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CHALLENGE Leader Leader's signature or answer Points

1 make a leader a good cup of coffee for elevensees any
2 make a leader a good cup of afternoon tea any
3 tie a reef knot any
4 build a simple stretcher with poles and coats any
5 find a piece of grass longer than your arm any
6 borrow a scout shirt from another troop any
7 how many litres of water are in the swimming pool when full?
8 what is the combined age of the 5 oldest people on camp?
9 throw and catch 5 water bombs at 20 paces any
10 demonstrate the correct way to bang a tent peg in Pike
11 cook a splendid breakfast for a leader any
12 re-enact the sinking of the Titanic (points for acting and comedy) Jamie
13 kidnap a member of another Patrol without his Patrol noticing Bob
14 devise a camp fire stunt Pike
15 tie a bowline any
16 recite the alphabet backwards H
17 find North without using a compass any
18 arrange donkey derby with the children as jockeys Jamie
19 build a simple tri-pod and suspend the PL from it any
20 serenade an appropriate leader Jamie
21 get 3 strikes on the bowling alley any
22 demonstrate the point of fen-shui by re arranging your dining shelter H
23 throw a cup of water over a sleeping leader ~(ours) any
24 using your kitchen stuff make a drum kit and perform a piece Rocket
25 balance a broom handle on your chin for 5 seconds any
26 obtain a score of 15 crates any
27 do 25 turns in 'sickbag' with 3 up any
28 tie a larks head any
29 go into the marquee and criticise the leader's tidyness for 10seconds Bob
30 sing uma ke ke any
31 make a 30 second video diary on how unhappy you are at camp H
32 demonstrate the correct way to fold the flag H
33 build a bow and shoot an arrow into a ballon at 10 paces any
34 have a 20second Patrol conversation in a made up language Bob
35 give a Mars bar to a leader any
36 hank a rope any
37 make a simple 6 rung rope ladder H
38 tie a sheetbend any
39 what is the combined age of the 5 youngest people on camp?
40 how many hand holds are there on the climbing wall?
41 for 20 seconds stand by a leader and pretend they have farted Simon
42 decorate your APL as a ghost using flour Chris
43 find something fun to blow up with a rookie H
44 tie a hunter's bend any
45 using your table pretend to go white water rafting Pike
46 eat a hard boiled egg, anchovy and marmite sandwich Pike
47 tie a sheep shank any
48 using 'bop-it' score 22, one person per 'button' H
49 walk 3 steps on your hands (one member of patrol) any
50 find a near perfect brick any
51 convince a leader that you can boil water in a paper bag chris
52 challenge the leaders to crash mat rugby all
53 play 'keepy uppy' with a football for 20 hits any
54 iritate a leader to the point of them losing it with you! any
55 make a paper aeroplane that flies any
56 tie a timber hitch and demonstrate that it works H
57 what year did the site open?
58 provide a 20 second speech on why McDonalds is a healthy option All
59 PL to demonstrate a fictitious martial art for 10 seconds All
60 drink some milk and make it come out your nose any
61 Give a believable reason on why guide leaders are generally very big Jamie
62 what is the road number oustide the site
63 show how to take a compass bearing and read one Rocket
64 produce an oragami animal any
65 what year did scouting start?
66 explain how to deal with a burn Lauren
67 how many scouts are on camp
68 explain the 10 pitfalls of being a Girl Guide Simon
69 do a top notch quality square lashing any
70 what year did cubs start?
71 Tell a leader the scout law, from memory Jamie
72 PL to run an aerobics class for his patrol for 1 minute (varied and funny) Chris
73 what is the warden's name?
74 play relay leapfrog, 2 goes each H
75 pile your patrol up in a neat single stack/ pile any
76 As a Patrol pose for a cheesy 'clothes advert' photograph chris
77 hard boil an egg any
78 do a knee bandage lauren
79 play the leaders at a game of volleyball and put up a good fight all
80 where was the first scoutcamp?
81 who started scouts?
82 explain, with a map, contours and their purpose Pike
83 stand one scout on another's shoulders un-aided any
84 the whole patrol must hop 30 times in perfect unison Rocket
85 what is the site telephone number
86 Tie a sling on a member of the patrol Lauren
87 learn and perform a line dance of about 30 seconds Bob
88 demonstrate a block and tackle H
89 dress your patrol as superman any
90 how much was this camp?
91 in front of the leaders crack 2 eggs on your PL's head H
92 where is the Scout Headquarters camp site?
93 re-enact the shooting of JFK Bob
94 using whatever you have re-style your oldest erk's hair (no cutting) Rocket
95 set up a map Pike
96 make a coat hanger from sizal and natural materials any
97 do 6 football headers between 2 or more of you (in a row) any
98 correctly fold a patrol tent (real method not silly way) Pike
99 Tell a leader the scout promise, from memory Jamie
100 write & perform a song verse celebrating 100years of scouting Rocket

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