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Group 1: ATOMICUTIES_ACTIVITY5SCRIPT Instructor: Sir Reyes

Vargas: Tigil muna tayo…. Hinahapo na ako. (Looking exhausted) Bwisit kasing ulan yan ang ganda ganda
ng jogging natin umulan(disappointed)

Magpantay : Oo nga e!

Vargas: hayyy!

Magpantay: Hinahapo ako aba!

Vargas and Esqueres: Parang ang baho!!!!

Looking around to find where the bad smell came from

Magpantay: Ako ba yon?

Vargas and Esqueres: ang baho

Magpantay: Tignan ko nga… amoyin mo nga ( while Esqueres sniffing the shoe)

Vargas: Ay wag na ( while laughing ). Ang baho!!

Magpantay: Hindi ano kasi yan…. Ano lagi kasi nababasa. Tignan mo ngayon naulan nababasa. E hindi
naman waterproof itong sapatos ko

Vargas: Lagi nababasa yan?

Magpantay: Oo kasi kapag naulan, tas sabay minsan sa ganto (while pointing a certain part of the shoe)

Vargas: Kung ako sayo nabili na ko ng waterproof na sapatos no diba?( while looking at Esqueres)

Esqueres: Oo nga (agreeing to what Vargas said)

Magpantay: Alin yon?

Vargas: Ano yun….. kung anong shoes na waterproof? Tinatanong pa ba yon? Edi Merrell!!

Magpantay: Patingin nga. Asan yun?

Vargas: eto (while getting her phone in her pocket) oohhh!!

Magpantay : ahh oo nga no. Sige Pag Ipunan ko yan. (while looking at the phone )

1st montage about the shoes

Then The next scenes shows and demonstrate the nanotechnology product ( Merrell) that we have
chosen by De chavez.
Gonzales: "Are you tired of soggy socks and uncomfortable feet every time it rains or you step in a
puddle? Do you wish you could enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about wet shoes? Well, look
no further! Introducing Merrell Waterproof Shoes, the ultimate solution to keep your feet dry and
comfortable in any weather!"

Gonzales: Introducing the game-changer in footwear technology – Merrell Waterproof Shoes! Whether
hiking, exploring the city, or running errands, these shoes are designed to take on any wet challenge
Mother Nature throws your way. With Merrell Waterproof Shoes, you'll never have to worry about
water seeping in and ruining your outdoor fun. These shoes are specially crafted with nanocoatings,
providing a barrier against rain, puddles, and wet terrains. Also, it has ultimate comfort to make your
feet comfy, Breathable performance to keep your feet fresh, and made with suitable quality materials
for durability. Merrell Nano Tech Shoes perfectly fits your active lifestyle!".


Group Members:

1. DE CHAVEZ, JOSE ENRIQUE D. – Editor/Model/Director


3. GONZALES, ROMMEL JR. P. – Videographer/Narrator/Editor

4. MAGPANTAY, MARC LOUIS - Actor/Director

5. VARGAS, GRASIELLE ANN M. – Actor /Director

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