Individual Assignment #1 - DiSC

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MGMT 258 – Organizational Behaviour in the Global Market, Fall 2023

Individual Assignment #1 – DiSC Assignment

Instructors: Karen Johnston and Andrea Parkes
Objective: To assist you in gaining insight into how your DiSC profile is reflected in, or may explain, your past behaviour. This
reflection of your past behaviour and your understanding of your DISC profile is intended to provide you with the opportunity to
perform more effectively in teams and organizations.
For each question, please provide specific examples from your past experiences in work, academic or volunteer situations.
Prepare your responses as you would answer interview questions, to ensure that you are giving enough detail in your answers.
Responses to all questions are to be typed directly into the tables on the following pages. The answer spaces will expand as
required to fit the length of your answer. Upload this document with your answers to the “Individual Assignment #1 - DISC Report”
Dropbox no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, October 22, 2023.
Following is the rubric that will be used for grading:
Criteria Excellent = 5 Above Average = 3 Unsatisfactory = 2 Incomplete = 0
Comprehensive Provides exemplary Provides moderate insight, Shows inadequate insight, Did not
Insight comprehensive insight, understanding and reflective understanding and reflective complete.
understanding and reflective thought. thought, is unfocused or
thought. fuzzy
Life/Career All answers use more than one Uses at least one specific Only a few or no good Did not
Examples of OB specific example in your life or example in your life or future examples are used to explain complete.
Theories/ future career to explain and career for most of the and apply the course
Concepts apply the course concepts for questions to explain and concepts.
each question. apply the course concepts
for each question
Professionalism Exceptional formatting. Some formatting issues. Many formatting issues. A Did not
and Accurate spelling and grammar. Some spelling and substantial number of spelling complete.
completeness APA citations used correctly (In- grammatical errors present. and grammatical errors
text and at the end in a Some APA citations used. present.
reference page). All but one required entry is Little to no APA citations or
All required entries are present present and complete to a reference list
and complete to an exemplary good quality. One to two entries are
quality. incomplete, missing, and
done to a poor quality.
Student Name and ID#

State your DiSC style

as provided in your
DiSC & Motivators
Using your results,
and other resources
provided, indicate
what you believe to be
your dominant DiSC
dimension (i.e. D, i, S
or C) and your
rationale for this

Select 3 key strengths identified in your DiSC profile report. For each strength, identify the strength and then provide a
specific example from your past work, academic or volunteer experiences where you have demonstrated this strength. Be
sure to describe your actions and behaviour in detail.

Strength #1 -- Identify
the strength and
describe an example.

Strength #2 -- Identify
the strength and
describe an example.

Strength #3 -- identify
the strength and
describe an example.
The next few questions ask you to reflect on past experiences where you faced a challenge and to relate the challenge to
your DiSC profile results as well as theories about “stress” described in the textbook (Chapter 4).

Describe one (1) time in

the past when you
faced a challenge in
your work, studies, or
personal life. Please be
specific about the

What did you do to

overcome this

Describe, how your

reaction can be
explained using your
DiSC profile results.

How can the way you

reacted to that
challenge be explained
by one of the theories
in your textbook,
Chapter 4, related to
The next few questions ask you to reflect on past experiences when you disagreed with a decision that affected you.

Describe a specific
time when you
disagreed with a
decision that was made
at work, college, or in
your personal life that
affected you.

How did you respond

to this situation?

Does your DiSC profile

explain how you
reacted? If yes, please
explain. If no, please

How can your reaction

be explained by one of
the theories in your
textbook, Chapter 5,
related to motivation?
Your DiSC profile report identifies “Cautions” and “What you Fear” (pg. 2 of your report). For each area:
 State your result
 Provide a specific example from your past work, academic or volunteer experiences where you have demonstrated
these behaviours -- be sure to describe your actions and behaviour in detail
 Define a “SMARTER” goal (textbook, Chapter 5) that you plan to achieve by the end of this semester to address
the area of opportunity.

Cautions -- Identify the

“Caution” and describe
an example when this
has been evident in
your past.

Define a "SMARTER”
goal that you plan to
achieve by the end of
this semester to
address this area of

What You Fear --

Identify your fear(s)
(from your report) and
describe an example
when this has been
evident in your past.

What You Fear – Define

a "SMARTER” goal that
you plan to achieve by
the end of this
semester to address
this fear.

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