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Degradation of AlGaN during high-temperature annealing monitored

by ultraviolet Raman scattering

M. Kuball, F. Demangeot, J. Frandon, M. A. Renucci, H. Sands et al.

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 549 (1999); doi: 10.1063/1.123141

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Degradation of AlGaN during high-temperature annealing monitored

by ultraviolet Raman scattering
M. Kuballa)
H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TL, United Kingdom
F. Demangeot, J. Frandon, and M. A. Renucci
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides de Toulouse, CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier, 31062 Toulouse Cedex,
H. Sands and D. N. Batchelder
Department of Physics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
S. Clur and O. Briot
GES–CNRS, CC074 Université Montpellier II, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
~Received 1 October 1998; accepted for publication 23 November 1998!
We have illustrated the use of ultraviolet ~UV! Raman scattering to investigate the thermal stability
of AlGaN layers with high-aluminum content. The degradation pathway of Al0.72Ga0.28N was
monitored for high-temperature treatments up to 1200 °C. For annealing temperatures higher than
1150 °C, the Al0.72Ga0.28N film decomposes: a low- and a high-aluminum composition Alx Ga12x N
phase emerge. At 1100 °C, prior to the Al0.72Ga0.28N decomposition, UV Raman scattering detects
the buildup of a large strain in the Al0.72Ga0.28N film. The crystalline quality of Al0.72Ga0.28N is
unaffected up to 1000 °C. © 1999 American Institute of Physics. @S0003-6951~99!00704-4#

III–V nitrides ~GaN, AlGaN, InGaN! have recently at- The samples were annealed in nitrogen ambient at tempera-
tracted great interest for application such as blue light tures up to 1200 °C in steps of 50–100 °C. A small amount
emitters1 and high-temperature electronic devices.2 High- of oxygen was present during the annealing. To monitor the
temperature treatments are often part of the device process- thermal degradation of the AlGaN layers during the anneal-
ing, e.g., for the activation of Mg acceptors for the p doping ing sequence, Raman spectra were recorded after each an-
of GaN. The thermal stability of GaN is, therefore, of great nealing step.
interest.3–5 We have recently illustrated the great potential of Figure 1 shows Raman spectra of an Al0.72Ga0.28N film
Raman scattering to monitor the thermal degradation of GaN after various 15 min anneals at temperatures up to 1200 °C,
noninvasively during high-temperature annealing.3 Recent recorded at room temperature in Z(X,•)Z̄ backscattering ge-
studies on the ion implantation of GaN for selective doping ometry. Both the A 1 (LO) and E 2 phonons of wurtzite
have shown that AlN cap layers are necessary to protect AlGaN are allowed in this configuration. The Raman spec-
implanted GaN during high-temperature annealing exceeding trum of the sample shows before annealing ~lowest spec-
1000 °C for the activation of the implanted dopants.6,7 The trum! the A 1 (LO) phonon at 850 cm21, which is resonantly
thermal stability of the AlN cap layer is crucial; however, enhanced due to the UV excitation of 244 nm, as well as
very little is known about the degradation of AlN or, in gen- second- and third-order Raman scattering at 1700 and 2550
eral, AlGaN at high temperatures. In this letter, we employ cm21, respectively. The E 2 phonon of Al0.72Ga0.28N is much
ultraviolet ~UV! Raman scattering to determine the degrada- weaker than the A 1 (LO) phonons under those resonant con-
tion pathway of AlGaN layers with high-aluminum compo- ditions and not visible on the intensity scale of Fig. 1.
sition during high-temperature anneals. The degradation of The Raman spectrum of the Al0.72Ga0.28N film is unaf-
Al0.72Ga0.28N at temperatures higher than 1150 °C results in fected up to annealing temperatures of 1000 °C and is iden-
the emergence of Alx Ga12x N phases with a low- and a high- tical to the data of Ref. 8. Annealing at 1100 °C, however,
aluminum composition. results in a broadening of the second-order Raman scattering
Al0.72Ga0.28N layers, about 2 mm thick, were grown by signal at 1700 cm21 and increased third-order Raman scat-
organometallic vapor phase epitaxy on ~0001! sapphire sub- tering at 2550 cm21. The A 1 (LO) phonon is shifted after the
strates at 980 °C, after depositing a 50-nm-thin AlN buffer 1100 °C anneal by about 6 cm21 to higher wave numbers
layer. Raman spectra were collected from the top surface of with respect to the unannealed sample ~inset of Fig. 1!. The
the samples in backscattering Z(X,•)Z̄ geometry, i.e., unpo- A 1 (LO) phonon intensity and linewidth remains, to a first
larized detection, using a Renishaw UV Raman microscope approximation, unaffected by the high-temperature treat-
system with the 244 nm line of an intracavity frequency- ments. Dramatic changes in the Raman scattering signal oc-
doubled Ar1 laser as the excitation source. A 203 objective cur after annealing at 1150 °C with new phonon lines emerg-
with low chromatic distortion was employed to focus and ing at 750 and 824 cm21, with a shoulder at (885
collect the laser light with a spatial resolution of about 1 mm. 65) cm21. Additional weak Raman peaks are detectable at
576 and 645 cm21 and are marked by vertical arrows in Fig.
Electronic mail: 1 ~top spectra!. No signature of the A 1 (LO) phonon of

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550 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 74, No. 4, 25 January 1999 Kuball et al.

unaffected by the annealing. This result clearly illustrates the

enhanced thermal stability of Al0.72Ga0.28N when compared
to GaN. Previous studies on GaN using Raman scattering
showed changes in the Raman spectrum at temperatures as
low as 800–900 °C.3
The main result of significance in Fig. 1 is the dramatic
change in the Al0.72Ga0.28N Raman spectrum after the
1150 °C anneal, illustrating the severe degradation of the
sample at those temperatures. The Al0.72Ga0.28N A 1 (LO)
phonon at 850 cm21 disappears. The newly emerging pho-
non modes at 824 and (88565) cm21 can be attributed to the
A 1 (LO) phonons of Al0.46Ga0.54N and Al.0.90Ga,0.10N,
when comparing to Raman data reported on Alx Ga12x N
films as a function of aluminum composition:12,13 low- and
high-aluminum content Alx Ga12x N phases emerge. The ap-
parent second-order Raman scattering signal at 1770 cm21
after the 1200 °C anneal contains the second-order Raman
scattering signal from both Al0.46Ga0.54N and
Al.0.90Ga,0.10N. Contributions from the only 50-nm-thin
AlN buffer layer to the Raman spectrum appear to be negli-
gible due to the nonresonant excitation conditions for AlN.8
The laser light penetrates the emerging (Al0.46Ga0.54N,
Al.0.90Ga,0.10N) layer. Sapphire modes are, therefore, vis-
ible at 576, 645, and 750 cm21 after the 1150 °C anneal. A
reduced average (Al0.46Ga0.54N, Al.0.90Ga,0.10N) layer
thickness appears to be responsible. Note that sapphire
FIG. 1. Raman spectra of an Al0.72Ga0.28N layer after 15 min anneals at
various temperatures, recorded at room temperature in backscattering modes were not detectable before annealing due to the ab-
Z(X,•)Z̄ geometry using an excitation wavelength of 244 nm. sorption of the laser light in the 2-mm-thick Al0.72Ga0.28N
film. Additional contributions to the observed Raman signal
at 576 and 645 cm21 could arise from the E 2 phonons of
Al0.72Ga0.28N at 850 cm21 is present anymore. Further an- Al0.46Ga0.54N and Al.0.90Ga,0.10N, respectively.12,13 The in-
nealing at 1200 °C results in an increasing intensity of the creasing Al0.46Ga0.54N and Al.0.90Ga,0.10N Raman modes
824 and 885 cm21 phonon lines, as well as the appearance of ~824 and 885 cm21! during the subsequent heat treatment at
a second-order Raman scattering signal at 1770 cm21. 1200 °C ~without any Al0.72Ga0.28N present after the 1150 °C
The changes in the Raman spectrum of Al0.72Ga0.28N anneal! seem to suggest a rather complex transition from
shown in Fig. 1 allow us to determine the degradation path- Al0.72Ga0.28N to Al0.46Ga0.54N and Al.0.90Ga,0.10N, involv-
way of the Al0.72Ga0.28N film during the annealing sequence. ing decomposition products from the Al0.72Ga0.28N layer and
The Raman spectrum of the unannealed Al0.72Ga0.28N layer eventually the AlN buffer layer. Further investigations are
~lowest spectrum in Fig. 1! is dominated by the A 1 (LO) necessary to understand in microscopic terms the transition
phonon at 850 cm21. The UV excitation of 244 nm ~5.08 eV! from Al0.72Ga0.28N into Al0.46Ga0.54N and Al.0.90Ga,0.10N
close to the band gap of Al0.72Ga0.28N @about 5 eV ~Ref. 9!# during the annealing sequence.
results in a resonant enhancement of the A 1 (LO) phonons. Note that a large amount of strain builds up in the
Resonant enhancement effects of LO phonons are well Al0.72Ga0.28N film prior to its decay at 1150 °C. This strain is
known for many III–V and II–VI semiconductors10 and have reflected in the shift of the A 1 (LO) phonon mode by about 6
recently been studied in the case of GaN by Behr et al.11 The cm21 after the 1100 °C anneal ~inset of Fig. 1!. Studies on
resonant enhancement is also visible in the large second- and biaxially strained GaN layers14 have shown that A 1 (LO)
third-order Raman scattering signal at 1700 and 2550 cm21, phonons of GaN shift with 0.8 cm21/GPa, i.e., 7–8 GPa for
respectively. The second-order Raman scattering signal at 6 cm21. No experimental results on the frequency shift of
1700 cm21, which under off-resonant excitations, i.e., laser A 1 (LO) phonons of AlGaN with strain, however, have so far
excitation energies far away from, e.g., the band gap, repre- been reported in the literature to allow us to determine quan-
sents a good approximation for the phonon density of states titatively the present strain. Further contributions to the
is modified under the resonant UV excitation. The two- A 1 (LO) frequency shift could arise from changes in the free
phonon spectrum deviates from the density of states in the carrier concentration; however, they appear to be minor.3
sense that a peak appears for phonons with q'0 as seen by Signs for the introduction of microscopic defects can be
the strong 2A 1 (LO) peak at 1700 cm21.10 The underlying found in the broadened second-order Raman scattering spec-
broad Raman feature, however, still gives an indication for trum around 1700 cm21, i.e., in the changed phonon density
the phonon density of states of Al0.72Ga0.28N. of states.
The Al0.72Ga0.28N film is stable up to temperature of It is important to realize that although the Al0.72Ga0.28N
1000 °C. The unchanged Raman spectrum in Fig. 1 shows film is severely damaged at temperatures of 1150–1200 °C,
that the crystalline quality of the Al0.72Ga0.28N film remains the newly emerging AlGaN layer containing Al0.46Ga0.54N
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Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 74, No. 4, 25 January 1999 Kuball et al. 551

rise to a dominant photoluminescence peak at 3.8 eV. In

contrast, only a weaker photoluminescence signal was ob-
served for the as-grown Al0.72Ga0.28N film with a maximum
at 4.3 eV ~not shown in detail!.8 The origin of the photolu-
minescence features is part of ongoing investigations.
In conclusion, we have illustrated the use of ultraviolet
Raman scattering to monitor noninvasively the degradation
of Al0.72Ga0.28N layers during high-temperature annealing up
to 1200 °C. We have determined the degradation pathway of
Al0.72Ga0.28N layers starting at 1100 °C, which includes the
buildup of strain, the introduction of microscopic defects,
and the transformation of Al0.72Ga0.28N into Al0.46Ga0.54N
and Al.0.90Ga,0.10N. The sample quality was unaffected up
to temperatures of 1000–1100 °C. The investigated nitride
film was found to form a protective coating on the sapphire
substrate for temperatures in excess of 1200 °C. The results
illustrate the enhanced thermal stability of AlGaN compared
to GaN.

The authors thank Dr. G. D. Pitt ~Renishaw Transducers

plc! for financial support and for supplying the high-
temperature stage for the experiment.

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