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Fire resistance of steel hollow structural section columns filled with

bar-reinforced concrete
Lie, T. T.; Kodur, V. K. R.

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Internal Report (National Research Council of Canada. Institute for Research in
Construction); no. IRC-IR-678, 1995-03

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National Research Consell national

1+1 Council Canada de recherches Canada
Institute for lnstitut de
Research in recherche en
Construction construction

by T.T. Lie and V.K.R. Kodur

Internal Report No. 678

Date of issue: March 1995

CISTI/ICIST NRC/CNRC Internal report : Institute

--Bev Creighton
Received on: 03-23-95
Internal r e p o r t : Institute SNALYZED
for Research in
Construction Canada

This is an internal report of the lnstitute for Research in Construction. Although not
intended for general distribution, it may be cited as a reference in other publications.

T.T. Lie and V.K.R. Kodur

Parametric studies, using mathematical models, were carried out to determine the
influence of various factors on the fire resistance of steel hollow structural section (HSS)
columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete. Data from the parametric studies were used
to develop simple expressions for calculating the fire resistance of bar-reinforced concretc-
filled HSS columns with circular and square cross sections. Thc validity of thc calculation
procedure was established by comparing the calculated fire resistances ivith those obtained
from fire tests on columns. The procedure, which is suitable for incomoration in design
codes, provides a rational and easy-to-use design method for evaluating the fire resis&ce
of hollow steel columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete for anv value of the sirmificant
parameters that determine it, such as load, cross-sectional dimenGons, effective l&th and
concrete strength.
T.T. Lie and V.K.R. Kodur
Hollow structural steel columns are very efficient structurally in resisting
compression loads and are widely used in the construction of framed structures in
buildings. By filling these columns with concrete, the load bearing capacity of the columns
can be increased substantially. In addition, a high fire resistance can be obtained without
the necessity of additional surface fire protection for the steel. The elimination of surface
protection increases the usable space in a building. Klingsch and Wuerker [l] summarized
the benefits of concrete-filled steel columns as follows: "Their consequent application can
lead in an economic way to the realisation of architectural and structural design with
visible steel without any restrictions on fire safety."
For a number of years, the National Fire Laboratory, National Research Council
Canada W C ) , has been engaged in research studies, aimed at developing simplified
methods that can be used by the construction industry, for evaluating the fire resistance of
structural members. Both experimental and numerical studies on the fire resistance of
stccl hollow structural section (HSS) columns filled with different typcs of concrete were
carried out. A study on hollow steel sections filled with plain concrete has been
completed [2]. Simple expressions for determining the fire resistance of these columns
were established and incorporated in the National Building Code of Canada.
The studies on hollow steel columns filled with plain concrete have shown that
substantial reductions in the loads on the columns have to be made to obtain predictable
fire resistances. This problem can be overcome by the addition of bar reinforcement.
Chabot and Lie [3] have demonstrated, through laboratory tests on steel-bar-reinforced
concrete-filled steel columns, that predictable fire resistances can be obtained, even when
very high loads are applied.
In this report, the results of the studies on the fire resistance of hollow structural
steel columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete are described. Data from these studies
are used to develop simple expressions for the calculation of the fire resistance of
concentrically-loaded circular and square HSS columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete,
that are suitable for incorporation in building codes.
To develop the expressions for the calculation of the fire resistance of the columns,
mathematical models for the prediction of the fire resistance of rectangular and circular
HSS columns, filled with bar-reinforced concrete, were used [4,5]. The models
incorporate realistic stress-strain relationships and thermal properties for structural steel,
concrete and reinforcing steel at elevated temperatures, and account for the effect of
In the models, the fire resistance is calculated in various steps, which consist of the
calculation of the temperatures of the fire, to which the column is exposed, the
temperatures in the column, its deformations and strength during the exposure to fire, and
finally its fire resistance.
The fire temperature is calculated using the ASTM El 19-88 [6] or CANAJLC-
SIOl [7] standard fire-temperature equation. A finite difference technique is used for
computing the temperatures across the cross section of the column. The strength of the
column, which decreased with duration of exposure, is computed as a function of the time
of exposure to fire, using a stability analysis. -
The fire resistance of the column is derived by calculating the strength of the
column as a function of the time of exposure to fire. The strength reduces gradually with
time and eventually reaches apoint at which the strength becomes so low that it is no
longer sufficient to support the load. At this point, the column becomes unstable and is
assumed to have failed either by buckling or by compression. The time required to reach
the point at which a column becomes unstable, leading to failure under a given load, is
taken as the fire resistance.
The numerical procedure, contained in the mathematical model, was programmed
for computer processing. By specifying the mechanical and thermal properties of
structural steel, concrete and reinforcing steel at elevated temperatures, the fire resistance
of circular or rectangular HSS columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete can be
evaluated. The validity of the computer programs was established by comparing the
results of the model to test data [4,5].
Using the computer programs, the influence of various factors on the fire
resistance of HSS columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete was investigated through
computer-simulated fire tests. These factors include cross-sectional dimensions, amount
of reinforcing steel, concrete strength, concrete cover to the reinforcing steel and type of
concrete aggregate.
Fig. 1 shows a typical HSS column, with circular cross section and bar-reinforced
concrete filling, investigated in this study. The parameters that were investigated are given
in Tables 1 and 2. HSS columns with circular, as weU as with square cross section, were
considered in this study. The outside diameter of the steel sections for the circular HSS
columns was varied from 168 to 406 rnm, while the outside dimension of the square HSS
columns was varied from 178 to 305 mm. The wall thicknesses considered were the
minimum and the maximum thicknesses listed in the CISC Handbook of Steel
Construction [8]. The effective lengths of the columns were varied from 2.5 to 4.5 m.
The influence of the amount of steel reinforcements was studied for three steel
percentages, representing a small, medium and high percentage of reinforcement. The
effect of concrete streneth was investigated bv calculating the fire resistance of the
columns for three concyete strengths, &meli 20,35 and-50 MPa. To investigate the
influence of the concrete cover, the fire resistances of the columns were calculated for two
cover thicknesses, namely, for 20 and for 50 mm. For the purpose of obtaining
information on the influence of the type of aggregate on the fire resistance of the column,
all calculations were performed for siliceous as well as for carbonate aggregate concrete.
In the calculations, the material properties described in the ASCE Structural Fire
Protection Manual [9] were used. Detailed results of the parametric studies on circular
and square HSS columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete were presented by Lie and
Denham [10,11].
In the following, the influence of the various parameters that determine the fire
resistance of HSS columns will be further discussed for circular columns filled with bar-
reinforced concrete.
Outside Diameter of the Column
The fire resistance of an HSS column is shown as a function of the outside
diameter of the column for two loads in Fig. 2. The fire resistance increases significantly
with the increase in diameter of the column. The curves in the figure show that the fire
resistance increases more than quadratically with the column outside diameter. The
increased fire resistance can partially be attributed to the increase in strength of the column
with the increase in diameter and partially to the longer time it takes the concrete core to
reach temperatures at which it has lost so much strength that it can no longer support the
Steel Wall Thickness
Fig. 3 shows the influence of the stccl wall thickncss on the tirc resistance of HSS
columns filled with bar-reinforced concrcte for a load of 400 kN. For the larger columns,
the fire resistance decreases slightly with the wall thickness while, for the m-ller columns,
the fue resistance increases somewhat. However, the influence of wall thickness is not
significant in the entire range of columns studied. An explanation for the decrease in fire
resistance with increase of wall thickness for the larger columns is, that at the time of
failure, which occurs after more than 3 hours exposure to fire, the steel has virtually lost
all of its strength. Therefore, at the time of failure, the column is supported only by the
concrete core, which decreases in area with increasing steel wall thickness. For the
smaller columns, however, which fail after an exposure time on the order of 1 hour, there
is still a significant contribution of the steel to the strength of the column. The thicker the
steel, the greater the contribution of the steel to the strength of the column, which more
than compensates for the loss in strength due to the reduction of the concrete core area
with steel wall thickness.
Effective Length
The influence of the effective length on the fire resistance of the HSS columns is
shown in Fig. 4 for three concrete strengths and two load levels. The fire resistance
decreased with increase in effective length. The influence of the effective length is greater
for lower loads. The decreased fire resistance for longer columns can be attributed to
increased slenderness which, in turn,reduces the load-canying capacity.
The influence of the load on the fire resistance of HSS columns is shown in Fig. 5,
where the fue resistance is plotted as a function of the axial load for three column outside
diameters. It can be seen that for fire resistances above 45 minutes, which lie in the
practical region, thc fire resistance of the columns increases steeply with decreasing load.
The influence of load on fire resistance is greater for columns with larger diameter.
Tests [3] and comparisons with calculated fire resistances [5] showed that the fire
resistance of HSS columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete remains predictable even for
loads up to 1.7 times the factored resistance of the concrete core according to CANICSA-
S16.1-M89 [12].
Percentages of Steel Reinforcement
The fire resistance of the HSS columns increases by a relatively small amount with
an increase of the percentage of steel reinforcement. The results of the parametric studies
indicated that the increase is about 10%when the steel percentage was increased from 1.5
to 6%. The presence of reinforcement, however, provides containment for the concrete
core and, therefore, substantially increases the duration of exposure to fire and the load to
which the column can be subjected without the occurrence of premature failure, compared
to plain concrete-filled columns.
Concrete Strength
Fig. 6 shows the variation of fire resistance of HSS columns with concrete strength
for various loads and effective lengths. The curves show a moderate influence of the
concrete strength on the fire resistance of the column, which increased nearly linearly with
the concrete strength. The influence is relatively greater for the higher loads than for the
lower loads. The influence of the concrete strength is also greater for the shorter columns
than for the longer columns.
Concrete Cover
An increase of concrete cover increases the fire resistance of HSS columns filled
with bar-reinforced concrete by a small amount as can be seen in Fig. 7. The effect of the
concrete cover on the fire resistance of the column is greatest for the column with an
effective length of 4.5 m. In general, the thicker the cover thickness, the slower the
temperature rise of the steel reinforcement and its loss of strength.
Type of aggregate
The effect of the aggregate type on the fire resistance of a concrete-filled HSS
column is shown in Fig. 8 for siliceous and carbonate aggregate concretes. In the practical
region of fire resistance, namely, for fue resistances above 45 minutes, the fire resistance
of an HSS column filled with bar-reinforced carbonate aggregate concrete is higher by
10% or more than that of a similar column filled with siliceous aggregate concrete. This is
mainly caused by the higher heat capacity of carbonate aggregate concrete, which, due to
an endothermic reaction at about 700°C, increases to a multiple of the heat capacity of
siliceous aggregate concrete [9].
In sunmmy, the results from the parametric studies indicated that the cross-
sectional size, the effective length of the column and the load have strong influence on the
fire resistance of circular HSS columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete. The concrete
strength and the type of aggregate have moderate influence, while the concrete cover to
the reinforcement and the amount of steel reinforcement have a small influence. The steel
wall thickness does not significantly influence the fire resistance of the column. An
examination of data from the parametric studies of square HSS columns filled with bar-
reinforced concrete [lo], indicated that their behaviour is similar to that of circular HSS
Based on the data from the parametric studies, expressions were developed for the
calculation of the fire resistance of circular and square HSS columns filled with bar-
reinforced concrete.
It was possible to express the fire resistance of these columns, as a function of the
parameters that dctcrmine it, by equations similar to those developed for the calculation of
thc fire resistance of HSS columns filled with plain concrete 121. The usc of equations for
columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete, shilar to columrisfilled with plaid concrete,
will simplify the procedure for the calculation of the f r e resistance of these columns.
In the following, the equations that show the relationship between the fire
resistance and the parameters that determine it, will be given for columns with circular
cross sections as well as for columns with square cross sections.
Circular HSS Columns
As shown earlier, the most important parameters that determine the fire resistance
of hollow steel columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete are:
1. The load on the column
2. The outside diameter or the outside width of the column
3. The effective length of the column
4. Concrete strength
5. Type of aggregate
6. Percentage of steel reinforcement
7. Concrete cover to the reinforcement
Based on the relationships between the fire resistance and the above parameters,
found in the uarametric studies. the followine formula for the fire resistance of circular
hollow steel columns, filled wi& bar-reinforGed concretes, was established empirically:

R = lire resistance in minutes
f, = specified 28-day concrete saength in MPa
K = effective length factor
L = unsupported length of the column in mm
D = outside diameter of the column in mrn
C = applied load in kN
f, = a constant to account for the type of aggregate, percentage of steel bar-
reinforcement and the thickness of the concrete cover to the bar-reinforcement.
The values off, are given in Table 3 for siliceous and carbonate aggregates, various
steel percentages and concrete cover thicknesses.
Since Eq. (I), which provides a relationship between the fire resistance and the
parameters that determine it, is based on the results of experimental and parametric
studies, it is necessary to set limits of applicability on the values of the parameters within
the range of values investigated in the studies. The studies [4,5] showed that the fire
resistances of bar-reinforced HSS columns were predictable for fire resistances up to more
than three hours. These studies also indicated that no premature failure occurred for loads
up to 1.7 times the factored resistance of the column concrete core according to the
Standard CANICSA-S16.1-M89 [12]. In addition, the experimental and parametric
studies have been carried out for columns with a concrete strength between 20 and 55
MPa, an effective length between 2000 and 4500 mm, an outside diameter or outside
width between 165 and 410 a steel percentage between 1.5 and 5%, a concrete cover
to the main reinforcing bar between 20 and 50 mm, and Class 1,2 and 3 sections.
In summary, Eq. (1) is deemed to be applicable when the following limits are set
on the parameters that determine the fire resistance of the column:
1. Fire resistance (R): S 180 min
2. Load on the column (C): < 1.7 times the factored compressive resistance of the
concrete core according to CANICSA-S.16.1-M89
3. Specified 28-day concrete compressive strength (t,): 20-55 MPa
4. Effective length of column (KL): 200011500 mm
5. Outside diameter or width of the column (D): 165-410 mm
6. Percentage of main reinforcing bars (P):1.5-5%
7. Concrete cover to the main reinforcing bars (S): 20-50 mm
8. Width (D) to thickness (t) ratio not to exceed Class 3 section according to CAN/CSA-
In Fig. 9, the fire resistances, calculated with Eq. (I), are compared with those
calculated using the computer program Because the fue resistances, predicted by the
model, lie on the safe side [5], values of the factor fi, in Eq. (I), were selected to
producedslightly higher fire resistances that those calculated using the model.
The conservative fire resistances, produced by the computer program, can further
be seen in Table 4, where the fire resistances of circular HSS columns, calculated using
Eq. (I), are compared with those obtained,from tests at NRC and by the Comitk
International pour le Developpement et 1'Etude de la Construction Tubulaire (CIDECT)
[13], as well as with the results calculated for these columns using the mathematical
model. For all the columns, the fire resistances computed by the model are lower than
those obtained kom the tests. The fire resistances computed with Eq (1) are generally
within fifteen percent of those obtained from tests, except for the column with a very high
fire resistance. For this column, the equation produces a fire resistance that is about 30%
conservative in comparison with that obtained in the tests.
Square HSS Columns
The results from the parametric studies [lo] indicate that the fire resistance of.
square columns is influenced by similar parameters to those of the circular columns. Using
a similar procedure as that for circular HSS columns, the following expression was
established for evaluating the fire resistance of square HSS columns filled with bar-
reinforced concrete.

R = fire resistance in minutes
f, = specified 28-day concrete strength in MPa
K = effective length factor
L = unsupported length of the column in mm
D = width of the column in mm
C = applied load in kN
fi = a constant to account for the type of aggregate, percentage of steel bar-
reinforcement and the thickness of the concrete cover to the bar-reinforcement.
The values of f2 are given in Table 5 for siliceous and carbonate aggregates, various
steel percentages and concrete cover thicknesses. Because the fire resistances
predicted by the model are less conservative for the square columns than for the
circular columns, the values off2 have been selected to be somewhat lower than the
values of fi for the circular columns.
The validity limits for the square columns are the same as those for the circular
HSS columns, except for the outside dimension of the column. which for the sauare
column should be 175 to 305 mm.
In Fig. 10, the fire resistances calculated with Eq. (2) are compared to those
obtained from the computer program. The fire resistances obtained from the equation are
somewhat more conservative than those obtained from the computer program, particularly
for the higher fire resistances. However, both methods produce, in most cases,
conservative fire resistances in comparison with test results, as can be seen in Table 6,
where the fire resistances obtaincd from both rncthods arc comparcd to results of tcsts
conducted by NRC and by CLDECT.
In order to keep Eqs. (1) and (2) simple, approximate relationships between the
fire resistance and the parameters that determine it were used, which in some cases
included the use of linearized relationships. Because of the use of approximate
relationships, it was strived to obtain fire resistances that reasonably lie on the safe side.
How the fire resistances, calculated with the Eqs. (1) and (2), compare to test
results is shown in Fig. 11, where the calculated fire resistances are compared to the fire
resistances obtained fkom tests on 29 columns conducted at NRC and other laboratories
[13]. Five columns had circular cross sections, while the remaining columns had square
cross sections. For some of the columns, the type of aggregate used in the concrete mix
was not known. For these columns, the fire resistances were calculated by assuming that
the aggregate in the concrete was carbonate, which resulted in slightly higher fire
resistances than those for siliceous aggregate concrete.
It is evident that there is considerable variation between the calculated and
experimental values. This occurred because of the large scatter of experimental results.
For example, tests on nominally identical columns, carrying identical loads, sometimes
showed significant differences in fire resistance when tested at different laboratories. This
discrepancy was mainly attributed to variations in end fixicity of the various testing
machines. The coefficients in Eqs. (1) and (2) were selected such that the equations
predict fire resistances that are generally conservative.
Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
a The parameters that have the greatest influence on the fire resistance of bar-reinforced
concrete-filled HSS columns are the outside diameter or width of the column, its
effective length, the load on the column and the concrete strength. The influence of
the type of aggregate in the concrete, the percentage of steel reinforcement and the
concrete cover to the reinforcement is considerably smaller. The thickness of the steel
wall does not significantly affect the fire resistance of the columns.
The fire resistance of circular and square bar-reinforced concrete-filled HSS columns
can be calculated by two equations that reflect the influence of the various parameters
that determine it, one for the circular and one for the square columns. Using the
equations, the fire resistance of these columns can be calculated for any value of the
significant parameters that determine it, such as load, column-section dimensions or
concrete strength, with an accuracy that is adequate for practical purposes. By
varying these parameters, an economical design, that satisfies the fire resistance
requirements for structures, can be determined.
The fire resistance of the columns is determined by the same parameters as those that
determine the structural resistance of the columns and can, therefore, be integrated in
the normal course of structural design. The simplicity of the equations makes them
suitable for incorporation into building codes.
This work was carried out at the National Fire Laboratory of the Institute for
Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada, with the support of the
Canadian Steel Construction Council and the American Iron and Steel Institute. The
writers would like to thank Michael Denham and Martin Chabot for their contribution in
processing the theoretical and experimental results, and John MacLaurin and John Latour
for their assistance with the experiments, conducted for the development of the
mathematical models used in this study.
1. Klingsch, W., and Wuerker, K., New developments in fire resistance of hollow
section structures, Symposium on Hollow Structural Sections in Building
Construction, ASCE, Chicago, IL, 1985.
2. Lie, T.T. and Stringer, D.C., Calculation of fire resistance of steel hollow structural
steel columns filled with plain concrete, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering,
Vol. 21, 1994, p. 382-385.
3. Chabot, M. and Lie, T.T., Experimental studies on the fire resistance of hollow steel
columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete, IRC Intemal Report No. 628, National
Research Council of Canada, Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario,
4. Lie, T.T. and Irwin, R.J., Fire resistance of rectangular hollow steel sections filled
with bar-reinforced concrete, IRC Internal Report No. 63 1, National Research
Council of Canada, Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa, Ontario, 1992.
5. Lie, T.T., Fire resistance of circular steel columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete,
Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 5, 1994, p. 1489-1509.
6. Standard Methods of Fire Tests on Building Construction and Materials, ASTM
El 19-88, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA, 1990.
7. Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials,
CANiULC-S101, Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada, Scarborough, Ontario,
8. Handbook of steel construction, Canadian Institute of Steel Construction,
. . -.--
Ontario. 1991.
~> ~- ~

9. Lie, T.T., Ed., Structural fire protection, Manuals and Reports on Engineering
Practice No. 78, ASCE, New York, NY,1992.
10. Lie, T.T. and Denham, E.M.A., Factors affecting the fire resistance of square hollow
steel columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete, IRC Intemal Report No. 650,
National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa,
Ontario, 1993.
11. Lie, T.T. and Denham, E.M.A., Factors affecting the fire resistance of circular hollow
steel columns filled with bar-reinforced concrete, IRC Internal Report No. 651,
National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Research in Construction, Ottawa,
Ontario, 1993.
12. Limit state design of steel structures, CANICSA-S16.1-M89, Canadian Standards
Association, Toronto, Ontario, 1989.
13. Grandjean, G., Grimault, J.P. and Petit, L., Determination de la duke au feu des
profils crew remplis de bkton, Rapport final, Commission des Communautes
Europeennes, Recherche Technique Acier ,Luxembourg, 1981.
C = applied load (kN);
D = outside diameter or width of a column (mm);
K = effective length factor;
L = unsupported length of the column (mm);
KL = effective length of the column (mm);
P = area of the main bar-reinforcement as a percentage of the concrete core area
R = fire resistance (rnin);
S = concrete cover to the main bar-reinforcement (mm)
t = wall thickness of a column (mrn);
f, = specified 28day concrete strength @Pa);
fl= a constant to account for the type of aggregate, percentage main bar reinforcement
and the thickness of the concrete cover to the bar-reinforcement in bar-reinforced
concrete-filled circular HSS columns;
j = a constant to account for the type of aggregate, percentage main bar reinforcement
and the thickness of the concrete cover to the bar-reinforcement in bar-reinforced
concrete-filled square HSS columns.

TABLE 1. Parameters Investigated in the Parametric Study of Circular Columns

Outside W
all Effective Reinforcement Concrete Concrete Aggregate
Diameter Thickness Length Strength Cover Type
(mm) (mm) (m) (%) (MPa) (mm)
168 4.8 2.5,3.0, 4.5 2.0,2.5, 5.1 20,40,55 20,55 Siliceous,
9.5 (For all 2.3,2.9,5.7 (For all (For all Carbonate
219 4.8 columns) 1.2,2.6,5.2 columns) columns) (For all
12.7 1.4,3.0,6.1 columns)
273 6.4 1.3,2.6, 5.6
12.7 1.5,2.9, 6.2
324 6.4 1.6,2.6,5.3
12.7 1.7,2.9, 5.7
365 6.4 1.3,2.8, 5.4
12.7 1.4,3.1,5.8
406 6.4 1.5,2.9, 5.8
12.7 1.6, 3.0, 6.2

TABLE 2. Parameters Investigated in the Parametric Study of Square Columns

Outside Wall Effective Reinforcement Concrete Concrete Aggregate

Diameter Thickness Length Strength Cover Type
(mm) (mm) (m) (%) @Pa) (mm)
178 4.8 2.5, 3.0,4.5 2.0,2.5, 5.1 20,40,55 20,55 Siliceous,
12.7 (For all 2.3, 2.9, 5.7 (For all (For all Carbonate
203 6.4 columns) 1.2, 2.6, 5.2 columns) columns) (For all
12.7 1.4,3.0, 6.1 columns)
254 6.4 1.3,2.6, 5.6
12.7 1.5,2.9,6.2
305 6.4 1.6,2.6, 5.3
12.7 1.7,2.9, 5.7

TABLE 3. Values off, in Equation (1) for Circular Columns

TABLE 4. Comparison Between Calculated and Measured Fire Resistances for
Circular HSS Columns

TABLE 5. Values off* in Equation (2) for Square Columns

TABLE 6. Comparison Between Calculated and Measured F i e Resistances for

Square HSS Columns
,-19.5 mm b o n
23 mm cover
to main rebors

273.1 rnrn


FIG. 1. Layout of Typical HSS Column Investigated in the Parametric Study


- -Load: 400 kN -
-- Load: 1400 kN
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
0 I I I I

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Outside diameter, rnm

FIG. 2. Fire Resistance as a Function of Column Outside Diameter


- -- Outside diameter:
406 mrn -
- -
356 mm
- -
324 mm
- -
- 273 mm
219 mm
- --- 168 mm
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Wall thickness,rnrn

FIG. 3. Fire Resistance as a Function of Wall Thickness for Various

Column Outside Diameters
- 55 MPa -
- 35 MPa -
- 20 MPa

- 55 MPa

35 MPa

-.-.\. \.

- 20 MPa \
\ -
- Load: 400 kN -1 1
- -- Load: 1400 kN -
, I I 1 I

2 3
Effective length, m

FIG. 4 Fire Resistance as a Function of Effective Length of the Column

-- diameter: 406 rnrn
-- Outside
- Outside diameter: 273 rnrn
Outside diameter: 168 rnm

0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Load, kN

FIG. 5. Fire Resistance as a Function of Load for Various Column

Outside Diameters
160 I I I I I

140 - - Load: 400 kN

-Load: 1600 kN
120 - -
E 100-
KL = 2.5 m -
80 - KL = 3.0 m
2 60 - /' / 4' -
ii KL = 4.5 m ,'/ /

40 - 5
-- -

20 -
KL = 3.0 m

KL = 4.5 m
-- - - -
I I 1 I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Concrete strength, MPa

FIG. 6. Fire Resistance as a Function of Concrete Strength


- KL = 2.5 m -
KL = 3.0 m
- -
- -
- KL=4.5 m / -
- -
I I I 1 I

Concrete cover, mm

FIG. 7. Fire Resistance as a Function of Concrete Cover

200 I I I

1 80 -
160 -
-Siliceous aggregate -
.-K 140 -- Carbonate aggregrate
6 120

.- 100

80 -
60 -
40 -
20 -
I 1
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Load, kN
FIG. 8. Fire Resistance as a Function of Load for Siliceous and Carbonate
Aggregrate Concrete
0 50 100 150 200
Fire resistance from computer program, min

FIG. 9. Cornpalison of Fire Resistance for Circular HSS Columns from Eq. (1)
with the Model Predictions
Fire resistance from computer program, min

FIG. 10. Comparison of Fire Resistance for Square HSS Columns from Eq. (2)
with the Model Predictions
250 I I I I

NRC square columns

El CIDECT square columns
0 NRC circular columns
200 - 0 CIDECT circular columns -
150 - 0 ...' -
E 0

0 .,." q 0
m 100-
0." -
m ..-.o
.cl L8
2 El
2 .a'
i - Q ' n o
50 .- El El -
" I I I I
0 50 100 1 50 200 250
Fire resistance from test, min

FIG. 11. Comparison of Calculated Fire Resistance with that from Tests

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