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Symbolism “Masque of the

Red Death”

Instructions: “Masque of the Red Death” is an allegory, a story in which all characters, events
and objects are symbols that together illustrate a deeper truth or moral to the reader. Closely read
the story, circling any characters, locations or objects that seem significant. When you have
finished, compare your selections with a partner or group. Working together, list your most
important selections below. Discuss what each might symbolize and why it is significant.


Reminder of the inevitability Because it shows that no matter what you
do you cant escape death in the future and
The Ebony Clock of death each hour death will always come in the end.

Symbolizes the disease or the Death will always come for you at the
The Red Death uninvited guest end

Comes from the word 'Prosperous' Despite your wealth and power, you
Which means wealthy/ trying to avoid can not escape death
Prince Prospero

The Seven Stages of Life Eventually, everyone goes through the

or the Seven Deadly Sins seven stages of life and commits the seven
The Seven Rooms deadly sins and tries to avoid reality, but
they always eventually experience death at
the end.

The Seventh Stage of Life: Death Everyone dies at the seventh room at the
end, which represents that everyone dies
The Seventh Room at the end and everyone will experience
the seventh room.

The Mask that they use to cover People who hide away from reality but will
The Masqueraders themselves represent that they are always experience death at the end.
trying to hide away from death

The Castle was used as a shelter and No matter how much you try to escape
the prince tried extremely hard to wall death and the extent that you will do to
The Castle out the red death avoid it, death will always chase you

Summary  Ac*vity:    Keeping in mind these symbols, what are the lessons or themes conveyed though this story?
Themes that have been conveyed is the inevitability of death, everyone will always experience death at the end and it is impossible
for anyone to escape it, it represents the 7 stages of life which means you will always go through it at some point. The lessons that
we have learned is that we should never try to avoid or escape from death because death will never leave us and it will chase us
until the end of our lives.


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