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Name: Bella Gwyneth A.



Popular culture is a broad perspective, especially nowadays, since various

cultures and ideas from people have emerged. According to our previous lessons, the
term “popular culture” cannot have its proper definition since people would define it
differently. As a student learning and trying to understand this subject's scope, there are
plenty of ideas to be implied on these various challenges.

Comparing and contrasting, popular culture contains culture and tradition, and as
time passes by, these certain traditions are either slowly getting replaced, forgotten, or
evolved into modernization. This leads to conflict between the old generation and the
new generation, especially people who would easily stereotype and make a big deal out
of everything. This is an example of a challenge under the popular culture, how would
people equally accept the form of tradition suiting both traditional and modernized?

As a student, we could simply put the fact that change is certainly constant in this
world, nothing would ever stay the same as time passes by. Old traditions would make
the young generation feel that it’s outdated, and the old generation would feel that it
would be too modernized. The solution would be respecting each other’s traditions – but
it wouldn’t be exactly a walk in the park since people would defend what they want and
what could benefit them.

Popular culture is indeed very tricky, dealing with various perspectives – where
one is right and the other could be right. Nevertheless, simply respecting each other
would be something that all these challenges and perspectives have in common, to
have a better understanding of the scope.

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