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PG Solo Guide>> All credit goes to SoloPlay BGG user GameRulesforOne for rules/content… this guide simply created

for ease of use

<<STEP 1>>
Phase Notes
1. Determine a. If start of game, AI is first player. Otherwise go to 1b
Player b. Check # of cities. Most cities = 1st player
Order c. If tie, then Largest# power plant = 1st player
d. Place starting player house (either AI or Human) at first/highest position on player order track
2. Buy Player Order: highest placed on player order track
Power a. If AI is first player, Roll D4. Otherwise, Human chooses plant (go to 2c)
Plants b. AI takes plant based on D4 and places plant in area away from Human power plants (sort high to low)
c. Fill # of plants in market back to total of 6; ensure plants are arranged from lowest to highest
d. If AI was first player, then Human buys plant next. Otherwise follow normal turn order rules
- If Human wants 4th most expensive plant – must pay additional 5 Elektro to bank
- If Human wants any plant 1-3 – simply buy plant at cost
e. Only one plant may be purchased by Human or AI at a time (max 3 plants)
>>Once AI has total of *3* plants follow steps below until STEP2 (triggered when 1 player has 7 cities)
a. AI can never buy plant causing it to be able to supply >4 cities above current network
b. Only consider lowest capacity plant owned by AI when determining which new plant can be taken
- Choose plant which increases capacity the highest but not >4 of current network size
 If 2 or more plants power equally and one is “green” – take “green” plant, otherwise…
 Take plant which has lowest single resource (If 2 or more equal then randomly draw 1)
 Discard plant currently owned which powers least or is lowest # plant if there is a tie
 Redistribute resources – if possible, among other plants; any excess goes to supply
- If none of the plants can increase capacity or violate AI power restriction then AI passes
- If Human also passes, then lowest plant is discarded from game

3. Buy Player Order: lowest placed on player order track

Resources a. If start of game then Human buys resources first. Otherwise follow normal turn order rules
b. AI always fill plants from left to right (highest # plant to lowest # plant)
c. AI always attempts to fill each plant with maximum amount of resources
- The primary & secondary plant supplies must be able to fill completely (e.g. #3Plant requires 2 oil
to power 1 house, normally required to take 2 primary oil and additional 2 backup oil. However, if
only 3 oil are available in the market, simply take only 2 oil and leave remaining oil in the market
4. Build Player Order: lowest placed on the player order track
Houses a. If start of game then Human places house in any city. Otherwise follow normal turn rules
b. Human pays 10 Elektro to the bank (house costs increase in Step 2 and Step 3)
- Human & AI can never connect to more than 2 cities beyond power capacity (add up what can
potentially be powered and cannot build more than 2 cities beyond that capacity)
c. AI always follows where the Human last built. AI picks the lowest cost city using Human logic
(Where would I (as the Human) build next if I were choosing the lowest cost placement?)
d. AI will not build if unable to power up ALL cities in its CURRENT network due to lack of resources
e. Check if either the Human or AI expanded network >= lowest plant in the market, if so, remove
that plant in the market and replace with new plant. Ensure plants always ordered low to high
f. >>Replenish Market<< During “Step1” Market is filled back as follows: Coal add 3 coal from supply
back to market, Oil add 2 back to the market, Garbage add 1 and Uranium add 1… (3c,2o,1g,1u)
g. If any player built 7th city – Go to STEP2 below. Otherwise, proceed to Phase 5
5. Power Up Player Order: highest placed on the player order track
Plants & a. If start of game, AI powers plants first & puts resources back into supply. Otherwise, normal rules.
Collect - AI only powers up if it has enough material to power at least 1 fewer than current network
Elektro b. If start of game, Human powers up next (collects Elektro) and puts resources back into the supply
(Bureaucracy) c. Take highest value plant and put on bottom of deck, add new plant to market & order low to high

<<STEP 2>> One player has connected to 7th City (follow same Step 1 notes with changes below)
(2c) Check for Step 3 Card; (4b) Houses cost 15 Elektro; (4f) Replenish (4c,2o,2g,1u); (5c) Remove lowest plant & draw new

1 Twitter @BoardGameDoctor
PG Solo Guide>> All credit goes to SoloPlay BGG user GameRulesforOne for rules/content… this guide simply created for ease of use

<<STEP 3>> Triggered when “Step 3” card is turned over (follow same general rules w/ noted changes below)
Phase Notes
1. Determine a. Same as Step 1 & Step 2 notes
2. Buy Play Order: highest placed on player order track
Power a. Shuffle all plants before drawing any “Step 3” plans
Plants b. Set up 2 rows of 3 plants each; place plants lowest to highest cost
c. AI plant selection the same as Step 2 notes
d. The 3 lowest plants are purchased at face value
e. The 3 highest plants are purchased as follows
- Highest value plant costs 15 extra Elektro
- Second highest value plant costs 10 extra Elektro

- Third highest value plant costs 5 extra Elektro

3. Buy Play Order: lowest placed on player order track
Resources a. Same as Step 1 & Step 2 notes
4. Build Play Order: lowest placed on the player order track
Houses a. All houses now cost 20 Elektro
b. >>Replenish Market<< During “Step3” Market is filled back as follows: Coal add 3 coal from supply
back to market, Oil add 4 back to the market, Garbage add 3 and Uranium add 1… (3c,4o,3g,1u)

5. Power Up Play Order: highest placed on the player order track

Plants & a. Same as Step 1 & Step 2 notes
Collect b. Check for game end conditions
Elektro - There are not enough power plants left to fill the market completely during Phase 5 / Power Up
(Bureaucracy) - Or… the AI has built the 15th city

Initial notes and setup:

1. Multi-player rules should be followed unless specifically called out

2. The AI is placed in the first positon on the player track at the start of the game
3. After setting up the initial market randomly remove 8 power plants from the game
4. Human receives 50 Elektro at start of the game
a. Highly suggest poker chips- please burn the play money in one of your power plants
5. Each player allowed a max of 3 power plants
6. All regions are active with no excluded areas of the board
7. Only 1 player can occupy each city
8. Initial market is filled as two player game
a. 3 coal on spaces 1 to 8
b. 3 oil on spaces 3 to 8
c. 3 garbage on spaces 7 and 8
d. 1 uranium on spaces 14 and 16

Twitter @BoardGameDoctor

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