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You have a gift….

keep it stoked - every redeemed child of

God has a God given gift in him or her. Not a physical gift I pray you shall be amongst those being refined in the
like we human give each other but spiritual gifts. name of Jesus. The fire can either be allowed to consume
the gift or refine the gift. Bishop David Oyedepo said,
Eph 2:10 - For we are his workmanship, created in Christ “Every gift of God multiplies with use”. The more you use a
Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained gift the more it multiplies or becomes sharper and
that we should walk in them./ Eph1:11 - In whom also we effective. For example, if you have the gift of prophecy and
have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated you don’t use it, with time, it becomes dormant and
according to the purpose of him who worketh all things ineffective. If you have the gift of teaching, use it; begin
after the counsel of his own will: from where you are and start teaching; with time it will
develop and you will have so much depth and teaching will
1Pet4:10 - As every man hath received the gift, even so become second to nature.
minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the
manifold grace of God. You have a gift, use it/ To fan into flame the gift of God in our life, we have to deal
Rom12:6 - Having then gifts differing according to the with fear. 2Tim1:6-7 - the fire that flames the gift of God in
grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us us must be allowed to consume the fear around us.
prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Josh1:3,6,7,9.

2 common denominators between those two verses - There are certain assignments that cannot be handed over
into you until the fire comes upon you. Luke
You have a gift and You should use it! Why should you use 24:49/Acts1:8/Acts2:1-3
your gift? Your gift is your lift - Prov 18:16 - A man's gift
maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. To fan into flame your gift:
To hide your gift is to hide your lift. It is at this early stage 1. Pray the fire
we have unlimited possibilities to work on our giftings. 2. Use the fire

While ordinary men are asleep, extra ordinary men are As soon as they got the fire in the upper room, they put the
awake fanning their gift. God has given everyone a gift, fire to work immediately in Acts 2:1-4
what happens to your gift is dependent on what you do
with it. We see a good example in the parable of the 5 For us to use a gift, we have to accept it. If you don’t
talents in Matt 25:15 accept it, the gift is useless. So the first step is locating
and accepting that we have a gift that He has given unto
The fire consuming some is the same fire refining others. us.
To locate your gift, consider the following:

1. Ask the manufacturer – God is the manufacturer. He

formed everyone of us and knows the purpose for
which he formed us. Go to God for your gift, each
one is gifted. Jer 1:5
2. Read the manual – God’s word is God’s manual for
each one of us. In locating your gift, you must be
conversant with the manual. There is something
about your gift in the manual. Psa 40:7/ Heb 10:7
3. Pay attention to the product - Another important step
is to pay attention to yourself. Paying close attention
to yourself will usually expose the things you are
good at.
4. Be sensitive to your environment – Every gift needs a
place for expression. Matt 5:15 - Neither do men light
a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a
candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in
the house. For your gift to function effectively, it is
important to locate the right environment to express
the gift.

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