Drift and Fill - The High Value, High Recovery Mining System

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Drift and Fill – The High Value, High Recovery Mining System
L Dawson1, M Yumlu2 and M English3

ABSTRACT Current applications of DAF mining in the narrow vein

environment, shown in Figure 1, are in areas of local orebody
At times of high metal prices, mining projects that have previously been
put into the ‘too hard basket’ are now being more closely examined. widening and areas of local orebody flattening.
Typically these projects include the potential recovery of small mineable The three key component capabilities required for DAF
tonnes with high contained metal values and often with poor ground mining are:
• full face development to a given profile,
For many underground mining projects, the drift and fill method is
viewed as a high-cost method and a ‘method of last resort’. As a result • ground support including the application of fibrecrete, and
the method is not well known in Australia and it is the authors’ view that • cemented backfill.
the method is under utilised.
The drift and fill method can be applied to a variety of underground The main characteristics of the DAF method when compared
mining situations and is a preferred method for some orebody geometries to bulk underground mining methods are:
and where ore recovery is viewed as a key to project success. This paper • the relatively high cost per tonne of ore mined;
examines some of the critical mine planning and backfill issues involved
with the drift and fill mining method. • the relatively low overall rate of mine production;
• the relatively low productivity of the method per person, per
WHAT IS DRIFT AND FILL? machine and per working area; and
Drift and fill (DAF) is literally the mining of an underground • the high number of interdependent activities required to
drift, or development drive in ore, and backfilling the completed complete each mining cycle.
drift prior to mining an adjacent drift in wide orebodies or in It is important to note that DAF is an entry method which
narrow, flat-lying orebodies. The method allows the total requires particular attention to safety for personnel working
extraction of the ore material with minimal exposure of beneath wide spans of rock or backfill. The method does not
unsupported ground and minimal risk of subsidence. readily tolerate instances of poor quality backfill or poor quality
When compared to mechanised cut-and-fill (MCAF) mining, ground support.
DAF is a multiple-drift arrangement used for pillarless mining in It is likely that the abovementioned capabilities are found to be
wide orebodies or in narrow, flat-lying orebodies whereas MCAF practiced, or are able to be readily implemented, at most
is used for single-drift, single-pass mining in steeply dipping, underground mining operations. The DAF mining method could
narrow orebodies. therefore be considered for all or part of the mining solution in
many underground mining situations.
1. MAusIMM, Principal Mining Engineer, AMC Consultants Pty Ltd,
Level 19, 114 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. WHY CHOOSE DRIFT AND FILL?
Email: ldawson@amcconsultants.com.au
2. MAusIMM, Principal Mining Engineer, AMC Consultants Pty Ltd, The DAF mining method may be considered where bulk mining
Level 19, 114 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. methods are not considered to be viable and where one or more
Email: myumlu@amcconsultants.com.au of the following situations exist:
3. MAusIMM, Senior Mining Engineer, AMC Consultants Pty Ltd, • Orebodies with very high value ore material and where the
Level 19, 114 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. objective is for high ore extraction with high selectivity and
Email: menglish@amcconsultants.com.au control.

FIG 1 - Application of drift and fill to narrow vein mining.

Narrow Vein Mining Conference Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 187


• Orebodies with poor or variable ground conditions with of cemented backfill, except for situations where the backfill is
limited stand-up times. The DAF method allows for small not planned to be mined beside or beneath, where some mullock
openings with rapid placement of permanent support. may be co-disposed. The underhand method may be preferred
where the orebody is weak and the use of engineered cemented
• Situations where there is a low tolerance for large voids with backfill provides a more stable back.
the associated risk of subsidence.
In steeply dipping, narrow orebodies, typically less than 8 m
• Occurrences of single or multiple orebodies with wide, the MCAF method is commonly applied overhand, in a
unfavourable or variable geometries including low angle of bottom-up sequence, as shown in Figure 2.
dip (below angle of repose) or pinching, swelling and rolling The typical overhand mining sequence is:
1. A central ramp access is typically established from a
• Secondary mining situations involving the recovery of pillars
footwall ramp system and a ‘T’ intersection created in the
left by prior mining.

DRIFT AND FILL METHOD DESCRIPTION 2. The lateral drift is developed in two directions following
the strike of the orebody. The completion of the lateral
The DAF method involves the excavation of ore by jumbo drifts to the full extent of mining on a level is termed a
development techniques and requires backfilling of the ‘lift’.
completed drift prior to excavating an adjacent drift.
The use of cemented backfill with the DAF method allows the 3. The first lift in a series of lifts is taken as full face
full recovery of a mining block without the need to leave development with subsequent lifts able to be taken as
permanent ore pillars. An exception might be in the mining of flatback stripping. A full face is typically taken up to 5 m × 5
remnant ore where narrow permanent ore pillars may be required m with sidewall stripping and the subsequent flatback lifts
to be left against uncemented backfill. up to 4 m high (allowing for approximately 1 m of void).
There are a number of variants of the method including: 4. The face or stripping is blasted and the broken ore material
• overhand mining: using a bottom-up sequence, is loaded to a stockpile located at the access. Some ore loss
and dilution occurs when bogging the broken ore material
• underhand mining: using a top-down sequence, off the backfilled floor.
• mining multiple parallel (strike) drifts in moderate width or 5. Primary ground support including rock bolts and fibrecrete
flat-lying orebodies, and
is installed sequentially with each cut taken. Thereby only a
• mining a transverse layout of drifts in wide orebodies. minimal extent of unsupported ground is exposed at any
DAF is a progression of the MCAF method that is used for the time in the mining cycle.
single-pass mining of steeply dipping, narrow orebodies. In the 6. Secondary ground support, typically cable bolts, may be
past, MCAF has been extensively applied for the mining of a installed with the first lift so that subsequent lifts may be
variety of orebody geometries and ground conditions, mostly prior presupported in poor ground. Note that the cables will be
to the common acceptance of (longhole) open stoping and where exposed and will need to be cut off for each subsequent lift.
open stoping has been rejected. However, MCAF has not always Secondary support is typically installed in campaigns and
been able to provide a satisfactory solution to difficult mining may need to be repeated on subsequent lifts.
conditions and is generally not suited to secondary mining.
7. On completion of the drifts in both directions, the full lift is
In large orebodies, MCAF is a partial mining method that backfilled using either mullock as rock fill or hydraulic fill
requires buttress pillars to provide stability and crown pillars to or paste backfill. Tight backfilling is generally not required
vertically separate the work areas. MCAF can be mined and long lengths of drive may be backfilled in a single
overhand or underhand in narrow orebodies and generally uses
flatback stripping for overhand mining. DAF may be mined
either overhand or underhand and may be mined without pillars 8. The roof of the access is then stripped and supported ready
and generally uses full face development. DAF involves the use for the next lift to commence.

FIG 2 - Overhand mining in a narrow orebody (section view).

188 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference


In moderate width orebodies, greater than about 5 to 8 m wide, that are only as wide as a single drift, and leaves no permanent
the MCAF and DAF methods are applied differently. The MCAF ore pillars, except where the ground is unmineable.
method must leave permanent ore pillars to maintain stability A typical overhand DAF mining sequence in a moderate width
across the large open spans. The DAF method creates open spans orebody is shown in Figure 3.

FIG 3 - Overhand mining sequence in moderate width orebody (section view).

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The typical overhand DAF mining sequence in a moderate there is insufficient stand-up time for a drift to be developed and
width orebody is: adequately supported. Note that the orebody contact ground
conditions need to be suitable for anchoring the beam created by
1. A central access is typically established from a footwall
the cemented backfill.
ramp system and a cross-cut is developed to the furthest
contact, eg hanging wall. The typical underhand DAF mining sequence in a moderate
width orebody is the same as for overhand DAF except that:
2. The initial drift is developed along strike in two directions,
generally following a contact. • in step 4 the floor is in ore;
3. The drift is developed as a full face typically up to • in step 5 the back will initially be in ore and, in subsequent
5 m × 5 m. underhand lifts, the backfill is designed to be self-supporting
and there is effectively no exposure of unsupported ground.
4. The face is blasted and the broken ore material is loaded to
a stockpile located at the access. Some ore loss and dilution • in step 6 the secondary ground support, typically cable bolts,
occurs when bogging the broken ore material off the may be required so that the crown pillar may be
backfilled floor. presupported;
5. Primary ground support including rock bolts and fibrecrete • in step 7 the drift is prepared for placement of cemented
is installed sequentially with each cut taken. Thereby only a backfill with the objective of forming a minimum thickness
minimal extent of unsupported ground is exposed at any beam of high strength backfill across the mining width; and
time in the mining cycle. • in step 10 the floor of the access is then stripped ready for the
6. Secondary ground support, typically cable bolts, is next lift to be mined.
generally required to be installed for the planned mining In very wide spans, typically greater than about four drifts or
span and may be installed with the first lift so that about 20 m wide, a change from a strike orientation of the ore
subsequent lifts may be presupported in poor ground. Note drifts to a transverse orientation of the ore drifts may be
that the cables will be exposed and will need to be cut off considered in the DAF method, as shown in Figure 4.
for each subsequent lift. Secondary support is typically
installed in campaigns and may need to be repeated on The typical overhand transverse DAF mining sequence in a
subsequent lifts. wide orebody is the same as for overhand longitudinal DAF
except that:
7. On completion of the initial drift in either direction, the
drift is prepared for placement of cemented backfill with • In step 2 the initial drift may be developed along the
the objective of obtaining tight backfilling where centreline of the orebody.
practicable with moderate strength backfill. For paste • In step 7 on completion of the central drift in either direction
backfill systems, barricades are constructed so that to the extent of the planned mining block, the central drift is
backfilling may occur in up to 30 m segments retreating prepared for turnout drifts to be developed to either side. The
from the end of the drift and back to the cross-cut. planned mining block is to be mined in a retreat sequence
8. Following completion of backfilling of the drifts in both back to the central cross-cut. The endmost pair of turnout
directions, and following the time for the cemented backfill drifts are developed concurrently and evenly until completed.
to gain sufficient strength, the parallel drifts may be • Backfilling is planned to occur in up to 30 m segments
developed. retreating from the end of the turnout drift and back to the
9. The drift and fill sequence is repeated as for above except central drift. A barricade may then be constructed across the
the parallel drifts will have one wall of exposed cemented central drift or at the entry to each turnout drift.
backfill. Depending on the width of the orebody, the • Following completion of backfilling of the pair of turnout
parallel drift may adjoin or may overlap the initial drift. drifts back to the intersection, and following the time for the
10. On completion of the mining of all the drifts in a lift, the cemented backfill to gain sufficient strength, the next pair of
cross-cut is barricaded and backfilled. The roof of the turnout drifts may be developed.
access is then stripped and supported ready for the next lift • The drift and fill sequence is repeated as for above except the
to be mined. parallel turnout drifts will have one wall of exposed
Alternatively, the underhand mining system may be selected cemented backfill. Variations may occur where a temporary
where the ground conditions in the orebody are very poor and pillar is created to allow multiple mining areas within a lift.

FIG 4 - Transverse drift and fill mining in a wide orebody (plan view).

190 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference


• On completion of the mining and backfilling of all the As may be seen from Table 2, only a relatively small portion
turnout drifts and the central drift in a lift, the cross-cut is of the cycle is variable according to face size with the majority of
barricaded and backfill placed. The roof of the access is then time being associated with the fixed duration components of the
stripped and supported ready for the next lift to be mined. activities. Any reduction in the time required for the fixed
duration components of the cycle, for example by reducing the
The underhand method may also be applied to the transverse backfill set time, is likely to deliver a significant benefit to the
mining system. total face cycle time.
A comparison of some key aspects of the various MCAF and Figure 5 shows a time-based analysis of the underhand DAF
DAF mining systems is presented in Table 1. mining system with minimum face standing (or non-work) time
where approximately half of the DAF mining cycle is used for
DRIFT AND FILL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT development related activities and half is taken up by backfilling,
secondary support and related activities. This analysis is valid for
The efficiency of the DAF method is determined at two levels: a range of typical face sizes and results in an average of about
• at the face (or micro) level for the interdependency of the 40 m per month advance being achieved in a typical DAF
development, ground support and backfilling activities in heading. Therefore, for an individual heading, face size is a key
each heading being worked; and determinant of productivity in terms of tonnes mined per period
• at the mine (or macro) level for the interdependency of the of time.
individual work areas. The face size is also a key determinant in equipment selection
Production is limited from each work area and a high number which further impacts on the variable duration activities, for
of work areas are required in order to generate a reasonable level example drilling, ground support installation and mucking.
of ore production. The total mining cost for the DAF method includes variable
Maximum efficiency for an individual work area is only and fixed cost components for development, ground support and
achieved through close management of the interdependent backfill. The variable cost component is related to the energy and
mining activities with the objective of minimising the face materials used in each activity. The fixed cost component is
standing (or non-work) time. The components of the microcycle related to the equipment and personnel in the mine. The efficient
for DAF mining include development, ground support and deployment of principally the mining jumbos is key to driving
backfill activities. The mining activities comprise variable and the total unit mining cost to as low as practicable.
fixed duration components as indicated in Table 2. As much as is Analysis of the DAF microcycle demonstrates that a
practicable, the times required for travelling to the face and for development (bore and bolt) jumbo is utilised for only about
the extensions of mine services are to be concurrent with other one-third of the development time or only one-sixth of the total
face activities. DAF cycle time. Therefore, depending on maintenance regimes

Comparison of mining systems.

Overhand single drift Underhand single drift Overhand multiple drifts Underhand multiple drifts
Recovered ore value Moderate $200 per cubic High >$250 per cubic metre High >$250 per cubic metre High >$300 per cubic metre
Mining width Narrow <8 m Narrow <5 m Moderate 5 to 20 m (or Moderate 5 to 20 m (or
greater for transverse) greater for transverse)
Face type Full face or flatback Full face Full face Full face
Face size (w × h) 3.5 m × 4.0 m up to 8.0 m 3.5 m × 4.0 m up to 5.0 m 4.0 m × 4.5 m up to 5.0 m 4.0 m × 4.0 m up to 5.0 m
× 5.0 m × 5.0 m × 5.0 m × 5.0 m
Orebody dip Flat to steeply inclined Moderate to steeply inclined Flat to steeply inclined Flat to steeply inclined
Orebody ground conditions Poor to good Very poor to fair Fair to good Very poor to fair
Contact conditions Poor to good Fair to good (to anchor beam) Poor to good Fair to good (to anchor beam)
No of working faces 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 (or more for 1 or 2
Dilution and ore loss Likely dilution and ore loss Possible dilution from weak Possible dilution for Possible dilution for
in floor for uncemented rock wall. overlapping drifts. Possible overlapping drifts and from
backfill. ore loss for areas of very poor weak rock wall.
Typical backfill strength Uncemented or low High Moderate High
UCS <0.5 MPa 1 to 4 MPa 0.5 to 1 MPa 1 to 4 MPa
Binder requirement Low High Moderate High
<75 kg/m3 OPC >150 kg/m3 OPC 75 to 150 kg/m3 OPC >150 kg/m3 OPC
No of backfill barricades 1 per lift 1 per 30 m of drift 1 per 30 m of drift (and at 1 per 30 m of drift
each turnout for transverse)
Primary support Variable density bolts plus Standard bolts plus standard Variable density bolts plus Standard bolts plus standard
variable fibrecrete in rock. fibrecrete in backfill. variable fibrecrete in rock. fibrecrete in backfill.
Secondary support Cable bolts may be required Cable bolts may be required Cable bolts generally Cable bolts may be required
in very poor ground. to anchor backfill beams required for wide mining to anchor backfill beams
laterally. spans and for very poor laterally and vertically.

Narrow Vein Mining Conference Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 191


The drift and fill microcycle.

Activity Variable durations Fixed durations

Blasting (None) Mine clearance for blasting, blast fume clearance and re-entry time
Mucking Muck material from face to stockpile or truck Wash down muck pile
Surface support Hydro-scale Set-up and preparation
Spray fibrecrete Fibrecrete set time
Inspection and testing
Bolt and face drilling Drill and install rock bolts Set-up and preparation
Drill blastholes Extend services
Drill probe holes if required Survey mark up
Face charging Charge blastholes Set-up and preparation
Connect to firing system
Secondary ground support Drill and install cable bolts Set-up and preparation
(campaign basis) Plate and tension cable bolts
Backfill (campaign basis) Backfill placement Site preparation
Barricade construction (allow two days)
Minimum set time for cemented backfill (allow three to seven days)

DAF Productivity Breakdown

• the ability to achieve the same performance duty at lower
Access Stripping,
Adjacent Drives
rates of cement additions and at less curing time;
Delay, 10%
• efficient production and placement of backfill with minimal
involvement of additional personnel and equipment;
Post Paste Fill
Delay, 10% • lower total backfill production, delivery and placement cost;
• continuous placement with minimal excess water drainage or
backfill segregation, thereby providing a consistent and
Paste Fill, 4%
homogenous backfill quality;
• improved local and regional ground conditions due to the
48% ability to tight backfill and with reduced dilution when
mining against the backfill; and
Construction, • easy to mine through paste with only light drilling and
10% blasting and easy to drill into and install rock bolts where
required to do so.
Install Services, 5% It is the authors’ experience that the DAF mining system
performs at its best when used in combination with paste
Cable Bolt, 12%
backfill. To the authors’ knowledge there are in excess of 65
paste plants currently in operation throughout the world and over
FIG 5 - Drift and fill productivity chart. half of these are being used with the DAF or MCAF mining
systems. The following section describes three overseas
examples in more detail.
and travelling times, a jumbo may be cycled between at least
four and up to six headings in order to obtain maximum
Additional work faces may be planned by: opening multiple
stoping blocks concurrently, for example each 30 m vertically Case 1 – overhand drift and fill mining
within a single orebody, or; opening multiple orebodies, or;
Case 1 is a one million tonnes per annum, underground base
opening multiple faces within a single stoping block, for example
by introducing temporary pillars as shown in transverse layout in metal mine where the mining takes place from between 100 m
Figure 4, or; providing multiple entry points along an orebody. and 500 m depth below surface. The high-grade orebody is
characterised by complex geology and orebody geometries with
variable ground conditions. The hanging wall and footwall
APPLICATION OF PASTE BACKFILL sequence generally consist of weak rock types. The orebody has
Cemented backfill is an essential part of the DAF mining system a variable dip of approximately 70° in the centre and upper parts
and a number of backfill types may be considered. When of the mine and 50° at the orebody fringes. The width of
integrated into the mining cycle the backfill serves as a working mineralisation varies from a few metres in the orebody
platform, as an engineered artificial back and as a wall to work extremities and up to 50 m in the centre. The two main mining
alongside. As a local and regional ground support it provides methods used for ore extraction are open stoping and DAF
confinement to ore pillars and the host rock and prevents mining. The mine utilises paste backfill as its primary backfill
unravelling, thereby limiting convergence and subsidence into method.
the mine voids. The DAF method is applied to the fringe areas having a
In practice, the dominant backfill systems comprise paste shallow dip less than 50° and to the areas which are difficult to
backfill, hydraulic backfill or rock based backfill types mine out by longhole stoping method due to poor ground
(cemented rock fill and cemented aggregate fill). However, paste conditions. DAF mining commences with a 5 m × 5 m drift
backfill offers the following benefits when compared to the other developed longitudinally along the hanging wall contact, from
backfill types: the access through to the planned limits of the orebody. After the

192 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference


completion of mining, the hanging wall drift is prepared for After completion of each lift the floor of the access is benched
backfilling in typically 30 m segments retreating from the end of to gain access for the next lift in sequence. Mining of successive
the drift and back to the access. lifts takes place under prereinforced paste backfill. The exposed
In the first segment of drift to be backfilled, a fill line and air rock walls are systematically sprayed with fibrecrete and are
breather line is installed at the highest point at the stope back and bolted. Depending on local conditions, additional fibrecrete and
a fibrecrete barricade is constructed to retain the backfill. The rock bolts may be installed to the exposed paste backfill in the
cemented paste is pumped from surface through a network of backs.
125 mm diameter boreholes and pipes at a rate of 50 cubic The main issues experienced in Case 2 are related to the
metres per hour so that the segment of drift is backfilled in a additional effort required to install the prereinforcement that may
single campaign. The preparation and backfilling is repeated for be overdesigned and has not been required at similar operations
each segment along the drift until the drift is backfilled back to elsewhere, and the occasional requirement to mine wider
the access. When backfilling is complete and after sufficient orebody spans with parallel drifts.
curing time from four to seven days, a new drift is commenced to
be mined parallel and immediately adjacent to the first drift. This
process continues until the full lift is taken at that elevation. Case 3 – primary and secondary drift and fill
Access to the next lift above is obtained by slashing the roof of mining
the access drive and orebody mining is recommenced. This Case 3 is a high-grade, base metal mine with a production rate of
operation continues for the full height of the planned stoping in excess of one million tonnes per annum. The orebody is
block, approximately 15 to 20 m in height, and up to the next
undulating and flat lying with dip of less than 20°. The host
rocks and orebody are competent but occasionally disturbed by
The paste backfill is designed for optimum cement content faulting. The thickness of the mineralisation varies from one to
where the bottom 3.5 m of the lift is backfilled using five per 14 m and lies at an average depth of 170 m below surface. The
cent by weight (100 kg/m3) cement addition and the top 1.5 m of primary mining method is DAF with some longhole bench
the lift is backfilled using nine per cent by weight (180 kg/m3) stoping in thick ore zones to obtain maximum ore extraction.
cement addition to provide a backfill strength (UCS) of 500 to
1500 kPa. The paste backfill is designed to provide a good In the DAF mining area the entire thickness of mineralisation
working wall to minimise dilution and a good working floor to is extracted between footwall and hanging wall in a single pass.
improve the travelling surface when mining the next lift. The ore is mined in primary and secondary drifts which are up
to 150 m long, 6 m high and 10 m wide. Upon completion,
The main issues experienced in Case 1 are occasional air gaps
created on top of the backfill, and barricade stability. The air fibrecrete barricades are constructed at the entrance of the drifts
gaps are dealt with by spraying fibrecrete into the voids that are for backfilling with paste backfill. The backfilling system is
exposed during adjacent mining. Barricade stability is ensured able to use the dip of the orebody to advantage so that full
through strict adherence to backfill monitoring and placement length of drive may be backfilled in a single campaign over
measures. several days.
Paste backfill is produced at rate of 90 cubic metres per hour
Case 2 – underhand drift and fill mining and delivered to underground stopes by pumping through a
network of 200 mm diameter pipes. Strict backfill monitoring
Case 2 is a very high-grade, underground gold mine with a and placement measures are in place to provide tight backfill and
production rate of about one-half million tonnes per annum. The to maintain barricade stability. Instrumentation is installed in
orebody dip is subvertical and has variable thickness. Both the each barricade to monitor and control pressures acting on the
host rock and the orebody is characterised by weak rock types. barricades.
The primary mining method is by underhand DAF with paste The backfill is designed for optimum cement content
backfill. In a similar drift mining and backfilling system to that depending on the application using four per cent by weight
described for Case 1, mining commences with a 4.5 m × 4.5 m (65 kg/m3) to seven per cent by weight (110 kg/m3) cement for a
drift developed longitudinally along the line of the ore, from the backfill strength (UCS) of 400 to 700 kPa. The paste backfill is
access through to the planned limits of the orebody. Mostly, the designed to minimise wall dilution and to assist the local and
full width of the ore is mined in a single 4.5 m wide pass. After regional stability. After minimum curing of 28 days the adjacent
the completion of mining the drift is prepared for backfilling in secondary drifts are mined.
30 m segments retreating from the end of the drift and back to The main issue experienced in Case 3 is associated with the
the access. management of excessive ground water inflows that potentially
In the first segment of drift to be backfilled, a sill mat impact on the backfill quality, curing time and barricade
consisting of mesh and twin plated bolts is constructed at the pressures.
base of the drift to provide pre-reinforcement for the back of the
next lift below, a fill line and air breather line is installed at the FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS FOR DRIFT AND FILL
highest point at the stope back and a fibrecrete barricade is
constructed to retain the backfill. The cemented paste is gravity The current high metal price environment has given rise to
fed from surface through a network of 150 mm diameter investigations into recovering what was previously considered to
boreholes and pipes at a rate of 120 cubic m per hour so that the be uneconomic or difficult orebodies and a number of important
segment of drift is backfilled in a single campaign. The future developments for the DAF mining method are envisaged,
preparation and backfilling is repeated for each segment along such as:
the drift until the drift is backfilled back to the access. • widespread application of the DAF method to secondary and
The paste backfill uses very low density natural material and is tertiary mining of remnant pillars left by prior mining;
designed for optimum cement content depending on the
application using ten per cent by weight (80 kg/m3) cement
• improved application of development and ground support
systems in very poor ground;
addition and up to 20 per cent by weight (160 kg/m3) cement
addition to provide a backfill strength (UCS) of 1000 to 2000 kPa. • wider application of the paste backfill system as a practical
The paste backfill and support system is designed to provide a and economic alternative to hydraulic backfill or rock based
safe roof when mining the next lift below. backfill systems; and

Narrow Vein Mining Conference Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 193


• the advancement of enabling mining technologies including: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

high performance, small-scale mining equipment; remote
application of fibrecrete, and; improvements to the efficient The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions of a
manufacture, distribution, monitoring and quality systems for number of colleagues at AMC Consultants Pty Ltd in providing
fibrecrete and cemented backfill. subject knowledge and review assistance for this paper.

Although there is currently only a limited operating experience

base in Australia, the authors believe that there are growing
applications and a likely successful future for the DAF mining AMC Consultants Pty Ltd. Various unpublished AMC internal documents
method, particularly in applications of high-value ore requiring a and project reports.
high recovery mining system. Yumlu, M, 2001. Paper on Cayeli underground Cu-Zn Mine, in
Proceedings 17th International Mining Congress and Exhibition (ed:
E Unal) (Kozan: Ankara).

194 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference

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