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Date: 04-01-2022

Chat Transcript
Chat ID: 3720498

Andrei: how to verify my proof of adress if my country of residence now is diferent

from my account?

Romy: Hello, welcome to Unibet customer support

Romy: Hey Andrei

Romy: Can you please provide me with your email address, home address and date

of birth so I can take a look into your account?


Andrei: kings lynn

Andrei: 12.02.1989

Romy: Thank you, please allow me some time while I take a look into your account.

Romy: I am still looking into it. Please allow me a little more time.

Romy: Are you still with me Andrei?

Andrei: yes

Romy: Great. I've managed to manually withdraw your funds.

Romy: Unfortunately I was only able to do this after suspending your account.

Romy: Do you have any more questions for me at the moment?

Andrei: thanks

Romy: Not a problem. Have a blessed day!

Romy has disconnected.

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