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Professional Reflection

Kat Craddock

October 2023
This course has taught me many useful skills that I will carry into my professional career.

My experience with creating a professional portfolio has been a wonderful learning process. I

feel that I have created a polished portfolio that highlights my skills and experience in the

graphic design field. The professors have provided an environment that is welcoming and

extremely helpful in every aspect. The feedback I have received throughout my time at SNHU

has made me a better designer and provided me with criticism that has improved my skills.

Ultimately, I feel that I have grown as a designer and learned how to improve upon myself and

my own skills.

This specific capstone has taught me that no design is or ever will be perfect and

improvements are a constant process. These experiences have helped me learn what my career

what will be like, and I am very grateful for this time I have spent at SNHU. This capstone

provided me with various feedback on my designs and ways to further improve them. Many of

the designs I have included in my portfolio started in a very different place from where they

ended up. I incorporated most, if not all, the feedback I received. Many of my peers and

professor provided me with feedback such as adjusting colors, balance, or improving hierarchy

to create professional, polished designs that work better in their context. Collaboration is highly

valuable aspect of design work. A design comes to life when client and designer work together. I

have limited experience working for others to create designs that fit their needs, and

collaborating provides the best result. A client comes to me with an idea for a design, I create an

initial draft for review, and then we go back and forth in this process until a design is created that

fits their needs perfectly.

Maintaining ethical practices will continue to be an important aspect of my career. While

it can be nearly impossible to have an original idea that someone else hasn’t already thought of,
it is of utmost importance to be responsible for the designs I create and to never steal artwork.

The difference between inspiration and stealing is very important to understand in this industry. I

hope that my designs bring joy to others and create positive effects wherever they are used. My

personal goals for my professional life are to find a company that aligns with my values and can

support me.

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