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Report on


Submitted By:-

Name Enrollment No.

Waghmode Arth Balaji 2200450431

Mirge Janaki Rahul 2100450141

Patil Bharvi Malgonda 2100450143

Jadhav Om Santosh 2200450397

Under the Guidance of

Subhash.R. Jadhav sir


Padmabhooshan Vasantraodada Patil Institute of

Padmabhooshan Vasantraodada Patil Institute
of Technology, Budhgaon (Diploma)

Name Enrollment No.

Waghmode Arth Balaji 2200450431

Mirge Janaki Rahul 2100450141

Patil Bharvi Malgonda 2100450143

Jadhav Om Santosh 2200450397

This is to certify that, above mentioned students has successfully completed

the microproject entitled “REPORT ON PLC AND SCADA.” under my
supervision, in ELECTRONICS &TELECOMMUNICATION Engineering of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.

Guide Head of Department Principal
Subhash.R. Jadhav Subhash.R.Jadhav B.B.Patil

1 INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMATION ................................................ 1
2 Programmable Logic Controller ............................................................ 2
2.1 Features of PLCS ................................................................................... 2
2.2 History of PLCS..................................................................................... 3
2.3 Components of PLC:.............................................................................. 3
2.4 PLC OPERATION AND PLC SCAN CYCLE: .................................... 4
2.5 Ladder Logic .......................................................................................... 5
2.6 Ladder Logic Programming ................................................................... 6
3 SCADA .................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 8
3.2 WONDERWARE-INTOUCH................................................................ 9
3.3 Manufacturers of SCADA ................................................................... 10
3.4 Features of SCADA ............................................................................. 10
3.4.1 Dynamic Process Graphics............................................................... 10
3.4.2 Real-time and Historical Trends ........................................................11
3.4.3 Alarms .............................................................................................. 12
3.4.4 Recipe Management ......................................................................... 12
3.4.5 Security............................................................................................. 14
3.4.6 Device Connectivity ......................................................................... 14
3.4.7 Database Connectivity...................................................................... 15
3.4.8 Scripts ............................................................................................... 15
3.5 Potential benefits of SCADA ............................................................... 15
3.6 Where SCADA is used ? ...................................................................... 15

4 Project Using PLC: A Pharmaceutical plant ........................................ 17
4.1 Project Objective:................................................................................. 17
4.2 Hardware and Software Used: ............................................................. 17
4.3 Working of Project: .............................................................................. 18
4.4 Programming: ...................................................................................... 19
4.5 Results .................................................................................................. 22
4.6 Future Scope ........................................................................................ 22
5 Project Using SCADA:Bottle Filling & Capping Station ................... 22
5.1 Project Objective:................................................................................. 22
5.2 Software Used: ..................................................................................... 23
5.3 Working of Project: .............................................................................. 23
5.4 Programming........................................................................................ 24
5.5 Results .................................................................................................. 30
5.6 Future Scope ........................................................................................ 30
6 CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 31

List of Figures
1 PLC scan cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Basic Ladder Logic Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Basic Ladder Logic Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Basic Program to show input and output . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Examine if Closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
6 Output energize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
7 Examine if Open ......................... 7
8 Schematic of DPG ........................ 10
9 Schematic of Trend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

10 Schematic of alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
11 Schematic of Receipe management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
12 Receipe manager window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
13 Schematic of security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
14 Schematic of PLC-1000 micrologix ............... 16
15 Flowchart of Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
16 Ladder diagram in De-energize state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
17 Rungs are Energize and Start button pressed . . . . . . . . . . . 18
18 Timer T4:0 counts 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
19 Timer T4:1 counts 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
20 Schematic of Object Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
21 Window in develpoment mode in Window maker ........ 25
22 Schematic of Window Script used ................ 26
23 Filling of the bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
24 Capping of the bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
25 Bottle is sent to storage after its filling and capping ....... 28


Automation is the use of control systems such as computers, controllers to

control industrial machinery and processes, to optimize productivity in the
production of goods and delivery of services. Automation is a step beyond
mechanization. Whereas mechanization provides human operators with
machinery to assist them with the muscular requirements of work, automation
greatly decreases the need for human sensory and mental requirements.
Automation Impacts:

1. It increases productivity and reduce cost.

2. It gives emphasis on flexibility and convertibility of manufacturing
process. Hence gives manufacturers the ability to easily switch from
manufacturing Product A to manufacturing product B without completely
rebuilt the existing system/product lines.
3. Automation is now often applied primarily to increase quality in the
manufacturing process, where automation can increase quality
4. Increase the consistency of output.
5. Replacing humans in tasks done in dangerous environments.

Advantages of Automation:

1. Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or

monotonouswork.Also task done in dangerous environments.
2. Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight,
speed,endurance, etc.
3. Economy improvement: Automation may improve in economy of
enterprises, society or most of humanity.

Disadvantages of Automation:

1. Technology limits: Current technology is unable to automate all the

desired tasks.
2. Unpredictable development costs: The research and development cost
ofautomating a process may exceed the cost saved by the automation

3. High initial cost: The automation of a new product or plant requires ahuge
initial investment in comparison with the unit cost of the product.

2 Programmable Logic Controller

A Programmable Logic Controller,is a digital computer used for automation of

industrial processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines.It
is a solid state user programmable control system with functions to control
logic, sequencing, timing, arithmetic data manipulation and counting
capabilities. It can be viewed as an industrial computer that has a central
processor unit, memory, input output interface and a programming device. The
central processing unit provides the intelligence of the controller. It accepts
data, status information from various sensing devices like limit switches,
proximity switches, executes the user control program stored in the memory
and gives appropriate output commands to devices such as solenoid valves,
switches etc.
A constant demand for better and more efficient manufacturing and process
machinery has led to the requirement for higher quality and reliability in control
techniques. With the availability of intelligent, compact solid state electronic
devices, it has been possible to provide control systems that can reduce
maintenance, down time and improve productivity to a great extend.One of the
latest techniques in solid state controls that offers flexible and efficient
operation to the user is programmable controllers.

2.1 Features of PLCS

1. PLC is an industrial computer control system that continuously
monitorsthe state of input devices and makes decisions based upon a
custom program to control the state of output devices.
2. It is designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements, extended
temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to
vibration and impact.
3. Almost any production process can greatly enhanced using this type
ofcontrol system, the biggest benefit in using a PLC is the ability to
change and replicate the operation or process while collecting and
communicating vital information.
4. It is modular i.e. one can mix and match the types of input and
outputdevices to best suit one’s application.

2.2 History of PLCS
1. The first PLCS were designed and developed by Modicon as a relay
replacer for GM and Landis.
2. The primary reason for designing such a device was eliminating the
largecost involved in replacing the complicated relay based machine
control systems for major U.S. car manufacturers.
3. These controllers eliminated the need of rewiring and adding
additionalhardware for every new configuration of logic.

4. The first PLC, model 084, was invented by Dick Morley in 1969.

5. The first commercial successful PLC, the 184, was introduced in 1973
and was designed by Michel Greenberg.

2.3 Components of PLC:

The PLC mainly consists of a CPU, memory areas, and appropriate circuits to
receive input/output data. We can actually consider the PLC to be a box full of
hundreds or thousands of separate relays, counters, timers and data storage
locations. They don’t physically exist but rather they are simulated and can be
considered software counters, timers, etc. Each component of a PLC has a
specific function:

1. The CPU is the brain of a PLC system. It consists of the

microprocessor,memory integrated circuits and circuits necessary to store
and retrieve information from memory. It also includes communication
ports to the peripherals, other PLCs or programming terminals. The job
of the processor is to monitor status or state of input devices, scan and
solve the logic of a user program, and control on or off state of output
2. Counters - These are simulated counters and they can be programmed
tocount pulses. Typically these counters can count up, down or both up
and down. Since they are simulated they are limited in their counting
speed. Some manufacturers also include high-speed counters that are
hardware based. We can think of these as physically existing.
3. Timers - These come in many varieties and increments. The most common
type is an on-delay type. Others include off-delay and both retentive and
non-retentive types. Increments vary from 1 millisecond to 1 second.

4. Output Relays (coils) - These are connected to the outside world.
Theyphysically exist and send on/off signals to solenoids, lights, etc. They
can be transistors, relays depending upon the model chosen.
5. Data Storage - Typically there are registers assigned to simply store
data.They are usually used as temporary storage for math or data
They can also typically be used to store data when power is removed from
the PLC. Upon power-up they will still have the same contents as before
power was removed


There are four basic steps in the operation of all PLCS which continually take
place in a repeating loop.

1. Input Scan: Detects the state of all input devices that are connected to
2. Program Scan: Executes the user created program logic.
3. Output Scan: Energizes or de-energize output devices that are
connectedto the PLC. Depending on the PLC design, this process of
updating the output devices may be done at the end of program execution
or updated immediately upon execution of its corresponding logic
statement in the user program
4. Housekeeping: This step includes communications with
programmingterminals, internal diagnostics etc.

PLC SCAN CYCLE: The completion of a cycle of the controller is called a

Scan. The scan time needed to complete a full cycle by the controller gives the
measure of the speed of execution for the PLC.

Figure 1: PLC scan cycle

SCAN TIME Time taken by PLC to execute these three steps (Checking
Input status, Executing Program, Updating Output Status) is denoted by its scan

2.5 Ladder Logic

Ladder logic is one form of drawing electrical logic schematics, and is a
graphical language very popular for programming PLCS. Ladder logic was
originally invented to describe logic made from relays. The name is based on
the observation that programs in this language resemble ladders, with two
vertical ”rails” and a series of horizontal ”rungs” between them.

Figure 2: Basic Ladder Logic Program

2.6 Ladder Logic Programming

Ladder logic are the most common programming language used to program
a PLC. Ladder logic was one of the first programming approaches used in PLCS
because it borrowed heavily from the relay diagrams that plant electricians
already knew.
A program in ladder logic, also called a ladder diagram, is similar to a
schematic for a set of relay circuits. Ladder logic is widely used to program
PLCS, where sequential control of a process or manufacturing operation is
required. Ladder logic is useful for simple but critical control systems, or for
reworking old hardwired relay circuits. As programmable logic controllers be-

Figure 3: Basic Ladder Logic Program

came more sophisticated it has also been used in very complex automation
systems.A simplified ladder logic circuit with one input and one output. The
logic of the rung above is such:

Figure 4: Basic Program to show input and output

1. If Input1 is ON (or true) - power (logic) completes the circuit from theleft
rail to the right rail - and Output1 turns ON (or true).

2. If Input1 is OFF (or false) - then the circuit is not completed and logicdoes
not flow to the right - and Output 1 is OFF (or false).

With just a handful of basic symbols such as a normally open contact, normally
closed contact, normally open coil, normally closed coil, timer and counter most
logical conditions can be represented.
Examine if Closed

Figure 5: Examine if Closed

This can be used to represent any input to the control logic such as a switch
or sensor, a contact from an output, or an internal output. When solved the
referenced input is examined for a true (logical 1) condition. If it is true, the
contact will close and allow logic to flow from left to right. If the status is
FALSE (logical 0), the contact is open and logic will NOT flow from left to
Output energize
This can be used to represent any discrete output from the control logic.
When ”solved” if the logic to the left of the coil is TRUE, the referenced output
is TRUE (logical 1).

Figure 6: Output energize

Examine if Open
When solved the referenced input is examined for an OFF condition. If the
status is OFF (logical 0) power (logic) will flow from left to right. If the status
is ON, power will not flow.

Figure 7: Examine if Open

Basic Timers and Counters

A timer is simply a control block that takes an input and changes an output
based on time. It is used for providing delay. There are two basic types of timers.
An On-Delay Timer takes an input, waits a specific amount of time, allows logic
to flow after the delay. An Off-Delay Timer allows logic to flow to an output
and keeps that output true until the set amount of time has passed, then turns it
false, hence off-delay.
A counter simply counts the number of events that occur on an input. There
are two basic types of counters called up counters and down counters. As its
name implies, whenever a triggering event occurs, an up counter increments the
counter, while a down counter decrements the counter whenever a triggering
event occurs.


3.1 Introduction
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. As the name
indicates, it is not a full control system, but rather focuses on the supervisory
level. As such, it is a purely software package that is positioned on top of
hardware to which it is interfaced, in general via PLC. SCADA systems are now
also penetrating the experimental physics laboratories for the controls of
ancillary systems such as cooling, ventilation, power distribution, etc. More
recently they were also applied for the controls of smaller size particle detectors
such as the L3 moon detector and the NA48 experiment, to name just two
examples at CERN.
SCADA systems have made substantial progress over the recent years in
terms of functionality, scalability, performance and openness such that they are
an alternative to in house development even for very demanding and complex
control systems as those of physics experiments.
The process can be industrial, infrastructure or facility based as described

1. Industrial Process: it includes those of manufacturing, production,

powergeneration, fabrication and refining and process may be in
continuous, batch, repetitive or discrete modes.
2. Infrastructure Process: it may be public or private, and water treatmentand
distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, oil and gas pipelines,
electrical power transmission and distribution, and large communication

3. Facility Process: it occur both in public facilities and private ones,
including buildings, airports, ships and space stations. They monitor and
control HVAC, access and energy consumption.

A SCADA System usually consists of the following Subsystems:

1. A Human-Machine Interface (HMI) is the apparatus which presents

process data to a human operator, and through this, the human operator
monitors and controls the process.
2. A supervisory (computer) system, gathering (acquiring) data on the
process and sending commands (control) to the process.
3. Remote Terminal Units (RTU) connecting to sensors in the process,
converting sensor signals to digital data and sending digital data to the
supervisory system.
4. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) used as field devices because
theyare more economical, versatile, flexible, and configurable than
specialpurpose RTUs.
5. Communication infrastructure connecting the supervisory system to
theRemote Terminal Units.

Intouch is worlds leading supervisory control and data acquisition software. The
InTouch software package consist of Tags (Memory + I/O). The package is
available in 64, 256, 1000 and 64,000 Tags with the three options:

1. D+R+N ( Development +Run + Networking)

2. R+N ( Run +Networking )

3. Factory focus

With DRN package one can develop as well as run the application but in case
of RN one cannot develop/modify the application. The application can be
developed by using DRN package and can be installed on RN package.

3.3 Manufacturers of SCADA
1. Allen Bradley : RS View
2. Siemens: win cc
3. Wonderware : Intouch

3.4 Features of SCADA

1. Dynamic Process Graphic
2. Alarm summary
3. Alarm history
4. Real time trend
5. Historical time trend
6. Security (Application Security)
7. Data base connectivity
8. Device connectivity
9. Scripts
10. Recipe management

3.4.1 Dynamic Process Graphics

1. Using this feature, one can develop graphics which can resemble theplant.
2. The graphic can include Reactor, Valves, Pumps, agitators, conveyors
aswell as other equipment and machinery used in the plant.
3. The status of the equipment running / stopped can be shown using
different color / animations.
4. Typically the SCADA Software will have many ready to use symbols
forproper representation which can be used in any type of industry.

Figure 8: Schematic of DPG

3.4.2 Real-time and Historical Trends

1. This facility is used for representing the data in graphical form.

2. Typically the trends plots the value with reference to the time.
3. Real-time data will plot the real-time value fixed period of time
whilehistorical data stored value which can be viewed on demand.
4. Depending upon the storing capacity of the hard-disk on can specify theno
of days the data can be stored .
5. Some SCADA software show real-time and historical trends in
singlegraphics while few others use separate tools.

Figure 9: Schematic of Trend

3.4.3 Alarms

1. Every plant need proper monitoring and control of the process parameters.
2. Alarms represent warnings of process conditions that could cause
problems, and require an operator response.
3. Generally alarms are implemented by using the lamps or hooters in
fieldbut in SCADA it can be represented using animation.
4. In many SCADA software, four type of alarm limits are used ie HI, HIHI,

Figure 10: Schematic of alarm

3.4.4 Recipe Management

1. In many case we use the same plant for manufacturing different product
range. for example an oil blending plant can manufacture power oil,
transformer oil, automobile oil.
2. The recipe management is facility is used to maintain various recipes
ofdifferent products and implement it on the process.
3. The recipe can be stored in a single server and it can be fetched by
anyclient server from any area to run the process.

Figure 11: Schematic of Receipe management

Figure 12: Receipe manager window

3.4.5 Security

Figure 13: Schematic of security

1. Every SCADA Software has various levels of security for securing

theapplication by avoiding unauthorized access.
2. Depending upon the access level given the operator / engineers is
allowedto do the task. In the most of the case, operators are allowed only
to operate the plant while maintenance engineers can do the application
3. The security can be given for individuals as well as for groups.

3.4.6 Device Connectivity

1. Every Control hardware has its own communication protocol for

communicating with different hardware / software. Some of the leading
communication protocol include Modbus, Profibus, Ethernet, Dh+, DH
485, Devicenet, Control net.
2. The Scada Software needs device driver software for communication
withPLC or other control hardware.
3. More the driver software available better is the device connectivity.
Mostof the SCADA software used in the industry have connectivity with
most of the leading control system.

3.4.7 Database Connectivity

1. In many plants, it is important to download the real-time information tothe

Management information system. In this case the database connectivity is
2. Many SCADA software don’t have their own database. Hence for
storageand reporting they use third party database like MS Acess or SQL.

3.4.8 Scripts

1. Script is a way of writing logic in SCADA software, every SCADA

software has its own instruction and way of writing programme.
2. Use scripts, one can develop complex applications. You can create
yourown functions to suit the requirement. execution.
3. Various types of scripts make project execution simpler for programmer.

3.5 Potential benefits of SCADA

The benefits one can expect from adopting a SCADA system for the control of
experimental physics facilities can be summarised as follows:
1. The amount of specific development that needs to be performed by
theend-user is limited, especially with suitable engineering.
2. Reliability and robustness: These systems are used for mission
criticalindustrial processes where reliability and performance are
paramount. In addition, specific development is performed within a well-
established framework that enhances reliability and robustness.
3. Technical support and maintenance by the vendor.

3.6 Where SCADA is used ?

1. Electric power generation, transmission and distribution: Electric
utilitiesuse SCADA systems to detect current flow and line voltage, to
monitor the operation of circuit breakers, and to take sections of the power
grid online or offline.

2. Water and sewage: State and municipal water utilities use SCADA
tomonitor and regulate water flow, reservoir levels, pipe pressure and
other factors. Industrial Processes such as Manufacutring.

4 Project Using PLC: A Pharmaceutical plant

4.1 Project Objective:

To design a pharmaceutical plant using Programmable Logic Controller for
manufacturing of a medicine in which two different liquid should mix in equal
quantity and then this mixture should be heat for 20 seconds on a constant
temperature of 100 ◦ C.

4.2 Hardware and Software Used:

1. PLC: Allen Bradley Micro Logix 1000 with 10 Input / Output.
The MicroLogix 1000 programmable controller is a packaged controller
containing a power supply, input circuits, output circuits, and a processor.
The controller is available in 10 I/O, 16 I/O and 32 I/O configurations, as
well as an analog version with 20 discrete I/O and 5 analog I/O.

Figure 14: Schematic of PLC-1000 micrologix

2. Programming Software: Rockwell software RS Logix 500 English

This family of products has been developed to operate on Microsoft
Windows operating systems. It Supports the Allen-Bradley SLC 500 and
Micro Logix families of processors. RSLogix 500 benefits include:
(a) Cross-reference information
(b) Drag-and-drop editing

(c) Diagnostics
(d) Dependable communications

3. Communication Software: RS Linx.

4. Programming Language: Ladder Logic.

5. Communication Protocol: RS 232

6. Other Hardware: Push Buttons, Light Emitting Diode.

4.3 Working of Project:

As specified in the objective, the process involves mixing of two different
liquids in equal quantities. The process is start by pressing the START button.
When the START button is pressed, the two liquids starts mixing, this is
indicated by glowing of two output LED. Next, after a time lapse of 20, seconds
the third LED glows indicating that the mixture is heated for 20 seconds, at 100◦
C. After this, STOP button is pressed to stop the process.

Figure 15: Flowchart of Project

4.4 Programming:
1. Figure with explanation

Figure 16: Ladder diagram in De-energize state

Figure 17: Rungs are Energize and Start button pressed

Rung 0000:
(a) The START switch is represented by XIC I:0/0 and the STOP
switchis represented by XIO I:0/1. I represent input. The output is a

binary bit B3:0/0.When START button is pressed the input I:0/0 is
HIGH and input I:0/1 is already HIGH because its XIO. This
energizes the output B3:0/0.
(b) Holding circuit is implemented by attaching B3:0/0 as input
withI:0/0. This ensures that B3:0/0 remains energized or HIGH even
if the force is removed from START button.
(c) If STOP button is pressed i.e. STOP is HIGH then XIO I:0/1
goesLOW. This creates a break in the circuit, therefore, de-
energizing the output B3:0/0.
Rung 0001:

(a) B3:0/0 acts as input to the TON timer T4:0/0 with preset value 30
and accumulator value 0.
(b) When B3:0/0 goes HIGH, the accumulator value of the timer T4:0/0
starts increasing until it becomes equal to the preset.
(c) When accumulator value becomes equal to the preset value the
DNbit of the timer goes HIGH.
Rung 0002:
(a) B3:0/0 acts as the input to two parallel outputs O:0/0 and O:0/1.
These outputs represent the output LED.
(b) When B3:0/0 goes HIGH, the outputs O:0/0 and O:0/1 are
energizedand the two LED glow. In the context of the project this
represents that two liquids are being mixed in a container.
Rung 0003:
(a) The DN bit of timer T4:0 i.e. T4:0/DN acts as input to the timerT4:1.
(b) This T4:1 indicates the time for which the mixture of the two
liquidsis to be heated at 100 ◦ C.
2. Figure with explanation

Figure 18: Timer T4:0 counts 30

Rung 0003:
(a) As stated above when accumulator value becomes equal to the
presetvalue the DN bit of the timer T4:0 goes HIGH. When this
happens the accumulator value of TON timer T4:1 starts to increase
till it reaches the value equal to that of preset (=20).
Rung 0004:
(a) The DN bit of T4:1 i.e. T4:1/DN is connected to the output O:0/2.
The O:0/2 represents the third output LED.

3. Figure with explanationRung 0004:

(a) As soon as T4:1/DN goes HIGH, the output O:0/2 is energized
andthe third LED starts to glow.
(b) The glowing of third LED indicated that the heating of the mixtureis
(c) After this the STOP button (I:0/1) is pressed i.e. XIO I:0/1
goesLOW and the whole process is reset.

Figure 19: Timer T4:1 counts 20

4.5 Results
The two liquids were mixed (indicated by glowing of first two LED) and the
mixture was heated for 20 seconds (indicated by glowing of the third LED).

4.6 Future Scope

1. When connected with SCADA using the Device Connectivity feature
ofSCADA, the project can implemented with Recipe Management feature
of SCADA. This way we can change the ingredients of the mixture.
2. This project can be extended to filling of the mixture into different
bottlesthen labeling and packing them i.e. making a fully automated
medicinal syrup manufacturing plant.

5 Project Using SCADA:Bottle Filling & Capping Station

5.1 Project Objective:

To design a ”Bottle filling and Capping Station” using Wonder ware Intouch

5.2 Software Used:
Wonderware Intouch version 9.0
Wonderware is a brand of industrial software sold by Schneider Electric.
Wonderware was part of Invensys PLC, and Invensys PLC was acquired in
January 2014 by Schneider Electric. Wonderware software is used in diverse
industries, including: Facilities Management, Food and Beverage, Mining and
Metals, Power, Oil and Gas, and Water and Waste water. Wonderware Intouch
software is an open and extensible Supervisory HMI and SCADA solution that
enables the rapid creation of standardized, reusable visualization applications
and deployment across an entire enterprise. InTouch SCADA consists of three
major programs:

1. Application Manager,
2. Window Maker
3. Window Viewer

The InTouch Application Manager organizes the applications created by the

user. InTouch Application Manager is used to create new applications, open
existing applications in either Window Maker or Window Viewer, delete
applications, and run the InTouch DBDump and DBLoad Tagname Dictionary
utility programs. It also is used to configure Window Viewer as an NT service,
to configure Network Application Development (NAD) for client-based and
server-based architectures etc.
Window Maker is the development environment, where object-oriented
graphics are used to create animated, touch-sensitive display windows. These
display windows can be connected to industrial I/O systems and other Microsoft
Windows applications.
Window Viewer is the run time environment used to display the graphic
windows created in Window Maker. Window Viewer executes InTouch Quick
Scripts, performs historical data logging and reporting, processes alarm logging
and reporting, and can function as a client and a server for DDE communication

5.3 Working of Project:

The project is made in Window Maker and executed in Window Viewer. In
window viewer, the project would run as:

When the switch is turned on, a bottle will be filled to full by three different
tanks filled with different liquids as indicated by their color. Liquid poured to
the bottle when its presence under the tank is sensed. Then a clamper brings
down the cap to the mouth of bottle, places it there and then returns back to its
original position. The bottle is capped is then moved to the storage.

5.4 Programming
1. In the Intouch Application Manager, we select file → New → Create new
Application. This creates a new Intouch application.
2. When we double click on this application, it opens Intouch Window

3. In Window maker we select File →New Window. A dialog box appears

asking for name, window type, window color and other properties.

4. We name the window as ”bottle fill transfer”, window type as replace,

frame style as single and click on OK. A window appears as per defined
by us.
5. Next we click on the wizard icon. The Wizard Selection window
appearsin which there are various options of the graphical objects.
6. We select a fixture switch from the Switches option of the Wizard
selection window. The rest all other graphical objects will be picked from
the symbol factory option.
7. In the Wizard Selection window, we select symbol factory option and
thendouble click it. This opens the symbol factory window.
8. In the symbol factory window there are various categories of the
graphicalobjects like Tanks, Containers etc. We select the different
objects as per our requirement.
9. For all the objects taken from the symbol factory, we perform Break
Celloperation so that we are able to change their properties as per our
requirement Following is the figure showing the list of the properties
available for each object from Symbol Factory:

Figure 20: Schematic of Object Properties

10. For our project we require bottle, cap, tanks, clamper, conveyor belt
etc.these objects are picked up the symbol factory and other objects like
wheels, door etc. are built by us using the basic shapes.
11. Next we place the objects as per the industrial setup and modify the
objects property. For example, all the tanks must be full initially and the
liquid level of the tank should decrease by 20% whenever the tank fills
the bottle. For this we double click on the tank, select vertical under fill
option. We give the tag name A and then specify the values of maximum
and minimum fill percentages along with the values of the A.
12. Similarly other properties of the objects are changed.
13. The finished window is shown as below:

Figure 21: Window in develpoment mode in Window maker

14. We see that there are different bottles under the tanks whereas in the
runtime we require only one of them. This is done keeping in mind the
visibility of each bottle.
15. Visibility is a property which is required when we want to use the
sameproperties of an object for more than once with different values of
tag name. In Intouch this is not allowed, therefore we make duplicate of
the object, then modify their properties and apply the visibility property.
16. Visibility comes under the category of miscellaneous property. One
moremiscellaneous property which we have used in this project is
orientation. We have used this property to show the rotation of the wheels
of the conveyor belt so that the conveyor appears to be moving.
17. Since there is no manual work i.e. no slider is being used, window
scripthas to be used for incrementing the value of the counter, whose tag
name is used as the expression for all other objects.
18. The script written for this project is shown below:

Figure 22: Schematic of Window Script used

19. There are two parts in the script:

(a) On Show: how the things should appear as soon as the
windowviewer is started.
(b) While showing: how things will appear once the task starts to runon
window viewer.
20. As shown in the figure the window script follows simple ”if-else if-
else”with logical operators ”and-or-not”.
21. In the script we can see that the value of A is incremented when its valueis
less than 100 and the switch is kept on. As soon as it becomes equal to

100, the value of A is reset to 0 and the process repeats itself in an infinite
loop until the switch is put off.
22. Now, we test our project in window viewer. For this we click on
”Runtime!” icon at the top right corner of the tool bar.
23. This option takes us to the run- time environment. As soon as
WindowViewer is started we see that it follows the instructions of ”On
Show” until the switch is turned on. As soon as the switch is turned on, it
follows the instructions of ”While Showing”.
24. In case we find some anomaly in execution, we need to switch to
WindowMaker for rectifying it. For this we click on the ”development!”
icon placed at the top right corner of the Window Viewer.
25. We can change our script and properties of the various objects used
inWindow Viewer but test its execution in Window Maker. The functions
of both are different.
26. The following snapshot shows the execution of the program:
(a) Filling of the bottle by the last tank.

Figure 23: Filling of the bottle

(b) Capping of the bottle by the clamper.

Figure 24: Capping of the bottle

(c) Bottle is sent to storage after its filling and capping.

Figure 25: Bottle is sent to storage after its filling and capping

27. This process continues to execute repeatedly until the witch is turned off.

5.5 Results
The design of ”Bottle Filling and Capping Station” is successfully implemented
in Intouch SCADA.

5.6 Future Scope

This project can be implemented practically when SCADA is connected with
PLC. More enhanced features can be added up to it. Some features are:

1. Automatic Labelling of Bottles.

2. Defected Bottles such as bottles without cap or less in weight should
beautomatically removed.
3. Automatic pick up of bottle after filling it up.


With the speed of changing technology today it is easy to lose sight or

knowledge of the basic theory or operation of programmable logic. Most people
simply use the hardware to produce the results they desire. Hopefully, this report
has given the reader a deeper insight into the inner workings of programmable
logic and its role in mechanical operations. The idea of programmable logic is
very simple to understand, but it is the complex programs that run in the ladder
diagrams that make them difficult for the common user to fully understand.
Hopefully this has alleviated some of that confusion.
SCADA is used for the constructive working, using a SCADA system for
control ensures a common framework not only for the development of the
specific applications but also for operating the detectors. Operators experience
the same ”look and feel” whatever part of the experiment they control.
However, this aspect also depends to a significant extent on proper engineering.


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