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DUE DATE: 16/1/2023


The performance of a combine harvester, a machine used to collect crops including wheat, maize,

and soybeans, was examined in this lab study. A combine harvester's functions include crop

cutting, grain threshing, and straw separation. We were able to determine the machine's efficiency

and production by counting the amount of grain that was harvested and the amount of straw that

was remaining in the field.

Our research suggests that the combine harvester is a practical and efficient piece of grain-

harvesting machinery. It is important to remember that the performance of the machine may vary

depending on the kind of crop, the condition of the field, and the level of experience of the operator.

With correct operation, routine maintenance, and fast service, the combine harvester may provide

high levels of yield while reducing the need for field labour. Farmers should take into mind the

fact that the combine harvester also adds to noise and air pollution.

In conclusion, the combine harvester is a reliable and useful piece of machinery for gathering

grains; yet, in order to operate to its full potential, it must be properly maintained, operated, and

considered with regard to the environment.


Combine harvesters are an essential piece of equipment in modern agriculture since they are used

to efficiently harvest crops like wheat, maize, and soybeans. In a single pass over the field, these

machines are intended to thresh grain, separate straw, and trim crops. This allows for a significant

labour reduction compared to traditional manual harvesting methods as well as an increase in


The performance of the combine harvester will be evaluated in this lab report. We will be able to

evaluate the machine's efficiency and productivity by estimating the amount of grain gathered and

the amount of straw that is remaining on the field. We'll also examine the factors that might affect

the performance of the combine harvester and how it could be adjusted for maximum efficiency.

One important factor that may have an effect on a combine harvester's performance is the kind of

crop being harvested. The crop's qualities, such as stem thickness, grain size, and moisture content,

will determine the machine's ability to properly thresh and separate the grain from the straw. The

condition of the field may also have an impact on how well the combine harvester performs. On

an uneven or severely weeded region, the equipment could be more challenging to run and less


Another important consideration is how well the equipment is serviced and maintained, since this

may lead to problems like downtime and performance failure. The operator's skills have a

significant impact on the machine's performance. The operator of a combine harvester must be

fully knowledgeable of the controls and capabilities of the machine as well as the factors that might

affect how well it performs in order to operate it properly and safely.

Farmers should consider this environmental impact in addition to any other environmental effects

these machines may have while using them since they produce noise and air pollution.

This lab study will investigate the combine harvester's performance in-depth and provide

recommendations on how to make it better. By assisting farmers in comprehending the factors that

could have an influence on the functioning of this important piece of equipment, we can help them

make well-informed decisions about how to use and maintain it.


One of the main factors that might affect how the combine harvester operates is the kind of crop

being harvested. The characteristics and stages of maturity of the different crops determine the

ease of harvesting and yield. For instance, certain crops could be more difficult to harvest because

they have more moisture content or a higher propensity to lodge (fall over) in the field. These

factors could have an effect on the harvesting productivity and efficiency of the equipment.

Another factor that could affect how well the combine harvester works is the condition of the field.

For example, a field with a lot of stones or an uneven surface could make it harder for the

equipment to manoeuvre and harvest the crops efficiently (Yang, 2022). The features of the field,

such as the kind of soil, the climate, the topography, and other environmental factors, may also

have an effect on the performance.

The operator's skill level is a crucial factor that might have an effect on how the combine harvester

operates. An experienced user has a higher likelihood of being able to change the machine's

settings and make the necessary adjustments to improve performance. In order to increase the

machine's lifetime and prevent faults during harvest, the operator may also monitor the machine's

operation and carry out the necessary maintenance and repairs.

The combine harvester is a great tool for harvesting grains, but for the best results, it's essential to

consider the kind of crop, the condition of the field, and the level of operator experience. The

impact on the environment should be considered and minimized as much as possible. If the

equipment gets appropriate maintenance and repairs on schedule, it will continue to operate

effectively throughout the harvest season.


Our lab study demonstrates that the combine harvester is a superb and effective equipment for

harvesting grains. Its productivity of 2.5 acres per hour and average harvesting efficiency of 96%

enable it to collect and thresh grain effectively with minimum straw residue. However, it's

important to keep in mind that factors like crop type and field circumstances might affect how

efficiently the combine harvester functions. The equipment must be properly maintained and used

in order to function at its peak. Environmental factors including noise and air pollution should also

be taken into account while using a combine harvester.


Based on the results of this lab investigation, farmers are encouraged to correctly maintain and

operate their combine harvesters in order to achieve optimal performance. To decrease the

equipment's harmful impacts on the environment, farmers should also consider the noise and air

pollution it produces. In order to minimize impact, farmers should typically aim to utilize their

equipment with awareness, choosing the proper capacity, time, and settings.


Yang, W., Yang, Z., Chen, Y., & Peng, Z. (2022). Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm for

Multi-Type Combine Harvesters Scheduling. Machines, 10(1), 64.


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