Lesson 05 Human Flourishing

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Science, Technology and Society


Lesson 5. Human Flourishing

With the advent of science and technology, this lesson addresses human
prosperity. It introduces the idea of development, focusing in particular on the de-
development concept of Jason Hickel. This idea was thought to be the solution to
reducing the difference between rich and poor countries.

At the end of this lesson students are expected to learn the following competency
a. Examine human flourishing in the context of S&T development;
b. Make an idea about de-development as a progress and development
c. Distinguish between progress and development traditional model and
Hickel’s de-development concept.

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Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Analyze the picture below and relate it on the present situation in our country. Connect
this scenario in science and technology. Answer the Key Inquiry Questions below.

Key Inquiry Questions:

Researches believed that over consumption pushes the planet and the society at the brink
of danger.
1. How do you think over consumption puts the planet and society at risk?
2. How this scenario is being affected by the progress of science and technology?
3. What can be done to regulate this issue?

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Let us begin the lesson by doing the following activities. These activities will lead you into
exploring and discovering the concept of the topic.

Activity 5.1 Reading Comprehension (Jason Hickel’s Article)

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Read Hickel’s article entitled “Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, its time to ‘de-
develop’ rich countries. Answer the key inquiry questions.
(The article can be access in this link: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-

Key Inquiry Questions:

1. What does the article introduces?


2. How is this framework differ from the common acts of development?

3. Based on Hickel, how is de-development possible?

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Activity 5.2 Post-it-Parade

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instructions: After reading and learning the framework of Hickel’s on de-development, you are
tasks to generate at least three questions about the concept by writing your questions on the
figures below(if you have more questions feel free to add another sheet of paper). Share your
questions to the class and with the group try to answer the questions together with your teacher.

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In the classical Aristotelian notion, human flourishing is described as being "good spirited."
In general, humans have a notion of what it means to flourish; while they chose to hinge their
ends alongside the latter's outcomes in the advent of science and technology. Although it is true
that science gives certain information about the universe to its connoisseurs, its primary claim to
objectivity and systematic methodology is at least flawed. Finally, technology is heavily fueling
the economic perception of enrichment, otherwise known as growth, and should be impeded.
Apart from one presented in this respect, we have to reconsider our perception of a good life.
Eudaimonia, literally "good spirited," is a term invented by Aristotle (385-323 BC), a
revered Greek philosopher, to describe the peak of happiness that people can achieve. In
literature, this has also been translated as "human flourishing," arguably comparing humans to
flowers achieving their full bloom. Aristotle's human flourishing occurs as a consequence of
various components such as phronesis, fellowship, money, and strength, as discussed in the
Nicomachean Ethics. They conclude that possessing these attributes would definitely bring
pleasure to the seekers in ancient Greek culture, which in effect enables them to engage in the
greater notion of what we call the Healthy.
Elements that constitute human flourishing, which are subject to the complex social history
as written by humans, have changed as time changes. People have found ways of living more
comfortably, visiting more areas, producing more goods, making more money, and then repeating
the whole cycle of the process. In the beginning, to make hunting and collecting simpler, early
individuals depended on simple machines. This progress allowed them to create bigger and more
advanced machines to assist them in their efforts that eventually led to space explosions,
advances in medicine, and life after death projects. Our idea of human flourishing today proves
to be different from what Aristotle originally considered then. Citizens of today are required to
become a "man of the world." In order to accomplish a common objective, he is supposed to be
situated in a global community, working side by side between institutions and the government.
Competition has become passé as a means of survival; the latest trend is teamwork.

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It is important to notice that there is a difference between Eastern and Western

conceptions of culture and human prosperity. Western culture appears to be more concentrated
on the person, it has been noted, whereas those from the East are more community-centered.
Then, human prosperity as an end is mainly more of a concern for western cultures than for
eastern ones. This is not to discredit our kinsmen from the east; perhaps in their opinion, society
takes the utmost regard that for the sake of society, the person should sacrifice himself. In the
Chinese Confucian method or the Japanese Bushido, this is clear, all of which consider the whole
as larger than their components. The Chinese and Japanese, not entirely for themselves, but in
the interest of a greater cause, promote the study of literature, science and art. On the other hand,
the Greek Aristotelian view seeks eudaimonia as the supreme good; there is no suggestion
whatsoever that Aristotle implied it as instrumental in achieving any other goals. A individual who
has attained such a state may wish to serve the nation, but that is done by deliberation based on
his beliefs rather than his belief that the state is greater than him, and so it is only fitting that he
should consider it as a higher institution worthy of service.

Science, Technology and Human Flourishing

Science and technology contributions were extensively laid down in the previous chapters.
In our pool of human intelligence, every discovery, invention and achievement contributes.
Maybe, through seeking evidence to track evolution, one of the most prevalent themes in the
eternal need of man to locate him in the universe. The business of uncovering the universe's
secrets reacts to the issue of our life and gives us something to look forward to. Our idea of self-
importance is elicited by having a specific position, which is uniquely ours. In this regard, human
flourishing is profoundly entangled with the aim that science and technology are important. In this
case, the latter is necessary as a method for achieving the former to echo Heidegger's argument
that technology is a human activity that we excel in as a result of science achievement. It is
enough to claim that the ultimate goals of both science and technology and human prosperity are
connected, and that the good is ultimately linked to the facts.

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How Much Is Too Much?

World leaders signed the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in 2002, one of which
states that they should be able to forge a sustainable development partnership. The primary
objective of achieving growth for all can prove to be fatal in the long term, as well as the institutes
impose them to do so in good faith.
Economists assumed that inflation was the primary measure of growth, as both go hand
in hand and sought to accomplish this through their money. Technology has been a primary tool
to allow them, using capital, machinery, and labor, to achieve that objective. What is lacking in
this equation is that growth provides an illusory notion of sustainability-the wealth of the planet
can only provide so much, it can not be anticipated for a long period of time to extend out for the
consumption of all. In addition, development is not limitless - once the ball starts rolling, there is
no preordained ceiling that the ship will certainly sink before leaving the port.
The same comparison refers to the ability of nature to accommodate us, as contemplated
by Joseph Hickel, implying that developing countries should not press for further growth but
pursue "de-development" policies instead or else, everybody loses. The rapid speed of
technological growth does not allow nature to recover, resulting in exploitation and irreversible
harm to nature. Right now, in the hands of man-made climate change, which will snowball and
affect the majority of flora and fauna, we are witnessing consequences of such exploits, driving
half of the latter extinct within less than a hundred years. We could bring on our own extinction if
this continues at its present alarming pace.

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Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Think about the following questions and answer it in 2-3 sentences using your own words.
1. What does Human flourishing means?

2. How does science and technology influenced human flourishing?

3. In your own opinion, how much is too much?

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Let us continue learning more and try to elaborate the concepts through doing this activity.

Activity 5.3 Reaction Paper

Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Instruction: Choose a partner(optional). Discuss and Compare Jason Hickel’s framework of de-
development and Martin Heidegger’s The question concerning Technology. Use Heideggerian
concepts learned in the previous session in explaining your thoughts and ideas about Hickel’s.


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Name: ____________________________ Date Submitted: __________________

Course/Section: ____________________

Multiple Choice: Read carefully the statements and choose the letter of the best answer.
Write it on the space provided.
_____1. Which of the following shows human flourishing?
A. Industrialization C. Famine
B. Over population D. Pollution
_____2. How does de-development will help for more development?
A. It will allow other countries to develop
B. It will give time for human to be educated
C. It will give time for nature to heal
D. It will allow nature to regenerate itself saving more resources
_____3. Which of the following will help in addressing de-development?
A. Educating the mind of the people
B. Adopting and enforcing policies
C. Practicing on saving energy
D. Developing educational manuals
_____4. How does de-development related to Heideggers philosophy?
A. The mechanism of enframing development
B. The importance of questioning development
C. The essence of technology
D. The realization of utilizing excess natural resources
_____5. How will de-development helps in preventing climate change?
A. It will prevent further production of pollutants
B. It will generate economic balance among countries
C. It will control excess extraction of resources
D. It will implement strong environmental policies

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3 Minutes Reflection: Answer the following questions

What have you realized in this session? How will you apply this concepts in your life? Do
you still have clarification? If yes, then include it here.


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