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In ancient times, one morning in the Tumapel area a young man was seen lying sleeping on the

terrace of a house. Not long after, an old man approached him.

LohGawe : “Son, wake up! Why are you sleeping here? What happened to you?"
Ken Arok : "Sorry sir, I fell asleep here.
LogGawe : “Let me introduce myself, my name is Loh Gawe. What's your name?"
Ken Arok : "I Arok."
Lohgawe : “Arok? It just so happens that I want to tell you something."
Ken Arok : "What is it ,sir?"
Lohgawe : "I often hear your name, that you are a brave young man, but I also often hear about your
bad attitude. If you want to change, I am ready to help you. I have a good place for you.”
Ken Arok : "Where is that place, sir?"
Lohgawe : "In that place you will serve Your Majesty tunggulAmetung. The leader of the Tumapel
area, he is looking for a personal bodyguard."
The next day, Loh Gawe took Ken Arok to Tumapel to be introduced to Tunggul Ametung
in the Middle house of palace room
Loh Gawe : "Your Majesty, I have found a bodyguard for Your, his name is Ken Arok"
Ken Arok : "It would be an honor if your Majesty accepted me."
T. Ametung : "I really need a personal bodyguard, because Loh Gawe is my trusted person I believe in
his choice. So I accept you as my personal bodyguard."
Ken Arok : "Thank you, sir, I promise to work as best as possible."
T. Ametung and Ken Arok shook hands
T. Ametung : "Dedes, my wife! Come here,"
K. Dedes : "Yes, my husband. Wait a Minute."
T. Ametung : "Sit down, next to me, my wife"
In Ken Arok's heart, he admired Ken Dedes who was beautiful. Apparently Loh Gawe knows
what's in Ken Arok's heart so Loh Gawe warns Ken Arok, because Ken Dedes is the wife of tunggul
T. Ametung : “Ken Arok, this is my wife, dedes. Adinda, this is Arok, my new bodyguard."
A few days later A group of court ladies accidentally saw Arok observing Ken Dedes with seriously
from a distance
Dayang : What is Arok doing? Why is he looking at Ken Dedes like that?
Ken Arok : Ken Dedes, if you were mine, i would be so lucky, Can see your beautiful face all the time."
It didn't take long for Arok to adapt to his new environment. He not only became the personal
guardian of tunggul ametung, but he also became one of tunggul ametung's trusted person.
In the room
Ken Arok : "I am handsome, dashing and charming. I should be the one sitting with Ken Dedes to lead
tumapel, not that loser tunggul Ametung. Hmmm, i know!, he must die. Ha ha ha"
A few days later he met Mpu Gandring, a famous keris craftsman in Tumapel. Then Ken Arok
ordered a keris from a mpu gandring. Keris took a long time to make. But then Arok was impatient and
forced Mpu Gandring to give him the keris. Ken Arok and Mpu Gandring fought. Then Ken Arok
grabbed the keris and stabbed Mpu Gandring in his stomach. And at the end of his death, Mpu Gandring
cursed the keris which was held by Ken Arok.
Mpu Gandring: "You really don't know how lucky you are, Ken Arok! one day the keris will kill you and
your descendants. Bear it in mind !
Then Mpu Gandring died. And Ken Arok left his body, which was lying stiff, alone, before anyone
saw it
The trip
Kebo Ijo : "Arok, what did you bring? May I see it?”
Ken Arok : "Of course, this is my keris. Very powerful! You like?"
Kebo Ijo : (Sambil melihat-lihat keris) Wow! Very good, I really like it! Can I borrow it?”
Ken Arok : "Hmmm, OK"
Kebo Ijo : "Is it true? Can I confess to my friends that the keris is mine? I want to impress them.”
Ken Arok : "Yeah, no Problem
Kebo Ijo : "Wow, you're very kind Arok, thank you,'
Kebo Ijo also showed off the keris to his friends. In Ken Arok's heart he said: "Let people think
that the keris is his, that will make my plan easier."
Then 2 girls walked towards Mpu Gandring's house, aiming to order the keris. The two girls were
shocked to see Mpu Gandring lying stiff with blood all over his body. Then girl A checked his pulse to
make sure. And it turned out he had indeed died. Then they looked for solutions from the residents. At
the end Mpu Gandring was also buried in the village. Kebo Ijo then came and showed off the keris
throughout the village and kingdom even to the palace and the Kebo Ijo returned the keris to Ken Arok
2 Days later in the Tunggul ametung Work Room
T. Ametung : “ Arok! Yesterday Tumapel just received an award from the city government. but, you were
not with me. Even though this award is also thanks to your help."
Ken Arok : "don’t worry sir, I'm very happy when I help you. (tak lama) “Sir! That's a big bug on your
T. Ametung : "Oh yeah?! please get rid of this animal arok.”
Then Tunggul Ametung turned around and Ken Arok took out his keris. Then Ken Arok
spontaneously stabbed tunggul Ametung cruelly. Until he died there. And not long after, Ken Dedes
Ken Dedes : "arok...! What did you do to my husband?”
Ken Arok : “Listen, Dedes, I'm doing this for you. FOR YOU" (teriak dan menggoncang pundak dedes)
Ken Dedes : "For what? I didn't expect you to do this Arok!"
Ken Arok : "I know you are not comfortable with him. You only wear your mask in public. You're
actually suffering! You always cry every night. I know it!"
Ken Dedes : "how do you know? "
Ken Arok : "It doesn't matter! I have freed you from this vile and rotten man!"
Ken Dedes just cried silently. Don't know what to do
Ken Arok : (berjongkok dan mendekat) "Please keep this secret Dedes"
Ken Dedes still hasn't answered because his deep crying continued for a long time. Not long after,
Ken Arok summoned the soldiers at the palace and reported that someone had killed him. It turned out
that there was a keris left behind besides Tunggul ametung's body. Seeing this, they accused Kebo Ijo of
killing them because previously Kebo Ijo had shown off to everyone that the keris belonged to him.
After burial of the Ametung Stump. Ken Arok accused Kebo Ijo of killing TA. And when he wanted to tell
the truth, Ken Arok immediately stabbed him Kebo Ijo died before saying that the keris actually belonged
to Ken Arok.
Several weeks later
Ken Arok : "Dedes, I've had these feelings for you for a long time. I love you, will you be my wife?
Ken Dedes : "Yes, I do"
Ken Arok and Ken Dedes finally got married, Ken Arok finally ascended the throne to replace T.
Ametung. Several years later, Tumapel, lead by Ken Arok, experienced a lot of progress, some Brahmins
felt the need to work together with Ken Arok to overthrow the Kediri kingdom.
Representative of the Brahmins: (jongkok) "Your Majesty Ken Arok, we have come here to offer
cooperation with His Majesty to overthrow the Kediri kingdom, let us together free ourselves and build our
respective kingdoms"
Ken Arok : "What are your plans?"
Then they whispered about their plans to Ken Arok. Plans for the attack began to be planned,
finally after the attack, the Kediri troops were defeated and Tumapel broke away from the Kediri
kingdom and developed into a kingdom known as "Singosari"
The child of Ken Dedes and T. Ametung is starting to grow up, his name is Anusapati. Anusapati feels
like it's wrong to show favoritism. Ken Arok loves his younger brother TohJaya more
Anusapati : "Mother, why does father seem love Tohjaya more than me? Isn't it true what I heard from
several people that I am not father's biological child?"
Ken Dedes : "That's right son, your biological father died when you were still in the womb, mother
deliberately didn't tell you, because mother thought it was better."
Anusapati : "So, what they said was true? "It's only that father loves Tohjaya more. why did he die at
that time?"
Ken Dedes : "Your father was killed by someone, (sambil meneteskan air mata)"
Anusapati : "Tell me mom , who killed him?"
Ken Dedes : (diam)
Anusapati : "Why you silent? mother ,are you hiding something from me?"
Ken Dedes : (terjatuh) "Okay my son, maybe it's time for you to know, Ken Arok. He was the one who
killed him.”
Anusapati : "Really?! I can't believe this (menunjukkan ekspresi tak percaya)"
Ken Dedes : "That's right son, I'm sorry I'm just saying it now"
Anusapati : “shit! I won't let him live in peace mother, he has to pay for what he did."
Ken Dedes : "No, you don't know how Ken Arok is, I just don't want anything happen to you.
Anusapati : "Calm down mother, I know how to deal with people like him."
In the room
Anusapati : “Ken Arok must die! "But I don't want to kill him with my own hands(ekpresi marah). Well,
I know who I can rely on.
Anusapati called Ki pangalasan
ki Pangalasan : "Why you, calling me for prince?"
Anusapati : “Do you want this? (lots of gold and jewellery)”
Ki Pangalasan : "This is for me prince?"
Anusapati : "Of course, but you have to do something for me"
Ki Pangalasan : "What is it prince?"
Anusapati : "Kill Ken Arok for me!"
Ki Pangalasan : "Why?"
Anusapati : "Just do it, I know that Ken Arok often treats you badly, so now is the time for you to take
Ki pangalasan : "Okay prince"
Anusapati : "This is the keris that you will use to kill Ken Arok, I have prepared everything after Ken
Arok falls asleep, that's the time to finish him off! After that, meet me at the warehouse, I'll bring all
the jewelry and gold for you."
When the waiter wanted to deliver food to Ken Arok's room, Anusapati asked the waiter to take it to
Arok's room. Anusapati Mixed sleeping potion into Arok's food.
Anusapati : "This is food for you father"
ken Arok : "Thank you anusapati, why did you deliver it?"
Anusapati : "It's okay father, I just wanted to see mother, I thought mother was with father."
Ken Arok : "No, your mother is out"
Anusapati : "Okay father, I'll excuse myself"
Anusapati watches Ken Arok eating from the window
Ken Arok :I'm Very sleepy (tertidur)
Anusapati : "Ki Pangalasan, now is the time for you to carry out your duties, I will divert the attention of
the people in the palace. “
Ki pangalasan : "Yes prince"
Ki Pangalasan went into Ken Arok's room
Ki pangalasan: "I'm sorry” (menusuk ken arok, Ken Arok jatuh dan mati)
At warehouse
Anaspati : "How? Succeed ?"
Ki pangalasan : "yes prince"
Anusapati : "Very good, this is for you (memberi ema)
Ki Pangalasan : "Thank you prince, this is the your keris"
Anusapati : "Nice working with you"
Ki Pangalasan was fascinated by the gold and jewelry he got unexpectedly. Anusapati stabbed Ki
Pangalasan in the back
Anusapati (menusuk ki pangalasan )
Ki Pangalasan : "Prince... (jatuh dan mati)
Anusapati ascended the throne to become king replacing Ken Arok, but Tohjaya seemed to
Toh Jaya : "Listen Anusapati, you don't deserve to be king, I'm more worthy, because I'm the biological
son of Ken Arok." (sambil memutari anusapati)
Anusapati : "No, you are not worthy to lead this kingdom. Your father is not worthy because he has
taken this kingdom from my father, T. Ametung." (teriak)
Toh Jaya : "I know you are the murderer of my father, he will die sooner or later, I will avenge my
father and take Singosari from him."
One day the kingdom held a cockfighting competition, because Anusapati liked it,
Toh Jaya : "Larasati, I know you are hurt by Anusapati because he has betrayed you and prefers
another woman."
Larasati : "That's right, I was really hurt by him and I really hate him"
Toh Jaya : "That's why I want to invite you to work together to destroy it"
Larasati: "How?"
toh Jaya : "(berbisik ke larasati)"
Anusapati was having fun watching the cockfighting competition he was holding. then Larasati
approached him
Larasati : "Anusapati, help me, I really need your help"
Anusapati : "But I'm not who you are anymore"
Larasati : "Please help me just this once, I promise I won't bother you again"
Anusapati : "What do you need help with?"
Larasati : "Come with me"
Larasati succeeded in directing Anusapati to the place she and Toh Jaya had planned, when
Anusapati was careless, Toh Jaya immediately stabbed him to death. * After all, Jaya ascended the
throne to become King, replacing Anusapati who died, but this did not last long because there were many
protests from residents and the palace elite. Finally, the leadership chair was occupied by Ranggawuni.
A few years later*
Ranggawuni : "O my people, I am old, I will entrust this singosari to my son Kartanegara. So welcome
your new King.”
Warga : *tepuk tangan *
During the Kertanegara government, Singosari reached the peak of its glory* The cause of the
collapse of the Singasari Kingdom was the death of King Kertanegara during the Jayakatwang rebellion
in 1292

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