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Delaney Wolle

Lessons Learned

As kids, we never realized all of the things TV shows and movies taught us. But to our

surprise, movies and shows taught us a lot. Growing up, most of us read the Harry Potter books

or even watched the movies, but never realized all of the lessons taught from them. Harry Potter

teaches many of us about friendship, bravery, and others.

One lesson we learned in the Harry Potter franchise is friendship is very important and can

help get you through anything. Starting with the first book, When every student was to report to

their common rooms because of the big troll. Ron and Harry rushed to go tell Hermione since

she was in the bathroom not knowing about the news. Although it turned out the troll was in the

bathroom with her, Ron and Harry went in to help save their friend. All of them worked together

to beat the troll and save Hermione from it. If Hermione’s friends weren’t there to save her, who

knows what would have happened? Another example of this is when Voldemort was in Harry’s

head and as Harry was about to give up he thought of all his friends and family; “You're the one

who is weak. You will never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.” Friendship is

one of the main reasons Harry was able to defeat Voldemort multiple times.

Along with friendship, Harry Potter also shows it doesn’t matter where you’re from or how

others perceive you, it matters what you achieve and work hard for based on your skills and

ambitions. An example of this in Harry Potter is the character Hermione Granger. Hermione was

muggle born and got made fun of for it quite a lot. But it didn’t stop her from being the top

witch of her age. This shows that it doesn’t matter where you're from and as long as you work

and try hard for what you want and believe in, you will succeed.
Not only did we learn to work hard and not give up, Harry Potter taught us is don’t give up

when things seem dark/difficult because things will get better. We see this in the franchise when

Dumbledore tells Hogwarts students at the first dinner of the semester “Happiness can be found

even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.” This is when the

dementors were coming to guard Hogwarts. Dumbledore knows hard times are coming and

wants to alert the students beforehand. He is trying to give students information they can use to

defend themselves against all the dark creatures. Towards the end of the book, Harry finds out

how to deal with the dementors and also learns that Sirius isn’t as bad as people made him out to


Given these examples, movies and tv shows teach us many life lessons without us realizing.

Especially in Harry potter, where the series teaches us that friendships are important, it doesn’t

matter where you came from in order to succeed in life, and that even when things seem horrible

and dark, it gets better.

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