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Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios

BEAM047A Fundamentals of Financial

Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios

Panagiotis Couzo↵

Autumn Term, 2017/18

Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios

Putting things into perspective

I In Lecture 3, we discussed fixed-income securities.

I In the next few lectures, we will study stocks:
I Lecture 4 introduces stock valuation and some basic facts on stock
I Lecture 5 discusses how to choose a stock portfolio;
I Lecture 6 focuses on determining a stock’s expected return.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios


Equity securities

Stock Valuation

Measures of risk and return

Risk and return of portfolios

E↵ects of diversification
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Equity securities


Equity securities

Stock Valuation

Measures of risk and return

Risk and return of portfolios

E↵ects of diversification
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Equity securities


I Companies finance their operations by issuing either debt or equity

I Although debt is a liability of the issuing company, equity is not.
I In fact, the company is not contractually obligated either to repay
the amount received by shareholders nor to make periodic payments
to them.
I Instead, shareholders hold securities that indicate ownership in a
corporation and represent a (residual) claim on the corporation’s
assets and earnings.
I These securities are shares of a company’s equity or stock.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Equity securities

Equity securities

I Main features of equity securities:

I Voting rights
I Right to dividends
I Limited liability
I Dividends are cash flows that are generated by stocks. They are:
I Discretionary (contrary to debt payments)
I Not tax-deductible (not considered expenses; contrary to debt
I Generally paid in regular intervals (quarterly in the US; semiannually
in the UK)
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation


Equity securities

Stock Valuation

Measures of risk and return

Risk and return of portfolios

E↵ects of diversification
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Stock returns

I For simplicity, assume a stock that pays a single dividend between

dates 0 and 1, at date 1.
I Denoting by Pt the stock price at time t and by Dt the dividend
payment at time t, the return of the stock satisfies
D1 P1 P0
P0 (1 + r ) = D1 + P1 () r = + (1)
P0 P0
I Hence,
⇣ ⌘ the one-period stock return ⌘ of the dividend yield
⇣ is a sum
D1 P1 P0
P0 and the capital gain/loss P0 .
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Stock returns (generalised)

I Generally, in order to calculate the return between times 0 and T :

I Denote by X0 the amount invested in the stock at date 0;
I If there are any dividend payments between the two dates, assume
they are reinvested in the stock (extra shares are purchased).
I Denoting by XT the value of the investment at date T , the
cumulative return (RT ) for the period is equal to

X0 (1 + RT ) = XT () RT =
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Stock valuation

I Going back to the one-period return equation (1), it is more

accurate to express it as

E0 [D1 ] + (E0 [P1 ] P0 )

E0 [r ] =

where E0 [i] represents the expectation of i at t = 0.

I Rearranging the equation with a focus on the share price today (P0 )
E [D1 ] + E [P1 ]
P0 =
1 + E[r ]
I This formulation points out that the stock price represents the
Present Value of next year’s expected cash flows, where the discount
rate is the stock’s “expected return”.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Stock valuation (two periods)

I Notice that the stock price today, P0 , depends on its expected price
one period from now, P1 .
I For exposition purposes, let’s drop the expectation factors E (but
keep in mind they are still there!).
I Assuming that the expected return remains constant, we can use the
same formula to determine the stock price one period from now:
D2 + P 2
P1 =
I Plugging back into the previous formula yields
D1 D2 P2
P0 = + 2 + 2
1+r (1 + r ) (1 + r )
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Stock valuation (multiple periods)

I We can keep substituting future (expected) prices with the present
value of subsequent (expected) dividends and future prices.
I Under the “no-bubbles” assumption, i.e. lim = 0,
T !1 (1 + r )T

X Dt
D1 D2 Dt
P0 = + 2 + ... + t + ... = t
1+r (1 + r ) (1 + r ) t=1
(1 + r )

I In (other) words: The price of a stock is the Present Value of

expected dividends discounted at the stock’s expected return.
I Like all Present Values, stock prices also depend heavily on the
discount rate.
I Most of the next two lectures is devoted to the understanding and
determination of any asset’s “expected return”.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Constant growth model

I Assume that dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate g ,

D t = Dt 1 (1 + g )

I The valuation formula becomes a growing perpetuity of dividends

P0 =
r g
I Note that this implies that the stock price also grows at the same
constant rate
D2 D1 (1 + g )
P1 = = = P0 (1 + g )
r g r g
I This is known as the constant growth valuation formula.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Constant growth model (parameters)

I Where can we find values for these parameters?

I Expectations of next year’s dividend D1 can be found in financial
sources, and r will be discussed in future lectures.
I How can we estimate g ?
I Apart from the obvious historical and forecasted growth of dividends,
g can be estimated using information on a company’s operations,
and especially the reinvestment of earnings in the business.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Dividend growth rate

I If a firm has no new investment opportunity and pays out its full
earnings to shareholders, the dividend growth rate can only be zero
and the firm does not grow in value.
I However, if a firm can pursuit new projects, it might decide to retain
some of its earnings for reinvestment, and pay out the remainder to
I If the project’s return on equity and the firm’s retention ratio (the
complement of the payout ratio, p) remain constant, dividends are
expected to grow at a rate equal to the product of the two:

g = (1 p) ⇤ ROE

I A word of notice: this formula does not imply that a firm can
increase its growth by simply decreasing the payout ratio, as this
could a↵ect the ROE at the same time (it is fair to assume that
there is a finite number of high return projects that wait to be
financed at any point in time).
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Present Value of Growth Opportunities: An example

I Suppose the expected return of Food Inc. is 10% and earnings per
share are expected to be $3.
I The company pays out 40% of its earnings each year in dividends,
while the rest is invested in projects generating 15% annual return.
What is the current value of Food Inc.?

D1 = $3 ⇤ 0.4 = $1.20
g = (1 0.4) ⇤ 0.15 = 0.09
P0 = = $120
0.10 0.09
I What would your answer be if Food Inc. was paying out all earnings
as dividends?
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Stock Valuation

Present Value of Growth Opportunities: An example


I If Food Inc. paid all earnings out as dividends, its share price would
Pno growth = = $30
I The latter price represents the value of assets in place, and the
di↵erence between the two prices ($120 $30 = $90) represents the
value of Food Inc.’s growth opportunities:
P0 = + PVGO
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return


Equity securities

Stock Valuation

Measures of risk and return

Risk and return of portfolios

E↵ects of diversification
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return

Risk in finance

I Risk is defined as the

uncertainty over the amount
and/or the timing of future
cash flows from an
I Some investments can be
viewed as virtually risk-free
(e.g. an investment in a
short-term Treasury bill).
I However, most investments
are risky. . .
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return

Value of $100 invested at the end of 1925

Source: Berk, J. and P. DeMarzo, 2014. Corporate Finance, 3rd (global) edition
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return

Risk and return data

I Using historical returns for the period 1926-2011:

Investment Sample average Sample st. dev.
Small stocks 18.7% 39.2%
S&P 500 11.7% 20.3%
Corporate bonds 6.6% 7.0%
Treasury bills 3.6% 3.1%
I Basic fact: Riskier investments have higher returns on average.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return

A refresher in statistics
I Consider a data series X1 , X2 , . . . , XN .
I A measure of the average value of the series is the sample average:
X1 + X2 + . . . + XN
X =
I Two measures of the dispersion of the series around the average
value are the sample variance:
2 2 2
X1 X + X2 X + . . . + XN X
sX2 =
N 1
and the sample standard deviation:
sX = sX2

I The standard deviation is expressed in the same units as the data

series. It measures the “typical” distance of the series elements from
the average value.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return

A refresher in probabilities
I We can also define the expectation, variance, and standard deviation
in a probability sense, for a random variable Z .
I Suppose that Z takes values Z1 , Z2 , . . . , ZN with respective
probabilities p1 , p2 , . . . , pN .
I The expectation of Z is:

E[Z ] = p1 Z1 + p2 Z2 + . . . + pN ZN

I The variance of Z is:

2 2 2 2
X = p1 (Z1 E[Z ]) + p2 (Z2 E[Z ]) + . . . + pN (ZN E[Z ])

and its standard deviation:

= 2
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return

Statistics vs Probability definitions

I The sample statistics and probability definitions are related.

I Suppose that we roll a dice for a number of times and record the
data series of the outcomes.
I We can use the data series to compute the sample average, the
sample variance, and the sample standard deviation.
I Those will generally be di↵erent than the expectation (3.5), variance
(2.9167), and standard deviation (1.7078) of a dice roll using
I However, if the dice is rolled many many times, they will get very
close. If the dice is rolled “infinite” times, they will become equal.
I Law of large numbers: Sample statistics converge to their
probability counterparts as the sample grows.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return

Using statistics in finance

I Next year’s return can be viewed as a random variable. We can

estimate its
I expectation by the sample average;
I variance by the sample variance;
I standard deviation by the sample standard deviation.
I For the variance and the standard deviation, we can obtain quite
precise estimates using a sample of even one year (the most recent),
provided we use daily or weekly data.
I For expected return, we need to use as large a sample as possible, as
the estimates are quite imprecise.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Measures of risk and return

An important clarification: realised vs expected returns

I Using past data, one can find that the average return of S&P 500
firms is 11.7%.
I Hence, an estimate of the expected return of S&P 500 firms is
I This does not mean that S&P 500 firms will have a return of 11.7%
next year.
I The return of S&P 500 firms next year will be the realised return.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios


Equity securities

Stock Valuation

Measures of risk and return

Risk and return of portfolios

E↵ects of diversification
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

Individual stocks vs indices

I Using historical returns for the period 1967-2009:

Sample average Sample st. dev.
Coca-Cola 14.7% 22.1%
Kodak 3.7% 30.0%
IBM 12.6% 29.8%
Disney 21.8% 40.1%
Xerox 8.3% 35.3%
S&P 500 11.7% 20.3%
I Although the sample standard deviation of the S&P 500 is smaller
than those of individual stocks, the sample average of its returns is
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

Historical returns of stocks and indices

Source: Berk, J. and P. DeMarzo, 2014. Corporate Finance, 3rd (global) edition
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios


I Let’s have a closer look at what happens when individual stocks (or
more generally assets) are combined in a portfolio.
I Consider n individual assets with a fraction wi of your wealth
invested in each asset i.
I This is an investment in a portfolio of n assets, where the fractions
wi are the portfolio weights.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

Portfolio weights

I The sum of portfolio weights is by definition equal to one:

wi = 1

I Note that the above condition does not exclude negative weights nor
weights higher than one!
I A positive weight implies a positive quantity of the asset in the
portfolio (also called a long position).
I A negative weight implies a “negative” quantity of the asset in the
portfolio (also called a short position).
I Short positions are achieved through short sales, i.e. the sale of a
stock that we do not own.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

A primer in short sales

I Timeline of short sale:

I Date 0: Borrow the stock from a broker
I Date 0: Sell the stock in the market
I Between dates 0 and 1: Compensate the broker for any dividends the
stock pays
I Date 1: Buy the stock in the market
I Date 1: Return the stock to the broker
I A short sale is profitable if the stock price goes down.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

Portfolio returns

I The realised return of a portfolio is the weighted average of the

realised returns of the individual assets
RP = wi R i

I Similarly, the expected return of a portfolio is the weighted average

of the expected returns of the individual assets
E[rP ] = wi E[ri ]
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

Covariance and correlation

I Before expressing the variance of portfolios, a quick reminder on
covariances might be useful.
I The covariance is a measure of association between two variables.
I The sample covariance between two data series X and Y is
calculated as follows:
Xi X Yi Y
Cov (X , Y ) = i=1
N 1
I A related measure of association is correlation:
Cov (X , Y )
Corr (X , Y ) =
sX sY

I Covariance ( XY ) and correlation (⇢XY ) can be defined for random

variables. Sample covariance and correlation are their estimates.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

What do they reflect?

I The covariance and the correlation of two variables have the same
sign. They are
I positive, if X and Y tend to move to the same direction;
I zero, if X and Y are un(cor)related; or
I negative, if X and Y tend to move in opposite directions.
I The correlation is a number taking values between 1 and 1.
I A correlation
I equal to 1 indicates an exact linear relation with positive slope
between X and Y (perfectly positively correlated);
I equal to 1 indicates an exact linear relation with negative slope
between X and Y (perfectly negatively correlated).
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

Portfolio variance

I The variance of a portfolio can be viewed as the weighted average of

covariances between individual assets
P = wi wj ij
i=1 j=1
= wi2 2
i + wi wj ij
i=1 i=1 j=1

or equivalently
P = wi wj ⇢ij i j
i=1 j=1
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

An example
I You are considering investing $300 in Disney and $100 in IBM.
I The weights of each stock in the portfolio are
300 3
wD = =
400 4
100 1
wI = =
400 4
I Assuming average past returns of 21.8% and 12.6% respectively, the
expected return of the portfolio is
⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤
E r P = wD E r D + w I E r I
3 1
= ⇤ 0.218 + ⇤ 0.126 = 19.5%
4 4
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
Risk and return of portfolios

An example (cont’d)

I The past standard deviations of the two stocks are 40.1% (Disney)
and 29.8% (IBM), and that the historical correlation between the
returns of the two if 0.17.
I The variance of the portfolio is
P = wD2 D
+ wI2 I2 + 2wD wI ⇢DI D I
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆2
3 2 1 3 1
= 0.401 + 0.2982 + 2 ⇤ ⇤ ⇤ 0.17 ⇤ 0.401 ⇤ 0.298
4 4 4 4
= 0.10362

I The standard deviation is simply

q p
= 2
P P = 0.10362 = 32.2%
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification


Equity securities

Stock Valuation

Measures of risk and return

Risk and return of portfolios

E↵ects of diversification
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification


I Let’s now start changing the composition of the portfolio.

I Keeping the total amount invested constant, let the weight put on
Disney vary:
wD 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
⇥ ⇤
E rP 12.6% 13.5% 14.4% 15.4% 16.3% 17.2% 18.1% 19.0% 20.0% 20.9% 21.8%
P 29.8% 27.8% 26.4% 25.8% 26.0% 26.9% 28.6% 30.9% 33.6% 36.7% 40.1%

I Can you spot anything interesting?

Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

I Plotting portfolios in the standard deviation/expected return space:
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

Allowing for short sales

I Plotting portfolios in the standard deviation/expected return space:
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

E↵ect of diversification

I The key observation from the table and the graph is that
diversification can substantially reduce risk.
I Notice that a lot of portfolios have a lower standard deviation than
pure Disney or IBM investments.
I A diversified portfolio can have lower risk because the individual
stocks do not always move together.
I A second observation is that diversification does not necessarily
reduce expected return
I By including Disney in a pure IBM investment raises the expected
return (but not always the standard deviation)
I Basic fact: There may be benefits to diversification. By holding
a diversified portfolio, we can reduce risk without sacrificing
expected return.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

Stand-alone stocks
I Let’s have a look at the two stand-alone stocks:
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

Does diversification always decrease risk?

I Set of feasible portfolios with perfect (positive) correlation:
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

When does diversification decrease risk?

I Set of feasible portfolios with imperfect correlation:
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

Can diversification eliminate risk?

I How does the feasible set look like if correlation is 1?
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

Understanding the mechanism

I It is easier to grasp the mechanics of diversification by taking the

simple case of a portfolio consisting of two assets.
I The expected return of such a portfolio is equal to
⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤
E rP = w E r1 + (1 w ) E r2

where w is the weight invested in asset 1.

I It is easy to see that the expected return of a portfolio is linear in
w . A simple manipulation yields
⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤
E rP = E r2 + w E r1 E r2
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

Understanding the mechanism (cont’d)

I However, this is not the case for variance (nor for standard
I The variance of this portfolio is not the weighted average of the
variances of the individual assets:
2 2
P = w2 2
1 + (1 w) 2
2 + 2 w (1 w ) ⇢12 1 2
= [w 1 + (1 w) 2] 2 w (1 w) 1 ⇢12 1 2
< [w 1 + (1 w) 2]

for any ⇢ < 1.

I Hence diversification is due to the imperfect correlation between
assets’ returns.
Lecture 4: Stock valuation and stock portfolios
E↵ects of diversification

So, what now?

I The big question now is:

I Which portfolio should one invest in?
I This is the topic of the next lecture.

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