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2019, VOL. 4, NO. 1, 1–9


Estimation of age in forensic anthropology: historical perspective and

recent methodological advances
Douglas H. Ubelaker and Haley Khosrowshahi
Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA


Estimation of age represents a central focus of forensic anthropological analysis of human Received 9 August 2018
skeletal remains and of the living. Advances registered in recent research include the topics Accepted 14 November 2018
of taphonomic impact, new anatomical areas of interest, histology, population variation, the
dental pulp chamber, technology, mathematical approaches, biochemical analysis and
Age estimation; forensic
techniques specifically targeting the living. This article reviews the historical development of sciences; forensic
age estimation methods and considers likely future directions. anthropology; history;
recent advances

Introduction assess age from the human skeleton and in the liv-
ing. The intent is not to summarize all available
Estimation of age represents one of the most
methods and their individual histories but rather to
important aspects of analysis in forensic anthropol-
focus on the historical developments and recent
ogy. Of the different variables within the biological
advances in age estimation methods as documented in
profile of missing persons represented by recovered
the published literature. Greater detail on the methods
skeletal remains, age at death represents a key
and issues is available in the literature cited.
feature leading to identification [1–3]. Selection of
appropriate methods depends of course on what
skeletal elements are present and what general age is Age estimation of the immature
represented. Techniques utilized to estimate age at Regarding immature individuals, research and case-
death in fetal, infant, child and other immature work have demonstrated that some age information
individuals differ from those needed to analyse is available from bone size and maturation, epiphys-
the skeleton from a mature individual [4,5]. If eal appearance and closure, loss of deciduous teeth
the preliminary assessment of recovered remains and eruption of both deciduous and permanent
reveals that the third molar is completely formed, teeth. However, the most accurate estimates are
the epiphyses of the iliac crest and sternal clavicle those generated from an assessment of dental
are united, and the basilar synchondrosis is fused, formation when teeth are available for examination.
then techniques appropriate for mature individuals Significant advancements in age assessment of
should be employed. These epiphyses are the last to dental formation involve the evaluation of individual
fuse. Thus if they are fused, those of the other long teeth, utilizing local standards and recognition of
bones (distal femur, distal radius proximal tibia, sex and population differences. Although many
etc.) normally are fused as well. standards are available, advancement consists of
Methods for adult age estimation are extensive utilizing a system that is locally-based, defines the
but include assessment of the extent of cranial various stages of dental formation and provides age
suture closure, parietal thinning, pubic symphysis information based upon an extensive, appropriate
metamorphosis, development of the sternal rib ends, study sample.
osteoarthritis including osteophytosis, overall degen- Assessment of epiphyseal closure also must
erative changes, changes to the auricular area and consider a substantial sex difference and population
acetabulum of the pelvis, as well as dental and bone variation; note however that some error is involved
histology features. This article examines recent in sex estimation. Considerable time is required
methodological advances in these techniques to from the beginning to the end of the closure. Thus,

CONTACT Douglas H. Ubelaker

This work was authored as part of the Contributor’s official duties as an Employee of the United States Government and is therefore a work of the United States
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the use of standards must carefully examine the ectocranial suture closure, including a new system
definition of “closure” employed in each particular for scoring closure. Also in 1985, Meindl et al. [14]
study. Since population variation exists in the timing offered a revision of age estimation from the os
of epiphyseal closure, it is crucial to choose stand- pubis with a critical look at other methods involving
ards appropriate for the individual examined. that bone. Lovejoy et al. [15] also examined age
Nutritional status and related socioeconomic factors changes in the auricular surface of the ilium,
can affect the aging process. offering a new approach for that area of the pelvis.
In 1985, Lovejoy et al. [16] returned to the theme
advanced earlier that combined (multifactorial)
Historical development of methods
methods are more accurate than single ones.
Methods for estimating age in adults have changed In the 1990’s publications began to appear that
dramatically throughout the history of forensic compared results of different methods, including
anthropology. In general, the evolution of methods those using the same area of the skeleton. For
increasingly recognizes the value of using multiple example, Brooks and Suchey [17] evaluated age esti-
methods/age indicators over single ones and that mates based on two methods that involved
those techniques developed from one study sample examination of the os pubis. Konigsberg and
may not be applied to others with the same level of Frankenberg [18] examined the uncertainty included
confidence. For example, as early as 1955, Brooks in age estimates. Bedford et al. [19] tested the multi-
examined age indicators in the cranium and pubis factorial aging approach on skeletons of known age
noting considerable sex differences and varying from a Canadian collection. Hershkovitz et al. [20]
reliability. In this early study, Brooks [6] concluded, examined the factors limiting the accuracy of age
“no one age indicator is adequate”. The value in estimates from the sagittal suture. Also in 1997,
examining multiple age indicators was also empha- Aykroyd et al. [21] discussed the methodology of
sized in the later classic texts by Krogman [7] and regression analysis in adult age estimation. Belkin
Stewart [8]. et al. [22] noted the impact of environmental factors
Controversy in the paleodemography literature on the aging process. Galera et al. [23] compared
stimulated subsequent advancements in age at death the error involved when different methods of
estimation methodology. In 1982, Bocquet-Appel assessment of cranial suture closure were applied
and Masset [9] published an article “Farewell to to the same collection (Terry at the Smithsonian
paleodemography” criticizing the accuracy of this Institution in Washington, DC).
endeavor. While some concern was aimed at In 1999, Baccino et al. [24] published a study in
sampling problems relating to ancient cemetery which seven methods of assessing age at death were
excavation, most criticisms focused on the methods applied to a single French collection of individuals
of age estimation. Concerning estimates of adult age of known age at death. In a blind study, they
at death, the publication argued that the age struc- applied the dental Lamendin method [25], the
ture of the reference sample influenced age estimates Suchey-Brooks method of assessing the pubic sym-
for the target skeletons. Of course, each published _
physis [17], the Işcan method relating to the sternal
method of individual techniques was based on a rib ends [26], the Kerley histological method [27]
particular reference sample, sometimes with limited and three combined methods. All of the combined
age distribution. Bocquet-Appel and Masset [9] methods outperformed any of the individual
argued that this had a devastating effect on the techniques. The accuracy of the latter reflected the
general reconstruction of demographic variables and experience of the investigator.
individual age estimates in particular. Others noted In 2000, Milner et al. [28] summarized state of
that while Bocquet-Appel and Masset had raised the art regarding age estimation in paleodemog-
legitimate issues, they had exaggerated the magni- raphy studies, noting the continued challenge of
tude of concern. This point was made clear in a accurate age estimation. Hoppa [29] called attention
follow-up article by Van Gerven and Armelagos [10] to population variation impacting age estimation.
“‘Farewell to paleodemoraphy’ rumors of its death Discussion of age estimation in paleodemography
have been greatly exaggerated.” Bocquet-Appel and continued to evolve [18]. Also in 2002, Wittwer-
Masset [11] remained unconvinced. Backofen and Buba [30] introduced a new method
The exchange cited above was followed by of age estimation involving assessment of tooth
substantial research and discussion both within the cementum annulation, a promising microscopic
fields of paleodemography and forensic anthropol- method but with problems of feature identification
ogy. In 1983, Meindl et al. [12] critically examined contributing to interobserver error.
accuracy in age estimation methods. Later, in 1985, In 2002, Boldsen et al. [31] introduced transition
Meindl and Lovejoy [13] produced new data on analysis as a new approach to age estimation.

Transition analysis represented a response to the condition. Fragmented and taphonomically altered
Bocquet-Appel and Masset [9] reference sample remains present unique challenges for
issue, as well as concerns expressed by Kemkes- age estimation.
Grottenthaler [32] and Hoppa and Vaupel [33]. It While the negative impact of postmortem change
featured a multifactorial approach based on multiple has been known for decades, recent research has
study collections that generated a most likely age illuminated critical specific details. Cappella et al. [44]
estimate along with a sense of the probabilities noted that preservation issues particularly impact the
involved. elderly. Their study of skeletal remains of 145 elderly
In 2006, Bello et al. [34] again called attention to individuals from Italy revealed that methods focusing
age and sex bias in paleodemographic reconstruc- on the fragile sternal ends of ribs and the palatine
tion. Rinaldi et al. [35] critically examined sutures were especially impacted. Likewise, as indi-
methodology involving cranial suture closure. cated by Adserias-Garriga et al. [45], thermal condi-
Frederic et al. [36] took a fresh look at Bayesian tions severely affect the preservation of bone and teeth
statistics in age estimation using tooth wear assess- and thus limit age estimation.
ment. Ardito and Pacciani [37] also highlighted
Bayesian approaches to age estimation. Milner
et al. [38], Garvin et al. [39] and Milner and New anatomical areas of interest
Boldsen [40] all provided reviews of new method- Recent progress has been marked in the detection of
ology in age estimation at that time. new areas of the skeleton yielding age information.
In more recent years, tests have emerged focusing Alves-Cardoso and Assis [46] presented a detailed
on multifactorial methods vs. single ones, Bayesian analysis of arthritic changes in joints of the skeleton
statistics and transition analysis. Godde and and their correlation with age. Degenerative changes
Hens [41] found that the Bayesian approach outper- in the limb joints reflect age changes, in addition to
formed the single method of Suchey-Brooks in the habitual use and other factors. Such changes are
assessment of the pubic symphysis. Also in a com- variable but generally, correlate with advanced age.
parison of transition analysis vs. traditional aging A similar, but more specific study focusing on just
methods using a Mexican archaeological collection osteoarthritis of the shoulder presented useful data
with individuals of unknown actual ages at death,
for older adults [47].
Bullock et al. [42] found that the former more Also focusing on individuals of advanced age,
successfully captured older age estimates. Villa
Navega et al. [48] examined bone mineral density.
et al. [43] analysed the reliability of the Suchey-
Analysis of 100 female femora from the Coimbra,
Brooks and Buckberry-Chamberlain methods using
Portugal collection revealed a strong correlation
3 D visualizations from CT and laser scans. While
between bone mineral density and age at death.
these methods can be improved with new imaging
Their methodological approach featured a connec-
technology, currently direct observation from dry
tionist computational approach and the use of
bone provides the most accurate results.
artificial neural networks.

Recent research
Published research in recent years has advanced age
estimation methodology in diverse ways. New Bone histology has been featured in approaches to
knowledge focuses on taphonomic impact, new age estimation since Kerley’s pioneering publication
anatomical areas yielding age information, histology, in 1965 [27] focusing on the midshaft of the femur,
population variation, evaluation of the dental pulp tibia and fibula. Subsequently, the approach has
chamber, technology, advanced mathematical been modified for different structures and other
approaches, biochemical analysis and age estimation bones of the skeleton. For decades, bone histology
of the living. has been regarded as one of the most accurate
individual techniques. However, its use by forensic
anthropologists has been limited due to the special-
Taphonomic impact ized training required for specimen preparation and
Age estimation methods are developed from ana- structure interpretation. A recent book edited by
tomical collections containing individuals of known Crowder and Stout [49] reviews current applications
age at death. Such collections are usually in of histology to anthropological issues. Streeter [50]
pristine condition, allowing examination of fragile provides a chapter summarizing recent histological
structures. Of course, skeletons undergoing aging research relating to different bones and
forensic anthropology analysis are rarely in pristine anatomical areas within bones.

Population variation varying body sizes and socioeconomic levels.

Merritt [60] tested eight methods of age estimation
Forensic anthropologists must consider how popula-
on 746 North American skeletons of varying body
tion variation can affect the aging process. Such
mass and living stature. The Merritt study revealed
variation can reflect genetics but also socio-eco-
that body size does affect the accuracy of
nomic factors such as nutritional status. Recent
research has documented much of this variation, age estimation.
Spake and Cardoso [61] examined differences in
primarily through regional testing of methods devel-
oped from other collections and locations. For age estimation using bone size between average chil-
example, Benedicto et al. [51] examined the validity dren and victims of homicide. This study suggested
and accuracy of three radiographic dental age esti- that growth variation related to socioeconomic sta-
mation methods using a Brazilian sample of 387 tus impacted age estimation and revealed differences
males and 622 females ranging in age from 8 to between data from the United States and Australia/
16 years. This study determined which of the exist- New Zealand.
ing methods were most applicable to Brazilian cases.
In similar research, Guo et al. [52] presented Dental pulp chamber
Chinese data on second molar maturity using a
large sample of 834 males and 823 females. Teeth provide useful age information, especially
Sullivan et al. [53] recently added population data with subadults. Recent research indicates that the
from a Western Australia sample with documented pulp chamber, the inner area that houses sensitive
ages ranging from birth to 30 years on the timing of nerves, provides data useful for estimating age in
epiphyseal fusion in the pelvic girdle and proximal adults [62]. Building on methodology developed by
femur. In addition, working in Australia, Lottering Cameriere et al. [63–67], D’Ortenzio et al. [68]
et al. [54] provided new data on the timing of examined age changes in the pulp/tooth ratio calcu-
fusion of the iliac crest. The latter study examined lated from tooth sections. Their research samples
524 individuals ranging in age from 7 to 25 years included individuals of known age at death and
using both conventional radiography and multislice offered a new method exceptionally accurate for age
computed tomography. categories greater than 50 years.
Methods to estimate age at death from the acet- More recently, Dehghani et al. [69] provided new
abulum are relatively new and thus have attracted data from Iran in an assessment of age changes in
recent research attention aimed at validation. Calce the dental pulp chamber of canines using digital
and Rogers [55] evaluated methods of age estima- panoramic radiographs. Using a large sample of
tion using the acetabulum on a sample of 100 males maxillary and mandibular canines, they employed
from the documented Grant collection in Ontario, CAD software and regression analysis. Their
Canada. Their research demonstrated the value of research provided useful information on population
consulting local reference samples in age estimation. variation and indicated that maxillary canines yield
Herrera and Retamal [56] examined the reliability more accurate results than those from the mandible.
of age estimation from the iliac auricular surface Roberts et al. [70] noted that assessment of root
using a documented Chilean sample. They found canal widths of mandibular molars can assist age
that in their sample, differences were difficult to estimation, especially regarding determination if the
detect between progressive age phases defined by individual is above or below the age of 18 years.
Osborne et al. [57]. Michopoulou et al. [58] tested Their London, UK radiographic study utilized 1 000
other methods of age estimation from the auricular males and 1 000 females of ages between 16 and
surface finding a more significant error in their 26 years. The attempt to determine if the age of an
applications to documented skeletons from Crete, individual is above or below a specific age (e.g.
Greece than initially reported. 18 years) relates to medico-legal issues of the living.
Working with a contemporary Mexican sample, This process is distinct from the prediction of a
Mu~ noz et al. [59] tested published age standards for likely age range in a paleodemographic study or the
the sternal end of the fourth rib. Their analysis of assessment of an unidentified skeleton. Note also
444 males and 60 females with known ages at that factors of selected mortality and related issues
death ranging from 17 to 92 years revealed that the may affect the use of data from the living to predict
published standards underestimated age. In addition, age of the deceased.
they found that in males, inaccuracy increased
with advancing age as had been commonly
Technology and mathematics
assumed previously.
Variation in the aging process occurs not only in With remarkable advancements in technology,
individuals from different regions but also those of forensic anthropology has taken old ways of

estimating age and adapted them to be compatible anthropology, the biochemical analysis focusing
with new equipment. These new approaches, such extensively on DNA offers vital information on age
as 3 D scanning, often promise greater accuracy in at death [45,76–79].
estimating age at death. Considerable experimenta- Zapico and Ubelaker [80] assessed the varied
tion has focused on scanning the pubic symphysis. applications of the physiological bases of the aging
Stoyanova et al. [71] have addressed high subjectiv- process to the estimation of age at death in human
ity and error in assessing age using scans of the skeletal remains. They listed the following as top
pubic symphysis. They propose combining different prospects for new methodological approaches in age
3 D laser scans to layer on top of each other to pro- estimation: aspartic acid racemization, lead accumu-
duce an accurate image of the pubic symphysis. lation, collagen cross-links, Ramon microspectrome-
Calce and Rogers [55] attempted to advance try for dental composition, advanced glycation end
aging methods involving the acetabulum by assess- products (AGEs), telomere shortening, mitochon-
ing a myriad of its features. They concluded that drial mutations and the decline of sjTREC
their technique is most accurate for adults over the rearrangements. Specific studies of mitochondrial
age of 40. Recently, research has explored if the DNA mutations in dentin and pulp of teeth in
acetabulum could be used to estimate age at death Spanish samples revealed promising results [81].
in adults through geometric morphometrics [72]. Use of a methylation marker set represents a very
Geometric morphometrics is the analysis of coordi- promising molecular approach to age estimation [82].
nates in a geometric rather than a linear manner. Methylation levels in selected loci from blood samples
Their research aimed to analyse age changes in the allowed age to be predicted with a median error of
acetabulum for both males and females. Sex must be only 3.07 years.
considered when estimating age from the acetabu-
lum because of well-documented sexual dimorphism
Estimating age of the living
in size.
New mathematical approaches, such as multivari- While this article predominately focuses on skeletal
ate adaptive regression splines [73], play an import- remains of deceased individuals, some forensic cases
ant role in estimating age at death. In 2018, call for estimating the age of the living. Such cases
Koterova et al. [74] reported their use of nine differ- relate to legal issues associated with migration, child
ent mathematical approaches to assess accuracy. pornography, juvenile/adult status of those accused of
These calculations were focused on the pubic crimes and age progression of missing persons [83].
symphysis and the auricular surface. Although Many of these issues involve country-specific defini-
further research is required, results suggested that tions of adult legal status concerning individuals of
combining complex mathematical calculations undocumented age.
would improve age estimation. Similar results were Much recent progress on the methodology of age
reported by Stepanovsky et al. [75] in their study of estimation of the living stems from efforts of the
22 methods applied to a Czech sample of 622 Study Group on Forensic Age Diagnostics (AGFAD)
males and 314 females between the ages of 2.7 founded in Berlin, Germany in March 2000 [84].
and 20.5 years. This thoughtful group examined the criteria for age
Although impressive new technology is now estimation, including ethics and the need to address
available, it is important to remember that the specific problem presented for resolution.
sometimes conventional observation is better. Villa Recommended methodology focused on the physical
et al. [43] compared methods to estimate age from examination, radiography of the left hand and den-
the pubic symphysis and auricular area of the pelvis tal examination, including x-rays or related imagery.
using direct observation on the dry bones and 3 D Following these recommendations, Guo et al. [85]
visualizations from CT and laser scans. Since the noted that the extent of the epiphyseal union of the
methods tested were developed on dry bone, clavicles also provides important information. They
those observations offered better results than the provided key data through a magnetic resonance
technological visualizations. Potentially, new meth- imaging study of 269 males and 248 females from
ods could be developed focused specifically on 3 D Germany with ages from 12 to 24 years. The result-
digital data. ing methodology has been tested in Turkey using
CT scan data with positive results [86]. Schmeling
et al. [87] provide a summary of the methodological
Biochemical analysis
approaches and the related legal issues.
Biochemistry, a branch of chemistry that analyses Recently, Matthews et al. [88] published an
compounds within living organisms, provides useful approach to estimate age and to predict patterns of
tools in forensic science. In the scope of forensic growth using 3 D facial prototypes. Their study

focused on children and adolescents using a sample advancement likely will continue to fuel progress in
of 422 boys and 442 girls of Australian, European anthropology. In addition to imagery, the technol-
or North American ethnicity. A subset of 24 boys ogy and associated knowledge relating to biochem-
and 26 girls participated in a longitudinal validation ical analysis show great promise for advancement in
study. The resulting data and method should prove age estimation, although taphonomic factors remain
useful in both age estimation and predicting growth a concern.
from photographs. Recent literature indicates that skeletal remains
Estimation of age in the living continues to be continue to be a central focus of age estimation
challenging, primarily due to the limited visible data methodology and practice as suggested by the
available, ethical issues related to radiographic and Scientific Working Group for Forensic
intrusive techniques and the complexity introduced Anthropology (SWGANTH) document on Age
by population variation. Such estimation is espe- Estimation [89]. However, age estimation of the liv-
cially difficult when the ancestral origins and nutri- ing has emerged as a significant application as well.
tional history of the individual are unknown. Legal issues relating to migration, adoption, child
pornography, criminal behavior and missing persons
Summary and future directions all call for an accurate assessment of age. Progress
on age estimation of the living is closely related
Historically, estimation of age at death of human with technological advancement since direct obser-
skeletal remains has represented a central forensic vation of dry bone is not an option. Age estimation
anthropological activity. In recent years, research of the living is problematic and must consider
has focused extensively on improving methodology important legal and ethical issues.
and understanding the many related issues. Future progress in age estimation methodology
Casework and recent research have clarified the closely links with growing global interest in the
powerful impact of postmortem change on age esti-
general field of forensic anthropology. Increasing
mation. Some of the most accurate and dependable
numbers of well-qualified, trained and highly
methods are not available for incomplete skeletons
motivated forensic anthropologists in many coun-
and those showing destruction of fragile and vulner-
tries likely will lead to more documented collections
able elements.
of human remains, increased careful experimenta-
Histological approaches are now available for
tion and research, and growing publication opportu-
different areas of the skeleton and different struc-
nities. Such developments will stimulate future
tures. Appropriate training and availability of the
progress in the process of age estimation.
necessary equipment for this destructive technique
remain challenging.
Many studies now document the population vari- Compliance with ethical standards
ation involved in the aging process. Fortunately, This article does not contain any studies with human
new collections and research data from many areas participants or animals performed by any of the authors.
of the world have materialized. Increasingly, local
standards are available for consultation and the
errors involved in more general applications are Disclosure statement
better understood. Consideration also must be given No potential conflict of interest was reported by
to body size and socioeconomic status within the authors.
regions and nutrition.
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pulp chamber evaluation in age estimation.
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