Lick 2013

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2013 Electrical Insulation Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2 to 5 June 2013

Experiences in testing of AC and DC bushings

W. Lick
Institute of High Voltage Engineering and System Management, Graz University of Technology,
Inffeldgasse 18, A-8010 Graz, Austria

Abstract - Bushings are very important parts of the electrical

power supply. They are used as transformer bushings to allow
the electrical connection from the transformer winding to
external equipment like busbar or overhead lines or as wall
bushings for bringing “high voltage” through a wall. The design
of bushings usually consists of an insulating body, for instance oil
impregnated paper with concentrically inserted layers for
electrical field grading or a gas chamber, a housing, usually
porcelain or polymeric, and the flange. For testing of bushings it
is necessary to simulate service conditions. This means oil vessels
for transformer bushings and a special structure for wall
bushings to simulate installation conditions are necessary. The
performed electrical tests should verify that the bushing
withstand the electrical stress in service. Challenges for testing
bushings in the UHV range are the big dimensions of the test
objects, avoiding any kind of external influences to the measuring
results and the lack of relevant standards for the UHV range.
This paper summarizes the experiences in testing AC and DC
bushings up to 800 kV system voltages. Problems during the
preparation process or during the tests which can occur and
there possible solution will be shown.
Keywords: Bushings, High Voltage, AC and DC tests

Figure 1: 50 percent breakdown voltage Ûd-50 versus gap distance s for a
rod-plate arrangement for different voltage shapes, according [1]
During the last 10 years the demand for testing high voltage
equipment increased steadily. Especially the need for UHV
(Ultra High Voltage) tests plays an important role since
countries like China, India or Brasilia want to install UHV
overhead lines. Many of the High Voltage Test Laboratories
(indoor test fields and outdoor test fields) in Europe were built
in the 1960 and 1970 and usually they were sized to test high
voltage equipment up to the 765 kV three-phase AC range.
Because in that period nobody thought that this voltage level
will be exceeded, especially in Europe. The size of High
Voltage Laboratories is determined by the positive switching
impulse level due to the biggest clearances which is needed for
this voltage shape. According figure 1 for air gaps larger one
meter the positive switching impulse leads to the lowest
breakdown voltage (even lower than the AC system voltage!).
Additional to that the standardized positive switching impulse
voltage (250/2500 µs) is the critical dimensioning parameter
only up to 7 meter insulating height of a device. For higher
equipment the lowest breakdown voltages will be reached with
positive switching impulses and time to crest Tcr divergent
from the standard switching impulse with 250 µs time to crest
Tcr, figure 2. If we look into the standard (IEC 60071-1,
insulation coordination) the highest test voltages for 765 kV
AC transmission equipment are 2100 kV for lightning impulse Figure 2: 50 percent breakdown voltage Ud versus gap distance s for a
rod-plate arrangement, according [1]
(1.2/50) and 1550 kV for switching impulse (250/2500). 1…+1.2/50, 2…+250/2500, 3…curve with minimum strength

978-978-1-4673-4744-0/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 304

The development of higher transmission system voltages
requires also higher test voltages. At the moment there is need
for testing positive switching impulses up to 2000 kV and
higher, AC voltages up to 1200 kV and higher and DC up to
1500 kV and higher. If we look to figure 2 clearances of 10
meters and more are necessary. But not only the clearances
have to be handled also the enormous dimensions of the test
objects. For instance a wall bushing for 800 kV HVDC (High
Voltage Direct Current) transmission lines has an overall length
up to 22 meters and more. That means for switching impulse
test up to 2 MV of such a wall bushing there is a footprint of 40
meters to 20 meters necessary at least. And this only for the test
object and the clearances additional space is needed for the
impulse generator.

II. TEST ARRANGEMENTS Picture 2: DC test with a transformer bushing, Graz University of Technology
As our High Voltage Laboratory in Graz/Austria (Graz
University of Technology) has indoor dimension of 35 x 25 x test objects (transformer bushing and test vessel). With the help
21 meters (Length x Width x Height) and outdoor dimensions of a laser, which was mounted on the ceiling, it was possible to
of 50 x 25 meters (Length x Width) we are more or less on the bring in the oil part of the bushing in the test vessel without
border to perform high voltage tests for UHV equipment. damage the barrier system in the vessel (distances between
Usually the tests of UHV equipment require partial discharge bushing and barriers only few centimeter).
(PD) and/or radio interference voltage (RIV) measurements. To
ensure a low ground noise level in most cases it is necessary to
perform these tests in a shielded indoor laboratory. Picture 1
shows a test arrangement for the PD measurement with AC
voltage for 800 kV HVDC transformer bushing. To reach
optimal clearances it was necessary to make the test setup with
an inclination of 30 degree inclination to the vertical. In picture
2 the arrangement for DC test and PD measurement with a
longer HVDC transformer bushing can be seen. The whole
arrangement had an inclination of 45 degree in vertical position
and was placed diagonally in the High Voltage Laboratory to
reach optimal clearance. Due to the limitation of the door (14 x
14 meters) it was not possible to make the setup (bringing in of
the bushing in the test vessel) outside of the laboratory and
move the whole arrangement inside. Picture 3 illustrates the
critical assembly (bringing in of the bushing in the test vessel,
which contains the barrier system). The laboratory was “filled”
with two 50 tons mobile cranes, two mobile platforms and the

Picture 3: Test setup preparation with a transformer bushing, Graz University

Picture 1: AC test with a transformer bushing, Graz University of Technology of Technology

For switching impulse test higher than +1500 kV it is necessary We also tried to test during the night but without success. There
to perform this test outside of the laboratory due to the are always some insects and particles in the atmosphere.
limitations of the space inside. Picture 4 shows such a Maybe in winter time when it is cold it could be possible but
switching impulse test with 800 kV HVDC wallbushing. then the laboratory will cool down. The solution for this
problem was to test the whole arrangement inside the darkened
laboratory (with closed doors) and optimize the clearances as
possible. Another solution could be an optical system which
observes the high voltage sides and delete peaks in the partial
discharge pattern if this peak correlate with the impact of
insects or particles.
Another item is wet test of UHV equipment. Up to now wet
tests for HVDC bushings were performed according to IEC
60060-1 standard due to the lack of a specified standard for wet
test in the UHV range. But to fulfil all the requirements of IEC
60060-1 standard for tests with UHV equipment can be very
difficult. Due to the dimensions of the UHV test objects and the
needed distances between test object and spray apparatus
(especially for wet switching impulse tests) requirements like
precipitation rate along the surface with the small tolerances,
ensuring droplets on the surface (avoiding fog and mist) can be
a hard task. Furthermore the requirement of a specified vertical
Picture 4: Switching impulse test, wet with a wall bushing, Graz University of and horizontal component of the artificial rain for inclined test
setups cannot be fulfilled easily. Finally the question whether a
horizontal component of the artificial rain for horizontal test
III. DIFFCULTIES IN TESTING HVDC BUSHING setups makes sense must be clarified. Maybe in that case only a
vertical component is sufficient and can be done easier.
As already mentioned to create a good test setup for UHV
Other problem which may occur when testing in the UHV
equipment like bushings is a big challenge if the space is
range is the appearance of external partial discharge. The
limited. But also the testing can lead to problems. For instance
reasons for this are manifold. It starts with the climatic
the influence of insects to the partial discharge behaviour.
conditions in the laboratory. Especially for DC tests the relative
Picture 5 demonstrate our first attempt of a DC withstand test
humidity of the air can lead to problems if it is too high. Our
with partial discharge measurement with a 800 kV HVDC
1500 kV DC plant cannot be operated with voltages higher 800
wallbushing. Due to the “high” acceptance level of 2 nC
kV if the relative humidity exceed 65 percent. The partial
(nanocoulomb) and the length of the bushings (more than 21
discharge level will be higher than the limit of 2 nC. That
meters) we tried in a first step to perform this test by contacting
means especially in summer time it is necessary to wait for
one end of the bushing with the head of the DC generator
better conditions (lower humidity) or heat up the whole
inside the laboratory and let the other end of the bushing look
laboratory! Another possibility could be a dehumidification of
outside the laboratory by opening the doors. In this
the laboratory. Exactly the other problem we have for the AC
configuration we reached the biggest clearances of both
plant. The AC plant consists of three transformer stages and
bushings ends to earthed parts. But if the DC test voltage was
external blocking impedance which makes the connection
increased higher than about 1200 kV insects and particles were
between the plant and the test object, can be seen in picture 1.
forced against the shielding torus and this produced partial
This blocking impedance should damp partial discharges which
discharges higher than 2 nC.
are generated inside the transformer stages and should also
protect the plant in case of a breakdown of the test object. If the
humidity of the air in the laboratory is too low the ropes which
hold the blocking impedance dries out and produce partial
discharges. The best way would be a connection without ropes
but as the blocking impedance is usually heavy there is need of
these. For us the best conditions for partial discharge
measurements in the UHV range is a relative humidity between
30 und 50 percent. Another point of view is the connection
between DC plant and test object. The shorter this connection
is the better. If it is not possible to connect directly the test
object to the head of the DC plant, like in picture 2, it is
beneficial to use smooth tubes, as seen in picture 6. As the
shielding effect of a bundle-line does not work as well for DC
voltages than for AC voltages it is very important to check the
connections tubes if they are clean and do not have any damage
with protruding spikes. What is forgotten sometimes is the
Picture 5: DC test with a wall bushing, Graz University of Technology shielding of the earth side. As the test voltage for UHV

Record 2: Phase record of an AC test, Graz University of Technology
Picture 6: DC test with a transformer bushing, Graz University of Technology

equipment is very high the electrical field strength on the

earthed flange of the bushing can reach values at which partial
discharges on sharp edges occur. That is the reason why also
shielding elements on the flange should be used, as seen in
picture 6. Compared to AC partial discharge measurement the
detection of external discharges on live side or earthed parts is
much more difficult for DC tests. First you have no phase
information in the PD pattern. As seen in record 1 it is obvious
that external discharges on live side parts occur (record dots are
near the negative peak of the test voltage). Record 2 shows an
AC partial discharge record where external discharges are on
earthed parts (record dots are in the area of the positive test
voltage peak). Compared with record 3 (pd record of a 2 hour
DC withstand test) the time record of the pd behaviour which is
generated during the DC partial discharge measurement makes
even the distinction between internal (coming from the test Record 3: Time record of an DC test, Graz University of Technology
object) and external (coming from the test setup from parts
which have live side potential or earth side potential) (optical and/or acoustical) is necessary. As summary it is very
discharges not easy possible. And second the occurrence of favorable to avoid external partial discharges especially for DC
external partial discharges is compared to the behaviour with tests to save time and nerves by creating a thoughtful test setup.
AC test voltage in case of DC tests voltages sometimes not
continuous. That means they can appear with a large time
interval. As can be seen in record 3 there are two partial IV. CONCLUSION
discharge events with 15 minutes time difference. It is possible Testing of UHV equipment is an interesting task and need
to cancel these discharges if it can be verified that these are some effort in optimizing the test setup especially if the space
external ones. But therefore additional equipment of the test laboratory is limited. Due to the high electrical field
strength partial discharge measurements, especially with DC
voltage, will work only inside the laboratory to avoid the
influence of insects and particles. Furthermore there is need to
create a new standard for wet tests as the requirements of the
recent standard IEC 60060-1 for wet tests cannot be fulfilled
easily for UHV equipment. CIGRE constitute a new working
group for the subject “rain test in the UHV range” which will
be proposed by SC D1. To avoid external partial discharges it
is important to optimize the test setup by shielding also the
earthed flange and using smooth, clean and undamaged tubes
especially for DC tests in the UHV range. The air humidity in
the laboratory should be taken in account if external partial
discharges are present.

Record 1: Phase record of an AC test, Graz University of Technology [1] D. Kind, H. Kärner “Hochspannungsisoliertechnik” ISBN 3-528-03812-8


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