Continuity Risk in Narrow Reef Gold Deposits - Implications For Evaluation and Exploitation

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Continuity Risk in Narrow Reef Gold Deposits – Implications for

Evaluation and Exploitation
S C Dominy1,2 and I M Platten3

ABSTRACT Platten and Dominy, 2003; Dominy, 2004a; 2005). The definition
of continuity models can form the basis for understanding
Narrow reef gold deposits are generally less than 4 m in width and
relatively complex geological phenomena. They often display variable continuity in the context of evaluation (Dominy, Platten and
geometry, attitude, continuity and internal architecture. Economic grades Raine, 2003; Dominy, 2005).
are mostly restricted to specific structural domain(s) and localised within Geological studies are shown to have a positive impact on
discrete ore shoots that have a nuggety internal grade distribution. On evaluation and mining by lowering uncertainty and risk (Peters,
account of the often extended history of geological events, the specific 1993; Cox et al, 1995; Cuffley et al, 1998; McCuaig, Vann and
factors localising gold-rich domains are likely to be unique to a particular Seymour, 2000; Baxter and Yates, 2001; Nugus et al, 2003;
mine or even reef. These features lead to a high resource risk and require Dominy, Platten and Raine, 2003; Tripp and Vearncombe, 2004;
careful management during both evaluation and mining. The gross form,
Monteiro, Fyfe and Chemale, 2004; Snowden, 2006b, 2008a).
location and global continuity of gold reefs can generally be determined
from surface diamond drilling leading to the definition of Inferred Many studies are academic and, however, whilst scientifically
Mineral Resources. It is likely that for the definition of Indicated and rigorous, often lack the focus required to aid evaluation and
Measured Mineral Resources underground development and/or close- exploitation. In particular, they fail to investigate the relationship
spaced diamond drilling will be required. Understanding geometry and between geological and grade continuity.
continuity permits the resource to be more effectively managed, lowering In some projects the re-interpretation of historical data using
risk/uncertainty. This in turn will allow for well-informed financial modern 3D modelling techniques has played a major role in
and operational decisions. Most importantly, project expectations and understanding reef geology and grade distribution/controls
milestones can be set at achievable levels.
(Dominy et al, 2004; Morrison, Storey and Towsey, 2004; Fraser,
Bartlett and Quigley, 2004; Dominy, in press).
INTRODUCTION Resource evaluation depends upon geological models that
The major challenge during narrow gold reef resource evaluation provide a sound, confident expectation that the defined volume is
and exploitation is determining and managing their inherently mineralised throughout. Investigations must yield information as
high risk profile. Risk relates to issues of grade and geological to the nature of reef geometry, internal architecture, geological
continuity, and in particular variable vein geometry and internal continuity and controls on gold localisation and distribution.
architecture, erratic grade distribution and generally a high to
extreme nugget effect (Dominy et al, 1997, 1999, 2000a, 2003, REEF GEOLOGY
Narrow reefs are generally less than 4 m in width and may
If the key risks can be understood, then an evaluation program comprise one individual vein, or be made up of numerous
can be designed to manage them through appropriate strategies. individual veins forming a larger ‘lode’ or ‘reef’ structure
Most importantly, project expectations and milestones can be set (Figure 1). They contain both barren and productive segments
at realistic levels. The role of geological interpretation is pivotal with gold grade varying laterally, vertically and across the body
in understanding continuity risk and thus managing wider (eg Platten and Dominy, 2003). Reef formation generally has a
resource risk. complex and extended history, related to the emplacement of
Many narrow reefs are characterised by coarse gold and a high relatively barren and gold-rich vein elements at different stages.
nugget effect, where representative sampling and evaluation will Although it is a comparatively easy matter to establish the
be challenging. The difficulty of evaluating narrow high-nugget geological continuity of the global structure during diamond
effect systems is well-documented (Dominy et al, 1997, 1999, drilling, the tracing of individual gold-rich veins or domains
2000b, 2001, 2003; Dominy, Stephenson and Annels, 2003). (eg local geological continuity) and determining their extent
A key part of any risk control strategy will include the within the reef is more difficult. This is accentuated when the
application of structural geological principals through mapping, gold distribution in the vein is erratic (high-nugget effect), as it
core logging, data interpretation and geological modelling. may not be present in cores where the gold-carrying structure is
Structural geological studies of reef systems are often absent intersected in a locally barren area.
during evaluation and exploitation programs or where present, Based on various field-based studies, there is evidence to show
lack rigour or focus. This is despite the fact that the JORC Code that different gold grade and particle sizing characteristics are
and other reporting codes require geology and hence continuity often related to specific structural (continuity) domains. For
to be considered (Sinclair and Vallée, 1994; Dominy and Phelps, example, studies at Ballarat (Australia) have shown that
1996; Dominy et al, 1999; Dominy, Platten and Raine, 2003; fine-gold particle populations are associated with low-grade
(<3 g/t Au) steep west dipping veins, whereas coarse gold is
principally related to flat- to east-dipping veins (>3 g/t Au) that
1. FAusIMM(CP), Executive Consultant and General Manager (UK), extend away from the larger west-dipping structures (Dunn,
Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Limited, Abbey House, 1929; Olsen, 2005; Osborne, 2008). Similar studies in the
Wellington Way, Brooklands Business Park, Weybridge Surrey KT13 Dolgellau gold-belt (United Kingdom) have shown that high-
0TT, England. Email:
grade (>120 g/t Au) coarse gold mineralisation is restricted to
2. Adjunct Principal Research Fellow, School of Science and discrete veins within a larger low-grade (<5 g/t Au) mother reef
Engineering, University of Ballarat, University Drive, Mount Helen (Platten and Dominy, 2003). At Bendigo (Australia), Dominy,
Vic 3353. Platten and Raine (2003) noted that on the local scale, the
3. Principal Geologist, Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Limited, gold-rich veins (>100 g/t Au) are generally narrow and
Abbey House, Wellington Way, Brooklands Business Park, discontinuous containing clusters of visible gold. These veins
Weybridge Surrey KT13 0TT, England. form part of a larger lower grade reef structure (<2 g/t Au).

Narrow Vein Mining Conference Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 31


grade at various scales. Grade risk is related to grade information

that should be based on quality sampling and assaying of the reef
from either drilling and/or underground development. A number
of continuity risks are associated with the resource evaluation of
gold-quartz reefs (Table 1).

Key continuity criteria that impact on resource risk for narrow
gold reefs.
Uncertainty criteria Principal resource Comment
risk contribution
Gross geological Tonnage risk Gross continuity
continuity controls the overall
economic mineralised
zone volume.
Reef geometry: dip, Tonnage risk Local variations in reef
strike, width, etc geometry will lead to
local tonnage
uncertainty. Prediction
of effects will depend
upon scale and data
Grade distribution Grade risk Gross localisation of
control: small-scale gold within shoots
geological continuity controls grade risk. The
and ore shoot controls scale of the shoots will
determine ease of

Resource risk includes additional factors such as mineralogy,

sampling and assaying quality, survey data, data density, bulk
density, estimation methods, etc which are out of the scope of
this discourse (Dominy, Noppé and Annels, 2004).
FIG 1 - Examples of narrow gold reef structures. (A) Main Vein, The application of matrices to communicate aspects of
440 west level in the Nalunaq gold mine, Southern Greenland. resource risk is common (Annels, 1996; McCuaig, Vann and
High-grade (>20 g/t Au) laminated quartz vein showing relatively Seymour, 2000; Annels and Dominy, 2002; Dominy, Noppé and
continuous wallrock layers (extending >1 m) and discontinuous Annels, 2004). This contribution presents a simple six score
layers traceable for a few centimetres. Field of view 2 m (source: classification for continuity risk based on the criteria given
Snowden, 2006b). (B) Cononish Vein, exploration adit, Cononish in Table 1. The system uses numerical scores which are defined
gold mine, Scotland, UK. Massive low-grade (1 - 3 g/t Au) white in Table 2. Examples of the classification are given in the case
quartz vein bearing a high-grade (>20 g/t Au) shear zone with studies.
sulfides. Field of view 3 m (source: Snowden, 2008a). The more continuous and uniform the mineralisation, the
fewer the number of data points (eg drill holes and samples)
There are three levels of complexity involved in localisation of needed for a given level of confidence and acceptable risk.
gold in reef structures. Firstly, the internal distribution in the Continuity risk can be directly linked to resource classifications
immediate host structure may be controlled by textural using international reporting codes (eg JORC, 2004). The JORC
development of the major reef filling minerals to give an Code defines the confirmation of grade and geological continuity
irregular distribution of gold. Secondly, the primary shape and for Measured Mineral Resources, through to assumed geological
dimensions of the host reef are controlled mostly by slip (and/or grade) continuity for Inferred Mineral Resources
directions and initial fracture shape. Fracture pattern and (Table 3). The JORC Code and other reporting codes are
deformation style may be controlled in part by the behaviour of important risk communication tools.
the rest of the reef and its host rock. Finally, the variable
relationships of the gold-rich vein(s) to whole reef, particularly CASE STUDIES
the effect of later deformation, minor igneous intrusions and
veins on its position and continuity relative to the gross reef This contribution presents two case studies representing project
envelope. evaluation (Clogau mine, North Wales, United Kingdom) and
production (Nalunaq mine, Southern Greenland). Each presents
how geological studies have led to a better understanding of the
CONTINUITY RISK nature of continuity risk and show how it is being used to
There are two significant risks related to resource evaluation: risk manage resource/reserve risk.
on tonnage (‘geological risk’) and risk on grade (‘grade risk’).
Both geological and grade continuity (and variability) have an Clogau gold mine
obvious impact on both.
Grade risk is usually greater than geological risk, though the Introduction
effect of the latter should not be understated. Geological risk is
related to the identification of economic volumes from both The Clogau gold mine is situated within the Dolgellau gold-belt
geological and grade data (ie drilling and/or underground of North Wales (Figure 2). With a recorded total production of
development), and must consider continuity of both geology and over 100 000 oz Au, Clogau is Britain’s largest producing mine.

32 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference


Definition of the continuity risk score and its practical meaning. Note that precision figures are given for indicative purposes only and do not relate
to any specific resource classification or estimation methodology. Precision will depend upon geology, nugget effect and data density, etc.

Risk score Implied meaning Practical meaning for resource

1-2 Little or no perceived risk Such a score is unlikely for a narrow vein gold reef unless it is characterised by a low nugget effect and
(Low risk) (low uncertainty) simple geology and geometry. Indicated precision on tonnes and grade less than ±10%.
3-4 Some risk that could lead to Indicates a moderate risk profile related to grade and/or geological variability. Drilling alone may be
(Moderate risk) material error in the resource able to define Ore Reserves, though underground development may be required. Indicated precision
model on grade and tonnes in the range ±10% to ±20%.
5-6 Strong risk that could lead to Indicates a high level of grade and/or geological variability. Likely to result in uncertainly in both
(High risk) material error in the resource grade and tonnes. Possible that Ore Reserves will be difficult to define in large quantities and will be
model (high uncertainty) driven by underground development and a ‘blocking out’ approach. Indicated precision on grade and
tonnes in the range ±20% to ±40%, or possibly higher.

JORC (2004) Code requirements for geological and grade continuity in the definition of Inferred, Indicated and Measured Mineral
Inferred Mineral Resource Indicated Mineral Resource Measured Mineral Resource
It is inferred (the resource) from geological The locations (drill hole intersections, etc) are too The locations (drill hole intersections, etc) are
evidence and assumed but not verified geological widely or inappropriately spaced to confirm spaced closely enough to confirm geological and
and/or grade continuity geological and/or grade continuity but are spaced grade continuity
closely enough for continuity to be assumed

FIG 2 - Geological summary and location map of the Dolgellau gold belt (from Platten and Dominy, 1999).

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Production was first recorded around 1840 and the main mines of to 105 m thick) at the top of the Harlech Group (Figure 3).
the belt (Clogau, Gwynfynydd and Cefn Coch mines) have been The Clogau shales consist of dark-grey or black-banded
worked sporadically since then (Hall, 1988). Clogau operated carbonaceous mudstones and silty mudstone, with rare quartoze
during 1982 to 1987 and 1992 to 1998, and was again explored silty laminae and even less common beds of fine sandstone. The
during 2000 and 2006 though no mining took place. deposition of the Dyfed Supergoup closed with emplacement of
A Mines Royal Gold Licence (exploration) has recently been the andesitic Rhobell Fawr Volcanic Centre.
acquired (September 2008) for a 120 km2 area of the gold-belt, The region contains Doleritic sills, locally called
including the Clogau mine by Gold Mines of Wales Limited ‘greenstones’, attributed to the Rhobell Fawr volcanic event.
(‘GMWL’), a subsidiary of the privately owned Victorian Gold They are principally conformable sheet-like bodies, which pinch
Limited. GMWL have commenced a thorough revaluation of the and swell and sometimes split and rejoin. Their thickness can
gold-belt, including the Clogau mine. There are no mineral reach a maximum of about 25 m and can be traced on surface for
resources defined at Clogau. up to 2 km. At Clogau, nine main sills are identified as four
separate groups. In addition, dykes of intermediate composition
A unique feature of the Dolgellau gold-belt is that the gold are also found (known as Clogau Stone dykes). These dykes
produced has traditionally been used to produce Welsh Gold follow the gold veins, occurring within or at the side of the vein
jewellery, which can be sold at a premium above the gold price. network.
The product and its premium are related to the notion of ‘Royal
The Clogau mine is hosted principally within the Clogau
Gold’ and the use of Welsh Gold by the British Royal Family. In
Formation and contains greenstone sills, which increase its
Great Britain, the rights to all precious metals are vested in The
thickness to approximately 120 m (Figure 3). The Clogau
Crown. Formation at the mine dips about 30° SE, and is cut by a 70° SE
Dolgellau gold-belt mineralisation shows many broad cleavage (Figure 2).
similarities to other ‘slate-belt’ hosted deposits such as those in
Australia (Central Victorian Goldfields: Cox et al, 1995;
Cuffley et al, 1998; Turnbull and McDermott, 1998; Shaubs and Mineralisation
Wilson, 2002; Phillips and Hughes, 2003), Canada (Nova Scotia The Dolgellau gold reefs form an east-northeast to
and Meguma: Keppie, Boyle and Haynes, 1986) and China west-southwest trending array of generally steeply dipping veins
(Guizhou: Lu et al, 2005). (Figure 2). The veins are internally complex and are composed
This case study is based upon a recent review of the gold-belt of swarms of narrow (1 mm to 300 mm) subparallel veins
(Snowden, 2008b) and extensive previous work by the authors separated by country rock sheets giving a total width of up
(Dominy, 1996; Platten and Dominy, 1999; Dominy and to 6 m. The reef forming gold-quartz veins are relatively
Platten, 1999; Platten and Dominy, 2003). discontinuous on a scale of tens of metres or less. The main
gold-bearing reef at Clogau can be traced for about 3 km,
Mine area geology striking approximately northeast-southwest dipping steeply
between 60° and 90° SE (Figure 4).
The Dolgellau gold-belt occurs within the northern part of the
Welsh Lower Palaeozoic basin (Allen and Jackson, 1985). The reef system pinches and swells, changes strike and splits
Subsidence and filling of this basin took place in three stages, into a number of smaller offshoots and branches (Figures 5 and 6).
represented by the Dyfed, Gwynedd and Powys Supergroups. Reef widths are variable, ranging from over 6 m to a few
Basin evolution ended with an Acadian (late Caledonian) centimetres, and in places reducing to small irregular quartz
tectonic event, which resulted in folding and development of the blobs or veinlets.
regional cleavage. Veining is complex and characterised by vein networks formed
The Dyfed Supergroup begins with a volcanic sequence of by successive fracture re-activation. Three quartz vein events are
which the Bryn-Teg Formation, the inferred source of gold noted (Figure 7): early non-auriferous quartz-carbonate veins
mineralisation, is a part. Thick, coarse turbidite sands, the (EQV); main gold-quartz veins (GQV); and late barren quartz
Harlech Grits Group and the following siltstone-mudstone- veins (LQV). Their mineralogy is characterised by specific
dominated Mawddach Group constitute the main, 4 km thick, paragenesis: early pyrrhotite-pyrite-arsenopyrite-cobaltite (EQV);
part of the Dyfed Supergroup (Figure 3). These host the quartz chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite (GQV): and telluride-gold-galena (GQV/
reefs with the main exploitable gold accumulations associated high-grade pocket domains). The LQV comprise bucky and fibre
with the carbonaceous mudstones of the Clogau Formation (90 m textured white quartz with minor pyrite.

FIG 3 - Stratigraphic sequence of rocks in the Dolgellau area (from Howells, 2007). The basal Maentwrog Formation and entire
Clogau Formation are key exploration targets for gold (box shown).

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FIG 4 - Schematic map of Clogau mine local geology. Gross trend of reefs (lodes) northeast-southwest.

FIG 5 - Clogau Main Reef geological map from a section of the Tyn-y-Cornel Level at the No 1 Shaft. The reef shows pinch and swell structure
and splits into the upper John Hughes Reef. Gross reef trend northeast-southwest. Key: dark grey – quartz reef; light grey – Clogau Stone dyke;
hatching – Clogau Formation; stipple – greenstone. Scale: strike length of drive 70 m (source: mapping by S C Dominy, 1996).

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FIG 6 - (A) Clogau main reef geological map from a section of the Cornel level close to No 2 shaft. The reef shows pinch and swell structure
and splits (east facing) into a minor branch. Beyond the No 2 shaft this branch ultimately becomes the major South or Paraffin reef. Scale:
strike length of drive 45 m. (B) Detail of the split section of the Main-South reef with local occurrence of high-gold grades in sublevel 4 m
below Cornel level. Gross reef trend northeast-southwest. Key: dark grey – quartz reef; light grey – Clogau Stone dyke; hatching – Clogau
Formation; stipple – greenstone. Scale: strike length of drive 15 m (source: mapping by Dominy, 1996).

The majority of the gold occurs as free particles with very +300 μm fraction and over 85 per cent to the +150 μm fraction,
little gold intergrown with sulfides. In some sections of the mine, and less than five per cent reports to the -50 μm fraction (Dominy
gold is seen to occur in close spatial association with et al, 2000a). Approximately 85 per cent of the gold is generally
concentrations of bismuth sulfides (eg bismuthinite) and gravity recoverable.
tellurides (eg tellurobismuthite and tetradymite), and sometimes The wider quartz reef zones comprise a series of thin and
galena. Where chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite concentrations laterally discontinuous GQV. Inclined, cross-cutting barren LQV
are high, they show a negative relationship to gold occurrence. is abundant in the GQV. The LQV are lenticular in three
Gold generally has a fineness of >750 and is seen as particles dimensions, tapering and vanishing up and down dip and across
up to 5 mm in size. Historically larger masses of gold on the tens their strike. LQV dimensions vary considerably, veins ranging
of centimetres scale have been reported (Hall, 1988). Within from 8 m to 10 mm in length and from 1 mm to 1 m thick.
high-grade pockets over 75 per cent of the gold reports to the The north-northwest – south-southeast dimension is essentially

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FIG 7 - Clogau Main Reef in the Williams Stope, Cornel Level.

(A) Laminated gold veins (GQV) in a stope pillar cut by late barren
quartz veins (LQV), width of view 1.75 m. (B) Laminated gold veins
(GQV) in the stope backs effectively replaced by late barren quartz
veins (LQV), width of view 1 m (source: Dominy, 1996).

controlled by the host GQV width. Very large veins occur in

thick massive sections of the GQV or penetrate greenstone
wallrocks. The smallest are found where the GQV is composed
of well-spaced very narrow (<10 mm) veins.
Mineralisation at Clogau is related to specific events which
controlled the distribution of gold and its associated minerals. For FIG 8 - Schematic showing an idealised section through a Clogau
example, the John Hughes Reef trends about 30° to the gross trend gold reef structure and relationship between the various geological
of the Main Reef, but is parallel to some local segments in the elements.
Main Reef (Figure 5). The Main Reef gold was associated with
tellurides, whereas in the John Hughes Reef gold was related to • Post-cleavage, post LQV events such as the calcite-marcasite
galena and very minor tellurides. This mineralogical difference veins and the regional Trawsfynydd Fault Zone.
must indicate that the Main Reef was inactive at the time of John
Hughes Reef activity. This is supported by field evidence based on
the fact that the widest part of the John Hughes Reef (1 m) is Ore shoot/mineralisation controls
parallel to the thinnest sparsely-mineralised part of the Main Reef.
Beyond this 50 m long section, the John Hughes Reef thins to the Introduction
east and west, where the Main Reef regains its width of between Two key controls to gold mineralisation and ore shoot formation
0.5 m and 2 m. Time relations between the John Hughes and Main have been identified at Clogau; lithogeochemical and structural.
Reefs are unknown. The lithogeochemical control relates to the interaction between
Figure 8 summarises the geology of an idealised reef structure gold-bearing fluids and the Clogau Formation shales. The
and includes normal movement across the fault zone and the structural controls combine the effects of vein-hosting fracture
intrusion of Clogau Stone dykes. refraction by greenstone sills and vein splitting/branching
(Dominy, Phelps and Camm, 1996).
Regional structural history
Lithogeochemical control of the Clogau Formation
Recent studies at Clogau and elsewhere have determined the
general sequence of geological events within the Dolgellau gold- Gold mineralisation is exclusively contained within the quartz
belt (Dominy and Platten, 1999; Platten and Dominy, 1999): reefs where they are hosted within dark graphitic shales. The
main host is the Clogau Formation, but some dark shales occur
• Deposition of Cambrian host sediments. within the uppermost Gamlan and basal Maentwrog Formations.
• Emplacement of greenstone sills. This gives a total prospective thickness of approximately 210 m
(Figure 3). This control has been shown to be related to the
• Normal faulting on east-northeast to west-southwest trends. interaction between the carbonaceous shales and gold-bearing
• Ribbon vein emplacement along fault planes forming EQV fluids. A fluid-inclusion study on GQV material indicates the
and GQV. presence of methane, where reduction of the hydrothermal fluids
by methane is considered to be the main gold-precipitation
• Emplacement of north-east to south-west dyke swarm. mechanism (Shepherd, Bottrell and Miller, 1991; Bottrell et al,
• Fracture of GQV and dykes with initiation of formation of 1988; Bottrell and Spiro, 1988). The methane is considered to
LQV. East-dipping LQV veins first, west-dipping veins have been generated by the reaction of water with the graphite in
second. Cataclastic internal deformation of the GQV. Onset the Clogau Formation.
of main metamorphic stage.
• Continued deformation, producing cleavage and deforming Greenstone sills
all pre-existing rocks. Metamorphic recrystallisation generates A critical control to ore shoot localisation at Clogau is related to
strain-free quartz in the GQV. the mechanical effects of the greenstone sills on the reef – a

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feature common across the Dolgellau gold-belt (Hall, 1988; The presence of gold mineralisation below greenstone sills is
Dominy, Phelps and Camm, 1996). The sills were intruded into apparent in the John Hughes Lode (Figure 10b). However, an
the Clogau Formation before reef formation. They are competent important conclusion from recent mapping is that this control
intrusive rocks up to about 25 m in thickness and fracture was regarded by earlier miners as the most important, and has
differently to the enclosing shales. The sills are offset across the guided mining of the shallow plunging ore shoots. The old stopes
plane of the reef with an apparent down-throw to the southeast pitch at about the same angle as the bedding against the plane of
(Figure 8). The sill/reef intersection pitches at a low to moderate the reef, and occur where the greenstone sills can be projected
angle south-west on the vein. The reef-hosting fractures are onto the workings. It appears that as well as at John Hughes,
refracted strongly when they reach a sill. In the shales, the reef most of the early workings at Clogau were related to
maintains an approximate dip of 70° SE, whereas in the sill intersections of the reefs with the greenstone sills (Figure 10a).
refraction zone has a dip of closer to 50° NW. Ore shoots Some stopes are also seen at several localities above the sills.
pitching gently south-west are spatially associated with sill These indicate that sill control is more complex and requires
intersections (Figures 9 and 10). They lie entirely below the sill further investigation.
intersection on the north-west side of the structure, but extend
across the truncated surface of the sill intersection on the Reef splits/branches
south-east wall (the gross hanging wall). This may indicate flow
localisation related to local widening and closure of fractures as Significant splits (or branches) along the reefs have long been
a result of competency contrast between greenstone and shale as known to carry gold mineralisation (Figures 5 and 6). Splits
well as refraction. Details are not known at present. provide steep-pitching conduits for ascending mineralising

FIG 9 - Schematic long section showing typical position of the ore shoot zone below greenstone bodies at Clogau.

FIG 10 - (A) Main and (B) John Hughes Reefs at Clogau. The ore shoots are located at the base of the greenstone sills cut by the reef
structures. High-grade pockets of gold are located within the shoots. (A) Strike length 275 m and (B) strike length 110 m.

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fluids, resulting in steep-pitching ore shoots along the axes of the Gold is extremely erratic with high-grades (100s oz/t Au)
splits. Due to the variable nature of GQV dip and the pitch within tens of millimetres of very low-grades (<0.1 g/t Au). In
direction of the split axis at different localities, north-east and general, the extreme high-grade areas are relatively continuous
south-west facing splits with different pitch axes exhibit different over very small areas. Hall (1988) reports a volumetrically small,
styles of mineralisation. high-grade GQV (0.23 m by 1.8 m by 1.4 m) as part of a bigger
The geometry of mineralised splits is more closely established structure at Clogau mined in 1867. This GQV yielded 16 kg of
by recent mining in the Llechfraith Level. Activities during gold from about two tonnes of rock – a grade of ~260 oz/t Au.
1984 to 1987 followed the Llechfraith-No 1 shoot down-dip Similar pockets are also recorded at the Gwynfynydd mine
(Figure 11). The shoot plunges 65° SW, is approximately 10 m (Platten and Dominy, 2003).
along strike and can be traced 40 m down-dip from surface to the The average grade of ore processed at Clogau was historically
No 4 level below. The shoot is related to a split in the reef with 17 g/t Au, though this is misleading given that it reflects different
high-grades within the hinge zone. Two further parallel shoots mining strategies (ie highly selective versus non-selective).
were established, but were less important. Historical and recent mining indicates that selective mining of
shoots to maximise gold pocket extraction is likely to yield
The reef splits are not uniformly mineralised. Historical grades around 6 oz/t Au to 10 oz/t Au. Ore shoots generally
records suggest that in east facing splits the mineralisation was in posses gold-rich pockets bearing bonanza grades of between
the minor vein away from the split, while in west facing splits it 10s to 100s oz/t Au. The ore shoots have a moderate continuity
was in the main vein near to the split (hinge) zone. Recent (tens of metres down plunge and <10 m along strike) once
studies have shown that the situation is not simple. Open space identified, but the bonanza pockets are less easy to determine
development is important for split-based mineralisation to occur without mining as they tend to be on a scale of <5 m.
and two favourable sites are indicated: west facing split with a
west pitching junction and east facing split with an east pitching Reef modifying features
junction. Other configurations result in good open space
development on the main reef rather than on the split branch Post-ore faulting resulted in normal movement downwards to the
which are generally poorly mineralised. Reef splits can be southeast across the GQV. This resulted in portions of the GQV
complex and may change plunge with depth or close and being downthrown by up to 10 m effectively diluting grades
disappear. In addition, their proximity to north-south faults within ore shoots.
appears to enhance gold potential. Further work is required to Open folding of the Clogau Formation has had little effect on
understand the nature of reef splits. the localisation of ore deposition; however, disharmonic folding
has in some areas caused additional irregularities in the reefs,
with consequent mining complications.
Gold grade distribution in ore shoots Where the LQV are emplaced into areas of pre-existing GQV,
High-grade gold pockets are located within ore shoots of 10 m to they frequently had a deleterious effect, and locally truncating,
25 m along-strike and >50 m down plunge. Sill/reef intersection dislocating and sometimes even folding the GQV.
shoots plunge between 20° and 45° SW and reef split shoots
plunge between 45° and 80° SW. Historical records showed that Implications for evaluation and exploitation
the most productive ore shoots contained gold-rich pockets in
approximately five per cent to ten per cent of the total shoot Clogau continuity risk profile
volume. Three gold domains are recognised in the Clogau reefs: Clogau mineralisation is high risk due to an extreme nugget
1. barren: reef outside the ore shoot <0.5 g/t Au, effect which is related to the localised nature of the ore shoot-
hosted gold pockets (Table 4). Resolution of grade continuity is
2. low/medium-grade: ore shoot – background grades >0.5
difficult due the relatively small-scale of the ore shoots and
- 60 g/t Au, and
pockets. There is thus a need for geologically controlled
3. high/extreme-grades: ore shoot – pocket grades >200 g/t Au. underground development.

FIG 11 - Long section (northeast-southwest) of the Main Reef Llechfraith section and position of three ore shoots related to reef branching.
Particularly high-grade gold mineralisation was located between the No 3 and No 4 sublevels on the No 1 shoot. As branch/split based
shoots, they have a steeper plunge (70° SE) than is usual with the greenstone-hosted shoots (30° to 40° SE).

Narrow Vein Mining Conference Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 39


Clogau continuity risk review and associated project expectations.

Uncertainty criteria Risk score Comment

Gross geological continuity 4 The Clogau Main Reef is relatively continuous, but shows some local variability with pinchouts.
Gross continuity is generally not material to ore shoot definition. Wide-spaced drilling at 100 m
will resolve gross reef and greenstone continuity.
Reef geometry: dip, strike, width, etc 5 (6) Locally reefs can show strong variability that requires underground development or close-spaced
drilling (~10 m by 10 m) to resolve. Locally material to evaluation.
Grade distribution control: ore shoot 6 Ore shoots are controlled by various structural features (eg vein splits and greenstones) which
controls show generally good down-plunge continuity. Requires underground development or
close-spaced drilling (~10 m) to resolve.
Grade distribution: local spatial 6 Ore shoots have a very high nugget effect, with gold grade very difficult to predict on a shoot
effects and small-scale continuity scale. Requires underground development or very close-spaced drilling (~5 m) to resolve
issues within the ore zone/ore shoots – effectively. Provides the greatest risk at Clogau.
‘nugget effect’
Post-reef effects of faulting, dykes, etc 4 (5) Cross faulting and LQV can have a material effect on the continuity of ore shoots. Requires
underground development or very close-spaced drilling (~5 m) to resolve.
Total risk profile 6 The overall continuity risk is considered to be high. This is principally driven by the very
high-nugget effect and pockety nature of the very high grades.
Project expectations • Small system with total gold potential around 150 000 oz to 200 000 oz
• Boutique operation, highly selective stoping to produce a very high-grade
low-tonnage ore
• Continuity risk leads to high resource risk
• Only very small tonnages of resources likely to be defined (Inferred Mineral
Resource category only)

Evaluation grade could be stated as a ‘grade range’ based on different

probabilistic outcomes (eg low-, medium- and high-grade cases).
The primary targets are quartz reefs within the Clogau
The reporting of grades within ranges has previously been
Formation. The region contains a number of phases of quartz
undertaken to provide a better measure of possible resource
veining, many of which are non-auriferous. Platten and Dominy
(1999) and Dominy and Platten (1999) present the case for the outcomes (Dominy, 2004b, 2006).
auriferous reefs being precleavage, which provides a primary Local grade may be defined by processing small parcels of
discriminator for gold potential. ore (eg 2 t to 5 t bulk samples), though these may either over or
Evaluation targeting will be based on the identification of underestimate grade depending proximity to gold pockets. All
greenstone sills from surface and underground mapping. Recent available information should be combined to estimate the
mapping has resulted in the identification of a number of targets proportion of high-grade pocket ore versus lower grade material,
with good potential close to the existing workings. Definition and likely grade of each. Such an approach is based on a strong
requires underground diamond drilling to determine local knowledge of local geological and grade continuity. In addition,
structure and stratigraphy in more detail, and to focus further it may be possible to gain further confidence in the ore shoot
drilling and/or underground development. Previous operators based on the application of suitable proxies for gold (eg quartz
have undertaken little diamond drilling, and the authors believe texture, geochemistry and mineralogy: Dominy and Johansen,
that strong definition of structure and stratigraphy will be critical 2004).
to project development.
Drilling will rarely resolve actual ore shoots effectively unless
the drill spacing is prohibitively small (potentially <5 m). A Reef geometry and grade distribution control the nature of
series of 50 m sections drilled from existing workings will exploitation. A selective mining operation will develop through
augment surface mapping and the south-east-trending Tyn-y- the ore shoot and focus on extracting high-grade pockets.
Cornel cross-cut to resolve local structure and stratigraphy. However, to some extent mining of the entire ore shoot zone is
Resource evaluation in the traditional sense in Clogau will be more likely to ensure pockets are located. High-grade material
difficult, as is typical of all mines of the Dolgellau gold-belt. can be selectively extracted and milled during a focused ‘bulk’
Identification of ore shoots, hence resolution of small-scale mine operation. Mining of all reef material, inside and out of ore
geological and grade continuity requires underground shoots, would not be economic. Any mining operation at Clogau
development. This development can be targeted based on is likely to extract between 1500 t and 3000 t per annum
drilling. Once an ore shoot is identified by development it is maximum, and process 200 t to 400 t of high-grade ore.
likely to be possible to extrapolate its extent based on mapping The use of gold for a premium jewellery product allows for a
and drilling. The challenge is to define grade, based on the low cut-off grade and viability of relatively lower grade material.
highly pockety nature of the gold. Historical records suggest that Large mineral resources are not required for project viability due
as little as five per cent to ten per cent of an ore shoot will be to the small-scale and highly selective nature of the operation.
very high-grade material. A number of geological features result in the modification of
Given the high geological uncertainty and risk, it is likely that the GQV and can hence lead to complexities during mining.
only an Inferred Mineral Resource (JORC, 2004) could be Normal faulting results in portions of the reef being downthrown
defined even after development. An identified ore shoot can be by up to 10 m to the south-east, effectively dislocating the shoot
considered to be a high ‘probability’ zone for which a and diluting grade locally. Folding of the Clogau Formation
gold-bearing tonnage can be estimated. Further evaluation of appears to have minimal effect on gold localisation, but has in
historical data may allow a payability factor(s) to be defined and some areas caused additional irregularities in the reef with

40 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference


consequent mining complications. Where the LQV are emplaced between 1993 and 1996. Drilling from surface is difficult due to
into areas of pre-existing GQV, they have a deleterious effect, the steep face of Nalunaq Mountain and the cover of glacial
locally diluting, truncating, dislocating and sometimes even deposits on lower ground. Surface samples were taken in 1997,
folding the GQV. A selective extraction process such as reef followed by underground development in 1998 and further
open stoping or some form of modified shrink stoping will surface drilling. Extensive underground exploration development
provide the flexibility to deal with these geological complexities and bulk sampling began in 2000, with production commencing
(Dominy and Phelps, 1996: Dominy et al, 1998). in 2004 (Dominy and Petersen, 2005).
The underground mine extracts approximately 180 000 t per
Nalunaq gold mine annum yielding 80 000 oz to 90 000 oz gold. Operations are
based on an Indicated Mineral Resource of 535 000 t (18 g/t Au)
Introduction and an Inferred Mineral Resource of 1.5 Mt (17 g/t Au) for a
total of 1.1 Moz gold reported at a zero g/t Au cut-off (Crew,
The Nalunaq gold mine is situated in southernmost Greenland, 2007).
some 86 km north-west of Kap Farvel (Figure 12). It lies on the
This case study stems from desk and site-based work
south face of Nalunaq Mountain in Kirkspirdalen between the
Sarqa and Tasermiut Fjords. The nearest settlement is Nanortalik, undertaken by the authors during 2005 and 2006 (Dominy and
30 km to the south-west. The mine is operated by Nalunaq Gold Petersen, 2005; Dominy, 2006; Dominy et al, 2006; Snowden,
Mine A/S, a 100 per cent owned subsidiary of Crew Gold 2005a, 2005b, 2006a, 2006b).
General geology
The deposit is situated within the early Proterozoic (1850 Ma
to 1750 Ma) Ketilidian Orogenic Belt in South Greenland
(Figure 12). It occurs within the Psammite Zone close to the NW
boundary against the Julianehab Batholith Zone (Chadwick and
Garde, 1996). The Julianehab Batholith Zone is considered to be
the plutonic root of an island arc accreted on to South Greenland
and the Psammite Zone represents an intra arc basin filled with
detritus from the island arc (Chadwick and Garde, 1996). Late
tectonic granitoids and post-tectonic rapakivi granites cut the
Psammite Zone metasediments.
The Nalunaq site lies in a metavolcanic thrust sheet resting on
gently dipping meta-arkoses of the highest tectonic unit in the
Psammite Zone (Windley, 1991). The rocks show amphibolite
facies metamorphism and limited deformation. The metavolcanics
are underlain and intruded by a late tectonic leucocratic granitoid
pluton which is associated with a network of aplite sheets in the

FIG 12 - Location and regional geology of Nalunaq (simplified Gross form of the deposit
from Chadwick and Garde, 1996). The gross vein structure (Gowen et al, 1993; Kaltoft, Schlatter
and Kludt, 2000; Dominy et al, 2006) is a sheet with
The deposit was discovered in 1992 by regional geochemical northeast-southwest strike and gross dip 35° SE (range 20° to
surveys (Gowen et al, 1993; Stendal et al, 1995) and was 55° SE) (Figure 13). The total vein thickness ranges from sub
followed by a program of diamond drilling and surface mapping 1 cm up to 3 m, with a mean of about 0.7 m. The vein can be

FIG 13 - Mine plan showing the 300 m, 350 m, 400 m and 450 m initial exploration drives and subsequent development at approximately
10 m vertical intervals. Illustrating the relatively simple gross structure of the vein within the active mine area. The Target Block and South
Block are separated by the Pegmatite Fault, which interrupts gross continuity with an apparent down throw to the north-west. Mine grid north
is to 315° true North (source: Crew Gold Corporation).

Narrow Vein Mining Conference Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 41


traced in outcrop for 1.4 km along the north side of Nalunaq

Mountain and down the west side of Kirkspirdalen. Drill holes
show the concealed vein extends a further 400 m east.
Exploration drives and drill holes prove vein continuity for at
least 600 m along strike in the mine area.
Gross geological continuity is good within the explored
ground. Only one late fault, the Pegmatite Fault, has sufficient
throw to affect mine layout (Figure 13).
The vein is emplaced in fine amphibolites and medium to
coarse amphibolites interpreted as lavas and sills respectively.
Minor sediments and sulfide-rich layers are intercalated in the
sequence. The gross vein dips at a slightly lower angle than the
host succession and cuts across the lavas and sills. Local
segments run parallel to layering, following the minor sediment
Based on surface and underground geological mapping and
drill data, it has been indicated that the high-grade sections of the
vein appeared to be hosted within medium-grained metadolerite FIG 14 - Nalunaq gold mine, 440 west level. Quartz vein with
predominantly massive quartz shows rapid variation in thickness.
sills or were located proximal to the metadolerite/metapillow
Moderately inclined aplite sheets with dilation vector at high angle
basalt contact. The sills appear to intersect the veins along a line
to steeper sections (seen near floor). These are converging with
that plunges 30° ENE, and to define a linear trend of plunging
the vein up dip from the drive. Vein will be extended at intersection
ore shoots.
(source: Snowden, 2006b).

Primary vein structure

The vein (Figures 1 and 14 to 17) commonly occurs as an array of
quartz sheets (0.01 m to 1 m thick) that can be in direct contact Vein mineralogy
with each other, separated by discontinuous, thin wall rock screens
or separated by wide (0.1 m to 2.0 m) screens of wall rock. The vein mineralogy is simple (Kaltoft, Schlatter and Kludt,
Mapping scales for the levels and raises do not permit the thinner 2000; Grammatikopoulos et al, 2004), being mostly granular
wall rock screens to be shown. Locally quartz veins diverge by coarse quartz. Trace to minor amounts of lollingite, arsenopyrite,
more than 2 m (Kaltoft, Schlatter and Kludt, 2000). A single pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and bismuth sulfosalts occur in
quartz sheet may occur or the vein material may be locally absent. some vein elements. Native gold occurs as fine (<100 μm) and
Veins show local tapered terminations that may be primary. coarse (>100 μm) particles. In run-of-mine ore most gold
The pattern changes laterally as screens and component veins particles, about 50 per cent are >100 μm in size (Kaltoft, Schlatter
change thickness along the vein (Figure 15). Veins may diverge and Kludt, 2000; Grammatikopoulos et al, 2004; Dominy and
as screens thicken towards terminations. In packages of veins the Petersen, 2005). Significant amounts of visible gold occur and
narrow veins may be less continuous than the large veins. locally form very high-grade clusters (Dominy and Platten,
En-echelon patterns are also seen. 2007). There is a significant coarse gold problem, which gives
Wall rocks show local alteration adjacent to the vein, usually rise to sampling issues (Dominy and Petersen, 2005; Dominy et
within 1 m (Figure 16). Amphibolites are replaced by pyroxene- al, 2006; Dominy, Xie and Platten, 2008). Visible gold is
bearing, equigranular textured, skarn materials. Foliated biotite- commonly restricted to one or two individual veins at any one
rich rocks may represent metasediments. site, the rest appearing barren.

FIG 15 - Vein section in raise, showing gross planar form but discontinuous and complex in detail. Note the change in total thickness (quartz
plus wallrock screens) in dip and strike direction the matching 2.5 m to 3 m gap in the vein array with a small en-echelon offset pitching
gently south-east on the vein stacked arrays of narrow veins with intervening wallrock screens splitting of veins in the up dip part (source:
redrawn from Crew, 2002).

42 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference


FIG 16 - Vein section in raise, showing the general planar form of a simple, continuous vein segment. Local gaps and offsets occur along the raise
and differences in detail occur between the opposite walls of the raise. The vein thickness is mostly between 0.1 m and 0.2 m, locally 0.4 m,
significantly less than minimum stope width of 1.2 m. The relationship between vein and alteration envelope is shown. Note that internal
boundaries within the quartz veins are not resolved at the scale of mapping (source: redrawn from Crew, 2002).

FIG 17 - Vein (0.2 m to 0.5 m thick) undulation seen in raise walls. The axis (AL, AR) pitches gently south-west and the up dip vein
termination pitches gently south-east on the plane of the vein. The outline of a model 15 m by 1.2 m stope is superimposed and the bar
shows width of more practical 1.4 m stope. The separation of the enveloping surfaces to the structure is >1.4 m (source: redrawn from
Crew, 2002).

Early deformation of the vein aplites indicates the undulations predate at least part of the aplite
network. The larger undulations have sufficient amplitude to be
Three principal deformation types affect the Nalunaq Main Vein relevant to stope design.
comprising vein undulations, boudinage and folding. The vein material has been subject to extension leading to
The vein exposure in raises shows undulations at a range of local necking and pinch and swell patterns, but also to complete
scales from <1 m to 30 m (Figures 17, 19 and 21). These have disruption by boudinage (Figure 18 and 20). Boudin structures
open cross profiles in the raises and are the main cause of the are cut by some aplite veins. Wall rock screens within the vein
gross dip variation in the vein. Some have a gentle pitch in the also show boudinage at some sites. Layers in the immediate wall
plane of the vein. The time of development is not well rock commonly show boudin development, with necks filled with
constrained although the local presence of rigorously planar quartzo-feldspathic material (quartz-feldspar blebs in Crew,

Narrow Vein Mining Conference Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 43


FIG 20 - Nalunaq gold mine, strike section on 440 west level

looking south-east. Boudinaged block of quartz vein with blunt
ends cutting across internal layers. Wallrock smoothly deflected
around the ends. Field of view 1.5 m (source: Snowden, 2006b).

FIG 18 - Nalunaq gold mine, 530 east level. Photograph of boudin

neck (0.2 m gap) in quartz vein in coarse amphibolite host. Altered
wall rock is dragged into the neck and a seam of coarse (5 mm to
20 mm) pyroxene crystals occur along centre line of neck. Planar
aplite veins cross the deformation structures associated with the
boudinaged vein (arrowed). A channel sample site here (blue line)
lies across the boudin neck (source: Snowden, 2006b).

2002). This material locally invades boudin necks in the quartz

vein (Figure 20).
There are no proved large scale folds affecting the vein, but
minor folds at 1 cm to 100 cm scale are sometimes seen. The
narrowest quartz veins, particularly those oriented slightly
oblique to the main structure and isolated in wall rock,
occasionally show small folds with traces of axial plane foliation
in host rock. Narrow screens within the vein locally show small
folds. Planar aplite sheets were seen to cut one clearly folded
quartz vein. FIG 21 - Nalunaq gold mine, 350 level, looking south-east.
Photograph of undulation in 0.3 m vein and comparison with later,
planar, 0.4 m aplite sheet in drive. Vein dip at crest is 20°,
Aplite sheet network steepening to 50° in the limb. Note also the boudin neck in the
Aplite (used to describe various leucocratic granites with fine to quartz (Bn) and patch and veins of coarse quartz and feldspar (Qf)
coarse texture) sheets are seen at surface to form several sets in associated with host rock and vein rupture, structures that are
the vein host rocks. The most gently dipping set are traceable as seen in the vein but not the aplite sheet (source: Snowden, 2006b).
offshoots of the adjacent leucocratic biotite granodiorite pluton.
Underground two sets are conspicuous: a gently dipping set are commonly <1 m thick. Dilation on some is normal to sheet
intersecting vein at low angles and steep set running slightly walls but some show evidence of oblique dilation. Dilution and
oblique to the strike of vein (Figures 14, 18, 19 and 21). These small vein offsets result from aplite sheet emplacement

FIG 19 - Combination of structures affecting gross vein envelope in a raise. Two vein structures show varying separation (0.3 m minimum to
1 m maximum wall rock screen), undulation and some component of vertical displacement across aplite. Aplites show cumulative width of
0.9 m along the line of the raise, seven per cent of the 13 m segment illustrated. Rectangle shows upper 11 m of best fit position for 15 m
by 1.2 m best fit stope outline on the raise data (source: redrawn from Crew, 2002).

44 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference


(Figure 19). Channel sample sites can lie within aplite sheets. At along the vein. The minimum design stope width is 1.2 m, but in
surface the thicker sheets are seen to be continuous for hundreds practice is commonly 1.4 m.
of metres. The thickness of all individual veins (<1 m) and many vein
assemblages is less that any practical minimum stoping width.
Faults Open folds or undulations, offsets across aplite sheets and local
rapid lateral divergence of individual veins result in the gross
The vein and wall rocks are cut by a small number of planar envelope containing the vein to be thicker than any local
faults with widely varying dip and strike. These faults are measurement of vein thickness (Figures 15, 17 and 19). Stopes
discordant to the vein and the ductile deformation structures. are however designed to minimise dilution and thus take rock
They are usually occupied by sheets of granitic or aplitic only from the vein thickness, subject to a minimum practicable
material. These igneous materials do not show evidence of working width (1.2 m ideal or 1.4 m practical minimum).
faulting and where fractured the patterns are unrelated to the
Prior to stoping the position of the vein system is known
fault orientation. The faults are inferred to predate or be
precisely on the walls of the development sublevels, thus locating
synchronous with aplite sheet emplacement.
the top and bottom of the stope panel. Vein position and
The Pegmatite Fault controls mine layout, separating the thickness between the sublevels is unknown in detail for most of
Target and Southern Blocks (Figure 13). It has an apparent the intended stope. For commonly used longhole stoping, this
down-throw to the northwest, but the true movement vector defines a stope cross-section with rectangular form and little or
is unknown. The other faults have small (1 m to 10 m) no change in thickness between the upper and lower ends. This
displacements and affect local design of drive and stopes. assumes a simple planar form to the vein with limited variation
in thickness. Any departure from this assumption potentially
Late joints leads the unplanned dilution and possible failure to actually
Planar joint sets cut the veins and aplite sheets. Conspicuous sets recover vein material (Figures 17 and 19). The latter is
of steep joints run northwest-southeast, 90° to the vein strike, and particularly serious where the vein is extremely narrow (<0.3 m)
a set of southwest-northeast joints dip southeast, subparallel to and of very high grade. The absence, presence and position of
the vein. These produce negligible offsets of the host structures. individual high grades or extreme low grades are not known
The joints have mineralised fills and include examples with between the sublevels.
limonitic stains recording recent weathering. These joints control Exploration raises (Figures 15 to 17 and 19) and production
breakage in some parts of drive backs and can influence wallrock raises will however provide local information on vein position
breakage and dilution in the stopes. and character between the sublevels. These will allow some
assessment of the risk of using narrow stopes based on the
Grade/resource estimate observed vein characters in the levels. Clearly there is little risk
for stopes adjacent to Figure 16. In Figure 15 there is a risk of
leaving some part of thick vein assemblage in the stope if the
Sampling and estimation practice at Nalunaq
thick section is not seen in sublevel walls. The envelope around
At Nalunaq the complexity and presence of coarse gold was the vein assemblage is however still simple. Figure 17 illustrates
recognised at an early stage and resulted in the use of bulk a situation where there is severe risk of leaving a long section of
samples and underground development during the feasibility the ore material in the stope wherever the sublevels occur. In
studies (Lind, Kludt and Ballou, 2001; Dominy and Petersen, Figure 17 the model stope outline is drawn for the best recovery
2005). Detailed mapping during development provided a record and any other position would leave significant amounts of either
of the vein complexity (Crew, 2002). the upper or lower leaf of the vein in place in the stope. In this
Dominy and Petersen (2005) describe the sampling protocols case the vein position is controlled by three geological features:
developed to control the effects of coarse gold. Bulk samples variation in separation of the two leaves, the undulation structure
(480 samples of 50 t to 70 t) were taken from development and the offsets associated with aplite sheet emplacement. These
material in 2000 and 2001. Routine face and drive wall sampling are unrelated structures and are likely to have different tracks
uses a composite of three channel samples across the vein through any adjacent stope.
(channels spaced 1 m and cut to include a few centimetres of
external wall rock, minimum sample length 0.5 m; details are Successful projection of structures away from the raise
given in Dominy and Petersen, 2005). requires knowledge of the pitch of the structure in the vein
together with its likely continuity. Thicker aplites (Figures 19
and 21) are continuous and regular for relatively long distances
Controls on the geological nugget effect but continuity of individual undulations is not clearly established.
The observation of coarse gold, visible clusters and the local
truncation of individual early gold bearing veins is a direct Nalunaq continuity risk profile
warning that gold distribution is likely to be nuggety.
The Nalunaq mineralisation defines as moderate-high risk, due
Boudin necks and primary vein terminations form distinct
to a high nugget effect of gold grade within the ore shoots
short gaps in the vein where gold mineralisation is usually absent
(Table 5). Resolution of local geological continuity and grade for
(Figures 14 to 21). Aplite sheet intersections also produce short
Ore Reserve definition requires underground development
‘gold absent’ sites. Systematic sampling in the plane of the vein
(blocking out).
will pick some of these ‘gold absent’ sites. These produce
extreme low grades that are adjacent to full thickness vein It is possible to make a more formalised, but not quantitative,
material and thus contribute to the geostatistical nugget effect assessment of the geological risk in stope design (Snowden,
(effectively ‘negative nuggets’). The relative contributions of 2006b; Dominy et al, 2006). Table 6 summarises vein
large grains, or clusters of coarse gold, and the ‘gold absent’ sites complexities and Table 7 and Figure 22 illustrate possible risk
to the observed nugget effect are not known. categories for Nalunaq. Various potential stope outlines are
shown in Figure 22 to illustrate the variation in dilution and
recovery risk and the risk for different outlines is summarised in
Exploitation Tables 6 and 7.
The Nalunaq deposit is exploited in longhole stopes developed Geological risk features cannot be entirely eliminated due to
from sublevels driven at approximately 11 m vertical intervals cost and the balance between full recovery and increased

Narrow Vein Mining Conference Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 45


Nalunaq continuity risk review and associated project expectations.

Uncertainty criteria Risk score Comment

Gross geological continuity 3 The Nalunaq Main Vein is relatively continuous. Gross continuity is generally not material
to ore shoot definition. Wide-spaced drilling at 100 m to 150 m spacing will resolve gross
reef continuity.
Reef geometry: dip, strike, width, etc (4) 5 Locally reefs can show strong variability that requires underground development or
close-spaced drilling (~10 m) to resolve. Locally material to evaluation and mining.
Grade distribution control: ore shoot controls 3 Ore shoots are controlled by structural and lithological features and show generally good
down-plunge continuity. Can be defined by drilling alone (~30 m).
Grade distribution: local spatial effects and (4) 5 Ore shoots have a high nugget effect (~70%), with gold grade moderately difficult to
small-scale continuity issues within the ore predict locally. Requires underground development to resolve effectively and define Ore
zone/ore shoots – ‘nugget effect’ Reserves.
Post-reef effects of faulting, dykes, etc 5 Critical vein modifying features are aplite dykes, shearing/boudinage and minor cross
faulting, that has local material effect on the continuity of ore shoots. Requires
underground development to resolve or close spaced drilling (~10 m).
Total risk profile 4 (5) The overall continuity risk is considered to be moderate-high. This is driven by the
high-nugget effect and local geological complexities and need for development to resolve
continuity issues.
Project characteristics based on risk profile • Moderate size gold system with total inventory of potentially 1.5 Moz Au
• Small high-grade operation producing around 80 000 to 90 000 oz Au per annum
• Definition of Inferred and Indicated Mineral Resources. Measured not defined even after development
due to nugget effect
• Some 75% of resource base in the Inferred category
• Only one to two years ahead defined as ore reserves based on development

Summary of vein complexities at Nalunaq and implications for mining (after Snowden, 2006b).

Type of vein complexity Feature Scale Implication

Splitting up or uniting Vein breaks up or veins >5 m High variation in total width of veined zone with likelihood of
converge sections of the vein passing out of the planned stope limits.
Dislocation Aplites and/or faults Gaps <1 m, spaced at Relocation of vein and dilution by barren aplitic material.
cross-cutting the vein 2 m to 10s m Likelihood of vein passing out of the planned stope limits.
Width variation in vein or Boudinage or primary Gaps up to 5 m, spaced High variation in vein width with barren gaps leading to dilution.
vein zone nature of the vein 4 m to 10s m Likelihood of wider sections of the vein passing out of the planned
stope limits.
Attitude Change in dip over short >5 m Change in vein attitude that may result in sections of the vein
range passing out of the planned stope limits.

Geological risk classification for stope design at Nalunaq It is well-known that gold-quartz reefs with a high-nugget effect
(after Snowden, 2006b). generally possess a high resource risk. A key component of
resource risk is ‘continuity’ risk, related to uncertainty of reef
Risk Geological features Implications for stope design
continuity at different scales and grade continuity within ore
Low Simple planar vein Vein unlikely to extend shoots. An evaluation program must collect the geological
beyond the limits defined information required, and will include diamond drill core logging
from development. Recovery and surface and/or underground mapping. It should then be
likely to be in excess of 90%. possible to produce a continuity risk profile, from which realistic
Moderate Vein shows some Some portions of the vein expectations of resource definition and problems during mining
variability in width, may extend beyond the limits can be understood. For early stage programs (eg with drilling
attitude and/or continuity defined from development. data only), this may be difficult and will rely on the experience
Recovery likely to be between of the geologist(s) concerned.
60 % and 90%.
The Clogau reef is a very high-risk style of mineralisation due
High Complex vein structure Vein very likely to extend to the small size of the ore shoots and highly-localised
with highly variable width, beyond the limits defined unpredictable gold pockets. On the macro-scale, the occurrence
attitude and/or continuity from development. Recovery
of ore shoots is controlled by the reef structure crossing
likely to be less than 60%.
greenstone sills and/or splits/branches. This localisation is due to
geochemical and structural factors which in combination created
the access for gold-bearing fluids and a geochemical
dilution. Risk factors can be identified and can guide response to environment for gold deposition. Such a deposit has a high
unacceptable shortfalls in grade and ounces. In addition, it resource risk and requires strong geological control during
should be possible to schedule blending of high-risk and low-risk evaluation and mining. The high risk nature of the deposit only
stopes to maintain extraction rates and optimise head grade. permits the definition of small Inferred Mineral Resources even

46 Ballarat, Vic, 14 - 15 October 2008 Narrow Vein Mining Conference


This contribution results from on-going work by the authors on
the evaluation of high-nugget effect gold reefs. The following
organisations have supported studies in Dolgellau: Clogau Gold
Mines PLC, Welsh Gold PLC, Elenith Mining Company
Limited, Clogau St David’s Gold Mines Limited, Union Mining
Company Limited and Victorian Gold Limited, and in
Greenland: Crew Gold Corporation and Nalunaq Gold Mine
A/S. Discussions with George Hall, David Pelham and Roland
Phelps on Dolgellau, and Jon Steen Petersen, Ole Dahl, Mogens
Lind and Kurt Christensen on Nalunaq are acknowledged. In
addition, thanks are due to Andy Ross (Snowden Group) and
The AusIMM Conference reviewers, Brian Cuffley and Keith
Whitehouse, for their helpful comments on the manuscript. The
opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors, and
not necessarily those of Snowden or the named operating

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