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B 353

Olkiluoto 3
Plant Course

TD-No.: B353.OL3.055
“Primary Control Functions”

Power Plant Personnel Training
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J.F. Petetrot

2006-11-13 First Issue



Record sheet adapted

2006-12-05 TVO comments included
Scope of revision



Dr. Baltin


Power Plant Personnel Training




0.1 Learning Objectives 0-4
0.2 Definitions and Abbreviations 0-5
0.2.1 Abbreviation 0-5
0.2.2 Related KKS 0-6


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2.1 The two modes of operation 2-1
2.2 The rod control system 2-3
2.3 Temperature control in stretch-out operation 2-5
2.4 RCS temperature surveillance 2-6



3.1 Recall of the general layout of the steam secondary circuits 3-1
3.2 Functions of the MSB 3-1
3.3 Functions of the MSB 3-2
3.4 Operation during typical transients 3-3
3.4.1 Normal operation 3-3
3.4.2 Use during accident operations 3-4
3.5 MSB actuators 3-5


4.1 Recall of the general principle 4-1
4.2 The actuators for the pressurizer level control 4-1
4.3 The pressurizer level control 4-2
4.3.1 The pressurizer level setpoint 4-2

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4.3.2 The pressurizer level control system 4-3
4.4 The pressurizer level thresholds and the Operator Aid Functions 4-5


5.1 Recall of the general principle 5-1


6.1 Recall of the general layout of the normal feedwater circuit 6-1
6.2 SG physical phenomena 6-1
6.3 SG level control 6-4


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0.1 Learning Objectives

After the completion of this topic the participants will know the general structure of the
automatic control channels of the main parameters of the Nuclear Island and the differ-
ent operating modes of these control channels. They will be prepared to understand the
behavior of these control systems during the normal operation of the plant (the typical
operating transients will be studied more in detail during the following phase of the
training courses on the plant simulator).
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0.2 Definitions and Abbreviations

0.2.1 Abbreviation

ACT Average Coolant Temperature

AO Axial Offset

CVCS Chemical and Volumetric Control System

DBC Design Basis Condition / Category

DEC Design Extension Condition / Category

EFWS Essential Feedwater System

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FP Full Power
FW Feedwater

HC Heat-up and Cool down

HLCV High Load Control Valve (feedwater)

I&C Instrumentation & Control


LCO Limiting Condition for Operation

LL Lower limit
LLCV Low Load Control Valve (feedwater)
LOCA Loss Of Coolant Accident
LOOP Loss Of Off-site Power

MSB Main Steam Bypass

MSH Main Steam Header
MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve
MSRIV Main Steam Relief Isolation Valve
MSRT Main Steam Relief Train
MSRV Main Steam Relief Valve

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MSSV Main Steam Safety Valve

NR Narrow Range
NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System

PAS Process Automation System

PG Power Generator
P&ID Process & Instrumentation Diagram
PICS Process Information and Control System
PLD Part Load Diagram
PS Protection System
PT Partial Trip
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PZR Pressurizer

RCCA Rod Cluster Control Assembly

RCP Reactor Coolant Pump
RCS Reactor Coolant System
RCSL Reactor Control Surveillance and Limitation system
RHRS Residual Heat Removal System
RT Reactor Trip

SAS Safety Automation System

SBO Station Black Out
SC Safety Class
SG Steam Generator
SICS Safety Information Control System

VLLCV Very Low load Control Valve (feedwater)

0.2.2 Related KKS

*KBA* Chemical and Volume Control System

*JEB* Reactor Coolant Pump

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Reactor Coolant System

Power Plant Personnel Training

Fig. 1.1
The automatic control channels which are described in this course are in charge to con-
trol the main parameters of the nuclear plant:

the RCS temperature

This parameter is controlled generally by the control rods which control the reactor
power. The MSB (steam bypass to the condenser) is used concurrently during some
transients and at low power (indirect control of the primary mean temperature by the
way of the control of the secondary pressure).
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• the RCS temperature

• the (secondary) steam pressure (when the MSB is in operation)

• the pressurizer level

• the pressurizer pressure

• the Steam Generator levels.


Fig. 1.2
These control systems act to:

• adjust the value of these parameters to their setpoints as close as possible in

steady state conditions

• control (limit) the variations of these parameters during the normal operating tran-
sients in order to avoid the intervention of the Protection System.

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Fig. 1.3
The definition of the structure of the control systems and the optimization of the coeffi-
cients of the controllers respond to the objectives:

• obtain a behavior of the systems which is fast enough to cope with all the normal
operating transients

• but which is reasonably damped in order to have transient responses without

strong oscillations of the physical parameters and of the signals sent to the actua-

Recall of the "YVL 1.0" requirement:

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"The plant shall have reliable control systems for keeping the process parameters and
systems within the specified operating range. Together with the systems and compo-
nents they control, these control systems shall ensure that during operational conditions
or in the event of a single failure of the control systems there will be no need to start
safety systems for postulated accidents".

The RCSL has a redundancy 2 of each function. For each measured variable, several
sensors are available and a "voting function" selects the "best" value which is taken as

input for the control function.

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Fig. 2.1
2.1 The two modes of operation

The reactor control system has two modes of operation:

• Reactor power greater than 25% (25% is considered as a practical minimum for
the "load follow" operation of the plant)

The power of the reactor power follows the power of the turbine power (with some dif-
ferences during transients due to the thermal hydraulic inertia of the primary and sec-
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ondary elements). The power of the turbine is controlled by the control system of the
turbo-generator. The reactor power is controlled by the primary average coolant tem-
perature (ACT) control system.

• Reactor power lower or equal to 25%

The power of the reactor power doesn't follow the power of the turbine. The power of
the reactor is controlled by the neutron flux control system. The reactor power setpoint

should be set greater than the generator power setpoint. The difference between the
reactor power and the turbine power is taken away by the steam bypass to the con-
denser (MSB). The opening of the valves of the steam bypass is controlled by the
steam pressure control system (which controls the ACT indirectly).

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Fig. 2.2
When the ACT is controlled by the rods control loop (power level greater than 25%), the
power domain is divided into 3 zones:

1. power level between 25 and 35%

2. power level between 35 and 60%

3. power level between 60 and 100%

These 3 zones are explained (and justified) hereafter.

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At the power level 25%, the SG steam pressure is wished to be equal to 90 bar. The
corresponding ACT is 307.9 °C (for BE conditions). When the power increases from
25% to 35% ("Zone 1"), the ACT setpoint is kept constant. In this way the steam pres-
sure decreases such that a margin to MSB opening can be created progressively.

At high power level (above 60%)("Zone 3"), the maneuverability (ability to manage the
variations of turbine power) is expected to be maximum. Therefore in order to limit the

variations of reactivity to be compensated by the control rods, the ACT setpoint is main-
tained at a constant value. This value is adjusted such that the nominal SG steam pres-
sure is equal to 78 bar: 311.8°C (for BE conditions). The objective of the adjustment of
the steam pressure is that the opening of the turbine inlet valves is optimal.

In the range [35%, 60%]("Zone 2"), the ACT setpoint variation is linear: from 307.9 °C
at 35% (upper limit of Zone 1) to 311.8 °C at 60% (lower limit of Zone 3).

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The curves show the variations of the ACT and of the steam pressure as a function of
the power level. Between 35% and 100%, the MSB pressure setpoint is such that the
margin to open the MSB is constant (3 bar)(in steady state conditions).

The function of the rods control system is to adjust the actual ACT close to the setpoint
in steady state and to limit the difference between these two parameters during the
normal operating transients.

Remark: for the transients with a large amplitude, the (large) variations of reactivity due
to xenon effects have to be compensated by the adjustment of the boron concentration
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("dilution" or "borating" actions which are actuated automatically).

2.2 The rod control system

Fig. 2.8
The control consists of two parts:

• The channel of average temperature, which compares the ACT with the value of
the reference temperature (upper part of the figure)

• The channel of imbalance (or mismatch) of power between the turbine power tur-
bine and the nuclear power completes the first one during fast variations of load
and improves the stability of the control system (lower part of the figure)

The demand of speed of the rods goes through a function generator provided with a
dead band of ± 0.5 °C and is converted to a pulse train because the mechanisms of
movement of the rods work step by step.

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A) The channel of average temperature

The signal of average temperature, handled in a noise filter and a lead-lag filter (to
compensate for delays and for time constants of the system of measurement), is com-
pared with the signal of reference temperature (filtered to smooth the effect of PG set-
point variations).

B) The mismatch channel (imbalance of power)

This last one possesses two functions:

• Insure a fast answer during a load change (through the signal coming directly from
the turbine control),
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• Contribute to the stability of the control by insuring a fast feedback, thanks to the
fact that, further to a movement of the rods, the flux measures vary more quickly
than the measures of temperature (particularly useful in the cases where the reac-
tivity coefficient of the moderator is weak (beginning of cycle)).

The difference between the turbine power and the reactor power is handled by a high
pass filter. Indeed, it is wished that the control in steady-state operating conditions is

insured by the channel of average temperature. But in this case, the signals of nuclear
power and turbine power are never equal (due notably to the uncertainties). It is thus
necessary that the continuous component of the signal stemming from the channel of
imbalance of power is cancelled in steady-state operating conditions. The high pass
filter ("rate" module) insures this function. The signal of mismatch so filtered passes
then by a non linear function generator (attenuation of the noises for the small tran-
sients). We know that an action on the reactivity has an effect on the speed of variation
of the flux which is smaller at the low levels of flux than at the higher levels. To limit the
influence of this physical phenomenon on the performances of the control loop, a vari-
able gain is foreseen in the output of the mismatch channel. This gain is inversely pro-
portional to the turbine power, except below a certain power level beyond of which it is

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maintained constant (not to use a too much raised gain which would amplify the

For the insertion, as for the withdrawal, the program is constituted by four parts: a dead
band (without movement of rod), a band with minimum speed (12 steps / min), a band
in which the speed increases gradually, finally a band with maximum speed (75 steps /
min). There is a symmetry between the programs relative to the insertion and to the
withdrawal. The hysteresis joined to the dead band allows to limit the cycles of startup
and shutdown of the movements of rods.

The dead band of the program of temperature allows to limit the movements of rods,
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particularly for the disturbances of small amplitude. The numerical values of the set-
points of the program shown are related to the control of the "P bank" of control rods.
For the control of the "H ("Heavy") group, other (larger) setpoints are used.

When the rods are controlled by the "Neutron Flux Control" (Power ≤ 25%), the control
is based on the difference between the flux setpoint and the measured setpoint. This
difference is converted into a difference of temperature which is sent to the same pro-

gram as for ACT control.

2.3 Temperature control in stretch-out operation

During the fuel cycle, the fuel burn up tends to decrease the reactivity. This is compen-
sated by periodical reductions of the boron concentration. When this concentration
tends to 0, it is possible to compensate the fuel burn up effect by decreasing the cool-
ant temperature. This operating mode is called "Stretch out operation".

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The ACT program (function of power level) has the same shape as the nominal pro-
gram but it is lowered gradually according to the progression of the fuel burn up. As the
steam pressure is decreased, the opening of the turbine inlet valves tends to increase.
Therefore, the power of the turbine tends to be limited (triangle in the right lower corner
of the pressure-power diagram).

The picture shows the Operating Monitoring screen related to the ACT control.
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2.4 RCS temperature surveillance

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The schema shows the location of the sensors:

• The cold leg temperature measurement (narrow range) is located downstream of

the RCP and upstream of the CVCS charging nozzle in order to avoid any pertur-
bation induced by the make up flow

• The cold leg temperature measurement (wide range) is located upstream of the
reactor vessel

• The hot leg temperature measurement (narrow range) is located upstream of the
surge line connection in order to avoid any perturbation induced by the expansion

• The hot leg temperature measurement (wide range) is located upstream of the
RHR connection

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The diagrams show the arrangement of the all the sensors.

• Hot legs Narrow range (280-350°C) sensors

There are four temperatures probes per hot leg arranged symmetrically. It allows
to have a representative measurement of the hot leg temperature despite the
temperature heterogeneity which exists when the reactor is at power (due mainly
to the fact that the core power distribution is not uniform). This measurement is
used in protection and control functions.

• Hot legs Wide range (0-350°C) sensors

This measurement is used only when the reactor is not at power. One probe per
loop is sufficient.
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• Cold legs Narrow range (260-330°C) sensors

There are two temperatures probes per cold leg. The average of the two meas-
ures is used as the actual value of the cold leg temperature in a loop. This meas-
urement is used in protection and control functions.

• Cold legs Wide range (0-350°C) sensors

This measurement is used only when the reactor is not at power. One probe per

loop is sufficient.

Several algorithms are implemented in the I&C system in order to monitor continuously
all the (32) RCS temperature sensors. By way of example we will present successively
2 of these algorithms.

The diagram shows the treatment related to the 4 narrow range sensors of one hot leg.
Due to the temperature heterogeneity in the hot legs, the 4 measurements cannot be
compared directly. Each sensor is compared to the average of the 4 sensors. If one
deviation exceeds a threshold, the sensor is considered as "faulty" and is excluded

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from the downstream processes. An alarm is sent to the PICS for maintenance pur-

Based on the hot leg and cold leg measurements, an average temperature is calculated
for each loop. Among the 4 loops the second maximum of the average temperatures is
selected for the Core Control function. If the deviation between this signal and one of
the average would exceed a threshold, an alarm is sent to the PICS.
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3.1 Recall of the general layout of the steam secondary circuits

Fig. 3.1
The main steam system actuators consist of:

• 1 MSRIV and 1 MSRV (per steam line)(MSRT)

• 2 MSSV (per steam line)

• 1 MSIV (per steam line)

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• the turbine inlet stop and control valves (not represented)

• the MSB stop and control valves

The objective of this chapter is to describe the MSB control functions.

3.2 Functions of the MSB


Fig. 3.2
The functions of the MSB system are (reactor at power):

• to limit the secondary pressure increase (below the RT threshold) in case of fast
and large reduction of the power of the turbine, including:

- load rejection to house load

- turbine trip

- loss of 1 MFW pump (and failure of the startup of a reserve pump)

- loss of one of the RCP

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(remark : the opening of the MSB is associated frequently with a "Partial
Trip" (release of several control rods))

• to limit the secondary pressure increase (below the threshold for MSRT opening)
in case of RT

• to control the steam pressure (and therefore the ACT) when the reactor power is
below the "minimum load" (25%)

Fig. 3.3
And when the reactor is not at power:

• to perform decay (or residual) heat removal

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• to control the primary temperature when the "automatic heat up or cool down"
function has been actuated

• to perform a fast cool down in case of accidents (small break LOCA and SGTR).

3.3 Functions of the MSB


Fig. 3.4
When the reactor is at power, but below 25%, the steam bypass is opened and the
pressure setpoint is set to 90 bar. When the reactor power is greater than 25%, the
steam bypass is normally closed except after some large and fast reductions of turbine
power. Between 25% and 35% the margin between the pressure setpoint and the pres-
sure increases linearly from 0 to 3 bar. Above a power of 35%, the pressure setpoint is,
in steady state, 3 bar above the steam header pressure.

Fig. 3.5
The curves shown are the steam pressure and the MSB pressure setpoint for a slow
reduction of the turbine power. As the maximum rate of change allowed for the MSB
pressure setpoint (20 bar per minute or 0.33 bar per second) is not attained, the steam

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pressure is never greater than the pressure setpoint. Therefore the MSB valves remain
in closed position.

Fig. 3.6
The curves shown are the same as on the preceding figure but for a fast and large re-
duction of the turbine power. As the maximum rate of change allowed for the MSB
pressure setpoint is attained, the steam pressure tends to be greater than the pressure
setpoint. This induces the opening of the MSB valves.

3.4 Operation during typical transients

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3.4.1 Normal operation

Fig. 3.7
In case of Reactor Trip, the MSB pressure control has to realize a compromise between
a peak on the secondary pressure and an overcooling of the primary. The MSB pres-
sure setpoint is switched to the "hot standby pressure" (90 bar).

Fig. 3.8

The "stretch-out" operation mode has been described in the § 2.3 (fig. 2.11). Regarding
the ACT control by the rods, we have seen that the parameter used to compensate the
progression of the fuel burn up is the gradual decrease of the "zero load" average pri-
mary temperature ACT0. In a coherent way, the "hot standby pressure" is decreased
automatically. The relation between the "hot standby pressure" and ACT0 is the water
characteristic curve (pressure ↔ temperature) in the saturation state.

Fig. 3.9
In case of fast and large load reduction, the reactor power is reduced rapidly by "Partial
Trip" to about 50%. This function, initiated by the mismatch between the primary power
and the secondary power, induces the drop of several control rods. The MSB valves
open and control the steam pressure increase. The final stabilization state is a reactor

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power of about 25 % and a partially opening of the MSB valves to evacuate the steam
production not consumed by the turbine.

Fig. 3.10
"Heat-up and Cool-down" Mode

The reactor is in shutdown state. To go from the "hot shutdown state" to the "cold shut-
down state" (up to the RHRS connection), the MSB pressure control is used in the fol-
lowing way:

• Adjust the "target pressure"

• Adjust the "temperature gradient" (up to – 50 °C / hour)

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• Start the function by selecting "Auto HC ON"

The system will stop the evolution of the MSB pressure setpoint when the "target pres-
sure" is attained.

The "HC system" can also be used (like a "watchdog") during the NSSS heat-up. Gen-
erally the selected gradient will be a high value (maximum is + 40 °C / hour) and the

MSB valves will remain closed as this gradient will never be exceeded during the tran-

3.4.2 Use during accident operations

Fig. 3.11
In case of a small break LOCA, a cool down (said "Partial Cool down") is initiated auto-
matically (above the P14 threshold (authorization to connect LHSI/RHR)). The objective
is to reduce the primary pressure such that the MHSI pumps can deliver the required
injection flowrate. The (fast) cool down is performed up to attain a steam pressure
equal to 54.5 bar (gradient equal to – 100 °C / h).

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Fig. 3.12
In case of a SG Tube Rupture, the reduction of the leak flow rate requires the diminu-
tion of the difference of pressure between the primary and the secondary. Therefore, in
this situation, detected by steam activity, the Rector Trip is actuated and the primary
pressure is rapidly reduced (by spraying). Moreover, if one of these two conditions is

• Primary pressure < 115 bar

• one SG level > Max2 threshold

a partial cool down, at – 100 °C / h, is initiated.

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The objective is to ensure that the partial cool down will have occurred before SG isola-
tion, otherwise there would be a risk of reverse flow in the ruptured SG.

3.5 MSB actuators

Fig. 3.13
A stop valve and a control valve are installed in a common body.

The stop valves are closed when the MSB is in stand-by. When the MSB receives a
signal to open, the stop valves open in parallel with the control valves.

When the MSB receives a signal to close, the stop valves close only when the control
valves are closed.

In case of "condenser unavailability" (that means that the condenser is not cooled
properly and consequently the condenser pressure tends to be too high), the MSB
valves close.

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The picture shows the Operating Monitoring screen related to the MSB Pressure Set-
Fig. 3.14

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4.1 Recall of the general principle

Fig. 4.1
Let us recall that it is necessary to ensure:

• a permanent exchange between the RCS and the CVCS in order to maintain the
quality of water inside the RCS (and to make the eventual adjustment of boron

• and an injection in the RCP seals system

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The control principle is to adjust the letdown flow rate automatically. The main variable
used for this function is the pressurizer level.

4.2 The actuators for the pressurizer level control

Fig. 4.2
The "reducing stations" permits to control the letdown flow rate. In these equipments,

the RCS pressure is reduced (to about 5 bar). There are 2 "HP reducing station" used
when the primary pressure is greater than 25 bar. In state A (reactor at power), only 1
station is used. In state B or C, the 2 HP stations are used and the opening of one of
these stations is adjusted manually whereas the other one is controlled automatically.
There is also 1 LP reducing station which is used when the primary pressure is lower
than 25 bar (the RHRS is connected).

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4.3 The pressurizer level control

4.3.1 The pressurizer level setpoint

Fig. 4.3
The pressurizer level setpoint is calculated (as a function of the RCS temperatures) in
order that the RCS water mass (Pressurizer included) is (nearly) constant (state A).

Why to use this control principle:

• the volume of effluents is minimized (the pressurizer level control induces no ef-
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• and the variations of the letdown flow rate are also minimized (which is a benefit
as regards the variations of temperature in the charging line especially at the noz-
zle on the primary cold leg).

Fig. 4.4
The RCS water mass (pressurizer excluded) is calculated from the RCS temperatures
taking into account the physical properties of water (specific mass as a function of tem-

perature, the effect of pressure being neglected). The variations of the mass inside the
pressurizer should be the opposite of the RCS mass variations. The pressurizer level
setpoint is calculated accordingly to this principle.

For information, some (preliminary) numerical data are given in the following table.

Power (% FP) PZR level (m) PZR level (%)

0 4.7 36

100 6.1 49

(1 % of the PZR level span corresponds to a volume = 0.68 m3)

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Fig. 4.5
During "Stretch Out" operation, the RCS temperatures decrease progressively. If the
"RCS mass" were kept at the same value as for the "normal conditions", the pressurizer
level would be too low especially at low power. Therefore, in order to maintain the level
in the allowable range, the RCS reference mass is increased in function of the ACT0
setpoint (ACT0 is the "hot shutdown temperature setpoint" which is changed regularly
according to fuel burn-up evolution).

During "Heat up or Cool down" operation, the pressurizer level setpoint is kept constant.

4.3.2 The pressurizer level control system

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Fig. 4.6
The physical link between the pressurizer level variations and the pressurizer pressure
variations is strong. But we can consider that the control of the level is nearly decoupled
from the control of the pressure. Indeed the eventual difference between the charging
flow rate and the letdown flow rate should not be very large during normal operation (in
the order of some m3/h). In this way the variations of the temperatures in the charging
and letdown lines are not too high. Such a small variation of the letdown flow rate can-

not have a fast influence on the pressurizer level and consequently on the pressure.
The control of the pressurizer pressure is done mainly with other means which will be
described in the next chapter.

Fig. 4.7
The flow rate numerical data are given for the normal operating conditions (reactor at
power, state A1). Note that the letdown flow rate should be slightly greater than the
charging flow rate due to the flows coming in the RCS from the RCP seals injection.

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Fig. 4.8
The level controller is composed of the following parts:

• The comparison between the level setpoint and the "voted" level measurement

• This deviation signal is attenuated for the small values (in order to reduce as much
as possible the small variations which will be the more frequent operating condi-

• The output of the function generator is transmitted to a Proportional and Integral


• To anticipate the compensation of any flow rate variations, the filtered derivative of
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the charging flow rate and of the letdown flow rate are added to the preceding sig-
nal at the input of the PI controller

• The controller is a "step" controller which sends incremental "close" or "open" or-
ders to the motor of the actuator (reducing station)

The characteristic of the HP stations varies significantly with the RCS pressure: a given
opening will give a higher flow rate at high pressure than at low pressure. Therefore the
input signal of the controller is modulated according to the primary pressure.

For CVCS proper operation, the differences between the letdown flow rate and 2 func-
tions of the charging flow rate shall respect a minimum and a maximum threshold (LTH
and HTH). Moreover, the letdown flow rate should never be too small in order that the
measurement is sufficiently accurate.

Fig. 4.9
The figure shows the Operating Monitoring screen related to the PZR level control. At
the bottom, one can see the control of the 2 HP reducings stations (30KBA11AA102 et
30KBA12AA102) and of the LP reducing station (30KBA14AA106).

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4.4 The pressurizer level thresholds and the Operator Aid Func-

Fig. 4.10
All the thresholds related to the pressurizer level are recalled on this figure.

Fig. 4.11
The goal of the Operator Aid Functions is to improve the plant availability by avoiding as
much as possible the Reactor Trip and to protect the equipments. These functions are
independent from the control system and have more stringent actions. They have the
priority over automatic or manual control. As an example, we will describe the function
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dedicated to the Steam Generator Tube Rupture accident.

Fig. 4.12
"SGTR function"

This function increases the water injection into the RCS by:

• increasing the charging flow rate ⇒ start up of the second charging pump

• and decreasing the letdown flow rate by:

- adjusting the HP station (which was the one selected for level control) to de-
liver a minimum flowrate

- closing (if they were open) the other HP station and the LP station.

When the "SGTR function" will be deactivated, then the HP station which was selected
for the level control will be controlled again by the level control system.

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5.1 Recall of the general principle

Fig. 5.1
In a PWR, the water in the RCS must stay in single-phase state in normal operating
conditions. The RCS pressure has thus to be greater than the saturation pressure cor-
responding to the hottest region (outlet of the core). But the RCS pressure should also
remain sufficiently low according to the mechanical loads on the RCS components.

The RCS pressure is adjusted by the pressurizer which is connected to the RCS by the
"surge line". In the pressurizer, water and steam are maintained, during steady states,
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in a saturated state. Therefore the temperature in the pressurizer is higher than the
temperatures in the RCS (for example at nominal power, the hot legs temperature is
about 328 °C and the pressurizer temperature is 344.7 °C, corresponding to the satura-
tion pressure 155 bar a).

The pressure in the pressurizer is controlled by electrical heaters (to increase the pres-
sure by boiling the PZR water phase) and by "spray" control valves (to decrease the

pressure by condensing the PZR steam phase using sprayed "cold" water taken from
the cold legs). The driving force for the spray flow is the difference of pressure between
the pressurizer and the connections on the cold legs downstream to the RC pumps.
There are two lines connected on two different cold legs. Therefore there is a (reduced)
capacity of spraying even if one of these two corresponding pumps is stopped.

The design of the pressure control is such that even for the most severe normal operat-
ing transients the "pressurizer safety valves" are never used.

Fig. 5.2
The heaters are fixed vertically to the bottom of the pressurizer. In steady state they are
in charge of adjusting the primary pressure to the setpoint. During steady states their
power compensates for the PZR heat losses and the cooling due to the continuous

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spray (see below). During the operating transients, the action of the heaters tends to
limit the variations of the RCS pressure.

Remark (numerical example):

In the nominal PZR conditions (155 bar a), a heating power of 1000 kW can transform
in 1 minute a volume of 0.1 m3 of water into a volume of 0.6 m3 of steam.

Two types of control are used for the heaters. The majority (representing a maximum
power equal to 1872 kW)(a multiple of the power of one element: 24 kW) are operated
by "on-off" control. The others (representing a maximum power equal to 720 kW) have
a variable power proportional to a control signal. The reason of this design is the follow-
ing. Considering the sizing of the PZR and the transients undergone by the plant, when
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the variations of pressure are weak the mobilization of a limited part of the heaters is
sufficient. But when the variation (diminution) of pressure is of important amplitude, the
power called for heaters will be maximum during a relatively long time. In that case, an
on/off control is well adapted (and is simpler and less expensive than a continuous

The heaters should be operated only when they are covered by water. Indeed as the

heat exchange between the heaters and steam would be lower than with water, there
would be a non acceptable overheating of the heaters. Therefore there is an interlock
which stops the heaters if the PZR level is below a threshold (priority over the pressure

Fig. 5.3
During steady states, it is necessary to insure the circulation of a minimum flow (said
"continuous spray") in the spray lines in order to maintain a high temperature in these
lines. Otherwise there would be a thermal shock in case of a fast opening of the spray
control valves. This function is accomplished by spray bypass (small capacity) valves.
The opening of these valves is adjusted at plant startup. The criterion for this adjust-
ment is that the half power of the "proportional heaters" should compensate for the
cooling effect of the continuous spray plus the PZR heat losses.

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The spray flow allows also to insure the homogenization of the boron concentration of
the pressurizer with that of the RCS. Indeed the specifications of the nuclear plant re-
quire that the difference of concentration is not too high. This homogenization can be
greatly accelerated by switching on a group of on/off heaters (as the pressure controller
will increase the spray flow rate, the circulation of water between the RCS and the
pressurizer is faster).

For all the normal operating transients, the spray flow avoids exceeding the threshold of
reactor trip by high pressure. Therefore, no opening of the pressurizer safety valves will
happen as their opening thresholds are greater than the reactor trip threshold.

Fig. 5.4
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This diagram explains the main physical phenomena inside the pressurizer (for the
sake of simplicity, only the case of the steady state is presented).

Due to the conservation of the mass of the RCS and the PZR, the surge line flow rate is
equal to the spray flow rate.

The energy balance requires that the heat supplied by the heaters is equal to the sum
of the cooling due to the spray flow and the PZR heat losses.

Concerning the exchanges between the PZR phases, the steam condensation induced
by the spray is compensated for by the water boiling induced by the heaters.

Fig. 5.5
When the plant is at power (state A), the pressure measurements are done by narrow
range sensors on the PZR [110-170 bar]. The narrow range permits to have a better
absolute accuracy. A wide range sensor and a narrow range (for a better accuracy at
low pressure) are also implemented on the RCS. The transitions between these sen-
sors are automatic and "bumpless" (that means there is no discontinuity of the signal
downstream of the sensor selector).

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Fig. 5.6
The actions of the pressure controller (which will be described later) are:

• The actuation of the on/off heaters (for a better progressiveness two stages are

• The modulation of the power of the proportional heaters (with a symmetry for the
negative and the positive values)

The opening of the spray valves when the heaters have been cut off

Fig. 5.7
The pressure controller has three modes of operation:
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• When the reactor is in state A, the pressure setpoint is constant (155 bar) ex-
cepted for stretch out operation. In this case, the pressure setpoint is (slightly) re-
duced in function of the "maximum temperature setpoint" (in order that the satura-
tion margin has the same value as during normal operation)

• The mode for boron concentration "homogenization" (described below)

The mode used during the transients of "heat up or cool down" of the plant

Fig. 5.8
The interest of switching on intentionally a group of heaters has soon be described with
the figure 5.3 (speeding up of the homogenization of the boron concentration between
the PZR and the RCS). This is particularly useful when a dilution or a boration is under
way). The additional power provided by the heaters is compensated by an increased
spray flow rate. This increase is obtained by the opening of one of the spray control
valve at a predetermined value. Therefore the proportional heaters continue to control
the pressure as usual.

As we have seen this induces an increase of the flow rate in the surge line (for steady
states or low transients water in the surge line flows from the PZR to the RCS). This
fact is useful when the plant is operated in "frequency control" (that means when the

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power of the turboalternator is adjusted following the variations of the grid frequency).
Indeed the higher mean (steady state) flow rate in the surge line implies that the prob-
ability of inversions of the flow in the surge line is lower. As an inversion of this flow in-
duces variations of temperature, we see that the temperature transients in the surge
line and ultimately on the PZR bottom are minimized using the "Homogenization mode"
for PZR pressure control.

Fig. 5.9
During the operations of "Heat up" or "Cool down" of the plant, the primary pressure
setpoint is made dependant of the average mean temperature. This function is derived,
with a margin of about 50°C, from the [pressure, temperature] saturation relation.
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On/off heaters group(s) is(are) switched on in order to protect the surge line from water
rising from the RCS (note than the difference of temperature between the RCS (hot leg)
and the PZR is higher than when the plant is at nominal power).

Fig. 5.10
The deviation between the pressure and the setpoint (or "reference") enters a Propor-
tional Integer and Derivative (PID) controller.

Note also than when the "Homogenization mode" is started up, a group of heaters is
switched on but the opening of the spray control valve is slightly delayed. Indeed due to
the "time constant" of the heaters (thermal inertia), the effect of the heaters on the
pressure is not immediate contrary to the effect of the spray flow.

Fig. 5.11
All the thresholds related to the pressurizer pressure are recalled on this figure. When
the plant is in state A, the margin to Reactor Trip is lower towards the high pressure
than towards the low pressure. But we know that the spray efficiency is far higher than
the heaters efficiency. Some of the thresholds are part of the "Operator Aid Functions".

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Fig. 5.12
The goals of the 6 Operator Aid Functions (OAF) related to pressure control are the

• "MAX 2 pressure" function = to improve the plant availability by avoiding (if possi-
ble) RT on High PZR pressure

• "MAX 2 sliding pressure" function = to avoid a locking of the "Heat up or Cool

down system" (state B)

• "RHRS" function = to protect the RHRS from overpressure and avoid the opening
of PSV (state C)
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• "RPV brittle fracture" function = to protect the RPV from overpressure at cold con-

• "RCP" function = to improve the plant availability by avoiding (if possible) RT on

Low PZR pressure and to protect the RCP from cavitation

• "SGTR" function = to mitigate the Steam Generator Tube Rupture accident

As an example, we will describe the actions performed by the function dedicated to the

SGTR accident.

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Fig. 5.13
"SGTR function"

This function induces a fast decrease of the RCS pressure in order to reduce the leak
flow rate in the affected SG. The actions are:

• Full opening of the normal spray valves and of the auxiliary spray valve

• Cut off of all the heaters

When the "SGTR pressure target" is reached, this OAF is deactivated.

Remark: let us recall that we have seen (PZR level control, figure 4.11) that there is an
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OAF regarding the RCS mass inventory which contributes also to the mitigation of the
SGTR accident.

Fig. 5.14
The figure shows the Operating Monitoring screen related to the RCS pressure control.

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6.1 Recall of the general layout of the normal feedwater circuit

Fig. 6.1
In normal operation the feedwater pressure is provided mainly by the three main feed-
water pumps (1 to 3 pumps are used according to the power level)(a fourth being in
reserve). A pump is also provided for startup and shutdown operation. The feedwater
flow rate of each SG is controlled by one of the 3 following valves which are installed in

• "Full load Control Valve" (FLCV)

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• "Low Load Control Valve" (LLCV)

• "Very Low load Control Valve" (VLLCV)

Fig. 6.2
To insure the transfer of energy from the reactor to the turbine it is necessary to control
the water mass in the SG. For safety reasons, the mass inventory should never be be-
low a low limit. And considering the operation of moisture separators, the level should

not exceed a high limit (risk to carry water in the steam lines and at the turbine admis-
sion). This is obtained by the SG level control system which adjusts the SG level in
function of a level setpoint.

6.2 SG physical phenomena

Fig. 6.3
The phenomena governing the SG level variations are mainly induced by the physical
properties of the two-phase flow around the tube bundle (which is the driving force of
the "natural circulation" inside the SG). Moreover this gives to the SG level process a
strongly non-linear behavior (dependent on the power level)).

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Consider at first the case of steady states. SG water mass is dependent of the power
level. Indeed when the power is higher, the boiling around the tube bundle is more de-
veloped. Therefore there is more steam and consequently less water. As the density of
steam is far lower than the density of water (ratio = 1/18), the water mass diminishes
noticeably when the power increases (from about 105 T at zero power to 78 T at nomi-
nal power).

We can deduce from the preceding observation that in case of power increase, for ex-
ample, the feedwater flow rate should be a little lower than the steam flow rate during a
certain period of time in order that the new required SG water content is finally ob-
tained. But as we will show it in the following paragraphs dynamic phenomena are su-
perposed to the preceding quasi static approach and they should be taken into account
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to optimize the SG level control.

Fig. 6.4
The first dynamic phenomenon we will present is the SG level variation obtained in re-
sponse to an increase of the feedwater flowrate (the steam flowrate being unchanged).
As can be seen on the figure, the expected increase of the level does not appear at
once. Indeed, by introducing more water, relatively sub-saturated, into the SG, we con-

dense a part of the steam around the bundle, what leads to a transfer of water from the
peripheral annulus (called the"downcomer") towards the central part (around the tube
bundle). This can compensate for the increase of water mass in the SG during a certain
period of time until we obtain finally an asymptotic regime where the SG level tends to
increase according to the mass balance.

Fig. 6.5
The feedwater temperature depends on the power level. The feedwater is heated by
several letdown steam flows derived from the turbine. As these flow rates are smaller
and colder at low power than at high power, this results in a feedwater temperature in-
creasing with the power level. The feedwater subcooling is about 180°C at low power
and about 60°C at nominal power.

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Fig. 6.6
If we represent the same type of response as on the figure 6.4 but at different power
level, we see that the responses are faster at higher power. The reasons for that are
the following:

• The subcooling of feedwater is lower (therefore temperatures in the SG are less


• The SG response time tends to be shorter as the recirculation flow is greater at

higher power

• Two phase flows with greater steam content are less sensitive regarding to volu-
metric phenomena
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We can conclude from that study that the SG level control cannot be as fast at low
power than at high power.

Fig. 6.7
The second dynamic phenomenon we will study is the SG level variation obtained in
response to an increase of the steam flowrate (the feedwater flowrate being un-
changed). As can be seen on the figure, the expected decrease of the level (according

to the mass balance) does not appear at once. It is temporarily the opposite which is
observed: the increase of steam flowrate provokes a decrease of the secondary pres-
sure which leads to an increase of the "void fraction" (relative area occupied by the
steam phase) around the tube bundle. Therefore the flow rate in the downcomer tends
to decrease and this produces a momentary level increase (which is called "swell").
This compensates for the decrease of water mass in the SG during a certain period of
time until we obtain finally an asymptotic regime where the SG level tends to decrease
according to the mass balance.

Remark: for a transient in the opposite direction (decrease of steam flow rate), the SG
response will be at first a level decrease (which is called "shrink").

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Considering the effects above, we can deduce that the response of the SG level control
system can be improved by using the steam and feedwater flow rates and not only the
SG level measurement.

Fig. 6.8
If we represent the same type of response as on the figure 6.7 but for different power
levels, we see that the response to steam flow rate variations is faster at higher power.
The reasons for that are the following:

• The subcooling of the feedwater is lower (therefore temperature in the SG is less


• The SG response time tends to be shorter as the recirculation flow is higher at

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high power

• Two phase flows with greater steam content are less sensitive regarding to volu-
metric phenomena

6.3 SG level control


Fig. 6.9
This figure gives with more detail the argument to help the SG level controller with the
measurements of the steam flow rate and the feedwater flow rate.

Fig. 6.10
The flow rate measurements are quadratic (the measured differential pressure is pro-
portional to the square of the flow rate). Moreover the influence of steam density and
feedwater density variations are compensated. For the (saturated) steam flow, the den-
sity is estimated from a pressure measurement. For the feedwater flow, the density is
estimated from a temperature measurement (the influence of the pressure being negli-
gible in practice).

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Fig. 6.11
Due to the characteristics of flowrates measurements (quadratic), the measured ∆P
signal is very low and not very sensitive at low flow. For example for a relative flow rate
equal to 10%, the measurement is only 1% of the nominal. For this reason, the steam
and feedwater flow rates are not used in the SG level controller at low power.

Fig. 6.12
The SG level sensors used for the control and for the main protection functions are the
"narrow range" measurements. The measurement is done by differential pressure sen-
sors between a high connection (normally in the steam phase) and a low connection
(normally in the water phase). The span between these two taps is 6.8 m. This span
covers the domain where the SG level should be during normal operation.
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There is also a "wide range" span (about 19 m) (with the lower tap located just above
the tube sheet). This measurement serves to control the filling and the draining of the
SG and also for some protection functions. The narrow range is used preferably by the
control and protection system because of its better absolute precision than the wide
range, considering its smaller extent.

The measured differential pressure is converted into a "SG level measurement" taking
into account fixed values for the water density and the steam density. These values are
chosen to be the "nominal" conditions.

The level setpoint is chosen such that in normal operating conditions the level has suffi-
cient margins with regard to the thresholds of low and high SG level. Its value is con-
stant (49 %) excepted for a small number of situations:

• SGTR accident (fig. 6.20)

• Reactor Trip (fig. 6.16)

• Before to restart a tripped primary pump (in order to avoid the High SG Level RT
threshold because of the "swell" phenomenon).

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Fig. 6.13
Level control at high power

The control system which commands the position of the FLCV is a PID controller which
type is said " in three elements "(classical for SG in nuclear and thermal power plants).

• The first element is the deviation between the level measurement and its setpoint

• The second element is the derivative of the steam flow (as we have seen, steam
flow variations have a specific influence on the SG level ("shrink" and "swell" ef-

• The third element is the derivative of the feedwater flow rate

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The PID controller is a "step" controller which sends incremental "close" or "open" or-
ders to the motor of the actuator of the FLCV.

Fig. 6.14
Level control at low power

As the measurements of the steam and water flow rates are not very accurate at low
load, the control in three elements is not useful any more and it is necessary to change

it for a single element controller (SG level deviation only).

The PID controller is also a "step" controller which sends incremental orders to the ac-
tuator of the LLCV.

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Fig. 6.15
The transfers between the LLCV and the FLCV controllers are "bumpless" (that means
that the transitions are "smooth"). The changeover logic is based on the two following

• the FLCV controller can open the FLCV only if the LLCV opening is greater than a

• and the LLCV controller can close the LLCV only if the FLCV is lower than a

It results from the application of these two principles that:

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• at high load, the LLCV is fully open and the FLCV performs the task of SG level

• at low load, the FLCV is completely close and the LLCV controls the SG level

Fig. 6.16
Reactor Trip

In case of Reactor Trip, the SG level shrinkage is fast and important. This situation

needs to implement a special SG level control function. Indeed the standard controller
would ask for a large feedwater flow rate and this would induce an excessive cooling of
the RCS (as the power delivered by the reactor is only the "residual power"). For this
reason, a specific logic is included in the SG level control system:

• the SG level setpoint is reduced to a predetermined value

• this setpoint is maintained for a predetermined period

• and then the level setpoint starts to rise again towards its nominal value following
a slow (constant) gradient

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Fig. 6.17
Level control at very low power

This system is provided to facilitate the "Startup and Shutdown" operations. The con-
troller (PI) function is a "step" controller which sends incremental orders to the actuator
of the VLLCV.

A minimum is set on the feedwater flow rate in order to avoid the development of a tem-
perature stratification or a possible "water hammer" in the SG inlet nozzle (which could
happen in case of a discontinuous water supply). As this minimum flow rate is not
measurable (about 0.4 %), the limit is applied on the position of the VLLCV. The rela-
tion between the valve's position and the flow rate is deduced from the valve's charac-
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teristic and the measured ∆P across the valve.

This setpoint of minimum flow rate is disabled in case of manual control of the VLLCV
or if a high SG level is attained (Operator Aid Function).

Fig. 6.18
The table recalls the value of the normal SG level setpoint and of the "Narrow Range"
Protection thresholds.

Fig. 6.19
The table recalls the thresholds associated to the "Operator Aid Function" related to SG

Fig. 6.20
SGTR function

As an example, we will present the SGTR Aid Function. The goal of the function is to
contribute to minimize the release of activity. The level setpoint is decreased to a pre-
defined value for all the SGs. Once the affected SG has been identified, the setpoint of

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constant gradient.

The figure shows the Operating Monitoring screen related to the level control of one

Fig. 6.21
the non-affected SGs is restored by the operator to the nominal value following a (slow)

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Partial Trip
ACT program

PZR pressure control

3-2, 3-3



reducing stations

SG level controller
RCS temperature sensors

6-4, 6-5

2-5, 3-3

Power Plant Personnel Training

Fig. 1.1 The main controlled parameters of the nuclear plant

Fig. 1.2 The functions of a control channels
Fig. 1.3 The optimization of the controllers

Fig. 2.1 The 2 modes of operation of the reactor control

Fig. 2.2 The primary ACT setpoint as function of the power
Fig. 2.3 The primary ACT setpoint as function of the power (zone 1)
Fig. 2.4 The primary ACT setpoint as function of the power (zone 3)
Fig. 2.5 The primary ACT setpoint as function of the power (zone 2)
Fig. 2.6 The ACT control and the MSB control
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Fig. 2.7 The functions of the rod control system

Fig. 2.8 The rods control loop (ACT mode)
Fig. 2.9 The rod speed program (P-Bank)
Fig. 2.10 The stretch out principle
Fig. 2.11 ACT control in stretch out
Fig. 2.12 Operating Monitoring screen related to ACT control
Fig. 2.13 Location of the RCS temperature sensors
Fig. 2.14 Sensors arrangement on the hot legs and the cold legs

Fig. 2.15 Surveillance of the RCS temperature measurements

Fig. 2.16 Surveillance of the hot leg temperature sensors
Fig. 2.17 Average temperature for the core control

Fig. 3.1 The main steam system general layout

Fig. 3.2 The functions of the MSB
Fig. 3.3 Other functions of the MSB (reactor not at power)
Fig. 3.4 The MSB pressure setpoint
Fig. 3.5 The case of "slow" transients
Fig. 3.6 The case of "fast" transients
Fig. 3.7 Pressure setpoint (Reactor Trip)
Fig. 3.8 Pressure setpoint (stretch out)

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Fig. 3.9 Pressure setpoint (Turbine trip or large load reduction)
Fig. 3.10 Heat up or Cool down automatic control
Fig. 3.11 "Partial cool down"
Fig. 3.12 SGTR
Fig. 3.13 The MSB actuators
Fig. 3.14 Operating Monitoring screen related to MSB pressure setpoint

Fig. 4.1 The charging and letdown main circuits

Fig. 4.2 The "Reducing Stations"
Fig. 4.3 The principle for PZR level control
Fig. 4.4 The PZR level setpoint
Fig. 4.5 The PZR level setpoint (special cases)
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Fig. 4.6 The physical link between PZR level and PZR pressure variations
Fig. 4.7 Numerical data (flow rates)
Fig. 4.8 The PZR level controller
Fig. 4.9 Operating Monitoring screen related to PZR level control
Fig. 4.10 PZR level thresholds (state A)
Fig. 4.11 The PZR level Operating Aid Functions
Fig. 4.12 Example of OAF: SGTR mitigation

Fig. 5.1 Recall of the equipments related to the pressure control

Fig. 5.2 The pressurizer heaters
Fig. 5.3 The (normal) spray system
Fig. 5.4 The steady state of the pressurizer
Fig. 5.5 The pressure sensors
Fig. 5.6 The actuators setpoints
Fig. 5.7 The operating modes of the pressurizer pressure control
Fig. 5.8 The "homogenization" mode
Fig. 5.9 The "heat up or cool down" mode
Fig. 5.10 The pressurizer pressure controller
Fig. 5.11 The pressure thresholds (state A)
Fig. 5.12 The Operator Aid Functions

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Fig. 5.13 The SGTR function (related to primary pressure)
Fig. 5.14 Operating Monitoring screen related to PZR pressure control

Fig. 6.1 Recall of the main architecture of the feedwater system

Fig. 6.2 The SG level and its limits
Fig. 6.3 SG water mass evolution as function of power (typical)
Fig. 6.4 SG response to a feedwater flow rate step increase
Fig. 6.5 The feedwater temperature as a function of power level
Fig. 6.6 SG response to a feedwater flow rate step increase (effect of power
Fig. 6.7 SG response to a steam flow rate step increase
Fig. 6.8 SG response to a steam flow rate step increase (effect of power level)
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Fig. 6.9 The interest to use steam and water flow rates to control the SG level
Fig. 6.10 Steam and water flow rates measurements
Fig. 6.11 The accuracy of flow rate measurements at low flow
Fig. 6.12 SG level measurement
Fig. 6.13 SG level control at high power
Fig. 6.14 SG level control at low power
Fig. 6.15 The transfer between high power control and low power control
Fig. 6.16 Logic associated to RT

Fig. 6.17 SG level control at very low power

Fig. 6.18 SG level thresholds
Fig. 6.19 The Operator Aid Functions
Fig. 6.20 The SGTR function (related to SG level)
Fig. 6.21 Operating Monitoring screen related to the level control of one of the

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