu is such a gift. This is a dream.

The younger turn around, Wonwoo looking at his also slim and sexy figure. The elder starts, writing
each letter of the words he wants to say.

As he finished. The younger froze as he decipher the elder’s words.

“I want you.”

There’s a meaning of 'I want you' that keeps buzzing in Mingyu’s mind. But he doesn't want to
entertain it. He convinced himself that it’s just a product of his well-kept desire for the elder.

“What does it means love?” he dumbly asked. Wonwoo is quite disappointed that Mingyu didn't get
what he wants to say. It’s too embarrassing to say verbally . What he doesn't know is that Mingyu
gets it. Understands what he wants yet he’s just denying it. Convincing that it’s a part of his desire.

“Make love to me. Real this time.”

Again, Mingyu can see how serious Wonwoo is. It’s not the same Wonwoo that asked him the same
question before. But a Wonwoo who’s more sure about himself and his feelings towards his husband.

Mingyu doesn’t know it it’s a test or some prank because he fucking wants to agree.

No one knows how much he imagined this moment. Him and his husband on one bed. Making love
under the moon light. Expressing his feelings with kisses and whispers. Hearing such wonderful
melody coming from Wonwoo’s lips and his name is the only lyrics. And finally, making Wonwoo
feel his warmth and feeling his. He want to feel drugged with so much love. He want them to be
locked up into the world they made with each other. No one will enter.

But of course safety of his husband will always be the priority than desires. He learned that in a hard
way. He doesn't want to see Wonwoo like that again.

He doesn't want to see that look again. Where Wonwoo is scared at him, pleading to be freed .

“Love, we can’t. I’m sorry.” He said. Kissing Wonwoo forehead. The elder’s expression falters. His
determined expression changed into a discouraged one. “You don’t want me anymore.”
he sadly stated.

Wonwoo is scared with Mingyu’s answer. He knew he can’t take it when the younger said that
indeed he doesn't want him anymore.

“ What? No. not that love. Look at me.” He said, lifting Wonwoo’s chin so their eyes will met. “I
know you thought that you’re finally ready for this but you’re not love. You still need time to heal,
and doing this will not help you. Rushing this, is a wrong decision to make. We can be both hurt and
that was scary.” He stated.

It enlightened Wonwoo’s mind. Mingyu is not rejecting him, but protecting him with the possible
harm that may hurt him, them. The younger is cherishing him with all his heart. What can he even
wish for.

But Wonwoo still want to feel his husband. Not in a sexual way, but he want to be touched
by Mingyu. He want to feel his love on his body.

“I’ll do everything you say love. But not this please.” Mingyu pleaded. The elder do understands. It’s
unbelievable how much they understand each other that well. Like their emotions were connected .

“Can you touch me?” he asked. Mingyu nods. “Where do you want me to touch you?” he asked.
Wonwoo has no idea where he wants to be touched . But he want it.

“I don’t know.” He admitted. They’re both lost when Mingyu had an idea. Thanks to his high IQ.

“How about the upper body. Nothing sexual. Just touch.” He suggested. Wonwoo immediately nods
as sign of agreement.
“Do you trust me?” Mingyu asked again. The elder whispered a simple yes as a respond. “Love,
remember, you’re the one in control okay. When you say stop then I’ll stop. You need to promise me
to say it if you’re not comfortable okay. Promise?” he held his pinky to lock their promise.

The elder lock their finger together, sync with Mingyu’s dimpled smile.

The younger started moving, Wonwoo will be a liar if he say that he’s not nervous. He is nervous but
the good nervous no the bad one.

Mingyu pushed Wonwoo to the bed, making the elder lay down. He took his shirt off and crawl on
top of his husband, being supported by his long arms. There’s enough space for them to breathe.

Wonwoo doesn’t feel suffocated with their closeness. He never thought how amazing he will felt
while laying there and his husband were on top of him.

With so much emotion he’s feeling, he cupped Mingyu’s face. He want to feel his skin. The younger
immediately lean to his touch. Even touching his hand for Mingyu to feel him more.

“You know that I love you right?” Mingyu asked, starring directly to his eyes. His deep voice stir
something inside Wonwoo. “Yeah.” He whispered. The younger lowered his body, shortening the
distance of their body to each other.

He move closer until his lips were able to touch the elder’s forehead. “You make me so happy love.”
he said. Wonwoo didn't have a chance to answer when he felt Mingyu’s lips on his nose. “I never
imagined that I will be this happy in my life.” he said. Again, Wonwoo felt his lips on his left eyes.
“You erase all my doubt and all the unnecessary things in my mind.” On his right eye. “I never felt
so alive before I met you.” That lastly to his lips. “You are my dream that indeed do come true..”

Wonwoo is speechless as Mingyu finished. His heart wants to melt with so much happiness. “Thank
you for saving me Gyuie.” That’s the only thing he managed to say.

Mingyu hold his husband’s hand, feeling the softness of it with his fingers. He knew that Wonwoo is
quite insecure with his hand due to it’s unnatural shape, but Mingyu love it. The
younger slowly kissed the elder’s palm. Wonwoo can feel the soft lips of his husband to his palm and
they felt right. The kiss continued upward to his arms until Mingyu made it to his shoulder.

There’s a buzzing sensation inside Wonwoo. He can feel the pleasure yet its not in any sexual way.
It’s the pleasure of feeling of being loved by someone. He can see how Mingyu worship him and
make him feel the safest.

“Are you okay love? Do you want me to stop?” he asked. That made Wonwoo feel more secured
with the situation. The younger is actually considering him, he felt safe in his husband’s arms.

“No. Please don’t stop Gyuie.” Mingyu is satisfied to see his husband’s hooded eyes. It is not with
lust but with so much trust that he invested on him.
Every kiss , every nip and every touch of Mingyu’s lips on Wonwoo’s shoulder make the elder feel
more loved. Its like Mingyu is screaming his emotions with each kiss. He want to show Wonwoo
how much he love him through his touch.

Mingyu’s lips were in the elder’s neck when he decided to give it a little lick. Wonwoo didn't expect
that and the sensation make him breathe heavily and his back to arch . Mingyu seize the opportunity
of hold Wonwoo to his waist. That made their body touch even more closer.

They were impossibly close and they both love it. Mingyu continued nipping on Wonwoo’s neck,
living some faint marks and giving it an occasional lick . He seize the opportunity to tighten his hold
to his waist. That made their body touch .

“Gyuie.” He exhaled. The younger finally ended his sweet torture to his husband and look at
him directly in the eyes. “I love you Kim Wonwoo.” He said and give the final kiss.

The elder never felt something like this before. He is now laying on Mingyu’s chest, trying to rest
after such mind blowing activity.

“Are you happy love?” Mingyu said as he felt the sleepiness conquering his senses. The younger
didn't manage to hear his husband’s answer when he was finally dominated by sleep.

The elder happily stared at his cute husband who started snoring, meaning he is completely asleep .
“Happy is not enough to describe the feeling you’re allowing me to feel Gyuie. You make me feel
alive again.”
Who's hyperventilating! put your hands up!

i reread the last chapter that I've written and I realize how painful it is so I made this, to make my
lovely readers happy! Are you happy guys?

Well I know it's been almost two months for me to post this ans I'll tell you the reason. I want to
make the chapter realistic as I can make it so I do and intense reasearch about different types of
therapy. Exposure therapy is true and even the relearning touch exercises. But if I made something
wrong on how I explain it, you can point it out okay.

and next one is my upcoming charm business. I decided to follow what I really love and create this
charm business. I've done some designs and it was hard as hell. but I love what I do so I'll do my
best. Maybe I'll make a rouhui's note again to intoduce to you guys the product that I made and
discuss something.

It's been a long time since we talk so I'm hoping to hear your thoughts.

Again and again and again. You are very well appreciated!! My lovely readers. thank you for loving
D.A so much. it's overflowing. Thank you thank you so much. I'm hoping for a happy life for all of


Let's Fly


Chapter 38
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

After that vacation, the couple’s life become fine, great even. Wonwoo is doing well with his
therapy. It’s been three months since his first therapy, Dr. Song were guiding him and the result are
impeccable. As she explain, they did the exposure therapy. At first, it was hard for the elder.
Countless nights he spends from crying in his husband’s arms. But with the help of Dr. Song, his
friends and Mingyu, Wonwoo can say that he’s getting his life back little by little.

Mingyu is happiest, seeing the elder’s improvement gives him more hope that his husband will be
back to his happy and cheerful self.

And now here they are. Having a picnic to a beautiful park full of red and brown leaves. Autumn is a
romantic season for Mingyu. It gives this feeling were you can freely lay back and take a break.
Enjoy the dancing leaves and look into his husband’s eyes as he smile.

“You’re not listening to me. I’m talking here and you’re not paying attention.” The elder whined. He
didn't know that that is exactly the opposite of what Mingyu is doing.

He is paying attention. Paying attention to his eyes, how his lips moves, how air blows his silky hair
and how he smile. He’s also paying attention on how his heart race every time he realize how he love
this man beside him.

“I’m sorry. I’m just enjoying the view.” He said. “What view? You’re staring at me for like forever.”
Wonwoo turn his head to see the overlooking view of Seoul. “That is the view. Not my face.” He

‘But you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.’ the younger thought. “Anyway, what I’m saying
is, Tae and Jimin were asking me to go shopping with them. Can I go?” Wonwoo asked. The younger
gently hold his hand. “Of course love you can do whatever you want.”
“Thanks Gyuie.” He smiled. The younger is still admiring the beauty that his husband
possessed. ‘How can he be this beautiful?’

All his thoughts were interrupted when Wonwoo sneeze. “I’m sorry.” He said as he wipe his mouth.
The younger find it cute. “Let’s go love. it’s getting colder.”

The couple cleaned before they go and that’s how their date ends.


“Hey guys I have an announcement.” Seungkwan said. Standing over the couch. The gang decided to
have some quality time in Mingyu and Wonwoo’s house. Sharing food with everyone with some
alcohol and music. Everyone is chilling until Seungkwan decided to stand on that couch.

Everyone were staring at him, waiting to his announcement. “My dance academy is going to open
soon!” he screamed. He expected for them to be excited and congratulate him. Instead they’re
chuckling and rolling their eyes. Especially Jihoon.

“That’s it? I thought you’re finally admitting that you’re an idiot or you’re getting married.” Jihoon

Seungkwan looked so offended. “Yah hyung! You should be happy for me! What kind of friend are
you?” he cried.

The rest were holding their laughter. He can’t even notice that he’s just messing with him.
“Congratulations Hobi-ah. Aiggooo hyung is so proud of you.” The pale man sarcastically said. The
younger looks more offended that his lips is starting to look like a triangle.

“Yah Jimin-ie let’s not invite hyung when we have showcase. He will never see you dance.” Hobi

Jihoon’s expression faltered. His smirk were gone. “You’re dancing with him?” he silently asked
Jimin who just nod silently. He just want to laugh so hard with Jihoon’s expression.

“Of course hyung. I will never give you a copy of Jimin’s dance video. I swear you’ll gonna drool
watching him dancing.” Hobi countered.

“Yah! Hyung you’re selling me out?” Jimin complained. “What do you want for that video? I want to
have that.” Jihoon bluntly stated.

Everyone laughs and Jimin ended up hiding behind a pillow. That was so embarrassing how Jihoon is
so blunt wanting his videos.

“No hyung, you hurt my heart already. You can’t have that.” Seungkwan acted like he is in real pain,
which looks really hilarious.

"Fifty thousand for each video. Deal?” Jihoon said. Jimin wants to ran away. “Yah! That’s just stupid
videos. Why are you buying that for fifty thousand dollars? Are you stupid?!” Jimin cried. But
Jihoon wasn’t listening. He want to have that videos. He’ll give everything.

“Deal. I’ll be rich in this.” Seungkwan said while shaking the elder’s hand. “But-“ he stop suddenly.
“What?” Jihoon looks confused when the angel of hope suddenly look like killer. “I want you to
show us your aegyo. Right here. Right now.”
Jihoon froze in Seungkwan’s condition. Everyone burst on laughing. Min swag Jihoon doing aegyo
is the miracle that will only happen in this century.

“If I’m satisfied with your aegyo, I will give you the sexiest dance he recorded. You’re nose will
bleed when you saw that.” Seungkwan encouraged.

Their subject were curled like a ball, hiding with so much embarrassment. “Yah hyung stop it.” The
younger whispered. But Seungkwan is pretty determined to make Jihoon act cute in front of

“After I get that videos I will definitely killed you.” Jihoon said with gritted teeth. Seungkwan only
answer him with a loud laughter.

The younger got back to his seat and waited for Jihoon to do what he asked. Mingyu and the rest
were already feeling the second-hand embarrassment for their hyung.

“Oh –“ he started, opening his mouth in such cute manner and putting his index finger on his lips.
He’s just starting but everyone aside Jihoon were already cringing with so much embarrassment.
Mingyu were covering his mouth while Jungkook were excitedly laughing while clapping his hand.
Even Taehyung and Jimin were dying. Wonwoo’s ears were red.

“Oh! Buy Yooni a cheese burger.” He said with a very tiny voice.

Everyone especially Seungkwan were rolling with too much happiness in their system. It’s really
cute to see Jihoon trying to baby talk and ask for a cheese burger, that was the best.

“Oh my god! Please somebody save him!” Mingyu cried. It caused more laughter for the group, but
Jihoon decided to save his dignity and acted like there’s nothing happened.
After acting cute, he stood in the middle, wearing a smirk in his face. Still proud of himself.

“Oh my! That was hilarious Jihoon-ah. You should do that often.” Said Wonwoo who’s still wiping
his tears away. “But anyway. Seungkwan-ah, congratulations to your academy. Cheers!” he said his
glass and the rest followed.

They still have their hangover with Jihoon’s aegyo when Seungkwan speak. “Guys, we’re going to
celebrate my success. I rented the Monkey Museum on Friday night and I’m expecting you to be
there. No excuses.” He warned.

They all agreed. A party for Taehyung and Jimin is a good reason to buy new clothes just to show

“Wonu hyung let’s go shopping. You already agreed.” Taehyung said, leaving no room for an

“Of course we’re going to do that.” he agreed.


Wonwoo is already dressed and just waiting for his dongsaengs to arrive when Mingyu saw him.
“Dressed up? Where are you going?” he asked.
The elder naturally walk to his husband’s direction and give him a hug. “Shopping with Tae and
Jiminie. I already told you this right?” he said. The younger remembered their last date and Wonwoo
saying that Tae and Jimin were asking Wonwoo to come with them.

“Yeah. I remember. Do you have your card? You can use mine.” He offered. Mingyu look for his
wallet and bring out his credit card. A black card without limit. Wonwoo’s eyes shine as he saw the

Yeah he is somehow rich, but he never tried to use their company’s money for his unnecessary
expenses. “How can you have something like this?” he whispered as he get the card to Mingyu’s

“Mom gave me that for my 16th birthday. You know the typical rich gift.” he stated. The elder still
can’t believe that Mingyu already has this card when he was sixteen.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” the younger worriedly asked. It’s the first time in
almost five months that Wonwoo will go alone by himself or rather go with other people without his
husband by his side. That made Mingyu anxious.

“It’s fine Gyuie. Tae and Jimin will be with me, so there’s nothing to worry about. And besides you
need to have some time alone with your two dork best friends. They miss you, you know.” The elder

“Okay love just be safe. And call me if anything happens okay. I love you.” The younger said.

“Oh hyung we’re so excited to be with you. What are we going to do first? Hmm?” Taehyung
excitedly said, literally squealing with so much happiness.

They went to the place were authentic luxury brands were being sold. “Hyung what are you looking
for? Bags? Shoes?” Jimin asked while looking to a Calvin Klein, denim jacket.

“I don’t really know what I like. I mean I have everything I need. I basically come here just to spend
time with you two and have fun.” He said. Wonwoo is a fan of different designer goods but he’s not
really fond of spending shit ton of money for that. He prefers being practical than being a compulsive

“That was so sweet of you hyung. But you can’t go home without having anything. And besides
we’re going to Seungkwan hyung’s party. I don’t want you to go there wearing a sweatshirt or just
anything.” Jimin lectured.

“Hyung that’s the right time to show of your God given beauty you know. And besides how it has
been since you went to a club to just have fun and be free huh?” Taehyung asked.

“The last time I went and get wasted, I was punched by Jihoon. Mingyu and him had a fight because
of me.” He stated. Jimin become stiff as he heard his hyung’s statement. At some point he felt guilty
whenever he remember that night.

“But its alright now. They are fine and I have my man beside me now.” Wonwoo said looking into
Jimin’s eyes.

“I’m sorry hyung.” Jimin stated. “No Jiminie. It’s fine and you didn’t do anything wrong. Let’s be
honest here, everyone including Jihoon can be attracted to you you know. Right Tae?” the younger
answer him with an enthusiastic nod.
It’s their fifth store yet Wonwoo is still empty handed, while Jimin and Taehyung is drowning with
huge paper bags in their hands.

“Hyung if you can’t still find anything here, then we’ll going to choose something for you.” Jimin
warned. Wonwoo is nervous about Jimin’s threat but there is nothing in those rack were appealing
for him.

The two finish their shopping on that store which is Chanel and as expected, Wonwoo didn’t buy

“Hyung, I warned you. Now let’s go to Saint Laurent then we’ll eat okay.” Taehyung playfully said.

The duo were so excited to enter the Saint Laurent shop, although Taehyung prefer Gucci more and
Jimin prefer Chanel. They are still excited because they are now Wonwoo’s new personal shopper.

“Hyung just sit there and hand me your card.” Jimin said as he ask for Wonwoo’s credit card. The
elder looks hesitant as he pull the card from his wallet. Technically, it’s not his card because it
belongs to Mingyu. but whatever.

“Jimin’s small eyes turn into round as he saw that shining black card. “Hyung this is not yours.” He

“How do you know that it’s not his Jiminie?”’ Taehyung asked. “Hyung doesn’t spend that much so
why does he need a limitless black card?” Jimin supplied. “That’s limitless?” Taehyung wondered.

“Where did you get this hyung? only fifteen person has this card in Korea you know.” Taehyung and
Wonwoo were shock with Jimin’s revelation. “Only fifteen?” Taehyung asked.
“So hyung, who owns this card? Hmm?” Wonwoo feel like a detective which name is Jimin is
interrogating him. “It’s Mingyu’s card. He lend me this when he heard that were going out for

Taehyung squeal like he’s been electrified. “That’s so sweet hyung! I know my cousin is really
cheap. He prefer to buy counterfeit goods than the designer ones. And he never told me that he owns
that kind of card. It’s so unfair.” The younger looks upset but they know he just want to act cute.

“Maybe he’s scared that you’ll ask him to buy a lot of stuff. And we know you Tae. No one can say
no to you. Especially Mingyu hyung.” Jimin stated.

He receive a smack from the youngest. “Yah! I’m not like that!” he protest. “Oh yeah. Say that to
your new Gucci wallet. Hyung, him and Jungkook were arguing because Kookie doesn’t want him to
buy a Gucci wallet. But he terrorize his boyfriend with his cuteness until the poor young man finally

“I hate you Park Jimin.” Taehyung said. The two look so silly. They always provoke each other. But
they always make up.

“Yah! Stop it now. Let’s start. I’m getting hungry.”

Jimin and Taehyung starts their work, which is being Wonwoo’s personal shopper. The two throw
different items on Wonwoo’s face, wanting for him to try it out. The elder is starting to get impatient.
He’s hungry and nobody wants to pissed Wonwoo when he is hungry.

“You’re playing like I’m your doll. Pick one each and then let’s buy it. Or I’ll eat you two.” The two
giggled with their hyung’s silly threat.

“Hyung look at this. You’ll look good in it.” Taehyung said. Wonwoo looks skeptical because it
looks like a simple black dress shirt.
“Try it.” Taehyung said as he push his hyung to the dressing room. Few minutes later and Jimin
came back. “Look Tae. He will look hot in this pants. What do you think?” Jimin asked. Taehyung
stared at the pants that Jimin is holding then an idea came to his mind.

He whisper his thoughts to his friend the two made a silent agreement.

Wonwoo came out from the dressing room and the two were stunned. “Why it feels weird? Where is
the mirror?” the two hurriedly stop him from going to look at his outfit. “No! Hyung. It looks really
great on you. Go change and we’ll buy it.” Jimin hurriedly asked.

“Why?” he suspiciously asked. The duo were sweating cold. “Nothing. Tae suddenly feel hungry so
we want to eat. You’re hungrytoo right?” Jimin said. He want to congratulate himself for supplying a
pretty good lie that Wonwoo bought.

“Okay.” He said with suspicion in his face. The two hurriedly pay for the clothes and they also
include that pants that Jimin chose for his hyung. They are together for like forever so he knew his
hyung’s size.

They are now eating in a not so fancy restaurant. Jimin and Taehyung were exchanging glances and
having a silent conversation while Wonwoo is oblivious and just enjoying his food.

“Hyung let’s play to the arcade and then make a bet.” Taehyung suggested. Because Wonwoo
believed that his friends were good hearted person, he agreed without any hesitation. “What bet?” he

“If you win, we’ll buy anything you like but if we win, we’ll going to dress you for Seungkwan
hyung’s party tonight. Deal?” Jimin said.
The offer is quite tempting. He want to buy a new game console but still thinks that it’s just waste of
money. But if he win against them, he can have it for free.


After an hour and half, Wonwoo came out to the arcade place disappointed. And the younger two
were the happiest as they beat Wonwoo in every game he choose. He forgot that Taehyung is
Jungkook’s boyfriend slash playmate. They are both good in any arcade games.

He guess he will not have that game console that he wanted.

It’s already 7 p.m. when they finally finish their shopping trip. Jimin and Taehyung have atleast 20
bags in their hands while Wonwoo only have one.

“Come on hyung. We need to prepare for the party!” Jimin squealed, as he drag Wonwoo and
Taehyung inside the car.
“What’s the rush? The party will start at 10. We have three hours.” He reasoned. Wonwoo felt his
phone vibrating so he fish it out from his pocket. It’s Mingyu’s cute smiling picture showing.

“Love where are you? Are you alright?” the elder can hear a faint worry in Mingyu’s voice. “Yeah
Gyuie. These two plans to buy everything they saw and we play a little bit. I’m already on my way
home” he was startled as Taehyung snatch his phone and started talking to his cousin.

“Hyung! It’s Tae. Wonu hyung will not go home yet. We’ll be in Jimin’s apartment to change and
then we’ll go to the club. Just wait us there okay.”

“Why are you going to Jimin’s house just to change?” Mingyu asked. “Nothing. We just want to play
dress up you know. Don’t worry we’ll bring Wonu hyung in one piece.” He assured. There’s a sigh
on the other line. “Okay. We’ll just meet you in the club. Tae, be careful with hyung alright. You
know the situation.” He warned. Wonwoo were looking at Taehyung as he continue talking to his
cousin over the phone.

“Yes sir. Don’t worry about your husband. We’ll take care of him. no more question bye!” then he
hit the end button.

“You’re acting weird. What are we going to do huh?!” Wonwoo questioned. But the two younger
just giggled with so much excitement.

“Hyung go wear this. Go! Go!” Taehyung pushed the eldest to the bathroom to change. While
Wonwoo is changing, the duo started on preparing the thing they needed.
“What do you want to wear Tae?” Jimin ask while pouring out all the clothes he purchase. “I want
the Gucci suit. But my hair doesn’t fit in it.” He complained.

“I have temporary hair color here. You want? I’ll dye my hair too!” Jimin suggested. They were
talking about what look they like when Wonwoo came out from the restroom.

“It feels really weird guys. And why this pants is so tight! I cant move easily.” The elder complained.
The pants is actually tight. It hugs Wonwoo’s legs beautifully. Showing that curves that was given to
him. But his waist is the thing to die for.

Although he had a wide shoulder and body frame in general, he has this wonderful tiny waist that
every girl dreamed of. He has this naturally, while women needs to go to hell and back just to
achieve that kind of waist. Life is so unfair.

He look in the mirror, his reflection shock his whole system. “You two! This is a see through! For
God’s sake. I don’t want to wear this!” he hysterically stated.

That two idiots that he’s talking with is about to die from laughing so hard. “Oh my hyung! You look
so funny when you see yourself.” Jimin stated, still continuing to laugh.

“Hyung you can’t. We won and you lose. That’s our deal.” Taehyung insisted. “Whatever. Let’s go.”
He said.

“Hyung were not done yet. We need to do you make up and we’re still not dressed.” Jimin
complained. “You have a plan? aren't you?” his eyes were sharp looking at his two dongsaeng who
both started fidgeting.

“Nothing hyung.” Taehyung awkwardly answered. But Wonwoo wasn’t buying it. Not this time. “Do
you actually thought that I’ll buy that bullshit Tae. Tell me.” He seriously said.
Taehyung and Jimin ended up swallowing hard. Their hyung is really scary when mad.

“We planned to tease our hyungs and Kookie, so we decided to dress up a little too much. You
know.” Jimin admitted.

Wonwoo crossed his arms on his chest. “And you didn’t tell me?” he scolds. The two looks like they
were being scolded by their mother. “ We thought you will not agree. It’s kinda silly so…” Jimin
didn’t finish his answer.

“What am I seventy? Of course I’d love to do that with you two. Come on let’s hurry. We have a
party to attend.”

The two finish dressing up and putting colorful things on their face and body. Taehyung ended up
looking like a Gucci model. He’s wearing Gucci from head to toe and it look so damn good on him.
he also decided to use that temporary hair color of Jimin. He’s blond wearing an expensive clothes
and blue eye contacts. He looks like he just got out from a magazine.

Jimin on the other hand, choose to be like a gothic god. His hair is now orange, perfectly parted, a
black tank top with a red bandanna tied on his neck for more style and a very dramatic smoky eye
shadow. His eye makeup was impeccable.

Lastly Wonwoo looks the simplest. He’s wearing that Saint Laurent, almost see through dress shirt,
with that really tight pans that hugs his figure perfectly. He doesn’t want to put much make up so
they just put some eyeliner and red lip tint, so that Mingyu will tempted to kiss him.

“Let’s go.”

Jungkook, Mingyu, Jihoon and even Seungkwan were still outside waiting for the trio to arrive. All
of them except Hobi were starting to get anxious for the trio, taking so much time to arrive. No one
were answering their calls. Mingyu’s last conversation with Wonwoo is when Jimin and Taehyung
inform him that his husband were going with them and not him. And that was four hours ago.

“Did Taehyung answer your calls?” Mingyu asked to Jungkook who wasn’t giving up on calling his
boyfriend. “No. he’s not answering. Should we go to Jimin hyung’s place?” he asked. They looked at
each other like making a silent agreement.

Fuck this party. They will find their lovers.

Seungkwan understands the gestures of his friends. “Oh my goodness guys. Can you please stop
fucking worrying about them. I understand that they are your ‘lovers’ but they’re still men like us.
They can protect themselves. Even Wonu hyung. So stop this paranoia and help me greet my guests
okay.” He said.

Seungkwan has a point. Jimin, Taehyung and Wonwoo weren’t weak. They definitely have some
other reason why they’re taking forever.

After few more minutes, a familiar Mercedes Benz arrived in front of the club. That was Jimin’s car.

They are ready to scold this trio until they saw what their wearing. Yoogni was left staring at Jimin’s
perfectly styled orange hair, and overly dramatic eyeshadow. That tank top that shows his well built
arms and that pants were all perfect for Jimin.
Jungkook’s eyes were the biggest as he saw his blond boyfriend. Wearing an expensive designer
outfit. He can see how other people look at Taehyung from head to toe and he hates that.

And Mingyu need to search for his breath as he saw that skin behind that clothes. And the contact
lens and mostly the painfully tight pants. He can feel he’s salivating.

The three were out from their little daze as a light comes to their eyes, they follow the direction of the
light and they saw Seungkwan taking picture of them.

“Yah! You should see you face!” he teased.

Jimin, Taehyung and Wonwoo giggled. Satisfied with the other’s reaction.

“Sorry we took so long.” Wonwoo said as he hold Mingyu’s hands. “Love, why are you wearing
that?” he asked. Wonwoo was confused. ‘Do I look weird?’ he asked himself.

“It looks weird?” he timidly asked. “What? No. You look gorgeous love. And I hate that you attract
so much attention from other people. I’m getting jealous.” He admitted.

Wonwoo is cringing with the younger’s confession. He can’t understand how Mingyu manage to be
blunt like that. “Too bad your husband looks really handsome, people can’t help but look and admire
me.” He proudly announced. Mingyu felt the second-hand embarrassment. His husband’s bluntness
were on the other level.
“Can I kiss you? No I will kiss you.” Wonwoo didn’t have the chance to react when Mingyu
suddenly grab him and kiss him in front of everyone.

Their little make out session was interrupted by Seungkwan. “Yah! Not here! You Mingyu! Can you
please have some decency! You’re with us. It’s uncomfortable.” He scolds. Mingyu

“You’re gorgeous love. But I won’t let anyone flirt with you. Okay.” He announced. “Being
possessive?” the elder teased. “Yeah. I’m crazy for you.” He countered. The two ended up laughing
with their craziness.

The others ended up shaking their head with the sappy couple.

“Let’s go.” Jihoon deadpanned. But deep inside he wish he can be like that with Jimin.

They entered the establishment and as expected it was jam-packed. It was Seungkwan, so it was
impossible for his parties to be lonely.

Seungkwan lead them to one of the private room for the VIPs. “You always like this Hosoeok-ah.
Where did you meet those people huh?” Jihoon questioned. The younger smirk. “I’m not like you
and Mingyu, hyung. I have what they call ‘social life’ not like you two who always lock yourself up
either to your studio or your house.”

The rest giggled with Jihoon’s embarrassed look. Seungkwan is 100% right with his statement.
“Whatever.” He replied.

A waiter entered their room and ask their order. The group decided to have a bucket of beer.
The beer came with some snacks. They enjoyed the drinks and hearing the story of each other. When
there’s nothing to talk about, Taehyung persuade them to play truth or dare.

Everyone agreed, well except Jihoon, telling that’s stupid high schooler’s game, but with Jimin’s
aegyo, the elder blindly agreed. Jimin is his weakness.

They spin the empty bottle and the first victim is Jimin. The gothic god was shocked; Jungkook is the
one asking him. “Truth or dare?” the youngest asked, with a sinister smile in his face.

“Truth?” Jimin answered. He’s getting nervous on Jungkook’s smile.

“Do you find Jihoon hyung sexy?” Taehyung, Seungkwan and Wonwoo were screaming with the
question, while Jihoon keeps himself from smiling but he failed eventually.

“Look Jihoon hyung like it!” Seungkwan pointed him. Jimin cover his face with his hands, feeling so
shy to answer the question.

“Y – yeah. Jihoon hyung is sexy.” He whispered.

Everyone is screaming aside from Jimin who wants to melt with so much shyness. He spins the bottle
it points to Taehyung. Jimin found the opportunity to get his well-deserved revenge.

“Truth or dare?” Jimin asked. “Dare.” Taehyung confidently answered.

Jimin is scratching his chin, thinking of a good dare for his alien friend. “Oh! Okay. You choose.
Three body shot on Jungkook’s abs or a lap dance for one minute.”
The couple looked at each other and became shy. Jungkook’s sinister smile suddenly gone. “Three
tequila shot! Hyung are you trying to kill TaeTae?” Jungkook complained “Or you can look for a
stranger and dance with him.” Jimin added.

“No!” Jungkook scream while looking at Jimin like he wants to kill him. Jimin just laugh at him.
They are so cute. Jungkook is so cute being quite possessive with his boyfriend. “Then, Tae what
will you do?”

“How sure are you that I still have that,huh? Jimin hyung? I’m not going to the gym anymore you
know.” He lied. He’s a muscle pig. Muscle pig have muscle right.

Jimin wasn’t buying it. He know Jungkook so much. “But you have babe. I saw it last night you’re
on top o-“ Taehyung didn’t finish his words when Jungkook covered his mouth.

“Ewww. Too much info. Dirty dirty!” Seungkwan complained.

Mingyu and Wonwoo were throwing them some snacks. “Dirty! Dirty!” Wonwoo screamed.

“I know you Kookie. Your abs is your source of power. So now Tae. A body shot, a lap dance or a
dance with a stranger.” Jimin questioned. “Can you please drop that third choice. He’s not going to
dance with anyone but me.” Jungkook announced.

Jimin is having the time of his life. It’s really rare that he have this chance to tease Jungkook and
Taehyung. “I’ll do the body shot.” Taehyung announced. And everyone screamed.

Seungkwan ordered a bottle of tequila, it comes with salt and lime. They all celebrate when their
order arrive.
“Jungkookie, lay down on the table, so Tae will be comfortable.” Jimin instructed. They put out all
the bottles and plates so Jungkook can lay safely.

“I’m not agreeing with this hyung.” the youngest banter. “As if you have a choice. Listen to me
bunny. Your boyfriend suggested this game, you ask me with this private question, and now you
don’t want to do it. If you don’t want to, then let’s go Tae. We’ll look for a dance partner for you.”
Jimin threatened.

It’s like Jihoon is seeing another side of his crush. Jimin is usually playful and cute, but now, he’s
dominant, demanding and a type of not having no for and answer. And hell its hot for him.

Jungkook abruptly stood up, and lay down to the table. Everyone clap as they saw how the youngest
accepted his faith. Seungkwan hold both of his hands so he will not be able to move properly.

Jihoon pull Jungkook’s shirt up. Everyone are mesmerized with those six hard muscle, on the
youngest abdomen. “Well shit kid. Where did yo buy those? I don’t have even a shadow of that in
me.” Jihoon teased. Jungkook wants to hide with his six hyung’s eyes.

Jimin sprinkled salt into the youngest abdomen and Jihoon put a slice of lime between his lips.
Jungkook is motionless as he wait Taehyung to move. Although his heart is pounding.

“Shot! Shot! Shot!” everyone chanted. Putting Taehyung in so much pressure.

Taehyung lowered his head. Jungkook’s heart were thumping furiously. He licked the salt then take a
shot of the tequila. Jungkook is groaning as he felt the wet muscle of his boyfriend on his hard
abdomen. He want to lift his legs to curl up but he chose not to, afraid to accidentally hurt his
Taehyung with his knees.
After Taehyung drink the tequila, he hurriedly move to take the lime between Jungkook’s lips. As he
bite the fruit, he felt the youngest lips trembling, but it is still soft and warm just like how he
remember it.

He continued doing that until he finish the three shots that Jimin requested. Taehyung is a little bit
tipsy with the tequila he had taken and Jungkook is uncomfortable.

His skin is sticky with the salt and saliva and his pants is really tight.

The younger keeps pulling down his shirt so it can cover his crotch area. He can’t deny that he had a
boner after Taehyung did that body shot on him. It was so fucking hot to feel that soft and warm
tongue to his skin, but he’s not fan of exhibitionism so his thoughts can be settled at home.

“Next!” Seungkwan announced as Taehyung move the bottle again.

After a few seconds of spinning, the bottle stop on Mingyu’s direction. “Okay Mingyu hyung. Truth
or dare?” Taehyung cheekily asked. Everyone was looking at Mingyu as they waited for his answer.

“Truth.” He answered. Taehyung think of a question that can be asked. Of course its not a lame
question. It should be bold and daring.

“Hmm. We’re all adult here, so there’s no need for censorship.” They all agreed with what Taehyung
is saying. “Hyung how many times you have hook ups?” Taehyung asked. Everyone shift eyes in
Mingyu’s direction and suddenly he felt like he’s in a hot seat.

“I – I don’t know Tae. How should I know that.” it was a ridiculous question. “You need to answer
that or you need to do a dare.” Taehyung insisted. But Mingyu doesn’t have any clue of the answer.
Then Hosoek starts speaking.
“I actually know how many.” He announced. Their mouth were gaped with amusement. Especially
Mingyu. “You know?”

“Yup. The last time, is that chick from L.A that my friend introduce to us on the party in the
underground club. You didn’t come home with us and that only mean is you found a hook up. If I
will compute that, I’m not sure with the exact answer but around 38? To 40.” He said.

Everyone is woah-ing except Wonwoo. “Hyung you’re such a fuck boy you know.” Taehyung
accused. “Yah! That’s unfair. Seungkwan had more hook ups than me. I caught him one time,
fucking a girl in the men’s restroom.” He defended.

They didn’t know if they’re going to laugh or be disgusted with the topic they’re having right now.

“Okay guys, were not interested with your sex life. But hyung you need to answer another question.”
Jimin said. “What? Why?”

“Seungkwan hyung answered it, not you.” Jungkook explain. “Tae ask another question.” Jimin

“Hmm.” Taehyung quickly stood up and sit beside Wonwoo then whisper something. Wonwoo is
nodding but Mingyu can’t read the movements of Taehyung’s lips.

He came back to his original seat, which is beside Jungkook. “Hyung. do you have those naughty
dreams about Wonu hyung? And how often you have those kind of dreams?” Mingyu coughs
choking from his beer. “What the fuck Tae!“ he whined.

“Answer it hyung.” Taehyung insisted.

Wonwoo is blushing so hard. Thanks for the blinking lights, no one can see how red he was. “Of
course I have! “ he bravely admitted. “He’s my husband and I love him so much s –s o it's natural for
me to dream about something like that!” he sounds so defensive, although no one was questioning his

“Alright hyung. No one is disagreeing, even though you sound so weird. Then the next one. How
often?” that is humiliating, he’s thinking if he’s willing to share such private things to his friends and
the subject of his not-so-innocent dreams.

“Okay. Honestly, it’s twice to three times a week.” Everyone is shocked with the revelation.
“Really?” Wonwoo asked. The younger just bowed his head, trying to hide from so much

“Okay guys let’s move on. And act like we didn’t heard anything. Let’s just drink and celebrate!”
Seungkwan screamed and raise his glass.


The youngest couple were now on the dance floor, low key grinding to each other. All their hyungs
can’t believe how daring they are. Maybe it is because of their age.
And Seungkwan is nowhere to be found. He excused himself for a while, saying that he just need to
talk to someone but he never came back. Jihoon and Mingyu is sure, its impossible for him to

Jihoon, Mingyu, Wonwoo and Jimin were starting to get bored. Jihoon wants to go home. If Jimin
wans’t there, he’s sure he’ll go back to his bed and sleep.

“Jiminie let’s dance!” Wonwoo suggested. They’re not drunk and completely clear minded, but
Wonwoo want to dance. He want to enjoy the party just like anyone else.

That alarm Mingyu. “Love, I think we should stay here.” he suggested, without letting his hand go.

“Gyuie we’ll just going to dance. Please, and besides you can see me from here. I’ll be safe.
Promise.” The elder said, raising his right hand.

“Yah, Mingyu. Let hyung dance. And besides, Jimin is there. He’ll protect Wonu hyung.” Jihoon
added. The younger cannot argue with that cute face of his husband and grumpy face of his best

“Thank Mingyu hyung!” Jimin excitedly said.

Mingyu’s eye are on his husband and his friend. He will never remove his eyes to Wonwoo.

“Mingyu. Stop it. I understand that you’re very protective when it comes to Wonu hyung after what
happened but don’t go overboard.” Jihoon scolds.
It’s the other reason why Jihoon allowed Jimin and Wonwoo go. To talk to his best friend.

“I can’t help it hyung. I’m really worried for him. I feel like he will be harmed any second. It drives
me crazy.” He admitted. He doesn’t want to be possessive and overbearing but he’s so scared to lose
Wonwoo to his life.

He can’t afford it.

“I know Mingyu. But still remember that he is a man. A young and strong man. His have some issues
but it doesn’t mean that he’s weaker than you.”

“I didn’t say that he’s weaker than me.” Mingyu countered. “But you treated him like a fragile vase
Mingyu. and for a man, it sucks to be treated that way.” The elder explained.

The younger can’t help but sigh. His hyung has a point but still, he can’t help himself.
Mingyu want to drop the topic. And he also feel like he need to use the restroom. “Hyung, I’ll just go
to the restroom. I’ll be back.” He said. He again to Wonwoo’s direction and saw him dancing like
crazy with Jimin who’s laughing so hard.

Jimin and Wonwoo were having so much fun, dancing like crazy and they’re the only person in the
world. “Oh hyung. Stop it. My jaw is hurting already!” Jimin giggled.

“Oh why you don’t like this.” then he moves his body like a worm, making Jimin laugh harder.

“Hyung can we sit down for a moment. I'm so tired watching you dance.” Jimin teased. They went to
the bar and order juice. “I’m happy to see you this happy hyung. I’m glad you’re back.” Jimin
seriously said.

“Yeah. The therapy is helping me so much. And Mingyu.” the elder stated.

“I always forgot to thank him.” the younger said. “Thank him for what?” Wonwoo asked, ordering
another glass of juice. “For making you happy.” That made Wonwoo stunned.
“I always pray to see you happy again hyung. and now you are. And its because of him.” Jimin
sincerely stated.

“Oh Jiminie, let’s not get emotional here okay. Go look for the horny couple who can’t get their
hands of each other.” He instructed. “Let’s go together hyung.” Jimin suggested.

“I feel hot suddenly. Don’t worry I’ll be here. I won’t move.” He reassured. That made Jimin agreed
and look for Taehyung and Jungkook.

Wonwoo is just dancing in his seat while drinking his juice. He’s not interested with anyone else. He
already have Mingyu.

The beat changed to an idol group song. The DJ is doing very well with his job. Everyone is having
fun and dancing. Wonwoo is quietly waiting for his friends when someone sit behind him.

“Whiskey please.” the stranger ordered. The bartender immediately made his order. Wonwoo wasn’t
paying attention with the man beside him. he’;s not here for that.

“I thought this is a high class club, yet they let a whore like you enter so I guess this is not that high
end as I expected.”

Wonwoo froze.
He know that voice.

“Hi princess, miss me?” It’s his sinister smile again. Wonwoo want to run away. His body became
frozen like he was stuck on a block of ice.

“We didn’t have the chance to talk last time. I didn’t have the chance to explain to your boss how
we’ve been truly related. Oh wait. Is he just your boss? I heard that he’s your father – in – law too.
Trying to have some status in this country I guess?” his voice is mocking. Wonwoo want to run
away, bu this feet wasn’t moving.

“I – it’s not true! Mingyu loves me!” he bravely answered. “Are you sure he loves you? Did you
submit to him like you’re the most obedient whore in the world? Did you let him fuck you like a toy?
Did you act like a bitch in heat when he’s pounding on your hole? Huh? Princess?”

He’s holding his fist tightly. He want to punch this man in front of him.

“He’s not like that! He’s not like you!” Wonwoo screamed.

Jae Hwan’s smile faltered and Wonwoo saw his sinister smile became more scary like a monster
ready to attack.

“You –“ Wonwoo closed his eyes and waiting for a punch or a slap but he felt nothing. “I suggest for
you to not to touch my husband” Mingyu lowly said. He’s not the Mingyu that Wonwoo always see.
There’s hatred in the younger’s eye and he looks like he’s ready to kill.
“So you're Kim Mingyu. Kid, I suggest that you stay away from this whore. He’s a leech. Sucking
everything you have. Allure you with his beauty. But don’t worry. You’ll be satisfied while fucking
him. I know, I have a great time playi – “ Jae Hwan didn’t finish his words when Mingyu gave him a
hard punch on his face.

He stumbled on the ground that caught everyone’s attention. “Gyuie let’s go.” Wonwoo tried to pull
Mingyu away from Jae Hwan, trying to stop his husband.

But Mingyu is far from obeying Wonwoo. He doesn’t want to miss this opportunity to hurt the
monster that cause misery on his husband’s life.

Jae Hwan didn’t have the chance to stand up when Mingyu kick him in his stomach. He can’t help
put curl in too much pain. “That’s for touching him.” “Mingyu enough! Let’s go.” Wonwoo tried

“No hyung! I want to hurt him like what he did to you.” He said with greitted teeth. While they were
talking, Jae Hwan managed to stand up. “You’re funny kid. You really believe he’s innocent little
white sheep? We’ll I guess you’re a fucking fool. He is not. He is the greatest whore that ready to do
everything, even whoring himself out just to be rich again!” he’s like adding more fuel to the blazing

“I will fucking kill you.” Before Mingyu get his hands on Jae Hwan again, Jae Hwan’s group comes.
One of them looks familiar.

“You okay dude?” Minho asked, looking at Jae Hwan’s split lips. “You again? I guess I will have my
revenge on what you did to me.” He arrogantly said.

“You know him?” Jae Hwan asked. “ Yeah. He’s that kid’s cousin. Remember that kid I was telling
to you. That clingy and weird that thought I would like him. But honestly I like his money. He gave
me everything I –“ someone attack Minho from no where.

The youngest didn’t tried hold back as he heard Minho insulting his boyfriend. “Kookie!” Taehyung

And with that the rumble began.

It’s four against five. Well two because Mingyu and Jungkook will never let Taehyung and Wonwoo
be involved.

There’s chaos inside the club, people were just looking at them as they ruined each other’s face.
Jihoon ran fast as he saw what is happening and it also caught Seungkwan and Jimin’s attention.

“Enough!” Wonwoo screamed, as he tried to peel of Jae Hwan on top of Mingyu. Jae Hwan pushed
him away that made him stumble pretty badly.

Mingyu saw how Wonwoo got hurt. Especially his arm that protect him from hitting his head.

“Wonu!” he screamed. That made Mingyu even mad at the man on top of him. He kicked his
stomach and push him so their position were now changed.

“I want to kill you right now. For hurting him. For making his life miserable. For giving him
nightmares. For making him feel that he’s worthless. I’m going to crush you. Until you kneel down
and beg for his forgiveness. You will rot in jail all your life. I’ll make your like a living hell.” As he
finished that, Jae Hwan is already unconscious. His face is bleeding so bad. He had a broken nose,
some crooked teeth and swollen eyes.

Mingyu’s hands were numb with the pain. He felt satisfied although he surely have a broken rib, a
bleeding lips and sprained wrist.

Everyone stop when they heard a police car outside.

“We’re fucked.”

They all ended up in the nearest hospital. Jihoon and Seungkwan have some small wounds that just
needed some sterilizing, Jimin and Taehyung wasn’t harm at all. But still there with them. Jungkook
has a quite deep cut on his cheeks that needed stitches, Mingyu needed to be treated with his broken
rib and sprained wrist and lastly. Wonwoo needed to wear a cast on his left arm.

Jae Hwan were more injured than them. Mingyu can be sued for serious physical injuries for what he
have done to Jae Hwan. It's not life threatening but his injury were surely keep him bedridden for
couple of weeks.

The group were already allowed to go home, they’re just waiting for Wonwoo to come out.

They were all in daze while waiting outside the emergency room. Tired, aching yet satisfied,
especially Mingyu.
“I never felt this satisfied before. This is even better when I beat Minho. I kinda enjoy punching him
and watching him bleed.” He stated, smiling.

“You’re creepy hyung. I never thought you’ll be like that.” Jimin stated. “I don’t know Jimin. I just
enjoy that I had a chance to make him feel the pain.

“Yeah. I’m very satisfied too. I didn't even have a control while beating Minho up.” Jungkook
proudly said. “I didn't appreciate the violence, but at least he had that much deserve revenge for
Wonu hyung.” Tehyung said. Seungkwan and Jihoon didn’t have anything to say. They’re not
directly involve to the chaos, just trying to help their friends.

“Oh there’s Wonu hyung.” Jimin pointed. They all stood up after seeing Wonwoo walking carefully,
wearing a cast on his left arm.

Mingyu quickly walk to his side. “Are you okay love?” he worriedly said. “Yeah, just tired. I want to
go home.” The younger nods.

“Yeah we’re going home. Guys let’s go home.” They’re on their way out of the establishment when a
suited middle aged man walk into them.

“Mr. Kim, I am a legal representative of your father. He asked me to go here to settle this
misunderstanding that you had with the group of Mr. Lee. As you can see, they want to sue the four
of you with serious physical injuries that can lock you up in jail for about six months. Your father
wan me to make some settlement with them but you need to apologize for what you have done.” The
man said.

“Tell them, go sue us. We’ll fight them. And tell my father we’ll be opening the case against Lee Jae
Hwan. I’ll talk to him about that. So now, if you excuse us, my husband and I need to go home and
have some rest as well as my friends.”
Jimin, Wonwoo and Jungkook were stunned as they heard that the case will be open again.

Wonwoo remain strangely quiet through out the whole trip. He is tired and his arms were itching.

The couple safely arrived to their home. Still, Wonwoo is quiet. The younger noticed that there’s
something in his mind.

“Love, go upstairs, I’ll get you some water.” Mingyu said. Wonwoo obeyed without a word. Quietly
walking to their room.

Mingyu walks in, holding a glass of water. He saw how his husband struggles putting his shirt. “Let
me help.” He offered. The elder is still not speaking. Allowing Mingyu to safely dressed him up
without hurting his left arm.

“We need to talk Mingyu.” the elder said. “What is it love?”

“I don’t appreciate that you’re making some decision without asking me.” He bluntly said. Mingyu is
speechless at the moment.

“Is it about the case hyung?” with the use of the honorifics ‘hyung’ means they need to talk seriously.

“Yeah. I don’t understand why you keep on insisting to reopen that case again. Why Mingyu? And I
told you to stop earlier, but you didn’t listen.” There’s frustration in his voice.
“Same here. I don’t understand why you don’t want to do it. Hyung, I’m doing this for you. To give
justice to what happened to you. That’s all I want. But you don’t want it yourself. Now answer me.
Why you don’t want to open your case against him huh?” they both can feel that it will be a full-
blown argument.

“Do you even think about the consequence of your actions Mingyu? This is going to be a scandal.
‘The son – in – law of Korea’s biggest business tycoon is the ex - lover of the heir of their biggest
competitor.' The media will have a field day making stories until it got twisted. Every person in this
country will meddle. Give their opinions and everything. It can affect me, you, your company, your
dad and even my family. Do you know how hard to deal with that? We can’t control the mind of
people Mingyu. And then they will hate, then be disgusted. It can affect your company’s reputation.
The investments, and the people working for you. It was a domino effect. Why should I risk that?”

“So you’re letting him free for the sake of everyone else, is that it? Guess what Wonu, I won’t. I will
never let him get away with what he have done. I won’t let him hurt you again. Fuck the
consequences. I will deal with that later. I will take responsibility if something happen. But I will
never stop until we got the justice that you deserve. Because that’s what a decent man will do.
Nobody deserve to be treated that way.”

Wonwoo is stunned how Mingyu made his point. And there is no sign that he’ll change his mind
anytime soon. He appreciate it. He know his husband is doing this for him but he can’t help but over-
think and worry about it.

This is not just about him and having the justice, this is also about those people that can be affected
with their actions. Wonwoo felt responsible for everything.

But this man, his husband. That looks fearless and ready with everything that will come, is willing to
get that justice that he’s been deprive with. His worries quickly vanished.

“You’re not gonna change your mind aren't you?” Wonwoo look skeptical. “Not a chance love. I will
do everything, sacrifice everything until I get that thing that you deserve from the beginning. I will
protect you.”
“I’ll be with you in this battle. I won’t give up for our happiness”

Hi my lovely readers! I don't know it this chapter make sense bur yeah. I hope you like it. especially
with the Yoonmin and Taekook fans out there.
Have you seen the new MV and their performance in BBMA's? i'm quite disapoointed with it. not to
the boys but to the camera. but that's just only me.

Anyway, thank you again for loving and appreciating D.A. i recieve a lot of touching messages from
you guys and thank you for that.

By the way, i made an interpretation of the MV of Fake Love. I will post it on my wattpad account
because i don't really know hoe to upload images in my ao3 account and asain ff. i'll just give you the
Thank you again. I'll post a note about things i want to discuss so please read it.


Let's Fly


Chapter 39: rouhui's note

Chapter Text

This is another rouhui’s note.

I will discuss three this on you guys.

First, I’m joining Talk Talk Korea this year and I NEED YOUR SUPPORT guys. There will be an
online voting for the works and I hope you’ll vote for me. I will be submitting three entry. A
webtoon, an illustration and a photo. So please please vote for me.

Winner is the ‘host’ this year. I tried to participate when its BTS but I’m not lucky. I will give you
guys the link of my entries on the next update.

So to be fair, I think you need a reward if you guys supported me. Just like how BTS do it.
If I win any prize, I will make addition five chapters for Different Arrangement. One of that include
some stuff that you want to read. Hahahaha.

So please please guys I really need your help here. I’m counting on you. Thank you so much.

Second, I am finally opening my BUSINESS! It is handmade pins made by shrink plastic. I have the
design of BTS with their Halloween costume, when they are girls and other stuff. There’s also for
D.A readers. You can check out my Facebook account:

There are the samples:

Those pins worth 65 php. For Filipino ARMY’s it looks expensive. Why is it expensive?

Because all the designs were made by me. I draw all of it. You’re not just buying my product but all
the efforts that I put into it too.

For the ARMY’S outside the Philippines, I’m still not sure, because the shipping cost will defineitely
more expensive that the cost of the product. I’m worried that it will be not worth it for you guys to
spend that much money.

For ARMY ph, I’m still not sure if I’m attending that fanmeeting on Sunday. But if I will we can
meet. I’ll hand you the product so you don’t have to pay for the shipping cost.
And lastly, I’m observing Twitter lately and I saw a FANWAR between iKONics and ARMY. i’m
not planning to sidein anyone. But guys. WE. SHOULD. LEARN. HOW. TO. RESPECT. ONE
ANOTHER. Both ARMY and iKONics.

BTS is BTS, iKON is iKON. We don’t need to drag another fandom so our boys will rise up. that’s
not how it works. Dragging another fandom will make us look immature and the fandom can be the
cause why people will hate our boys. They will be defined by the people that is supporting them.

This is a fact: there is no streaming project for iKON’s LOVE SCENARIO on any digital charts.
iKONics are also shock that they’re blocking FAKE LOVE on having their PAK. They’re not doing
it on purpose. Remember fandoms are not the only one that can vote. There are also some that
doesn’t belong to any fandom at all.

I’m not saying that iKONics are innocent. But that’s the truth. Our goal now is to make 100 million
views for Love Scenario on youtube.

I don’t know if you’ll hate me after this buts that’s what I know.

Please guys let’s respect one another. The success of other people will never affect the success of the
people that we chose to support. Let’s be happy everyone.

Let’s Fly


Chapter 40
Chapter Text

“Mr. Kim, Sir Mingyu and Sir Wonwoo is waiting for you.” His assistant announced.

“Let them in Mr. Choi.”

Mr. Kim saw his son and his husband as the door opened. There’s a small smile on his face as he saw
how Mingyu confidently held his husband’s hand. There’s a smile on his son’s face. Something that
Mr. Kim rarely saw. He never saw the younger looking so happy whenever they meet. Yet now, he
looks like the happiest man on earth.

And with his happiness, Mr. Kim can also see determination in his eyes too. Something that make
him feel nostalgic. He used to be like that when he was young. Eager, determined and hungry for
success. He concluded that Mingyu inherited that to him.
The young Kim didn’t give a greeting to him, making Mr. Kim believe that he also got his
stubbornness and arrogance.

“Good morning dad.” Wonwoo greeted with a slight bow. He noticed that Wonwoo still have
bandage on his wrist. It was from that night where they encountered Jaehwan’s group and got in
trouble by beating them. Mr. Kim was relieved to see that his son – in – law’s hand were healing.

“What’s the reason of this visit?” he playfully asked, even though he already knew what the intention
of the couple is.

“We need your help dad.” Mingyu announced. There’s happiness bloomed inside Mr. Kim’s chest.
He realized that this is the first time his son ask his help.

Mr. Kim is a great man. A successful business tycoon that have enough influence to their country. He
helped many people, meet them, know their story. But one thing he regret is; not doing it to his own

The little boy who needs him the most. Waiting for him in every birthday. Hoping to see him proud
with his achievement in school. And wishing to have his father to play with him. But he’s too caught
up in his work. The thing that he built with his own hands. the thing that represent his success.

With him not giving Mingyu enough attention and love, they drifted apart. Mr. Kim suddenly woke
up and his son is all grown up. Already know what he want to his life and support himself without his

He had this unspoken wish, it’s a wish which is to have a close relationship to his only son. He want
to spend time with him. Share thoughts and opinions about things. He want to understand what can
make his son happy. But its too hard especially when he doesn’t know where to start.
Namjoo isn’t a little boy anymore. He’s not in their home waiting for his father to come home. He
already have friends that he prefers to be with than his own dad. So Mr. Kim let it be. And it turns
out that his son inherited almost his exact personality. But more of all the good stuff.

“Dad.” Mr. Kim’s thoughts were interrupted when Mingyu called him. He realize, he’s in daze. Lost
in the memories he doesn’t share with his son.

“Oh yeah. I heard that you will reopen the case of Wonwoo and the heir of Lee’s is that it? What
exactly the help that you need Mingyu?” he asked.

“We need your PR team. I want a total media blackout for the case. And I know you’re going to do
that even if I don’t ask.” he answered.

Mr. Kim is looking to his son. Wearing a formal suit with a tie, polished shoes and well made hair.
He looks like he can become a great businessman and perfect to become the next owner of his
company. It’s in his blood. Sadly, Mingyu doesn’t want any of it.

“And why do you want that?” he curiously asked. “I don’t want my husband to be dragged in this
mess. It too stressful for him. He’s recovering now, so I want it to be stress free for Wonu hyung.”
Mr. Kim can hear how proud the younger to call Wonwoo his husband. Exact opposite of the
younger when he learned about the marriage. he can sense the maturity that he's showing. He is
proud to his son.

“We can do that.” Mr. Kim nodded. “We also need the help of your legal team. You have the best
team in this country, it can assure our chance to win the case. I hired and investigator to collect
evidences and information that we can use for the case. It will be easier for us.”

The older Kim is very impressed with his son. It clearly shows that Mingyu knows what he’s doing.
He’s well prepared with the evidences, already have a plan and strategy to win. A true characteristic
of a good businessperson.
“I’m impressed son, but you can’t have everything for free.” He stated. He saw Mingyu’s eyes twitch
with irritation. Its funny how the younger Kim can switch emotion instantly.

“What do you want?” the younger seriously said.

“We need Wonwoo back here in the company.” Mingyu stood up immediately, clearly showing his
negative reaction towards his fathers’ statement. “No. Wonu hyung needs to rest and complete his
therapy. I don’t want him to come back here anytime soon.”

Wonwoo want to stop Mingyu from talking. He can sense the over protectiveness of Mingyu and its
starting to be their problem. He tried stopping his husband from spilling more non-sense by holding
his hand and squeezing it.

The younger looked at him. confused with his action. “I can come back now Gyuie. I’m fine
already.” He softly said. He know the younger will refused. Mingyu is stubborn when it comes to
him. And he also know that it will be another cause of an argument between them. So he tried to
make his point calmly, hoping that his husband will listen to him without a fuss.

“No hyung. You can’t, you still need to rest.” Mingyu firmly said. His stubbornness is the cause an
incoming headache for the elder.

“Mingyu I have responsibilities here okay. I can’t just leave them. I’ve caused too much trouble to
your dad and to the company. I need to fix it before it becomes a real problem.” He argued back. But
the younger wasn’t having any of it.

His expression clearly shows that he doesn’t want to change his mind about his husband coming back
to his work. Which made Wonwoo annoyed at the moment.
“No one will take my place Mingyu. And my work were starting to file up you know. I need to finish
them.” Wonwoo really tried his best to be as understanding as possible. But if being honest, he want
to smack his husband straight on the face right now, to bring his senses back.

The couple were arguing in front of Mr. Kim, like they forgot that he is there, watching them. The
tension is pretty intense, but it’s still cute to see his two sons arguing. Making their stand about
something. Especially Mingyu.

“Hyung you can’t. Dr. Song said that you must have a stress free environment while recovering. And
you can’t have that here.” his frustrated replied.

Wonwoo is now pissed with Mingyu’s stubbornness. He want to scream and have a full blown
argument and low key fight with his husband but not here. Not in front of Mr. Kim.

He clearly understand younger's point. Who doesn’t want a stress free life? But they are living in the
real world. Where people need to work their ass off just to survive.

The elder sigh. It clearly show how frustrated he is. He bowed as good bye to Mr. Kim and start
walking out.

“I’ll do it.”
The statement made Wonwoo stopped walking and look back to his husband who were standing still
to that same place.

“I’ll do it. I’ll take your place and do the task that you need to finish.” Mingyu said with octave lower
than his normal voice.

Even Mr. Kim were wearing a shocked expression on his face. “Mingyu.” he whispered.

“I can do it that. I just need to work hard then I’ll be able to catch up and finish hyung’s work.” The
younger stated with so much determination in his voice.

“That’s not like that Mingyu. You need the approval of the board before you take his place. And you
don’t have the degree. I’m not sure if they’ll trust you enough to be the new COO.” Mr. Kim

“I can. You know that I can. I don’t have the degree but I know how to do it right. You trained me all
my life dad. I just need to prove myself to them and they’ll allow me right? And besides, this is what
you want in the first place right? Me working here. talking your place in this company.” This is the
first time that Mr. Kim became speechless with his son.

Of course, he wants it. He wants to train his son to be successful.

Mr. Kim looked at Wonwoo, he’s still confused about the things happening in front of him.
“Can you excuse us dad, I would like to talk to my husband privately.” Wonwoo said. He came back
to his place and grab Mingyu’s hand to follow him. They walk to his own office. As the door closed,
they both can feel the heavy aura lingering in the air.

‘What the fuck?’

“Explain.” That’s the only word he said yet it scared Mingyu so much. He can hear his
heart wildly beating against his chest. Wonwoo is looking at him seriously. He know he’s annoyed
with him. And Wonwoo is really scary when he’s mad.

“I’ll take your place.” The younger repeated with determination. That make Wonwoo snap. “What an
actual fuck are you talking about Mingyu! Stop playing games, it’s not funny.” He can't help himself
to say those words little bit higher than he wanted. But the his husband is making him so confused
and frustrated.

Mingyu is in dazed, quite fidgeting to calm his nerves. “I’m not messing around hyung. I’m serious
that I want to take your place. Why can’t you believe that?” as Wonwoo predicted, this argument will
start a fight between them. It sucks.

“You think I can’t do it?” There’s accusation in Mingyu’s voice. He know there’s no way Wonwoo
is looking down on him or his ability. He realized what he just said was plainly studpid and now hem
wants to punch himself with that ass comment he made.

“No! Fuck No! But this. How about your study? I thought you don’t want to work with your dad?”
Wonwoo sound so frustrated.
“I’m already a drop out hyung. And yeah, I don’t want to work for him. But I can do that for
you. This, all of this, the reason why I don’t want to have this company is my dad. But I can endure it
if I will do it for you. For your safety and best interest.” The younger softly said.

Wonwoo’s heart wants to melt with his husbands’ statement. That was so touching and he do
understand his point. But still, for him it is an impulsive decision that younger made.

“Gyuie, I really appreciate your concern and intension. But you also need to think about yourself. If
you’ll work here, then how about your dream? Your music? How can you achieve that if you’re
locked up in this office all day, signing papers and reading reports?”

Mingyu sighed. That’s a good point, he thought. But he will never change his mind about that thing.
All they can do is compromise.

“How about this, I’ll ask him to make us both the COO for a year, so that we can split the work load.
I can do my music when I have free time and the stress is not as much for you. Wonu this is the only
compromise I can to give to you. Because there is no way I will let you deal with that mountain of
reports. Please. Give this to me.” He reached Wonwoo’s hand and kissed his backhand.

They can’t understand how their heated argument become cheesy like this. They're both smiling,
finally ending this pain in the ass argument.

Mr. Kim didn't promise anything to the couple, he just said that he'll try to convince the board about
them working together. bu he also said thet they don't need to worry that for now.

What they need now is to focus on the case, so he let the couple have their time to prepare for the
trial. He ordered his legal and Personal Relations team to just go to his son’s house.
They’re now starting to discuss evidences that they will present to the court. Wonwoo
is really anxious about this. Discussing the things that he wants to forget in front of people he doesn’t

In their living room, there’s about ten people. All looking serious and professional. Even his own
lawyer is there to help them with the case.

“My client and the Lee’s signed an agreement where Mr. Jeon will receive three hundred thousand
dollars as compensation for the damage that Lee Jae Hwan caused to him. In my opinion, that
amount is way too small for this kind of case. If his father pursue to charge them and bring it to the
court, maybe they will get more. But the older Jeon refused.”

Wonwoo remembered that day. He’s not in the right mind that time, but he saw how Jimin and
Jungkook look at his father while discussing the case with their lawyer. Their eyes wants to kill his
abeoji, then he heard that Mr. Jeon only wants the Lee to pay them and not press charges anymore.

It hurts for him, but he’s too numb at that moment to even feel sadness anymore, so he just let him.

“Part of the agreement is that Lee Jae Hwan will not be allowed to come near Mr. Jeon anymore.
And also that he will not live here in Korea ever again.” He laid out the annotated agreement
that were signed by both parties.

“So that means we have strong evidences.” Mingyu uttered. He felt optimistic about this. They can
finally put Lee Jae Hwan to jail.
“This are the list of evidences that the private investigator managed to gather. We look if he had
other case in New York where he stayed.. Apparently, there’s an American girl that charged him with
sexual harassment. He have records on the police station there, but his family use their
influence, maybe gave the girl money to be quiet.” Mingyu stated.

He handed seven envelopes containing all the evidences. “Dr. Song, Wonu hyung’s psychiatrist is
willing to stand as a witness. Her diagnosis can prove that he really suffered from abuse. We even
have his medical record from the hospital.”

All the member of the legal team are quite dizzy about what Mingyu is discussing, they’re starting to
get intimidated with Mingyu. They feel like they’re talking to a younger Mr. Kim.

“Just study these documents. And Ms. Nam, as I say, I want everything to be as quiet as possible. Be
sure that there’s no paparazzi anywhere when the hearing begins. Put security around the area if
needed. I want you to always check all those online tabloids websites. Even social media. Everything
that connects to us and my husband should be removed immediately.” He instruct. The assistant of
Ms. Nam doesn’t know what to write first. Mingyu is too fast for him.

Wonwoo remained silent all through out their discussion. He’s too worried to talk and he felt like
Mingyu already figured everything out. He stood up and went to the kitchen to drink water. This
mess made him thirsty.

The younger look back to the head of the legal team. “This, you can also use this.” He handed a flash
drive. Everyone look at it. “What is it Mr. Kim?” he breathe deeply.

“Jae Hwan send a video to hyung’s email. It contains the biggest evidence. It is a video but I want
convert it to an audio file, it’s quite graphic and I don-“ he didn’t finish his sentence when they heard
a shattering glass.
Mingyu quickly turn his head and saw Wonwoo almost stepping into the small sharp pieces of the
broken glass.

“Shit!” he ran the fastest that he can to prevent Wonwoo from hurting himself.

Luckily, he is quick enough. “Wonu!” he screamed as he pull the elder away. as he pull him away,
Wonwoo’s knees almost gave out.

‘This is bad.’ Mingyu thought.

“” Wonwoo can’t breathe. He felt like his chest is being torn apart.

“Vi..saw.. video.” He can’t even speak properly. Mingyu knew this. The sign of an intense anxiety
attack that will make Wonwoo suffer again. just like what happened to him at the restaurant.

He remembered the people in the living room, worriedly watching them. They all need to go.

“Please leave. We’ll just continue this next time please.” The staff understands what Mingyu means,
so they quickly gather their things and the documents that Mingyu gave and make their way out.

When everyone is gone, Mingyu tried to look at his husband's eyes, but the elder were resisting. His
body is curled, head rested on the floor. This is not good. It was harder for him even more when
Wonwoo tried to shut him out.

“Shhh.. It will go away. Just breathe with me love okay. Breathe. It will pass soon I promise.” The
younger can hear his husband’s struggle with breathing. It hurts him.
He caress Wonwoo’s back, hoping to soothe the elder's pain even a little. “It’s okay love. I’m here
okay. Just breathe and release. You hear me?”

“Love please look at me.” He pleaded. But the elder wasn’t responding to it. “Let’s go to the closet. I
know you’re more comfortable there.

“Don’t touch me!”

Mingyu was stunned with what Wonwoo said to him. His tone. It is low, serious even sound
dangerous. The younger stopped caressing his husband’s back and the elder stood up.
Trying his best to walk properly without stumbling.

The younger is lost. ‘What just happened?’ He asked himself. It's too fast for him to understand.
Earlier, Wonwoo almost faints, having all symptoms of an anxiety attack then now, he’s mad? The
younger didn't know anymore. And his eyes. His eyes is different. It’s not pooled with tears that
reflects pain. His eyes is sharp like knife. It reflects hatred.

Mingyu tried to hold his hyung down, wanting to understand what happened to Wonwoo. As he grab
the elder’s elbow, Wonwoo harshly brush his husband off.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” he screamed on the younger’s face.

He is shocked. Wonwoo never screamed at him intentionally and now it just happened.

The elder ran to their bedroom and shut the door. The sound of the door banging rings inside their

Mingyu recovered with the shock and sighed. He didn’t realized that he’s holding his breath.

All he managed to do is lean on the wall and process the situation.

After a few minutes, he decided to clean the shattered glass first then maybe call Dr. Song to ask her.
The younger finished cleaning the glass, wiped the floor. Hoping that there’s no tiny glass lingering
on their floor anymore.
He fish out his phone out of his pocket and dial the psychiatrist’s number. While ringing, Mingyu
starts hearing things shattering inside their room. he ran fast in front of their bedroom door when Dr.
Song finally answered.

“Hello Mr. Kim, what is the –“ the doctor didn’t finish her sentence when a faint scream disturbs the
silence of their home. “Is that Wonu?” the doctor ask.

“Y –yes Dr. Song.” Namjon nodded not realizing that the doctor can’t see him. Another sound of
shattering glass rang again. Maybe the side lamp. Mingyu thought.

“What happened?” the doctor asked. Wonwoo continued screaming. “I – ah.. we’re discussing about
the case, I know he’s not comfortable but he’s doing fine. But then I talked about the video.” He can
hear sigh on the other line.

“So it is because of the video.” Mingyu can’t answer. “Did he know that you know about that video
Mr. Kim?” the doctor gently asked.

No. He didn’t know. The younger is afraid how his husband will react. And he is stupid enough to
forget that. Mingyu thought this is all his fault.

"I didn't tell him. Oh god I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid." He said while bumping his head on the wall.

"Mr. Kim. Calm down okay. It's not me who needs your apology. He needs you right now." The
doctor firmly advised.

"Yeah. He needs me. B- but how? I - I don't know what to do." He desperately cried.
"You know what to do Mr. Kim. You always know. And you're the only one that succeeds on
helping him. Just calm yourself first, then help him after. I'm just here. You can call me if anything
happens." The doctor gently said.

After the phone call, Mingyu noticed the the thrashing inside is also gone. He looked for the spare
key and went inside.

As he enter, the cluttered room welcomed him. Pillows on the floor. Broken night light. And a lot of
things thrown out. Mingyu starred. They need to do some cleaning.

"Love?" He whispered. Wonwoo were leaning on the left side of the bed. Starring at nothing.
Mingyu carefully walked to his side.

The younger can see the tear tracks to his face. Eyes swollen and bloated face. But one things stand
out the most.

The pain in him.

"H - how can you still love me?"

He said with the most painful voice that Mingyu heard in his lifetime.

Mingyu want to hold him so bad. He's dying to do that. But he decided not to. He sat down beside
him and lean to their bed.

"You know, I don't believe in marriage. Or maybe at love and all shit come with it. My parents has
same fate like me. They we're married out of convenience so there's no love at all. They just decided
to live with each other. Doing their own stuff. Business. Social life. They were always like that. And
when have me. They chose not to care. I grew up waiting for them at night. Wanting a bedtime
story just like what I saw in movies. But there's none. And then I waited for them. I'm wanting to
have a rocket ship toy when I was six. But my mom gave me a custom made suit out of the most
expensive materials that you can find. She look so happy while I'm fitting it. But I don't like it. Yeah
the suit is beautiful and soft. But for a six years old, Rocket ship is way cooler compared to the most
expensive clothes. And it was my birthday."

Wonwoo looked at him shocked.

"They thought that I will always be a child that will wait for them. So when they decided to mind
about my life, I'm all grown up and having my own life. They hated my friends, my hobby and
everything I do. And when they decided that I will marry, I almost flip the table. Actually no. That
table is too heavy I can't flip that." He joked. It gives small smile in Wonwoo lips.

"I'm so mad and decided that I will live on my own. Without everything about them. Then you came.
I have no plans in marrying you. But when I heard the reason behind this. And you being so caring to
me, I thought maybe helping you will not hurt me. Then we live together. I saw how beautiful you
are, inside and out, and how you take care all the people that you love including me. I can't help
myself but fall in love with you."
"You were so amazing and strong for the people you love. You're all doing that love. And when I
realize that I like you, I envied Jihoon hyung so much. That night in the club. I saw you, you know."

There's a sudden guilt in Wonwoo's face. "When you kissed him. How I wish it was me. And when I
saw you on the floor. I almost lost control. I don't understand how can he hurt you like that when all
you did was to love him. That's so stupid."

"So you ask me how can I still love you after watching that video? It is because that doesn't matter to
me. I don't care about your past. It doesn't make me love you any less. That is a part of your life but it
doesn't determine your future. I don't care if you're with him before. I have you now. And now is
what's important. I want us to be together in the future. I want our dream to come true together.

I want us together.

"Painful memories will never taint your soul. Mental illness should never take away your life. It is
yours love. No one has the right to control it aside from you. You can still make it beautiful. It will
never be too late to have happiness."
Never too late.

"And I'm doing this not because I'm jealous or anything. I just want you to have the justice that they
didn't gave to you years ago. You are a human and should be protected by the law. And him? He
chose to break it. He has a choice but he chose to do something bad so he needs to face the
consequences of his decision."

Wonwoo is again speechless with his husband. He doesn't know what he did great in the past to have
his husband love him like this. He made him more secured and confident.

He felt loved.

"You're a disgrace in this family!" The elder shouted as he hit his grandson. Jae Hwan received it
without a fuss. He's used to it. Him being beaten by his grandfather and his mom watching them
while crying.

"Please abeoji. Stop hurting my son." His mom pleaded. "It's your fault that he became like that! You
spoil him rotten and didn't discipline that good for nothing man! I'm so done cleaning the mess he
made Taeyeon! You! You!" He tried to grab Jae Hwan's collar. But Taeyon step between his father
and his son.
"I told you don't mess with that man again! I told you that and now you harassed him! He's a fucking
Kim! You moron!! We're trying to do partnership with them! You just fucking ruin it!" The elder

Jae Hwan wasn't listening. He's just thinking that its so unfair that his grandfather always care about
their company and not him.

"Stop it abeoji! They hurt my son! Can't you see?!" Answered Taeyon. She's glaring his father for
hurting his son.

"He fucking deserves it! You know the agreement and still you come near him with his husband on
the same place! You harassed someone's partner its natural that they'll beat you to pulp. And you."

He stared at his daughter. "Stop protecting your son. He needs to take responsibility to what he did.
I'm not going to use my influence to cover his mess anymore. Taeyon! I don't want to hear that you're
helping him. You're not doing that you hear me!"

"You hear me!" Mr. Lee screamed

"Stop screaming at my mom!" Jae Hwan screamed back. "You! You still have the guts to scream at

"Abeoji stop it! Enough you two!" Taeyon screamed.

"Get out! I don't want to see you face anywhere in this house. You're not part of this family
"Abeoji please. Stop this now." Jae Hwan's mother pleaded.

"No! You two stop. Get the hell out of here! I don't want to see your face anymore.!" Mr. Lee

"Son just leave now okay. We'll just talk later when you're both calm okay. Just stay to your
apartment for a while huh? I'll just visit you there. Okay. I love you." Taeyon convinced him. She
doesn't want his son to face the wrath of her father anymore.

Jae Hwan stood up and walk away. His mother's heart were breaking as he take each step out of their

"It's your fault he grew up like that. You always let him get away with everything!"

Taeyon stood up. She's shaking like she want to slap his own father. "I admit I have something to do
why he's a messed up man today. But don't act like your an innocent abeoji. You're also a reason why
my son is ruining his life now." There is tears in her eyes.

"You always thought him to use your influence to get what you want. He just copy what he saw from
when he's young. And that's you and your dirty ways on dealing with things. You made him feel like
a failure every time you saw him. You never smile or touch him gently. So what do you expect? A
fine man with manners and right disposition in life from this broken home?! You're fucking
delusional!." After that she felt her cheeks stinging.

"That's the only thing you can do best. Hurt people that tells you the truth. Guess what. This is the
last time that you will hear the truth. I don't care if you're not going to help my son. I will still protect

“Goodbye abeoji. Go to hell alone.” she said and walked out of their home.
Taeyeon is aware that there is something wrong with his son. And she’s convinced that there are a lot
of issues that needs to be addressed and fixed. But he doesn’t know where to start. His father is
heartless old man and his son is the most stubborn man in the earth.

But she is a mom, and he can’t give up on his child when he needs her the most.

It’s morning and Wonwoo woke up peaceful than he ever been. Beside him is the man that loves him
the most. And he loves him too. So much.

He felt better after that breakdown he had last time. Mingyu didn’t talk about the case when he’s with
him. Always stays late to check the information that needs for be prepared and updates from the legal
team of his dad. The younger looks exhausted and Wonwoo feel guilty or that.

So he decided to make some delicious breakfast for the younger. He went down to the kitchen and
raid their fridge to find something that he can make.

He’s busy chopping when he heard the doorbell rings. Wonwoo feels weird. Who would visit them
this early in the morning.
He open the door and saw a familiar lady.

“Kim Wonwoo?” she spoke.

Wonwoo froze as he saw who that lady is.

“Mrs. Lee?”

“Hi can we talk?”

Mingyu woke up feeling the emptiness of their bed. He can’t feel the warm body that he used to feel
in the morning everyday. That made him wide awake.
Wonwoo is gone.

Due to the adrenaline he ran down straight screaming. “Love? where are you?” he’s starting to panic.

What if.. what if.. what if..

Mingyu jumped on the third to the last step of the stairs and saw a pink apron in the kitchen. he
dashed to the kitchen area and crush his body to the person, wearing the pink apron. Which is

“Oh god. I thought something happen. Thank god.” He whispered as he inhaled the calming scent of
his husband.

“Gyuie. We have a visitor.” Wonwoo whispered back on the younger’s ears.

Mingyu looked and saw a middle-aged lady, startled in the middle of sipping her tea. The young
man was embarrassed, for someone to witness his reaction and how he cling to Wonwoo.

Despite of feling embarssed, Mingyu didn’t forget to be polite. He bow as sign of respect without
knowing who this woman is.

“Annyeonghaseyo.” He greeted. He looked to his husband, his eyes is asking who the woman is.

Taeyeon sensed Mingyu’s question through his eyes. And decided to answer his question.

“I’m Lee Taeyeon, I’m Jae Hwan’s mother.” Mingyu’s face suddenly change. Wonwoo felt the
change with his aura. His stance change, he straightens his back.

“What are you doing here?” there’s accusation in his voice. “ Gyuie.” Wonwoo scolds.

“I think you’re not welcome here Mrs. Lee.” Wonwoo tried to stop Mingyu.

“I understand what you’re feeling right now. And all I want to do is to apologize to Wonwoo about
what my son did. And I just want you both to hear my son’s side of the story.” Taeyeon explained.

Too late for an apology. It’s been years.” Mingyu spat. “Mingyu enough.” Wonwoo warned.

“No hyung. I don’t want her here.” there’s anger in his eyes. Wonwoo breathe. He led his husband to
other room of their home to have a private talk.
“Why are you talking to her Wonu? You even let her here in our home!” Mingyu said irritatedly. Not
that he’s angry with his husband. But more on irritated to the fact that there is a Lee inside their

“He wanted to talk to me Gyuie. That’s all. And did you see her? She looks so sad and I
can’t just ask her to leave without hearing her story.”

Mingyu sometimes found Seokjn’s kindness annoying. That kindness will put him at risk. “ I know
hyung. But what if she’s lying? What if she just want us to stop the case?” Mingyu answered back.

“I know that whatever she says will never change anything. You won’t allow me to stop the case and
at this point there’s no way we can stop it now. So might as well hear her right?”

Mingyu felt defeated but his husband has a point. The case is few days away and there’s no way to
stop that now. “ Okay. As always you’re right. BUT I’ll be with you. I want to hear her explanation
why that fucker is like that. You can’t say no to this love, or I won’t allow you to talk to her. I’m not
trying to control you or whatever. I just want to protect you from possible harm that that woman may
bring okay.” He lectured. Wonwoo gave him a reassuring smile. That made Mingyu’s heart race.

“Thank you love. I appreciate that you're trying to understand my situation."

Wonwoo didn’t notice that Mingyu is staring at him with shock in his face. “Why are you looking
like that?” Wonwoo asked weirdly.

“You called me love." Mingyu stated. The elder felt the heat spreading to his face and ears. His lips

“I love it.” Namjon announced then grab Wonwoo tiny waist and kiss him deeply. “What’s that for?”
“Because you’re perfect.” The younger grinned.

The couple came back holding each other’s hands. Taeyeon saw it, and somehow feel the regret.
She suddenly thought that Wonwoo will be good to his son.

The two sat in front of the lady, Mingyu looking scary. “What do you want from my husband?”
he straightforwardly asked. Wonwoo kicked his feet under the table for his manners.

The mother understands. She can see how the young Kim loves his husband so much. It’s natural that
he will be over protective over him.

“I came here to apologize to you Mr. Jeon. To what –“ “It’s Mr. Kim now. And isn’t that too late for
that apology. Years way too late.” Mingyu cut her off. Wonwoo didn’t know that agreeing with
Mingyu condition will end up like this.

“M – my son had a rough childhood. I had a child out of wedlock so my father doesn’t like my son
that much. He gave him a hard time growing up. Beating him up when he made a mistake. Pressuring
Jae Hwan to do good in school because he is the next in line for the company. My son doesn’t want
to have that empire that my father keep shoving on his throat. And I saw it. I saw what my father is
doing to him but I was scared to make my stand because we’re both depending on that wicked man.
After years, he started to go against my dad’s will. Doing anything that will annoy his grandfather.
Then he met a bad companion. Those kid who drinks and party all night. I just woke up one day
realizing that he had an addiction problem already. I did my best to stop him. Asking for professional
help but my son is stubborn like my father, so he kept avoiding the treatment that I set up for him.
And the idea sending of him on a rehab breaks my heart. He is my only son and I don’t want him to
be with those addicts. One night we argue about his problem and he saw how it pains me to see him
like that. He promised me that he will stop using any of those substances and I believed him because
I knew he will not lie to me.

He came back to the university, my son persuaded me to get him an apartment near the university for
his convenience. I was worried but he promised me so I let him.

One time he talked about meeting a cute guy working on a convenient store. He said he look cute and
innocent and he’s so smart. He sound genuinely happy that time. I don’t care about my son’s
preference, I’m just happy to hear him liking someone. I hope that time that, that cute guy will be the
cause of change in his life. then he told me that you two started dating and you moved in with him.

I don’t know what happened between you two when you lived together but after you left, my son
called me. He’s crying. I visit him to his apartment and it was a mess. He’s not himself that time.
And keep calling your name. he said you left him. He keeps repeating that you left him. He’s looking
for you for days. I’m so worried about him.

Then one day, we received a subpoena saying that you’re suing my son. My father offered to take
care of it. I’m aware of what he will do. I know growing up that he always, use influence and money
to get what he want and I didn’t stop him. maybe because my son will gain all the benefit of it.

I heard that he offered money to your father. And then my son will sign an agreement. It was easy as
I expected. He was free and everything happened as we expected .We sent him to U.S hoping that he
will be better there. he can do everything and every opportunity is there so I felt that it was the right
choice to make. But I was wrong. I am always. He met wrong people on that place. His addiction
came back and got even worse. He became violent and destructive. I lost control of him. He doesn’t
want to come back here in Korea anymore, but the news about your marriage made his mind change
his mind.

After hearing that you two got married, he looks broken. The same emotion he had when I visited
him after you left. It hurts him so much that it turned into anger towards you. He felt betrayed. I don’t
have any idea that he still want you. That he’s hoping to get you back to him. that was a stupid idea
but he made himself believe.

I want to apologize for every pain that my son had caused you. I know my apology will never take
away your pain but still I want to give that to you because that is what you deserve.

I decided that I want to have my son back. The son that I raised with love. I want him back and if this
punishment of his will bring that loving Jae Hwan back, then I’m willing to cooperate with you.” He
said with tears in her eyes. Wonwoo is crying too. He feel all the pain that he caged up in the bottom
of his heart being freed. His emotion was so intense but it’s starting to get lighter. Something that he
never felt in years.

“If you expected for us to stop this case after the story of yours then you’re being mistaken Mrs.
Lee.” Mingyu said.

Taeyeon smiled. “No. I want you guys to continue. That is what your husband deserve Mr. Kim.
I just want to make things right for my son and for me. And doing this is the first step. After this, I
will request for my son to receive some treatment while he’s inside. Hoping that it can clear up his
mind. I’m not going to give up until I have my son back.” The lady said with a smile on her face.

Wonwoo and Mrs. Lee feel the same way. They both felt light. A certain amount of peacefulness was
placed on their hearts and it’s starting to bloom there. Hope is not as unreachable as before.
‘It is not too late to have our lives back.’

It’s the night before the trial, Wonwoo was overwhelmed with everything. He’s still undecided if
he’s going or not. Mingyu will surely be there. He want to witness everything. But Wonwoo is still
thinking. The idea of going is not sitting on him that good. He doesn’t want to see other people
discussing what happened to him and Jae Hwan. He felt bare and vulnerable. He doesn’t like it.

But there’s a part of him that is convincing him to be brave and face his ex-lover again. It tells him
that he will gain all the benefit on meeting the man that gave him his biggest nightmare.
“What are you thinking?” Mingyu asked. They are on their bed, trying to relax as it’s the end of their

“I’m not sure if I am going or not.” The younger tightened hid hold to his husband. He know that it is
stressful for him. “Anything that can make you feel safe love. I will support you.” He sighed.

“Yeah. I don’t actually want to see him but I feel like I need to.” he said.

“Maybe.” The younger shortly commented.

“What you mean maybe?” Wonwoo asked curiously. “Maybe you need to see him to finally set
yourself free.” That was unexpected. Thought by Wonwoo. But he realize that there is nothing usual
on Mingyu’s mind.

“Meeting him can make you realize things love. I’m hoping that when you two met, you realize that
what happened to you is not something that you deserve because of what you truly are. That it
happened because you’re on the wrong place on a wrong time. And I am praying that after you met
him again, you will finally take away his power over you. That you finally set yourself free with that
nightmare. I want you to have your life back without you being scared of your past. You deserve that
Wonwoo. You deserve every bit of freedom so you can have genuine happiness again.”
The older was speechless. That made his heart melt again. ‘How do I deserve to have him?’ A
thought that always ran to his mind. Minutes and there’s still no answers came out on Wonwoo’s.

He move out of Mingyu’s hold. The younger is clueless why. Being worried that his husband is not
feeling well again.

One sudden move and Mingyu froze. Now, their forehead were touching and lips almost touching.
Such intimate gesture from his husband. It makes his heart flutter. “I love you Gyuie. Thank you so
much for staying with me and for loving me.”

“You’re very much welcome my love.”

Long time no see MY LOVELY READERS!! I missed you guys. i know it's few months after i
updated almost a year actually and I appreciate that you guys are still there hanging on, patiently
waitng for an update and now it's here:)

Small recap, One, I found a job as CSR on a company. then I happily went to iKON and Winner
concert in Manila!! anyone went there. i'm there and it was LIT!! one of my wish as fangirl. We
move to a much comfortable house, my nephew is already one. my sister is in legal age now. and at
the present I'm waiting for the Love yourself tour to be announced in Manila. the producer that
arrange the event said that they can't book the spot but we know our fairygod fangirl (inang) will do
her best to bring BTS here. And I'm happy that BTS and iKON ruled 2018. I'm so proud of our boys.
They work hard so they deserve that!!

And lastly, I'm learning to love myself everyday. I realize that doing my best doesn't mean to push
myself on my breaking point. i'm slowly but surely pursuing what I wanted, my passion and
appreciate what I have especially people that God gave to me. My life is not perfect but I'm fine with
it. I'm finally finding my genuine happiness. And I hope that you guys are doing great too. the
genuine great. let's talk if something bothers you. I'm here to listen. and every part of our small

Let's Fly


Chapter 41
This is the continuation of the last chapter. OS: Ashes by Claire Guerreso. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

It’s the night before the trial, Wonwoo was overwhelmed with everything. He’s still undecided if
he’s going or not. Mingyu will be there. He want to witness everything. But Wonwoo is still
thinking. The idea of attending the trial is not sitting on him that good. He doesn't want to see other
people discussing what happened to him and Jae Hwan. He felt bare and vulnerable. He doesn't like
But there’s a part of him that is convincing him to be brave and face his ex-lover again. It tells him
that he will gain all the benefit on meeting the man that gave him his biggest nightmare.

“What are you thinking?” Mingyu asked. They are on their bed, trying to relax as it’s the end of their

“I’m not sure if I am going or not.” The younger tightened his hold to his husband. He know that it is
stressful for him. “Anything that can make you feel safe love. I will support you.” He sighed.

“Yeah. I don’t actually want to see him but I feel like I need to.” he said.

“ Maybe .” The younger shortly commented. “What you mean maybe ?” The elder asked curiously .
“ Maybe you need to see him to finally set yourself free.” That was unexpected . Thought by
Wonwoo. But he realize that there is nothing usual on Mingyu’s mind.

“Meeting him can make you realize things love. I’m hoping that when you two met, you realize that
what happened to you is not something that you deserve because of what you truly are . That it
happened because you’re on the wrong place on a wrong time. And I am hoping that after you met
him again, you will finally take away his power over you. That you finally set yourself free with that
nightmare. I want you to have your life back without you being scared of your past. You deserve that
Wonwoo. You deserve every bit of freedom so you can have genuine happiness again.”

The elder was speechless. That made his heart melt again. ‘How do I deserve to have him?’ A
thought that always ran to his mind. Minutes and there’s still no answers came out on Wonwoo’s.

He move out of Mingyu’s hold. The younger is clueless why. Being worried that his husband is not
feeling well again.

One sudden move and Mingyu froze. Now, their forehead were touching and lips almost touching.
Such intimate gesture from his husband. It makes his heart flutter. “I love you Gyuie. Thank you so
much for staying with me and for loving me.”

“You’re very much welcome my love.”

The day of the trial, everyone is feeling on edge. The couple were wrapped with silence, they know
that they need that to clear up their mind. This is the day that they've been waiting for, in years. The
day that Wonwoo will finally have something that he should have before.

Wonwoo is staring outside the window, faceless people passing before his eye. He wonder what will
happen. His husband gently squeeze his hand. The elder looked at Mingyu, seeing the worry painting
in his feature. He wants to kiss that frown away from his husband’s face.
“I’m fine Gyuie. Don’t worry.” The elder reassured. “I’m safe because you’re here.” he added. The
younger feel proud to his husband. Wonwoo is handling it well. Better than he expected.

“I’m proud of you.” The younger announced as he kissed the back of elder’s hands. Seokjn never
failed to feel thankful having his husband by his side.

After a couple of minutes, they finally arrived in the courtroom. The place was quiet just like a
normal days. Mingyu want to commend his father’s staff for doing a great job. But he still doesn't
want to feel at ease. There can be a paparazzi lurking around the area just waiting for the perfect
timing to get some information that they can use to make a sensationalize story for their tabloids .

So Mingyu gently lead the way inside the establishment. They were the first one to arrive to the
courtroom. The couple sat on the front row while their lawyer was preparing for the trial.

The elder's hands were holding Mingyu’s tightly . The reality is finally sinking in in his system. He
will saw him. Everything is getting real.

Mingyu on the other side were also overwhelmed with everything. But being nervous is the last thing
that he will feel today. He felt full rage and hatred for that wicked man who gave his husband years
of painful dreams. He never imagined that he will hate someone that much.

After a couple of minutes, the door opened. The younger felt how his husband’s body stiffen. His
emotion heightened imagining that Jae Hwan is just few feet away from them. He want to punch his
face until he finally feel lighter inside.

Wonwoo’s mind were running wild. His brain is in the edge of having a panic attack but the
younger’s hold is making him a little relieved and grounded.

The elder want to take a little peak. Just one second peek, to make himself realize that everything is
real. As he take a single stolen glance, their eyes met.

His heart stops beating as he realized the Jae Hwan is also looking at him. But his eyes.
It’s full of pain.
He grow up in a miserable household. His childhood is full of hardship and disappointment. Being
verbally abused by his grandfather and seeing his mother cry almost everyday. So he didn't expect
something good that will happen to his life.

Parties, sex, alcohol and drugs. That's what he use to fill up the hole inside his heart. He watched
everyone’s eyes looking at him. Disappointment and frustration were reflecting on it. He’s nothing.
So he pretends that he’s happy with his life that time.

Then he met that boy, the first time he met him, he can sense the pain that he's feeling. Despite of
showing a bright smile almost everyday. At first he’s just curious about him. He can feel his pain but
he chose to be positive and smile like nothing is wrong and nothing is hurting.

Eventually , that smile made him smile as well. He saw how hardworking that man is. Trying to
survive in this cruel world alone.

Jae Hwan suddenly felt that finally he was not alone anymore.

They fall in love, that man made him really happy. Happy that he almost felt hopeful. Hopeful
enough to think that something good will happen to him as they continue to be together.
Wonwoo made him happy like no one else can do, even his own mother. His smile can lift his spirit
that has been drowned by loneliness. He want to be with him forever and ever.

But he kept losing with his own battles. Wonwoo's genuine love for him is still not enough to save
him from the darkness that is lurking inside his heart .

His smile that Wonwoo gave is fading, the hope that is blooming inside him wither suddenly and he
felt so lost. Jae Hwan felt that there is something dragging him to be locked up in that cold and dark
room again.

Wonwoo sensed that there is something wrong to his boyfriend. He wanted to helped but Jae Hwan
always shuts him out. Already locked up and he is the only one that can free himself to the darkness.

That darkness made him do things that he doesn't want to do. Every time he took those pills, he
became a monster. An ugly monster that want to hurt everyone so that they can be as miserable as

‘Why do I need to be miserable alone?” he thought. So he made Wonwoo’s life a living hell. He
would beat him up, raped him, scar his body. It is fun to do. To hear him scream and beg. He felt
powerful when Wonwoo begged him to stop. He felt the control like he can do everything to him. He
is miserable.

But after that high fade, he always cry his heart out. Realizing that he hurt the love of his life again.
He would apologize every time that Wonwoo is in slumber. He felt disgusted to see those dried blood
stained his perfect soft skin. He hated himself for it. But he’s scared to lose him. 'I didn't mean it
Wonu. I'm sorry. Please tell me what to do. I'm scared to lose you. Please.'

Without Wonwoo in his life, it is completely meaningless. He will die if he let Wonwoo leave. He is
the only thing that keeps him form living and he doesn't to be alone again.

One day he noticed that Wonwoo wrist is already bleeding from being tied down. The pity almost
knocked him out. Then the realization slapped him hard

Wonwoo doesn’t look like the man he used to love before, that man that brought hope in his life. His
eyes that sparkles every time, they were dead now. He’s not begging him to stop anymore. Wonwoo
look like he’s dead inside out.

He’s not that noisy and fun loving man that he met in the convenience store anymore.

He succeeds breaking him.

So he’s not shocked to see his apartment empty one night when he got home. Nothing
changed. Just that his reason fro living in not there anymore.

He left.

He tried to look for him everywhere but he failed. Jae Hwan regret everything that he did. He wished
that he can turn back time to undid everything that he did to Wonwoo. He wished he still have him.

The darkness already swallowed him and there is no way out now. Now this darkness is
accompanied with self hatred and regret. He wanted to die, if he didn’t hear his mother’s pained
voice asking if he’s fine.

No he’s far from being fine. He wants to die and no one will understand because he caused misery to
someone. The doesn’t have the right to feel remorseful.

His mother's warmth made him safe for a little while. But it can’t ease the pain he's feeling. He want
Wonwoo and him only in his life. He promised to himself that if he will be back, he’ll do everything
to change. He will be a good man and will treat him right.
But he will never be back.


His grandfather sent him somewhere far. Living without Wonwoo in an unknown country with
unknown people is like the cherry on top.
He decided that he already felt miserable then why not just do everything that ease that pain in his
heart little bit, even for a short time .

Sharing with bed to unknown person every night became his painkiller but every time they’re done
and the pleasure already faded, he felt his soul sinking deeper and deeper .

He can’t control himself anymore. He lost control with everything in his life. beating people
and being beaten to pulp became a usual encounter everyday.

He can’t understand why he can't find someone else that can make him smile again. Why he can’t
feel that comforting warmth to anyone that he shared the night with. Why?

Jae Hwan refuse to admit that Wonwoo is the only person that can give that to him. No. It is
impossible. But it frustrates him so much. 'Why I can’t find someone that can replace him to my life.'

His searched is still unsuccessful after two long years. Then he heard the news.

Wonwoo is getting married.

His heart was tearing apart in to pieces, that he can't breathe. The pain. It is excruciating. Its tearing
his heart and soul at the same time. ' Why?'

'Why did he forget me? Why he's with someone else? Why he looks happy with that man? Why its so
painful like he's I'm on fire?'

Jae Hwan have millions of unanswered questions. But all of this will remain unanswered.

He learned that the wedding will be done in New York. So he tried to look for him. He's sure
Wonwoo is in New York already. He used his connections to locate the other and he found him in the
hotel where they decided to held the wedding.
He want to stop him, convince him that they can be together again. That he will change, that he will
do his best and treat him better.

Then he found him. Still the beautiful man he remembered, the only man that can make him feel
warm and happy. Genuinely happy. He still looks the same. He still feel the same. Same feeling of
comfort and safety.

He is his home.

But his home is not with him anymore. He's with the man that he's going to marry. Jae Hwan saw it.
Wonwoo's eyes. It is the same, the way he look at that man is the same with the way he look at him
before everything turns into nightmare.

That subtle smile that can be seen in his lips and that eyes, shows how much he adore his fiancée. It
crushed Jae Hwan's heart.

His confidence to get him back totally vanished. Like it doesn't exist anymore.
He is happy.

With him.

Its not me.

He never though that he will be hurt this much in his life, its way more painful than every hit he
received from every fight he had .

It's done now. His home is already have someone else. He's already fine with another man.

Jae Hwan find it funny,that he is the one who's hurting this way. When he is the monster who made
him suffer. He is the one who destroyed their bond. He is the one who destroyed Wonwoo with his
bare hands.

With so much pain, this unreleased emotions turns into something else. It turns to hatred. His mind is
telling him that he shouldn't be the only one who should feel this way. He should not be miserable by
himself. He should not be the only one who's hurting.

They must feel the same way he felt. The same pain that kills him every time he opens his eyes. The
same miserable he living with.

So he fixed himself. The tried to do good to convince his grandfather to let him back to Korea. He
enrolled to a prestigious University in the States and try to look better.

His mother and grandfather was shock with the sudden change. The self destructive Jae Hwan is
gone. He's sober for some reason.

No one knows his real intentions. The battle field is in Korea. And he will do everything to get back
A year and half passed, Jae Hwan convinced his grandfather the he changed. The older Lee finally
allows him to be back in Korea. He never felt better.

While planning his revenge he was watching Wonwoo from afar. He paid someone to watch him
everything that is happening to his ex's life. Especially what is happening to him and his husband.

He agreed thatif their marriage is a failure, he'll just do everything to take Wonwoo back. Convinced
him that they can make it and he will treat him better and equal. But that young Kim
is exceptionally kind to his beloved.

He saw those pictures that night when Mingyu almost punch Jihoon at Seungkwan's birthday party .
He knew every date they've had. And the house that Mingyu bought for Wonwoo's graduation. And
the image if the couple holding hands and being intimate on the graduation party. That made him feel
more furious inside. They look so happy and he's getting more determined to destroy them.

Made them miserable.

So when he arrive to Korea, he planned out his revenge. He ask his grandfather to let him to work in
their company. He learned that Lee's and Kim's are planning to do a partnership. He know Wonwoo
will be part of the process as he is the new COO of the company.

Then the meeting happened. He can't help but be stunned with his ex's exceptional beauty, like it an
illusion that fools him all them time.

The hatred in his heart made him satisfied with how Wonwoo look so scared to see him again. But it
somehow bring him pain as well. Maybe he's really losing his mind. For this man that he always calls
Jae Hwan saw how panicked Mingyu looked after Wonwoo passed out inside the washroom . He saw
how he hold him. How he have all the rights to touch him. He felt envy for the younger Kim. He is
supposed to whisper things in Wonwoo's ear, he's the one who supposed to be there. He should be
that man.

And when he saw them kissing in front of the club, he almost lost it. He saw Wonwoo and Mingyu
happy together. They don't deserve that happiness while he's feeling completely in pain. They can't
be happy loving each other while he doesn't have an idea how to mend his own shattered heart.

That made his hatred more deadly. He want to have Wonwoo. Wonwoo is his. No one else deserve
the beautiful man aside from him.

He will do everything to take Mingyu out and get Wonwoo back.

Whatever it takes.

He will take what's his.

Wonwoo never imagined that he will see pain in his eyes. His mind always remember it as blank.
Lustful and angry. It always haunts him. But now, those eyes were as painful as his. 'Why?' He

Jae Hwan is with his mom, she also looked pained as her son. Wonwoo understands. It is painful to
see your son being judged and you can't do anything to protect your only child. But he want to praise
Mrs. Lee, with his love for his son and for wanting him to be better.

The trial starts and the judge asked Jae Hwan of his plea.

Everyone looked at him with shock. The charges he's admitting is illegal detention, serious physical
injury, and rape and his plea is guilty .

That made the proceedings easier for Mingyu's team. They present all their evidence even the audio
recording of the video that Jae Hwan sent to Wonwoo.

He almost broke down hearing the audio, but his husband help him to feel grounded. Holding him
and whispering that everything will be okay.

Jae Hwan's lawyer were not opposing anymore. Maybe they already talked about it, but they are
requesting for Jae Hwan to received counseling from a psychologist to help him manage his personal
issues .

Lee Jae Hwan was sentenced guilty with charges serious physical injury, illegal detention, possession
of illegal drugs, and rape . And because he pleaded guilty, it helps to lighten his sentence to eight
years without parole and also eight hundred thousand dollars compensation for all the damage that he
caused .

Mingyu is happy with the result. Although he's not satisfied with only eight years sentence, but it is
much better than nothing. Life is never been better.
Wonwoo is disoriented , he's not sure if he is happy or scared or worried, maybe overwhelmed with
the events quickly happening . But what he's sure about is Mingyu will always be there to protect

After the hearing, everyone is ready to leave. Jae Hwan was taken by the police to be put to his
assigned prison cell.

The couple is almost on their car when Mrs. Lee called Wonwoo's name. The two turn around to see
the older woman and Mingyu is not liking it.

"Hi." She timidly greeted them. They bow as sign of respect, but its clear on Mingyu's face that he's
not happy to see her.

Mrs. Lee is aware of the young Kim's sour attitude towards her. He is still the mother of the man who
made his husband suffer, so its totally understandable for him to feel that way.

"I know this is awkward, but Wonwoo," she looked at him with expectant eyes, emanating
that motherly feel that he will do everything for her child .

"My son want to talk to you. H - he begged me to convince you to see and talk to him even for the
last time." The couple was frozen upon hearing the request.

"Are you really serious with that Mrs. Lee? Why the hell your son wants to meet my
husband?" Anger was obvious on Mingyu's voice, pure irritation to imagine that monster and
Wonwoo in one room .

"I - I know it's stupid but please. He just want to apologize personally , Please Mr. Kim, give my son
a chance." She pleaded.

"Your son don't have any rights to have a ch-" the younger didn't finish what he's saying when
Wonwoo cut him off. "I'm not sure if I can do it right now, but I'll think about it. I'm not promising
anything, I'll think about it. I will let you know my decision when I have it already. Good bye Mrs.

He didn't wait for the response of the woman and drag Mingyu inside their car. Mingyu wants to
oppose to the idea. It is stupid. But he thought Wonwoo would s already overwhelmed and he doesn't
need another thing to think about . So he shut his mouth and just drive away from that place.
The couple were silent, Mingyu is driving while Wonwoo is just staring outside. The younger find it
awkward and wants to break the deafening silence.

"Love, want to go somewhere?" He carefully asked.

"No, let's just go home." He silently commented. Mingyu obviously noticed that Wonwoo doesn't
want to talk, so he just let it be. Maybe silence is the best option.

Less than an hour, they finally arrive to their home; and again, Mingyu feel awkward.

"You want to eat? Sleep? Shower?" Giving Wonwoo an option sounds a good Mingyu thought.

That frustrates the younger even more. He felt awkward, tensed the whole day and lost of how to
help or comfort his husband.

He just plopped down beside Wonwoo on their couch, wanting himself to calm down. Its not about
him, so he should stop himself.

"Please I'm worried love. You can talk to me you know." He gently suggested.

Wonwoo sighed. "Can we move to the closet? I feel safe there." The younger agreed. And because he
realized that their closet is his husband's safe place, he made an effort to make that place comfortable
for them .

He placed a sofa bed there with some heavenly soft pillows and comforter. He also put a small table,
if ever they need to eat there or something. The closet is spacious so it still look fine and comfortable.

After setting up the sofa bed, he wait for his husband to move. The elder held his hand and drag him
until they're both sitting on the sofa bed. Mingyu feels tensed. He felt like one wrong move can
caused him to a breakdown.

The younger was startled when he felt Wonwoo moving and realized that he is now sitting on his lap.
The elder were holding him close like that is what he really needs right now.

"What do you feel love? Can you tell me?" The younger said with a soothing voice while caressing
the elders back. His warm hand brings comfort to Wonwoo. He still have that magic.

"I don't know what to feel Gyuie. I'm not sure if I should be happy or scared. I feel empty."

It is painful for Mingyu to know how his husband feel. He thought putting Jae Hwan in jail will erase
Wonwoo's pain and misery. He's not expecting the situation to be that complicated.
" Honestly , I don't understand what you're feeling love. I really thought this will be the end of what
you're feeling but I will support you. I'm here, I'll be here with you until you're fine again."
He sincerely said. Wonwoo tightened his hold to his husband. Still feeling thankful that he have him
in times like this.

"You can always talk to Dr. Song if you're having a hard time you know. She's always willing to help
you understand your feelings and emotion. Even those you didn't noticed."

Wonwoo agreed, maybe it is best to seek help from his doctor. "Are you mad that I'm acting this
way?" Wonwoo asked while staring directly to his husband's eyes.

"You know I will never be mad at you. Ever. I'm just little lost maybe ? I just want to see you happy,
that's what I want the most. And seeing you like this makes me question if its right to send that man
to jail. I know I pushed you and even open the case without consulting to your opinion. I'm sorry
about that. I didn't mean to put you to an uncomfortable place. I'm sorry love. Please forgive me."
Mingyu pleaded.

He held Wonwoo tight in his waist and buried his face to his neck. He can't help but worry of what
Wonwoo is feeling.

"Yah. Pabo Gyuie." Wonwoo scolds. "Why you think that way? You are the only person
who really did something to help me. Even my parents, doesn't bother to make him pay to what he
did. Only you stupid man. And now you're blaming yourself for protecting me? Did you hit your
head?" The elder playfully scolds.

"I don't know how to thank you for doing this for me. Nobody was brave enough to fight them but
you put so much effort for me. How can i thank you? Huh my love?"

" Just be happy, I just want your smile to show and be with me." Their heart were fluttering and
shared this peaceful silence between them. No words would be enough to what they're feeling.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too love."


Wonwoo ask the opinion of Dr. Song about the situation, she said that it is totally normal to feel the
way Wonwoo is feeling . His mind need to process the situation to finally understand what is
happening. It is natural for people who suffers from trauma.

She also added that maybe one of the reason why Wonwoo feels that way is because of Mrs.
Lee. The doctor explains that because Wonwoo talked to the woman , he is fully aware of what will
happen when his son will be jailed . That emotion of a mother being away from his son, Wonwoo
empathize to that, that maybe the cause of that feeling empty inside .

Dr. Song assure him that everything will be fine, they just need to wait for him to process everything.
And with the help and love of people around him, the doctor is sure that Wonwoo will overcome this.
In the right time.

After their session, he feels much better. It is great to understand what you're feeling and that put him
into such nice mood. Nice enough to ask the younger to go somewhere where they can eat and relax.

" Really ?" The younger shockingly said. "Yup, I'm just not sure where but I want to go out. Its been
months since we last have a date. And I know you're already sick of our house." He cheerfully asked.

"You know that not true love. I like staying at home with you." The younger protested.
Wonwoo just smile. Its cute to see his husband a little worried. "I know but I miss doing something
outside. And besides, the weather is good today. Let's not waste it. Okay love ? Mingyu can't stop his
heart from fluttering as he hear that word being called to him.
The younger can't stop the smile slowly showing in his handsome face. Wonwoo got him again. As

"If you calls me like that, how can I say no?" He cheekily said. The couple laugh with their
conversation. "I know right."

They ended up walking in the neighborhood, with no plans in mind, they are really clueless to what
they want to do today . Hongdae? Myeongdon? Movie? Shopping. Nothing sounds appealing to

The suns is staring to set and they're still walking.

"Have you noticed, we're just walking around?" Wonwoo asked. "Yeah. Maybe this is what we
actually need. And its fun. I'm happy." The younger answered.

"Why? There's nothing special here Gyuie. We're just in our neighborhood." The elder questioned.

"There is something special here love. And it's you. " Wonwoo's heart skipped a beat after hearing
that cheesy word. "Yah. That's so cheesy love, I'm cringing." The elder said as if his ears were not
red as his face. That tingling feeling that tickling him from the inside is not stopping.

"I know right?" Mingyu answered and they locked eyes. Something snapped when their eyes met and
they start laughing so hard in the sidewalk, people are looking at this two men laughing their hearts
out .

"Oh my. Please punch me if I say something like that again. Please love." Mingyu said as he laugh.
The two can't stop themselves from laughing making them teary eyed.

"I'll definitely punch straight on the face if you say that again." Wonwoo answered while clutching
his stomach.

They needed a couple of minutes to compose themselves to continue walking. This long walk and
unending laughter made the two hungry.

"You know what let's just have pork belly barbecue and then soju! I miss drinking soju." Wonwoo
suggested. They ended up buying raw and seasoned meat, one order of kimbap and sundae and three
bottles of soju. Wonwoo can cook but they decided to rely for the ahjumah their food tonight.

After getting all they need for their barbecue, the couple went hope. Sun is already gone.

They are preparing for the dinner. Mingyu sets up the table while Wonwoo prepare the meat and
other food. It feel natural and domestic. It feels normal.
Wonwoo realize that its been long time they ate a proper dinner in the dinner table. This past few
months they stayed in their room. Especially when Wonwoo is not feeling well.

"Something wrong love?" The younger asked as he snaked his hand around the elders waist.
Wonwoo can feel the warmth from Mingyu's body. "Nothing. My mind is just being busy." He
answered. "Are you fine?" The younger quickly asked.

Wonwoo nods. "Yup. I'm fine Gyuie."

They started eating. The sundae and kimpab arethe best. Wonwoo assigned himself to cook the meat.
Its for the safety of them.

After having dinner, the first glass of soju made Wonwoo a little lighter. "Woah, I miss drinking
alcohol so much. It's hard when Dr.Song said to avoid alcohol for the meantime."

"Yup. It's been a while. I'm happy hyung."

They are both laughing with something that they saw on tv. The alcohol is slowly taking effect in
their system. Wonwoo is staring to get clingy to his husband and Mingyu is feeling honored to be the
receiving party of his husband's cute clingy demeanor .

After couple of minutes? Hours? They don't really know. The empty bottle of soju is the one left in
the coffee table. Their drunk self were out now. Wonwoo becomes really clingy while Mingyu
become a clumsy giggling mess.

"I love you Gyuie." The elder said with his hooded eyes. Hands lingering to his husband's chest
going up until he reach his neck.

"Why you look sexy saying that love. You're making it so hard for me to resist you. I don't know
how long I can stop myself."

"Why do you need your stop yourself love? I'm not stopping you." The elder said with a very
seductive voice. The younger felt that warmth spreading to his body.

"Oh gosh Wonu, you don't have any idea what you're doing to me." Mingyu said as he tighten his
hold to the elders wrist. "Then give me an idea." He became bolder and straddle the younger. Mingyu
froze with Wonwoo's boldness. Not sure if he is dreaming or not.

That exact look. Hooded eyes, plum lips and blushing face that is the exact look he have in his
dreams that causing him to shower with ice cold water in the morning .

Mingyu's willingness to control himself is quickly slipping. Maybe a little, he can have some reward
for a job well done.
The younger pulled his husband towards him, making their lips connected. He didn't wait for
Wonwoo to react when he started moving his lips against his. The elder was shocked but he likes it.
He like how his husbands lips glides against his and he love his taste.

The younger's hold on the elder's waist was so tight that it may leave some bruises in his skin. He's
having a hard time stopping his hands from wandering.

Their kiss was hot. It is was more sensual than any of what they've shared before. Their mind were so
drunk with alcohol and this sensual aura that was surrounding them. The younger started hearing soft
moans coming from his husband, as if it that didn't add to his misery.

His moans was soft and sexy for Mingyu. It made him want to do more than kissing. And that rings
the bell.

Mingyu pulled away, making the other look confused and disappointed. "Let's stop here love." He

Wonwoo look disappointed. He do understand and he's really thankful for his husband to think about
his sake first than anything. But he wants him too. He want Mingyu. To feel him. He want to
experience that feeling that he can share with the younger.

"It's weird that you always stop like that even though you definitely want it." He teasingly said as he
look at the crotch part of Mingyu's pants. The younger follow where his hyung is looking and
shocked to see a pretty huge bulge there.

"Ahh hyung stop teasing me. I'm having a hard time here." He whined. "But seriously Gyuie, why do
you always stop when we're doing that?" He asked.

The younger sighed. "You don't know how much I want you love. I want make you feel how much I
love you. But in the right time." He said and kissed Wonwoo' forehead.

"And they say chivalry is dead." Wonwoo said. The couple just smiled at each other. Contented on
what they have. This is their happiness.

Couple of days later after the session with Dr. Song and that heated night between them. They are
back to normal. Normal like doing nothing the whole day. They're trying to enjoy every moment that
they don't have any responsibilities in their shoulders because it will end soon .

The couple were laying on their bed, Mingyu was doing something on his phone, while Wonwoo is
reading a book .

"Love." Wonwoo called. The younger quickly put if phone down and give his hundred percent
attention to his husband. "What it is love?" The younger asked.

" I think need to see him." Wonwoo stated. "Who is it hyung?"


" I don't think it's a good idea hyung. Why do you want to meet him?" The younger asked while
looking at the ceiling. "I'm not sure but I feel like I need to see him to finally be free.

The younger was speechless, he looked at his husband and he looks brave. "Do you think you'll be
fine meeting him up close again?" Mingyu worriedly asked.

"Yup, but can you come with me? I need your support to do that." He said as he lay his head on the
younger's chest. "Of course love. You don't need to ask for that. I will support you on everything."

They went on the prison were is Jae Hwan was detained . Seok in is starting to doubt if he made a
right decision of going here. As they step on the lobby, Mingyu asked him again. "Love are you sure
about this? You look pale. We can go home you know." He suggested.

"I'm not sure Gyuie. I'm scared but I need to see him." Theelder answered. "You know that I won't let
you be with him if you don't feel safe enough right? We can do this next time. It's fine hyung."
"No. I'm fine. And you're there so I should be fine. I just need a couple of minutes to relax." He did
the classic breathing exercises that works to relax him a bit. When he felt fine enough Mingyu
approach the police man to meet Jae Hwan.

The kind police man assist them and make them wait to a room with a glass in the middle. "Do you
want me to go inside as well?" The younger asked.

"No Gyuie. I think it will be better if I talked to him alone. And besides you can see from the outside
and there a glass that separate us so it shouldn't be a problem. I'll be fine."

"Okay. But if he tried to harass you just come out okay. You don't need to hear anything that he will
say. I'm here okay." Wonwoo nods.

He entered the room and wait for Jae Hwan to come out. Wonwoo was frozen , as the other door
opened. A police man is assisting the man inside and after that he left.

The two were speechless to see each other like this. Wonwoo noticed how his features changed. He
look bad. To say.

Dark circles under his eyes, he looks thinner and also paler from what remembered. And he look sad.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet me." Jae Hwan started. Their eyes didn't met. The other's eyes were
looking downwards while Wonwoo looks everywhere aside to the man in front of him .

"Your mother said you want to say something to me." He said. "I want to apologize to you. To
everything I've done to hurt you. I know my explanation will do nothing but I want to say that I still
love so much Wonu. I didn't stop loving even a second. After what happened and after I went to to
America. I didn't forget you even a minute. I just want to be with you." He desperately said.

Wonwoo doesn't know what to feel to what Jae Hwan said. 'He loves me? He want me back? Is this a

"Then why did you send that video? Why do you need to do that to me? Do you even know what
happened after I saw that?" There's hate in his voice that made Jae Hwan drown in guilt. He shook
his head as answer to the other's question.

"I tried to kill myself."

There's shock in Jae Hwans face. "That same day you send it. I almost died that day. If
you really love me, then why do you need to do that? Why do you hurt me like I'm nothing? Why did
you use me like I'm a worthless thing that you can just use and throw away? You do need to be so
cruel to me? If you really want to be with me, then why do you need to break me beyond repair?

Jae Hwan doesn't know what he will answer to all that questions. "Can't find an answer? It is
because you don't really love me. You just need me maybe . But you don't love me. I make you feel
something that you can't find to someone else. That's why you're scared to lose me." Wonwoo

"I'm sorry Wonu. I didn't mean everything I did. You know I have issues with drugs that time. I - I'm
not myself when I did that. I'm sorry please forgive me." Jae Hwan begged while crying.

"You have your time when you are sober enough to see me suffer. But you didn't do anything to
change the situation. You didn't even fight your demons for me, for my safety. But I want to thank
you." The other looked at him.

"Because of what happened to us, I had the chance to meet my husband. And to see what genuine
love is. His love is sincere and genuine. It doesn't hurt or break me. That's the love that I
wanted. That's the love I deserve.

Jae Hwan feel defeated. He felt like he's being stabbed a million times and he can't do anything about
it. "I hope you are happy with him Wonu. I sincerely wished your happiness." He said.

"Don't worry, I'm very happy with him. And nothing can change that. And before I leave, I just want
to tell you that I forgive you." Wonwoo said staring at Jae Hwan.

"I forgive not because of you. But because I need to be free from you. I need to take away your right
to hurt me in anyway you can. I refuse to be hurt by you anymore. I refuse to be miserable because of
our past. And I forgive you because I deserve to live freely and happy and for me to love my husband
the way he deserves to loved. I need to go." Wonwoo stood up, ready to leave.

"Wonu." Jae Hwan called. Wonwoo looked at him. "I wished in our next life, we can be happy
together." He stated. Wonwoo looked at him with cold eyes. " Honestly , if I can decide for my next
life, I don't want to see you in that lifetime anymore. But I hope you find your happiness. Let's not
cross each other's path again. This is goodbye Jae Hwan."

And with that Wonwoo turn his back to his past.

"How was it love? Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What happened?" Mingyu worriedly asked.
Wonwoo look overwhelmed. That made the younger nervous.

Tears started to escape in his eyes that break the younger's heart. "Please tell me what happened
love." He pleaded. Wonwoo didn't answer still and leaning to his husband's chest. The younger held
him. Want to give comfort to his husband.

"Gyuie." Wonwoo whispered. "It's okay hyung. Just let it out. I'll be here." The younger encouraged.

"I'm finally free."

Hi my lovely readers! Thank you so much for waiting to my slow update. i had a hard time writing
this chapter because this is not originally part of the plan. and I'm not sure if it is fine. But I did my
best. I hope you enjoy it.

The late update is because of some reason. If you know I'm an iKONIC. i've been a fan of iKON
since 2014 and I supported them first than BTS. And our fandom is mourning until today. Kim
Hanbin a.k.a B.I the leader of iKON was issued purchasing drugs to Tita Susan (that's what we call
her.) She is the same girl that is involve to T.o.p's drug case. Hanbin admitted that he "tried" to
purchase it because he was greatly depressed that time. For the not iKONIC people here, for us 2016
is the hardest time for iKON. that is the time that they were shipped to Japan to do TWO shows a
DAY! to different city. That's also the time that YG ent. suddenly put them back to dungeon without
an assurance for a comeback although they did great on their debut.
I'm not defending him but I do understand. the pressure, the exhausting schedule and mental dilemma
and after the issue rises they kick Hanbin without discussing it with him first. And for us who believe
that he is part of our family we are greatly devastated. I'm still healing. It's still painful to imagine
that there will be iKON without B.i. I hope nothing like will happen to BTS . Because believe me, it
will crush our world into pieces.

but this is enough. I hope you're all doing well. If you're a Filipino reader I'm going to the blushcon
2019 on Saturday. Hope to see you guys there.

Let's Fly.


Chapter 42: Ask rouhui anything!

Chapter Text

So I found myself bored and unmotivated. Let’s have fun!

Let’s Play Ask rouhui anything!

You my lovely readers can ask me anything (no not anything I can’t answer math problem and
chemistry formula). You can ask about Different Arrangement. If there’s something confusing about
the story and many more. I’ll give you guys one week to ask question and then I’ll answer

Anything about Kpop and BTS :)

Just be careful okay.

RESPECT each other 

Let’s Fly


Chapter 43: ANSWERS!

Chapter Text

As I said, I will answer the questions that you guys will asks. So here it is:

1. From na_nurdin:

Where did you get inspiration?

Actually, I get it everywhere. I like reading stuff, or learning new stuff. Sometimes I just came up
with it, starting to the question what if like? What if like that?

Whenever I watch a movie or drama I always look for something valuable in that. even in the
shittiest movie or tv show, I always make realization that help me with the story. And then I’ll right it
down so I won’t forget it.

From sassy_soo:

How come your grammar was very good?

Believe me girl, my grammar is the most basic of all the basic. But seriously it’s just the basic even a
grade schooler can read. I actually to do that to encourage people to read English.

I noticed my younger sister is quite intimidated when it comes to speaking and reading English so I
made Different Arrangement easier to read so that people will be encourage and start loving reading.

And I proofread my work. I use Hemmingway checker to proofread it and it helps a lot. But still, I
can see some errors but I’ll check it again.

From AllisonRowe:
How to get a man like Mingyu?

The answer is… I don’t know. Mingyu’s characteristic in D.A is obviously fiction. How could you
find a handsome rich young man, kind, understanding and will be fine to be married to a gay man
without anything in return? He is the most impossible man to find in this world.

But in my opinion, there are people that can love like the way he love Wonwoo. I know because my
man love me that way. It’s not perfect like Mingyu’s but the feeling is real. I found someone, I know
you will find your own too. In God’s perfect timing. I’ll pray for that.

From Tenneo:

English isn’t your first language?

Yeah. English is not my first language. I am a Filipino and we speak Filipino, but I’m from Luzon so
I speak tagalog. But, English is a common language in our country. Well I suck at both language.

From djyoneh:

Are you gonna upload a new chapter real soon?

Actually nope. I’m not sure if I can make a chapter this month because: first I’m doing my entry for
talk talk korea. I’m doing a webtoon. I’m not that great but I just want to try my luck and on July
first, I will attend a gathering for iKONICS. I need to make some handmade merchandise to sell so it
will consume my time.

And lastly, I need to do some research for the next chapter. It’s quite technical so I need to do some
research about it to be more accurate and realistic. So I hope you will wait for my update again.
From Epreciado20:

1. Who are your top 10 favoirte music artist? Whether they be American, Korean, Chinese,
Canadian, or from Philippines.

I like singers that make empowering songs so this is my list.

1. Bigbang
2. iKON
3. BTS
4. Winner
5. 2ne1
6. Epik High
7. Demi Lovato
8. Paramore
9. Pink

10 Taylor Swift

I’m not a really huge fan of all of this musicians but I get inspired with their songs and it touched my

2. What’s your favorite food and why?

Fried chicken is my soulmate. Cake is my companion and chocolate is my best friend.

I like all the unhealthy food. The reason why I gain weight. But I have this thing that I don’t like a
food if it can’t make me happy. My sister said that my standard in everything is really high. I doubt
that but that’s my own way of judging food. Plus the texture and lot of other things.
3. Who is your top 3 ultimate bias from all of your fave kpop groups combined?

If I have my checklist for the ultimate bias it will be the live performance, personality off the camera
and mystery in them. three of them fit in that.

1. Daesung of Bigbang
2. B.I of Ikon
3. JHope of BTS

4.What country would you like to visit other than your own?

I love Japan since I was a kid and also Korea. I want to see Ice land too.

5. How many chapters Different Arrangement have?

Actually it’s 43 but if I will win in any prize of Talk Talk Korea or I will be happy for the result of
the story I may add another 7 chapters J

6. How has being off your medication been going? And how is your nephew?

Thank you for asking about that. being off to medication is actually great. Meds make me feel more
miserable. it messed my hormones up, it forced me to do things and it stops me from thinking. I hate
when I can’t think at all. And basically I hate doing something I don’t want to do.

And in my opinion, there is no medication that can beat a strong support system. I have a strong one
from my boyfriend, family, friends and even you guys. And writing helps me expressed this thoughts
in my mind.

And my nephew. He’s doing great actually. After he was born, we became mature in a way. I need to
help my sister raising him because no one will help him but me and my other sister and everyone
loves him. we’re like frienimies. He’s scared to me but he likes me also. And he listen to me well
than his own mom.
We receive a lot of judgemental stares because my sister looks younger although she’s already 23.
People thought she’s another case of teenage pregnancy and we laugh at it a lot. We’re learning and
its stressful but the satisfaction when he smile makes our heart flutter every time.

7. Is there any underlying message to D.A that us readers should take to heart?

I want people to understand mental illness in more creative way. Mental illness is hard to explain.
The feeling, the episodes how it starts, how it affects someone’s life. there are time that people
invalidate my emotions and experiences just because I’m not in the worst case scenario that people
can experience.

I’m not starving to death, I have house, people loves me so why I have this? those questions was
always asked. So I made Wonwoo the luckiest person when he found someone like Mingyu but still.
He have mental illness that can’t be erased by wealth.

I want people to realize that being depressed and anxious is not just an expression. Trauma is not just
a word. We have a battle that no one understand. So I hope my lovely readers understand.

8. Do you use skin care products?

No. I don’t actually buy it but my sister let me try what they’re putting on their faces. I have this fear
of putting chemicals in my body. I’m scared that if I use too much, my skin will start to react in bad
way. I’m more into natural remedy.

If I have a pimple, I use vinegar in it, I use honey and salt as facial scrub and that’s it. Sorry I can’t
recommend you anything.

9. Is my caps lock in my comments scaring you or do they make you uncomfortable?

Actually, I like it. i use my sister’s excited tone when I’m imagining you saying this long excited
comments of yours and it makes me smile. Honestly., I always anticipate your comment. It boost my
confidence that I made something nice for you to react that way. and your consistency is the best. I
track down your first comment and your first comment is in the first chapter. That was amazing. I
just suck at expressing my feeling because I’m very reserved type but I’m really happy about it.
Thank you for making me happy.
10. How did you come up with the story line for D.A? did you plan everything out or you just go
along with what you wrote before?

At first, I just want a story that I want to read. A realistic story about arrange marriage. I don’t want it
to be like the other so I chose to be a slow paced story. I want it to be detailed. How two people
interact and build relationship. How they deal with problems and everything. That’s what I want. I
don’t want my story to have question like why did he agreed? Why he loves him? and everything.

And writing D.A is unbelievably easy actually. I don’t need to squeeze my mind just to think of
something. it flows naturally compared when I’m writing The hunter’s prey.

I hope my answer make sense even a little. Thank you guys.

Let’s Fly


Chapter 44
I hope you survive this chapter. Enjoy!!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

Wonwoo’s recovery were fast compared before. His nightmare were almost gone. The episodes were
more bearable and he felt safe and happy with Mingyu.

Because of this improvement to his health, he is convinced that he is ready to be back to work.

Of course Mingyu is worried. He is always worried. But this time Wonwoo reassure him. "I’ll be fine
love, and besides there is a chance that you will be there with me. So there is nothing to worry

Mingyu sometimes find it weird to see Wonwoo is acting normal like everyone else. Not that he
doesn’t want him to be well, but maybe because they’re in this situation for a long time, he got used
to it. But this is a good change. They finally can get their life back.

A day before Wonwoo came back to work, Mr. Kim ask them to come to the company. The couple
got worried. It is the first time that the older asked them both, it is usually the elder who was asked to
come to the company.

The came to the company. The couple were standing out in the crowd with their good looks. Their
suit are almost identical, Mingyu’s hair is now brown and Wonwoo’s confidence with himself is
back. Employees can’t help but look at them. They look life characters in webtoon that came to life.
When they arrive to Mr. Kim’s office, they were greeted by his assistant and ask them to follow him.
Their hearts were pounding. The anxiety is starting to eat up Wonwoo. He's trying not to overthink
about what iis going to happen but he can't help himself. So he held the younger's hand. It always
make him feel grounded and safe.

They are in front of the conference and Mr. Kim’s assistant announced their arrival and asked them
to enter the room. The two took a deep breath and Mingyu pushed the door.

As they enter they saw a group of people. Mr. Kim is sitting in the center while people as same age
as him is looking at them. “We apologize for making you wait Mr. Kim.” Wonwoo uttered. He also
gave respect to the members of the board.

Mingyu is frozen. Not that he’s being disrespectful but he is not used to see them all in one room.
The last time that he saw most of them is on Wonwoo's graduation party. The younger were dumbly
standing when the elder tighten his hold to his husband, giving him a signal to do the same. Mingyu
bowed down halfheartedly, still feeling weird of what they’re doing.

“Everyone, this is my son Kim Mingyu and his husband Kim Wonwoo our COO.” The two bow
again to the board. Mingyu is getting tired of bowing.

“As you all know Wonwoo experience some health issue, and he needs to take break being the COO
of the company. And now, he’s recovering but we want to ensure that he will stay healthy. I want
him to have a limited workload but as a COO that won’t do. So my son Mingyu suggested to take his
place or the two of them will become the COO for a year. I want to know your opinion about this.”

The members started having conversation with each other. Namjon and Wonwoo can see some
judgmental stares, they can see their mocking eyes, saying mean things inside their heads. And some
of them shaking their heads as sign of disapproval.

“You told me before Mr. Kim that your son doesn’t have any interest to take your place. What’s with
the change?" Mr. Gong asked. "And how can we assure that he will take the work seriously?”
another members asked.
Mr. Kim planned to answer but Mingyu speak. “I want my husband to have a stress free environment
while he’s recovering. And about taking it seriously. I want to assure you that I will work hard and I
know what I’m doing. I don’t have any plans to ruin my father’s company.” He said firmly.

“But you haven’t finished your degree yet right? I mean, he doesn’t have any experience Mr. Kim. It
will be hard for him if he doesn’t even know the basics.” one member said. 'That's a good point', Mr.
Kim thought. Of course, it will be hard for them to convince the board.

“I’m sorry Mr. Kim but I need to disagree with this one. There's too much risk. And I know everyone
is agreeing with me.” Mr. Choi stated. And he is right, everyone is agreeing with his statement.

Disappointment were clearly seen in the young Kim's face. He never thought convincing them will
be this hard. Wonwoo felt bad for his husband. He tried cheering him up by gently patting his back.

The atmosphere inside the conference room were starting to get uncomfortable. The chairman is
preparing to end the meeting when another member started speaking.

“But if you want your son can be Wonwoo’s assistant. I was aware that his assistant is now on
maternity leave. And no one is hired for the position yet. That way you can help him and also learn
how things works in the company.” Mrs. Lee suggested. That gave them hope. At least NanGyu will
be there for Wonwoo.

“Do you agree with that son? Wonwoo?” The couple stared at each other then nodded. This is the
best compromise that they can have right now, so they can't complain. They bowed to the board as
sign of gratitude. Wonwoo mouthed 'thank you' to Mrs. Lee for suggesting the idea. The lady just
nodded as sign of acknowledgement.

“Thank you for your consideration.” The couple stated.

The meeting was already done, and all the board members were also on their respective office. But
Mr. Kim and the couple is still inside of the conference room.
“Now that you’re here. I want to asked you two of things.” Wonwoo immediately listen. His
attention is hundred percent on the chairman.

“First, let's not tell everyone that Mingyu will be working here. It can make the employees feel
uncomfortable to work with you when they know that you are my son. And some may give you a
special treatment. Of course there are some that already know you, but we will advise them to treat
you same way like a normal employee. That way you will have a genuine experience of being a
simple employee of our company. You will be under the supervision of Wonwoo and I want to check
your performance so I will asked him a trutful weekly report about you. And Wonwoo I am
expecting that you will avoid being biased in your report about Mingyu alright.” Wonwoo wants to
laugh with how the young Kim's face is looking right now.

"And, if that is the case, they should not know your relationship with each other. I know you
understand what I’m saying. It is to build a efficient environment for Mingyu.” It is clear in
Wonwoo’s face the faint blush with the older Kim’s statement.

“And lastly, if you need something or any concern, you can come to my office or asked my
assistant.” He smiled to them. Wonwoo felt greatful with the chairman's consideration with his
situation. He is just his son - in - law but he made him feel like he have a father again. After so many
years. He bowed to Mr. Kim but Mingyu didn’t. He’s not used showing so much respect to his dad.

They were dismissed then went home. They need to rest because tomorrow is a big change for both
of them.


“Ahh I’m going crazy!” Mingyu screamed inside Wonwoo’s room. he elder can’t help but laugh a
this husband. It’s been two weeks since they started working together.
Mingyu is bumping his head to Wonwoo’s desk because of so much frustration and stress. The
papers were literally drowning them. he can’t remember how many documents he already read, how
many times he asked his signature. His mind is flooding with proposals, reports and everything else.

“Don’t worry, it will get better. This is the piled up work I left since I was gone for a long time.”
Wonwoo reassured. But that didn’t do anything for the younger. This is the exact reason why he
rejected inheriting this company. All this paper works will drive him to nuts!

“Why don’t you get some coffee. We didn’t have enough sleep yesterday, coffee will definitely lift
up your mood.” The elder suggested.

Mingyu looks like a zombie wearing a suit. He looks exhausted, and he miss composing and reading
books. He miss their home.

Mingyu's sleep deprived mind is not functioning well. He’s not paying attention on where he's going
when he bump to someone. That wake him to his sleepwalking.

The women accidentally spilled a steaming hot coffee on Mingyu's suit. They both panic because the
coffee is hot. The female employee panics when he started feeling the burning sensation to his body.
The other tried to look for something that can help Mingyu.

The lady placed the coffee to the bar and grab some tissue to help Mingyu. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t
see you. I’m really sorry.” She said while wiping the man’s shirt.

“I-It’s fine. It’ s my fault too. I’m not looking.” The man said. The woman is still feel apologetic with
what happened and he can feel that. “It is okay really. Something like this always happens to me
because I’m really clumsy so no worries.” He smiled with his eyes, and that cute little dimples living
in his cheeks. The lady's heart fluttered.
"But still, I c.. I will pay for the laundry of replace your suit. I will replace them I promise." the girl
stated. Mingyu thought if the lady knew that this now stained suit is a designer suit she will definitely
not promise that.

"No, i.. it's fine really. It's my fault too so you don't need to do that. Just be careful next time.

The lady nodded still feeling bad for Mingyu but she needs to get to her work, so she apologize and
excuse herself.

The young Kim came back to Wonwoo’s office with two cups of hot coffee and a coffee stain in his
clothes. “What too- What happened?” Wonwoo asked.

“Nothing. I just bump to an employee.” He said. Wonwoo sighed. Of course Mingyu will be himself
wherever he go.

“I always told you to be careful." The elder scolded. "I wonder how can you still be alive when
you’re this clumsy love.” Wonwoo teased.

“Stop teasing me love. But I feel bad for that girl. I think she’s new. She really felt bad spilling
coffee on me.”Mingyu stated.

The elder felt odd with that. it is the first time that Mingyu talked about a girl. He shrugged it off.
Maybe because it is unfamiliar to him.
Paperwork keeps coming to them and Mingyu is going crazy. He is smart in different level but their
situation overwhelmed him a little. His mind is starting to have a data overload.

Wonwoo felt bad for his husband but there's nothing he can do. But he discovered a lot of things
about his husband while working with him. He likes talking to himself when thinking. He loves
coffee while working and He is like a typical employee, waiting for the working hours to be done and
ready to go home.

“Love let’s go home!” he excitedly said. But Wonwoo is not moving. He’s still reading that report
he’s been studying for two hours. “I can’t love. I have to finish this.” he mumbled.

“Love please. We’ve been stuck here for days. I want to eat proper dinner. And I missed you.” He
said while pouting. Wonwoo find it cute to see the younger pouting. He won.

“Alright! We’ll go home. How can I say no to that cute Mingyuie.” He cooed.

“Mingyuie?” the younger repeated. “Yup. That cute little baby, inside my tall clumsy husband
Mingyu.” he confirmed. Mingyu thought, he doesn’t mind being treated like a baby sometimes.
Especially when it is Wonwoo doing it. Oh boy, he is so whipped.

They are walking to the elevator to see a small group of employees gathered also waiting for their
lift. They noticed the couple and quickly pay respect to Wonwoo. “Sir. Would you like to come have
dinner with us.” One of the director asked. He’s close to Seokjn. And he also knew who Mingyu is.
“Isn’t that uncomfortable for them Mr. Kang?” Wonwoo whispered.

“It’s fine Mr. Kim, and besides you’re almost same age with some of them. It will not be awkward.”
Mr. Kang reassured. Then Wonwoo looked at his assistant. “Would you like to come with us Mr.
Kim?” he asked.

Mingyu was taken aback with the question. Definitely he will come with them. He will never let his
husband come alone especially when there is liquor involved.

“Sure sir.” Mingyu answered. The two like playing their role. The boss and the subordinate. It makes
them feel like they are in a office romantic - comedy drama.

But the couple didn’t notice the girl behind.

Her heart is fluttering when he saw a particular man.

The dinner took place to a barbecue restaurant. The employees were enjoying eating and drinking
while sharing stories.

Wonwoo were having a conversation with Mr. Kang while Mingyu is quietly eating. He’s really
unfamiliar with this people that makes him a little bit shy.

Someone noticed of him being quiet. “Are you okay?” the lady asked. She looks friendly with his
smile. “Yeah. I’m fine.” He answered.

“Oh I’m sorry again, spilling coffee on your suit.” She said. Mingyu remembered, she’s that
panicked girl he bump last time. “Oh yeah, I remember. Don’ worry about it.” Mingyu dismissed.

The two ended up having a friendly conversation, talking about random stuff. He learned that Her
name is Son Seung Wan but people calls her Wendy. He also learned that she can speak english well
because her family lived in Canada. Making her more interesting for Mingyu.

The two were talking that they didn't notice someone is looking at them.

When the next batch of meat arrived. People started digging in again. The meat is delicious and
juicy, paired with soju and it feels heaven in their mouth.
Mingyu is unconsciously taking care of his husband. Just like how he took care of him on their home.
He's always attentive. Asking if Wonwoo needs something, if he wants to order food or anything

The employees can't help but notice that extra care that the assistant is showing to his boss.

The two were having their own conversation when they noticed that the others were staring at them.

"You two seems so close." The male employee bluntly stated. He is drunk and that gave him the
courage to speak like that. His colleagues starts to stop him and face palmed with his informal
language towards the two, especially with Wonwoo.

The two were shock with the statement. Mingyu wwants to say 'of course he is my husband.' But he
need to stop himself. "Umm well. We're." The elder looked tense, shifting his eyes with the group
and Mingyu. He want to tell the truth but then he remembered Mr. Kim's rule.

He doesn't want to deny his husband hut they also needs to follow the chairman.

Wonwoo is still looking for the right term when Mingyu hel``d his hand under the table. Good thing
Mr. Kang is beside them.

"Actually we're best friends. He's my senior in the university so were quite close." Mingyu explained.

That sound like an excuse but the answer satisfy the curiosity of his fellow employees.

The party continued and when they're bellies are full enough they decided to head home.
"Mingyu -ssi do you want to come with us, we can give you a ride." Wendy suggested. The others
felt weird with Wendy's action.

"Um thanks but I need to drive Mr.Kim to his home before I go home. But thanks to the offer." He
politely declined.

Mingyu and Wonwoo bid their goodbye and head first. Wendy and the others were lookig at them.
They're asking themselves if that is still a job for an assistant. There is something that's not making
any sense. But of course they need to keep it to themselves or they were going to be unemployed

"Do you think they have a relationship?" One of the senior manager asked.

"It's impossible Manager Yang. Mr. Kim is the husband of the chairman's son." Another manager

"What if.." All of them were having that same idea. Idea that Mingyu the secret lover of Wonwoo. If
they just knew.

Before they conclude anything Mr.Kang interrupt them. "Yah..yah.. stop talking non sense with our
boss. Let's go home."

The couple got home and get ready to sleep. They're both too tired to anything aside from cleaning
up and sleep.
However while Mingyu is washing his face, Wonwoo appeared behind him and hug him.

"I love you Gyuie." The elder mumbled the younger can't help but smile. His husband is quite clingy
and touchy when drunk.

"I love you too love so much." He answered. Their eyes met in the reflection of the mirror.

Wonwoo tighten his hold to the younger's waist. He missed his husband's warmth.

" I miss you love. We never has a time for each other." Wonwoo whispered. The younger felt bad.
They are too caught up with their work, too tired and just go to sleep to rest.

Sometimes Wonwoo missed the days that they'll do nothing for the whole day. Just the two of them
in their own world . But he know the reality will never be easy.

"I miss you too. So so much it hurts. Although we're together everyday." The younger stated. Mingyu
turn his back and look at his husband.

He can see the tiredness in his eyes. He felt pity, somehow asking if they did the right choice.

"Gyuie." Wonwoo whispered. He starts giving small lick in Mingyu's neck that make the younger
froze in his place.

Then Mingyu realized. The intieimate touch and everything.

Wonwoo wants to sleep with him.

The elder became bold enough to hold his husband's hand and bring him to their bed. And when the
younger is already settled, he straddled him like what he did before.

"Gyuie. I want you." he whispered to the younger's ears.

Mingyu is totally frozen. Those words makes him worked up quickly, There's a heat pooling inside
his tummy but he also felt like he's drenched with iced water.

Wonwoo continued seducing his husband and place his left hand went inside the younger's shirt.

Mingyu felt electrocuted by the touch.

God knows how much Mingyu wants to gave in. He's been wanting to be in that situation for a long
that. He always dreamed about it. It is the cause of his icy cold bath in some morning.
But on the back of his mind there is telling him that it was not to give in with his emotions. He want
to have sex with his husband but an image always pops behind his mind.

That image of his beloved, trembling while hiding himself in the blanket. Begging him to stop.
Denied his touch and look at him like he's the scariest monster in the world.

Mingyu can't help but feel scared to remember that scene. He felt awful to himself. He gave in to his
desire and scared Wonwoo. And he will never forgive himself if that will happen ever again.

"Love." The younger said as he move away from the elder's touch.

Wonwoo look disappointed but not shock anymore. He know his husband. And he understands that it
is for him but at some point it makes him feel rejected.

"I think we need to rest. We still have work tomorrow." The younger stated. There is an apologetic
tone in his voice for avoiding his husband again.

"Yeah. I'm tired too.". Wonwoo half lied. Yes, he is tired, but he doesn't mind do something else with
his husband.

They cuddle in their huge bed. Of course Mingyu is the big spoon. The elder loves the warmth that
his husband is giving to him.

Mingyu is already half asleep when a question was asked but the elder,
"Love are you awake?" He asked. "Hmm.." Mingyu answered. He's wants to sleep but he wants to
answer Wonwoo's question.

"How many girl have you fallen in love with?" The elder ask. He turned to look at his husband
peaceful expression.

The younger opened his eyes, it's an odd question, he thought. "Why you asking?" He countered.

"Nothing, I'm just curious." He defended. He will never tell the real reason why.

"Hmm.. girl that I loved before? I think none. I had girlfriends but I don't think I love them same
way as I love you." The younger innocently stated.

He can feel how his heart flutter in the younger's statement. He loves him so much. Reassurance
were flooding in his system. He loves him too.

That's enough for Wonwoo.

"Why are you smiling like that?"Mingyu questioned.

"Nothing. I'm just happy." He stated.

"I'm just happy that you love me."

Their life continues. They manage to finish all the works that piled up when Wonwoo is not capable
to work. That means lighter work loads. Although their schedule is still hectic, but now it is more

Mingyu manage to adjust to his environment quickly. He already have couple of acquaintance in the
office. He can do small talks to his 'office mates' and Wonwoo was nothing but proud.

His insecurity when Wendy is around was still there but he always shrugged it off.

He is sure that Mingyu loves him. And only him.

Wonwoo wants to get some snack for Mingyu. The younger is working so hard. More than it requires
for his job. He's unconsciously taking half of his husband's workload. So a snack is a small reward
for his hard work but Mingyu will surely appreciate it.
He's near the pantry when he heard voices inside. Two employees taking their breaks.

"So you look so happy Wendy. Is someone making you happy lately? Do you have a boyfriend?"
The other girl asks.

Oh it's Wendy the girl that makes Wonwoo insecure.

She's smart. Young, beautiful and she can also speak English really well just like his husband. They
get along well. Wonwoo doesn't want to admit it but they look good together. Making him insecure
with her.

"Stop that nonsense. But yeah I do. I like a guy. He's so smart and hot Joy. And he smile so
cute. Especially his dimples."

That made Wonwoo froze in his place.

"What's his name. Come on. I want to see." That girl Joy insist.

"Don't tell anyone okay. Promise?" Wendy asked.

"Promise." Joy stated. "Okay so his name is Kim Mingyu. He's Mr. Kim's assistant. You know he
really is smart. He can speak English really well. And yup. I like that he's quite mysterious. He
doesn't share his personal life that much."

"Yah! You're so whipped with this Mingyu guy. Are you sure that he's single?" Joy asked.
Wendy is actually curious about that too. "I think he is. I mean he never said that he has a girlfriend
so I think he is available. Maybe I will be his girlfriend." Wendy said jokingly. The two girls giggled.
And Wonwoo hate it.

He turned his back. Getting snack sounds unappealing now.

Mingyu came back from the marketing department to process some proposal when he saw Wonwoo.

The younger smile as he saw the elder reading some paper.

"Hi love. How are you doing?" the younger asked. "Fine." He deadpanned. That's one red flag.

"What's wrong love? What happened?" The younger worriedly asked.

"Nothing. I'm just tired."He sighed .Mingyu can't help but be worried. His husband sound upset and
he never acted like this since they start working.

"Love, hey. Why are you upset?" The younger walked beside him quick. Wonwoo really want to tell
why he's upset.

That Wendy likes him.

He buried his face in the younger's tummy. "I'm worried love. Did something happened? Please tell
me." Mingyu pleaded.

If he only have the guts to tell him that he's jealous.

"Can we go home. I'm not feeling well." He admitted. At least he can be honest, even for a little bit.

"Sure. We can go home. Do you want something else. Food?" The younger offered. "No, I just want
to rest."

Mingyu didn't insist for an answer anymore and Wonwoo felt bad but still thankful that his husband
is always like this. The consistency of the younger is unbeatable.

So Wonwoo can't understand why he feel so threatened to know that Wendy likes his husband.

He hates the feeling.

They went home without a word coming out from Wonwoo.

They are already in home. Wearing their home clothes but still Mingyu is clueless of what is

Wonwoo were making dinner when Mingyu decided to end this charades.

"Love please tell me what happened. I'm worried." He whispered as he hug him from behind.
"It's nothing Gyuie. I'm just tired." That is a total lie.

"Please don't lie to me." The younger answered and tighten his old to the elder. Wonwoo stood
frozen. He felt really bad that he's lying to his husband.

"I don't like it when you shut me out. It makes me sad." Mingyu confessed.

This feeling that was normal to him for a long time before suddenly became a really strange feeling.
They're doing well for a couple of weeks, then it's like this again.

"I'm sorry." Wonwoo only uttered. He really felt bad for Mingyu but he can't help himself. He is
scared. And his mind can't avoid overthinking of all the possibilities.

" Okay if you really want to keep it yourself for now, I eill let you for now but please love. Please tell
me if I did something wrong so I can fix it. " Mingyu begs.

The elder can’t still have enough courage to say it. Maybe some other time.

They are preparing to sleep and Mingyu is already done cleaning up while Wonwoo is restless. He is
in their bed holding a book but he can’t understand what is written on it.

There is something that keeps bothering him. He must tell Mingyu about his issue.

They younger joined him in the bed when Wonwoo confessed.

“I’m jelaous.”

Mingyu is quite lost. ‘Jealous?’ the younger thought,

“Wendy-ssi likes you. She thinks you’re handsome and she wants to be your girlfriend.” The elder
stated. ”That’s not-“ “I heard him. Earlier. She’s talking with her friend. She wants to ask you out.”
There is a bitter tone in his voice.

“I.. I won’t..”

“I know. I know you won’t choose her over me. I know you love me. You always say it. You always
make me feel how much you love me. I – I’m the problem. I’m the one who’s always doubting. I’m
insecure with her because why not right? She’s beautiful, smart, cheerful. I know she can make you
happy more than what I can do.” He confessed. It’s like his mouth is a broken tap that cannot stop
spilling his thoughts.

“Love that will never happen and you know that.” Mingyu reasoned. “I know Gyuie. I’m the
problem. My mind have some issue that I can’t resolve on my own. I’m so scared to lose you. My
life depends on you. You gave my life back remember? And what will happen if you’ll just
disappear? I don’t know. I don't want to know. I am scared to know."

Mingyu embrace his husband. He also felt scared that Wonwoo is having this kind of thoughts to
He know to himself that none of that will ever happen. He will never be happy with someone else,
same with the happiness he felt every time he’s with husband. He completes him. And he makes him
a better person everyday that they are together. It impossible to find this genuine love to somebody
else. Never.

That's what is running on the younger' mind. Buut he can't utter even a single word,

Mingyu wants to do something to erase that thoughts in Wonwoo’s mind. He will do anything.
Anything in his power to make him feel secured with his love.

“Love listen to me. First, I will never disappear in your life my love. Never. I will be here. I love you
so much. I can’t live without you, As cliché as it sounds but it is true. Maybe you are right. I help you
to have your life back, but you. You help me to be happy with my life. You will never understand
how you brought happiness into my life. You did. And you always do. And I cannot live without that
happiness again. I can’t. And I want you tp always remember that no one else can make me this
happy but you okay. I'm not lying. I didn't know you before and I never found anyone that make me
this genuinely happy, so no one else can replace you. So please, please let me prove to you how
much I love you. Please love. I’m willing to do anything.”

It is genuine like always, Wonwoo always feel the sincerity of his husband every time they have this
kind of conversations.

“Then make me feel your love, make love to me.”

Mingyu was stunned with the request. It brought electrifying feeling under his skin. Wonwoo looks
serious with what he said. His expression, it’s not desperate nor excited. He looks so peaceful while
saying that.

“Love I - ..” the younger is speechless. How to respond to that? It felt wrong but it felt right as well.
He doesn’t know.

“Am I not appealing for you?” he paused. ‘of course not.’ Mingyu's mind screamed. “Am I fat? Do
you think I cannot satisfy you? Am I boring to be with? Are you happy with me?” he questioned.

Mingyu want to erase that questions hid husband’s mind. None of that was true. He is lovely.
Ethereal even. He is perfect. He made him happy all the time. But nothing came out on his lips. All
he can remember is how terrified Wonwoo looks that night. The way look at him like he is a real
monster. How he denied his touch. How awful he felt. That's all he can remember.

“You know that’s no –“ “Then why you always avoid doing it with me. I mean the first time is my
fault. That’s my own stupidity. I force you into that because I need reassurance. But the other. I
always try to prove to you that I’m already fine. That I am ready and how much I want it and that it
will never happen again. But you always denies me with your touch. I want to feel you and feel like
you’re mine completely. Ang it hurts every time you stop me Gyuie. I always think there is
something wrong with me.” He confessed.
“I’m scared.”

Now Wonwoo is the one who is speechless. “I’m scared that night. It became a nightmare to me. You
don’t know how you look at me when you stop me. You saw him in me. Like you didn’t know the
difference of Mingyu and Jae Hwan. You beg me to not touch you. I never admit it but that night
became a nightmare to me. I never want that to happen again.”

That night became something that they are not willing to talk about. They have this unspoken
agreement to not talk about it anymore. But this became an unresolved issue, that they realize is
starting to risk their relationship.

Wonwoo felt awful after hearing that. It is his fault. He hurt him. He gave him nightmare same thing
that Jae Hwan gave to him. He is awful.

The elder can’t help but bawl in tears. He felt really sorry with his husband, but he can’t take away
that. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry Gyuie. I didn’t know that you felt that way. I’m really sorry.” He said.
Wonwoo can’t stop his tears. He can’t accept the truth that he hurt the person that loves him the

Mingyu didn’t say a word and just hold him. They are both hurting that night.

“I’m sorry Mingyu. I didn’t mean to hurt you promise. I’m sorry.” Wonwoo mumbled while
hiccuping. He look like a lost child, making Mingyu’s heart hurt to see him cry like that.

“It’s okay love. It’s all in the past now.” He said as he held his husband. He maybe is hurt that night
but he is sure he will never love him less.
“Don’t cry love okay. You know I hate to see you cry right.” Mingyu convinced.

There is an awkward silence between them. Both thinking of everything that they talked about. The
couple realize that they need to work on their communication with each other. Share each other's
thoughts without being scared that they will hurt their partner. Mingyu realize that keeping things to
himself will just create gap between them. They still have a long way to go.

“Love I’m sorry when I always turn you down. You know how much I want to be intimate with you.
But I always thought there is a right time. And I’m sorry to hurt your feelings.”

“I love you Mingyu.” Wonwoo said as he kiss the younger’s lips. Mingyu froze with the other’s
actions. “Love I’m sti – “ he didn’t finish when the elder kissed him again. “I love you Gyuie.” The
elder said smiling. “Love that’s unfair – “ “I love you husband.”

Mingyu can’t immune himself his husband's charm . That sounds so cute when it came from

The younger grab Wonwoo wrist and kissed him deep. Like he really meant it. The two can feel each
other’s soft lips. They felt happy being like this. And to realize that they love each other so much.

They stop kissing when they ran out of breath. Mingyu and Wonwoo were looking each other’s eyes
that was filled with so much love. Their nose and forehead were touching while smiling at each other
like crazy. They are living a dream, where it’s just them together and nothing else.

“Love.” Wonwoo said. Mingyu will surely do anything that his husband asked for.

“Hmm?” “I want your help to forget him completely . Help me changes my memories. I want him
gone completely in my mind. I want to imagine you whenever I’m thinking about intimate things. I
want to see you in my dreams. I only want to remember you. I want you. And only you. Your
embrace, your warmth, your heart. Please give a chance to feel it. I want to feel complete by you.”

Mingyu can’t utter a word so he just crashed their lips together.

The elder felt a spark of happiness as he felt Mingyu’s lips moving with his. The movement it is not
rushed or aggressive. It felt subtle, gentle warm. Genuine.

Mingyu pushed their body until Wonwoo is already laying in their bed. He looks perfect under him.
“You don’t know how much I want to do this with you love. God.”

“Then do everything you want with me. I’m all yours.” He whispered.

Again, Mingyu kissed him. They felt real happiness in their own world. The place where they can
love each other with their complete heart.

“Are you sure about this love? We can always sto – “ Mingyu didn’t finish when Wonwoo grab his
nape and kissed him deep.

The younger was shock. He look at him, hooded eyes, plum lips, ethereal face. Wonwoo is the
definition of the word perfect.
“Mingyu. Please love me.”

The younger kissed him again, and again. And again until they lost their breath. “I love you love. I
love you so much.” The younger said as he kissed every part of his husband's face. His hold on the
elder’s tiny waist were tight, tight enough to leave bruise but Wonwoo don’t mind. He’s fine as long
as it is Mingyu who’s holding him.

The younger carefully remove his shirt, Wonwoo was left gawking. His husband looks hot shirtless.
His is not bulky as the other guys but his arms and pecks are to die for.

He can feel his hands inside his shirt. It is warm and gentle.

“Gyuie.” He moaned. Mingyu is watching. Waiting is his husband will stop him.

He succeeds removing Wonwoo’s shirt. And the younger can’t help but stare. “ Did I tell you how
beautiful you are love?” He asked as he feel Wonwoo’s skin.

“Yeah you always tell me that –“ he didn’t finish when Mingyu move and started marking his neck.
Small nips and lick making Wonwoo feel like there’s electricity inside his body. He can’t stop soft
moans escaping his lips.
“I think telling you wouldn’t justify what I mean.” The younger whispered in his ears. That deep
voice made the elder weak. The younger really know his weakness.

“Gyuie.” He moaned. Mingyu never heard anything sexier than Wonwoo moaning his name.

“You are perfect. Your beauty, your body, everything about you. God I don’t know what to do
anymore.I’m going crazy.” He added.

He worship his husband’s body with kisses. From his neck , chest until his lips is on the elder’s

Wonwoo was left a squirming mess. Each kiss, sends spark inside him. The warmth and pleasure he
felt. And his husband is doing his best to for him to feel good.

“Gyuie please.” He pleaded. The younger stop with his ministrations. “What do you want love?” he
teased. Gosh that sexy smirk and that dimples. Wonwoo feel so unfair how much Mingyu’s
expression can attack him that easy.

“Please.” He begged. He doesn’t exactly know what he wants. His touch? His kiss? Wonwoo’s mind
were already clouded by pleasure and love that the younger is giving to him.

“You look so sexy being needy like that my love. I want to see you like this. You look beautiful

Hearing Mingyu calling him baby, felt wrong yet right for Wonwoo.

“Gyuie please.” He pleaded. The younger can’t help but smile. He can’t get enough how beautiful his
husband is looking right now. “I got you baby. Don’t worry I’m here.” He reassured.
The younger carefully removed Wonwoo’s pants. He’s careful almost like waiting if the elder will
stop him or not. Mingyu is shocked realizing that Wonwoo in almost naked under him, being needy
and begging for him. He can see the bulge on Wonwoo’s lower area. That tight underwear, the last
barrier that he needs to remove. The younger want to devour him more.

“Fuck.” The younger cursed. Wonwoo can feel the younger's eyes on him. He’s embarrassed to see
that he is almost naked while Mingyu is still has his pants on.

The elder tried to hide his embarrassment by covering his face with his arms. “Baby, don’t hide. I
want to see you like this.” His eyes is predator like.

“It’s embarrassing Gyuie.” The elder admitted. “Nothing to be shy about love.. If you can see
yourself right now. Fuck. I’m getting worked up by just looking at you.”

Mingyu manage to remove Wonwoo’s arm that’s covering his face. Thanks to the dim light of the
side lamp, the younger can’t see how red his face right now. “That’s it. I want to see how beautiful
you are baby. I love you so much.”

As Wonwoo look at Mingyu’s eyes, he can see the eyes that he’s use too see. That soft and gentle,
loving eyes that look at him like he means the world. Its weird to see the younger’s sexy and
dominant side but he likes it. Sometimes he likes that there is spice in their relationship.

“I love you Mingyu.” The elder confessed. “I love you too baby.” The younger replied. The younger
noticed how his husband bit his lips every time he heard that word.
“You like being called baby.”

He discovered. Wonwoo’s eyes grew wide. He can’t even deny what Mingyu just said. “Fuck that’s
so sexy baby.” The younger whispered, as he suck hard on Wonwoo’s neck. That will definitely be a

That small amount of pain that the younger created were making Wonwoo’s mind drowned with
pleasure. The pain felt delicious in his skin.

“Please Gyuie. I need you.” The elder as he arched his back. The frustration along side with pleasure
in overwhelming Wonwoo’s senses. All he want is Mingyu. His touch, all of him.

“I know baby. I’ll take care of you okay. But you need to be patient.” The younger instructed.
Wonwoo cannot do anything but nod.

“Is it okay to remove this?” the younger asked looking at the last piece that Wonwoo have in his
body. He can feel his heartbeat racing. After removing that there’s no turning back. He felt scared for
a moment but he remembered this is Mingyu, his husband, the one in front of him and not that man.
Wonwoo felt sweat all over his body. Thinking again if he really want it.
And the answer is yes.

“Yes please.” He pleaded. That sound a beautiful melody in the younger’s ears. Fuck he’s achingly

Mingyu slowly removed the last undgarment of his husband. He’s aware of what he will witness but
his preparation did nothing when he finally saw the actual thing. His beautiful husband naked under
him. Sweat makes his skin glistened under the dim light. His luscious lips is red and shiny caused by
their spit and kiss. That sinful hooded eyes that presenting hunger and lust. Wonwoo look like an
succubus luring his victim.

Mingyu kissed him hard, his tongue were exploring Wonwoo's and the elder can’t do anything but be
pliant to his husband. “Fuck baby, you’re driving me crazy.” He said as he assault his husband’s lips
like it is a delicious meal.

“I need to prepare you.” Mingyu stated as he look for something on the lowest drawer of their side
table. Wonwoo is asking himself why Mingyu knew about that thing. His question is clearly
reflecting in his face.
The younger is smart enough to notice his husband’s questioning expression. “Of course I’ve been
wanting you for a long time I got curious and do some research.” Wonwoo’s eyes went wide. Can’t
believe on what he’s hearing. "What?"

“ I think you don’t know what I mean when I say want you. And now that were here I won’t hold
back baby. So be ready.”

The elder heard the bottle cap being opened. Mingyu let the cool liquid dripped to his long fingers, it
feels strange. His heart is pounding with excitement. Fuck there is no turning back.

“Tell me to stop if you want me to stop. Okay love.” He reminded the elder. Wonwoo was too
intoxicated with so much pleasure that all he can do is nod. “I need words baby.” That deep dominant
voice that the younger has makes the elder submit. “Yes. I will.” He whispered.

The younger smiled as he kissed Wonwoo’s forehead. “I love you so much baby.” He said as he
looked at the elder in the eyes.
Mingyu’s trembling hands carefully trail to Wonwoo’s lower part. Both of them were panting.
Nervous and excited with what the unknown is willing to offer.

The younger’s long finger, coated with the lube started circling into Wonwoo’s rim. He can't help but
groan. It is a weird feeling for him. Its been years when the last time thing like this happened to him.
Mingyu can feel how tense Wonwoo’s body is.

“Baby, if you want me to stop you need to tell me, so I will know.” he stated. He’s trying to spread
the liquid to the rim hoping that it will feel less painful when he starts to penetrated Wonwoo’s hole.

“Baby are you ready?” he asked. The loud sound of his racing heart and Wonwoo’s pants is all that
Mingyu can hear. Fuck this is it.

He inserted the first digit, he can hear the gasps from the elder. All he can feel is warm and tight.
Wonwoo’s hole is really tight, that he’s even having a hard time pushing his one finger inside. It
feels deliciously warm, he can imagine how it will feel if it is his member feeling that warmness.

“Fuck baby, so tight.” He curse, he didn’t move right away, giving Wonwoo the chance to be used
with the foreign feeling inside him. Mingyu looked at him. His husband look fucked out. He’s biting
his lips so hard that it almost bleeds. Trying to suppress the noise that he badly wants to make.

The younger moved again on top of him. “Baby don’t hold back. I want to hear you. You can be as
loud as you can.” He said as he kissed him hard. Biting the elder’s lower lips.

“Gyuie.” Wonwoo moaned as the younger started to move his finger inside him. “You’re so tight
love. It feels good for my finger. I know it will feel amazing when I start fucking you.”

The elder moaned, feeling hot with those words being whispered in his ears. Wonwoo can’t do
anything but let his husband be in control and just received everything he’s giving. But he is far from
complaining. The younger definitely know what he’s doing. It is clearly shows that he is experienced
enough doing things like this to be so confident and dominating towards the elder.

And if giving up control would feel like this, then he doesn’t mind letting the younger take control
every time.

Look at you baby. Being so beautiful while having my finger inside you. Fuck! You’re the sexiest
I’ve ever seen baby. I'm so excited to be with you.” The younger confessed. Wonwoo is embarrassed
with the compliment that he got from the younger.

“Stop it Gyuie. That’s not true.” He denied. Mingyu smirked. He look so dangerously handsome with
that look in his face.

“Would you like me to put a mirror on top of our bed, so you can see how you look when we’re
doing this love?” he lowly whispered in his ears. Wonwoo’s face heat up. That sounds so kinky.
That’s something he never expected to his husband.

“No. Stop.” Wonwoo uttered. The younger knew what that stop means, but he like to play dumb to
tease the elder even more. “Oh you want me to stop?” he said as he retracted his finger.

The feeling became foreign to Wonwoo, he felt empty without his husband’s hand in him. That's not
what he meant when he say stop. Wonwoo’s hope Mingyu didn’t misinterpret what he said.

“No. I.. I mean stop..” he can’t explain himself. That made him want to cry. He’s craving so much of
the younger’s touch. “Gyuie please.” He doesn't even know why he’s begging. “Love you said the
word stop. And you know our rules. For me to understand you, you need to tell me what exactly you
want from me.” He explained.
Wonwoo knew the younger understand what he meant. He can see that playful and lusting look in
Mingyu’s eyes like he is a vulnerable little prey that he wants to play with. But he also know that he
cannot do anything about it. Right now, Mingyu is in control. And he wants to hear Wonwoo.

“Please Gyuie.” He can’t say it. He felt so embarrass saying it. “Pleasae what baby? What do you
want me to do?” the younger pushed further. He’s pushing him to his limit. “Just please.” He tried
one more time. There's tears gathering in his eyes. This feels so overwhelming for him. He's craving
so much for the pleasure and he doesn’t know if he can take it anymore.

“Just say it baby.” The younger encouraged. “Please touch me Gyuie. I want you to touch me. Please.
I.. I just want to feel you.” He sobbed. Wonwoo is now crying his heart out. He’s too overwhelmed
to hold it in. “ I .. I j – just want you Gyuie.” He said as tears run down on the side of his face.

Mingyu is proud with his husband. Pushing him to say what he wants, Mingyu want to teach him to
always say what he feels. He doesn’t want his husband to just received what is given to him. And for
him to say that he want his touch is a great improvement for both of them.

“Hey, hey.. It is okay. I’m here okay. You’re doing well. I’m proud of you.” The younger said as he
kissed the elder’s forehead. Wonwoo feel relief in his system. When things get overwhelming, he
know the younger is always there to be his safe ground.

The younger added more lube to his hands, not wanting to hurt Wonwoo while preparing him. “Are
you ready baby?” Wonwoo hold him closer. He want to be close to the younger in every way he can.
He just nodded as a signal.

Mingyu entered his finger again to Wonwoo’s hole, its not as tight as before but it is still warm like
comfortingly warm. Wonwoo is getting used to the younger’s finger but he didn’t get warned when
Mingyu added another one. “Ahh!” Wonwoo gasped as he felt two digits moving inside him.

“Baby you feel amazing. I love you.” The younger said while moving his fingers. Wonwoo is so
fucked out that all he can do is moan and utter is the younger’s name like a mantra.
The younger sit straight up between his husband’s legs, making Wonwoo lose his hold to the
younger. “Gyuie.” The elder reach his hand, needy with his husband’s touch.

“I’m here baby. I won’t leave you.” He said. It feels reassuring as Wonwoo keeps hearing those

The pleasure is spreading in his body that he can't keep his eyes open.

"Ahh!" He screamed as he feel pain in his inner thighs. As he open his eyes he saw the lusting eyes
of his husband. Mingyu were smiling wickedly as he bit the elder's thigh again.

"Gyuie!" the elder whimpered. That pain with the younger's bite give him a conflicting feeling.

It felt wrong for him to be pleasured by pain but that is what he's feeling. Every bite make the knots
in his stomach grow more until he is in verge of bursting.

Mingyu is scissoring his fingers inside his husband when he felt that small like muscle that make
Wonwoo scream.

"Gyuie!" The elder scream with his arching with so much pleasure.

"Found it." The younger playfully said with that naughty smile in his face

He found Wonwoo's prostate and he also know the feeling that it can bring to his husband.
The younger get repeatedly nudge Wonwoo prostate that he almost cum without touching. Made the
elder thrash with pleasure. Wonwoo felt his soul living his body. That extreme pleasure that he was
feeling deep inside him is just unimaginable. He doesn't know if he felt this good in his life before.
It's too much but he doesn't want to cum yet.

"Gyuie I'm close. I don't want to cum yet. I still want to feel you." He almost beg while panting.

The younger moved his fingers inside his husband. It loose enough on his opinion.

He pull out his finger that made his husband whine being empty. He want Mingyu so bad.

The younger did his best to get rid of his pants and underwear safely. He doesn't want their moment
to be cut short because of him being injured one way or another.

Wonwoo is still whining. I want to feel his husband as soon as possible, making him so impatient.

"Gyuie please." He cried. Tears pooling in his eyes. That made him look more stunnig. Being naked,
with that sinful lips that looks more luscious because of their kiss. And that beautiful diamond that
represent not pain but complete and absolute pleasure from his husband. The younger want to devour
him whole.

The younger is finally done taking everything off, and Wonwoo is as speechless as the younger when
he saw him completely naked.

That beautiful well toned body with that sun kissed skin. His naked him look so manly more than
when he have his clothes on. And that look, that predator look he's giving to his husband gives shiver
to the elder. Gosh, Mingyu is perfect.
"Craving for me too much love?" He said smirking. "Don't worry I'll be yours forever." There is
sincerity in his eyes like he really mean his words. And Wonwoo know he really did mean it.

"I'll be yours as well." The elder answered with same sincerity. Wonwoo kissed him deep. It's gentle
and deep to make the youger understand that he is serious of his promise.

"Please Gyuie." He whispered. The younger quickly grabbed the condom, the elder stared at him and
what in his hands. "Why love?" The younger asked.

"I want to feel you inside me."

Mingyu was left dumbfounded. 'What did he say?' his mind asked.
"What?" Is the only word the younger managed to utter.

That made Wonwoo feel scared. "I... I'm c..clean. I don't ... I don't have a disea-" "No... No. That's
not what I meant. I mean are you sure you want that?"

"Y... Yeah. I want to feel you completely. Please." Wonwoo's words were driving the younger crazy.

"If that' s what you want baby. But do you really trust me?" The younger wanted to be hundred
percent sure.

"I trust you with my life love. Please I want to be with you." The elder sound confident and he really
meant it. That made Mingyu confident to himself as well.

"I love you Wonu, please always remember that."

He made his member completely covered with the lubricant to prevent hurting his husband.
"Ready love? Tell me to stop if you want to stop okay." He again reassured. The elder nodded and
look in the you get eyes with determination.

This is really happening. The younger positioned himself between the elder's legs, pumping his
member into full hardness.

They're both nervous but completely trust each other.

The younger lined himself up at his husband's entrance, they can both hear their racing heartbeats.
This is it. They're finally going to become one.

Mingyu crawl on top of his husband and slowly pushed his member inside. They groan with the new
sensation they're feeling. The stretch and the tightness make their senses overwhelmed.

Wonwoo's body arch with pleasure, he can feel the burn, the prepping that the younger did was not
enough for the size of is member.

But he's loving the burn, the pain and everything that comes with it.

"Shit love you're so tight." The younger cursed. His hand were holding tightly on to the sheet that is
nearing to be ripped with so much pressure.

"Gyuie" he moaned. The younger is getting more turned on knowing that he made him a moaning
mess, drowned with pleasure.

When the younger bottoms out, he stay still so that Wonwoo will be used to the feeling. Mingyu is
scared to hurt him in any way.

They both panting, skin glistening with sweat and that heat that they shared is something that they
want to be used to.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" The younger worriedly asked. It can be seen in his eyes that he is
really scared for his husband.

"No, you're so gentle with me like I am made of glass Gyuie. Don't worry too much. I'm not going to
break." Then he hold the younger right hand and put it in his chest. Mingyu can feel that rapid
heartbeat in his palm.

"But I don't want to hurt you love." He reasoned. Wonwoo pulled himself up and kiss the younger

"I don't mind the pain. And it's you I'm with. I'll never be scared okay. Trust me." The elder said
while looking in his eyes.

Mingyu breathe deeply. He's contemplating of what to do. He's scared to hurt Wonwoo but he also
doesn't want to disappoint him.

Mingyu hug his husband's waist right and buried his face to his neck. He can smell the natural scent
that always made him calm. He lean half of his weight to the elder and tighten his hold.

"God Wonu, I don't know if you realize how much I love you." He confessed.

"I understand love. And I love you so much as well. So please trust me okay." Mingyu again look
into his eyes. He's beautiful.
The younger gather the courage in his heart. Maybe hurting Wonwoo is inevitable but he will make
the pain worth it.

He kissed him deep. Slow and deep. Their lips were dancing. It takes their breath away. Mingyu held
Wonwoo tight and start moving his hips. The elder can't help but groan with the pleasure he's feeling
inside him.

"Ahh.. Gyuie... " He moaned. Mingyu finally got the rhythm and thrust himself harder. "F - fuck love

Mingyu can't help but to keep his eyes shut with so much pleasure they've been sharing.

Wonwoo lock his legs around the younger's waist got better access and he didn't regret what he did.
The younger's thrust is making his member leak with precum that stains his abdomen.

One powerful thrust and Wonwoo almost cum. "Fuck!" He scream and Mingyu noticed that and
repeat what he did.

"Ahh!..ahh! Gyuie fuck yes! Fuck!" Wonwoo is a total mess and the younger thought he is beautiful
that way.

"You like being fuck like that? Huh baby?" And he thrust harder.

"Yes! It feels do good Gyuie. Please. Harder! Please!" The image if Wonwoo begging for more while
being fucked real good makes Mingyu almost finish.
"Fuck Wonu! You look so good like this. You feel so good." Mingyu groan. They're both panting.
Their body covered with sweat were touching and it feels perfect.

The younger had an idea.

He held Wonwoo's legs and turn so that they'll change position. Now Wonwoo is on top while
Mingyu's hard member is still inside him.

"MINGYU!" He screamed. He felt Mingyu's member deeper because of the gravity. It feels so good
at the same time slightly painful. But he doesn't care. He love it.

"Did that feel good baby? You're screaming my name so loud. Did the position made you almost cum
huh baby?" Mingyu teased. That was so vulgar but everything is true.

"Y - yes." He whispered. "What was that? Didn't hear you." The younger played with him. Wonwoo
felt embarrassed saying those lewd things but the younger is such a brat. He want to hear it clearly
from him.

"Yes. It feel great Gyuie. Please. J - just please." He begged.

Mingyu pull himself up and lean to the headboard. Wonwoo ended up straddling him while the
younger's member is still inside. The movement made the elder moan. He's so sensitive.

"Gyuie." He moan and buried his face on the younger's sweaty neck.
His warm hands is on Wonwoo's waist. "Baby, I want you to do something for me." He whispered.

"What is it?" He faintly asked while panting..

"I want you to make yourself feel good while riding me love."

Wonwoo's eyes widened with shock. He pull himself up and look at the younger's eyes. He didn't
saw any hint of lie in Mingyu's eyes. He still has that seductive dominant eyes that made him weak.

"Are you s - serious?!" The younger smile but that different smile pull his husband and start feasting
on his neck.

"Why baby? You don't like it? You can always say stop if you're uncomfortable. Should we stop?"
He asked and bite the elder's right shoulder.

Wonwoo bites his lower lip to suppress his needy moan.

"We can always stop baby. Just say it." Mingyu said playfully. He know he will not say it.
"Fuck." Mingyu cursed. The elder started moving. Even small movement made them both moan.
"That's it baby." The younger encourage.

Wonwoo move for better position and move up until only the tip of Mingyu's cock is inside him and
slowly sink back in.

"Ahh! Mingyu." His hand were gripping tightly on the younger's shoulder.

It's a beautiful sight for the younger to see his husband making himself feel good on top of him. The
redness on the elder's face and neck. The shin sweat in his body and that sinful sound he's making
Mingyu feel so happy to witness it.

"You're doing great baby. Fuck. So great."

Wonwoo continued to bounce on his husband cock and they're both drunk with pleasure. He continue
moving until he can't feel his legs anymore.

"J - Gyuie I - I can't anymore. I'm tired." He leaned his complete weight to the younger. Panting and
covered with sweat. He felt disappointed with himself, almost wanting to cry. He want his husband to
feel good but his body wasn't capable to do it.

"It's okay love. You did great. Love you." Mingyu he said as he taste Wonwoo's lips again.

"Let me take care of you okay." Mingyu assured. The elder felt relieved to see that Mingyu is not
disappointed to him.
The elder nodded that made the younger smile.

"On your knees baby."

Again Wonwoo is shocked with Mingyu's request. The younger remain confident and dominant. Not
taking no for an answer.

Wonwoo detached himself to his husband and do what he was asked to do.

The beautiful man were on his knees. Trembling and covered with sweat. Mingyu thought it was a
beautiful sight to see. But just for his eyes only.
Imagining that other people will see what he's seeing right now made the possessive spirit in
Mingyu's heart angry.

No body but him will ever see Wonwoo craving and begging like this. No one.

He aggressively held the elder's waist. Mingyu move until he's almost on top of his husband, holding
him close. His chest and Wonwoo's back were burning as they touched and the elder felt that
comfortable warmth of the younger.

"Are you ready baby?" It sound so seductive and sinful. But Wonwoo were too lost with wanting and
pleasure to care anymore.

Mingyu line up his member again and in one swift move, the younger inserted his member inside his
moaning husband.

Wonwoo can't help but to scream. It's too deep, sending electric shock sensation to his bones.

"AHHH!" He cried. He can hear him groan, he feel his hot breath in his ear. He can feel the
younger's heartbeat. It is all perfect.

"Shit love. You're amazing. I love you." He said.

Mingyu didn't wait anymore and start thrusting his hips brutally fast. Making the bed creak like it's
going to break.

Wonwoo was reduced to a moaning mess. Receiving everything that the younger is giving.
But he never felt violated. He felt safe and even though Mingyu is being rough on him, it is not that
traumatizing type, but the roughness that he will crave.

With so much ecstasy he's feeling, Wonwoo's arm give in. His arms were shaking and cannot support
his weight anymore. So he buried his face in to the pillow and allow it to swallow his screams.

But Mingyu doesn't want it to be that way. The younger tighten his hold on the elder's waist until he's
supporting his whole upper body.

Wonwoo can feel the burn as he felt their skin touch. Their sweat were mixing. And that strong arms
that holds him like he's just a doll.

Mingyu became more rough. He snap his hips harder and faster, driving the elder to his climax.

"GYUIE I'M CLOSE. PLEASE FUCK!" he screamed. The younger felt satisfied. He never thought
that his husband would be loud like this but he is not complaining. He loves it until the very end.

The younger snake his another hand into Wonwoo's member and start stroking it. The elder moan
with so much pleasure he's feeling in his private area.

"Ahhhh Gyuie!!" Wonwoo is thrashing because of the overwhelming feeling right now. He doesn't
know if he can take it anymore.

"Go baby, cum for me." The younger whispered like a little demon in his ears.

"AHH!" Wonwoo screamed as he felt hot liquid spurting from his member. Mingyu milk his husband
dry until he felt the over sensitivity.
Wonwoo reaching his climax make him clech around him, almost making the younger cum. "Fuck
baby you look so beautiful. I love you so much." He groan.

The younger stop his movements to make Wonwoo catch s breath and his soul. Making sure he is
alright. "Are you alright love? Does it hurt so much?" He concernedly asked.

The elder is still panting. Trying to catch is breath and get over the orgasm haze.

"I .... I'm alright Gyuie. Don't worry." He assured. "Are you sure? I think we should stop right now."

"NO! PLEASE!" Wonwoo screamed as he grab the younger's right arm. " I need you Gyuie please. I
want to be good for you. " He begged.

“But fine love. I don’t nee – “ the younger tried to reason but Wonwoo is not willing to listen. “ But I
still need you. Please.“ The elder begs.

Mingyu can’t understand his emotions. There’s is something inside him that wasn’t satisfied and he’s
still craving like he is going to die if he will not have it.

“Please Gyuie. I need this. Please.” he started crying. The younger started panicking, he never
thought that something like this would happen. He’s over analyzing things in his mind and he’s
starting to miss the main point.
Wonwoo needs him.

And it felt like it would be a mortal sin if he will not gave in to his husband’s request.

“Okay okay..shh don’t cry anymore. Okay hmm.” He wipe his tears away. Wonwoo nodded, feeling
thankful to his ever loving husband. “Thank you.” He whispered. “I love you.” Mingyu answered as
he claim his lips again.

They enjoy feeling their lips dancing with each other. The younger started roaming his hand on his
husband’s smooth skin and in every loving touch by that warm hands, makes Wonwoo accepts
himself. His insecurities were rapidly vanishing as his husband makes him feel like he is the most
beautiful man in the world.

Mingyu notice how Wonwoo is starting to be worked up again. He can see it with how he respond to
him and his moans that became a beautiful music in Mingyu’s ears. And that aura of complete
submission that Wonwoo’s body is giving. Feeling that makes him wants to dominate the elder. That
need to see his husband in tears with pure pleasure.

And now he doesn't need to be scared anymore. He can take what he wants and he now know that
they already establish enough trust that they need in situation like this.

Wonwoo knows that he will never be hurt and Mingyu know that he will not allow to be controlled
by his need.

“Are you ready love?” the younger ask while panting. Wonwoo who's already looking wrecked
nodded, “Please Gyuie.” He said.
The younger manhandled his husband’s body, putting his legs in his shoulder for better access.

“I love you baby.” He said and started moving, his movements were slow calculated, and gentle, like
he's testing the waters. When he finally got the rhythym again. His thrust became more powerful than
before. Making Wonwoo scream as his husband’s member abuse his than prostate.

“Fuck. this is all mine.” The younger said as he did that particular hard thrust that almost made
Wonwoo’s head bump to the headboard.

“GYUIE!” Wonwoo cried. There are tears in his eyes,he was so lost with the overwhelming pleasure.

The younger move faster and faster until their bed starts creaking. His pace were unforgiving like
he’s going to break his husband. Mingyu continue moving until he felt that coil in his stomach. That
feeling like he’s going to explode.

“Love I’m cumming.” He groaned on Wonwoo’s ear.

“Please. Gyuie I want to feel you inside.” The elder cried.

"AHH! FUCK!" Hearing that feels like something snap on Mingyu’s brain. His movement become
sloppy and Wonwoo new it. He also felt that same ache like he really need to release it.

“Fuck!!” the younger cursed. “Ahh..ahh. Gyuie please. I’m cumming too!” they are both panting
chasing their release.
The younger pound him like an animal.

“AHHHH!!!” they both groaned as they reached their climax. Wonwoo can feel the hot liquid
painted inside him.

The couple were panting. Trying to recover from their mind-blowing orgasm. Mingyu were staring at
his husband, witnessing what they called post - orgasm glow. His eyes were bright, lips looks
luscious making the younger wants to bite it and his skin is literally glowing. Mingyu realize the true
beauty of his husband.

“I loved you. I love you so much love. I fucking love you so so so much.” The younger confessed as
he showered the elder with kisses. “I love you too love.”

Wonwoo felt happy. Mingyu is so happy, They are happy, a different happy. They're completely
“Thank you for making me complete.”

Who fainted? Raise your hands!!

This is my new years gift for my lovely readers!! I hope you enjoy your holidays guys. And I also
hope you enjoy this chapter. I originally planned the scene to be like light innocent smut with so
much fluff and pink fumes in the background but I love love Dom Mingyu so why not right? I hope
this tickles your imagination because it did to mine.

I receive a lot of questions why I’m not updating this story so I want to share something. 2019 is a
very challenging year for me. I lost my confidence in writing and starting to doubt myself if this story
is even making sense and I’m now an unemployed mermaid. I decided to quit my job because it’s
risking my mental health and I need to focus on my studies. But I’m doing fine. I decided to choose
myself from now on. So That first.

Second is the reference that I need to gather for this chapter is OVERWHELMING. Some of the
reference I used for this chapter is the Manhwa Lover Boy by Zec that manhwa is so good. Also I fell
in love with Thai BL series. That’s my new obsession right now. I’ve watch Love By Chance,
Theory of Love, TharnType and my most favorite is Until We Meet Again. That series is seriously
good. You can watch those series in Youtube. I’m just sharing.
And lastly, i feel like I took a break from Kpop and fanfics starting when Hanbin left. I don't know, I
just feel like I'm not that happy being a fan right now. I don't like how kpop industry is right now. I
don't mean the idol groups but the companies. All broadcast station and their entertainment
companies as well. I just feel like the capitalism have taken over like they all care about is the money
and then make their artist work themselves to death.
And of course the new about the angels Sulli and Hara. I didn't watch any award show this year so I
don't know if they even give them a tribute performance, but I didn't notice any video. All I know is
that Yoo Jae Suk mention them in his speech and that reliving. At least even one person wants to
remember them.
I seriously hope you like this chapter because this is THE HARDEST CHAPTER I’ve written.
I hope you’re doing fine. Lets have new hope for this new year!!


Let’s Fly


Chapter 45
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

After that night, the couple became closer than ever. That wall that separates them is already gone,
and because of that, they acted like a newly wed couple again.

Mingyu can’t keep his hands to himself, always wanting to feel his husband’s skin against him.
Sneaking a kiss when no one is around and making out inside Wonwoo’s office became a usual
activity of them.

Their colleagues do noticed them. That stolen glance when they have meetings, the unusual closeness
of the boss to his assistant . Seeing them both blushing whenever they were disturbed making out
inside the office and those love stricken look that showed in their faces whenever they thought no
one is watching . The two were so in love and they didn’t notice that they were being so obvious.

The other’s can’t help but talk about them, having a rumors that Mingyu is indeed , his boss' secret
lover. The other employees are enjoying talking about them. Saying nasty things about the two for
being immoral base on the societies standard. Everyone are enjoying gossiping about the couple
except for one.


She really like Mingyu and want ask him in a date, but hearing those gossips and seeing with her
own eyes makes her lose her confidence .

It is December, winter season already started and it is the month of Wonwoo and Taehyung birthday .
Also the season of gift giving and holidays.

December 4 is coming, Wonwoo doesn’t want to do anything special for his birthday but Mingyu
insisted for them do something . It is their first time celebrating his birthday together so the younger
want it to be special.

So for the elder’s special day, he arranged a surprise. He felt happy with he did, although it is too
simple compared to his surprise on the Lotte world. He also have some help from their friends. They
are hoping that his husband will like their little surprise.

After work on December 4, Mingyu said he wants them to have a dinner on a fancy restaurant that he
knows. This is weird for Wonwoo because the younger never like fancy things. Anything luxurious
and formal was something that he wants to avoid. But the his husband is being cute so he just let him
do whatever he wants. Besides, he deserves it for being a good husband to Wonwoo.

Thirty minutes of travel and they stop in front of a simple café. Wonwoo was wondering if this is the
fancy restaurant that the younger is telling. Base on the interior, this is a simple homey café with few
customers inside, enjoying their hot drink.

“Is this the restaurant that you’re talking about?” Wonwoo asked. The younger didn’t answer, too
busy doing something in his phone. “Love?” Wonwoo asked again.

“Yup. But there’s something more.” Mingyu step out of the car and waited for the elder. The younger
held his hand and lead the way. Wonwoo thought they’re going to enter the café but instead they
walk straight pass to it and stop in a small door beside the café .

Mingyu enter the said door and Wonwoo tarting to be suspicious. He noticed, there's a stairs on the
end of that dark hallway and Mingyu didn’t stop walking.

“Love are we allowed in here? Where exactly are we going?” He is demanding for an answer but the
younger wasn't giving him any.

Mingyu stop walking then looked at his puzzled husband. “Come on.” He offered his hand and let
Wonwoo go first. The elder is starting to be nervous but he trusted his husband with all his heart so
there is nothing to be scared of.

Wonwoo reached the top and it was dark but he noticed that they are on a rooftop. He can see the city
lights glittering like stars in the dark sky and snow flakes falling. It is beautiful.

“Happy birthday love.” The suddenly light went on and

“SURPRISE!” Their friends screamed and some confetti popping.

Wonwoo saw Jungkook, Jimin, Jihoon Seungkwan, Taehyung also Jisoo who's the one holding the
cake . “Happy birthday Wonu hyung!” Taehyung screamed. Wonwoo need a few seconds to recover.
So this is the surprise.

He is happy seeing his sister and his very close friends gathered to celebrate his birthday.

The place is in deed in a rooftop but there’s a tent as well, decorated with beautiful lights and other
decorations. There’s pillows and blanket that provide that cozy feeling and also heater to provide
comfort . A table for their food and outside is a mini grill were they can cook.

“Woah! This place is beautiful.” He said. Mingyu look satisfied of the outcome of their surprise. He
can see that his husband is happy.

“I am the one who found this place!” Jimin proudly announced. “Happy birthday Wonu hyung. I
hope you’re happy today.” He sincerely said. Everyone is looking at him and he can see in their eyes
that they are happy for him.

“Thank you so much guys. I appreciate this.” He said. He look at his husband who's smiling like a
fool while staring at him. “Thank you so much love.” He said a give a quick peck on the lips.

“Okay you can continue that later. Let’s go eat!” Jihoon announced.

They were laughing at the grandpa’s savageness. No one can beat Jihoon on being like that.

They all enjoyed the food. Meat are the main dish and Jihoon is their chef today. As much as
Wonwoo wanted to help, they didn’t allow it because he is the celebrant.

“Oppa you look so happy today.” Jisoo noticed and everyone’s eyes again shifted to Wonwoo. “Of
course princess, oppa will always look handsome.” Wonwoo confidently answered.

Everyone including Mingyu felt embarrassed with the shamelessness that his husband always have.
Not every good looking people in the world can admit that they are handsome. No body can match
Wonwoo’s confidence in his appearance.

“Princess, eomma said you were busy lately, what are you doing exactly?” he asked while Jisoo is
munching some dried seaweed. “Oh! I enrolled to Hobi oppa’s school. I’m learning how to dance.”

Everyone suddenly froze on their seat as they saw how his eyes shift to Seungkwan's direction. The
poor man gulped as he met Wonwoo’s gaze while Jisoo is eating peacefully . Not realizing the
tension between his brother and Seungkwan.
“Ahh. Y –yeah, she made friends with some of the students taking the same d - dance class. Right
Jisoo-ah” Seungkwan hopes Jisoo would help him to exlpain.

“Ohh yeah. When I went to Hobi oppas class I met Rose, Jennie and Lisa. They like to play with me
and we became friends.” Jisoo confirmed.

They can hear the loud sigh from Seungkwan. He don't understand why he felt scared with Wonwoo.
He didn’t even know that Jisoo enrolled in his dance school until he met her in the practice room.

“Are you having fun there princess?” Mingyu asked trying to break the tension. He felt bad enough
for his best friend, to see him being uncomfortable with his husband, he felt like he need to help.

“Yup, I like to dance and play with my friends and they are kind to me.” Wonwoo felt relieved that
Jisoo is taking that class because of her friends and not to see Seungkwan. .

He need to talk with his parents to know why they didn’t tell him that Jisoo wants to do this.

“That’s very nice princess.” Mingyu praise and the clueless lady continued eating. The younger Kim
met his husband’s eyes, giving him a reassuring look. A message saying that his sister is fine and he
shouldn't worry about anything.

They continue enjoying the food and drinks, it so cozy inside the tent and the smell of meat makes it
feel homey.

“Hey it’s almost holiday. Any plans?” Jimin asked. They look at him. Honestly , they
didn’t really celebrate Christmas that much compared to other country, but they would like to have a
break from their hectic life . A holiday vacation is a good idea, they thought.

“Actually we don’t have any plans. How about you?” Wonwoo asked. The elder know how Jimin
like to celebrate special occasions such as birthday and even Christmas, so he know that he will have
or already have plans for the holiday .

“I want to go somewhere far. I just want to relax for couple days. This year is so tiring for me so I
deserve this.”

The others agreed. It is the end of the year. And although Wonwoo and Mingyu literally spends
almost half of this year inside their home, doing nothing, it’s still good to relax a little .

“That sounds good, where do you plan on going?” Seungkwan added.

“I’m still not sure. Japan is a good place but I’ve been there couple of times now. I also thought of
Hawaii. But I’m not sure with that as well. I want to be in a quiet place.” Jimin seriously said.
“Hyung... Jihoon hyung..” Mingyu called but Jihoon is too busy staring at Jimin. All of them except
Jimin noticed Jihoon’s love struck expression.

“Jimin oppa!” Jisoo called that made Jihoon wake up on his daydream. “What’s that princess?”
he nicely asked.

“Cat oppa stares at you. I think he likes you!” Jisoo bluntly announced. Everyone were shocked with
the young lady’s unconscious bluntness. They know she doesn’t mean to embarrass Jihoon or Jimin.
That is just product of her lack of awareness with the situation between the two.

“Oh.” Jimin uttered. Blush is all over Jihoon’s pale face and everyone is trying their hardest not to
laugh with the situation.

“Princess, eat.” Wonwoo ordered and fed Jisoo a piece of meat. He also felt sorry about Jisoo’s
statement. But somewhat he knows that at some point, Jihoon and Jimin needs to address this
unresolved tension between them .

“ Just make a move already hyung.” Mingyu whispered to Jihoon.

Wanting to tease him. The elder glared at him. Giving the silent threat with his eyes, saying that he
will get back on Mingyu someday.

“Hmm..... Going back to the topic. How about New Zealand?” Taehyung tried to divert the topic
back on their trip. “New Zealand sound good babe.” Jungkook agreed. "Jungkook-ah we know that
anywhere Taehyung suggest will be nice for you.” Wonwoo joked. Jungkook glared at his hyung.
“But yeah. New Zealand sounds good.” The elder added.

“ I think I like that as well.” Jimin agreed. “Any suggestions?” he asked, but they shook their head.
Aside from Jisoo who is busy eating a piece of cake.

“Oppa, I can’t come with you.” She sadly said. “Why princess? I’m with you so mom will agree for
sure.” He said while wiping some smudge icing on his sister’s face.

“Jennie invited me to go to Disneyland along with Rose and Lisa. We’re going with eomma.” She
stated. Wonwoo is quite taken aback, he suddenly realize that his sister have her own friends now.
He’s proud of her.

“That’s okay princess, let’s just have a trip next time okay.” The elder reassured.

They continue planning their holiday trip and that includes: Camping, star gazing, bungee humping
like activities that Seungkwan doesn’t like . And also hiking and of course shopping.

“Oh! Oh! And last! Taehyung excitedly added. How about a monito game? It’s Christmas so I
think it’s cute to have exchanging of gifts!” he is so excited and happy while explaining.

And of course everybody is down with Taehyung’s suggestion. They will never dare to disappoint
their little alien dongsaeng.
Taehyung wrote their names on strips of paper and put it in Jungkook’s hat. It is the basic rule of
exchanging of gifts. They’re suppose to give a gift to the person the picked. They didn't include
Jisoo's name because she wasn’t able to be with them.

So Seungkwan, Jimin, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Jungkook, and Taehyung. They all picked a piece
of paper. The reveal should be on Christmas eve. Taehyung is so excited to go shopping for his gift
but also go shopping in general.

After the dinner and happy discussion, they decided to head home. The couple offered to give Jisoo a
ride home. But Jimin insisted to bring Jisoo home because their house is on the opposite way.

So Seungkwan and Jimin will bring Jisoo home. The young lady bid his goodbye to his brother and
their friends. While Jungkook and Taehyung still want to have fun. Enjoying their winter vacation
while is lasts.

They planned to go to Itaewon or Hongdae to go clubbing with their other friends while Jihoon called
a substitute driver to send him home .

The couple decided to end their day. This day is special for them but they need to rest for their work

They arrive safely to their home. As Mingyu entered the door, he was pulled into a deep kiss by
Wonwoo. His kiss is always sweet that made the younger happy.

“Thank you for your gift love. It is beautiful. You are amazing.” Wonwoo whispered after their kiss.

Mingyu can see happiness. A genuine happiness that took time to show in his husband’s eye. That
happiness that they fought hard for.

“I will do everything to always see you happy love. Everything.” He promised. “And thank you.” He

“Thank you for what? You’re the one who always have surprise for me.” The elder asked. “My
dream just came true.” He said while caressing his husbands soft skin.
“Your dream?” Wonwoo asked. It made him realize that he doesn’t know what Mingyu’s dreams are
aside from being a musician.

“My dream is …. “

“Seeing you happy while looking at me.”

Wonwoo gasped. He can’t believe of what he just heard.

That was such a selfless dream to have. He doesn’t know but he suddenly starts cying. Happy tears.

“Yah! Stop with the sweet talk. You always makes me cry with your words.” He playfully scolded.

“Just be happy love.”


It’s the day of their flight going to New Zealand. Everyone is already on the airport aside from Jimin.
It’s forty minutes before their boarding time and Jimin is still on his way.

“Hyung. Seriously ? Where are you?” Jungkook scolded the elder over the phone. Jimin is saying
that he is on his way for almost thirty minutes now and they're starting to get worried.

“I’m here! I’m here!” Jimin shouted while running towards their direction. “Yah! Jimin – ah. You’re
unbelievable.” Seungkwan scolded.

“I’m sorry. I woke up late. Let’s go! Let’s go.” Jungkook and Wonwoo just shake their head. It is not
new with Jimin. He's always late whenever they made plans. They know he will never change.

It is a long twelve hours flight. They finally arrived. They are glad that they can finally stretch their
body and went to their hotels to rest.

They rented two cars, that is enough to fit the seven of them. On the first car is Jungkook, Taehyung
and Jimin. And to the second one which is much more bigger is Mingyu, Seungkwan, Wonwoo and

Mingyu is sitting beside Wonwoo, he’s quite sick. His throat is sore. The elder made him drink some
pain reliever but he’s still not on his best shape.

“Are you okay love?” Wonwoo whispered when he led the younger's head lean on his shoulders.
“Yeah. But my throat is really dry.” He answered.
Wonwoo check his temperature, it is normal. He added medicine for sore throat in their shopping list.

Meanwhile there are two nosy best friend listening to the couple in front of the car. Seungkwan is the
one driving while Jihoon is on the shotgun.

They are smiling like fools hearing the endearment that the married couple is using. And honestly ,
they never saw Mingyu acting like that before. He acts manly that is always ready to protect his
husband but still cute with his clumsiness. They know Mingyu is genuinely happy with Wonwoo.

“Yah! What are you looking at?” Mingyu glared and the two shifted their eyes. “Nothing. New
Zealand is such a beautiful place.” Seungkwan exaggeratedly stated. Jihoon can’t hide his smile,
trying not to laugh with Seungkwan’s weirdness.

“Yah! Mingyu-ah, have you noticed Jihoon hyung on the airport when Jiminie is late?” Seungkwan
asked while driving.
“What is it? I didn’t do anything!” Jihoon defended. “Then why are you reacting like that?” Mingyu

“Nothing! Don’t spill non sense Hobi. Stop thinking about it.” He tried to say it on a cooler way.
“Hyung don’t worry. It’s just us, we are your friends so no judgment.” The younger jokes.

“So what did you noticed Seungkwan-ah.” The eldest asked.

“Oh yeah! Jihoon hyung didn’t get mad when Jiminie is late for our flight. Usually he hates waiting
and wants to kill us when we makes him wait but when it is Jimin, we heard nothing. Lucky

After Seungkwan said that, Mingyu realize that it makes sense. Jihoon hates when his time is being
wasted by waiting. He always says that the time that he spends can be used in more productive way
or at least use it for his sleep.

“Jihoon – ah do you like Jiminie?” Wonwoo suddenly asked making Jihoon flustered.

“Hyung the word like is such an understatement. If he just like Jimin, he will not do everything that I
asked him to do just to have a copy of Jimin’s dance videos. And he will not make Jimin’s picture the
background of his laptop. And if he just like our Jiminie maybe he already asked him to at least hang
out with him. So no he doesn’t just like Jimin.” Seungkwan’s words made the other two laugh while
Jihoon is being red beside him.

“ Really ? Hyung! You’re amazing. Why not tell him or ask him on a date?” Mingyu playfully asked.
“Shut up! And you.” He look at Seungkwan. “Shut your mouth or I will sew your lips.” He
threatened making the younger laugh even more.

“But seriously Jihoon – ah, why not asking him on a date. You are single, he is single so what’s the
problem?” Wonwoo wondered.

“I – I don’t know. I don’t even know if he likes me back or something. And how can I even ask him
on a date if all I can do is stare at him when we’re together?” he rants.

“Wow hyung you’re really smitten with Jiminie.” Mingyu confirmed. He noticed Wonwoo covering
his face and looks like going to burst.

“Love?” Wonwoo clicked something on his phone and..


Jihoon froze after hearing that voice. That voice that he always wants to hear. He turn around and
greeted by image of Jimin showing on the screen. He's smiling, although the quality of the image is
not that high definition.

After the group got divided into two cars, Wonwoo and Jimin are texting. The elder is asking if they
brought some medicine for flu because Mingyu is not feeling well. The two continued texting,
talking about things, also Jimin is complaining that his two other companion can’t stop flirting with
each other . They are acting like a couple in a honeymoon and Jimin is not happy about it.

From: Handsome Wonu hyung:

Yah Jiminie we are talking about you.

To: Handsome Wonu hyung:

Me? Why?

From: Handsome Wonu hyung:

They’re teasing Jihoon about liking you.

To: Handsome Wonu hyung:

Hyung I want to hear!

From: Handsome Wonu hyung:

Answer the phone.

After few seconds, Wonwoo called using Face time. Jimin answered the phone. On the screen is
Seungkwan who is busy driving and Jihoon beside him. Jimin heard everything that Seungkwan said
about his hyung, not just liking him but liking him so much.

He can see Jihoon’s panicked face as his Hobi hyung started spilling the tea. But he doesn’t deny any
of it. And this man, which they say is having a huge huge crush on him is very cute.

After he heard his reason why he’s not asking him out, he felt bad but he really like to change that


“J – Jimin?” Jihoon stuttered. He’s now holding Wonwoo’s phone staring at Jimin’s smiling face.
“How about a dinner before we come back to Korea? What do you think?” Jihoon looks at his friends
asking for help. Mingyu and Wonwoo watched his interaction with Jimin via phone with encouraging
expression. Like they are cheering him from behind.

"Uhmmm..." He's embarrassed for not finding the right word to answer. "B - but it's okay I - if you
don't want to hyung. It's fine."

"No! No, I mean I want to go on a d - date with you Jiminah." He clarified. Jimin's eye smile came
back. It brings happiness to Jihoon.

"That's great!" They can hear on speaker phone Jungkook and Teahyung's voice screaming. Teasing
Jimin as well.

"Yeah. Great." He whispered. Jihoon can still feel his heart beating so loud. "See you guys in the
hotel. Bye." The youngest couple also bid their goodbye before Jimin press the end call button.

After the call Jihoon took a really deep breath. He's holding his chest, trying to calm his heart.

"Wahh!!! hyung! Finally! finally finally!" Seungkwan screamed.

"I will kill you Wonu hyung." He threatened. they just laugh at him. he looks adorable.

"Don't be mad at me Jihoon - ah. He wanted to hear what we're talking about so I just let him hear it."

"H - He heard everything?!" Jihoon asked with wide eyes and high pitch tone.
"Yup everything." Wonwoo confirmed with teasing look.

"Y - you. I'm going to kill both of you!" He glared. Seungkwan is having the best time of his life.

"Hyung we just want to help you, you know. Now we all know that Jimin likes you too and you don't
need to ask him on a date anymore. Just look at the bright side."

Jihoon is still annoyed but he felt happy that Jimin likes him too.

They arrive to the hotel where they are going to stay for two days. They decided to rent a camper van
so that they can enjoy the nature.

The group booked four rooms. Of course Mingyu and Wonwoo are on the first room, Taehyung and
Jungkook on the second and Seungkwan and Jihoon on the third room and Jimin will be alone .

"Finally we are here." Mingyu said as he lay on the queen size bed. His husband is busy arranging
their things.

"Love give me your passport please." The elder ordered. Mingyu looked at him. "Why?"
"I don't want you to lose your passport again like what happened in New York so I will keep it."
Wonwoo explained.

"Woah! I have such a caring husband." the younger teased.

"Yup. And I have such a clumsy husband." Wonwoo countered. "Hey that's unfair!" The
younger childishly stated. Wonwoo just laugh. His husband is so cute.

"Are you feeling better love?" Wonwoo asked. "Yeah, just dry throat and headache but nothing too
extreme. Maybe I’ll just sleep it off.”

"Okay that’s good just rest and we'll buy you some medicine. And drink water okay." Wonwoo
adviced. He already finished arranging their things and toiletries when Mingyu called him. “Love.”
The younger called.

“What is it?” he answered. “I want cuddles.” The younger cutely said also doing a grabby hands.

Wonwoo is weak with that kind of cuteness. “Ooh my poor husband. You’re cute when acting like a
baby.” The elder cooed. He sat beside Mingyu and the younger use that opportunity to be cute and
cuddle with his husband.

They are used to cuddle but now, they’re cuddling to feel happiness between each other. Now
Wonwoo doesn’t need reassurance that he’s not alone. Right now they are completely happy, not
caring for the world and the future. And they are both fine.

They're cuddling when Mingyu’s phone rang. It was Jihoon.

“Hello hyung.” he answered, the elder beside him is just looking, also wanting to know why Jihoon
called when he’s just two room apart from them .

“Yah Mingyu-ah, Seungkwan is asking if you want to go out with us?” the elder asked. “ Just us
three? Where?”

“I don’t know, Seungkwan wants to explore the city and also have some you know ‘bro time’ with us
two. So are going or not?”

Mingyu looked at his husband. “I’ll call you back. Wait.” He said then press the end call button.

“Jihoon?” Wonwoo simply asked. “Yeah Seungkwan wants us to go out. Can I go?” he asked.

“Of course you can. Why you look like you’re doing something bad?” he asked jokingly .

“I dunno. I don’t want to leave you alone here. Do you want come with us?” Mingyu suggested.
Wonwoo know his husband wants to be considerate.

“No Gyuie, I’ll be fine here. And besides, the trio are also here so I’ll just play with them while
you’re out with your friends. Don’t feel so guilty please. You know we want each other happy as
much as possible. And I bet you miss hanging out with Seungkwan and Jihoon.”
Wonwoo calmly explained.

“You're right. How to find a perfect husband like you?” Mingyu praised. The elder thought the
opposite. ‘He doesn’t know that he is the perfect husband.’

Mingyu grab his phone and called Jihoon. “Hello hyung. Yeah I’m going. I’ll meet you in the lobby
in ten minutes.” He announced. “Go, change your clothes.” The elder ordered him.

Mingyu finished changing his clothes and just doing some finishing touches to his face . “Be careful
okay. And don’t drink too much. You’re not feeling that well.” Wonwoo said sounding like a mom.

“Of course. I’ll remember that.” The younger smiled. “And love, please buy some meds for you
okay. I planned buying it but you’re going out so.”

“Okay I’ll remember that too.” Mingyu answered. He’s done changing but still not going into the
lobby where they will meet.

“What’s wrong?” Wonwoo asked. “Wait here.” The younger said.

He went out of their room without saying anything, and few minutes later he came back but with
Taehyung and Jungkook behind him .

“What’s happening?” Wonwoo asked as he saw the two younger friends coming inside their

"Hi hyung!" greets Taehyung. He is wondering why the two was called by Mingyu.

"I called them so they can play with you while I'm out." Mingyu states.

"Hyung your husband is weird." said Jungkook who jumped into the queen size bed.

"But we're going here anyways. Tae wants to hang out with you." The younger added. "Only Tae?
How about you mister?" He questioned. "Hyung I've been with you my whole life, give me a break."
the youngest countered.

Taehyung and Mingyu smiled with their bickering. They're cute so watch with.

"Love I'll go now. You know Jihoon hyung hates waiting." Mingyu said. "He hates everything aside
from Jimin. Unfair." Taehyung whined folding his arms to his chest.

"The same that Jungkook is only nice to you, Wonu hyung and Jimin. But he's always mean to us!"
Mingyu said with sarcastic tone.

"Love,enjoy playing with this kids." He said and kissed Wonwoo's forehead.

"We'll be back before dinner." Then he kissed him again.

Mingyu found his friends sitting on the lounge area. The two were busy with their phone."Let's go!"
He said. Jihoon glared at him. "What took you so long huh?" The elder scolded.

"Hyung you will not understand husband duties you know. Unless you're going to marry our
Jiminie." Seungkwan teased.

"You! I'm still mad with everything that you said. Stop it or I'll push you on the lake and watch you
drown. Jihoon threatened making Seungkwan do a half scared half amused laugh.

"Stop fighting and let's go." Mingyu scolded.

The trio decided to look around the place near their hotel. The scenery is very nice and cozy.
Relaxing although they are walking all day. They went to a small cafe to eat brunch and after they'll
go shopping.

"I just realize we haven't done this for awhile. Hang out with you two and just talk. Just the three of
us." Seungkwan stated by while enjoying the cake he ordered.

"Yeah, we've been so busy with our personal business and we're always with the others. This is
refreshing." said Mingyu.

"How's Wonu hyung?" Jihoon asked while sipping his black coffee.

"He's actually doing great. After the trial he continue his therapy and now he's more of himself. The
Wonu hyung that I met before." The younger's tone is peaceful, that made his friends relieved.

"Hyung makes me scared when Jisoo is the topic. That night on his birthday, when Jisoo said that she
enrolled in the academy, I felt Wonwoo hyung’s eyes on me. Like, it is my fault. I didn't even know
that she did that until I saw her on the practice room!” the poor Seungkwan cried.
"Sorry about that Hobi-ah. You know him. He's very protective to his sister." Mingyu apologized.
His friend didn't mind really , he just want to voice out his thoughts.

"It's fine. I know Wonu hyung is nice. You wouldn't love him that much if he isn't." He teased. "Who
would know that Wonu hyung is the one who can make him sappy and romantic." Jihoon added.

"Stop teasing me." Mingyu groaned. His two best friends enjoys his flustered expression.

"Yah Mingyu-ah, I want to ask you something. I don’t mean to offend you or what
I'm just really curious about this." Seungkwan stated. "What is it?" Seungkwan sit straight.

"So... Are you straight, gay? or bisexual?" His tone is not intending to be offensive. It is purely out of
curiosity. His question made Mingyu think about something that he already forgets long time ago .

"I actually don't know." Mingyu quietly answered. Both of his friends are looking at him.

"Being gay on my opinion is being attracted purely to men. And being bisexual is to both men and
women. But I think I don’t fit into any of that." Seungkwan and Jihoon tries to understand him but
they are obviously lost.

"I'm just..."
"I just know that I'm in love with him." he breathes.

“Before, I am attracted to women but now, I’m not interested to anyone but Wonu hyung. I don’t
know what happened to me.”

"That make sense." Jihoon concluded. " You're really in love with Wonu hyung huh?" He can see
Jihoon’s support and understanding towards him and his feelings for his husband and he will always
thankful about that . " Yeah. I don't think I will be like this to someone else."
Mingyu confidently stated.

"I guess, as they all say. Love is love regardless of anything." Seungkwan agreed. .

After finishing their meal, they started shopping. The trio love shopping but not as much as
Seungkwan. This man loves expensive things. Compared to Jihoon and Mingyu, Seungkwan have
quirky and unique style. He can pull of any clothes he wears although it looks weird when others
wear it.

"Do you have your gift for the person you picked?" Mingyu asked.

"Yeah. My monito will definitely jump when he open my gift." Seungkwan proudly stated.
" Really ? I wonder who is it? How about you hyung?" Mingyu asked Jihoon.

"I don't know what to give to to him. We don’t talk that much. I’m not sure if he will like my gift."
The elder sounds do worried. He doesn’t understand why of all six of his friends, he picked the
weirdest one.

"Let's go. Let's look here maybe you'll find something."

Mingyu went to high class jewelry shop. He's busy looking to the display when Jihoon and
Seungkwan joined him.

"Jewelry for your monito??" Seungkwan questioned. "Yeah I think it will suit him." The other went
to look as well. Maybe finding something they want to buy or a gift for a special someone.

After a few minutes, he noticed a ring. The design of that ring looks like a nail. It looks unique and
will definitely suits to his monito's style and personality.

"Can I check this one please." The store assistant politely agreed and pull out the ring from the glass
case and hand it to Mingyu. He is satisfied with this one and decided to buy the ring. The assistant
helps him with the purchase and ask the size of the ring. Something that he completely forgot.
"Ow shoot." He cursed, so he tried to recall. His fingers is short and quite chubby. He is low key
panicking while thinking of the ring size and being stared at buy the assistant. So he try the ring on
his pinky finger. It fits perfectly and the ring looks really nice when worn, so he decided to buy that
same size as well. He’s hoping that at least one of his monito’s finger is same or at least close to the
size of his pinky.

"I'll get this one." he said. The assistant nods and makes her way to the counter to finish the
transaction when Mingyu stopped her . "Can you wait for a little bit, I'll just look for something else."

“Sure sir no problem.” The assistant answered.

He went to the other side where diamond rings were displayed . All he can see is common design of
diamond ring where a huge diamond on top was placed .

He continued scanning the display when something caught his eyes. It is a simple ring but covered
with diamonds. It shines brightly and is easily noticed.

This rings looks simple but unique in some way. Mingyu know that this is the ring that he’s looking

“Is that your gift for Wonu hyung?” Jihoon asked while looking at the ring as well. “How do you
know that its not for the one I picked?” the younger looked at him.

“Dude. No one gives a diamond ring for an exchange gift. That is way too pricey for a Christmas gift
for a friend. But it is definitely worth it if it is for your significant other.” The elder explained.

“Hyung, your logic is amazing.”

“Sir.” The assistant asked. “Can I look for this one please.” The assistant took out the ring and gave it
to him. It looks stunning even up close. The assistant explained that this is the eternity diamond
eternity platinum ring.

The simple design contrast to the shine of the diamonds is the highlight of this ting. It will definitely
looks good on Wonwoo’s fingers. “Hyung do you think he will like it?” he asked Jihoon.

“Of course he will. And I know Wonu hyung will like everything that you will give to him.” He

With that being said , Mingyu didn’t hesitate anymore. “I’ll also get this one.” He said.

“That was an expensive Christmas gift Gyu.” The elder teased. The younger just smile while looking
at the precious ring. “Yeah. Only the best for my husband. And yes that’s a gift but not for
Christmas.” He stated.

“What do you mean?” Jihoon questioned.

“It’s a secret.”

The trio finished shopping. It’s almost dinner time and Mingyu promised that they will be back
before diner so they need to hurry.

He asked Jihoon to keep the ring, afraid that he will lost it or his husband will see it.

They met their friends on the hotel’s restaurant for dinner. Jihoon is walking stiffly when he saw
Jimin talking with Taehyung and Wonwoo. He remembered everything that happened in the car.
How the younger heard everything that Seungkwan said and asking him on a date.

His pale complexion turn into light blush that made his friends silently laugh, watching his misery .

“Hi love.” Mingyu greeted as he kissed his husband on the forehead. The elder is happy to see the
younger again. Playing with the maknaes make him super happy but exhausted.

“How’s your trip?” he asked, the younger sit beside him. "It was great. I finally bought my gift for
that monito game.” He proudly said.

Taehyung look excited as he heard about the game that he suggested. At least his hyung is putting an
effort for it. “That’s great hyung! I’m excited to open our gifts!” the younger cried.

They ate their dinner exchanging stories and laughter. Good food with your friends can is happiness.

After dinner, when everyone is already full and tired they decided to part ways to rest. They have
plans for tomorrow so they need their much needed sleep. Everyone is readying to end their day
aside from the married couple who decided to relax in the hot spring.
The two were quietly sitting into the hot spring. Perfectly warm water felt amazing. They can feel
their body relaxing.

The two were quiet staring at nothing. This is something that they have in common, they like to be in
their own world. Thinking about things that going on in their mind, indulge the peace and silence.

“Love.” Wonwoo called. His voice made bring the younger back. “Yeah? What is it? Are you cold?”
the younger asked. Wonwoo smile at him. Mingyu is always, always thinks about him even he’s
drowning with his own thoughts.

“No. Are you okay?” the elder asked. He can see that a lot of things is running to the younger's head
and he wants to help him to lighten the load.

“Yup, I’m fine. Sorry.” He apologized. “It’s fine love. Do you want to share what's on your
mind? Maybe I can help?” he offered. He smile at him.

“It’s all fine love. No big deal.” The younger assured. His words doesn’t convince Wonwoo but he
decided to let it go. He is sure Mingyu will say it to him when he is ready.

“What happened to you three?” he asked. He want to distract the younger to the things that keeps
bugging him.

“Oh, yeah. We realize that it’s been so long since we last hang out as a trio. We kinda miss those
times.” He stated. Wonwoo agreed.

It’s been a while since Mingyu did something for himself. He stop going to school. He stop
composing songs. He barely meet his friends, Wonwoo feel guilty to the fact that he is the reason
for all of that.

The younger literally stops his life just to help him resolving his issue.

“Sorry about that Gyuie. I don’t mean to take so much of your time. And also about being my
assistant. But you know, you can quit if you want to. I mean I can tal –“ he didn’t finish when
Mingyu pulled him even more close to him.

“Gyui –“

“You’re calling me Gyuie again love. I told you I prefer being called 'love' by you.”
He calmly stated. The elder turn around to see his husband better.

“I’m sorry, I’m rambling again.” He apologized. He's makingd this sad face with his thick lips
pouting and it looks so cute, making Mingyu smile until his eyes disappears .

“It’s fine love, really . It is true that I’ve been busy this year but we all have the same situation.
Jihoon hyung and Seungkwan is busy as well.
Hyung is working to that company that offer us the scholarship. He is there like everyday even
weekends. He plans build his own music label so he can work base on his preference and style and
you know. Hobi have his dance academy. His noona helps him but it still took most of his time.” The
younger explains.

“Speaking of Hobi, he asked me an interesting question earlier.” Wonwoo again, lean his head to the
younger’s chest.

“What is it?” he curiously asked. Mingyu sigh, “He asked me is I’ m straight,gay or bisexual.”

That three words made Wonwoo feel like he’s in verge of panic attack. Mingyu’s statement made his
heart pound.

“W… what did you answer him.” He stuttered. The younger can feel his husband’s stiffness. He
know the question caught him off guard. And he understand.

This kind of topic, specifically Mingyu’s sexuality is one of the things that they chose not to talk
about. It felt awkward and they actually don’t know what the answer to their question so they just let
it go. But now, Seungkwan manage to bring up something that they’re trying to avoid.

“I said I don’t know. Why? What do you expect my answer will be?” Mingyu place his hand on
Wonwoo’s shoulder and starts massaging the elders wide shoulder . “Nothing, I.. I’m just –“

“I told him I am not attracted to anyone after I realize that I love you. Maybe I’m still the same, the
only difference is I am married with an amazing person.” He sweetly stated. Wonwoo’s heart flutter.
The younger always know what to say in times like this.

He leaned his head to his husband’s shoulder, he holds him tighter. It feels weird that they are
touching this close in a hot spring but Wonwoo doesn’t mind at all.

“Don’t worry love. Something like this doesn’t matter to me and to our relationship. As long as we
are together and happy, we are fine okay.” The younger assured.

Mingyu’s words again made his husband feel secured. He is confident that things like this will
neither affect nor destroy the relationship that they build .

Again, because of Seungkwan’s question, Mingyu thought about the things he wants to ask to his
husband. “Love, can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah.” Wonwoo answered. “You said before we got married that you’re homosexual right? Is that
you’re only attracted to men? Or you can be attracted to women as well?” he said curiously .
Wonwoo blinked. That was unexpected question from the younger.

They’ve been together for quite long time but they never went to this kind of conversation.
“Hmmm.. I think I’m only attracted to men. As much as I remember, I never
been romantically involve to any girl in my teenage years. I will like them as a friend and nothing
else. Why you asking?” he asked.
“Nothing.. I just want to understand you better by knowing you completely. I realize, we are always
together but we never had that chance to know something new with each other. I think this is the
perfect time to know you better.” Mingyu explained.

The elder agrees, they are so caught up with a lot of things going on with their lives that they missed
this little things . This is the perfect time indeed.

“Can I asked you something as well?” Wonwoo turn around again, looking at the younger’s eyes.

“Sure, no problem.” The elder breathes. “What did you feel when you realize that you have feelings
for me?” his question made the younger think.

He remembered when he saw him kissing his best friend and how painful it felt. He remembered the
first episode that he witnessed and how it affects Wonwoo. He also remembered how his husband
distanced himself after his confession and how he felt alone .”

“ Honestly , I don’t mind that I have feelings for you that time. That realization that didn’t bother me
at all. The struggle I encountered was after I confess to you my feelings. I know that time that you
are skeptical and scared with my intention and I felt that you tried to avoid me. Adding the fact that
I’m not in good terms with Jihoon hyung. I felt alone that time, but Seungkwan help us so that
feeling didn’t last long.” The younger explained.

Wonwoo again felt bad. “Have you ever regret your decision to stay?” he added. The younger took a
deep breath again. “No.” he simply answered. “Why?”

“Why would I regret being in a situation that pushes me to be a better person every day?”

That was so sweet that almost made Wonwoo tear up. Hearing that the younger is being a better
person every day with him is such a blessing. Not all married couple are lucky enough to have what
they have, and he's always thankful for that.

"I have another question love." Mingyu said. The elder just nodded and wait for the his question. "If
you're given the chance to decide for your wedding, what would you like to do for that day?"

"Why do you ask?"A question as an answer to a question. "I just want to know if things would be
different if we made the decisions. And how it will affect our relationship in the present."He
explained. Wonwoo starts thinking about the changes he will make if he is the one in charge for his
own wedding.

"I want it to be a simple, intimate wedding. You're mom did a great with our wedding but I prefer a
fewer guest. Just the people that are actually part of our life like family and friends. I don't like to be
disturb eating because someone wants to talk to me about business. It is about the celebration of a
union and that should be it. No more no less." He answered.

"And for the wedding itself, I would like it to be under a cherry blossom tree. You know I like pink
right? Aside from that I guess it will be the same as what your mother did.” He answered. Mingyu
felt satisfied with his husband’s answer.
The couple had this conversation for almost an hour. Learning things that they didn’t know about
each other, until they felt like they really need to rest for their adventure tomorrow .

It’s Christmas eve and they are all busy doing their chores for dinner. Jihoon and Wonwoo is
incharge with the food, the maknae line is in charge with the tents. Mingyu is preparing the drinks
and Seungkwan is the one who cleans up the mess.

After a few minutes, the food is all done. They are attacking the food and enjoying it so much. Their
hyungs never dissappoints them when it comes to food. The group was still able to share more stories
although that’s what they’re doing since their first night together . It’s all about random things,
teasing someone or sharing a funny memory of their childhood.

When they are all done with the food, Taehyung stood up, bright rectangle smile on his face. “It’s
time for gifts!” he excitedly cried.

They all prepared their gifts and gather around the fire, also making smores as the dessert.

Because Taehyung is the one who suggested this activity, he decide to have a small speech for his

“I want to thank you all for participating with the monito game. I hope you would like the gift the
you will receive. And I just want to say that I am very grateful that I have you guys as my family.
This year is a very challenging year for us but I know those challenges makes us stronger. I hope we
will have a happy life next year.” He stated.

Everyone is looking at him with adoration in their eyes. Mingyu is very proud to see Taehyung being
matured and happy like this.

“So! Let’s start with the exchange gift!” he announced while clapping his hands. “Who wants to go

They look at each other to see if anyone would volunteer to be first. Jimin raised his hand and stand
up, “I’ll go first.” He said. Everyone look at him, feeling excited to know what Jimin’s gift is. “I
hope this gift will make him happy. Merry Christmas.” The young man said. He’s shifting his eyes to
his friends and extend his hand to the person.

Everyone is smiling to see Jimin’s gift in front of Wonwoo. “Merry Christmas Wonu hyung.”

Wonwoo’s smile is from ear to ear. He know that Jimin is always thoughtful in giving gifts so he’s
sure that he will never be disappointed . “Aww thank you Jiminie.” The older said. Everyone is
cheering, excited to see Jimin’s gift to his hyung.

The gift is shape rectangle and wrapped with a green gift wrapper. Wonwoo is super excited to see
his gift and tear the wrapper apart. As he open it, he smile as he saw a foldable fishing rod. “Jiminie.
You still remember?!”

Jimin nodded. He remembered that one time they are hanging out, Wonwoo said he wants to go
fishing. He thought fishing is a relaxing activity. But he never had a chance to do it because of his

“I hope you and Mingyu hyung can have vacation and use that rod and catch a lot of fish.” The
younger smiled. “But that’s not the end.” He said. They are wondering with Jimin’s statement.

Wonwoo tried to look for something else and he saw a small envelope, hiding under the rod. “What
is this?” he opened it and it is stack f paper. “Yah! Jiminie!!!” he screamed.

All of them got curious with Wonwoo’s excitement. They quickly gather around Wonwoo to see
what the gift is. And when they saw it, they are all amazed.

“I hope you enjoy that Wonu hyung. You go with anyone you like.” SeolWonu is very happy. It is
rear to be given a one year worth of gift certificate to your favorite buffet restaurant. This restaurant
is really expensive and also it is hard to make reservation. Wonwoo eats there when he felt that he
need self love and reward for himself.

“One of my friend is the daughter of the owner of that restaurant so I’m able to gift that to you.”
Jimin explained.

The elder is speechless. He really love his gift. “Thank you Jimnie. Thank you. Thank you so so
much. I will enjoy using this!” he said and gave Jimin a hug.

Mingyu is also excited and happy for his husband. He know that restaurant. Wonwoo told him about
their buffet and how he really love the food.

After Wonwoo calm down from his excitement, he grabbed his gift and like Jimin, look at everyone
for the suspense . “I know you will like my gift. Please use this to follow what you really want to do.
Hyung - nim will always support you.” He said. Wonwoo is the oldest on the group so everyone can
be his monito.

He slowly walk in front of Taehyung. The younger got so excited, already extending his hands to
receive the gift when Wonwoo suddenly gave it to Jungkook .
They all laugh when they saw Taehyung’s disappointed face. “Hyung you’re mean!” the younger
pouted. Wonwoo is very satisfied with his joke.

Jungkook looks excited to open the gift. It is wrapped with silver gift wrapper and bigger than
Jimin’s gift. He tried to shake it. He look so cute with his excited expression. His hyung knew
everything about him so he will definitely love his gift.

As he tear up the wrapper he notice two letter written in the box. It’s C and A. His heart skipped beat
when he realize that it can be something that he really wants.

He continued tearing the paper open and yes he is correct, on the box it was written the word
CANON. “Hyung.” He whispered.

He really wants to have his own camera and he's saving his allowance to but one.
Jungkook really love photography and filming. He enjoy it so much and wished to do it for the rest of
his life.

“I know you really love taking pictures. I hope that can make you happy.” Jungkook is not
responding. His head hang low and just staring to his gift. They are wondering why he’s not thanking
Wonwoo with his amazing gift.

They are shocked when they heard a sob coming from their youngest. “Babe are you crying?”
Taehyung asked. Everyone is shock when Jungkook lift his head and saw his tearful eyes and red
nose. “Hyung.” He sobbed.

Wonwoo smiled to see his brother touched by his gift. He is still and will always be his baby brother
who have a soft heart. The younger felt thankful again. He realized that because he’s been too busy
with his life, he almost forgot to thank his hyung for everything he did.

“Yah! stop crying!” Wonwoo playfully scolded. Everyone adores to see the interaction of this two.

After he calm down, he felt shy realizing that his friends saw him crying like a little kid. “Hmm.. my
gift is not that expensive so I need to be creative. I hope you will like it.”

Jungkook looks really nervous handing his gift to Seungkwan. His hyung gave him a huge smile.
“Oh.. me? I will like it Jungkook- ah I’m sure of it.” He assured. The youngest just smiled and sit
beside his boyfriend.
Seungkwan opened his gift and greeted by a unique looking shoes. It is a Jordan Air, it is color white
and the uniqueness of it comes from the customize design in it. The design were popping out thanks
to the color yellow marker that Jungkook used. It looks a bright smiling sun in form of shoes. It
represent Seungkwan’s sunshine personality really well. People will easily know that he owns that
shoes by just looking at it.

All of them were amazed with Jungkook’s gift. This shoes is the rarest one in his collection. “Woahh
Jungkook-ah. This is amazing!!!” he said and excitedly hug Jungkook from his sit. The younger felt
relieved with his hyung's reaction with his gift. “Thank you for this.”

Seungkwan happily grab his gift. They noticed that this is small compared to the other gifts. “My gift
is going to be a treasure for him.” He mysteriously said. He look at Taehyung that quickly took his
phone out and started recording.

No one can understand what Seungkwan is saying. He shify his eyes t the man sitting beside him.
Jihoon’s eyes got bigger when he realize that he is the receiver of Seungkwan’s gift.

“Hyung. You know that I love you. You’re my best friend with Mingyu and you’re the best so you
deserve this.” He stated.

Jihoon is not showing his expression. He looks bored and uninterested but in reality, he is excited to
see what Seungkwan’s gift.

He opened his gift and it is a plain CD case. They are puzzled with Seungkwan’s gift. But then
Jihoon opened the case and inside there's a note:


Mingyu just saw the widest eyes that Jihoon made in his entire life. After reading the note, his body
become stiff. He literally froze and remain speechless while staring to that plain disk.

“Hyung what is it?” Mingyu ask. They are waiting for Jihoon to speak but nothing happened.

“Hyung I think we need to call an ambulance.” Taehyung worriedly stated. On his side is Seungkwan
laughing his heart out. “Hyung I think Jihoon hyung had a heart attack. We should really call an
ambulance.” Jungkook added.

“Guys, calm down. Hyung is perfectly fine. He’s just shock.” The laughing man stated. “Wait hyung.
Tell us what’s that disk?” Taehyung demanded.

“That is something that Jihoon hyung really wants to have. You don’t know how many times he ask
for that. He even do an aegyo for that gift. I think hyung deserve to have it.” He explained.

That rings the bell. The first and last time they saw Jihoon doing aegyo is before Seungkwan’s party,
and that is for the copy of Jimi –

“Yah! Hyung!” Jimin screamed.

Everyone else were laughing hysterically with the reaction of the two. “You’re right everyone. That
is the copy of Jimin’s dance videos that Jihoon hyung wants to have.” He proudly stated.

Jimin wants to hide or be eaten by the ground with so much embarrassment. This tension between
him and Jihoon is getting out of control and the teasing from their friends are not helping at all .

“You know what? You two should really date or make out. We’re getting tired watching you pushing
and pulling each other.” Taehyung bluntly stated. It made his friends laugh even more.

When Jihoon realize that they are looking at him, he tried to school his expression and sit up straight.
He want to act like nothing happened. That he didn’t receive a treasure from his best friend and that
he almost had a heart attack during Christmas eve.

It may look creepy, but he just really really like Jimin so much. And he wants to see his greatness in
everything he do. But if they will think about it, technically he is not a stalker type.
Firs Jimin knows about him wanting his dance video, where he is bare face and sweaty, second, he
didn’t took the video illegally . It was gifted to him by his best friend. So no he is way far from being
a creepy stalker.
He cleared his throat, “Hmm.. I – I’m really not sure if you will like it but I hope you do.”
He awkwardly stated. Everyone laughed even more when he tried to act like there’s nothing

He walk in front of Taehyung and coldly gave his gift without looking. Despite of the cold demeanor,
Taehyung still accepted his gift with excitement. Showing his box like smile.

“Hyung!! Thank you.” He happily stated. He is so excited just like a little kid opening a gift for
Christmas. He opened the box and saw a denim jacket. It looks like a normal denim jacket.

He took it out from the box and turn it over. Taehyung was surprised to see the painted abstract
design of a face. The jacket look weird and very artsy just like Taehyung. It suits to his personality
very well. “Hyung this is gorgeous. I love it!” he said then hug his gift.

“I’m next. I love you so much hyung and I think you will like my gift.”

“So it’s Mingyu?” Seungkwan intervened. Taehyung is shock that Seungkwan know who is his
monito. “How do you know hyung?”

“There's only Mingyu and Jiminie left and you said hyung.” Seungkwan stated while laughing.
Taehyung's expression is from shock to pouting. “Hyung you ruined the surprise!” He cried.

All of them is laughing while seeing Taehyung sulking. He is really cute. A true baby. “Hyung.” He
said pouting. Mingyu’s heart melt with his cousin’s cuteness.

“It’s okay TaeTae. Thank you.” He said trying to cheer up the younger.

Mingyu is smiling while opening his cousin’s gift. They are all anticipating on the alien's gift. He
finally opened it and saw a pair of Rolex watch. The fist one is silver and the other is rose gold. “I
thought it would be nice if you and Wonu hyung will have a matching things.” He shyly explained.

“Aww Tae that’s so sweet!” Wonwoo said. He took the gift to have a look. It was so thoughtful for
him to consider his cousin’s partner. He know how important Wonwoo to his hyung.

“This is beautiful Tae, thank you so much.” Mingyu said. Happy with the thoughtful gift that he

“I thought about you when I saw this. I hope you like it.” Jimin is smiling wide, his eyes is also
smiling. Making someone’s heart flutter again.

Mingyu gave his gift to Jimin and it looks like it made the younger really happy, whatever the gift is.

“Hyung this is so cute!! Thanks!” Jimin happily said. He tries the ring on and it fits! It perfectly fits
to his index finger. The unique design also attracts Taehyung's attention. “Woaah! hyung, this is so
cute. Where did you buy this?” he asked. Mingyu just smiled and sip his drink.

They all received their gift and happy with it. This game will definitely become their Christmas
“Hey guys let’s have a cheers for the new year.” Seungkwan said lifting his glass. “For happy new

"FOR HAPPY NEW YEAR!" They all said unison and makes a toast. Mingyu looked at his husband
with love in his eyes.

“I will never be scared with what future brings. As long as you’re with me. “

Who's breathing??
This chapter is not as eventful as the others but you need to read carefully. There's a lot of clues in
this chaper that will be important to the other stories and chapters. congratulations of you find it. but
don't worry about that so much. everything will make sense just like what Olaf said.

For the reference for Wonwoo's birthday you can check on Youtube iKON TV ep. 2-5.

And for the ring that Mingyu bought it is Cartier Diamond Eternity Platinum ring. you can check that
on Mr. Google,

I want to discuss some things to you guys.

First, I hope you are all safe in your homes. I hope we can be safe with this virus. Please stay safe in
your home. Always wash your hands. Everything will be fine.
My country is in chaos right now. Lock down to the whole Luzon is being implemented so we're not
allowed to go out. Honestly, I'm part of that 'privilege' group. I mean I can stay safe at home without
worrying about things. But not all Filipinos are like that and I feel bad for them. I just really hope
that this crisis will end and everyone will be safe.

Second is I need your support. I've been wanting to do a sticker business. Actually it's not just sticker
but we're focusing on that now. All the designs were done by me. This is something that helps me
cope up and I want this to become something more than a hobby. I hope you can help me by just
following the Instagram page that I created. You will see there the reason why I'm not updating. the
designs are mostly about KPOP . My current design is dominated by BTS. So yeah I hope this will be
successful. I'll leave the link here.
Instagram . If the like doesn't work, you can search Koni Chingu on Instagram.

Third is: Congratulations to our boys, slaying their comeback again. Honestly I'm not feeling ON at
first but we all know BTS have that power and the track grows in my heart. Jimin and Seungkwan is
killing me with the outfits. I hope you are are alright too after watching the official MV. Let's be
happy for them.

And Lastly, I always appreciate you guys patiently waiting for the update of this book. it's been a
long journey for us and you're still there. I hoe Different Arrangement makes you happy even for a
little. I hope everyone is safe and alright. See you soon!!

Let's Fly


Chapter 46
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text


It’s already spring and everyone is enjoying seeing the sun again. The cool breeze hitting their skin.
Blooming flowers on the street and subtle shine of sunlight.

Everyone is busy doing their own things. Business, school, vacation and everything.

But Mingyu is preparing for something else.

“Hi, this is Kim Mingyu, I just want to follow up my inquiry about the event place.” He said over the
phone. “Oh yeah, that’s the date I prefer. It’s for a wedding anniversary.”

He's sitting on the couch while Wonwoo is busy preparing their dinner. “Oh.. yeah, Hmm.. actually
the I need to verify if it is allowed if the couple is same sex?” he asked.

The staff on the other line stuttered. It’s not common for them to receive as call for an event for
couples that is same sex.

Korea is quite sensitive when it comes to topic about homosexuality or people that belong to
LGBTQ+ community. Usually couples choose to celebrate wedding or anniversaries in other country
that is more open about it.

“Let me just verify that Sir, can I put the call on hold?” the staff politely asked. Mingyu said yes. He
understand that the person he's talking with needs to verify that to her higher ups.

He willing to wait if Wonwoo didn’t suddenly come out from the kitchen. “Love, dinner is ready.”

“A – actually I will just call another time. Thank you.” He said then hang up the phone.

“Who is that?” Wonwoo curiously asked. The younger's eyes were wide open, low key panicking. “N
– no one. I’m trying to order something.” He lied.

And the elder fell for that unwell delivered lie. “Okay, come on. Dinner is ready.”

They are preparing for an upcoming meeting with the directors. This said meeting is to discuss the
projects and plans that they need to accomplish this year.

Wonwoo is busy reviewing the presentation and every reports that was submitted by the marketing
team. He’s already done but one document were missing.

“Mr. Kim? Can you help me please.” He said to the intercom.

As much as they want to be a cute office couple, they decided that they need to act as professionals.
This is a training for Mingyu so Wonwoo want to teach him about work ethics, and flirting in the
office is not a good example for the younger. So until 5 p.m., they tried their best to act as boss and

“Yes Sir?” the younger said when he enter the COO’s office. “The report from the marketing team
for the last quarter of last year, I need it.” he said. Mingyu remembers that. That is the report that Mr.
Kang submitted to him a few days ago.

“Let me help you.” He said. He quickly walk on Wonwoo's side and open the last drawer on his
table. Mingyu remembered he placed that document in that exact drawer.
He’s rummaging through the pile of folder and saw a same looking manila folder. The younger smile
as he thought that this is the folder that his husband needed.

But as he saw the papers insides, it is not a report from the marketing department. It is a..

Prenuptial Agreement

Kim Mingyu

Jeon Wonwoo
He’s not sure if he’s reading it correctly. This documents is a prenuptial agreement between them and
also have their signature.

The agreement states that Wonwoo doesn't have any right or claim with Mingyu's assets. Stocks,
properties and everything else. It also states that Mingyu will have the claim of half of Wonwoo’s
property after divorce. That includes Wonwoo’s share in his father’s company.

That’s some of the things that was written on the document but there’s a lot more written in the said
agreement. And he is wondering why this paper have his signature.

“Love have you se –“ Wonwoo saw the look in his husband's face. His eyes shift from the younger to
the folder he’s holding.

“What’s this hyung??” Mingyu asked.

Wonwoo can’t answer his question. He doesn’t want him to know.

“L – love I will explain.” He said. He’s getting nervous. He doesn’t want the younger to be mad at

“You really need to explain hyung.” Mingyu said it with such cold tone. There’s a lot of things that is
running to his mind. But one thing is for sure.
He is disappointed.

“I… I don’t mean to hide from you but – “ Wonwoo didn’t finish because Mingyu's phone starts
ringing, destroys the silence in the room.

“Let’s talk about this at home. It’s time for the meeting.” He didn’t wait for his husband to answer
and walk out from Wonwoo’s office.

Wonwoo is trying so hard to control his emotions. He has a meeting to attend so he needs to collect
himself. But this is not easy when Mingyu is not there to help him.

The meeting started and everyone is paying attention to the presentation. Compared to the other
meetings that they attended, there’s no stolen glances between the two.
No love stricken stares and no secret words being exchanged with each other.

Mingyu looks like a real businessman when he’s being like this. Focused and have his whole
attention to the meeting. Mr. Kim is impressed to see his son being like this. He know that he will be
a great businessman someday if only he will choose this path just like what his father did.

But Mr. Kim also knows that there is something wrong. He know his son, and he will not be like this
if there’s nothing going on between the two.

After the meeting, Mr. Kim quickly asked Wonwoo if everything is fine. “Yes Sir. Everything is fine.
We just had little misunderstanding earlier. But don’t worry, we’ll talk about it.” he assured.

The day ended, and still Mingyu is being cold to his husband. The elder is starting to be worried. He
want to talk to him, he want to touch him, he miss him.

Mingyu is busy driving while Wonwoo feels like he’s going crazy with the situation. He thought, it is
way better if the younger talked to him, scold him or even scream at him. But this. Being in a
situation where you don’t know what will come makes him scared to death.
“Love please talk to me.” He cried. He’s almost begging but Mingyu is not responding at all. All he
want is to hear the younger's voice.

“Let’s talk about this when we get home.” He calmly stated.

And that drives Wonwoo nuts! How can he be so calm in the situation? while Wonwoo almost want
to tear his hair off with so much frustration. But he need to bare it. He did something wrong and he
know it is natiral for the younger to be angry.

They got home and Mingyu is still scarily quiet. The elder is starting to lose it.

“Love please talk to me.” He pleaded. The younger looked at him with dead eyes. “Okay. Then
explain what that document means.” He said with whole seriousness.

He's not familiar with this attitude that the younger is showing towards him. He only saw that sharp
eyes whenever it is about Lee Jae Hwan. But never towards him.

Mingyu never looked at him like that.

He doesn't like it.

And that made him even more nervous. Wonwoo is fidgeting, not knowing where to begin.

“I made that so that Mr. Kim I mean dad will agree with my proposal. That document is an assurance
that I don't have any intention to own hi - I mean your company. That includes also that you have a
share with my property after we separated. Your dad thinks it’s a safe deal so he agreed to my
proposal.” He explained. He can’t even look in his husband’s eyes.

“How did you get my signature. I don’t remember signing any documents before the wedding
hyung.” His cold voice makes the elder's heart pound. He doesn’t like this.

“I.. r – remember that day when you hurt yourself. My first day as a T.A for Professor Lee, I invited
you to my place for lunch. After lunch, y - you took a pain killer and that made you drowsy, you’re
almost asleep by that time when I asked you to sign some paper for me. The ef-effect of the pain
killer is starting to work so you didn’t ask what is it for then sign it. That is the document that you
signed that day,.” He felt regret. He know that he tricked Mingyu and that was completely wrong.

“Wonu that’s fraud! You made me sign something without my proper consent! Do you know how
wrong that is?” the elder flinched.

Being yelled at and being called by his name without honorific is not sitting well to Wonwoo. But he
know he deserve that.

“I.. I – I’m sorry Mingyu. I didn’t mean to lie to you. Forgive me please.” He pleaded.
Mingyu don’t know how he will deal with this. He sat on the couch, allowing his body to relax after
a very long day. He needed that.

“I.. I don’t know what to feel honestly. I feel betrayed by you. You can simply asked me to sign that
shit and yet you chose to tricked me. Why do you need to do that Wonu?” his voice is full of

“I – I thought it doesn’t matter. I made that agreement so that your father will be convinced that I
mean no harm to you and the company.” He felt really bad with everything.

"It does! It dies matter to me! to us! it supposed to matter to you. because this is our relationship, our
life, not just a business deal. Y - You have plenty of time to tell me about this. I wished I never found
out this way."

Mingyu breathe. This is so exhausting. “J – just... Can you let me think? I – I’ll just need to arrange
my thoughts then we’ll talk again. Okay.” He calmly said.

Wonwoo doesn’t want to let it go. He want their misunderstanding to be resolve as soon as possible.
But he know the the younger needs his space to breathe. And pushing a conversation is not the right
thing to do so needs he let it go for now.

“Okay. I’ll be upstairs. Just call me if you need anything.” He said. Wonwoo started walking when
he look back to his husband.
He looks sad.

“Mingyu - ah.” He called. The younger slowly looked at him. “I love you.” He said then left.

Mingyu's thoughts were a mess. It makes him mentally exhausted. He needs a drink.

He grabs a beer from the fridge and unceremoniously drink it. He want to hold Wonwoo right now,
He missed him. But he still felt betrayed with what he did.

He's continuously thinking, then he remember the first time they met. How Wonwoo desperately
grabbed his wrist to explain their situation. He remembered that time, he was so impressed yet felt
bad for his husband when he heard his decision to marry a stranger to protect his sister. When he visit
their home and how Mr. Jeon treated his own son like he is nothing.

Hearing degrading words from his own father. That time, when Wonwoo said that he might as well
use sexual orientation to help his father and all the employees and their family. How he felt when he
saw Jihoon hurt him and when he said that he’s so tired of begging people to love him.

Every time he saw the pain in Wonwoo’s eyes. His tears, the way he cries, that times he saw him
crumbles because of the memories that haunts him over and over again. Wonwoo always thought that
he doesn’t deserve to be happy. Mingyu remembers all of that.

All the pain they shared.

Then questions started to appear in his mind. ‘What if we didn’t fell in love? What if we stick to the
original plan?’
‘What id I have a chance to stay away from him?’

‘What if I didn't love him?’

All this what if’s in Mingyu’s mind will remain as unanswered questions.
“Maybe even if I’ll be given a chance to change our destiny, I will still choose to love you.” He

Mingyu smiled to his thoughts. He realize that even if he will have a chance to start over again, he
will still choose Wonwoo in every lifetime.

Because Wonwoo is...

Wonwoo is his home.

That made him smile even more. He remembered those times that he's in excruciating pain and how
barely held on. Those time he wish this is not the situation they have. How he wants to be happy and
forget everything that is keeping them away from happiness.

Mingyu remembered those times that he wants and almost gave up. And the voice in his mind asking
him ‘Is it worth it?’
“It is.”

“He is worth it.”

Mingyu went to their bedroom. He saw Wonwoo curled on his bedside. Even the way his body was
curled reflects on what he's feeling.

He know that Wonwoo is regretting his actions. And he forgives him.

He’ll always forgive him.

The younger hugged him from behind, making the elder jolt. “Still awake?” the younger asked.

The elder move a little to find a comfortable position. “Yeah can’t sleep without you.” he admitted.
The younger tighten his hold to his husband, making the elder feel the comfort of his warmth.
“Are you okay?” Wonwoo asked. He doesn’t want his husband to be mad at him but it is more
important that Mingyu is alright.

“Yeah. I just need some time to think and breathe I guess.” He answered.

His calm voice is like a lullaby for the elder's anxious heart. Making it feel safe and comforted.

“I’m sorry love. I know I did wrong please forg – “

“Shhh.. it’s okay love. Just don’t do it again okay. I know you have your reason why you did that, but
things changed. Our situation is different now. So you don’t need to hide anything from me. And you
know I love you right?”

Wonwoo nodded, he felt the younger's lips on the top of his head. “Of course I know that very well.
And I won’t lie to you anymore.”

The younger held him even more tighter. Feeling Mingyu like this is enough for him.
“He is enough.”

Hi my Lovely readers!! I hope you enjoy this short chapter.

I also hope for you guys to be safe. Please stay at home and always wash your hand.

I always want to thank all of you for patiently waiting for updates. We'vw been together for so long
and Different Arrangement is nearing its end. I hope you guys will be with us until the end.
Also, I'm going to write a new story. The title is False Hopes. it is a Jikook fanfic, but I'm also
plannong to sumbit oit as a manuscrip. False Hopes is not included to tis series.

And also please support this IG page Koni Chingu

See you!!!

Let's Fly


Chapter 47
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

“You’re going to propose to him?!” Taehyung screamed in the middle of the coffee shop. His deep
voice disturb the peacefulness that made the other customer look at their direction.

“Yes I will. But can you please stop announcing it to the world? This is suppose to be a secret.” His
cousin scold him.

The older Kim tried his best to do the preparation for the proposal all by himself. But then he realize
that it's just impossible.

He did a lot of surprise for his husband and they are all successful.

But this one is different. He want to ask Wonwoo to marry him again. He want it to be perfect and

Good thing he have a perfect set o f friends to help him.

“Woah hyung you’re so sweet! Such a perfect husband.” Taehyung teased. Namjoom just let him, he
always let his cousin get away whenever he’s teasing him. Jungkook and Jimin were quietly looking
at the two.
Mingyu decided to ask allhis dongsaeng for help. Jimin and Jungkook would be helpful because they
know pretty much everything about his husband.

“Do you have a ring already?” Taehyung excitedly asked. He’s literally bouncing with so much
excitement. “Yup, I bought it on Switzerland.” He answered then pulled out a box from his pocket.

The three wow–ed as they see the sparkling diamonds that decorates the ring. It shines as the ray of
sun reflects on it. Such an amazing ring, it suits in Wonwoo’s simple yet fun personality.

“Hyung this is beautiful! Wonu hyung will definitely like this. Good choice.” Jimin complemented.
The other two agrees, although Jungkook is not saying a word, it is obvious that he like the ring as
well. They can see it in his eyes.

“So what’s the plan?” Jungkook asked. If Mingyu is being honest, he still doesn’t have a plan. He
tried to book an event place but now he’s having a second thought about that.

He want his proposal to be perfect. He want it to be magical and unforgettable. This is for him so his
vision is important but because it is a surprise, he needs to find other way.

And the best way he thought is his two dongsaeng sitting in front of him. Jungkook and Jimin knows
Wonwoo even before him. Jungkook grew up with his husband so he definitely know what Wonwoo

“I’m not actually sure. I want it like a small party but it can be overwhelming for him.” He answered.
“Yeah, Wonu hyung doesn’t like over the top things. It can be simple but still suit on hyung’s taste.”
Jungkook added. Mingyu is right, him and Jimin will be very helpful.

“But you know what hyung, Wonu hyung will appreciate your surprise, in any way you did it. He
loves you so much. He will definitely like it. Don’t stress yourself too much okay.”
“That’s true hyung. And we are here to help you.” Taehyungcheerfully said. Mingyu felt relieved. He
thinks they can pull this off.

They continued their meeting. Checking different places and restaurants that can be rented for the
surprise. “Hyung what about this.” Jimin said and gave his phone to Mingyu.

“That place is beautiful. It’s a small garden usually used as venur for wedding or photo shoot."
Mingyu is checking the place's website. It does look beautiful in photos. But he want to see it

“Yeah, this place looks great in picture but can we check this? I want to see it like in personal.” he
asked. The younger smiled. “Sure hyung. I’ll call them to book an appointment. Do you have a
specific date in mind?”

The elder thought about it. He want the proposal to happen in their anniversary which is next month.

“The proposal will be on our anniversary. And that’s seven weeks from today.”

“Your anniversary?!” Taehyung screamed again. The other customer were giving them judgmental
look. The three felt embarrass with Taehyung’s loud voice.

"Can you please Tae. People were looking at us!” Mingyu whispered.

“Oh hyung, I don’t care about them. But your anniversary and you’re going to propose to Wonwoo
hyung?! Isn’t that so sweet Kookie, Jiminie?” he said. There’s heart in his eyes.
“That is surely sweet hyung. You love surprising Wonu hyung. He’s lucky with you.” Jimin

They noticed a pink blush dusting Mingyu’s face. He’s not used to hear those words from other
people aside from his husband.

“Stop it Jiminah. Hyung deserves this. And it made me happy as well. So its no big deal.” He

“Yup. He deserve this. I’m just happy hyung. He’s never been like this for years. And you came and
make everything possible.” Jimin sigh. They suddenly went silent especially Jungkook and Mingyu.

Thinking about Wonwoo gives a combination of pain and happiness in their hearts. That person that
are so special for them. Thinking about everything he’s been through makes their hearts ache. But
seeing his genuine smile makes their heart flutter.

They love Wonwoo so much.

“Can we please stop being sentimental here or I will cry.” Taehyung said as he break the silence.

His cute pout made Jungkook, Jimin and Mingyu smile. He’s another precious person they always
want to see smiling, especially the youngest.

“Anyway, do you have specific that you want hyung. Anything that you want to incorporate with the
“If it will be in a garden, fairy lights is a must. And I like to have something like a memory lane. You
know that, different pictures of us together and of course with you guys. And also I want a pathway
decorated with with rose petals. Same like what they do in church wedding.”

“That sounds wonderful hyung. We can search some inspiration photos in the internet then gave it to
the organizers. Would you like to hire an event organizer? But we can definitely do it on our own.
Right Jungkook?”

Jungkook was startled when he suddenly heard his name. He is busy flirting with his boyfriend.

“Seriously you two? Are you with us or you’re on a date?” Jimin scolds.

The couple blinked their eyes, trying to act innocent. “Hyung you know I’m not good with this kind
of things. This is your forte, not mine. I can help you in other way, but not this.” the youngest

On the other side. Taehyung just doesn’t care at all. He knows Jimin can handle this kind of things so
he’s just here for support and the cake.

“So what kind of help can you provide?” Jimin strictly asked. He has those eyes again. Jungkook
hates when his hyung is on business mode.

“I don’t know. I can take pictures?” he suggested. That doesn’t sound bad in Mingyu’s opinion.
“That’s great. Can you record the proposal? I mean pictures, video and everything?” he asked.

“Y – yeah, I can do that.” He confirmed. “My boyfriend is so talented.” Taehyung proudly stated.
“We know Tae. But we will also appreciate if you help us with this.” Jimin scolded his friend.

Mingyu is amazed with Jimin’s strict attitude with this. He’s always cheerful and cute but when he
means business, he can be scary. A perfect balance with Jihoon’s attitude.

“Jiminah, let’s just hire people. I don’t want to bother you too much.” Mingyu said. “Hyung this is
nothing. And this is for Wonu hyung so I don’t mind. But sure we can hire people. Do you have
someone you prefer?” he asked.

“No. I don’t know anyone doing this.” He answered. “Oh that's fine. We have a lot of options for
this. I also have friends that have business like this. I can ask them. But we can decide that next
time.” He excitedly said

“Really Jiminie how many is your friends?” Taehyung sassed.

“That’s because I’m friendly Tae. And people like me.” He confidently answered.

“That’s because they didn’t know that you’re mean.”the other countered. “Yah! I’m not mean.”

“You are hyung. You’re always mean to me!” Jungkook added. “No I’m not! You’re the one who is
mean to me. You always say I’m short!” Jimin reasoned.

Mingyu find his dongsaeng’s bickering cute. “I'm not being mean, I'm being honest. You are short!
You’re even shorter than me!” Jungkook reasoned.
“You! I will tell that to Wonu hyung. I’ll make sure he will scold you both until your ears bleed.”

“Speaking of Wonu hyung, where is he?” Taehyung asked.

It is Sunday today so no work. It is rare for them to see Mingyu without Wonwoo with him. “He’s
with his Jisoo. She want to go out with him.”

“Hyung, let me take care of this okay. I will update you about the progress, and just message me with
your preferred day to visit the venue.

“Sure Jimin. Thank very much you're a great help.” Mingyu said. “No biggie hyung. I love helping
my friends.” He said smiling. The other two doesn’t care with their surroundings. They’re just happy
flirting like they are really in a date.

“I’m sorry but I need to go now.” Mingyu said as he pack his things.

"It's fine hyung. We're already done anyway. Just message me if you need anything!"

Spring season made his afternoon stroll even more enjoyable. Flowers blooming and the cool kiss of
the wind, the weather makes his mood even better.

Wonwoo suddenly came to this mind. He miss him. It would be great of they will have enough time
to enjoy the spring season. He imagined his husband smiling while enjoying watching the flowers
falling from the tree. A date in Han river sounds good as well. It’s funny that Wonwoo is the only
one he can think of nowadays. He always want to see him even thought they are literally with each
other everyday.

Wonwoo can make his morning perfect with his smile. His homemade meal always fill not just
Mingyu’s stomach but also his heart.

‘Is it possible to be in love with someone like this?’ he asked himself. He doesn’t know and he
doesn’t care. All he cares about is how happy they are.

His phone buzzing pulled him out from his daydream. It’s the person that occupies his mind.

“Hi Love.” He greets.

“Hi Gyuie. I’m home. Are you going to stay late?” his sweet voice soothes Mingyu’s ear.

“No. I'm on my way home.” He answered with a smile on his face. “That’s perfect. I’ll make us
dinner.” The elder excitedly said.

Nothing will ever beat a home cooked meal made by the person you love the most.

“I like that Love. Thank you.” He said. “Just be home okay. I love you.” The elder said.

“I love you too so much.” the younger answered. He feel like they are in a romantic drama,
confessing their love for each other over the phone. “Hurry okay. Be safe.” Wonwoo added.
“I will. I love you.” Then they ended the call.

That call with his husband made Mingyu's blissful. He felt like his life with Wonwoo is already
perfect. All he want is everything to lasts.

He arrive on their home and the first thing that welcome him is the mouth-watering aroma of the
food that his husband is preparing. Mingyu felt his tummy rumble with hunger.

“I’m home.” He announce.Wonwoo in the kithen, preparing their dinner. Even his back looks

“Hi Love.” He whispered as he held him from behind. Wonwoo jump a little but its fine. “Hello.
How’s your day?” the elder asked.

“It’s fine. But I miss you.” Then steal a quick kiss on the other's lips. Wonwoo can’t help but smile.
His husband looks adorable when he’s acting like a baby.

“Ohh.. my husband miss me.” he cooed. The younger brightly smiled.

To be with the person he loves the most, that’s the only thing that he want and needs. And that is his
Wonwoo is his dream.

From: Jimin

Hyung, I already set an appointment to that event place. I will send you the address, then just tell me
if you need anything okay.

To: Jimin

Thank you Jiminah. For helping me.

From: Jimin

Anything for my favorite hyung! Good luck! Fighting!

Mingyu receive the message from Jimin three days after their meeting. He was impressed with his
dongsaeng. Jimin really knows a lot when it comes to this kind of things. He makes everything easy.

“Who is that?” Wonwoo suddenly asked. The younger's heart skips beat. “N – no one. Just an old
friend.” He stuttered.

He looks suspicious in Wonwoo’s opinion but he just let it side.

It’s just an old friend.

They are in their way home when he remembered his appointment to the event place and that would
be for tomorrow.

“Love, I need to go somewhere tomorrow.” He informed. “Where?” Wonwoo questions. He noticed

how tense his husband’s expression becomes.

“I’m going to meet .... Jihoon hyung. He’s asking for my help for a track he’s working on.” He
nervously answered. Wonwoo became more specious about Mingyu’s action.

“Can I come? We don’t have work tomorrow so I’m free.” He suggested. Mingyu is panicking.
Wonwoo can’t go with him or the surprise will be gone.

“Ahhh Love I – I think we’ll finish a little bit late and you’ll definitely get bored in Jihoon hyung’s
studio.” He reasoned.
Wonwoo can see that his husband is not saying the truth. He wonder why he needs to lie to him.

What’s going on?

“O – okay, I’ll just visit eomma tomorrow.” He said.

Wonwoo wants to know what’s really going on, but he’s worried that it will just cause a fight, so he
just let it go again.

Mingyu went out early, his appointment is 10 a.m. and it’s on the other part of Seoul. He needs to
hurry up.

He arrive on the place on time.He is impressed with the exterior. it looks chic and rustic but in a good

As he went inside the lobby, he was greeted by the person on the front desk.

“Good morning Sir, how can I help you today?” the receptionist politely greeted.
“Yeah, my friend book an appointment for 10 a.m.” he answered. The receptionist look on her
computer to confirm that. “Mr. Kim Mingyu?”

“That’s me.” He answered. She assist him inside and introduce to another staff. “Hi Mr. Kim. I’m
Lee Eunji. The event coordinator here.”

Mingyu visited the place and as Jimin said, the garden looks amazing. It is spring season, so flowers
were blooming everywhere. This is exactly how he imagine it. This place is perfect for his proposal.

He is lucky that the company also offers event styling. It will be much easier for them. Eunji helps
him in choosing the even't decoration that they will set up. He also requested to incoporate the
memory lane that he wants. Which is series of pictures of two of them and their family and friends.

Mingyu thought, it will be a cute idea to relive their memories together with the use of photos.

For the design of the garden, he want it to be simple. He want a pathway made with flower petals.
Candles and fairy light and an arch on the end where he will bend his knee and ask the big question.

Almost everything is settled,just the finishing touches and they are all done.

Taehyung will be in charged in informing Mingyu’s parents. Him and Mr. Kim’s relationship is
doing fine but he still needs Taehyung to deal with them.

Jungkook will immortalize the moment using his camera that was gifted by Wonwoo. It will be such
an amazing moment and he want something that will brought him back in the memory.
Jimin is the person in charge with everything. Mingyu also provide his contact information just in
case he is not available.

So everything is perfect all they need to do is wait for the d – day.

Finally its the d –day. Mingyu is excited but nervous at the same time. Everyone already know what
will happen except Wonwoo.

He needs to lie again. He said that Jihoon is asking for his help again and he needs to go.

Wonwoo is torn if he will ask his husband about what’s going on. But he didn’t have that chance
because the younger is rushing out of their door.

‘What is happening?’
Because of the things going on in his mind, he totally forget that today is their first wedding
anniversary. He’s stuck at home all day, trying to entertain himself to forget Mingyu’s absence.

Around 4 p.m. he receive a call from Jimin. "Hyung!” the younger greeted “Oh Jiminah,” the
younger sounds happy. “Hyung can you come with me?” Jimin requested.

“Where?” he wonder why he’s the one Jimin is asking. Usually the younger will ask Jungkook first,
and now Taehyung became his friend as well. Not that Jimin doesn’t like Wonwoo’s company, its
just that, the younger knows he's busy with the company.

“It’s my friend’s wedding anniversary and they invited me to go. But I don’t have someone to go
with. Can you go with me?” Jimin tried so hard not to laugh with the obvious hints he’s giving away.

“Sure, but I need to tell Namjo - ,”

“No need to tel Mingyu hyung. I already asked him.” Jimin playfully said. Wonwoo feels weird.

‘He talked with Mingyu? When?’

“Okay hyung. Thank you. Wear something beautiful okay. I’ll pick you up by five. Okay. Bye.”
Then Jimin ended the call.
Wonwoo felt a little left out when he heard that Jimin already talked with his husband. Usually he
asked him first.

Then he remembered those times where he saw Mingyu secretly texting someone. He always hides
his phone and tell its not important. Mingyu became secretive than before.

He tried to ease his mind. Wonwoo thought he’s just being paranoid. Of course Mingyu have the
right and freedom to talk to Jimin or anyone else. But that doesn’t do anything to calm his worried

What if... just what if... what if Mingyu is having an secret affair with someone else.

That thought worsen Wonwoo’s mood. He can feel anxiety in his system. Imagining his husband
loving someone else made him want to vomit.

But that’s not impossible to happen, he thouhgt.

He know how Mingyu put up so much with his shit. His past, his mental state, his family, everything
about him needs a lot of work, and he’s not going to be shock if one day his husband will just walk
out of his life and never comeback. Mingyu is a great man and he can easily find someone that can
take care of him.

Wonwoo wants to cry because of his thoughts. He want to slap himself for thinking those things.
Mingyu will not cheat on him, he knows that but his mind can’t stop.

All this made Wonwoo’s mood sour. He doesn't want to come with Jimin anymore. But he already
gave his word and he doesn’t want to disappoint his friend.
Thirty minutes before five, Wonwoo is already dressed. He’s in a plain black suit with black silky
dress shirt, black pants and shoes. He’s not friends with the couple so it will be awkward if he’ll
arrive in theie wedding party overdressed.

He’s trying his best to stop thinking about the idea that keeps stressing him out but he can’t win
against his own mind.

Jimin arrive later than the time he said but it is Jimin, he’s usually late and Wonwoo is already use to

“Hyung you look stunning. I’m sure everyone will look at you.”

There’s a hidden meaning in the younger's words. Of course people will look at him. This,
everything is for him.

“Stop sweet talking to me Jimin. You’re late!” Wonwoo scolds. “Aren’t you worried you’ll miss
your friend’s party?” Wonwoo added as they enter Jimin’s car. to his relief Jimin have a driver.

“Don’t worry hyung, the party will not start until we arrive.” The younger playfully said. Jimin can’t
contain his excitement. If only he can tell everything to his hyung!

“What? Why? Oh my god Jimin! Are you the host?” Wonwoo said.

His hyung doesn’t have any idea. Jimin is enjoying this.

“No hyung, but I help with the preparations.” He said. “And stop worrying. No one will be mad at
It sounds suspicious. Wonwoo keeps wondering why people around him is acting suspicious.

They arrive on the venue two hours and ten minutes later. Wonwoo didn’t expect that the place were
located on the opposite side of Seoul. He’s starving, he forgot to eat because of his thoughts that
keeps bothering him.

He notice the place, the exterior looks amazing, it’s homey. But he also notice that there’s only few
cars on the parking area.

That’s weird. Its a wedding and it’s impossible that the guests doesn’t own private cars.

“Jiminie are you sure this is the venue? It looks like no one’s here.” The younget gave him a
meaningful smile. “Don’t worry hyung everyone is already here.”

“Wait, what? I don’t understand Jiminie.” He’s hesitating to enter the place.

“Hyung stop worrying okay. Just follow me.” Jimin went inside and he followed him.

They enter a door and Wonwoo is surprised. The place was decorated with blue and white fairy
lights, it looks beautiful like in a fairy tale.

“Where are we?” he asked. “You will know hyung.”

Wonwoo didn’t notice that he is walking all by himself. He’s too immersed with the beauty of the
lights that he didn’t notice his friend.

He continued walking, not knowing where to go. The blue and white lights were already gone as he
reach a little bridge. He cross that bridge and saw a rustic- looking wood board with letters painted in
white paint saying

‘Our memories’

Wonwoo was stunned as he saw pictures of him and Mingyu attached to a strip of white cloth. The
whole pathway was decorated with pictures that they accumulated over a year. It looks even better
with the fairy lights.

He remember every moment that was on the picture. One picture is them dancing on ice when
Mingyu surprise him in the Lotte World. That looks magical, he doesn't know who took that.

Another one is when they for went out to eat. One was captured in Switzerland. Then picture with
their friends. Their double date with Taehyung and Jungkook. And pictures of the simple dates that
they have. Where they're enjoying each other company while sipping a hot or cold coffee in a coffee
He felt like he’s on a time machine because of all memories flooding in his mind. Those memories
that he will cherish every day.

Then he notice the biggest photo in the end of the memory lane. Its on top of a wooden easel.
Wonwoo’s heart skip a beat as he saw that piture.

It is their picture while Mingyu is kissing him on their wedding day.

It looks great, they look adorable on that photo. He remembered that time, their wedding day. He’s so
nervous that he almost pass out. But Mingyu held him, calm him down and even offered to stop
everything so that he can rest.

He remembered that time how they had their own world by just looking at each other. Then they just
came back when the judge announce about the kiss.

Wonwoo remembered how soft and warm his husband’s lips against his skin.

He doesn’t know what to feel. This memories felt overwhelming.

Then everything suddenly made sense. Mingyu’s suspicious behavior, the messages, Jimin’s words.
Now he finally understand the situation.

It is a surprise for him.

As the memory lane ends, he was welcomed by flower petals scattered in the ground. Those white
rose petal leads a pathway.

He saw Jimin then Jungkook taking pictures. Taehyung, Jihoon, Seungkwan, Jisoo and his parents
standing on the side. He also noticed Mingyu’s parents. They are all standing on the side of the
pathways looking and smiling at him.
Then he saw him.

Mingyu is standing on the end waiting for him with encouraging gaze towards him. His smile looks
genuine. His eyes telling Wonwoo that he loves him.

Emotions suddenly floods Wonwoo’s heart. Everything is for him.

Always for him.

Mingyu looked at him. Wonwoo will always be the most perfect in his eyes and no one can change

He can feel emotions inside him. His husband looks perfect while walking on that flowery path.
Their hard work feels worth it as he saw him touched.
Mingyu doesn’t know if he is allowed to feel like this. Or if anyone is allowed to feel what he’s
feeling right now.

Wonwoo is now standing in front of him. Feeling the same emotion he has.

“Hi.” He sweetly greeted.

“You made this for me?” Wonwoo uttered.

“I want to surprise you. Do you like it?” he hates to see his husband crying but this tears, this is the
most beautiful diamonds that his eyes laid upon on.

He held Wonwoo’s hand and pull him to the center.

“First of all, I want to say sorry if I’m acting weird this past few weeks. I know you noticed that but
still you trusted me. I just want this surprise to be perfect. I didn’t mean to lie to you. And the reason
why we’re here today is to celebrate our first year being together."

"I remember the same day last year, we are friends but far from being a lovers. I don’t know you that
much, but now I can say that we know each other well. On the past year a lot of things happen.
Victories, challenges, failure, misunderstanding, celebration and everything else. Challenges push us
to be strong, even though we almost felt like giving up. Both of us hold each other tight, comfort
each other and became the other one's best alley. We see each other cry, smile, be scared, and I can
say that it push us to become a better person.”

Mingyu can feel tears gathering around his eyes. “But the best thing that happened is that we fell in
love. We all know why we are placed in this kind of arrangement. At first I’m furious with not
having a choice. But then you came.” He breathe.
“Without me knowing, you became the best gift that was given to me. I found my happiness in you.
All my dreams came true with you by my side. I know there are times that we’re having a hard time
but it all became bearable because you’re there to support me.” Now he is crying while looking in his
husband’s face.

“And now I want to make a choice for myself. I want to marry the person that I love and that is you. I
can have millions and millions of options but I will always choose you."

"Please allow me to be with you and held your hand as long as I can. I want to marry you for the
right reason and be with you always.”

Then Mingyu did it. He pull the box out of his pocket and bend his knee.

“Love, will you marry me again?”

No one that time can hold their tears with Mingyu’s words. Their love is beautiful and everyone is
happy for them. They’re waiting for Wonwoo’s answer then everything will be perfect.

Wonwoo shifted his look between Mingyu and the beautiful ring in front of him. He is full of

Then suddenly;
“I’m sorry.”

Who’s breathing?

Please don’t kill me my lovely readers. I hope you like this chapter. Its amazing that I finish this
while watching Bang Bang Con..
I also hope that you’re safe in your home. Everything will be fine don’t worry.
I really hope you guys like this. Tell me your thoughts.
You can also check False Hope.

Let’s Fly


Chapter 48
This chapter's OST is Tonight by Wonu. Enjoy!!!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

"I'm sorry."

He ran away.

Everyone is shock as they watched Wonwoo be gone. They stood frozen especially Mingyu who is
still on his knees, offering his heart for his husband.

And he didn't accept it.

He didn't.

"Jungkook." Mingyu called. Everyone heard his voice and look at him with so much pity in their
eyes. "Can you please follow him." The younger stared at him with wide eyes. "S – sure hyung." He
answered then followed his hyung.

Mingyu noticed his friends and family looking at him. He doesn't like it. But its natural.

"Everyone, I – I'm sorry with what happened. Please be safe going home. Excuse me." Then he left.

Taehyung want to hug his cousin. He don't understand what is happening. All he know is his hyung
is in pain right now.

In an excruciating pain.

"Hyung I'll go with y –" Taehyung said. "No Tae, I need to be alone." He sadly answered. Mingyu's
expression is something that his cousin have never seen in his life. It is a mixture of pain, feeling lost
and disappointment.

Mingyu didn't mind his mother's voice calling him. He doesn't care about the world right now.

After thirty minutes, Wonwoo and Mingyu's parents head home. They are lost like everybody else.
Their friends stayed.

Taehyung is furious. His eyes are sharp. "What are we going to do now?" Seungkwan asked
awkwardly. "I don't know either." Jihoon answered.
"This is all Wonu hyung's fault!" the youngest hissed. Jimin gave him a meaningful look, wanting
him to shut up. "What? That's true! It is his fault!" he screamed.

"Tae please stop this. Its not helping." There's warning in Jimin's voice. "Stop defending him Jimin!
He's always like this! He always make Mingyu hyung miserable!" the younger accused.

Jimin suddenly lose his cool and grab Taehyung. "You don't know him. You don't have any idea
what he's been through." He dangerously said with a piercing gaze towards his friend.

"Yah! That's enough!" Seungkwan scolds, they tried to separate the two but no one wants to give up.

"But he doesn't have the right to hurt Mingyu hyung. You saw what he's been through when he
almost lost Wonu hyung. He took care of him, he gave everything he got just to protect him. He
doesn't deserve this." There tears in Taehyung's eyes.

Jimin understand his point. He know the challenges that Mingyu chose to face just to be with his
Wonu hyung. He's also disappointed with his him, but they don't know his the reason behind his

"You two, that's enough." Jihoon warned.

Jimin release Taehyung from his hold. They all know they're feeling the same thing. But their
emotions doesn't matter in times like this. What matter the most is Mingyu and Wonwoo. They are
the most hurting in the situation.

Jimin decided to follow Wonwoo and Jungkook. Jihoon, Seungkwan and Taehyung tried to look for
Mingyu. They found him in drinking alone in a bar. Even from behind, they can see how miserable
he's feeling.

"Mingyu." Jihoon called. The younger didn't look behind. What they saw broke their hearts even

Mingyu is downing a bottle of whiskey and on his other is holding the ring he bought for Wonwoo.

His friends sat down with him. They can't offer anything than their presence. The three doesn't know
the right thing to say.

If there's right thing to say.

It can be seen in his eyes, how much pain he's bearing. "I'm sure Wonwoo hyung hav – "
"Did I do something wrong?"

His question made his friends look at each other. They want to say he didn't do anything wrong. But
it doesn't feel right for them to say those words when they don't have any idea of Wonwoo's reason.

Jihoon drink with him, Seungkwan didn't join because they need someone to drive them home.
Taehyung is also just watching his hyungs, wants to say something but he held himself. He knows
there's nothing he can do to help his cousin.

After two bottles of whiskey, Mingyu is already wasted. He's mumbling words that they can't
decipher. Jihoon on the other hand is drunk but he can manage himself.

Taehyung and Seungkwan need to help Mingyu because he can't walk straight because of too much
liquor in his system.

They decided to let him crash in Jihoon's apartment . They thought the situation can worsen if they'll
take Mingyu home, drunk.

People do stupid things when they are under the influence of alcohol and they don't want that to
happen with their friend.

They arrive in Jihoon's apartment and they immediately place Mingyu to the guest room. He's still
bubbling words. Taehyung remove his cousin's suit and shoes, he feel bad for him.

The younger is almost out of the door when he heard Mingyu.

"Love don't leave me please."

Taehyung almost failed to hold his tears. His hyung is talking in his slumber begging his husband to
not leave him.

But he already did.

Mingyu woke up with a splitting headache. But there's nothing more painful than what happened last

"Are you awake?" Jihoon's voice interrupt his thoughts."Hyung." he tried standing up but his hissed
with pain.

"Come on, I prepared coffee for us." the elder said then close the door. Mingyu follow him out of the
guest room and make their own coffee.

They are in a comfortable silence, sipping their coffee while thinking about things.

"You know hyung have a reason right?" Jihoon asks. Mingyu then again remember everything that
happened last night.

He doesn't know what to feel towards his husband. He thought everything is alright between them.

"Yeah. I know. But I don't know if I can see him today without losing my mind. I think I need some
time away. I need to think, arrange my thoughts then asses myself." the younger simply said.

Jihoon know his friend is trying to be strong but he hopes that Mingyu allowed himself to let go the
emotions that he's keeping inside him.
Because of Wonwoo's condition, and being the person that help him with his episodes, Mingyu
unknowingly learned to put his emotions aside. There are times that he want to be mad or be sad or
feel pity for himself but he always disregards those because he need to help his husband.

He's too busy taking care of Wonwoo that he didn't notice that he is slowly breaking.

"What's your plan?" His friend seriously asked. "I don't know. Lay low for now. I need time for
myself. Maybe I'll stay in my apartment for now. I really need time hyung." He breathes.

"That's good. Just take time as much as you need. Everything will be alright.You just need to hang in
there." He said. He felt that that giving reassuring words is the only thing he can do for his dear

He just hopes he doesn't need to watch his friends hurting anymore.


Its almost a week after that failed marriage proposal and the couple is still not talking to each other.
Mingyu is staying in his apartment while Wonwoo is in their home. Jungkook insisted to be with him
for the meantime and he doesn't have the energy to stop his him anymore.

They are both miserable.

Wonwoo is far from being fine. He felt like half of him is missing. He miss his husband so much.
He's aching from not having the person that became a huge part of his everyday life. His eyes lost its
shine and there's a big hole in his chest that's spreading in his entire body.
Its starting to affect his work. Not having an assistant is a difficult situation but not having your
husband is the worse.

He's trying to act fine but his whole being is screaming of sorrow. Even the people in office noticed,
the Dark circles under his eyes with lack of sleep. Sudden weight loss, always looking gloomy
everyday. They want to know what happened but Wonwoo doesn't care about them. All he want right
now is Mingyu.

Mingyu is the one he needs. His warmth, touch, words, everything. He only wants his husband back.

Its exactly one week after the proposal, Wonwoo is feeling numb. He tried his best to have a decent
amount of sleep but his mind wouldn't let him.

Their closet is the place that he felt safe in times he's feeling vulnerable. It's the place where he can
cry as long as he needs. Where he can be who he really is. Broken, weak, damaged.

And this is the place Mingyu held him and pick up his broken pieces.

He remember those things they did on that exact spot. He doesn't know how many time Mingyu's
clothes got drenched with his tears. He remembered how gentle the younger is in touching his skin,
how his lullaby put him into a deep sleep.

Wonwoo remembered the times that he almost give up and how his husband fight for both of them.

This is the place he fight his silent battle while Mingyu is holding him, protecting him from the harsh
world. Here, he heard the encouraging words that the younger whispered to his ears. This is the place
where Mingyu saw the ugliest part of him and yet treated him like the most precious thing in the

Mingyu's sincere smile that gives him hope. His delicate touch that made him feel that he's still alive
and his loving embrace that help him to be whole again.

He is in the same place but it doesn't feel the same.

Their closet cannot give him the safety that he felt before. It's cold, dark and quite. Then he realize
something. This closet is not his safe place,
Mingyu is his safe place.

His realization bring him in to tears. 'How can I not realize that sooner?' he thought.

Wonwoo is sobbing. He regret taking everything for granted. He's too busy minding his own pain
that he never, even ones tried to look in Mingyu's direction. He didn't mean to hurt his husband like

But he still did.

And now he want him back.

Wonwoo tried so hard to sleep. He already tried every sleeping position he can think of but nothing

After his attempt, the younger throw away every medicine they have in their cabinet. He's scared that
will happen again and this time he's not be there to save him.
His eomma says that warm milk can help him to relax and sleep so he tried getting some from the

On his way, he noticed Jungkook on the living room still watching. He looks serious even though the
movie playing is a romance comedy.

"You should sleep Kookie. Its already late." He said. Jungkook didn't bat an eye on him and just
continue watching. After getting a galss of milk, Wonwoo sat beside his dongsaeng. Its been a while
since they had a time like this. Just the two of them.

"Hyung why you ran away?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

Wonwoo froze with the younger's question. "He ask our help for the proposal you know. Me, Jimin
hyung and Taehyung. He looks happy that day. He bought that ring from Switzerland and he ask me
to took pictures pf his proposal." Jungkook simply told.

He doesn't know Jungkook's intention why he's telling this but felt sorry. Wonwoo thought about the
effort and time that Mingyu spent for the preparations. He's now seeing how fucked up the situation

"There's something that they didn't tell you." The younger looked at him with serious eyes.

"When you got admitted in the hospital, that night he didn't left. He stayed in the waiting area until
you were transferred in your room. He told us that you promised to make dinner for him. He's
looking forward to that." He stated. Wonwoo only know that Mingyu did wait for him until he wake
up. But the where doctors are busy pumping out the substance in his body, he doesn't have idea what
happened to them.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just thought you need to know." Wonwoo keeps wondering why Jungkook is doing
this. Maybe he's trying to do some guilt tripping with him.

"And there's another thing they didn't tell you. I didn't know this either but Taehyung's mouth slip
and I asked him to tell me everything." He look at his hyung's eyes.

"While you're staying in the hospital, we haven't seen Mingyu hyung until the day you're allowed to
go home right? We're wondering where he went, why he's not visiting you but the truth is, he's there
the entire time. Taehyung told me, hyung never left the waiting area outside your room. He's just
hiding somewhere when its visiting hours but he's always there, He didn't rest until he passed out on
the third night." He heard a sob from his hyung.

"He's malnourished and dehydrated, they put an IV on him. He stayed on the the room right beside
yours. Tae said he asked Mingyu hyung dad to do something so that he can stay next to your room.
He want to be near you." Jungkook concluded.
That truth made Wonwoo cry harder. He's thinking what his husband is thinking that time. Maybe
he's hurting like what he's feeling right now."

"He doesn't want to burden you any more so he ask them to keep it a secret."

Then Wonwoo remembered his husband's eyes when he woke up.

"Am I not enough reason for you to live hyung?"

He can still remember how he said those words and the pain he saw in his husband's eyes.

"I'm a terrible person Kookie." He cried. He doesn't have the power to hold his tears anymore.
Jungkook look at him with understanding showing in his eyes.

"You're not hyung. I know you have your reason why you did that. You just need to tell him
everything that's inside your heart. He already proved his love for you. You don't need to protect
yourself from him. Jimin hyung is better than me in things like this."

"Where very much the same hyung. We're having a hard time letting other people inside our mind
and heart. But you don't need to be scared anymore." His dongsaeng gave him a meaningful smile.
He sounds like a real grown up man when he's being like this.

"I don't know what to do Kookie. I don't want to lose him." He honestly said. Jungkook ruffled his
hyung's hair, the same way Wonwoo ruffles his hair when he want to cheer him the younger up.

"Don't worry hyung, you won't. You just need to hang in there and everything will be fine."

Jungkook's eyes is on the door, looking to someone so familiar. Wonwoo is facing away, so he didn't
notice someone entering their home.

Jungkook gave Mingyu an encouraging smile. Silently supporting them.

"I told you hyung. You won't lose him." He brightly said.

Wonwoo looked at him and follow the direction of his gaze. On the doorway is the person he misses
so much.


Wonwoo can't believe what he's seeing. It is his husband on flesh, looking at him. His body
automatically move and threw himself against Mingyu.

The younger caught him and held him tight. It's what he needs the most.

He's what he needs the most.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please please forgive me Love. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so sorry." He
hysterically said. Mingyu wasn't saying anything. He's just there, holding him tight, letting him cry
while gently patting his back.

If this is a dream, Wonwoo doesn't want to wake up anymore.

"Love I need to hear your explanation before I started thinking that you really don't love me." the
younger stated.

Wonwoo gasped with the younger's word. He felt like being slap in the face with Mingyu's words.
Emotions hitting Wonwoo like a truck that he almost bawled his eyes with tears.

"I – I really want to say yes. I do Gyuie. But I – I got scared." He firstly said. Mingyu thought how
unfair his reason is.

'He got scared.'

But he chose not to say a thing. He's waiting for the explanation maybe he will see the bigger picture.
Maybe his reason is valid, whatever it is.

Wonwoo's eyes were directed on the ground. He can't look in Mingyu's eyes because of so much
guilt. He don't know if he can continue while watching his husband slowly breaking into pieces.

"Everything you said that night are beautiful but that's not me. I don't deserve everything you gave. I
don't deserve you. I'm not a best gift for someone to have, you know that."

"I – I'm damaged when you met me. Everything about me and being with me gave you hard times.
You fight for both of us while I'm to busy hosting my own pity party. I always ask why I need to
suffer like this that I forget to see that you're suffering as well. I'm too selfish Mingyu."

"That night when you see me almost dead. I didn't even think of what will be the consequences and
the effect that it will bring to everyone that loves me, especially you. I'm sorry Mingyu. I always
bring pain while you always do your best to love me."

"And that's why I got scared. Not with the idea of being with you, but the idea that I cannot love you
as much as you love me. I'm scared to see you hurting because of my shortcomings. I'm scared to see
miserable because you chose me. I'm sorry." Wonwoo explained while sobbing his heart out.

Although he's in pain, he can feel that heavy feeling in his chest began to feel a little bit lighter.

Mingyu breathes, now he understand what is the reason.

'It's not my fault.'

The younger is watching his husband sobbing in front of him. He can feel how his heart is breaking
as he hear each sob. So he did what he thought the right thing to do.
Hold his husband close.

Wonwoo's sob got even more louder. He's being held by the younger like he didn't hurt him. He held
him like always, the younger held him with pure love and understanding.

"Hush now Love. It’s okay. I'm not mad."

" I still love you no matter what."

They agreed to sleep. Mingyu convinced his husband to have some rest because its too obvious in
Wonwoo that he's not having that these days.

The younger lay beside him like what he always did. Humming a tune with his deep voice while
caressing the elder's hair. Wonwoo is holding onto him. He's happy feel that familiar warmth that
always make him feel safe. The comforting smell of his husband.
'Everything is real.'

This is the longest sleep he had in the entire week. He woke up almost ten in the morning. And
Mingyu is nowhere to be seen.

He tried calling for him but maybe he is downstairs having his morning coffee. He stand up and fix
himself then went downstairs, he met Jungkook in the living room.

"Have you seen Gyuie?" he innocently asked. Jungkook is looking down, can't look him in the eyes.

"Hyung." He called. The younger finally looked at him, although he's still not answering his
question. "What?" he asked.

Jungkook extend his hand and there a piece of paper in his hand.

Wonwoo's heart starts beating fast.

He accepted it and...

His nightmare became a reality.

Hi Love,
Sorry for leaving while you're still asleep. I know can't go of I'll see you crying.
When you left that night, it broke my heart and started asking myself if I do something wrong. But
then I heard your reason.
For a year having you in my life, for the first time I told my self that it is not my fault. I can
understand your thoughts and I also I realize things.
After knowing my feelings for you, I promised you and myself that I will fix you so I did my best to
protect you to Jae Hwan and to the world. I thought I'm doing a good job as I see you doing good.
But there's something that I failed to see.
After hearing you last night I realize that I can't fulfill my promise, I'm sorry. I can give you the
whole world but it will never be enough to fix you. I can't fix you. No on can fix your broken heart.
I realize that the only person that can fix you is you.
You need to learn how to forgive yourself and treat yourself better. You need to allow yourself to
heal completely so that you can see your own beauty. You need to know how precious you are and
not a damages thing that can be thrown away by someone.
You need to accept your mistakes and flaws but still be able to look at the things that people loves
about you. I always told you how precious you are Love and that true, you are amazing, pure and
beautiful. Seeing that will help you to have your life back.
I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I know you're scared. But you need to learn to love yourself without
me by your side. And I need this time to heal my heart.
I want to heal my heart so that I can love you completely when I come back. I want to love you with
everything I have and that would be hard if there's pain lingering inside me whenever I see you.
I will always love you and I don't regret everything I did because being with you is worth it.

You are worth it.

I will come back when we're both ready to love each other completely.

See you my love.


After reading Mingyu's letter, Wonwoo is sobbing. Holding the letter in his chest tight, just like how
he held his husband last night.
"Please come back."
Who needs tissue?

I seriously got emotional and almost tear up while writing and editing this chapter along with a 1
hour loop of Wonu’s Tonight.
If you read the lyrics it suit very well to this chapter. Try reading the letter while Tonight is playing
on the background. The experience will be much better.
I didn’t expect to finish this chapter this fast but Bang Bang Con is doing its magic.
I hope I made you happy guys. Stay safe everyone.
And I appreciate your enthusiasm with D.A so much. Thank you!!!


Let’s Fly.


Chapter 49
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

OST: Stay Here - Gaho

Living in his greatest fear is something that Wonwoo never imagined.

When Mingyu left, he brought his husband's heart with him. Held by his warm hand is Wonwoo’s
heart that made him remember that he’s still there, living.

As he open his eyes, the first thing he felt is how the vacuum in his chest gets bigger everyday. That
empty feeling that drains his whole being. Wonwoo doesn’t know how to function without having his
heart with him.

His family and friends tried to cheer him up. Assures him that Mingyu will be back soon and
everything will be same as before, what he can only see is the pitiful look they're casting on him.

Wonwoo hates to be treated like a charity case, his ego was hurting to see them feeling bad for him.
Their careful action towards him makes him remember how miserable he is.

They are cautious to say anything like he is a fragile glass that will shatter any minute. That makes
him irritated, feeling left out by the people around him so he just chose to be alone.

Wonwoo hates nightmare. They are always terrifying. He remembers those times that he’s screaming
in the middle of the night because even in his slumber, he’s being hunted by the memories that he’s
trying to escape from.

But he didn’t expect that not having a nightmare will make him feel empty. When he close his eyes,
there is nothing. No monster, no bogey man, no Jae Hwan, nothing. He feel nothing.

Slowly, he’s starting to become a shell of what he use to be. He’s numb, empty, alone, and miserable.

He wonder if this is a punishment for choosing to be honest on what he truly is. He always asked
why people like him can’t have a happy ending like what a man and a woman have in fairy tales.
Wonwoo is starting to think that he is born just to suffer.
Every night before he sleeps, he will stare on Mingyu’s side of the bed. Maybe because his longing,
but he can see the younger laying beside him, smiling. He can see him while looking in his eye and
whisper the words ‘I love you.’
Happiness will bloom in his heart as he reply saying ‘I love you too.’ But his husband’s image will
began to fade in the air and again he will realize that Mingyu is gone.

Because of that, he always needs to swallow this big lump stuck on his throat and stop tears from
running out of his eyes. Wonwoo is too tired cry anymore. Crying makes him miss the younger and
he don’t know if he can bare missing his husband even more.

He is grieving with his lost. He’s not grieving on Mingyu’s absence. Wonwoo is mourning for
himself that is slowly dying as time passed by that the younger is not beside him.

He doesn’t know how to chase those emotions away, and he is too tired to cry and be sorry for
himself anymore, so he tried escaping from his misery with the use of liquor and work.

Wonwoo started working like there’s no tomorrow. His work is a good distraction to forget every
pain that keeps lingering in his heart.

He’s too scared to remember and feel the pain that he chose to work himself into exhaustion. There
are times that his work is still not enough escape, so he have his companion – alcohol.

Being stuck in this miserable life made him neglect himself. Wonwoo stop caring about his well
being. Sometimes he’s too focused on his work, his schedules, meeting and appointments that he
forget to eat. He want to avoid staying at home so he’s always going to work earlier than anyone and
most of the time he is the last to leave.

It is all fine to him. If work will make him disregard and ease the emotions he's trying to avoid then
why not right?

Wonwoo knows that his bad habits are coming back. This bad habit that Mingyu managed to remove
in his system. He realized that his bad habit are not erased, it’d just unnoticed because his husband is
always there to stop him from doing those things.

One habit that he have is shutting people out. He started shutting people out of his world. He know
doing this makes his family and friends worried but he can’t help it. He doesn’t like telling people
what he feels or share his worries. Wonwoo always keep everything in until he lose his grip with his

They tried convincing him to take his time off and just think. Allow himself to process everything
that happened and just breathe. But he doesn’t want to.

Taking time off means a lot of time to think and remember Mingyu. He thought bad memories are
scary but it never cross his mind that beautiful memory were more painful to remember.
He remember those times the younger tried hard to make him smile. Their memory on the beach and
how Mingyu made him proud of himself.

Their memory dancing while beautiful light where exploding into the sky. The time the younger hold
his hands, brought him food when he’s too tired to stand up and wipe his tears away. Small memories
are the most beautiful ones.

It is plain and simple memories that proves him that the younger loves him so much. Wonwoo
wonders when his misery will ends.

If it’s going to end.


Jungkook and Taehyung went to their hyung’s office to pick him up. The youngest offered to stay
with Wonwoo in their home while Mingyu is gone. He understand the pain that his hyung is feeling
right now, but he can't bring something - someone that he really needs. He doesn’t want to admit but
it is true that they are all scared that Wonwoo will try to do what he did before.

The youngest is aware of what Wonwoo is doing. Jungkook always stays late to wait for his hyung.
A lot of times, the elder will come home past midnight reeking with alcohol. He tried to scold him
but Wonwoo will walk straight to his bed room to sleep.

In the morning, Jungkook will prepare for breakfast for them but the elder will just have his coffee
and go. Their office starts at 8 in the morning but Wonwoo sometimes leave at 6:30.

His dongsaeng tried talking to him. He want his hyung to open up his heart and let all his misery go
but Wonwoo knows how to avoid him. No, he doesn’t want to have this conversation. And nobody
can force him to.
“Can I just wait you in the car? I don’t want to see to him.” Taehyung asked. His boyfriend and his
hyung is not in good terms.

Until now, Taehyung is still blaming Wonwoo as the reason why his cousin left and he can't forgave
him for hurting his hyung.

That put Jungkook into a difficult situation. He’s being pulled into different direction by his
boyfriend and by his Wonwoo hyung.

“Please babe. Just go with me, maybe he’ll listen to you.” Jungkook pleaded. He know Wonwoo will
decline his invitation to go home. It’s too early for the older and being at home for a long time is like
being trapped inside a box full of memories of his husband.

“I don’t want to talk to him and you know that.” Tae insisted.

Jungkook sigh, he didn’t know how to handle this two without losing his temper.

“Please just come with me. Then we’ll have movie later.” The bunny bargained.

Taehyung looks immature but he’s not easy to sway. But he also knows that his boyfriend is already
frustrated with the situation and he doesn’t want to be another burden for the younger to think of.

“Whatever.” Then he walk into the elevator.

As expected, Wonwoo is still in the office. He is the only one in that floor and every light were turn
off except those in his office.

He is reviewing some marketing proposal for the second half of the year. This document is
something that is not urgent. He just want to do it just because there’s nothing left to do.

He already finish all his report and proposal for the first half of the year so he asked the marketing
department to send him this document.

“Hyung.” Jungkook called. Wonwoo look at them then cast his eyes again to the document. “What
are you doing here?” he asked.

He didn’t greet them the same way he greet his friends especially Taehyung. Him and Tae became
quite close. He’s so fond of Tae’s charm and he treated him like a true brother. But now, he doesn’t
care at all.

“Hyung let’s have dinner. There’s a Japanese place just open near the apartment. I want to try it.” he
cheerfully stated. Wonwoo loves food so Jungkook is crossing his fingers that his hyung will be
convinced to eat with them.

“I have a lot of things to do Kookie. You two can go. I still need to finish this.” He said.
“Hyung you need to rest. You didn’t eat earlier when you left. I’m sure you barely ate in lunch.” The
youngest protested.

Taehyung is there. Arm crossed in his chest while rolling his eyes with the elder’s behavior.

“That’s none of your business. Now go. I still have things to do.” He stated.

Wonwoo’s words sounds very irritating for Taehyung, but he remain quiet. He still doesn’t want to
talk to him.

“Hyung you know Mingyu hyung will not be happy when he saw you like this.” That statement made
Wonwoo stop from what he’s doing.

He doesn’t want to talk about Mingyu or remember him in the only place that can make him forget
about his husband.

“Enough Jungkook. Just go.” He dangerously said. No, he doesn’t want to talk about anything to

“Hyung, you need to eat or you will be sick. Mingyu hyung will be wor – “

“Fucking stop talking about him! I am alright! So get the fuck out!” Wonwoo screamed.

Jungkook was taken aback when his hyung scream like that. He is hurt to be treated by like this. He
know that he’s not in a good place but still..

The two were standing still, so Wonwoo stands up to open the door to kick them out of his office.
He's almost on the door but Taehyung grab him and gave him one solid punch on the face.

The force of Taehyung’s punch made the elder stumble on the floor. The younger use that chance to
pin him down and punch him couple of times.

Jungkook was shock with the scene happening in front of him. He never seen Taehyung be violent
like this.

“You son of a bitch! You still have the guts to scream at Jungkook like that!” Taehyunug yell on top
of him. Wonwoo tried to push him away but the younger managed to grab his collar so tight that
even Jungkook can’t pull him up.

“You are the reason why Mingyu hyung left! You treat him like shit that’s why he leave you. You
always hurt him even though he help you to heal. This is all your fault and we are all suffering
because you can’t stop being an ass!” all Taehyung’s words hit Wonwoo straight to his heart. He
doesn’t want to admit it but everything that the younger said was true. This is all his fault.
“I fucking know! Do you think I didn’t know that!” he tried to fight back. “So what now? You’re
gonna sit in the corner pitying yourself? You will destroy yourself to make him come back! You are
pathetic hyung! So fucking pathetic and you don’t deserve my cousin!” he hit Wonwoo more.

Rage were rushing in Taehyung’s system. He want to see Wonwoo in pain the same way he saw his
cousin. He want him to be hurt the same way he hurt his Mingyu hyung.

“Taehyung that’s enough! Get off to Wonu hyung!” Jungkook is trying to peel his boyfriend off to
his hyung.

“You’re the reason why he left so pull yourself together and make him come back!” he screamed and
with that, Jungkook manage to separate the two.

The three were panting. Wonwoo’s lips were bleeding and Taehyung’s hand was bruised.

“What the fucking hell! Are you two going to kill each other!” the youngest scolds. Taehyung is still
looking at Wonwoo like he wants to kill him. But there’s something mixed on that piercing gaze.

“I’m with him all his life. None of you saw him when he’s sad. No one saw him whenever he
watched how my dad will greet me when he comes home. I’m the only one he have in every birthday
that his parents forget. I’m the one beside him when he’s feeling lonely. I saw every pain and sad
memory Mingyu hyung have but none of that can will compare on what you did to him.” There’s
tears gathering in their eyes. Nobody expect for Taehyung to break like this

“You never saw him while waiting outside that emergency room. He’s never been scared in his life.
When you ran away that night. No one told you how hurt he looks. H – he even called you in his
sleep, begging you to not leave him. Do you even realize how much pain you brought in his life huh?
I – I really want to hate you hyung. I want to hate you so much but he asked me to look out for you
while he’s gone. Until the end he still thinks of you. And you’re not the only one who’s missing him.
I miss him too. I want my Mingyu hyung back.” Taehyung is sobbing so hard that he’s having a hard
time to breathe.

Jungkook pull him and hold him close. The youngest know that everyone not just Wonwoo and
Taehyung is missing Mingyu. They all want him to come back.

Wonwoo stood up and sit beside them. The three were all sitting on the floor not minding the dust.

“I’m sorry Tae. I didn’t mean to take Mingyu away from you.” He sincerely said.

Taehyung look up and he look like a little kid crying his heart out. “Hyung I want Gyuie hyung back.
Please make him come back.” The younger pleaded.

Wonwoo can’t make promises. He doesn’t want to promise anything to the younger when even him
is not sure if Mingyu will come back to him.
“Everything will be fine.”

That encounter with Taehyung wake Wonwoo up. He now have this goal to be fine just like Mingyu
said in his letter. He realize that the sooner he recover and heal, the sooner they’ll have his husband

Wonwoo tried to live normally, he's taking care of himself and avoid overworking and even drinking.
He also decided to continue his counseling with Dr. Song. He realize that seeking help from his
doctor is important right now because Mingyu is not there to help him arrange his thought and sort
out his emotions.

He’s also trying to be open with his friends. He’s always talking to Jimin or Taehyung and even
Jihoon whenever he misses Mingyu.

But there are times that no one can help him with his longing for the younger. Mingyu is a big part of
his life and him not being there makes him cry sometimes. When those moment comes, he always
read his letter.

That letter that full of good things about him, was written down by the younger to remind him that he
is precious and he deserves to be happy.

Wonwoo was busy reviewing a contract for a client when the phone rang. It is his newly hired
secretary telling him that Mr. Kim is asking for him in his office.

His heart started beating fast. After that night, Mr. Kim didn’t talk to him as well. Wonwoo
understands that he is also mad at him with what he did and its fine.

The younger was told by Mr. Kim’s assistant to come in and he thank him. Wonwoo’s hands are cold
as he twist the knob of the door and peek his head inside.
There is Mr. Kim, busy reading a document. “Mr. Kim, you’re asking for me.” He carefully stated.

The older Kim look at him the same way they first met. Its strict and straight.

“What’s with the formality Wonwoo? You can call me dad. Don’t worry.” The elder Kim stated.
Wonwoo relaxed as he hear those words.

“Y –you’re not mad at me?” he asked. Mr. Kim breathe, contemplating of what he will say. “I am
disappointed but not mad. I know you have your reason why you did that and Mingyu asked me to be
nice to you.” Mr. Kim smiled.

“And I called you for this.” Mr. Kim said and hand him a manila folder. Wonwoo didn’t know
what’s inside the folder but it seems important.

He open it and he it was a document, an affidavit.

“What’s this?” he undoubtedly asked. Mr. Kim stood up and walk in front of him. “That is an
affidavit made by my son to nullify the prenuptial agreement that you two signed. He asked me to
process this before he left.” The elder stated.

Wonwoo doesn't understand what Mr. Kim is talking about. He is quite familiar with things like this
but he can’t understand what the older man is saying. It was clearly written in his face so Mr. Kim
decided to simplify the explanation.

“That document means that now you have the rights with Mingyu’s property. And every condition in
that prenup agreement is not valid anymore. My son wants you to have the same right he have in his
money and properties.”

“But why? I don’t need this. I – I mean I didn’t have interest with your money.” He stated.

“It means that my son trusted you. He wants to share everything he have with you.” Hearing how
much Mingyu trusted him made him tear up.

Seeing how tears gathers around the younger's eyes make Mr. Kim feel sorry for Seokjn. He know
how hard their situation is but he also trust his son's judgement. If this is the way for them to learn
then he will trust him.

“This proves that he will be back Wonwoo. You just need to believe and trust him. Just hold onto this
and wait for my son okay.” Wonwoo appreciates his dad’s comfort.

“I – Is he okay?” he asked. Mr. Kim smiled at him. “Yeah. He’s doing fine. Don’t worry.” The elder

Wonwoo want to ask for more.about Mingyu. He want to ask where he is, but he know they will not
tell him anything and that’s okay for him.

That night when he went home, he had dinner with Jungkook and Tae. It’s time to sleep when he
thought about his husband. Everything that he learn today made him miss the younger even more.

There's a lot of things that Wonwoo want to say to him. He want to tell Mingyu about what he feel
and his thoughts just like before, but he is not there to listen.

Wonwoo thought of a way to express his feelings and that is through a letter.


Hi love, I don’t know if I’ll have a chance to see you again so I made this letter for you.
I miss you so much Mingyu. There’s no day that I never remember you. I always want to see you so
bad that sometimes I’ll cry myself into sleep.
You’re still in my memory and in the memory of our home. I miss you so much. It is hard to open my
eyes in the morning and not see your smile. I miss you whispering how much you love me and I’m
trying to stop hoping that I will see you as I went home but it is fine. Now I finally understand your
reason for leaving.
I know I always say this but I honestly felt that I don’t deserve you. You are kind and loving and
courageous but I didn’t said that I don’t love it. You are the kindest person I met in my life my love.
You always want to protect the people that you love. You want to make us smile and you always go
miles just to ensure our safety, my safety.
You love my sister like your own and I don’t know how to thank you for that. And you love me
completely. I’m sorry for hurting you my love, I didn’t mean every pain that I cause to you.
I know you are healing your heart and I’m doing my best to heal myself too. Thank you pushing me
to be kind to myself love. That is something that I will never do if I didn’t meet you. I am trying, I
I know I still have a lot to learn about forgiveness and loving myself but I will remember your words.
Thank you for always seeing me as a precious and proving that I am worth it.
You’re right I am worth it and I will never let other people to change that.
I know there is a possibility that you will not be back but whatever happens, please know that I
became a better person because of you . You're the one who always see something in me when I
didn’t know how to value myself.
I hope we both heal faster but I don’t mind waiting.
My love you are worth the wait. I will trust you and your words. I believe that you will be back in
me and our home will be filled with warmth again.
I know in myself that when you came back, I am finally ready to love you completely. I will do my
best to take care of you.
And lastly, thank you for loving me Gyuie. I know its hard to love someone like me but you still did
and you love me without asking for anything in return.
I didn’t hope that there will be someone who will love me conditionally, but you came and prove that
this kind of love do exist.
I’m always waiting for you my love.

I will be strong for us and our love.


“I trust you my love.”

TRIVIA: That affidavit that Mr. Kim is originally planned as DIVORCE PAPER!!

Hi my lovely readers!! I planned to post this on May but I’m too bored..
I’m not sure about this one but I hope it makes sense..
Feel free to message me. I love reading your comments and messages.
Again THANK YOU THANK YOU so much to all of you. i appreciate you all guys. I’m honestly
having separation anxiety with Different Arrangement because this story became a huge part of my
life for four years now. So I still don’t know how to say good bye.

I hope this make you smile although the world is full of fear towards this pandemic.
Please Stay safe everyone!!


Let’s Fly


Chapter 50
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text


I missed you so much. I write this all the time in my letters, but I just miss you. I want to know how
you're doing but it’s impossible right now.
I’m doing great. Life has been kind to me these days. Work is still hectic as before but generally I’m
doing well. Everything is perfect except I‘m missing you.

You know, I enjoy deep sea fishing. I finally used Jimin’s gift last Christmas. I invited our friends one
time and you will never believe this, Jihoon! Min Jihoon likes fishing as well. I hope I can do this
with you too. I hope you’re doing well my love. I am still waiting for you.

Always take care.

Mingyu’s absence is life changing in Wonwoo’s word. There are pros and cons of not having his
husband but Wonwoo know in himself that he is doing so much better than before.

Hard days are always there. Days that he just wished to see the younger. Be with him when he wants
to turn around to the world. Or thoose times when he just felt so much love for Mingyu and he
doesn’t know what to do to express that enormous amount of emotions.

Those are times when he cried himself to sleep. Wearing the younger's clothes, although that
comforting scent was already washed away long time ago.

But Wonwoo cannot deny how much he discovered himself. He realizes that he like things in certain
way. That he is adventurous enough to try deep sea fishing and that he is also interested in learning to
play piano with the help of Jihoon.

Wonwoo experienced the freedom that was taken away from him. Question that keeps repeating in
his mind were already forgotten and his heart is light as a feather. Free from everything that is
holding him back before.

He also realizes things while waiting for Mingyu to come back. He realizes that he needs to be
responsible for himself.
Looking back with everything happened; he can finally point out what went wrong. Why he's so
scared of everything and the cause of the biggest mistakes that he made.

Wonwoo realize that he unconsciously expects his husband to take away everything that he doesn't
want to face.

He rely on Mingyu so much that he forgot how to protect himself with the things that the younger
cannot win over with.

His emotions, his nightmares, his past and those pain and grudges that he keeps on his heart. Without
him knowing, he asks the younger to take full responsibility of his life and that’s the reason why he’s
so scared to lose him.

But living without Mingyu forced him to be responsible with everything about his life. It is hard
sometimes. But not having his husband is like not having an option but to face every challenge head

He realizes how much he’s grown since his husband left that night. Wonwoo wonder how much he
still needs to learn before Mingyu decided to come back.

Writing a letter for Mingyu is something that Wonwoo always do now. Especially when the world
decides to be extra mean to him or when his mind is running miles away at night.

Writing these words like he’s talking with the younger became his late night therapy. All his thoughts
were dump in that blank piece of paper without thinking about anything or anyone that can be hurt.
Sometimes, Wonwoo wonders if his letters will remain an unread letters forever. It scared him so
much that his emotion that was written on that white paper will not be seen by that person. But he
always reminds himself that he needs to believe with everything.

Even miracles are real.

Season already passed. It is winter now and Wonwoo’s birthday. He’s really trying but memories of
Mingyu and his surprise last year keeps coming back.

Another good memory but a painful feeling.

He’s wondering of the younger will show up but he’s not hoping. Wonwoo knows in himself that this
is not the right time for them to meet and the younger knows that. So he tried looking at the situation
in different angle.

Maybe he doesn’t have his husband and a surprise like last year but he still have his friends to
celebrate with. This people that never left him in the dark and been with him when he's alone.
Blessings that was given to him.

That thought made him smile. It is happier when you can look at the brighter side. Appreciate small
things that can mean even more. Wonwoo is grateful for all the blessings. So he greeted his special
day with a bright smile in his face.

This feeling of complete and genuine happiness is something that is hard to achieve and he doesn’t
want to take it for granted.

He went out of his room and saw Jungkook and Jimin waiting on the kitchen. The breakfast is
already made. A little surprise for his special day.

“What’s this?” he asked smiling as he saw this smiley face drawn in the omelets with ketchup. His
dongsaeng are cute.

“It is your birthday so we made this for you.” Jimin proudly said. They are all smiling. Appreciating
that same feeling of the past when they are always together.

“This is cute.” Wonwoo said and starts digging in. Their breakfast was full of laughter and teasing.
Jungkook likes to tease his hyungs while the other two like to tease him with Taehyung and their
overly passionate relationship.
After their enjoyable breakfast, Wonwoo drives into the company and do everything the same way.

Finally the sun is setting and his paper works are all done. Wonwoo is fixing his belongings to go to
the restaurant where he’ll have his birthday party.

But not like last year, no surprise, no secrets, no Mingyu.

But it is totally fine. He know and hoping that it is going to change very soon.

He will be with Mingyu soon.

Wonwoo is almost out of the office when his assistant knock on the door and peek his head inside.
“Sir.” The assistant called. He allowed him in. “What is it?” he said, busy putting his coat on.

“Someone delivered this earlier. It is for you.” His assistant innocently said. Wonwoo wasn’t
expecting any parcel from anyone, he wonder who send this.
“Just put it there. Thank you. You may go now.” He politely said.

When he’s done fixing his things, he finally gave attention to that mystery package that he received.
It’s quite big. He’s going to open it when his phone rings.

“Hyung where are you?” Taehyung asked on the other line. “I’m on my way. Yeah, yeah, see you.”
Then he hangs up, he decided to just open the box then he comes home.

His birthday dinner happened in his favorite restaurant. Wonwoo is happy. His sister and friends are
there to celebrate with him. They gave him gifts that he appreciates so much.

He can say that his birthday is almost perfect.


After their dinner and few drinks, Wonwoo and the other decided to end their day. Him, Jungkook
and Jisoo is in a same car. Jisoo insisted to sleep over tonight because she still want to bond with her

Wonwoo can see the changes that are happening to Jisoo. She sound and act more mature and she
can understand things that are not easy to understand. One of that is why Mingyu left.

They arrived in their home. The trio was tired, even Jisoo just want to wash up and sleep. She’ll play
with them tomorrow.

Wonwoo is done washing up and readying to sleep when he remember the box he receive earlier. He
went back to his car and picks it up from the back seat.

It crossed his mind what if this is something he will regret seeing. But he can’t think of someone who
has the motive to do that on his birthday so he set aside the paranoia and went back to his room.
On his bed, he open it and what’s inside is a plush doll that looks like an alpaca and has a red scarf
tied on his neck.

The doll looks adorable with its simple design and also super soft material. He wants to hug it every

It made Seokjiin smile. He always likes alpacas because Jisoo always say that they look like him. But
he still wonders who send this cute little thing.

He looks inside the box again and saw a little card. Wonwoo opened it and tears starts gathering in
his eyes.

My love,

Happy Birthday.

His name is RJ, I asked him to take care of you while I’m away.

I’ll be back.
I love you always.


Wonwoo is happy to know that Mingyu remembers his birthday.

‘He always remembers.’ He thought.

The longing that he’s feeling is overwhelming but all he can do is cry and seek comfort from this
little gift that his husband gave him.

“I know one day I will have the chance to hug you again love, and I will treasure that day forever.’’
He said to himself.

Wonwoo’s hope in his heart is growing even more. He is now sure that someday. One day Mingyu
will be back and they will be happy for the rest of their lives.
He wipes his happy tears away and shifts his attention back to RJ. He appreciates the doll even more.
Knowing that it is from his husband, it is now a priceless gift that he will take care.

“Hi RJ. I’m Wonu, nice to meet you.” He formally said and holds RJ’s stiff hand and shakes it. Same
way people formally greet each other with the use of handshake.

He felt something squishy in RJ’s hand and tried pressing it. A voice startles him when he hears...
“I love you.”

Wonwoo didn’t manage to stop his tears from running as he hears Mingyu’s voice coming out from
RJ’s chest. He tried pressing again the toy’s hand and the same words. Same voice.


That smooth and sweet voice that always warms his heart. That voice that he misses so much.
Wonwoo pressed RJ’s hand over and over again. Desperate to hear the voice of the man that he loves
the most.

He wished that he didn’t need to hear it from a doll. He wishes he can hear Mingyu saying ‘I love
you’ personally and that he can see him and touch him and feel him. He really wished his husband is
there with him. Sleep on their bed. He wished to see Mingyu again.

“I love you too love. So so much.” He whispered to the doll. He is aching and desperate for his
Wonwoo freed his emotions. Unending tears running out from his eyes. This is another night where
he will cry until sleepiness will win over him.

His eyes were tired of spilling liquid diamonds, lids heavy. He doesn’t want to end his day but he
cannot win against time. Wonwoo is almost asleep when his phones start ringing. Disturbing the
silence inside the room.

He didn’t care who it is. He needs to sleep so he answers his phone with eyes close and put his phone
on his ears.

“Hello.” He said, voice sounding so tired.

“Hi love, Happy birthday.”

Wonwoo has never been quick to stand up. That voice, he knows that voice very well. That is the
voice that he desperately wants to hear.

“Mingyu?” he asked. Wonwoo’s heart starts beating really fast. This can’t be true.

“Yeah, it’s me. Happy birthday love.” He repeated. This time, Wonwoo started sobbing.

Different emotions mixed inside his heart are now being released. “I love you.” That’s the only thing
that Wonwoo managed to utter between his sobs.

Everything feels like a dream and he doesn’t want this to end.

“I love you too.” The younger said. His words brought so much happiness in Wonwoo.
‘He loves me. He still loves me.’ Wonwoo thought.

After that they didn’t say a word. Wonwoo is sobbing his heart out while Mingyu is not saying

Wonwoo understand that what they have right now didn’t need any words. No words are enough to
express the emotion that their hearts is feeling in that moment.

Their longing for each other cannot be justified by the words like I miss you. That phrase will never
be enough. Noting is enough right now.

The couple was contented that they are connected again. What they have right now is precious. They
were reminded that they still love each other. That there is hope in their relationship and they have
something that they can hold on to.

There’s a music that played on Mingyu’s side. It is a beautiful melody but has a sad tone to it. That
feels familiar to Wonwoo.

It feels the same with their situation right now. They know in themselves that they have the reason to
hold on and fight. Yet it perfectly blends with the bitterness of longing, of missing each other so
much that it hurts. So much.

And the feeling of not having a choice adds to that bitterness.

But it’s fine. They are fine.

Wonwoo lay in their bed, holding RJ close. Mingyu is still on the other line and it feels the same
when he is there, lying beside his husband. Protecting him from the nightmares that haunt him.

He is there. Always there.

“See you in my dreams Mingyu”

I know this is frustrating but we need to be with Wonwoo in this journey.

I hope you enjoy this part because I’m not sure to it.

Sepration anxiety is real but ending is inevitable.

Thank you thank you so much everyone. For being with me and with Mingyu and Wonwoo for their
journey. I hope you will be with us until the end.

Let’s Fly


Chapter 51
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text

OST : Spring Day - BTS


How are you doing? I hope you’re safe and fine wherever you are. I need to be hospitalized for a
few days last week because I ate something. But don’t worry I’m fine now.
You know the first night I was there, I dreamed about you. You visited me and kissed my forehead
like what you use to do when I’m not feeling well. It feels so real and warm Gyuie. In my dream I
saw your beautiful eyes again. You look so worried but you still smile at me and ask me if I’m okay.
You stay with me and hold my hand because I ask you not to go. It feels true but I wish it’s not just a

I miss you so so much love. I am still waiting.

I love you. Always.

What Wonwoo didn’t know is that, it is not a dream. Everything he saw that night was true.

Everything is real that night.

Mingyu urgently fly back to Korea when he heard from his dad. His husband was rushed into the
hospital because he was mildly food poisoned. The younger was really nervous that night. Almost
having a flashback of the night he rushed Wonwoo in the emergency room.

The time he came, Wonwoo is already sleeping because of the effect of the medicine. Mingyu saw
his husband again. Wearing that unflattering hospital gown, looking pale but he's thankful he is
completely fine.

It’s been four years since he left but Wonwoo’s beauty never failed to amaze him. His husband looks
even better now. He's pale but aside from that he looks healthy. No dark circle under his eyes. He
gain some healthy amount of weight and he changed his hair color to purple.

He looks adorable, Mingyu thought. The idea of Wonwoo wearing custom made designer suit and
looking professional like a true businessman but has this adorable purple hair made him smile.

Wonwoo never failed to be awesome in different ways.

The younger's heart skips a beat when slowly, Wonwoo opened his eyes. That same eyes again. It is
beautiful like the last time he saw it, although it was filled with tears and guilt.

Wonwoo look at him and smile. “Wow, what a beautiful dream.” He whispered as he tried to reach
Mingyu’s face to touch it. He thought he’s just dreaming.

“Hi love.” The younger greeted. He allows Wonwoo to touch him. His hands is warm, a familiar
warm that he always missed.

“Hello Gyuie. I missed you so much.” There are tears gathering in his eyes. “Are you feeling okay?”
the younger's eyes were also filling with tears.
Mingyu noticed that Wonwoo is fighting of his sleepiness again. “Sleep now love. I will stay here. I
won’t go promise.” Then he gave Wonwoo a warm kiss in his forehead.

"I will be with you soon my love."


Wonwoo can’t forget that night. He often dreamed about Mingyu but that particular night feels so
real. He touched his husband’s hand again. And that warm kiss. That’s the most realistic dream he
ever had.

He loves that beautiful dream but he’s trying to not focus on that thought too much. Remembering
that makes him miss the younger even more.

Four years have passed but he’s still waiting for Mingyu to comeback. There are times that he’s
losing hope to see him and cry but he tried to ease his anxiety.

With the help of Dr. Song and a life coach, Wonwoo learns to ease his himself whenever some
intrusive thoughts start lingering in his mind.

Breathing exercises. Taking break for himself. Expressing his emotions and thoughts through his
letter journal for Mingyu or if he has time, catching fish with Jihoon.

He learns to have a healthy coping mechanism for his anxiety and stress. He can’t say that he's totally
healed. Of course there are times that he felt that he's back from the beginning but now, he knows
how to manage his emotions in a healthier way.

And that plays a big role for the huge improvement he had these past years.

Wonwoo can say that he is near to be the Wonwoo he is before things went shit. He’s becoming that
person that chooses to see the world in a beautiful lens with the wisdom from his mistakes and
He is so close to the best version of himself and he’s just hoping that Mingyu can see him.

The real him.

“Tae I told you no. You cannot make me your model. There are hundreds and thousands professional
models in the world that you can hire. You don’t need me. I don’t have any idea in modelling Tae.
Please just look for someone else for your collection.” Wonwoo ranted to his dongsaeng. He’s
getting sick of Taehyung bugging him to be his model for his first collection.

Taehyung is now in his office bugging him for almost three months now, to be part of his first ever
collection. It is supposed to be Tae’s final project for his course but he decided to make it a real.

He had collaboration with a huge clothing brand in Korea and now they are almost done. All they
need to do is the photo shoot. The younger really want his hyung to be part of his dream.

“Hyung, you just need to pose a little bit. Know your angle but I doubt that you have a bad angle.
With that handsome face, every shot would be perfect.” He tried sweet talking his hyung but the
elder know what the younger is doing.

“I know I’m handsome but I’m really not suited to be your model Taehyung. Why not ask Jimin, or
Jungkook. They will be perfect to represent your brand.” Wonwoo bargained.

“And I have a lot of things to do. Dad is asking me to meet the new investors from Singapore. I
prepare for that.” The elder reasoned.

Disappointed was eminent in Taehyung’s face, Wonwoo almost feel pity for the younger but he

He knows Taehyung is just using his charm and he can't let the younger to manipulate him. Even
though he looks adorable.

“Hyung please. Just agree to this and I will never! Ever! Ask you anything, hyung anything!” he’s
looking hard on the younger. Arguing with this him is exhausting.

Wonwoo didn’t wantto agree with Taehyung’s request, even if he sleeps outside their home. No he
doesn’t want to do it. No one can change his mind.
“You and Mingyu hyung are my inspiration for my collection hyung. I saw how proud he is when
you two were together outside. Like, he doesn’t care about other people and their opinion. I want
people like us to feel that way too. Man and woman can wear matching outfits. Why can’t we do that
as well? I want those couple to feel free and accepted that’s why I made this collection. And I want
you to be there because without you and Mingyu hyung, this will never happen. I want Mingyu
hyung to be there too but you know..”

That statement of Taehyung stirred an inner dilemma in Wonwoo. The younger's intention were very
touching. And to hear that you are someone’s inspiration behind an incredibly kind vision, Wonwoo
was fluttered.

“Oh Tae…” the younger continued looking at him sadly.

Tae’s monologue and sad eyes seals the deal.

Wonwoo will have his first ever professional modelling job.

“And how do you expect me to reject you after hearing that?” he playfully scolds. Smile quickly
showing in Taehyung’s face. “You’re going to do it?!” he excitedly said while tugging his Wonwoo's
expensive suit.

“I always fall in your tricks Taehyung. I cannot resist you ever since.” Wonwoo sassed.

The younger were jumping and clinging at him at the same time. “Thank you! Thank you hyung.
You’re the best!” Taehyung celebrated, almost trying to kiss his hyung.

“But I’m warning you. I’m expensive Tae. Do you have enough budget for my talent fee?” Wonwoo
said with teasing tone. Smile on Taehyung’s face fades as quickly as it shows.

“Hyung we are family! You should support me with my dreams. And besides you have this. The
whole Kim Empire. You don’t need talent fee!” he argued. Wonwoo loves teasing the younger. He’s
cute. No wonder everyone loves him.
“We’re doing it in California so our budget is quite limited.” Tae said.

“Wait the photo shoot is in California?!” Wonwoo’s eyes were exaggeratedly big. He looks funny.

“Y – Yeah? Why hyung? Please don’t look at me like that. I’m getting scared.” Taehyung cowered.

“Why do you need to do it there? I thought it will be in a studio here in Seoul. I can’t go to California
Tae.” Wonwoo reasoned. He wants to help his dongsaeng but going on other country without a
proper notice would be so unprofessional and Wonwoo is not like that.

“Tae, I have meetings that I need to attend. I agreed because I thought it will be a one day thing. Not
out of the country! Dad will be mad at me.” He hopes the younger doesn’t think he’s just making

“Oh.. So if you get permission from uncle then you’re going to do it?” Tae asked.

Wonwoo knows this look that Taehyung is giving right now.

“Don’t you dare Taehyung.” Wonwoo warned. But the younger is already decided.

“If you catch me hyung!” then he sped to the elevator.


Wonwoo tried to catch the younger but he manages to close the elevator before he arrived. The elder
quickly press the up button on the wall. He’s start panicking. He doesn’t want Mr. to misunderstand
the situation.

He immediately entered and repeatedly presses the floor where Mr. Kim’s office is located.

Wonwoo promised himself to strangle the younger to death when he catches him.

But it’s all too late when he arrived.

Taehyung was already inside Mr. Kim’s office. He looked at Mr. Kim’s secretary for a wordless
permission to enter the chairman’s office.

He was greeted by the scene where Taehyung is casually sitting in Mr. Kim’s couch.

“Dad I apologize for Taehyung’s interruption. Let me lead him outside.” he said while panting. He
needs to work on his cardio more.

“Oh its no big deal Wonu. I haven’t seen my nephew for a long time. Come join us.” Mr. Kim
invited. Wonwoo doesn’t have a choice but join them, although he’s itching to drag the younger out
and kill him.

“So Tae what brings you here?” Mr. Kim asks. Taehyung looks delightful with his uncle’s
straightforward question.

They are all the same. Mr. Kim, Mingyu and Taehyung. Ones they set their mind into something,
they will never stop until they accomplish or achieve it.

Stubbornness runs from the blood.

“Uncle, I want to borrow Wonwoo hyung for couple of days. I want hyung to be my model and it
will be in California so he need to use his vacation leave.” The younger Kim enthusiastically

They can’t read Mr. Kim’s expression. He’s just looking down, sipping his tea. “Do you want to do it

Wonwoo was startled with his dad’s question. “Hmm. I – I agreed to do it, but I didn’t know that it
will be done in U.S. I don’t think I can afford to go. I’m still preparing the presentation for the
Singaporean investors.” He nervously answered.

“Are you done with it?” the elder asked again. Wonwoo doesn’t know why his dad sound so serious.
“I’m halfway done sir.” He politely said.

Mr. Kim put down his tea in the coffee table. “Just gave it to Mr. Do. I’ll ask him to take over for the
presentation. You can go with Taehyung.” Then he smiled. Wonwoo exhaled. He didn’t notice he’s
holding his breath.

“B – but Sir. I can do it.” he countered.

“I know. But this young man beside me will never stop until he can take you with him. You know
how persistent this kid is.” Taehyung look at him with smug yet playful smile. Even his uncle can’t
resist him.

“And you haven’t been on vacation for a long time Wonu. Treat yourself a little.” Mr. Kim smiled.
Wonwoo knows he can’t disagree with his boss slash father – in – law so he just let it be. “Sure Sir.
Thank you.” he bowed to pay respect.

Taehyung on the other side were very happy because he can finally have his beloved hyung as his

“Thank you so much uncle. You’re the best!” the youngest joyfully said. Wonwoo is trying to drag
him out of Mr. Kim’s office but Taehyung still want to talk to his uncle.

“Uncle can I borrow Wonwoo hyung today. I want to eat with him. Promise I’ll bring him back
tomorrow.” Wonwoo was mortified hearing the younger asking another favor.

“Tae stop it! Please don’t listen to him. We’ll go now.” He said panicking.

Mr. Kim gave them a warm smile. “Sure Tae. Wonu you can go now. Just gave what you finish for
the presentation before you leave okay.” He said smiling.

“Uncle you really are the best!” Taehyung doing big thumbs up in his uncles direction.

When they are finally out of Mr. Kim's office, Wonwoo let Taehyung go but having deadly gaze
towards the younger’s direction.

“What the hell Tae! What you did there was so unprofessional.” The elder scolds. The younger
doesn't care at all. He knows with all his heart that his hyung can never be mad at him.

“Hyung I’m not his employee. I am his nephew and we’re always like that since I was a kid. That’s
why sometimes Mingyu hyung were jealous of me.” he calmly explains.

Wonwoo realize that Tae is right. Relationship between relatives and employees were completely
different. He suddenly felt bad for acting that way towards Taehyung and Mr. Kim.

“And you should understand that you’re part of our family too. So, no need to be formal in front of
uncle. He’s actually nice. But the only thing he didn’t know is how to communicate with his son. But
that’s fine. I think uncle and Mingyu hyung got close – “he want to slap his mouth for being too
slippery again.

He can see the presence of sadness in Wonwoo’s eyes. Just hearing his husband’s name makes his
longing even more painful.

“I’m sorry hyung I didn’t mean to talk about Mingyu hyung.” Tae said with apologetic tone in his

“It’s okay. I just miss your cousin so much. I hope he'll come back soon.” He whispered.

Taehyung understands his hyung. He misses his Mingyu too. Although he understands Wonwoo, he
doesn’t know what if feels like.
Wonwoo notice Taehyung sad expression so he breathe and then smile wide.

“Well, my boss allowed me to leave so where do you want to go?”


They actually went home. Taehyung requested to have a barbecue party in Mingyu and Wonwoo’s
house. That became a mini celebration for his achievement.

They call their friends and everyone agreed to come, promising to bring food and drinks that they
will enjoy. Wonwoo and Taehyung went to the supermarket to buy the star of the night which is

The elder looks natural doing this. He loves to eat and everyone knows that he is a good cook so he’s
used to this. Beside him is the younger who keeps adding stuff in their cart. His hyung tried to stop
him but he can’t.

“Wait, where's Jungkook Tae?” Wonwoo asked. Taehyung is getting ramen and put ten pieces in
their cart.

“He’s in school. He has some important report today so he didn’t come with me in your office.”

Wonwoo nodded. They were heading to the wine section when Taehyung stops on the aisle of
snacks. He’s looking on that beef jerky like it is the greatest thing in the world.

“Woah they have this! I thought they didn’t sell this anymore!” he awed. Wonwoo was confused why
Taehyung is looking on that beef jerky like that is the greatest thing in the world.

“What? Why? Do you want to buy that?” he asked and the younger nodded fast.

“This specific brand is Mingyu hyung’s favorite. He always buys this in a store. We share this when
we’re hanging out in high school. That store closed down and we thought we will never taste this
again.” The memories are playing in Taehyung’s mind. He really misses his Mingyu hyung.

Wonwoo allowed him to buy that and Tae put eight pieces of that beef jerky. He really loves that
beef jerky.
“Hyung, if you’ll be given a chance to redo that night when Mingyu hyung proposed to you, what
will you do?” the younger suddenly asked. That question made Wonwoo stops from walking.

Tae's question made him think. What will he do? Especially when he knows now that, that mistake
he made will make him lose Mingyu.

“If I am the same Wonwoo like before, then nothing will change. I will still be scared and coward
and I will still run away. But if I’m the Wonwoo now then I definitely say yes.” He answered.

They both start thinking if he said yes that night, what will happen now? Maybe Mingyu is with them
but maybe Wonwoo will never grow like what he is now.

Maybe the younger is still lifting the weight for both of them and Wonwoo will still think that he will
never deserve to have Mingyu in his life.

Possibilities don’t always promise happiness, but Wonwoo is sure of one thing.

He’s now ready to love his husband completely.

“I’m going to wait for you. Always.”

Hi Lovely readers!!! How’s everyone?

I know you are all excited for the last chapter and I am too!! I’m so excited to write it that I’m so
tempted to scrap this chapter and just write the epilogue but I think it will feel incomplete if I’ll skip
this one.

I hope you can still stay with us. It’s funny that we are all waiting for Mingyu to comeback like
Wonwoo. We felt the same longing and frustration that he’s feeling. But they say that patience is a

And I will do my very best to make the last chapter satisfying as the reward for your patience and
love for me, Mingyu, Wonwoo and this story.

I can’t believe that Different Arrangement is coming to its end. I’m sad but in life we need to let go
of things in order to grow.

Thank you for all your support. I really appreciate you all guys for believing in me and the story I’m


Let’s Fly

Chapter 52: Epilogue

Chapter Text

OST: Tagpuan dela Torre

Taehyung and Wonwoo went to California two days before the shoot. The duo wants to do some me
time as reward for their hard work. They tried everything the place has to offer, food, shopping and
new adventure.

Wonwoo realize that he haven’t done this kind of things for years and he felt bad for depriving
himself time to relax and enjoy.

After they've done everything they want to do, they went back on their room, waiting for the room
service. The two decided to share a room because it’s too lonely to stay alone.

“Are the other models are here already?” Wonwoo asked while checking the pictures he captured on
their trip.

“Nope. They will arrive tomorrow afternoon. But I’m having some problem with the one model. His
agency didn’t know if he can make it, so we don’t know if we need get a replacement.” The younger
looks worried while typing on his laptop.
He looks so mature in this environment. Wonwoo hardly seen Taehyung being serious like this. He’s
usually playful and childish. Seeing the younger makes him realize how time changes people.

“Then just get someone else. It would be a problem if suddenly, he can’t make it.” He suggested.
Taehyung looked at him seriously.

“I’ll think about it.”

Wonwoo’s hair and makeup are already done, he’s now waiting for them to call him and tell him
what he’s supposed to do. Which is to model the outfit he's wearing.

The outfit consists of three layers of clothing. A shirt, a vest and a striped coat with lace sleeves. The
details are immaculate. Everything is handmade. Everything are black that gives an amazing contrast
with his fair skin.

Taehyung told him that this is the most expensive one in the collection. His newly dyed pink hair and
a flower crown completed the look they're trying to achieve.

The outfit is lovely in Wonwoo’s opinion. This is not an everyday look. It screams boldness and
confidence and he loves those two words.

Taehyung meets him immediately as he set his foot on the set.

“Hyung this is Ms. Hwang, she’s our photographer. Ms Hwang this is my Wonwoo hyung”
Taehyung introduced. The two politely greeted each other and went straight to the business.

They made a completely different set up for him. Turquoise walls with Victorian style picture
hanging. A Cleopatra sofa is in the middle were Wonwoo will pose. Everything about the set up
screams royal and luxury. It match very well with his look.

Wonwoo looks awkward at first. His body was stiff and he’s really nervous. Taehyung stayed behind
the camera to cheer him up. Quietly telling him to just take a deep breath and be confident. After
couple of minutes, he finally starts to feel comfortable and confident in front of everyone.

Taehyung was right in one thing, there’s no unflattering shot. Every movement and posing that
Wonwoo made looks amazing. His face is on point. He looks innocent and his body moves in a way
that highlights the details of his clothes. Taehyung loved it. The photographer loved it. Even the head
of the brand loved it.

The staff of that company is staring to consider Wonwoo to become their new brand ambassador.

Because Wonwoo looks like he's made to do this. Being a model suits him really well. And with his
body proportion and handsome face, they knew he will be the perfect model for their next collection.
Only if they knew who Kim Wonwoo is.

They continue doing the photo shoot. Wonwoo didn’t know this shoot will be so exhausting. He
didn’t expect the change of clothes, hair style, and make up. Now he appreciate the times he spends
sitting in his office.

After a few hours, they finally finished everything. Wonwoo requested to the younger that he’ll head
back to their hotel because he is really exhausted and hungry.
He arrive to their room, took a shower to remove the product in his skin. Wear comfy clothes and
check his email. He’s also waiting for the room service he ordered. Wonwoo is excited for that
because he almost ordered everything in the menu. He did a job well done so he will eat everything
he wants.

He’s checking his email when the doorbell rang. Wonwoo hop off the bed and open the door.

His heart skip beat when he saw the person behind his door.

“Hi love.”
The person Wonwoo is waiting for years.


Wonwoo is standing frozen in front of his husband. He didn’t know if he is real or just a product of
this fatigue and hunger.

Mingyu looks the same yet different. His hair is brown and he's taller, even taller than Wonwoo. He
looks mature and handsome as always.

“Are you real?” Wonwoo whispered.

The younger smiled. ‘That is Mingyu’s smile.’ Wonwoo thought. He remembers how Mingyu smile
with his eyes and how his dimples show. He will look down when he feel embarrass and touched the
back of his neck before he look up again.
“Yes love. I’m real.” Wonwoo realize that he indeed is real. He didn’t waste any second and
launched himself into the younger’s arm.

“Oh god you’re real.” Wonwoo was sobbing when he finally realize something.

Finally, Mingyu came back.

“I missed you so so much love, so much.” Wonwoo said while tightening his embrace. He’s scared to
let go, scared to the idea that he’ll lose Mingyu again.
“I missed you too so much my love.” Mingyu hold his husband tight as much, sharing the same
feeling with the elder. He missed his warm body against his. His scent, his voice, he missed
everything about Wonwoo.

They can feel tears gathering in their eyes. The years of painful longing. The distance and the time
they lost are now gone. They are together now.

“Let’s get inside.” The elder said.

The couple went inside and Wonwoo hug his husband again. He’s trying to stop his tears from
running but he can’t.

“I can’t believe that you’re here. I – I have a lot of questions; I don’t know what to ask first. I miss
you so so much Gyuie. I love you.” He’s rambling.

The younger find it adorable and nostalgic. He's still the same Wonwoo he learns to love and cherish.
His beloved husband.

“Love we have a lot of time to answer every question you have for me. I’m not leaving you again

They celebrated Mingyu’s homecoming with their friends. Everyone is happy to see Mingyu again,
after four long years. He notices changes with his friends. Jihoon looks the same but there’s a
professional aura surrounding him. Seungkwan can still light up the world with his smile but he
know there’s something change in him. Jimin as always, looks adorable but sexier. The baby fats in
his cheeks are gone.

Jungkook looks string with his muscled body. Taehyung said he’s spending so much time in the gym
but he still has that bunny smile. Taehyung, his alien cousin is still lovable and weird but maturity is
obvious in his action and words.

And Wonwoo. The person he always wishes to see. He’s still the same but Mingyu knows in his
heart that the Wonwoo he’s seeing right now is the complete and stronger version of his husband. He
is proud to see that all their sacrifices are worth it.

They lost four years being together but they both know it will never happen ever again.

Their life came back to normal. Wonwoo still works in Mr. Kim’s company and Mingyu continues
studying music. His dad now supported him hundred percent. Mr. Kim decided to be a supportive
dad in his son’s dream because he knows that music is Mingyu’s happiness.

His support was solidified by Wonwoo taking all the the position in the company. The prenuptial
agreement is gone now, so he owns half of Mingyu’s share in the company.

Jihoon already finished his degree, so Mingyu is attending his music class alone. He does’t care. It’s
not as lonely as attending his business class before. His classmates share the same passion, which is
creating music. Ther personalities and ideas are different but they learn how to respect each other.
Mingyu finally feel that he does belong.

After four long years, Mingyu is home. He’s happy with everything, especially his relationship with
his husband.

Before, he needs to be strong for both of them. He need to always look after Wonwoo. He’s always
scared that one day, Wonwoo will be gone in his life and he’ll never see him again. But now, Mingyu
realize the meaning of partnership that married couple should have.

Equality is the perfect word. They share everything in half, Happiness and even pain. They’re now
both strong and they know how to deal and solve their problems as a couple and as an individual.

He no longer feels the fear that lingers in his heart for a long time. He’s not scared anymore. Mingyu
knows in his heart that Wonwoo will never be gone. He’ll stay with him until their last breath.

The younger never feel relieved in his entire life. He’s looking forward with everything that future
will bring, because Wonwoo is there beside him.

Everything that he imagined before, the spring dates, travel adventures and places they want to see
will become a reality. One by one, they’re trying everything that they want. Place they want to see
and adventure they want to experience. There’s nothing that can stop them from now on.

Mingyu is happy that their life will be filled with beautiful memories.

But right now, he’s just a simple student having a hard time finishing his project.
His final requirement for his class is a completed song. Not just melody, lyrics or rhyme. They have
to submit a three to four minutes song with complete music, vocal and mastery.

Mingyu didn’t have a hard time finishing the song. While being away with Wonwoo, he usually
writes lyrics or creates melody, so that part is not hard. What’s hard is looking for the perfect singer
to sing his song.

He tried asking his classmates; even the other students in their school but it didn't feel right with
anyone. Mingyu also tried asking Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung. He hears them sing before and
they are excellent but it didn’t feel right as well.

He tried asking Jihoon for help. His hyung knows a lot of singer now. The elder gladly agreed.
Jihoon asked his dongsaeng to forward the material to him and he'll try to find someone in his
company to sing it.

Namjooon is starting to get anxious. That project will be due next week and he still doesn’t have a
singer yet.

The younger force himself to forget his project for a moment. He went to his dad’s company to pick
his husband up to ask him on a date. People are wondering why this person is walking straight to
Wonwoo’s office in a casual clothing.

Mingyu saw some familiar and new faces in the office. He gave them a brief smile then walk straight
to Wonwoo’s office.

“Hi love.” Mingyu greeted to his busy husband. He notices how Wonwoo’s eyes sparkle with joy by
hearing his voice.
“Hi handsome. How can I help you?” he seductively teased. Blush was spreading in Mingyu’s
face. ‘My husband is incredible.’ He thought.

“I want to ask you on a date.” The younger said as he pulls Wonwoo towards him.

The elder gave him a wide smile. “I like that.” Mingyu’s heart is soaring with happiness. Everything
is perfect for them.

The couple went to a cafe. Wonwoo is craving for sweets and Mingyu want coffee so cafe would be
the perfect place for their date.

They’re enjoying the food they ordered when Mingyu started sharing his problem with his project.
“Love do you have friends that know how to sing?” he asked while playing with the straw of his ice

“Jungkook have a beautiful voice. Why?” Wonwoo continue eating his parfait.

“I have my project and I’m looking for a singer. I already asked Jungkook, Tae and Jimin but their
voice didn’t suit my song.” He sounds worried. Wonwoo tried thinking of ideas that can help his

“What about Jihoon. He works in an entertainment company. He definitely knows a lot of singers.”
Wonwoo said, feeling hopeful with his suggestion.

“I already asked him the other day. I haven’t heard anything from him yet.” Wonwoo understands the
younger's worries. He knows how important music is to his husband.
“Hmmm...What if you hire a singer? I mean professional singer?” Wonwoo suddenly blurted. It
sounds crazy but it didn’t fail to make Mingyu smile.

“What? What’s wrong with my idea?” the elder wonder.

“Love, that’s impossible. Who will agree to sing for a student like me? They are celebrities. They are
too busy for me.” Mingyu teased. Wonwoo tried understanding the sense of his husband’s word but
his stubborn mind didn’t want to.

“No it’s not impossible. Singing is their job. We can pay them!” Mingyu laugh with Wonwoo’s
adorable reason.

“You’re hilarious love. Thank you for making me laugh.”

The younger's laughter is enough to make Wonwoo laugh as well.

This small thing that they share is the things that they want to remember. Small things that were
filled with love and happiness is now the foundation of their relationship.

Mingyu will always cherish these small things.


Three days before the submission, Mingyu receive a text from Jihoon.
From: Jihoon hyung

I asked someone to sing your song. I send it on your email.

He quickly sends a short ‘Thank you’ message. “Love I’ll just be in the studio.” The younger said to
the elder whose busy preparing their dinner.

Mingyu immediately turn on his computer and saw Jihoon’s email. There are two attached audio file
there, it was titled ‘Moon1’ and ‘Moon2’.

He's excited, he know Jihoon has a sharp ears and an amazing producer so this is good. He just
wished that this is the voice he’s looking for his song.

I wonder all of a sudden, do you really know yourself?

Do you know how pretty you are?

I will orbit you

I will stay by your side

I will become your light

All for you

Mingyu listen carefully within the entire song. A few seconds after the song has ended he thought, ‘I
finally found the perfect voice’.

He notice the other file named ‘Moon2’, although he know that the singer in the first file is the one
he will choose, he still want to hear this version.

Mingyu noticed that this one is ten seconds longer than the first one. ‘Maybe Yooongi hyung change

Mingyu start the audio and listen. Strangely, this one is identical with the first one that he heard. He
is sure the singer for this is the same with the singer for the first one. Although it’s identical in
Mingyu’s ear, he continued listening. He thought maybe Jihoon added something in the vocals. But
the song already ended and nothing changed.

The younger is a click away from closing the audio file when he heard the singer’s voice.

“Love, Please marry me again.”

Mingyu was stunned when he heard that voice. That sounds like Wonwoo. Helisten to it again then
everything makes sense.

His eyes are wide open to realize that Wonwoo is the owner of that perfect voice and he’s asking
Mingyu to marry him again.

A proposal.

Mingyu quickly remove his headphone. He needs to see Wonwoo. He opened the door and saw
his husband.

It seems like a slow motion but Mingyu’s gaze followed Wonwoo, as he kneel in front of him and
present a ring.
“This is not as grand as what you prepare for me four years ago, but I want us to cherish the small
things that made us happy. And now my love, I want to ask you. Kim Mingyu will you marry me

Mingyu stood frozen. He keeps on looking on his kneeling husband. Can’t find the right words to

On the other side is Wonwoo’s heart fighting its way out of his chest. He realizes how nerve-
wracking this is. He can’t imagine how Mingyu felt when he propose in front of all the important
people in their life.

Wonwoo is also petrified by imagining things that can go wrong. ‘What if he says no? What if he ran
away like what I did before?’

“Y – You want to marry me again?” Mingyu can feel a big lump on his throat. His eyes are stinging,
tears wanting to flow.

“Yes. I realize you’re right. We didn’t have the right reason for our marriage before and I want us to
celebrate this new beginning with the perfect reason.” The elder said. There are tears in his eyes as
well but their tears are beautiful happy tears. Another small thing.

“W –will you marry me love?” Wonwoo asked again. The younger sobbed and nodded his head.

“Yes. I – I’ll marry you.” the elder is happy, fireworks exploding inside him. He stood up and put the
ring on Mingyu’s finger that fitted perfectly.

The couple hugs each other. Still can’t believe of all the good things that are happening to them.
That night, Mingyu finished his project and will get married again to the person he love the most.


Everyone aside from Jihoon was shocked when they heard about Wonwoo’s proposal. Their friends
and families are happy for the couple. Jimin teased them by saying the ‘perfect couple of the
century,’ Mingyu and Wonwoo feel shy about it. They are far from perfect. They made mistakes,
they hurt each other. They sometimes became stupid but one thing is for sure; what they have right
now is genuine love for each other.

They decided to do their wedding in beginning of autumn. The couple chose to make their wedding
small and intimate. Less than thirty guess was given an invitation. Just the closest family and friends.
The wedding will be on a lake side in Georgia. They want nature to be part of the celebration and this
is the perfect place to do that.

Four days before the wedding, Mingyu, Wonwoo and all their friends went to Georgia, USA to
prepare for the wedding. They want to do some sight- seeing and relax a little.

Mingyu can’t believe that this is all happening. All the happiness he's feeling, having Wonwoo with
him in this perfect place. Everything is perfect.

Day before the wedding, the couple’s friends force them to separate. Wonwoo with Taehyung, Jimin
and Jisoo decided to go shopping and eat everything they want. They also went to spa to relax and
get their hair done. Wonwoo wanted to change his hair color to black. He thought black will suit him
and his suit.

“Oppa! Any color will suit in you. You’re handsome like prince!” Jisoo exclaimed. The other two
agreed although they feel different in the way Jisoo is saying things.

“Princess, Wonwoo hyung only look like prince now? I thought he is your prince oppa?” Jimin
questioned. The young lady looks at him.

“I realize it sounds silly to call him prince oppa now.” She cheerfully said. The three realize how
Jisoo changed. They wonder why.

Mingyu, Jihoon, Seungkwan and Jungkook decided to go play paintball. Although Jihoon and
Seungkwan is against it, Jungkook wins the rock, paper, scissor so he's the one deciding what they’re
gonna do.

The group was divided into red and black team. Jihoon and Seungkwan is the black team then
Mingyu and Jungkook is the red.
Seungkwan keeps complaining that it’s unfair. Mingyu is the tallest and Jungkook is the fastest and is
ready to kill. While Jihoon and him are both scared with the paintball.

The game started and Seungkwan is petrified. Jungkook is hiding behind a tree trying to shoot him.
His screams echos all over the place that made his friends laugh. Mingyu is the one guarding their
base and trying to shoot his little friend Jihoon.

The black team didn’t know what to do actually. They’re trying to push forward into the red team’s
base while keeping themselves in getting hit, but screaming their heads off because they're scared.

Jungkook is enjoying. The adrenaline that's pumping in his system makes him happy. He’s enjoying
shooting Seungkwan and hears his screams. The elder will definitely avoid playing with Jungkook

After thirty minutes, Mingyu, Jihoon and Seungkwan are almost passing out with exhaustion. They
are sweaty and bruised, especially Seungkwan who have less than twenty hit in his clothes.

“Yah! I don’t want to play with you again!” Seungkwan said while panting. “You killed him kid. If
that was a real gun, we’ll be dead.” Jihoon added, also panting. Mingyu smiled at the youngest. He’s
proud that they win.

“Common let’s get out of here, before Jungkook murder us.” Mingyu said and the group went out to

It’s the wedding day and everyone is excited. Mingyu slept with Jihoon while Wonwoo stayed in
their room. They want to follow the tradition just for additional excitement.

Hours before the wedding and the guest were starting to come to the venue. They're amazed with the
set up of the place. The wedding coordinator did a great job with the wedding venue.

The wedding is in a lakeside that surrounded by trees. There’s an arch of white flowers in the end of
the aisle where Wonwoo and Mingyu will stand. Lamps were meticulously placed on the ground that
gives that rustic and magical feel. Surprisingly, the elegant design of chandeliers blended perfectly
with the theme. The seats are made with natural wood. White petals are scattered on the aisle and the
natural ray of sunshine gives the final touch. Everything looks perfect.

Two hours before the wedding, Wonwoo is done dressing up. His hair and makeup is already done.
He’s nervous. The same feeling he had on their first wedding. But the difference is that the person
he’ll be with on the end of the aisle is the person he'll love for the rest of his life.

“Oh god why am I so nervous?” Wonwoo asked. Jisoo and Jugkook is looking at him, also done
dressing up.

“Because you’re getting married?” Jungkook sarcastically answered, Wonwoo glare at him. They
meet eyes and Jungkook sigh. “You know what hyung, just breathe. You’re getting married with the
man you really love and love so as much so nothing to worry about.”

“Why you look confident Kookie? You didn’t like the idea if me getting married with Mingyu
before.” Wonwoo tested.

Jungkook sigh again and walk beside his hyung. “Before, I didn't know him. I am worried about you.
But after everything he’s done for you, I am hundred percent sure that he is the perfect man for you
hyung. I am happy to see you happy with him.”
That statement almost brought Wonwoo into tears. “Yah! stop that. My makeup will be ruined if you
make me cry.” The younger slightly smiled and pat him on the back.

A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door and Taehyung’s head peek out. “Hi hyung!” he
cheerfully said. Automatically, he went beside his boyfriend but they notice he’s hiding something
behind his back.

“Wow hyung my design looks magnificent on you!” Taehyung proudly said.

When they announced their wedding, Taehyung volunteered to design their suit for the event. The
couple happily agreed because they know how important it is for Taehyung and they trust his talent.

The younger decided to make a black and white suit. Black for Mingyu and white for Wonwoo. He
took two weeks to finish the design and almost a month to finish the two suits that perfectly fits to
the couple.

“Of course they, you’re an amazing designer that’s why it looks perfect.” Wonwoo answered. The
elder's words made Taehyung happy.

He is happy that they appreciate his design and effort to make their wedding suits.

“Mingyu hyung want to give you this.” It’s a black box and a letter. Wonwoo’s heart flutters with the
gift. The younger always wants to shower him with gifts. It’s nice to receive beautiful things but the
idea that he thinks of him always makes Wonwoo’s heart soft even more.

“Thanks Tae.” He said and opened the letter.

“This gives me strength when I almost want to give up. I kept it with me for because I know there
will be a perfect time to give you this. And now is that time. I can’t wait to marry you again my love.
I love you.

- NJ

Wonwoo open the box. A tear escape on his eyes when he saw his husband’s gift.

It is the ring that he bought for his proposal four years ago.

It is not a ring anymore but a pendant to a necklace. It looks the same when he first and last saw it.
And the idea of Mingyu holding on to his ring in times of his weakness makes him long for his
husband even more.

“Oh hyung don’t cry, you’ll ruin your makeup.” Taehyung tried comforting him. This gift is touching
Wonwoo’s heart so much, he can't stop himself from crying. He can’t wait to marry his husband.
Wonwoo wiped his tears away and went to the closet and pull out a huge box. “Tae, Jisoo, can you
deliver this to Mingyu please.”

“I didn’t expect to attend your wedding for the second time Mingyuah. In just five years I’ve been in
to two weddings. It’s crazy.” Jihoon stated.

The trio and Jimin is preparing in Jihoon’s room. They’re enjoying the champagne while waiting for
the time. “I remember hyung. He was so nervous that day like he’s gonna sit himself!” Seungkwan
teased while sitting on Jihoon’s bed.

Mingyu also remembered that day. When hangover is being a bitch and enjoying his pain. That’s the
first time he saw all the people that will have a huge part on his life. Jungkook, Jimin, Jisoo and the
day he agreed to be united to the person he didn’t know he will love.

It feels like a dream that five years already passed and still they are together. He recalls in his
memory the day he first met Wonwoo. How he promised that they’ll have nothing to do with each
other’s business although they are married. How they’ll have their divorce after two or three years.
But here they are now. Preparing to officially start the new chapter of their lives together.

Namjooon can say that life and destiny has been good to him. They have a rough time and painful
memories but in the end, they're still together and that will go on for the rest of their life.

His recollection of stored memories was interrupted of a soft knock on the door.
Jisoo and Taehyung enters the room and they are all looking to this two beautiful being, especially
the one sitting on the bed.

“Oh my god hyung. You two look perfect with the suits!” Taehyung exclaimed. It is his first time
seeing Mingyu wearing the suit he designed. He’s happy with it.

“Oppa! You look handsome today! Just like my Wonu oppa!” Jisoo added. Mingyu smile at the two.
“You too princess, you look beautiful with your dress.”

Everyone saw how Jisoo blushed with the compliment. Even the man sitting in front of her starts
feeling warmth in his face.

“Oh this is for you. Wonu oppa want you to have this.” The young lady said as he present a huge
pink box tied with a ribbon.

Everyone wonder what is it. It can be shoes? A bag or clothes? They didn’t know. Mingyu is excited
to see what’s inside.

He open the box and it was hundreds of envelops. A note was placed on top of the letters.

This is my thoughts and emotions for you for the past four years. Each letter states how much I long
for you my love. But after today, we’ll no longer feel the longing for each other. We will be together
until the end.

Mingyu was speechless to see every single letter Wonwoo wrote while waiting for his return. He’ll
now have a chance to peek into his husband’s mind and heart at the time they are away from each

He open the first envelope that looks like the oldest letter in the box. The date almost made his knees
gave out.

The letter was dated a few months after he left. That is the first letter Wonwoo wrote, the day he
received the affidavit that the younger prepared.


Hi love, I don’t know if I’ll have a chance to see you again so I made this letter for you.

I miss you so much Mingyu. There’s no day that I never remember you. I always want to see you so
bad that sometimes I’ll cry myself into sleep.
You’re still in my memory and in the memory of our home. I miss you so much. It is hard to open my
eyes in the morning and not see your smile. I miss you whispering how much you love me and I’m
trying to stop hoping that I will see you as I went home but it is fine. Now I finally understand your
reason for leaving.

I know I always say this but I honestly felt that I don’t deserve you. You are kind and loving and
courageous but I didn’t say that I don’t love it. You are the kindest person I met in my life my love.
You always want to protect the people that you love. You want to make us smile and you always go
miles just to ensure our safety, my safety.

You love my sister like your own and I don’t know how to thank you for that. And you love me
completely. I’m sorry for hurting you my love, I didn’t mean every pain that I cause to you.

I know you are healing your heart and I’m doing my best to heal myself too. Thank you pushing me
to be kind to myself love. That is something that I will never do if I didn’t meet you. I am trying, I

I know I still have a lot to learn about forgiveness and loving myself but I will remember your words.
Thank you for always seeing me as a precious and proving that I am worth it.

You’re right I am worth it and I will never let other people to change that.

I know there is a possibility that you will not be back but whatever happens, please know that I
became a better person because of you . You're the one who always see something in me when I
didn’t know how to value myself.

I hope we both heal faster but I don’t mind waiting.

My love you are worth the wait. I will trust you and your words. I believe that you will be back in me
and our home will be filled with warmth again.
I know in myself that when you came back, I am finally ready to love you completely. I will do my
best to take care of you.

And lastly, thank you for loving me Gyuie. I know it’s hard to love someone like me but you still did
and you love me without asking for anything in return.

I didn’t hope that there will be someone who will love me unconditionally, but you came and prove
that this kind of love does exist.

I’m always waiting for you my love.

I will be strong for us and our love.


Tears dropped into the letter as Mingyu failed to stop his tears from running. Emotions are
overwhelming. He’s thankful to have the chance to read this letter. It proves how much they
succeeded as a couple and as an individual.

“I can’t wait to be with you my love.”

It’s the time they’ve been waiting. The time where Mingyu and Wonwoo will seal their love forever.

The guest are all seated, excited while waiting for them.

Everyone applaud as they see Mingyu walking down the aisle. He looks perfect with his black suit
and bow tie. His father is so proud to see his son being a better man he’ll ever be.

The younger arrive on the end if the aisle and embrace his mother. Mrs. Kim is shock to receive such
a warm gesture from his only son. Mingyu also embrace his father.

The father and son tried to not cry. But they know in themselves that they are thankful they have
each other. Forgiveness have been given. Painful memories are left in the past. Mingyu wants to start
a new beginning with his parents as much as he look up for his new beginning with Wonwoo.

The coordinators tried their hardest to hide Wonwoo before he walk down the aisle. They went out of
their room while Wonwoo is covered with black fabric that was being held by the staff.
Everyone’s heart was pounding with excitement to see Wonwoo.

And the curtain opened.

Wonwoo is there standing on the other end of the aisle looking perfect and looking to his beloved.

The music starts playing as he made the first step.

Wonwoo remembered the things he experience while having Mingyu in his life. Every step is a
memory from their first meeting. The misunderstanding. The awkward moment together, happiness,
love, painful memories.

The time they spend on their closet, when Mingyu held him when he’s too broken to be fixed. The
memories of letting himself free from the past and even the time he ran away that night. Everything
was flashing in his mind as he stepped closer to the man that loves him the most.
On the last step, everything fades when he saw his husband, eyes filled with tears and smiling with
genuine happiness.

Mingyu tear up as he saw how beautiful his husband is. Not just with the expensive suit but
everything about him is beautiful. His father offered a handkerchief to his son, also looking so proud
to his son – in –law. He know that moment they will be perfect for each other.

“Hi love.” Mingyu greeted. They held hands and face the preacher.

Everyone is listening with everything that the preacher is saying. He talks about how love doesn’t
have boundary or limit. Wonwoo and Mingyu were listening but still having their silent conversation
through stolen glance and subtle smile.

The preacher ended his preach and it’s the time of saying their vows. Mingyu decided to be first. He
pulled up a piece of paper where he wrote all his promises for their marriage.

“First of all, I want to thank our parents.” Mingyu said and look into his and Wonwoo’s parents

“I want to thank all off you for giving me and my husband a chance to meet each other. We’ll never
be here without you.
My love, I have millions of things to say but I tried writing all that in this paper. At first we’ve been
in this situation for a wrong reason. But today as I say my vow to you, I can proudly say that I am
marrying the person that I want to be with for the rest of my life.” Mingyu tried to clear his throat but
he’s having a hard time.

“You’re the bravest and most amazing person I met and I am so blessed to be your husband. Thank
you for supporting me in my dreams. You made me realize that how important my dreams are. Thank
you for aiding my wounds whenever I hurt myself. For making meals for me because you know how
much I love homemade meals. Thank you my love for coming in to my life and giving me my home.
You are my home. The safest place I can ever be is beside you. I can face every trial as long as
you’re with me. Thank you for pushing me to become a better person ever day.” The younger cannot
himself any longer and started crying.

“Our story wasn’t easy. There are times that I want to give up and leave. Our hearts got broken and
wounded but I am thankful that I chose not to let your hands go. Because you, my love is worth it.
Every pain and wounds are gone. Because now, we'll spend our days being genuinely happy while
being together.” Mingyu’s tears continued running down his face.

“I promise you that what we have right now remain forever. My love and respect for you will never
fade. I cannot promise a perfect life but what I promise is I will always work hard to make you happy
every day. I will tell you how much I love you every morning before you open your eyes and I will
hold you every night before we sleep. I promised to always try my best to understand you when it is
hard or even if it’s painful. My love I can’t give you the whole world but what I can offer you is my
heart. Please keep my heart as I keep yours safely. I promise to not hurt you and I am Kim Mingyu
will always hold you even the world starts falling apart. I love you Kim Wonwoo. Always.” Wonwoo
wipe the younger’s tears away.

Even the guests were slightly tearing up as they hear Mingyu’s vow. Even the preacher can feel their
love for each other.

Wonwoo tried clearing his throat. He doesn’t want his voice cracking as he says is vow for the
“Hi my love, a few months ago, I’m wondering if I’ll ever have the chance to see you again. I’m
scared to see my life without you in it. But today you’re in front of me, saying our vows to each
other. I don’t know what I did to deserve you. You’re the perfect person that suddenly enters my life
and change it forever. The first time we met, you look so cute trying to intimidate me. But your good
heart prevails and gave me a chance to tell you my story. After a while, I got to know you better and
we got married.

Thank you for taking care of me from the start. I realize how your heart was made of gold when you
agreed to this marriage. You always look at me and see the ugly truth behind that facade. But you
never judge me or never let me feel like I’m a lesser person than you or anyone.” Wonwoo is
focusing to read his vows without cracking his voice. Although his chest wants to explode.

“I’m incomplete when you met me, being held by my painful past. Scared of rejection and I don’t
know where to find love. I always ask myself why people always leave me. But you Mingyu, is the
only person that stay with me when I cannot hold myself together. Love, I want to thank you for
staying and accompanying me to my journey of finding what genuine happiness is. You held me
inside our closet. You hold me tight with the hope that you’ll be able to make me a whole again. I
will always appreciate the sacrifices that you made to protect me and to make me happy.

My love I want to tell you that you are my happiness. You’re the only one that made me see how
beautiful our life is. Your smile is the light in my dark world. You always make me feel your warmth
when I feel cold and empty. I don’t know if you knew this but you’re such a great person and I am so
blessed to have you in my life.” Wonwoo breathe.

“My love I also want to thank you for giving me the chance to know myself better. I know its hard for
you to leave me and everyone you love, but you endure everything because you want me to find and
complete myself . Thank you for helping me to have my life back love. Thank you for the patience and
thank you for holding on. And also for teaching me that I deserve love and happiness. You believe in
me while I don't know what to believe in. And above of all this words I said, I want to thank you
Mingyu for not g – givi –“

Wonwoo’s voice cracked as he didn’t manage to hold a sob escaping from his lips. He covered his
face with the paper he’s holding with eyes full of tears. Mingyu is still looking at him, encouraging
him to breathe and continue.
“I want to thank you for not g – giving up on me.” He breathes. “You remain strong and didn’t give
up even when I’m giving up to myself. There’s always an escape but you still chose to fight with me
and protect me with everything that you have. Thank you my love for being the miracle in my life.”

“I promise to you to make your favorite coffee every day and make you eat breakfast even if you’re
too busy to eat. I will kiss you every day and ask how your day every night. I promise my love that I
will never take you and your love for granted. I will cherish every small thing we share together. I’ll
be with you when you’re worried and listen to your out of the world thoughts.

I will be always be your number one supporter because I know what you’re doing is something great
and that can make you happy . My love please let me be with you when you’re having a hard time. I
will always be willing to carry half of your burden. And I’ll never get tired to carry half of
everything as long as you hold my hand.

Because of you I became stronger and because of that, my love I promise to be strong for us, to hold
on to our love and this marriage . You don’t need to fight alone anymore, because I’ll be here beside
you to hold on to our promise. I'll be strong for you and for our dreams. And I’ll do my best to be the
best husband for you. I love you so much Mingyu.”

Their friends and the other guests can’t hold their tears anymore. The promise they made for each
other is genuine.

The couple both says their ‘I do’s’. Wear the ring that is the symbol of their union.

“By the power vested in me, with great pleasure that I pronounce that you are indeed one as husband
and husband and you may seal this marriage with a kiss.”

The guest starts applauding while waiting for that most awaited kiss. Mingyu look at Wonwoo and
gave him a smile. “We didn’t kiss last time. I love you Wonu.” He pulls the elder and sealed their
lips together.
“I love you too.”

“ Always.”

Chapter 53: rouhi's note

Chapter Text

Hi my Lovely readers!!

How’s your experience? I hope you cry because I did. I cried because of happiness and anxiety. I
need to accept that Different Arrangement has ended and I need to let go. How about you?

I hope you all enjoy this wild ride being with Mingyu and Wonwoo. I enjoy writing these emotions.
I’m not really sure if you can count this as literature but I hope D.A gives you lesson that you can
bring throughout your life.
I want to clarify. I don’t intend to romanticize sensitive topics such as mental illness or sexual crime.
I hope I didn’t do that here.
I made this story to give you guys knowledge of how mental illness works and how it cannot ruin
someone’s life as long as you’re with the right people that supports and loves you.
And also thank you for believing in me and believing in this story. I didn’t plan on continuing this
Fanfic but I saw two comments asking for an update so I tried writing chapters and finally after four
long years I finish it. Thank you for being with me. I’ll be here with you as well.

As a gift for your patience, we’ll have ask rouhui anything!!

You can ask question that you have for D.A or just anything. I’ll answer them.

Thank you my lovelies I hope Different Arrangement made you happy even for a little in this chaotic


Let’s Fly


Chapter 54: Answer to your questions!!

Chapter Text

To some question concerning D.A I made this for you lovely readers!!

 Why Wonwoo’s surname is Jeon?

That is because, when I’m starting D.A, I’m not really sure if they are allowed to be married with
someone who have the same surname as them. Wonwoo and Mingyu’s surname is both Kim so to
avoid complications I change Wonwoo’s last name into Jeon.

 What is Wonwoo and Jungkook’s relationship?

Jungkook is the son of Wonwoo’s nanny. Her mother died so Wonwoo begged his parents to adopt
Jungkook. So Jungkook is now using the name Jeon.

 Will the other ships have their own story?

That is a big YES! Taekook, Yoonmin and Bisoo will have their own stories. They will all belong to
a series titled LOVED. I am planning to do Hobi and Jisoo’s story nest but not very soon. I haven’t
don anything concerning the story yet. No titles no outline but the whole plot is already complete in
my mind. And I’m also researching about autism spectrum as much as I could so that I wouldn’t give
a wrong idea of how people belong in the spectrum lives. I don’t want to make a mistake in writing a
character that has that condition so that would take time.

And I am also having two stories in line base on my imaginary schedule. The first one is False
Hopes, chapter one is already posted and the other one is titled With You. I planned finishing False
Hope before the end of 2020.

 Will Different Arrangement will be published?

As much as I want my story to be published but i know the reality when it comes to publishing
storied that originated with Wattpad. For the stories to be published, it needs t be popular. Like really
really popular. And also the author needs to have his/ her own social media platforms and fan base.
And it needs to be huge. So that the companies will be assured that the book will sell.

Compared to formal literature, Wattpad stories are relying o fan base than the actual story and I don’t
have all of that.

And D.A has the word count of freaking 227,052. Having 100k plus word count is a big no no for the

But I’ actually planning to spend money on it for the book cover and editing and print it as a personal
 Will you continue writing?

Yes, writing will be a huge part of my life now. I actually have two notebooks containing of almost
90+ plots that are supposedly BTS Fan fic but I realize I want to create original characters and have
their own characteristics that BTS members don’t have so yes. I will still write on my heart’s content.

From: Desde_love

What Mingyu did during these four years?

I plan to write what he did on the epilogue but I chose not to. My idea of what he did while being
away is he studied liberal arts in Japan, travel and create music.

From: JJGyuie

Why it needs to take four years for Mingyu to come back? Wonwoo look fine within the first year.

Good question. There are two reasons:

First, it’s originally planned to be three years. But I realize why not make it four years same with
how long I wrote D.A. that’s for my own satisfaction.

Second is for me, recovering from mental illness is not easy. It’s neither fast nor consistent. I
experience that cycle within the recovery period. I felt like I am finally okay! I can conquer the world
then few days later I’m back to square one again.

If you’ll analyze D.A, the story is like a cycle. Wonwoo will be okay then something happen,
Mingyu will help then he’s happy again. Then repeat. That is the reality with mental illness. Nothing
will be done in a snap. It is frustrating, sometimes people lose hope but as long as you are with the
right people, you will never lose.


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