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PAA Written Work # 2

• Revisit your assigned topic in your
Analysis Paper.
• Identify the important key
points/messages of your Analysis
• Create an Infographic Material as
your PAA Written Work # 2 in World
General Instructions:
• Follow the instruction on how to create an
Infomercial material.
• You can visit:
• Strictly follow the proper format and
• The key points or messages of your Analysis
Paper MUST be evident and clear in your
Infographic Material.
• Same groupings and members.
• Make your own Infographic as a group.
• Feel free to see different concepts/ideas from
the internet.
• Enjoy in making.
What is an infographic?
- (information graphic) is a representation of information in a graphic
format designed to make the data easily understandable, contextual,
logical, research based and informative at a glance.
What is an infographic?
- People use infographic to quickly communicate a
message, to simplify the presentation of large amounts of
data, to see data patterns and relationships.
How do I Create an INFOGRAPHIC MATERIAL in World
• Revisit/recall your Analysis paper.
• Make a creative CONCEPT of your Infographic based from your Analysis Paper.
• Tell us about your chosen religious issue. Highlight the CENTRAL or CORE
content/message of your topic.
• Identify the MAIN THEMES and POINTS/PRINCIPLES in your topic.
• Choose a concrete/specific action plan that is connected to your Analysis paper.
• Provide possible ways/steps that will advocate/respond to the Religious Issue
using your Analysis paper.
more sample…
FORMAT (Strictly follow)
• Portrait Vision
• Size: 11x17 (Medium Size)
• Any color of your choice.
• Place your GROUP PICTURE with
your Complete Names (printed)
below (on the lower right corner)
of your Infographic.
Scoring Guide:
Infographic Material - 40 points
Peer Evaluation - 10 points

50 Points of AAT
AAT Rubrics: (40 points)
4 3 2 1 0

Clearly and Concisely states the poster’s

Clearly states the purpose of the States the purpose of the Incomplete and unfocused Absent, no
Coherence purpose (image/poem) in a logical
poster’s (image/illustrations) in a poster’s (image/illustrations) in statement of the poster’s evidence at
manner, which is engaging and thought
x4 logical manner. a logical manner. (image/illustrations). all.

Each message has thoughtful supporting

Each message has sufficient
detail sentences that develop the main Each message lacks supporting Each message fails to develop
supporting detail sentences that Absent, no
idea. Writers develop logical and subtle detail sentences. Logical the main idea. There is no
Content sequencing of ideas through well-
develop the main idea. verse
organization, organization of evidence of structure and
evidence at
development is present but not all.
x4 developed ideas. All data are recorded
ideas are not fully developed. organization.
and organized in a clear manner.

Style is readable, but

Style is readable and rhetorically Style is incoherent or
unremarkable in tone,
Creativity / Style is confident, readable and effective in tone. It incorporates
sometimes including a lack of
inappropriate in tone, including
Over all rhetorically effective in tone. The poster varied sentence structure, a lack of sentence variety,
sentence variety effective word Absent, no
incorporates varied sentence structure, effective word choice, and correct ineffective or inappropriate
Effort choice, or some distracting, but evidence at
precise word choice and correct grammar, grammar, spelling and word choice, and serious errors
not serious, errors in grammar, all.
x2 spelling, and punctuation. Creativity and punctuation. Creativity and depth
spelling and punctuation.
in grammar, spelling and
depth is excellent. is very good. punctuation. Lacks creativity
Creativity and depth is good.
and depth.

Total Score: 40
5 – Strongly agree / 4 – Agree / 2 – Disagree / 1 – Strongly disagree

Completed Helped
Contributed Did work Average
Willingly work on time or others with Contributed to
positively to accurately Consideration (Sum Total
Groupmates’ accepted made their work a fair share to
group and of others divided by Average
name assigned tasks alternative when the Task
discussions completely 7 criteria)
arrangements needed


Average/ 5 (total points) x 10 =
Sample: 4/5= .8 x 10 = 8

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