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Factors Affecting the Choice of Tillage Practices

Soil factors
Relief (slope)

Climatic factors
Rainfall amount and distribution
Water balance
Length of growing season

Crop factors
Growing duration
Rooting characteristics
Water requirements

Socio-economic factors
Farm size
Availability of a power source
Family structure and composition

Reasons used to determine areas where conservation tillage practices would be

Conservation tillage practices are advocated in areas where soil erosion, nutrient
loss, and water scarcity are major concerns. These practices, such as no-till
farming and reduced tillage, can help to reduce soil erosion by leaving crop
residue on the surface of the field, which helps to protect the soil from erosion by
wind and water. Additionally, conservation tillage practices can help to improve
soil health by increasing organic matter content and promoting the growth of
beneficial microorganisms. Other reasons for using conservation tillage practices
 Reduced fuel consumption and labor costs associated with tillage,
 increased water retention in the soil,
 decreased runoff and nutrient loss,
 increased soil biodiversity,
 improved soil structure and aeration,
 increased crop yields and resilience to extreme weather events.
Describe a situation where you would design hybrid energy system
and state the advantages of a hybrid energy system.
A hybrid energy system could be designed for a remote research station in the
Arctic where electricity is needed for research equipment, lighting and heating.
The location is remote and inaccessible by road, making it difficult to transport
fuel and the location is also in a cold environment with long periods of darkness.
The hybrid energy system would consist of a combination of renewable energy
sources such as solar panels and wind turbines as well as a traditional fossil fuel
generator. The solar panels would provide power during the day, while the wind
turbines would provide power during the night and on days with low sun. The
fossil fuel generator would act as a backup power source, providing power during
periods of low solar and wind energy generation.
The advantages of a hybrid energy system are:
 Increased reliability and availability of power, as the system can switch
between different energy sources depending on the availability of each.
 Increased energy efficiency and reduced fuel consumption, as renewable
energy sources can be used when available instead of relying solely on
fossil fuels.
 Reduced greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact, as the
system can reduce the use of fossil fuels and rely more on renewable
energy sources.
 Increased flexibility and scalability, as the system can be easily expanded
and modified to meet changing energy needs.
 Cost effective as it combines the benefits of different energy sources and
reduces the need for expensive infrastructure such as power lines.

The supplementation of the diesel-based plants with renewable sources of energy is
environmentally friendly.
It significantly minimizes delivery and transport problems with regard to diesel
drastically reduces maintenance cost and emissions from such plants.
High efficiency and sustainability
Continuously Power supply

Explain how you can determine and quantify the reliability of a field

Operational reliability is defined as the statistical probability that a machine will function
satisfactorily under specified conditions at any given time. The operational reliability is computed
as one minus the probability for downtime when both probabilities are in decimal form. The
reliability probability for the next minute of machine operation is essentially one, but decreases
when the time span under consideration lengthens. The probability of having a complex machine
continually operational for several seasons on a large farm is essentially zero.
The reliability of a combination of components or machines is the product of the individual
probabilities. Complex machines with many components must have very high individual
component reliabilities to achieve satisfactory operational reliability

Briefly discuss the role of refrigeration in agricultural handlingand processing

Refrigeration is the science of absorbing heat from a lower temperature environment and
rejecting it to a higher temperature environment using external work, following the Clausius
statement of the second law of thermodynamics. The refrigeration sector is a large
economic industry, covering various cooling and freezing applications for various
commodities and people, and is considered an energy-intensive sector, consuming around
20% of the total electricity generated worldwide. This sector includes air conditioners,
household refrigerators, coolers, pre-coolers, refrigerators, heat pumps, and freezers for
various applications, such as food cooling and space cooling. Refrigeration plays an
important role in many engineering and industrial sectors, including the processing,
preservation, and nourishment of food by storing it in environments with temperatures
lower than the surrounding temperature. Figure 1 shows the energy consumption of
different preservation processes over storage time, as well as the energy used for
agricultural production.

6.Discuss the following refrigeration systems and their application in Biosystems

a) Vapour compression (5 marks)

Vapour compression refrigeration systems are commonly used in Biosystems

Engineering to control temperature and humidity in various applications, such as
food storage, fermentation, and bioprocessing.
The basic components of a vapour compression refrigeration system include a
compressor, condenser, evaporator, and an expansion valve. The refrigerant,
typically a substance with a low boiling point, is first compressed by the
compressor, increasing its temperature and pressure. It then flows to the condenser
where it releases heat to the surrounding air or water and condenses into a high-
pressure liquid. The liquid then flows through the expansion valve, where it
rapidly expands and evaporates, absorbing heat from the surrounding area. This
cooled refrigerant is then returned to the compressor to start the cycle again.

b) Vapour absorption (5 marks)

Vapour absorption refrigeration systems are also commonly used in Biosystems

Engineering for temperature and humidity control in various applications, such as
food storage, fermentation, and bioprocessing.
The basic components of a vapour absorption refrigeration system include an
absorber, a generator, a condenser, and an evaporator. The refrigerant, typically a
substance with a low boiling point, is first evaporated in the evaporator, absorbing
heat from the surrounding area. This refrigerant vapor is then absorbed by a liquid
absorbent, typically water or lithium bromide, in the absorber. The refrigerant-
absorbent mixture is then pumped to the generator where heat is applied to the
mixture, causing the refrigerant to vaporize and the absorbent to become a
concentrated solution. The refrigerant vapor is then condensed in the condenser,
releasing heat to the surrounding air or water. The condensed liquid refrigerant is
then returned to the evaporator to start the cycle again.
Vapour absorption refrigeration systems are known for their high energy
efficiency, as they can use heat as the source of energy instead of electricity. They
are also suitable for low-temperature refrigeration and can be used in applications
where electricity is not available or is expensive. They are also suitable for
applications that require low noise level.

c) Air

Air refrigeration systems are also commonly used in Biosystems Engineering for
temperature and humidity control in various applications, such as food storage,
fermentation, and bioprocessing.

The basic components of an air refrigeration system include an evaporator, a

compressor, a condenser and an expansion valve. The refrigerant, typically a
substance with low boiling point, is first evaporated in the evaporator, absorbing
heat from the surrounding area. The refrigerant vapor is then compressed by the
compressor, increasing its temperature and pressure. It then flows to the condenser
where it releases heat to the surrounding air or water and condenses into a high-
pressure liquid. The liquid then flows through the expansion valve, where it
rapidly expands and evaporates, absorbing heat from the surrounding area. This
cooled refrigerant is then returned to the evaporator to start the cycle again.

Air refrigeration systems are commonly used in commercial and industrial

applications. They are known for their low cost, reliability, and ease of
They are also energy-efficient and suitable for a wide range of cooling capacities.
They can be used in applications such as refrigerated storage of food products,
controlling the temperature and humidity of fermentation and bioprocessing, and
providing cooling for refrigerated transport of perishable goods.
Additionally, air refrigeration systems can be used in applications where a direct
contact between the refrigerant and the product is not desired, such as in a food
processing facility where the refrigerant could come into contact with the food
7. Describe the components of a mini-hydroelectric power system (7 marks)

Water intake: The water intake is where the water is collected and directed into the
system. It can be an open channel or a pipe that is connected to a source of water,
such as a river or stream.

Headrace channel or pipeline: The headrace channel or pipeline is the conduit that
carries the water from the intake to the turbine. It is typically a concrete or steel
channel or pipe that is designed to withstand the pressure and flow of water.

Turbine: The turbine is the main component of the system that converts the kinetic
energy of the flowing water into mechanical energy. The turbine can be a Pelton,
Francis, or Kaplan turbine depending on the flow and head of the water.

Generator: The generator converts the mechanical energy from the turbine into
electrical energy. It can be a synchronous or an asynchronous generator, and is
typically connected directly to the turbine shaft.

Power house: The power house is where the turbine and generator are located. It is
typically a small building that is designed to protect the equipment from the

Tailrace channel or pipeline: The tailrace channel or pipeline is the conduit that
carries the water from the turbine back to the natural watercourse.

Control and protection system: The control and protection system monitors and
controls the power output of the generator and the system's electrical and
mechanical components. It also includes devices to protect the system from
overloading, overvoltage, and other abnormal conditions.

Transmission line: The transmission line carries the generated electricity from the
generator to the point of use or to the grid.

Overall, a mini-hydroelectric power system harnesses the energy of falling water to

generate electricity. The water intake collects water from a river or stream, which
is then directed through a pipeline or channel to a turbine. The turbine converts the
kinetic energy of the water into mechanical energy, which is then converted into
electricity by a generator. The generated electricity is then distributed through a
transmission line to the point of use or to the grid.
8. Define the term ergonomics with regard to its application in machinery design (2

Ergonomics is the study of how people interact with their environment, specifically
how people interact with the equipment and machinery they use. In the context of
machinery design, ergonomics is the process of designing machines and equipment
that are easy for people to use, maintain, and repair. This includes considering
factors such as the size and shape of the machine, the location and accessibility of
controls and displays, the layout of the work area, and the ease of performing tasks
with the machine.

9. Highlight the factors that hinder the adoption of mechanized agriculture in Kenya
(5 marks)

1. Lack of infrastructure: Kenya has limited infrastructure for transportation

and storage of agricultural products, which makes it difficult for farmers to
access markets for their products. This in turn makes it difficult for farmers
to justify the cost of mechanized equipment.
2. High costs: Mechanized equipment is often expensive, and many farmers in
Kenya do not have the financial resources to purchase or maintain them.
Additionally, the cost of fuel and spare parts can also be high.
3. Limited access to credit: Many farmers in Kenya do not have access to
credit, which makes it difficult for them to purchase or rent equipment.
4. Limited technical knowledge: Many farmers in Kenya lack the technical
knowledge and skills to operate and maintain mechanized equipment. This
makes it difficult for them to adopt mechanized farming practices.
5. Lack of government support: The government of Kenya has not provided
enough support for the development of mechanized agriculture. This
includes limited support for research and development, as well as limited
funding for infrastructure and credit programs.
6. Cultural and traditional farming practices: Many farmers in Kenya still rely
on traditional farming methods and may be hesitant to adopt new
technologies or practices.
7. Lack of training and extension services: Many farmers in Kenya lack access
to training and extension services that would teach them how to use and
maintain mechanized equipment.
8. Land fragmentation: Land fragmentation is a major issue in Kenya, with
most of the farms being small and scattered, making it difficult for farmers
to afford mechanized equipment or even to justify the use of it because of
the small size of the farms.

10. Describe the role of renewable energy sources to the future of Kenya (5 marks)
Energy Access: Renewable energy sources can help to increase access to electricity in rural
and remote areas, where access to the grid is limited or non-existent. This can improve
living standards, promote economic development and reduce poverty.

Energy security: Renewable energy sources can reduce Kenya's dependence on fossil fuels,
which are subject to price volatility and supply disruptions. This can improve energy security
and reduce the country's exposure to energy-related risks.

Climate change: Renewable energy sources emit little or no greenhouse gases and can help
to reduce Kenya's carbon footprint. This can help to mitigate the impacts of climate change
and can promote sustainable development.

Economic development: The development and deployment of renewable energy sources

can create jobs, stimulate economic growth and promote rural development. This can
contribute to the country's economic development, particularly in rural and remote areas.

Power supply: Renewable energy sources can help to diversify the power supply and reduce
the country's dependence on fossil fuels. This can reduce the cost of electricity and improve
energy availability in the long run.

Kenya has abundant renewable energy resources, including sun, wind, geothermal, hydro
and biomass. The government has set ambitious targets for renewable energy and has
implemented policies to promote the development of renewable energy sources. The future
of Kenya's energy sector is likely to be increasingly based on renewable energy sources,
which can help to increase access to electricity, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and
promote sustainable development.

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