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The SafeNebula Protocol is a community driven,

fair launched DeFi Token.

Three simple functions occur during each trade:

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* Fair Launch~

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Commu·nity dri_ven & X • •

Fair Launched. lnitiijl. .

liquidity provided by the ·
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team arid Jocked via>< >< · • x .·

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Unicrypt . . . .RF~tatic ~wards X ·*
: · · . . . · · . Holders
. . . earn pc1ssive . .
r>(:!wards through static
·. reflec,ion
. . as they watch
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Ev~ry trade contributes towal>{:I

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liquidity insid~-PancakeSwap t.P.
• 2% Redistrj butien Tax On Each.Transaction .
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,. 2%. Burll on Each Tran~action


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8 70,000 Limit per Transaction

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Decen!r~lized finance_ (commonly referred to ~ { '~ ~ _;
as DeF1) 1s a blockcha1n-based form of finance that I • · ..., .

does not rely on central •-

financial intermediaries such
as brokerages, exchanges, or banks to offer
traditional financial instruments, and instead
utilizes smart contracts on blockchains.
DeFi platforms allow people to lend or borrow
funds from others, speculate on price movements
on a range of assets using derivatives,
trade cryptocurrencies, insure against risks, and
earn interest in savings-like accounts.Some DeFi
applications promote high interest rates but are
subject to high risk. By October 2020, over $12
billion (worth in cryptocurrency) was deposited in
various decentralized finance protocols, which
represented more than a tenfold growth during the
course of 2020. As of January 2021, approximately
$20.5 billion was invested in DeFi.

Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Binance Smart Chain was launched in 2020 and cultivates
an environment for developing high-performance
decentralized apps (dapps). Moreover, It is built for
cross-chain compatibility with Binance Chain to ensure
smooth operations for the community.
Unlike Binance Chain, BSC boasts smart contract
functionality and compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual
Machine (EVM). Leaving the high throughput of the Binance
Chain unaffected while introducing smart contracts into its
ecosystem and encouraging the deployment of dapps.
Fundamentally, the blockchains operate side-by-side and
It's worth noting that BSC isn't a layer two or off-chain
scalability solution. It's an independent blockchain that
could run even if Binance Chain went offline.
Because BSC is EVM compatible, it launched with support
for Ethereum tools and dapps. In theory, this makes it very
easy for developers to port their projects over from
Ethereum. For users, it means that apps like Metamask can
be easily conf to work with BSC

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