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Statistics Class work # 2

Pictures of categorical data: Bar chart, Pie chart

Pictures of quantitative data: Histogram, Stem and leaf plot, Box and whisker
plot, scatterplot

Histogram: Bar charts with bars joined

Right tailed(skewed) Left tailed(skewed) Symmetric

Mean > Median Mean < Median Mean = Median

1. Heights in inches of 8 basketball team members are given below:

74 76 77 78 79 80 81 83

Find mean, median, range, quartiles, inter quartile range(IQR) and

standard deviation (use calculator)

Stat, enter. Stat, calc. 1varstat L1. (2nd 1: L1)

Mean(average): x = 78.5


Range: max – min=83-74=9


Q1= 76.5

Q2= Med=7

IQR= Q3 – Q1=80.5-76.5=4

Standard deviation= sx=2.879

Notes: Center of the data: mean or median

Median is the best measure of center for skewed data
Mean is the best measure of center for symmetric data

Spread= Range, IQR or standard deviation

b. Suppose you want to replace the height of the 8th member by 85 inches, it makes

mean larger or smaller? : larger

median larger or smaller: the same

range larger or smaller:larger

2. Histogram of the Age of people: frequency means how often something happens

a. How many people altogether? 20ppl

b. How many people have age between 40 and 80 years?

c. What percent of people have age below 50 years?
(2+4+4)/2= 0.5= 50%

d. What percent of people have age above 70 years?

(1+1)/20 = 0.1 = 10%
e. What is the shape of the histogram?
Right tailed, unimodal
f. Is mean greater or smaller than median?
Mean > median
g. there is no ppl in the age group between 80 and 90
3. The histogram below shows the level of cholesterol (in mg per dl) of
200 people.

Relative frequency = Percent frequency = frequency/ total frequency

a) What percentage of people have a level of cholesterol more than

215 mg per dl?

b) How many people have a level of cholesterol between 210 and

225 mm per dl?

(0.35+0.25+0.05)x200 =130

c) How many people have a level of cholesterol less than 205 mg per dl?

(0.05+0.1)x200 =30

d) What is the shape of the histogram?

e) Is mean less than or greater than median?

Horizontal relative frequency histogram

Cholesterol level





195_________ |____|___|___ |_________________

.05 .1 .2 .25 .35 → Relative frequency

a. What is the cholesterol range for maximum number of people ?

Between 210 to 215
b. How many people are in the cholesterol range between 205 and 210 ?
40 0.2x200=400

c. How many people are in the cholesterol range between 200 and 205
or between 215 and 220 ?
5. Consider the data set:
5 40 46 48 49 50 52
53 55 56 58 75 102 110
4. The histogram below shows the level of cholesterol (in mg per dl) of
200 people.
( mean = x = 57.07)

a. Find 5 number summary


b. Draw box and whisker plot[2nd statplot, on, choose the boxplot, zoom#9]

(5th picture)

c. Describe the shape.

Mean = x = 57.5
Median= Q2= Med= 52.5, mean>median
Right skewed
d. What is the best measure of center?

Median bc. It is skewed

e. What is the best measure of spread?

IQR Is the best measure of spread bc it gives the spread/length of the box.

f. Find upper and lower boundaries.

UB= Q3 +1.5* IQR= Q3+ (1.5*IQR)

=58+(1.5x10) = 73
LB= Q1 -(1.5*IQR)
=48 – (1.5x10)=33
g. Find outliers if any.
75, 102, 110 are right outlier bc they are greater than UB
5 is the left outlier bc it is less than LB

6. Consider the following data set: ( mean = xbar = 13

10.2, 14.1, 14.4. 14.4, 14.4, 14.5, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.7, 14.7, 14.9, 15.1, 16.4

a. Write 5 number summary

min x=
Max x=

b. Draw box and whisker plot (use calculator)

c. Describe the shape

d. What is the best measure of center? Why?

e. What is the best measure of spread? Why?

f. Calculate upper and lower boundaries(UB and LB)


UB= Q3 +1.5* IQR= Q3+ (1.5*IQR)=14.7+(1.5*0.3)=15.15

16.4>UB, 16.4 is a right outlier
LB= Q1 -(1.5*IQR)=14.4-(15*0.3)=13.95
10.2<LB, it is a left outlier
g. Find outliers if any:

7. 68-95-99.7 rule:
Suppose IQ scores are normally distributed(symmetric) with mean 100 and
standard deviation 16.
mu= μ=100 , σ =16
a. 68% of the scores lie within what range?…………………

b. 95% of the scores lie within what range ?………………..

c. 99.7% of the scores lie within what range ?………………

8. Compare z – scores: z = σ ,

a. An HCC student received a score of 75 on her first English exam and

a score of 82 on her first math exam. The mean for the English exam was 73
with a standard deviation of 9 while the mean for the math exam was 77 with a
standard deviation of 11. On which exam did she do relatively better?
(Use z-scores, higher z is the better one)

English: , z = σ , x= a particular data value=75

Math: z = σ , x=82

b. Suppose mean height of NBA players is 69 in. and standard deviation is 2.8 in.
Mean height of WNBA players is 63.6 in. and standard deviation is 2.5 in.
NBA player Michael Jordan 78 in. tall and WNBA player Rebecca Lobo is 76
in. tall.
Who is relatively taller in his/her own group?

NBA: z = σ

WNBA: z = σ

c. A town's January high temperatures average 36°F with a standard deviation

of 10°, while in July the mean high temperature is 72°and the standard
deviation is 8°. Use z-scores to determine in which month it is more usual
to have a day with a high temperature of 54°. (x= 54)
January: z= σ

July: z= σ

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