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Date: 16/10/2023

Name: __________________________


I Put the following verbs into present simple or present progressive

1. Quiet please! I (write) _________________ a test.

2. Every morning Luca and Lucas (go) _________________ to school.
3. I (not / do) ___________________ anything at the moment.
4. Sarah (like) ___________________ English.
5. I (read) __________________ a very interesting book.


II Put the correct relative pronoun (WHO/WHICH/THAT)

1. .I see some girls _______________ are pretty.
2. Give back the money _______________ you took.
3. The student _______________ lost his bag is waiting in the office.
4. Look at the horses _______________ are drinking in the river.
5. I ate all the cake ¬_______________ you gave me.

III Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun
1. That's not my problem. It's _____________________ (yours/your).
2. Your car is green, while _____________________ (my/mine) is black.
3. Isn't _____________________ (their/theirs) son older than you?
4. A friend of _____________________ (our/ours) called.
5. He's _____________________ (our/ours) doctor.
IV Choose the best alternative
1. We ____a lot of animals at the zoo last Saturday.

-a)see b) saw c) are seeing

2. “Dad listens ____the radio at 6:00 a.m”

–a)in b) at c) to

3. Mr Anderson is the man___ stole my car last week.

-a)who b) which c) whose

4. Mr Benson asked Sonia ___she had any experience in banking.

- a) why b) that c) if

5. The girl ____lives next door wants to be a singer.

-a) which b) whose c) who

6. I have got an interview ___Monday morning.

- a)at b) on c) in

7. Excuse me ,could you ___the way to the National Library, please?.

-a) tell b) told c) said

8. _____time have we got before the train leaves? .

-a) How b) How many c) How much

9. I’m hungry .I haven’t had ____to eat all day.

-a) something b) anything c)nothing

10. Do you think Danny is coming tomorrow?

a) I think. b) I think of. c) I think so.


Insufficient 0-9
Sufficient 10-13
Good 14-17
Very good 18-21
Excellent 22-25

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