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OCTOBER 10th, 2023

 Understanding the book and material use.
 Define our personal characteristics and discuss the different types of
characteristics we have.
 Discuss the importance of inclusion and diversity in society.
 Identify and discuss the ways in which technology can be used to support
people with disabilities.
Working with a new book
Let´s explore our book and check where to go in order to find activities and
How does it work? Let´s find out.

Two truths one lie

We all have some characteristics that are part of our personalities. Let´s share
some of them through saying three sentences about your personality traits,
interests, or experiences.
For example:
 I love shopping.
 I am afraid of heights.
 I am an emphatic person.
Now, the rest of us will try to guess which one is the lie.
Let’s begin!

 I love desserts
 I am very patient
 Cockroaches scare me

Check on some:

Our life is incredible, believe it or not.

Watch the video and listen to the ideas it expresses. Then, we will work in pairs
and talk about your family, what characteristics do you share with them and which
ones are unique to you?
Write them in the box and then discuss about the following: What influences a
person’s character: family values or life experience?

Shared characteristics Unique characteristics

 My family is very supportive of 
most people.

 I usually help those in need

because of what I have learned
from my family (solidarity)

Remember to discuss and get to some conclusions, we will talk about it when we
are back into the class.
I think the most important thing about this is that the values and most of the things
we learn come from a good upbringing and I choose the values because they
seem more important to me.

Predict… Don´t cheat 
Looking at the picture… What do you think the article is

Now we read and answer the questions:

Words to talk about: Disability –
inclusion – achieve – impossible -
Come with me to the white board and
give your own thoughts on this concept.
Brace yourselves, a discussion is

Whit these words in mind:

Match the vocabulary in the book to their definition. Pay attention: is it a verb? An

Did you know…

There are stative verbs and dynamic verbs?
How does that work? Well, you better tell me I am dying to

_______ _______ ______ ________ ______ ______

Now that you know how this works, go to a breakout room with your partner and
imagine a technological device that could make a difference in people’s lives.
 The name of the device. (image please, we want to see it)
 Who would benefit the most?
 Write 2 sentences with stative verbs, and 2 sentences with dynamic
verbs. The sentences should give us some ideas on How it works? And
What does it do?
 Finish by explaining how do you think technology can support people with
After all this, you will show your device, present it to the class and we will
have Q&A.
Do you


Did you….?
 Understand the book and material use.
 Define our personal characteristics and discuss the different types of
characteristics we have.
 Discuss the importance of inclusion and diversity in society.
 Identify and discuss the ways in which technology can be used to support
people with disabilities.

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