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Basic Research—Technology

Validation of Biofilm Assays to Assess Antibiofilm

Efficacy in Instrumented Root Canals after Syringe
Irrigation and Sonic Agitation
Anil Kishen, BDS, MDS, PhD,* Annie Shrestha, BDS, MSc, PhD,*
and Aldo Del Carpio-Perochena, DDS, PhD†

Introduction: Different methods to characterize bacte- root canal biofilm further, it did not completely eliminate the biofilm from a single
rial biofilms have been established, each presenting root canal model. The merits of combining microbiological and molecular quantification
with distinct advantages and shortcomings. The aim of methods with CLSM for the comprehensive assessment of antibiofilm efficacy in root
this study was to validate the ability of microbiological canals were emphasized. (J Endod 2017;-:1–7)
culture, the adenosine-50 -triphosphate (luminescence)
assay, and molecular and microscopic methods to assess Key Words
antibiofilm efficacy. Methods: Thirty-nine extracted Biofilm, culture, detection techniques, microscopy, polymerase chain reaction
single-rooted teeth were selected. Enterococcus fae-
calis biofilms were grown for 21 days and randomly
distributed into 3 groups. All canals were instrumented
(F3 ProTaper Universal; Dentsply Sirona, Johnson City,
A biofilm is a complex
biological community
consisting of bacterial col-
This study highlighted the maximum reduction of
TN) and irrigated (ProRinse needles, Dentsply Sirona) microbes after instrumentation-syringe irrigation.
onies and extracellular
as follows: group 1, sodium hypochlorite and EDTA irri- Supplementary sonic agitation reduced the biofilm
polysaccharides (EPSs),
gation; group 2, supplemented with sonic agitation of contents further but did not completely eliminate
giving it the characteristics
NaOCl, and group 3, sterile distilled water irrigation. the biofilm in the tested single-canal models. The
of a multicellular system.
Bacteriologic samples were collected before (S1) and af- benefit of combining microbiological and molecu-
Microbiological assays that
ter canal preparation (S2) and subjected to quantifica- lar quantification methods with microscopy for
effectually characterize bio-
tion by culture methods, quantitative reverse the comprehensive assessment of antibiofilm effi-
film bacteria have been a
transcriptase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR), and lumines- cacy in root canals was emphasized.
challenging subject in end-
cence assay. The biofilm structure and bacterial cell odontic microbiology (1);
viability were evaluated under scanning electron micro- yet, this is a cardinal step used routinely for the estimation of microbial biomass
scopy (SEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy while assessing the efficacy of different antimicrobial irrigants/irrigation strategies
(CLSM). Data were subjected to statistical analysis to in endodontics. Current biofilm assays characterize features such as the number/
determine the statistical significance (P < .05). Results: type of resident microbes, vitality (dead/living cells) of resident microbes, thickness,
S1 samples showed approximately 8-log colony- structure (homogeneous, irregular, dense, or porous), topography, and biomass or
forming-units of bacteria using both culture and qRT- EPS levels (1, 2). Apparently, every assay provides distinctly different information,
PCR. The reduction in bacterial populations and relative and, therefore, depending on a sole method for biofilm characterization would be
luminescence was highly significant in the S2 samples inadequate.
from groups 1 and 2 (P < .001). SEM and CLSM showed Biofilm evaluation is an essential step for assessing antibacterial efficacy in root
well-matured root canal biofilms in the pretreatment canal disinfection (2–4). Direct enumerations of colony-forming units (CFUs) using
samples that were reduced after treatment. Irrigation culture-based methods have been a gold standard in bacterial detection/quantification.
with NaOCl combined with sonic agitation significantly However, culture methods have been suspected because of their inability to detect viable
decreased the percentage of live cells (P < .05) but but nonculturable bacteria (4, 5) and the need for a prolonged incubation time with
was not able to eliminate the biofilm structure. Conclu- multistep culture techniques (2). This approach is further marred by the limitations
sions: This study highlighted the maximum reduction of of sampling from root canals (6). The specificity of culture medium, transport medium,
microbes after instrumentation-syringe irrigation. toxicity of by-products, and metabolic dependency in multispecies biofilm could
Although supplementary sonic agitation reduced the further amplify the limitations of cultivation methods (5). Accordingly, microscopic,

From the *Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; †Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Anil Kishen, Discipline of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, 124 Edward Street, Toronto, ON, M5G 1G6,
Canada. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2017 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2017 Antibiofilm Efficacy in Root Canals 1

Basic Research—Technology
biochemical, and molecular techniques have been advocated to reliably the media every 72 hours. Teeth were randomly divided into 2 experi-
estimate bacterial biofilms. mental groups of 12 teeth each according to the irrigation technique
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a highly sensitive molecular used and a control group consisting of 15 teeth. Of the 15 teeth from
method used for microbial detection in root canals (5, 7). A real- the control group, 3 samples were processed to evaluate the initial bio-
time PCR (also known as quantitative PCR [qPCR]) is used to amplify film biomass using confocal microscopy.
and simultaneously quantify a targeted DNA molecule, enabling both The root specimens were removed from the tubes, and the external
detection and quantification of the specific DNA sequences (4, 8). surfaces were wiped with sterile gauge. The apical foramen was sealed
Real-time PCR is a distinct technique that uses reverse transcription with epoxy resin. An initial microbial sample of the root canal (S1) was
to quantify messenger/noncoding RNA. Quantitative reverse transcrip- taken. Canals were filled with 1 mL sterile phosphate-buffered saline
tase real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) effectively quantified the number of (PBS) solution and gently filed using ISO size 20 K-files. The S1 sample
RNA transcripts of specific genes from bacteria growing in biofilms. was obtained by the sequential use of 3 paper points placed to the WL.
qRT-PCR is a sensitive method to quantify gene expression from biofilms Each paper point remained in the canal for 30 seconds before they were
in which only a small amount of the sample is available (8). qPCR is transferred to the tubes containing 4 mL BHI broth for further analysis.
widely used in endodontics to assess the degree of disinfection achieved
after root cleaning with topical antimicrobials as well as shaping (9–
11). Treatment Groups
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron The root canals were sequentially enlarged using ProTaper Univer-
microscopy have been effective workhorses for the characterization sal instruments (Dentsply Sirona, Johnson City, TN) at 300 rpm and
of the biofilm structure (2). The main disadvantage with these tech- 200 g/cm torque (ProMark Endodontic Motor, Dentsply Sirona) up
niques is the prerequisite for extensive sample preparations, which to F3 at the WL. The samples were irrigated with 1 mL NaOCl using a
could affect the original biofilm morphology. Recently, confocal laser 5-mL syringe and 30-G ProRinse endodontic irrigation probes (Dents-
scanning microscopy (CLSM) in combination with specific fluores- ply Sirona) placed in the canal 2 mm short of the WL between successive
cence stains that monitor growth and metabolic activities of bacteria instruments. After instrumentation, NaOCl was left undisturbed in the
has become a versatile tool for biofilm examination (12, 13). canal for 60 seconds, and the final irrigation procedure was performed
However, microscopy offers limited specificity and sensitivity to detect as follows:
microbes from clinical samples (14). The current study aimed to 1. Group 1 (syringe irrigation group): 2.5 mL NaOCl, 5 mL EDTA, and
compare the capabilities of conventional microbiological quantification 2.5 mL NaOCl.
techniques with microscopic techniques to assess the antibiofilm effi- 2. Group 2 (Sonic agitation group): sonic agitation using the EndoAc-
cacy after instrumentation-syringe irrigation and supplementary sonic tivator (Dentsply Sirona) was applied on the canals filled with EDTA
activation of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) from an in vitro root canal (60 seconds) and NaOCl (30 seconds); a #25/0.04 noncutting poly-
model. This investigation offers information on the degree of microbial/ mer tip of the EndoActivator placed 2 mm from the WL was used for
biofilm reduction achieved by root canal instrumentation–syringe irri- each irrigation cycle (15). Overall, 20 mL irrigant was used per ca-
gation (stage 1) and after sonic agitation of NaOCl (stage 2) and the nal in both groups for approximately the same time period. After the
appropriateness of different biofilm assays to assess the antibiofilm final irrigation, the root canals were irrigated with 2 mL sodium thio-
efficacy in root canals. sulfate to inactivate residual NaOCl followed by 2 mL distilled water
and dried with sterile paper points.
Materials and Methods 3. Group 3 (control group): root canals were shaped in the same
Specimen Preparation manner as in group 1 with sterile distilled water used as an irrigant
Freshly extracted single-rooted teeth without caries and fractures (a total of 20 mL per canal).
were included in the study after University of Toronto Ethics Board The duration for irrigation in all groups was standardized to be
approval. Thirty-nine teeth were selected and autoclaved for steriliza- approximately 10 minutes. Six specimens from each group were used
tion. The teeth were decoronated and standardized to 12-mm-length for microbiological quantification, and the remaining 6 specimens
specimens. Root canals in all the teeth were enlarged with ISO size were used for CLSM and SEM.
20 K-files up to an 11-mm working length (WL). The root canals
were irrigated with 6 mL 5.25% NaOCl, 2 mL 17% EDTA, and 2 mL
5.25% NaOCl. NaOCl was neutralized with filter-sterilized 10% sodium Sampling and Processing
thiosulfate. Each of the prepared roots was immersed in 1 mL brain- Bacteriologic samples collected after canal preparation (S2) were
heart infusion (BHI) broth and autoclaved for sterilization. All the taken using an F4 file (n = 6/group). Canals filled with PBS were
chemicals used in this study were of analytical grade and were pur- enlarged using an F4 file as a hand instrument. The file with dentin shav-
chased from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO) unless noted otherwise. ings was transferred to tubes containing 4 mL BHI broth. A medium-
sized paper point was agitated inside the canals, left for 30 seconds
to soak up the canal contents, and transferred into the tube along
Root Canal Biofilm Formation with the file. The BHI broth with the paper points and files was incubated
Overnight cultures of Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212; Amer- for 4 hours at 37 C to provide an enrichment phase for the bacteria
ican Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA) were grown in BHI broth at (16). This time duration was chosen based on the bacterial growth
37 C and adjusted to 108 CFU/mL (optical density at 600 nm = 1). The in the S2 samples of group 3 to attain an optical density of 0.1.
prepared root canals were kept in sterile centrifuge tubes, and 0.5 mL
bacterial culture was added. One hundred microliters of the culture was
added inside the root canal lumen, and the tubes were centrifuged at Quantification by Culture and PCR
1400g, 2000g, 3600g, and 5600g in a sequence for 5 minutes. A fresh The samples were agitated in a vortex mixer for 1 minute and
solution of bacteria was added between every centrifugation. All tubes serially diluted (10-fold) in PBS. Aliquots of 1 mL were plated onto
with root specimens were then incubated at 37 C for 21 days, changing BHI plates and incubated at 37 C for 48 hours. The CFUs grown

2 Kishen et al. JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2017

Basic Research—Technology
were counted and later transformed into log CFU values based on the CLSM
known dilution factors. The roots were divided longitudinally with a scalpel positioned on
qPCR was used to quantify the following previously published pro- the grooves prepared on either side of the root (n = 3). The root halves
tocol (17). In brief, genomic DNA (gDNA) was extracted from 2 mL of were stained with Live/Dead BacLight Bacterial Viability (Invitrogen, Eu-
the sample volume using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, gene, OR) (excitation/emission 495/515 nm) and imaged using a
CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To maximize gDNA confocal laser scanning microscope (TCS-SPE; Leica Microsystems,
extraction, a step of preincubation with lysozyme for 30 minutes was Mannheim, Germany). Three ‘‘stacks’’ of the apical and medium thirds
added. gDNA extracts were frozen at 20 C until qPCR analysis. Sam- (96 images in total) were scanned at 20 oil lens zoom 2, 1-mm step
ples were brought to room temperature, and DNA was extracted using size, and a format of 512  512 pixels. The area of each image repre-
the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit following the protocol recommended by the sented 275  275 mm. Bioimage_L (Luis Chavez de Paz, Farmington,
manufacturer. CT) was used to calculate the biovolume (mm3) and bacterial viability
To quantify E. faecalis cells in root canal samples, 16S ribosomal (%) of the cells from the confocal laser scanning microscopic images
RNA gene-targeted qPCR was performed with Power SYBR Green PCR (18).
Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) on an ABI 7500
real-time PCR instrument (Applied Biosystems) in a total reaction vol-
ume of 20 mL. Species-specific primers for E. faecalis were used ac- Statistical Analysis
cording to a previous study (17). Primer pairs (50 -30 ) (GTT TAT GCC The average of the bacterial counts was calculated. Data concerning
GCA TGG CAT AAG AG and CCG TCA GGG GAC GTT CAG) in a concentra- bacterial viability were evaluated for statistical significance using the
tion of 0.5 mmol/L each and a DNA extract volume of 2 mL were added to 1-way analysis of variance test followed by the Tukey test for multiple
the PCR Master Mix in MicroAmp Optical 96-well reaction plates comparisons. The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests
(Thermo Fisher, Mississauga, ON, Canada). The cycling conditions (P < .05) were used to perform multiple comparisons of the biofilm vol-
for qPCR included 95 C for 10 minutes and 40 repeats of the following umes obtained from CLSM because the data did not show a normal dis-
steps: 95 C for 1 minute, 60 C for 1 minute, and 72 C for 1 minute. The tribution. The significance level was fixed at P < .05. Prisma 6.0
double-stranded DNA product was measured at 78 C. At each cycle, the (GraphPad Software Inc, La Jolla, CA) was used as the analytical software.
accumulation of PCR products was detected by monitoring the increase
in fluorescence of the reporter dye (double-stranded DNA-binding
SYBR Green). All measurements were performed in duplicate for sam-
ples and triplicate for standards. In all experiments, triplicates of the Results
appropriate negative controls containing no template DNA were sub- Quantification by Culture and PCR
jected to the same procedures to exclude or detect any possible contam- The S1 samples showed approximately 8-log CFU biofilm bacteria
ination or carryover. After amplification, melting curve analysis of the using both culture and qPCR methods. After instrumentation and 2
PCR products was performed to determine the specificity of the ampli- different final irrigation methods, the S2 samples showed more than
fied products. The melting curve was obtained from 60 C–95 C, with a 4-log reduction of the initial bacterial load (P < .05). Irrigation
continuous fluorescence measurements taken at every 1% increase in with/without sonic agitation did not display any significant difference
temperature. Data acquisition and analysis were performed using Abi between the culture and qPCR methods (P > .05). Group 3 showed
7500 software v2.0.4 (Applied Biosystems). E. faecalis cell counts no significant bacterial reduction between the S1 and S2 samples.
were calculated for each sample based on the obtained standard curves
(10-log–fold standard curve) for direct bacterial quantification. To
obtain the standard curve, gDNA was isolated from a fresh pure culture
of E. faecalis and diluted serially, analyzed using qPCR, and quantified
using the plating method.

Adenosine-50 -triphosphate Assay

The bacterial activity was measured quantitatively using an adeno-
sine-50 -triphosphate (ATP) assay (Bactiter Glo reagent; Promega, Mad-
ison, WI) following the manufacturer’s protocol. In brief, 100 mL
bacterial suspension obtained from the root canal was added in an opa-
que white 96-well plate (Greiner, Monroe, NC). The Bactiter Glo reagent
(100 mL) was added in each well and incubated for 5 minutes, and
luminescence was measured using a luminometer (Synergy H1 Multi-
Mode Reader; Biotek, Winooski, VT).
Figure 1. A comparison of bacterial quantification from root canals at various
SEM stages of cleaning and shaping based on microbiological culture and molec-
The roots were divided longitudinally with a scalpel positioned on ular methods. Samples obtained before irrigation and instrumentation (S1)
the grooves prepared previously and fixed overnight in 2.5% glutaral- and after irrigation and instrumentation (S2). Quantification using microbio-
logical culture correlated with molecular quantification using qPCR. The S1
dehyde in 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer at 4 C (n = 3). The specimens samples from all 3 groups and 2 detection methods showed similar bacterial
were serially dehydrated using ethanol; critical point dried in a critical counts. Disinfection with and without sonic agitation resulted in a significant
point drier (CPD030; BalTec, Balzers, Liechtenstein); sputter coated reduction of viable bacteria in S2 samples compared with S1 samples
with palladium (SCD005, BalTec); and examined using SEM at magni- (*P < .05). In group 3 wherein disinfection was performed using sterile saline,
fications of 1000, 3000, and 5000. Each sample was imaged at 9 a minimal reduction of viable bacteria was noted. The error bars show the
random locations along the root canal lumen. standard deviation from the average value.

JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2017 Antibiofilm Efficacy in Root Canals 3

Basic Research—Technology
Figure 1 shows the quantified bacteria obtained from microbiological Thus, a clear-cut consensus is required on the appropriateness of
culture and qPCR. different biofilm assessment techniques to determine the effectiveness
of topical antimicrobials in root canals.
ATP Assay Phenotypic characteristics of resident bacteria, the ultrastructure
Bacteria from S1 samples in all 3 groups showed high ATP read- of the biofilm, and the constituents of the biofilm matrix are factors that
ings. In groups 1 and 2, luminescence signals in the S2 samples were contribute to challenges in biofilm assessment (2). To circumvent these
significantly low (P < .001) compared with the S2 samples in group challenges, several protocols recommended the removal of biofilm bac-
3. The ATP readings in the S2 samples were relatively lower when teria from the substrate by sonication or centrifugation before using the
compared with the quantification based on the culture and qPCR supernatant for any quantitative analysis (2). While assessing biofilms
methods. Table 1 shows the relative luminescence units obtained from the root canal, the recovery of post-treatment biofilm contents re-
from the S1 and S2 samples in all 3 groups. mains to be a crucial step in this analysis. Microbes are sensitive to
different disinfectants, procedures, and shifts in growth conditions,
all of which would cause the bacteria to enter a slow growth (lag) phase.
In such situations, as in the current study, the biofilm bacteria have to be
Uniformly thick matlike E. faecalis biofilms with an abundant grown in a nutrient-rich environment for a stipulated period of time
polymeric matrix were found adherent on the root canal dentin surface before they can be cultured and enumerated (2, 16, 22).
(Fig. 2A–C). Shaping and irrigation with the syringe method resulted in qPCR provides rapid, high-throughput detection and quantifica-
an uneven disruption of the biofilm (Fig. 2D–F). Areas of clean and tion of target DNA sequences (19). It is also a better technique in terms
open dentinal tubules as well as areas with a residual biofilm were of avoiding cross contaminations because no additional manipulation
observed. Sonic agitation in addition to instrumentation-syringe irriga- of samples is required after amplification. However, the phenotypic
tion resulted in a cleaner dentin surface but with regions of a residual and biochemical features must be confirmed from bacterial isolates us-
biofilm on the root canal walls (Fig. 2G–I). ing conventional culture techniques (23). qPCR has been adapted for
bacterial viability detection, which showed that RNA has low stability
CLSM because of its rapid degradation in dead cells. In addition, difficulties
Representative images from each sample were taken with a total of associated with RNA isolation from samples would also contribute to
8 microphotographs (4 of the middle third and 4 of the apical third). false-negative results, especially when low numbers of target cells are
Uniformly thick biofilms composed of both live and dead cells were expected. Considering these shortcomings, the correlation of cell
found along the root canal walls (Fig. 3A). The biofilms retained the viability with persisting bacterial nucleic acid from infected tissue
structure and composition in group 3 (distilled water) (Fig. 3B), must be well characterized before an appropriate amplification-based
whereas treatment groups 1 and 2 showed disrupted biofilm structures analytical method can be adopted as a surrogate for more traditional
with mostly dead bacterial cells (Fig. 3C and D). Data were pooled to culture techniques (20).
provide a single median because of the nonparametric distribution of In the current study, both the culture and PCR methods showed
the values. The conventional disinfection protocols were efficient to re- approximately 8-log CFUs of biofilm bacteria, which reduced to almost
move surface-adherent biofilms regardless of the use of sonic agitation 50% when instrumentation-syringe irrigation with NaOCl was used. Sup-
with a reduction in the overall biofilm height (P > .05) (Fig. 3E and F). plementary disinfection with sonic agitation of NaOCl did not yield an
The bacterial volume and viability of group 3, which was irrigated with additional bacterial reduction. The ATP method is a sensitive bacterial
distilled water, did not show statistical differences compared with the no detection technique, yet, as in the culture and PCR techniques, it showed
treatment group (control) (P > .05) (Fig. 3G and H). Supplementary a significant reduction in microbial loads subsequent to
irrigation with NaOCl combined with sonic agitation significantly instrumentation-syringe irrigation, with no statistically significant differ-
decreased the percentage of live cells in the biofilm structure adherent ence in the microbial reduction after sonic activation. Keeping in mind
on the root canal dentin (P < .05). the sampling techniques used in this study, it would be reasonable to
conclude that instrumentation-syringe irrigation produced the
Discussion maximum (and significant) reduction of microbes from the root canal
During the biofilm assessment, the determination of microbial lumen.
CFUs quantified the cultivable bacteria only, whereas molecular tech- The microscopic methods used in this investigation mainly as-
niques based on nucleic acid measurements are generally more sensi- sessed the degree of reduction in the surface-adherent root canal bio-
tive than CFU-based methods (5, 19–21). Molecular methods such as film structures (2). SEM displayed that the combination of
PCR could detect residual DNA and messenger RNA up to 30 hours after instrumentation-syringe irrigation resulted in irregular areas of open
bacterial death as confirmed by culture methods (20, 21). This point is dentinal tubules and biofilm elimination. Complementing the
particularly significant when antibacterial agents are being evaluated. instrumentation-syringe irrigation with sonic agitation resulted in

TABLE 1. Bacterial Adenosine-50 -triphosphate Activity Quantified Using the Luminescence Assay
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
63,735 655.66*,† 45,296.67 324.16*,† 61,605 12,764.66*,†
(8062.12) (148.92) (18,447.83) (70.59) (15,572.8) (1326.55)
ATP measurements were calculated as the average of triplicate readings, and the numbers in parentheses are the standard deviation. Luminescence was calculated as the mean of the signals from the bacterial
samples as expressed in relative light units (RLUs).
*A statistically significant reduction in RLUs was noted from S1 to S2 in each group (P < .001).

S2 samples from groups 1 and 2 showed a significant difference from group 3 (P < .05).

4 Kishen et al. JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2017

Basic Research—Technology

Figure 2. Surface topography of the bacterial biofilm on the root dentin surface was evaluated using SEM. (A–C) Scanning electron microscopic images of 3-week-
old E. faecalis biofilms on the root canal dentin surface. The biofilms presented as a uniformly thick matlike structure covering the entire dentin surface. The
biofilm showed an abundant polymeric matrix (area shown by the open arrow). (D–F) Conventional cleaning and shaping and syringe irrigation resulted in
the disruption of the biofilm. Areas of (E) clean and open dentinal tubules as well as with the (F) remaining biofilm were observed (closed arrow). (G–I) Sonic
agitation in addition to conventional disinfection resulted in a cleaner dentin surface. Aggregates of disrupted bacteria and EPSs were found on the dentin surface.

cleaner root canal dentin more consistently. Nonetheless, aggregates of from CLSM reconstructed a 3-dimensional image of the entire biofilm,
bacterial colonies and residual biofilm matrix were observed even after whereas the application of nucleic acid–binding fluorescent dyes to estab-
sonic agitation of NaOCl. lish cell status has become a routine practice for biofilm analysis (25).
CLSM is a nondestructive technique that does not require substantial Nevertheless, it was recently suggested that bacterial viability is strictly
sample preparation, whereas SEM requires sample preparation steps that the capacity to grow, and the fluorescent stain provides information on
would damage the biofilm matrix, leaving only the strongly adherent bac- bacterial vitality and not viability (25). In our study, CLSM revealed a
terial colonies on the dentin surface (24). The optical sections obtained higher bacterial biomass and viable bacteria in controls, which decreased

JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2017 Antibiofilm Efficacy in Root Canals 5

Basic Research—Technology

Figure 3. Confocal laser scanning microscopic representative images of the root canal lumen before and after different irrigation protocols. Bacterial biomass and viable cells
were higher in the (A) no treatment group and (B) group 3 (distilled water). Group 1 (syringe disinfection) and group 2 (with added sonic agitation) showed (C) markedly
decreased biofilm volume and (D) viable bacteria. The biofilm thickness of the no treatment control group and group 3 were in (E) a range of 56–90 mm, which significantly
decreased after the NaOCl disinfection protocols to (F) 10–30 um (P < .05). The medians and 25%–75% percentiles (in brackets) of (G) the bacterial volume and (H) the
percentage of live cells of biofilms adhered on the root canal dentin after different irrigation protocols. The different lowercase letters in each column represent significant
differences. CI, confidence interval; M, mean; Mdn, median; SD, standard deviation. (P < .05).

6 Kishen et al. JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2017

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JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2017 Antibiofilm Efficacy in Root Canals 7

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