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Title: Grade 10 Student Challenges During the New Normal

Thank you for participating in this survey. We are interested in understanding the challenges Grade 10 students have
been facing during the "new normal" of remote or hybrid learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Your responses will
help us gain valuable insights into your experiences. This survey is completely anonymous.

Section 1: Demographics
1.1. Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Non-binary [ ] Prefer not to say

1.2. Age: ________ years

1.3. Location: ________________________ (City, State/Province, Country)

Section 2: Learning Environment

2.1. Are you currently attending school in person, fully remote, or in a hybrid model?
[ ] In person
[ ] Fully remote
[ ] Hybrid (combination of in-person and remote)

2.2. How’s your learning environment affected your concentration and focus on schoolwork?
[ ] Positively
[ ] Negatively
[ ] No significant impact

Section 3: Technological Challenges

3.1. Do you have reliable access to the internet for online classes and assignments?
[ ] Yes, always
[ ] Sometimes
[ ] No, rarely or never

3.2. Have you experienced technical issues (e.g., internet connectivity, device problems) that disrupted your learning?
Please describe briefly:

Section 4: Academic Challenges

4.1. What subjects or areas of study have been most challenging for you during the new normal? Please specify.

4.2. How has the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates affected your academic performance?

[ ] Positively
[ ] Negatively
[ ] No significant impact

Section 5: Social and Emotional Well-being

5.1. Have you felt socially isolated or lonely during the new normal of remote or hybrid learning?
[ ] Yes, often
[ ] Sometimes
[ ] No, rarely or never

5.2. How do you cope with the social and emotional challenges brought about by the new learning environment? (e.g.,
talking to friends, seeking support)

Section 6: Time Management and Motivation

6.1. How has your ability to manage your time and stay motivated for schoolwork changed during the new normal?

[ ] Improved
[ ] Declined
[ ] Remained the same

6.2. What strategies or techniques do you use to stay organized and motivated in your studies?

Section 7: Additional Comments

7.1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding the challenges you've faced during the new normal
of learning?

Thank you for completing this survey! Your input is valuable and will help us better understand the experiences of Grade
10 students during these challenging times.

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