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Detailed GUNNER24 Action Sheet

The Detailed GUNNER24 Action Sheet visually summarizes all imaginable long and short trades in the respective
GUNNER24 Up or Down Setup and explains the complete GUNNER24 Up and Down Setups. It consolidates all guidelines
and recommendations pertaining to the GUNNER24 Forecasting Method that are relevant to you on 5 pages. If you place
this handy reference sheet right next to you on your desk or attach it to a memo board, you will have it handy during
your trading sessions and will be able to determine the square or dynamic space zone the price is currently in and which
trading decisions this implies.

The GUNNER24 Forecasting Method is based on the first impulse of a stock price or any other market and projects
precisely the course and the frame of the further price development. If the first impulse is down you work with the
GUNNER24 Down Setup. If the first impuls is up you place the GUNNER24 Up Setup. That universally employable
technique of forecasting enables you to take trading decision at any time level. You are given precise trading signals
by the combination of different time levels, the GUNNER24 Impulse Wave Technique and the price patterns which are
repeated over and over again. GUNNER24 indicates the possible points and switches where the actual price data can go
to. Those tendencies can be followed by your trading without any reservation. You simply see where the market wants to
go and you recognize the moment and the finishing line when and where the market turns into a different direction.

GUNNER24 is based on the fact that the first impulse of a movement defines the frame of the height and the depth of the
price action as well as the duration of a future trend. From out the first initial impulse, the majority of the trend setters
define not only the further zones of support and resistance but also the dynamic space zones, all the important turning
points as well as the duration and length of the future price movements.
Chart adjustments and time frames
You should always apply the GUNNER24 Forecasting
Technique to candlestick charts and linear charts
since others like the bar chart, the P&F chart as
well as the logarithmic and the proportional chart
descriptions would distort both the time unit and the
price unit and they do not represent the reality one
by one. Using the GUNNER24 Forecasting Charting
Software you should work with the following candle-
stick adjustment.

You should set up the bar scaling between 6 and 7 pixels. And you should not often increase the distance between the
candles to 2 or 3 pixels, for instance if perhaps you are not content with the Setup since the time lines do not check
exactly or the price data does not follow the double arcs precisely.

Generally spoken, we just recommend you to experiment on the candlestick setups of your charting software. You may
also try lines or bar charts. Thus, you simply get better trading results, maybe. Every trader has to be allowed to follow
his habits. As a general attitude you may make clear to yourself: The more correspondence there is between the time
lines and the price data the more you can be positive that your personal GUNNER24 Setup fits.

In your charting software, you should pay attention to the possibility that by scrolling and moving your charts might scale
automatically. Always work with a fixed price range in the chart. Thus you can always be sure that the drawn candles will
not move in terms of height since they must adjust to an automatic price scale.

For best results you should trade with linear charts and candlestick charts in these time frames:
• 1 Minute • 5 Minutes • 15 Minutes • 1 Hour • 4 Hours • Daily • Weekly • Monthly

Trading the GUNNER24 Forecasting Technique © GUNNER24 – Price $49 US/39 € 1

Detailed GUNNER24 Action Sheet

Trade the Gann Angles

In the 1st square and all over the whole GUNNER24 Setup the Gann Angles form important support and resistance. At
the first retracement the price is allowed to come back maximally to the 1*2/2*1 Gann Angle. That is where you may
proceed again towards the original GUNNER24 Setup. If the price breaks that Gann Angle but comes back because for
instance it is rebounded at the 1*8/8*1 Angle so the original GUNNER24 Setup continues being valid.
If the Gann Angles 1*1 or 1*2/2*1 are reached at the retracement you will have to try to find the entrance towards the
main trend again. The retracements to the Gann Angles are normal counter trend reactions. Here you find assistance in
the well-known Fibonacci Retracements at 50% and 61.8% in order to manage the reentry.

Fake trading action in the 1st square taking as an example the GUNNER24 Up Setup
After forming that GUNNER24 Initial Impulse you will see a consolidation which
swings around the blue arc. Sometimes that arc and the upper line of the square
(actual a resistance line) are penetrated shortly after the consolidation period
and a 2nd high is formed. In an 80% of those cases that does not mean the final
breakout of the 1st square, but it is a fake high. The penetration often occurs
between the second and the third time line. If you recognize that the arc and
the upper line of the 1st square are broken rapidly you may put a short exactly
onto the upper line of the 1st square. Normally that fake high comes back fast,
breaks back from above through the upper limit of the square and then even
breaks through the blue arc of the 1st square. You may place another short there
at the arc. Place the stop loss for both trades on the fake high. You should cover
the short or the shorts, respectively at the 5th time line at the latest, that means
cover it at the important center of the square and in that environment you
should look for the buy towards the original GUNNER24 Setup.

2 Trading the GUNNER24 Forecasting Technique © GUNNER24 – Price $49 US/39 €

All trading options on the basis of a typical GUNNER24 Up Setup
In the 1st square and all over the whole GUNNER24 Setup the Gann Angles form important
support and resistance. At the first retracement the price is allowed to come back
maximally to the 1*2/2*1 Gann Angle. That is where you may proceed again towards the
original GUNNER24 Setup. If the price breaks that Gann Angle but comes back because for
instance it is rebounded at the 1*8/8*1 Angle so the original GUNNER24 Setup continues
being valid.

Enter the GUNNER24 Up Setup with
one position at the reversal candle.

2. Cover the buy at the 1st reversal

candle if you suppose that the 1st
initial impulse has finished. Here
you have to use the Fibonacci
series again. After 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
or 13 candles and so on the first
GUNNER24 Initial Impulse should be
finished correspondingly.

3. 2nd buy is the blue arc break.

Buy one position.

4. Set the Stop-Loss at the last

significant low. The low is exact on
the 38.2% Fibonacci Retracement.
At the low work with the reverse and
double technique.

5. 3rd buy is the horizontal square

line break.

6. After an objective Gann Angle

retracement execute the 4th buy
position at the closing price of the
correspondingly candle. This candle
includes the 2nd square line break
and is very strong!

7. Adjust the Stop-Loss to the

new last significant low. At the low
work with the reverse and double

8. Buy the double arc break.

Targets are for now the 2nd,3rd and
the 5th double arc.

9. The price spikes within the two lines of the 2nd double arc exactly on a very important time line. That’s a sign of
exhaustion. So better cover all positions with a big gain.

10. We get the next entry in the actual GUNNER24 Up Setup very save with the significant break of the 2nd double arc.

11. Cover the position at the important 3rd double arc. The majority of the GUNNER24 Setups should end at the 3rd
double arc or at the 5th double arc. At the same time they are always our main targets of the entire GUNNER24 Setup. Go
short if a new opposite GUNNER24 is supposed to come.

The important GUNNER24 Double Arcs

If a double arc is broken towards the GUNNER24 Up Setup on final price basis go with the trend! The price is likely to
reach the next higher double arc. The main trend will in the majority of cases continue.
The further development in price and time depends to a great degree on the conduct of the price action while reaching or
approaching the double arcs. If the price of a stock or a contract you are observing approaches a double arc you always
have to pay attention. The double arcs are the expected price targets of the GUNNER24 Setup. You should assume that
the chosen setup comes to an end there because the first initial impulse either takes a break or finally exhausts. The
double arcs are very strong price and time magnets which determine whether the trend accelerates or ends there at the
double arc to turn after that.
If the price rebounds immediately at the 1st line of a double arc that is a rather safe sign for you to be able to join trading
that rebound successfully. Those spikes (candles with a long wick) usually indicate a trend change. In the following
second attack to the double arc often a lower high or a higher low is formed. At that confirmation of the change in trend
you may trade towards the new trend. You will have to continue installing a new opposite GUNNER24 Setup in order to
measure the new trend in terms of its duration and its price targets with it.

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All trading options on the basis of a typical GUNNER24 Down Setup
1. Enter the GUNNER24 Down Setup with one short
position at the reversal candle.

2. Cover the short position at the 1st reversal candle if you

suppose that the 1st initial impulse has finished. Here you
have to use the Fibonacci series again. After 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
or 13 candles and so on the first GUNNER24 Initial Impulse
should be finished correspondingly.

3. Sell the market with one position at the reversal candle

after the obvious Gann Angle retracement.

4. Set the Stop-Loss at the last significant low. The low

lies exactly on the 2*1 Gann Angle line. There at the low
work with the reverse and double technique.

5. Add two shorts. Break of the blue arc and the

horizontal square line within one candle. This means in this
case a strong downtrend.

6. Break of the 1st double arc. Add another short.

7. Break of the 2nd double arc. Add another short.

8. Cover the shorts at this reversal candle. Two candles

before the price nearly touched the line of the 3rd double
arc with a long wick. That means exhaustion. Those spikes
(candles with a long wick) usually indicate a trend change.

9. Sell the market after the significant break of the 3rd

double arc. The price should reach the 4th double arc. This
means in this case lower prices…

10. After a little rebound within the double arc the price
collapses and we add a second short position.

11. Although the price closes within the two lines of the
4th double arc witch usually is a sign that the double arc will
break in this case that doesn´t happen. The price reverses
and installs a GUNNER24 Up Setup. So we cover the shorts
and buy the market.
If a double arc is broken towards the GUNNER24 Down Setup go with the trend! The price is likely to reach the next lower
double arc. The main trend will in the majority of cases continue.

Double Arc Trading Action

You should always observe exactly the price reactions at the 1st double arc. Since you happen to install the GUNNER24
Initial Impulse in the opposite direction to a strong main trend. If that 1st double arc is not broken on the final price basis,
so pretty soon you should assume that the whole GUNNER24 Setup fails. Yet if the 1st double arc is broken on final price
basis, so the 2nd, and later on the 3rd, 4th, or 5th double arc should/could be reached.
If a double arc is broken on final price basis towards the setup and if then the price goes on moving towards the main
trend and if the price does not reach the next following double arc but turns before and recaptures that first broken
double arc, that is to be interpreted as a vehement break of the original GUNNER24 Setup. The main trend has mostly
changed. You should always join trading that situation because the recapture of the double arcs usually results in very
quick and lucrative trades. That kind of vehement recapture of the first broken double arcs occurs frequently in the 3rd,
5th, 8th, 11th or 13th square where the prices pass through.
70% of the GUNNER24 Setups should end at the 3rd double arc or at the 5th double arc. At the same time they are always
our main targets of the entire GUNNER24 Setup. Beware if a new opposite GUNNER24 is supposed to come. You place the
stop at the last extreme point and work here with the reverse and double technique.
The temporal sphere of influence which a double arc exerts on the price may last very long. You may put short scalp
trades whenever the price retraces a line of the double arc. Use the candle reversal technique. It is not at all untypical
that the price works its way along the double arc and that should be observed at least twice in each GUNNER24 Setup.
All the same, as a precaution you should always apply the reverse and double technique and if necessary switch the
position, the arc can be broken at any time. It is always fascinating again to observe the price reaction when it passes
through the time frame between both lines of the double arc. That area always exerts a strong influence on the prices.
Those quotations which were strolling before all of a sudden rise fast or fall rapidly as soon as they are in the time frame
between the two lines of the double arc. Of course, it is optimal for us if we expect there a price high or a low, and that is
exactly what often happens. W.D. Gann: „When price meets time, a change is imminent“. Around that area of influence,
and shortly in front of it or shortly behind it you will ALWAYS have to get ready for a change in trend and be able to join
trading the trend.

4 Trading the GUNNER24 Forecasting Technique © GUNNER24 – Price $49 US/39 €

Trading action at the GUNNER24 Time Lines
All the time lines of the GUNNER24 Setup indicate that price and time are in concordance and a change in price may
happen there if the price is located on a time line. The most important time lines at the squares with the strongest force
of attraction are the left and the right limits and the square center. When you discover that the price always turns exactly
on the time lines you may join trading those little moves, especially in the 1 or 5 minute chart. If there is no reversal in
price and if the time line is not noted by the market then the trend usually accelerates and should keep its direction at
least until the next time line.

Counting the Fibonacci numbers we can

assure that the time lines serve their purpose
and object. Counting the movement from one
extreme point to the other is always helpful
because the highs and the lows come after
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 etc. time units on account of
the cyclicality. It does not matter whether it is
week, day, hour or minute counting.

Smaller retracements to the main trend

normally last between 2 and 2.5 time
lines. From one time line to the other equals
one time unit. Afterwards, you should be
prepared for the resumption of the trend.
If the retracement lasts longer than 2 to
2.5 time lines the price normally is in the
influence zone of a double arc.

The more and the more frequently you realize the following items at the setup the more secure you can be
that the price will follow the actual GUNNER24 Setup:
• The price follows exactly the double arcs, at least one time.
• The price turns if the temporal influence of the double arcs expires.
• The price frequently rebounds exactly at the support and
resistance zones and lines of the square lines and zones.
• The price changes the direction precisely at the important time lines
and marks the striking highs and lows, there.

Candle break on final price basis: If the

current candle does breaks through the high
or low of the most recent above average lost
motion candle at the final price basis of the
current horizontal or diagonal line, arc or
double arc, you will have to presume that an
actual breakage has occurred.

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