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Mindfulness and Meditation 47
Physical Exercise 47
A cosmic horror D20 TTRPG 3
Impact on Daily Life 48
1988 - 1996 5
Mending Bonds 48
Sleeplessness and Exhaustion 49
About the oa 7
Drugs and Sedatives 49
Playing as an Operative 7
Creating an operative 8
Actions & Bonus actions 51
Attack Rolls 51
Insanity 11
Damage Rolls 52
Occult 12
Damage and Healing 53
Bonds & Flaws 13
Death Saves 53
Healing 53
Career Choice 15
Conditions 53
Skills 15
Equipment 54
Growth 16
Weapons 54
Armor 55
Initiative 17
Items 55
Attacks 17
Extreme violence & sanity 57
Damage 17
Weapons 17
Unnatural & Magic 59
Dodge and Armor Class 18
Critical Hits and Fumbles 18
Importance of Downtime 63
Wounds and Ailments 18
Nurturing Relationships 64
When to roll the dice 18
Therapy 64
Roll a skill or an ability score? 18
Social Support 64
Opposed rolls 19
How to Replenish Sanity 65
Pursuit 20
Professional Life 65
The Bleed 66
Enemies and Creatures 21
Spending Money 68
Human Enemies 21
Illicit Cash 69
Selling Personal Possessions 69
Off the books 23
How They Work 24
Getting Around 71
Far from Home 72
recruitment 27
Coping with Homesickness 73
The Vow of Silence 28
The Operative File 28
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 75
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
The dice are foes and allies 39
Explosives (ATF) 75
Skillbased gameplay 39
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 75
Saving throws 42
United States Marshals Service (USMS) 75
Coin toss for Luck 42
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 75
Time Flies By 43
Local and State Law Enforcement Agencies 76
Appointments and Responsibilities 43
What is Abyssal Whispers?
A COSMIC HORROR D20 TTRPG throughout the game.

Abyssal Whispers is a tabletop role-playing

The cosmic horrors that the characters will
game that incorporates elements of 5e and
encounter in Abyssal Whispers are not simply
cosmic horror themes. The game utilizes a
monsters to be defeated. They are vast,
D20 system, but modified to highlight the
incomprehensible beings from beyond the
vulnerability of characters when facing
veil of reality. Their motives and goals are
unspeakable terrors.
beyond human understanding, and their very
existence is a threat to humanity. The game
The game is set in the real world during the
is not about defeating these cosmic horrors,
advent of the digital revolution, specifically
but surviving them. The goal is not to
the late 1980s to the mid-1990s.
triumph over these beings, but to find a way
to endure their presence and prevent them
The mechanics and gameplay of Abyssal
from destroying everything that the
Whispers follow a similar structure to 5e.
characters hold dear.


Throughout the game, the characters will
Cosmic horror is a subgenre of horror that encounter maddening revelations and mind-
focuses on the fear of the unknown and the bending horrors. Their sanity will be tested,
vast, incomprehensible forces that exist and their grip on reality will be constantly
beyond human understanding. In cosmic challenged.
horror, the universe is not a benevolent
place that cares about humanity. Instead, it is
indifferent, hostile, and terrifyingly vast. The
horror comes from the realization that our
place in the universe is insignificant, and that
there are forces beyond our understanding
that could destroy us without a second

The mechanics of the game are specifically

designed to highlight the themes of cosmic
horror. Characters are vulnerable, and facing
unspeakable terrors will be a constant

1988 - 1996
During the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, the
world was undergoing significant political
In popular culture, the late 1980s to mid-
1990s saw the rise of alternative music,
including grunge and hip-hop. Television

and technological changes. The Cold War
shows like The Simpsons, Seinfeld, and
Friends became cultural touchstones, while
had ended, leading to the dissolution of the
movies like Pulp Fiction and Jurassic Park
Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
broke new ground in filmmaking.
The world was becoming more connected
with the rise of personal computers and the
The setting for Abyssal Whispers can take
internet, although widespread adoption was
place anywhere in the world, but the
still a few years away.
headquarters of the Office of Anomalies is
In the United States, President Ronald
located in New York City. Interestingly, the
Reagan was replaced by President George
East Coast of the United States seems to be
H.W. Bush in 1989, who would oversee the
a hotspot for paranormal occurrences, which
Persian Gulf War in 1991. The 1992
is why the OA has a strong presence in the
Presidential election saw Bill Clinton defeat
incumbent George H.W. Bush, marking a
significant shift in American politics.
Technologically, the late 1980s to mid-
1990s saw the rise of personal computers,
with the release of the first Macintosh
computer in 1984 and the first Windows
operating system in 1985. The internet was
still in its infancy, with the first website going
live in 1991 and the first web browser
released in 1993.

If you're eager to jump right into the action, Abyssal Whispers has Quickstart
Rules that condenses all the basic knowledge needed to start playing the game into
the first 20 pages of the manual. This includes an overview of the game mechanics,
the different skills and abilities available to characters, and the basics of combat
and spellcasting.

The Quickstart Rules provide a great way to introduce new players to the game,
or to get a taste of what Abyssal Whispers has to offer before diving deeper into
the world and its lore. Once you've mastered the basics, you can then delve into the
later chapters of the manual to learn more about Operatives, the Office of
Anomalies, the creatures and enemies you'll face, and much more.

An Operative of the OA
The Office of Anomalies (OA) is a top- Players step into the shoes of Operatives,
secret organization that operates outside members of a top-secret organization
the law. Members of the OA are recruited operating outside of the law. The name of
from all walks of life, but they all share one this organization is known only to its
thing in common: a desire to protect members, and secrecy is paramount to the
humanity from the unspeakable horrors that success of their mission. The players must
threaten our world. keep their work hidden from friends, family,
and colleagues, using lies and deception to
Some join the OA because of a personal protect those they care about. Even their
experience with the occult or supernatural. names and personal lives are kept hidden
They may have witnessed something that from their fellow Operatives, who know
defied explanation and felt a calling to them only by their cover identities.
investigate further. Others join because of a
sense of duty or responsibility. They believe DELAY THE INEVITABLE
that it is their responsibility to protect
As an Operative, your job is to push back
humanity from the unknown, and that the
against the darkness that threatens to
OA is the best organization to do so.
consume the world. You know that you
cannot defeat these cosmic horrors, but you
Whatever their reasons for joining,
can delay the inevitable. You can buy
members of the OA are united in their
humanity another day.
commitment to the mission. They know that
they are risking their lives and their sanity
The mood of Abyssal Whispers is
every time they embark on a mission, but
everything. This is a horror game, and players
they do so willingly, knowing that the fate of
should approach it as such. Describe your
the world rests on their shoulders.
Operative’s actions vividly, and immerse
yourself in the world of cosmic horror.
The work of the OA is not for the faint of
heart. Members must be able to keep secrets
and operate outside the law. They must be
willing to take risks and make sacrifices in
order to protect humanity from the

CREATING AN OPERATIVE Each ability score is used to determine a
character's bonuses for specific tasks and actions
Every player in Abyssal Whispers will need
in the game. For example, a character with a high
an Operative File to keep track of their
Strength score would have an easier time
character's abilities and stats. The Operative
breaking down a door, while a character with a
File is a document that contains all the
high Dexterity score would be more likely to
necessary information about your Operative,
dodge an attack.
including their name, career, company,
nationality, sex, age, education, and abilities.
When creating your Operative, think of If you prefer to use the standard ability
realistic scenarios that would lead them to join score array, you can assign the following
the Office of Anomalies. Did they stumble values to your ability scores:
across something they weren't supposed to
see? Were they recruited because of their 17, 14, 12, 11, 10, 8
unique skills or knowledge? Whatever the
reason, your character should have a backstory POINT BUY SYSTEM
that explains why they're willing to risk their
If you prefer to use a point buy system, you
lives to fight against the incomprehensible
will have 31 points to distribute among your
horrors that threaten our world.
ability scores. The cost of each ability score is
as follows:
Abyssal Whispers utilizes the same ability 8: 0 points
scores as 5e: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, 9: 1 point
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Each ability 10: 2 points
score should be recorded on your Operative File, 11: 3 points
along with its value. The ability scores should be 12: 4 points
between 8 and 18, with 10 being the average. 13: 5 points
14: 7 points
• Strength: Measures physical power and 15: 9 points
ability to force things open or shut. 16: 12 points
• Dexterity: Measures agility, reflexes, and 17: 15 points
balance. 18: 19 points
• Constitution: Measures physical health,
stamina, and endurance.
• Intelligence: Measures mental acuity,
memory, and analytical ability.
• Wisdom: Measures perception and intuition.
• Charisma: Measures force of personality,
persuasiveness, and leadership ability.

To determine bonuses or penalties for Willpower Points represent a character's
actions that require an ability check, the ability ability to understand and wield the occult. At
score is used to calculate a modifier. The certain points in the adventure, characters
modifier is added to or subtracted from a d20 may use Willpower Points to cast spells,
roll to determine the final result of the action. which could potentially affect their Sanity.
The following table shows the modifiers for The character's maximum WP is
each ability score: determined by their Intelligence score.
A character’s maximum WP is their
ABILITY SCORE MODIFIER Intelligence modifier multiplied by 3.
Willpower can be restored by having a
8-9 -1
good night’s sleep (1d6 per rest).
10 - 11 0
12 - 13 +1
Sanity Points represent a character's
14 - 15 +2
mental well-being and ability to maintain
16 - 17 +3 their grip on reality. When a character is
exposed to cosmic horrors or other
18 - 19 +4
traumatic events, they lose SAN. If a
20 - 21 +5 character's SAN drops to 0, they become
permanently insane and are unable to
22 - 23 +6
24 - 25 +7 A character's maximum SAN is
determined by their Wisdom score. To
26 - 27 +8
calculate a character's maximum SAN
multiply their Wisdom score by 5.
28 - 29 +9

30 +10
ore with 4d6.
Health Points represent a character's physical Roll each ability sc
the 3 highest rolls,
health and ability to withstand physical trauma. Add the results of
west die.
then remove the lo
When a character takes damage, they lose HP.
If a character's HP drops to 0, they become
t 6 tim es an d w rite down each result
Repea of choice.
unconscious or die, depending on the
pp ly th e 6 va lues to the ability scores
circumstances. A character’s HP is calculated by A
adding up STR and CON then halve the result.


The mind snaps like a twig
INSANITY of SAN lost depends on the severity of the
event or horror that triggered the check, and
Operatives are exposed to the horrors of
is determined by the Whisperer.
the cosmic entities they face, their sanity will
be tested. When a character loses 5 or more
Sanity checks represent the mental toll
SAN points at once, they are struck by
that the game's themes and events can take
madness, and a new phobia or disorder
on a character. As characters lose SAN, they
takes root in their mind. These conditions
become more susceptible to insanity.
can still be cured through therapy or other
means. The phobia or disorder should be
Here are some events that may impact a
related to the horror that caused the SAN
character's Sanity Points (SAN):
loss, and the effects of the phobia or disorder
should be role-played by the player.
• Witnessing or experiencing physical
violence or brutality
When a character loses 10 or more SAN in
• Encountering cosmic horrors or other
a day, they experience a "Snap." A bout of
unspeakable entities
madness will take over, and whatever
• Discovering dark and disturbing secrets
happens then is up to the Whisperer.
about the world and its history
• Witnessing the death or mutilation of a
As characters continue to lose SAN, their
friend or loved one
grip on reality will become increasingly
• Being subjected to mind-altering drugs or
tenuous. After 3 “Snaps” the effects of
other substances
insanity will be permanent and can range
• Being trapped in a confined space or in
from minor phobias and disorders to full-
extreme isolation
blown mental breakdowns.
• Experiencing extreme fear or terror for
an extended period of time
• Being exposed to extreme temperatures
Sanity checks are used to determine how a or other harsh environmental conditions
character reacts to traumatic events or
exposure to cosmic horrors. When a
character is called upon to make a sanity
check, they must roll a d100. If the result is
lower than their current SAN, they fail the
check and may lose SAN points. The amount

REGAINING SANITY scrolls or tomes. When a player successfully uses
their Occult skill in the game, they can make a
request to the Whisperer to raise the skill.
One way to regain SAN is by seeking therapy.
Characters can visit a therapist or mental health
The Whisperer will then determine the
professional to talk about their experiences and
difficulty of the request and the amount of
work through their trauma. This can involve
experience or knowledge necessary to raise the
talking about their fears and anxieties, learning
Occult skill. The player may need to find and
coping mechanisms, and developing healthy
study ancient texts or artifacts, or they may need
to undergo a special ritual or training.

The amount of SAN that can be regained

Players who have high Occult scores will be
through therapy is up to the Whisperer.
able to cast spells and perform rituals that can
Depending on the severity of the character's
have a significant impact on the game. However,
trauma, therapy may not be enough to fully
they must be careful not to lose their grip on
restore their SAN, but it can still provide
reality in the process. The more a character
some relief.
delves into the Occult, the more their sanity will
be tested, and the more likely they are to
Overcoming Unnatural Threats
succumb to madness.
Another way for characters to regain SAN is by
overcoming the unnatural threats that caused
them to lose it in the first place. By confronting
and defeating the source of their fear or stress,
characters can regain a sense of control and
agency, which can help to restore their sanity.

However, this is easier said than done. The

cosmic horrors in Abyssal Whispers are not easily
defeated, and the characters will face many
challenges along the way. It will take courage,
determination, and sacrifice to overcome these
threats and regain some of the lost SAN.

Occult is a skill that represents a character's
ability to understand and wield the arcane forces
of the universe. The Occult skill is linked to the
Intelligence ability score.
In order to raise their Occult skill, players must
have specific experiences or find sanity testing

Bonds are connections that the characters
have to the world around them, and are
intended to provide a motivation for them to
keep fighting against the cosmic horrors that
threaten to destroy everything they hold dear.
Each bond has a value equal to the character's
Charisma score, and represents a person, place,
or thing that the character cares about deeply.

Each player thinks of 3 bonds for their


When a character experiences a loss of sanity,

they have the option to attempt to reduce it by
projecting it onto a crucial personal relationship,
damaging a Bond. This action requires spending
1D4 WP. If the character still has at least 1 WP
remaining, they can reduce the SAN loss by the
amount of WP spent (to a minimum of zero) and
reduce a Bond's score by the same amount.

Players will also need to choose two flaws for
their Operative. Flaws are negative aspects of
a character's personality, history, or abilities
that can impact their performance during
gameplay. Flaws can range from physical
disabilities to character flaws such as greed or a
short temper. The Whisperer may call upon a
player's flaws to add difficulty to a situation or
to create a challenge for the player to overcome.
For example, if a character has a fear of the
dark, they may have difficulty navigating through
a darkened room during a mission. If a character
has a substance abuse problem, they may be
more susceptible to addiction or be unable to
resist the temptation of drugs or alcohol during a

What a way to make a living
CAREER CHOICE • Deception (Charisma): Used for lying,
cheating, and manipulating others, such
Every Operative spends most of their time
as bluffing, forging documents, and
working a “real” job. Nearly any profession
disguising oneself.
can be found in the OA’s ranks. Each career
• History (Intelligence): Used for recalling
choice provides proficiency in 5 different
and interpreting historical events and
skills, allowing players to specialize in certain
facts, such as researching historical
areas of expertise. Proficiency means the
records, identifying artifacts, and
relevant ability score modifier is doubled on
understanding cultural customs.
that specific skill.
• Insight (Wisdom): Used for
understanding the motives and feelings
of others, such as reading body language,
Abyssal Whispers utilizes a set of skills that are detecting lies, and predicting behavior.
used to determine a character's proficiency in • Intimidation (Charisma): Used for
various tasks and actions. There are 18 different instilling fear and exerting one's will on
skills, each linked to one of the six ability scores. others, such as threatening, bullying, and
The skills and their associated ability scores are interrogating.
as follows: • Investigation (Intelligence): Used for
searching for clues and analyzing
• Acrobatics (Dexterity): Used for feats of information, such as examining crime
agility and balance, such as jumping, scenes, researching leads, and identifying
tumbling, and balancing on narrow patterns.
surfaces. • Medicine (Wisdom): Used for treating
• Athletics (Strength): Used for feats of injuries and illnesses, such as diagnosing
physical strength and endurance, such as conditions, administering first aid, and
climbing, swimming, and running. performing surgery.
• Computers (Intelligence): Used for • Forgery (Wisdom): Forgery is a way to
working with computers and other digital fake official writing, forging contracts
devices, such as programming, and data and documents.
analysis. • Perception (Wisdom): Used for
• Craftsmanship (Intelligence): Used for detecting and noticing things, such as
creating or repairing physical objects, searching for hidden objects, spotting
such as carpentry, metalworking, and traps, and listening for sounds.
electronics repair. • Persuasion (Charisma): Used for

convincing others to see one's point of Science, and Forgery
view, such as negotiating, charming, and • Detective: Proficiency in Investigation,
seducing. Insight, Perception, Small Guns, and
• Piloting (Dexterity): Used for operating Survival
vehicles and aircraft, such as driving, EDUCATION AND LANGUAGES
flying, and sailing.
A character's education can also affect their
• Science (Intelligence): Used for
ability to speak different languages. If a
understanding and applying scientific
character's education includes language study,
principles, such as chemistry, biology,
they may be able to speak one or more
and physics.
additional languages.
• Sleight of Hand (Dexterity): Used for
If a character has an Intelligence score of 13
performing manual tricks and feats of
or higher, they may choose to learn an
agility, such as pickpocketing,
additional language. The language chosen
lockpicking, and escaping bonds.
should be appropriate to the character's
• Survival (Wisdom): Used for surviving in
backstory and experience, and should be
harsh environments, such as foraging
approved by the Whisperer.
and finding shelter or a hiding place.
• Occult: Used for understanding and
wielding the arcane forces of the
universe, such as casting spells, There is no traditional leveling system.
performing rituals, and identifying occult Operatives do not magically gain more Health
artifacts. Points as in other tabletop role-playing games,
but they may gain higher values in their skills as
Here are 6 examples of careers and their they gain experience and knowledge.
associated proficiencies in skills: To level up a skill, the player must first use it
at least five times. After the fifth use, the
• Computer Programmer: Proficiency in player may request a skill-up. To do so, the
Computers, Science, Forgery, player rolls against their character's skill value
Investigation, and Occult and needs to beat it. For example, if a character
• Private Investigator: Proficiency in has an Investigation score of 3 (3+10 = 13), then
Investigation, Deception, Small Guns, the player must roll a d20 with a result higher
Persuasion, and Perception than 13 to add another +1 to this skill.
• Journalist: Proficiency in History, When a player is proficient, the modifier is
Persuasion, Deception, Investigation, and doubled. For example, if the Investigation
Perception score is +6 (6+10 = 16), then the player must
• Musician: Proficiency in Craftsmanship, beat 16 to add another +1.
Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Skill-ups can only be requested during
and Perception downtime or between missions, and the
• Investment Banker: Proficiency in Whisperer has the final say on whether or not a
Persuasion, Deception, Investigation, skill-up is granted.

Combat and More
COMBAT AND WEAPONS the player rolls a d20 and adds their proficiency
bonus and the appropriate ability score modifier.
Combat follows the same basic structure as
If the result is equal to or greater than the
other tabletop role-playing games. Characters
target's Armor Class (AC), the attack hits and
take turns performing actions, such as attacking,
damage is dealt.
using spells, or moving, until one side emerges
victorious or the combat is resolved in some
other way.
There are 3 types of possible proficiencies: Damage is determined by the weapon being
used. Each weapon has a damage rating, which is
• Small Guns (Add DEX modifier to attack rolls added to the character's ability score modifier to
and damage rolls) determine the total amount of damage dealt.
• Big Guns (Add STR modifier to attack rolls
and DEX modifier to damage rolls) WEAPONS
• Hand to hand (From knives and fists to
Abyssal Whispers features a variety of
improvised weapons, add STR modifier to
weapons that characters can use in combat.
attack and damage rolls, or the DEX modifier
Each weapon has its own unique stats, damage
for throwing or other ranged rolls)
rating, and proficiency requirements. Some
weapons may require proficiency in a specific
skill, such as Firearms or Melee Weapons.
Initiative is used to determine the order in Here are a few examples of weapons that
which characters take their turns in combat. At characters may use in combat:
the beginning of each combat encounter, each
character rolls a d20 and adds their Dexterity • Pistol: A small, handheld firearm that deals
modifier to the roll. The character with the moderate damage at short range. Requires
highest result goes first, followed by the proficiency in Guns (damage 1d8 to 1d10).
character with the second-highest result, and so • Rifle: A long-range firearm that deals high
on. damage. Requires proficiency in Big Guns
(1d8 to 2d12).
ATTACKS • Knife: A small, bladed weapon that deals low
damage but can be used in close combat.
Attacks in are resolved using a combination of
Requires proficiency in Melee Weapons (1d4
the character's weapon proficiency, ability score
(unarmed) to 1d8).
modifier, and the roll of a d20. To make an attack,

DODGE AND ARMOR CLASS character who has suffered a gunshot wound
may need to be taken to a hospital and undergo
Dodge provides characters with protection
surgery in order to recover. Alternatively, a
against attacks. When a character is attacked in
character who has contracted a deadly disease
combat, they can use their action to dodge.
may require a high medicine check in order to
When a character dodges, they gain advantage
find a cure.
on all Dexterity saving throws made against
attacks that they can see until the beginning of
If an Operative takes a critical hit or loses 5
their next turn. Additionally, any attack rolls
or more Health Points at once, they will
made against the character have disadvantage if
suffer a Wound. This represents serious
the attacker is visible to the character and within
physical injury or trauma that can have lasting
30 feet. Dodging is a useful way for characters to
consequences. The effects of the Wound will
avoid damage in combat and stay alive in the
depend on the nature of the injury and the
face of the cosmic horrors they will encounter.
severity of the damage.
A character’s Armor Class (AC) equals
A character can suffer an ailment by failing
their Constitution. Characters could find and
a Constitution saving throw against poison,
wear equipment that may give extra Armor
lack of sleep, or an unsanitary environment.
The severity of the ailment and the duration
of recovery is determined by the Whisperer.
In some cases, medical attention may be
A natural 20 on an attack roll is considered a required to fully recover from the ailment.
critical hit, and a natural 1 is considered a critical
fumble. A critical hit deals double damage, while WHEN TO ROLL THE DICE
a critical fumble results in the character dropping
Abyssal Whispers utilizes a dice-based
their weapon or otherwise fumbling their action.
system to determine the outcome of actions
and events in the game. Whenever a
character attempts to do something that is
Taking damage can have serious not guaranteed to succeed, the player will
consequences for a character. It is not a simple need to make a roll to see if their character is
matter to regain Health Points (HP) through rest successful. The result of the roll will be
or healing spells. If a character is seriously compared to a difficulty class, or DC, which
wounded or falls ill, they may require medical represents the level of challenge the
attention in order to recover. character is facing.
The difficulty and duration of recovery is
determined by the Whisperer. Depending on the ROLL A SKILL OR AN ABILITY SCORE?
severity of the wounds or ailments, a hospital
When making a roll, the player will need to
visit or high medicine check may be necessary to
decide which ability score or skill to use. The
begin the healing process. For example, a
appropriate ability score or skill will depend

on the specific task or action the character
is attempting to perform. For example, if a
character is trying to pick a lock, the player
would use their Dexterity score or their
proficiency in Sleight of Hand, depending on
whether or not the character has that

In some cases, a character's success may
be opposed by another character or
creature. In these situations, both
characters will make a roll and
compare the results. The character
with the higher result will be
successful, while the
character with the lower
result will fail.
PURSUIT damage to the target. The spell's damage
increases with the amount of WP (1d6 per
Pursuit is a mechanic that represents a
WP) expended to cast it. Characters need
chase or pursuit of one character by another.
to make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer
When a pursuit is initiated, the characters
permanent loss of 1 SAN per WP spent.
will make opposed rolls to determine who is
• Summoning: This spell allows the caster
faster. The faster character will gain a lead on
to summon a creature or entity from
the slower character, and the players will
another realm. The creature will be under
then make additional rolls to determine the
the caster's control, but may become
outcome of the pursuit.
hostile if mistreated or abused. The
caster always suffers a loss of 5 SAN.
• Mind Control: This spell allows the caster
Characters may be able to cast spells if to take control of another creature's
they possess the necessary occult scroll or mind, forcing them to do the caster's
tome and the needed spell components or bidding. The target must make a Wisdom
focus. The use of spells is intended to be rare saving throw or become permanently
and dangerous, and should only be enslaved to the caster's will. Cost 1 WP
attempted by characters who are well- and 1 SAN.
versed in the occult. • Soul Drain: This spell drains the target's
life force, causing them to suffer damage
Casting a spell costs Willpower Points and the loss of WP. The spell's damage
(WP) and may also result in the loss of and WP drain increase with the amount
Sanity Points (SAN), depending on the spell of WP expended to cast it.
being cast and the circumstances
surrounding the casting. If the spell is
successful, the player may choose to expend
additional WP to increase the spell's

Here are a few examples of spells that

characters may be able to cast:

• Vile Curse: This spell inflicts a curse upon

the target, causing them to suffer a
penalty to their attack rolls and ability
checks. The target must make a Wisdom
saving throw or suffer a permanent loss
of 1 SAN.
• Eldritch Wave: This spell unleashes a
blast of otherworldly energy that deals

Characters will face a variety of enemies Human adversaries are represented by
and creatures as they delve deeper into the non-player characters (NPCs). These
mysteries of the cosmic horrors that characters are created similarly to player
threaten the world. These enemies and characters with a few differences. NPCs have
creatures are represented by statblocks, average ability scores of 10, except for
which provide information about their special or powerful characters who may have
abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. higher scores, particularly in the Occult skill.

The statblocks are similar to those found in Typically, NPCs are enemies or obstacles
other tabletop role-playing games, such as that players must overcome to complete
D&D 5e. Each statblock includes information their mission or achieve their objectives.
about the creature's Health Points (HP), They may be members of a cult, rival
Armor Class (AC), attack and damage values, operatives, or other individuals who oppose
and other relevant statistics. the players.

However, remember that Operatives do Normal humans generally have around 10

not gain more HP as they level up. Instead, HP as a rule of thumb. And an AC of about
the focus is on the character's skills and 10-12.
abilities, rather than their raw combat
power. This means that combat encounters
will be challenging and deadly, and players
will need to rely on their wits and
cunning to survive.
Paranormal Investigations
OFF THE BOOKS military personnel who work covertly. Its
operatives are chosen for their expertise in a
The Office of Anomalies (OA) is a
variety of fields, including science,
clandestine organization that operates off
technology, and the occult.
the books, dedicated to investigating and
containing paranormal occurrences deemed
The OA's base is located in an undisclosed
a threat to national security.
location in New York City, safeguarded by
advanced security and technology. It is
Its origins are shrouded in secrecy, but it is
rumored that the OA has access to
believed to have been founded in the
technology and resources far beyond what is
aftermath of World War II, during the Cold
available to the general public..

Despite its covert nature, the OA is not

Initially, the OA was a joint project
without its detractors. Some have accused
between the US and UK governments,
the organization of overstepping its
designed to investigate and contain
boundaries and engaging in immoral
anomalous phenomena. However, over
practices in its pursuit of paranormal
time, the organization grew more
phenomena. Nevertheless, the OA is
independent and covert, distancing itself
steadfast in its mission to protect the nation
from government oversight and becoming a
from the unknown and the inexplicable.
self-contained entity.

While the OA's methods may be

To this day, the OA remains a secretive
controversial, its results are undeniable.
organization, with its existence known only
Through its efforts, numerous paranormal
to a select few. Most government authorities
events have been contained or
are unaware of its existence, and those
neutralized, preventing incalculable
who are often turn a blind eye
damage and destruction.
to its operations due to the
sensitive nature of its work.

The OA is staffed by a
combination of civilians and
government agents,
including former CIA, FBI, and

FINDING RECRUITS Many FBI and CIA agents also lead a double
life within the OA, using their positions within
The OA recruits operatives from a variety of
the government to influence policy and ensure
backgrounds and professions, seeking
the OA's continued existence. This gives the
individuals who have already come into
organization a powerful ally within the
contact with the unnatural. This can include
government, but also puts it at risk of
scientists, law enforcement officers, military
exposure and retaliation from those who
personnel, and members of other
oppose its activities.
organizations. The OA actively seeks out
The OA's influence is also bolstered by its
individuals who have had firsthand experience
ability to work with other clandestine
with paranormal phenomena, such as those
organizations and government agencies. By
who have survived encounters with creatures
forming strategic partnerships and alliances,
or entities from beyond our reality.
the OA is able to leverage the resources and
These potential operatives are carefully
expertise of other groups to achieve its
vetted and evaluated to ensure that they have
objectives without drawing unwanted
the necessary skills and sanity to serve as
effective agents of the OA. Once recruited,
operatives undergo extensive psychiatric
testing to make sure they are ready to face
whatever is out there. An organization dedicated to investigating
and containing paranormal occurrences
FUNDING deemed a threat to national security. If the OA
suspects that a happening has something to
The OA's funding is a closely guarded secret,
do with the occult or supernatural, they will
but it is believed to come from a combination
send in a team of specialized Operatives to
of private donors and hidden government
investigate the matter. These Operatives have
sources. The organization's ability to operate
expertise in a variety of fields, including
outside of traditional government channels
science, technology, and the occult.
allows it to access funding and resources that
Once the Operatives arrive on the scene,
would otherwise be unavailable.
they will carefully investigate the area and
remove all traces of occult and dangerous
remains. Their ultimate goal is to protect the
The OA's influence within governments is public from running into these cosmic dangers.
carefully managed to avoid detection. The At times, Operatives are required to perform
organization operates off the books, with no tasks that must remain hidden from the public
official ties to any government agency or eye. These tasks may include removing bodies,
department. This allows the OA to operate erasing occult symbols, investigating crime
with a high degree of autonomy, making use of scenes, and tampering with evidence to ensure
its extensive resources to investigate and that no information is leaked.
contain paranormal threats as it sees fit.

CASES INVESTIGATED BY THE OA Satanic cult. The victims were all children,
KURT GÖDEL'S CASE and their bodies were found with strange
symbols etched into their flesh. The OA
Kurt Gödel was a brilliant mathematician
investigated but was never able to close the
and logician who was admitted to a
case. They removed all traces of occult
psychiatric sanitarium after experiencing
activity. A rare case on the westcoast.
paranoid delusions. The OA was assigned to
his case after he claimed to have seen and
experienced forces beyond our
understanding. The OA discovered that In 1994 a supernatural disturbance was
Gödel had stumbled upon ancient texts that reported in a high-rise apartment block in
contained knowledge of forbidden rituals New York City. A copy of “The King in
and entities that exist beyond our reality. The Yellow” infected the residents. One of the
OA worked to contain the knowledge and most unexpectedly dangerous operations of
prevent it from spreading. the OA.


In 1986, a series of bizarre and seemingly In 1980, a group of teenagers discovered
unrelated murders occurred in the small an old grave in a small town in Pennsylvania.
town of Ludlow, Maine. The victims were They disturbed the grave and took some of
found with strange symbols etched into their the bones as souvenirs. Shortly thereafter,
flesh, and their eyes had been cut out. The strange things began to happen to the
OA was called in to investigate and teenagers and their families. The OA was
discovered that the murders were part of an called in to investigate
occult ritual. The OA worked to stop the cult
and prevented any leaks.


In 1985, a commercial airliner disappeared
without a trace. The OA was called in to
investigate and discovered that the plane
had been caught in a rift. The OA worked to
close the rift, but none of the Operatives
ever made it back.


In 1990, a series of murders occurred in Los
Angeles that appeared to be linked to a

The OA actively seeks out individuals who
have had firsthand experience with
paranormal phenomena, such as those who
have survived unnatural encounters. These
potential operatives are carefully vetted and
evaluated by a team of specialists to ensure
that they have the necessary skills, knowledge,
and stability to serve as effective agents of the

Once recruited, operatives undergo

extensive psychiatric testing to make sure
they are ready to face whatever is out there.
The OA values individuals who have a strong
sense of duty and patriotism, as well as a
deep commitment to the cause of
protecting the nation from the unknown
and the inexplicable.

The OA's methods for finding and

recruiting operatives are highly secretive
and strictly controlled by the organization's
leadership. The OA has a vast network of
informants and agents who are trained to
identify potential recruits and bring them to
the attention of the organization.

These agents may use various methods to

contact potential operatives, including
covert communication channels and face-
to-face meetings in secure locations. Once
a potential operative has been identified,

the OA will conduct a thorough background their work with the organization.
check and an assessment of their skills and
abilities. Conversely, operatives must also be careful
to avoid letting their work with the OA affect
If the operative is deemed suitable for the their personal lives. They must maintain a
organization, they will be approached and healthy work-life balance and ensure that their
given an offer to join the OA. The offer is usually commitment to the organization does not
made in person, and includes a detailed compromise their relationships with loved
explanation of the OA's mission, as well as the ones.
responsibilities and risks involved in being an
operative. The Vow of Silence is a critical component of
the OA's operations, as it ensures that the
If the operative accepts the offer, they will organization's activities remain shrouded in
undergo training in various fields, including secrecy. The consequences of breaking the
science, technology, and the occult. They will vow are severe, and can include expulsion from
also be given access to the OA's network of the organization, loss of clearance, and even
contacts and informants. legal repercussions.

The OA's operatives are expected to Operatives who take the Vow of Silence
maintain the highest level of secrecy and must understand the gravity of their
confidentiality. commitment, and must be prepared to sacrifice
their bonds to ensure that this work can
THE VOW OF SILENCE continue in secret.

To ensure that its operatives remain

committed to the cause and do not
compromise the organization's activities, the The Operative File is the equivalent of a
OA requires all its members to take a Vow of character sheet in other tabletop role-playing
Silence. This vow is a solemn oath to never games. It contains all of the information
reveal any information about the OA's necessary to play the character, including
activities, operations, or personnel to anyone ability scores, skills, bonds, flaws, and
outside of the organization, including family equipment.
and friends. Starting on page 7 of this rulebook, players
can find the condensed steps on creating an
The Vow of Silence is a lifelong commitment, Operative, which includes choosing a career,
and it requires operatives to be vigilant in all selecting bonds and flaws, and determining
aspects of their lives. They must never reveal ability scores and proficiencies. On the
their affiliation with the OA, even in casual following pages the book goes into more detail
conversation, and they must take great care to of what all fields of the Operative File entail.
ensure that their personal lives do not seep into

STEP 1. PERSONAL DATA or affect a character's ability to regain HP or
SAN. Wounds are inflicted if the Operative
Name, Nationality, Age, Gender and
receives 5 or more damage at once. Ailments
are diseases or sickness through poison after
failing a CON saving throw. Both wounds and
ailments require professional care, be it in a
• Strength (STR): Measures physical power, hospital or elsewhere.
athletic ability, and fighting prowess. Willpower Points (WP): A character’s
• Dexterity (DEX): Measures agility, reflexes, maximum WP is their Intelligence modifier
and balance. multiplied by 3. Willpower Points represent a
• Constitution (CON): Measures endurance, character's ability to understand and wield the
resilience, and overall health. occult. At certain points in the adventure,
• Intelligence (INT): Measures mental acuity, characters may use Willpower Points to cast
memory, and problem-solving ability. spells, which could potentially affect their
• Wisdom (WIS): Measures perception, intuition, Sanity. The character's maximum WP is
and insight. determined by their Intelligence score.
• Charisma (CHA): Measures persuasion, Willpower can be restored by having a good
personal magnetism, and ability to lead. night’s sleep (1d6 per rest).
Sanity Points (SAN): To calculate a
See the instructions on Point Buy, character's maximum SAN multiply their
Standard Array and random rolls starting Wisdom score by 5. Sanity Points represent a
page 7. character's mental well-being and ability to
maintain their grip on reality. When a character
STEP 3. HEALTH POINTS, WILLPOWER, is exposed to cosmic horrors or other traumatic
AND SANITY events, they lose SAN. If a character's SAN
drops to 0, they become permanently insane
Health Points (HP): A character's HP is equal
and are unable to continue.
to their Constitution score. Health Points
Mental Disorders: As characters are exposed
represent the physical health of a character.
to the horrors of the cosmic entities they face,
When a character takes damage, they lose HP.
their sanity will be tested. When a character
If a character's HP drops to 0, they become
loses 5 or more SAN points at once, they are
unconscious or die, depending on the
struck by madness, and a new phobia or
disorder takes root in their mind. The phobia
Wounds and Ailments: As characters take
or disorder should be related to the horror that
damage during gameplay, they may become
caused the SAN loss, and the effects of the
wounded or afflicted with various ailments.
phobia or disorder should be role-played by the
Wounds and ailments can have a variety of
player. When a character loses 10 or more SAN
effects on a character, such as reducing their
in a day, they experience a "Snap." A bout of
combat effectiveness or impairing their ability
madness will take over, and whatever happens
to move. They can also cause ongoing damage
then is up to the Wisperer. As characters

continue to lose SAN, their grip on reality will
become increasingly tenuous. After 3 “Snaps”
the effects of insanity will be permanent and
can range from minor phobias and disorders to Each skill is used to determine a character's
full-blown mental breakdowns. competence in a specific area, and is modified
by the relevant ability score. The skill value is
STEP 4. CAREER AND PROFICIENCIES + doubled when an Operative is proficient in a
CHOOSE A COVERT ID particular skill. Whenever a skill is used 3 times,
a character may request a skill-up. A skill-up
Career: The career of an Operative provides
means an additional permanent +1 to the skill
context for their skills and abilities. When
value. Skill-ups can only be performed during
creating a character, players should think about
downtime and special trainings. A skill can
what type of career would lead someone to
never get higher than +10.
join the Office of Anomalies. For example, a
character could be a former military operative,
Acrobatics (Dexterity): Used for feats of
a scientist, or a detective. The career should tie
agility and balance, such as jumping, tumbling,
into the character's backstory and motivations,
and balancing on narrow surfaces.
and should provide a reason for why the
Athletics (Strength): Used for feats of
character has the skills and abilities that they
physical strength and endurance, such as
climbing, swimming, and running.
Covert ID: The Covert ID is a false identity
Computers (Intelligence): Used for working
that the character uses when working for the
with computers and other digital devices, such
Office of Anomalies. It is designed to protect
as programming, and data analysis.
the character's real identity and provide them
Craft (Wisdom): Craft is a skill used for
with a cover story in case they are caught. The
understanding, creating or repairing physical
Covert ID should be carefully crafted to fit with
objects. Forging contracts and documents.
the character's backstory and career, and
Craftsmanship (Intelligence): Used for
should be believable enough to stand up to
creating or repairing physical objects, such as
carpentry, metalworking, and electronics
Proficiencies: Proficiencies are the skills and
abilities that a character has developed over
Deception (Charisma): Used for lying,
the course of their life and career. Players
cheating, and manipulating others, such as
should choose proficiencies that fit with their
bluffing, forging documents, and disguising
character's backstory and career, and should
think about how those proficiencies can be
History (Intelligence): Used for recalling and
used in the context of the game. For example,
interpreting historical events and facts, such as
a character with a background as a historian
researching historical records, identifying
will have proficiency in the History skill, which
artifacts, and understanding cultural customs.
could be useful for identifying old artifacts.
Insight (Wisdom): Used for understanding
the motives and feelings of others, such as

reading body language, detecting lies, and STEP 6. BONDS & FLAWS
predicting behavior.
Bonds: Each bond has a value equal to the
Intimidation (Charisma): Used for instilling
character's Charisma score, and represents a
fear and exerting one's will on others, such as
person, place, or thing that the character
threatening, bullying, and interrogating.
cares about deeply. Bonds are connections
Investigation (Intelligence): Used for
that the characters have to the world around
searching for clues and analyzing information,
them, and are intended to provide a
such as examining crime scenes, researching
motivation for them to keep fighting against
leads, and identifying patterns.
the cosmic horrors that threaten to destroy
Medicine (Wisdom): Used for treating
everything they hold dear. Players should
injuries and illnesses, such as diagnosing
think carefully when choosing their
conditions, administering first aid, and
character's bonds. These bonds should be
performing surgery.
related to their character's backstory and
Occult (Intelligence): Used for
should provide a motivation for them to
understanding and wielding the arcane forces
keep fighting against the horrors they will
of the universe, such as casting spells,
encounter throughout the game. Players
performing rituals, and identifying occult
should also be prepared to role-play their
bonds during gameplay. When a character
Perception (Wisdom): Used for detecting
experiences a loss of sanity, they have the
and noticing things, such as searching for
option to attempt to reduce it by projecting
hidden objects, spotting traps, and listening for
it onto a crucial personal relationship,
damaging a Bond. This action requires
Persuasion (Charisma): Used for convincing
spending 1d4 WP. If the character still has at
others to see one's point of view, such as
least 1 WP remaining, they can reduce the
negotiating, charming, and seducing.
SAN loss by the amount of WP spent (to a
Piloting (Dexterity): Used for operating
minimum of zero) and reduce a Bond's score
vehicles and aircraft, such as driving, flying, and
by the same amount.
Flaws: In addition to their bonds, players
Science (Intelligence): Used for
will also need to choose two flaws for their
understanding and applying scientific
Operative. Flaws are negative aspects of a
principles, such as chemistry, biology, and
character's personality, history, or abilities
that can impact their performance during
Sleight of Hand (Dexterity): Used for
gameplay. Flaws can range from physical
performing manual tricks and feats of agility,
disabilities to character flaws such as greed
such as pickpocketing, lockpicking.
or a short temper. The Whisperer may call
Survival (Wisdom): Used for surviving in
upon a player's flaws to add difficulty
harsh environments, such as foraging and
(disadvantage to a roll) to a situation or to
finding shelter or a hiding place.
create a challenge for the player to
overcome. Players should choose flaws that

fit with their character's backstory and STEP 9. HOME, FAMILY & CONTACTS
personality, and be prepared to role-play
These are components of a character's Bonds,
their flaws during gameplay. Flaws add
which represent connections that the
depth and nuance to a character's
character has to the world around them.
personality, and can make gameplay more
challenging and rewarding.
Home: This represents where the
character comes from and their ties to a
particular place. It could be a physical
Backstory is an important component of location, such as a hometown or ancestral
character creation. Players should think home, or it could be a more abstract
about realistic scenarios that would lead concept, such as a sense of belonging or
their character to join the Office of identity. The character might have family or
Anomalies. This could include experiences friends in their home, or they might simply
with the occult or supernatural, a sense of have fond memories of the place. Whatever
duty or responsibility to protect humanity, or the case, the character's Home is something
a personal desire to investigate the that they care about deeply and would go to
unknown. It is important to create a great lengths to protect.
backstory that explains why the character is Family: This represents the character's ties
willing to risk their life and sanity to fight to their blood relatives or chosen family. It
against the cosmic horrors that threaten the could be a spouse, children, parents, or
world. siblings, or it could be a group of close
friends who have become like family. The
STEP 8. PERSONAL DETAILS OR A character's Family is a source of emotional
SKETCH support and motivation, and they would do
anything to protect their loved ones from
Personal Details or a Sketch: A physical
description of the character, including their
Contacts: This represents the character's
height, weight, hair color, eye color, and any
network of acquaintances, colleagues, and
distinguishing features such as scars or
allies. These are people who the character
tattoos. The sketch would provide a visual
knows and trusts, and who can provide them
representation of the character's
with information, resources, or assistance in
appearance, allowing the player and other
their missions. Contacts might include fellow
members of the gaming group to more easily
operatives in the Office of Anomalies,
visualize the character during gameplay. The
criminal informants, or experts in various
sketch could be a simple pencil drawing or a
fields. The character's Contacts are a
more detailed digital rendering, depending
valuable resource, and they will need to
on the preferences of the player. Including
maintain these relationships in order to
personal details or a sketch can add depth
succeed in their missions.
and personality to the character.

STEP 10. AGREEMENT ON Interrogation Training: Characters who
RECRUITMENT (WRITTEN VOW) receive Interrogation Training gain the ability
to extract information from people through
Written Vow of Silence: The Operative
questioning and interrogation.
vows secrecy. This section serves as a
Disguise Training: Characters who receive
Disguise Training gain proficiency in
disguising themselves and can blend into
their surroundings more easily.
Special Training refers to additional skills or Leadership Training: Characters who
abilities that a character can acquire beyond receive Leadership Training gain the ability to
their starting abilities. The following are some lead and inspire others.
examples of Special Training: Negotiation Training: Characters who
receive Negotiation Training gain proficiency
Martial Arts: Characters who receive in negotiating with others and can persuade
Martial Arts training gain a bonus to their them to see their point of view.
unarmed attacks and can use special moves
in combat. Special Training can be acquired during
Weapon Training: Characters who receive gameplay, depending on the rules set by the
Weapon Training gain proficiency with a Whisperer. Some Special Training may
specific type of weapon, such as a knife or a require a certain amount of skill or other
shotgun. prerequisites before they can be acquired.
Medical Training: Characters who receive Special Training can make a character more
Medical Training gain the ability to diagnose versatile and capable, and can also open up
and treat injuries and illnesses. new possibilities for gameplay and
Language Training: Characters who storytelling.
receive Language Training gain proficiency in
a new language, allowing them to STEP 12. PERSONAL NOTES &
communicate with people who speak that DETAILS
Personal Notes & Details of all the stuff
Survival Training: Characters who receive
Operatives may encounter during their
Survival Training gain the ability to survive in
harsh environments, such as deserts or
Hacking Training: Characters who receive
Hacking Training gain the ability to hack into Occult Scrolls & Tomes are items that can
computer systems and networks. be acquired through gameplay and are used
Investigation Training: Characters who to increase a character's Occult skill. The
receive Investigation Training gain Occult skill represents a character's ability to
proficiency in investigating crimes or other understand and wield the arcane forces of
mysteries. the universe.

Occult Scrolls & Tomes are rare and loved one. This could be a wedding ring, a
difficult to obtain, but they can be a valuable locket with a picture of a spouse or child, or a
resource for characters who want to delve bracelet from a close friend. These items can
deeper into the Occult. When a player serve as a reminder of the character's
successfully uses their Occult skill several connections to the outside world, and can be
times in the game, they can make a request used to create emotional tension or drama in
to the Whisperer to raise the skill. the game.

To use an Occult Scroll or Tome, the Another type of personal possession that is
character must first spend a significant often used in Abyssal Whispers is memorabilia
amount of time studying it. This can involve that doesn't give away the Operative's true
reading through ancient texts, deciphering identity. This might include a ticket stub from a
arcane symbols, or undergoing a special concert or sporting event, a postcard from a
ritual. Once the character has successfully favorite vacation spot, or a trinket from a past
studied the Scroll or Tome, they can make a adventure or a pack of bubble gum. These items
request to the Whisperer to raise their Occult can serve as clues to the character's personality
skill. and interests, without revealing too much
about their true identity or mission.
The will then determine the difficulty of
the request to raise the Occult skill. Personal possessions can be used in a variety
of ways during gameplay. They can be used as a
Players who have high Occult scores will way to establish rapport with other characters,
be able to cast spells and perform rituals that or as a bargaining chip in negotiations. They can
can have a significant impact on the game. also be used as a way to trigger memories or
However, they must be careful not to lose flashbacks, or as a way to create tension and
their grip on reality in the process. The more drama in the game.
a character delves into the Occult, the more
their sanity will be tested, and the more likely The Description section of the Operative
they are to succumb to madness. File is where players can add additional
details about their character's physical
STEP 14. PERSONAL POSSESSIONS appearance, personality, or other notable
features. A brief description of why the
Personal possessions are an important
character has a high skill in a particular area,
aspect of an Operative's character in Abyssal
such as "bookworm" for a character with a
Whispers. These possessions offer a glimpse
high Intelligence and History skill. The
into the character's personal life and backstory,
Description section can add depth and
while also providing a tool for the Whisperer to
nuance to the character.
create engaging and immersive role-playing
For example a piece of jewelry or gift from a


5 3


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Details on how to play
Three main reasons to roll the dice in
Abyssal Whispers is a game of secrets,
Abyssal Whispers are:
deception, and danger. It is a world built on
lies, with unspeakable horrors lurking just
1. The task at hand is difficult, even for
beneath the surface. We are a droplet in an
ocean of stars and once you glimpse the truth,
2. The situation is unpredictable and out of
you can never go back.
control, with randomness playing a major
Welcome to the OA. We are the front line in
3. There are significant consequences for
the war against the things that go bump in the
failure, with the possibility of severe
night. Our fight is a lonely one, but it is a fight
fallout determined by the Whisperer.
worth having.
Rolling the dice in Abyssal Whispers should
The dice are our allies and our foes, standing
be reserved for situations where failure has
in for the indifferent universe we navigate. It all
consequences and where the outcome is
matters little in the face of the unknown. But
uncertain. The Whisperer should use their
we fight on. Join us, and fight for one more
discretion to determine when and how often
day. For your country, your friends, your life.
to call for rolls, in order to maintain tension
and keep the players engaged.
Abyssal Whispers focuses on skills. The EXAMPLE: Scientist Jane is attempting to
player decides what their Operative attempts analyze a sample of an unknown substance
to do, and the Whisperer (Game Master) in her laboratory. The sample is highly
determines which skill to use. In a typical unstable and could potentially explode if not
mission, Operatives use many different skills. handled correctly. The Whisperer says that
this requires a roll because the outcome is
The most important rule is that the uncertain and failure could have severe
Whisperer determines if, when, and what consequences. Jane's player must roll a
you roll. The Whisperer has a difficulty class Science test to determine if she can safely
(DC) in mind when they ask you to roll the analyze the substance.
dice. When you beat that DC, the skill check
succeeds. However, the Whisperer decides
what happens based on the roll.

EXAMPLES OF PLAY Sparrow: I rolled a 16.
: You approach the front door and engage
Each player has a unique Covert ID to help
the officers in conversation. You start asking
maintain their anonymity.
them about the disappearances, and they
Here are several examples of roleplay
seem eager to talk. While you're distracting
them, Raven and Falcon slip in through the
Raven: I want to look for any files or
: You arrive in the small town of Millfield, documents related to the disappearances.
population 3,000. The sun is setting and the : Make an Investigation check.
streets are empty. You've been tasked with Raven: I rolled a 22.
investigating a series of disappearances that : You find a file labeled "Missing Persons"
have occurred over the past few weeks. What that contains information about the
do you do? disappearances. It looks like several people
Player 1 (Codename: Raven): I want to start have gone missing in the past few weeks, all
by checking out the local police station. of them from the same area of town.
Maybe they have some information about the Falcon: I want to see if there are any
disappearances. patterns or connections between the missing
: Okay, you make your way to the police persons.
station. It's a small, one-story building with a : Make an Investigation check.
few police cars parked out front. The front Falcon: I rolled a 17.
door is locked, but there's a window you can : You notice that all of the missing persons
look through. Inside, you see a few officers are young women between the ages of 18
sitting at desks and talking to each other. and 25. They all disappeared during the night,
What do you do? and they all lived in the same area of town. It
Player 2 (Codename: Falcon): I want to see looks like there might be a serial kidnapper at
if there are any other entrances to the work here.
building, like a back door or a window we can Sparrow: I want to ask the officers if they
climb through. know anything about the missing women.
: Make an Investigation check. : Okay, make a Persuasion check.
Falcon: Okay, I rolled a 19. Sparrow: I rolled a 12.
: You notice a window on the side of the : The officers seem hesitant to talk about
building that's open a crack. It looks like it the missing women. They tell you that they're
might be big enough for someone to slip doing everything they can to find them, but
through. they don't have any leads. It looks like they're
Player 3 (Codename: Sparrow): I want to hiding something.
use my Persuasion skill to distract the officers
while Raven and Falcon sneak into the
: Okay, make a Persuasion check. ROLEPLAYING BONDS

: You are in the middle of a covert The Operatives have been investigating a
operation, investigating a cult that is cult that is suspected of performing human
suspected of performing human sacrifices. sacrifices. During a raid on the cult's
You're supposed to meet with an informant headquarters, one of the Operatives, played
tonight, but you're running late. As you're by Sarah, witnesses a gruesome ritual. The
driving to the meeting place, your phone sight of blood and violence triggers a bout of
rings. It's your spouse. insanity, causing Sarah's character to lose
Player: *answering the phone* Hey, her grip on reality.
what's up?
Spouse: Hi, I was just calling to see if : Sarah, your character is overcome by a
everything's okay. You missed work today violent wave of insanity. You feel as though
and I'm worried. you're losing control of your mind, and
Player: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry about that. I you're consumed by fear and paranoia.
had some stuff I needed to take care of. Sarah: Okay, what do I do?
Spouse: Is everything okay? Are you sick or : You can choose to either try and fight the
something? insanity or give in to it. If you choose to fight
Player: No, no, I'm fine. Just a little it, you'll need to make a Wisdom saving
stressed out with work stuff, you know how throw. If you succeed, you can regain control
it is. of your character and continue playing. If you
Spouse: Okay, well, I just wanted to check fail, your character will continue to suffer
in. Don't forget we have dinner plans from bouts of insanity until you can find a
tonight. way to cure it.
Player: Oh, right, right. I'll be there. Sarah: I'll try and fight it. *rolls the dice*
: Make a Deception check. 14.
Player: *rolls the dice* 18. : You manage to hold onto your sanity, but
: Your spouse seems to buy your lie, but you're left shaken and disoriented. As a
you can tell they're still a little suspicious. result of the bout of insanity, you've
You'll need to be careful not to slip up or developed a temporary case of alcoholism.
reveal anything that could compromise the You'll need to make a Constitution saving
mission. throw at the beginning of each mission or
Player: *hangs up the phone* Damn it, this risk being too drunk to effectively carry out
is getting complicated. I need to focus and your duties.
get this mission done. Sarah: Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
: Okay, you arrive at the meeting place. The
informant is waiting for you in a dark alley,
looking nervous.


SAVING THROWS supernatural powers that rely on force of
personality, such as resisting the effects of a
As demonstrated in the examples of play
vampire's charm or avoiding being
on the previous pages, characters may need
intimidated by a powerful demon.
to make saving throws to avoid or mitigate
the effects of certain hazards, such as traps,
When a character is required to make a
poisons, or supernatural powers. The type of
saving throw, the player rolls a d20 and adds
saving throw required will depend on the
their relevant ability score modifier and any
nature of the hazard and the situation.
relevant proficiency bonus. If the result is
equal to or greater than the hazard's
There are six different types of saving
difficulty class (DC), the character succeeds
throws in Abyssal Whispers:
and avoids or mitigates the effects of the
Strength saving throws are used to resist
physical force or overcome obstacles, such
as pushing open a heavy door or resisting the
effects of a powerful wind. there may be situations where a character
Dexterity saving throws are used to avoid wants to attempt something with a 50%
or reduce damage from traps, spells, or chance of success. For example, a character
other hazards that rely on speed and agility, may ask if they can find something useful in a
such as dodging a falling rock or evading a garage to block the door, and the Whisperer
fireball. may ask for a "coin toss" to determine if
Constitution saving throws are used to they're lucky enough to find something
resist or recover from poisons, diseases, or useful.
other hazards that affect the body, such as
withstanding exposure to extreme To perform a coin toss, the player should
temperatures or recovering from flip a coin or use a random number generator
exhaustion. with a 50-50 chance of success. If the result is
Intelligence saving throws are used to successful, the character finds what they
resist the effects of psychic attacks, illusions, were looking for. If the result is unsuccessful,
or other hazards that target the mind, such the character is out of luck.
as resisting the effects of a mind control spell
or seeing through a powerful illusion. Coin tosses should be used sparingly, and
Wisdom saving throws are used to resist only when the outcome is not critical to the
the effects of supernatural powers, such as success of the mission or the character's
resisting the effects of a charm spell or survival. The Whisperer should use their
avoiding being frightened by a terrifying discretion to determine when and how to
creature. use coin tosses, in order to maintain tension
Charisma saving throws are used to resist and keep the players engaged.
the effects of social manipulation or

TIME FLIES BY It's important for players to keep track of
time and plan accordingly, as the clock is
Time is a crucial factor in completing
always ticking. By understanding how long
missions. The Whisperer determines how
tasks will take to complete, players can make
long it takes to perform a test, and the
informed decisions and work more efficiently
amount of time it takes can vary depending
to complete their missions.
on the task at hand.

Tasks that can be completed in a few
combat turns or up to sixty seconds are Operatives may have appointments and
resolved in turns. This includes combat, responsibilities that they need to manage
some skill tests, and most stat tests. while on missions. These can include work
obligations, family commitments, and
Minutes personal relationships.
Tasks that can be completed in a few
minutes are typically resolved outside of To manage appointments and
combat. Many skill tests fall into this responsibilities, characters should
category. communicate with their team and plan their
missions accordingly. They may need to
Hours schedule appointments around their
Tasks that take hours to complete can be missions or take time off from work to focus
attempted two to four times per day, though on their duties as an Operative.
attempting four tasks per day requires the
Agent to go without rest. Some examples of Characters need to balance their personal
tasks that take hours include extended skill and professional lives, as neglecting one can
tests requiring multiple rolls. have consequences for the other. The
Whisperer may incorporate appointments
Days and responsibilities into missions, creating
Tasks that take a day or more to complete additional challenges and obstacles.
are typically extended skill tests that require
multiple rolls.

Efforts that take place outside of normal
gameplay, such as research and training, fall
into the long-term category. These tasks can
take a week, a month, or even years to
complete, and the amount of time it takes is
ultimately up to the Whisperer.


Sanity and the will to continue
Sanity and Willpower are core aspects of to keep going despite exhaustion, resist
Abyssal Whispers. The game is built on the persuasion, and resist the effects of terror
idea that the human mind is fragile, and that and mental disorders.
exposure to cosmic horrors can cause Willpower is important because it allows
irreparable damage. As Operatives, players players to make strategic decisions about
must navigate a world where the line how to use their limited resources. Operatives
between reality and nightmare is constantly who run low on Willpower are at risk of
blurred, relying on their mental fortitude to suffering an emotional breakdown, making
survive. them less effective in combat and other tasks.
Players must carefully manage their
Sanity represents a character's mental Willpower, balancing their need for rest and
stability and ability to process the horrors recuperation with their duty to the
they encounter. When a character is exposed organization.
to something traumatic or disturbing, they
must make a Sanity check to avoid being Together, Sanity and Willpower create a
overwhelmed by fear or madness. If they fail sense of tension and uncertainty in Abyssal
the check, they may suffer from a temporary Whispers. Players never know when they will
or permanent mental disorder, such as be exposed to something traumatic or when
hallucinations, paranoia, or dissociation. they will be pushed to their limits. This creates
a sense of immersion and realism that is
To do a SAN check, players roll a d100. The essential to the game's success.
result of the roll needs to be lower than their
current SAN or they fail the check. The In order to survive in the world of Abyssal
amount of Sanity lost this way is up to the Whispers, players must be prepared to
Whisperer. confront their own fears and weaknesses.
They must be willing to take risks and make
Without the threat of losing their minds, sacrifices, knowing that the price of failure
players would be less invested in the outcome could be their own sanity or willpower. By
of their missions and less afraid of the embracing the game's core aspects of Sanity
dangers they face. and Willpower, players can immerse
themselves in a world of terror and intrigue,
Willpower is another core aspect of Abyssal where the only thing standing between them
Whispers. It represents a character's mental and the abyss is their own strength of will.
resilience and determination, allowing them

Investigating and containing paranormal meditation as part of their daily routine, and
phenomena can take a toll on an Operative's the organization provides resources and
mental health, leading to anxiety, training to support these practices.
depression, and other mental health issues.
To ensure that Operatives remain healthy PHYSICAL EXERCISE
and effective, the Office of Anomalies
Physical exercise is an important
provides a range of services to support their
component of maintaining mental health
mental well-being.
and well-being. The OA encourages
Operatives to engage in regular physical
activity, whether it be through team sports,
Operatives have access to confidential individual workouts, or outdoor activities.
therapy and counseling services through the The organization provides access to fitness
OA's network of mental health facilities and trainers to support Operatives
professionals. These services are provided in their physical fitness goals.
free of charge and are designed to help
Operatives cope with the stresses and TIME OFF AND REST
traumas of their work. The OA understands
Finally, the OA recognizes the importance
that seeking help for mental health issues
of taking time off and getting adequate rest
can be stigmatized, and encourages
to maintain mental health and well-being.
Operatives to take advantage of these
Operatives are encouraged to take regular
resources without fear of reprisal.
breaks and vacations to recharge and
decompress. The OA also provides flexible
work arrangements to accommodate the
The OA also facilitates support groups for needs of Operatives who may be
Operatives who have experienced similar experiencing mental health issues.
traumas. These groups provide an
opportunity for Operatives to connect with By providing these resources and support
one another and share their experiences in a services, the OA demonstrates its
safe and supportive environment. Support commitment to the mental health and well-
groups are led by trained professionals and being of its Operatives. The organization
are designed to promote healing and understands that its work is challenging and
resilience. traumatic, and is dedicated to ensuring that
Operatives remain healthy and effective in
MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION carrying out their mission.

The OA recognizes the benefits of

mindfulness and meditation in promoting
mental health and well-being. Operatives are
encouraged to practice mindfulness and

IMPACT ON DAILY LIFE that the character's relationship with that
Bond is strained or damaged in some way,
Being an Operative for the Office of Anomalies
reflecting the character's own mental state.
can have a significant impact on an individual's
daily life. The stress and trauma of investigating
When a character loses Sanity points, they
and containing paranormal phenomena can take
have the option to project the loss onto a Bond.
a toll on an Operative's mental health, leading to
To do this, the player must choose which Bond
anxiety, depression, and other mental health
they want to affect and how many of the lost
issues. While the OA provides resources and
Sanity points they want to transfer to the Bond. A
support services to help Operatives cope with
Bond is considered broken when it’s value
these challenges, the constant lies and secrecy
reaches 0, and the character loses all benefits
required of Operatives can still have a significant
associated with that Bond.
impact on their personal lives.
Projecting Sanity loss onto a Bond can have
Operatives must be prepared to sacrifice time
significant consequences for the character's
with their families and loved ones, as well as
relationships and overall well-being. While
their careers and personal interests, in order to
sacrificing a Bond may sometimes be necessary
fulfill their duties to the OA.
to protect the character's sanity or advance the
mission of the Office of Anomalies, players should
The Vow of Silence requires Operatives to
be cautious when doing so.
keep their affiliation with the organization a
secret from everyone, including family and
friends. This can lead to strained
relationships and a sense of isolation from There are ways to mend the bonds that have
those closest to them. been damaged. When an Operative decides to
spend more time with a Bond, they may return a
In addition, the high-stress nature of the point to it. This represents the character's efforts
work can lead to burnout and a sense of to repair and strengthen the relationship.
hopelessness, as Operatives may feel that
they are fighting an unwinnable battle To mend a Bond, the player must choose
against the unknown and the inexplicable. which Bond they want to focus on and how
This can lead to feelings of despair and a lack much time they want to spend with it. This can
of purpose in their personal lives, as they be done during downtime between missions, or
struggle to balance their commitment to the during a mission if circumstances allow. The
OA with their own needs and desires. player and the Game Master should work
together to determine the appropriate amount
Bonds represent the relationships and of time needed to mend the Bond, based on the
connections that characters have with the severity of the damage and the character's
world around them, to humanity, including relationship with the Bond.
family, friends, and colleagues. This means

Once the character has spent the required temporary relief, they can also have significant
time with the Bond, the player may return a risks and consequences.
point to it. This represents the character's efforts
to repair and strengthen the relationship, and can Illegal drugs, such as cocaine or heroin, are not
have significant benefits for the character's only dangerous and addictive, but can also
mental health and well-being. compromise an Operative's ability to perform
their duties effectively.
Prescription sedatives, such as
Working for the Office of Anomalies (OA) can
benzodiazepines, may be prescribed to help
be incredibly stressful and demanding, with long
Operatives manage symptoms of anxiety or
hours and unpredictable schedules. This can lead
sleeplessness. However, these medications are
to sleeplessness and exhaustion, which can have
highly addictive and should only be used under
significant consequences for an Operative's
the supervision of a trained medical professional.
mental and physical health.
Operatives who are prescribed sedatives should
take care to use them only as directed and to
Operatives who are experiencing
report any side effects or concerns to their
sleeplessness or exhaustion may find it difficult to
healthcare provider.
concentrate or make decisions, and may be more
prone to accidents or mistakes. They may also
In addition to the risks of addiction and
experience irritability, mood swings, and other
dependence, the use of drugs and sedatives can
mental health issues.
also compromise an Operative's judgement and
decision-making abilities. This can have serious
Being exhausted means that the
consequences in the field, putting themselves
character has disadvantage on all ability
and others at risk.
checks, attack rolls, and saving throws that
use Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or
Operatives who are struggling with stress,
Charisma, as well as disadvantage on
trauma, or mental health issues are encouraged
Wisdom (Perception) checks.
to seek help from the OA's mental health services
or support groups. These resources can provide
In addition, a character who is exhausted must
Operatives with the tools and support they need
halve their movement speed and has
to cope with the challenges of their work and
disadvantage on ability checks that involve
maintain their physical and mental well-being.
moving, such as Athletics checks to climb or


In some cases, Operatives may turn to drugs or
sedatives to cope with the stress and trauma of
their work. While these substances may provide

Fight for your life
INITIATIVE the environment.
Hide: Attempt to conceal yourself from
Combat in Abyssal Whispers is turn-based,
view, giving you an advantage on attack rolls
with each combatant taking turns to act. At
and Dexterity saving throws until the
the beginning of combat, each character
beginning of your next turn.
rolls for initiative to determine the order of
Use an Object: Utilize an item in your
actions. Initiative is determined by rolling a
environment to gain an advantage in combat
d20 and adding the character's Dexterity
or exploration.

Push: Shove an opponent up to 5 feet
On their turn, a character can take a
away from you.
number of actions as determined by their
Hold: Hold an opponent in place,
character sheet and the situation at hand.
preventing them from moving or taking
Actions can include attacking, casting spells,
actions (contested STR checks).
moving, using items, and interacting with the
Yell: Shout a warning or give orders to
allies in the heat of battle.
Take Cover: Halve the damage of the next
incoming ranged attack.
Attack: Attempt to strike an opponent Dodge: Attempt to evade an attack (DEX
with a weapon or unarmed. check)
Cast a Spell: Use your knowledge of the
occult to cast a spell and affect the outcome ATTACK ROLLS
of the battle.
When a character attacks an opponent,
Dash: Move quickly to reposition yourself
the player rolls a d20 and adds the
in the battlefield.
appropriate modifiers for the attack. The
Disengage: Move away from an opponent
target's Armor Class (AC) is then compared
without risking an attack of opportunity.
to the result of the attack roll. If the result is
Help: Assist an ally in their actions,
equal to or greater than the target's AC, the
granting them advantage.
attack hits and damage is dealt. If the result
Ready: Prepare to take a specific action
is lower than the target's AC, the attack
when triggered by a certain condition.
Search: Look for clues or hidden objects in

DAMAGE ROLLS 8. You hit an ally within 5 feet of your target
When an attack hits, the player rolls the
9. Your weapon recoils and hits you, dealing half
appropriate damage dice for the weapon or
the damage you would have dealt to your
spell being used and adds any relevant
modifiers. The total damage is then
10. You become fatigued and have disadvantage
subtracted from the target's hit points.
on your next attack roll.
11. You embarrass yourself, losing 1d4 Charisma
for the rest of the scene.
If a player rolls a natural 20 on an attack 12. You become distracted and have disadvantage
roll, the attack is considered a critical hit. The on your next attack roll.
player then rolls damage twice and adds any 13. Your ranged weapon misfires and is unusable
relevant modifiers to determine the total for the rest of combat.
damage dealt. This can be a significant 14. You become overzealous and leave yourself
advantage in combat, as critical hits can open to attack. Your opponent gains
often take out opponents in a single blow. advantage on their next attack roll against you.
15. Your weapon gets stuck in an object or surface
CRITICAL FAILURES and requires an action to free it.
16. You become disoriented and have
If a player rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll,
disadvantage on your next attack roll.
the attack is considered a critical failure. The
17. You distract an ally within 5 feet of your target,
player then rolls on a critical failure table to
causing them to have disadvantage on their
determine the consequences of the failed
next attack roll.
attack. These consequences can range from
18. Your weapon is deflected by your target's
the weapon breaking to the player injuring
armor or shield, dealing half the damage you
would have dealt to your target.
19. You overcompensate and leave yourself open
1. Your weapon breaks and is unusable for the
to attack. Your opponent gains advantage on
rest of combat.
their next attack roll against you.
2. You accidentally injure yourself, taking 1d4
20. The Game Master chooses an appropriate
consequence based on the situation.
3. You drop one of your items or pieces of
4. You are stunned until the end of your next
turn. Characters in Abyssal Whispers have a set
5. You drop your weapon or item. number of hit points (HP) that represent their
6. You lose your balance and fall prone. health and resilience in combat. When a character
7. You overextend yourself and are open to takes damage, the damage is subtracted from
attack. Your opponent gains advantage on their hit points. When a character's hit points
their next attack roll against you. reach 0, they are unconscious and dying.

DEATH SAVES interact socially with the creature.
• Deafened: A deafened creature can't hear and
When a character is unconscious and
automatically fails any ability check that
dying, they must make death saves to
requires hearing.
determine if they survive or die. A death save
• Exhaustion: A character who is exhausted has
is a d20 roll with the following results:
disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls,
and saving throws that use Strength,
1-9: Failure
Dexterity, Constitution, or Charisma, as well
10-19: Success
as disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
20: Critical success
checks. In addition, a character who is
exhausted must halve their movement speed
If a character fails three death saves, they
and has disadvantage on ability checks that
die. If they succeed three death saves, they
involve moving, such as Athletics checks to
stabilize and are no longer dying.
climb or jump.
• Frightened: A frightened creature has
disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls
Characters can be healed through spells, while the source of its fear is within line of
items (like bandages, medicine), or rest. sight. The creature can't willingly move closer
Healing restores hit points and can bring a to the source of its fear.
character back from unconsciousness. • Grappled: A grappled creature's speed
becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any
CONDITIONS bonus to its speed. The condition ends if the
grappler is incapacitated.
Combat in Abyssal Whispers can also result
• Incapacitated: An incapacitated creature
in characters suffering from a variety of
can't take actions or reactions.
conditions, such as Poisoned or Stunned.
• Invisible: An invisible creature is impossible to
These conditions can have a significant
see without the aid of magic or a special
impact on a character's effectiveness in
sense. Attack rolls against the creature have
combat and should be taken into account
disadvantage, and the creature's attack rolls
when planning strategies and actions.
have advantage.
• Paralyzed: A paralyzed creature is
• Blinded: A blinded creature can't see and
incapacitated and can't move or speak. Attack
automatically fails any ability check that
rolls against the creature have advantage, and
requires sight. Attack rolls against the
any attack that hits the creature is a critical hit
creature have advantage, and the creature's
if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature.
attack rolls have disadvantage.
• Petrified: A petrified creature is transformed,
• Charmed: A charmed creature can't attack
along with any nonmagical object it is wearing
the charmer or target the charmer with
or carrying, into a solid inanimate substance
harmful abilities or magical effects. The
(usually stone). Its weight increases by a
charmer has advantage on any ability check to
factor of ten, and it ceases aging.

• Poisoned or Diseased: A poisoned or diseased WEAPONS
creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and
Weapons are divided into categories, such
ability checks.
as Melee or Ranged. Each weapon has its
• Prone: A prone creature's only movement
own damage dice and modifiers, as well as
option is to crawl, unless it stands up and
special features and abilities.
thereby ends the condition. The creature has
disadvantage on attack rolls. An attack roll
Melee Weapons Damage Dice
against the creature has advantage if the
Unarmed 1d4
attacker is within 5 feet of the creature,
Brass Knuckles 1d6
otherwise the attack roll has disadvantage.
Baseball Bat 1d8
• Restrained: A restrained creature's speed
Crowbar 1d8
becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any
Combat Knife 1d8
bonus to its speed. Attack rolls against the
Machete 2d6
creature have advantage, and the creature's
Katana 1d10
attack rolls have disadvantage. The creature
Chainsaw 3d6
has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.
• Stunned: A stunned creature is incapacitated
Ranged Weapons Damage Dice
and can't move, and it can speak only
Colt 1911 1d8
falteringly. Attack rolls against the creature
Beretta M9 1d10
have advantage.
Desert Eagle 2d6
• Unconscious: An unconscious creature is
Remington 870 2d8
incapacitated, can't move or speak, and is
Mossberg 500 2d6
unaware of its surroundings. The creature
AK-47 2d8
drops whatever it's holding and falls prone.
M16A2 2d10
Attack rolls against the creature have
Sniper Rifle 3d10
advantage, and any attack that hits the
creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within
5 feet of the creature.
EQUIPMENT Armor provides characters with protection
against attacks and damage. Each type of
Characters can make use of a variety of
armor has its own Armor Class (AC) and
equipment and weapons to aid them in
modifiers, which can vary depending on the
combat. The effectiveness of these items will
situation and the opponent being faced.
vary depending on the situation and the
opponent being faced.
Armor AC
Leather Vest 1
Denim Jacket 2
Kevlar Vest 3
Tactical Shirt 3

In the context of combat, there are many
items that can be creatively repurposed as
improvised tools. If the player clearly states
the desired effect or outcome, the Whisperer
has the power to decide what is possible and
establish any limitations or constraints for
these actions. This allows for flexibility and
adaptability in using items in unique and
unexpected ways during combat

Grapple Break Roll:
The operatives, Agent Smith and Agent
The cultist rolls a 16 + 1 (Strength modifier) = 17.
Jones, have tracked a suspected cultist to an
Agent Jones rolls a 8 + 2 (Strength modifier) = 10.
apartment building in the heart of the city. As
The cultist breaks free from the grapple and
they approach the door to the apartment,
backs away from the operatives.
they hear chanting and strange noises
coming from within. They draw their
Round 2
weapons and prepare for a potentially
Agent Smith takes her turn. She moves closer to
dangerous encounter.
the cultist and attempts to attack again.
Attack Roll:
Agent Smith rolls a 15 for initiative, and Agent
Agent Smith rolls a 12 + 3 (Dexterity modifier) = 15.
Jones rolls a 10. The cultist, who was not expecting
visitors, rolls a 7.
Damage Roll:
Agent Smith rolls a 4 + 2 (pistol damage) = 6.
Round 1
The cultist takes 6 points of damage and stumbles
Agent Smith goes first. She kicks down the door
back, barely standing.
to the apartment and enters, her weapon at the
Agent Jones takes his turn. He attempts to
ready. She spots the cultist in the corner of the living
grapple the cultist again.
room, surrounded by candles and strange symbols.
She takes aim and fires her pistol.
Grapple Roll:
Agent Jones rolls a 18 + 2 (Strength modifier) = 20.
Attack Roll:
The cultist rolls a 5 + 1 (Strength modifier) = 6.
Agent Smith rolls a 18 + 3 (Dexterity modifier) = 21.
Agent Jones successfully grapples the cultist,
holding him in place.
Damage Roll:
The cultist takes his turn. He struggles to break
Agent Smith rolls a 6 + 2 (pistol damage) = 8.
free from the grapple, but fails.
The cultist takes 8 points of damage and staggers
back, blood pouring from the wound.
Grapple Break Roll:
Agent Jones takes his turn. He moves into the
The cultist rolls a 5 + 1 (Strength modifier) = 6.
living room and attempts to grapple the cultist.
Agent Jones rolls a 12 + 2 (Strength modifier) = 14.
The cultist remains grappled.
Grapple Roll:
Agent Jones rolls a 12 + 2 (Strength modifier) = 14.
Round 3
The cultist rolls a 9 + 1 (Strength modifier) = 10.
Agent Smith takes her turn. She moves closer to
Agent Jones successfully grapples the cultist,
the cultist and attempts to attack again. “I’m going
holding him in place.
to pistolwhip him to knock him out.”
The cultist takes his turn. He attempts to break
free from the grapple.

Attack Roll: The consequences of extreme violence
Agent Smith rolls a 18 + 1 (Strength modifier) = 19. can be significant, both for the character and
for the mission of the Office of Anomalies. If
Damage Roll: an Operative loses too much Sanity or
Agent Smith rolls a 1 (Melee damage) = 1. becomes too unstable, they may be removed
The cultist takes 1 point of damage and collapses from active duty or even expelled from the
to the ground, unconscious. organization. In addition, acts of extreme
The operatives quickly secure the cultist and call violence can have lasting consequences for
for backup to transport him to the OA's secure the character's relationships with other
facility for interrogation. Operatives and with the world around them.

End of Combat Players need to consider the

The operatives emerge from the apartment consequences of their actions and to think
building, shaken but relieved that they were able to carefully before resorting to extreme
successfully contain the threat. violence. While violence may sometimes be
necessary to protect innocent lives or
EXTREME VIOLENCE & SANITY accomplish the mission of the OA, it should
never be taken lightly or without careful
Combat can be intense and challenging,
consideration of the potential impact on the
and Operatives are human beings with a
character's mental health and well-being.
moral compass. While they may be called
upon to use violence in the course of their
investigations, extreme violence and
brutality are not in their nature. If an
Operative finds themselves in a situation
where extreme violence is necessary,
especially if it involves innocent or seemingly
innocent individuals, it can have a significant
impact on their mental health and well-

If an Operative engages in extreme

violence, such as killing or torture, the
player must roll a Sanity check to determine
the impact on the character's mental state. If
the character fails the Sanity check, they lose
Sanity points as determined by the Game

Powers of the Mythos
The Mythos is a term used to describe the may encounter a variety of occult texts and
fictional universe created by H.P. Lovecraft literature. These works can provide valuable
and other writers in the early 20th century. insights into the nature of the phenomena
This universe consists of a pantheon of under investigation, as well as the history
malevolent deities, ancient and powerful and lore surrounding the occult and
artifacts, and a host of otherworldly beings supernatural.
and entities. The Mythos is characterized by
its themes of cosmic horror, existential Reading occult literature can also raise an
dread, and the insignificance of humanity in Operative's Occult skill, allowing them to
the face of the vast and incomprehensible better understand and analyze the
universe. phenomena they encounter. The Occult skill
The OA's investigations often lead represents an Operative's knowledge and
Operatives into contact with artifacts and understanding of the occult and
entities that are reminiscent of the Mythos, supernatural, as well as their ability to
and the organization's research into the perform occult rituals and cast spells.
occult and supernatural often draws on the
themes and concepts of Lovecraftian horror. When an Operative reads an occult text or
book, the player may make an Occult skill
UNNATURAL & MAGIC check to determine the character's
understanding of the material. The Game
While the use of magic is not common in
Master should set a difficulty level based on
the world of Abyssal Whispers, it is not
the complexity and rarity of the text. If the
unheard of. Some Operatives may possess
check is successful, the character gains a
knowledge of the occult and practice rituals
temporary bonus to their Occult skill for a set
or spells to aid them in their investigations.
period of time, reflecting the knowledge
However, the use of magic is often
gained from the text.
unpredictable and dangerous, and the OA
discourages Operatives from relying on it as
However, reading occult literature can
a primary means of investigation or
also have negative consequences. Some
texts may contain dangerous or forbidden
knowledge, or may be cursed or possessed
by malevolent entities. The act of reading
In the course of their investigations, such texts can lead to a loss of Sanity or
Operatives for the Office of Anomalies (OA) other negative effects, and Operatives

should exercise caution and discretion when perform the ritual, and any necessary skill
dealing with occult literature. checks.

In addition, the OA strictly prohibits the GAMEPLAY

possession or distribution of certain types of
In gameplay, Operatives can acquire
occult literature, such as grimoires or other
Tomes & Scrolls by completing missions,
texts associated with black magic or
exploring the world, or trading with other
demonology. Possessing or distributing such
characters. Tomes & Scrolls can be used to
texts can result in severe consequences,
learn new spells and rituals, which can then
including expulsion from the organization
be used in combat or investigation.
and most often the Operative who holds
onto the occult literature will become the
To perform a ritual, the player must first
next mission.
acquire the necessary components and
prepare the area for the ritual. The player
then selects the ritual from their inventory
Tomes & Scrolls are magical items that can and begins the process. During the ritual, the
be found throughout the world. These items player may need to make skill checks or use
contain powerful spells and rituals. Scrolls items to complete the ritual successfully.
can only be used once, while tomes are
reusable. Once the ritual is complete, the player
gains the effects of the ritual, such as
Tomes & Scrolls are divided into categories summoning a creature or creating a
based on their rarity and power. Common protective ward. However, the use of Tomes
Tomes & Scrolls contain basic spells and & Scrolls and rituals can have negative
rituals, while rare Tomes & Scrolls contain consequences, such as a loss of Sanity or the
more powerful and complex magic. attention of malevolent entities.

RITUALS Players must carefully balance the risks

and rewards of using Tomes & Scrolls and
Rituals are a type of magic that require
rituals, and should work with their Game
time, preparation, and special components
Master to determine the appropriate use of
to perform. Unlike spells, which can be cast
these powerful magical items. Some
quickly and efficiently, rituals require careful
planning and execution.

Eldritch Wave: 1st-level, Tome, Ranged

Performing a ritual can have a variety of
spell attack, 1d10 force damage, no DC.
effects, from summoning a creature to
Mending Flesh: 1st-level, Scroll, Heals a
creating a protective ward. Each ritual has its
creature within range for 1d8 + spellcasting
own set of requirements, including the
modifier hit points, no DC.
components needed, the time required to

Unveil the Unseen: 2nd-level, Ritual, Flames of the Abyss: 7th-level, Tome,
Reveals hidden or invisible creatures or Creates a fiery explosion within range,
objects within range, no damage or DC. dealing 5d6 fire damage to all creatures
Enthrallment: 2nd-level, Scroll, Forces a within 20 feet of the explosion, no DC.
creature within range to make a Wisdom Flight of the Unearthly: 7th-level, Scroll,
saving throw, becoming charmed on a failed Allows the caster to fly at a speed of 60 feet
save. A charmed creature is incapacitated for 1 round, no damage or DC.
and has a speed of 0, DC not specified. Thunderous Roar: 8th-level, Tome, Creates
Consuming Flames: 3rd-level, Tome, a deafening roar within range, dealing 4d8
Creates a wall of fire within range, dealing thunder damage to all creatures within 30
3d6 fire damage to creatures within 10 feet feet of the caster, no DC.
of the wall, no DC. Disrupt the Cosmic: 8th-level, Ritual,
Shield of the Void: 3rd-level, Ritual, Disrupts a cosmic or otherworldly entity or
Creates a magical shield around the caster, effect within range, no damage or DC.
granting them a +5 bonus to AC for 1 round, Wall of the Void: 9th-level, Scroll, Creates
no damage or DC. a magical wall of darkness within range,
Read the Minds of the Insane: 4th-level, blocking line of sight and movement, no
Ritual, Allows the caster to read the damage or DC.
thoughts of a creature within range, Portal to the Beyond: 9th-level, Tome,
potentially revealing hidden information, no Creates a portal to another plane of
damage or DC. existence within range, no damage or DC
Shroud of Shadow: 4th-level, Tome, specified.
Creates a magical shroud of darkness around Hail of the Eldritch: 10th-level, Ritual, Calls
the caster, granting them advantage on forth a hail of magical energy within range,
Stealth checks for 1 round, no damage or DC. dealing 6d6 force damage to all creatures
Paralyze the Will: 5th-level, Scroll, Forces a within a 30-foot radius, no DC.
creature within range to make a Wisdom Enslave the Otherworldly: 10th-level,
saving throw, becoming paralyzed on a failed Tome, Forces a cosmic or otherworldly entity
save, DC not specified. within range to make a Charisma saving
Magic of the Ancients: 5th-level, Tome, throw, becoming charmed on a failed save,
Creates a magical aura around the caster, DC not specified.
granting them resistance to all damage types
for 1 round, no damage or DC.
Blink Between Worlds: 6th-level, Ritual,
Teleports the caster up to 30 feet in any
direction, no damage or DC.
Nullify the Arcane: 6th-level, Scroll,
Disrupts a spell or magical effect within
range, no damage or DC.

Nurture your Bonds
While investigations and combat are a key part of and to prepare for the next mission. Downtime can
the life of an Operative, they are still human beings take many different forms, depending on the
with needs and desires beyond the mission. preferences and needs of the Operative. Some may
prefer to spend their downtime engaged in physical
Taking time for downtime, relaxation, and activities, such as exercise or sports, while others
self-care is essential for maintaining mental and may prefer more sedentary pursuits, such as
physical health, as well as for nurturing the reading or watching movies.
bonds and relationships between Operatives. Regardless of the specific activities involved,
downtime is essential for maintaining mental and
IMPORTANCE OF DOWNTIME physical health. It allows Operatives to decompress
and de-stress after a mission, reducing the risk of
Downtime is a critical component of the life of an
burnout and other negative consequences of
Operative. It provides an opportunity to rest and
prolonged stress and anxiety.
recharge after a mission, to reflect on recent
NURTURING RELATIONSHIPS can reduce the risk of burnout and other negative
consequences of prolonged stress and anxiety.
The relationships between Operatives are a key
This can also help to maintain strong relationships
component of the success of the Office of
with family and friends outside of the OA,
Anomalies. These relationships are built on trust,
providing a sense of stability and connection that
respect, and a shared sense of purpose, and are
is essential for mental and emotional well-being.
essential for the effective coordination and
execution of missions.
Outside of missions, Operatives should take Finally, it's essential for Operatives to prioritize
time to nurture these relationships through social sleep and self-care as part of their daily routine.
activities and shared experiences. This can include Getting enough sleep is critical for maintaining
activities such as going out to dinner, attending mental and physical health, as well as for ensuring
cultural events, or simply spending time together optimal performance in the field.
in a relaxed and informal setting.
Self-care can take many different forms,
By taking the time to build and maintain strong depending on the needs and preferences of the
relationships with other Operatives, individuals individual. This may include activities such as
can establish a support network that is essential meditation, yoga, or other forms of relaxation and
for success in the field. These relationships can stress reduction.
provide emotional support, practical advice, and a
sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. By prioritizing sleep and self-care, Operatives
can ensure that they are able to perform at their
REAL-LIFE RESPONSIBILITIES best both in the field and in their personal lives.
This can also help to reduce the risk of burnout
While the life of an Operative can be exciting
and other negative consequences of prolonged
and fulfilling, it's important to remember that
stress and anxiety, ensuring that Operatives are
they also have real-life responsibilities outside of
able to maintain their focus and effectiveness
their work for the Office of Anomalies. This can
over the long term.
include family obligations, financial concerns, or
other personal responsibilities.
It's essential for Operatives to find a healthy Operatives can also seek out therapy to help
balance between their work for the OA and their them cope with the stress and trauma of their
personal lives. This may involve setting work. This can include individual therapy, group
boundaries around work hours and therapy, or other forms of counseling.
commitments, delegating responsibilities to
others, or seeking support and assistance from SOCIAL SUPPORT
colleagues or family members.
Maintaining strong relationships with family,
By maintaining a healthy balance between
friends, and other Operatives can also help to
work and personal responsibilities, Operatives

replenish lost Sanity points. Engaging in social funds, and to return to work injured or shaken
activities and spending time with loved ones can from encounters with the unknown and the
provide emotional support and a sense of inexplicable.
connection and belonging.
In some cases, an Operative's actions may have
MEDITATION AND MINDFULNESS negative consequences for their professional life
outside of the OA. If an Operative has pushed their
Meditation and mindfulness practices can also
luck too far, their job may be on the line. It may
be effective in replenishing lost Sanity points.
require a Charisma test to get back into their
These practices can help Operatives to manage
supervisor's good graces, to avoid suspension or
stress and anxiety, and promote mental and
disciplinary action.
emotional well-being.
If an Operative is fired from their job, it can
have an impact on their mental health and
Rest and relaxation activities, such as sleeping, well-being. They may feel helpless and lost,
meditating, or spending time in nature, will earn and may struggle to maintain their Bonds with
the player 1d4 Sanity points. colleagues and loved ones.

Therapy or counseling sessions will earn the To simulate the impact of getting fired, the
player 2d6 Sanity points. player must make a Charisma check for each
Bond (including OA Bonds) or lose 1D4 points
Engaging in hobbies or creative pursuits, such from it. The check is with disadvantage if the
as painting or writing, will earn the player 1d6 Bond is a colleague from the Operative's job.
Sanity points.
Getting fired from one's day job doesn't have
Performing acts of kindness or helping others much impact on being an Operative for the OA.
will earn the player 1d8 Sanity points. The mission is everything, and Operatives are still
expected to join the next operation regardless of
If the player engages in multiple activities their professional status.
during the same downtime period, they can
receive the benefits of each activity rolled However, the loss of a job can have financial and
separately. practical consequences for an Operative. They
may have less access to official resources, and may
PROFESSIONAL LIFE need to find alternative means of support and
Working as an Operative for the Office of
Anomalies (OA) can be a demanding and
Players must carefully balance their
challenging profession. The nature of their
professional and personal lives, and be prepared
investigations often requires Operatives to leave
to face the consequences of their actions both in
their jobs behind at short notice, to misuse agency
and outside of their work for the OA.

THE BLEED As Jamie's mental state continued to
deteriorate, their relationships with their
The OA’s missions can bleed into the real
colleagues and loved ones began to suffer.
lives of the players. This phenomenon,
They became increasingly isolated and
known as "the bleed," occurs when the
withdrawn, and began to have difficulty
events and emotions of the operations begin
connecting with others on a meaningful level.
to impact the thoughts, feelings, and actions
Their work at the OA also began to suffer, as
of the players outside of the OA’s activities.
they found themselves unable to focus or make
progress on their investigations.
The events and consequences of the
Operative's investigations can impact their
Finally, Jamie reached out to their therapist
personal relationships, work life, and mental
for help. Through therapy and self-care, they
health, while their personal struggles and
were able to regain a sense of control and
experiences can impact their effectiveness in
stability in their life, and begin to separate the
the field.
events of the mission from their personal
As the game progresses, the line between
the horrific world of the OA and the private
As Operatives encounter the unknown and
lives of the players can become blurred, and
the inexplicable, their Sanity may begin to
the emotional and psychological weight of
wane, leading to a range of negative
the investigations can begin to take a toll on
consequences including nightmares, strange
the Operatives themselves.
visions, hallucinations, and more. To simulate
the impact of waning Sanity, the Whisperer
may introduce elements of horror and
Jamie is playing as an Operative in Abyssal psychological distress into the game, including:
Whispers. In the latest mission, their team
encountered a powerful and malevolent entity • Nightmares and disturbing dreams
that left Jamie feeling shaken and vulnerable. • Hallucinations and delusions
As they debriefed with their team, Jamie • Paranoia and anxiety
realized that they were having difficulty
separating their emotions from the events of As the Operative's Sanity continues to
the mission. deteriorate, the Whisperer may introduce more
extreme and disturbing elements into the
Over the next few days, Jamie found game, such as encounters with malevolent
themselves struggling with nightmares and entities or glimpses of cosmic horror.
strange visions, as well as a sense of unease
and paranoia. They began to feel as though the
entity was following them, watching them
from the shadows and waiting for an
opportunity to strike.

SPENDING MONEY Executive Class: Operatives in this class
have access to substantial financial resources
As Operatives for the Office of Anomalies,
and transportation options, and may be able
it's essential to maintain a low profile and
to afford luxury accommodations and
avoid drawing attention to oneself. This
activities. They may also have access to
includes keeping one's expenses hidden
powerful contacts and networks that can aid
from family, friends, and other contacts
them in their investigations.
outside of the OA.
Professional Class: Operatives in this class
have access to moderate financial resources
To facilitate this, the OA provides
and transportation options, and may be able
Operatives with a variety of resources and
to afford comfortable accommodations and
services that can help to conceal their
activities. They may also have access to
spending and maintain their cover. These
valuable skills and knowledge that can aid
resources may include anonymous bank
them in their investigations.
accounts, encrypted communication
Working Class: Operatives in this class
channels, and secure storage facilities.
have limited financial resources and
transportation options, and may need to rely
Operatives are encouraged to use these
on public transportation and more basic
resources and services to keep their
accommodations and activities. However,
expenses hidden and avoid raising
they may have valuable connections and
suspicions. This may involve carefully
knowledge within their community that can
managing their finances and avoiding
aid them in their investigations.
conspicuous purchases or activities that
Underclass: Operatives in this class have
could draw unwanted attention.
limited financial resources and
transportation options, and may need to rely
Depending on the Operative's career in
on creative solutions and unconventional
their daily lives, they may have access to
methods to accomplish their goals.
different amounts of money and resources.
However, they may have valuable street
For example, an Operative who works as a
smarts and survival skills that can aid them in
high-powered executive may have access to
their investigations.
substantial financial resources and
transportation options, while an Operative
Regardless of their class, Operatives must
who works as a freelance writer may have
carefully balance their expenses and
more limited resources and options.
resources to maintain their cover and avoid
drawing attention to themselves. This may
To reflect these differences, Abyssal
involve making difficult choices and
Whispers divides Operatives into classes
sacrifices, and relying on their skills and
based on their daily career and income level.
ingenuity to accomplish their objectives.
These classes include:

In addition, Operatives must be prepared

to deal with potential investigations or Selling personal possessions should be used
inquiries from authorities or other outside cautiously, and only in situations where the
parties regarding their spending and Operative has exhausted all other options for
activities. This may involve developing cover funding or covering their expenses. In some
stories and alibis, or using other methods to cases, the OA may be able to provide financial
deflect suspicion and avoid detection. support or resources to help the Operative
accomplish their objectives without resorting to
ILLICIT CASH selling personal possessions.
There may be situations where an
However, in situations where the Operative
Operative needs to make a purchase that
must make difficult choices and sacrifices in
cannot be easily explained or accounted for.
order to accomplish their mission, selling
In these situations, the Operative may need
personal possessions can be a necessary and
to rely on illicit cash to make the purchase.
effective strategy for achieving their goals.
Illicit cash can take many forms, including
stolen funds, embezzled money, or
disposable debit cards provided by the OA.
These funds can be used to make purchases
that would otherwise raise suspicion or draw
unwanted attention.


In some cases, an Operative may need to sell
personal possessions in order to fund a mission
or cover their expenses. This can be a difficult
decision, as the possessions may be meaningful
or sentimental to the Operative, and selling
them may damage a Bond with a loved one or

When an Operative chooses to sell a

personal possession, the Operative should
roll 1d4 to determine the amount of damage
to the affected Bond. The higher the roll, the
greater the emotional impact of the loss on
the Operative and their relationship with the

From Subway to Airplane
GETTING AROUND provide greater flexibility and control over
travel arrangements, as well as greater
As Operatives for the Office of Anomalies,
speed and efficiency.
it's essential to be able to move quickly and
efficiently throughout the city and beyond.
However, using a personal vehicle can also
This may involve using a variety of
be expensive, particularly if the Operative
transportation options, depending on the
needs to pay for parking or tolls. In addition,
situation and the resources available.
it can draw unwanted attention and may be
Also depending on the background of the
less discrete than other transportation
player character. A character with a poor
background may not have a car. Or doesn’t
even know how to drive.
PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION For high-level missions or when speed and
discretion are essential, Operatives may have
One of the most common methods of
access to professional vehicles provided by
transportation for Operatives is public
the OA. These may include unmarked cars,
transportation. This may include buses,
vans, or other vehicles that are equipped
trains, and subways, as well as taxis and
with advanced technology and surveillance
rideshare services like Uber and Lyft.

Using public transportation can be a cost-

Using a professional vehicle can be an
effective and efficient way to get around,
effective way to move quickly and discreetly,
particularly for Operatives who have limited
particularly in situations where time is of the
financial resources or who need to maintain
essence. However, it can also be costly and
a low profile. However, it can also be time-
may draw unwanted attention if not used
consuming and may not always be reliable,
particularly during peak travel times or in
areas with limited service.
PERSONAL VEHICLES The cost of transportation for Operatives
varies depending on their financial class. The
Operatives who have access to a personal
following are some examples of
vehicle may choose to use it for
transportation options and their cost, based
transportation during missions. This can
on the Operative's class:

challenges of being far from home were even
Executive Class: Operatives in this class have greater. Communication technology was less
access to a range of transportation options, advanced, making it difficult to stay in touch
including private jets, high-end rental cars, and with loved ones on a regular basis. Additionally,
luxury accommodations. However, these travel was often slower and more expensive,
options come at a premium cost, with private making trips home less frequent and more
jet flights costing upwards of $20,000 for a one- difficult to coordinate.
way trip, and luxury rental cars costing $500 or
more per day. As an Operative, it's important to be aware of
Professional Class: Operatives in this class the impact that being far from home can have
have access to a range of transportation on your mental and emotional health, as well as
options, including commercial flights, rental on your relationships with Bonds outside of the
cars, and public transportation. However, the OA. It's important to take steps to maintain
cost of these options can still be significant, these relationships, even when you're far away.
with commercial flights costing $500 or more
for a one-way ticket, and rental cars costing $50 COMMUNICATION
or more per day.
One of the most important ways to maintain
Working Class: Operatives in this class have
Bonds while far from home is through regular
limited financial resources, and must rely on
communication. This may involve writing
public transportation and other low-cost
letters, making phone calls, or sending emails or
options to get around. This may include buses,
messages through other forms of
subways, and trains, which typically cost less
communication technology.
than $5 per trip.
Underclass: Operatives in this class have the
During the late 80s and mid 90s,
most limited financial resources, and may need
communication technology was less advanced
to rely on creative solutions and unconventional
than it is today, making it more difficult to stay
methods to get around. This may include
in touch with loved ones on a regular basis.
hitchhiking, walking, or using a bicycle or
Phone calls were expensive, and internet access
scooter, which typically cost little or no money.
was limited, meaning that many Operatives
relied on letters and postcards to stay in touch
with their loved ones.
Being an Operative for the Office of
Anomalies often means being away from home Despite these challenges, it's important to
for extended periods of time. This can be make an effort to communicate with loved ones
especially challenging for Operatives with close as frequently as possible. Even a short phone
Bonds to family, friends, and loved ones outside call or email can help to maintain a sense
of the OA. of connection and support.

During the late 80s and mid 90s, the

Maintaining Bonds while far from home When roleplaying an Operative who is far
requires effort and dedication. This may from home, it's important to consider the
involve making sacrifices, such as missing impact that this distance may have on your
important events or celebrations, in order to character's mental and emotional health, as
fulfill your duties as an Operative. well as on their relationships with Bonds
outside of the OA.
It's important to communicate your
commitment to your Bonds, and to make an You may wish to emphasize your
effort to stay involved in their lives as much as character's longing for home, their struggle to
possible. This may involve sending gifts or maintain their Bonds, and their efforts to cope
cards for special occasions, or making an with feelings of homesickness and loneliness.
effort to stay informed about their lives and You may also wish to explore the impact that
interests. being far from home has on your character's
behavior and decision-making, and how it
COPING WITH HOMESICKNESS influences their interactions with other
Being far from home can be difficult, and it's
common for Operatives to experience feelings
of homesickness and loneliness. It's important
to acknowledge these feelings and to take
steps to cope with them in a healthy and
productive way.

This may involve engaging in self-care

activities, such as exercise, meditation, or
reading, or seeking support from colleagues
and friends within the OA. It may also involve
finding ways to connect with your home
culture, such as seeking out familiar foods or

Government Agencies
It's essential to be aware of the various DRUG ENFORCEMENT
law enforcement agencies that may be ADMINISTRATION (DEA)
monitoring your activities and investigating
The DEA is responsible for enforcing
your organization. These agencies may
federal drug laws and regulations, and is a
include local, state, and federal law
major player in the fight against drug
enforcement agencies, as well as intelligence
trafficking and abuse. The agency has
agencies and other government
significant resources and capabilities,
including advanced technology and
surveillance equipment, and can be a
significant threat to the OA and its
Operatives in cases involving drug-related
The FBI is the primary federal law crimes.
enforcement agency in the United States,
responsible for investigating a wide range of UNITED STATES MARSHALS SERVICE
crimes, including terrorism, organized crime, (USMS)
cybercrime, and public corruption. The FBI
The USMS is responsible for providing
has significant resources and capabilities,
security and protection for federal courts
including advanced technology and
and judges, as well as for apprehending
surveillance equipment, and can be a
fugitives and enforcing court orders and
formidable adversary for the OA and its
judgments. The agency has significant
resources and capabilities, including a
nationwide network of Deputy Marshals and
advanced surveillance equipment.
The ATF is responsible for enforcing CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY
federal laws related to firearms, explosives, (CIA)
and alcohol and tobacco products. The
The CIA is responsible for collecting and
agency has a significant presence in the
analyzing intelligence information related to
United States, and can be a major threat to
national security and foreign policy issues.
the OA and its Operatives, particularly in
The agency has significant resources and
cases involving the use of firearms or
capabilities, including advanced technology
and surveillance equipment, and can be a

significant threat to the OA and its HOW TO LOSE LAW ENFORCEMENT'S
Operatives, particularly in cases involving TAIL
international espionage or terrorism.
If an Operative believes that they are being
monitored or investigated by law
enforcement, there are a variety of
strategies that they can use to evade
In addition to federal law enforcement detection and avoid arrest. These may
agencies, Operatives for the OA must also be include:
aware of the various local and state law
enforcement agencies that may be • Changing their routine and location
monitoring their activities and investigating frequently
their organization. These agencies may • Using false identities and aliases
include local police departments, state police • Avoiding suspicious behavior or activities
agencies, and other specialized law • Using encrypted communication
enforcement units. channels
• Engaging in counter-surveillance and
HOW LAW ENFORCEMENT CAN GET other evasive tactics
In addition to these strategies, Operatives
Law enforcement agencies may become
may also need to rely on the resources and
aware of the OA and its activities through a
support of the OA to avoid detection and
variety of means, including:
evade law enforcement. This may involve
using safe houses, encrypted
• Informants and whistleblowers
communication channels, and other
• Surveillance and wiretapping
resources to maintain their cover and stay
• Tips and complaints from the public
one step ahead of law enforcement.
• Tips and complaints from other law
enforcement agencies
Evading law enforcement is a risky and
• Investigation of related crimes or
potentially dangerous strategy, and should
only be undertaken as a last resort. In many
cases, it may be more effective to cooperate
Once law enforcement agencies become
with law enforcement or to negotiate a deal
aware of the OA and its activities, they may
that minimizes the risk of arrest or
begin to monitor the organization's
members and investigate their activities. This
may involve surveillance, wiretapping, and
other forms of intelligence gathering, as well
as undercover operations and sting

A word of gratitude
Thank you for taking the time to read Thank you again for your support and
Abyssal Whispers. We hope that you've your interest in our work. We wish you all
enjoyed exploring the mysteries and the best as you continue to explore the
horrors of the unknown, and that you've unknown and the inexplicable.
found the experience to be both
challenging and rewarding. Yours in terror,

We appreciate your support and your Kenneth,

interest in our work. Writing this book has Author of Abyssal Whispers
been a labor of love, and we're grateful to A creation of Vindicta RPGs
have had the opportunity to share our
passion for horror and noir fiction with
you. "That is not dead which can eternal lie,
and with strange aeons even death may die."
We hope that you've been able to - HP Lovecraft
immerse yourself in the world of Abyssal
Whispers and that you've found the
experience to be both thrilling and
terrifying. We believe that horror can be a
powerful tool for exploring the human
condition, and we hope that our book has
inspired you to think deeply about the
mysteries and terrors that lie beyond our

As HP Lovecraft once wrote, "The oldest

and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is
fear of the unknown." We hope that our
book has helped you to confront and
embrace that fear, and that you've come
away from the experience with a renewed
appreciation for the power of horror.

Abyssal Whispers
Operative File




Acrobatics (Dexterity) STRENGTH (STR)

Athletics (Strength) CONSTITUTION (CON)

Computers (Intelligence) DEXTERITY (DEX)

Craftsmanship (Intelligence) INTELLIGENCE (INT)

Deception (Charisma) WISDOM (WIS)

Forgery (Wisdom) BODY & MIND CHARISMA (CHA)

History (Intelligence)


Insight (Wisdom) HIT POINTS (HP)

Intimidation (Charisma) WILLPOWER (WP)

Investigation (Intelligence) SANITY (SAN)


Perception (Wisdom)

Persuasion (Charisma)

Piloting (Dexterity) BOND


Science (Intelligence) BOND


Sleight of Hand (Dexterity) BOND

Survival (Wisdom) FLAW

Occult FLAW

Hand to hand & Ranged Weapon

(STR or (STR)


Small guns (DEX) Weapon

80Big guns (STR & DEX) Weapon Armor Class


Operative File
Abyssal Whispers

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of each element of
The following text is the property of Wizards of the that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility
Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered
("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open
Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark
and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in
Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the
material including derivative works and translations ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
(including into other computer languages), potation, Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in
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adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that
lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise you are distributing are Open Game Content.
distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game
mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents
and routines to the extent such content does not embody may publish updated versions of this License. You may use
the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and
art and any additional content clearly identified as Open distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed
Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work under any version of this License.
covered by this License, including translations and derivative
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this
Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product License with every copy of the Open Game Content You
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade Distribute.
dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines,
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or
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poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and Contributor unless You have written permission from the
other visual or audio representations; names and Contributor to do so.
descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments,
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order,
logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open
or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity Game Material so affected.
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically
the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure
by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the
associated products contributed to the Open Game License breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this
by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to License.
use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and
otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to
be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open
Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
subtracted from this License except as described by the Coast, Inc.
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied
to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan,
Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by
License. E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing Abyssal Whispers 2023 by Kenneth Proven (Vindicta
to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, RPGs). Published by Kenneth Proven. This work is licensed
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact under the Open Game License, Version 1.0a.
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
To view a copy of this license, visit [http://www.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are].
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation Artwork, visuals and design created by Kenneth Proven.
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights Several pictures derived from “Unsplash” and edited in
conveyed by this License. image editing software.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the
exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You
must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright
holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any
Product Identity, including as an indication as to


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