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Executive Summary

Our online buying and selling platform for rooftop gardening foods aims to revolutionize
how customers access fresh and locally grown produce that is sustainably cultivated on urban
rooftops. We provide a seamless and cost-effective channel for selling and purchasing rooftop
garden products by eliminating intermediaries and connecting farmers directly with

Farmers can showcase their diverse range of products through our platform, including fruits,
vegetables, herbs, and other rooftop-grown foods. We prioritize the use of sustainable
farming practices, such as organic methods and efficient water management, to ensure the
highest quality and environmentally-friendly products.

To sustain our operations and support the growth of urban agriculture, we have established a
commission-based business model. We will charge a percentage of each sale made through
our platform, ensuring that farmers receive fair compensation for their efforts while covering
our operational costs. By facilitating direct transactions, we promote transparency and create
a mutually beneficial ecosystem for farmers and consumers.

Our primary goal is to build a profitable and sustainable business that provides customers
with convenient access to fresh produce and promotes healthy and locally sourced food. The
demand for locally grown food is on the rise as consumers become more conscious of the
benefits it offers in terms of freshness, nutritional value, and reduced carbon footprint.

Simultaneously, urban agriculture is gaining traction as an innovative solution to address food

security and utilize limited urban spaces effectively. Our platform acts as a bridge between
these growing consumer preferences and the potential of rooftop farming, enabling
individuals and families to enjoy the benefits of urban-grown food while supporting local

By expanding our online platform, we aim to increase awareness and accessibility to rooftop
gardening foods, fostering a community-driven marketplace that celebrates sustainability and
encourages individuals to adopt healthier and more environmentally conscious food choices.
With a focus on convenience, quality, and social impact, we are confident in our ability to
capitalize on the thriving market for locally-grown produce and contribute to the flourishing
urban agriculture movement.

These days, different types of farming are becoming quite popular among the youth in
Bangladesh. A sense of eating organic and natural foods, and with that, the realization of
producing more food locally, inspires many young people to get involved in farming. But our
overcrowded capital city of nearly 17 million people has very little space for planting crops
or rearing domestic animals. That is why many youths opt for rooftop farming or
hydroponics, a method where plants are grown without soil in water rich in nutrients and
minerals. In Dhaka, there are about 450,000 rooftops, and only two percent of those are used
to grow any type of vegetation. We have a big opportunity to make Dhaka a green city if we
only use these rooftops. So I came up with an idea to use these rooftops for the betterment of
human living: "Laurel Wreath,” an online platform for buying and selling organic foods
grown on rooftop equipment for rooftop gardening. The platform will also provide
counseling and suggestions to the gardeners about gardening.
The name Laurel Wreath came from Greek mythology. A laurel wreath is a circular garland
or crown made from branches and leaves of the laurel tree (Laurus nobilis). It has been a
symbol of honor, victory, and achievement since ancient times. In Greek and Roman
mythology, laurel wreaths were often worn by victors in athletic competitions or bestowed
upon individuals as a mark of distinction or accomplishment. Today, the laurel wreath
continues to be used as a symbolic representation of honor and excellence. This business is
trying to make the rooftop green so it can be seen as a crown of greenery, and making the
environment green is an honor and victory. So I named it Laurel Wreath.

Cities like Dhaka needs to be green; there are several reasons behind this:
● With the rapid urbanization and limited agricultural land in Dhaka city, rooftop
gardening offers a solution to grow fresh, organic produce locally. It helps address
food security concerns by providing access to nutritious food within the city.
● Rooftop gardens contribute to mitigating the heat island effect by reducing ambient
temperatures and improving air quality. They help absorb carbon dioxide, filter
pollutants, and promote biodiversity, contributing to a healthier urban environment.
● Dhaka city faces a scarcity of green spaces, leading to limited opportunities for
recreation and relaxation. Rooftop gardening allows for the creation of green spaces,
improving the overall aesthetics of the city and providing a much-needed respite from
the concrete jungle.
● By practicing rooftop gardening, individuals can actively participate in sustainable
living. It promotes self-sufficiency, reduces dependence on external food sources,
minimizes transportation-related emissions, and encourages the use of organic
farming methods.
● Rooftop gardens serve as community spaces where people can come together, share
knowledge, and engage in social interactions. They provide a platform for community
building, fostering a sense of belonging and collective responsibility towards the

Brief Description of the Business

1. Name of the Business: Laurel Wreath
2. Nature of Business: Agribusiness
3. Sector/ Industry: Agriculture
4. Objectives: To promote sustainable urban agriculture and provide local communities
access to fresh, healthy produce.
5. Employment: 5 to 10 employees
6. Brief Introduction of the Entrepreneur:
● Name: Faria Fatima Roza
● Address: 153/1, Ahmed Nagar, Mirpur-1, Dhaka
● Educational Qualification: Undergraduate BBA student (Management Studies)
● Experience in Other Business: No
● Percentage of Ownership: 100%
7. Type of Ownership: Sole Proprietorship

“Empowering Urban Growers, Nurturing Sustainable Communities”

Our mission is to empower urban growers in Bangladesh by providing a comprehensive

online platform for buying and selling rooftop gardening foods and equipment. We aim to
support and nurture sustainable communities by promoting rooftop gardening, enabling
individuals to grow their own fresh produce and contribute to a greener, healthier, and more
self-sufficient urban environment. We strive to connect growers with quality products,
educational resources, and a vibrant community that shares knowledge and experiences. By
fostering the growth of rooftop gardening, we aim to positively impact food security,
environmental sustainability, and the well-being of individuals and communities across

“Cultivating a Rooftop Revolution for a Greener Future”

Our vision is to catalyze a rooftop revolution in Bangladesh through our online platform for
buying and selling rooftop gardening foods and equipment. We envision a future where every
rooftop in Bangladesh becomes a thriving green space abundant with fresh produce and
sustainable gardening practices. Our platform will serve as a catalyst for this transformation,
inspiring and empowering individuals to embrace rooftop gardening as a means to connect
with nature, enhance food security, and promote environmental sustainability. By creating a
vibrant marketplace for rooftop gardening resources, knowledge, and community, we strive to
revolutionize how people perceive and utilize urban spaces, fostering a greener and more
resilient future for all.

● Sustainability: Our platform is built on the principles of sustainability, promoting
environmentally-friendly practices in rooftop gardening. We prioritize organic, locally
sourced, and sustainable products, ensuring they contribute to a greener and healthier
● Quality Assurance: We are committed to offering high-quality products and
equipment that meet the standards of rooftop gardening. We carefully select vendors
and sellers who provide top-notch produce and reliable equipment, ensuring customer
satisfaction and success in rooftop gardening endeavors.
● Community Engagement: We aim to foster a sense of community among rooftop
gardeners in Bangladesh. Our platform encourages knowledge sharing, collaboration,
and support among users. We facilitate interactions through forums, discussion
boards, and educational resources to promote a thriving community of rooftop
● Accessibility: We strive to make rooftop gardening accessible to all individuals in
Bangladesh. Our platform offers a user-friendly interface, comprehensive product
information, and affordable pricing. We aim to break barriers and provide equal
opportunities for people to engage in rooftop gardening, regardless of their
background or expertise.
● Innovation: We embrace innovation in rooftop gardening practices and technology.
We continuously explore and introduce new tools, techniques, and equipment to
enhance the rooftop gardening experience. By staying at the forefront of
advancements in the field, we aim to inspire and empower our users to achieve their
rooftop gardening goals.
● Customer-centric Approach: We prioritize the needs and satisfaction of our
customers. We provide reliable customer support, prompt responses to inquiries, and a
seamless buying and selling experience. We value feedback from our users and
continually strive to improve our platform to meet their evolving needs.
● Social Impact: We recognize the social impact of rooftop gardening and its potential
to address food security and urban sustainability challenges. Our platform actively
supports initiatives and projects that promote rooftop gardening in underserved
communities, aiming to make a positive difference in people's lives and contribute to
a more resilient and food-secure Bangladesh.
Description of Product/ Service: Nowadays, fresh and organic foods are becoming a dream
for humans, especially in cities such as Dhaka. In Dhaka, there are about 450,000 rooftops.
So we plan to use those rooftops to provide people with fresh and organic foods through an
online platform and make the world move to green again. The platform will be a connection
point for the buyer and sellers. The producers will also get suggestions and necessary
equipment from us through the platform.
● Buying & selling organic foods online: There will be an app through which
gardeners and buyers can connect. Buyers can place orders from their preferable
located seller. Then sellers will pack and deliver them to the customer through our
delivery system. The customer will provide the delivery.
● Selling equipment needed for rooftop gardening: For rooftop gardening, there need
various types of materials and equipment like containers, waterproofing components,
soil, fertilizer, seeds, gloves, shovels, etc. We will provide these types of items.
● Online consultations: To create a successful and thriving garden, it is important to
get expert consultation. Consulting with a gardening expert can provide guidance,
support, and inspiration. Garden consultants have in-depth knowledge and expertise in
various aspects of gardening, including plant selection, soil preparation, pest control,
and plant care. They can provide valuable guidance based on their experience and
help you make informed decisions for your garden. Through this app, gardeners can
get expert consultations.

Unique Selling Point

"Empowering Urban Farmers and Promoting Sustainable Living"
The unique selling point of Laurel Wreath is sustainability and convenience, as it provides a
centralized marketplace where users can easily access a wide range of rooftop gardening
products and produce from the comfort of their homes. Additionally, the platform can offer
specific features tailored to the needs of rooftop gardeners, such as expert advice, educational
resources, and community forums for sharing experiences and tips.

Total Investment:

Total Investment Fixed Asset Current Asset Total

1,000,000 100,000 200,000 1,300,000

Potential Market
One potential market for rooftop gardening foods in Bangladesh is health-conscious
consumers looking for fresh, sustainably produced produce. These consumers are often
willing to pay a premium for locally grown, organic food and are concerned about the
environmental impact of their food choices. Another potential market is urban farmers
looking for a platform to sell their produce directly to consumers. Many urban farmers in
Bangladesh face challenges in finding buyers for their products. They may not have access to
traditional markets or lack the resources to transport their produce to market. A platform that
connects these farmers with consumers can help them earn a fair price for their products and
improve their livelihoods.

Marketing Plan
First, I will identify the target market, and in Bangladesh, my target audience could include
health-conscious consumers, urban farmers, housewives, normal unemployed people, and
low-income communities.
Marketing Area: The marketing area for buying and selling rooftop gardening foods in
Bangladesh will primarily be urban areas with limited access to fresh, locally grown produce.
This includes major cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, and Khulna, where there is a growing
demand for healthy, sustainably produced food. Primarily we will start with Dhaka city.

Marketing Strategy
For marketing strategy, I would like to offer special promotions and discounts to attract new
customers and encourage repeat purchases. This can include discounts on equipment or
bundled deals for produce and equipment, create informative and engaging content that
educates your audience about rooftop gardening and sustainable agriculture. This can include
blog posts, videos, and infographics. I will share your content on social media and other
relevant platforms to attract more visitors. I will collaborate with influencers and bloggers
passionate about sustainability and gardening. This can help reach a wider audience and build
credibility for your platform. I will attend relevant events and exhibitions related to
sustainable agriculture and gardening. This can help build relationships with potential
customers and showcase your products and services. And most importantly, I will ensure that
your customer service is top-notch by responding promptly to inquiries and resolving any
issues or complaints. This will help to build trust and loyalty among the customers.

(a) Promotional Strategy: There are some promotional strategies that I will follow:
● Social media marketing: Will use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
and Twitter to promote my platform and engage with the target audience, share photos
of the products, post informative content, and run targeted ads to attract potential
● Email marketing: Will use email marketing to keep my customers updated about my
platform, new products, and promotions, and send newsletters, personalized emails,
and abandoned cart reminders to increase sales and customer retention.
● Influencer marketing: Will collaborate with influencers in the sustainable
agriculture and gardening space to promote the platform and offer them free products
or a commission on sales to incentivize them to promote my platform to their
● Content marketing: Will create informative and engaging content that educates my
target audience about sustainable agriculture and gardening, create blog posts, videos,
and infographics that share tips and tricks for rooftop gardening, recipes using locally
grown produce, and more.
● Referral programs: Customers will be offered incentives to refer their friends and
family to my platform. This can include discounts, free products, or referral bonuses.
● Partnership marketing: Will make partnerships with other businesses in the
sustainable agriculture and gardening space to cross-promote each other's products
and services. This can help me reach a wider audience and build credibility for my
● Seasonal promotions: There will be special promotions and discounts during
holidays and seasonal events, such as discounts on seedlings during planting or
discounted tools during harvest season.

(b)Distribution strategies :
● Delivery services: Use third-party delivery services to deliver your products to your
customer's doorsteps. You can partner with local delivery companies to ensure timely
delivery and cost-effective rates.
● Pick-up points: Set up pick-up points in strategic locations where customers can
collect their orders. This can be a convenient option for customers who may not be
able to receive home delivery.
● Fulfillment centers: Set up fulfillment centers in key locations to ensure your
products are shipped quickly and efficiently. This can also help reduce shipping costs
and delivery times.
● Inventory management: Use inventory management software to ensure that you
have sufficient stock of all your products at all times. This will help you avoid
stockouts and delays in delivery.
● Packaging: Use eco-friendly packaging materials that protect your products during
transit and are sustainable. This can help reduce your environmental impact and also
appeal to customers who prioritize sustainability.
● Customer service: Ensure that you have a customer service team available to answer
any questions or concerns that customers may have. This can help build trust and
loyalty among your customers.
Major Competitors and their Position in the Market
We do not have direct competitors yet, but some businesses provide nearly similar types of
services, like Krishok, Fosholi, Krishi Network, IFFCO Kisan, Esoko, AgriBuddy,, etc. Some of them provide consultation to the rural farmers, some sell the crops
of the rural farmers, and some try to make rural farmers use smartphones.

1. Competitors and their Position:

SL No Competitors Position

1 Krishok 6

2 Fosholi 3

3 Krishi network 5

4 IFFCO Kisan 2

5 Esoko 4

6 AgriBuddy 1

Target Customer
Our target customers will be home gardeners interested in growing their produce in a small
garden or on their rooftops. They may be looking for equipment, supplies, and fresh produce
to supplement their crops. Urban farmers grow produce in urban areas, often on rooftops or in
small gardens. They may be interested in buying and selling equipment and supplies and
connecting with buyers for their produce. Sustainability enthusiasts who are passionate about
sustainability and are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. They may be
interested in buying and selling equipment and supplies for their rooftop gardens as a way to
grow their own food and reduce their reliance on commercial agriculture. Restaurants and
cafes rely on fresh, high-quality ingredients to prepare their dishes. They may be interested in
buying equipment and supplies for their own rooftop gardens and sourcing locally-grown

The pricing for foods and equipment will be as normal market price, and we will keep
2%-5% extra as a service charge based on the product. For a consultation, there will be some
free suggestions and some subscription system content that will be called the premium. This
charge for one month will be 89 BDT.

SWOT Analysis
● Unique Market Position
● Convenient and Accessible
● Direct Farmer-Consumer Connection
● Sustainability and Health Focus
● Experienced team.
● Growing community.

● Limited Market Reach
● New venture
● Logistics and Delivery Challenges
● Limited Supplier Base

● Diversification into Related Products and Services
● Growing Urban Agriculture Trend
● Collaboration with Local Communities
● Increasing demand for eco-friendly options

● Competition
● Regulatory and Policy Changes
● Technological Challenges
● Economic downturns
Sales Forecasting:

Projected Sales

Year Description Quantity Unit Price Total Taka Total

of Product

Organic food 1000 Kg 50 Tk 50000

1st 394500
Consultation 500 person 89 Tk 44500

Equipment 1500 Piece 200 Tk 300000


Organic food 1500 Kg 50 Tk 75000

2nd 586200
Consultation 800 person 89 Tk 71200

Equipment 2200 Piece 200 Tk 440000


Organic food 9000 Kg 50 Tk 450000

3rd 1636900
Consultation 2100 person 89 Tk 186900

Equipment 5000 Piece 200 Tk 1000000


Payback period: 2.01 years

Our operations will be entirely online, with all transactions and communication taking place
through our platform. We will use secure payment processing systems like Bank accounts,
Bkash, Nagad, and Upay to ensure that transactions are safe and secure. We will also provide
customer support through email and social media channels.
Stages in the Production Process:
i) Planning:

This stage involves developing a detailed plan for the Laurel Wreath, including its features,
user interface, and technical requirements.

Flow Chart:
Planning → Identity app requirements→Determine app features and functionality→Develop
app user interface design →Define technical requirements and specifications

Quality Control and Standards:

● Create a detailed project plan that defines the project's objectives, timeframe, and
necessary resources.
● Perform market analysis to understand the requirements and preferences of the target
● Collaborate with a diverse team to ensure all project requirements are acknowledged
and met.

ii) Development
This stage involves building the app according to the plan developed in Stage 1. Flow Chart:
Development→Develop app architecture ->Write and test app code →Integrate app with
external systems→ Develop app backend infrastructure

Quality Control and Standards:

● Employ an agile development approach to foster iterative and collaborative
development of the app.
● Regularly review the code to identify and rectify any software bugs or glitches.
● Follow coding standards and industry best practices to ensure scalability, security, and
ease of app maintenance.
iii) Testing
This stage involves testing the app to ensure it meets the functional and performance

Flow Chart:
Testing →Conduct functional testing →Conduct performance testing.

Quality Control and Standards:

● Create an all-encompassing testing strategy encompassing all features of the
● Employ a combination of manual and automated testing methods to detect and resolve
any problems.
● Verify that the application conforms to pertinent security and privacy regulations.

iv) Deployment
This stage involves releasing the app to the market and making it available for users to
download and use.

Flow Chart:
Deployment →Release app to app stores →Conduct user acceptance testing →Monitor app
performance and feedback.

Quality Control and Standards:

● Create an extensive deployment strategy that includes app store submission, user
acceptance testing, and post-deployment monitoring.
● Continuously monitor app performance and user feedback to identify and resolve any
● Ensure compliance with relevant app store guidelines and standards.

v) Maintenance
This stage involves ongoing maintenance and support of the app to ensure that it continues to
meet user needs and remains up-to-date.
Flow Chart:
Maintenance →Monitor app performance and user feedback →Fix any bugs or issues
identified →Conduct regular updates and maintenance

Quality Control and Standards:

● Create a detailed app maintenance and support plan, including regular updates, bug
fixes, and technical assistance.
● Utilize customer feedback and analytics to continuously enhance app performance
and user satisfaction.
● Follow industry standards and best practices, such as the OWASP Mobile Top 10
security risks, to guarantee app security and compliance.

Marketing Budget (Yearly):

Item Budget

Promotion (Social media, 50,000 BDT

Google Ads)

App Maintenance 50,000 BDT

Total 100,000 BDT

Risk of Business
There, I will face various types of risks that can hamper my business, such as operational and
technical challenges, seasonality and demand variability, customer acquisition and retention,
customer trust, and reviews, etc.

Inventory Management
The inventory for the online platform will include raw materials such as seeds, soil,
fertilizers, gardening tools, and equipment. It will also consist of finished goods such as
harvested produce, packaged gardening products, and assembled gardening kits. Initially, we
plan to rent a storage space in a strategic location in Dhaka. This will provide sufficient room
to accommodate the inventory volume and ensure easy accessibility for order fulfillment. The
inventory will be organized systematically within the storage space. Categorization and
labeling will be implemented to differentiate between raw materials and finished goods and
identify specific product types and variants. We will utilize inventory management software
with real-time tracking capabilities to monitor stock levels, track incoming and outgoing
inventory, and generate reports. This will facilitate efficient inventory management and
timely replenishment. We will establish reorder points and quantities for each product
category based on demand forecasting and inventory monitoring. This will ensure timely
restocking to meet customer demand while avoiding excessive inventory holding costs.
Implementing quality control measures to ensure that all inventory, especially perishable
goods, meets the required standards. Regular inspections and monitoring will be conducted to
maintain the quality and freshness of rooftop gardening foods. Adhering to the FIFO
principle for perishable goods minimizes waste and ensures that older inventory is used or
sold first.

Organizational Structure
Our management team will consist of experienced professionals with backgrounds in
agriculture, e-commerce, and marketing who will be the counselors. We will also hire a team
of developers to build and maintain our platform. There will be some employers who will
manage the logistics.

Associate/ Partner Organization

No, we still do not have any partner. Still, we will try to make a partnership with Green
Savers Association which was founded by Ahsan Rony with the mission of creating a
thriving culture and industry of urban greenscape amongst the urban citizens of Bangladesh
to combat several societal issues like social cohesion, decreasing standards of public health
and food security. Rony and his team are collaborating with various organizations to
encourage home farming. Currently, Green Savers has a workforce of 16 individuals. In
addition to their employed staff, they have a database of 3,000 registered volunteers who
contribute Tk 100 to become members of their organization. The majority of our members
are young and under the age of 35. Once they have gained some understanding of basic plant
care through their involvement with us for a few months, we issue them with volunteer
identification cards. This will be a great opportunity to expand our business as our motive is

Financial Plan:
List of fixed assets:

Fixed Assets Price

Office Furniture & Equipment 80,000

Land lease 20,000

Total 100,000
Development Costs:
Description Cost (BDT)
App Development 200,000
Software Licenses 100,000
Server Cost 100,000
Total 400,000

Operational cost:
Description Cost (yearly)

Development Cost 400,000

Salaries 250,000

Marketing Budget 100,000

Total 1,750,000

Total Investment:

Total Investment Fixed Asset Current Asset Total

1,000,000 100,000 200,000 1,300,000

Income Statement:
Items Current Year Year 1 Year 2

Sales 394,500 BDT 586,200 BDT 1,636,900 BDT

(-) Cost of Goods Sold 50,000 BDT 80,000 BDT 100,000 BDT

Gross Profit 344,500 BDT 506,200 BDT 1,536,900 BDT

(-)Operating Expenses 40,000 BDT 60,000 BDT 120,000 BDT
(-)Salaries and Wages 250,000 BDT 300,000 BDT 500,000 BDT
(-)Rent 20,000 BDT 25,000 BDT 50,000 BDT
(-)Marketing and 100,000 BDT 150,000 BDT 380,000 BDT
(-)Administrati 20,000 BDT 20,000 BDT 25,000 BDT
ve Expenses
Net Income 85,500 BDT 48,000 BDT 461,900 BDT
(loss) (loss)
Balance Sheet:
Items Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash 100,000 BDT 640,000 BDT 590,000 BDT
Accounts Receivable 25,000 BDT 35,000 BDT 50,000 BDT
Fixed Assets 100,000 BDT 150,000 BDT 500,000 BDT
Total Assets 225,000 BDT 825,000 BDT 1,140,000 BDT
Accounts Payable 100,000 BDT 35,000 BDT 40,000 BDT
Total Liabilities 100,000 BDT 35,000 BDT 40,000 BDT
Capital 1,000,000 BDT 510,000 BDT 300,000 BDT
Retained Earnings 85,500 BDT 48,000 BDT 461,900 BDT
(loss) (loss)
Total Equity 395,000 BDT 620,000 BDT 960,000 BDT
Total Liabilities and 1,309,000 BDT 1,082,000 BDT 1,721,900 BDT

Cash Flow Statement:

Items Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash Inflows
Cash Sales 394,500 586,200 1,636,900
(-) Cost of Goods Sold 50,000 80,000 100,000
Total Cash Inflows 344,500 506,200 1,536,900
Cash Outflows
(-)Development Cost 400,000 100,000 200,000
(-)Salaries and Wages 250,000 300,000 500,000
(-)Rent 20,000 25,000 50,000
(-)Marketing and 100,000 150,000 380,000
(-)Administrative 20,000 20,000 25,000
(-)Total Cash Outflows 790,000 595,000 1,155,000
Net Cash Flow (-)445,500 (-)88,800 381,900
Beginning Cash Balance 480,000 (-)34,500 (-)123,300

Ending Cash Balance (-)34,500 (-)123,300 258,600

Our online buying and selling platform for rooftop gardening foods has the potential to be a
profitable and sustainable business that supports local farmers and promotes healthy, locally
grown food. By connecting urban farmers directly with consumers, we will cut out
middlemen and reduce costs, creating a win-win situation for everyone involved. Our
platform will be a valuable addition to the growing market for locally-grown produce, and we
are excited to bring it to market.

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