Online Safety - Sydney Williams 4

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By Sydney Williams

Be SMART on the Internet

Stay safe; don’t give out

personal information

Msomeone you met online

eeting; don’t meet

ccepting anything from

Who to contact?
Apeople you don’t know (800) 843-5678; National Center
for Missing and Exploited Children
could be dangerous
R eliable?;
local police
always double
if it is immediate danger,
check information
call 911
ell someone if anything
T makes you worried CyberTipline

Responding to cyberbullying
don’t reply to the bully
if possible, block messages from the bully
keep all emails and other messages that the bully sends

Guidelines to help kids stay safe

avoid using suggestive screen names or photos
if someone is flattering you online, you should be wary
never arrange to meet with someone online
tell a parent or trusted adult if you encounter a

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