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A good friend is someone who makes life more livable for the individual. Good
friends are those who are there for us in our good times and hard times and who never leave
us alone. He/She is a person who does not hesitate to tell our mistakes to our face when
appropriate. He/She who wants us to be good is the one who tells us the truth, even if it is
bitter, when necessary. A person who does not tell us about our mistakes, who leads us to
mistakes, who rejoices at the mistakes we have made can never be a good friend. For this, we
must be very careful in choosing friends. Good friends want us to be better by telling us about
our mistakes and flaws. But the real good friend is the people who congratulate our success
and are happy with our success. In this way, the bond of friendship becomes stronger and
people love and respect each other more. A good friend is someone who does not force a
person to do certain things, does not humiliate, belittle or despise him. For this, we must all
have such characteristics, be good people, be good friends. We should never tell anyone else
the secrets or private family situations our friends tell us. We must not betray our friend. We
should never go after him. We must be clear to our friend, either appear as we are or be as we
appear. We must love our friend unconditionally and never let him down. We must be reliable
and honest people. We should try to live life better by establishing an exemplary friendship
relationship for society.

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