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Hey, you (will not) won´t believe what happened to me!

I was working as a project manager, and my team wasn´t doing a good job. We were working on this really
tough project, and my team was making progress.

But here's the thing, the client's part was taking forever. It was getting delayed, and it was getting a

So, it was deployment day, and guess what?

The client hadn't finished their part yet! Can you imagine the frustration?

I was working online with my colleague and all of a sudden, I started feeling really sick. It was awful. I felt
so weak and dizzy. And then, I just collapsed right on my computer and the table. I actually passed out!

It was so scary.

When I finally came to, I found myself sitting on the floor. It was such a strange feeling.

I guess I pushed myself too hard. It was a wake-up call for me to take things more calmly and not let the
stress overwhelm me.

My colleagues at work were really worried, so they called an ambulance right away.

Unfortunately, it took about half an hour for the ambulance to arrive. They checked me over thoroughly
(completely), and the doctor said I needed 72 hours off work to rest and recover. He gave me orders to
undergo all the tests. But honestly, I need to ease up a bit.

It was definitely a shocking experience, but now I understand the importance of taking care of myself and
not pushing myself to the limit. Lesson learned, right?

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