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Embassy Interview Preparation

o Mobile devices and liquid not allowed
o Bag allowed
o Show passport
o Scan all belongings
o Xray CD (if available)

o Give the documents below as requested
▪ DS260 Confirmation
▪ Packet 4
▪ Passport (And front page copy)
▪ Job Contract
▪ NBI Clearance
▪ Police Clearance
▪ Marriage Certificate
▪ Birth Certificate
▪ Visa Screen
▪ USRN License / Pass Letter / Nursys Info
▪ Cenomar /Advisory on Marriage
▪ 2 - 2x2 ID Pictures
o Next is fingerprinting
o Questions
▪ If you travelled to other countries?
▪ Where do you stay?
▪ Employer?
▪ First marriage?
▪ Where is your spouse?
▪ Did you live in other countries for more than 6 months?

o Oath Taking
o Fingerprint
▪ Questions for Petitioner
• How many covid vaccines did you get?
• How many years of work experience?
• What area of specialization?
• Where to be assigned/work?
• Hourly Base Rate?
• Working hours?
• What is your salary?
• What is the length of contract?
• What will happen if you didn’t complete your contract?
• Where is your spouse?
• Where you got your degree?
• Travel history?
• History of travel to US?
• Work in other countries aside from KSA?
• Grounds of termination?

▪ Questions for Dependent

• Have you had a military service?
• What is your profession?
• Do you intended to use it in the US?

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