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What is Communication?

- The transmission of ideas and emotions between or among persons with the use of verbal or non-
verbal cues.
- The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or
for expressing your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc.”

Elements of Communication
1. Sender
- It is the speaker or the communicator who has his/her own purpose, knowledge, interests, attitudes,
skills, and credibility.
2. Message
- It is the idea being transmitted by the sender to the listener/reader.
- It can come in different forms such as an oral presentation or written document.
3. Channel
- Channel is the medium or vehicle through which the message is sent.
4. Receiver
- It is the target of the communication.
- S/He is the destination of the message.
5. Feedback
- The reaction given by the receiver to the sender of the message.
- It is what completes the communication process.

Communication Process
- According to Menoy (2010), communication is a process, and, as such, it comes in stages. It starts with the
encoding and ends with the decoding. The encoder is more popularly known as the sender of the message. They
transmit the message (for example, an idea) to the receiver, a more popular term for the decoder of the
message. The recipient tries to understand the message, and if they do, communication takes place. They may
then give their feedback. If there is a continuous exchange of messages between the sender and the receiver,
particularly in an oral discourse, communication takes the form of a cycle.

Models of Communication
1. Aristotle’s Model
2. Laswell’s Model

3. Shannon and Weaver

4. SCHRAMM: Model

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