B18 Time Chart

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Days of the Week Months of the year

1. Monday 1. January 7. July
2. Tuesday
2. February 8. August
3. Wednesday
3. March 9. September
4. Thursday
4. April 10. October
5. Friday
5. May 11. November
6. Saturday
6, June 12. December
7. Sunday
Days of the Months
first 1st eleventh 11th twenty-first 21st
second 2nd twelfth 12 th twenty-second 22nd Today is Friday, March 6, 2017.
third 3rd thirteenth 13th twenty-third 23rd Tomorrow is Saturday, March 7, 2017.
fourth 4th fourteenth 14th twenty-fourth 24rd
fifth 5th fifteenth 15th twenty-fifth 25th Yesterday was Thursday, March 5.
sixth 6th sixteenth 16th twenty-sixth 26th Today is the sixth.
seventh 7th seventeenth 17th twenty-seventh 27th
Tomorrow is Saturday.
eighth 8th eighteenth 18th twenty-eighth 28th
ninth 9th nineteenth 19th twenty-ninth 29th This month is March.
tenth 10th twentieth 20th thirtieth 30th
thirty-first 31st


2. The Months of the Year RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

January February March April May June

1 2 3 4 5 6

July August September October November December

7 8 9 10 11 12

2. The Months of the Year RAINBOW OF EDUCATION






5. How do the Months look like 1 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

5. How do the Months look like RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

6. How do the Months look like 2 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

6. How do the Months look like 2 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

7. How do the Months look like 3 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

7. How do the Months look like 3 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

8. How do the Months look like 4 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

8. How do the Months look like 4 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

9. How do the Months look like 5 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

9. How do the Months look like 5 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

10. How do the Months look like 6 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

10. How do the Months look like 6 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

11. Write the Order of the Months RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

fifth 5th

11. Write the Order of the Months RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

12. Flashcards and name the Months RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

1______________ 2. ___________________ 3. _____________ 4. _____________


5. ______________ 6. _____________ 7. _____________ 8. _____________

9. _____________ 10. ____________ 11. ____________ 12. ____________

12. Flashcards and name the Months RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

13. Months: translation Thai to English RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

January มกราคม ม.ค. mohkH gaL raaM khohmM

February กุมภาพันธ์ ก.พ. goomM phaaM phanM

March มีนาคม มี.ค. meeM naaM khohmM

April เมษายน เม.ย. maehM saaR yohnM

May พฤษภาคม พ.ค. phreutH saL phaaM khohmM

June มิถน
ุ ายน มิ.ย. miH thooL naaM yohnM

July กรกฎาคม ก.ค. gaL raH gaL daaM khohmM

August สงิ หาคม ส.ค. singR haaR khohmM

September กันยายน ก.ย. ganM yaaM yohnM

October ตุลาคม ต.ค. dtooL laaM khohmM

November พฤศจิกายน พ.ย. phreutH saL jiL gaaM yohnM

December ธันวาคม ธ.ค. thanM waaM khohmM

13. Months: translation Thai to English RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

14. Fill the Gaps on Months and Weeks RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

1. Monday is the first day of the week. (1st)

2. Tuesday is the ____________________ day of the week. (___)
3. March is the ____________________ month of the year. (___)
4. One year has ____________________ months.
5. The last month of the year is ________________________.
6. April comes between _____________ and ____________.
7. The sixth month of the year is ________________. (6 th)
8. The _________ (5th) day of the week is _________________.
9. January has ______________ days.
10. After April comes ___________.
11. One week has __________ days.
12. After Saturday comes ________________________.
13. Half a year has _______________ months.
14. The first months of the year is ______________________; it has ____________ days.
15. Between Tuesday and Thursday comes ___________________.
16. In December the weather is ______________ in Thailand.
17. The weather in Thailand is hot in _______________ and _______________.
18. When the wind blows, the weather is __________________________.
19. When snowflakes fall, it is ___________________.
20. When raindrops fall, it is ____________________.

14. Fill the Gaps on Months and Weeks RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

15. Find the Months RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

July September March August November May January June

Find the names of
December February October April the months in the
grid. Then write
them in the column
in the right order

1 ______________

2 ______________

3 ______________

4 ______________

5 ______________

6 ______________

7 ______________

8 ______________

9 ______________

10 _____________

11 _____________

12 _____________

15. Find the Months RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

16. The Calendar, Questions 1 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

- January 2017unday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 1 2 3

1. January is the _______ (_____) month of the year.

2. It has _________ weekend days.
3. In which season is January? _______________________
4. How many days are there between January 18 and 27?
5. Which other months of the year have 31 days too?
6. How is the first day of January called.
7. When is New Year's Eve?
17. The Calendar, Questions 2 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

February 2017unday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

29 30 31 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 1 2 3

1. Valentine's Day is on February ________.

2. What is Valentine's Day about?
3. On what day starts the third week of February? ________________________________
4. How many days has February in a leap year? __________________________________
5. On what day does a weekend start? __________________________________________
6. On what day does a week start? _____________________________________________
7. How many full weeks has February? __________________________________________
18. The Calendar, Questions 3 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION
March 2017unday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

26 27 28 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31

1. March is the __________ (______) month of the year and has _____ days.
2. March is the __________ (______) month of spring which begins on March ______
in the Northern Hemisphere.
3. The first Saturday in March is on the ____________________________ (_________).
The next Saturday is on the __________________________________________
4. The last Wednesday of March is on the __________________________ (_________).
The first Wednesday is on the __________________________ (____________).
5. Check the fourth Friday.
6. Mark the third Tuesday with a triangle.
7. Mark the day which is 9 days before March 27 with a rectangle.
B18.01.19 The Calendar, Questions 4 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

April 2017unday

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

26 27 28 29 30 31 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 1 2 3 4 5 6

1.Which is a special event for Catholics in April? _______________________

2. What do they celebrate on these 2 days? ___________________________
3. What kind of weather can you expect in your country in April?
4. April 1 is a special day. How is it called in English? _____________________________
5. Do you play tricks on April 1? ________________________________________________
6. What do you think of the month of April?
7. What things do you usually do in April? __________________________________________
20. The Clock, some Expressions RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

‘o’clock’ : full hour ‘past’ ‘to’

‘half past’ ‘quarter past’ ‘quarter to’

‘It’s’ : the time now ‘At’ : an event starts ‘noon’

‘It’s quarter to eight’ ‘It’s six thirty’ ‘It’s twelve o’clock’

20. The Clock, some Expressions RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

21. The Clock Explained 1 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

1. Full hour

One day has 24 hours.

The 24 hours day is divided in 2 parts:
‘a.m.’ are the first 12 hours of the day. We call them night and morning.

‘p.m.’ are the second 12 hours of the day. We call them afternoon and evening.

Use ‘am’ and ‘pm’ only to avoid confusion.

The train leaves at 3 p.m.
The exam starts at 9a.m.
I woke up at 7 o’clock.

It's 1 (one) It's 1 (one) It's 1 (one)

o'clock. a.m. p.m.

2. Half an hour
Use minutes

It's 12:30.
It's 12:30 a.m. It's 12:30 p.m.
(twelve thirty)

21. The Clock Explained 1 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

22. The Clock explained 2 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

b. Use: half past..

It's half past It's half past

It's half past 12.
twelve a.m. twelve p.m.

3. Minutes

It's 12:04am. It's 12:04pm.

It's 12:04.
It's 4 past 12 It's 4 past 12
It's 4 past 12.
a.m. p.m.
4. \\\\\\\

4. A quarter of an hour
At the right hand side of the clock:

It's quarter past It's 1.15. (one It's quarter past

1. fifteen) 1 a.m or p.m.

At the left:

It's quarter to
It's quarter to 7. It's 15 to 7.
7 p.m or a.m.

22. The Clock explained 2 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

23. The Clock explained 3 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

We have 2 types of clocks:

1. Analog clocks
2. Digital clocks

Analog clocks tell the time by the movement of their hands. All analog clocks have at least two hands.
Some have three. The small hand tells us the hours. The big hand telss us the minutes. The thrid hand tells
us the seconds.
Digital clocks tell us the time by showing numbers. Digital clocks show a 12-hour notation with a.m./p.m.
and some show a 24 hour notation with hours ranging 00-23.
five thirty a.m. is: 05:30a.m.
three o’clock is: 03:00

There are:

 60 seconds in a minute
 15 minutes in a quarter of an hour
 30 minutes in half an hour
 60 minutes in 1 hour
 12 hours in half a day
 24 hours in a whole day

Noon/midday is when the clock shows twelve o’clock in the middle of the day.
Midnight is when the clock shows twelve o’clock in the middle of the night.
a.m. is the period of time from 00:00 to noon. It means “ante meridiem” which is Latin for ‘before noon’.
p.m. is the period of time from noon to midnight. It means “post meridiem” which is Latin for ‘after noon’.
Clockwise is the direction in which the hands on a clock move.
Counterclockwise is the opposite direction of clockwise.

23. The Clock explained 3 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

24 Give the Clocks their Hands RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

one o'clock six o'clock nine o'clock

quarter past ten quarter to eight nine twenty

nine fifty-two twelve o'clock half past three

five to twelve seven fifty-eight ten o'clock

24. Give the Clocks their Hands RAINBOW OF EDUCATION
25. The Clock and my daily Routines RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

6 o’clock 6:10 6:30


2.______________________ 3.______________________
1. I wake up at 6 ________________________ ________________________
o'clock. _______________________. __________________.

6:40 7:00 7:30


4.______________________ 5.______________________ 6.______________________

________________________ ________________________ ________________________
_______________________. _______________________. _______________________.

11:30 4 o’clock 4:30


7.______________________ 8.______________________ 9.______________________

________________________ ________________________ ________________________
_______________________. _______________________. _______________________.

5:30 6 o’clock 9 o’clock


10._____________________ 11.______________________ 12._____________________

________________________ ________________________ ________________________
______________________. _______________________. _______________________.

25 The Clock and my daily Routines RAINBOW OF EDUCATION


12 midday 12:00

morning afternoon

am pm

6am 6pm


sunrise 06:00 18:00

am night pm

morning evening

12 midnight 00:00


27. Digital Time Exercise RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

1. It's three o'clock p.m. 03:00 p.m.

2. It's ten thirty a.m.

3. It's five to five p.m. 04.55 p.m.

4. It's nine twenty five p.m.

5. It's twenty-five to eleven a.m.

6. It's eleven twenty-five a.m.

7. It's twelve thirty-five p.m.

8. It's two to two a.m.

9. It's five past eight p.m.

27. Digital Time Exercise RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

28. Days of the Week Pictionary RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

28. Days of the Week Pictionary RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

29. Days of the Week Writing RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

Tuesday, Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Monday, Thursday, Saturday

1 Sunday x2

29. Days of the Week Writing RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

30. Pictionary Exercise RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

1 2 3

5 6 7

30. Pictionary Exercise RAINBOW OF EDUCATION


d i r y F a _ _ _ _ _ _

d u r y h a s T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

t a d S y a r u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a s e y W e d d n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

n d y a u S _ _ _ _ _ _

d u y s e T a _ _ _ _ _ _ _

o d n a M y _ _ _ _ _ _


32. Write the Next Days of the Week RAINBOW OF EDUCATION





32. Write the Next Days of the Week RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

33. Multiple Choice RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

A. 1.The first day of 2. The first day of the 3. The first day of the
the week is Monday. week is monday. week is Sunday

B. 1. Tuesday comes 2. Thursday comes 3. Thursday comes

before Thursday. between Wednesday. before Friday.
C. 1. Tuesday is the 2. Tuesday comes 3. Wednesday is the
middle day of the after the middle day middle day of the
week. of the week . week.
3. Thursday is the
D. 1. Friday is the fifth 2. Friday is the sixth fifth (5th) day of the
(5th) day of the week. (6th) day of the week. week.
E. 1. Monday comes 2. Monday comes 3. Friday comes after
after Sunday and after Tuesday and Wednesday and
Saturday. Wednesday. Thursday.

F. 1. 5 days before 2. 2 days before 3. 6 days before

Sunday is Tuesday. Monday is Friday. Sunday is Sunday.
G. 1. One week has 2,5
weekend days being Friday 2. One week has 3 3. One week has 2
evening, Saturday and weekend days. weekend days.
H. 1. Today is Friday. The 2. Today is Saturday. 3. Today is Tuesday.
day before yesterday was The day after The next weekend day
Thursday. tomorrow is Monday. is Sunday.
I. 1. One week has 2 2. One week has 5 3. The first day of of
weekend days, one middle workdays and 2 the week is also the
day and one last day. weekend days. last.

J. One week after 2. If we skip 3. If we skip the

Monday is Tuesday. Wednesday it's Friday. weekend it's Monday.

33. Multiple Choice RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

34. Prepositions of Time 1 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

Preposition Use Examples

in months in July; in September
year in 1985; in 1999
in seasons in summer; in the summer of 69
part of the day in the morning; in the afternoon; in the evening
duration in a minute; in two weeks
part of the day at night
time of day at 6 o'clock; at midnight
celebrations at Christmas; at Easter
fixed phrases at the same time
days of the week on Sunday; on Friday
date on the 25th of December
special holidays on Good Friday; on Easter Sunday; on my birthday
a special part of a day on the morning of September the 11th*
after later than sth. (a special time) after school
ago how far sth. happened (in the past) 6 years ago
before earlier than sth. before Christmas
between time that separates two points between Monday and Friday
by not later than a special time by Thursday

34. Prepositions of Time 1 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

35. Prepositions of Time 2 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

during through the whole of a period of time during the holidays

for period of time for three weeks
from Monday to Wednesday
from ... to
two points form a period from Monday till Wednesday
from... till/until
from Monday until Wednesday
past time of the day 23 minutes past 6 (6:23)
since point of time since Monday
till tomorrow
till/until no later than a special time
until tomorrow
to time of the day 23 minutes to 6 (5:37)
up to not more than a special time up to 6 hours a day

4. \\\\\\\

35. Prepositions of Time 2 RAINBOW OF EDUCATION

1 fifth 5th 2 eleventh 11th 3 seventh 7th 4 sixth 6 th 5 ninth 9 th 6 second 2 nd 7 first 1st 8 eighth 8th 9 fourth 4th 10 tenth
10th 11 twelfth 12 th 12 third 3rd
1 February 2 April 3 October 4 August 5 March 6 September 7 December 8 June 9 January 10 July 11 October 12 May
2 second 2 nd 3 third 3rd 4 twelve 5 December 6 March, May 7 June 8 fifth, Thursday 9 31 10 May 11 7 12 Sunday 13 6
14 January, 31 15 Wednesday 16 cold/cool 17 March and April 18 windy 19 snowing 20 raining

1 first 1st 2 9 3 In the winter 4 8 5 March, May, July, August, October, December 6 New Year 7 On December 31

1 14 2 It’s a day when people show feelings of love, affection and friendship. 3 On February 12 4 29 5 On Saturday 6 On
Sunday 7 3

1 third 3rd 31 2 first 1st 1 3 fourth 4th eleventh 11 th 4 twenty-ninth (29th) first 1st 5 March 24 6 March 21

1 Easter 2 The resurrection of Jesus from the death. 3 Change from winter to spring. Slowly getting warmer 4 Fool’s day.

2 10.30 a.m. 4 9.25 p.m. 5 10.35 a.m. 6 11.25 a.m. 7 12.35 p.m. 8 01.58 a.m. 9 08.05 p.m.

1 Thursday 2 third 3rd Tuesday 3 seventh 7th Saturday 4 first 1st Sunday 5 second 2 nd Monday 6 fourth 4 th Wednesday
7 sixth 6 th Friday

33. A=1 B=3 C=3 D=1 E=3 F=1 G=3 H=2 I=2 J=

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