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MODUL 9 06.

Steve suggested that we ___ a horror movie

CONJUNCTION & READING TEXT but we preferred a romantic one.
A. watching D. to watch
ADVERB CLAUSE B. watched E. watch
Preceded by a Semicolon (;) C. watches
07. I know it sounds impossible, but I still wish
1. Addition She ___ after all the things I’ve done to her.
besides, likewise, moreover, in addition, . A. would forgive D. forgave
additionally, furthermore B. forgiven E. would have forgiven
2. Contrast C. had forgiven
however, nevertheless, on the other hand, in contrast 08. The plane ___ down before the official
In spite of, despite, regardless at the control tower ____ yes.
3. Cause A. went - says D. went - had said
because, since, as, because of, for B. had gone – said E. went – has said
4. Effect/Result C. went – said
so, so as, therefore, as a result, accordingly, 09. ____ tornadoes are most common in the
consequently central U.S., they sometimes occur as far
5. Condition east as New England.
if, unless ,otherwise, provided, in case, A. Since D. In spite of
whether B. Although E. However
6. Time C. Furthermore
as, while, when, then, at that point, meanwhile, 10. In his poetry, Robert Frost expressed
thereafter, after that emotions forcefully, ____
7. Comparison A. were felt D. that he felt them
similarly, correspondingly, likewise B. as he felt them E. they were felt
8. Example C. which was felt
for example, for instance, such as 11. Only by reproducing at a tremendous rate
9. Iteration ____ to survive in the sea.
that is, in other word A. many plant and animal species manage
manage many plant and animal species
Choose the correct one! B. do many plant and animal species
01. Moderate exercise is not the only behavioral C. manage plant and animal species many
adaptation necessary to promote physical D. are many plant and animals species
fitness, ____ it is a contributing factor. Manage
A. however D. though E. manage plant and animal species
B. despite E. nevertheless 12. _____ by word of mouth, much Native
C. unless American literature is oral.
02. The most important senses for communica- A. It is transmitted D. Transmitting it
tion are sight and hearing; _____, Our eyes B. Transmitted it E. Transmitted
and ears are the most important. C. Being transmitted
A. consequently D. moreover 13. The Virginia strawberry, native to eastern
B. regardless E. in other words North America, ____ in pre-colonial times
C. nevertheless to flavor bread.
03. Tom wanted us to get some practical A. was used D. used
Experience; _____, he set us to work with B. use E. that used
real tools. C. which was used
A. since D. otherwise 14. ____ have a powerful influence on the
B. therefore E. nevertheless shape of the entire magazine industry.
C. furthermore A. That economic principles
04. Conditions in Iraq after the civil war have B. Why economic principles
grown so severe ____ many refugees have C. Economic principles
risked death to escape. D. Economic principles that
A. what D. When E. What economic principles
B. why E. That 15. Mr. Franklin was indeed a practical man;
C. How ____ who gave a large part of his life to the
05. The company ___ our study tour to France service of his country.
Used to be a regular donator to many educational A. although he was also an idealist
institutions. B. that he was also an idealist
A. sponsor D. it sponsor C. because he was also an idealist
B. is sponsoring E. sponsoring D. because of an idealist
C. sponsored E. nevertheless, he was also an idealist
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16. ____ people to act recklessly, the color red B. to wear E. whose wearing
Is the background color choice in gambling C. wearing
A. It is thought to cause Reading Text
B. Thinking about causing
C. Thought to cause Blackmail may be defined as the sale of information to an
D. To think about causing individual who would be incriminated by its publication,
E. To be thought to cause and at first glance it appears to be an efficient method of
17. In addition ____ a successful mother, act private enforcement of the law (the moral as well as the
ress, and writer, Thelma is the president of positive law). The value of the information to the
her own company. blackmailed individual is equal to the cost of the
A. to be D. to being punishment that the individual will incur if the information
B. to E. to become is communicated to the authorities and he is punished as a
C. being result, and so he will be willing to pay up to that amount to
18. _______ that you borrowed his car, he the blackmailer for the information. The individual is
would be very angry. thereby punished, and the punishment is the same as if he
A. If Matt finds out had been apprehended and convicted for the crime that
B. Unless Matt found out the blackmailer has discovered, but the fine is paid to the
C. Whether Matt had found out blackmailer rather than to the state.
D. Were Matt to find out Why, then is blackmail a crime? One scholar’s answer is
E. Should Matt find out that it results in under deterrence of crimes punished by
19. Over the river and through the woods ____ non pecuniary sanctions because the criminals lack the
my grandmother lives. resources to pay an optimal fine. The blackmailer will sell
A. the house is where his information to the criminal for a price lower than the
B. where is the house cost of punishment if the criminal cannot pay a higher
C. is the house where price. A more persuasive explanation of why blackmail
D. where the house is follows directly from the decision to rely on a public
E. which is the house monopoly of law enforcement is some areas of
20. When it is incubating, a chicken’s egg ___ enforcement, notably criminal law. Were blackmail, a form
warm and dry. of private enforcement, lawful, the public monopoly of
A. needs to keep D. need to kept enforcement would be undermined. Over enforcement of
B. needs keeping E. need to be kept the law would result if the blackmailer were able to extract
C. needs to be keeping the full fine from the offender for price lower than the
21. The police couldn’t catch the thief; _____ statutory cost of punishment to the criminal, which would
fast they run after. reduce the effective cost of punishment to the criminal
A. despite D. Although below the level set by the legislature. This problem,
B. moreover E. since however, could be solved by a system of public bounties
C. however equal to the cost of punishment (or lower, to induce the
22. _____ monetary crisis, our company didn’t enforcement industry to contract to optimal size). Then the
lay off any workers. blackmailer could always claim a bounty from the state it
A. since D. although the criminal was unable to pay a price equal to the optimal
B. because of E. in spite of fine.
C. despite of Consistent with this analysis, Axel’ s studies show that
23. I used the calculator; _____ I wouldn’t have practices indistinguishable from black mail, though not
Completed the difficult sum in time. called by that name, are permitted in areas where the law
A. otherwise D. although enforcement privately rather than publicly is not serious.
B. nevertheless E. since No one seems to object to a person’s collecting information
C. furthermore about his or her spouse’s adulterous activities and
24. ____ her absence in some seminars, she threatening to disclose that information in a divorce
determined to take part in the final exam. proceeding or other forum in order to extract maximum
A. Although D. Despite compensation for the offending spouse’s breach of the
B. Therefore E. Since marital obligations.
C. Thus Blackmail and bribery appear to be virtually identical
25. My best friend brought a plastic; ____ my practices from the standpoint of the analysis of private
Little brother got seasick. enforcement. The blackmailer and the bribed official both
A. thus C. in spite of E. however receive payment in exchange for not enforcing the law. We
B. in case D. for instance therefore predict that in areas where there is a public
monopoly of enforcement, bribery, like blackmail, will be
26. The lady, ____ a red dress attracted some prohibited, while in areas where there is no public
eyes to stare without blinking for a few monopoly, it will be permitted. And so we observe. The
seconds. settlement out of court of negligence claims is a form of
A. worn D. that wears
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perfectly lawful bribery, although the term is not used in more difficult for them to do any skillful act with the right
these situations because of its pejorative connotation. hand with the left hand. Some believe, furthermore , that
to compel a left-handed child to write with his right hand
27. The best summarizes of the main point of may make him nervous and may cause stammering. There
of the text is ___ seems to be some cases in which this is true, although in
A. Blackmail and bribery are valuable forms the vast majority of children who change over, no ill effects
of law enforcement are noticed. In addition to these difficulties ,
B. private law enforcement is more efficient left-handedness sometimes seems to cause mirror
than public law enforcement writing-writing from right to left-and reversals in reading,
C. Punishment under private and public law as reading “was” for ”saw.”
enforcement is the same.
D. The law enforcement industry should con 32. The title below the best expresses the idea
tract to optimal size. off this passage __
E. When public law enforcement is not A. Nervous Aspects Connected with Hand
threatened, blackmail and bribery are writing
permitted. B. Teaching Handwriting
28. According to the passage, which of the C. The Problems of the Left-Handed Child
Following sets the cost of punishment? D. A special Problem in Teaching Handwri-
A. the blackmailer ting.
B. the offenders E. Stammering, Mirror Writing and Reversal
C. the legislature 33. The author implies that __
D. the criminal A. parents should break children of left-
E. the bribed officials handedness
29. In line 23, paragraph 2, “public bounties” B. left-handed children need special consi-
refers to ___ deration
A. a claim made to establish optimal fines C. left-handed persons are inclined to stu-
for blackmailer tter
B. a way to ensure that blackmailers receive D. left-handed persons are not more bri-
the statutory cost of punishment lliant than right-handed ones.
C. a way to ensure the optimal size of the E. left-handed persons are less skillful than
law enforcement industry Right-handed ones.
D. a claim paid by the state to blackmailer 34. According to the passage, the traditional po-
to induce enforcement licy in teaching handwriting has __
E. a way to ensure that optimal punishment A. dismayed the experts
is enforced by blackmailers. B. resulted in failure to learn to write
30. Which of the following best describes the C. aimed at mirror writing
author’s attitude toward bribery? D. made many children skillful with both
A. It will be permitted in divorce proceeding hands.
B. It will be encouraged when over enforce- E. resulted in unsolved problems
ment is not a serious problem
C. It will be used in order to extract maxi- Text
mum compensation For me, scientific knowledge is divided into
D. it will be permitted where there is no mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sciences dealing
public law enforcement monopoly with the natural world (physical and biological sciences),
E. It will be permitted where private law en and sentences dealing with mankind (psychology,
forcement is not a serious problem. sociology, all the sciences of cultural achievements, every
31. Which of the following law review articles is kind of historical knowledge). Apart from these sciences is
the most likely source of this text? philosophy, about which we will talk later. In the first place,
A. “The Private Enforcement of law” all this is pure or theortical knowledge, sought only for the
B. “Public monopoly of Law Enforcement” purpose of understanding, in order to fulfill the need to
C. “Comparing Bribery and Blackmail” understand that is intrinsic and consubstantial to man.
D. “A critique of Out-of-Court Settlements What distinguishes man from animals is that he knows and
E. “Bounties as a means of law Enforcement needs to know. If man did not know that the world was
existed, and that the world was of a certain kind, that he
Text was in the world and that he himself was of a certain kind,
One of the most urgent problems in teaching he wouldn’t be man. The technical aspects or applications
hand-writing is presented by the left-handed child. The of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the
traditional policy has been to attempt to induce all children greatest importance, because they also contribute to
to write with their right hands. Parents and teachers alike defining him as man and permit him to pursue a life
have an antipathy to the child’s using his left hand. On the increasingly more truly human.
other hand, psychologists have shown beyond a doubt that But even while the enjoying the results of technical
some persons are naturally left-handed and that it is much progress, he must defend the primacy and autonomy of
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pure knowledge. Knowledge sought directly for its practical
applications will have immediate and foreseeable success, 41.Before and during the Civil War, abolitionists
scope is in large part unforeseen, except by the imagination A B
of the Utopians. Let me recall a well-known example. If the along the border between North and South
Greek mathematicians had no applied themselves to the C
investigation of cronic sections, zealously and without the hided fugitive slaves
least suspicion that it might someday be useful, it would D E
not have been possible centuries later to navigate far from 42. Many private business have been expressed
shore. The first men to study the nature of electricity could A
not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of an interest in using mechanical robots to
mere intellectual curiosity, would which we can scarcely B C
conceive of contemporary life. Pure knowledge is valuable carry out their more mechanical tasks.
for its own sake, because the human spirit cannot resign D E
itself to ignorance. But, in addition, it is the foundation for 43. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that
practical results that would not have been reached if this A
knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly. afflicts about one out of every 800 infancies
35. The most important advances made by man born in the United States
kind come from __ E
A. technical application 44. Several computer models have been able to
B. apparently useless information A B
C. the natural sciences succeed predict global climatic changes well
D. philosophy C D
E. The biological sciences in advance of their occurrence
36. The author does not include among the E
sciences the study of __ 45. Although their larvae can take over a year to
A. chemistry D. anthropology A B
B. astronomy E. Literature mature, some varieties of adult mosquito live
C. economics C D
37. In the paragraph which follows this passage, a little days.
We may expect the author to discuss __ E
A. the value of technical research
B. the value of pure reseach
C. philosophy
D. unforeseen discoveries
E. scientific foundations
38. The author points out that the Greeks who
Studied conic sections ___
A. were mathematicians
B. were interested in navigation
C. were unaware of the value of their studies
D. worked with electricity
E. resigned
39. The title below that best expresses the ideas
of this passage is ___
A. Technical Progress
B. A little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing
C. Man’s distinguishing Charecteristics
D. Learning for Its Own Sake
E. The difference between Science and Phi-
40. The practical scientist __
A. knows the value of what he will discover
B. is interested in the unknown
C. knows that the world exists
D. is a philosopher
E. conceives of contemporary life

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