Types of Data Structure

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 Primitive data Structure

 Primitive data Structure are basic data Structure and are directly operated on
machine instructions. e.g. integer, characters.
 Normally , primitive data Structure have different representation on different
 A primitive data type defines how the data will be internally representation in
stored and retrieved from the memory.
 Different types of primitive data Structure:-
1. integer
2. Float
3. Characters
4. Pointer

 Non - primitive data Structure

 The non primitive data Structure are highly developed complex data
 non primitive Data Structure are derived from the primitive data structure.
 Non primitive Data Structure emphasize on structure in a group
homogeneous (same type) or heterogeneous (different types)data items.
 Different types of non primitive Data Structure:-
1. Linear data Structure
2. Non Linear data Structure
 Linear data Structure

 Linear Data Structure maintains a linear relationship between their data

 Linear Data Structure is one in which its elements from a sequence.
 it means each elements is the structure has unique predecessor and a unique
 Types of linear Data Structure:-
1 Arrays
2 Linked list
3 Struck
4 Queuess

 An array is the collection of homogeneous (similar types) data element.
 An array is declared by the following way in C language.
Int [10];
 Diagram:-
2)Linked list
 Linked list is the alternative approach of arrays .if we are not away of upper
limit of number of elements in advance than linked list is one of the options.
 In this organisation data can be placed Anywhere is memory and these data
are linked with each other using pointer field.
 This pointer field store the address of next element in the list.
 Diagram :-

 A stack is a data structure in which all the insertion and deletion are
performed at one end which is known as TOP of the stack.
 Stack follow LIFO (last in first out) mechanism. The real life example of stack
are plates on tray and stack of coins etc.
 Diagram:-
 Graphs in data structures are non A queue is a linear data structure in which
insertion and deletion are Performed at rear and front respectively.
 Queue follows FIFO (First in first out) mechanism.
 The operations that can be performed on a queue are Insertion (add an
element in the front end of a queue) and Deletion (Deleting an element from
the rear end of a queue
 Diagram:-
 Non Linear data Structur

 In non-linear data structures, data elements are not organized in a sequential

 Each element in non linear data structure is not constrained to have a unique
predecessor and a unique successor.
 Types of non linear Data Structure :-
 Tree maintains a hierarchical structure on collection of data items.
 Tree data structures are completely different from the arrays, stacks, queues
and linked lists.
 . It stores the data on multiple levels. The top node of the Tree Data Structure
is known as the Root Node
 Diagram:-

 Graph is data Structure are non-linear data structures made up of a finite
number of nodes or vertices and the edges that connect them.
 Graphs in data structures are used to address real-world problems in which it
represents the problem area as a network like telephone networks, circuit
networks, and social networks.
Graph is collection of vertices (nodes) and edges (arcs) where each edge in it
is specified by a pair of vertices. ĵ
 Diagram

 Primitive data structure Types

 The integer data type contains the numeric values. It contains
the whole numbers that can be either negative or positive.
 When the range of integer data type is not large enough then
in that case, we can use long.

 The float is a data type that can hold decimal values.
 When the precision of decimal value increases then the Double data type is
 Syntex :- variable_name=val;
 It can also assign multiple variables together by using a single float by
continuing them in the declaration statement.

 The CHAR data type stores character data in a fixed-length fieldData can be a
string of single-byte or multibyte letters, numbers, and other characters that
are supported by the code set of your database

 Pointer is a variable whose value is the address of another variable of the

same type.
 The value of the variable that the pointer points to by dereferencing using
the * operator*.

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