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Uranium in

drinking water
supply at Eton

Where does uranium leaching or runoff from soil, rocks uranium in drinking water are
and sediment or from windblown considered low risk.
come from?
dust. Groundwater sources such
Uranium is a naturally occurring as bores are at a greater risk of Are there guidelines
radioactive element that is containing uranium than surface for safe levels of
or rainwater supplies.
present at very low levels in uranium in drinking
rocks and soils in many parts
Are there health water?
of Australia. Food and drinking
water are the main sources of concerns associated The Australian Drinking Water
uranium intake for the general with uranium? Guidelines (ADWG), developed by
public. Shellfish, vegetables, the National Health and Medical
cereals and seafood contribute Uranium is a heavy metal which, Research Council, provide health
the highest concentrations of if it is ingested at a sufficiently guideline values for chemical,
uranium to the diet. Generally, high concentration, can have physical and radiological water
only a very small amount of the both toxic and radiological quality characteristics and assure
total intake of uranium comes effects on humans. In humans the safety of drinking water. A
from drinking water. and experimental animals, the health guideline value is the
main toxic effect of short-term concentration or measure of a
Uranium in drinking water is exposure to high concentrations water quality characteristic that,
usually naturally occurring. of uranium is inflammation of the based on present knowledge,
Drinking water can be kidney. Short-term exposures to does not result in any significant
contaminated with uranium by low levels of naturally occurring risk to the health of consumers

Facts published by | Mackay Regional Council | © 2016

Uranium in water supply at Eton
over a lifetime of consumption.
As the health effects of natural
uranium at low levels are more
likely to be due to chemical
effects and not to radiation,
the ADWG guideline value for
uranium is based only on its
chemical toxicity.

Under the ADWG, a health

guideline value of 17 micrograms The remaining bore has levels supplied is safe to drink and use
per litre for uranium has been set of uranium that are below the for all other domestic purposes.
to protect public health (Note: ADWG guideline level. The
one microgram is one millionth of reported values for Bore 1 ranged Even though the risk from
a gram). This is a highly protective from 6.98 (0.00698mg/L) to uranium in the water from Bore 2
value with a very large safety 14.33 (0.01433mg/L). The level is very low, it was precautionary
factor built in. The ADWG also of radioactivity has also been for council to cease using this
includes health “screening” levels measured in the two bores at supply. If water supply issues
for radioactivity in drinking water, Eton and both were found to be require the bore with elevated
from all sources, not just naturally below the health screening levels uranium to be turned on again,
occurring uranium. If these very in the ADWG. council will monitor uranium
conservative screening levels are levels on a regular basis to
not exceeded, there is no need Is there a health ensure that they remain below
for further assessment. the health guideline level. Council
risk from uranium in
is considering future long-term
What are the current the drinking water options to ensure an ongoing,
levels of uranium supply at Eton? safe and sustainable drinking
water supply for residents of Eton.
in the Eton drinking Exceeding health-based
water supply? guidelines does not mean public
health is compromised. It is an If you have any
Recent monitoring has shown that intervention mechanism to seek concerns about
uranium has been found in one further expert advice. your health, contact
of two bores supplying drinking
13 HEALTH (13 43
water to the Eton community at Queensland Health has assessed
25 84), your local
slightly above the ADWG health the risk from the current levels
doctor or local
guideline level of 17 micrograms of uranium in the Eton drinking
hospital and advise
per litre. Bore 2 levels ranged water supply (which comes from them of this notice.
from 6.84 (0.00684mg/L) to Bore 1) and has advised that the
22.65 (0.02265mg/L). This current levels are below the highly
level is still below World Health protective guideline values in the
Organisation (WHO) guidelines ADWG (covering both chemical
of 30 (0.030mg/L) but this toxicity and radioactivity), and
bore has now been turned off. thus the drinking water being

Facts published by | Mackay Regional Council | © 2016

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