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Thurible – 1 Thuriboat – 1
Boat – 1 Candelabra – 2
Candelabra – 4 Bells – 2
Crucifix – 1 Crucifix - 1
Bell - 3

Total – 10 Total - 6

1. Guidelines BEFORE the Serve

1.1 No, I.D, No Serve/Entry

1.2 Assigned servers must be in the sacristy, 30 minutes before the mass itself. Late
servers would be replaced.

1.3. Observe proper decorum.

1.3.1 Servers need to wear any MOAS shirt/white shirt, black pants,
black/white socks and black shoes.

1.3.2 Long hair is strictly prohibited.

1.4 Borrowing of surplice and cassocks are allowed, but the officers are not
reliable for casualties and losses. Servers

1.4.1 Servers can be extend and adjust their vestments, but they are not
required to do so.

2. Guidelines DURING the Serve

2.1 Servers that would be residing in the sacristy would only be as follows;

Candelabras, Thurifer and Boat

2.1.1 The stand of the cross will place at the back of the altar, so that cross
will be remain at the altar and use the other big bell in Gloria.

2.1.2 The boat-bearer will be taking over the kampana part in the Gloria.

2.1.3 These mention servers are not allowed to roam, sit at the stairs are
use mobile phones but to seat on provided monoblocks at the sacristy.

2.1.4 Cruets and Basin shall hold by 1 person only, then the cross will be
in-charge at the book.

2.2 The Main Servers shall only use a kampana and a sanctus bell at the sanctus

2.2.1 Servers shall use only the big bells in Great Amen.

2.3 Observe proper gestures

3. Guidelines AFTER the Serve

3.1 The exit shall be done only at the sacristy.

3.2 All vessels must be cleaned and returned to their respective places after the

3.2.1 The servers must be do the Gamit mo, Linis mo implementation.

3.3 To avoid overcrowding, the servers will dress-up either in PEAC or COWL

3.4 Servers are required to bring home their vestments after the serve.
4. Guideline During COMMUNION

4.1 After the Lord’s prayer, the 3 candelabras will bring umbrella and go to the
side of Nieva and wait the instructions of M.C.

4.1.1 The remaining 1 candelabra along with 2 extra servers, will go to the
parking lot and outside the PEAC.

4.2 Servers must bring 2 purificators, 1 for parking lot and 1 for La Consolacion

4.2.1 The servers will only borrow when a host has fallen off

5. Guidelines for KAMPANARIO

5.1 The 4:00 AM, 8:00 PM mass only the kampanario will played.

5.2 The servers shall play the kampanario in the following situation

15 minutes before the Mass

Entrance Procession

Gloria (Papuri)

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